The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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November 28. W. I J. Chnmbcrlalu, Hnyuian uml Fruuklln, Wilson ami Dc Monvlllc,'Kitty Muckey, nnd Flowers* New Burlcsquo Co. SIIKKDY'S NliW l'UltCIUVH S'fKKLT ThR- atmb (Thco. U. Baylies, maiiuget i.—11 Is settled .beyond question that Sheedy's new ■• audevlllo theatre Is a phenomenal success. The .second week ot the houso Lad capacity audiences present at every performance. The psHt week's principal entertainers were: Monroe, Mack and Lawrence (substituted In place of the Four Huntings), Ulcharda and Montrose, Hall and Hughes, Elein and Clif- ton, James It. Ctillea, Bohee and Meyers. Hill for week of 23: AdJIe Stouse and her lions, Smith and Gorman, Green and Werner, line nnd Benedetto, Beeson, Malcolm and Beeson, Western Raymond and company, Nellie Florede, nnd the vltograpli. Note.— The Little Qlraxd Sisters, singers and dancers, whose home Is In GiIb city, litirc been engaged for the current week by I,. B. Walher, who opened his new Ilowdolu Square museum and theatre at Boston 33. » Lowell.—iiVt the Lowell Opera House (Kay Bros, k Hoeford, MBtnM),—"Tliel- ma." NoV. It), drerw good business. "Uriel* .Tosh Sprueeliy," to ailed houses, matinee and night, is, and "A Message from Mats," 20, 21. ami moitlnee, to exoeHeort business, 'llic Myrklc-Harder Co. 23-28. Acadbuv of Music (It. F. Murphy, man- niat)>—™«-Majesties, 18-18, to big business, iind the eiitei-talnuiMt offered uleaaod. Ir win's Big Show, 10-21, played to good re- uirus. City Club 23-25, "The County Fair" 20-28. CASIO THEAThk (Al. Huyues, manager).— One of the beat bills ot the- season was of- fered lust week, every act being deserving of mention. Business averaged to capacity. current: Murphy and Nichols, In "The Hl- rurcnted Girl;''- Sophie Burnhtlm, Louise Hen- i-v. EikliolT and Gordon, James F. McDon- aiil. Joel Brothers, BUsh anil Gordon, and Hole and Frances. Boston Thkatbb (J. II. -rebbctts, man- ager).—Capacity business ruled last week. Amateur night Is always played to S. It. O. house. "Alone In London" was given lost week. For 23 and week; Hull and Hughes, Alex W. Wilson, the Lc Yards, Lewis and Delmore, the Boston bioscope, nnd Prof. Mlett's dog circus. Amateur sight, "uncle Tom's Cabin." Pi;uw.e'h Tiik\ti;i; (Billy Kelson, mana- ger).—>Last week -mis another of good busi- ness and well pleased crowds. Current week's list: Lottie van Noble's Burlesque, Smith and Leslie, Molllo Hurley, Juniper and Haven. Nellie Baker, Pearl nnd Irving, St. Ucoige, and the one act comedy, "How Old Is Ann?" Special matinee 20, a. m. Mbntion. — Sbcpard'si moving pictures, which mude so big a lilt at tho Opera House. Inst week, 15, to ovrllowlng houses, will be repented 22, matinee nnd night "The Colorado Heiress," given, by members of the Lowell Academy of Dramatic Arts, nt the Temple Theatre, 10, will be given 20-28, with matinees, by the same company and nt Die nunc home The first recital of ths Lowell Orchestral Hoclcty, 15, at Iluntlng- (on Hall, wns u big success. The stars, lluby Cutter-Savage, soprano; Paul Savage, baritone, and Ruth bovuge, pianist, were welt received Business continues big nt Teb- bp.lfs "Wonder World." Alfred J. Llnd- Miy, who hnB had n successful season with the Hninuin-Bnllcy Circus, as .in acrobat, has returned home, where lie will rest dur- ing the Winter Uolnes, of Oolnes and Hazard, was called home by tbe Illness of his mother. The team hns canceled all engage- ments'until Dec. 7 Clias. Moron; who injured himself by a fall from the gridiron while arranging an aerial act at the Boston Theatre, Is once more able to assume his duties Chas. Guild, who was with the Hiirnura-Bnliey Circus during the present senson, and returned to work at the Casto Theatre. Is manager of tbe bill posting plant at Brockton. Mass The Lowell Aerie, 223, of Ragles, held a jollification meeting 111, nt. which Farron and Fay, and Fields Mill Murtln enlertulucd. Other Bugles con- tributing to the merriment were: James M Inked. F. A. M. T'obln and John Kane. The dales of meetings have been changed to first Sundays and third Thursdays of cuch nuiiiili, (lie former for sociul affairs, and the latter for the business und luillutlons. The I'lein lodge Is in a nourishing condition.,.. i'lie -Miiglnle.VH huve signed (or un engogo- niiiil of fourteen weeks -with Frank Spelll- umn for a Western lour. THE NESW YORK CLIPPER. 951 Worcester.—Al; the Worcester Theitlro I Fell* It. Wcudolschuefcr, lnuuuger).