The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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950 THE'-NEW" YORK CLIPPER. November 28. c owl«, Evanrellue, L.vcfam;flta Iran., Nor- 8 *• _ _ Drums, T. Nelacro, Oohtmlils, .Cincinnati, Not. S2-W; Keiths, S\ fXMil t Draw, Mr. * airs Sidney, Orplieum Bkln-. Nor. 2Mb, linncan. A. 0.. Umpire. CIl-Tetand, Boy.»«. _ Krkhdff 1 OorJoo. faato, IsiwelT, Mmii., rot. SSZs; Keith's, .-twlncl'l. a L.M Dec. ft. i; K rl« * Hum-tun, Victor, Col., Nor. S-38; Novelty, Den- vcr. 30 Dec 5. I fan* Wilaou, Keith'. HIM, Plilla.. Xer. »». JMwaruil * Roonny. Columbia, HI,, Lotile,, No»/JMJ, Kaamfila, Bum A <»., 01ymple,'CMea|»>, Nov. »W; Hay- Kdnnln A EdarariK roll'*, Brldaeuun Conn., Nov.Saw. Eldore, Keith's, Bimton, Nor. ZWS: raataw'a, X. V.O., Klurtdav. I*rc««. II.4H.,,\,V.C., Nov .'«•»; Orelieum, CtB N. X, 3) Doc;A. Emm,. Mme„.Olympic. fNaWi Nuv. M-3H. l-.mnr.kl Trio, A. * H B>*tun. Nor.3-38, . KiMOoa* Kane, Tlvoll MiMP*aU>. Ml«». Jvoy. M-to. Ernie A HtiaeiaU Krlu'ii/.PurHMW, Oft!.,'Nor. J3-28; UnlquojAUoB^ajOecfc *-i ■ KrSSrt, Keith's Now. l-bltei, fi"i,f?t _, Inlli * Hcroon, nrpbeum, Denver, Not. Iia>. Falk. Blesnor. Circle. 5. V. tt, XoV. XV2S. r«,lilBe, Oteoby, Norfolk, Vfc;Noi,ZHD. r"rKi TOO£ ..enlfatlan; Norfolk. Va., Wnv. »H. t'erneado, valarle,'Crystal, Dearer. Has-. »». K»»»n»"o. Dupree 1 Co., I'roctur'B "'-li Ave, A. V.C., P-Tii'l* pniiuuier Voarlet, Keith's New, Mill*., Nor. 21- >i».*f,Mr. A Mm. retains. Chamfe, Washington, Nor. 1 lelds A Ward, Keith's Bijou, Plill«.,N«ir. 2318; Annuo, Pelrnlt, »t>ec. IV. _ , „ __ __ yiKlior A Carroll, Mechanic. Ralem. Mmi . Nor. 33 28. neither, Chin Leonard. Olympic, Chicago, Nov. S32S; Itarnlarke I..M II'tl Vhireuo, Nellie. Bbeedy'e, New Hedl'ird. Km., Nor. 3- 2«J; Poll's, Hartford, MkHU Flood Brin , II, A H.. N. V. C, Nor J).a. Flenn..toe. Keith's, Honwrj, Nov. 2S-S. rieury Trio, Columbia. St l.ouls. Nur. 2M8. FoxVlmrs. Co., Dixit. Borantnn, Pa.. Nnr. iB-ls, For * Clark, urpbeutui Bkln, Nor.aira _ Forbes A Foruea, Orpheum. Darenport, Is.. Nor. iB-Ja. Fov, MndRe.Oluinbla. Cincinnati, Nir».»S. Fox.A Ward, I'nl'iue, Halt ttfeff. Nor. »Dec. S. Fox. Charlea, Frlti'a, Portland, Me.. Hsiv. JJ2B. Fugcrtr. Frank. WauonX Bkln.. Noiva-IW. Fra»r * Mac, Umpire, ilacknty. Loodoii, Knjr.. Nur. 21- 2S: Empire. Cardlir, Wnloa, »Dec.». Krantrinathca A iWa, li <). II., MaMBj Nnv.23-88. Franca A Waluli, WaUonV. Ilkln, Nov. 0-M. FrltBd, William, A Co., Kidth'n. Fnrrldrnce, Nor. JS-W. Fronui A llarrev. Empire, Ht. Paul. Nlnn., Nor. as.». Fullar. ldaM..WIoterBxrU!H, Hrrlln,tier., Nor. 2SJ0. OurdOBr A Maddern.Orantiy, Norfolk. Va., Nor. 21-28. Uarrltv Blatrrn k'ellli'K BIJou. I'Ulla., Nor. » M. liarrlaon. Jule« A Ella. h>ltb'i>, Prut-ldenea, B. I„ Nor. 23 281 Fnnland, Me., MO-Hec. B. "iMiiin A Stone..ranler'i, N. V. C, Niiv.23.28. liardner A Arnold, Caato, Fall River, Mien., Not. 2V2». ■ :allrtil'« .Monkey*. Kelih> Hlloa, PhlU, Nor. »M. nallajcrrii-r. Barrett *Cn., Bliea'a, BulTaJo, Nor. »m, (l.ttlnm. We«t A Hqnalilne, F^iva, Brerett, Wiuli., Nor. 2.158: Kdunn, Whatcom, SU-Dec. 0. QBtiaro A Thijol, Hopklna', Mcuplik,Tonn., Not. 23-28; Arcade, Toledo. O. WJlee.». liclxer. .lolm. Keltb'a New, l'hlla. Now. 23-28. lirotie, Charlotte tltiyiT. Hhea'a. BulTmlo, Nor. 23-28. ilfoaro A Balli-y, Colonial, Clnrhusl, Nor. 23-2H. i iilllhan A Mnrray, Arcade, Toledo, o.. Nov. 211-Owe. 5. illnod A Uardhor. Keltli'a. N. Y. C. Nor. 2S-SB. illllet Trh>. KeithV, N. V. C.Nor. 4428. Ullkey, Ethel, CaaUi, Fall Klver, Micw., Nov. 23-W; Law. rohf»,.1n.IhK.'0 " ' Olenroy, Jan»« Rlclimood, llaymarkei. Cldcaxo, Nov. iilnw John A Benb*. II. A 8., N. V.C., Not.23-28. Oliilatone, liotta, Kelth'a, Providence, R, I., Nov. a 28, (lillet, Sldoor. Kelth'a, Provldonce, R. I., Nor.a *. ulorlno. HchenecUjly. N. Y.. Nnr.»)« Ooodwlo A Creed, CryaUl, Ht. Joaeph. Mo.. Nor. 2328. < iondmua. The, tletn, Lynn. Mam.. Nor. 2328. .;oohnana. The, H. A R. N. V. C. Nor. rj-28. • Iraml Opera Trio, Keith'* New, ['bile... Nor. 23-28. dray A Ureham, Oolbcy. 111., Nor. n-2"; I'roctor'a 13d bt-.N. Y.0.,au-Dac6. Urar, Kd.. Circle, N Y. C. Nov. S-gj Nfair, Tiny. Bradenoiimh 1 », l'hlla , Nov. 23 28. ilrlarton Rlatna, Havmarket, ctilcacu, Nov. 23-2N. MrawK (,V, (lraod, Clnr.lnnntl. Nor. U-M. (irundy A Weatherbr.-Cryatd, Ht. Jeaeiili, Mo., Nov. 23 23. tlraot. 8y<ln»y. Prooior'a 5th Ato.. N. Yj", Nor. 2328. Ouflle, Rlgnir, Keith'*, Providence, Nor. 2328. Italian A jloghex, Volkman'a, Torrlngtun, < 23-28. onn , Nor. Ildthavay A Wnltcm. Poll'*, Brldgnport, Oonu., Nor. aa». Haven A HealT, Empire, Cleveland, Xnr.2J.28. Hal'lahura Family.'Kmpli-t, Chjvolautl, Nov. 23-28. 'lewklna, Law, Amu*.JD)etroli. Nor. 23*. ..arrev, lluivard. Bopton, Nov. a-2K Harper. Iieanoud A Bailey. Temple, Del roll, Nor. »28. lUOWt llagUef, BoUod. Lowell, >»w., Nor. »-SB. *' 1, 1'oSur d'Alene, ffpoUue. Wa>h, Nov. i lla< ; Yaaa, llamUtonAPaytnenfc-Eninlre.'Donrer, Nov. S3-2S, IlaakaU Lnnev. feiuiilro. lloUoken. N.'J„ Nor, 23-2S. llrtihaway'e'lhdlanTiWeaai-, Brtdtnburgh'«, Fhlla., Nor. MM ' ' "„ •• ' ■'• llarrtaA'Waltem, Poll'a, lltrtlbrd, I'onn., Nur. 23-28, llealy, JobO, fry<i»r'« Jth At*.. N. T. C, Nov. 23-28. ileeit A Ekoela, iVopU'i, tKatUo, Nov. a Dec. i. Hetlow, Clias.. Jlrook, Marlon, Ind, Nor. 23 liec. D. >l»clow A Wheeler. Hrook. Marlon, lad..'Nor. BDn. f.. HrnrvA Younj. Whitney O. II., KllehliurJ, Maw., Nov. •jsas. ..' Ilenry A lloon., S. V. C, Not. 23 28, Hondeieuu A lima. Kellfi'a Bl.lou, Phiia., Nor. S-2S. Ilaleoc, Little, Cliut*a,8aii Fran.. Nivr.2S.28. Itelron, Torn, Catrr d'Alene, Hpokane, Wash., Nor. 23-2S; Empire, Walla Walla. 