The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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m THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. November 14. orao, . Cincinnati.—The. «w Odcou, built upon the Blto of the destroyed ot the t.ol- log* of Music, was dedicated Nov. 0 with an nimroori**/' ceremonial of music and song. irr, N. J. lMsenbeiraer eomrjosed nchornl wunlier expressly for the occasion. Tho new auditorium nils ovcrr rcqiiistto of ftjnodpm music school hail. TO seating capacity has been reduced from 3.100 to 7/K) places. In- cluding the balcony choirs and boxes. P« i-Mnomy of space Jrns bom utilized for class and dhows roam*. The roughly finished wall* arc In «oft gray, and thB wood used Is •he richest ot policed mthomwiy. Thp pros- iwiliim opening In the Bccond largest In Oti- olnnatl, and .-measures forty feet. Jj the past MM old Gdeon was irtlUMd for leclm-os find eoncerl*. and was the scene «£ swrerat hort«ty plays. Addrcwwuby UahW l<o"i* GreMuVn «W Hon. Harry L.Go^on were mflde. , Albino .florno, llntim JtellDon Berg, Adolph (MMHL Carl Uatitvoorr, «JP- lotte Callahan, ttnobel Hirtler and JosojMo, den were contributor* to tho musical part of t *nXto'8rratt Houso (Harry .BalntorUi ft John II. Havlln, manowrs).—"A Cwintry Girl," chaperoned by J. C.Duff, will be pro- sented Nov. 0, after a week's successful run .if "The Olrl With the <»««•>■«"»•" J£f Clyde Fitch eomedy, In jvhlch Clara. Blood- good essays itlhe role of the girl whose Inherl. tnnoe was the perpetual- companionship or the demon of Jealousy. The play was well mounted and superbly Acted. Business was good. Stephen rhllllpB* spectacle, "Ulysses, Wai-nd't BraSni - TMhAimj'(M. O. Ander- nbn, manager).—Klrke I* Sbelle's Opera Co. promise "Princess Chl,fi" 8. Last week J. II. Htoddart, In 'Wte .Bonnie Brier Bush," played to houses that, were Jammed from the footlights to gallery doom. The engagement was onn of the most successful of the yenr. "The Good Old Hummer Time" 1 r». ' Columbia Theatre (M. C. Anderson, man- nger).—Hyde's Comedian* are due to arrive H, for a week's engagement. The last, bill (utt.nieted audiences of large proportions, i :aptaln Webb's, seals were given a top line. Hager Mldgley was welcomed wllh the warmth tjmt ft native son deserves. Dorothy Neville was well received. Tho Rohman , -IlKitcic'H Opera Hotisn (Hene.k, Fennessy a Stair, managers!.—Howard Hall will pre- iwir "The Man Who Dared" «, ft, play that Jin's always thrilled tremendous t.urnoiitii of Lovers of tM sensational. Ijw* iweek "Why Women Sin" was the proposition theatrically 1 reated ■ In the presence' of big bouses. •Shadows of a Great City" 15. ■ . . Lmnm Tijcatrb (Hcii'ck, fttalr & Fen- nessy, managers);—Under the management ■ if John H. llavlln and Wllllan Garen, "The Stain of Guilt," In which Keub Wnddell has u thinking part, will be Been 8. Lincoln J. Carter's old sneceas, "Two Little Wnlfs," was prit- on, to big business, last wcok. "The y.-6nt's Revenge" W. J- lUwwsoN'B OrBBA.Hortin (R. A. HnmH- ton, manager).—Anna Kay Is to be seen 8, following "The Village Parson," it piny that enabled tho new administration to stnrt well. "The Telephone Olrl" 15. People's Tiidaihe (Hubert Henck, mnnn- BeO,_^The Hrlgddlers. Who are to come 8. will satlrl*e the 400 In a skit, called "At Newport." Jjturencn Weber's Dainty Duchess did a. very nil* week's business. Tho Cracker .Incks 15. ' . _ . Oo.msip op tub Kovkrv— Anna Biitterworlh Thurston, a former Indianapolis girl, now residing hero, hits sued Howard Thurston for divorce. Thev are professional people... Theresa Abraham, a. young Clnclnnmt vn- c-nllst, who has "Just returned from Knrape, was heard In concert for the first time here nt thev muslcale of the Cincinnati Club, 7.... Iva niiutcr has given up her dramatic studlcH nnd hns Joined the Salvation Army. Hho Is n very protty- girl and has a sweet voice.... The Norwood.Stock Company hns been organized for a theatrical ttcaaon at 1 he Norwood Auditorium. Three ono act com- edies were presented at tho Initial perform- ance, 4, under the direction of Oroce Bella nclnnoy. "Frank Glynu's Wife," "Betsy Baker" nnd "Hearts" wero tho playlets produced. Wil- liam Smith Oeldenburg in business manager of the new company, and among the mem- bers of the stock are: Nat Dolnuojv Margaret Kvnns, J. 8tiiyv*«a»t Kluslow, Patrick vMc-. Mullen, No]lie, . Richard*. - i.'lmvn™ Inir<il. Or* Root, Mary Ma«lll, Pearl Powers and .veil Kranken......Hubert Heuck colcbratcd his sixty-ninth birthday anniversary at his home during Che wuok..... .William Cwmvil, transportation, manager of Hcgenbeck's Ani- mal Shows, was married nt St. George's i.'hnrch here, 4, to Katu Vogelc Mabel Rrownell, ft Cincinnati girl, did aplendld work In "The Bonulo Brier Uuab." Rosu Cecelia Shay and hor oiwra contpaiiy ore booked at Music Hall M. 25 and 2(1.. Sir Henry Irving comes to tho Grand Feb. 21). " ■ ' ' Cleveland.