—HI Henry's Minstrels, with Arthur iteming, Iji- toy Brothers, American Gin Club, Corrlguu. und Hove, the Bnrlclll Troupe, and the Snxa- pliotie Qunrtel, will lie the attraction Nov. .'HI. "The-Ninety, and Nine," headed by B. A. li'ibcrts and Marlon llallou, Is booked for 25, 20, with Thanksgiving- ruutlncc. - Raymond Hitchcock, In "The iunkee Consul." makes his nppcumiicc 27, 28, wll It matinee 28. "No Wedding Bells for Her" 10-18. "The Adven- tures of Gerard," wllh .(antes O'Ncll, played, to excellent returns, 2(1. Lo'rjiuor's OrnKA Uousk (Shea k Wlllon, uiiuingcrs).—For the first time in many years a real burlcs<|iie company will furnish, cn- ■ ei-laluiuent In this city wbcu the Gugle Rurlesipiers umke their appearance, during the week of 23. Since tlic new Franklin Square opens 23, Mr. Wilton will probably coiit lime to run burlesque tit this house. Last week "The Heart of a Hero" played to good business. Coming: City Club Bur- Icsquers. • Fiiankmn Huuaiik VffittXHI (P. F. Shea & Co., luuntigcrs).—This new $1.10,000 house ojiens SB) wllh "The Fortune Teller," und l.dun HrotiKOn as prima tlunnu. Advance sales have been very large, und there Ib every Indication of excellent business. Coming: "The Choir Boy of St. Mury's." I'aiik TitKATiti; (Shea & Wilton, mana- gers).—An excellent Thuuksglvlug week bill Is offered, Including: Chas. J. noss and -Mabel Fenton, in "Just Like u Woman." and ,ou 27, 2,8, Oliver Twist.;" the Two Pucks, Zltkn and JCIng, Leonard and Collins, tho Vedmnrs, Mildred Flora, Lewis McCord and eontpnny, and Keno, Welsh and Montrose. Coming: Hyde's Vaudeville und Comedy Co. The ltlnnoH Thiroiwnn Novelty Co. played, In excellent business, week of 10. Mume Hali, (Thos. Mousli, manager).— Week of 23: Topnck mid West, Hurley nnu l.aecy. tfus Itussells, Hurt Goff, Hazel Riih- n'll. Sis Golden and Tessle Yonder; John •Savage, pianist. At Gloucester, Muss.: Oli- ver and Bell, Hughlc nutl Flaherty, Charlie Duinurk, Pearl Pruslor, Lew Howard, aud Fred Staples; John 0'I.enry, pianist. Casino Tiibati'K (Davy & Leslie, man- Sera).—Week of 23: Cuvnnnugli and Hamil- ton. Annelln 1'ower. Luiirtv Houston, Chnrlle .luckson. Lu Knim Sifters, nnd Morrison and Berwick. good business. Booked 23 nnd wrck: The Seven AHies. C'arillllis Personl. Chris Lane, Lb a Gardner aud Hilly Arnold, Mr. Long- fellow, Smith nnd Bowuiitu, Barry and Wool- ford, and Hubert Carter and Co. IHCH's TltKATliB (A. E. Hum, manager). —-rrcd Irwln'i New Majesties gave a gmid show,, to good business, 10-21. city Club Burlcsquers 20-28, A New Vork Olrl 30-Dcc. 2 biiEBiiit'8 Tui-ATiiK (M. T. O'Brien, man- jger).—fhe past week wae one of satis- factory butjIniKS, and a good,bill. Booked i', , , ttn , c) £. e ,? k : Va . n Ul " nn " levies, the 'Cycle Whirl. Dllks and Bilks, Bddlo Glguere, Leah La Jole, Jo hn Day ton, and tbe kinetoscopc. lyii».—At Hie Lynn TKeetro (Fnunk 0. Hari'lson, manager).—J1'lic Harcourt Comedy Co. played, to good business, week of Nov. 10. The Hhelftit Stock Co. 23-28. Myrklc It Harder Co. next. Gbm Tukatrh (C. W Shoafe. mnoager>. —Good liustness wns done hurt week. Cur- rent hill: James K. Blaek, tlte legless dancer: Jnck Bancroft, La mux and Davis, the La- varnle Sisters, Cohroy and Pearl, the Good- mans, end the bioscope. _ Salem Theatbi!, Salbm Mars. (Harry U. lifted, inniiager).—The Bennett & Motiltoit Co. came 10-23, to good houses. "A Meesngo from Maira" 24, Kaite aaxton2r>, "Sky bNirni" 20, "Tlielma" 28. Mechanic Hall, Salem (James E. Moore, manogtr).—Business Is conatajitly Increaalug here, and the shows are of lilgn class. This week: Bert Howard And Leona Bland. Fisher and Carroll, John Donohue nnd Mat- tie Nichols, Vera King, Beau and Hamil- ton, Musical Bentley, and the American bio- scope. Notf.8. —In Hie Harcourt Co., which plavcd the Lynn Theatre last week, are a number of Lvnii people. Mr. and Mrs. John McKeoWn, playing under the names of Frederick Gage und Hltta Dnvls, each received special fp.vors, nnd Frank J. Harvey was presented with a beautiful gold charm by Ufa fi lends In the Fr. Mathew T. A. B. Society. May Melvln, wife of Charles It Harris, Is also a Lynn lady. ...Tho Holdlns. with their manntklns. will piny nn engagement In New Vork and Brooklyn, and then go to Europe, "Where they will make an expended tour. .. .Mnrquand will, with Miss Edmonds, soon be seen 'In high class vaudeville, playing under the title of the Edmonds, Ed. and Maud. ■■ ' ■ —"."■ » Sprln«ileld.—At the Court Square The- atre (W. C. Le Nolr, manager).