The New York Clipper (October 1903)

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OCTOBER 31.* THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. 851 Clipper Post Office, !■ order to aTold aatatalcea ana ta ,.... *■• prompt drlliery ot (ha '".■«"ra advertised lo thl. ll.t, aa L.veloP * plainly «*d«».ed mast L. J?Jt for ♦»«» letter, and a wrlttea iJrt"ol*THH CLIPPER la wklea lettara aaat for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. 1'urrell, May Marsdcn,Helen Floyd, Mack Jr. Josephine Fraser, l'earl Kern,' Josle Gnddler, Elale Adams, Mrs. Andy Amuiu; Minn. Aoderson. As. Alnswortb. I.conora • Ul 1i,D.S. AllPn, Maud Adelle, Mile, llond, Mura Haer, Kilty Ulancbard May Relmnnt.Marle Hrennes, Dor. IPikcr.Edltb *. Barry, Hny linstock, Mil n Kartell, Bessie Bryant, Mm. Baker. Birdie jtartnnne. Myrtle ML Alice jjrynn.Mra.Geo Drown; Laura ML Violet Itenjamln, * • nettle Beaumont, • Maude Bower, Margaret Gllllngwater, Gordon, Belle Gregory, Mrs. F. In Gornan, X. (ioff, Ellen. Gassniann, Mollle Goode, Lizzie Graham, Essie Gllson, little Guthrie, Mm. C. Xf, Gray, Violet Grant, Cesay Gleafcon, Violet Graham, Esale Handy, Louise Hooker, Mil ly Holland, Mild Hanson. Alice Hvlands, Etta Holl, Ada Hamilton. Daisy Hobbs.MazleH Hlllinan, Maude Hall, H. O. Howard. Effle Hume's, Mnnile Herbert •ItaqML I'llznbctb jnnnlKtcr, Virginia Srlar, Georgia iirgess, Ada H.irioimo. Myrtle Clymer; Mrs. C.A. Coglilan. Gcrt. Carronfhy.Noll Chatham Hist. ( onkMiiBf". , . Enlnh Crawford, Clara Crouch. Rosa ifoas. Belle II Took. MriMtobt Clifford, Ismu I'arrtowiile, Jess, choatc, Matllu ijnrney, Ida . rinulium, Kttn Courtney. Mln ijurln. Nana Clarke, Aggie C. Cole, Mildred 1'iilliim, Edith ~ lie lenrictta Davis, Ida llnvcnport, • Edna nay. Myrtle Dunn. Uert. rrsalre. (Maud Dncriv Louise irArvllle.Jean Bale. Vlrg. 1 jean. Donna l^unlap. K Dnlrymple, r Berth* .Dorothea Slat. iVKaleSi Fran. (Mater. Irene Davis, Kl»- llnrand, RohIc lleliock. EHIc Dempster. " Mabel InVok Pusnuelenn HeVeral, Hose Hil.tsle, Maud Union. -7 Mrs. John lieKolta, , Mrs. J. B. Ilean, Ileleu lliirand, II. Dliiglass, V Mrs. I. M. Eytlngc, Hose l'verfs. K- J- Emerald, A. latierson, Nell. Ml wards. • '■ Kittle Fhrranp; Jnle Foster. Fay v Forrester, ' ' Mrs.H.n. vydBra,- Hlhyl Fsmum.' . Mrs..Morsb. Forrest; Kdyth fennel j I. Flo l' she, lie). M. V iM|d. Alice A V -rari: Mom 1'ityJ Ellin Foster'. Fay J'ox, Kittle A. Mrs. T. natch. Lulu Howell. Ida. Hall, II. O. Howell. Ida Hart, Kittle Ilazelton. Mabel Hall, May Hatch, Olive llummltt. Marie Iltirborough, Kthel Hansen. Marie Howard, Susie Right, M». Ilnrt, June Irving, Jane Ininnn. Ann. V. Joaslyn, Lena Johnson, Itoso Jordan, Emily Kennedy Children Kennedy ,Maud Klrkhnai, Kit. Kinnnlrd.Ircne KC "n-|rglni a Leslie, Muliel Ijiltle, Anna Llovd, Mnbel Lewis, L. M. T.nMur, Irene I.lndsny, liar. Langdoa, Mur. Ijinrence, Ad. Lnltmix. Tiny lihotkn, l'lor. Laurence. Mae Leston, Ddith Irf-wls, Elsie Laurl, Babe Lalluc, Crace Lancaster, Angel Ine Long. Nellie Leo, K. A. LantMa riossle LnRue.HabeM. EaVnn, Viossle Leslie, iJlsa Laurence, Mrs. R. E. Miles, Ha Mard Bisters Millard, Km. Murroy, Annie Morris, LIss. H- -illey, Katlir. Myrtle. Helen Montrell, M Moran, IUM Mariitiettc. Jane Marguerite, Little Murry. Sadie Melvale. Malt Mlley, Katlir. More. Flor. Myrtle. Helen Mounts, Mrs. Mecustior, luex Jtorrlson.Rosn McJIeen, Grace Mullen. JonepMne Miles, lln Mnnola Marlon Matthews. Koa Mason, Lll. Martin, Clara Milton. Llllle MeredllH. MnKRle Mills. Kmlly Monroe. Trixle Mlley. Kitty Mrs. Richard Mitchell, Cora k Monroe, Carrie Montrose, Resale Norwod, Hu*. North, Hnttle Norz, Martha W. Nellson, Alice Neville, Halt. Nelmn,.Mrae..M. Nndlne, Miss Nelson, Shirley U'ltumey, Georgia Prescoti, Viv. i'aul, Mrs. Nut l'almer, ('. li. rotter, Ella l'eters, Mrs. Cbas. Parker, Lucy I'orker.IOlor 2u Price, Georgia Penary, Mh> Pool.Mrs.Etua Itaymond, Alice Itamsoy, Lll. Itotli, Katlir. Ray, Mrs. Doc. Itumsdell, Gert Raymond, Alice Rutowska. Kl. Rappo, Ann 4c Ryan, Mnude lteece, Leslie Ross, Ruby Raymond Viola Rapier, Grace Rivers, Kntherine(2c Rebitn, Ada Reynolds, Nonle Rhodes, Lillian Revere Sisters Raines. Margery Salmon, .Mrs, Harry Slewnrt, Trliy St.John, Aid. Kl. John I'rnnkle Stoddard, Ida Stewart, Mrs. Cnl. Stuart, Nell. Sully, Mrs. Lewis Shaw, Alice Showers, NelL Shay. Mrs. Al. Sutherland. Rose Shrewsbury, Marjorle Stewart, Hatt. Sl.l.cun, I'ulsy Stewart, LI'/zle StJnmes, Renn Stevens, Hdna Seville, Alice Sargent, Lydla Tucker, Hilda Thompson, ISInnche II. ThomaB, Ina Trusty, Irene Thompson, Minnie M. Tltln, Nelllta Toblu, Lottie Tucker, Hilda Tracey. _ . Mrs. I). L. Vdall, Agues Umunhart, isabelle (2c VnnSlclen, Id;i Victoria. Etta Venle, Mrs.O.L Veronee, Krnle Verner. Ther. VonTiisscll, Helen Weston, Mrs. E. L. Wellington, Ml Webb. Mabel Wood, Lillian Warren, ■ Myrtle E. Wiley. Stella Wuod, llertha Wilbur, Mur. Walnwrlgbt. Alice West, Mrs. OB. Wilson. Gladys Warner, Mrs.