The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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November 28. TttE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 949 Clipper Poit Of f let. la order to avoid mlatakca and to Inaare the' prompt delivery or the letter* adrertloe* la tala Hit, aa ravclopc plainly addreeaed mail be •eat for each letter, and a' written order (or the letter, signed with the fall name aad addrcaa aad the line of baalaeaa followed by the leader, afM alao be eaeloied. Fleaae mention the date for num- ber) of THE CLIPPER In which the lettera acat for were advertlaee. LADIES' LIST. AtneUl, — Audcrsou, Flossie •Aruutb.Esti-llo Ashton. Oorlt Abbott, Marlun AfiltOII. \Lauglry 'Ackcratrom. • . trill* AruoW.AIIceO. Adams. . : . ■ 3. Allelic AlllUl. Mm, D. K. AlUlle. r- . . Blerbower. i ;Mc J. lllsbop, Irene hum. miihc • IJorntlcld, iV . Iturgesa. Nell . Brnce. Mrs. I. Ilrynnl, Hi) lloesoo. Lulu »IJou,MrH.V.B. I loo til, D'TU Bornrsford. Mr*. F. M. HcuHett, Marl l'rupke,P<ltrtm Bqu-Jj Bessie liiunnunMubci filjirf. Lilian Blackford, • " » . Lottie iiohucii •■■ 'Mmm 1 liwkcr, Emma Bennett, Kiltie Benson, TMrs. B. H lltg-gess, Nell llutifc, Irene Brooks. '■ Florence lleftrunj.Vlolet ilitjf Sisters Dt-Hu.MrsFred rlrantFiureui-c «'r^nl|oii,Zarnli • liithBtti. Etta i.'Ukl|ouBcr, 4 ' Bess. • 'uftjCi Muud D. Conrad, . . • Katborini: Curuownle • • Sisters ■ of. K*»; t'ttWuwBle. ■- < A . Jess, Carlisle, Genie arfrrsFlo • 'uhada t'rcsslc CujUowOle. ' Jessie(l!Oc. "• -jsilxnbeth • 'oatce. Gwen. • 'Hpibcll, •Belle Cook, Mrs.Kobt I uelln, Rose • 'ulllna. IKit •'4ltt|liuli, I."IH i 'lyhifcr.EdiiaW MfeMft •Mrb. -Wait. "•»W1»-,' Clyde W»Jf„,- • Llcnore DuLlslcMsude " ■ . Matlle l>uM||t, Gertie 1(h«c, Louie . - ■*"Mr*: 0111* I iuB.cuurt.Lcah itmTMw lKirlun. Bccliiu Heviruaae.- . JK-V*' Bjttl* I'arrow-. Clyde 1 htTn*,Vlorcnoi lH^furn.- .- • ■ ',,- ..LytllaK \h\x\v. : * Mrs. Thus, lKivepe, Kilty. f? Mrs. Paul iiu,r|au,Bertuu IWijjar,-i''uy. Iitiwii. Mllll lli-Frcll, Rcsslu Ind Belle IJOUOVUU. • S ; ■ Fauiiy I'UtiUur.MlasI kjri ' Pox, Florence Forrester. Selran Fowler, Bertie Potter, Proger Sisters Phillips, Monduuc Fellowe.Merrlc Flor.1. Mildred Fuller. Mac Ford. .Maud Farlurduu, llull i. Fort, Atlluc Fredo A Dare Gonznlcs. Fauulc Uarrclt, Vera, liruliuni, JIr.".B Oulutidu. .Minnie Gleuiuure, Lottie Gilbert Sisters Gundy, Louise Urury, Pauline Hutliwuy Bella Herzoy, Anna Hilton. M. Herring, Ella Hawkins, I It. Kuth. Houston Kittle Howard, .May Hilton, Alice Huutlng.Mollie llewette, L>tu Harris. Zlllili 1, Jlls 3 Henry. • Muruiam Harper,;Jpunue llilpert. Uorotby llaiiHuian. .Mrs. II. Hunter, Carrie Hanson. Prances Harris. Laura llarlowe, • IlcaArlcc Johnson. I'nrncl Joyce, May Jordan, Brnma JaniKon.Judltb Kavnuauirli, - . . Oriyoc Kcleey SlsterK Klrkpatriek. 1' Keeuan.MayA. Klble. Jot). S. Lowery. Mrs K r.'.-wls. lua M. Lliiduucd.Cus. T.conanl. B. Leslie. Mildred Ijiwson, Margaret Lancaster, Lll. Lalllauche, Klosslc f ,1'ssIuk, Madgi: Lallhtui'lte, Klosslc Lwiiard, Mm. J. 1'. T.cwIk. Lll. Lavranrr. Mn;e. R. Lester. FubsIc If. Lawrence Mae Lawi'cuiel'earl Lcouard. llcatrlcc Lareuder, Mrs. Geo. Michael. Florence Myrlng. Maude Munlcll. .. Blanch Meredith Sinters Muiibnll.. .iAirelta Mounts. Addle Mitchell.'.' - ••Florence Mayo, I.IIIIhu Mills, llallle McCruiab. ...• ," '. 'Hazol Mltelicl. :. "-.-.• Cora E Muilhe»-s. ' . I*ouore Murlclla.LII.I. MoutroBe'.Bitss Katlilenu Praser, Emma Pasnlune, Angela l'rysor, L\ Croto. Mile, l'owell, Mrs. Aubrey Pouillcton, Ueul rice I'earl, Jcnulo Pbilll|is, Mondunc Pnlraer, Leslie PuJnicr. inda Heusley,. I*a Powell. May tjulnn Marjorlo InlM Mrs. Cliff. Ituye, Vvettn ItayuiundlVarl Itnsscll, Nell. Handle. •Flnronco Itlley, Jennie L. Itoze, M iss ltnymotid Viola Itaystr, Agues Beeeei Is'siie llcdinohdUlUa RuMCilUll. 'Stella Uevere. Eleanor K'lKsell. KIJou llenilUKtuli, Mamie IJued. Anna Rlcbordsou, Madge Slierwood. Almu E. Staples. Maude Sargcanl, ■ Birdie Stephens, M. Stemblei-Salllc Shannon. Maude Sten-ard,Llzzin Sanders, ltena Sulnndri. Natalie St.Leon, l>olsy Sheldon. • Elizabeth Scliulz, Lottie Schwartz. Daisy C. Shannon. Maude N. Suuiuiers. Clulro Smith, Nina Sis-ii rl.l. Mrs. Cbus. Spencer. Erankle Slcgel. Kmtuu Sturgls,Jui-guc Speueer, Artie Sterllug,Mrs.E Stanley. Vlllette Schram, Mrs. ""nrnur, Gnu-c Tarrj Jane M. 'I'urni'f. Ituth I'lioiiipsoii. Delia runter.l'carlE turner, Belle Taylor, Julia M. I'hurston. Grace Trescott. VlrKlula Turner, Maud Tyler. Bessie Vernon, Anna Vernon. Besaio Wells, Corlntic Wuldmanu. Mrs. WliIte.JehslcD. Weston, ICmina Wilson. Dell West. Helen Webber; Mrs. Webber. 