—"The Candy Mar.," Nov. 17. Was welt staged and cos- tumed. John Drew, In "Captain Dieppe," was greeted by a large tiudlence 20. Bertha Gallnnd 23, 24, "The Yankee Consul" 211, "Ninety and Nine" 27, 28, with mntlnee 28. New Qilmobh tiihatke (J. F. Burke, man- ager) .—"A Fight for Millions," 1(118, with leugene Purklss and Lvilla Powell, drew large audiences. "Over Niagara FttlU," HI- 21, had well filled bouses. Walter Bhctwlh, Mabel Vsn Hurcn and Elizabeth Murray nro the foremost members. Hue: "At Duty's Call" 23-25. "A Ragged Hero" 20-28, "Kid- napped In New Yotir 80-Dec. 2, "Too Protld to llig" 3-5. Grantj Opeiia (Chas, W. Fonda, manager).—The High Hollers pint up a tlrsf. class show, dnd business was nt the tap notch during the engagement. Booked: The Gertrude Mmberly Opera Co., presenting "The Littlo Dragoon" 28-25: Rice & Bar- ton's Gaiety 20-28, Utopian Burlesquers 30- Dcc. 2. Nelson Theatre (Z. t. Damon, mana- ger).—"The Fortune Teller" packed tho house JH-21 nt every performance. Tbe company Is a large ami capable one. Ednn Branson, a winsome nnd vivacious actress, filled the double role of Irma nnd Musette with honor. Grace Orr Myers has a very pleasing voice, and Kobert Lett, Phil Bronson and Herman Hlrsbberg Are' three ' of a kind who are hard to beat on light comedy. Katlictltic Kouer 23-28, Ross and Fenton Vaudeville Co. 80-Dce. 5. Notes. —George F. Hill has gone to Fltch- burg to manage tbe Whitney's Opera House tor a short time, Mr. Whitney is planning to put on high class vaudeville..... .Paul I'elther has replaced Putil Davis in advance of "Her Fatal Bin.".. ..Wallace and Ullmore have given tip their leneo on the Richmond Theatre, North Adams, to C. L. Richmond. Attractions booked by Wallace and Ullmore will Oil their date*. Knll River.—At the Academy of Music tWm. J. Wllcv. manager).—Jere McAulluVs Co. played, to fair business. Nov. 10-21. The specialties were very pleasing, and Included: Jew McAullffe. Slnmie Itcmiiigton aud her pickaninnies. Aland and Jiunci; Ryan, aud Krnnklc Partridge, Duo: "Sky Farm" 23, 21, Kale Clnxlon 20-28, V. M. C. A. coursu ■'». Fri'uch tlhimn (local) Dec. 1. "A Prin- cess of" 2. "Mullnn of Sulu" 0. Bmou TltiSArim (Henry Myers, msnugcr). --"Hello, Hill," 10-18. gave satisfaction. Harney ullmore, in "Kidnapped In New York.' r drew fair returns 10-21. Billy Hall- man, Weston nnd lie Veatix, Lillian Shir- ley nnil Hnrnev (Sllmorr wen 1 all well re- eelTed. Hooked: "'iTie Henri: of n Hero" •-"1-2.-.. "The Onme Keeper" 20-28, "Too Proud Ifl l.leg"'30-Dee. 2. Casto TiiuArnt: (Al. llftynes, mamiger).— fust, week's hill. In'iidc<l liy Kobcrls, llnyes tud Huberts, gave exccllcut satisfaction, to JIARVL.VM). Oitiot.i: TitiMTliE (Oeurgo Faweett, mana- ger).—The stock company presents "Davy Crockett" week . of. aft.' "Womiu Against Woman" closed n prosperous week 21. "'iho Burglar" 30 und week. Bijou TltKATBU (Fretl Wilson, manager). —"Tho Minister's Lbitighters" 211 and week. "Treitsure. Islnhd" closod 21. Next week, "Just Struck' Town." Monumental Tiieatur' (James L. Kermlh, liiiinager).— Hose Sydc(rs London Holies 2.1 nnd week. The Merry Maidens drew fall houses 10-21. Night oa Broadway Is duo 30. . OdkON TitEAThr) (James Madison,'masa- fer).—Demonlo end Bolle, end Scoll and lowsrd, In speclnlfles, nnd two burletqttes will be offered 28 aud week. ' ♦»» MICHI0AN. Detroit.—At (ho Bettolt Opera House (B. C. Whitney, maJnger).—"A Country Girl," Nov. 10-21. made a good Impression. Johnny rtlavlu nnd Mass Deyo were M Hiiltiiimre. — At Ford's (Ipcru House (Cliurles K. Ford, munugert.—K. II. Sol ham appears Nov. 23 nnd week, hi "The Proud Prince." The Four Cohans packed the house nlghtlv 10-21. Wilton Lacknye, In "Tbe Pit," week of 30.. Academy of Music (Mxon & Zlmmermnn, miinagers).—Amelia Illngbnm for Thanksgiv- ing week, presenting "Tbe Frisky Mrs. John- hoii." "Miss KIlMbetli's Prisoner" last week. "The Rogers Brothers iu London" Is dun 30. M.mivi.avp Theatkk (Jumcs L. Ketuiati, manager).—(Mine. Adellna I'mttl's conevKt, 23, will sec Manoaer Kcrnau's now house crowded to Its caiwclly, es only standing room will lie obtainable at the rise of the cit'DUiln. "The Crbtls" (or the remnindor of tha week, with Isabel Irving. Willlutn Col- lier plcwied good sl/.id iiadlcnic-a hist week. In "A Fool und Ills Money." Henrietta Crusman 30 end wivk. Chase's Tiihatue (P. II. Chaw, malin- ger),—"The Groat Unknown" 23 and week. to lie followed, 30, liv ''Cyrano dc Iler- gcnic." '"I'lie New Slagditleii" draw well Hoi.LtiiAV Siiii.i.t Tucatiik (Kornnn, Illf* *. Houck. managers).