The New York Clipper (October 1903)

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OCTOBER 2A, THE 'STEW. YOKES GLIBPER. 837 ti2&j£&*2*JH* 5* !n hU mono- Lawrence.—At the Opera Umiso (Graut & Cshn, managers).—"Girls Will Ho «lrl»- entertained a good house Oct. 12, Al. Leach beluif worthy of special mention. Glis Hill's fc and .r^o^ saws:, nnceieti KriTU's Theatrb, (Bi iP. Keith, manager). U SC m. Crewgr and Blanche Dayne, in a a 7™ sketch, "The NoWDopot," are at the top c Sf ciirrciiX week's MM. Others are: Nat h „ Haines and Will VJdocq, tho Molnaw Troupe. 1L V. O'Brien, resident -= 1 - lUiU—iv •InrVi Leonard Fletcher, Mormssey and Kail River house, and Uscap ifhT ?t,« nin^fli" , X Charlie GuyerGeorgeKeleey Sisters, are gnat favorites wUb. allltt» mB^ Vlr and Mrs. Uarry Thome, Arvello, Boeds and newspaper awn... Ml «Er Si teFrlcrs. noldlu'smnnnikltts nnd Mile, been Installed at the d'oVr of Klower" The 8 Nirvana and her beautiful • rid to horse, *J|Hois ecurteoiis, and theriant man In »Lokl." The Anroros Werner-Troupe of com- a hard position to flll.'.. 7.John NeJson! tie Mly pantomlmsts ami Jugglers is a apeclallj former doorkeeper, baa connected lihasel? „, ded attrnrrlon for current week. with a night lunch cafe opposite Flowers' Atiibnabum (Wm. McAvoy, man- Theatre Hugh McElattv lata nf -th-, . 'rj^llcharlts H. Burke and Grace La Rue, Walte Illusion. Companyh\'s accented » i„ kuwardM. favor and Edltb Sinclair.Marion cmtlvo posllton with the H FSSLiA . and Dcane. Orvllle and Frank, Crotty Trio Co. Jewelry Coaipnuy. of Att eooroV SST! d Gray, Mitchell and Marlon, Franklin and When the present week's nln? '•TiiPtuiV layman.' Newell and Steele Bnrto and Laf- tor's Daughter," was given out' to tte^SE crty. Henry and i'oung. Harry Brown, So- pony at Sheedy's local theatre Kdruf f£? ,» "SB Brothers Murray and Joy the clneo- Llndon, leading lady,, created a surprise with lnft\s d clty:,2wfn B r °!cl™iinei. 0 . thelr Sues-- Bal'dv Bijou Tiuatrb (Henry Myers, manager). Roynl Mllputlatis, to fair house, 14 "Hnpny -Henrietta Crnsman, In "As You Like It," Hooligan" played, tit light returns, IB. "For vaa greeted by a- large audience Oct.- 12. Her Children's Sake," fair house, to. "Hello, s ":'f ne ,.k lttle Ulraid bisters" have ! Maude Vinton, as Cella, and Bessie ldwln, ai'Hiidrcy, was worthy of mention. 'Arrow the Rockies" played, to poor busi- ness 13, 14 : 'Tcck and Ilia Mother Abroad 15-17. It was tho brightest musical comedy presented at this house this season. Dbe: . "The Wlnnlug Hand" 10-21, "Tho Christian" 22-114, "Froin Roes to niches" 26-28. Casto TncATiin (Al. Haynesi manager).— Business last week, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Keley topping a strong bill, wa« up to a good average. Booked: 111 and week, 17 Booster Zouaves, Cora Mlakcl and pickanin- nies, Krotntn-TscuerkesB Trio, Am-ot.t and Kddle, retrtnjrUl and De Forest. Mclntyro "rai>b.~und the house" burlesquers. In "The Sa'yety Generation," is the bill for week of not found wanting last week, la any of the bcrs of the company, were Immediately uc- fun making parts of their show. Largo «pted by Manager Bufflngtorx'ihe aewmeui- slzed houses applauded the burlesquers, TGo bers that will till the places of those to Merry Maidens Co. Is the card this week, leave ore: Wlllette Kershaw, leading ladv; •At the French Ball" and "Mr. Bug'a Busy Albert Morrison, leading man • Nat S jV Dav" are Ihe skits. Olio: Nellie Hanlcy, rome, comedian; Frank Reynolds, and May Duilin-Rcdcay Troupe. Johnson Trio, tho Goffe, soubrotte. ' Hlatts, Sara Rico and Slieppard Kemp, and . » Al l c 5^r- e .« IC TnrATEE (G H Batcheller man- Itm.— Lynn Theatre (Frank G. Ffarrl- „Jm Frank Tmfor Ftho'l CopT. Toni Car- 5S manager).-The Bennett & Jloulton Co , nger),.—wnnKinjior^^^oiw. naw flnder the management of Ira Nowhsll! and IUce, Lillian Shaw, and Al. Coleman". — ~ surprise with Rich's Thbatrb (A. E. Rich, manager).