The New York Clipper (October 1903)

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OCTOBER 24. T]H:E NEW YORK CLIPPER. 825 gmt tfte Cents> VnTFS WOM THB KlNGLIMO BROS.' WOXUi'H /-.Vuti-st Shows. —The California tour wns 22 Sunday. Oct. 4, when the four long I'Sini crept over the bridge spanning Die "j Lei,, ulver at Yuma, and Htopped amid il,. mind wastes of the great American desert. !;„;„, raradlne to llndes'" muttered u inwn as, arouaed from sleep, he peered from ills l'ullman berth and gazed upon ilie Iirr hot sand, peopled with lizards, scorpions, 31 monsters, and the dirtiest Indians Imag- inable "I*** evening, at San Bcrnandlno, I ««ikri through orange orchards and alone ,„ ks tofdered with roacs of every hue," mused the man who makes the children and Their parents laugh, "and today I wake up «ri be Jumping off place." Yuma and the Grounding country never looked more deso- ,,., nnd dirty than It did on Sunday. There wok nothing In sight but adobe bouses, the .Viae disreputable Indians who have met the trains (or years, and a new generation, as it were, of poisonous reptiles. The trains tarried only long enough for the horses to !_ f,d watered and exercised, and then milled out for Phoenix, where two perform- ances were given Monday, to crowded tents. The California trip was a delightful one: over four weeks of fruit and flowers, sea balhlng and Invigorating climate, with enor- moiii business at every stand, and then came the desert and Arizona. Sunday, Oct. 4, marked the natal anniversary of George Par- Minn, who, with his brothers, have the candy and lemonade concession. Uelng of a retlr- I,,; disposition Parsons did not tell of his birthday until evening, and then, as the train „f I'ullmans sped over the desert, he pre- pared fcr sleep. But sleep was not for him ■in this night; word was quickly passed through the cars that a birthday party would hp held In the "Baltimore" at eight o'clock. Krerybody was Invited, and the gentlemen who extended the Invitations urged prospec- tive guests to come prepared to do a vaude- ville turn. The Baltimore wan crowded, and I'aMoos, nfter being duly congratulated, was Informed that the visitors had come to his party and were prepared to entertain him. U. conlon, superintendent of the side show, was made master of ceremonies, and called for each : turn, and the turns, well, they caused so much laughter that the roof of the car was almost shaken from its fastenings. The Impromptu af- fair served to pass away several hours that otherwise would have been weary ones, and ■he laughter It caused greatly aided diges- tion. Charts F. Ryan, special detective with the show, spent two weeks In Phoenix for the Leneilt of bis health. He was royally enter- tained by Jack Gibson, the "King of the Cow- boys." Mr. Gibson is very wealthy, has good horses, and a heart as big as a bushel basket. He Is a typical Westerner, nnd when the cir- rus arrived made It pleasant for everybody ■ onneetcd with the organization. Mr. Gib- son was ably assisted on show day by Frank I'onneily, a farmer Wisconsin man, and an old lime trouper. Mrs. Jtillen Tybell, who was forced to enter a hospital in San Fran- ,-bico. on account of a severe attack of np- in-nillellls, returned to the show at Las Ve- gas. New Mexico. She Is greatly Improved, and Ik ugaln doing ber thrilling strong jaw act. Dome Jullen, who bad the misfortune tn.shatter several bones in ber right ankle while riding at Whatcom, Wash., has re- turned to the show, but will not be able to i-lije for at least two weeks. Business con- Unties beyond expectations; three turn away house* nt Los Angeles and one monster mati- nee were features of that engagement. Every sterol In California was big, and since en- uring Arizona, New Mexico and Texas busi- ness for the big show has been above the record set two years ago. Frank Barnes, a trainer employed by Captain Webb, who has two troupes of juggling seals with the show, laet with a fatal accident Oct. 4. While finding the seals Just after the first train left Yuma Karnes slipped from a flat car and fell on his head by the side of the track. The train wns puffing up a grade at the time, and n brakeraati dropped off the rear platform of lite caboose and hurried to the Injured man, who was unconscious. When the top of the grade was reached the engine was detatched mill sent back after Barnes, who was taken imp l'hcenlx and placed In the Sisters* Hos- plfil. Every effort was made to save his life, but he died two days later without regaining consciousness. The fall caused concussion, of Ihe brain. The body was sent to Akron, i».. the former home of Barnes, for interment. T»ih,.Grbat Dki.kanos have rejoined the Jo||n Iloblnson Circus, after a two weeks' ab- sence.