The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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November -14. ' ** ,T"T?T.T.' " rl by.the etopk,c«m>afly. "Beware of Men" proved * food drawing card last week. "In Convict's Btrlpes"'.lB;belng rehearsed. Ksjth's ; Thbatbb (B. F. - Keltb, mana- ger).— Dr. Car! Louis-Perln, billed as the greatest living palmist and psychic, nukes big.debut on the vaudeville stage at this botiec during current Week. Ills act Ib a novel exhibition of reading hands from the Htige and • wonderful testa In psychic and telepathic science. Tbs remainder of the hill U up to, Mr. Keiths usual high vaude- ville standard and Includes: Milton and Dolly.Nobles^ R. '• Jose, Eddie Glrard aad Jessie Gardner, Musical Dale, Charlie Cose. Jobbson and Wells, the Barretts, the Ushers, John J. Desmond, Armstrong and Wright, Held and. Shaw,.Galletl's dogs and monkeys, und new motion pictures. ' -n- -,.: Howabd Athenaeum (Wm. McAvoy, man- ager).—Cbarmlon,' obe of the greatest draw- lug cards this house ever bad, holds over, and Is the featured card of Carl Lothrop's In- teresting and original act. The other enter- tainers are: Bobetts. Hayes and Roberts. Baker and Lynn, Crollua and 8t. Alva, Bob- bins- and-Trennaraan, May-Leon, Swift and Deveau, Julia Humes, Smith and Bowman, Annie Southard, Morrison and Berwick, Dan ujer).—Waldron'a and .Bryant's Trocadero Burlesquers are her* this week, and the show Is said to be one of,tbe best costumed bur- lesque shows tn this country. "The Mledt I'arty" Is the first part The intervening vaudeville; The Grahams, Joe Morris, J)ti- raoht and O'Brien, Wink and MacK, and The Wotfds Comedy .Four. The closing burlesque Is. written- Upon, tie '*HlsWBjrJ«' r (!r«ae; and the girls are'scen In becoming Indian cos- tumes. Harry Morris* Night on Broadway last week,: and'the house ,was crowded at every performance!.- ..'-.. LtCeOM TifEAtBB (G. H. Batchciler, man- cger),—Big houses enjoyed Al. Beeves and his excellent company last week; .The sbdw deserved the liberal applause It received. This week's burlesque company Is the High Hollers, a six year burlesque organization. "A.Trip to ParlB" and "Flnneean's -Jam. boree" are the skits, and vaudeville acts are given by Morris and Bowen, Franklin Sis- ters, Three Lelllotts. Markcy and.Moran, Curtlaahd Adams, and tho Three Armstrongs. austix .' 4 Stone's Mrjsfcou. . (stone & Shaw, managers).—WeeK of Nov. 0: Curio hall—Colonel George Metis's telepathic ca- nines, bignor Tomasso, needle wonder; Ivy Jeane, school girl conjurer; Mr. ■ and Mrs. Chas. Myellck, musical novelties, add Prin- cess Branden and her pythons. Stage— The Mbrrlsons, Lillian Burdell, Bpeddon and Ilerson, Ruth and Nelda, Manning,.Mills and Manning, Beck and Ryeford, Itaimund and Vack. Ruth Carnoid, Bilks and Dllks, Lorl- mbr Sisters, HaBkell Duo, and BIJou Florette. NtcKtt,onMN (L. B. Walker, manager).— number, pedallsnc "wonder; Gertie Brandon, Uoraan ring act; the Dextets, exhibit [cm or transmission of thought; Kid Orr, comedy Juggler; AJa, Greok athlete: Novelll, Ore iiueen, and Herman, contortionist, are curio hall acts for tills, week. Stage bill: Hay and JHIIs, Tom Don Bu, Cora Evelyn, Alice Mayo, and French and Hart ' , " Stage Bits.— R. P. Cheney and Mrs. Cheney (Julia' Arthur) are located at the varker House for the Winter A big business Is reported for tbe new.B. F. Keith circuit house In Pawtucket, which was dedi- cated Mdnday, Nov, 2 Eugenie Du Bols Joins the Bowdoln Square Stack this week to play heavy roles Charles Frolltnan was in town last week to witness the. re- hearsals of "The Younger Mrs. Parting," .by Annie 'Russell and company Percy Wee- don*, has been engaged to manage . Savage's Grand Opera Co. after It leaves Boston, col. I!. A. Braden, now-managing-the company, will remain In New York ami look after Mr. Savage's .various organisations. -George Frederick Hlnton is the newest addition to Mr. Savage's business managers. He will go ahead of T 'Peggy: from Parhr. when. It leaves New York..- .Sunday concert bills: Boston— John L. Sullivan, Master.Lore Grimm, the Turners. Marvel.and.Gleasoti, tbe Marions, I.otles Quartet, and Tbeo. Perking and his Corp Bund. - Majestic: Henry. Lee, -Ellta Proctor ..Otis, Snyder and Buckley, -Fields und Ward, Leo Keunun Trio, Anderson and Brlggs, Mr.