*'. Wilbur. Babe Whitney, Anna Ward, Mrs. Frances Webb Margaret Wilson. Mrs. II. N. Wood, Laura York, Mae Holtu, Mile. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Align, Tims. Armstrong. , .'■. ;t . Ben Ashley. — I MUtthews&A. Airhl. 15eu Ailsms. Frank Awkln, Harry Atklnsou. Earl .MlHtno Troupe Anbley, J. II. Avdell. Frank Ainsden. Claude .Mklnsou. Wm. Ar'pislron«r. t . Mort Aikluson. \V II Af her. CM .uron; Wm. Arnnlrt.Graves ■ ' .Powell Za?ell & - Vernon Co. Amns, A. C. 'trace, it. C. Ureton, Ted Uoltonr II. I* »t<irgfas. Fra'k 'trady. Paul Bowers. K. J. Uawr, Lou la 'tiirnH. J. II. Rowen,' Bert Hyriie, A. Bnrns. Jim Itledsnn. .1. L Itersernn. T. C Betchclor. N. '•tlgis, Bill Ornoka, E. F. Burba, J. <'. Bartli. J'red Rrlttou, «'. A. Karnum. V. Boise, Hurry Baldwin. W.S" Blxby. F. L. Beuulngtou Kd Brooks, nerb. Boise, Hiii. Bell. Turn Burkbart k Berry Byrou.& Foster Beaver, C. II. Burke, 3. F. Beavers. C. H. Burba, J. C. Burba, Joe Blxby. F.t rtromlleii, EW Brodaldo, Slg. Rronks, .Ins. Burke, R. V. rturtllck. R. L- Brady, Panl Barlow A Wilson Rania. Arthur Itoldwln. E. J- Bryan A. Nndlne Ttell. H. H. Barlow, Billy Baker, Al. (musician Barrett, J. Rourke. J. W. nartlett, Fred Rartlett. Har. Bel mar, nenry Bessouettc & Newman Brown, C. 8. Burkbart. G. Bernstein, liar Bennett. Wm. Bates, 11. G. Illaedel, M. ] tenner, L\ W. Boulden. Howard Bn Inter, Har. llassett. Buss. Belts. 0. ». Iliilton. J. A. Bryson. L. J. Bonn, Francis Brooks, Max Borger, J. 8. Bonuey, C. A. Benson, B. B. llalsley, J. H. Belfour, J. C Broslus, J. A. Berger, F. 8. Cotter, O. T. Crane, Laiir. Couture, Ben Cole, A. J. Cornell, Homer Clarke, H. C Collins, F. T. Clnemato- graph Co. Corrlgnn. Jas. Cornell, H. C. Callahan. T.F Crook, F.dw. Collins. Cbas. Bowman, & P.'Campbell, BUI Cluyluu, V. A Chip, Little (.'onion, Billy Cain, A F. Cnrltou, Mr. fallen, Jno. Crawford, Wm Collier, Mr. Cooper, II.. I Cook A Hall rby, J. T. Oliver, Gordon Collins & Hart Connors, J. J. Cambell, J. U. Cushman & St. Clair Clifford, N. II. Cameron. T.W Crawford & Finning Canilllo A Fona Clark. Ed, Crouch & Richards Carney, P. I Carlos, Sign Corbln, Ned. Crane, Chns. r. Cornell, II. C Cunningham, j. r, Castle, Geo. fames, B. 8. Carnes, Boardman Casey, J. P. Casey, J. J. Clarke, Geo. Curtis, II. V. Howneys. The Devere, Har. Dumltreacu, II Drew. Jno. Uonohne, J. P. Deluskas, The Uonaldsou, Centns Dawson. B. W Dobbs, Wllb. De|>ew, P. O. Dodge, P. A. Hudson, Ben Donnldson.G.R Deer, Seeley (tell Decorum, .1. T Drune, S. D. Desmnrla, Ben Diamond, Lew Unuiund. M. Diem, Chas. Downing, Robt Dangerlleld, D. Delnioro, T. II Dacey, Chase A Ward Davenport Har Draper, Guy DeVcre A Keuwlck Drane, Snm Daslilngtini.AI Hnvle, Bert C. Hupree, David Dawson A Stone Duval. Jus. Dehlmnn. WII Day ley, Joe Dumm, 0. P.. Doyle, J. T Dubois. II. A. Davenport. John Dclmore.J.&O. DeRonffe, Edg. DeCoursey, Vivian Deer Brps... Donnelly. Tom Dubec. Mons. Deiunr A Bebrluiont Daveuport.C.SI Davis, C. C. Dlggs. Nat. Dooley, J. F. Davis, R. B. Don, Art. Earnest. A. T. Evans, C. E. Eno, H. W. Erwood, H. J. Edwards, Al. Ernl A Honegger EvaiiM, AM. Krhart, V. J. Kdmuuds.W.O. Ellsworth St Burt Elsfeldt Ernest l^irle. IL J. Kvrlckson, Ilobt. Rills, Jack Enos, Wilson Flak, F. C. Fletcher, Sam Fox, Joe_ Fyne A Dandy Ferguson, Uar Flood, 81m m Furlow, N. W. Fortuns. C. FlagK, Gilbert Fowler, Edw. Forrester. J. T Frosto, Chas. FaUBt, Geo. 'Foxy Boy' Co. Firth, Art. Fern, Sid. Florida. G. A. Ford. A. K. Foy A Clarke Fisher. Ctmrl. Forbes. B. *. Flske. Linnet Faweett. Allen Fclter, C. 1?. Falke A Bemon Kloyd. P. E- Flood, Frank Fautas, Jim l.'ranzmatber & Lewis Foerstcr, Eric I.'oreBter.Brucc Par, Frank Kay, Jno. Kllsun AErrol Fielding, Har. FahreuberK. Karl Fern, If. Glenroy, J. "• Guthrie. Chas. W. GlantB, The Grady, A. C. Glllett. C. E. Germnlne. Har Garrlck.ltlch. Greene, E. p. Graham. \lck Gray. Ko- _, flullmettt, Slg Globe maun. Mr Gauss, Oscar Gsffney, Jno. GendroD. tred Gould. Geo. Gllnsercttl. Tony Ornett A Grnett Goldcy. C. D. Galloway. Jim Gruett. Jack Gero. Larry Gerson. . Edmosd Gumpertr, Sam Graham* Jas. HovartMldget* llunuuuuU, l.'