- • •».-■ Notes from Buffalo Bill's Wild West, muring Great Britain.—Clarence L. Dean, general agent of the Wild West, visited at Watford, Aug. 31. Fred Martin, editor of Jfic Uuntc Hall and Shatcman, was a wel- come visitor at Leyton, Sept. 2. At South- wud-on-Sea, 3. the Meers Family, eques- triennes, well known In the States, were guests of-the show. They were tilling a pro- longed engagement at the Kursall Circus. At Colchester, 4, General Gatacre occupied ilie royal box. Another Interesting visitor was Puffy, the bugler, who sounded the call to charge In the Boer war, after a retreat *a» ordered, thus winning an otherwise lost Iwltle. , At Bury, St. Edmunds, D, Octavla, inn "loldy with the snoiks," dressed up as a squaw and went on In the Indian war dance. She "had them all guessing." At Kings Lynn, 11, we visited the "40 Horse 'J", -which derives Its name from the fact 1 ii'j, ke " Posey's tearing the front of the "iiirllilg out while turning a sharp corner, i 'il !'. er * 0n ""0w street, with the Barnum * iialley forty, five years ago. •"•Mger-Fred B. Hutchinson wub presented with a solitaire diamond ring nt Leeds. Oct. I. "J-the members of the show. The presen- »Hll»n wns made by Jule Keene, who dellv- JJJ «n. eloquent address: Indeed, most of the >n»( audience, who assembled under the big ><V. between shows, were in tears, and the recipient could scarcely be heard back of the ii-Kt rpw, so great was his emotion. The Hi emulation fever la now rampant, and wo ere nil dodging. The press bureau Dre- amed watches and chains to Assistant Man- ager Mike Co.vle.and Dexter W. Fellows, the rtresentation being made by Chan. 8. Wells. Assistant Manager Coyle. received another surprise,.a, In the form of a sword, which, considering the recipient's military bearing miii experience, was very appropriate Indeed, i ror. Griffin's feats of sword swallowing arc. r^Sf' 11 *", ° Bensatlon all along the line. At / .i"' ': ue was examined by the faculty iUf* S8* 'nflrmnry, who made a radio- kjtph with the X rays, Bhowlng the locution " the swords. • The subscription list for m postman Is around, and the last route IS,, i out ' which reminds us that the sea- H '» nearly over. "Happy Jack" Miller 2 made , nn efficient mall carrier, and he • in. no doubt, be handsomely remembered T tile members of the Wild West. We closo ,;;" tenting season at Burton-on-Trent, Oct. g*.— H will go Into Winter quarters at W ke-on-Treat. John H. Andrews, the 217 t0 ! | 8''e<3 orator" (he of white horse iqntei, will return to the States and put on i jungle show with one of the big carnlvnl 2S5*' Major Harry Rltherland. baton ftt"™'".*™ spinner, will open at Leeds. iHJr l J. l,d B hooked solid In the principal P.! f ha JiR of tn * United Kingdom for the -Zl", wl V' r - Charles Rappnport. the American silken candy" mnn. opens nt the £3** 'Exposition Die. 1, for four months. pliJ~ i 0 .'! 8on ' human ostrich, opens at the •alC*, "'Varieties, Croydon, Nov. 2, and baa **V .food work to follow. ««Ji i BowstAH, manager of tha Bide shows ni2 I! ~ llww department of the Hnrgreaves i"i.?' ;i "'j 8, »w«. has located In Clnclnnnll, *V nte J n '" v,l8tl,, «**>n. and will spend the Tm: (.'ou.maii Bkok. closed a », lwws( „i season of twenty-tire weeks (),- ,". UPK * ri " crsl of the nldVrformors and unislemnK h «™ been re-engaged for nen "isS iv show will be 5653 to qnltVaTSkatfar mSmil&fS&gr** P—** "er Matzosi, handcutY king, who closed uith liarnjim Jt Bailey Show on account ,,?P health. Is In Arizona for the Winer Wit Numroer lie will Introduce his i.e'w ucl 'Lightning Rapidity." w ""• Notes kiiom the Dashinoto.n Bros.' ft*. CI» AND VAfnF.VILLB Cf..—We will Ro tato Winter quarters Oct. 20, after a aneMrf, Donvllie. III., for the fourth year, nnd exne. t to go out next May with a still Isrger " 0 w t-.