— m h.SST' . f her Barel<| 8e to John Robie's Knickerbocker Burlesquers played, to » HM BWWj, the stage manager, which t6ok big business, 12-14. Tho attraction was a de- P. i? "r , raunton . Mass., Oct. 8, with Rev. C. H. ra mage as the officiating clergjnian. Iioards v . mu«ral comedy, "Two Hot Knights," (a tho burlesque. Business was with Wil- liams' Imperial Burlesque Co. Inst week. Al'SIIN * STOJiP'S- MUSEPM (StOUO & Shaw, manage")-—Week of Oot. 2«: Curio i„,H gndde Knowlton, "Dare Devil'' Ldbby and Irving Saj'ers, to series of races on motor 'cvcles In a coninve wooden bowl: Itlctuu, iu'e-ier; TIlHers' llarLslan marionettea. Bea- vean nart AdeWde. Stage siiow: Lillian Weathers. Mna dlavis, James BMsley, Roclic- fort and May, I*ah Lajole, Downa and Scott, Mnvrie Voiding, the Mhileys-, Jeanre and i:ilsw<irth, Kstclla Bailey, Hall and Hughes, nnd others. IdaaaM (It. B. walker, mannger).— I^idy Olga, reptile conqneror; Professcr Stanley's Goat Circus; Luua, sword walker; Balbroma, fire demon; Monomee, contortion- ist • Sam Cohen, expansionist, and Professor Robinson, cartoonist, are curio hall features ihls week. The stage bill Includes: Dv'lmont and Fury, Hartford Sisters, Arthur Betmorc, He Praia and Nellie Hartford. Gossir.—Music Hall hill Oct. 18: John- stone Bennett and company, Stanley and Wll- tov., Emerson and Om?ga, Willis Family, CroHns and St. Alva, Smitt and Bowman, GEM Thbatrr (C. W. Shoofo. munager).— Bnsiness ocntinnes great, and amateur nights are features. The current attractions afe; Harry HcDoaougli, assisted by Edith RHy- mond and Guy Edwards, In the sketch, "Her Kalso Husl>aDd;" Elwood and Mnggle Ben- ton, Jimmy, the dancing nowsboy; I'earl Burton, Lent and Hyatt, and the bioscope. Sai.em Thkatre, Salem, Jinss. (Harry E. Reed, manager).—Thomas E. Shea came 12, nral played to big houses at each perform- ance. The Clara Turner Co. opened 1!). for the week, and "The Yankee Consul" ploys evening of 22. Coming: Corse I'ayton Com- edy Co. 20-111, Joseph Murphy 28. Mi'.ciianic Ball, Salem (James 13. Moore, manager).—Business contlauesexcellent. This week's bill: Charles T. Aldrlcii, EckhoS and Gordon, John D. Gilbert, Johnson nnd Wells, Keller. Doherty's Poodles, and the bioscope. Notes. —Harry Levardo, the rube bicyclist, was In Lynn the past week, visiting friends, after on extended Western trip with the mln- ttreis Grace Kimball, or this city, who was with the "Sunshine In Paradise Alley" Co. for several seasons, Is now at home, on account of the death of her father D. W. B. Dresser, treasurer of Mechanic Hall, Salem, died In the Salem Hospital 13, from BUI," good housnti, 17. Including tnnllhcc. Coming: Joseph Murphy 21, Kellar 2il, DanlelU. Ryan week of 20. Cahto Tiikayii): (Al. Hayuea. mannger).— Good business wax the ruin Inst week. Com- ing week of 10: Sir. and Mrs. Keley, Ocoralo O'ltnmcy. flelcn Trl.t, Marvelous Merrills. Frank Fognrty, Rosalre and Taft, Crouch and Richards, tho Big Three Minstrels. Casino Tiieathu (W. L. O'nllnghcr, man- ager).—HuslQcsa very gootl. Week of !l»: Chns. Lewis, Annie and Delmnrn, llerlicri, Irene Carey, Humes and Lewis, Hlgi;s ami Andrews, Carrie Richardson, burlesque by Chns. Lewis. I ■ Ilolyoke.—At tint Opera House (li. L. Potter, malinger).—"Mathl Mulli-r" ■•nine Oct. 12, to poor business, 'Thi> 1'rlde of Jen- nlco," 14, illd good business. Booked: Hen- rqnn Thompson, lu "Tho Old Houiestead," 17 : "Olrls Will Ho Olrls" II). "Sag Ilnrbt.r" 21, Aubrey Bourleatllt, |n "Cnpt. Chatlle." 27: "The King of Detectives" 28. "A Message from Mars'' 30, "Hello, Bill," M. BiM'inB TuhatiiD (T. V. Murray, mnna- g«r).-—Carollno Rfthr, In "Teas of the H'l'r- ucrvilles," 8-10, dtcw large houses, and guvo arent satisfaction. "Tho Llttlo Chufch don Belles; lti-n.gnve, a good, clean show, to J rolmd , nc corner," 12-14. did Hatlsfmtmy Troy Athletic Club gsTarsk Bonked: "Acvosb the Rockies" If.- 17. "liscanwl From Sing Sing" 111-21, Rnrm-y Gliraorc, In "Kidnapped In New York." 2'J- 24 : "The Buffalo Tragedy" 20-28, "A Home- spun Heart " 20-1H. : Taunton. — At the Taunton Tlteulrn (Cohn & Cross, managers).—The Royal LIU- putlnns pleased a fair house Oct. 12, liau Sully, In his dew piny, came 111. nnd "Tli« Fatal Wedding" filled out the week 17. "Why Women Sin" Is duo 20; 'The- Yankee Con- sul" 21, and Kellar 22. ■ — :..