The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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NUMBER U. 'I'ABtu or. wumssm, . • • J ' —i , IW. Miss Clipper's Anecdotes, Personalities ' and Comments Concerning gttkc Folk. 897 rmrl-ontloh MM ••••••••• 808 .New Hudson Theatre—Sketch boii .niprM r<wt ofhve noi With (he. Mil Posters 001 l'mlnr ihe Tents noi r»,ir Chicago. Letter 002 I tclcn Bertram -Sketch noa I intent by Telegraph 0O5 (In the Road..... 005, 000, 007 Vaudeville Route I.Ist ,'.; 00S Chess and Checker* 808 Queries Answered-..... 002 New York .City — Review and Com- '• menr ..... 008, 900,9.10 Heaths In the l»mfe»Blon ..; on World of Players oil . tHkatRical conitRsi'osDRNt.'i:. Sew Jfrscy ... uhlo Virginia '.....- Texos .'.....'... New Hampshire North' Cnwllra Indlnnn —...-, 16WB Nebrasko THE InTETW- YOEK OLIPI>toR. Ithnde. Island.'Maine, .... Mnssachiisel t s SdirtH Carolina. .:....;.'. Pennsylvania,. Wyoming .*ow-York State ...;.■ .Wabnma Michigan ......... Went-Virginia- Mlnresrtn ......... nitric; of Columbia Maryland... 'I'pmiffstn Illinois Mulslana ■■'■ MtiAnmi .. 800,90"/ ,.. 800, 004 . ;.80fi . -. 800, !U0 800 ,....-..800 .. 800,010 ..800 ... 800,010 001 ... 002, oo:i oo:: oon ...... oo:i .. 904, 008 , 004 , :wi4 ......004 .001 !t04 004 004 004 oo.-> :)08 .\I1«koiiii :)08 Chnhdn, Washington 010 WliroDdn. California 010 uVntncfor •..••• oio r-~».a» .'firifit...rifiir *il,i Kentucky ...... Kansas,«Connecticut Oregon, Colorado <i*vTgla. Arkansas 010 OH) on LATEST BY TEU SGRAPE ! * r' ' . Mnngny -Vlirhfn Openings la All the lllK Show Ton n«. GOLIIKN OATH til.EAMXUS. "The. Storku,*' "The; Private Secre- - ran." "I ni'le Tom'i (shin" and ■•Ben Hur" ii re I lie Current Dra- < ,n'n'«l«- Bill.. $t*n{al fllapatnheit to'i'HK Nr.w Youk Ct.ll'l'KIl • 8*v FnASc.lsco, Nov. 10.—At the Columbia Theatre."The Rtorks" opened last night its second, and in ft week. (.'.U.tKonNu Tiikathk. — I.eon Herrmann, i)|e magician, In the current week's hill. .AlcazAii ..Tiikatbb. — - "J'hn Private Sec- rotdry" Is this week's offering. Cf.ntiui, Tiikathk. —"Unrte Tom's t'Bhln" Ik thV week's hill, L. R. Htoekwell appear- ing as Marks. liBANn Oi'Kitv Hoi-hb.— "Hen Hur" began Irs. neeond week Insr alght. The S. It. O. f tan-Is displayed nightly. 'fivotil Ol'iSBA Holts*.—This Is the eleventh week of Italian (rami opera. "La Toscn" nnd^'H Trovalore" will he Ihe alternate hills. •FlRcnnn'8 Tiikathk.— "Itiibes and Hoses" Is In |ls second week. ■ Onriiet'M TllKATim.— Openlngn Sunday, Nriv. '8: Jnck-Theo Trio. Phil and .Nettle I'AterH, Wnrren and Itlnnchnrd, Bellman and Moor*, Sln« Waldon, Cllvetle, Two Hoses, ilolemnn's dogs, and lhe Village Choir. CniitHR.—«!nrrent bill, for week of 0: Wnyhhand Lamar, Queen, Slowe and Keely, l.w Wells, thi> fjrotesnne Morrlsseys, Allen Sisters, Mny hamson, and the unlmato<u-ope. IiYPKFM Tiii'ATm;.—Kill for week at 0: I'iVhJiNry ahd Stanton, World and Kingston, .Marsh ahdHnrtello, (leorgle OrndorflT, I'hnebo ■ llbsnn, Ihe yerxes, riinton Montgomery, Stafford.and Stone, and the bioscope. '■"' '' FROM OTHBH 1'OIXTS. , M'A:lll1N0TO.^ Nov. 10 —."llnhlu, r«™ini? h ' c,> i"\!' a fu " bouse nt the In. n. lne hdi VV r^ y ^ Klnm, > "ny hendH ur" pnekert the AeiidemvT »tL j^Vj ■^ltoSTOV: Xny. 10.~Openlngii were fa'riv good, conslderng the lack of -novelil™ fin i Mwartlfg made her KienJ debut a" aVar it the (.'olumbln. In "Winsome Winnie." The house wns packed. An excellent com imny fjnpport* Miss IMwnrX, and "ffi prodiictlon- Is sumptnoiwlr staii-i i full hiiuee of music lovers enjoyed"" vid.i '• as sting by Savage's nggregntlon (If singers it the 'lrein(mt,.....The followln- BttimMMa played to «j«li filled bnttm : vMir-e a ,h m " '.'Jr. .^ rk . : ,', y)a t*\ n l««rrlngion" nl ft a .lobe: "Lady Bnwra Dauvhier, at the iini- . S J T$ Tl J ( funwm" It the Majestic: ' I^rothy Vernon, ot HniMen llntl." at the o onlal, and ■•Arrah-NnPngiie," nt the Ilos- l:e (.rent White IMamoml." «t the Hui., and Jhojnajt K. .Sihca, at. Hie Oram! Opera, were profitable cards I'mmI turnouts at tnu vaudeville ami hurlesouc houses. .w? T ' 2- 01 "?