30-Dec. t llernianosiThe. CryaUl, Deuver. KaV.aUB. UI(flnaAPhe!)ie. I'roetor'a 23d Ht., X V. C, Nov. 23-28. Illtusi A Kemlngton, On'boum, Denver. Nov. 2328. Illlllard, Robert, Empire. Cleveland, Nor. 23-28. IIIHOn, Lillian, Dewey, lltlca, N. Y., Nor. 23-28: Ray*', AQdcraoD, lnd., Jo-Dec.«. '"_.__ Ilnaan, Krneat, Kelth'a, Providence, It, I., Nov. 2348, lloey A Lee, Kclth'n. Providence. It. I., Nnr. 23-28. llniifia (1). Fenton'e. HufTalo.N. Y„ Nor. 2328, llolden, Frank, Empire. Denvor, Nor. 23-28. )lm«liT Zouaves Knilltli'a, Keith's Now, Fblla., Nor. 23- Hnldon A Florence. Colonial, Clsveland, Now. 23-28; Avenue, Detroit, MeDen. ft. Howe' A Hoott, Prvctor'a, Newark, N. i.. Nor. 33 28; V'al- aon'a, Bkln, 39-Deo. 3. Holly A Berry, Howard, Boeton. Nur. 23-28. Holt, Air., KelthX N. V. C, Nor. 2320. _ llntnoan A Fierce, Temple, Dotrott, Nor. 2J-28. llouiili A Cramer, Hranileuburith'e. I'lnln., Nov. 2S-2*. liowanl A Bland, Mechanic, Saletn, M>ea., Nor. 2328, Hume. Iloiu A Le»l», Keltli'H, BonUrn,Nor.S3 28; Keltli'<, . Providence, 80-Deo.». H.irhe", Cbaa, A Matlne, Empire, Portland, Ore., Nor. 23 28. Huelin, Mullcal, Fastor'a.N. Y. i'„ Not. SUDoc. 0, ilnroherty, (I. O. II.. Indlaaopulla, Nov. 3328, V "itlnltoa, Wright A Co., Orplieiint, Hau Fran., Nor. 22- •24 l li. .,in A Nlcandei, Portland, PoriUnd. Me., Not. 23-28. .lack-TheoTrlo, Orpheiini, l.o« A., Nov. a 28. .lonnlnga A Jewell La Petite. Everett, Woah.. Kur, 23 28; Cryttal, Vancouver, B. i'.l S9-l>ec.». •l.-unlugi A Renfrew, Keith's. Boetun, Nov. 2328. .inhnion A Wella, II. A B., N. V. (I.; Nov. 23 28. .louniwn, Davenooit A Lorella,Circle,N. V.C.. Nnr.33-28, loliininn. Ed„ Muiliaiun,Norfolk. Va., Nor.2328. •loeielyn Trio, Olympic. Chicago, Nov. 13 28. Kalaeratla, Arcade, Seattle, Nov. 2338. K , , Mattlo, A Co., Prootor'a Xld SL, N. Y. I'., Nov. '2*28.' K ......Charlee. Kdlth'e Koa',l'hlla.. Nov. 2328; Kolibe, frov^dence. It. L-ISU-Doc. 3. _". 1 lieunedy A Jainea, Olympic, chlcat". Not. 33 28. Kontno. Dorothy, i". O. II., Chicago, Nor.2328; Jellhre, Snrln»w. Mich.. SI Doc. 6. i ' K»at«-n» <-V. Avenue. Pltt.burg, I'a.. Nuv.JS-2S; Cook'e, lloolienter, N. Y., JU-Doo. 8, Krllv A Kenh, Frncfor'i 2M St.. N. Y. C Not. 23 78. Kernel). Jehu, Kellb'a. I'mvldeuro, li. I.. Nor. 33.28. Ifetcev Hlnera tSl, Empire,' HoboVun, N. J., Nut, 2J-2S. Keoley, Lillian. A.« #.. Boilnn, Nov. n-28. KelPar A Dlamqud. Main Hlreet, Peonla, Nov. 23-2J. Kimball IDotiOvui, A. A H . Bontoa, Nnr.33 23, Kln«, Vera, Mecbaale, Haleiu, Meal, Nov. 2V38. Klein A Clifton, Keith's New, Chili., Nor. 23 28; Kelth'a, PrOTldeuee, 30 Dec 5. t ... Klein. OttBma. A Nlckor«on, Tei.ii'lc, UuImIIIi-, Nor. :tj-l h^j. &,...-'. Kr»amer«,The,N'o»eltv, Deliver. Nov, 23 28. La Clair A Weal, (i, O, H.. Hmdlord, J'n.. Nov. 33 ■». l.:ino;ChrlK,'Canto, Fall Klver,Mans., Nov.2S-JH; Caato, l.av, rente, SoJiee.3. ■_ l,.iwn'noe, Al,- Kelth'a, Bnacoli, Nuv. 25-28; Chaae'e, Wuhlnulon, 30. Iter, 9. i.itwaon A Namon. t'haso'". Waihlnctnti, Nor, 33 28. l.a'Noit ABeatrlee, Htatnlartt, llminien, To\ . Nov. 23-28. I,a Molne«, Tlie, Lyceum Han Fran., Nov. 2128. 1 ,'< Tela, MarrelmiK, Keltli'a, Beaton, Nor, 23-28. 1.. /*i|e. Kd.'Havinarkel, Chlcaito, Nov. 23 28; Cnltun- lila,HL'Iiettla,8a-D*c^.. - I a Tour, Irene, Paitnr'a, K. V. C, Nov, 2328, I aredo A Blake, Ornhf utii, N. n , Kot. 23 28. I.arlrte A taaonanl. Pioctnr'a. Albany. N. ^., Nov. 23-28. ' aniaon. Mac, Ch'nie«,.San >"ran.. Nor 23 28. 1 m roilx A Darla, (lent, Lynn, Ma»i„ Nnr. » 28. i.avnriikHlatera.uem, Lynn, Mat>. Nov. 25 28 l.rt'lalro, llairv, LhiekaUdbr'a, Wilmington, Del, Nov. 2JJH. '■ . •- • I .eclair A All. ProctorSi 3*1 St., N. Y.C.. Nor. 25-28. i.evanla. The. Boaton,Lowell, MaM.,Nor, 2328. l.e.ier. Harry ll.. Kelth'a Bllou, I'hila,, Nov. 2328. I .i neon. Bert, O. O. II., Indlanapblie, Nov. 2338. I. ei inard, Jainea A Sadie, Orphuuin, Onialia. Nov. 38 Her. ."•. I... i mini. John F„ Prootor'a 2V1 st„ N. Y. C, Nor, 23 to; Pioelnr'»WhAro.. SO Doe. 3.., Heiiiv.tlranhr, Norfolk. Va„ Nov. BO, L.e CblMren. Kdlann, ■Wluvtoim. Waab,, Nov. 2328; savny, Vancouver, B, C, JV-Dec. 6. l.lte>iil,lil..Mr. A Mi> Nell. Coluniula, Cincinnati. Nor. J-iai.c.\ l.iMav A Trayor, I-aator'a, N. Y.CNov, 23«; II. A B., lllilii.'WDee.J. I ..vw,t Hrnihea, II A-p., Bkln. Nnr. JJ.J3. l.lnilon A Kwley, Manhattan. Nvrfolk, Va„ Nor. 23-38; i Pavtora, N. Y.0,30-Die 6. I/ninbard Broe., Empire, Colurailo Spring*. Col., Nf Vn,23- I.uken* 14), Temple, Detroit, Nor. 25-28. I.dti Broa.. Orptmum, N.O., Nov. 311 Dec. S. I.ylion, Ktnlly A Co.,- Main Htrecl. Peoria, III., Nov. 23 28. .Varklr, Wilson A Hack, A. A H„ Boaton, Nuv. 23-28; Piw- t«iPa,N. Y.CJUDec.S. ManlrattaD Comedy Four, Empire, liotulim, Eng., Nov. 2J28. Mantell A Lainb, Granman'a, 8en Jose, Cal.. Nor. 23. Dec a. Mahera, The, Oarden, Hyraeuae, X. 5 ., Now. 23-28. Manley a>Koae,C. O. II..Chleapi. Nov. 23-28. Mack. TOm. Oh inplc, ClilcatrnrNoT. 