The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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November 28. THE NEW YORK-aiBPER, tote rVriimiii-'M Co.: ran., tills hTi. was Mailed fifty '- the Kwlng-Taylor Cn.: Thin have pi-nlsed our ciiiiiiihii.v anil performance. iitiil that la nnotlier point In our favor. We have added another special oel ilbe l<yreiitn liniiie. in Hanson '."/.' ■ in ,. ■ bert Tavlor.Kttoek to. la na followo: t.'ul. i It Marsh, i'rof. Atkins Smith. Jack Tow. Jim J. Myers, Harry I* Comptc. K»d Kjla- worth Verne l'hel|ia. Clarence Oliver. Hoy Ciillenbhip. Ceo Ihile Ingrnluini. Hon Phelps. Minnie Chainpeno. Lillian Cullenblne. • intuitu lewis nhil Albert Taylor. The mmrmi la looked "olid flitougli the Oreenwnll circuit „i Southwestern theatres. — .Mill C. H'ee llM Iwcii engaged by Weber ft Fields for n leiidlnK port with liuirlcs Hlgelow. lu "An Kiiglluli Jialsy," and <nlllp Cohen lull nlao been engaged for the mill of a alnvey In the play. Utter nieiu- „.ra of the "Vltlan's Papas" Company will I* given narts In the new Uo Illtrlrliatfln .,1,1V "Wliat's Hie .Matter With KiiHinV plaj i .tii In Lee Arthur, the playwright, who lias a private hospital under treatment lor ptthnobary trouble, la now very much Im proved. He_M left the hospital Inst week. .—'Carrie Nation mnde Her stage debut nl Troy. S. Y., on Nov. II. In "Ten Nighls In a Bar Hoom." Hi which shr Introduced her ha- '"''Mirt'nlllon closed with .lie ••», Zng Alley" I'o. In Grand ItapldH. Mich., ilet IK. and Joined 1-iHrlier's Slock Co.. in San I'rauclaeo, Cnl.. aa clinracter comedian. — Notes from Wiedemann'^ Hlg Show: Holiness so fur this Hcnauu has lieeu the largest III■■ the history of the show. Wo implied Julie 22. and haven't had »t losing wci'k ManflgtH Wiedemann tins tlie best rom- pniiy tills season lib ha* ever onrnleil. and the siro'ngest.lltte of plnys. lie Ims JiiHt secured !!■ im iglTM I'rlrillii.f" l"i-.,ni A fill from nir pon>ssee , a l'ardhcr' ion. -hut himself In the rlghl nrm while out hunting at Hoiplli'.m. Wash.. Nov. fl. John olensnn recently Joined, replacing Nell 'fait. We ;irc booked ootid for two yearn on tlit> coast. — Carrie Perkins, character Actress, baa tlgaed with flenrge It. White to play Aunt Aiigellqiie, In "Sergeant Kitty." -•Hosier of Caiiey ft Uwis' "A Foxy Tramp" Co.: Charles Curley. proprietor: II. Stanlev Lmvls, manager: Oooroe. V". Col- ter. Carroll llrew, A. C. IhtvH Jolta Curry, Chris II. Jiu-Oliy, William Brown, Iter! M. luivla. Kilgrnc lilll'lh, 1-iutilt I III rhmcK, Ted 1). Mfddaiigh, K. L. Hoiitlrwlck. .luck Morris. John Kllorr. ltilll. Carrie Uevtiolds, Maitle Sweet, tllauche MiirAhon, ii nil the VltUiltes. Luke M. Heeds In advance iiMtiwrttatlvK assisted by lloli Parley. — .Voles from lOtlwnnls Stock Co.: Busi- ness has been exi'iiHoM. We are now In new territory, and holiness hi ill the top notcli. SIsloisvUlc. W. Vn.. fell III line, and gave us S. H. II. three ulghls, iin did St. Marys, W. Vn. The (treat Sliti'(iw>!las, Muii'iM'an gym- nissls. Jolll Nov. .'III. lo strengthen I lie vaude- ville forces for the rrniivluder of the season. ■ Notes from the I'nlge Comedy Co.: We are In our fourteenth week unit dnlng nicely. I hue broken four rcrorils I bis hciisuii. the bill oilo being nl Wilmington, N. I.'., whrrn IW hail the largest advance sale III the hls- lurv of Hie Academy of Music, and' tin- S. Ii. <l. sign whs out when I lie doors opened. We carry foil rlel'ii people, a HP load of scenery, all siieelnl paper, mid four vaude- ville ieiiHirca. anil lire booked solid until afler the holidays, when we will coinmence to play four return dates. laiat week the local uinilnK'ei'. Mr. l'rlvetl. prenented each nieiulier of Hie iiimpnuy milh n liundsoniu Hinivelllr In tile shone of n silver pin tray. MV lie nil enjoying good health mid I ho <U,ti ItKMAtti.t! Is eagerly sought after every week. , --T. V. Slock, manager of the KlskeSlock Co.. was presented with a luiuilmnic gold winrh ami chain by the members of the cuin- piiuy during the engagement nt Hie Cum- uilngs Tbeiitre. nt. Kllcliburg. Mass. Mr. Slnch was colled back on Hie hIhkc Just lie- fore