.D Haffucr, R I<G. Hyde k Ward Harvey, Har. Howard & Kinder HID A Hill Hernia nettl, Ilerni. Hall. H. M. Huglira, E. Harmony 4 Hughes, Edw. Hart, .1. ti Hart, Hilly HumslngerJC Harrington, Ilarrv Hartmau. Boh Hart, Jos. Hasting, ML F. Hughes, M. B. Hoiuflna, fans Hall. L. J. Holeo. J. J. Holmnn, liar, Harris, Wm. Hartford, D M Hall, Joe Howart Mldg Harcourt. Ned Humes. F. T. Hodges, R, II. Holmes. F. B. Hogan, Ernest Hughe?, C. Howe. I>. R. Hayes, C. V. Hayes, E. J. Halplii. W. J. Hull, (Ins Herbal, A. E. Herbert. Thos. Hodges, Jas. Horner, Sam Hamilton, W 1 Howe. Berry & Walters Howard, II. Hemstreot,J A. Harrison, Jas. Hurdnwny, Ilobt. Harrington. l)an) Holden A Cook lledrli A Prescott Harry, Wm. E Howard A Emerson Inness& Ryan Irwin, Wm. Jerome. Homey Jonlnn A Harvey Johnson. Juo, Jarrett. Har. Johnson. .las. Johson, Wm 11 Jnrvli Family Johnstons, Musical Jennings. Wilfred Jones, T. V. Johnson, W. II Jerome, S'ut Joelsoo Bros, Koevessy, ILL. Koppe, — Kyler (cyclist Keltner. Edg. Kli.Ci.lil. J. A. Keocu, C. W. Keeley, Art. Keller. Julius Keeley, ft. Knight. II. S. Kelly, J. M. Kelly, J. T. Keller. Prof. Kivamer, G. I. Kendall. Frank Koppe, Moore, liar. Mitchell A Ward Mlntcr. C. 8. Meek, Dunn Id MnrdOfk. Geo W. Mnhony. J. A. Met" ready .T.B. Miirshnll, Mysl Ic Mackle, J. J. McAdams, Michael Melton Twins Murry. Jus. Mellnoitc, Armnn Merlgold, F. Murphy A Williams Melutyro & Prim rose McEvoy A Stnhley Meyers, Julius McCuhe. Dan Manslleld. W J Morton, Sam Maniford. Edwd. Martin A ijulgg Mack A KlllutC Maddock, Win. II. McC'abe. J. B. McCloud A Melville Morfoot, L'lisa. McGrnne, C. A Mavoliu. I..'v, Mann, Danny Malinra, W. A. McVey.llugliey McAvny, Dick A A. Marshall the Myst'c Norman, ft A. Nuccnt. Jim Nolan, B. 1. Norrls, Edm. Norman, — I frog man) Newhoff, lrv. Nelson. Harry Nlssen, Walt. Nevlns, Joe NellBS, Gun Nam ha, K. Norton A Russell Norton, J. N. Nelson A Nelson Newman, A. Norman, Den. Sluals, P. S. Scllwurtz, Jos. Seeley. W. It. Slegrlst, Tnto Stelllng, Fred Slavln. Jus. Stanton, Walt. Sanderson,)? \V Schepp. I'harl Stafford, Fug. Seymour & I'axton St. Leon, A. Sailor A Harliaretta Stnlier. Fnnl 8e>'ly, W. U. Smith, Otto Showlcs, Win. SoIoiumii. Sol Sunderland A Fooda Slegrlst. Toio Sully. J. r, Snntry. Joe Shay. Alex. Sailer. J. If. Suu, Gns Stetson. Walt Snow, Geo. W. Stewart, Cla lid e Simon. Mart Spry. T. It. Snyder, Har. St.Leon. Har. Smith, F. .1. Smith, J. P. Spuuu, Byron Sully. J. F. Slicrlil.m. Jno. Smith A Fuller Superior, Dave Smith, A La rose Selbert. C. E. Sun A Fowler Stein, V. Sehrelber, Stephen Smith, II. D. Stavordalc J. Stanton, Walt. Shlndler, G • KE Thorn, 1'. A. Tlinyer. Joo Thar, X. IL Tn»y. Jack Tnrhel I.Emery 'Tiw Rich la Mnrry" Co. Tascoit, — Tlicts, Lnhi Tliaeker. W. B Troaos. I'raui: I'apscoit. Itov Treloro, Al. Thrasher, A. E Taylor, F. I ToUhe, 11 il I'lieolKild A Powers Taylor, Chas. Tsllsit, .1. O. Tliuous, G. H, Thvmpson.J.I). Thai), Snm Taylor, Wm. I 1 T'nruer, F. J. ••emir «')>. Victor. Sam VonKleeck, lilelon Vnuslin. Alex VuiiBnicklyu, wm Vervallu. Clmiincey Venle, C. I. West, Wm. Wiiyue. Clias. Waildetl, Ihic Weed. L. II. YVcrdcn A Claddish Wild. Billy Wall z. A. I Wallers. Chas. Wayne, C. S. White, W. S. Winter, llarl Walilu. Sun. Whitman. Frank Waldon, Mui Wallace. B. P West. Geo. K. Welch, llubo NOTICE) AT HEAD OK til — MISSOIRL Williams, J. Wrens, '2 Wnshburue, J. H. Wade, Geo. Wlte, J. ft Weis a Harem Wlllmer, ft Weston, Wm. Wilson. T. L. •Wise Coon' Co Waldon, Sam WernU, Hayes Wnddell, Vac Waters, Tom Winter, II. F. Webster, II. Moll. Wrens, " Warren, K Wiirson, Joe Wild, W. C. Wilson, W. C. Wulderu. Veril Weber, W. II. Woolf, B. A. White, W. 8. Wolfson.llcury Wilson, F. II. Wnrde A Wuile Wilson, J. II. Wykoff, W. J. Walton, Krcd Whltlleld. J. f Wheeler, Punch Walker. E L. Wing, Kruest Ward, Happy West, J. S. Watson, C B. Wormwood, V. P. Wight ont, Tlio Wacker, Frit* Wilson, T. L. Whit A Raymond Voting, Jas. Young, DeW. /olars. Frits Znrrow Trio Znrnnns, Kill Zarcll Bros. LISA. nssaMtiMNi Memulila. -At the New Lyceum Theatre I Frank Cray, maunder and lessee).