The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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910 j\ . - ...> Hulu" opened, to one of the boat Monday night- andlemfs-of-t b e n Kn ourNwi-IV-^w^- fhe pruHpoct of ft week, of, u» lnrgo ndvaniro sale la reporbi-d. Nett WpA, '■•Pile' WluM p£ 0«." WkAkti & Fifil.ns* Writ Kvn (ficorge A. mnipwiiw-i. manager).-- WtUU RftwWi '"J Sherlock I IiHoIom, Jn "The. Hlfciinf Hie Four made lib) first Ilarlom nprienrnnce nl this house ii. before n crowds house, unci the ap- plause hesrtowed upoirrjRv iiml players gives I-verS' liidlcnllou'of a surieesHfiil week. Next week, "The Crisis." .MJiTiini'or.iH.fllWry Boscnliorg, manager). — ••;>Vir Iter Ofltldlon s Hnke" In *l:o ntiti-ac- i tori 'fnt ibis week. The house was contort* iililv llllod 11. Nexj week, the K-llnnre Hlslers. TtlK Staii (Win. T. ICeoijh, manager).— ■•a Working dri's Wrong*)" In tin- attraction this week, Tim singe self law '" most aio and llioriist up to the standard. Next weelt, "The Prfi;e (if Honor." I'KOrTWt'H O.NK 1 ITr,\'|itll!» ASP TWF.STY- Fli-rii HTW'.trr Tiieatkf: 1.1. Austin I'yncs, general malinger).—The offering for thin M 1 Is "Woihon Agnlnut Wnmnn. opening II. the house Isdnlc cl-owdeil -both afternoon mid evening, nbdjthc play nnil house fa- vorites wore hcronied o royal reception.'Tan v/iinWlllo presents' Mawl lllilli, nml Mur- phy .'and Andrews. iltm-rm A; Nkamon's Mi'Mi; (Ben Hmflg, mnnn'gor).—Henry l-' 1 '' nnfl his play- prH are thP particular heiullliior* oil thn hill for Ibis week.' Others are: Kfllo raf- Curd- hit anil Milddern. 1ho l-'ruir Colhys. Vnlmnre mid llorlnii. Talbot nml Kogcrs, Mnxsinllh Dim', and Charles Sweet, _ (ini'ifKUM (Moramer*, & Hamuels, mana- mrHi, — The usual Monday night crnwil turned mil. I) in welcome * lie new furcs. mid thi'v were not sparine ln'tlin bestowal of ap- plause. The hill: l-'onr Flylpg Biiuvnvds, 'times Francis Wofcjr. CoUUi'ls Midgets. HI- ilonln, Hheppnrd iiiul Itiigia, Gertie He Mill, Cnsfrni unci. Stone, mid flnnr and Miirclmi. oiwmi'H- (Thus. W. Valentino, iimuiigor). —rrpg llenta-Simlley Bin-lesipiers moved up front ft down (own house and opened'. Io Mie llinnVl Monday night uudleru-e, II. Tlie i-ocep- I Idii on-oi'dort tin- c-miupiiiiy w:m simh as Is KcliMra jrJyt-u ii WlrtwoW" .i-nnipany nl this himsp. Ndxl. week, llolleiiilun IniWdHJUem Hro«—Al life Jloi)tmik. (Is|ihel Slan lleihi, iiinhiiCP.r).—"Tho ItoufW llrtd.lienj In Londnl" llil? week. Hlff IhihIppss ruled Inst week. Vlnrlulii Marl next week. iihanii (HWIA ldiiisi: (Lew Parker, iniina- K p r i,—•"■•lie Volunteer Orpmlsl" wns «lven ft wnrbi reeepllon hero Nov. II. Kxeellenl luisl; ii.-sit ruled last wwk. Next week, tlio Uoyal I.nipuiinns. I'auk (N'lck Norton, mannwir).—"Krom rinits to nieiies" was (jiven n M| rfumtlou ». Kxrelleiit IniSlpess hist week. Next wick, "VtOt Her Chlldren'H Snke." (HlU'aiDU (lime. A. Vols, inn miner > .— lilelinrtl Ilnliler niHde his first nppeai'iiiii'fi hero ill some time, In "I'nul Hevere." whli'li was' pltiyed. to « enpni'liy house, II. "No '•Veilrtllllt Hells for Her" (ltd well last week. Nexl week. ''Uhupy HnoHioin." Ilnnii (Will MeAllHter. nMnaiter).— ■'.limhe Miredllir' was Riven .» IiIk reeep- llon'lij wish ihe Hiwfinpr eoirtpany p'resoiit- nl 11: wllh nil Us elfeiis. r.iliui May Hpiimier Is yean nil JnnleP. in wldeh role she dues .iipiihle woiti. Jeasle McAllnlPr sen red a lilK HUi'i'ess, whll" oilier nieiuhei-s of Hie roiiipaiiy in-n well. plHiri'd, llllf .bi'wlMOSK rilled lust week. "Miss Cleopntra" in follow. I'Svtos's Kri.Tos S-i'luiKr (t'orsp rnvlon, iiinii"ni;pr).--"l»|ielim« I hi liurry" parked Hip house, to Hin doors ii. Minim l'hllllps played ihi-.lniillnt! role. In thin she ihs's hrlllluikt wortt. nprm I'rtyloii wns. hMii us Hlelwlleui W. A. Movllmer, iih Klnic J.ouls XV; Itolirit I'.lllnl, na file.. Ullket'lmriteiil. Tim real Of. the'romponv iplVfl rupahli' support. Iluslness to rniiftcHy last. Week. Next week, "Hinwn s OnpiiRiiif (ri*rey .'It, Williams,. nihnaRnr).' --Tills week's hill, presents HI May And lllr- herlfi In a H«w nmHUal net; tile Orea! Thurs- ton, .will, hi* mystlfyluit. llliislbns.; Will M. i'ivsAv and niaiiche hn.ini', In "Hill HIIDii s Hnhy;" Al. Sliean iind Hlmrim Wurren, Hie Hroiliera Holoaa, Nellie Flnrcila, Hlmilev and llroclunan, Hie i'ankeo Comedy Four, Trui'iit. nnd.tlie vllngraph, ICvnn ei Hkiiman's (Ar«hle 11. Fills, mann- ijer?.