'Mrs. liar. Huniford, Karl Bowman, Ered Belghlol, Wm. Brooks, E. T. Bonder, 8. P. Battcll, Geo. Brown, Harry Barry, Frank llulklcy. K. J. Bedlpl, Victor Crulg. Marsh Campbell, Robt earner, J. ■ i.'ampbell, Geo Crawford, Geo Cobun. 0. M. Cody, J. T. Cabrcar, Mr. Colin. Geo. Col, Geo. H. Chester, — (equil.j Collins, Monte Clark. A. II. Clarke. H. C. Carney, .1. Case, Charlie Cabrera; M. ColemanClrcus ciuir, Carl Care * 4 Hayes ColumblanTrlo t'lnivln, I. ■ Coyne, J. H. Clifford.* Burke Clurk, KUly Cohn, Wllb. Chase, C. R. Curtis, D. W tMark. A. n. Cannon, C. 1' Clayton,'.Hor. Can.ield, K. B ClarK Duncan (Br. Carter. Bjiinnd Cti'rtliH, Bt:rt Cooper. |.loyU Cunnody. J. K Crane, Win. A Currier, J. T. Conly, 11. tirosby. Jack Cutterlln, • . Warren Clarenze, Frwl Cdrbjitl. MM t'unnlugha'tti, Claire, A. K ■ Carpeuter,B.It. Clemens,- Chas Crockett, W. V Chcsters, The t.'umeron, W. C Clayton, F. A. CrawfordfKG Colby, C. B. Crockett,W. !• Conway. • _ Geo. W. Clifford * • Burke Clark. Wilfred Creasy & Day no. Crawford, Wm Collluw, Leo Cunningham, • ■ -Robt. Croffert. .loo Grotty Trio Chicago . . Dram. Co, Monroe, Trlxlcl Wilson, rtufh Michael. Whitqrs, May Florence We'nonii & Muhrer,. ' , > Frank . Mrs. M. M. | Woodwnni. Mllev.Kutlilryn] Kbillle Mucker. .May .1 WJIsou. Mltinlu McLtoiiald,. Weliber,' Evil Mary I Wilson. McCulluuch. I M. Gruisi Edna'Ward, I aallln Mubellc. : Williams. ,• .MarKvrle Lotlk Marsoti, Muud Wolffc, Gull Miller. Nellie Woodwurd. Mlskel, Corn MnbOaj Meade. Delhi Wcutwortli. Miles. Ila . May Nortlirup.Alice 1 West. May Nelson, Maud 'Winchester, iNorlb. llallln .Murtlti li'l'ttuel. Mrs. A Nelson. Kllsta Welch, Jennie ErEfeis. Vu. Narnrro, Siren Zlmiucr.Alleell li'Hbcr.'Anitu' iOrletts. May iZora. Mile. I'lioiji!. 'Mlnnlc'Onell. U II. I . .' " WHNTLEMEJI'M LIST, I., tiuy -_.Jrc, Marie Ksfifr.' Violet. Hc|*ai'ds. J. iifiuani.- >Hl>'. Kn%H.n,Bcll EVttfla. Lizzie m.M aon.S.W. Mlger. Ad. M*k!biC. VUeu, Juck • Aldep,' Gall Adanm, 0/ H. Arnold, Harry Avutol, Great AriUbtrowr. I W. M. Armuuil i. Gay Alsup. M. L. Adams.'Jl K. •«r-i^ f - AUKtlU. II. Z. Anderson. 1 ' Albert AdiUr.' Mrnja ft Adair Adair. -Jobu alblDl,- II. khdcrsiiu. Win Allen. Wm Ufonstetd Jr.. • ■ TL II. ■Pi! Blirtoa. fins nyri 8r.. A. •JMntn, Tin JaWlucer.'.'O. Bioesoiu. Mat Brown, J. G. Burke, J. P. Barbour, Will. Beach & Bowers Bunco. C. W. Bcuniiri]. -las. Ulxliy, V, L. Brown. J. W. Buck. J. L. Bacbrouiin.J.J. Byrne, J, F. Brunaos. ■ I Musical Co. Becker. O. J. Bernstein. .l-'reeman Bimanu, <'. ],. Burner. A I. Barron. Ii<t>. Bold. -I. E. Bell. Clios. Hlackmort.'.BII Boise. Joe Bryan & West Burke, .1. F. Baker. L. H. Bean & Hamilton Bonworth.Frcd Bueher.- ■ Lllbiy W ««llaf- rt lltocksoiu. lliir Burke. CIius. Barbler. .1. 1'. Burly. Lurl.T Ben sou. V. S. Banes & Honsoii Itontn, 4. B. Baker. E. II. Buskey, ,luo. Brown. J. W. Bers. II. P. Boone, .1. A. lluuer. L. H. Bendon. V. S. Bartells. The Uruniwetl. Wm Burroughs, CM Uarletr A Nlckersou Bazars. Ike Balcoui. tieo. Bard Bros. Bell. Jack Billing, liar. Brown, David Burton & Brookes Barber. Hur. Rlackotb, II M Boyd. C. A. Bnrton< P. ». Humes. 1'nul Forben, It. V. Forrest, Chas Kox. W. II. Kleury. Fern. Fniwley, Dun. Florida. G. A. K^rguifon. J. II I'arrvl, Wm. C Fox & Foxle French's Boat Show Forber. Mon*. Fink, Wm. J. Fagnn. Harney Fltz, Alb. H. Finney, Frank l'llson 4 Errol Forbes. G. Fnhncnberg. Carl I'lynn, J. J. Grant, J. K. Ollroy. Hayiies tt Montgomery Granor. P. H. Girdeler, Karl tJlldslaud. W. c. i^ Glynn. Nick tHlletl. Kdwd. Graham, Lew Galrln, Jack Godley, J. C. (irant. Hurl IJ Ibsen, W. L. Gcndall. Kli-haril Gracey. Dan Gardner, Dennis Green. Sam ■ Griffin, C. K. tioloinuii. T. (,'iniiuii &Wcst (iolden. Frank liniy&ijruliain Gllro. Clius. c;uy. G. It. Grei-n. Harry tllbsou, Bill L. Gllroy, Charley <;<Mleu,Garland Gannun. Jaek Cardner, Llda fJIbson, W. L. Golden, G. F. liunip. B. L. ' Gray,-Fred W. c.orman Trio Gordon & • • ■ Ullbert Gllbam Family i ireined. U W Hageu, C. W. L Hadly, Thus. Howe Clrenn Haseal, Frank Howard, J. M. IlaywarU & 11 ay ward Hale 4 Francis Ilaskelr; E- Iloward, Nick Harrington. Bar. Hart, Wm: J. Hale, Will . HIM, Geo. A. Howard, J. E. Hill, Chas. A. HuKsell, Frank ««: Hlller, M. K Hanfgrd, C. B Coober, Clyde t.'uughliu, J M Cochran, V W Cole, Geo.' Clifford, Wm. t:ralg, M. Wr HuBoIs. II. A l>cery. Wm. J DuV'rlcs.'Suni Dowllug.Edwd Di?Bar, Hur. I Darrow, Stuart Dupree, Dave Dale, Alex. DeVcauX;WG. Drlskell. ■,•'" . Win. 11 Deltue, Bob Dawson." ••"■ Ben % Devereunx.' ' •.Dale Cruwford.L.W rfes-ser, Jean. Horner, Ben Itazleton, J: II Hoj't, S. C. Heclow. Chan. llylaml&Grant llylaitd', TofU Gundy. A. W. ilebert. J. A. Henry. C. E. Huglies, Chas. ITardcastle. B.G Henderson. • ■ ■ Welnyss Howlclt, K. C. Ifall. A. F. HllHlCIll. J. II. libber. F. J. Hart. Tom Harrison, H. Harris; <.'