— • Wuy Down Eusl 1 ' played, to nacketl liousea, Oct. HI, 17. Rul'f Bridges Impersonation "C Anna Mam mil ncvcirtnhle. Chns. A. Burke, as the lown conshible, received an ovnllon. The I'luy was well presented. Darkness prevalleil ill. Mrs. Lo Muyne, In "Ladv llerlnlbin's Secret,"" came to stand- ing room only. Mrs. I,e Muytie'a company Is a well selecicil one and deserving of I he splendid pin ruling'' It. received. Ah Lnd.V Iterlnlhla Mrs. Le Moyno Is excellent. Cluis. II. Ilanfonl ami .Marie Profnah presented « ilonble bill, "The Old Guard" and •; I h« Turn- ing of the Shrew." 21. S3. I" g"<«l business. Mr. Iluiiforit was cordially received. Miss Drofnali, us Kntherlue. cuuie un tu all re- iiulreluents. mid received much applause. Coming: Robert Muniell 1!«, -i. •ilu|i|iy Hoiillsiiu" 2». Mary Maunerlng ::o. 31. Al- IsTla Gullntlii Nov. •-". Cecelia Shay U|U'ia IV I!-.", "The Convict's Daughter" II. Marie Walnwrlgbt, 7. _ Hoi'kins' GBAsn HorsR (A. II. Morrison, mauugeri.—"Kuiist" was the head- liner for week of II), and nil meted llio largest houses of the season. The scenic effects were unusually good. Miss Rowan, us Marguerite, easily led Ihe east. She up- iienrcd lo great aUvnutuge. The MepliMo of Jim. J. Fnrrell, was well received. The other members ot the stork came up to tlio stiiiuhii-il. Between acts the vaudeville feat- ures were: The Tour Nlglitons. anil Smith and Fuller. Fur week of -Jil, "Why Smltli Left Home." . .... New AiutTOHiiM (BenJ. M. Slalnbnck, ninnngerl.-"At (?rl|i|ile Creek" cuuie, lo Very large liuslurss. Ill, 17. The play Is pleasing, Mini lirmight forth liursis of up- planse. A number of specialties were Intro- duii'd between acts, with siilendlil effect. DarkiiCBs relguinl 1P--2. Coming: "Railroad Jack" 28, 211. Ragtime Opera Co. oO. III. ll.iuxi'M A ItAiLr.v's treiueniloim circus gave two performances, afternoon and night, I", t« Hie largest crowds ever assembled here under one tent. Everyone attending came away liighly plcnsetl. Tin: GASKU.I.-Mixnt CAltNtv.n. Co. will exhibit here >*ov. 2-7. WMIIHIII Portland.—At the Mnripmiu Graiiil (Cal- vin llelllg;, mamiger).—"In Hid Kentucky" did good husliiess Oct. 12, lit. "Ileiilien In New Ymk" did fnlr business IS, HI. "The I'rlncn tit I'llsen" comes 111-21. Kelcey A Sliuniioii 22 21. Ilaverly's Minsicels 27. 2N, Wesi's Mlnslrels iW, 31, Coutili.w's I'lirjATav; iConlrny A lltissell. inannserai. —"Spotless Town" opened lo the rapncliy IX. iiiiinr being lurneil nwiiy. "Over Nltigiirn I'iiIIs" did very good business week of. 11. "Mr. Jolly ot Juliet" will bo seen '.'."• SI, mid "Al the Old Cross Roads'" Nov. 1-7. I!vki:r'm Tiikatuh Ulisirge I.. Baker, iniln- ngi'ri.- -"Notre liiune." by Ihe Nelll-Morosio C".. usi'd Hie S. II. (I. sign ill both perforin- unci's IV "Liwt Paraillse" did gisid business week of II. "llenrls Allinne" will lie put mi 2S, I'Mi'iui: Thbatvk (George L. linker, mnn- «ger>.— -Iluslness was fnlr week of 12. Fol- lowing Is Ihe bill fur week of HI: ArUmr Cuiiiilnghnni, Three Malverns, Al. llnzar.l, l.eoniii-il mui Drake, Lew Welles. Marsh and Sariella, the (Irotesipic Morreseys. Belle WII- limns, liloicnpe. Ani'AUK TURAttS (Edward Shields, man- agiu - ).- Fnlr business for week of 12, Willi Travelle nnd Landers, Francis llrvunt. Ray- nor anil Melhnrn, Houslln, Nellie IIIIIyer, Hie polyscope. I'ticr/.'si Nkw Tiikatkii (A. Dollinnn, man- ager).- RcMincy noil Forri'sier, lCmniii Gil- bert, Mae Stanley, Joe Sullivan, Chapman Sisters, Hon - mid De. Lacy. Pearl Weslun, Lewis and Lewis, Helium', Patrlcola Family, llorolhy L. Rue, Clam Edwards. Eltu-KMrtN's Ml sli.: (II. D. Grlltln. inniisgerl.-- Hose liaveiiporr, Mllslna, Ladles' Ideal Orchestra. Mae E. Gllihlen, dlreoor. Hl.Azn:ii'H Co.M'tiiT H.ll.l, I Ell II. Davis, mnniigeri,•-Ilrngg mid Ashlnn, Norma Dra- per, Fllrillo Hlninond, Helen Mlgnon, Jessie Slsson. ClIANNIXO El.l.HIIV'H IloVAt, ITAMAV B.lXt) did full' husliii'SH ill Hie Third Regiment Ar- mory 111-IS. ♦ »» COLOHADO. SI. Louis.—Al the Century (P. Short, manager).