—At tho Opera House (A. V. Harts, manager).—Win. (llllotte In nppear- Ing In "Tho Admirable Crlcbton" this week. Madgo Carr Cooke, In "Mrs. Wlggs, of tho I'abbago Patch," was tbu attrnctlon week of Nov. 2. Alary ManuerliiK Itt-1M. ■ f.vcRrM (J.-1L>Iookflon, mnnnger).—"Tho b'unuy Mf.'Hooley beglus a week's cngugc- ment 0. Paul Qulnn uppcurs ns Mr. Donley. "The Good Old Summur Time " with GoorgO II. Kvaus as princliiul comcdlnn, inovcd u big bit week of 2. "Mr. Pl|ips" 1U-21. CLEvitr.AND (J.' K. Cooksou, nuinager).— "Shadows of a Great City," with Annie Ward Tiffany, this week. "Tim Light house by tho Hoa" moved -ft strong drawing card week of •» • ~'' CnABE's EMi'inR (Chan. J. Steveusou, miin- nger).—Tho Bustunlaiis la the big Jieadllucr clirront week. Another new heiiullnu net .Is Mrvana and Iter statue horse, Tokl. utber leutures are; Hnrrluan,' the Juggler; tint Willis Family, lnuslclsni*; Josephine. Snbcl, the Threo KeajouH, Fmuk White .ind l.ew simmons, mid the vttagrauli, with uuw plc- \Viren. Wcok of Nov. 2, the. llolinmn Show,> Including some big ucts that are favorllcu here, played to good houaos. Colonial (A. F. UMwn a manoger).~v\n oifra good 1)111 is Mug ureaculud IiiIm wvt-k, featuring «uuedy Fkrlidie*. ttne of Uioin, ''.v IVuw fo» Two," |>n>sen,l« Mom Edwunls. Jaiu'.s HIjuoii and Oraeo Gardner are svon In "Tho New ■ Coachman," which they uavu mado more hnmorousu than ever. Tho Five Bau- vnrds perforin a great uerlal acrobatic act. .hillan Row, Madgx! Fox. Wlllnii n.uii Shorty De Witt, tlKi MflNnH',v Sldtew, and Hehlllor itrothors also appoar. Vrat of Nov. 2, !,:!• I'liynUv, with hit) ilulquo uliow, olubontiti^y ■ ind beautifully singed, drew out gooil i-roiwrte.. Stau (Dwy (c CwiintoK, nuuiagcrsl.—fl'lut .Vaatrtoan Rtlrl<wquoii<, priwuntilng "Geiwriil i.evy'8 Sodlal" and " A I'hiisaut Kvenlug,'' this week. Tito 'Botwery llurleatpwrv ftir- BoLnrsBB' Hojw TraATMa^-'^o kittle Waifs" wag the attraction a. "The Village 1'arson" comes 11; » ■■ Colombo*.—At tho Great Hoirtihflm The:f tro (/>. M. Boda, manager).—"The Girl With the Green Kyes" Nov. 10, followed by "A Chinese Honeymoon" 11. .,.__! Itioit Htbelt Thbatjib (A. G. Ovonji, man- ngor).—"IDs liftut DoUnr" pleased !a.rg<! au- diences f.-7. Booked: "The Middleman' 1 0-11, "Why Women Sin" 12-14. GtiANn Opeha Housb (A. O. Ovens, man- ager).—Hyde's Comertlans- played, to we'.l filled houses, week of 2. Hou«s dark week of 0. RwriKr. TnF.vTiti! (n, Wlseiman. manager). —"in MlBsoum" played, to packed houses, week of U. Will present, week of 0, "Held by tho Enemy." , NBW YOBK 8TATB. • Rochester. — Lyceum' Theatre (M. H. Wollf, manager).—Ilatmond Hitchcock, In "The Yankee Consul/' drew large houses Nov. 2, ft "The Sleepy King" (J, 7. John Drew comes 11. Rico and Wise, In "Vivian's Papas" 18, 14. Natioval TneATBB (P. R. Lucscher, man- ager).—Richard Buhler, In "Paul Berere," piaved, to fair returns, 2-4. Selma Herman, ii great favorite here, In "The Charity Nurse, 1 ' won success 5-7, attracting large sized au- diences. "The Village Postmaster" 9-11, Kd- ward R. Mawson, In "The Pride of Jcnnlco," 12-14. •. • i „ , Baker TnRATTiG (John H. Boyle, mana- MICHIGAN. MlKSKSOTA. ger).—Morgan & Hoyt's .'Moving Picture Show packed 'cm to the doors Nov. 1. "Zlg Zag Alley" drew large houses 2-4. The Four Browns. In "The President's Daughter," to fair business, 5-7. Oreatore's Band concert 8, delighted a full house. "Wedded and Parted" 011, "A Devil In Skirts" 12-14. Cook Opkra Houhh (J. H. .Moore, mana- ger).—Capacity house* ruled all last w»wk. ■J'Vir week of I): Mary Hampton Ic Co., in '■'llv. Melodrama:" Four Lukens, Charles T. AJdrldh, Albano 'J>roirpe, La Belle Daxle, Alia ArnoMson, Paul Barnes, Purcell and BrookJ, In "A Bellboy's Troubles." RMPllin Theater (H. C. JaootK, manager). —The 1'agle llurlesquers played, to capacity houses, week of Nov. 2. A first class enter- tainment was furtnshnd. Weak of 9, Tho World Beaters. Notes. —A tvfw rumor Is going the rounds here to the effect that a new burlesque house Is to he built on the silo ot the old .Academy, and Is to he called tJhe New Empire...... Morinne Forr, n. Rochester girl, will appear In "The Village PostmaHtar," at , the Na- tional, Nov. 9. s • Troy,—At the Lvcetun Theatre (R. H. Keller, manager).