—Mile. Ileleae lleriird, the lendliiH fpul- ure of the hill Inst week, has lieen relalned mi fteroniil of her hl|t siirress, Others nr«: Warsnli, HiitPhliiiiM and Uilwards, lu "Ihe HramaHe Acenl : fleipire Wilson, l.'iillfthnn nml• Mark, llavls nml- Mneiiiiluy. John nud TTerlha HlenSoii, 11)0 MIbri-h llelmure, lieliuurn uud'iinelda, nud the Anierlvilil hlosi'ois 1 . WatHOR.'H I'OKV CoilNKII I". fi. Watson, mnnnirer).—The Imrlesrpio UiIh week Is "Thn Sullan's Wives," wlileli innde n hiic hit l». In Hie nllo nre; Orvllle mid Frank. Fisher mid' Clark. Chnrley lhiArnn, Chris, l.itiu,'. Hlllsle and lllndKult, nail C'urloltn lielmar. The Century Comeily Knur make their llnul iinpeiirnnee at Ihis house this week. Htaii <F. Mi fiotthiild, mnniiKsr),—The TrnnantMilHe BnrleafjnerH opened ft. In IiIr lousiness, presenllnn Ihelr uiuslcnl nuinlsir, •Two Hoi Kuliihts." 'J'ho olln eoiiliillied mnnv favorites. Asil'inos (Hi II. Cohen, inuunRor).—"The Wlxartl of Ox Is ftlveu hero Hits week. The house, lilKht ot ft. was crowded. lNi| luisl- ness last week. "The Sultan of Silla" 111-21. FOi.i.v (llenuetl.Wilson, iiiannK'i'r).—There was a crnwded house piewnl iiIhIiI of 1), when "Thn Wlnnlnu; I la ml" lieuim a week's slnv. The oust Im n slronif-one, and. the siui;v set lings nre Hue. Hik huslneHS hist week. Nexl. "The Volunteer Orminlst." HAYKiv (.laniM Clarli, aiililnK<<i'),—Itlee >t Harton's Hose Mill Co. tills week. 'Hio opeli- Inu lioiisp, ft, w«iB UIW, lllg linslaess last. I'a'yton's (Fred Andrew*, BMipMmr),—In "Onpnlce." this week's oft'«>i-lti«, Ftiln Heed I'uvtiin la seen as Mjorcy It miter, while Kirk Hrowu play« Jier artist l«vw. All Ihe oilier nienilieri of iiio emiiiwiiy are well taken rare of. jllBi birthies!! lam wwk. Nexl, '"I'he I.iiud of Hie Mldnltflit Mill)," NoVKl.TY (Hftvlil tlqblimiin, inniiBBorl.— "Thn, Fautory Hill" draw u erowded house iils-lil of 'n. It la ii piny well ealculaled to iilense lovers of inelodruiiia. r.niKe business last Week. "Desorted at Hie Altnr" nest. '• t.oTHAM (Clmrlos Wlllliuns, ninnnger).— Then- was n IiIk nndlenee present nmht of it. The plnv Is^'Tho Mlnlnier's nitUKlitci*." I:very Indlentloii poliiln to a IiIk week, t'row'deil houses hist week. "The Fnclory <!lrl'' next. ■ lACKiiM (Louis rtillllpa, inniinEor).— "Trilby." with Fniuiii MUdl In the title role. mid m'i. ltoldeu iih Svi'iiKiilll. Is HiIh week's utrerluit. A lllg aiidlouoo atleudud the o|»n- iiiB performance, night ot t), HuhIiiusb eon- tliuli'S to be big. l'Niqt'n (Frnhk H. t'nri'. owner and man- ager).—The A New York Girl Company, uu organization Hint. In tlio past linn been a prlm'o fnvorlto here, begnu a wci-k's stny nltfhl of I). Hood IiukIiii'bs litHt week. Ill'HllwlCK Miihii; IIai.i, (Wtilnstoek k Mlrliuels,limuugersl.- -lluslnoss has luereiised here lo slli'll nil extent Hint Hie wnul of sent- lug eupuelty Is nlrendy lieglunlug lo he felt, •li.e Huudoy eoiicerls nru prnvliig to be n most siieeessful venture, Tills Week's bill In- cludes: The llljoii Trio, tlio llnlleys, Onrdner unil rieoimi'd, Alexes nml Brlinll, Ueoson nud Fergusnu. the Murpliys, Hnldsmllh and Iloope, Siilherlaml and Fonda, Well/el, A lieu t'liesiyn, und Fauchcttc. 4»> THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. CAXAUAi' (A.*J. Oueheo. — Audi to»lum ■ ■ Theatre SmnJI, mnnngen.—Hummers' Stock Co. enrae Nov. 2 for two weeks. Tljey opened with "Hip Van Winkle," 2-4, followed by "My Old Ken- tucky llorpp." Oeo. Hummers and Belle SievenH w>on beenme favorites, and Ilia enst nil through, Is stroupj. 1'neked booses pre- vulled 2-7. VnildPVllle wan Introdiieed he- twpen Hie nets by Mabel fSummers, Miiian Morrln, Harry Hennlon, nnd Voung mid HrookH, ninsleal team, who have been twnked for this engagement. Their apt Is very strong, nj)d ihey hail to respond to eurtnln ealln every night, Taha IUi.i, (.1. H. Wnlub, manngnr).— I'rof. ])«or 1* Hlsne, "the king of manneles. was greeted with fnlr Iioiispb U, 7. Ireland's "I'nrle Tom> Cabin" 0-14. , Jacqukh CARTiKn Hai.i, (Louis Ilprtln, mniinger).—The stni'k rnmpnny, In Jrench repertory, eoiitlnues to ricnw.falr houses. •roronito.—I'rlnreas Theatre (O. B. Shep- iwird. manager).—Iwrk Nov. 2-7. IUymnnd Hllchcock, In "T'hP Yankee Consnl," »-J4. Majbhtii' Thbatiib. (A. J. Small, mana- ger!.—Thin thenire la built upon the site ot ihe old Toronto Opem House, which was destroyed by tire some months ago, and Is one of the most modern and completely ei|iilp|ieil theatres In Canada today, with n scaling enpnidtr of about 2.200. Mr*. Flske started the ball rolling, with "Mary of Mng- dalii," mnl drew n large and fashionable nn- dlenee to fho opening performance, 4, nnd 7 her ottering was, "llrilihi Hablpr," which also showed n large advance sale. "Henris of (Ink" 1)14. Hramii OPEM Ilonsa (A. ,T. Rmnll, mnnn- fpr)..