the Inst net. and while llo> company giilliereil nround, congrn nihil lug mil wishing lil hi many returns of bis anniversary, the curtain was suddenly rung up nnd the nn- "Ihoice taken Into the Kiirprlsc iiikI presenln- ilnn. Mr. Slnunonds presented the token In a neatly worded speech, and Mr. Stock, nl- Hioiigh sonlewliut "nitllcil." responded In » Minnaer shewing his iippreelntlon. .A hanqnel billowed the evening nerforinuiicc. — Art I'ortsmotitli. ().. ii blrllidny parly was leiulered lieo. II. Howard, mid owner of the llnwnnl inn ,i-i inrge table was placed nerouH I he singe, with Hevpivty-llve lihrti'S. All good livings Hint, the market afforded were In evidence, ami the large nnuilmr of gueMs pm-iook of u lien it y renMti Mr. Howard tvitslved ninny hand- Mime gifts during ,tlie evening, nnd. In re- sponse to the heavy demands brought iiliou lil in for a speech, delivered a very enter- taining talk, hinukltig the many frleuds Ihut •anminded lilni. — Aiigiuifln lhilv Wllks has lieen engaged e.v tlrabnni T. Vincent, lo act the title rol« la "A Hoy of the 81 reels." — Notes from the Marie Ihtlr Co.I Afler a rest of "lie wi-ek we rwMMd otir tour, "jo-nlng under the sole miiiiugemi'iit of lluri-y Mllng, who has lieen IuisIupsh ninunger of 110 Curtlas Comedy Co. for Hie pust lliree scbkuiih. nnd Is one of the best kuown theuil- rlcnl managers lu the South. When we tram forced to cancel our bookings In Texas on ne- louel nt Hi yellow lever euldemlc Mnnnger Klllng liogiui to secure Hum In tti*» twoTVrrl- lorles. and In less llian ten days lie has lieen 1 ITered enough lime, nt the llrst class llutlWs. io keep the company going until hue In Hie Spring. We are. now playing three night stands only, and carry n company of ten people, wild Mr. tilling and Meyer Millen- nial In advance, with several trunks tilled with up to date printing. Miss 1 inle Is innk- hig a hit In the title role of the three nil musical comedy. "'1'hc Little Widow.' The eew arrivals Slluiile Louise l-Vriruw|li, Melor (illlnnl, May lloheris and the won- ilerfid child, Itaby Hay. Illlve Oretla Is H 1 - cj'lvlng praise for muslcnl wloetlWM between i be acts. , — fllita. Ih- Vuiu> SnreiiKiui and .Vrtiiiir "histon .lolinnoii will oih-ii tlulr season In 'he society iilav. "Tho Tip Tlinl: IIIikIh." •he. roster of the companv will he: Arthur nhistun .lohnstoii. mutineer: Clins. He VflHIIX Sirenson, -dago mniuiger: .Milton .1. Htissell. "b'ct rlcln it, "" play, the handsome scenery, nnd the rompany nre tile sittilei Is of nralse In every loivn. Hue i'(r,no,inv inunlwrs eleven peiijile. n.< fid- li«v»: Kdg.iv '». Ibigvrs, Si-uti Utuou. Wal ter 'Hi.ivnlng. Cary l-'niit. Clyde lMilllllps. Martin Uaidni t. tleorge M. Legg., llrowne. Chilli r.lcbnrilsoti. Margni.-I 1*1 it. Mary Legg and l-'lorence Legg. with Heorge M. f^-gK In advance. The death of Mr*. Ilogtrs. on Oct. III. cast e. glmim over unr company from which we have not n i-overed. hut otherwlac we hit nil well nnd happy, with bright prosisrcts for n long and prosper- ous) season. •-.Mat! Nnsher, burhiess nmnrger for Sa- llviin. Il'.irrls ft Woods' ptotithrrii tour if •■'Ihe nitol Wpdillng." wrlies fn>ui JurkwMl- vlllc, Kla.: "We are In our tenth -week on our Southern tonr, and liorwlthttatiillng the Met Hint the South Is overrun with allows we continue to do a prolltnble business all along the line. The play Is mertlng with niiich suciress. and receiving some excellent pri'ss indices. The rant Js one at the strong- P't that has vet snrrniiiulpd thin play, nlul art*t undn Is due Hie llrm of Sullivan. Tlorrls ft WimiiIs for the eipripmenl they have flurulHlied Kills compiiny on Hielr Inlrlnl Southern tour." . , — "Cnspv's Honeymoon Co. Notes: We are In our tlftli week, llnslness has been good. and we ure Riving the best of sntlsfncHoii nl every town we piny. The company Includes: Tom .1, Fanning. .Ine Kennedy, i. W. Kelley, A. O. May, I In Miles. Oeo. Fuller, Mae hiiller. Illllv La Hoy. Chita. Kniermin. Frank K. Knierson. l-'.vn Ln Mont unil Jessie Moore '■'■, A J,' 1 " y.'"w.""Kellev is prunrleiiir: Tom J. Fanning. liihvard lloss. properly man. accidently imsluess nmnnger: .roe Kennedy, stnge mnnii- ger: 10d. rilmi-ose. master of properties: Chas. Ilafl'innn, advance agent; Oeo. Fuller, musical director. — .leitniletle Cnrew. who Is liln.vlilg the lending sonbrette role with tin* llolden Urns. "llpuver Kxpress" Co., Is In her twelfth week wllh Hie company. . , , Horry S. Sargent closed n twelve weeks engagement with Ihe liavldson Stock Co. on Nov. 14. IVIII C. Sites closed a nineteen weeks eiigiiaeiueni as iioent to;' the Arnold Stock Co; hi I'nlestlne. "Tex. — II. W. Taylor, malinger of the I .ook- Clinrch Stock Co.. reports esrfllcnl Imsluess for his enninnny In the New Kaglntid Stales. Mabel It. Hrlflllli. leading lndv of Ihe coin- pnnv. Is making n most fiivornlile liiipresslnn. After Pee. 1"< the compiiny will piny tlo- west. „ ... . Charles l>. Wilson, mnnnger of Word ft Vokes' "A I'nlrof links" Co.. writes: "We lire doing great husiness and meeting with success everywhere, tin Sunday. Nov. s ai Kunsiis City. Mo., we broke Hie record here for n Mummy opening." — Mnnnger C. K, Ciilbilinn repot'is excel- lent Imsluess with "Sjaven of Hie Mine inn "HoinniKO if Conn Hollow In Illinois •mil Indiana, lu I'eoela "Slaves" linike (lor W i.ill for Sundiiv business lo ilnle. and was followed bv "Coon Hollow" to even la business. "In Snrltiglleld. III.. "Slaves' made Ihe Sunday record lo date. I.. .1. Slevln lolued "Slaves" In South Itend. us nil- Millie iigenL nplacing N. Wagner, resigned. "Coon Hollow" has not made n ehniige tills seusiin. , "llemits of the Oxarks Co. Notes: 'Ihe show Is now playing lo capacity, ind many return dnlis are ottered. The billowing Is Ihe lotnpleifo rosier: II. W. Ilolstern. liviiMurer; .1. II. Ilomilna. proprietor: II. N.- Morgan, mniiager: I'rnnela Higers. intinleiil dlrectar; C. Ileo. Halnllloa. stage-dlreelor: .l..e ltiui- some, C. W. I'errln. Col. iliii. lluinllton. Then. II. Ilarmes. II. W. .Mitchell. K A. Jones, Crank lingers. V. II. Iloop. II. S. Tide. Ugarllu Arnold. II. Nuckolls Morgan. W. 11. -IlolHleln. KllMI IMinlelH. Piiireac.- While, Virginia Harris and HcshIo 1-. Mor- ""Hl-KiM. ||er Sake" Co. Nates: We have this season Ihe strongest cast thut hns ap- peared In "For Her Sake." Have repined Chas. Llndhnhn nnd Florence Coleman. 1/wln Sciibner and Margaret Howei- are BOW seen In the leading roles. Hostel' Is as follows: Joseiih IMhrrlm. manager; Cln.v Lambert and C. nalnbrldgc, lu advance: l-runk Sewell. stage carpenter: I-Mwln Hcrlhaer. .1. Nell Me- LpoiI'. Billy Marble. Chas. J,, I.ainniip. Jna. II. I'Allsselt, Bdwln Hill/.. Frank lleiipdlcl. t Howcr, Mrs. Kiln Mnrble and l-.s- IM ah pronrletor Mnrgnn* t Co. A ten,, sei Spafert. lie Curl p. mid *' Musical I'om- Nnv. Ii. Ibisl- "lectrlelntt, Frank llarviy, slago carisjliler: lolned the company "cl. 31". •I- C. Hill, advance iigent : Arllitll- l'enrson. improved nicely so rar. ana '• Kmlg. W. H. Woodwind. II. C. Miller, is.nctuis are a hit every even Maranret hove. Marie lli.rthuine. Minnie )■•'!.III. Mniid Severn and Mm. .1. Scbneli. the i-i.iiipnnv will open at the Auditorium. ort Huron. Mich., lice. H, Th-y will then biuriiey Knsiwiinl. mid liave n Hale ill New lorli beginning Jim. I. HUM. -The Xew Ullger Theatre, nt :,'onvalk. ■ v ;!. lH opi-ncil <lr. Ihe pilbllc mi Nov. 7. liy ■be Whitney Opent Co.. prmliieliig "When •I'.liiny Comes Marching Home." ...»' J . ,r - and Mm. Warren Cnllerlon Joined Hie Ttw. jjiiMe W«1/b" Co. ul ItnlloH. Tex. --Heorge II. Jolitistone has Joined Hubert UllHldlP's. "In Louisiana" Co., as t'Uslnes* represeulatIVe. ■ .Mrs. Clinton II. Williams, wife or the Mired showman, died al Adrian. Midi., m Nov. 3. —-.Inmea Leslie, liof. Luci Hie Wilcox Sisters Joined Will cdv Co.. at JackaonvHIe. 1 la., ness Is big through Hie South. — Marie Hale Co. Notes: tlur lour of lex- ns whs broiiglil lo a sudden close mi uc- cotiat of Hie yellow fever scare ill Sun An- loulo. where we were hooked nl the Kmplie. Mnnnger Harry Kiting has seemed sonic ex- cellent time In Ihe territories, and after lay- lii" olT for one week itllo toiir wns resiinied. MIAs Hale has Jusl received llnve new plnys. which will !