- ^ v ; 10 --Wm. if; Crnne, in The Spenders," Is the week's leading at- traction, lie opened 0, at the Olympic..... ■•Mr. ninehenrd" Is In Us second And last *f£ k S! ,h % «-«nl'«ry. -—The tirond has Ihe Sign of the Cross," wh ch opdned 8. to good business The Lohimbli offered a new vaudeville Monday matinee |har. is even cleverer than usual..... .Tho Impnr'al has "A lliilned i.lfe, and Ihe opening perform- ance was ,well attended n«ry Clay Itlnnev. In "Across the I'aclllc," Is at rnvlln's.......At Crawford's "Vs'here Is i ■ibh Is the weeks offering.,.., .ilarrv iiryanl.'s JlnrlesqucrK are at tho rMitndarr). • 7'b ft '*"' ,on "art (Pxxl nltend.atiee Riin- day, with. "Maid of Orleans," by |ho Ger- man Block company. .Mii,wAi-Kfc>:. Nov. 10.—Henry Miller and Margaret Anglln, In "Harry of the fiiiards," opened a three nlghls" engagement at. tho lmvldsnn Monday, ion well filled house. ICugenle Blair, In "/jimi," nt the, Kljon, packed the house twice Sunday..;. .."Tho Way of the Transgressor" also had tho crowd* In-line nt. the Alhambrn, whllu Welier's Parisian Widows, nt the Star, drew capacity for the matinee, and turned them nwny at night, llert Leslie, in ihn olio. s.:ored heavily ii.nh the mianhnuser nnd Wnchsner Slock Companies hart their iisuol prnlliable openings. t'jxci.vjj.iTi, Nov. 10.—"A Country flirl," preseuled by- the Italy Musical flompanv, npenert at the ilrand last night, to a we'li pleased audience of large slue "The Slain of. Utah" scored lieovllv at the Ly- ceum, where ihe small hoys cheered their idol. Uenn Wnddell "Tho Princess Chic" was welcomed nl the Walhul: Street "The Man, Who Hnred." at- Heuck's, also spread Its MBfNn of. Inst, season, Hyde's Comedians packed the t.olumhln, mid Ihe Brigadiers drew well at the People's. Anna Kva Fay opened at Rohlnnoa's ins(:nlght. : Her advance sale is.very large. Lnnsviixji:. Nov. 10.^'The Bnrgotnaster" opened at Macnitley's last night, to a (crowd- ed house.,.... At..the Jtasonlc '"reHg, of the B'Hrhervllles ' opened, lo a big audience "Not liitllly" opened Sunday nt tho Avenue, drawing capacity hoimes......The, ■ Oalptv littchess, ui the Buckingham, pnctiad the house Sunday...,. .Standing room whs at a premium.nt Hopkins' Sunday, nt both per- I'ormnncCR .-- ■ 4« . » '• ■ MM 1S1AW. 905 •'Bnahette." Kecelren It* Premier at U'nsliltmt'iii— <i«ii>il BiiMlness Alonu. ,»f»e Line. ;Ciucaoo, Nov. 10.—Tonight, Tuesday, Leon Wiichsner'N Herman Dramatic Co. will com- mfcrnnr4to Schiller's birthday with a prodttc- lInn, sr the'Auditorium, of "Wallensteln'a 'I'llfl," halving the proceeds with the fiermnn departments of the Chicago nnd North- *'*steril t'nlversllles liugenle Blair, In "ZjUl;". comes to the (Jreat Northern, wbero 'Mcli'ftilden's Klnts" opened Sunday.... "The Tenderfoot". made Chicago a one night stand, appearing nt the New (iarrlck Sunday night. NoriJlen turned people away from the liniaonsnly spacious Auditorium Theatre Sun- ita,r.njj|hl Mrs. Langtry, In "Mrs. Doer- ing's Divorce," nt the Illinois, wns Monday night!*' novelty. ....... .Julia Marlowe, nt I'livvera', anil Klcanor Kobson, at tho Now 'lHt|lct. continued their engagements '•'riin County Chairman" began Its last week ii i ,v i lie ..Hliidebaker The S|K>rtsmen's Show, nt the Coliseum, is dividing- the amuse- ment population with the theatres thlH week. .......Hundny openings at the popular priced hnMNM were: "in the Shadow of the Gal- lows'." hi Hopkins'; "Queen of the Highway," ill,'the-Criterion-; "Her First False Slew," ill. the 'Academy; "HeartB Adrift," at tho (lliou:; ."Through . Fire autl Witter," at -the Alhqrnhrn ; Andi-ew Bobsisj, In "Klchnrd CHr- ve|;'l-ht the Colnmbils, and "When Womeu l>ve,'.'<Mt tho Marlowe. BIb business ruled afternoon'and evening "Streets of New Vorlr,". nt the Avenue; "Lynwnod." nt tho i iarrlck, and. ol her stock company nllls at- tracted Sunday crowds The hurlesqun aw|*-voiidevlllo resorts had their customary Sunday Jams. Flue weather for (boatro- wing. '' . I'lHI.APBi.riiiA, Nov. 1ft.—Tho itwrnotit at tliearregiiers ln«t night Jotft Hi tie room for, Oie openings he-Ins large through- out! ha city. 1 .... ."Ihe Runaways" |>egnn Its Int-lil rngnavmont wllih «n excellent itssent- lilrffie at. I.