■ *'* PENNSYLVANIA. llghtful conglomeration of burlesque, vaude vllle and opera, and from a' musical, fun inakiog and costuming standpoint' was tba gem or the season. The specialties were all of the A1 order, the Knickerbocker Four, Reld and Gilbert, and the Juggling Normans carrying off the honors. Rose Sydell's Lon- ~ files; lti-17, gave fair business. Booked 11). the Octoroons 20-28, Bheem's TurATiiB (M. V. O'Brien, man- ager).—Good business was tho rule at this house last week. For 10 and week: Cnva- natigh and Hamilton, Two Snakerlnos, Cnff- rey and Grant, Laura Houston. Roy Willis, Hlgglns Bros., and the comedy company. • i * i . Sprlniiflold.—At tho Court Square Thea- atre (W. C. J^e' Nolr, manager).—A largo bottle greeted Henrietta Crosman, In "A* Yon Like It." Oct. 14. It Is seldom that tho patrons of this bens* ara able to enjoy such n treat: Her associates, foremost among whom wcro Frederick Lewis, Charles Bowser, Bessie Baldwin and Maud Winters, did well. "Miss Petticoats," iwlth Kathryn Osterman. was witnessed by a small audience, who found a good deal to enjoy In the play. Miss Osterman easily caught the audlenrc by her ease and unassuming manners. Joseph Man- ning and Frederick L. PowejB were seen at their best. Coming: Viola Allen, In "Twelfth Nlgltt," 10; the Four Cohans, In "Running for Office," 20: Dcnman Thompson, after- noon and evening" 24, In "The Old Home- stead ;" Aubrev Bonclcault, In "Captain Charley," 20: "Olrls Will Be Olrls" 28. .NKWGii.Monr Theatre t J. F. Burke, mana- ger).—"The King of Detectives," 12-14, made It annual visit, being of the sort which pleased. Alma. Chester ns Olga Humphreys, n woman with a past, was seen to good ad- vantage, bringing' out all tliore was in tho role. J. Irving White, as the detective, kept; thu audience guessing with his many dis- ... Uowdolu Square, Oct. 18; Favor and Sinclair, Klein, Olt Brotheis and Xlckeraon, Dolph and Susie Levlno, Topack and West, John B. teonnrd, Bohee and Hyers, Mae Rus- sell, Lcn Mettler, Harry Ward, Lizzie Otto, and the clneograph Stanley and Wilson, Karl and Wilton, Crollus and St. Alva, Kim- liall and Donovan, Smltli and Bonnian, and Kathryn iMSlcy were cntertalnera nit tho Hub Creatorc and his band gave a concert at the Tremont, and a charily con- cert was given at the Beston by vaudc- vllllans. No steps have been takc-a as yet to lutcrfeoro with these Sunday concerts. ..'"The Streets of Cairo" will bo at Austin & Stone's for n week In December. The Foir Cohans, In "Running .foe Office," are ploying the New England circuit this week.'...The business at the Bowdolo. time. He was twenty years of age. The re- mains were Interred la Portland Joseph Brady, a member of i.ynn Lodge of Klks, Is now with the Harcourt Comedy Co. Bis com- gulscs. Chas. RoblnHon was the comedy king and reigned supreme. Business good. "Tim Great White Diamond," lfi-17, packed tho boiisc. Florence Huntley made a wlnsomo miner's daughter, and was heartily applaud- ed; J. is. Kitt and Hairy Martlaettl werd both good. Due: "A Working Girl's Wrongs" 19-21, "The Winning IInnd T ' 22-24, Aubroy Stock Co. 2G-U1. Grand Opeiia Housn (Charles W. Fonda, mannger).—"The Fatal Sin," 12-14, a melo- drama of the bettor class, was well pro; ■ Phllndi-lplila.—The week Just closed was a very sncceesful one to Ihe majority of the theatres. Two or three attractions niniln their farewell Isiw on Haturdny nlglit, nfier several weeks of-excellent business, while ax many remain to repeat tho success of tin* past week.. Among tho novelties for thu cur- rent week aro "Winsome Winnie' 1 and "Drink." >Biioad Stuhkt Tiibatbb (Nixon & Zimmer- man, managers).—"Tho, Girl from Dixie" said good-bye to Philadelphia Inst week, after a very successful ougtigi'iiu'iit. This week "Winsome Wliuile." a musical comedy, by ilia author of "Mrmltile," holds the boards. Paula Kdwardcs takes the tit lo rule, and Is usslsted by nn able company, many of the mimes lining of woll known favurlles. Thu engagement Is announced lor two weeks. Gahuick Theatre (Frank Howe Jr., Ilinn- agnr).