-aud Mrs. Collins and the Browh- Ing Sisters. Music Hall: Bdouln and Hd- wardes, Snyder and Buckley. Bertie Fowler, Andy iLewla and Co., White Tscherkess Trio, Fields and Ward, Mclntyre .und-Rice, .and l"/ll«on -Uluotoucope. Hub : Andy Lewis and ''umpuny, Bertlo Fowler, Anderson and Brlggs, Mclntyro and' Rice, the Urahums, Brpwnlug Slaters,. Jeanne and Ellsworth, and Edison klnetoscvpc. Ilowdoln Square i Zlska and King,-Al.--Ray no.'*-dogs. Dllks and DUktj., George Carroll., the--Morrisons, Sld- <lon Brothers, Newton Brothers, and Wells and Wells. Park.: Curtis Morse, Phil Mor- ton, and .the Boston Marine Band.,. .Nathan 11. Goodnow, proprietor of tho Grand Opera House, died In this t|ty Nov. 7. Sfflgg. I" ^he D Adventure. 8 or G&rd^ll' wllUm Laekaye, In The Pit " 13 Sir'..££: NSW GlLMOBE TlIEATBE (J F Ri.rk. m.n i , a nil food busu 1: "The lions" i->18T"6>er*Nu2arrF , afl" iMr"" Gbamo Ortiu House (Charles w." door every Ave minutes to all. points In .the city, also Dartmouth. Smith Mills, Falr- bayen. Onset, Warebam and Acusbnel. The following Is the btll for the opening week: "« Three Mareonas, the Crotty Trio, Delto- relll and Gllsaandro, James 11. Donovan, An- deraon and Brlggs, Katbsryn Mlllcy. Mattle Keen* and company, in •■Uer First Divorce Case," ancV the vltasrspli. Tbe executive ■, ta , 1 i i? s .^ T - B - Baylies, acting manager; J. M. Hathaway, treasurer; Harry Morrlasey, stage manager, and Prof. Joe O'Connell Jr., musical director. . m PENNSYLVANIA. ubrbu ui-ioa HOUSE Chares W FnnHo •«f»»™»i.'"1»»i™u manager).—The Trocadero Burlewuers °«?t S fal ^.' 1U8roc ?.t week played to good returns, the larSernir SB™ Tl J ^n , ^ •. 1, ^ , centage of whlc5 was 8. It.6 bouses cS5n" £» and 1 1 T< lf - i l£5NKyl»»^«.aty^ub¥ur: ' ,„f" n , »*/«'•—At the Academy of Music (Wm. J. Wiley, manager).—Clara Turner. In repertory, opened here Nov. 2, for the week, r — ss. Specialties Introduced by Tom itateinan, Terry and Ran- . Hull's trained dogs were all well received. Due: "Thelma" 10, Denman ThomMoii 12, "Uncle Josh Spruceby" 14, Jere McAullffe, In repertory, 10 and week. Bijou TiiKATHfi (Henry Myers, manager). —"The Great White Diamond" drew good houses 2-4. "Alaska" played, to good busi- ness, 5-7, and save satisfaction. Booked: favorite, added to her" laurelY"* Frank a£T J**,?* 1 .W?«t!* " Tno .V 1 * 1 "-" ■ I "A 1 Dvt y'» strong made a favorableT Imnremlon aSl C 'JL' J 24 i B»«ey Ollmoro 10-18. eialtles between the acts° w«S fnrnfthed ht S A .*f 0 T,I "T I "= <AI. Ilnynes, manager). Louise Horner, Georgo Ovey ^nd Ua'rS r£B*3&£PJE> * oaA ' n8t wcclt ' wl,h Estelle. and moving plctores. A SundaJ ^, W L 9 Mc ^ 01 ^.* £>• topP'ns- a strong b II. concert will bo glveH I Week of 9- Gar/ W *« k , of 9 J l 1 ^^ nl) 5 Nichols,. HaPe and ner and Vincent ton luera- l*o kmri.n KtS 0 ! 8, SB P b ' e Burnham.. Ixiulao Henry. Trio, Foy and.Clark, \hl T Four Pianos L^ E^S 0 * S n i G <." Aau - iin "* P- MacDonalS Man Shaw, Klein and Clifton Al SLtn Bu *. h aDd £*!*+ ana J«l"on Brother* Md BesnaLandJulller ^ Coleman, Bicifs Tiiratbe (II. U. Rich, manager). NoTE.-^-The Central' Labor Tinlnn i. i. —Blue -■ lllbbon Girls 0-11, Utopian Bur- hold a carnival it the Cltv Han n la "«»JJ'l««"l-'-14, Majestic Burlesnucrs 10-Ul. Among the attractions ari- WaSJiSA'. BU"*?? » Theatub (M. F. O'Brien, mana- dogs and monkeys Mt Pefee'Erubttan thS ««)—Week of »: James A. Balsley, Totn Hpuse of Non^wnse, Happy gSEEt thl W'tV iU] \ an ^ Hi 1 * 11 * 8 ' Uer 7 8l » ter »- D «" 9 Boyai Marl onettea.andJapanes e^larball! ^Sfi2*%^S^ t SJ2&& l l&*£ » ^SIS't*^'"7^ VcKette ' ' T * I «tre (Felix K.,.vvendclschaefer, managers.—Grace Geoiv^ ** SSL 0 ^!* 6 ?i x IV.- 011 ** 1 * .•tftod* of her tbe* comedy compony. good at this house. Business Is always Lawrence.—At the Opera House Qrant season here Nov. 14, when she will aopear in & Oft* managers).—ThBFenberg Stock Co. two pjrfoTOODees of "Pretty Peggy. ,r Th's Played, to good returns, week of Nftv. >?. wlirbe the only attraction at hbe Worccs- Cone Ppyton Comedy Co. 0 14, Myers* Mln- **r for week of 0. Isobelle Bveesod, In "In atrel Show (local> 16. the Palace of the King," played, to fairly CABTo.ThbA'huMAI. Uayncs, manager).— good business, 2, 3, -■ •■Marie Aftteinette's _ F'per of Hamelln," proved successful. Lothrop's Opera Hodsj (Shea 4 Wilton, managers).—Week of 0 "The Pride of News- paper Row" will be the attraction. Last week ''Hello, Bill," played a very success- ful, engagement Coining: "The Heart of a Hero." -.--.. Park Theatre (Shea & Wilton, mana- gers).—Week of o : Matthews and Harris, In "Adam tbe Second;" Avon Comedy Four, Adlmlnl and Taylor, Gertrude Horton, the Great Fitzgerald, Josephine Gnssmnn and pickaninnies, Harper, Desmond and Ilalley, and the klnetoscope. Last week Marie Dress- ier and her company drew exceedingly well. Music Ham. iThos.Mocsh, manager).