««J K La " oxt ' musical expert, la In. his twenty-second week with Sun Bros.' circ s and has signed for twenty-live more weeks as a special feature for the South. music and Song. »tcrn & i.o.s successes are: "I Ain't Si Your Name Stamped On Any Cigars," "(j tan's Dream," "Molly Bawn," "Blrtn of Hose," "Pet of the Army," "Yon're Welco Mme. Melba begins ber concert tour Oct. 13, at Montreal. She will be accompanied by Mile. Sassoll, a harpist; M. Gllibert, bari- tone; -il. \aA Hoose, a young Amerlcaji tenor and, as accompanist, Lleveila Davles, who as well as Mile. Sassoll, was wltn Mme Melba In Australia. .Maurice Arnold, who has returned from Ms tour of Kngland and Germany, where his plantation dances were performed by the best orchestrations, has slimed contracts to lead with the Cosmopolitan Co. Ills latest song. "Clover Itlossoms," has taken a sudden leap Into popularity. The Cosmo- politan Co. will also publish Mr. Arnold s musical comedies. Chas. K. Harris Is receiving encouraging endorsements of his songs, "I'm Wearing My Heart Away for You, 17 "In the Hills o? Old Carolina" and "Always in the Way," from numerous singers. Stern & Co.'s successes arc: "I Ain't Seen •Sul- the . .j'elcoma n.s the Flowers In May," "On Duty," "Hail to the Bride," "Ida," "Mlandy," "Animal's Convention," "Never Do Nutbin' for Nobody that Does Xutliin' for You," "You Can't Fool AH the People All tne Time," two step; "Un-'ted States Forever," "King's Mus- keteer," "Colored Itogmufflns," "Dlng-a- Llng," and "La Susans, waltzes. M. Wltmark & Son's latest publications include : "Star of My Life," "In a Garden of Faded Flowers," "For Many Years," "Down In Mobile Long Ago," "I'm Longing for You, Sweetheart, Day by Day," "You're Just thi Same to Me," "Because You Were an Old Sweetheart of Mine," "Coonvllle's Cnllud Hand." "Oh, Miss Josle." "I'm the King at Coney Isle," "Mile. New York," "Sly Little Belle of Japan," "I've Got to Go Now 'Cause I Think It's Goln' to Italn," "Good Night, Beloved, Good Night," "Dinah Brown," "Sol- diers," "Johnny In the Army," "You Am De One," "In Georgia," "Lucky Duck," "Ibices and Graces," "Just Cuddle In My Arms nnd Go to Sleep," "Tho leader of Frocks and Frills," "While the Mooa Shines Height," "The Wigwam Dance," "The Legend of the Fan," "I Wants to Play Hamlet," "King of Kings." "As the ivy Loves thu Oak, "Son of Uncle Sam." "Any Time At All," "Le Love Decide," "I Feel So Very Lonely," "My Cosey Corner Girl," "Tessle," " IWant Mine," "I'll Be Your Honey in tluj Springtime." Chns. K. Harris announces that he has secured the publishing rights to A. Baldwin Sloane's new opera, "Sargent Kitty," which will be produced under the management of Geo. 11. White. Mr. Harris Is also publish- ing the music for Geo. Evans and Ken Shields' "Good Old Summer Time," which will soon enter New York City. "The Funny Mr. Dooley" Co.'s music Is In Mr. Harris' bands. "Always In the Way," Mr. Harris' new and pathetic child ballad. Is now being sung throughout the United States, and le creating a sensation. He states that 70.000 copies have been sold up to date. Itaymond IIubbell'B celebrated "Booster Dance" Is now readv, and "The Ella Wheeler WIU-ox Waltzes" have only been out a short while. Lillian Bktuvelt begins her sixth annual tour of tho Brltleh isles on Oct. 19, when she will sing la Cork. After a series of thirty concerts abroad, Miss Blauvelt will come back here In January for a tour In Mexico. A new publishing house has been es- tablished In I'hlledelphla. 'i"he proprietors. Gllraore and Long, are well known In the theatrical profession. They will produce from time to time new Ideas In songs. Among the many recent well known visit- ors who Inspected the new Wltmark build- ing were: Frank Curzon, who la known as the Kngllsh Krohman: Victor Herbert, Frank Daniels, diaries Dillingham, Vesta Tiliey, Madge Leasing, George McCullen, Gustavo Luders and ltlchard Henry Savage. Charles Tail, of the lirm of Allen & Co., of Australia, which is one of the largest music concerns iu the world, has recently made a trip arouad the world In the Inter- est of his house. Mr. Tolt passed through New York recently, nud was the guest of M. Wltmuik 4 Sons, whose house Is represented in Australia by Alleu & Co. Ue expressed himself na delglited with America and Amer- ican methods of doing business, and was nmazed at tha completeness of the new Wlt- mark building, the system, and the unuRiinl luxury of the private offices, reception rooms, etc. Howley, Hnvlland & Dresser's recent pub- lications are : "Kitty Dooley," "My Zulu Lu. "Lincoln. Gram and Lce, r J£&nuny B?mP,; son's Senegamblan Ban," "Dear Old Girl, and "When \\'« Were Two Utile I«oy*" Some of Loo Feist's big selters are: "Bc ; yond the Gates of Paradise," "In Starlight, the Indian song "Anona." "!>he s the Pride, and the Pet of the Lane "Eat, Drlnk and Tie Merrv. and I Aln t Got No rime, "In Sunny Africa." "In tlie Valley of Ke:.- tuckjV' "Dear Old Stars and Stripes. Oood- bye ■ "norne Ain't Nothing Like This. Mme. Melba arrived In America, last week. She will make a concert tonr of tills country. 