—Heavy business has marked the pro- duction of "The Wizard of Or." nt this limim-. The principals have continued their excel- lent work, ably seconded by t lie efficient chorus. "The Wlxard" will renin In for thu current week, and will bo succeeded next week by John C. ltlcc and Thus. A Wine, lu "Vivian's Pnpns." Chestnut Street Ovbra House (Nixon & y.lmmermun, mnnngcrs).—"The Red Feath- er" proved' to he of excellent quullly last week. Tho music, is gootl nnd llio llbrullo wty ^i j&yjg*'^* teiig SZ'&S'Jib «»t«i *» i wbH *&>**»* 'ww* w" 1 ' 1 * fitmstift* on« voir mmmuor^t singing LodSe i,u, f d« kB in^i"^ ™ dy ATwnnrt y Sn busiaoss.' Robert Iceland,. In 'too- loading was highly appiccinted by the Inruo and with his dog last week A new nnd up to date greenroom has been added to Me- chanic Hall, Salem, and great Improvements have been mndc In the lobby. Lowell.—Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros. & 1(03ford, managers).—The Clara Turner Co., In repertory, last week bad excellent busi- ness and gave general satisfaction. The spe- c'altles included: Clara Turner, Tom Bate- man, I'rof. Hall's trained dogs, Perry and Randall, and moving pictures. Due: Ray- Square this season Is said to beat all records mond Hitchcock, In "The Yankee Consul,'' at that house up to date Mrs. Gilbert, io ; -Hearts of Oak" 20, "For Hor Children's of Annie Russell's company, will, on Oct. 22, Sake" 21, "Her Fata! Sin" 22, Daniel Sully, celebrate her eighty-third birthday The i u "The Old Mill Stream," 23, 24. I laughters of the American Revolution will Academy ok Music (It. V. Murphy, man- at lend the performance of "CaptainBarring. „ger).—The Night Owls gave one perform, g^^a Iffitfe^tointyre «3\uTm £ ton" in a'bqdy Oct. 20. ....fieatrlee„Mara u t 1Ke ' 12 . .The transatlantics came, lG-17.. to SSftfi* gJ^oft S£ SSd Brad'shaw girl, rejoins the Bowdoln Square capacity business. The olio included: Ben week Thomas L. Nelson, the Jgnsen, Klne nnd Gotthold, in "A Medlral ...» *i,q xfflta«rlr* liecnmi* n lirlile- nianni-an' >" Mtfchpll nnl t!niu. Farrell-Tav- a Maiden Co. this .. treasurer of the Majestic, became a bride giiHim last week. The bride is Lillian M. Iinlsiiiger. a Southern girl "AlphonEe nnd Gnston" comes to the Grand Opera week of Oct. 20 This Is Creatore's last week at the Mechanics Hair. For the fourth Discovery;" Mitchell and Cala, Farrell-Tay lor Trio, In "A Minstrel Man," and Josle and Willie Borrows. "The Heart of Chicago" 19-21. Casto Theatre (Al. Haynes, manager).— The bill for last week was headed by Lola Cot- rote, was not long in winning the favor of his audience. Ned Itlsley, an Ideal Spanish street singer, and Fnanklyn Gale, as Ills sis- tor, carried the heavy well. - Minnie Barrio and Gladys Van both mado good. The scen- ery and costumes were the equal of many higher priced attractions. Tho Vanity Fair Kxtravacanza Co. furnished the style of en- tortainmont which is relisued'by the pa,trons, and as a result the business was at the top natch. The comedy was la good hands. Booked: Hurvy''Morris' Night on Broadway 10-21, 1'ay -Foster's Burlesquers 22-24. N::lsi n Tiikatui; (Z. T. Damon, mauager), —Another excellent bill was presented lust week, to ithe average business! of the house. The star was Adelaide Herrmann, lu fonts of magic. Others were: Will West, Roberts, Hayes and Roberts, Mclntyre and Rice, Mu- sical Tlior, La Nolr Brothers, and BradshnW nnd Wiley. Gus Hill's Royal Llllputians IU- 24. vaudeville 20-31. Notts. —Ursula (iarnett. who bas bced confined to her borne In this city with ty- phoid fever tor the past live weeks. Is con- valesceat Lincoln Morse, ot Clark's New ltoyal Runaway Girls Co., spent a short time .«r no Auctioneer. enees, while Klsle de Vero was uquiilfy popu- lar. The opera in repealed this current week. Next week, beginning on Wednesday, 28, Hid much heralded production of "Mum'scllc Na- poleon," wllh Anna Held. CHESTNUT ftmtTTmiTM (Nixon & Zliii- merraun, managers).