— 4. The local talent, -In Good-business, was ■the rule at this popular Fete" and-"The Pled bouse last week,,Lydla Vekmons Titus being a strong drawing card. Booked week of 0: Lewis SIcOord and company. .Brandon and Wiley, La Petite Grace, Sludge and Morton, the MnglnlejH, Farron and Fay, Ida Russell, and .Arthur Buckncr. ....... casino Theatre (W. !«, Gallagher, man- ager).—Business, good. Booked week of 0: Barto and Latterly, Mattle Fielding, Jackson, Elsie Renze, Murray b, Kate Mackey, Mat Mlnat .. I North Adams.—Empire Theatre (James Sullivan, manager);—"A Working Girl's Wrongs,'' Oct. >24, played to two packed homes, and gave good satisfaction. "A Mes- sage from Mars,' r 28, grave a tine perform- Week of 9: Wood and Berry Jack Baukeroft, ance, to a large and appreciative audience. Dynes and Dynes, Annie McDonaugli, Ardeli "The Yankee Consul," with Raymond Illtou- and Leslie, Flora Irvine and Ray Sawtelle. cock, gave the tiucet performance of the nea- At .Gloucester: West and Williams, Cora son, to a large audience. "Girls Will Be Girls," Mlskel and her picks. Will F. Herbert, K. 13. Weston, in "A Trip to tbe Moon;" Mae Perry, and the Rdssell .Sisters. CasISo Tueatbb (Davy & Leslie, mana- gers).—Week of 0: Tho Brewers, Nellie Ma- son, the Burke Brothers, Annie Walsh, La- mux and Davis, Ethel Allen, and Irene Shannon. Business was good throughout the week, the PryOr Brothers proving very popular. - - Tran'km.v Sqcaub (Shea & Walton, man- agers).—This new house, erected by Wor- cester's real estate king, R. C. Taylor, will open.28. with "The Fortune Teller," Edna Bronson as'(irlmav donna. The theatre la of the best construction, costing about $130,000, and will satisfy a long felt want among this city's theatregolng public. Notes. —Crcatore and Mme. Barllll drew two tremendous crowds on 4, at Mechanics' Hall It is rumored that P. F. Shea, of tbe firm of Shea & Wilton, managers of Lothrop's, the Park and tbe Franklin Square, besides bouses in Springfield, has acquired the ownership of Chases Empire Theatre, in.'Cleveland. 30, gave a good performance, to a falr-h "Human Hearts, 31, played to a larte nets. "For Her Children's Snke," No' Lynn.—At the Lynn Theatre (Frank G. Harrison, manager).—The Naunette Club, a local'organization, played "Sunshine of Mon- tana Nor., 3, .'to a large audience. The play was written by Ethel Slay Shorey, and she appeared In the cast. J. N\ Walte ap- peared In "Other People's Money," 4, to fair business. "Gay Mr. Goldstein' came 0, "Ole Olson" bad a fair house. 0, and Den- man,Thompson, In "The Old ■Homestead," had a packed house 7. The' Daniel Ryan Co. Is the. current attraction. Coming: Harcourt nd Wells Comedy Co. 10-21. Phil Mor- ' Gem Theatre- (C. W. Sbeafe, manager). bouse. bW- ov.,2, drew fulr business. The • Royal Llllputlnns, 3, came to a good house. Crcatore and bis band, 5, played to a fair bouse. "Tbe Kat- zenlammer Kids'' had good business G. Due: Kellar 7, Phelan Stock-Co. 0-14. ObD Fellows' Hall. — Lyman Howe's moving pictures were shown, to a large busi- ness, Oct. 24. Richmond Theatre (Wallace A Gllmore. managers).—"Her Fatal. Sin," Oct. 24, bad a fair house. Isabel Irving, In "The Crisis," 20, to.a.large audience). Shepnrd's moving pictures had a fair bouse. Cleveland's Min- strels. 20, and "Maud Mrjiier," 81,-played to a fair house. "The Heart of a Hero" drew fair house Nov.-4. Due: Hi Henry's Mlnstrols 7, "The Game Keeper" 10, ■ "Tho Johnstown Flood" 11, "The Black Thorn»lB. i. Note.— Cleveland's Mlnstrols closed abrupt- ly here, after the performance, Oct. 20. I llolyoke.—At the Opera House (II. L. Potter, manager).—"A Message from Mars," Oct. 30; "Winsome Winnie," Nov. 2; "The Mocking Bird," 4, came to good business. Hooked: Joseph Murphy 0, Isabel Irving 7, James O'Neill, In "Brigadier Gerard," 10; "Toll Gate Inn" 11, draco George 12, "The Ninety and Nine" 23. , : .. KMPinn Theatre (T. F. Murray, rnnna- §er).—"A Homespun Heart," Oct. 20-81, Id good business. "Alaska," Nov. 2-4,' to satisfactory business. .Rooked: "Heart of a Hero" C-7, Joe Sullivan. In "Tho Black Thorn," Oil: "Heart of Chicago" -12-14, "The Great White Diamond" lfl-18, "Tho Eleventh Hour" 10-21. Lowell.—.At tl\B- Lowell -Opera House I Fay ; ■ Bros & Hcwtonl, . managers) .