4fter "mrinc In Montreal Mme. Melba went to Toronto and thence starts West to. j!hl- ■ago, St. Louis, and makes the turn at Sioux Foils, where u new theatre Is lo be named for her She Is duo lo get back to Now iurk Dec 10. when she will sing with the Bo* t.,n Symphony Orchestra In Uirneg e Iu . in Mme. Melbn's Cuinpuny will be, In addi- tion t" her little protege, the harpist. Lie- we la Duvles, plunlst: Klllson \nn limine, Tenor, and Claude C. M. Gilbert, baritone. Lottie Gllson Is to feature two of Leo r ^SS^A% have Issued a new coon Bong, entitled "I'm Neit to You. which Is being sung by many prominent per- fOI Oalre Cunfleld. the American contralto, Is win ng fnrne In the Antipodes with Stepliei,. son's American Comedy Company. Her con- ^^dolph^AmnLt 'who first produced "Ermine" at the New,Yort: Casino hau he mniincemeiit of the French version of Ilie ranmOTOPcretti in either the Vuude- vBte of the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre, next vine in ij w i „^ i, e GaViltllt, be"™ which wwe spwin'liy composed by Kd- Hf™.i*T.LVhn«-.wi for the recent Vienna |ier- Clipper Po$i Qf net, I» order to avoid zntatakea *n« to '■•■ re tb » Prompt delivery of th* letter, ad vert Led la I hi. 11.t, •■» envelope plaUaly addrr.ird na.t b. • ent for each letter, and a writ tea order for the letter, aligned with tho 1 l \. n ". m * * n J "ddre.a and tho lla* of bniiani followed by tko aoadar, aiaat also bo enclosed. Plea.e mention the date (or na- wUok tha ber) of THB CLIPPER la v ■ letter, .eat for were advertlaed. Avery, Carrie Adell, Carrie Auatln, Lottie Arnold, Sadie Allen, Alice Albertl, Carrie Alilrach, Blanch Arlington, Mrs. W. II. Arnoldson.Aila Adella,'. Bell, Ida Barnard, Car. Berteina, Mlas Bey, Liu Bates, Mrs. I. Bayes, Nora Barry, KHz. Belmont, Mia. Harbour, Jess. Bennett, Johnstone Bassctt, Mrs. Russell Bayer, Kittle Byrd, Mrs.A.K. Balbroma, Mamie Bancroft.Vloin Bates, Mrs. I. Baker, Birdie Burley, I.url Bartlneo, I. 111. Burt, Madge Curran, Fran. Cantor, Tlzile Carney, Pattl Chatham Slst. Chatham, Cecil Cheslyn, Hose Claire, Mrs. A. E. Coasoc, Mrs. J. H. Cunnlnghnin. Georgle Cunningham Louise Campbell, Em. Cox, Kay Clayton. Tina Crane, Dixie Castle, Dollle Courtney. .Maude Chaffee. Heleu V. Cardownie, Phoebe Clare, Miss Davis, M. A. Dodd, Ella Dresser.Loulse Davis, Tlua DeKock, Line Durrell, Bess. Defnye. Elenor Danford.MrsD Davis, Mnrla DcWolfc.Drlnn Davenport, Nell. Delmore, OIIlo DeVeaux, Camllle M. Davis, Mrs. Hal LADIBS> LIST, DeVancy, Geo. Dumar, Flor. Delmore, Ollle Dnerc, Louie Davis, Laura DavcnportMay Drew, Itose DuPree, Minn. Daly, Minnie Delmore.Mabel Eltrym.Brooke KlSnlto,Louise Evelync, Cora Emmet, Frank Eltrym.Brooke Evens, Rose Esterhrook. Mrs. Fred Earl, Eloulsc Esmeralda Sisters Fnunt, Edna Forrest, Edyth Fleming, Mamie Favnr. Marg. Fowler, May Belle Foster, Grace Grey, Vera Grace, Sadie Gillespie, Miss Graham, Etle. Girl with the Auburn Hair Graham, Elsie Glluiore, Mrs. Boyd Gaudy, Louise Garnellu, Mrs. Robt. Green, Sarah Gurdner. Edna M. Graham, Elsie Gray, Annette Goodworth, Amy Gelaey. Clara Hollenbeck, Bertha Hammond, Grace Honnker. I'eurl Hayes, Gertie Hart, Sadie Hall, Lyda Ilaynes, Mra J. C. nugart Marlon Hunter, Julia Hunting, Moll Hansen, Alice Herbert, Mrs. Ilnwkes, Car. Hlckcy, Mrs. W. H, Hazleton, Blanche nail, Helcne Q Howe, LenuaC. Hedden Mrs. C. B. Hall, Jessie Ilardren, Kate Harris, CnthB Harris. Kath. Huffman, Nettle D Hawlhorne, Mabel Hasklns, Vlnlo Ileffenc. A. Ocrt. Hilton, Helen Hathaway, Mrs. B. Hart, Sadie Jermon, Irene Joyce, Mae ■Incques, Har. Johnson, Sabelle Johnson, Grace Joyce, Mac Kelly, Joe Klrby, May Kiirle, Nellie Dorian, Bcrthu Kenton, Doro. Keufleld. Mild. Lowry.Mrs.Jns Lelnnd, Ther. Leslie, Elsa Long, Sadie Lnurelle, Jean Llttlefleld Sis. Leslie, Lcona Lane, K., Ml. Lorraine, Rhe Leslie, Beatr. Lane. Alice Leston, Edith Llndsey, Har. Laurent. Hat. Lewis, Kntli. Lolo Lawrence. Em Llndsey, Har. Lee, Kate A, Forrest, Sadie Laurence, It Fielding, Mln. LaPorte, Mne FranklynPcari Lorch, Forester. Mrs. Thco. Edwlna T.ane. Alice Forren, Ida B. Lovelace, Alice Ferarl, Leslie, Beat. Mrs. Emma Mlley, Kathr. Fleld.Kath. 2c Miles, Ha Frnnklyn, Ettn'Mllla, Hattle Marks, Esther Mudge, Eva Morgan. Car. Mlllward. Jessie, Co. Miles, lla Morrlsey Slst. Meredith Slst. Melton, Pansy Mlnell, Ollle Magee,Mrs.J.H Milton, Loin Madden, The). Madison, Maud Miles. lla McCoy Sisters May,Lotto Star Montrose. Bes, Nevlns, Edith North, Olive O'Rnmey, Goo. O'Brien, Ida Oakley, Mrs. Frank Paul, Nettle Fool, Mrs. K. P Preston, Ethel Palmer, Daisy Palmer, Leslie