—Thomas K, Sheu, In nliflilly clinngi: of hill. 2"-2N. lu-gltiuliig with •The 'Pliilge of Honor." Big business re- warded "K.lalil Ib-lls," vfhlcb PTOMMl 21. "The Fatal Wedding" it). Olltb lie Bill Po tim. News from Local No. 12. Milwaukee.— Jo.s. Brennau, of Mlnneiipolls, late of lbs Gentry Bros.' Show, -was made a member of this local nt the Inst meeting, air wan Ed. Waller, of tho (killtaon'Btok.' Show.. There are rnorts' npnllentlutiB eonjlni'In every meet- Ihg, and It Is n certalutv tluit No. 12 will be as strong as any of die lucala In: a very sliort tlirie. At tbe lost racetlug, Nov. 8, Mrother Bedrcsklc, »\]r fdCordtng. secretary, rfslgne<r and Brother Hyde WtR elected to The committee arranging the bull that office. . tor tbe local report tjbut there will bo a good 'time for everybody. Brother Couglillu. of (lie Itingllng Uhow, libs Joined the billing forro nt the Davidson Theatre., Brother i'clncr has cittighr on ul the Alhorabrn—lu fact, every member of I.ucnl 12 Is working. ' Floyd Turner,' of Local No.' 3, ugent of "The Ooternor's Hon" Co., visited some of the members of Loral No. 13, nt Omaha, Neh.„ Hunday, Nor, 10. and fonnli them all Ji.|Hlli> D1IWI1* HUM .'1JW J^JU flllt' W .>,(.., DUIIUIU, ,.',., JU, UII1I 1UII1J11 IUIUI 41(1 peeinlly pleasing. "The Prince of Fllsen" working and happy, nnd glnd to nee hi*. 23-23, Cbes, Hawtrey !l« and week. News from Local No. I, Philadelphia — Korlh AUniiis.—sltlclMuond Theatre (W. I\ M«itle, intimitgcr).—"The Policy Players," Nov. 18, eancetea. Al. Wilson, In "A Prince of Tatters." had good business It), und pleased. "The Grcitt White Diamond" did good ■business 20. Hue: "A Ragged Hero" 21. "Along the Kennebec" 23, "Over Nlagaru Falls" 20. KMrjaK 'iTtLATtn: (Ju.nies 'Stillirun, mana- ger).—Phelwi Stock Co. ilteld over mull 10. and played to good business. "The Candy Mini" draw aood ImsliieBS 19. Hue: "Peck's Hiui Boy" Un, "The Heart of (ntlc-uao" 24, •Through the Centre of the liarth" 20. Noxi:.—W'ullius' & Glliiioi'c will no longer manage the ItliiUmond Tlieatrv, the agree- melit between tliom and the owners of the tlKMi.lre Imvlug been illssolvcd. The Jions.: will coiirlmio under the iminugciucut of W. P. Meade. ■ Lawrence.—At (lie Opera House (Grnnc ft Cabu, managers).-—^Myei-s' Minstrels (lo- cal), Nov. JO, rrrew good business. "Why Wimien Sin," 17, plotuwd a big OAidlence. Khepuixl's moving pictures «uue, to fair busl- isiss, It). Coming: "A Message from Mnrs" 23, BemiiubtsMoiilum Co. 2t-2«. Casio (Al. Huynes, iimnrtwr).—Wee* of 23 • Huberts, Hayes und Huberts, Nellie Bunt. Phil Molts, Fluids and Hanson. Bobbins ami Trcjijiman, tho Gurnellas, Msgve and Waislt, and, us un extra attraction. Hie Four Ollfans. Casino (W. L. GnJlaglier. manager).— Week «r 23: Payne Sinters, Vlolat tHMUWO. Unteh Collins, Anulo Mcltonougli, the Cat- fertvs, and Corrltie ttorrinemtro, Cnnlitu llitflewpiers, lu "Wunted a Wli'i:." Business Is very good. i i Tnuntou.—At tho Taunton Theatro (CjiIbv & t.'ross. managers).—The Klltlos IkiiiU Nov. 10, Jiuncw <).Nolll 10, Shetwnl s moving lilcJmres 20. and "Sky Farm" 21. Ktrte I'iuxtun. In "The Two OuplionH," ovuies 23, und "A Message from Mars" 20. . *r« The attendance wis large. Hearts LYCKUH TIlBAtnn (F. ». Stair, mnnngerl. —"The Middleman," .with Horace Lewft fn the title role, cntertalnpd weelt of 10. "fork State FoHra" 22-28. "in tile Paloco of tlie King" Mlkrw*. WitllNEV TilKATnt: til. I). Stair, mana- ger).—"When Women I,ove" scored a big bit week of 10. The attendance "Her First False Step" 22-28, Adrift" 20 and week. AvkKiik Theathf. (W. R. Lawrence, mnnn- Eer).—A bill of unusunl merit was presented ist week, to i good bouses. 81m Kdwards and Lydla Yeamahs Thus scored their usual bits. Louise Agoust aud Charles H. Weston. In "An Interrupted Supper," vrcntly pleaaed tdio mid twice. Lillian «hrt Shorty De Wilt appeared In dances arid- songs, and the Oc- cam nnd Bailey company, In. "A Cigarette Case," which gave t hem ani opportunity to sing and (btnoe: Miss Norton, Honaire, i. Frauds SiilllvHn, and Al. II. Weston all mnde good, 'file bill for week of 28 is: Mason ami Kecier company, Lew Hawkins, Lnura COmstoek ami company, Yankee. Com- edy Four, the Sa .Vans, Ln Petite Mlgnoo, Miss Dollnr, end the Auierlcan vltascope. i'RMt'tK TitKATiiR 1.1. H. Moote, mana- ger).