—The Corw>„Faybun Comedy Co.,.In repertory, on- tci'tatacd last iwock, to exceUebrt; business. This conipany ulwayn receives ..a welcome hero. The ,«)ecl«ltioa Included : Lester and KcllcU, Martlne and Baloo, Irmu Day, and Illustrated.sonirs by D. J. Sullivan. rFranke Cnritcnter Co. U-14. ■■. ■ . :«jij '■■ ,. AcADtkir. or. -Ml-sh: (It. V. Murphy, innu- nger).—^Tho l'ollcy PJayew, in "A Bogus Pnlu<'e," 5-7, to fajr buajucsa. Robby Shitur, Sidney Perrtu,. Billy Copes, . AJlie ,Brown, Bertha Cores, add Gcrar;. Pearson w»r6 the most nrohilDcnt " House dark 9--14. Coming: Majesties 18-18, Fred Irwin's.Big Show.lU- Casto Theatre fll. llaynw, manoger)l— Last week's bin drew record breaking, busl- uess.. The list Included: Tlbe Hooaler /»tt- avea, Mclntlre and Rice, Ascoble and Eddie, Pettogilland De. Forest, Wjbitc Tucherkes Trio, .Al: Coleman; Lillian Shaw, and. Corn Mlskcil and, ulckanJunJes. For t) and weelt: LVdla Ycamnrisl'ltus and Fred J. TJtus, Hu- bert Deventt, llardlo Longdoo, Jolm E. I>ren, the Mimical Gooliuans. Dolto and Kclru, Emer- son und Omega, aud Golneti and Hazard. BosTOK TiiEATRt) (J.. U. ;Tebbetts, man- nger),—The bill last week was good and busi- ness to' th£ capacity.', The cards: Prof. Stanley's' performing goutH, the Bonsells, Billy. Jackson, .Eddie Glguere, Murvelle and Gleason. and tho. Boston bioscope. Current week: Deimorc and Darrello, Ed. and Ncttlo Masse, Sammy Charcoal. THIlo . Andrews, Martlnc arid Bnlno, and the Boston bioscope. . Peoflh'h Tiusatsb . (Billy Nelson, man- ager) .—Another big business last week, and n good.bill. Including: Nellie Carton's Bur- lesque Co.. Morgan and Phllllpps, Dllllan Burnell. May Chllds, Hnmllton and West, Mattle Fielding, nnd Spencer Romare. Cur- rent .week,: Moggie Rlckley's "Gay Girls," Kbcbforr. ana May, Mcllio Gray. Hlgglns Bros., nelcn Jhnsen, tllo Two Bnakerlnos, nnd the one act •comedy, "Have You Seen Bni?"-, v -MtiMTiON.—Al. Lester and Maude Kellett are presenting their travesty on "Camllle" with .great uucccns this season In the Corse Payton.Comedy Co.. ..The Hoosler Zouaves are at the 8tatc ; Armoty. TJtlca; N/Y, car- rent week, .'with'Bernstein's Winter Circus. •'...w-.Tbe llrst recital of the Lowell Or- chestral Society will be given, 10, at Hunt- s 1 tprlnaHrld.—At the Court Square The- atre (W7 C. Le Nnlr, tnhnalfer). —"Red Feather," Novr-2-, 3rd1d Wg Buafness. Joseph Murphy. In "Kerrv- Oatf" had a Rood nonce fi. i-Faiila'Kdwards, 'In "Winsome Winnie," i. whs greeted by a well Oiled house which enjoyed'the'performance.' "The Mocking Bird," 7, played to fair returns. Madeline 8«iey'« yfinBoms'ffsjTweia not,law 1" -Last week's business was the largest of the season. The bill this week includes Harry and George Ward, William arid Boa trice Lc Yard, the Glrard Sisters, JacobB, con Tuunlon.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cnhn & Cross, managers).'—Tbe May Flske Comedy Co. came, week o( Nov. 2, to good business. Strong ploys-were presented In a first class follows: lOtnoiy and Nodlne, May- Kvahn, Kitty Bingham, Bingham, tbe vontrlloqulst, nnd moving pictures. 'Thelma" comes '12, and Denman Thompson. 1.1. •' ■■ ' '■ " ♦» » • HELEN BEn-mAM Was born In Tuscolnr til, about thirty-four years ngn, add Is the daughter of. a sub- stantial grain merchant now residing in In- dlanupulls. Her, girlhood was spent In tbo latter city, where she sang In a church choir nnd was a member'of the Lyric.Singing So- ciety. She bficaine prominent in amateur mu- sical events, una her debut was mado us Yum Yum, In a local performance of' "The Mir tortlonlst: 1'om Hardle, Charfes Patcben, ra?, nner ' ond specialties were. Introduced as Marlon Ciltton, and the bioscope. ' |m TllXATRU, Salem. Mass. (Harry E. Reed, manager).—The Kilties Band did a fair business 2. "Why Women Sin'.' come .1, "Ole Olson" 4, Kellar 5,-dolng fair business, and "Tho Old Homestead" was. seen by a big bouse 0. "Alpbonso and Gaston" was the attraction 7,--playing to a,fair house. Tbc'Cook-OhurrthCo. Is playing here the present w«ek.. ! -"■ ■ „ ■■ SiiatANic HAll, 8alem (James E. Moore, manager).—An excellent business Is reported hero for week of 2.- -Malinger Moore's bill for the current week Includes: Bedinl and Ar- thur, Fields and Ward, WilHam Friend aud Thalas Magrane, Le Boy and Le Vanion, tbo kndo." Subsequently, while yet a ; echool Canity SisteK, and ArVello. ■ ''■ g| r |„ she appeared la "Eimlnle." Afterun Notes.