—Henry It, Dlxcy did some, very exoellent work Inst week, lu "Facing the Music." while bis rendition of a cheerful old sexngenerlnu in the ciirialu raiser, "Over il .Welsh Rtirebil," was essen- tially artistic. Tho supporting company Is fully cqunl to the requlroiiieuls. This week Hie attraction Is the same. "A I'rlncess of Kensington" is antinuiiocd for next week, with JnnicB T, Powers. WALNUT BtRKHT TllKATUn (Flllllk IlOWrt Jr. inaiingnr).—Lew Dockslailcr's Mliisli'i'ls held the boards during Hie past week ami drew crowded hnuses. Tho entertainment provided provoked much merriment uud lliu engagement wns n |iop«lur aucGtns. This week Charloi Wnrner, In his great Imiiorsnnit- tlon of CoilIMtau, 111 llie.drnillllll/.ulloll nf Zola's "L'AssnmoIr," will donlitlcss reeelvo largo patronage. Nov. 2, David Wurflehl, lu FonRFAUQU's TlltlATRB (Miller Si KanT- man, iimnffgcTs).—The play for tho week Jtu-t: past tvus a poptilnr success, which'was large- ly duo to tint able efforts of the strong stuck company anil not an. account of any lntrinHlc merit In the play, "Olvnrml by Hcnth." For this week "Society's Curse" will ilnuhtlcMi plcasn and enterliiln the many inifnuis nf this-house. Next week, "Belle ot Rli-bninntl." Cfll.llMIHA TlIKATDU (IgllllClo MltrtlTlelll, mauager).—Carrie Itntlrlllt'e gave an excel- lent perfortuiinco lasl week. In "How London Lives." and her ittl'iirfs were ably soppnrleil by the siiick. "Zorali" shottltl prove a satis- factory vehicle fur their talitita this week. Next week's attraction, "Tho Winding Way." Staxhaiui 'I'ltitAruH (Uarry ft Speck, mini- agerni.—•■'I'ho King of tho Oplittn Itlng" thrilled law auilli-aces last week. For lun presHit week ••llniliT tint Russian Flag' slioiilil BTOVe of popular Interesr. Next week "Itllie .leiliis" will occupy ihe lnittr.1:.. Alttn Sthi-:i.'c 'I'iii.atbh (farl Saitki'. mini- I'ger).- I.nsl- wi-ek's linsliiess at. tins theatni wan very gisul, Ailraelluiis fur tli« cttireui. tteek are: "Klsle Lieliluilur Grille," "Mn- s> lilni'iiliaiier," ntnl r.o- iin< umiliiee. "Snltui lyisilcr."' KriTn'M Nnw Tmunm ni. T. Jnnltui, resident nmniigcr).--Crnwded lum-vs all ia.> wick gh-clcd the uerrnrniors at Ibis popular theatre. An excellent lln nf novel! Icm |h .•mi- noiinceil Tor jhii curreul week, noil shdnlil innve strong <h. living cards. The list: llein v Lee, In his novel entertainment, entitled "limit Men, I'tcd ntnl l'rescnl ;" MtiV I'lilnnlti nnd FiimI l-ldwnrils, lu "All In Hie I'mnlly:" tins WIIIIiiuis, Urns. Sllvns, Winona iitiil Hunks Winter, It. .1, .lose, Mallliewi ami Harris, In "Aihita, Hie Neiiniil;" llimie, Uo.-i mill Lewis, John II. llariy. Nduiul I-:ililt>-<!••. Muriihv aitit Aiidltiv.t, Sailfniil Slslcr.'i, innl tho liliigrnpli. Kline's llt.init Tmrathii (II. I'. Lytui:-, rcslllein milliliter).- V gnisl ll.-il i>f vnndevllle iiirerlliis pleaseil lilfste ,niil|eii,e s Inst wcl,, llll'l Hie liiwIuesK ituue WHS llllitK Hlltbtfftcrnrv, All eiiunlly giiad -hill of nlii-aclloiis" l.i srhedlili-d lor lltln week, ntnl t'liiiiprlKcM )||in'. Hermann, In feats of magic; llnrrowS-Lan- iiiiilcr Co., in "Tin! Jolly .I.iIII.t :" Irving Junes. I'Vitttces Germ-il, Hu, l.logranh, t'oiil.. ley and .Mellrlile, Piirrell ami BrookB. Crnliiit ■Hid SI. Alva, Berllim. Musical Item lev, (Nil. litis and Hair, ami lid. J, Hovle. Kost Week John and llniinn liny will upp«:ir. Mi.i-tii.N-ni S'riii;i:r OrWJ.t llniiui (Frank llii.inoiil, mii'i|igeri.---.\ iiiiiutier u( most, laui'li- able sketclies pl-iiKeil Hie |iatriins nf H1I4 Utilipie hinimi Inat week. Some ol Hie Uniu iiproiirlonn limn are repeated 11 ■ . wcei;, ttlilln u now one, 'How Hid Is Ann'/" a trnvesly on Ihe iiiiitlicnilillcal quitHlluii which hits been pivviiient locally for several werkv, .should he very iitlracllvc. l.vct:tiM TiiKATiiti t.liu). O. Jetiuon. luan- nger).--|i'red Irwin's Rig Show drew good business Inst week. This week's iitliiiciloti la tho Cracker Jinks, nnd should lie a win- ning card. For I III! succeeding week Hie iimii- ngcmeiii atiiiiiinii'i's New York Stars ntnl Leo I'nrdelln. Ti!oi'Aiii;ao Tiiiiatrh (Floyd Liiuninii, luaii- ngerl.---- Lurgn pat foliage' wan given the III'!