I'antzer, H. Price, L. D. Purtell, Jennie Tesslone, Aug. Parry, Chnrl. Qulgley. Mrs. Geo. Reed, Isabel Risk, L. B. Rappo, Anna Rich, Annie Rieser, Sophie Rogers, Meta Rogers, Ml. Remlugton. Mamie Ruffell. PhllllsdOf. Revere Sisters Ring, Rlaucli Itaymond. Madge Heece, Leslie Swain, Mrs. Chan. Snmmcrs.Clnlr Suera, JIayet. Slinw, G. Htelllng. Flor. Hears, Gladys Shnw Sisters Scfton, Mabel Sylvester, Nell Seamon, Llll'n Storbeck. Val. Salldo, Zftin Stanton, Vest. Sharp, Minnie. Stewart, Liz. St.CIalr, Clara Stilwell, Cur. SparkH, Josle Sterling, Lll T Stanley, Dot Singleton.Fern HinglctonPenrl Tnnquny, Eva Thayer, Eug. Troy, Jessie Turner, Maud Trevor, Ethel Thome, .Toyco Taylor, Mnv Tucker, Hilda Tlrllnc, Edna Veronica. Vlr. Vincent, Alleen Vernon, Mne N Vivian, Alllo Vlvler, Stella Vlvcnot, Alice Watson, Ev. TVeat worth. May Warren, Mrs. P. A. Wnlsh, Mattlo Wilson. Mrs. B. W. Watklns. Mrs. M. West. Clora Wlilnrd. Knth. White, Flor. M. Ward. Helen Wright, Llll'n. Zolnra. Mrs. Hprm. Zcllcr, Flor. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. f the Sarah Bernhardt 'theatre, nexi Mr. Aronson has forwarded to Paul t th» Parisian playwright (who Is ■nnslatlng "Ertnlnle"). Il.e njw num- „hlch were spec nlly wrap ward Jnkobowskl for the recent formances. «i » — Mrs. L. B. Wlittbeck, of-•Albany. tIj- Ited Beatrice Thorne during the-' tatter a element with "The Girl and Judge" Co., at the We«t End Theatre, N. J. City. Ahcrne. Geo. Adulaldc, Art. Arnold, II. C. Acker, if. Abbott, J no. Appel, N. Adams, Inez Abiinlco, Honor Aloz & Kola Alexandre, Jas Albene, Prince Anderson, A. J Aliworth, Chr. Abbe, L. II. „ Anthony, A. S. Alenis, Wm. Alien, Mack Atkinson, Bert Abbott, Frank Adams, Andy Arthur, Fred Ala. Bios. Co. Aekerman.E.C. Avolo, Chns. Atkinson, Wm Arnold, Mr. Austin, 11. /.. Barlow, G. W. Bradley Bros. Bushy Bros. Blackniler. II. M. Buscli, Billy Bean. F. II. Brady Jr.. Mr. Blaln. Leon T. Buckley. L. W Bnsco, A. B. Betts, O. II. Burns, V. W. Ilrllton, -Ioh. Burton. J. II. Tlnnglinian.I.G Bathrlck. B. II Barnes, E. M. Brady. W. II. Baroett. C. II. Bailer. Fred Borrenn, Joe Brill. Ned Burnt", .Inn. Betts, H. K. Belcher. W. M Bales. Fred Bonnefond. , I/>uls Burke. .1. S. Buscli, F. W. Hlnkcly, Geo. Bernstein, Joe Ilonavltu, Jack Bard Bros. BiiBklrk & Rich Bennett, H. 8. Brown, Clark Bruna, Har. Burton, J. II. Brown, A. Boyd, King Byrne, Andrew Brown, J. G. Burns, Mattle Brooks, C. B. Bacon. C. R. Bear, E. J. Boyle, F. I, Boon, J. C. Boise, Joe Iturk. W. .1. Bulkicy, llnr. Bayer. Wm. 1". Bartlctt, Owen Bourn, I^oti Byrd. A. IJ. Ben Omar. Alt. Buckeye Trio llnllurd.Giii.B. Ilartlelt. II. S. Brooks, K. K. Barnum, F. Bnrr, Mr. linker. T. U. Browne, ft E. Berger, Ren Brooks, F. A. Bennett, Hilly Brenon, Herb. Barker, O. S. Bowers & liUNliby Brown. J. O. Berry. G. L. itentielt. 1. C. Itulkley. liar. Itolses. The Blair k Nulty Brooks. E. M Crnbtree, Geo. Carlyle, J. v.. Colgate.GuyW. Coleman, It. Cole, W. E. Cugnaux, Lest. & LnB. Coleman, Jack Clitreuze News- boy Quintet Codalre, Har. Cluxlon, J. J. Cornell, Homer Coleman, Ant. Clements. Roy Carroll, It. F. Clements, E A Curtis, Owen Campbell Bros Carrier, F, CurtlM. Allen Cnslllln, Rich. Corey, F. II. Col I on. Frank Crawford, .1 A Coleman, II. Caldwell, F. W t.'urlis. Jock ('onn, II. L. Crey, Geo. Caliery, Mr. Colley. Geo. M Clifford ft Ilurko Cohan, Geo. Crosby. Henry Cook. C. A. Colin, Fred Cook. Chas. Cook. W. A. ("handier. Wm. Curtis, Allen Clarenze. Fred Clark, ('lias. Curtis Dram. Co. Coffiin. Wm. II Colgan ft Harmon Cartella. Ver. Bryce.Tlleston, Cornelia. II. C Boyd. Itnym. , Curtis. Allen Browning ft if'ooner. L. II. Bertzeli;Craig. Itobi. nell. R. C. Clifford. Clev*. Burba, I, C. Clarke, O. W. Krownle, Ed. K.'hapln, liar. Bid well, Clar. Coburn, J. A. Cameron ft Toledo Cas«y, W. II. Cum., Allen Cremer. T. I'. Carr, Jas. DeAlra, E. II. Davidson, Toy I la vis. Austin Dwyer, Kddle Dexler, Fred Detlur & llimsell Unnbnre, W. J Dooley, Louis Do Van, Fred Dolnn, J. F. Darling. Fred Dancing Violinist Davenport, f DeOnzo. W. M Dnshlngtou.AI. Dlxey, Henry, Co. DeGroote.Edw Daly, Jas. Dyer, II. S. Dunbar, Arch. Donaldson. C. A Dawson, II. A. Daley, Chas. Dooley, J. F. Dovlne, Jas. Douglas, Byr. Drane, S. D. Davidson, ('. J Deltouffe, Edg Doyle, Jack Daly. W. J. Donohuc, .1. P. Delmore, Jno. Dlcnx, Eugene Dlonne. A. E. Daly, Joe Dor mom, Ern Damm, Mr. Ducrow. Tote nolle, C, II. Dcnves, Wall. Elliott, J. J. FIiiim, J. D. Evans ft Titus Eyler, Jno. Kvcrsole, Wm. Kllswortli.G.I. Kverhart. — Edwards, At. Ellcr, W. A. French, Eddie Fleunnnt, Joo