--Tlie tirau Comic Opern. Co., In "The sIp ot I'lininimgne," drew Mr; hnslnpaa 2-7. Al. II. Wilson, in "A 1'rlnri! ot 'IVitters," Il-I4i sum's Tiihatbh (J. Shea, managor).— A cnpllnl |M"rforinnnce, ;!■", dre.w'lo eiipnclly The rnrd Included-: Funny lllee, Ihe Adnnl Trio, Sailor mid Hurts-tin, Mnzu-A >i-iii>, Air. and Mrs. l'erkins h'lshei A. Whlieiuw. Fiklln Mack, the klnetngrnjih, i'tins. : T, Aldrleh.. I'm week of 11; Thn Me- Muhon's Watermelon lllrls, Hie llrent Kver- hurl, Tony, Wilson and Amos. Cook and Miss Kolhnrt, I'-nrllii nml Otto. llufTy. Hnwlelle and Huiry. elms. Kennn. klneloiirnpli. Staii TiiKATiti; (Fj \V. Stair, manager).— 'I'lic World Healers ]|urlesc|liei'S plnyod. to big business, 2-7. The olio Innliided: llolian- lion nud Corey, tlio Three Nudos; iinrscli nnd inanngern).—liuslneaa contlnwes to cniiaoitv. Heboc,.the upside down man, waa the only opeitlng 2-7. Tils revt of Bhe people' w< * re tnu sjinie nfl previous week. .... „ . „, HUM k DnwN'H Snows, billed for Oct. .11, did 'not appear. ' i ■ l)nUnN^-I>lllns Opera llamw (t:eo. Anzy, m«Jin«er).—De Wolf Hopper, On "Mr. I'icK- wlck." drew Immense business Ocr. 28, 2P, wllh ma.rmee. "ICbon HaMMr had fair tit* npss JIO. Ahirrny iumI Mack drew a packed house .11. Coming: Madam Nordlcn and tlio lliiss Oreliectm Hon. 4. "Stronger In New York" 6, "A Trip to Chinatown" 0, "Ari- zona." 7, w.llh miitlnec; Al. U. Field's Wln- ittrpln 1», Hi. _ , Camp Htrrkt TitEA-rnR (Onn. C. Denniss, manager).—Week of 2 business continues good. "The (irent Border Hrunn." IMtton Hron., wis ihe cnrtnln raiser. Now pe<>pie are i Kd. and Mlllan l.a Bose, Bob and May llomola. Bpssdc Connors, orhor people: rat- sev Hs-rrett, May Handles, Carl Cupslnnd, Hay sistew.. Mndatlne Ij> Verne, Flln Andrews, Hie Vincents, Margie King. Cox and Hay. I-. Healer, L, Larrlsnn, BlllloOneal, Annie John- sou,. Katie -Mtller, Aloy Wllllare.'i. ♦*♦ WASlllMiTIIN. Seattle.—Orand Opern House (JohnCort, manager),—West'? Minstrels Nov. 1-.1, Korp Melville, in "Sis Hopkins," «, 7; "Florodora' H 0 SfuartM Tnn.tTBB it. V. Howe, manager). —"ItPilbon In New York" Oct. 28-.10, "Mr. Jolly, of JoHle.t." week of Nov. 1. Xo!U-Mo- rosco Co., lu "In the l'nlnre of the King, week of 8. _ Tmnn Avkniib TnRATan ( P— M ll & Drew, nmnngeisl.—-Week of Nov. 1, Allen Slock Co.. In "Shall We Forgive Her." Week al S, "Rudolph nnd Atlolpli." Ki.ison TiicATm:.—New: Onrdner, West . and Sunshine, Leonard and lirnke. Myrtle mi unit Mil. FrankB, Morey l.oug, klneloseopp pictures. . mi Arlliiu' «!Rvstai, Tiiratiir.— New: The Great 2Vi, kiiipVotfraiiii Mozurlo, Jennings and Jewell, Tom Kynn, l.en Spencer, IA IT.TITH TiiHATm:. moving pleliires. . „ HH.vrm:.—New: Znt Zam nnd Mowra, Andrews nnd Thompson, Wells Bros., Hasten and. Harvey, Waller Kellogg, moving pictures'. Fmi-iiir TnnATiiB.—New: McDonald Sis- ters, Wm. ivnmnn, l*wl« i.n Mnrr, Atbon- WilKon-Clnrko Trio, l,co Jefferson, moving pleliires. I'BOfl.R'S AND COMIQUB TlIBATllK.1.—New I Russell, ltogefs and II (pert, Tom Waters and ,.,.' • • » I A?° 1 ^?73 n i"^ M n' n TJ's im : Mnl, ii. 1'iiunV.r Vriuinli lAiiinn'u <imnu widows I'lppel and Ivllnienl, i.iirilner, west and r>nu Miiliii cnspei Nownk. unions tirawi wiuowa ^gjej , j0VCl(lm| S | HlerHi M nnu and Franks, "''' , ' , Mnliiu ami llowaiil. Kiln Francis, Kldley nnd (invtti-o, ltobecls, Smllax & Co., Bryant nnd HinnlHoii.—firnndJ[)pern House (A. It I.i.inlrii, iiHinager).—"\vhen We Were .Twen- ty-one" plnynl, to good business, Ocl. 31: llie coiniinny dlKlmnikd here. "The l'rlde'of JpiiiiIco mnl a large boiiao Nov. 2. "Over Nlngira Fill la." M. I. was wpII received liy hirgi- audiences. Chnuncey (Heott, In "Ter- ain-e," ll, 7, hull very large ami delighted audience*. Due: limn Opem Co., In "Tint Ink- of Chnuiiingnc." u ■ -The Burghir" 12, {•Beyond t'linhm" ll 11, At. Wilson. In "A I'rlnre of 'hMters." 17 : Anhrey Boiieleanli, in "I'lipinlii Cliarlle," 2n; "The Beul Widow Hrrrt'n** 21. Staii 'rmutUD (J. fl. Appleton, mnnnger). —This popular house enjoyed gopd business week of -. Willi nn ctrtdlciii company, headed by Ihe Three Hardliier Children and (ho Buckeye 'I'rlo. Week of !): ))nn llordoii, Millar Slaters, Vernon nnd Kennedy, Armlla llsiiioud, M. Sniuaviiii, O'llrleu nnd Heinld. lieol'Ke nml (lemgle, and John and Nellie McCai-tliy. ad Belmont, Mozurlo, /.at /.am nnd Mowra, Fred Itn-rn. i.t.imIoii. —At the Crnnd (F. N. Knrinnnu. manager).