—"Foxy Grandpa," with Jos. Hart anil Carrie De Mar. returned here week of Oct. IS, nnd played to good business. A. few changes have liecn made In the cast and one or two spcclnllles arc Introduced, or Hie lutter, Beu Ilnssen, acrobatic tramp, was Ilarrv Pllscr and llobby . well received. No™ i. Mauley llarrluglon, us grandoft-a hoys, deserved the mos . XawlAAdams unnreclutloii they won. For week ot 2o, graph. Nagel A Adams Nless, V. 1. Olm'.. Geo. Otlo. Big Orvlllo A Frank O'Bea, Jas. Olson, A. D. Otvlo A Fawn obrlen, Nell Owen, J. 10. Orlsknny.Chas Patrick. B. IL 1'iirllinan, Krn Parcnteiiu.Zofl Parry, J. II. Patten A Perry I'crlty, Frank Probasco, Ire. Prohnaka, F. B Parsons, G. Persons. T. A. Peters, Mont. Power. .1. T. Purcell A appreciation they I^>w D«ickstnder'B Minstrels. (it.vMi-ic (P. Short, manager).—Week of IS "Iris" plnved Its second engagement lierH aud did quite as well as last season. Jos. Jefferson, In his repertory, is here this week, Gbvsd (John U. Hhceily, manager).-—lhu at I ruction Ibis week, beginning 2.», Is less of Ihe irCrbervlllos," with Rebecca Warren us Tess. Week of 18 "The Bounty Doctor was offered, lo very good attendance, nud created a favorable. Impression. Delia bttieey, Will Phllhrleh nnd Daisy King, In the lend- ing roles, were clever. Lillian Rhodes, Jos. Manley. Perry Walling, Harry Slniou onil Harry" Wallers were others who pleased. Omqk —Thn German Stock Co., under the innagement ot Hclner" •Auf der Soanenselte' \HNhville,—At the Grand t-Mrs. T. .1. Boyle, manager).—Oct. Hl-24 the Iloylo Stock Co. appeared la "A Slranger In a Slriinpi Laud, 1 ' mui it proved mi rxcellent vehicle. Iluslness was excellent. Harry Mestnyer curried his part with an ease which brought him success. Riley Chamberlain made nn ex- cellent uncle, Eugene Moore, Collin I'nniii- Ik'11 mui J. Gordon Edwards were happily placed, and lidded much to the fun. 1 ho miles hud little niiporluultles, but mads the of them. Hilly Heed, wllh Ihe vlta- was an excellent nddlllon lietween lleuver.- ■ Broadway Theatre (Peter Me- IStart, manager>. The secoud week of "Hen lllir." I let. IR-24, Wits n big drnwlllg card, as tho liiiuse was piicki'd al every perform- ance. Week of 211. Miller Allgllh Co. Taiiiiu i iham' i I'i'icr McCourf, manager). —Weak »t 1H "A Ti'ins Stii'c" irnvi 1 a gisal show, and lln* good houses. Week of 2o, "Are You u MasouJ" Nn imi-uiaii TiiKVrin: tT. R. Hender- son, manager).—Week of 111: Frederic Bond anil cunipiinv. Annie Aldioti, Arensen, the VHlnire t'lmlr, Mr. nnd .Mrs. John Lo Clnlr. Frank O'Hrleii, Pnxlnn's Art Sluilh-s. They and the S. II. o. sign was liel sou VRMMUIIl Mrs. J,e Moyne, In •ret," did only fnlr "A„f ,ler Soanenselte" evening of 2^, o Jjfj* i.tfottSibMm. "»*-*#"«** Holienan uud of liny In the six yi^nrs the lloyle Stock Jo. ■o llelnemnnu bas been orgiiiilxeal.......Kendal WaalM Klrhy, Kcehler.Geo.G. Klncaid, J. A. Kyler (wire artist Keane, Har. Klucald, B. W Kuuwland. Frank Koyerr, A. KimI, K 0. Ktrlo, .Mr. Knnppert, G. Kllmeeke. Gus Lauiont, Eddie Leonard, J. F. LeVeve & Van La Vine, — Lelnnd, Al. Latell,- Ed. Lewis, J. !•'. LiiViinliiii.Totn Lorre, Wm. Luce. Grant Ijjnibnrd Bros. Lciio, D. II. Lunser, F. J. LuN'ole, Ed. Lalloo, Mr. Leou, Mont. Luriulne, Rhea. Co. LaXole, Ed. I/>rence. John Lewis, Cliff Levey, Abo Lernon, West, Lehmd, Al. LIngren, Sven Lennox, West. Lorkhart. Wra I^iwery. G. B. I^wrence, Al. l.ciiu. Bert Lawrence. BE Levard. W. S, Long. .1. E. U. LaBarre, Ld. Lang, E. A. fair attendance. Evening of was offered, with Vllma von Rudolph Harsky In the enflt. Geo. "^oIaS 1 Wllcton A^Tate. managers, —The bill for week of 5» lncliules: Liumett Itrookt Corrlgnn A Co., Billy Clifford, Mr. nnd Mrs. iirooxs k ■»"* stm^n a ;, u Morton, Swiiu am 'oi/J Hamhnrd Devnu Slutors. Kennoily. uml '= Roon^MerejIlth Sisters,M-rU^gM* LealTe A Curdy Lottu, Wm. , LItle, Geo. W LeaUe Bros. Leslie Bros. Luwrenco, A C Leo. Frank LnShea, Herb. I^yltts, The l^sAhy. Jas. A. I.evivulou. Tom LuMack. Harry Lulgc, J- J. I.ennurd.Albcrt Lydell A " Uutterworlh Mnrlou, J. J. C Mcl'rce. Junle Mitchell. Tom Maceu, Slg Mack, J. C. Martell, Oliver Moi-eland, B. Mulrey. Ben Mertens, Chas. McMahon. Mr. Murphy. Theo. Mann, Banuy Martin, Jack ■ MiGlll A Shloman Merer* Mason Mack. W. C. Muller. L. S. Maun. D. ft D. Mnrpbyft Wlllord Mctte. Paul Mardo, Pete MUM. Art McLnnghlln. Jas. Marklnnd. CV Perry, Parcntcau, Phillip, WmF Parln. S. L. Pearl, Billy Parry, Jack Peck. Geo. Pllson. 