Fields, II. D. Fitzgerald, D.J Folter, CIibb. Foiirmnu, J. D Flnu, L. FriBco. Slg. Farrell, J. Fnhrney, Har. Fleury. Earn. Fltzpatrlck, a. a Fenbnrg, U. M Fowler, F. 8. l-'nrber, Mons. I'olsom, Robt. Factor, C. A. Ferrall, O. It. Farlow, N. W. Fllmore !c Shorwood Fordhiun, Art. French, L. J, Fisher, Ciins, Franck, Don Farquhar, IIJ Field & Hanson Fredo, George Forbes, Frnuk Fnhrney, Bar. Farrell. Wm. Fltzpatrlck, Arch'c Gillette, Edw. Gero, Lawr. Grant, Cliff (in en on i. The Grlner, Art. Gorton Mlus. Gano, C. E. Goode, Leon Gilbert, E. II. Gazzolo, Frn'k George, Har. GlbBon, Tlios. Gardner, F. A Gaukcl, A. E. Glascoe, A. G. Gaston ft Starr Gresslt, Henri Gulllcrot a West Gird, II. A. Gordon. J. II. Gates, II. J. Gorman & Leonard Grosgcuu. E. G Gregory & Llnd Green. J. K. George, W. A, Gregory, F. L. Goldle. Frank Graham, Walt. Garrlty. Hnr. (loins. Gus Gauntt. A. W. Gebhardt. W C Gillette. Chas. Gano. C. B. Grans dcu, Mark Grant, J. It. Ilallowell.N.K. Hcrninnettl, Ilcrtn. Hyde ft I.eoln Harris. Frank Hill. C. It. Harris, Louis Hamlin ft Mitchell Huffncr.E.LeG Harris, Geo. Herbert Uroi. Holt, Geo. Hill, Geo. A. Hoover, C. K. Ilefforn. Thus. Hand. Frank Hatch-Ailiiinu Co. Henilnwiiv, L. Morton. .1. G. llewettes. Tim Hall. Dan Woki'V. 1, M, "Hottest Coon In Dltle"Co. "Her Marriage Vow" Co Hamlet. W. II. Hnrrla. W. II, Howards. Dancing Hammer. Milt llognn, Ernest Harris, J.-F.- Hale ft Francis II obits, 3 Herbert, Thos. Holds won h, Chas, Hampton, A A lliti-lli'irl. J. N Hoy, H. IL llallmnn, Wm, Holmes. C. N. Hayes, S. E. Home, Hnr. Hlckeyft.Velson Huston. Walt. Hickman. How Harris, H. V. Howell. W. J. Hill. It. II. Howard, A. 0 Huberts, tA-a Hill. Claud lllckey, W. II. Hume. A. M. Hackney, G. D Hoffman. Max Hadtleld, Har. Hill, U. II. Harris. C. It. Harvey, Chic. Henley ft Blgelow Howard. Mr. Iliinn, Iter. Hnmmond.T.ll Hood, Sam HodgeBJr.W.C (lines. Sam Hunt. Melviu llallbnck. Wm. Isbmucl Prince Irvln, Claude Ireland. G. II. Jamison. Jas. Jack, Texas .lunette, Har. Jncobl, Burt James, Lotils Jones, K. C. Jesse. Crls Junker. W. A, Jefllers, J. J. Jacobs. O. Inman, W. A. Jnxone, J. V. Jcffernon, Jos. Johnson, F. W King, Jon KeiiTy, E. P. Killman, Chns Kendall, Frn'k Klein, A. A. Kelly ft Adams Klostman.Jnck Koster. Geo. Kelvors. The Kurkamn, J. E.S Kemp, Holue Kennedy. W.G. Keelcy. Art. Klldnre, Owen Kenny ft Clnhnne Rosier, Geo. Kttrzwell, Low Kiemet, Harry Kles, P. K. K. ilogg. Melv. Klein, II. It, King, Phil. KUiiir. clniH. Kelly, Jas. Kennedy, Mcmiihls KelirwaldTliPO Klinefelter, 3. Kenngy. Sam Kuaer, Frank Keating, Jeff. Lennon. Bert Livingston, Al Lnnnr, Benson l.lndlinrg, W. Lanibard. I'rei Lowrys. The Lewis, J. C. Lesslk. IlnilJI Lee, T. A. Lyle, II. J. Lamnr, Art. LesSUvns. Mr. Luiaiitto Bros, Lund. Larry I.ldellft Buttewnrtb Lewis. A. D. Ixjwrys, Tho Lender, It. I). liowry Bros. Lynd. W. J. l.owery, P, 0, lynch. J. N. I u Vnll, .Ins. I.IJKMll, .1. C. I.conurd, J, F loreuz, II. )■: Linton, Paul Levering, A. L. l.cstlna, A. Lorenzo. Chas. I.ytell, Bert Lyons, Ed. Lcnore ft St. Clair Leigh, Walt. I/owry, Ed. LnFleur, Jos. Lyuton. II. II Lytle. Thco, Lclllntts, !l Love, J. W. Lorlng, L. J. Lcsslk, IladJ Leonard, J. P. Lenvltt, Hum Laltnsc, Chas. Luollelii. — Luc.'lnr, Paul, Art. Lelgli, Bert Lands, Hurry Lenny, J. A. McKay, Geo. Meaner, M, J. Mauler. Bert McDonald. J J Merrick, Wm. Matthews. JC Murphy, Tbeo. Merrltt, Mr. ft Mrs, Morton, J. J. C Morrison, Jno. Morris, Jno. Mason, Robt Mulkel. Uert Mead, D. Mylie, Jno, Moxley, G, L, Mnngean, Har McQueen, Prank Mardo, — McCoy, W. L. Monroe, B. P. Mil thews, Will Mack, J. J. Magulre, Tracy Mnrrlssy, Dave Mlaco, T. K. Mclloiiiilil.WII Mack. Jno. Merldllli. K. K MorrlMsey ft Ciimeriin Melrose. F ft N Mill hell, Wm. Mercer, L. McCreit, .litnlc Monro, Wall. Murry, Jules Murphy. J. T. Montgomery ft Hume Mostow. F. D, Morris ft Hart on Mllon. Art. Murphy, T. A. Murphy, K. C. McClnlu. Wm. Monon. Win. Murphy, Jim McCormlr.N.K Mondon. L. MiDonnld, Mr. MucGeach.v. , Chas. Mora. J. Morton, II. C. Momo, HndJI Mueller. C. A. Miller. Jake Majestic ' Musical 4 Marlnella, V. Merrluew, A. Meeker, Wall. Mtirkliiiin, Hnr Mulvey, II. I.. Murphy, J. T. Mori Is ft Morris Mock. T. T. Mnrkley. V. E. Moore. J. S. Morrlsey, T. I' Mack IHcli MacKenale. Kenneth MnckeyftClurk Mnlhowu.W.C. Mack, Wall. McCutclieon. Sninl. Marlon & Pctirl Nugent. W. II. Nelson, Wult. Noa, J. I. Nnsraylh. Bill. Nulou. Lieut. Newton, Clins. Neumann, E. Nixon ft Zimmerman Newhoff, Irv. Newman, Hnr. Newman, Jack Nastier. Nat Newton, Jus. Norton, 0. A. Nulon, John Nil gel ft Ada ma Ott. J. E. Owens, Jno. Otts, 