—"Tho ■li'nictory Olrl" drew rtrowded houses Nov. 2-4. Raymond Hltich- i-onk, in "Tho Yankee Consul," played, to S. H. ()., 5 ihennut Troy Loitoe Elks, charity fund). "*iaved from the Sea," tiaioked for «, 7, canceled, and Carrie Nation, in "Ten Mglits In a Binr Rooom," drew good houses. "A Fight for Millions" Is due 9-11, "A Boy ot the RlToeas" lil-14. "• Hand's Opera Hnwui. dM.Ro!s, ;mnnager). —"Tlio Cavalier*' did fairly well 2. Aubrey Bouclcault, in "Captain Charlie," did.well :!; Oriico George, In "Pretty Peggy," bad a. Iilg house 7. 'iKverymiwi" is bookfld for 9-1T, "fork Hrato Folks'' 12. "Vbe Sleepy King" It. Grirwold Opera House (M.-Bela, mana- ?;er).—"The Fatal Wedding" drow well 2-4 Jdward Ksmonde, la "At Duty's Call," had fair houses Ci-7. "Tho Eleventh Hour" 9-11, "Tho Johnstown Flood" 12-14. Royal TiiEAinn (B. H. Keller, manager). —Rose SydeR's Ixindon Belles drew well 2-4, Fred Irwin's Majesties had big houses 5-7. llnrry Morris' Night on Broadway. Is booked nil, the Eagle Burlcsquers 12-14. i i Kimira.—At tho Lyceum Theatre (M. RoIh, manager).—"Bag Harbor" pleased a fair sized audience Nov.-2,' and "Tho Sleepy King" enjoyed n packed house 4, "Miss New York Jr.,'' 5, nnd Vogel's Minstrels, 8, both did paying business. "Trinity. Chimes" 0, May Hlllmnn Co. 10-14. : Rialto Theatre (P. W. McConnelt, man- ager I.—Peoplo for week of 9: Stockton and Henderson, the Mahers, Gloria Fuller, Mario Glrard, Gertie Melrose, Essie Booth. Those who closed n' snccessful week's engagement 7 are:. Ely and Harrey, tho.Rapiers, Bennett nnd Woods. Business very good. Albany.—At tho Empire (II. R. Jacobs, manager).—Grace Georgei In "Pretty Peggy," Nov. .'I, and. gave special matinee, to good business. "Tho Cavalier," 4, did fairly well, nud "tjnclo Tom's Cabin," 5-7, to Juvenllo uudleuccM. Bookod: Prof. Keliar 9, "York State Folks" 10, "The Sleepy King" 12, 18. HAHMANIIS Bl.KKCKHB HALL (H. B. Jacobs, manager).—"The Little Church Around tho Comer." 2-4. and "Tho Factory Girl," 5-0, both did well, pleasing large audiences. "The Wizard of Oz," wit It Montgomery and Stone, faced a complotely sold out house 7. "A Boy of tho Streets" 9-11, nnd "Tho Christian'' 12-14. PiiocToit's TmcATRi: (Howard Graham, rewlileui: iiiauauer).—ills houses last week. The bill included: Dolun and. Lenharr, In "Taking liiiiuees;" flaspard Brothers, the Merrills, Musical Tlior, Hoffman and Pierce, Prank Mnyne & Co., lu "The Tipster;" Hill nnd Hail, aud the kulntoohnoscope. For 9 nnd. week: Isabelle Uniuhart & Co., In' "Even Stephen;" llnuo Nuyuou and hor birds, Suyiler nnd Buckley, Uowo and Scott, John Ilealv, Hume, Ross and Lewis, Daly, Tufo iiml Ronaii. nnd the kulHtechnoscope. Gaikty TuiiATBN (H. B. Nichols, mana- ger).—Fred Irwin's Now Majesties, Nov. 2-4, ■ nit in> it superior show, to big audiences. Rose HydcU's London Ilullcs followed 5-7, aud good business continued throughout the-week.' Coming: The Knglo liurlcsuuers 0-11, nud Hurry Morris' Night on Broadway 12-14.' . I - -■ Hyraeuie. — At Welting Opera House Jobu 1.. Kerr, manager).—"Tho Virginian" had fair nttcudanca Nov. 2, 8. Graco George, In "Prctly Peggy," 4 ; Wm. Glllatto, In '"lTio Admiriiblo Ciiclitoii,"' 0, 7: Aubrey' Boucl- cault, lu "Captain Clmrllc," 9; John Drew it). Walter Joues, In "The Sleepy King," 11; Keliar 18. Guami Opera Housb (Chas. H. Plummer, liiouuger).—"T'hn President's Daughter" did guild hUNlness 2-4. "Zlg Zag Alloy" 6-7, "Hoosler Circus" 9-11, "Wedded nud Parted' 1 12-14, "Trinity Chimes" 10-18, "A Hidden Crime" 1H-21. Bahtami.u TiiEA'fin: (Hurtlv, Seamon ft LeiiHehor, inaiiiigers).—"Tho Charity Nurse"' drew well 2-1. "Puul Revere" 5-7. . ♦.» ALABAMA. Mobile.—At tho Mobtio Theatre (J. Tnn- netibuuiii, iiimiiiger).