«■ presented w til a Htiperb east. .Minnie Louise Ferguson Joined ut IIHIslMiro.. mid the coniuany starls out In llrst class order A coniplet w assortment of print- liiic will be used, and one of the m-ntest four page heralds ever seen will bo the agent s prille. The advance work will lie looked after by Mahager Harry Kit lag and Myei Mlltemlinl. who will carry four new bill l males illleil wllh llie best. — Hettle Bernard and llnrold h. * ornell resigned from Hie "Caught In I lie Web Jo. on Oct. :t. while nt l'etoske.v. Jlc i. Mr. I or- nell Is with the linyers' Slock Lo.. at tl|- Hush Tcuiple. Chicago, and Miss Berlin nl Is visiting her mother. • — Fred Havnioiid s "Mlssmtii i.lrl (Kasl- oi-nI Notes: We finished an right weeks lour of MJchlgan. one nlglil stmids. nl lp- laiitl. tlcl. »l. nnd Jumped to Ijockis.rt. N. >.. whew our Knsterii trip, which emlimces nil .the proinhient oue and three itlglit slonils or New York and New Knglaml, was liinugii- ntleil. The show playtsl lo n rpiiiarkalde linsliiess lu Michigan, limine hit fj«r liming nights The eonipuny will Invade mostly al* new teriitory for the remainder ;>f the seuson Jl. .1. Singer Is inntuigliig. iind K. K> Meredith wllh two assistants. Is In adviince. —• Notes and Houle from "A Wlsi> < ihiii Co : We are > llll living, nflir ej'Vere wcalh -r iiiiiiiv oilier hard raps. IWvlil Brymii Del. '.".I- The show hits our brass hand a lug. The si reel imradp tins n groat drawing |io»-er. as Maim- ',,., J ,,, ,i' j; .\ lietilon dresses every pi-rs.m fit Hip parade. We leave New Jersey f»r Hie Stales of Held ware and Miirylnnd. ... Victory llnlemmi has lieen engaged to i real e the pari of Lady Barring on. In " I In- iesilerate l.ord Barrlnglon." which w II be oradiuvil tinder the niauiigeineiit ••/ lln>lln v i Veil, a llavlln-s iiieatrc, St. I.. us, on ! it Is an eiiioHotiin.pnrt. mid will a.n d lice. Miss Ilnleiuiin. Floi cure fcPllllC Is esiH'i-lall.v dried lo _ Leslie Ims hi en engaged lo phiy Hip Iii- aiul (Isiar llane will play the lending ""•'• Wilier Moliliigue's iiielndimiin. "A llevll In Skirts." wns siieif.-c'foll.v prodoccJ In Chit- L. Voiinj;. In lloche«ur, N. i.. Nov. — II. A. Hit Hols, manager of the Vertia .May Co., writes: "Business with ua liaa heen nt the top notch all along the line. At Newark. <•.. we broke all recortln on the week for a repertory company, tlnllon and Tiffin were also record breakers. We are having so many offers for return dates thai we have decided to nut out a No. 2 Co. to tour Ohio. I'eiitiavlvanin and New Jersey. We have lidded 'The Break for Liberty' to out- reper- tory, and It Is one of the liest lsisltilo draw- ing bills. The No. a Co. will lie under the management of Howard Melville, while I shall manage the No. 1 Co. Unr Monday night houses are nlwnys nipiuiiy. owing to our hustling agent. A. Ii. I'vne. II. Melville and myself were Initiated In the Kngles nt Lancaster. (1.. when we plnyeil there' — F. I-:. lleii|iilst. of Hnleslntrg. HI.. Ims given a written notice of his acceptance of an option contained in his lease of the Audi- torium Theatre, which will extend his lease for two additional years, carrying II to April 1. ttaiT. — -Anne Hamilton, who wns re-engaged as leading woman In "The Minister's Sim." hns Is'pn seriously III with typhoid fever for Hie past two months. She Is now convalesc- ing at her home In Detroit. Mich., nnd will return to the stage before the holidays. — J. C. Hamilton, agent nr Mason Bros.' "Ten Nights In a Bar Boom," writes : "We are doing continued good business. The show opened 111 lis llrst I'eniisvlciitilii town at Fast Sii-oiiilsliiii-g. John 11. Lewis Is stage malinger, and much credit Is due this vpterun for the way In which the production Is staged. The entire cast hns la-eii carefully selected, tltld the result is one of Ihe strotlg- ist |H>rformances. Hairy Brownrldge Is piny lug Joe Morgan, ami never fulls to win the applause. Little May Krcffer Is a favorite as Mary Morgan, and up to date sneilalllps are Introduced between acts. A line liaiiil nnd orchestra are curried, and a hlg street, parade Is given. Special scenery nnd me- chanical effects lend to the beauty of the production." — "The Younger Mrs. l'lirllug." u lliree act drama, by I . lladdon litaitnliers. taken from Henri Bernstein's "1* lietoilr." was given its llrst production at the Bark Then .ire. Boston. Mm.