—Ono of the beet bills of Uie sertsorl wns Bresented lost week, to itood houses. Marie ressler wae the lendibg hit. Chas. T. Al- drlch made «ood. Mary Hflimnton. with Win. Dnvls fltid l". Whiltman, 1h "Tlie Me!od.r*ran," wiricii contained tiinnv good laughs and was well acted. Mint Am«ra«, n traju'te per- former of excebtlcmslly line physltiue: Ton/ Wilson and Mile. Ilelolsc, the (loldabura Ffl.nxtly, Carlln and Olio, nnd Ada Arno'tl- son all did well. V\ie atitractions for week of 23: "fine Fonr Lukeiis ( Werner-Atnoros Troupe. CulU1be.11 ami Mock, Lotllsc HH L liAiiey. Harper, Desmond and Bailey, HW- imii and I'earce. Bros. Mltva*. Olins. I'relle and His talkUng doge, atid Atbsuo Tj-dupe. BurillK TllHAVUE (Br. COmpbell. munn- gir). — The Tl^er Llllles Hurlesqiters pre- sented a good ttoteritoJuiHeitt, ito fulc xlr.ed houses, week of IB, Tho Kentucky Belles 22-28, Cherry Blossoms ,29 and week. ■Notes.'— CTeatofe's ISuni, m Hie Ugbt Gusrd Armory, 10-18. to good housed. Mme. Bnrlll was Hie soloist and pleased her au- dience mightily. ■i ■ (irnnd ItnpldH.—At the New Powers' (Harry G. Sommers k Co., managers).— Robert Downing, 1H, drew well. Blancho Walsh, 17, ployed to S. R. f>. Bnstonlans, lit, to a crowded lioitse. Coming: "Tho wizard ot 0)s" 211. 21, Mury rfliiiw. In "Gliosts." Dee. 1: "Tlie Brernoi City" 2, 3. "The Prince of Pllsen" 4, 5, ami "Coon Hollow" 0. Ghano Opkica (Orln Stnlr, man- ager).—"Child Kllives of New York." 12 14. packed this house, us did "Down by the Sen." 1.1-18. Coming: "Slaves of the Mines" 10- 21. "Tb* Winy of tlie -Transgressor" 22-24, •Why Women Sin" 'J5-27. Maiestio Tiit'ATiiR (Orlu Stair, mnnager). —Tills new theatre will open 23 wllh David niggliiH ami Gcoi'L-in Wnldron, In "His Last Dnirair." 23-2o| "Tbe MJddletunn" 26-28. SMITH'S ui'MiA Hoi-sk (Mrs. W. B. Smith, mauager).—Week of 15 "The Olrl from 'Frisco" iplnyod, to large ajid well pleiused ■atnlleaurcx. Moulin Rouge Co. 22-28. SiiKlnaw.—Acadcujy of Music (John II. iMivldson, manager).—Blanrtin Walsh, lu "Resurrection," Nov. 13, drew S. R. <». "The Wizard of Oz," 14, had a big house. The Bostonlnns. 17. 18, ciune to good bttsl- iii>ss. ' "Wheu Knighthood wns in Flower" 21, 'Slaves of the Sllne" 24. Mary ShaW 25, "A Friend of the. Family" 20. jKrt'Biis TtiEATtiK <T. It. Batmf'wd k Sam Murks, managersl.—Business Is excellenl. Jlouiig My a. Ruth Neltu. und the (Mtons made tilts 10-22. lllninieleln Imiicrlal Stoik Co. 23-20. Untile Creek—At the Post Theatre (K. It. Sinllli, manager).—"The Lighthouse by Hi; Sen" luid Mr btiKlnosM Nov.' 14. us did "A Brcnk for Llbent.v" 17. It«s;lle Kiiott, in •'Wliefi Knlglilliooil Was In Flower," Pleased fair slued houses IS. Rooked: Fames' Trans- oceanics. lu specialties, 23: 'A Friend of tlie Family" 21, "Way of the Transgressor" 20. "Why Women Sin" 28. Ha>iuli\ OfKitA IlmtSiF. (N. II. Wldger, miuiai.i'i'l.—Dulnly Pari*:! Burlesquers comes 24, Hunt Slock Co, :!5-28.. « Jiu'Unoii. — Atliemenm (II. J. Porler, manager).—Cldis. A. Loder, lu "A Funny Sloe of Life," Nov, 14, drew good hiislucji. '"Hie Lighthouse My tlie See." 10, had u top henry house. Dainty Pareu Co.. 17, liad fair biislneAS. "The Wlxnrd ol Oz." IU. drew en- imtlly. "His IiOBt Dollar" 20, Sweet Con- coct Co. 21. "Wlieii KnlghtliMHl Wns In ■ Flower" 21, "Miss Hob Wblto" 2i«. "A Friend ol" tlie Finally" 27. Bay city—At Washington Theiitro (W. ,1. Daunt, manager).—'"i'lin Wizard of m" pleased s full house Nor. 13. Hlancho Wnlsb, In "Hesnrreclloii,' was welln I veil, by a fair sized audience,' I I. The Bostoillutis sung "Ilobln Hood," (o a well filled house. 10. Coming: "Sluves of the Mine" 20, Mary Shaw, iu "Gnosis," 27; "Tbu Prince of fll- sen" Dec. 2. In list ok. —At llmlrd'M Opera House (Fred J. Wlllliims. inuinuirer). — lloltf. DiiwnJn« nune Nwv. 12, Jn "Hon. John North," la lino Imslncfs. Colonial moving ploturc* hiul fair houses, afternoon anil evening, 14. "Tim Wizard of Ol"|iacked Hio bouse 18, "A Hresk for IJberty" came 111, bo n good house. Hue: "Tbe Middleman" 21, Knight & Deeker'i 'Mlnsbrds 2,'), "Pennxylvunda," 27, "AUhh Bob White" 30. Kslamason,—At the Academy of Mu- sic (B. A. Hindi, uimmgcr).—The Wilbur (litem Co. closed a very successful week Nov. 14. ltinnehi! Walsh had a largo 'houoe Id. Hoselle Knott, In "When Knlglfthood Was In Flowor." clutrmed ft large aualonen 17. Tlie Hostoninns 20, "The Wlissrd of Oz" It, "Hhy Womrni Sin" 24, and tints. Loder, In "A Funny Side of lafe," 20. -+•* SdlTII HAKOLINA. Cnlninliln. — New Columbia Theatro (Sujlllideal & Hmwu, managers).—"Ths Hot- test Coon In Dixie" had fair huslnnM Nov. 17. "The Mocking Bird" drew well ID. Cotnlug: Howard Kyle ill. "Tlie CUrtstan'' 25, JnniAH and Wiurd 27, '"Hie I'.uraomastnr" Ik*. 