^e Chestnut, meeting with a favom- lib!, reception The Walnut had "The Silver-sllpner," wMeh completely filled the house. ....Airs, LesHe Cnrter Tevlve<l 'JSHKn at 'ihe Broad, to the satisfaction of ft brlt- luim-asnomhlago, and "Nancy Brown," nt the "acrjek. nnd "Mme. Napoleon," nt (he Opera I (Wisp..'hoi h eonMnued well IPjgenlieck'a iinVwm'di'em- excellently at the Auditorium, uiid other combination hoinsea fared well Met-nyirlous nVoducrloiw nit vlic slock liouses wore, libera lly reworded, rattdevlllu i»ros- pcneq.ltt) Kellli's two houses, end the re- tail Inder gf'lhf list had jialToiu galore. <.... TlitnfiatlJ concert, at the Academy, brought mnrn-ttiD attetMlaitce, nt fancy prices. Ganrah City. Nov. 10.—B. J. Morgan, In "The. Ktenial City." niieued n week's cu- '-'ni}(unpnt nt the Willis Wood laHt night, to n largo audience. The star, compnuy and produc- iton were well received.. ..Word nnd Vokes. New Orleans—Tiilnne Thentro (W. II. Rowles. manager).—A large audience wel- comed Mary. Mannerlng Nov. 2, npd Mg busi- ness followed, throughout, the entlm week. "The Sliihhoniness .if Oeraldlne'* w|ts the of- fering. "Holtj-. Tolty," 8, for one iilBh,t, with Ot Is Sklniler and Ada Itehan duo week of 0. "The Silver Slipper" 10-21. ■ ••? Chehckxt TmwtTKB IW. H. Bowles, mana- geri. .-"Hiimtiti I.Ieorls" drew linioepse busi- ness all last week, and gave entli;n satisfac- tion. <Seo>. Sidney,, In "Busy Igjy," 8-14, With The Smart Set to follow 15-Sjf. , . tlBANn OrKHA.Hon ah Illy. Oreenwall, mau- nger).—The. BnklwInrMelvllle Stqck ( \ n . ►*■" sent, for the first time here, weok of 1. "Jim Bludso." to S. R. O. btialptAs, • "No- body's Claim" 811. ST. CUARI.KN OlIPJIKIIM (CbOR, H. BW.V, manager).—A splendid bill did a good week's business Nov. 2-7, nnd each number won ap- preciation. The entertainers were; Falko and fleamon (second week), McCarthy part Wol- eott, Flsh'cr and Johh'son, T. Nelson Downes, tbe Three Zolars. Jas. Richmond'Olenroy, S<>rrn nntj Bella Rosa, and new-pictures. Bill week of 0 includes: Tbe Original Rio Bros., Mmlly fatten and William Oerald Araioiils.TIror, Chns. Kmnf, Alnjont and Du- liont, Mclntyro and Primrose,- Itassr Bros., and new. pictures. Krkkcu Oi'kra lloitnis (P. Charley, mnn- ,ter).—The, French Opera Co. arrived hero !1. and Iro'niedlntely began rehearses fqr their grnnd opening, 10. The opening bill will very likely be "Carmen." ...... .. -' Kanm.—Fisher and Johnson proved n good return at Ihe Orpheuin week of 2. lining the place oMllooni and Cooper, whono baggage went astral- Mabel Montgomery. |ho leading lady of the llaldwln;.Melrllle Stock Co., is ch.foylng a well oarnejl rest of two weeks. On tbe Road. Shrevepo'rt,—flranrt Opera Uonso (I-!hr- lleh Bros., managers).—VMIlard Minims, In '• Tickings from Puck," played, to good busi- ness, Nov. t, Robert Monlell. In "The Light of Other Days," elegant, production, played to S. R..O. a. "Dora Thorne" drew fair nf- "Happy Hooligan," 4, played to stiLlsfnctory hitslnt'ss, Coming: KllxnlxHh Kennedy .">, Chns. B. nanford.ft: 7. Murray i- Mark S, "A Trip to Chinatown'' 0, Vir- ginia Drew'TrtBcolt 10. i « ' »»■ - : - • NHW JKK.1KV. m 4be|r new show, "Pi'aartw Ibelr auutml .V Pair of Pinks," eugagement with ft jinfkSf 'matinee,' nnd tbe house was sold out hofbrh the doors opened for the night show, '•'ho abow -and company scored a bljt hit, anq'M In. for a big week The usual anodic crowds were on hand lo see (he new VMHHIM Idil nt the Orpheum Pax- ion's-Art Sltidles and Franceses Redding wefp tbe heftdllners At tho Olllls two S- R. 0. houses greeted Nellie Mellenry, In "M'lliis." The Auditorium had n big matinee and n packed night bouse to see "Auto tootn Sweden."... .The Century, with Ri B,«P*W&'« Own Co,, pleased two largo 1'itiiTson.—Opera- IIouso (John J. Ooet- schlus, manager).—"Tho Wizard of 0»," with -Muutgomry and Stone, did trcmendoiiH busi- ness Nov. «.■ With the exception of fl the 10. V. Phclatt Stock Co. played the aollro week of 2. Strong plays, with clovpr tier- formers nnd excellent. specialties, resulted In crowded-chouses. "Mnrtn, of tho low- lands" 0:-"Rachel Goldstein" 10. 