. K. Halhaway & Walton Herbert, '1'Iios. Kuwlcy, L. W. HUkkett.Wtn.J. llouuton, E. U Henderson's '■' Bout Show Uardie, Tom Halt;-?. M. Harris. J. M. Hubbard. L. «,' Howell, W. J. DeLalu. Hur. Dledz. Eurfen lJeHarrls;lleVt Donevati;-. Jim )**, Tbui ■•_[■■ Dlkehans. FH Devlin-, B. J. Daiiini, Ijllher Dunn.. J.' J",'' •' Davidsob.G.lL Doltosc. .Teto Dawson if ■ • •• i Btone Henry, lll D'Aliua. John 1 UurHcy, • F. J Dunn; Fraiik | Harrison, Leo Deer, Jim"' ijUurrls, V. K. Dutlo'u, Win. Hensel.' liuill Ducruw, -<' > Huffaisn, Itlch Diwrvw. Wo J Horner. Beu Jaw. mp ' t^w- Davis, G. *.', DeCoup.iPllH Doluil, t.'lirlst DIckcrtioli'.M.O IkwIs, -Wllllt; Dale. Musical DIvKeMon; TJ Dunn, Jos. I teener. P.aut Tiure, Hur. Dunn. EVJ, TK-lruonl, Jos. KouuldKou.C'.A Davis. Atistlu lJullcy, Bob Davis, J. C, nerendaJ we Dalto .t i»llu DubtiiHkv.Edw Derail. Vin! ' ' Drew. Jok. l>eluiore. Jno. DcVaei Eddie Draws. W. lino, Hnr. HtuliOriirs "f MUslc. 1 Erette, Sleta Krlcksoo, Bob Ddwurds; C.; - I( ilnslrom. C. w lOllsworth.jfur KUIb.IL. ft ICbbcts. U. J. Kdwurds. C. h Kills Nelsbu . Trio Eld ridge, llpbt Elliott. E. T.-. Eurle. Gralium Euslis. V, 3: ; Kills. Chas. Elm City Otiartet Edmunda.W.0., English, W. I' lino, II. ■«•. . Kvarl. LaVr. ' Ernest. Harry Vitz. A. U. Fields. It. D. |T|)Waainj.TWar. Fulke. <VH,, Faulklnar.F.W Fltkglbbons, ■ David Frahkel. GtW 1'llihugb, EM Franklin. WH Fisher. IVrkliis Hill, Percy Illury. E. Hiirrlson, BcnJ Herbert, He Nolan Herman, Hur. iiiissi'ii, Frank lluycs, J. J. Hli.-kell, W. J Horace. Geo. Holland, - i:.lwlu .liiward. S. M Hrhdrlek, Heu Heath. C G. Holbrooks. ■ ■ • • Musical Hastings, E. 1- J»f kioii. Jacob JnrrVtte. Hur. Jvi'dau, Gt. JuneH, P. J. Johnstone. Manlfis- &Co ItlHh.'Frjink Jiimlcson, h. ^ JuAc-'. K M- Jlihiieoti.«'. J. .loin..-. .1. A. JoIiiik'Hi. B. E. JiaiH, J- W. .Tunics, 1 la rile Dvlu, Harry Jinks. Fred JicksouA-'ruuk Jacobs. I. M. Koehler. 11. U. KluckUer, C. Kclter, A. Klde, Chns. Kelfb, Kdwln Karl; A. L. S. KeJIey, Dude Kiuffmnti, Jno Kindt. Wru. Klncdld. Blrt Kiut: c p. Kelli». Welch ■ & Melrose Kliifibuhy, i3eo Kenuedy. Clayton Kllcst, Musical Keuo, Will Oils A M Jftity.c,. J Katjfinion. Jno Kbapp, Horry KVitiis, M. .1. U. FuU.-jU. B11t»- T altoK*. "m Kli-tVcr, Jno. Kelly, Jno. Kelly, M. J. Kutistrel, Eutll Keen, Julian Kent, Chun. Klntr. Harry Kciliitn. Leo J. Kelly t Vlolctte Koster. Chns. King, Joo. Kelly. J. M. Lorrett, H. >I. Lyons. Jno. Letter, w. Lilz. Geo. S. Leon, E. Lludtuiui. Ci-o. Lueler, Ben Lyons, C. H. Leo. L. F. Lynn. JuckiC. liclxhton. Bert Lettoy. A. S. Leslie. J. A. Lcnore, Ernie lA-ndet te.. Eugene Lalloo. — Lewis, II. S. Lucentra & '• lie Vera Lelioy. A. S. Love, v. E. LuKose, II. N. T.cgun. Lionel Lavinnc. Walt Lery. Abe Lane, C. K. Long, Claudo U-lgb. B.-r». Leo. L. F. Lurklus, Jno. I/-o; Frank LeevL. II. I.uHoe, Hnr. Lu Fayette, L. i.'i Vouuds. 'I'he Lawlor. C. B. Lydlli & ■ Biitterwortb f^iwnpde.Uscar LaVottnd, Freil Lawrence, J. V LePage.- ■ Francis Lowtoa, Jno. Lucy; J. S. Leltoiix. Fr-d Lynch, H. J*. Lyoriu, T. C. Luyutt, — • i magician) Lain, Percy l.allack, Hur. Lalteanc, Hur. Lee'wood. Clar. LlttleUeld.«\W La'Pearl, G. 4 LaFayctte, Gt Lewis. Andy Lawandn, Fred LewlB.Ned LaVardo. Hnr Lee,-J. H. Laurellc. — Lludholm. Herb. LeClalr. Wm. G. Mathews, liar. Murphy, Walt. "Minister's Daughter" Co McGee, M. W. Martin, D. A. Mlnco, Steve Mlllbr, H. L. Murphy tt • Wlllard Mellvlllctt Azellc Mann, Danny Marshall. Bert MoIUtyrcttKlcc McDonuld,J.B. Mofrls, J. B. Morris, Patsy Mauu. M. K. MeNultr, J- J. McGratb, Din Muck.Chas.4lI Merritt. Uui Mnxsniltbb'rod Ma-.k Jf.. J. J. Mursh, W. L. Murphy. Jos. Moran, Herald Morgan, Jos. V May tt Miles Murray, Mr. Moe. All. Mcrlun. E. M*ud, D. H. McGratb, D. J McLean, H. K Moiinm, L. Mlldare, Chas. Marco; Jas. Masklll, Jus. Marco,'II. K. Miller,-Karl Marsh A' Sortella Murphy, Tim Metzcl, Luther Mathews, J; C. MeDonough, ,•'• Jnu. McGInlcy. ' i Hob & Eva Mel roue, EUdle Mllchcll. Will Mil vu,-Karl Mllchel. W. S. MbiitiTll, Ch. Munlcll tt ■' • HugKiirt Mullcii. Geo. MclKiuuIi!, I'M. .MlK'kev. J. If Madden, L. B. Morgan. W. II Mandevllle.l.'N MurniyttSltva Muck, Ollle Mu rron & Mitchell Morrison, Tom Mitchell. V. F. U Miller. Pete Matron. 