*., on Nov. 1T, by Annie Has- >iil and her company. "A Kevll In Skirts.' n melodrama. In four acts, by Walter Montague, was given Its tlrsi produciilon on liny ptage at tilip Baker Tbeii- tre. Hoohcslrr, N. Y.. on Nov. IS, — N'otes from the KilsnII-Wlnthinpe Rloek Co.: We are In our fourteenth week anil we Ibul business tatter than we exjawteil. We have mnde seivcral changes, and our cemimnv Is now Ktrnnger Hum it lias evi r been. Hmllli and Hell nre receipt additions, having been engaged nn u s|»ecliil vnitdevHIe feature, tlur router! John ontmu. Ii. II. Kdstill, Chn.s. i'enlT. W. M. l-'ehl:iiiiii, Cluis. Ill, «!p«. W. Wright, James Hmllli, Arthur Bethel. Fdd. Bethel. I'earl Wlnthrope. llulii I Ml, Cnltier- <ne llnilley. Lottie Ulentinnre, Blanch Camp- tall. Nathan C. Iloyt. Vniulcvllle: Kdaad and Wliilhro*ie. Bethel Bros., musical icnin: SinMh mid Hell, skeitcJi team and nil around dancers; ('has Ten IT. song lllustrn'tor, and Win. I'l lihiian's lolisteesisiipe. — II. II. Itiicser Notes: After n tlu-pp weeks' etigngeinent at the I'eople's Theatre IM Kvniiivllle. lad.. Mmiager llucker Jninpetl with ibis fit Ire company, nuuvVTllig twenty six per pic. to Houston. Tex. He cli-ii I rreil a sleeping car. anil Intendeil to open a Win ler's engagement at Hie AtidHoiiniii, hut on arrival found thai Hie bullditia iwan nil tin- ixtrenic >''de of the city, close to Jhe nitlii i fields. The Auditorium wns cance.leil, nnd tlie ci mpniiy opened ul Ihe Iirand Thent v. in "Hast Lyiine." (let. Jll. Inning our eleven dajf. lu 4ihe liriind we gave sixteen perform- HNil's III rcpiaiiory, al pciinhtr iirlivs, an,I • lid fairly well. Mr. Kului, the mnnnger, Mild Hull, all prcvhiiis recanii were broken, yet mil' company hoi money, ihe com pa uy lefi llotinton Nov. 7. and I'poueuod nt Kvans- vlllp. Mil.. Nov. Ii. In "1'tnlrtr Two lings." i'he FAWinvil'le eugiigemeiil will lie Inileflnlle. —Smllh nnd lllanchiird opened al Allen- town. I'll., wIt'll HpiiIHi'm "I'eck's Bad Boy ■ Co.. plnylng Ihe purls of .Mr. and Mrs. 1'e.k. mid doing I heir speclnlty. — The iii-odncllon of "The Shepherd King." which Weight Luiiiicr will make early In Ihe Spring, will, we arc Informed, he one of the most etnlloritle of the season. the sceniis of Hie p!ny are hi'd lu I'jilesiiiie. lliree Ilioilsatid years ago. Wiigltt Lnrlaiei-. who will make Ills llrst iiiniealiilicc as a slur when "The Shepherd King" Is pi educed, will assume the Hiiile role of slur, iicloi- nimiagcr and drnniiillst. The play was writ ten by ililin, lu i lull with Arnold itei.ves. -- llnrdeii LefTeris wclles: "The 'llrtiiis of .i.dil' Co. oiicued lis ihli'd seuson, under ,lie tiiiiiiiigement of Wengel ft Flioy, nl Albany. X. Y.. to largp IiiimIiiphs. Tha piece Is direct- ed'hy myseif. and I am also playing Hie lead- ing role. The compiiny Is stronger tills hcii- suii than ever before, and In Issikpil 111 nil the larger cities. The compiiny carries all Its own si-etiery anil properties. -,-Frederick Huey mid wife l Louise I'oi- ler I have i inscil wllh the Flsk Slock Co. to I epi an engagement with Kiitlictinc Holier for the remainder of the season. — .Volt's front Coaroy ft Mack's i'iiiip- iUmbs; Wo played Mm now Colonial Then- ire. Annapolis. Mil., week of Nov. II. to S. II. I)., nightly, ami al the prices. IT. cents to .111 cenJs. Hie week's receipts were double 'hose of any week's business done lu the obi house, Cotrroy ft Mack .were the llrst pupil' ini- price coin|.any and tin- only week mimii'I io plnv Annapolis In the new .theatre. 'Malin- ger Craft tendered the company a hniiipu i efler Hie perfornnliice on S»turdiiy nlgbl. The original Kd. Koppy Js In Iris foiu-tib sen- you with Ill's company, i.luj.lug punts and lining his linieii inonoiogiie. — Wilbur-Mnek Co. Hosier: Wilbur MiirK. Arthur Wll lliuc. 1'hll Hallo. Leslie Kvaiis. II, !