— It Is rumored here that Manager extended course of voice training at tbe Cin- Moore, of the Mechanic Theatre, Salem, will clnnatl'College of Music Mies. Bertram came soon start a-theatrical enterprise In this to New York In May, 1888,- and was engaged city..... .Barto and Lafferty, who played | )y Emma Abbott, to whom she played second an engagement tn Lynn last week, opened at for a season, followed by a Rummer season the Howard, Boston, Oct.10, and will play W | t h the Hess Opera Company lu Milwaukee. Wis. She was then engaged by tho Cnnreld Opera Co., and was the original - Prlnco Julius. In "The King's Fool." When Marlon Manola:retired from the McCaull Opera Co., at.Palmer's Theatre, In this city. Miss Ber- tram .was engaged to replace her In "Clover." She remained a year with McCaull, and was with -tbe Duff Opera Company for the next two seasoDH, During 1603 she lived In re- tirement, studying under Mme. lurscb Madl. Tbe following year she was engaged by K..K. ''hi'" a return date there Dec. 14, with Pastors, and Watson's; Brooklyn, to follow Will Hebert, formerly of Hebert and Rogers, has decided to give up vaudeville for a time, and has secured work in one of the Lynn fac- tories The Lynn aerie. Fraternal Or- der of Eagles, entertained the Dunlel Ryan Co. evening of 8, In Pythian nail. New Bedford.—New Bedford Theatre (W. B. Cross, manager).—The Jere McAuliffo Itepcrrory Co. played, to capacity, week or Nov. 2-7, at popular prices. Due: Penman Thompson JO, ,r O|c Olson" 11. Bennett and Moulton 12. "Thelma" 14, "A Message from Mars" 16, Cook-Cburcb Co. 17-21. ' SiiEEOY'a Union Stbebt Tueatbb (D. H. Bufflngton, manager).—"In the Shadow of a Crime" 2-7. The players acquitted them- soives very creditably.. Between acts vaude- ville, by Billy Balsley, banjo solo; Robin, Juggler; Nellie Mason, ballndlst, and tbe vltograph. ■»' Flowers' Theatre (Flowers & Shannon, managers).—Another strong bill was present- ed hero last week, and received hearty recog- nition from large patronage. All acquitted themselves in a manner that drew hearty TOPlauie. The bill Included: The Beanos, contortionists; Qulnlan and Howard, singers and dancer*; the Hlltons, rag pletares; Con- nlngbam and Coveney, talking act and dancers: Kmma Kroune. In^rag V m *J^ n 5!' In black face: Margaret Rose, In byJIads. and lead Id the burlesque, "An Evealbg at the Tuxedo Club."- -_ ____.„. . fiHBttit'ii New PuncRAsn Stbebt THeATB« (TheorB, Bavlles, resident manager),—This niiiv vaudeville lionsels-onBoiinced to^pen Nov. 0. The house Is,sold out for the open- ing perfermanw. tula theatre Is most ren- trlfly located on Pufchase. between Middle Uk-a to play the cubln loy in "l.lttle t'brls- touher. ColumbuH,"- at the Garden Theatre, this city. Then followed various operatic engagements, the Hat of which was with "The Prince of Pllscn" Co., which had a loug run at Urn Broadway Tbeatro. Miss Bertram has been married three times. Her first bus- band was Slg. Tomiusl, tho musical director, aud her second h'. J. Henlry, l who died several yeara ago: She Is now the,wife of n. J. Morgan, to whom lbs was recently married. •* ne SOUTH CAROLINA. --If," - C'olnmbla. — New ' Columbia Theatre (Smltbdeal & Brown, managers).—"nolty Tolly,'VOcti 20.' 27, had fair, business. Wells aemedy. Co. had a full boose 38. "When Johnny Comes Marching ' Home," 2D, and 10, " SI. packed them 'iThe Silver Slipper," 30 m the doors. .Richard* * PrlngleVNo*. 0. had a good boiiM, while rain interfered with Paul Gllmore 4. Coming: "Tho Two Jhftn*" 6, ■ lira. < r,r> Mbyne 0, "The Fatal Wedding" 10, Faust Minstrels .11, Amelia Blnjthim PA Nat Wills 1.'!, Gertrude Cogli- IiAiiNi:H & Hum bad capacity Oct, 3l. I'lillndeiiibla.—The majority of the the- atres Inst week did from fair to good busi- ness, while two of .them drew packed houses, "Mam'sellc Nnpoleon" and. "Nancy Brown - ' being the attractions, n-lth Mrs. Leslie Car- ter a good second, .This week has no great novelty to offer, tbe tlitre above mentioned successes remaining over.-The Walnut ex- pects good business, however, 'with "Tbe Silver -Slipper," which drew heavy business last Spring. • • •• • : ". academy op Music.—The symphony con- cert was' an artistic success, tbe music being exquisitely rendered by tbo efficient, orches- tra, soloists and' leader. On Nov. 0 will occur the l'attl concert, under direction of Robert (Irau. Afteraoon of 14 a Melba con- cert.will be given, under the direction of C. A. Ellis. Madame Melba will be assisted by her concert company and the Philadelphia Orchestra. Evening of 14, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," 'by the Philadelphia or- chestra (Frits Srheel, leader), with David Blspham as reader. The Burton Holmea lectures, Ave In all. begin 10, tbe dates being 1U.30, Dec. 4, 11 ana 14. uaiiAii Stbckt TiiitATiiE (Niton A Zimmer- man, managers).