1'ss Martlu. W. A. Mnltlund. Will Murray, Jus. Marrou. John Murdock. « W Muckcy, J. V. McDude, lhtvld Mitchell, l.'lirl Mel Hide, Eddlu Morgan, Jo". Mii'oy, Duvhl Morlurty. WA McGlonls. .' Chas. Murnberecc Wm. Major, II. K Mayo, Hurry Mlllcltc, M. Morgan, N. II. Nclderl. E. A. (S«.) Norton, Joe Nlsucn, Wall. Notcrogs, J. M Nairn, A. Bad Nelier, Henry Norrls. G. B. Norton, Joe NIcholsACroIx -NhtA-TackCo NcsseiiiNeig-.-u N-juuiuu. A, Nawu, Tom Nulcu, W. A. Nelson & Mllledg.- Onrl, R. L. Ggdeu. C. W. Uxar tt Delniore Old Pitinla- tlon Co. Orr. W. II. Other People's Money Co. O'Brien, Eddie Oakley, Frank O'Kci-fc. Nnt Hakes. Frank Osfrwlo, Fred O'Brien A Herold Oppenhelmcr, Joe Ozar & Dclmo O'Donuell, .las O'Kecfc. Matt Parker. Burt Perklus, El- Powers, C. W. Plckert, Will. Parry, J. F. Parker, C. M. Plxley, O. W, Pear). C. C. Pinurd, At. Pom pic. St. Elmo PI nurd tt Miirkbutu PI pp. Mr. Parker,-II. 0. Pelgetle. I.«o Potter, P. II. Pierce. J. E. Prosscr, It. V. Price, II. M. Pierce. C. B. Provost & Prevost Parry. D. O. PrenUw, T. A Powers, Clyde Feriluer. Jim Pr|ciy.s Boat Show Pemncy.Oeo.A Purkcr, Harvey Potter, Boy Petrie, W. F. Pusey. Chus A Phillip.-Gull Purccll & . Brooks Powers. Andrews l»eek; Wm. K. Putton, 1L E. Psscatell. — Kocnc. Billy ItowUn. Frank Itbodes, A. N. ItbbertH, Hnr. Kolture, Chas lUce & Elmer Bozell, Win. Bosalre, Bob Baudel. Horace Huberts, .. ' Chnrlie ltussel). Frank Rush, Ben Itlley, Leo Belli; J. A E. Bobbins, A. D, Itlifonl, Mike Itosalre, A. B. Itoliinson, II. I Itediiioud. I'M. Bobbins,AD 2c Itlckards, Hur. Bltzel. J. W Blnaldo, Bruce ICampoue.Steve Itemumn, Jno, I toe, ThOA Itlley: It. J. Itayuiond Musical Trio Bosiiley. Juck Boy. E. L. Read, Al. itosalre, B. Itieton, It. Iloscoe, Hum Bitter. Max Boot, Mgr. Bvun, M. L llayuiond,K.W. lluimond, Itlcbard IUhtck, Henry lllehey, U V. Iloliblns, A. I). Howe. Leouurd lllce. H. W. llac, John G. Southern Vaud. Show Saonn, Fred St.Leon. Cass Sclienk Bros. Schock, F. A, Sefton, Ernest Starker. T stilltli. F. i'. Swenson, A. G Sully, Jno. St.Onge Bros. Hldilon Bros. Htuvordale, J. Stetson. Watt Ktune. Vernon Sarguul, II. S. Sauiord. C. W Kwect. B. S. Mwceney. Ed. Hwlfl. Herb. Sun Bros. Hiiarks Circus Stephens, Puul Swuuson, C. r. Shay. C. J. Smith, Frank Seeley, Chus. Sundow. J. E. Smith, B. M. Seymour, II. LuU. Shaw, It. F. S ml Hi tt Blulicliard Stoiitouburg, C. C. Shuimou. Hurry Suiullidge, Jay Sherman. Geo. II. Stanley, Art. SliUiley, G. S. Swoattuau.W.F Strctter, .\L B. Shunuon, J. It Keabert. Alex. Silver, Bert Stnckuey, H.T Sully. Dun 1. Sebrade, Max Kteveus, F.dwd Htiiltznian.Geo .Sawyer, Fred aiowe, J. F. Swain, Muck Mono, Chus. Stewart tt Ituyiuoud Smith & Clark H|)eiicer, A. G. Suudor, Oscar Swallow tt 'Jrovollo, — (vent.) Tecl, G. M. Travel. N. D. i'sun, Billy Tucker, Jas. 'l^irpln, Ben Trappert. liar Unger, Julius Voale. C. I. VanHiisen.A.ll VnnNess, Herb Venetian Glass Blowers Vernon, Carl Ven.'r. Frank Vlnceul, F. II. Vnnnerson, Wtu. Vernou, Karl VanLcon tt Duke Van do Pool. Wm. Vernon. Curl WcJtEUl 011,0.1' Whit tt Raymond Wren, Lou Wills. W. S. White,M. E. 0 Walters. W. Wight. Chus. Wllbor. BurtK. Wults, Al. Wilson, F. H, Wrlghter. Gordon Wilson. Percy Westcott, W F Whitney. Robt Welsh. Mr. West, Ford tt Dot Wilson. Geo. White, Mr. West, Joe West A VanSIcinn Wright, V. E. White, Edwil. Witck, Eugene, Ward. Frank White. A. K. Wilson. C. E. Woodward, Geo. a W hltc, W. A. Welch. Mgr. Wiltsoli. C. P. Wilson. T. L. Wade.'J. P. Webster, How. Wren, Lew Wire. Sidney Wurde, A. E. Williams, Griff Wellzel. Jus. West, W. Walker. BUI Westfull, S. If. Wilson. G. X. Williams, ],. B MurkellWicks. W. A. Stelllog, Har. iWelrlch.Dauk-l SidonlB. HI. IWIIfredo, Mr. Salter, E. It. iWllklus. Win. Seeker. WllkesiWude. F. A, & Seeker Viguolu, R. G. Sluii'son tt Plttiaan Smith, J, W. Stowe, J. F. Sweeney. Wm. Wallace, B. Weston. Dan Wells tt Dunne Wltalcy, Jas. Stout, Geo. L. Whltlicr, H II Starkweuther, ' West.DeForest Harry I Wilson, L. W. Smith. Kendal! Whltemaii.T.B Stockwell. Wluter, W. B. Walter Webb. Cant. Sawyer. C. D. I White Cloud. Southern, A B James St rauss, E. Harry Seclalr, Wm G Spaun. Byron Tschudl. J.'U. Thurstou.llow Terry. Will Talbott. Walt, 'i'bomus A Watson Toucv. F. II. Teasdalc. Gt». 'IVnley, Elmer Tliurber. P. 11. leaves, Arnold Wesson A Wuliew Wurd Bros. Willis Family West, John S. Wuldon. Mux Young & Brooks Young, C. M. Youg, F. G. Young. Tot Yarrlck. Percy /.uuo. Mous. Zazell, M. Zeld'a ous attention Inst week, will remain for uu- other nwk. comaneiictug 'JU. 'tjlrctc Itjti.t.