—Shuy Ursud Opera Co., In •'Carmen," caiue Oct. 22, la a large an- illeiico, mid ptcaseil, "Tho Convict's Daugh- ter," 28, 24, two nights and matinee, drew l'nlr business. The Umpire Stock Co., iu "Lady Rose's Daughter," caraa 26, to a largo iiudleuce. Alberta Gallatin, In "Ghosts," came 2". to big business, and scored a suc- cess. "When Reuben Comes to Town," 28, drew otie.of the largest audiences of the season: standing room was at a premium. Elisabeth Kennedy, In "As You Like It," iiime I'll, to big business. Harry Bereaford, lu "The Professor's Love ■ Story," did big business 30, 81. William Faversham, In "Im- prudence," came Nov. 2, to a largo audience. .tiieiniiii- Thurston, In "Polly Primrose," a, drew two large nnd delighted audiences. . Coming: Barlow's Minstrels 4, "Holty Tolty" II- GtSNTRT'S DOO AND POHJIt fiROW 8, 0. itWied pkttty of fun week at M. Noteh.' —Hcrr Nolle mid his German com- nany presoau-d "RosenmonlUK" Smuluy night, Nov.'I,-and Weduesday nial-lnoo, Nov. I. ro splendid lionises, mt tho Lyceum Theatre, n Is Herr Nblte's lutenljuu to give a Weil- oddity matinee during Ills entire neoson. —^^—^—♦- i IlaytoB^-Vlctorla Theatre (C. fl. Miller, manager).—"The Wlr.ard of O/." played, to .'o.wl business, Nov. 8. A splendid audience witnessed lllanoho .WnlBli, In "The Itcsurrec- ilnn," 6. Tim Murphy, In "The Man from Mlssnnrl," drew well 7. Coming: Clara itlondgood, lu "The Olrl with tfie Green i:yea, ,v 9: "Everyman"TO. jjj, PAnit TnnATan (Harry E. Felcht, mana- ger).—Howard Jfall presented "The Man Who Dared" 2-4, to splendid business. "The Detroit.—Detroit Opera noose (B. C. Whitney, tBonager).—Chauncey Olcott, in "Temooe," 'Nov. 2-4, drew good housese. Jo- seph Jefferson, 5-7, root wfch a most flatter- ing inception. Ilia audiences were tho lnrgcsc that over greet*d .blm in tills city. "Rln Van WlnkUV? was the offerVng .Thursday SlKiit. "The iRlvata". Erldaj, end "Cricket oil tho Hearth" and "Lend Me Five Shillings Saturday evening. • The supporting east this mason is eswentaJly Identical with thai of tAvo years ago. It tnehides John Jnek. rroi- tlott Paget, Percy. I'lunkett, Joseph Jefferson Jr., Blandie Bemler, Prances Petnherton, Wil- liam Jefferson, Jeltorson Winter, Guy combs. ttlbw lphn Vennir and Dolly Otwelse...Com- ing: Blanche Walsh, In VResnrrec.tlon," 9-11; the Bosioolane 12-14, 4he Auguaftln Daly Co., In "A Country Girl," 10-21. •Lvcr.iM Tiibatrh (E. IV Stair, manager). —"Prineewi Chic," .with Vera Michclena In Ihe title role, pleased targe and enthusiastic undlences,'1-7. 'Jfhe company was. equal to the demands made upon It. All the songs were well rendered, the chorus well trained nnd preldly costumed. David HlggJns and Georgia Waldron, Ja "His l*st Doluw," 0-14; "The Middleman" 15-21. ■ WiriTNr.Y. Tiieatrh (B. D. Stair, mana- ger).—"The Way of the Transgressor," 1-7, scored a big.bit. The play was unusually rich In specialties. Victoria Walters sang and danced well. Fyno and Dandy per- formed a number of clever acrobatic feats, and the chorus singing of the American Comedy *V>nr greatly pleased the audlenca. "A IJibtlo Oitrcast" 8-14, "Why Women 81a' 15-21.. . « . AviiMUB Thbatrb (W. B. r^wrence, man- ager).—A good show and big business last week, with Madge Pox, Louis Simon,. Will M. Cressy, the Arrnlcas Lutz, Mary Dupont nnd Herbert Brannon, Stuart Barnes, tho Three Randalls, and the MoNillty Sisters. The bill for 8-14 Is: Marshall P. Wilder, Edwin Keough and Dorothy Ballard, Billy S. Clifford, the. Lelebre Saxaphone Quartet, Mazuz and Mazctte, Gltllhan nnd Murray La Belle Blanche, and Carl W. Sanderson.. ■-' ■ TnMi'Lr, TiinATnn (J. H. Moore, manager). —Last week another fine programme, whleh the public liberally patronized. The bill In- cluded : MUllv Cnipell, logehher with her stunning' Arabian horse and her beautiful hunting dogs, which presented a wonderful stage picture: Tim McMahon and his Water- melon Girls, Ramza, and Arno, Hal Merrltt, Christian's trained dogs and monkeys, Paul Barnes, Gallagher and Barrett. The hill for week of 9 Is: Fanny Rice, Leroy and Clay- ton, tho Colby Family, Wallno and Mari- nette, Charles Mil dare, the Howard Brothers, Dolph and Susie Levlno, and the : blograph. i TiiHAmn (Dr. Campbell, mana- ger).—The American Burlsquers gave an en- tertainment that pleased good sized houses svnek of 1. (The chorus 'Was headed by Jra- nette linnre, who met with a generous wel- come. The vaudeville portion of the pro- gramme pleased the audience, and included: Mel'arlnnd aud Murray, Irich comedians, nnd the Meeker-Baker Trio of acrobats, prank B. Carr's Thoroughbreds Rurlesqners 8-14, Tiger Lilies Burlesquers 15-21. « ': - Battle Creek.—Post Theatre(E.R.Smith, rannnger). j -^-"Arlanna," Oct. 30,and "A Mon- tana Outlaw," 81. "Human Hearts," Nov. 4. pleased. "A Chinese Honeymoon" had a big house 5. Booked: Chas. Loder 11, "Tel- ephone Girl"! 14, "A Brook for Liberty" 17, "When Knighthood was in Flower" 18 Hambmn Optra.' Honsn. (N II. Wldger. manager).