—Mrs. Leslie Carter, lu "Du Barry,' drew big houses all-the week. This week she plays her previous success, "Zn*n," nnd will.give a Wednesday-matinee of the same. Nov. 23, Grace George, In "Pretty Peggy." •. .•] ■ . Gabhick Tiibatiub (Frank Howe Jr.. man- ager).—The new vehicle for Marie Cnhlll to display her talents, "Nancy Brown," i has "caught on" with a rush. She drew enor- mous • houses alMast week, and proved her popularity.- beyond <iuestlon. Ths surround- lag company la. able, .and tho performance, all Ib all, eminently satisfactory. The same bill this.week. The announcement for next week la of Interest, as wo will have Viola Allen, In. hor production of "Twelfth Night." Chestnut'Btbekt Opiiba House (Nixon & /.imtncrnmn. managers).—Nothing abated has been the enthusiasm aroused over tbo magnlficont VMsm'sello Napoleon," a In Anus Held.- .Business all lait week was big In the fullest sense.of the word. This week closes the present engagement. Henry Irving fol- lows. i chests it Strret Tiieatiie (Nixon ft Zim- merman, managers).—"Tho Princess of Ken- sington'' iclosed its Philadelphia engagement on Saturday.evening, nftor a fair week. For tbe current week "The Runaways" 'IS' tho attraction. .Many well known names art noted- among.the cast. The engagement Is limited to two' weeks, ns .lcrome sykes, In "The Billionaire," comes 28. ' Wai.nut • sVcaasun Theatub. — "Tho Auc- tioneer" has evidently not lost its bold upon the favor of theatregoers and Mat week's business was' good. One ' of last season's successes. "The Silver Slipper" will hold tho boards for-the current and next weok. The chamiiagno dance continues on* of the lead- ing features. Tbe settings arc said to ha'as complete as ever. .Thanksgiving week, W. A. Brady's production of "Tho Pit," with Wilton. Lackayo and a strong company. . AUDl-routtiM (Stair. & Havlln, managers). —Last week's bill, "Olrl* Will Be Olrls," did good business. Hngenbcck's Trained Ani- mals are the attraction for this week and should prove a strong drawing card. Many new acts arc promised. Jos. Murphy comes next week. . Pabk Tmhatsh.— Saturday night saw the closing of "Under Two Flags," nt the end of a two weeks' engagement. Monday night, "Mrs-Delaoey, of Newport," begins her week's stay with us. Prominent lu tba cast ore the Minors Sisters, well known in vaudeville. For the. coming week; Tlios. E. Shea, in rep- ertory. ■ National-Tiieatoe (Jos. M. Kelly, matln- Ser).—'rrue Heart of Maryland" drew good ualncfls for the week post.' The current week's bill, -"The Final Wedding," Is not new to the town, being recently- presented at other theatres hero,.but has proved In the past a rail' attraction. SclKdulcd for next week Is •:a not oid Titno." People's Tnmnin (F. o. Nlxon-Ntnl- llnger, lrninuger).—This house prosmiterl "A b'lglit for Millions" last woek, (o satisfactory business. ■ ,'rlb.e current attraction la the Byrne Bros."' now "High* Bells," with lis many novallaes. IJsdoillned. for next wvck le 'flCInc of Detectives," Guanu Ol'ERA , Uot'HB (0. A. Wegefarth, manager).—Uptown thcutregoors wcro well § leased with the bill last week, -"Lost. Uiiyed or Stolen." Ttm company, headetl by entertaltianc. Otis Harlan, was one of merit, and tho.. evening's performance ui«litly enjoyed by good audiences. Intro Fot nud cuoiiiany,' Including lUccubono's tmdned horse.-. ' liJs week, to he succeeded next week by llanlons' "Siiperim." •>-.- ■■ Dunk's Stab .Thkatbb (Fred Wnldmnnn, manager).—'Che-patrons of this house woro well satisfied with the rendition of "A Hu- mau Slnve," which held the boards last week. This-week's offering Is "Treasure. Islund." "Escaped from Sing Sing" Nov. 10. KiU'inn TiiHATiiM (.1. Bard Worrell, man- agerl.T—Business satisfactory Inst week. For this week—Monday, Tuesdny, Wednesday, "Looping the Loo|>;" Tliursdny, Friday,. Sat- in-Jii v. "Ten Nights In a Bar Room/' with Carrie Nation. • .:■ .HnMU Tkbatbu. (John Hart, man- ager).—"Tracy, the Bandit," lust week drew fair sized audiences. Tbe attraction for this week la "Wealth and Poverty." "Blackthorn" week of 10. • i i ■ . FOBKl'AUOIl'H Tiikatiik (Miller & Kftiifumn, mnniigersi. —The ni-int Important fcatun;, lo- cally, to,tho production last week of "itotrl- Ijution" • wasi the riiapneHraaca of (leorgo Learnck as a nteatbev of (his company. Tno rest of the.cast win intelligently portrayal by tbe various members of. tbe stock. The piny was well stand, and Mr,- Lcnrock's ublo efforts .were amply appreciated by cntliusl- astlc houses. The current week's.hill Is "Her One Great Bin." "The Voice of Nature" fol- lows. -.. ,•. • Colii.miha TiiK.trnn (Ignnclo Mnftltietti, manager). — "Man's nights" was satlsfnc- Lorlly? psdresdaai last week. This week Miss Radcllffi- and company will essay "Klnir Salomon's Minea,". Next week "Unknown Dumuut, manager*.