•:. Arnold. Juiiies Kilwnriti. II. L. IMill- lirook. .Maifler lVrcv F.ilwiirds. Fred Wrlglil, liertie Lewis, liAtlle Havls, Jessie Bimlmaii, Hiunm Krnns and Baby Lewis. — W. II. Starkev, piofpuvloniill.v known as W. II. Stokes, will lieicnfler iiko Ills own niiine. He Is wllh Ihe ll.-inis-l'inrkliisoii , lock Hi's scaeon. — Nolos from the Maud Henderson Co: llnslness continues good and everybody i< Imppy and conlenlcd. Irttal week, ul Ban- croft. Midi., we im : Die Wlxuni llras., who hud Jusl closed a successful seuson wll hi heir dor ami pony tdmw, Htmerofl Icdtig lite pe:'- niiiiienl home of I lie Wlxoms. tin Wedtov- dnv eveuliig. afler our performance, the com- paiiv wits given an oysior btinipifl by tie- nlsii-i gpiilleoicn mid Ibc'r wives, nt lit" ir-idenee of Mr. mid Mrs, Vnn Wlxoia, euvees liilug laid for Hvetily-fi'iii'. Amung the " presei-.! wvm : Sir, lloheris. the genial manager of Koherta .Ii i'nybir's "Ten Nights In a Hnr Hoom" Co., which has JiihI cluseil a siicce-sfu! season. Fdwards Slock Co. .Voles: Business, t le- nasi two weeks, has been cxcelb-iu. cspe- c'aiv ill S'.sleisvllle. W. Vo. While lhere Vtorr's Sinltli. Wayne byier ami The Steurins Ji.lni-d the Funics, making live of our coiii'ianv nmv iiu'inliers of thill order. Iliindicds were turned away m our opening Hi iSnilion. W. Vu. Ni'XI week we Jihiy re- llira diiti i ill Loliueoiilliii. Mil., mid lied moll I. W. Yn. We plnv I'lilllpsbiirg liiiislnins week, and llnl'er Sew Year's week. We have received it full «•* »f scenery fne"lie/id- woimI Hick." The si .Hon Is honked solid nnlll June 1. and Hie bookings so fur for uexi season Include four fair dates In nhlo. 'I'he seasiiti will open Aug. L'tl. iM Miirtlnsluir.:. W. Vn.. Al which city the rohOMMH will lake iihiee. Wllltel llmlgis hll- been elt|!nge<l lo |In lending role In "Wim h.-sl.-i week ■if Nov. 'jn. at I'rm-tor's lifty elgliih Hlleet Theitlre. nnd to put "h "Srtrntogu" nl Hie lifih Avenue Tlteulie, Nov. VJ. . . — Nolea from the llapler liayers : We »re In our eleventh Week of excellent bitslneaa. Htts llrttiler and Jessie, Leo Knnhp.ore prime favorllis. At Clavkavllie, Mo„ Hlas krtnpp gave n IvmHMl after tlte Saturday matinee. She wn> :ire«ented, that urglii with a large Haral horseshoe, which wai .handed over tit j - ijs mi Itniittrtntit and Baby Wultnit Joe Haw son -A Hun for Her M •>'" Notes: Ji'iinlo Culcf, ns the Widow lioniivaii iher erlglnnl fol Wnl role-!, will ta siipisirtrtl by % I. - comiiiinv of comedians, couiprlslng iho roi UHM lootllgTits Lltlle Hlla nlajH lain In "Stale's Kvldcm •>.' nil.. does not speiik any lines a* yel. Have made nn .-Images lu the coinpAtiy. Hie cunt being Jlirt ns ntlien we ntttrtetl mil : •»w* llai}' 1 '-' and Fi-ullk Becker, directors; Jjaalo Lee Knoiui. ttrace Alvarex, Alice rMtM. I Hitpler. Frank Iteeker. Clnrence Ketit llllver. J. Urnke .Mt-Carlliy, Thus, mid James Wesl. , „. -, — Cncle Josh Hprtteeliy" Co. tWcBternl Notes: Mnnnger S. M. I.loytl was called hotni. from I'eudlelon. nn-., Oct. M. mi. ae- cniini of the 'lenlh of his mother nt He Witt. 111. The ImslueSB of this i-iutitmny this sen sun Inn been something idieuomeual, and. Inking everything Into cotlnlileialloli. we are cxll-emelv lucky. We lulvetn'eti siunlwlch-d In between tile "hlg ones' all seuson. and Mill ottr business has beili far above our e.v liecliilloiis. We carry twenty peoiile. with the iincst I dud ami urctlentrii. on the coast. The build nnd oicheslrn. iliidrr Hie illretilo i of I'rof. Itobt. /.lerke nhtt liof. Frank t . Litllenierger, respectively, are the talk of pvp"v loivil we visit. >Vp "Xpert to reliiala out mil ii Mirll. White Till: I'l.n Uw.i-M'l.l Is Inle In reaching us usually. It Is u MM welcome vlallor. null we all look rorward l« ns nnxlotialy. — Sotck from i'oluln k llt.bertsml s to. in Fnu Makers: We eloaisl tlet. i'>. fur three weeks, hnvlag been Oat U-elity-Mur vu'Pkii, to good luislueM. plilylugtlirnugh New lork. Vermont anil,Canada. Hinder of con pitnj : chas. S. Font». Hell ItnliertBon. Frank Axt- mali. Jmnes litlssey. Mittti. Futidii. I.llii Koh- eitsoh ntlil LIHtlo Mascot Ikni. All arc well nnd liave Iind a pleaaanl seuson. ..