11, "Olrl» Will Re Olrls" 12-14, Daulel Sully lfl. Wil- ton Lactose. In "Tbe Pit," 1", 18 ( 'lLoo|i- Ing tbe Ijnotf' 10-21. Buou Thbatbb (3Irs. Ben I.eovltt ( mana- »r).—Last Week the Ctonlans .filled'on no- engagement , sitisfaetoty lo home mlntge- meet and patron*. Fred Irwin's Bit Show 014. RentfcSantley Co.iii-l!L * PfiNoiyNflt^FrWay; evMloir; B.-i'Mana- ger Italph Ward took the Pbeiaa BtMk Co. to the P»»snlc Opera House.^ returning to PaterRon Hntnrday,- to conclude the Jjeek'a engagement-at the- Pateraoti Opert > House. Pftti) Ipp Will not ho with Rioa * •Mrion'ii Bis- Oalety Co..^ttrnai.tajbla old. position i* treunnr of the Bijou theatre. All Rostra Mnat Reanh Va Not Latar 1 ban Monday. ' ■ ■■-. DHAMATIC. A. Adams, Maude, In "lite I'retly Sister of Jose' (chnrJe* Frrthman, mgr.i—>x. V. I'lty Xov. irt-Jnn. :'. ' A) ^P- , vw «i in "Twelfth Mght" d'harles W. Allen, mgr.)—Trenlon. N. J., Nov. 11. Norfolk, Va., Ill, Richmond 14, l'hlladel- phla, ra.. Ut.31. Alexander. Thomas It., In "Near (he Throne'' (J. liohertson Smlly. mgv. I--■Anderson. Ind.. Xov. K, Broitll 0, Hnrtford Clly 10. Sotiih Bend ].'!, Lafayette 14, Mnrlou IB, Xoble.svlllo 17, Flndtay, u., 10. Marlon at*, Alllnnict» SI. Arfhttr. John (J. S. Iteynolds. ragT.)— Pel la, In., Nov. 11. Stuart IS, Anita la. Shelby •14, lifkswold 10, Clearfleld 17, Lucas IS, Corning 20. Cre.ston SI. Aubrey Slock, Eastern. Mlttantiml Bra- • lliers' (Carl Urehm. mgr.)—I'h.tntlelrt, - Mukh.. Nov. 0-14, Bltighamioo. N, V„ 111-21. Aubrey SUx-k. Western, MlMenllml Brolliers' tFcnrtk liolllngsw-ortli, mgr.)—Cumber- land, aid., Nov. 9-1 :i, lx>nnoonliig 14, ivm- nellsville. Pa., 10-21. "Aro You a Mason'/" (Julius Cnhn. mgr.)— Aspen, tlolo., Nov. 0. Salldft 10, L'nnon Clly II, Pueblo 12, Victor 13, Trinidad 14, fiainesvllle, Tex., 111. Dallas 17. 1R, Fort Worth 10. Bonhnm 20, Creenvllle 21. "Arizona." M. B. Ilnvmnnd's (Charles F. Brown, mgr.)—Big Itnplds, Mich., .Nov. 2, Lansing- :i, Fort Huron 4, !>, Hast Towns 11. Alpena 7, Hay City 0, Saginaw 10, Mlnlsiee 11. Traverse City. 12, Sault Slo Marie 13, Kscanaha 14, Menominee HI, Iron Mountain 17, Marquette IS, III, Calu- met 29. Hancock 21. "Arizona," M. D. Raymond'* (J. U, IVilser, mgr.)—Ilnimon, Tex., Xov. 13. "As You Like II," with Camilla Reynolds (KrncKt Shlnman, mgr.)—t'bnmpnlpn, III., Nov, II, I'rfnceton 13, llurltnglon. In., 14. .Monmouth, ill., Ill, l'eorla 17, ftock island 15. Canton 10, Pana 20, Sprlnglleld 21. "An American Centlemnn"—Llneols, Ncbr., Nov. 13, 14. "At Cripple Creek," Whltaker & Noun's— Oraml Itnplds, Mich., Nov. 8-11. "Across tbo l'nelilc" (Harry Clay Blaney, mgr. i—Ht. Iritis, Mo„ Xov. 8-14, Chicago, HI., 15-21. "At- tbe Old Cross Roads" (Arthur C. Alston, mgr.)—1'nrtland, Ore., Nov. 8-14. Salem HI, Albany 17. Ashland 18, Bed Bluff. Cal.. 10, Chleo 20, Sacrntnento 21. "At Duty Call." with Kdward Ksmondo i Harry Mnrccll, mgr.)—Hnrlfnrd, Conn., Nov. I), 10. Fall Blver 12-14. "At Pikes Peak," 0. II. Kldon'a (Claudo Honrdman, mgr.)—t.'alvn, 111., Nov. 11, I.u Ilarpe 13, Dallas City 14. Fort Madison, In., IB, Memphis, Mo„ lfl, Koboka 17, Canton IK, Palmyra 10, Bowling (Ireen 20. Ctorksvllle 21. "Alphonse and Onston," Cus IIlll'B—- Man- chester, N. II., Nov. II, Now Bedford, Mass., 13, 14, Boston H!-21. ■ Bingham. Amelia, In "The Frisky Mrs. John- son" (Prank McKee, mgr.)—«'harlottc, N. t;., Nov. II. Columbia, H. C„ 12, Snvnnnnh, • In.. 11, Augiisln 10, Charleston, S. C, 17, Brunswick. On., 18. Jacksonville, Fla., 10, Mncou, (in., '.'O, Columbia 21,. Blanche Bales, In "Tho Darling of the Cods" (David Itelancn, mgr.)—N. Y, Clly Xov. 9-14. Boston. Mass., 17-Dec. ft. Barrymore, Hthcl, In "Cousin Kale" (Chnrles Krnbmnn, mgr.)—N. V. City Nov. 0-28. Illoodgood. Clnra, in "T'he Olrl with Oreen Byes" (Charles Frobmnn, mgr.)—Toledo, O., Nov. 11. Indlnnnpolls, 1ml., 12, Fort Wayne 13, Springfield, HI., 14, St. Louis, OK, HI-2L Bellew. Kyrlc, ns Rallies, "An Amateur Cracksman" (Llebler & Co., mgrs.)—N. Y. City Xov. 0, indefinite. Byran, An hur, in "Major Andre" (Frank MeKee, mgr.)—X. Y. City Xov. 11, In- definite. Botielcault, Aubrey, In "Captain Charley" (Shttbcrls & W. A. Brndy, mgrs.)—Ham- ilton, Can.. Nov. 20. Blair, Htigcnlc. In "Znza" (Henri (Jrassltt, mgr.)