—Tho Rodney Stock Co.. presented "A True Kentucklan" 2, "The Ohio Kid" ft, "In Convict's Stripes" 4, to excellent'busi- ness, nnd wilt play, 5-7, "An Oath of Ven- geance." "Man of Mystery." "A Southern Ro- mance" (matinee) and "Tho James Boys in Missouri." Booked:' James Kennedy Reper- tory Co., Doc. 7-12. . ii l i . 8«Rlnavr.—Academy of Music (John H. Davidson, • manager).—Sadie Morttnot, in "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray/'.Oot. 80, eamo to fair business. Chauncey Olcott, 81, to large and enthusiastic audience; "A Chinese Iloneymjoon" Nov. 2, to good house, and pleased. "The Power Behind the Throne,' II, played to fair business, Powell I), "Art- Kona" 10, Blanche Wnibdi, In "Resurrection," 18: "The Wlnord of Oz" 14. .InThiis TKEAinc (T. D. Bamford & Sam (Market, managers).—rBusmcss continues ex- cellent nit tills house. Jane Court-hope nnd Chas. Fonrestur, Sblora nnd Sheridan, and Anger mado hlta week ot Nov. 3. Week of 11-15: Galragbeir and Barrett, Mnngoan 'Preii|>e, aerobate; Brooke Eltryn, Charles Prelle'M talking dogs, Anderson and Wal- lace, tlie KlON-Ners. ... « . Grand K a ill <ia.— n bw Powers' Theatre (H. G. Snmmers&Co., mauagers).—Chauncey Olcott, Oct. 27, drew well, ns did "A Chinese Honeymoon," SO, 81, and "Everymun," Nov. 4, 5. Coming; Hose Coghlnu 7, 8, Joseph Jefferson 10, tho Bostonliius 11, Robt; Down- ing IS, 14, Imperial Stock Co. lu, 10, Blanche Walsh 17.- GiiAND Oroiu Ilousn (Orln Stair, mann- per).-HW4lhur Opersi Co., week of Oct. 25, played to S. R. V. "A Little Outcnst" Nov. 1-4. Coming: "Through Plro nnd Water" ti-7, "At Cr*pnlo Creek" 8-11, "The Child Bkwea of MowTork" 12-14. Smith's Opeha Housb (Mrs. W. B. Smith, mauagor).—The Ramblers, week of 1, played to excellent business. Dainty Parco llur- lesquers 8-14. ■ ■ - .i > n«y City.—At Washington Theatre fflfc'. 3. Daunt, ■ manager).—Situlo Martlnot, "In "Thu Second Mrs. Tahquoray," had a fair houso Oct 29. "Tho King of the Desert" did good business, inatiueo and night, 80. liutherluo WHiard, In "Tho Power Behind tho Throne." had au appreciative audlenco Nov. 2. "A Calueso Honeymoon" delighted i< full houso 8. Booked: Powell, Zazeli and Vornon 10, "The Wlzurd ot On" 18, Blanche Walsh14, tho Bbstoniiuis 10. . Kalumnsoo.—At tho Academy of Music (II. A. Bush, manager).—"A Mbutaua Out- law" had a fair house Nov. 2. The Bandit ltossa remlored a delightful programme, to uu npnrcclatlvo uudlence, matinee 5. "Hu- man Hearts" comes 7, aud tho Wilbur Opera Co. week of 0. Jackson—At the Athenaeum (H. J. Por- ter, mauager).— "Tho power Behind tho Throne," Nov. 4, drow good business. Rose Coghlnu, r>, had nn appreciative audience. Tho entire house was sold for "A ClllneHo Honeymnou," 0, at advanced prices. "Near tho Throne" 0, Blanche Walsh 12. ' l.analuK.—Untrd's Opera House (Fred J. Williams, nmiiagur).—Rose Coghiau come Nov. 2, to good business. "Arizona" pleased it well filled houso 8. "A Chinese Huney- ■uooii" packed. tho houso 4, at advanced prices. ' "Kltig of tho Desert" finished tho week 5. to a fair house. Katherinc Kidder Is due 10. ■♦«» Mluneaiiolls^-At the Met ropol!tun Opera House (L.. N. Scott, ; fn«nnger).^-LBW 4 Docl; : starter's Minstrels began a four nights en; gagenwnt Nov. 8. "Tho Prlnco of Pljaon SnTshes the week. Wnlter Whlwalde will be Heen. In "We Are King." 15-18. and Lulu Otoser appears, In "Dolly Varden." 10-21. "The Kternal City" had largo houses, at prices advanced 50 per cent,, 1 and.week, BLiot; OrnaA Hot»B' (Theo. L. Hnys, man- nrtnr )._"8horo Acres" Is on 8 and week. "The White Slave" will bo seen lo. Engenlo Blair enjoyed.satisfactory.patroilage 1-7. . LiTLtiM TiusATRfi (Dlek Ferris, manager). —The stock company will give "Brownsi In Town" 8-14, and "Tho Cowboy and the Lady J5 and week. "Colleen Bawn" was.well re- ceived 1 and six nights thereafter. Miss Gilbert has returned to tho cast, after sev- eral weeks' absence, dile to illness and necea- sltyfor n much needed rest. ,_■,•, _.i. Dnwer TnBATns (W. W. Wittlg, maruv gen). —The Cherry Blossoms appear 8, and will be followed hy the Parisian WWows^S. The Kentucky Belles had splendid box office receipts 1 and week. ,>;■.» ,-1 '.__ NoTiis.