8. E. Pyre, Walter Pitts. C. D. Pol ink, Mux Parisian Belles Co. Pattoo, R. E. Pelraon, Mgr. Powers, T. G. Pickett, Sam Plunk, 'Herb. Fieri, J Pippin, Eugen Paulus, Ed. Quaker City Quartet Qulgg. Frank Rosa Ire. Hold. Bobbins, A D. Reynolds, S. 8. Rogers, K. II. Herd. France Rowland A ,. Clifford Roth ft Winnie Rostyw, A. P. R. Rowe, II. L. Roblusou. J. B Koblnsou A • _ . Sheldon Reno, Eugene Relff Bros. Rlckarrts, The Rook, T. T. Uless, N. ft Keeil. Ell. Hen few, Sam Rico, Ernest Kirbards, J- i. Rogers. G. W. Rluno.J.W. 2c. Rebihunn, J. G I Rowland. J guve n line show. .. mil till Hie lime. High class vaudeville la m s, and will probably rennilu for tho sen- |„. „,,,,„ |„, ro n f ,,m times. i. "The DnnllcH" 2H-ol. XBW t.'uinlH TllHATiiil (A. It. Pellnn, mnn- lW, A. Sheet*, manager) .j- ajatr).—W»«k of 18 "Hurled at Mm» a with orral lliiinplirey and compuuy, gave n. good show. Business was good. Week of 2,1, "A Llltle linlcnat." Chtstai, Tiihatiui (Geo. Im Adnms. mnn- ii"eri.—Week ot 111: Nlskii, Jerome uml Ed- wards, William Wludmii, Atkins ami Dllltln, lllaiichanl and Alliiiim, Clmrles Anderson, George Canuihvll. Hiislness Is good. K.Mi'iu: (Leary A Ilngiui. mniuigers).— Week nf 111: Fox and Ward, Musical Fergu- son, (lie Allyns, Ely Dawson, Stulner Bros,, hnjle Nellson, Forbes nnd Forlsm, Prof. R. A. Wllllnius, klnctnscope. Biislnusa Is irooil. Thn iniiiiagciiipiit was compelled lo enlnrg.i the scaling cupuclly owing In 8. It. O. busi- ness. Two hundred and llfty opera chairs have been milled. Novm.Tt TitBA/rnn (Hnnry Lnbelskl, man- ager).—Week of 10: Frank Plnree. KUinly Slslera, Bernlce McPherson, Mexican unit MnxletiH, Art W. Banford, Freeuiuu uud Clark. *** "Ijidy Beiiiitldn's Se husliiess HI. 1'lms. it. Han'ford. In "Taming of thn 8hrew," drew out a good ■trmuance 2D. Wm. Inver- Hbam. In "Imprudenci'," crowdeil the house 22. Mury .Maunerlng 20, Geo. Sidney Nov. 2. Return and Skinner I), Alberta Gnllatln 4. Marie Wulnwrlght n, Rose Cecelia Sluiy Grand Opera Co. I), 7. GKXTUV's Dim AM) Post Snow turned hundreds uway ID. 20. IIkck'h C'AKNIVAI, tin., nt Baseball Park, 22-:il, wllh good shows, and promise to do during their stuy. Two Little Sailor Hoys" closes with the Uuyle Stock Co. Ultdue, Art Rowley,. Win C Ritchie, Art. RokuII Jr.. W. lluiieiin, Chas. Robert. Mart Root. F. L. Hozell, W. O. Rosar. P. <'■ Record Stock Co. Rauscble, Carl Heto. Frank Bamlat, Wm 0 Hvdur. Tony Kt.Julian Bros Smith, E. G. Sparks, Cbus. StefMB, W. H. Spulin. Byron Sliiiyne, B. Smith. J. P. Stab 1. J- W. Snilih. Rnv Sheilmnp. W.8. fitebblns. SI Shrewsbury, H.J. Sheldon. Har. fiwor Bros. Silvers, Edwd. Stetson, Walt. Steele. Al. gvmouds. Wllb Strong. Lew Stauley.Wm.A. Stanley. Har. Shine. Francis Sliver. J. It. V. Sullivan. D. M Sears, R. A. Smith. Jim Starker. F r. Slons. Zauo nnd Waldon. Week of 18 the Kaiifmann troupe of bicyclists were headlined. Clurlco Vance. Le Roy and (.lay- ion, l'rell's dogs, and Kclley aud TMetU Awre Hie other lending features, 'ihe at- tendance was very good Indeed. CaAWFonn-a (O.T.Crawford, monager).— The offering for week of 25 Is At tlio 111 ces." with the Lymnn Twins Brolbers featured. Week of 18 Harry Corson Clarke, In "His Absent Boy," guve a very eicelleut lierformnnce. Margaret Dale Owen, and Imw- rence Wnkelleld had thn other lead pg parta, uud all of them showed marked ability. (I), ft Russell, manager).— "Cuele Tom-a Cabin" (Al. Martin^tTmrnk of 25. The past week "Two Little Wolfs nlnyed to exo-lleiit business. Blanche Shir- ley had the leading dual rolo of the twin, sisters, and Stanley aud Lullto Lamb filled U.e title roles. It was a very satisfactory lierformnnce, and well attended. Havux's (Wm. Gnreu, manager).—'Hearta Adrift" was the offering beginning 18, with h. L. Snader In the Icadlug role. 1- or week of 23, "When Women Love" Is offered. Stan-uahd.- The Moonlight Mulds week be- ginning 25. Week of 18 the Gay Morning Glories were Here. I ' St. Jo.enU At Tootle's Theatre (C. U. Plillley. manager).—Tim Murphy, always a great favorite 8 here, drew a packed houso O-ct 20. In "The Man from Missouri," and wus given a splendid reception. "Facing tho Music" hnil fnlr business only 21. Kara Kendall, In "The Vinegar Buyer," 2t; C ay Clement, lll "The New Dominion," 28, »! "When Johnny Comes Marching Home .10, 111. with matinee: "The Beauty Doctor' 1 Nov. 5, Warde and James 6, Ward and \okes 7. LVCECM TllKATBH gcr).—"111 Convict' ness 20. 21, "An _ '■•' for three nights and matinee: "At Cripple Creek" 25. 