-—Milwaukee, Wis. Nov. 8-14, Chi- cago, III., 15-21. Rubier. Klchard, In "Paul Revere" (Henry II. Marks, mgr.)—Brooklyn. X. Y.. Nov. 0- 14, Wheellug, W. Va., ltl-18, Steubenvllle, O,, 10, Ynungstown 2ft, Jeanne) to. Pa.. 21, Beresford, Hairy, In "The Professor's Love Slory" (J. J. Coleman, mgr.j—llreenvllle. Miss., Nov. 0, Memphis, Tenn., 10, 11, Jackson IS, Nashville 13, Fvansvllle, Ind., ■14. Frankfort. Ky., HI, Lexington 17. Mny- vllle 18, Mlddletown, O., 10, Hprlnglleld 2ft, Dayton 21. Buffhnm, lOlmcr, In "Tho Merchant of Ven- ice" (flporge Fletcher, mgr.)—Wlnghnm. (Int., Nov. 0, Kincardine 10, Lncknow 11, Clinton IS, Mitchell 13, New Hnmhurg 14. Blondella, In "Through the Center of the Kartlt," Hlondcll & Fcnnessy's (Harry t!lark, mgr.)—Oardlner, Me., Nov, II, VotervlHo. li, Bangor 13, 14. BenneNt & Mhulton, Repereory (F. C. Twlbch- ell, ragra.)—Xcwburyjort, Mass., Nov. 0- 14, Gloucester lfi-21. Benne.trt & MouWion, Repertory (A. P. Reed, tngr.)—'Dunkirk, X. Y„ Nov. 914, Brad- ford, Pa., 16-21. llennout & Moultom, Repertory (J. II. Torr, mgr.)—'Lannftster, Pa., Nov. fl-14. Bennett & MouHon, Repertory (Ira K. Now- liall, mgr.)—Salem. Mnas., Nov. 1(1-21. Bennelt 4 Moitlten. Bepcrtory (W. A. Par- rello. msr.'i—Ipswich, 'Mass., Nov. 9-14, 10.21. Baldwiu-Melvllle, Repertory (WaHer S. Bald- win, mgr.)—New Orleans, Ln., No\'. 0, In- definite. • lluntlng, Hnrma. Repertory, Unrl Burpcss' (Then. Johnston, tngr.j—l'll'lston. Pa., Xov. 0-14, Kanlon 16-21. Breckenrldgn Stock, with Charles Breckem, .ridgetnnd Margareit Wlntim (Boyd P. Joy, tngr.)—lnlo, Kan., Nov. 0-14, Independ- ence 10-21. Bltnu Comedy (II. ft. Young, mgr.)—Ht. Thomas, Ont,, Xov. 0-14, London HI-21. linker Theatre Slock—Portlnnd, <lre.. Nor. 8-14.- Belcher ComMlans (W. M. Belclwr, mgr.)— rtHvaiuifth, Mo., Nov. 0-11, Forest City 12- "Be»t of Krlouds" (Charles Frohman, mgr,) — X, Y. City Xov. 0, Indefinite. "Hen Hur" (KJaw ft ErlWuger, mgrs.)—X. V. Citj- Xov, 0, Indefinite. "Beullnr" (Kl«w & Brlauger, mars.)—Sail Francisco, Cal., Sav. 0-2**. -cr fr.j-=—troliii It Wife" llrown, mgr.;—Portnud, Ore., Xov. 11 ffcumstantlitl Kvldence" (1'red P. I'owler, "ir.j^-i'olumbiiN, Neh„ .Nov. II. liranit ' 13, Kearney 14. York 111, (ienevii rmbre 1*. Lincoln 20, 21, i'lffl" (W. T. Keogh, mgr.)—Hol- .vpkn. Mass., Xov. Il-l-l, Lllzabi'ili, N. J., 12-14, Phllndclphla, I'n.. ld-21. "f'hIW Slaves of New York" fJoko Isaac. inirr.) —Dayton, O., Nov. 9-11. (Iranil . , ILunltln, Mich.. 1214, Chicago. III., lfi-21. "<'htWity NnMe." Helma Herman—illeuck & Vonncsity's (John M. Cook, gen. mgr.)— . BiijfajD, N. V, Xov. 0-14, Toronto, Out., "Copflc't'a Daughter," I!astorn. (leo. Sam- iiel8 l (J, if. Washburn, mgr.)—Massllloti, 0., Noy.-O. gtctibenvillc 10, Salltievllle 11, T'hrlchivHIo 12, Znnnsvllle 13, Knst l.lver- priol M, lldvennti lfl. Carrolltnn IT, Miner- va 18, Mlllershurg 10, Mansfield 21. "ponvlflt's. ikiuglitcr," Houthern, (leo. «nm- -nels' (Boland (1. Pray, mgr.)—Jackson, 'I'rnn.. Nov. 0, Oiu-eom, Ark., 10, .loneslioro -11,' XaviTKiri 12, BaitcHvlllo 13, Mnrlnnua .14 Fwpat City 1(1, Clarendon 17. Pino -llnttC 18, Camden 19, Hot Springs 20, Tex- Hrknitn-ai. » ■ Drew, John, In "Cnninht Dieppe" fOlmrlos t'mhnwn, mur.)—rtciteneeiudy, N. Y.. Nov. 0, syraetise in, Roi-iieHlnr 11, liniro'lo is- 14, troy -10, 17, Albany 18, Notlm-mpton, •Was,, .19, Hprlnglleld SO, New Haven, cfrm.. ?i. D'Otsay, lAwxens-e, la "Tito llari of I'nw- f(picket" (Klrlio Ln Mlwlle, mgr.)—Boston, MJWt,' Nov, 9, lndellnlte. Ilptuo,, Knnford—llnd I<nko Mail*, Millft., Nov. Jit, Warren 14, Orofton, Xo. I>tlt., HI, Hi, M 10, Cnva'ller 2n. ,, Robert. In "Hon, John North" ■ K. Cdlller, biw. mirr.)—ilantnionil, NOT. 1), Lansing", Midi., 12, Cm ml , FJom, No. 2 (J. II. Rolnnur, mgr. j —Havwjna, III., Xov. 914. lUrvldavm Htock (A. K. 'Davidson, m«r.)--- MjfOjmtk 'lnd„ Nov. 0-14, F.vaiiwiliu Id- HfrBpV/*o'rncll, Repertory — Wellshnrg, W. Vn?,'Nov. 0-14. I)avlfWpn l Dmma.tlc (Frank Davidson, mgr.) ^-•Slpnon,' Ind., Nov. 0-11, Beusselen.r 12- 1.4. llomence, III.. 16-18, Sheldon 10-21. -He" VmKdc, (Miester, 4n "Hisimed" IJUill Levy, ■ jMr,)—York, Pa., Nov. 11-14, lichmion ill- DftieLMarlc. RerMrlory (Harry Kiting, mgr.) -r-Pnrant. Ind, Ter., Nor. 0-11, Sherman, . Tm., 12.14. Caddo, Hid. Ter., 111-18, l.e- mgrs.)