^llhe Snsanne Adams Company gave a toncert at the First Baptls* Church 7. " ,Tha new Milnneapolls ,Symphony Or- chestra began its career at ttoa International Auditorium (fonnsrly Exposition Building) 5. An audience ot .tlhree diousind gave It aa auspicious, send off. The new organization, composed at present of flfty-tiwo musicians. Is'the' outconie of the dcterrrrlfied effort of Wiu Philharmonic Club and Its director, Emll Ober-Hoffer, to make (Minneapolis the musla centre of the Northwest. <Mr. Ober-Hoffer Is the director of "the neov orchestma. He Induced several gentlemen to come from Ger- many to Join his body. It will give seven more concerts during the Winter,, under the nusiilces of the Philharmonic Club, and will . . * I ..J. . .» %. _^*.. .. anuinf Stoflala ft lTlj-1 Tl IT OnioLJt Tubatiub (George Fawcott.; man- ager);-^Thls . house, .formerly the limiiln. opens under the new roanngement l», with the Oriole Stock .Co., presenting "Monte Crlstoj'.' Marlon Barney has been enguBHi as leading lady, with Walter R. Seymour n* leading man. Other members of the com- pany are: Molly Brady, Maud Ream Stover George Schralder, Edwin Evans, Allan Paw' eett, Alfred Hudson Jr., and Lloyd H. Carle, ton, who will direct the stage: and supervise all. of tho productions. "Woman Aenlnit Woman" Is underlined. . . . Holllidjy Stbebt THUiTRD (Kernati, Rife & Houek, managers).—"Too Proud to Heir 0 and week. .1 "For Her Children's Sake" did well, closing 7. Byrno Bros.' "Bight Belli'' 10-21.. •' •■ ■■■■-. ■ Bi.roo Theatre (Fred .WHIson,. manager) —"JSscaped. from.Sing Sing" current week' to: be followed by "Treasure Island" 1(1. .. MoKlTMB!iT.U,.TriEATBB (James L.Kernan manager).-—The imperial Burlesquers \>-u The VaElty. Fair Burlesquern gave s first class performance last week, to full houses. Tho MerryMaldeng 10-21. WH " . Odeon TanATRn (James Madison, mana- ger).—Two lively ^burlesques, "The near Boy" and "The Prima Donna," ft-14,-with Harry Le Clair and Madeline Burdette lu specialties. • Pull houses continue. — o»» TENNESSEE. Memphis.—At the New Lyceum Tlieatre (Prank Gray, manager and lessee).—-iiary Mannering, in "The Stubbornness of Ger- aldine," came, to crowded houses, Oct. 30 31. Miss Mannering, In the principal role' was an artistic triumph. Jos. Craig, as Count Klnsey, gave a most- pleasing In- terpretation, ana added greatry to ths suc- cess of the piny. The company Is an excep- tionally strong one, ( nnd the production In « x-inuinu-uii.iin.- ^n«», «.uu ».■■■ genfirot was superbly presented. Alberta be many great artists, among Gallatin, lu "Ghosts,' r _gave one performance whom n«: Hirold. Itounr, Jacques Thlbantl, Nov. 2, to a fair sized house. Claud Bogel 'as Oswald, divided honors with the star' The Rose Cecelia Shay Grand Opera Co., In repertory, .T-5, drew good houses. Miss Shay received a cordial welcome. Her sing- ing and acting iwero pleasiinc. Tbe operas pre. seated worn: "I PagHaAcl,"."Ca.vaI»<*Ja £„„. tlcnna," "Carmen," "Bohemian Girl" ami U Trovatorc." Criming: "f^nd 'o Co*,toa" whom ure : jjmtoiu iwiuor, juei|in-.i jiuwm nnd olive ^reusnad.jS/hose home was formerly in t.hJto'clty.'..TKne.*aembrtch was the assist- ing nrnst 5; .Business men, by subscribing to a InrjB* guaranty "fond, insure suoccess to the unde.itaking. - . . ■•..;<.• . a , Doluth^-mie Lyceum (C. A. IMarshnll, mauagor).—"Whim Kalghthod Was In 1'low- er" (UMt time here), Nov. 4, with Roselle Knot.t. The company was a strong OJie, and the audlenw. wm large. "Tho Burgomaster," Ont. 80, 81, did well, and gave satisfaction. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer," Nov. 2, had a fair house, nnd pteased. >The frwo SJstors," Oct, 20, "under Southern Skies," 27, 28. rL1d iweil. nnd the ooanpany was good. "The Toreaitor" Nov. 5, 0, "The Prince of Filscn" 7, All out the week. "A Priend of the Fatally" 0, Walker Whiteside 10, 11, (Madame- Benton's concert 12, Lulu Glaser. in "Dolly Varden," 18, 14: Mary Shaw, In "Ghosts," 10; "Shore Acres" 20, 21 Metropolitan (J. T. Condon, tmttager).— Business was fair for the week ending 7. "VToung Mirs. Wlftthrop." 2-4, with Louisa Carter, iwho made a Wg hit as <}onstanee, and Gus Porhes, «is Douglas, had a rble. 1o ids Hkilng. "The Danltes" 5-7, "Roanoke" 0-11, nnd "A Modern Magdalen" 12-14;, All the plays given art .this house are set with new wontry. ' ■ .. Paiiloh TnKATRB (W. J. Wells, manager).— Last :<week's business wos excellent. For 0 nnd week: Jolhnalo Pox, Wade and llnstlnirx, Thelma Holmes, Sonford and.;Darlington, Nellie Herbert, .Sam Word, .losle l)ean, W. J. Wells and -stuck. Tho new after play Is cotlled "Thornpson's Dead." • ■ ..x; , . Note.— 'When Hoselle Knott was playing «t St. Cloud, 'Minn., Nov. 2, she reoelved a telegram Informing her of the death of her brother, Ohartos, at Hamilton,' Ont., Can. i ' » St. rani.