- gailli'rM (lining llu> week inisl, Tim Itenlz- Haullr.v I'o. Mill present durliig tlm current week "Tliii Mntrliiioiilal Markcl" and "T'lin Cullir of Zu-Zn," and should bo a money winner. Ninth anii Arch Stiiuki- Mtismw (('. A. lliaileiilntrgli, lnnnnsjei'i.- r.otli Hu> eiirln hall anti iho vittidevlllo pcrrormaucr* drew largo crowds Inst week. For Mils week Is nu- ll' fed the following vaudeville: (islrniln, (t) in nil st; llitnielt and Wycrmin, Gertniit.j Miirlnii. NelNiin mill lllnckiilnii, Tiini Mark, Miikiio and Masse, Htiillh mid White, and Hie cliiengriiph. In ihe enrlo hull: Lust W"fl; in' tlm female sparring Immiiiiiirur. Yuciii, hirouu woiiinii : JlcNiunee, llgliinlng clay laodeli.r; liurkliart, Walter Weill world, and John 'I lioiiipsou. Xiitks.— Mail.-tino Ailellnn I'nlll will up. near In thin city. In concert, Nov. I) Henry Distill, tho noted coriieltlsl, illeil in tills clly mi .Sunday, lltli liihi... «f old age. lie hum horn In l-higliiuil in ihiu Inim Kelrans lias resigned his position as resident Manager al KoIiU'h llijou Theatre, and 1ms been succeeded by II. I'. Lyons IIiih locks Great Aaliual Show was largo cruirdH hut week .'.Thu Kiielsel Oniirtet coniwls, at the Wllhcrnjiooii llullil dig, will begin enrljitr thin year (iii.Ucciiunt of tliii proj(»cled Kiiriipeiin lour. with his sister, In this city, last week.. nnd closing week of the exposition the Ml- ton, who was one of the strongest features „ . rbllllpB, of "There and Back" Co., ties Bnnd will be the chief musical feature, offered patrons of the houso tor some time. . gnen( j| nit a ' gUort t \ me ^u^ n(!r parcntH "Just nn Actor," by Kdwnrd P. Does, James 6. Donovan was also deserving of , Culcope S Kails Charles Stumm, busl- booked to follow "Qulncy Adams Sawyer," nt caster, Bcsimh and Miller, Maud Day Calno, gj^ Louis Ln Shier, of Montague the Boston." Mrs. lhomos Barry, who was for many years a popular member of tho Boston Theatre Stock Co.. Is in town on j brief visit The Children's Theatre, which Maker's Dilemma." -,,„„.„ „„„» of plays which the company Tumplb THEATBB_(M.W. Murray, mana- Jj,*^* .An Inquest on Stock Co. number AitniTniiiiitt (Stair & Ilavllti, miinagers). —"A Son of Rest," ns Inleriireted by Nat M.i Wills and* bis capable cnuipiuiy, ma u popular success last week and ihe titUTiul'iiii hud good patronage. For Hie current week "The Bvll that Men Do," with the emotional actress, Nina Morris, In the leading female role, will undoubtedly prove a moimy winner, "York State Folks" Is underlined for next week. i'AUK TlIEATRB (F. G. Nlxoii-Nlrdlliigef, mannger).—"Tho Fatal Wedding" was re- Kelly and Reno Harry Dudley, Alice Cbes- , 8 mana „ CD of tuc American SI lym and the lour Roberts, in ine uou Mr rjl shler T 8 also the author of a number SSaiairt week, to largo business. During is playing this { he current wook the unw "Might ltcll.i 1 i tho death ot w m b0 ()l0 nttructlou and should havn n sue- had "awry successful'season tost Spring, will gerL—Business continues good, and the of- c " nnr "i e , p. white, advance agent . I«- rcipened Saturday afternoon, Oct. 24. A ? er lngs for last week were varied and of ibLr{T/ Specialty-Co., who was killed by a for Al. varied and extensive programme will be given It will lie managed hy Capttilu Charles \\ cood" taste. The list included: Marlow, Plunkett and Fannie Donovan, ln "A Lesson Kdd'ys lftnbington'*Burcaii, r nnd given under |„ Shakespeare;" the IHItonks. l'ryor Broth- the auspices of th- Dorothea Dlx Home 0 rs, Maud Thornton, Frank IIley. lluy liim- Nat Burgess, who for many years success- llton , and Max WInsIow. hor current week Angeles. Oal., j&. he I. doing nicely in the 2Jj^^«V%!g phy. Snd Holbein, the Great .Gilbert^ Talkative Oct. Miss McVi. BOSTON train at Conway, Mass.,. Sept 10, will be held at Greenfield, 10. .William Trlxler, ahead of the Aubrey Stock Co., was in the c»y- - ' , same line of business. Ncxv Bedford.—New Bedford (Wm. B. Cross, mannger).—The Theatre Frankle Worcester.—Worcester Theatre (Felix IL Wendelsehnefer. manager) .—Joseph Mur- phy, la "Karry Gow," will be the attraction 1!