— Cincinnati will greet ono vt ocr most aistlngnlsliisl musical daughter* 2V when tli* Rose Cecollft Kluiy English Ois-ru Co. will o|s-n for four iierformances. "Carmen" will be the llrst hill. "II Trovn- tore" follows. For the Thanksglvlug nun 1- m-e -'Curmou*' will be repeated, and that night "1 Pagllncel" nnd "Cnvullerla Bust I- i-uim" Is promised. Members of the Sym- phony Orchestra will augment Miss Shaw's own orchestra. Ri'iiissoN's OlT.liA Ilut'HR (E. A. Iliiinlllon, • maniigi-ri.—Dale's big colored orgnnlaatlmi, "Thu Tronbadours," are coming !!'.'. Last week "The Telephone <Jlrl." untler tho mati- iigemciit of Curl I'lohii. did nlis-lr. Mux Blniiiii w.ik a most nci'i-iitnlili! linns Nix, nnd Nellie Nichols outdo a great hit as Kstellc. "An Arlsloornllc Tramp 'JO. Prori.K'H I'liRiTiii: tliuis-n Hcuck. mali- nger).—Tli« Vanity Fair Burlesuucrs tin- In conic 22. following Bob Manchester's Crack- er Jacks, who |ittt on n good show and drew the people lit droves. Imperial llnrlesituers 89. GtiAxn Vaukkvii.i.k TtiKATitv: (Clmrles S. Franklin, iaunugtri.-~Frum a free euueert hall this resort will 1-c chunged lulu n ri-gn- lur variety house, with box ollli-e In fnuit. Tom Nuttridge Jr. Is the proprlelor, The opculngblll. 22, will be provided by IheTliieo Griues. Twin llrothem Marriott, Mile Cnrl- veve, Frank and idn Wllllums, Bijou Mil- lion, nini McChiil- und Grunt. GoHNti- in-- thk Lonnv.—Purcy FtiuhOI Is I'xpeoted here during the Langtry nirag-«- uicnt .'.rhc- John llobltisvu Show is in Wlutur iiuartcrs ut Tenrace Park. Punch Whcelur's "log" kIiowv that 3011 perfununuii* were glviti In 205 ihtys of travel during th-i yca.«un. In ivldcli nearly 20,000 miles wen: lurotwd lu slxtoon Stule* Henry Ayl- ward cam*- lu udvanco of Mrs. I^iuglrr Elis»tA BuJe. a Chielitmnl girl, is with "I'lyu- Hea.".'.... .Frank lUOd Is on tin- ground III niliiiuc- of I'.l.-anor Kobsoll iMut lirau, roprewvil'lug Ibe Julva Gnm D|«-rii Coui'pauy, is In town. ■ i ■ rievelaiid.—At tin- Uperu House (A. F. Htirlz. iniiiiugi'r).—"A Country tllrl" carreal wis-k. Mary Jloiineilng presented "The Slitli- liiirnni-ss of lieruhllmr week of Nov. It). Jnnu H'.'ld nest week. LvcKtM (J. K. Cookson, niuiuiger).—Kel- !ar. tilwaj-H a popului' entertainer, current week. Mrs. Kolliir assists her husband. Charles Ur.iucwln und Anna Chnneii weru tlio tivo' nrlnelpnlH lu "Tile Awnkenlni' of Mr. Pljin' 1 week of 10. Next, "The Sign of llto Cross." fr.KYKl.AMi (J. K. Cookson. mauugcr). - Sclniii llci'iiaii. a favorite here, heads tin) cust t>f "The Charity Nurse" current week. which Is :nv eluboruti! stage proiiur.lloli. "Why Wonum 8lu" drew l>lg crowds week of ill. "Only n Shop Ulrl" next. Suva's Emp'mk (Chas. .1. Stevenson, iiiuii- iiger). —Robert llillliinl ntul cvmpuuy heuil the. bill current week, presenting his new success. "Number t)"a." Ho is supported by Junu Pelton end Edwin Holland. Hayes nnd llealy ni-e seen ill "Tin- Clerk and tho 1MI Roy;" Mldgcly and Carlisle offer their new comedy "Taking a Tonic." Other feat- ures lire: Ps-Imil Ruwlslou, A. O. Duncan. Mnrk Hulllvau, the llaldiibura Fauilly, Reno i-.HU Smith, und the klnetograph. ■ Colonial (A. F. .Mursh, ina'iuuntt').—-!,)'- dlu YeikiuiiiiH 'I'ltus mill Fn-derle J. Titus am luukltig Uielr farewell aiipuuruncu current w'eek, nrlor to tJiclr deisirture Cur nuothur long tour of Europe, (^iluu uaul liulley an «e« in u new humorous act; Sndth and I'uller huro u Ihlgb class musical act, and 'lUIku'Ive Alias Norton pn«ertbs an tu-t that Is u novfi'.v: Loub-c AgoUMt, of the fuuious A'fouat Family, and Clmrles II. Wostoti und couipany Uui«i u Juggling >t.ucu on Uie order uf 'that done by Uu-original ftuiitly. Gulden uml Fkireuix-, clover sliigcru und duueurs, und RoKU'ltv, u iv-ln! wttilkor. Moving plutures ooiiUnne. : Stab- (Drew tt Cumpbcll, munugers).—Will N. Drew's own company, tlie Tiger Lilies, uie tlie big attraction current wivk. Mr. Drew gives Ills putroiis a show Unit coutulns nil the bright feuturcH of vaudeville, bur- '•-iciuc und extruviiRsuzu, unci fully desi-rtlng tlie great nuceess It lius met with i-vcrywhere, 'I'he piluclpui nienibcrs of tho iwitipany ure: lfowe,. Berry unci Wallers. Juines Is. und Luclu Cooikt, Olgu Orloff and Victor Milu, SKK NOTICE AT HEAD OF I,IMT. Akroa.—At the Coloutnl Theutro (»■ S. Vail, manageri.—"Foxy Graudiui" had u vorv gocil hou«! Nov. 20. "The Village Pur- son*' 21, Due; "David Hnruni" "JH. Kara Kendall, In "Tlie Vinegar Buyer." 21: "Our New Minister" 20. "A Royal Slave" 2M. OnANl' OcriiA llotsi: iT. K. AlbiiUTh. Iililli- ngvr).