—-Mrs. Flske Appeared Oct. :tl. In ".Mary ot Mappluln." "The Trlde ot Jen- nico"- X Howell; the nuiglrlna. 4, gave a delightful performance, assisted by Znzeii und Vernon, nud flick- nnd Dick, chnnneey Oli-olt, In "Terrinee," came 5, lo a fairly good house. I.ONHON fVPMIU Hoi-SB (Alex. Hnrvey, mali- nger).—-Hurry I.lndley, 2-5, delighted many of Ilia old friends. St, i ni im rim ». — ii nun! Opera. House (Chns. If. Wilson, niiinager).—(Iran Opern Co.. played, to gnoil IiiisIuhhs. nfternoou : nud evening, ml. .'ii, giving Hplepdld satlsfne- I Ion. "Hubert' Hurim' 1 had u fair house Nov II, Bonked: Mil. Mnusmi, In "'I'lin rrlde ot Jennleo," 7:."HPyoa«l rnrdun" lu., tl'nlt.—At Scotl's Opera House (J..D. Fgan, manager).—The.(Iran Opern Co.. in "HI Cup- linn," drew a big house. "Robert Bums." 2, had fnlr holiness. "The Pride ot Jennleo," «, has a fair advance aule, nml "Beyond 1'ar- tlou." 10,.for Ileum- employes' bcnollt, Is being sirongiy pushed. Wlnnliiear.—At (he Winnipeg Theatre (Chns. C, Lindsay, mniingei-).—"Old Jed l'ronty," with'Chns. Cowles, came Oct. SO, 31, playing to two very good houseH, giving excellent satisfiicllnii. "A Friend of the l-'nmlly" comes Nov. 4, 5, "Qulney Adanis Sawyer" II, 7. WooilNtook.—Ornutl Opera Honse.—Clay- ton Mi-Kcnxle T.i'gga presented "Hubert Burns" here Nov. I. before u fair audience. Due: Ornii Opera Co., In "The Wizard of Hie Nile," 11. Hei-Hii. upeni House (C. F. Moyer. man- ager).--Dnliity I'ai-ee Co. had S. It. O. sign uu Nor. ft. Hooked : "lleyond Pardon" for 11. ♦«■» TEXAS. siMikiine. —Hiioknne Thcalre (Dan D. Weaver, niaiuiiv-r). —Hose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," Nov. I, 2. nml "The Prince of I'll- sen." Ocl, V.H, SO, ciiiue lo S. II. O, business, Jefferson lie Angelis, 111 "The Toreador," comes Nov. 20, Si, Aitniroaii'si lllnrry C. Hnywnrd, mana- gen.- ••'Tlio Dairy Farm," IN* 2fi-2K. had good business. On Hie way: "Mr .lolly, of Jollel." Nov. 1214: "Old Jed I'louty" Ki-17. i'i\i:oiiiiAi'ii (C. II. I'crklniiii. malinger).— For wi-ck of i- I lie n]>eiilngN: JomeH A. Dunn, Weslln. nml Jiiiunlil ami .Mohammed Kuhu. Cokiii: i>'Al,i:.Mi (Jneoh Hnelss, maunger).— Mellllug nud Brim. Berthii Mnye. Anderson and Km-lk. and Hie Do l.nrys are thn lop- liners. coMtQim (I. I>. iioihiud. manager).—Clio Collins (l.lllle lOgypt), I tin Noble Brothers, nnd the lliuld Ilrolbers are thu uew faces. Norn.— Following the unnounceaieut. mudn l«.<st. week that Altmogors Weaver & Hay. ward would at mice rnunueiu'e thn construc- tion of a popular price continuous vaude- ville theatre, Ihe ClneoKrnph Theatre Com- pany bus Just: inci-i'iitieii Ii capitalization to SSoe.OOO, nnd will I shortly <:oinuiencn (lie non- sliiiclllnn of n similar playhouse, Jiavlng n sealing capacity of 2.!i0<5 or 11,000. The slock has all been Nul>Ncrll>ed, and the bulk of it Is In I tin hands of Managers l'eckluiin nnd (ioctss. ut the Clrkcograph nnd (.'near d'Alene, respectively, and L. B. Hyde, of Chicago. ♦ »» WISCONSIN. —-Casey Hansnne wiIUr: "Haying closed wllh Jed Carlton's 'Waa 8ho lo Blame' Co.. I have signed to piny (lie Htle rein In 'Alylu Jnsllu,' Chns. Ii. finvlH' Hiieeess, iravi-lliiK on our own car. and carry lug u concert hand nf iweniv' pieces, wllh u seven pl^ee oi;- clientca mill nilie piii'iule. Our msler roll- lulus people. We have four Hlu nils In tile States, nnd I lien Be lvA>>t through Canada Into New 1'ork." Ft. Worth.—At Creenwall's Opera nouso ri'hll W. Hreenwnll, manager)—Dn Wolf Hop)K>r presented "Mr. 1'Mekwlck" Oct. art, 111, to large nudlences. Murray and Mnek, wllh a strong eompnny, were favored with pood liilHltiess with "A Night on llroadwny." Nov. 2, "A Stranger In New York" nud "A Trip to Chinatown 1 did good business 8 nnd 4. Hue: Al, <■'. field's Mlnstreln ii, "The Clinperons" 0. " 'Wny Down Knst" 7. "Arl- stonii" t), Fillnnhetli Kennedy 14, "Happy llnollgan" 111, 17. StANDAlii) TiikatiiH (Frauk Pe lleque, muniigei'i. —Nellie Beatrice, elnetrlcnl trnna- formnrlon dancer; l'dna Hart, Claude l.u Motte and lleaale tlonnors were the new peo- ple week of 2. , Othars retained: May Mul- iiueeii, I hill In llaniiiumd, ICthel Kiissell. Leo riorence, 1'eiivl Wllimia, Llllu I,awton, flrncc WlllltiittR and lilllln Weston, Bob llewlcttc put ou "A High Time on the Boot Garden" as nn opening net. The week opened to ca- pacity business. Ciimvx Tiika-mb (Will Knstoln, manager). —Barney Wlllbims, character Impersonator, and Scolile and Varuell, aketeli leuiii. were Hie openings week of 2. Those holding ever: Mohammed, Kltle Uussell, May llrowu, Susie May; Kiln Clirlstmnu, Saul S. Harris, Jus. .Thompson, \*e|llo Wllltnma, Mzzle Mllibell. Ada Yule and Hose B. Mitchell. The stork presented "Tlio lllval Brewers" as a cnrtnln miser, llualuesa big. ■ ■■-'■'» ' " IIoomIoii, —Sweeney & Coombs' Opera House (Morris C. Mlelinela, managev).