>. Tho Four Cohans, In "Itunnlng for Amelia Bingham and a "The Frisky Mrs. Osterman, In "Miss , attendance 13, 14. Bo Girls" played, to good ro- , Oprra Housn (She* & Wilton, -Week of 10 "The Greet White attrartloa. Lost week feat City" drew'good ?ViUnSii7ii *** "-J??" —S fjaiiir •tl »ng : ■'Across the Kockles." ©SSWfflS: 'rtht«P'"-l m „ nla] wl „ to tendered fS^SSASL41 «~««t huM- SiMffi^iT»V1Si^«tO»J5«S!fKi Humes and I^wls, and the Boston bloscopa {^"^S^^V-beihe 0 t I formanres. The comptuny was talented, ami » u thc car(ls . For 19 and week: West and P^VchVhts of a Gri-a "The Yankee Consul" 23 SlIEEDT'S-THBATRB (D. xv nger).—"The Finger of: Scorn" was Inter- mention.— A teStjyioBttMgHAJWSFg == pw S enilng one of thoclosnest Of vaude. " of J V. Burleigh- Principals: Adei Louise Hutchlns,. soprano. nold, was given an opportunlty'to display her vcrsitlllty In on emotional role, and »™\™ an lnstaidancous success. The sitpportm). companvwas enual to oil 'requirements, and the applause was generous from the continu- ous' targe audiences throughout thc wee,.. "The Senator's Daughter" 1H-24. Fi-owem' Thkatrh (T. H..Flowers, man- , "nosaHc Apes i; Mine F. Stevens and a. li clever work, eoming: Royal Llllputians. Music HAU. (Thou. Moosb, mnnngpr).— Week of 11): Murray and Sllva. Carroll and re a-benefit in • I » n ' ti ' I ^ on J? fl !!,''a«-d :.,arles nnd ?Ie,en Mack presented a liar oifest lc^L ? us cJon %ftgS2fi2Sl audiences twice dally „ „Iack presented a hilar Otis 0 |degt ]<K»l>inusiciiui, »»-- ^. Irish comedy and Immediately Jumped Into »™ n musical matters for Hety-throe^yei who Qlied nn rnd.^Sr.-Call, urer and maneger. will act as treas- nt another house, repeated her success In her Hebrew Imitations: Will J. McDer- niver mott, as Happy Hooligan, scored MlJJJ m-m J Wiley, ■ est success, and kept tiic audiences In a state l" r m ' to J ry " Co /opened here Oct. 12,-for the r overy moment he occupied the Bepertw <-°-^ la ^ r North Adams.—At the lUclunond Tliea- " ccft Gllmore, managers).—Bunda- maglelan, Oct. 14, gave a good ex- i fair but pleased audience. Mor- amoving pictures played, to fair returns, 18. "Ole Olson" 17. ,"J>esertcd at the . At thc Academy of Moslc ^7."'^" .^ bc FM oi «n" 24. J. Wiley. MHMtii}*-jf*»3!mSS bmpirb Thkatre. (Jnmca Sullivan, mana- — Oct. 12,- for the JKSSSi&mS Wltles nand, IS,-played,, to Alphotuie and. Oastoni' 14, plavod. to, good —' and pleased "Hello. Bill," Hi, Hi, bred. t»> fa!' returns, end gave good per- iroances.-Duo: "A Working Girl's Wrongs" eessful (ingngemont, ninny new features lie Ing promised. The ever popular "Under Two Flngs'' Is scheduled fur next Week. National Tiikatiik (Jos, M. Kelly, innn. nger).—At this popular house "Through Fire and Water" was nightly received with nnthunlaam by large nudlnuccs last week. Hoiinllv good bUHiness Nliiuild fall to the |ii"- ductlon of "A Fight for Millions" tills week. The attraction next week Is "A Great Temp- tation." PKow.r'H TiKATnn (!■'. O. Nlxon-Nlnlllnger, manager).—Good business all litsl week dur- ing the production of "A Bagged Hero." "For Iter Children's Hake" will hold tlio boards this wosk nnd should prove a strung drawing card.- Next weak. Tho Kmart Her. GiiANti OrrtRA Housn (G. A. Wegefarth, manager).—','TheHlgn of the Four" was ex- cellently rendored last week. Walter i:d- wards made a forceful Sherlock Holmes, and tho entire company gave their parts easeful treatment. Tho engagement was.' a very sue. cfssftil one. Fnr the current week "A Char- ity ' Nurse," which Will undoubtedly Is- a strong drawing attraction. Next' week, Ha- aanbeck's Trnfm'iN Animals. GlMAim Avhncb TliBATiiH (Miller & Kauff- man, maniigers).—Large audiences nlgliily greeted tho rendition of "Jim Blndso" last week. The current attraction Is that thrill- Ing'melodrairlii, "Wedded nnd Parted," which JilRt closed a most successful ongngemonl at tho -Nallonal Theatre. For next week "Tlm Minister's Daughter" Is announced. ' Pujm'.i CItaii TifiMTliB (Fred Wnldmaii, manager).—"Wflli.'lh and Pnverly" received large patronage Inst week. Bqunlly good business Will drillPtlrrs ho thn rule, this week, during the onMgemont of-the niiHlnral play, "The Nlglit llefnre Christmas." "The Lim- ited ,Mnll" Is due next week. "EJtrtBn TfitrATitn (J. Bnrd Worrell, matt, nger).