—vAlbcay, X. V., Nov. 11-11, Troy IS> . 14, Bridgeport, Conn., 16-18, Xew Ilaveu 10-SI. ■ ~ . •' Crane. Win. H„ lu "The Spenders" (Charles Frnhnian. mgr.l—Hi. Louis, Mo„ Nov. 9- . 14, Pltlshttrg, Fa.. 111-21. Carter, Mrs, Leslie, in "7mm" and "Hit Hairy" (Hnvld Belnsco. mar.l—I'hllndcl- Ithln, Pa.. Nov. 0-14, X. Y. Clly lit'.'S. I'nghlnn, Hose (Jules AHirry, mgr.i—Lnu- slng, .Midi.. Xov, 2, Adrian 3. Attn Arhnr 4, Jncksun B, Battle Creek it. lira ml liapbU 7. HnniDioiiil, ind., 8. Muskegon, Mich., 9, liownglnc id, Michigan city II, South Bend. Hid., 12. F.lkhnrt-13, Fort Wayne 14, Louisville, Ky., Jil-21. Collier. William, in "A Foul ami Ills Money" (NVeber & Fields, mgrs.l—X. Y. Clly Nov. it U, Baltimore, Md., Ill 21. Cogblan, (lerirntle f J. A. Iteeil, mgr.l—Dan- ville, Va., Nov. II, I'hnrloue, N. C, 13. I'olumblu, S. C, 11. Cohans, Four, In Ttannlng for Office" (Fred Nlhlo, ropr.)—N. Y. Clly Xov. 014, Balti- more, Md., 16-21. Clarke. Harry Cordon, la "Ills Ahaent Son" —Jefferson Clly, Mo., Nov. 12. Sodnlln 1.1, Ollnvn. Kan., 14, Knnsas Cllv, Mn„ 14-21. Clny Clement, In "The New Dominion" (Joseph «'. 1-ognti, mgr.l—lies Moines, In., Xov. II, Is, Algona 13. Welister Clly 14. Osknloosa HI, iown Clly IT. Davenport is. Hod; Island, HI., in, Mollnn 20, Mon- mouth-21. Chase-Lister Theatre, Northern (Joseph Fnr- rell, mgr. j—Pierre, So. Dak., Nov. Ill 4. Chase -Lister, Soul hern (F. IJ. ItUlledge. mgr.) —Ohlllh-olhe. Mo., .Nov. 1(1-21. Chicago Stock (Charles It. Rosskam, mgr.) — Toledo. u„ Xov. Oil. ConU-Clmroh. Bepertnry (W. II, Taylor, mgr.l --Hnlem, Mass., Nov. 0 14, New Bedford Cnrpenfsr. I'rankle. Repertory (Jere (irndv, mgr.)—I^iwell. .Mass., Xov. 0-14, Togtis, .Set, 16. 17, JUmava 18-21. flntiroy & Mack's Comedians (P. P. Crnft, injt'r.)—Annapolis, .Md., Xov. 0-H, South Fork, Po., ld-21. Carroll Comedy (Inn Carroll, mgr.)—Mar-' tlnshnrar,'W. I'n.. Nov. 1)14, llurrlsonherg. Vftt. HI-21. Crnscent <remedy (II. A. Bergman, mgr.)— .McArthur, 0., .Nov. 1214, OlawMMer 10- PC,., Cnsrle, H'luare Stock, Xo. I (f,. L. Oreeno ft •John Yfflgor, mgrs.)—Parkers Landing, t>a„ Xov. Oil, .New Bethlehem 12-14, . Washington HI-21. Cnstln So.uaro Stock, Xo. 2 (C. C. Allison,. f»gr.)—Jbgglns Jllnes. X. S., Nov. 0-11, •ugwnsh' 12-14, Plcioii lfl-18, Wcstvlllo HI-21. , Chnmpllli, Chas. K„ Repertory—Xew Brims- ■ ivli'ji, X'. J.. Nov. 9-14. Cutter ft Williams' Slock (W. It. Cutter ft J. W. VYIIIInrus, mgrs).—Nnhlesvlllc, ind., Nov. fl-14, Huntington HI-21. "Cni-aller"- (Wallace Monro, mgr.)—Rcran- lon,'Pa., .Nov. 0, Wllkeslmrre ID. Allen- ■ iO'.vn 11, Trenlon, N. J„ IS, Rending, I'n., 13, I'riMBiown 14, Chester 1(1, Bltrllngton, . ■N. J,, 17, Ilnrrlshurg, Pn„ 18. York 10, -Lancaster 2(>, Anunpnlls, Mil., 21. "checkers," with Thrmins K. Boss—Kirk I,a Shelle's (Cornelius tiordiicr, mgr.i--lluf- •fnln, S*. V., Nov. 914, I'lilcagu, 111., jr,- Hpc, & . "Christian," Knstern, Davis A Dnroy's (Chas. L. young, mgr.l—Cannes. N, v., Xov. II, Albany 12-14. Scranton. Va., 101.8, Bend- ing 19. Pho-nkvllle 2ft. "ChrUtlan" Western. Oeorge T,. Bilker's (C, "Djjiver Jink" (J^mcuIi W. l*Jgli, uujr.)— Viui Meter, la., Nov. 11. Karlbam 12, Dexter IP, Stuart 14, Menlo in. Adair 17, Anlin IS, Atlantic IP, Manic 20, Walnut 21. "Down and l.'n," Willi the Hlcknuin Bros M. II. Arthur, mgr.)—Wellsvlllc. N. Y„ Xov. II, Couderspori. !■».. .12, Fori AI legally IS, Austin 14, Cnissfnrls 111. He- - imvn 17. ilntiisdnle J8, iiarneshoM in, Clen Cninpli'll 20. "flown Mill I'll," llleknuiii Brothers' (Hnrry I'lckdinn. mgr.i- -I'ccniineii, Mich.. Nov. •12, Pontine III. Ludliiiriiiii II, 'Moiiisiec HI, Mies 17. ■ Flllottt, Mnxlne, In "Her Own Way" (C. II. I'llllnghnin, mgr.l—X. V. Cllv Nov. »-2s. J&temn, Bols-rt (Hnrry It. Hnrrls, mgr.)