- Hosier »t "Henri or i'pxils Co. wllh Allan Vltlnlr and. IVitr U-wIh: Win. K. Sparks, niatuigpi': 1. V. linlt. ri'lireselltalive; c. Liunonf. alilBe nmnaiter: Al. Way. elee trlelnli: .11. Cttldy. proprrtll'S', I'eilli Lewis. Winnie Wnylaml. Margaret Hale. .VluiieWesI, Heorgp llninlltiiii. Chas. Lmnuiit. Lynn WAv. .lames Wilson. Frniik lliaitey.and Allan Mllnlr. W !■!. Unlev wtite« Hint tip closed, on Nov. tl. one id the plPitKilllleal eiigiigeinellls lie ever enjoyed, ns business maniigi"- of tne Bilind'oli Ccurttiey Co.. to accept n Mlmllai; pu- sh loll with "The lluilalo Trngedy" t u.iWest erni. — Augustus iiniiiias illilveil In Now York last week. He returns from I'niis lu direct the iiiiuai-SHls of I he now cnliletly he has writ ten ror Charles Froliintin. cnl Hied "llio Farsuti mid Ihe litgtUal." — Sum Collins hits linen clig.igoil liy llPtiry W. Savage fur tile rule of Ki-Kiiiu. In "Ihe Sullun of Killil." to take the place of Inilik Moiilnn >lt. Monliiti will retire fr the conitmnv Nor. as, --lloli. II. Harris, unitiiigrr llnrrls litiii- Insun's lllg Stock Co,, wrlies: "We are now In our twc'fili wcrk, and Bte eoiuiniii.v Is i.trunger mid llnslness trcil.ter Hum ever ta fore during I He hWort Of this uttriKilon. \V - now idiiv'lig .Vat-Ill anil till'"- llli't. We iiuru Ihe new tlieillri' ill Haines villi'. Ha., niter which we s;mi 'or I he V lr- glnliis, ihcii lllllu. When ottr season will end, after whliii we begin ii Hummer's stuck mi gage nt. The eotnpitny mw Is as ro lows: Itubt. II. Illiri'H. •'. il. Wind, .allies Letllcr, Will Cruikoll. Will IJiision, W, II. Stnltes. Felix FO'lllls. II. K. Slgnnili. Hold. Hviasii. III.). Mnrey, tills J livens. Marie 1/1 Tour, Mario He Tl-iU-e. Ileb-n llh-k llll'.l l.oill- • KVl'UllHilcre.", . .Voti i from Wlll-inrs r.-v'.seil 'leu Nlglil'.s In a Itur lliioin" Co.: We liave had exciilelil hin-ltiess since out- i inuring 11 Hop MM Mo„ ltd, 10. Till' lintlil of leu pllce- l,i lis nnlll culii-criH, makes u decided UH eveiviwlinie fiir .Its tlHrtleW ruttilllliill »l guoii nilli'lc, ihe si age pel-foliunliee Is lilghlv t'.i'clarcil Jl* |Uls< ««ll linliBe to be olie of Hie he«t of lis ehnme'er, nnd causes llie iiinnngi uielil I p, book i-Murn ilultni for hex I season. Al Mlnncitpolls, Kan., lite perform unci mm closed by n iiiiirr::i|»e or iwo meiii brrs if tlie coiiltuiny, Isittie Null and Cenl llnvre. i'lni rosier Inclihli s: A. Leon hard . .1, A, Baxter, W. T. Moure. II. C. I'ai'ket;, I. Viiit. II W. Aonlltt. Thru. Hlatk. IHI. TW fcltl. .1. C. Shnetlfeil, I;). J". Si'lllef. li'cl " I'oitVr, I'nil Havre, Llllla Havre and Miilnh- tlince litngerald nnd Louis A. Mciulcl. a W.1I ploressfiilial, wefe mltrrleil al New It-. i belle, X. V„ oil CM. ^T. ... win il, llrvson. chnriuier eoinedlmi, I as closed Willi "A Itniiiiway Miinh" Co.. mid Joined "A Mlulsliirii I laughters ' o. — Notes fioiti the Itectiril Stock hiwftig: Thomas I'. Holer. - droll. Burt liowell. T. L. Trex et. Water Andrews. Henry Dunbar. Chas. Baker. Jon dime Phillips. Anna Uitrdner. Mob Hug and Cirrle liirkhm. The |ilay has Is-eii staged under llw personal dlrcclinn of Andy Wnidron. New inuslc, new scenery nnd ele- gant costumes will be a feature. Wnrreti Whitney will dlrict the inttslc, Col, Klrken- lint Is In ftdvnilec, nlul the comlialiy will be under the illnetloti of W. T. Speaih. wim hns lip"n for five years tlie ii-ensi.rer for l.'ori'paiigh * Sells' Circus. --■Notes from "Mj Dnughlcr's llnsluiiul Co., llatver ft Hllillh. propiletots mid iniilin gers; tluv Fvans. banlness miuiager: We nirrv hvctilv people and n bund, nnd open o ir 'rpgiihir' Winter season in lH-< Mollies. 1,1., Nov. .Ml. We have some lime honked anil mitliipale doing it title business. The Kundie Coiiiedlmis. illicit-r Ihe nhov • mnn iigeui.'lil. nre tloltig tileely lu Soillherii lows. iiie coinpiuiv cumbers twelve |ssiple, llielud mg ihe i.nvs. nnd liroke Ihe IiimIkc renin al What liner for u Saturday night- Mr. Smith Is kept very linsy wllh his opera houses, bill lie in.innges to PHV lis II visit everv week, iin Thtiiiksglvliig day we cruss Hie tine Into Missouri, iin: Itl:i.l.vttl.i- is nlwnys weleume. , , ■ Onirics Frcihinnti lias arrangisl lo take ihe "Three Little Mnlils" Coinliniiy to Aus- tralia oml April, lollowltig