1. ■ ■•«♦ — Marlon KdtMltd) Is phivlng (lie old maid charnolvr wlln "Tlie Happy Tramp" Co., and reports rueccss. Thanks to Tilt Cl.irrr.u for Its jtlutl atten- tion to Local No. 4, of Philadelphia. At our meeting on Sunday, Nov. 8,.this resolution of thanks was adopted unanimously. OOr worthy president, John Suplec, was unanl- ibodity elected as delegate, to the conven- tion, Bro. John Lawrence having drcllncd that honor. A vote of tltanks was nl^o given to Denver local. Kid St; Clnlr wns n visitor. He Is,a resilient ot this city, and u member of Indianapolis local, and sjioke of becuinlhg a member of tills local. All of the nuwly elected ulficers were In their,respective chairs, and promised to do their Utmost for the good of the alliance. Bro. Geo. N'cff. the agent of "The t'luOiltig Arrniv" Co., wits a visitor Inst week, and was tendered a reception nt Bro. Garvin's. Mike Connors. Of Local No. it: W. J. Coonllmn, of "Happy Hooligan:" Francis R. Stewart, of "Child Wlfor Mr. Wngtier, "Sigh Of tlie Cross" Co.; John J. Hronhy. owner of "Wealth and Poverty" and "Wife in Name Only," ubd Homer Melaiiey, were also lit the ontcrtftlument, und a most enjoyable time was'npuul. Mr. Bropliy niado n very pleasing flddrets, nnd vowed ulleglunce to the olllntice. IVo. Jwliti llyuu, of this locnl, would like very mileh to hear from Mart Hysey, of "M'lW Co. Al. Jehseh, of New York Local, tto. 2, paid uh a nlcnsaat visit. Had Ills stay not hern so short #0 would have shown him n'pleasant time. Tlinuks to llro. Win. J. Mhrrny for his kind offer to our ilelegtites, and we hone that ho will pay us his' promised vlsll. Locnl No. 4 wmild like Its members to know that the but- tons are now fdiimietcd. nnfl we would like to hate each member have one. By seiidlnir 11.50 to S. C. Mosn, business agent, he Win forward them at Once. -tit Lyric Hall, N«w York City, op Monday eroding. Nov. Hi, lite tlrvntlwiiy I'lieatrksil Club held its third annual ball, nwl the affair w«a the blinrest klod.oif.n siirevss. A ntinvbev or well known. Uicatrletil |ski|>ln ill- tended, and almost, all tbe meiiMsirs of Lo- cal No. 2, of B. r. nod II. of A. were oh hiund, ami IHoroiijilHy MMM theuwolvcs. rim. Charles Mangel wus the general ninnn- Sm of the ImU. narehee L. DnvlH wis floor ireefor, and Vtmy (J. Thtlnias tils assleluiH. lytliets who hud i-bargo of conducting the ball und osslsted In making It a siutcsi were: Charles Hum, Joe Ijowls, t.'ltrls Hum- hiK'k, Clwis. Rurrell. John Curoe, George Brown and Al. BoMliell. 1*Ue reception eom- laltleu iioiislsted or Edward MivWerltlll, John Huslsje. Kdwnrd Mt-llugh, John Ssuer, Kd- wiard Moron and II. 8. MaCroddm. liro. ^Itingel was voleil a flue manager and a gen- bfal good fellow. Bro. Morris Cain, of Irfical No. Jl. I'ltts- liui'g, \tos lu Unit city (pat week, nliend of Byrnes Bros.' "llhtlit Bells." llro. • Cain speaks highly or the recopUon he met with while vslfllng oilier cities. He Is doing all In his power to add to locals throughout the eoilntry. Bran. I'Jms. mid HriWMri linker Iiiia-c been giiihtcd wlDhdrawuil tairds (nun their respec- live hHiils—Phlltiuelphln and Ciiirlnniill — nnd have made npipllcaUun la Join 1/u-al No. 3, Pittsburg. .'• , , , laical No. 8, PlUtsburg, diwlres wll dele- gates on their wuy to the cnnveiillun In slop off ut Pittsburg for n Mhort time, mid Hiev will be shown tlie city anil glvon a good lime. llro. Lowery hns placed another local on tin! Hut, and expects to send out nil applica- tion to another city In «i few days. llro. ill vember T. Pan lei Frawley writes to n friend In'Los Atigeies' from' Sydney, Aiis., staling that hu Is likely . w temuln In the mitlptides sonic lliuc, and may Have n thea- tre In Sydney Don Chick, for many .venm stdgo manuiier nt tho Los Angeles The- atre, lliuier Mnuiuer U. C. Wylitt.Tms hitn- tilled hlrnsett with the new casino Thcnlro Company in u, wlinllur capilclty. r ■ ,' i ' " s i ' Sttu hi eBo.-.- J&lu Tueatre (H. C. Wyntt, mao«i;ei').—The Olyinpla Opern Co..Nov. JO- M. Hnvorl*.'s Mlustrela lO. "Ovdr Nlatfutit Fulls'^tS, Hliery'n Hand It),.20. " 'Way Down Bast".'2l, Pollant LlUputlans 211*28. . . ««» ■—' r Ml.VNIJ»OTA. St. Piiiil.— At Hie Metropolitan Opera House. (L,. N, Scott, tunnaui't). —'Clay Clement. In'"Tbe Nto Dominrull," had a very good atidlenca Nor. IB, .and pleased, os he always does hl>rC. Lulu Glaser. In ■'Dolly Varden," had big tmsliiess 10-18. Walker tVhltesldn. Hi "We Are King," 1H-21. did very well. Blanche Walsh, In "Resur- rection," 22-28; "Flnrodora," 2(1-20, Clura Bloodgood. In "The Girl With the Green F.vcs,' T 30-Dec. 2 ; "Mrs. Wlggs, of Iho Cab bagp Pntch," 3-5. ilitAMi .(Theodore L. IJays, mnnager).— "The Show Olrl" made n hit week of Nov. 10, and played to very big business. "The Beauty Doctor" wttrk of 22, followed by ".McFaddens Finis.", HTAti (At. H. Singer, manager).