—"Dowlo'a Trip to New ^ork' nroured iiuich .merriment among Dm pntrous. The liurle«r|ne' is rej>euled this week, awl In nddltlon Vb Btb to havo "WiUv Felix." "Simple Simon" nnd ■• the "Kllpp Hoys," lu an. amusing, act, .' li • , Lvcku.m TntATBl (Jno. O, Jormon, msn- agerL-—Imperial Bnrlosquers did a fairly satlafnctory business last week. The City Sports, In "Tho Afnld of Slam," mako tbolr bow.Monday night.for n week's rnn. to he sucreceded, Nov. 10,-by Rose- Hydell's London Belles. .■ . -i TBOCAnuRO Tin-Avnt (Floyd fjiumnn, man- «»•*)■—ibis house wna well aatlslled with the patronage then- "The Dancing Mission- ary" Inst week.-. Tho Merry Maidens furnish the entertainment the current week.- Ninth and Ancit Miibdum (C. A. nrnden- burgb, luBnagor).—The usual crowds visited l>otb curio and vaudeville last week. For i li.- present week tho Attractions In vuutlevlliu *' p , : „ 1,lll y Arnold and Llda Onwlner, Arthur walllge. Morgan nnd Crone. Gordon II. Kl- dfeUr Cnswell and Hope, Charlotte Contes, • no Do Muthea, and the ciueograph. Curlu hail: La,t week of female walking innteh, Frlncess oiao and her India pythons, Sober i.l!fl_ a| a"- Bplbromo. Harry Xfoulton, Mllo. Beatrice. iuhI John I'htunpson; Bostock'r animal Abbna (Frank C. flOM. tock manager).—This show Is taking a ilrm hold upon the attention of tho-nubile-here. »ff! r ,?v U,0 ,7 C } B *** of thrilling interest, wniie i the exhibit is one of eomprehcuBivo value. s , Hnrrisbarar.—Excitement over the clcc- '">"-JHaS*!* falllbg oft in business. ••\^ 8 cf r . T, !?'* 1 T ,lB <M. Ilels, manager) ngfc.Jla3t.wig Nov. 1 Mildred llol- land, In "Tho Lily and the Prince," had fair business 7. Ilnvld Wurlleid Im^uo 13, aadHWlrd Kyle, In "Rosemary." 14. I ' -rJHBU Houbk (M. Rels, manager),— "Lood wPii 001 *^ "I 11 'air-business 5 Tho Indian L^.,?"?'?. 8 ' baujtolr business •», "UndeJoah "KKftr 5. "The Limited M»ll":.Urew',a ""tlsfaetory crbivd 0, nnd tho Night Owls "'IIS." 7 ',."liwuflcln'B•Idnabj' . - ™ 't*<T* *&- Josepli I.'rnnk. wlfo of Man- nger Joseph Frank, of ibo local playhouse, with her son Arnold, nre tho guests of ftho R2JSS t " u ^' n . t "' n »? Vork'flty:...»iiu. EELBSHZ McK ? c ' of tl'«,Mld(lletownAu. aitorium, has mndo a number of iraimivc- SfSEwf* M" nlll yl'o«»" thnt, win enable hitn iSJra -»tronjrwr- attractions. "McEr? Had Hoy" did well here 4 Plans Uuve been completed for the now hotel, to bo .dovotml exclus voly to thp uecommo.latJon of thJitr" cal folks. It will ho run by Jess lioJrli'k. well known to the profcasloh. ' is the offering, n Htanpash Tnr.A '—Prvmaaco. ccceitrk Jugjglcr,_ la with the iuteavSttMiA -intersua-st»tto mfa'Q& VmgityJ fr I'tlBATitH (Duron & Speck, man- agers ).t- "The Sliver King" holds many •■hancos Cor dnniielic effect, which were taken advantaue of by the stork. This week ii reflux of life In Russia is annoutiwd. The play la on titled "A Beautiful Fiend." "For a Mother's lovo" follows. 1 .Auuit Htiu-i-.T Tiikatkr C'nrl Snake, man- agor>.t—Good liuslncss last week. This week's list roinprlses "ReglHtrutor nnf Relsen," •:K«bnle und Llebe," ."Wledln Alten Bungen," '•WbloMieloir" and "Itaschliwuisiuor." 'KRITlt'B 'NBW TlIRATBB (II. T. Jonbin. resident manager).—Business was excellent nil tho week, owing to a very good list of attractions. The. announcements for ibis, tho,.annlversHry. week, are: Might Vassjir Olrln, Aflnlplt /Ink, Coin and Johnnon, Jules and Ella tlnrrlsou, John K'ernell, Murphy and Wllllard, Newell and Nlblo, Jennings and Renfrew, TalTnry's dogs, Four Walsons, Al. Lnwrenee. Ossv snd Delino, Wilson nnd Havls. thx Lntells, nnd blograpli. i Kkitii'iI Bij'oii THBA'riiB (E. P. Lyons, resident' manager).—Last-week, on which •h's theatre, under the Keith mnnngnment, began-Us flfteeiith year, the'house was well palronlxert - Th« Minstrel Misses come over f/flBI-Keith's p>w York Theatre, and will donli(le«s l Jinve a.hehrfv reecpllon. In addl- tfon-Thers Is nnnnuurpil: Wilfred Clnrks and Co., tn'"In the Illoarnpb:" Zeno, Carl flnd Zetjol Winona and Banks Winter. Raymond and Carerly. Wily Johnson, Ole Cstier*. Prtlot, the kid Jugaler: IJlwson and Namon, >'lldhrk* Hini Hnrnette, Mortimer Bassett, Idle ]i? Vrstxi nnd others. «B oPJUM OroU UOVUB ,(Prgnjj „ , ! 