-'-This House was crowded all of lant Week, dating tile prrtdtietlon of "The Limited Mall" nnd The Bmnrt Het. The hnttse In dark for the llrst half of the current week: for.the last three nights, the musical comedy, "A Happy Trnmn," with Hobhy Mack. Kr.NStwfis' TiiBATiiK'(John Hart; man- aeeri.—"Hoxana's Halm." ns presanled by ICntlierlne Ruber and her supporting com*' pany, delighted large aildl.'nees last week. The great melodrama, "New York Dny tar Dnt IK the attrnctlon for the current Week ntKL Will iinilnuhteiHv draw good l(inlne«s. "The Heart of a Hero" Is underlined for next week. lllirrlNlHirir—Iltialness lias lieen growing heller dully, lllicwlso tlm ijunllly of iitlrui- tbiiis. Lvcbum TiuiATiiB (M. Item, mnmiget). - "The Silver Sll|ipni" upvlled tho week of del. 12 to medium husliiuasj, mid a"rulr. iiudl- dice witiiessud. "The Heitiiiaile.''by lln. llos- timliiiis, CI. "'I'lui I'riiice of I'llscn" sctinil 11m iii'sL, record lit (ills now pluyhoilso l.'i. with l liu liirgust lioimii hIiico innl liu'liulttur llio (ipeiiliig, "Lovers'. Ltinn" hail ilTfnlr lioiise ID. and I'nul Glliuoro, lu "Tjui Muaiuiy mid tho iliiuiiiiltig lllril," closed tlin.ivnok IT, lo fair IrimlMHR, Tim new all ri/qtIons In- (iinlc: iJiickHiiider'n MlnMrelH JD, Ifutlinu (iHleriniln, In I'MlKH l'olllcoiilM," 21 ; "Tlio Siillan of Hull!" 22, "Tho Gill from Dixie" 211, Vlolu Allen,, in "Twelfth Nlglit," 21. ( UKM Houhio (M. IIcik, nut linger). —Tho week oiiuilod jioofly, but plulied up lie- fine tlio cliise. "1 mI'luieH.-i mill Daylight" bud n small Iioiihii 12; "Tho Itinid In 'Frlno did fair bnaliiitis ill. Id. uud "Tim Minister's IlllUghlrrn" had pleanltig luiiilius;. Hi, IT. Week of ill, Kalhurlne llnbui' (.'«., lu u rcper- lory of hii;)i class plays. Noriiii.—Manager W. II. Iln'tz,' Carlisle, Ph., Dim in Iliiuw, was here Kl.'anil mpoitii d big liuslness for ".Miss Hob While" 12 Keene, tin* aiaelflan. did well m. .Uldcllcldwii, I'a.. I.'!; It:.i'l,ikv .V Wilson's MitmitelH Innl a medium lions* If,, i'A Iioi'll's L:iui>". did we'l III, nnd "Thu Doings of Mrs. Dooley" and email busl nest IT, Fluyil. Ilia luaglclan. li line 20 John A. SfceMl, rejireseiilln.f iiocliKKidi-r'H Mlinrt-rels, wits lino II Friinlt I'cti-y Weitdnu,' of "The Kiillan of Suhi" Co., uad Frank .(. WIlMtnidi, ntpr:- seining the Viola Allen (.'o., wore hern lit.... l/ionl Nn. IIH, Hliige .MeclmnlcH mid Itilcrnn- Aswii'liitlou of .Hltigi) Kmnloyrs. huvu olecled George Hoy, presldimt-, Hairy Km f, Hoerlilnrv ; Josepli Wlllliilna, intrgeaiil at arms. 'Plus'llnnila Ilo.'iwt, c/i iv<k/h from I'll is- burg, I'a., to roiilsvllle, I'a., wwn delayed nnd lu order to reach Ihelr ilei>tlniitlou. lo, were obliged lo cluirlcr a train over Hie I'ltll- iidi'lplibi & Bending lliillroiid from this cily. .. .', ..Jeuse M. Hedrlck, of Hie Hulled Ht:ilin Hotel, lliliicliy, slate deputy of tliii.l'iali-i mil Grder nf - Ktiglca, bus cuuifileti'il plmia fur it new hotel, which will lie bull! til once, ami will be run cxcliiBlvcly for tbu theatrical inn- fesiilon. HendiiiK.—A I. tlm Nuw Tcuiplu Tbeatri) (t'liurli'K • II. Slovens, resident"manager). ■ "Hai'iitngii" playtid, to good lioiuies, Del, in, 14. "Thu Hjlver Slipper" untile IIu llrst hih liearanec iioi'e, tn a huge and delighted mull. ctltie, II). I'ei'fnrtiiniici'ii of thin kind are cs- Iutclaly popular lu Jti'iullng, nnd Mannr.-r It eve nn has observed this fuel In Ills fiituio bookings. ' Acaiikm* ni' Miihiu (.John li. Mlithlcr, mali- nger).— "Ah Vnii I.Ike It" 13, "The John i- town Flimil" II, "liver Nlnaiirn I'nllii" l.'i, "In the I'liliico of the King It!, "A Ureal: Game" 17. UMMP Orr.itA Hiiiiiib (George rM. Miller. malinger).—Courny U Muck's l.'nmediniiH hud u -suiaiiKsful. iingngnmeiit 12-17. Itl.Hit) .'J'lii.'ATim (L'tidegrnff k Broiviiell, malingers).—The Utopians came, In good bilsllieHH, 12-14. Wine, Women ami 8on« did eiiunlly as well Ui-17. «"» ' .S'i>:fK.-.--Jnlin J. Mnoiicy. expert bag pnnclier. of tills city, hau Joined I'lill Hlinl- ibin's illy Spurts Co. for u iwonly weeks' eagageuii'iit.