The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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920 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 14 MOVERS NAME PLATE MACHINE H IM Ineludlna ROLL. THE ROOVERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, gr~ggkjg&g?gg ELECTRICAL SCENIC EFFECTS. EXTENSIVE USE IB A PROOF OF MERIT. We furnish til the electrical scenic effects In Luna Park, Coney Island, namely: The Aaron Borealls, In "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea -" MoTlni Clouds, Working Waters and Automatic Lightning Flashes, In "A Trip to the Moon," and THE ELECTRIC FOUNTAIN. Moving Clouds, Forked Lightning and Frlimatlc Rainbow. In "The Johnstown Flood," at Cone; Island; the COMPLETE EQUIPMENT of "The Johnstown Flood," at Revere Beach Mass.. and "Mount Pelee In Eruption." for the Midwinter Carnival Company; the last three productions being the most exact and truest to nature ever shown We supplied 90 per cent, of all the theatrical productions. Recent ones are: 'Sleeping Beauty and the Beast," at the Broadway; "The Runaways." at the Casino: "The Eternal City," at the Victoria; "A Gentleman of France," at Wallacka r E. H. Sotnern, In "If I Were King," at the Garden; Weber A Fields' plays, and hundreds of others. ' We also carry Moving Clouds, Lightning snd Fire photographed from nature, which gives perspective that cannot be accomplished by the design belns Inted on glass. Also have Rainbow, Water Ripple, Sand Storm, Rain and Snows. New and novel effects made to order. Estimates cheerfully given on even Ing In the electrical theatrical line. Send six cents for postage for our hundred page catalogue. ' pall thing LOSO DISTANCE PHONE t 803-HAD. SCL. postage Gall and See our Effects In Operation. page catalogue. DON'T FORGET THI NUMBER. 37-1239 Broadway, l> Olty 70 J PEST. Harrl.t Htowt'i £»ir Po polar Story In LIFE MOTION PICT CUES. S T BAR-ROOM $£«. 700 FEET LONG. BTUKKT CMl CHIVALRY, ........ .100 feet. THE EFFECTS OF A TROLLEY CAR COLLISION. ..... 60 feet. CASE V MO THE <T£AH ROLLER. - ......60 feet, THE SPIRITUALISTIC PHOroGHAPHfBR, ...... 143 feet. A VISIT TO THE ZOO, 3fl4fl. Will be Sold la Short Length*. ELECTION OF POPE PIUS X. - - - - - - - - WB feet. AN EPISODE IN THE PABK, ........ SO feet. K SHOCKING ACCIDENT, .........60 feet. lit VINO A BABY, ... 101 feet. | THE TRAMP'S FIRST BATH, - 60 feet. And 100 NEW COH10 AND MISCELLANEOUS FILMS MOW READY. Band for Lin. VEIN CENTS F>ER FOOT. The CCNEOGRAPH with STEREOPTICON COMBINED. IIIHVCDCal KinnCI Complete with Electric #E A CVIIIDITinii linilCI Complete with Electric Lamp and Rheostat, *>T C UnlfftnoAL lYIUUtL, Lamp and Rheostat. $OUs CAtllDl I lUsl lYlUUCL, CalclamLamp, Films and BUdea. #IOa , ""KffSKS? 1 " 21 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Recsnt Productions Suppllad: Babes In Teyland Wizard of Oz Darling of the Bods Du Barry & Bon Hur E.H.Sithrn-The Proud Prince Wabir& ^Ids-Whoop Do Doo Law Dockstador's Minstrels. •9 mmmi electric STAGE LIGHTING CO. EFFECTS. 1393-6 Broalway and 129 W. 38th Street, ra.w York. TEL. S139-38th 8). *ops. THEATRICAL EQUIPMENTS AND SUPPLIES. REFERENCES! BEIiSCO THEATRE, CORSE PAYTON'S THEATRES. We are now Initalllng the entire eqnlpment for the Metropilitin Opara Hiuse, NEW YORK. EDISON FILMS, PATENTED AND COPYRIGHTED. Supplement No. 185 describes 100 New, Novel and Interesting Subjects. Titles of the Very Latest Follow: LIFE OF NAPOLEON, Buster's Joke on Papa, An East River Novelty, Heavenly Twins at Lunch, MesseDger Boy's Mistake. ALICE IN WONDERLAND, The Animated Poster, A San Francisco Chinese Funeral, Move On, Casey and His Neighbor's Goat To All House .Manager, and staaja Lighting Contractors! rsease take notice that we sre the sole turners of U. 8. Letters Patent No. SS2.4M tor Kegula'on fur Klttctrtcal Circuits, covering the U'e of Resistance Coils or Rheostats, comprl-lng m plurality of porcelain spools wound with a resistance wire. All Infringers upon our rights under the patent will be prose- anted to i lie full extent ot the law. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO., KLIBOL BROS., Piop... 1303-5 Broadway, New York City. + GEO. MELIE'S i ■ Sno oeaa. A Tra»tandona I FAIRYLAND, Or "The Kingdom of the Fairies." Copyright, 1808, By GB0. HOLIES, Paris; New Tort. Tht Latnl and Most Gorgeous Spiclacls In Motion Plcturn, In 32 Scant*. Length. 1,040ft.. Prices: ■{ PLAIN, .... S180 POLYTINT. 300ft, Extra, tSO HXTT COLORED, 1040ft., Extra, S180 RETT 230ft., $39.00 A very impressive, p~n tmm% Wo. 503-5. Jailter's Thunderbolts (A My tholoa let] Burlesqued An aatonlshlng trave<tr ou the tneme, "Terrible Is the Wratbof Jove." and at the same time a very laughablo sob)e«t. Ho- 506-7. Ten Ladles In On* Umbrella, • • 185ft., $31.50 A carnival comedy, showing * marvelous Juggler at work. The mlse en scene Is very ar- tistic and tiio Bukject full of movement and exceedingly catchy. No. 508-9. Jack Jaggs and Dam Dam, ... 165ft., 128.00 Finustlo eoooutrlcitius, very comical, and full ol new and effective tricks. fQ»&& SELLING AG1 NTS THE AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE AND BI06RAPH COMPANY, No. 11 K. 14th St., New York. Complete Catalogue on application. AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS, OFFIOatB AND WORK*,, 204 General Manager, E. 38th Street. New York Cit '• f\\-MS *4r TRUE MERIT WINS WHAT MONEY CANNOT BUY ACIDEMV OP MUSIC, CHICAGO. All Insl week crowds of capacity alio he'd High Carnival during AL. W. UAKTIN'Sengagement wlllt UNCI.E TOM'S CABIN. Martin puts new lire Into thlH nid favorite through the medium of Elaborate Sconery, Gorgeous Stage Ktretira snd Great. Specially NumtMsre. • • * Chtoagosns have grown to know this attraction no well and to rely opon Martin as their IDEAL, IN HIS LINK. Til AT TIIKY WILL HAVE NONE OTHKR. The week's bu.lness wa« somcltilng enormous, and never better for tbe big show.—NEW YORK. UMI'I'EK, Oct 81, Chicago Oorr. Ik. W. MARTIN, sole Prop, and Mgr., 64. W. MARTIN'S AnR ACTIONS Slot Machine Headquarters SNAPS FOR BUYERS: H Picture Machines, $.8.00 to IM.OO; Punching Ban, tio.oo; Roorer'i Name Plates, $26.00; Aluminum, loo.per pound, we buy. sell or exchange anything in the market. Send for our bargain list. RICTUS AMCBEM8NT CO., Noa. 41-tt University Place, New Tork City. M # mm tie*., farpotua IV. uc.ii ior puuiio estartalniaeota, Ultutrat. tag Sanaa and current areata, popuiar Kmgs, etc Nothing affords opportunities tor mm wtu null MAKE MONEY lllniu.tfd cAUlofne, telle what an outfit "*■ 'i ©Deration end loaUDCti joe 'Sdnct raying eDleruiDro«Dta, leAUJSTIK, Iff. OpUclta ^ 4BKuho Sirvtt, Haw Tor*. <*t ..*//, fc% te t. SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE A 400 page Price Lis'. FREE. WANTED, LADY FOR DRAMATIC SKETCH. Also Lady Plsnlate. HARRY ADAMS, Ottawa, 111. THE GREAT TRAIN RORRERY. TMIa highly 8enaatIonal HEADLINES will be ready early month. Wlae Dealer, and Exhibitors will order in advance and avoid delay. Edison Exhibition Kinetoscope, SI 15.00. Edison Universal Kinetoscope, $75.00 £DIS0H MANUFAGTURING COMPANY, .TSSSS, OFFICE FOB UNITED KINGDOM: 52 Gray's Ion Road, Holborn, London. W.C.. England. EUROPEAN OFFICE: 32 Rempart Saint Georges, Antwerp, ISelg. SELLING AOKNTSs WS.PXSSSPS^K co 41 B - 21«t St, New Tort KLEIN OPTICAL CO 52 State St., Chicago, III. PETER BACIGALUPI 933 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. NAME-PLATE MACHINES A NEW SIMPLEX MODEL FOR 1904 IfVI COMPLETE, WITH REGISTER, $60 With suitable discounts to the Trade. Fully guaranteed for one year. Interchangeable in all its parts. Practically weather proof. Handsome in appearance. The finest Slot Machine in the market REIDY FOR MEDIATE DELIVERY. SIMPLEX MFG. CO., II E. 14th ST., NEW YORK CITY. MAHLER BROS., 6th Ave. and 31st Street, I. Y., PROFESSIONAL UNDEBWEAB HOUSE OF AMERICA. NOVEMBER SPECIALS. TWO 8BEAT VALUES II LADIES' HOSIERY. a* ~ laTiaa* vauze ■_.! SI_K W OSK, Warranted Fart Blaok, 45c pair; 82.50 per Half Dm. Pare SILK HOSE, Double Spliced Foot, High Znrtep, 81.39, Blaok Only. Mail CrMaraMust aaAooompaniadky Kon.y Ordars, or Postal Hole* Hob. Rant O. O. D.