23-28. Jlarco Twlna. Proctor'*23.1 HL. N. Y. tt, Nov. 232H. ilarJuauj, WJoule Tlroll. Mankkto, Minn., Nor. 2:428. Mai(liil A Vavmllllan, Cnok'a, Rocbeater. N. V . Nor. 23- 28: Poll'a, New Haven, Coon., ;a3 Dec. 6. ilatluellaa, Tlte,.Orpheum. Uttca. N. V.. Nor. 23-28. MatmlagVE.nttrtalocrt, Empire, Iloboken, N.J.Nov. MaaouKn-ler Co., Amnue. Detroit, Nov, 2328. Maek, Otiaa. A Helen. Lafayette, Bolfals, X Y. Nor. 2328. Maxamlth Dno. Cranny, Norfolk, Vs.. Nor. 23-28 MaraiA tUtette, U.O. II.. Indlinapolla, Nor. 25 28. Marewl's Llrlug Art e'tudlee, Kelth'a New, Fhlla , Nor. 38.28. Marlnellaa, The, 0. II., Johnathwo, Pa.. Nov. 30-Dec, i. Mario A Aldo. Orpheura, N. I)., Nov. 2328 Marriott Twin Bros., Grand. Cincinnati, Not. 22-28. Malar Alatera, I'roctor'a. Albany, Nnr. 2328. Maxwell Quintet, Kelth'a, it. Y.C,, Not. 23-28. M-'rinn A Dean, Docketader'a, wllmiugton,'Del., Not, 2323. MathleiiH, The. Olvmplc, Chicago, Nnv, 23 28. Manh A Kartells. Chute. San Fran , Nor 3328. ScAvoj. Dick A Alice, Watson's Bkln., Nor. 33-28. cCarflfy. Mrlea A Co.. Favor's. N. Y. 0, Nor. 23-2 Mcfilotid A Melville, Olympic, Clilcagn, Nnr. 23 28. >Ha>i|iuui| * "Jrjii • i ITT, vir inyiv-, ' ^n i^i (J' ■, .i ■ >y . au Mi, MeWaiers A Tyson Co., Orphenm. N. O., Not. 30.Dee. 5 Mclntyre A Ileatli. Poll'a, New Haven. Conn.. Nor. 23 McVey. Hugh. Hnwaivt, Ikxton. Nor. 2328. MiHiuorr. Hay, Alcaiar, llaliver. Nor. £128, Kpmxueltna. The, Alcaaar. Denver. Nov.23 Hllvea Hrfts.. Temple. Delrolt, Nor. 2348. Slater A I'hdo, Wea-t'a, I'eorla, III,, Nov. 23-28. Hlafk slstuta. Arcade, Tuletle. II., Nuv. 25-28; Waahlng- ton. 30-Dec. 6. Sloan, Will II., A Yiilaude Wallace, Keltl.v. N. Y.C, Nov. 2328. Mnirl A KwMiur, II. A H.Bkla.. Nor, 23-28. SmIUi A Bowinau, Canto Fall Klver, Maaa., Nov. 33 28. Hinlth A Fuller. Colonial, Cleveland, Nov. 23-28. Slnilli A White, Paator'a, N. V. c.Nut. 2328; Howard, Boaton, 3fkDee. 4. Snvler A Buckley, ATemie, Pittsburg, Pa, Nor. 23 30; Temple, Detroit, Sfl-Dee. 8. Hinltha, Aerial, Wenara, Peoria. Ill,, Nov. 33-38. Spauldlnii, Kelth'a New. I'l.lli, Nov. 25 38. sict'on, Waller t Co., Eiupln', Hobptto, N. J., Nov. finley A Blrheck. Circle. K Y. C. Nor. JS-t?. Stuber. Fred H. Orplieum, Kaneaa City, Nor.. 2328: Omaha, 3U-D»c. 5. . Stewart. Belle, Howard, Boiton, Nov. 33.8>. Stanley, Itol. Lyernm, Han Fnm., Nov 33.28. St. Leon Family. Ilaymarket, cbirano, Nov. 2328. Htelllng A Ravrell. II. A B . Bku., Nov. 3328. SL Clair, Eaalc, < tyaui. Hu .Toaeiih, Mo.. Nor. 23 1\ Stephens Paul, KalU», N. Y. C, Nur. 2328. Sullivan. Llrjle, Alcaxar, l>nrer, Nov. 23 *v sully Family, Arrada. Toieilo, O.. Nov. 23 28; Jeflora. Sag- IriKw, Micfi .30 Dcc.l. Sullivan, Mark, Empire. Cleveland. Nov.2328. Hwedlah Ledlea' (Julntnt, Keltli'a, notion, Nov-33-23. Hulekaril. Mr. A Mrs. Empire, I,iver|ioul. Eng.. Nov. 33-28; Palace, Hull, 30-Dec. S. Sweet, Cbas. R.,Oranby, Norfolk. Va.. Nov. 2328. Talbot A Boj.-rra, Oranby. Norfolk. Va, Nor. 23-28; llldi- mond. .IMiecS: niton. :>i Ivc. i. Tnnakaa, The, C. 0. If.. Chlcwro, Not. 33-38. Tatfary'a Doara. tirpheum. Bkln., Nov. 23-28. Taylur t 'Irani. Main Street, Peoria, 111., Nor. 23-28; • Madleon, Wla., S) Dee, 0. Tegge A DsnleK Arcade. Toledo. O., Not. 22 38. Teed A Lsull. Watson'a. akin. Nor. SMS; Dockstadei■'«, ' Wilmington, 1*1.. 3>De& i. Thome. Mr. A Mrs. Harry, Keith's Now, l'hlla., Nov. So. Ms. 4 Then, Jack. Trio, Orpheom, {Loa Angelra, Col.. Nor. 23. Dec 5. Tliuraton,Circle, N. Y. <:.. Nor. 33-28. Tikboti, tiladya, Crvatal, St. Joaeph. Mo., Nov. 22-28. Thsrber, I«ena, Dixie. Scnnton. Pa., Nur. 2328. Titua, Lydla Yeamana, Colonial, Clereland, Nor. 2328. Tlppell A Kllmeot. Edlaon. Everett, Wash.. Nor. 33Dec. J. NEW YORK CITY. McMahon'a Watermelon (llrls. Arcade, Toledo, 0., Not. 33 28; Chaaej'a, Washington 3D Dec. A. JtcPlierson. Vernle. Norelty, Denver. Nor. 23-28. McKeerer A Handry, Weaat'a. Peoria, III.. Not. 23-28. McVey, Hugh. Howard, Boston, Nor. 2328. JlcCune A Crant, urand, Cincinnati, Nnr. 23-28 Mclntyre A llssih. C. 0. II.. Chicago, Nor. 2328. McKenna, Ted. I'roctor'a 2hl Hu, N, Y. C. Nov. 23-2<. Mcrrlan's Doga, C. O. II.. Chicago, Nov. 21128. Marrllla. Marvelous <3\ Kellh's, N. Y. C, Not. 33-28. Melani Trio. C. O. II.. Chicago. Nor. 2328. MeriMlltli rllstera, Dockatader'a, Wilmington, Del., Nor, 23-28; Chase's, Washington, D. C, So-DeC >. Meyer A Ma.on. Cardan, Ulna, fa., Nov. 2323. Mettling A Beau. I'eople'a, Seattle. Wean. Mysra A Uanly, Howard. Boston, Nor. 33-28. llerrltt A Roiella, 0. 0. II, lodlnnapolls.Nor.2328. Merrltt, Hal. Orplieuui, B'kl'n, Nor 2S.38. Meers (3), Empire. London, Eng., Nor, 23-Iiec. 8. Ml>y, Kathryu, Walaoo'a, Bkln . Nov, 23-28. Mijiion, BUoo, Orasil.ClneinnStl,Nnr. 2228. Mldgelry A Carllale, Eioplia. Cleveland. Nnr. 2328. Mldgelera, The. .lacobi'. Peoria, III, Nnr. 23-28. Mitchell* 13). Keith's, N. V. C, Nov. 2328; KelUi'a. Paw. tucket, R. I.,30-Dec.8. Mltnhell A Karoo, Buiplre, llolwiknn. N. J.. Not. 22.28. Mlgnon, lei Petite, Avenue. Detroit, Nor. 23-38. Mitchell, Eatella, A. A H„ HoaUn, Nor. 2328. lHlla, Lillian, Toledo, 0., Now. 23-28; Chase's, Washington. 