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. iX, Scott, .manager).—Richard t^nrle, In "The Tenderfoot," had big business week of Nov. 1. The piece was new here, nnd pleased Immensely. "The Prince of Pll- nen" • comes 8-11, Lew Dockstader's Min- strels 12-14, Lulu Glasor 18-18, and Walker Whltesldo 10-21. Gtianp . (Theodore L. Hays,- manager).— "Shore Acres." drew, big week.of 1. Week of 8, "The White Slave," and week of. 15, "The Show Girl." , : . ... " Stau (M. H. Singer, manager).—The Tiger LUIIes had good business week of 1. For week of 8, the Kentucky Belles; Cherry Blos- soms 16-21. Empire (A. Welnlioizcr, manager).—Busi- ness'wns good .week of 1. N«w people for week of 8: Minnie Marquam, Mien A. Monta- lier, Gale and Mack, Parle R Way, Boy la Bros., and Ada Sadler. Holding over: Polly O'Neill,'Philips and Sharp, Florence Piper, MlcCall Trio, Antoinette llahler,' and Slgnor Frisco. The Empire Burlesqno Co. will pro- duce "Tho Mikado" week of 8. +«» DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Honeymoon" 20^21. ' Hopkin's' Gbasd Opbra Honsn (A. R Morrison, manager). — "Tho Dairy Farm" was the hill underlined for Week of '2, and crowded houses prevailed. Nora Rosa, Miss 'Rowan, ,1-bo. J. Farrell, Arthur iMUiCklay and Mis Bowman are entitled to much praise Between acta: The' Knufraonn Family . of blcytllsta were grerutily appreciated; SaonnV impersonation or great men was highly ap- plauded. For week of 0, "The Rivals." New Auditorium (BenJ. M. Btnlnhaek, manager).—Tho house was dark the entire week. Coming: Al. Martin's "II. T. C." 13, 14, "Wnlfs of vNeiw York" 18, 10, A. O. Law- rence 20, 21, Tun Wallace Cheat Snows gave two per- formances, afternoon and night. 2, to the capacity of the tents. The acrobatic feat- ures were marvelous, the dancing excellent, nnd the trained' animals among the best seen here.. Every one was pleased. Tim GABKir.i.-Mnvnv (Summit Co. a*. hlblted here week of 2, to very Targe busi- ness. There .were .aibtmcUona of every de- K<\rlpton. "Che/alo," looping the loop; the high direr, • trained animals, acrobats and' Oriental performances .of all varieties. a Vashvllle.—At tho Grand (Mrs. T. J. Boyle, manager).—The Boyle Stock Co. gave nn excellent performance of "The Merchant. of Venice" Nov. 2-7. Eugene Moore, as'Shy- lock, gave an artistic interpretation. Miss Crelffhtoo made her first apearance nnd pleased with her good reading and dramatic strength. "Barbara Freltchlo" 9-14. Busi- ness continues good. Vbndomb (WT A; Sheet*, manager).—Gen. Sidney, ln_ "Busy Izzy," packed the house Nor. 2. Otis Skinner and Ada Kenan, In' "Taming of the Shrew," gave a fine pro- duction S. Alberta Gallatin, In "Ghosts," 4. Her acting and that of Claud Bogel wns of the highest order. Marie Walnwrlght, lu "Twelfth Night," had fair business 5. Shay Opera Co. had fairly good attendance «, 7. Qulnlan & Wall's Minstrels 0, "Tho Silver Slipper" 10„lt, '.'The Professor's Love Story" (Harry Bercsford) 13, 'Tickings from Puck" 14. Washington.—At the National Theatre (W. H. lUiploy, manager i.—"The Silver Slip- per" Old firir business. This week, "Bubette,'' by Victor Herbert Had Ilnrr-y. B. Snilcb, hns Its Initial presentation. Tho cast includes Frit:'. Schelf. Joseph Jeffcrsou 18-21. Coj.u^tniA Tiieatub (Luckctt & Dwycr, rrtaiingers).—Jji«t iwcok Noit M. Wills, In "A Sou of Beat,'' kud dewrvcdly the bunt busi- ness of the. week. Mr. Wills wos well sup- ported by..a largo company, Including Susie Roccaujora. Thl*. wcok, ".Under Two Flags," with '.kino Keunni'lv Anna Hold Hi-21. I.-IFA-JBTIH •OlThA'-Hol'Si; (Ira .1. La -Mot! e, ruuDjiser).—Ixi«t rweek "The Slguof.tJw Four.b.m-iith W«ite»j4i;(hrtitrds, lmd'faJv^sJ&l houses, anil gave eunlro eatisfaotilou. *N'Wm wcck,"Uie Wells & Harlan "A Bliwk Sheep". Co.' "Marin,'of. the Lowhutils," 10.21. - CnABE's TriKATiiE (>MCss H.. WluiHned De Witt, amnartx). —• Good butdncss continues. This week Johnnie and Enmin Ray are the headllncrs, with Jesslo Couthoul, Geo. W.- Day, 'MomtrotU! TrouiH>, Columbia Trio, and Eddlo ■Mack. . ; . ■ - Academy, op (Mimtc (J. W.'Lyons, muna- ftcr).—Last week "Too Proud to Ben' 1 pleased ts clientele. Tlltla week, "Dosorteil at tho Altar." "From Rugs to Riches" 10-21. KJiriBB Tiikatrk. —Last week "Escaped from,Sing Sing" was a potent drawing card and was well received. This .week, "The' James Boys. In Missouri." "Tho Minister's Daughters" ■HI-21. Lyceum Tiibatot (Eugene Kernan, man- ager).