—-Al. t;. I'lelil's MliiatrclB, Oct. 21). had two hanlu-r houses. "The Chnnerons," !10, at, had three Immense houses. ",V Striingci- lu New York" nud "A Trip to Chinatown" bad two big houses, at popular prices. "Two Mttle Waifs," a, bad two fair houses. Due: " 'Way Down Knst" 4, "Hoppy Hooligan" it. "Two Utile Walfa" 7 (return dnte), Klfcabeih. Kennedy IK "Rben Ilolrleu" 10, 0. II. llnn- lord 11. "lluinnn Hearts" 12. ''Arlxona" HI. APpiTomi'M.— r.iiiinn Nordlca, neeonipnnled Ii)- Duim' Orcheslm, la the attraction l). Oram* TmiAtm:.—(Inciter's eoinhnny opened i;.M second week '.'. to u i-oimmiiiilpn of Immense houses. In."The Tfonbiea nf n Mat- MllivAnkee,—Lulu Olaser, In "Holly Vni-den," put la Nov. 2-7, at the Davidson Tlicniiro, In line tiKi-ii.litncr. Hpory Mllller nnd Mnrgnrel Anglln, In "D'Arcv of thn Onniibi." U-14: "The i'l-lnce ot Pllspn" nud "Mrs, WlggN, of tlio Ciihbuge Patch," divide week of 111. A'i.iiamiiiia Tiieatri: (O. F. Miller, mana- ger l.-—"Lost Itlver" was well received week of I, by good sized audiences. "The Wny of Hie Trn nsgressor" comes H. for week, and "The Queen of the Highway" week of IS. (I'Mwin ThnnlioiiNCi-, manager). —--.Inulce Meredith," with Mdlth Kvelyn. was a warm favorite week of 2. "itesnrrectlnn" will have Its second production nl this house week ot 1). "Victor lliiintid" 111-21. lii.iuii oi'kiia IIounk (John It. Pierce, resilient mnnnger).—(Continued prosperity Is In i-vldenro ut. tills popular house. "Tho White Hlnvc" whs (he ottering week of 1, Kiigenle lllnlr will put In week of 8, nnd "A Itulned'c" week of 15. I'aiiht TiiEATim.—Manager Leon Wachsner Is keeplug his house open ncadly every night this senson. The Herman stock productions arc being well n I tended. Mine. Semhrlch's recital. 2, was un Immense suoeess. '■'Dlo rnllie Bolie" will he repeated hy Hie stock eo. RTAn TiiHATnn (Frank B. Troltman, mann- f!Cr).—Tlie Cherry Blossoms, a good hur- esiiiie company, found favor at I tin hnnds of good mI/.oiI mmleiieca week of ], The llothnm Comedy Four acored heavily. The I'nilslau Widows Co, week of 8, and Morning lllorles 15. Sans Siiiici Music Ham, (Chns. to, Witt, lMiiniiKer).—l'en|>le week of 8: The Huhers, Mac llonnei'. Besslo Buns, Harry Mclntji-e, (iladys Mlddletan. 1'iiitNT Kni.i.r.r. (Itlclinril Becker, mana- ger).—otto Stelnert, the Two Whreus, Mnr- ► hull und Irving, Helen Onzdnn, Mlrzle llnfer. Notes. —Smile Hill, ot Ihe Cherry Blos- soms, was called homo to Dnveilport, In., Tuesday, :t, iier father luivlllg died I'.dnai'd Pener nud Al. Conghlln, wlio have been out all Summer wit Ii Itlngllng Bros., liuve returued home for the Winter Camilla MnrliAch, formerly of the Stndt Theatre, In Cnlogne, has been engaged by l.eau Wachsner as lending woman of his Hermnn stock coiupnuy The. Actors' Church Alliance formed n chapter with a charier membership of forty-five lu this city Irhi week Slionnnti Brown bus decided to put on vaudeville nt his house " nfii-i noon nnd night lu the. fuliire. ■ <» »■ CALIFORNIA. _, and week. "Over Niag- ara Falls" Band week. — r~j~l OBPKBQM (Clarence Drown, "annso')-— Features ."?oV. 2 and week : Wnterlitfry Ttroth- ers nnd Tenny, Tom Bronvne, Tlnrea OJJJW Bros., Oilorriwno. Herbent MM MM Ulllim Idly, Unppo Sisters, Onlden Hate Quintette and moving pictures. ■ . ciniTR,i TirfiATaB (Henry Koch, manager). —Hill for week beglnlng Nov. 1: S. M. ( ur- ttHH Compnnv, In "Arabian Nighls, Harry Hus'sell. one legged bicycle rider, Is tlie prln- clpnl outdoor attraction. Big crowds. Nc^-ks. — Dnss MeilTopolltn.n Orchestra played at HutHTi Pavilion Oct. 31...... •J. ft. Wnldeck, manager of the Casino Then- irn Co., announces file opening of tile l.den Musen seel ton ot ills playhouse for Nov. 7. ...V.'.Nnt Burgess has signed with Monn- fer WnldPck for the new house James ,. Pefrlcb. erstwhile manager of Ihe Or- pheum, this city, Is now conducting ft '•Unique" Theatre in Stilt Lake City. Snn Dleoo.—Isls Theatre (H. C. Wyart, lessee and nuinilger).