4 Oppenhelmer. Horn co Oelrlch, C. E. Oloudn. Knickles Onio, An. O'Brien, Pat Pickens. S. H. Powers. J. T. l'helphs A Cullenblne Prndy. C 11. Price, J. K. Potter. Tom Pnrros Bros. Pippin, Eug. Prentiss, Vol. Pickett, Sum Pouinejl, For. Pnwers. CJjrda Plntb. Mr. Peli-lilng Bros. Prosser, M. L. Parity, F. Ii. Pettlcord. J H Prentls, Val. IMckert, Will. Itunnlug Elk Pazen, Ju« 1'lppln, Eug. Pnsiiueleiia, 'Ceddy Patton, Jno. Pollock, Hurry Phillips, J, C. Prentiss, P. II. Price, J. W. Purccll ft Brooks Potton, It. E. Pn rks.Jr., Chns I'lillllpne. II Ii Palfrey ft Hilton Perley, P. L. Qulglev, Robt. llyiiu ft RIclKleld Hoe, Tom Illggs, Ben lloliliiHon.i'hns Hovel 1 ( St oil- ing ft It, I Be, Reed, J. II. Iloblnson. Charlie Randolph. C.C. Rogers, Ed. line, J. G. Richards, S Rico ft Adums Rellly. Put Illngsdorf.P.C. Rico,, Lew Reed, Francis: Running Elk, Chief Rlgolettl, Prof Rika, J. V. Reap, Will Reed, J. A. 'RoyulHInvu'Co Huge, ('has. Reed, Claud Running Elk, Chief Riisco, W. R. Raven, llnunlo Itynur, Hurry Reed, France Russell, P. J. Rlxford, Mike Itoblimoii.G.K. Illtll. Joe Itiijmontl. Geo Itolutid, Wm. Rostow, A. P, Both, W. C, llositr '1'rln Illggs, Ben Ritchie, Art Ritplor, Gus Illckurd, Joo llosalrc, Bob Ronnldo, Ed. Iluyuiond, Jack Ride, E. Dlek Root ft Gurdner Root, Jack lllley, W. J. Iloblnson, W A Iloblnson, Happy Bob Redmond, (Oil. Iloblnson, G K Snow, Mort. Schlndler. Geo Htulier, Fred Scovllle, Nesb, Summers, G II Hpenrer. A. (I. Hupp, Joo Shilling, V. W. Sculleli, Dnn Heeley ft West Shei-nmii, Robt HpurrliT. Jiiclc HiHirkM, Win. Knlvull. A. L. Slovens, II. P. Huneturo, Soto Ht.Lenn. Alf. Scott, Robt. Hchuyler, I, W Hnlvugxe, I'm. Hlien. T. T. Hlniliz, Magn, Kiiniin, Byron Snow, Eddie Shannon, Cal. Hauiiilei-H. T.l-:. Smllli, Wm. Helberl, Ed. Klegrtst, 'IVilo Htulier, F. K. Hnvnge, I. C. Htnrk, Mr. Hells ft Downs Htetson. Har. Hlvln, Morgmi Slivers, H. P. Stanley, Prof. Stirling. .1. IL Smith, Tom Seamon. A. Q, Sully, .T. P. Hopp, Jos Seymour, O. 0 Shepiitiril, Sid Nouthcrlnnd, Fred Swlrkoy. Jack Sully. Jno. Heeley, Win. Slovens ft Tweedy Simmons, Dnn Moll el I, lid. Shaw, Wallace Stetson, Hnr. Hummers, E. F HIIvr. I. Htultt, J. G. Solwlu. Hnr. Heaberl, — (cable) Stevens. W. II Hwnrtwood.J.J Spnlui. J. L. Sparr, J. W. Schuyler, G. It Seymour. F. V Smith, C. J. Scott, II. ft II. Hhsrulev, A..I. Hlvnil. (I. C. Scvnldo, Henry Hiunels, Geo. Thompson. II.R Teeis Bros. Thorne, J. II. Trlxnla, — TIIiih, F. I. Totlt, Wm. Tryou. P. 13. Turner, Murv TrMnlle, T. P Thomas, O. 11 Turner, Mnrv. Then, Jack Tentiey, Ern. Tschudl, Jno. Victors, Tho Vnniicatoti, Mr Vernon, Robt Vonle, C. I. Vnlcntcen.C.K. Venn, 11. D. "VUlnge Post- master" i;o Vose, T. ViiuKoM.ien. Hurry Vernon, Jules Wilson, Geo. Watson, c. P. Wortliley, Ab. Watson, Low Wallace. B. B. Whllsou.Flovd Wilbur, Barry Wilson, G. W. Wntklii.i, Mont Wlstona. Thus Wlnter.lIcrmE Wlltrcdo. H. Welch. K. 0. Wucry, C. II. Wheluii. C. C. Ware, Glover Wolse. Ed. P. Welsh, .Ins, Williams, A. O Wllsnn. Floyd Willis. Ernest Wilson. Geo. White, Tom West, P. ft D. Wniicy. Mark White ft Simmons White, Prnncla Wilson, Sniu Wliltiiev, F. C, Wells, flan* Wnrner, II. B. Womls, J. B. Walter, Leslie ■UU NUTICH AT OP LIST. 4. » ('(II.OH.IIHI, Wntil, Hilly Wnlcrs, 'I'lios. Wnrdn, Al. West, J. A. Whiteside, Jack Walker, E. L. Water house. II. L. Wilson, Gen. West, J. S. Warts, II. P. IVlnler, II. F. Wynne, Fred WUIuir. Wall. U'nterbury Jr., G. K. Wnterbnrv. H. M. « alters. Elm. West. B. L. WnlMin, C. P. Wills. J. It. Well sen, Jan, Wilson, (leu. Will In ins. Frank Wall, Jus. Wllllnuis. Leon Wiillseale, .Ins. Vnrk& Herbert Yates, J. C. Yorke, Giinltiv Young, Ollle Young, ('. L, Young, C. .1. Yarrlck, Jos. Zat /mil ft Mowrnl ZntiptH. Jno. '/.Iininer. Jno. /oliirs, The /.lerko. Robt. Zelenrilo, Geo. Denver, -At Ilie llrondwnvTheatre (Peter McCiilirt, iiinnngeri.—"Hen llur" wns il gnur. show, and Denver turned out the opening night, Oct, Li. and ill. every performance, mid packed Ihe bouse tn S. R. I). It re- inn Ins week of III. Tmon Ghasii I Peter .MfCoint, miinngor). —Meek of II, "McFihIiIou'h How of Flats" drew out the customary- crowds and packed Hie lioime. Week or IS, "A Texas Steer." Nltw CniTlH Tiikatui: (A, It. Pellnn. nmnuger».—•Weak of ll. "Where Is l.'oliii" was well ii'lidered anil |ilense<l Ihe pill loin. Business wus guild. Week of IS, "Burled lit Hen." l.'RTHT.M. (Geo. Irn Ailniim, iiinniigoi). — Week Hi 1 l.i; Egyptian bliick nri, Bliiuiliiiril mid Allmiiu. tl. .1. Kmle. Aelkrns and tie E|>ln, Win. Wliutom, Annie Nil Gur. moving pictures. Business is good. Nbw Oni'itKtiu (T. It. Hnnderson, iimn- nger).