3n Dec. a. Moutroae Trio, Howard, Boston. Nor. n 28.a Mnuiglri, Olvmpla, Pirla, Fr., Nor, 23-Dee. 8. Morrell Chan A May, Coeut d'Alene, Spokane, Nor. 23 28; Arcade, Portland, Ore , 30-Dec. 12. Moore A Lltllencld. O, O. II., Chicago, Nor. 23 38; (1. O. U. Indianapnlla, 3D Dec t. Montaouiery, Clinton, Lvceum, Kan Fran., Nov. 2328. Vorrlaaeva, ilroteaque. Lyceum, Kan Fran., Nor. 2328- Merriksey A Rich, Columbia, St. Ia>uls, Nov. 23-28. -Morrlinn. Belle,, A A K., Boston. Nov. 23-28. Mnrrlaa A Murrla, Putnsm, Klthniond, Va.. Nov. 23- Doc. 3. Murphy, Mr. A Mrs. Mark, Orpheutn, N. O., Nov. 33^28: Kansas City, SO-llrc. 6. M urphv A Wlllard. KelUi'a Prnvldeneo, II. 1., Nuv. 23-28. Murphy A Amlrena, Kelth'a. Providence, Nor, 2328. Murray, Elisabeth, c. O. II.. Chicago. Nov. 23-28. Mudne A Norton, park, WorceBter, Maaa., Nov. 2323; H. A B„ Ilkln.,so-DvcB Myers A Rosa, CnlumMa, St. lajula. Nor. 2328. Myers A Hardy. Howard, Boaton, Nor. 23-28. N'avvn, Tom A Co , Columbia, Cincinnati. Nov. 22 28. Nt'lts, Buth, Alhambra. Milwaukee, Nov. 23 28. Newman Joseph, Urphrum, Denver, Nov. 33-28; San l'ran..»-Dec. t." ■ NerTA Miller, Edlaon, Missoula, Mo, Nov. 23 28. Nelson. Lottie, Alcazar, Heaver. Nor. 23 28. Neivell A Nlblo. Koltb's. Providence. It. I , Nor. 23 29. Nlgl.tqna (II, 0. 0; II., Indian spoils, Nov. 23-28. Norton, Talkative Mlsa, Colonial. Cleveland, Nov. 23-28. Norton A Russell, Keith's, Provldonco. K. I., Nov. 23-28. Nolilea. Mr A Mrs. Hilton, Kelth'a New, Phils., Nor. 23.-28: Keith's, N. Y. C. 30-Dec. 5. NJigtnt, J. C, A Co., Orplieum, Utlca, N.Y„ Nov. 30-Dec.5. lilvlaA r&wn. Empire; Denver, Nov. 33 28. oivjlie A Frank, Empire. Huboken. N. J., Nov. 21 li. Oalrand Bisters, A. A H., Boston, Nov, 23-2H Owley A Randall, Proctor's 611, Ave., N. Y.C., Nov. 23-28: - Proctura 12Jlh Ht.SO-Dec. 6. OjtV A Delmo, Keith's, Provltlenoe.'R. 1.. Not., 2328: Kelth'a Blkiu. l'hlla., aiHaec. S. - 1'er.ker'a. Dog Circus, u'. 0. II.. Indiauauulls. Nov. 23 2«. l'a\ton's Art. Ntudloa, Orplieum. N. O . Nov. 23-28. Parker A Alvora. Brsdeuburghe, Phllu., Not.23-58; I'roo- , Idr'a,Nttvaik.2»Dec.«, ferklns, Rube. Cn-ur d'Akne, Spokane, Wash., Nov. 23 28. I'enoul. Catnllle. CaiU'. Fall Klver, Hnaa. Nov S-28. 1'elion A Holland, Empire. <:ler*land, Nov. 23-28. Peltlnglll A Do Fotarl, Kelth'a BIJou, Phlla., Nor. 232S. 1'etera, Phil A Nettle,Orplieuui, lav» A., Nor. 22 Dec, 6. 1'lnard A Call)-. Ilangor, Me., Nov. 33 Dec A. I'laan, Mr. 4 Mm. Al., Empire, Portland, Ore., Nov. 23- Hec.J, I'ruvoat A Preio&t, Portlaud, Portland, We., Nov. 23-28. Prior A N'orrla, Edlsull. Mlasoula,. Moot., Nov. 23-28. rrelKa Doga, Temple. Detroit, Nor. 3324. I'urcell A Urooka. Templo. Detroit, Nov. 23-38. Vululer Bros.. iKelth'H, S. V. C, Nov. 23-3S; Keilli'e. Prnvldeoce, K. I„ aoiiec S. Raymond A Caverly, Orplieum, Bkln, Nov. 23-28. Hay, John A Kmiim, llaymarket, Chtcaxo, Nov. 25-28. Kaoretta A be Lair, Harris, McKeeaport, Pa., Nov. 2328; Park, YounKstowii, 0., :it>Dec o. Rauiaa A Aroo. II, A B., Bkln, Nor. 23-28. Ratrlston, Zelnia, Empire, Cleveland. Nor. 2328. Hrekeu A Hazard, Canterbury, London, Eng., Nov. 23. Doc.SU. Kays <3), Nowlty, Denver, Nov. 33-28. tttymomt, Allco, Columbia. Bt. Louis, Nov. 23 28. Redd*. Musical. Orpheum, K V. (!., Nov. 2328. Reno A Smith, Empire, Clevolalld. Nov. 23-2S. Ufdne (8), Olympic, .lollet, III, Nuv,'gJ-S* Heed A Hhaw, Keith's Bllou. Phils., Nuv. 23-28. r.tynard, Ed,. F., C. O. II.. CLlcHgo, Nov. at 23. Bamlngton, Hayme. Keltli'a, I'ewtueket, H. I., Nov. 23. ' SHrBUou, Fhlla,aODoe. 6. KenuTrlo. Manhattan, Norlolk, Va., Nor. 23-28. Rio Bros (Otto, mgr.l. Main St., Peoria, 111., Nor. 23 28. Kiel' A Elmer,-Kt-llh'a, I'awtuckel, K. I„ Nov. 23 28;U. O. It. lniHanspolla,.3tl.Dtv..v ltlley A Kulllna, Empire. Pueblo,CoL, Nov. 3328, Hhifivna., MalnSireoi, Peoria, III.,Nov.23^23. ltleliarda (111, Ondieuni, Oinalin, Nov. SO Dec! 0, Hltchls A Fram-'.a. Lskowood, N", J., Nov. 33-38. Klonbuno'bBoraeii, Dixie, Scran ton, Pa., Nov. 23 28. Rice. Fanny, II. A 8 , N. Y. C. Not*. SSSsV • KeiiiUeh A Children, Empire, Colorado Sprluga, Col., Nov, 32,-28. Rubyna. Mr. A Mrs.. Columbia St. Louis, Nov 2328. Itocfiefort A May. Huh. MillotM. Mass., Nov. 23-28 Koasluy ,t Costelle, Chutea, Hau Fran.,Nor. 3328; Lt. eoum, Ban Fran i SO-Deo 12 Hosalro. Colonial, Clevolaud, Nov. 2328; Fark, Voun.-«- InWn, SO-Dee ft. Rosa, Hiirra A Bells, Orplieuui, Han Frau., Nov. 22 28. Itnvera A Lavlne', Maehattas. Norfolk. Va., Nov. 23.28. Itoheitus A Wllfredo, Shea's, llutfnlo, Nur. 23-28. Itmlnos (21, Columbia. Cincinnati. Nov. 22 28, Kouulns. Shea's, Butfllo, Nov. 23-28. Itoonev Blatera. Portland, i'ortl.ud, Me:, Nov. 2328. Rove, Julian,orpluum, Bkln, Nor,23 28. Ruhurta (I), Dook>tador'a. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 30- ' leec. n. Hoev, William. BradenburgbV. Phils. Nor. 23 28. ltusaells. The. Aleatar, Denver. Nov. 23-28. Hualell A Locke, llaymarket, Chlcayo, Nov. 3328. Ruth A Nelda, Peoples, Newport, 11. I„ Nov. 33-28. Ityan-A Douglas, New Powdoin. Boaton. Nov. 25 28. Snhtirot, Wlniergnrten, Berlin, tier.. Nov. 2330. Ha Vans, Chaa. A Minnie. Avenue. Detroll. Nov. 23 28. Bsntoni A Msrlow, Nnllen'a, Omaha, Nov. 23-28; Cryatal, ' -HI,, Joaeph. Mo., JuMlec. fl. Ranfonl Slaters. Paator'a, N. Y. C„ Nov. 2328. Ssralerann,Carl,Columbia. Cincinnati, Nov. 3228. HillorAllsrhareito, 0.0. H . Indianapolis. Nov.2328. ttaiiel, JoMiphlnr, Orplieuui. Bkln, Nor. 23 28. Krotu Carrie M., Buckeye. Cincinnati, Nov. 23 Lite n. Kcidl A liowanl, Otlainn. Baltlntoie Nov, 33-38. Kchenek Bros., Poll'-. Htiiigoi-nrt Conn., N»v. 3328. Reotl A llowavd. Odrnu. Baltimore. Nov. 2:1 28. Krott, Mike. Paator'a, N. V, C:, Nor. 2328, Seymour A Dnpiv, Brl<tol.- LncNpr. 23 28; Blriulnchaln, . At-Dec. 6. . , \, "•.. ■ SearW A liriiMl. Eiflatui, Soalllr. Nov. 23«l. sjiean A Warren, Clivle, N. Y: 1.'