—Hcrrmnnn plnyed Oct. 24. "Florodora" came, to n packed house, 20. "In Old Kentucky,'* with tho usual good company, played, to Rtnndlng room only, 28. "I,o.,kln* for a Wife" Nov. a, Hnreriy ■ Min- stn.'ls 14, " Way Dowrt Bast" 21, l'olhvd'3 Juvenile Opera Co. 2S. INTIIAJiA, in din nnrioils.—A t Kngllsh'a Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager).—Tim Murphy, In "Thn Man from Missouri," for one perform- ance, greatly pleased tlie very large audi- ence. Joseph. Jefferson, In "Itlp Van Winkle, Nov. 4, appeared to tne usual crowded house. Blanche Walsh, In "Besiirrectlon," 5; Blcli- aril Carle, In "The Tenderfoot," fl: "Tlie Hiuinin Brier Bush"' H> ,11, "The fllrl wllh tiie Own F,yes" .12, "A Chinese Honeymoon" IS, 14. Pa UK TnniTitn (Dickson & Tolbott. man- agers).—Nellie McIIenry, In "M'IIhs," Oct. 2P-:il. did the usual big business. "Driven from Home," Nov. 2-4, was satisfactory nnd tilled Ihe house 1wlcc a day. "The Man Who Dared" 5-7. "Why Women,Sin" 0-11. i;ii.\mi Hoi-sb (Shafnr Zlegler, man- ager).—The vaudeville .bill week nf Nov. 2 was hv far the best show of the season. I,a CnrmiintpHn's new net. "Witch,of the Moon." made lis llrst. appearance, and scored a tre- mendous success, Prelle'H talking dogs, Jus. J. Morton, the Fienry Trio, Clarice Vance, Mclntyre and Primrose, Carl W. Sanderson, James and Smile beonnrd^ and the blogrnph drew capacity business nt every performance. The Beliman Show week of 0. Tun U.vioun (Rnlpb Thcrbus, manager). —Business still holds good at this family re- sort. Assr.Jint.v IIoom, Ci.aypool Hotw,. —Wal- ter 1 la in rosea and David Blanliam 11. lO.Mi'iHU Tiiiivrnn (('has. Zlmmermlin, mnn- ager),-—l|arry Bryant's Hurlesiiuors,week of 2. gnvn siiilsfiicilon. Itellly and Wood's Big Show week of P. None—Orent Interest was manifest here, wepk of 2 over thn initial production in vaudeville ot "The lVllcb of the Moon," at. the Orand Opera House, by La Carmontelln. The art was ideslgued and hull! by U W. Buckley, press ngenl: of thn (Irnnd Opera House, nud Is n distinct novelty, being u combination of Idack art. Illusions ami linn i-oufiirllnn poses. I'he act uses three hun- dred lights and full stage seltlnfts, '■ Terre.Hnnte.—At the Crnnd Opem Honsn (J. W. Bnrhydt, mnnnger).—Blanche Walsh, lu "HcNiiiTi-ci ion," came Nov. ll, to fair busi- ness, nnd was well received. Rebecca War- ren, 4, 1o a fnlr house. "Slaves of the Mine," II, 7, to good business. Coming: "Bonnie Brier Husk"it, Hhny Ornnd Opern Co.-Hi. n, James Whltr.omb Ulley 12, "Lost'Itlver" 14, F.KI-il Kendall Hi. Ward and James 17. OjirllitiiM TltKATtiB (Harry Albright, busi- ness mnnnger).—mil - for week of I): Don Tell.o and Mini: Kingdom, trick bicyclist: tho Fergusons, Albright anil■ Walton, Pearl Fnlr. Bill for week of 18: Htnnley and Lo Bov, Fllmoi-p and Sherwood, 'Janso Phillips, Al- bright and Walton, Pearl Fair. Notks. —Tho Orpheum la enjoying liberal pati'oniige under the able management of Mr. Albright. Hill of 2 was well received...... Fred Barth, utter making a hit here, left 7 to nil nn engagement over thn Kohl tt Cnstln circuit.... I'earl Fair, In tinging nnd dime lug net, has taken ho well that :snc has been engaged Indefinitely. »!»' ' KENTUCKY. November 14. r-r-r 1—: CONNBCTlOTTi iinrttord. — Paraons' (II. C. rnrsona. mnODger).—Joseph. Murphy. In "Kerry Gow," Nov. Jl, came to good business. "The n«a Feather," 4. 5, drew biff houses. "Major Andre," 0, 7, played to fnll houses. Book- ings: Wlton Laeknye, In "The Pit," fl, ifi; Oeo; Monroe, In "Our Bridget's Drcnm," 11 ; •A Fight for Millions" 13. Nkw llAaTFOun Horsti (Jennings k Ornven, managers).—"Alphonsc and tins- ton," 2, did good business. HI Henry's Mlstrel spiisntlon, ", filled the house. "The child Wife," 4, 5, bad good'houses. "In the Pnlnce of tho King," ft, 7. played (o packed houses. Coming: "At. Duty's Call" !), 10, lsnbel Irving, In "Thn Crisis," H; Hip Uoyal Llliptltiilns 12-14. Pom's (L. D. Kllhy, manager).—Week of 2 big business. Booked week ot 0: Press Kldnldge, Klein, Oct Bros, and tNlckerson, Mr.'and Mrs. Gardner Crane, Dick and Allen McAvoy, the Allison*, W. J. Tomklna, Block- som' nri'l Burns, and tihe eleetrograph. c i • Hrldaeport.—Smith's. Theatre (Edward C. Smith, manager).—"The Volunteer Or- fnnlst," Nov. 2-4, piayeil-to good business, 'aula Udwardes, in "Wlnjwme Winnie," had big business .1. "A Hot Old Time" did u «ood business C, 7. Booked: James O'Neill ll. "A Vagabond Hero" lu, 11, "The Pit" IS, •A Bagged Hero" 1.1, 14. Poi.i'm Thkatdb (Joseph Crlddlp, mann- M'r).