—Week of 11): Piixlmis art si tulles, L.vil'in mid llcrnld nnd Cn., MeWutlers ami Tymiii Co., Julian Hose, Almoin nnd Diiinnni, Rio Bros., Standard Quartette, Goleinuii'H dogs anil ,'uts. H. It. O. ill every porforiu- miie. This new house was n iiiouev nioU'i' ti-iini the Ilrst. It Is one of Ihe handsomest: viiudevlllo houses In dm couiiliy nnd every- thing Is up to date. TUB NoiKf.Ty (Henry Lnlielskl, manager). —Week nf It): S|imgilcllos, Bnuinont mid liny ward, Priuik Chase, Wise nnd Mil ion, Vertile McPhilsun, Morgan and Chester. Busl- neis Is good. Ejii'im: iLeary ft Ilugmi. miinagers).-— Week of IS: Al. II. T.vwell, Ely Dawson, Al. Iloveli, Lorraine and Howell nnd llielr dogs, Slewtirt and I,u Crol.v, lister mid Muck, Hiidlo Nellson. aUSAKAII (li'ruuk Kllnfel, manager).—Week nf 13: Wilson nnd Wilson, Earle, Howard mid Parle, Hiirney nnd Ilaynes, Ileyuulils and Griiclo, Mike n'ltrlpu, Jl. ,1. Ihii'reti, Phyllis Courtney, Etta llnrnus, Lottie Nel- snn. Business Is great. Mcntiox. —Lenry and Ilngnn opened llm Empire, nt Colorado Spi-lngs, 12, tin n viiude- villi- house, and arc doing well. ... J. S. Duss nnd Ills New York Orchestra nnd Mme. Nor- dleii gave two concerts 12, lit M. K. Chlirili. <« » MAINS. Portland. —At tho JefforsoR Theatra iCuliu ft (Irntit, muiiagors),—lliislniss fm- the week of Oct. 12 was, "llnppv lloollgnii" drawing well 12. HI. 'Hearts nf Onk" mme, iiiutliino and night, 14. "Girls Will lie Girls" was tho pleasing attraction in, with tho .Royal Llllputlnns preventing "(Julllvur's Travels" as the drawing card ill, 17, with inntlnup. Thomas IC. hheii eoiiies 1l)-24. Jeroiun Sykes, In "Tliu Billionaire," 2H, 27. Piiii't-l.ANii Tiikatiih (Jiimnn W. Moore, man- ngor).-- G«mhI IiiikIui-ss ptoviillcil for tho week 12-17. The Might Vassal- Girls, .through I lie lumniTlviil of Ihe New York beat In timet far 11ml porformmi'-eH, liiul their hooking changed to Hie coming week, 111-24, the bill for week of 12 onlng very satisfactory to the iiutroi.s. arul liiclinllng : l-'.eklioff mud Gordon, Vov and Chirk, John D. Gilbert, Grvlllo nnd Fran':, CiMiper and lliilley, Doherty's po-nBos, bio- graph and eteriKiiiMi-on. The list as made up for wuek of 1(1 Includes; Jessie Cotithoul, Briindou ami Wiley, Might Vassur Girls, (Jiilg- ley Bros., SenecHl, MUslcnl Bent Icy. Katxhi'mman llAt.r,.—Annn Kvn Pay drew largo houses: hero throughout the woek, I2- 17. This ludy Is u populm- nttrnctlon Iu this city. AitplTonit'sr.—A very nlnastng coneort wits rendered here 14, by the Ilostoii (.'rescenc i.'oncert Co., comttoseil of blind musli-lnim uud singers, in uld of the Maine ludilslrlnl School and Homo for the Blind. ♦ «» 'iS-iaaxfl MAHYI.AKD, Baltimore. — At Furd's Opnrtl HniiHi IChurles Ii. Ford, manageri.—Kvrln Bellow, in "Ilttlllcs. the Aiiiaieiir Cracksiniin," will lie the week's atti-nctlou, ln-glimlng Oct. III. Mu.-lc CulilII closed a good week 17. "Tho Silver Hll|iper" coinos 2(1.»i:mv or MlHic (Nixon ft Zimmerman. iniiiingci-s|.--llertlm Gtillnnd will uppeiir II) nnd week, In "Dorothy Vernon, of lluddiui I Is. II:" 211, Mrs. Leslie Carter, In "Un Burrv." Maiivlami TiiKA-HiK (Jumes L, Keniiiii. nm nuger).—Oct. IU .will Murk the opening nf Mils handsome new Ihcnlre, with Mrs. l-'lske. In "Miiity-uf Mnudnlu," as the initial ii Urn el Ion. Nut M, Wills follows week of 2(1, 111 "A Soli of Rest," I'iianu'h Tiikatuh (P. II. ClitiMe, tiiniiugei-i. — Ihe George Fnwci-lt Company will priwcnr. "Tim Mnsiiiierddcrs" week of II), anil wilt give "Tho Cricket on tho Hearth" the follow- ing week. llnl.l.niAy HtiiKiiT Tiikatiib (Kortiiii), Rlfo ft Hnuck, intilliigui'N). —'"Shndows of a Grenr, till" will hold tho boards II) mid week. .Nelllo Mcllctiiy did a good business 12-17. Week of 211. "Tho Kin-lory Girl." III.nit! Tiikatiik I John A. Tisile. mnimgeri, —"Tho Heart, of II Hero" will Is- seen III, MM will l«! folloWMl 2« by "Tho Johnstown Flood." MiiNttJiFXTAl. TlIHATliB (Jiitnos L. Kerniui. inniiiiger).—Tho Hrlgiidicrs npiirar hern 111 wllh a luivel sliow, presenting two ii|i to date btirlelius unil mi u ||o. Thu Cracker .larks 2(1 and week. Hugo* Tiikatiib (James Madison, mnnu- geri.—A now bill will he given week of I!), with Tommy Burnett mid Pearl Raymond new. Tho opening Is by \m> Stev- ens, and thcru is also a burlesque by Hurry Montague. Noti:.— The Empire Tlimire »toi-k company 1ms dlshntwied, and .the. Ihoutrn Is i-.lo<u>d, owing to a 110,0(1(1 fire which almost gulled (lie lmHiring Inst Tuesday, In Ilie eurly morn- ing hours.