., Nov. 23 28. ewiarman A Do Furivai. Dixie, «"ranioii, I'a., Nor. 33 28. Shan. Lillian. Paator'a, N, Y. C'Nor. 2338; liowanl Beaton, allie<- II. - Ticrney, John F., Maryland. Baltimore, Nor. 30Dec. 5. TrOTollo, Poll'a, Brldgeporl, Conn., Nov. 25-tS. Trask A liladden, llaymarket, Chicago, Nov. 232S; Co- lombia, Ht. Louie, 30-Dec 3. Union (latltng Hnards. Orplieum. Bkln., Nov. 23 28. Van; Billy A Rose Beaumosi. II. A H.. N. Y C, Nov. 23-28. Va«ar lilrla (8), Keith's. N. Y. C, Nov. 2328. Yalreno Bros.. Circle, N. Y. C, Nor. 25-28. Vslmore A Horton. tiranby, Norfolk, Va., Nor. 23-28; Btjou, Richmond. 30-Dec a, Valeaca, Kellh'a New. Phils.. Not. 2328. Vale, Harry, Empire. Denver. Nor. 23-28. Van Foiain A McAulcy, Columbia, St. Louis, Nov. 23 23. Volkvrea, The, Chutes, Has Fran., Nor. 2328. Von.Oofre. Arcade, Toledo, O.. Nor 22-28. Ward, Chaa. B., Msln KtreeL Peoria. 111.. Nor. 23-28. Ward ACorrso. II A B, Bkln,. Nor. 2328. Vaurbury Broa. ATenney, Orpheum, N. 0 , Nor. 23-28. Weldon, Max, Orpheum, l.o« A., Nov. 22-38. Wade A llealy, l^-yatal, Denver, Nov. 2138. Walshes. The, Howard. Bifton. Nov. 23-38. IVallno A Marlnettl. llayrrarkeu'Clileago, Nov. 23-28. Wtyburn* Minstrel Nlaac*. II. A B., Bkln, Nor. 2328. Wavne A l.u Mar, Lyceum, Han Fran., Not 23-Dcc. 3, Weaver A Lambert. Crystal. Denver, Nor. 2323. Weleont 10. Keith's. Providence. Nor. 2328. Wells, Lew. Lyceum. Ssu Fran.. Nor 23-28. • Wesson, Walters A Weivon, Keith a, Pfovld-ncc, Nuv. 23- Weit. John A.. Empire. Iiillanaiwlla, Nov. 23 W. Wenona A prank, Orpheum, Denrer, Nor, 30-Dec, S. Wemor Amoros Troupe, Temple, Detroit, Nov, 23 28; Em. _tilre. Cleveland. SilDec. S. whiting A Desinnnd, Olympic. Chicago. Nor. 23-28. White, Smart A Co., li. O. H.. Indianapolis, Not. 2328. White A Simmons, Hemiarket, Chicago, Nov. 23 28; Culumlila, St laiuia. J0-0*c t Wheeler A WlUon, Trio, Surbridge, Jacksonville, Fla., • N6t. 23», - ' • Williams, Frank A Ida, Grand, Cincinnati, Not. 3228. Wle«m, Lutile N., Kelth'a New, Phlia,, Nov-23-28; Kellh'a, Boston, SIDec 5. , Wlliuuna, Prof X A., Empire. Denrer, Nov. 23-2SL Wllllami A Meliairn. Bradenbursh'a, Pblla., Nur. 23-28, Williams,ana, Kclih'i, BoHton. Nov, 21-38. Wilbur A fflckner, Acme. Norfolk, Va., Nor. 23-28. Winters, Bank! A Winona. llaymarket. Chicago. Nov.2338. Wllaoua («), Kelth'a. Provblenee, R. I.. Not. 23-a. WllJls Fsmlly, Poll's. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 23.28; ■ Poll's, Bridgeport. 30-Dec.». Wilson A Darla, Portluod. Portland, Me., Nor. 23-38; Keltli'a. Boaton, 311 Deo. Wilson A Wilson. Crystal. Denrer, Nov. 23-28. Wi»<1 A Ray, orpheum, N. O., Nov. 23-28. Worlds Trio, Orpheum. Bkln, Nov. 23-38. Wood A Berry, Howard, Boston, Nov. 23-28, Wood. Hsu II., Keith's. N. V. C, Nov. 2328. Yankee Comedy Four, Avenue, Detroit. Not. 23 28. v, ukana, Tumachie, Crystal, St. Joseph. Mo . Nov. 23-28, Yorke A Adams. Kellh's New, HIE, Nor. 2328. Zsne. Chrla. Casto, Fall River, Mass., Nov. 21-38. Zangfellow, Caeto. Fall-River, Mass, Nov. 23 28. /Ink. Adolpfi, Shea's, Buffalo, Nuv. 23-28. Zlrrrmennan, Peart A Al.. Oiube, Billings, Mon.,.\'ov.2J. Dec. fi. Zolara (3). Orpheum. Ban l"ran.. Nov. 22 28. '•obedle, Fred., Dixie, Bcrinton, Pa., Nov. 2338. ilnder tfte urn. llAHNUM & Hailkv-Niitks. —'['In- sMtKon i'f ItillS l« miw- but r luemory. TUe. vast iikki' 1 '- Kittlun o-r.uiiliunk- ami luunlinute wouilt-rs Is M-atU'ntl to all uotats of the wmi|>a»i. anil iitlroidj DruptirtiHoai ure wetl unuVr way fuc tlhVi-Onihi'g'wnuatm t»f 11W4, wlildi, II m-i'il liarJIy tw-ittklod, will, without doubt. 1m> the must U-lllltuit of all the tuHuy 'wtuilfMl -sedAon8 thToUtli wlilvh (he •'Urfalest Sh»,v on; Kartli" Irua i>iiwa-il. -'.I'bc -three olirsliia' ;ilay« uf the |*a8t seaso-u lurmed uu u|i|)rt>- lirfate' It Hate to the lutij; Merles of sueces«'.'8 which bejrun so .tUB|>k-louKly.ln Mareli. The public of the ett1e.8 of the Old Uumluluii Muli-. Norfolk and IMchinuiul, turaed out In citorurous c-Anwdk. sliun-iug; by their pa- troiuleW their raltli In the Integrity of the llmniiin A; Ilalley mainaKeiueut, wlifeh guar- nmeetl trtth-out any' ftirfliei- aasiiranee that the uhirvv wottlaj remain Intuet until tlKt hist moment Of tire Heasoii, presenting all that wjls mlvertisetl wlt'bu-ut any unnecusstiry cur- iittlmeiiL, or otrelem presentation. The Hceue hi the tlreastng ruuui oinl on the lot upou tluit lailt ulglit wan touching lu the extreme. Manv were' preparing; for a lung Journey to tlieft- lioln«« or enxaKenenU In forelyru lands, orlrers would spend the'Winter by the lire- ridtw In country hurnen or city npartment8, while mauy were looking forward lo n Win- ter- of work in preikantf.lou for the eoniliiK siilHoii. Two special train* left Klchtnuntl at'12 P.M.. \Ve<l:ii'*tuiy iilglH, for New York, the other for \ViwU:rn lajluls. The for- mer i-obsIbUkI of eight sleepers, iiutf iiirrleit lilt the show people hound for Kitrope, who I'tvU'luBtl New York lu time to tiourd tlMi steamMldp on Hattirthiy. Tbe'eyhuw tmlun futlQwe.d more U-lsureby, hut matte good time,- ttml-by Katurdny nlpbt till the ufilutaUi, wrag. ons <uld rtiret were stalely housetl In Oie pul- ullul Wituttv quarters In llr4dge]wrt. Th-^ Blum-:ofilei'M In New York City uuw tveur au lurtftstrluits uppeji'rilruv, ttixl tit the time of writlug Mm. Anuii While Is busily eugUKed In. organizing the .wanlrolie . <le|Nirtment, wliere thirty scamstreieseM will be hard at work: by; the latft of the: week, Curl Clair, illcector of uiiinIc, sailed for I'.tiglund Nov. 1M. After a few mouths with hla faiullv he w 111 .return, and bejin rehearsals about Veb. .1 for the BWiaxm of 1HW. Warren A. Pat- rick, treiwnrer-of privilege*, tins loft for hl« liume In CalMornm. Mo., where be will enjoy it few weeks of recreation after hU arduous wurk during the past seanon. tiswrge <). Mturr, umtuiL'lug director of Buffalo Jtlll's Wild *Ht Show, will roturu tu Ungluud ou Nov. 24.. Nbwton Maiiks, advauee agent, late wllh >'nre|niugh «V Sells Itros.' Shows, has been 1'uuipelled, owing to 111. health, to leave for -l'iiO'Ulx. Arli. KltniK JaCkhiin/ contracting Bgent Clentrv Brsis." No. 1 Dog and l'ony Show, closed his second soiiaxin with t.lmt wtlrnetlon Nov. IS, tintl la visiting .at'hla home, Ouslien, Ind., for u few days. . • a»e e> ■WASHINGTOV. Tnrmiin.—Tni-umii Theatre (Talvln Hell- lg.- manager 1.—Urn-man Nor. .IP. .TetTersoti lap Angells -M. l-'lomnee Huberts U'7. 1I«. fiTCKIM TllKATRR (Ihmn Wiirley. inann- gi'il,—:i'he Allim Slink Vo. 111. IN, opening In ■:A Itlock Itelfer." lnnl good business. "A MHIIoiiHlre Tramp" 111-21. Kmi-iiik Tiikatiii:— Week of III; Travelle and Landers. McDonald Slsiers, the Aldeans. l-'ranrls 1. llryant. Jncom Lyons, lluslness Is large. Oi.YMPIC t'Lfll TllKATRH (Oeo. Shrelder. ninnageH.—Week of 23: Raymond and llarke, llelle . Wlltuii, .the T,HUsenes, Kltsid and Hayes, Hnse Hivne, Muggly OKurke, Lluier I.lssenden. I'll km. \ TitcATiti: (tieu. Miller, mnnagerl. —Sid Baxter, the aerial 'cyclist, la drawing larjae crowds. •» • BDI80N Thf,athk (J. L. Krerett. mana- gerV—Gardener. Ws'iit ttud Sullivan. Belle Williams, Leonard Drake. 0»ro Morrell, and West, Siautlcy and Sullivan. Business is good, Review and Comment.—The activity In local theatricals continues, the frequent changes of the bills at muny of. the houses adding not a little to this condition. Three production new lo New York,'.one. premier nud the return of a popular star fur a short engagement were the principal events of the t'liert week ;.At the fiAKHlcK Tiikatiik, Monduy evening, Nuv. 1U, Charles Krohman's l-huplre Theatre Stock Co., featuring Kay llavls. presented "Lady Rohc'8 Ihiugliter," a four net play, adapted by Ueorge Fleming from Mra. Humphrey Wnrd's novel of the same name. This was the Unit metropolitan production of the work. The concensus of opinion was unfavorable..... .Another pro- duction new to this city waa presented at the BiiOAiiWAY Thkatre on the same date. It was "Babette," u romantic comic opera, iu three acts, book by Harry B. Smith, mu- sic by Victor Herbert.. In this work 1'rltzi Scheff made her flret New York appearance In comic opera, tintl also her metropolitan stellar debut At Belahco'h Tiikatiif. Mrs. Leslie Carter returned for a Hbort en- gagement, opening Hi, in "Zasa.'i On the same date "Three Little Maids", was transferred to the Garden Thkathe, and Maxine Elliott, in "Her Own Way" was re- moved to the New Amsterdam Theatre. .Afternoon of 17, at the Manhattan Theatre, the Homer Llnd Leldcrgplel Co. presented three one act plays, tJx, : "(irln- gore, the Street Singer," "Mrs. Robinson's Keception" and "The Return of the Roamer." The matinees were repeated 10. and 20. At Ibe New Lvcki.m,ou Tuesday night, IT, William Gillette and company gave the first New York production of '"The Ad- mirable Crlchton," a four act play, by J. M. Barrle. At Daly'h Tueatrb, ;TJiur«day night, 10; Messrs. Klaw & Crlangerpresented, for tlie first time on any stage, "A Japanese Nightingale," a four-act play, adapted by William Young from Onoto Wotonna's novel of the same name. A further mention of the two last named productions will be found elsewhere in this Issue The continued attractions for the week ending Nov. 21 were: William Gillette at the New Lj'ckum, "A Japanese Nightingale" at Daly's, "Lady Rose's Daughter" at the Garkick, Frltzl Scheff at the Bioadway, Mrs. Leslie Carter ul Bklahco'8, Marine Klllutt at the RSW Amsterdam, "Three Little Maids" at the Garden, "Beu Hur" at the Nfcw York, "Whoop-Dee-Doo" at Wkiikr * Fikmis' He- me Hall, Edward Hturlgan at the Murray Hill, Maude Adams at the. Empire. Grace Van Studdlford at the Lyuic. Forbes Robert- sou and Gertrude Elliott at tho Knickbh- iioc-kkii, Kyrle Bellcw at the Princehh, "Babes In Toyland" at the Majkstic, "Er- minle" ut the Casino, Ethel Barry-more at the Hudson, "The Beat of Friends" ut tho Academy, the German stock company at the Iuvino Place, 'The Girl from Kay:»" at the Herald SquAHB, Frank Daniels at the Vtc- toria, Jessie Jllllward at the Madison Soi'ari;, "Lights of Home" at the Four- teenth Street, "The Worst Woman In London" nt the Americas, "1'eggy from J'urls" at WALt.vcK'H, t:harle» UHwtrey ut the Cuitehion, Arthur Byron at the Savoy. the French company ut the Vaudeville, and Jutuea K. Hackett ut the Manhattan, the last live named closing ou that dale. Druinas by the F, F. Proctor stock companies, with added vaudeville features, were presented at Pitocron's Firou Avenue und one llux- llllED AND TWKNTY-FUTU HtrKET The oue week stuuds closing 21 were:' "The Bil- lionaire" at the Grand Oi-kka House. "A Human Slave" at the Third Aviince, "The Evil Men Do" at Proctor's Fiity-biohth Street, "The Wlxnrd of Ojs" at the IIar- i.kji Oi'KRA House, "The Crlsla" at Weher & Fields' West End, the ElInore Sisters at tho Metkokolis, and the "Price of Huuur" nt the Star Variety eiitcrtainmeiit was furnished at the -Chicle, Kpaqfri, I'.vio.v Sgl'AltE, l'KOCTUH'S TWKSTY-Tltlllli StKKBT, Toxy I'ASTiilt's, III lent: & Simmon's. Li.iv pAhAVE. Miner's Hiiwkhy, the Dewey, Mi- nbh's Ei.iiiiu AvKXiE, the Ixinikjn-. the Olympic, and the Oiii'IIElm. IIiiirit'H Mi> Ncnt prcseutetl the usual curios and vaude- ville." ' Dal, a 'tliestre (Daniel Froliuiau, uian- ?K' r| -— Aft, T'thrw. nigiifH of darknes* this house was ois-netl Thursday evening, Nov. IP. »Itli the Ilrat iiroahietlon on am- stugu of A Jiipunese Nlghtlugal..." In four act? and £L2L*tS& "duiitetl by William Youug from Th? miK 1 """* , . 