2(1. with Sunday unit luce; "For Mother's Hake" 27, 28. "AoEm tbl l'nclftc" 2«-:il, "A Bunch of cSnrw.' IBHH fJ' ft Jackson, man- ner).—The strongi'st bill of the season drew out record breaking business week of 18. People for week of 25: Aleklns nnd DEpln. W. II. Wlndom. Rice Bros., Harris nnd Walker. Flora Mitchell, Mildred La Shear, anil Cosman's moving pictures. ♦♦♦ MAIKE. ChnttanooiiH.—"When Reuben Comes to Town." Oct. 14, came to splendid business. "The Convict's Duughtor," 17, playeil to full house business and pleased. 8. R. O. greeted "When Johnny Comes Marching Home, which highly pleased the audience. Harrls- Pnrklnsua Stock Co., with two inntlnees, Hl- 24 : Harry Hereaford, lu "Thn Professor s Love Story," 2«; Evn Mountforcl. In "When Her Soul Speaks," 27; Adelaide Thiirstou 28. t i t TEXAS. ALAUAMA. Mobile.—At the Mobltn 'Hiealre (.1. Tan- nenbauui, malinger).—Al. 0. Flnld's Greater Minstrels en me Del. HI, 17, to packed houses. Thn opening night was n gala one, and standing room was at a premium. Tim show wus greatly enjoyed, und voted by nil "the, bust Mr. Field aver produced." Virginia. Drew Tnseott, In Iter now play, "Sntnnln." cnnic Hi, before largo nnd cullured audicnccx. Sin- wus. forced to tnkn numerous curtain culls. "Human Hearts" came '20, to two largo nnd well pleased audiences. "Happy Hoollgnn," 21, to good business, mntlneo and night, As a laugh producer It wns a winner. Empire Stork Co. 211, Alberta Gallatin, iu "Ghosts." 27; "When Reuben Comes tu Town" 28. Nin-RM.-'-llnj White and Norlnn Dunham, of the "Happy Hooligan" Co,, wcro married hen- 2), by tin- Rev. F. K. Sims, of thn Franklin Sireet Presbytiirlun Church. Tim ceremony wus witnessed by tho members of the company uml n few friends of tills city. Houston.—Hwecney ft Coomlsi Opera House (Morris C. .Michaels, nmnager).— •Pickings from Puck," Oct. 17, hy iui ex- cellent company, gave a dollgbtful perforat- um-)! to a big house. Do Wolf Hopper, III "Mr. Pickwick." 20, 21. nt ndvunceyd prices, had an Immense house tho opening night, but the two performances 21 drew only fnlrlv. Due: "Laud o' Collon" 22, "Hello, Bill,'- 23: Murray and Muck 24, "Dora Thome" 28. Field's Mluslrels 2H, "Sweet Jasmine" III. ,..,,., NKW BTASIMttll TilK.VTIIH (Alvldo ft Las- se'rres, managers).—Business continues lo Ihe cupnclty. William Milium ami Aggie At- vln scored heavily lu their merry musical nklt, "Bridget's Reception," Hl-24. Luiiu. nnd Rlceurdo, new comers, also made a lilt lu their Spanish pantomime nud dancing specialty. The rest of the people H) to 24 : Tho Three Moores, Dodle Gregory, Hltn, Howard, Pearl Gllmore, Maud Grayson, Ek'uo Dunbur. Lillian Palmer, Bessie Em- mons. J. B. Clark, 8. J. Paul, Ernest Bailey, Joo Tlffee, Gus Milner, Fay Delimit-, George nnd Bello Milton. Notes.— 1'"oreikiiigli-SclU Brothers' Shows were halted at BlodgoW, three miles from Houston, 21, by tho wealth nntJiorltili's, and told thnt they emitd not allow lu Houston, 22, as .1 hey hod been lu fever nffei-lisi locali- ties, ami itlutt Houston ciiitld not hi ami (he r | 11Klo „ & c v,„ jjijaaprfr,' chances of contagion. Jl}»*„ jH.llie. swiiihI AT 1ii,i" and "Thu Mmiuslllm-r' Kelmn ft lire", inn At the Academy of Music U/mg Dingers).—" 'Way Dowu East, Oct, l.'l, came III good business, "Ilmiuiu llenrls,'' 15, to a poor house. Virginia Drew Tresrult, III "Siiliinla," 17, to fair business. Coming: Cecelia Shay Opera Co. ,21. "Hnppy IIoHkiiii" 22, Alberta (lollatln 2!t, Hurry Beo'sfard 211. IIAIIIIIS' NlCKKt, Pl.ATH Cllld'H will ex- hibit. Imm 2:1 Gasklll-Miindy-Lenvltt Car- nlvul Co. will hold Its carnival Nov, 17-21. , ILLINOIS. n (C. IJ. 1'hll ey, maun- lnNIm|) ot Korimttgh ft Sells Brothers' Shows rVuV Honw» Oct. 18 inil Til, respeTlvi'ly. "A s Stripes" had Mg bual- ,„ ,,>,,!,„,,. „, ,^.7 tlmy were imarmirlued f! \\\ tt ^ '^ IM „ m i«."Xl big bn'sln-ss 22 nn.l Orphan's 1'ruyer opens flr Mw .„ Usys at Waco. This barriig .„ r , w .M|,iai-r»ta■>" faii'd well 2,'l. Coming: I'corln,—At Die Gr/ltiil (Chnmbfrlln, Har 'Slaves of the Daughter" lunl Milton, Frank' Srhofnplds.Th* Port laad.—At the Jefferson ThealretCuhn A Grant, luniiiigerst. .-'I'lioiiius E. Shea, sup- iHirled by a goisl compuuy, played, lu good business, Oct. 111-24, anil the audiences were well pleased. Hooked:_ Jerome Kykes, In "The Bllllounlre," 2H. 2. : "lor Her Child- ren's rluke" 2&, Kellar 2ti. PonTlAXli TiiKATtu: (James E. Moore, mnn- ngeri.