—"At Cripple Creek" had Mg houses 10-18. Baby Dorulliv being n great favorite, "r. Donley" had the rapacity IH-2I. "Funny Mr. "The Statu of titillt" euatea SPSS. Shndotv of the Gallows" 'MM. « i > OHIO. C'lnelnnatl.—Tliuuksglvhtg wis-kwlll llud thu llieulrlriil family a must happy one. l.'p to dale the kwaaaa of the year Is far In ex- cels of, what It. was last season utthls time. Juck Frost dropped lu during the week, und tin- coldest November weather In years has been «*xtierleni-ed. after u wry wunu Inau- gural of the month. Tbut has helped some. The. S. It. O. wliru has been used otVuer ut some of the heuses thus fur tliuu ut miy other similar period In local theatrical-his- tory. - • . . ' Guano Opkiia .HottHH (Harry Rultitwrth tt.Jtyhu.IL liuviln, imuunrers),—Mm Lang- try Js to come Nov. 2.'1, In "Mrs. Deerjng * Divorce." . Diirltig tlile pust week I'lnoiU- nun enjoyed a dnimuMi: treat In tho prwu- tat-loii of SleiiUeii Plillllus' grisix work, "Olywoios." If- t>rovi>d u lltemry .trlunjpli aa vattaa n ecuntc hiiwcms, aud. It nerved to brush-up old delights In mytihology. Tyrone, lViWers <ix L'lyss«vi, ,\del«l«ii- Prince us -Min- erva, ami Olive Oliver o.s (.'alypso wereauioiu; those who providud otrong 'luteriirntutloii*. while J'uHor -Mellidi, uh flic swjnelii'rd. sluicd in the trltmrplis won by his sbroug cjiuruiiter work during en.- iu.«>r.[iig with Ids old uiuh- Iiii-. 'l'h<- audletK-m won' wry nrtliuslastle. Eli-unor Robsom U duo W. lu "Muroiy Jlury Ann." Walnut Stiibkt TitK.niii: (M. «'. Andor- son, mutiUgeri.—The Juleji Oruu Opera Co. Is due 22. und will Is- seen lu "Thu Wl/.uril uf the Nile." I^ist week "111 the Good •>!« Suiutnor 'I'liue" uiude tt t reincndvus llll. unit Coorgn lCvuns. us Ilon-v Boy, ivns most of the sllow. ultliough Annie Maul ell. Joe r>utAts, Pe'url Itevero uud .lolin Conroy w-re nil aids. Murray uud Muck. In "A Night mi Broudwuy," 20. ■ GuurK's Ort.iiA lloisi: III k. l—nuihsy tt Stair, iniimu'i.-rsi.—little Williams Is dm- 2-'l;- In "Only li Shop Girl." Last week tlni nivlval uf "Tlie Sliudows uf a Greul City,' with Aniile Wanl Tlffuay as Biddy Bonuii. liroved most acceptable und buslui'ss'was gopd. A. 1,. Gaunt uiildc a manly 'loin I'ooiwr. Selntit llermnti Is coming.20, In "A Charity Niirs.-." CuLlMiHA 'I'lii.'ATiiu I.M. A. Audersoii. inuii- ngeri.—-Pom Xuwu uud his euriiiiutiy, In "I'm and the Genii." un- I In- iicudllueTs uf tin- lioiise show 'which opens SKI. following 11 fortnight of couiblliatluus. The BebuiHii Sliuu- did- a t rementJous business lust week. Co-en- tertulners with the -Nuwns will be Mill}' I'upell, Cuslioiun. Holcotiils; nnd Curtis. T. Nelson Dowuh. the Tworllozluus. Madge Fox, Chui'Ies Eini'Kl. und Curl Sanderson. Lri'iMiM Tiii;Ariii! (Ileiirk, Hliilr & Fco- nessy, malingers).--I'ulrlce Is feulurcd lu "Driven from llmue." Which Is to lie glveu 22. Iwist week 11 t.'lnclouui! Isiy, Adulpli Osier, was the hero In "The. Seoul's Re- venge." |irvM?ut'd under the illreetluu of George Smnuels. Big houses cheered oxvr the iIiihI dlscomllture of the villains, and expressed vociferous delight when Buck Ueu- ahawe kissed his sweetheart, Olive Ben tup. iKirtruyed by Hue Seymour. Eleanor Wortb- Ington was cute an Betty. "I'he Night Be- fore ChrUttnus" !». ' Tilt: AvnmiRiVM.—Etidcr the dlrectluu of Ben Grecl. ticltug for clmrles Frobuiiui, "Gi'iryjujii." vilxlvU atttaclttJ wi ui'i'.'h ourl- tbu'moek Co., 16 und week, rouihi especially good. Frank Camp, Mr. O'Meuru, Al. Phil- lips uml, Mlos .Wlllx uppean-d to giniil ud- vuntuge. Good busluess ruled. Week uf 22, "jili!. I'rlrat* Hecretury." Aiic'Ain: TiliMTlill (0. W. Prr-iou, liiumi- is>"i).- -Thin theatre opened HI. under most fuvoiablo circumstances. The lions'.-, re- iiioijeled and redeiorutcd, pn-s'.'lit'il a most pleasing «|iii<-urann>. The bill was a strong one. und Included: Mabel Melvltiley, Mr. and Mra. pi-rklns Fisher, Madge l'<<\, BIHv Link. Ilotlw* und Luunclimere. I^sjiizo. Hclill- lel- Bros., uud the American vitugriiph, uud ull Mere l»lg lilts. Muiiuger Preslou prom- ises n' utrong bill for 22 and week. It In- cIiuIcm: Til- Wiiteriiiclon Olrls. l.ltllllll Ash- lev, .Anthony Van Gofre, McMahun and eiiup- lil". Tegge aud Duulels, Jam- Coui'thope uud Ctf„ tin- Tlmv Cuiiiptjells, uud the vllugruiih, Busliiess Iiuh bueii spluuilld. BfiiT'H TiuiATiiK (Fruuk Burt, iiiunugci-i. - VAt Crlpiilc e'reek" and "Thu Slulu of iJulll." ir» und win-k. uml drew gissl houses. Ilookis); "in the Sluidow of the Hollows" 10.21. "The Convict's Duilghlee" 22 25. 'In the Colnnilias.—At tln> Grent Southern The- nlri- (U M. Rutin, iiu'.imgeri.