—The Cherry UIOHsmnn Cu. draw big week of i:>. The Parisian Widows week of 22, and tbu Gar Morning Glories week of 20, ilMiitiK (A. \\Vlubolstc-r, nuvnugor).— Hitsl- ?iess averaged fair .week o( in. New ueopto or week of 22: Powers und Freed. Hiit'dv nnd Foalo, Alvle" Tflyltir. LIIH/i llattw, Stoyv- Ht nnd lneat.eiie NltrMa. Twwe wlio hold over ore: KLttla Do lira, 1'otly O'Nuiil. Mc- Cnli Trio, Florence Pltirr. the Three Nierabv- •rs, and Atrtolnet'te Ranter. Tom 'Martin's liurlesqun of •'Macbelli," entftlbd "Mlko linili," will bo iiresemted ngnla week of 22. i boniiis orchealm, three sotulsts, guvu It inndc uulto x hit before PKorxrs ciirnnii.—11 with sixty roinlrlnfis and 1 three conceits 111*21. Lowery wuiild like tn hear from nil deputy orgitnlzirs of Ihe N. >. or B. P. and B, of A. President Harry C'oley, of Meal No. 2, New York, has been elected a delcgute to nt- tend the convention. He looks forward wllh pleasure to meeting a number of his old chums there. .. . John Spencer, of Local No. .1, PltlHliurg, arrived In New Vork City last week, and Is employed at Hie llrondwity Then! re. ♦*♦—i CALIF OHM A. I,<i» Anwcle*. -Miisnii Itporii Ilniisc 01. C. Wysll.. lOMWUUr).- Ilaverly's Minslrels drew mudenile audiences of a Ion heovy character Nov. 12-14. "The Storks'' 10-21. 27 the Los Angeles Symphony Orcheslril oc- cupies tho house, and 23 n benefit petrform- niice will be 'tendered Die Dobliisun School of Kxpresslon iiml Dramiillc. Art, In which Gertrude Keller, Anna Huberts and Fay Wal- lace will pni'llclpHte. Mmo. Helena Modjeska wlH bo among Hume present. Muuusi.'o'u mantra (Oliver Mih i-ohco, mnnngeil. • -The l'olhird Lillptitlan (ilsTii Cniiipnuy liad a very siu-i-csHfui week I'lidlng 11, lu "Tlie llellc of New York," with "flnufore" for mu.llnee performnnca. For IB und week (he offering Is "A Gaiety Girl," with "An American Millionaire" and "Dorotliy" for nuitliii'im. Underlined: He- tiij-n of the favorite, NeHI-Moroueo Compnuy, iqienlng 22. Ill '"Secret Service." Guami Ol'UltA HOVM (Cluretiee Drown, malinger).—Bow land and Clifford scored a distinct success In "Over Niagara Fulls," anil the engiigeiuenl wns exlended for three per- formances. Tills will bo followed by Mnrlo llcntli und her company, lu "For Mother's Sake." Ori'iiimmi (Clarmicc Drown, uuiiiiigcr).—- Fe-ilurcs 10 iiod Week: Guli'tncn's dogs nnd cuts. Max Wuldoui, Cllvctle, Two Hoses. Craw- lord nud Manning, Threj Rlrhurds. wenona mid Frank, Lllllsii Scunluu, nnd McWaIters and Tyson, lit "thmmii In a Dressing pwM." Ciipaclty business. Ciiotkh Paiocanii Tiiiutuk (lleury !C.',cll. manager).—-Tin: Chicago Ladles' llruss Bund and OrcheHtra Isigsn nn engnitvuient lu Ihe pnrk 15.' 'i'lie theatre programme Includes: Clorlnn Bcott, l.uey Lowe, Wilson Trlu, Fay Lnngton and Ida Leslie, 111 "A, Country Cousin," and moving pictures. NitTKN.—Nnrrls k Howe's Shows have every prjjtpcct of lihf business 17-21 Lillian Scaulitn, a loral singer, who mude ber pro- fiwsloiutl appeurHiicii nt Ihe Orphum I), scored belter limn any of our singing deliii- tuples who huve appeared on local boards In the past', and gives promise, of success..,..., W. J. Bouse, formerly press ruiU'esi-ntnllvo for UliiKllnir Bros.. Is cngageil for press work with the Ciisluo Theatre Company. Ill this city... .I'lmrlrs I,. Wiilhiee bus op','iic,d n scenlii'slilillcj In the Grand Opera'House. ..'..'.;George llurgltt, formerly stnge mana- ger nt Morosco's Btirbonk Thenl re. luis tic- cepted a similar position wltb the Grand (loera House management Construction or h new ojs'rs bonso nr Oxnant, Cut., Is crmiemploled '*,* • l "'" 1 l'"fg" Marslno charts Astnr Purser Is tin longer connected will! tlie. NVlll-.Vforosco eillerpl'lses John Morrlssy, inamiger of ihe (irplicinn, lit. Hull Frth'-lsco. 'visited (villi Mil linger ftynwu, In IM Angeles, uvveral days during early Ng- Mlnnenuiill*.—-At tlm Motroi■ollltin Oper.t House (L. N. ScoW, uMnagvr).--"Flnrodora" Nov: 22-25. Ilton^tie WulSb, In "inie Resitr- reert<m," 2II-2H. ".\irs. wrggs, of the Ca1i- isige lVihcli," 2I»-D«!C, 2. Cf|l.l-a IHoodgiMHl 3 \ Walker Whlr»wl«lo wis well re(*lv«sl Nov. I Ti- ls, anil Lulu tiloser had line patronage 1U- 21. Hijov OI'Kit* Ilotisi: (This). L. Hays, mitn- ager).—"The Show Girl" opened for a week 22. "The Hetiiily Doctor" will appear 21". "The White Slave," iioMvllIistnumlbK lis age, drew big house* 111 and week. . liYcfci'M 'ntBAiitu (Dlek Ferris, mnniigcr), —"The Two' Orphnhs" 22-28. "The I'nwer ot Ihe Press" (nilciiviitg week. Good business was t|ie rule 1:1st' week, drawn by "The cow- boy and the Lady." Dkwpv TitEAThB (W. W. Wllllg, nuinn- gor).