—Dig buslnpss week ot 2. Booked week of 1): Thomas O'Brien nnd Clnra Havel, in "Ticks and Clicks;" Cherry nml Bates, irlclt bicycle riders: Mclntlrc und Bice, Oeorge C. Davis, Dean I-Mpull and company. In "A Wild Hose:" Norcro>s, Meakfn nnd l.n Mars, min- strels, and "The Olrl with the Auburn Hnlr." OIIKCION. Port in ml.—At the Marrpiam flrnnd (Cal- vin Ilelll«. manager).—Haverly's AHnstrels did very uood business Oct. 2S. West's -Mln- Hlrels dlil fall' business HO, Ml. Coming: "Florodorn" Nov. 2, 3, "Uncle Josh Sprnce- bv" 4. "King Dodo" 5-7, Hose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," fill; "The Christian" 12-14. Cordhav's TnEATnn (Cordrny & Russell, manngers).—"At the Old Cross Roads" had a big opening Nov. 1. "Mr. Jolly of Jollef did good business Oct. 24-31. "Tennessee's I'ardner" comes Nov. 8 ttnd "Rudolph nnd Adolph" 1.1. Hakkr's TnnATnn (Oeorge L. Baker, man- ager).—The Nelll-Morosco Oo. began Us Inst week Oct. 31, with "Secret Service." widen was greeted hy two crowded bouses. The Baker Stock Co. will return Nov. K, opening In "The Dancing fllrl." "The Prisoner (it Kenan" will probably follow. MMPiiin TuCA'j-nR (Oeorge L. linker, mnn- nger).—ltiislnesH was fair week n( Oct. 2t!. Following for week-at Nov. 2: Larkliis und Patterson'. Miss Vic Lewis. Scboenwerk, ilu- I.e MoIuph, Cnnley ami Klein, the Volkyrus. James lletinessy, bioscope, Stafford nud Stone. AtirADB Tjieatiir (S. Morton Cohn, mnnn- ger).—Business was fnlr week of Oct. 2(1. Following Is thn current week's hill: The Melnotte Sisters, Jack Lennnrd, Clemlngs nnd McAllister, Ous Klrnlfo. Fritz's Nkw TMIATM (A, Dollmnn, mnn- nger).—Keener and P'orrester, Mae Stanley, Dorr and De Lncy, Pnlricola Family. Doro- tliy -Klrne, Clara Kdwnrds, Prof. Brooks, tho Kalcratiis, iKittie Tolbert, the Thmnpsons, Lane and Dnuvrny. HL Ut,ax inn's CONi-KBT nAt.r, (nil Bty.DavIs, inanaaer).— Birdie Diamond, Helen Mlgnnn, Frli and Sl.iuley, Annie Merrill. P.ftK-KHitN's Music Hai.i, (H. D. Orlflln. munager).—Rose Davenport, Milslnn, Ladles' ldenl Orchestra, 'Man 13. Olldden, director. 4-t-* COI.OItADO. I.niilsvlltc.—uMnoauley's Theatre (lata T. Mncnuley, ntninnger).—Blanche Wu.Ish pre- sented "Uesiirrectlon" Nov. 2, to a large au- dience. Joe Jefferson, In "Rip Van WlukhV' followed 3, drawing a. crowded house. "Thn LIUIe Princess," wiMlh Aliilllo Jaraes, anno 4-7. lo big nhlendanre. "The Burgomaster" il-lt, Tim Sinniliy 12-11. Makoxio TiiKATltB (Cling. A. Shaw, man- ager).—"Funny Mr. Doolcy" played, to splen- did business, 2-7. Paul Qulnn, ns Mr. Dooley, kept the house In good humor. An ailtiiic- tlve chorus, bright songs, and pretty effects In costumes, made the show woi>fli seeing. "Toss ot tilin D'tlrbervllles" 0-14. AviixnK 'J'hf.atiih (Chns. A. Shaw, inn.11.1- Ror).—"Hie Child Slaves of Now York" at- tiMu<ted good houses week of 1. The plnv was full ot Rcnsntlonal climaxes. "Not Utility" 8-14. Hui'KixciiAM TnEA-rnn (Whallen Bros., managers).—Itellly & Wood's Co. presented n llrst class performance during week nf 1, end ititti-noted crowded houses. The DnJnty Duchess M-14. Hoi'Ktss' Theamb (J. D. UnpUliiH maua- ger).—The Lavlne-Camcron. Trio, Howard und Blnnd, nnd six other good acts attracted hUr attendance during week of J. For week of 8: The Kniifmann '(^yclo Troupe, Eretto Family. Kelly nnd Vlolette. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stiuu-t Harrow. Clifford nnd Dixon, J. Warren Kealie, Herbert, and Nolan. ■ ' , m ■ Pmiuonii.—At the Kentucky (JameB 13. Fngllsh, manager).—"The Moonshiner's Daughter," Nov. 4, played to good business. Alberta Callnt.lii, In "OhostB," pleased a good sized audience 0. Coming: Shay Opera Co. ft, "As Yon Like It" 11, "The Burgo- master" 13. "Coon Hollow" 14, Van Dyke Co. week of 111-21. . ' ■ ■ + .. • , » . KANSAS. Denver.—Broadway Theatre (Pater Mc- Court, mnnnger).—Week of Nov. 2 Dc Wolf Hopper,-In "Mr. rickwlck," packed the house nt. every performance. Week of 0, Vlrg'nln Horned. Taroii OnAxn (refer McCourt, manager). —Week of 1 Herbert. Kclcey and Kfllo Shan- non, in "Sherlock .Holmes, pin veil lo n big house Week of 8, "Foxy Orundpn." Nkw OnriiRUM (T. B. Henderson, mana- ger).—Week of 2: ..Wright. HuntIngtou nnd compnuy, Schenk Bros., Princess Lasoros, Oeorge Austin, Alexius, Paulo nnd Dlkn, thn Brltious, Mnciu'i's dog and monkey circus, business roihi. Cciitih TiiBATan (A. Tt. Pelton, ranna- ger).—Week of 1 "The Minister's Son," wllh W. P. I'n it nn, gave a good show, and pneked the house. Ciivstai, TiiBATnn (Geo. Irn Adams, mnn- nger).