—Last week Bobby Manchester's Crack- er Jacks, cvou better than over, with two burlesques and a llrst class olio,, packed this house nt every performance. Tlils week, tho. Vanity Pair Co. Harry Williams' Im- perials 10-21. Convention Hall.— Mmc. Nordlca nnd tho Now York Mel roiiolltau Opera House Svm-, phony Orchestra, under the direction at 3. S. Puss, 10. : ♦«» i ■■■■■■; ' MAH VI.AMI. . . ChattanoaKa^—At New Opera, nouse (Paul R. Albert, manager).—"When Johnny Comes Marching Home," Oct. 10, came to good business and pleased. HarrlB-Parklnson Stock - Co., ■ week of 20, had fair houses. Harry Bercsford, In "Tho Professor's Lovo Story," 20, pleased a largo audience. Adelaide Thurston- eamo, to good business, 28. Em- pire Theatre Co., 20, did well. "Holty Tolty" came, to 8. K. O., 30. Skinner and Keban had a crowded house Nov. 2. Concert 8. Marie Walnwrlght had a fair house 4. Geo. Obcr, 5, 0, had good crowds. Wm. Faversham came, to splendid business, 7. Coming: "Th 0 Sliver Slipper" 0, Tho Smart Set 10, Qulnlan & Wall 11. • ■ » ILLINOIS. WB8T VIRGINIA. Wheeling. B. Fianzbelui, manager).—This po At i tho Courr_Theatre (E. nulur house was closed from "Nov. 2, nnd. will not open uutll 14, with Jos, Jefferson. Grand Opera Housb (Chas. A. Felnlcr, managor),—"A Parish Frlost," 2-4, bad big liuslnoss, followed by "James- Boys In Mis- souri," 5-7, to 8. .11. O. Coming: "Two Little Waifs" Oil, "Tho Minister's Danghtora" 12- X4. • suter n vilie.—At the. Andltorinm Tliea- tre (A. Ii. Doyle,' manager).—"Why Women Bin..".Oct., 28, gave a line show, to B. R. O. Edwards' Stock Co., In "The Bondsman," Nov. 2: "Nell Owynne." 8; "California," 4, pi*yea> to rood .hwises.- 'Dae:, 't'Otber Peo- P3i Monej"' 11, "In'thb PAIaco of the King" M« ^' __ __ ....... . *aMj" Mf » A t Ford's Opera House (Charles K. .Ford, manager).—James T. Powers, in "A Princess of Kensington," Nov. I»-14. Viola, Allen's success in "Twelfth Night," last week, was undoubted. The Four Cohans 16-21. Academy op Music (Nixon ft Zimmerman., managers).—;'A Girl from Dixie" 014. "Saratoga." closed a week of fair business 7. William Faversham 16-21. - Maryland_,Thbatrb (James L.:. Kernan, manager).—HanlonB' "Buperba" this week. Business was largo all week-ending 7, .with sSrSf 1 /J r f.^ ,n, ' , . y apd vaudeville company. Wllllo.Collier, In "A Fool and Hla Money;- J^jasp/s TireuTRR (P. B. Chase, manager) ."Th» I'nunlr, Ol.l" a.t A „i.v. 'n.--_tr-' Peoria.—At tho Grand (Chatnberllo, Hnr rlngton & Co.,.managers).—Mary Sliaw, In "Ghosts," Dot ill, had good matinee anil evening, and pleased. "Codu' noliow," Nov. 1, lud tho usual Sunday house, and Jamen Whltcomb Riley packed them In 2. Martin's Undo 'Pom" did good business 4, and Indi- cations arc 'bright for "Tho Biirgoinaster." 7. Coming: "Bonnie Brier Bush" 13, Moonlight Maids 14, ''Katzenjammer Kids'' iff, "An American Hobo" 10, "As You. Like It" 17, "Tho Fatal Wedding" 18, "Daro Devil Doro- thy" 10,."Tho. Prince of, Pllsen" 20. . ■ Main Stbijbt (Will Nash, manager).—. Attendance has suddenly lumped up,to what can be railed big. Week of I): Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, Jane Courthope and compsny, Ton Brooke, Lambert and Ten Brooke, Sisters Meredith. Blsaonnette and Newman, Antrim nud Peters. •■• ■ ■ . . ■ • Wbast's TniSATRB <P. A. Weast, proprie- tor).—Uusinoss Is much Improved. Week of, 0: Brazil' and Brazil, Henry and Krancls. I ox and Summers, Scan tan and Foloy, and others, • . Jacobs' Thbatiib (\. F. Jacobs, proprie- tor).—Patronago Is ttood. Week of .6: Met- ropplttau Minstrels, with specialties by tba Mldgeteys, Sisters Chatham, Frank and Ida Williams, Martin aud Crouch, Theo. Mont- gomery. .... Notd,— Tho sale of ' scats. for the Melba engagement, 10, opened big on 5.. m ' , , m . Gainer—At the Empire Theatre (W. I* Busby, manager).—The Grace Hayward Co. did n record breaking-business week ending Oct. 80. "The Governor's Son" had a big house, and gave excellent satisfaction, Nov. Coming: "The Irish Pawnbrokers" 6, punts ir,i8-.-- " Jflght W Tiir IIopkin'r Vaopevillb Co. was hookeJ nt tho Soldiers' Dome 4. • . . ' —i' * ■» : • ■ —Ka( Jirvn Osrerman has recovored from the Jnjiirles received In tho noeklent whlcli befell her in Hartford. Cona., and wJU re stime her tour of '-Miss l>etblcnnjts" Nov. ll>. nt Bridgeport. wee* j^T. Th> Hew Magdalen" Is In re- the Ben," playing the rube comedy part and ne " ^ "■ , • doing his specialty.