—Eara Kendall played. Ii> go>kl littsll.ess, Nor. 21. Booked. '•The • I'rofessot's Lovu Story." followed by "The Stiiliboiuui hh of Gernldliie." Hum Stakit Tiikatiiu (A, G. uv.-n», mali- ngers).—"Driven from Bonn-" played, In packed houses. I5I-22. One: "Across thu Pai;llc" JS-25. followeil by "Child Slaves of New York." GitAxn Ol-»:r.A Horn: (A. G. Ovens, mali- nger).—Anna Eva Fur pleased large 11111II- i-iices Ti'etik of HI. "The Good Old Summer Time" -.'it-'.'S. Emi'Hh Tiikathk til. Wiseman, uuimigcr). -■-'•roller (ho Red ltobo" playis). to packed houses, week ut' 10. "Tennessee's l'urducr" 2H-28. 1 1 Mniisrlrlil.—At Memorial 0|H<ru llousii I Bowers tt Mickey, tuuiuigersi.—"Sweet; Clover." with (Uh; 'lliuyi-r, wus gns-ter wltli a good house Nov. El, Tho Troubldours, III ■"Hie Kx-President of Uberin," met Willi fair patronage IS. "The Couvlct's Dnugli- ler'" guve two pcrfurtiuitin-s 21, to top heavy hottirs. I'omlug: "l-'o\v Grnuitua" 25. "ljulu- ey Aduiiis Snwyer" Thanksgiving, tiintlneu and evening; Esru Kendall 28. /.iiiiihvIIIc. At Wcllor Thenli-i- (J. G. England, managin-».--"The Vitiligo Purmiu." Nov. i-i, luid n good house. "The ConvlcCrl Duughler" nhiyi-d. lo fair slziil house. I.'I. "Huiiiply Dillupty" 18. Mildred Hollund ID, "l«urlsh Prh-sr 20, " Way Down Euat" 21, I.V.ra Knudull U|l. "Dauion mid I'jthlas" 21, '•IN-vII'h Aiietlou" 20. S|irliiurlcli|.—At Ila- Gituid 0|s-ru llousn iL. ,1. IhiUc, imumgcr).— "yiiliny Adiuiei Sawyer" itiim-, to good busliuws, Nov. II. "Tho Telephone Girl" hud :i well Illicit house II!. "Uncle 'I'miu's Cabin" mw well |ulr<Utl«ud 11. IXintltig: "Miss H0I1 White" is. "Tin- nwinaia 11 Guam story" 20, Julca Gtau (kaa Cq. ui. Marlon.—At- tho GruiHl Ois-m llousn lOluw. If. I'erry. WltlwigiV).--"'hn- Durki-sC Hour" played, Ui light baslueHs, Nov. 1't. "Uulncj- AihiutK Han^-yi'i" iilciiHcd 11 lurgn aildlullil' 10. HwVlligs: "Tlie Sign uf t ho Cross" in, "Fot lliir 1 Sake" BU, ^"lluiniily Uiiiupiy" 21, "In tltn Slrailow or the Gill- lii,vs A 20, "At Orjnvl* Creek" 20, "A t.'on- vlet's Buugliter" ■■^»» clareiKc Wilbur, assisted by Tone Robinson, Elsli: Kay, llertliu Muntugiie. Julia Nulils uml Muy Hurke. In u one act furce, "1'utsy's Duy Off;'-' th" Morrlssey Sisters, und Hid Hlflkei- Sisters, four of a Hind, und Edestus, equili- brist.'Kentucky Belles week of .'JO. Toledo. -At tho Valentine Theatre (Olio Kllves, manager).--Claru llluodgiwd. hi "Tint GDI with tliH'Clrei-n Eyi-s," huil fairly gooil lM)troiiage'Nov. II. Richard Carle, In '"ilm O'endei'fool," fo cupm-lty business, 12. "IJuln- iti' Adams Sawyer." t<> fair returns. H. Booked: Elcunur Rotisun 21, Mary Manner- lug 2:i. ■tiVi'ULM Thi;atiii] (Frunk Bush. . itiunii- gcr).—"McFttdden'u Flats" pleusud good au- diences 15-18. Booked: 'Tier First Fulsu otW' ID-21, "Wliy Woineu Hlu" 28-25. hmimrh TiibatiiiiI (Grauecr & Wyutt. mun- .—."Isird Cbuihluy," uu presented by ItilODE ISL VM». I t'riil lilcnoi-. Pl-ovldi-nee tj^s-l-ll HullH.i (Felix IL Woiidulsilnw-fcr, iinuiugci-).—Thu Illness of Ilortntll llalluud, Which iS-burrwl iii-r f.ivui ylnilng lu "HuroUiy Vnnum, •>" llmldoti Hull, ' week of Nor. 10, deuvu.-tiil fi-oui Uu- week'* attotuhiucv. "The Touder- foot." with Ulcliurd Carl-. 2o-28. ll.MViiiii Tiihatiik (Splti! tt Nntbainon. nuinagtrwl.—.VI. Ltaxill uud thu 'Pbirou Rose- buds, siiinxntoil b,¥ H ivipnblo company, did will weok of \<\. In "Girls Will llo Girls." Hlani-a Woat plays Glory Quuylo, In "Tho tthilatkui," 311-28. "Tl»« Fuoloxy Girl" ful- Iowa. IMI'IIHIAI, TilUATIW (FeUx II. WeiuJcl- HOhuel'cr, lUUkUUKvCJ-—WLllluni 11. Turiwr, It awaatwr of btat Sunimor's <Uis<e Stock Co., whim twen to good athiuiUigu hi "David Ha- mm" ln«t •wet*, and Um, honm-Ji wvro iinl- furmly good, Al; ft. Wilson, lu "A Palncu of 'iutu-mr' Gil* week. ■Paiik. 'I'iikatiii; (Hplt* A NutImtisou, man- ugi-rsi.—BuslnesH dolu" by tho now stock company Is reiwrtml better Unui could be cx- IMvtvd firtor Hlldb UU entire ctuuigi- of |KiHcy. Ou 10 "Woman AuullHit Womiiii" was given, wild un 'Jil "Jwi, t!(tu Penman." "A ColebnUetl Case" nuxl. Ki;n M'K PlIOVIpUNtlr: TlllIATIIK (Cluirli^ I/n.oils-iv, ruaUliail tuaiaigor). - •Bill fort*i;ci< uf 2.'l I h\>u r No! sou*, JutcN lend El lu triii'i-lsoii, .loiiii lii-ruiiU.' 'Mliwlbv and Wlllnrd, Loutu Gladsloiif, Wllllaui Ftlcud. Clifford nuU Burke, Hoe} nnd Doe, Honor Gllll, Wesson, WiiIiIimw ujW W»ws«il IMurphy uml Andrews. Newoll urwJ Nlblo, uittl Owiy iMal Dolmo. •Kuirtt'H I'AWTUUKltf TiiKVniH (Charh-H Lovcnbt-rg. ruslnvht litaiiugori.