10 . vel of ""-■'«"!"' itume: rhe qua ntneas und beuuty of the' hovel led to Its adaptation, and it no doubt amieared an easy task to transplant It suecessfullv onthe stage. Such, however, has not proved to be the ease. The play Is nothing more than a conventional melodrama with Japan- ese trimmings. It Is poorly constructed'and the climax In the final set 1s long drawn out and shows great lack of cleverness on the part of the adapter, and his lack of knowledge of bis subject. As a sceutc production It stands ont as one of the boat of the season. Scene two of act one. H~. two u!J nd " tc .?? J wo °1 » rt «"*e were elab! orate and beau Ifal, and called forth rounds l , , r „ 1, ^ , L ttU8c ' T1,e «--»»l'«ny was capable Or- rln Johnson gavj» an uneven performance of M" !° te ° f - J"/* Blgelyw. but still he found considerable favor. Eugene Jepsott made MtaimEL? Peasant breeay eharaeier. Jrlti IMIllHms was excellent as Mr; "Itobhv" Newcome V. S. N. Vincent Serrano.give ar, artistic rendition of the role bf'Taro^ S'n'vJ^'i McWade Jr. did good SSSLSL^aSf 1 M »wret Illlngtou gave a eliarrn Ing but nneonvlnclng performance C'smmL. . M "f»t. Uw i lt y was thorough- ly drl 1st le as Okayo-San, and Olive Mat was sRtlsfactorr as Thcodosla Darker. The l.lgelow. Orrln Johnson:. Mr. ftarker. Ku- tw Jcpeoti; Mr. "IWHiy" Xeweotne. Fr u jytttlnrnx (iwincsr of Ohus. Frohmanl: Mr. Hammond. LS. Consul at Toklo. s>Vank Gil- more: Tarp Joltlehl. Vincent Sorrano: Nek- t ! »«e. Ro * x 'v u. Ml 'V" d - ,r ' : "o. Frederick 1'crr.v: >ukl. Margaret Illlngtou: Then- doslH Itierker. 01 ve May; II Kayo<Stin, Miv lluekley: »» llaku-San, Miriam Hutchlns: O ItasraMUvi. ^Ainy MaTinoff. The produc- tion lis umlar the direction uf KlaW i Br- Isiiger. The sesxmd week began' - Honda v. Nov. 2,1, to good buninesat. Hew Amsterdam Theatre fKlaw ft Er- '""Ber-'Trnnageral.---Miaxlne Elllott.'in 'Wer ?*? *1*I.'. r""* 1,00 un ' ,K?r second- and • lasj Week at this house Nor. 23. "MiKher Goose" follows next iweek. ' Proctor'n Fifth Avenne Theatre 1 Austin Fynes. general manager).—".Madam-- Sana-Gene" Is receiving.a must comuirnd" 1 -'., revival by the house stock company thl-i veek. w"ii eiore'u^* ill* .| ,, The production went very well on the open- ing uay, .Nov. 2;t. and .uisa iteeu harcev „. ,| In making the character of the lowlv borif Catherine a thoroughly Interesting oue, her scenes with Napoleon being well done lu every particular. As the great French leader Malcolm Williams' make up and uetin- brought great credit upon him, while Johu .wesney scored heavily, and Hugh Kuril played Fouche well. Carl Smith Searle mini, a success as Marshal Lefebvre. and Ge«no- I'rleml. Julian Heed. Duncan Harris und Her- ald GrltSn rendered good accounts of them. snlvee. N"v»leo'«'a safer*, were rteltithtfiilir played by Rose Stuart and Alice Gale, wblk- good support was given by the others. Tin- cast : I'rologne—Count de Nelpperg, John mto; Sergcunt Lefebvre. Carl Smith Searle; Fouche, Hugh Ford; Vaboutraln George Frlead: Rlssout, Albert Itowson ■ Jollcoeur, Gerald Grluln ; Vinegar, the drum- mer boy, Albert Roberts: Citizen l-irmi. Duncan Harris: Citizen Bachlochl, Julian Heed; Julie. Alice Baxter: Jennie, Suzantn- llalpern: Marie. Margaret Klrker: Mmc. l'ltrot, Bessie I^-a lejatlna: f'atherliie •!"'. scher (Madame Sans Gene), Florence Reed, The play—Marshall Lefebvre. Carl baulk Searle: Napoleon, Malcolm Williams : Fouche Hugh Ford, Count de Nelpperg, John Wesl- ley; Savary, Duke of Rovlgo. George Friend- Canuuvllle,' Albert Howson : M. Despranx, tin- dancing master, Julian Reed; Tulip. Lirmeuii Harris; Cop, the shoemaker. Albert Roberts- Leroy, Gerald Griffin; Ruustan, a mameiukt- Joseph Manning: Marie Louise. Empress of France, Alice Cecil: Queen Caroline of Na- ples, Ruse Stuart; Eliza, Princess of Prini- brlho, Alice Gale; Madame de Rulow, Su- zanne, Halpern : Madame de Canlsy, Alin- Baxter: Madame de Savary, Margaret Klrk- er: Madame de Hassano, Bessie Ia-s- tlna: Duchess of Danulg. Florence Reed. rn the vaudevIHe iKjrtlon of the bill were: Sydney Grant, In hU'Impersonations, whleu concluded wlfh the capital one of Bert Wil- liams, of Williams and Walker: Ferguson. Duprec A Co.. Tvivh their excellent-offering: Owley and Randall, whose comedy Juggling was very well liked; John Healy, a black face anonoroglst. with up to date Ideas: the Bell Misters, whose dancing .went big: Cou- ture and Gillette, acrobatic comedians, and jlerding Honda, con-torUonien. The kali- tocluvoscope continues. Criterion Theatre (Charles FrohiaaD, manager).