—T'heUDy Morning Glories Co. furnishes Omuseniont 22 and weak. The Mounilglit siiiliis will come 21). The Parisian Widows •■nioceil Inrge nudle.iices 15 to 21. Tim first souvenir mntlnee for tho ladles, 20, was a great success. t'ni.rviii; Tliit.vrilF. (.1. C. Kane, miiun- ger). -Tbu following eiitcrtiiln 23 und week: Morion Sisters, Minnie HosWlck Norrls, Clin- Inn and WilKOtl, the Jeromes, K, Will Hetls- liiy, the Oitotis, the Kdwtitds, Cowles ami Alihii. Krai nnd French, Penby, Kcfnp Sis- ters, Tlielma Holmes, Mil. TllOlllson, I'llV Lit- innni, Adrliiue. Hllle Melven, Fninklc Kvuns. Anuii Scott, Alice llentty, .lesido Miiltlniiil. Jennnu Harris. Ali'io Tnylor. liutdness lit good, Malinger liuiin stiliti'M tluit groilttil wns broken 11 tor u uew imiwsirl hull In St. Paul, to he run lu connection with the Cu- hiiiiliiu. Nothh. —Tlie Phllliiirinotili: hud a great house ut Internnllonal Hull 17, when "I'urn- dlso Lost" tins sung. Tho soloists were: siuitiiui Cummliigs. 1'Mwiird Strong. Mmul 1 'liuev Jones, nnd Mini Un 1>U Gorgoivn Theoilorv Thnnins' Orchestra was heard nt Wesley Church 21. » Duliilli. —The Lyceum ((.'. A. Marshall, luuiiugor).—Mary Slinw, lu "Ghosts," Nov. ID-SI, Iind a full' sized audience on Hie opening ulglit. Lulu Glaser imido her llrsl. nplKinriiiicu In-fore u Dutulli uiiillence 13, 11, In "Dolly Vnrdfn, when tho bouse wns Idled to cn|iuclty. "Shore Acres" 21, 22, Thomas' (H-elJesIm 23, 24. WiwI'h MlnMnds 25, uh, Knllirni Wlllnrd 27, 1!H. "ReubeJi In Now York" till. Tun Mi.TiKiruiJTA.v (J. T. Condon, niniin- ger).—This Ih tho lust weok bul one or Hut nloek oompnny. Manager Condon promises some "nod attractions for (ha Winter months. "A Poor RcUHIon" wns Ihe bill IH-IN. and "The Iron Muster" 10-21. "Ono Vudls" 2;i- 25. "The Hmlul lll«liu'iijmuli" 2(1-28. I-.mii.ok TllllATltK (W. J. Wells, nlaniigcri. — limine** for the week ending 21. wns fairly good. The compnuy for 23 and week urn: Mr. ii rid Mrs. Geo. Clark, Mile. St. iiiinoiid, Baldwin nnd WchI, Mnrln Archer, Hiilstou nud Itoberts, Billy King. Kva Maioln, Win. .I. Wells nud Ihe stock. Tim miw comedy font! act) Is called "Sour Grapes." onuriQN. I'orlliiml.— At the Miiri|tinm Grntld C'lll- vln HelJIg, tuanoger; W. T. Pnngle, resident mil linger t. -Hose Melville did big biiiiliicus Nov.lMi, la "Sis Hopkins." (Jeo. L. linker's coMijmiiy priwiiMed '"lUie Clirlstlau" 12-M. to hlg husllies*. llonklnus: Loon Herrniiiiiu H1-1K, JiuiiiM Nelll Co. tll-21, lu "A Gt'Ulli:- M.nii of PViia('0 J". Hi: Wolf Hopper 23-20, hi "Mr. Plckwlek :'' ''The Slorks" 2U-2H. (ViiiniiAy's TiiK.i'fw: (Corflrny & RimkII, ■nsnngers)!—Mnson nnd Mason opened, - to Hie cnisiclly, lit two MtfoimUMM or "Ru- dolph nnd Ailolph." 15. "Tennessee's I'lird- nor ' did wi'id business week or H. "A Mil- lldnnlre Tramp" will ho seeit 22-25, nnd "Yuri Yousau" 2(1.8. IIAKKH THHATllB (George I,, linker, lllllll- iigerl.-.-Tho linker Thenlro Slock Co, begun Its second week 15, with "The Prisoner of Zi'iiihi." The alli'iidriiice for bold perforin. anoi h broke Ihe recm-d. HiislnesH was good week of H, villi "Tlie Dancing Girl." "Tnu Much Johnson" will be pill on 22. I'iMl'lliH Tiiiiatih: (George L. linker, tniiti- ugor) Is ilHi-k. "The King of tlm Opium Ring" 1* booked for 22. AiicAlm Thkatiik (S. Morton Colin, imiu- ugiii').—Business wus very good week of n. Following Is the Dill for week of HI: Tlm Athens, Wilson, Clarke Company, In "What Happened to Brown:" Wllllitm Punixmi, Flood and Iluyes, Mozsrto, the American lilo- scone. Ikitz'h Nkw Tiihatue (A..UoHtnn.ii, num. ng«r).—Rnoney end Forrester, Muc Stanley, llflphnel mid Furl, J'.ando nnd Houiiegau, Nellie Ferry, Jnnet Bernnril, Little Kgypl, Charles Sox, Lgbellfl ■ Unse, Liiyile IVA era DinmiHc Co., lu "The.Man from Collfoi'iilii." .TlhMim'H t'lwixm Ham, (KM. H. Davis, mannger).—Mmul Newell, Kin Metcalr. Iiaro- tliy Rime, Clura Lewis, Nellie Illllyer. 1'iiti'KHoN'ii Mt.sjc Ham, (H. I.). Gi'ltllii, Niiinsirer).- Rose Itftveiipurt, Aliule Merrill, l.i/dlcs' Ideal Oi-ehcslrii, Mao B. Olhiilen, ill rector. J «^t>- ,Tiib JAinilTrs write: "Wa hsvo hciii piny- log of Ihe I'eekhnm Goldsuiltli circuit for the hist leu weeks. We have The California efrrnet to follow, nud the Savov i-lrcnil, making n loni 'MVtlein engag.iuiiirt. On" biiby girl, Morion l'"rauclK, Is doing n siie- clslly In the iiinrlouelie turn, making Ihe hit of flu* net. The iiiullence don'l. know until she makes her bow at Hie front that she Is reitl." • i . i i