-- Hull I.nkn Clly, IT., fill, Colnrndo S|>rlii|^. Col., 13, Pueblo II, Vlclor IS, Jienvcr HI'JI. L'llle Kllsler, In "When Knighthood Was m Flower" iFronk L. Perley, mgr.l—lint tic creek, Mich., Xov. ia Hmmwir, Nntile. in •"the W'fllfa of Now York" (Waller JL Le.nier, mgr.l—Shreveporl, I*., Xov. II, Texarkatia. Ark., 12, Hoi .Springs 13, Little ll.H-k 111, Alcm|ihi«,, 17, IS. Kllnore Hitlers, In "Mrs, l»elaiiev, of Nev- twirt," James Hyde's—. Plillnde'lidrln, I'n., Nov. n-14, X. V. clly HI-21. , i:\nns. tlcorge, In "The iflood (HirKnminer Time" iSh«a .Vmus<>mmt Co., mgrs.) — 'INiledu, II.. Nov. SI I. ClnellMUkM lfi.31. BrUkson, Knnte, In "Tho Man from Swiilen" i Tre«l W. I'lilklncr, jngr.t—Mnn.v. i'n., •Nov. 12. Jer»ey Shore 111, ltenova it. I-Mwards Slock (t'hni-les if. IW-wui-ds, mgr.i —We*t I'nlna, \V. Vil„ Xov. 9-14, IhMill-Wlnithrope. Slock (John Osnmn, mgr.i —t taHney, S. C, Xov. 11-14. Hrwood Big Siwk (11. .1. Kmvnnd. mgr.)— nirllsle, I'n., Nov. Ii-ll, Alexaudrlti, Vn., HI-21. "Kverynmn" (I'linrles Frohntnn. mgr.) — Timv, X. V, Nov. ll-ll, Hcheneclnily 12, Snrniegn HI, Men,, Falls 14, Albnnv 111, 17. IVtighkei-pKlp IN, 10, Newhiirgh 211, 21. "Kvcryman' 1 (f'linrles l-'rolimnn, mgr.) — Fori Wnyne. Ind., Xov. 0, Hawaii. (»., 10, II, Columbus 12-14, I'luclmititl KI-28. "Kiernnl City," with Kdwln .Morgan (Llebler ft Co., imtrs.)—Kansas City, Mo., .Nov. 8- 14. St. LOtlls ire'.'I. "Klevemh Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's (C. A. sellon, mar.)—troy, X. Y., Nov. ll-ll, Craiivllle 4<J, Fair Haven, VI., I.'l, Ben- nlngtoii 14, lloostck KiiIIh, X. V.. Hi, Ailants, .Mans., 17, ((real Harrington IS, Holy nke 10-111. "Kill Men Dp" wllh Nlnn Morris—Sulllvou, Hnrrls ft 'Wood 1 --Providence, It. ., Nov. 11-14, N. V. City HI-21. "Fight Bells,;' Byrne. Bros.'— Philadelphia, I'll, Nov. l-14j Jin tlmore, Md„ HI-21. "Hscnpeil frnrji Hlng HIiik" (Jnineii II, Park- er, mgr.)—Jlnlttmore, Md., Nov. 0-14, Phil Hdolphln. Ph., 1(121. "Fast Lynnc." Karl Fowl's—Bnlh. III., Nov. !i, Kaston Id, Havana. II. New Holland 12, lleiirdstnwn VI. Virginia 14. 9 I'nveraham, Win., In "Imprudence" (Chnrlca 1'iiihmnii. mgr.)— Atlaiuii. (In., Nov. 9, Hi, Miienii u, Nnvnimnli 12, Cliarleslon, H. C, I.".. Augusta, ('In., 14. Bnillinnre. Md.. HI-21. Frawley, Daniel, llannrtory, James .Vein k Dmilei Fruwley's (Liilgh l>. Ilnirknrl, mgr.i - Wellington, N. J!., Nov. Oil, Ch'rlsL Church Hi-Dec. 4. ■. riemliig, Mamie, llnperlory (W. If. Oracey, mgr.) — Tortington, Conn., Xov. 9-14, Dnn- bury HI-21. Francis, Marlon, lleportory (George K. Hob. Inson, mgr.i- Chiversvllle, N. Y., Nov. It- 14, Auburn HI-21.. Flake, May. (J. V, Coigrovo, mgr.)—Bangor, Me., Nov. 11-14. l'enberg Strtck (Oeoggo M. Fonberg, mgr.)— New London, .CoBn., Xov. 9-14, Norwich .10-21. FerrlH Comedlinfl (Harry Bulib, mgr.) — HwenHbiiro, K>'„ Nnvtj9-I4, Cenirnlln, III,. Flekc-Htock, Roporlory — Gloucester, Mass,, Nov. IM4.' "Foxy Ornndpa,", with Joseph Hart, nnd Cnrrln Do Mar—Wm. A. Orniy'ii (H, II. Butler, mgr.i— Dcavdr; Cola-, 5fov. 8-14, Crlprlu Creek IT,. Pueblo lfl, Colorado Springs 17, Victor 18, Lentlvlllo 19, Aapln 20, Orniut Junction L'l." • "Fast Mall,'.' Lincoln. 3. Carter's (KdmunU Mnnley, injfr.J—llloux Fulls, Ho. Dnk., Nov. 8, Yankton 0, Ulk'Point 10, Hloux (.Tty, In., ii. Auburn hi, Itchlson, Knn., in. Topcim 14. Leavenworth 15, Leavenworth (Soldiers Home) 10, niltlor, Mo., 17, lt|oh Hill IN, • Nevada 10, Wiptl City 20, I'ltlshiirg, Kan., "ITninlng Arrow," Llnroln J. Carter's IW, V. Jackson, mgr.)—Jnhnstnwn, Pa., Nov. II, Alfonan 19,' LnWlstown HI, Siinbury 14, llarrlslilirg HI, Mlddletown 17, Co- lumbln. 18, LnncRHler 111, Norrlstown' ill, Chester 21. "I\ir Her Children'* HsJte," A, SiiIIItoji, IDir- i'Ik ft Wooi M'- -jL Y. Clfy Nov. 0-14, Ilrook- lyn, N. Y., 10-21, • "K»r llerChlldren'a rkike," II, Hull-Ivan, Har- rln ft Wood*' MM, jl, l^stor, mgr.)—Mn- itb-ntrlinvllki, iK, Y„ Nov, II, flchnnectarty II, Alboiiy Hl-18, Troy ttt-21. "Fatal W<sHlno," A, HulMv.tu, Harris ft .Womls'—.fJhllAVlfllidJlR, I'n,, Nov. 9-14, N. Y. Clly ld-'Jl. ' "Fatal WeAtfog,' H. Sullivan, Ilnrrla ft Moods'—nohonenlKinV, N, Y., Xov. 11, Ja4M«n 12,.l'Dl)t Plain lit, Horkltnor 14. "I''iil«l Wedding, j)', Sullivan, Hnrrls ft "IW I, A t| Hatum" (Julius Colin, mgr.)—llos- >lBss., Nov. 9-14, 1'rovldvnce, It. 1„ irariiin," Hperlal (Julius Cnhn, mgr.i ikrllle, Pa.. Nov. 11, Ktuie 10, SI. rjrs - 11, 1'ranklln 12. Wnverly 13, 14, .aaflvllln ID, .New Costlo 17. Iliillei' 18, Uodver Falls 10, Fast Liverpool, (j„ 29, , Yoiingstowu 21. '•Ddtflni. "Hunch of Keys" (Otis Botlmer. mgr.)