—Hcutrlcu In- gram and Kilwlli Nlcunder lu-uded thu, bll wvek of to, lua new ukulch, catitlud "Strictly Btlsluwat," ' ""I 1 f » KBUjTUC KY. Lou la vlllo.— -Al Mucuiiley's Tlieulre 1 Juliti T. Miio.-uiloy, liuumgi'l'l.—"A Chines? Houi-.y- iuouii" cumii Nov. Ill-18, l« crowded houses, •lolin a* lletiihuw, Muy Ten Btoeck, Toby Claude and olulla 'frucey did gouil .work. Louis Jamcu und li'iiileelck Wiinln followml IU-21, iiresenllug "Alexunder the Great-' For WOlik of m, "'Paggy from Paris." Mahomc TiOUTai) (Cluis. A. Hliuw, muiui- gi-r).—Hose Cuglilait jiresenli-d "The Great- est Thing In tltn VViit-Id" ilurltig week of 111. itruv/lng well tilled houses. Ward uud Vokcn 2II.-28. ill'.' .'. ) AvKM'K TlltiiA'rilU (CllilS, A. Shaw, illliun- Kiiri.— "Only U, Shoo Ijlrl," with Isitlle Wil- liams, utlrucliu big Hiiiili uci'H hist week. Mliis VVIIHiittia' Is, It strong fnvorltn here. "Tim Mghthoiiioliy Mm Hi-it" 22 2N. ' 'flrJA iimtiugerH).T-.'l'Bu Brigadiers giivo uu excel' hut ]iirrorii|Hi|cn UurTug week of 16, which Hi 1 Kivnt(A\I TlllIATIIK fWhalleii Bros., imitiugerH).-,-!'!!*! HrlgudleiK gnvn uu excel utt no ted largo houses. For week of 22, Criuker Jaiw«,;ttlid Vanlly h'ulr to follow. Kiil'KINM' 'I IIMTtn, (J. D. Ilupkliis. limn- iigi-ri,—Wrvh of i'IiJ oistieil with crowdeil houses. 'ITiw (in-at Kiiufuiauii Troupi-, liticlug Is-uii ri«-i<Ugaged, nllclteil rounds of ap- plause Tim Nichols Ulsters, formerly of Huh eltv, uiuilu It -Jecltlyti till In their bluek fm-u net. Hurry llnwoi'd's |«ir.liM und dugs caught tlie Indies and rliljdrull. The Hlu Briithers, lleuuro uml Ttteul. Miller uml Krcsko, uud I'redi i-litt V. ffiiwius nil iiiuilc good. This house, •iltileti'il In the iihl Mlisoiile 'l'i-iii|iln Itiillilftig. .wu» i|i«triiyed by Hi-" ut mi early hour 20. resulting lb n total Iohs lu (ho Ihciilru uud till! iivrfiirilli.-i's Who weru phi} lug liter", Thu uioul sel'leus loss will full mi Harry HoinHrl'djilflBviuiiil pi-ny show. Tim liiiltii'il liiibooils, BluTik-VH and dugs ull weru lost In (J1I1- lire,' logi'lder Willi llll of th'i liuriipheriiallu of Die url,' Tho other perform- er* who lust, tliolr wurdroliu uud uppuratiiti un-: 'I'he KmiflHflli 'I'riillls'. Rio Brother,'-. Nichols SUtcl-H, GcllllfO'llnd Theol, Miller and Krcsko, uml 11,* .iv<fl«wufs. Tin- loss to Cnl. llo|iklns iwkir'upiiroxluiule "11 Ihoiisiiud dol- lars, mi wliT'-h thorn wau no lusiiriinec. tHKt T»AK On'rtaM.—tli-lorln 'I'heulre M'. if. Miller, manager). — Mii-auor Hohson presented "Meri-- IvMury Ami" Nov. 17. before a splendid uu- iJlcncu.' "Miss Bob Wlilfe" altraelisl well III. ' Bv.ra • Kendull prvilu<>.-d "'11* Vtuuguc Buyer," Ivr the sccund lluic h'-n-. 20, lu gissl liuslitess. Hurry Beresford. In "The Profi-s. tur 1 * l/uw Slory." was ucconled a hearty wulismie 21. Coming: Lewis Morrison. In "Fttlist." ail j Mary Muimerliig. In "The Stub- bnrmu-sH of Gernldliie," 20. Paiik TnfcATiii: (Hurry E. I-Vlehl. niiuiu- tt»r). —Jauies A. IIerni-;si "Hearts of Ouk" drew cravtds 10-18. -'Not Hullly" nluyiil, fo-fair btndnexs. 10-21. C'ouilng: "S'luuuV>ws of-u final city" 2y-2.i. Son,1 i;iis- Hum; Tiihatiik.— "When tin- Bell T<i|)m" was Hie iitinci hoi IT. lu good business. "The lloyiil PrlmcHs" comes 2-1. , • *«rnlii:nvlll<*.— --At. the Grand 0|s-ru Hutise "r'oxy Gfuudpa" pluyisl. lu i.upuclty, Nov. 11. "Fijiiny Mr. Iio-dcy" did cspuelly 17: Marllti's "I . T. C." 18, "One Night lu June" II). ''The Sign of the Cross" 20, Mil- dred Hc'llmnl 23. "David Durum" 26. Norts,—Manager T. H. Mollemon left thu —- -•~-^-a-,.Tj- r.,„ r ,... r m latter Vrt uf the week for Atlantic City, , J&SE'SEtBF nif WiLc, circiw to take charge of Ihe Savor Theatre HMM* wauk of D-14. .•••.«a,Jhuco Clreui) litw J^sftpheni closed1 with "A Funny <lfr.w two la fjgjWfflWMWjI T, Side itf-lAtP' lust week and retiirnisl lionu-, • ■»- ■■ '•»-•-■ louk'ng unieb belter fur blj cipurl-ucc uu tbf K-ail. I.HID- Hmiaf.-w^ylliClflViUro H'lins, l. 'Pnyliir. .luulitigtil),—.Jilpl'le Miiiirorlglit euuiu Nov. !», Ho n mlr h(hoiI iiiii1m-iii*c. "When lUiiifuMi I'.'aiiHi 1n 'Pqa'li" did gi"sl Inwiiwsu in. "Pli-Uugw from I'm-k" did fulr Imslm-Ha II. "A'Trlp'l«i Cliduillmi'll" phew si 11 good oUed iiuilluni-.- 12. Albcr'u. Giilliiiln drrnv El. Kiillu KmaioM, II), did fair. Aiurruy mid ■Muck dill Willi IT. Ib'hiiu utHl 'Skluuer llllcid Or liouxe 18/ ill. iulvuti".il prices. Due: "liuul.- 'IVau'rt (iiblu'' 10. Al. G. Fhdd 20, EHzubeUi r£ouu«J> SJ. "Iron [Mnak" 'Jli. "ArJwm-j" 20: IWkm Gruaitley 27, Koleo-/ und Bhatmon j»0,•• ■ \ii,l'li<iu|i!l Uolh uus !jltir.d a c-.-ulrtt -i t/l IWMLU.1V AWelJa BfDJulSUl.