1 "»! , »*bt.— At the Alvtn Theatre (Nix. agJ™MW BIamti nwnamrs).—4Uolmrd Mans. ffis iMP gl B Hi3S ii8l*lt)era."Nov.i||.l4. A_ Olrl.From Blxlo" drew heavily for eight perfuixnances, closlnv 7. . . • " -Jg 'i'^ftWM Wariai.J. McCuMougli, rutin- nger).—"Sliooiins tho Chutes" took ,t"ie slaw Liu 0r .', , " n . wc S k ' . Hagenbmik'ii Trnlnetl Am- gJJrL bobwI 7, imvlng. dono «n imtnoin-u wvtk's buHlness, , . Bijou Tiihatm (R. Oullck. manager).— Chauucey Olcott. in "Tenince." will Hold Uw stage tliroughmif tin. week ondlng 14, "Shad- ows of n Oieat r:it.v" ciostHl 7. ».li"* N .V. ),,,: , tt .*,""V, 8 " (Harry Davis, inuna- ?. 0 n w ^ k -1,""*' 1 , w , nrd ""red uu Immotis,, endltMr 7* Batoa '' 10 ( -l'e v « -l <>l during the week ml!22!£&!L£" a 2!S cn»» w . wniinms, MagthiUi" II and week, for tbo llrst Wtlio Juno. WgP »ox awl his vaudeville company clow! rrSiS^w TOfcS* A c*i'K»* S afimio (lltiri-y w. Williams, rannsgor).—/I'ho Cruel;- ! r „"i (;k " V V 11 f'.Y° olovmi pcirformnncos, ram- gggW . n : , 'Pho Brigadier Ilurles.|uor« closed, to big business, 7. s i ■< nenrtHm.—At tho New Tuuiplo Tlieatra .,y'i r 1?. I 1, "tcvoripi, resident Diaiiager),— York 'State Folk«" entortnlneil u large ,dti- .lloneo Nov. II Mildred Ilolliintl.'.IH* "Vlio Lily nnd the Prince." did likewise 4. "lamp- ng tho Loop" and ''The Limited Mall" cutuo, to good business, 0. 7, respectively. academy or Music: (John U. Mlshler, managor),—"The Ruffiilo Mystery" 8, "Tho Man ; from Sweden" 5, "Franct'sca <W. Kl- mlnl" 7.- ' ' Oiiand Oi-BfiA Houmh {(Inoiuo M. Miller, miitiagor).—"'i'ho Doings of Sirs, Douloy" drew well 2-4. ■ • v ' Bijou Thuata* (Updegrnff & llrriwuell. managers).—The Bohemian BurleHiiiiurs bhvo good performunccH, toiurgn |iouhrh„^.4. • Nom—Tho (Jruflit Overs' Hmlso,- of II. In city, has roccntly been lehsed to M. RiiIhs for ii term of Ovo. yours, beginning July'-l, 11)04. nils house hns nlwuyif enjoyed n largo list- "inngo, und will doubtless.provo a valttsblo addition to tho Rclss chain of theatrea, - , ' ■ a , . . . ■ . l.iiMi>H*(er.—Kullolt Ojwra (louse (Vceker ."it.Miii, manairofs).—"Peck's llnij lay" drew well Nov. .it. "The Wlmird«l Ox''.packed, tint Iioiiho J. ThiiNlelvt (»wl Hurlflsnuors .ph-Asisj it top heavy house 5. . Mildred Holland, In "the Llly'niid the Piinoo,"had fair ligsluesa J[; "IJnclo Jdsh Spruceby," to n.icoofi house, i i'RUDMU * Moulton Company, in repertory, Roor Oaiiubn (Joim II. Peoples, 'iminii- sjnrj.—After it bcnellt iiorfonuuiice, inusllv of 'local talent, for, tho uUnch<is, il. Ilils place of amusement closed for the seg.iun, Hufjslt It m«iy ho oponed tub Intervals - for special entertiilnnients. . , ,.:.,,.: • . ' . ' » ■■' AKooiiu.—At thn Mloveiitb Avenue Oimtii llouso'd. B, Mlshler, "miiniiaer).—"Uni.lo .losli Stiriicoby" plnyi'd, to » big honsn,'Ocl. HI. Illmmnleln's Ideals, Nov.,'J-7, dill bis buslnoss. Coining: Mildred ll/i]lhtid 0. ".Un- der Southern Skies" Kt, Innocent elslilrt-'ll. ','1'bo Fluinlrur Arrow" Vl\ "Tlip'Oamo of Life" l«,."WbWi (ho Bell Tolls" 14. Notb. —Manager Mlshler's loss In' eipiln. inent, houklncs, etc., at flic'Jnliiikivwii Opora HotiKO-flli! -will, bo about. Ill.urKI. Thern In no announcement as yot thnt tbo hoUSO will be'rebullt. Wllllauisuort.—At the Lycoming Opora Ilouso , (Flu* A Beolier. rouuBgors).—'I'ho Ktntnu'Bunting Stock Co. did not play file first hulf' of the week on uccnitnt of thn serious lllneiH of Miss Hunting's husband, Karl llurgcss, nt New Cnslle, Pti. Miss Bunt. Ing Is a fsvoiito hero, und Unladed tbo wiiek, from Nov. 4-7. ,to onusod .bouses. Dim: Vogel's Minstrels li, Miss Now York Jr. II, "Paul Rnvcro" cituceled 11!, "Vhf Heart, of Blnryland" 14, Plielrtn Slock Co. week of Id. . a ; <»» •WVOMINO. ' fibeyeniip,—At ' Turner Hnll Theatre (Stephen Bon, manager).—"In a Woman's Power", plnyed, to a fair house, -Oct. fll. Coming: "lu Convict's Stripes". Nov. 7. ••*■■■ ■ '«»»» ' ' . ■ " ' "Ok tub Road Witu. A.Ciitcua". Is ibo title of a luindsbinoly* bound volume, with irofiiso Illustrations, Issued by Hie author, A'. <:, Thompson, who is a Npw York uews- paper man and circus notary. ■ It Is pvb- llslied nt XI by the Isaac Onldiuuil fltunpnny, No. EH| Shreet. The productlim is the story \>i a season's wandering under ninviiM. nun Is full of Inlcnno find aUni-b- Ing liitcrest, not only to tho meriibers of the fraterrilty.. but to tbo "show world" In general. Bally life ,ln ti-rsts Is reyetlNl In nil its Varied phases ai)d aspects by onn who i.m lived, in tuu atmpsBhcte of »uwduol uud ef ki is