—Far- sons. Kan., Nov. II, Muscogee, Iud. Ter., 12, Honth Mo-Hester 1.1. Shawnee, Okiii., 15, Perry 1«. Pawnee 17, Stillwater IK, ' (inthrle 19, 1/tiwioit 20, Clilckashn, Ind. Ter.. 21. "Buffalo Mysiei-j-," Inn ft I'llmer Walters' (W. A. lame, nigr.)—X. V. City Nor. 9-14, "llreesty Time" (MitIo II. Norton, uigr.)— Itedfonl, Id., Xov. 11, Clearfield 12, Ting- |i»v LI, lionn 1«, Mystic is, Seymour ill, A1 lotion 20, Princeton, Mo., 21. "Bmond Pardon"—Berlin, Can,, Xov. 11, rtuelpli 12, Hamilton 13, 14, St. Catherines 10. "Break for Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs, mgr.)— Three Rivers, Mleb.. Nov. 13, Chicago Hrfgh+s. 111.. lfl. Chorione. Mleb,, HI, But- tle Creek 17, Lansing 10, Hastings 20, Mtuilstee 21. "JWYiut.v Doctor," with the Four Ilmwiu fPred K. Wright, mgr. j — * imalMl, Neh., Not. 8-11, Lincoln 12, Des Moines, In., in, "Burled at Sea"—Peoria, III., Nov. II, Dr venport; In., 13.' ■• . "Boy of tbe Street*" (Oratnuna ft Vincent, . . Joblle," Lincoln J. Carter's—Deliver, i'.<t\a,i Nov. R-14. Ptiehlo' ill, Hodge City, I>8ll., 17, Lamed 18, Lyons 1(1, Klerllng "IhVWI lu Skirls" (Charles I,. Vnung, mgr.) -«-|(l*theslor, .V. Y„ Nov. if-14, Cniinlen, . X. ■!., HI-IS, Iloboken 19-21. "tKira'Tliortie," Creicy Aiiinseiiieiil Co., dl- reittors'(Arthur L. '1'liaiuns, mgr.i—Mo- tirtlf, Mo... .Nov. 11, Sodalln 12, Mexico Hi, Altf-u, III., 14, BHHt Ht. Isiuls 16, Kdwiirds- YBIa^llr UBlliglintii 17, Charleston 18, T'ua- . coin 10. ('bamiiuign 20. Mai toon 21. "fiaro 7 flevII.Ikirotliy" IF, «l. Ilerger Jr. ft " H, O'Xell, mgrs.)--Howling (ireen. O., ' Flnrtlay 12, Kremoat Hi. Han- lllooiiilngirin, ill.. HI, Sprlng- ., JJecatiir 1H, l'eorla 10, Davcniiori, (a., 2(i, Dock island, 111,, 21. DoSfrlfil at the Altar" (Porcy (i. Williams. . BlfMriWaahlitgton, D. C, Neiv. 9-14, ■ imMn, N. Y„ 10-21. "D#U<d 'Looe" (nmes F, Oeeen, mgr.)— , fMMM Vn., Nov. 7. W(urne«htirg 0, 'ilwvYjrr Ftllla 10. New hxUidelpthla, O. 11, CosJioelon 1H, Cambridge 14. 'polaflil, 0.. Nov. 8-11. "ftMnatl and Hylbins" (James McWIIIlams, "• nilT.)—Voiia >Manch*ster, ImL, Nov. 11, Elton, 0„ 12, Richmond, Ind,, 14. , Xdv.'ll, "Final Weddliur/' II; Sullivan, HnrrlH a Woods'—(1hnrl(istrai, S. 1.'., Nov. II, Ait gusto, (in,, 12, Hayitmuili I.'l, Jacksonville. , Kin., 14'. "For .Her HaMp,'! H, I, Carnenler's (Jowpii Pilgrim, mgr.)— BlKiynis, n„ .Nov. 11. Shel- by ia,'Mount: Vernon 11, "From Barn .to HicheH," :wllh Joseph Hani- ley (W(<)« ft-Meyers, mgrs.i—.Brooklyn, N. V.. Nov. 9-14, WaaWnglon, D. C., 10-21. "For Molihar'a *lko," llusco A llollnni'i (M«n. 1'otilft Jr., nigr. I—-Trliildad, Colo,. Nov. 8, fl, llatpn, X. Max., 10, His Vegas •II, Albnotiorfjiin IB, Kl Paso, OVx., HS, II, Blshee, Arlit., 1(1,17, Tucson 18, PisienK Hi, 20. "Fiu-tory 0|rl" CCIianlns II. Wtiersi, mgr.)— IHooljljn, X. Y,, Nov. fl-14, Jersey Clly, N, "French "Spy," Mfolwlek ft Hmlth's (Hnrr/ stntaon, jngc>—i»ot.isvllli', Pa., Nov. II, Lykoiis }'•, TViriir Clly Hi, Msmch trnnnk Li, SlntJtiatton HI. Udilgbtnit 17. "Funny CMr.O)oolfy;i (.Frank D. llryaai, mgr.) --4ToieI(|U(l, 41,, Xov. Oil, KteiitiriM-lllo 17, Akron l|l-3l, ' '• "!'li;!it foe Millions" (Slnlcnlm Hotiglns, mgr.i Zft&ijk V '» '>' 0,r ' ,M, < Hiirliigtleld. Muss., KI-18.- ''Fiii'giveniuit" (Ldw.tnl P. Cutrlgnn, nigrj —HuekollstuwiU N. .T„ Nov. 11. Goodwill, N..C, In "AMIdduiiuner Nlghl's llreniii" iKInw k Killingcr, iiigrs.!— N, V. Clly Nov.. 11-14, 'DtiHion, Muss., 1028. ttnictfu Wllllnm. In *"I In- Admirable fried- ton ' (CJiartm rroliman, nigr.)— Clevcinnd, Om Nov. 11-14, N, Y. Clly ftt, Indefinite. Griue (lenrifit, • In "Pretty Foggy" (Wm, A. Hmdy, ingl',)—llnliokc, Mass., Nov, 12, Worcester 14. Gray, jullit, fu "ll*r.0nly Hln," Lincoln J. nnrntv (F. py Wallace, mgr.)—Beiton. flex., Nor. 11,-Temnln 12, Son Amtonla 1!!. JMiero 14, Ia Omifcre HI, Ban Mnnvyw 17, Taylor 1$, Hnatrop 10, SmHhvlle 80. rjB t Nlner, Our res-A„ (JCarl) lo "Tlie Darkest Hour," Idnooln J. .(Tarter 1 * (Chas. J/eeltln«, rogr.l^l&Bti^oii, o„ Nov. U, L'ppor Hon- •liisky Vjl Marlon in, KratiMleld 14, Port. ^aswwSw* ,8 ' fx,w,n Gallatin, Albarta, In "Ghoata" (Oeorga II.