—Week of 2: Gordon nnd Gilbert, Kohler nnd Link, Creed and Goodwin, Grundy nnd Whenlhorly, Frank Fulton, Frank Rob- erts. Business good. Kmpiiii; (Leary & ITagau, managers).— Week of 2: Lombard Bros., Zlnimernian.i, Muncrlef und Smith, Hndlcy nnd Archer, Frank ilolden, Prof. WJIlinms. RlialntM good. iNnvKi/ry TUHAYM (ITemry Lulielskl, man- ager).—Week of 2: Morgan nud Ches- ter, the Ditainplns, DougtaKs and Fleloher, Conlta nnd AbnI, Blez and Lucas. Business good, Pai.acfi (Wm. Oiilh, manager).—Week ot 2: .Stewart nud l.a Croix, Sadie Nellson, Ijonuie und HuwcM, Long SJsfers, (Iwrge (bull. Good business ever since the opening. » »» NEBRASKA. Lost AiikcIch. —Mason Opcan House (H. C. Wyntl, mnnngei-).—Herrmiinn ntlracted gowl slued audiences, Oct. 20-28. "lu Old Kentucky" packed the honae 20-31........ Olympln Opera Co. begins a two weeks'.en- gnjrejuent Nov. 3. Moiioiiro'H Bi.'iuiAsi; TiiE.iTtiD (Oliver Mo- roRco, munager).—The Baker Theatre Co. closed n long and satisfactory engagement Oct. 31. Nov. 1-7. Florence. noBin-ts, lu "lbimeo ' nnd JiiHet." llie Pollard Llll- niiilnn Opern Crt.. In "The Belle of New York. 8 and week. uuANii oi'pii*. Hopsfi.. (Clarenca, D.rown., manager).— Wnl'ti>r Sannu'd's Players rlrtKert nl Oils iiieaiiv Oct. Ill, the final hill, being "Tlie Pace tint Kills," .'it'lei' establishing rleii Man.". "Falsely Accused" ami "A Wicked Ou-niselves very favombly with the cllefttfl Woman." . , . 0l t»° home. - Ooodbuo- A Kellogg ptesont Toiiefcn.-—At the Crawford Opera House (Crawford & Kane, managers).—The Van Dyke Co. closed a four nlphts' engagement Oct. 21), having doue good business). Clav Clement di-im- n. small liouso 30.' "A Texas . Steer" drew two fair houses 81. "When Sunday Johnny Comes Marching Home" Nov. 1. Com- ing: "Mickey Finn" 2, "The Beauty Doctor" •1', Warde nnd Jilmes 5, "An American Gentle- man" 8, "Oh the Bridge nl: Midnight" II, "The Chaperons" 11, Koleey and Shannon, In "Sherlock Holmes," 12: "The Now FOBt Mall" 14, "The.Glrl from Sweden" lfl, "Tho Mldulght Hxprcss" 1", "A Thoroughbred Tramp" 18. QftASn (Crawford & Kano, managers).— The Irvlng-Freheh Co. closed a Successful week Oct. ,11, Coming: Otis Skinner und Ada Rclinn Nov. 21. WlctiUs— At the Crawford:Theatre (B. Ji. Mart I Inc. manager).—The Van Dyke Oft,, Nov. 2-7, did good business. "When Johnnv Conies Marching.Homo" packed the house A. Coming: "The Chaperones" ]0; "Sherlock Holmes" 11. "Teu Nights In a Bar Room" 12. t-The Missouri flirt" 14. Toi.nn ArinToniuM (n. 0. Tolcr & Snn, mnnaBer*).—-Getinnln,- magician, rByatlfieil n good sited, audience ft. Jack Hoodler Co, comes week of 0, Mclba sings 18, oimihii.—At Boyd's Theatre (W. J. Bur- gess, manager).—"On the Bridge at Mid- night" Nov. Ilk 11, Millie James, In "Tho Little l'rlucess," 12, lit; Lew, Docksrnder'a MlnslrOs 15, .10, "A Texas Stedr" 17, 18. J. II. Stotuhirt 1!) 2.1. Henry Miller and Margaret Anglln, In "D'Arcy of the Guards," played, to a , large nnd appreciative audi- ence, a. Warde nud James, In ."Alexander the Great," drew n fair house, mntlnee nnd night, 4. Mmy Shuw. In "Ghosts," had u fair audience G. Clity Clement, in "The Now Dominion," did fnlr business (1-8. , ont'tiKUM (Carl Belter, manager).—Busi- ness, week of l, was very good. The bill was a good one, Charlea Dickson and eom- pnny. lu "Heart to Heart Talk*;" Paxton's Art Studies, and Arncssen, gymnast, wore nets above the average. The bill for week of 8: Frederic Bond nnd company, AgneB Mnhr, Marin and Aldo, Hal Godfrey and company, ■toe Newman, Wood nnd liny, John 1.0 Claire, the klilodrome. „ Knuo Trauma (ir, J. Gonden, maunger). —"The Beauty Doclor" 8-ll.r Joe Welch, In "The Pi ddler/' 12-14: Nellie Mcnonry. 10-18. "Where Is CafcbT" 10-21. "Hearts Adrift drew fnlr houses 1-4. Ward and Vokes played.- to 8. R. 0., 5, 0. "The Head Walters" .was the nit met Imp7. 4 « » — Notes from Riving & Taylor: Our sja- Ron so far has proven 'the most successful und plriisitnt In onr entire enfeer. We re- cently lirnke the repcrtftry record at th<J Grand Opera IIousp, Hun Antonio, Tox., and on Oct, 11) had the largest opening in the history ot the Peterson .Theatre, Paris, Tex. We haven't made a change, silica the opening of our Summer season. In Joplln, Mo., on May 25. •SMtHMa^ABilM Telephone 9300, .18th. Madame Polly & Dr. Klark. Hslr Dretslog,.HMlonrinjr and WolW Massage.. Ohlroboillit. llslr Shampooed, Dried sndDrSMSd In 14 minutes. Patronised by ' Ml88 1.11,1,1 A* HUS«IClLi|i, MISB MDMA WALLA IK IIOPPSR And many other* in tho profesilon. . . . ' 41 West-Sad St., New Torh