—At this house on Monday night. Nov. .23, William Faversham and company gave the first New York presentation of "Miss Elizabeth's Prisoner," a four act play, dramatized by E. Lyall Swcte and Hubert Nellsou Stephens from Mr. Stephens' novel, -'The Continental Dragoon." The original production of the work occurred Nov. 10, at Tne Academy of Music, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Stephens. In Ids book, used a theme which had the promise uf being the ground work for a good play, but In dramatizing It the author and his collaborating dramatist hare adhered too closely to I he book, with Hie result that they have produced an uninter- esting play, lined with impossible characters. This fault was pronounced iu the book, but It Is much more so In the play bei-uo • iietalon accentuates on the stage that whlrii was partly glossed over by descriptive writ- ing hi the novel. Captain Harry' Peyto-i. the cluiraeter Intended to lie the hero. Is a pronounced coward and cad. He Is capta'ii of Lee's Light Horse Corrtiu*>rrral Itnagoons. und because be, a soldier, fears death, In- snakes iovc to tilizabetli. not that he love- lier. Co.- he does not: wins her love and tie- protection she can give him, and then, when his life is saved and lie Is restored to health. . tells her of the decent Ion he practiced uiwi her. If there avas the nmnllest excuse for 111; deception, which there was uoi. for lie was a soldier, and should not have been afraid to die, common decency und manhood (honor could riot exist In such a coward) should have made him keep his deception tu himself when he bud won the girl's love: more particularly so as he had begun to hare affection -for her. The perlcsl of the play.Is In IT'S and it Is fortunate for us rhnt our forefathers of the revolu- tionary days were not of the Captain Peyton stripe, else they would not nave won their freedom. Mr. Faveraham made the most of. a '.md bargain, ""d Infused Uie role of Cap lalu Hurrv Peyton with his pleasing hi- 'dividual!!)-. When the author penuiued htm to bo manly he was every Inch a soldier, but be was unable to overcome the bad Impres- sion caused by the caddish speeches put Into 1ils mouth by the dramatists. Hilda Sunng struggled heroically with the role of Miss Elizabeth Phlllpse, which Is also tilled with contradictions, but not so heavily weighted with them as Is the role of the captain. Miss Sisjng was bright and vivacious, and scored ;; personal success, although the role is not of the kiud In which she has won her isiptilarlty. The one little bright spot lu the plav Is the role of Molly Edwards, a servant. which was • well rendenil by Gordon Iaro. .The east la lull: Captain Harry Peyton. William FavershHiu: Major Juhfi t'uhlen. Percy Lyudill; Mr. Vulentlne. Charles Har- luiry; John Kdwards, Ira Hards; Black Ssin. John Armstrong; Cliff, Charles Avery; Ser- geant I'arrlugtoh. George Galsford: Miss Elizabeth I'lifllpse. Hilda S|siug: Mistress Sally Williams. Muud llosford; Molly Ed- wards. Gunkm Lee: "■' * Savuy Theatre (Charles Prubiuau. man- ager).—Miue. Charlotte Wlelte and her aup- portlng French eouipanv. Intact, was moved down' to this house from-tlH5"Vaudeville Theatre. Nov. 2:t, for a brief stay of one week, presenting. In a most delightful man- ner, four one set French istmetlies. entitled respectively:- "Tricks of Nerlue." "The Wed- ding Night." "The Doll" and "The Farewell Supper. In the three last named Mmc Wlebe agaiu demonstrated thut sho'ls a 1ST- feet mistress of pantomimic art. Maxim- Elliott Is t» begin an engagement here. In ."Her own Way, -on Nov. 30, und on that date Mine. Wlehe and her company return to the Vaudeville Theatre. llHlirr'H Muaenia (John If. Anderemti. mnuager).-^BuBlness coutluucs at top notch here, and the new lists of attractions, pre- sented In every department, from week to week are drawing tho full Holier ellonlci. New features this week are: The Bearded Lady. I.culi. giantess: the Fat Lady, the De! Kanus, handcuff experts, and Stanley's troupe of trained goats. The Lion Faced Hoy heads the list of museum hall feuturcs for another week. In the theatre* J*. *■• .More's New Orleans Minstrels alternate with 1 be -i. H. Burke Comedy Co. In giving ;au excellent entertainment. Third Avcnae Theatre (Martin J. Dix- ■111. manager).—"Tho Itoad to lluln" Is. pre- seated here this week, with the following cast: Jack Morton. Walter Newman: Frank Kennedy, U. F. Clarence; Issle Cohen, Henry Fh'ds: WiaMor Brink. Frank IthiWer; O'Flsnnagan. Stephen Hoyt: Henrv flap- man, Phil Murtha : Rudolph. Arthur Darya : Illg Bill. Frank Collins; Wanda Wheeler, Madge Winger: Bertha liean. Florence Lang- don : Rebecca. Sadie Fields: Susette, Bertha Morrell: Mrs. Morton. Caroline De Vere: Violet Madison, Henrietta Mayo: Daisy Smedley. Finny Mereno. Harry and Sadie Fields presented their specialty In the third act. Next week. "James Boys' lu Missouri." Murray- Hill Theatre (Henry V.. Dun- nelly, mauiigeri.—Edward Ilarrlgan, In "Un-' der Cover," entered on his eleventh and last . week Nov. 2:1. Vesta Tlllev continues as a . big extra feature. On Nov. 30 this bouse will return to popular prices, and will play combinations, opening with "Happy Hooli- gan." Victoria Trearalre (Oscar Hammersteln. manager).—Frank Daniels, In "The Office Boy." began hla fourth week Nov. 23.