—Another good wwk's business was seoreil here 1U-24. the features Including: The Eight Vnssur Girls, who met with much favor: Jessie Coiithoul, Oulgley Brits., van Leer and Duke, Seneeal, Ilramliiti mid «1 ley, hlograph and stereoptlcoii. Booked 2(t-.)1 : Frank Keenan nud Co., Arvello. Suydcr nud Bucklev. Kekert nud Berg. Johnson und Wells, 'Reed's bull terriers, anil Laura lien- nelt. ♦«- ' Julia Marlowe Is to appear this season, beginning In November, under Charles Froh- ■nun's direction, nud she will continue to play under bis direction for three morn seasons. This arrangement has been consummated through Charles B. Dillingham, who cop- tlnues In Hie management wllh Mr. I-roli- man. Mr. Frohman'a flrst production with .Miss Marlowe will be "Yvetle." written by Pierre Berlon, nnd wllh her play, "r-nol* of Nature." will divide up her engngeraent »t the Criterion Theatre, New Vork. iliem out of ll'iiustuu, 22, decided Iheiu not to give any muro shows lu Texas this iiiaaau, and they ore ikiw tlei-rlug llielr way itnuio- iiwtwl hoiuewiinls, Tlie eutlru nggregiilbm urn well, and were doing Immense biwliu-ss until they strin-k this suitg ut Houston. a ' Gnlveslon.—At the Griiml Opera H11UHC (Fred II. Wels, ■uniiager).—The Arnold SlocK Co., at popular prices, cli 1 a three nights' < ngiigeim-iit, tu fairly goisl business, Oct, 17. WHifird Sltmns and a gisid company presented "Pickings from Puck," lo Inrge mid well pleased iiuilleiices. inriiliH" mid uighl, IN, Nkw M.tMi.'ii-r 'I iihATiti: IJ. J. McCuho, pro- prlelur nud iimnngcrj.—Week of III the bill Included: Grace Letter, Churles K. Tenny und Jih; Livingston. Ilussle Addison, Daisy Golduli, 111 Tom Ward. Chns. (lutes, Iremi West, Chns, Venllcrs, Ilattle Verdlers. Ethel Devere, Kid HiisliHiids, Isabella Shelion, Iluslness (otilllilies fairly good. XirrnV—Sells ft Downs Show had well filled tents HI. a ■' Unlliis.—At the Dallas Opera House (Geo, Amy. malinger).—"Lund o' Collon'' drew fair business Oct. l.'l. Gugiion-Polljck Ht'iclc Co. played a return engagement, to good business, 11-17, Inclusive. "Hello, Bill," drew goiHl business IP. 'Two Little Wulfs" 21, "Dorn riwirne" 22, Ibsil-Gardner 2M. "Plck- ■iigs fro-.n I'nck" 2t, "The Chaperons'" 211. I'AMr HT«r,i:t T)irAT»H (Oeo. C. Ib'Ulilss. liiniiager).—-HuslneaM continues good. 8111110 people ns last week are carried over. ■ a Waco.—At the Auditorium (Jnke Gnr- flnklc, mntinger).—Week of <tet. 12 lo 17 the bouse was dark. "Hello, Mill." 21 : "Horn Thome" 2:1. De Wolf Hopper, In "Mr. Pick- wick " 27. Tun GtiANO (Jake Gnrflnkle, manager).— Week ending 17, the Holden Co. to good bind- neis. "Funny Mr. Disdey" 2f>, Mnry Shaw, In "Gliosis," .".1 : "Romance of Conn Hollow" Nov, 1, Jnines Whilcoiuh Riley 2, Mlirtlu's ri.'ublu" 4, "Trncy, Hie Jlnndli,' "I'licle Tom's'( 5, "Mrs. Wlggs, of lhu Cubbiige Patch," IS. Ma iv Stiii:i;t Tiikatuk (Will Nnsli, iniin- ager'i. -Husliiess has been fair only. Week of 211: Four lliinls, Hul Godfrey and com- puny. Jiiii-h mid Wultoii, thn Su Vans, Ray- mond Teal, Mpuiililltig, Dorothy Kenton. Wbam'i's 'I iiuatiik (P, A. Weiist, proprle- ton,— Aliemlaiiri' Is only fair. Week of 2(1: Meliityri' uud 1'rliurose, Dick nnd Klllo Guise, Riiin/.eiia uud Ilellulr. George and May Wood- ward. Il.illev Slid Splller. .Iai'oiis' TiiitAriil) (A. F. Jacobs, proprie- tor.--llurrell Comedy Co. pleased fnlr hollies, and Is ri-liilucd fur week of 2(1, lu repertory. ' A'cms,—The second week of the com car- nival was not finite as disastrous to thnuire ■nnlingers, mid Ihe houses were lurger 11s 11 rule Tin- liusklll-.Mtimly Carnival goes from here lo Meiuphls. Iluslness has been big with them Pauline Hull bus pur chased 11 couple of Shetland ponies from Clii'iiey IIiiiiii, a local denier The I'ache. ens, a Chilian family, who came to ihls country lu August, install! a hit al Wensl.'s. There lire seven, nnd Ihi-v do 11 great tumb- ling net .Prank Union, singe manager ill Wr.'ist'M. bus been very HI for two weeks. «■» A NCW HOOK. Tlie Century Co. niinounce the puhllenDnn nf "Hnliops 2," by David Gray, containing seven interesilng stories. All lovers of liorses, hounds iihd hunting will rend this bonk with pleasure. ♦ it — Martin Bowers Informs us that he Is now on his ninth week -with Jas. T. Ate- Alpln's "linns Hanson'' Co.. playing th# trump part and acting 1* stugo manager.