this Mr. Fndi mnn will pi-otmlily Hike to die Island conti- nent other plays. dairies J. Shefllclil itliiloiiuies Hull lie will pri'iHiul l.ottlB lliii'timiu for it Stirhig lam- of lliree night ntanils through Mlchl van. The repertory will Include nothing lint rot-nilt plnys. rial ihe ciisl lie made tip of ihe best talent luiillulde. Specliil print lug Is now being designed. The liirg"i towns i nlv will he played. Notes from the Lacy * Lyons Big Slocl, Co.. in repertory, under tlie imiiuiucutPlit. of Ihlwaril Lney: This nl I ruction will oprn Its sen son lice T, having secured u poliipauy of Inetrupolllan lilayers. This will be Mr. I.nevs llfleenth leiir us n luaiiagei, he hay Ing directed such pruilnctbnis as "iiie link." "Shllnh." "Llllle ClirlMtnpher" and "Tlie Signal Tiiwer." Iiesldin fuitr seasons with rep- ertory coiiipniiles. Mr. Lacy has nsMoiinled himself Willi Will C. Sites. Willi will go lu lidvmice id the cnmpnny. Mr. Sites Ims Jusl relumed from Texns. where for thirty-live weeks he tins succi'ssriilly plloleil the Arnold Slock Co.. nnd hns returned to lend the path for Ihe Lney d Lyons Slock Co. Mr. Lucy lias secured special scenery and paper fur also secured Kdwiird The I'ower of Sin." Ids plays. Ii hns Krn.ipa'N powerful pluy. "The I'ower o Thornton Filel has finished u four ad melodrama, entitled "The Island of Mys I cry." li'.'pai'iilloiis are now being mnde for Its'early umdm-llnn. ■ Miivllle and Attelle Fowler have lolued the Chits, T. Kales I otiietly Co. (Or general business ntul ipcclallles. lil.llkle I'm-llhtgi- Is wllh the Jele Mc AiilllTe Slock Co.. plnylng Ihe soitluctle ndis ntul doing her spcclnlly. l/i tiiilriiud West lire with Al. «. Mnr tin's, Fnnlcrn. "C. T. C." lii„ Ism Ln lint.- plnylng Marks; Helen Wesl, Hplinlla, an I iilsu ibdng her siuvlalty. — «■ » •VM\.\K WilCO. -At the Alliltloli -lulle Hill- tinkle, iiuinugei-i. Al. II, Field's Minstrels. Nov. :t, drew S. II. II. liver sevclileen him- liri'll lieolde Wile ill the lloll'"'. "I lie Chll|i el. lis." ... egaln used Hie S. It. II. sign. "Knell llnMi'O." I, 1" i: I business. "Aiy <. . i" had fnlr loislncss III. -ilii|i|iy lloi.ll nan." ||. two IHirfnrOiaili'es and fnlr Cin/JIPJS lilznlielli Kl uiiisiy. lu "As \"0 Like I:." I", ciilei niliied n good million.'.-. •Wnv Hovvii IVisl." lil, delight fully etrt el lalneil 0 large WOl nppil'clnllve niidleiice. niheii II, •..Miuiliil, II. 'two performances, In full hmise. Mr. unil Mrs. i.Mantell were ihe reilplnils of ninny countcsles exlenileil by so ileiv iieople of Hie town. Ci «ulng: "Unmiiii Hinr'.s" IS, Adchi'.ilc iiiursloii, In "Coll.. liiliurase," ^u. Hii.iMi I.lake liiii'tlnklp. malinger Kersiiild's MliislrelM, 7. drew big Weik cnillng II bouse was dink, billed, W. ,— Billy uisliieSH. NoHllllg ure lit our fourth week, playing n mock en- gatein.'ill lu Zani'svllle. tl.. ninV ill'e imcklug the lioiwc lilltlitly ntul giving the tasl of siiChfnetlon. V\\f ro-ter df tile iinnpiltiy Is as follows: J. Walliice cUntoti, mniuiger: 1! W. Klncitlil, bitaltiass iivaniiger: Liiniu .loliioon, slcal dliiw-'lor:. John Negrotn., ituge illrcclor ; T. W. ]ve"ni'y. sl'iige nmuiigi r, I in a ll'Ctmiior, ele-tlle ail; Bruce Mi'Kay. iii-oivrtles; '. A. I'ln'lbs, Win, MoXoliy. Ilnrrv lie Voe, Will I'oi^e.v. It-clUn liielps, Llllh'n Alexiiliilcr. lirace llnllh av. I orn Lawlun Mllviil'll. tliu StilotiekPis. 11 Ins I in led snugs; Hie iiiilVAcuiiii, ond Wnll mid Ada King, coliledy skoliii Icalli. ~J„»n ft and Allen Mrlinwell are III I heir foilnlecuHi week W'lttli Wnrticr k All- iiniiis "A Montana Outlaw I.. -Iiie new llrm known ns Hn> liill I-Ishei liiilerprlses luls Hirei' coiiipniiles now In orenai-atbin In lake the nrad the liillei- imii-i „r iblh n Hi. namely: "Acme..; I lie Hock- In Iiie I'ower of Hie Cross and "Widow vidan's Bad." .Mr. Fisher lien* engnifi'd a-; his executive stuff: Frank II. Bernard, gen- eral iiiinuigcr: Mi" LenvBt ami llnrry Ilini.- lev "Across the Hoeklps" and "iiie I'ower of the l^niss" were both secured by Mr. lislmr mnn Hush * W< her. — .Voles from Hut Lillian Lyons Sleek Co • We nri In our foiirlcenHi week and luisl- ness has exceeded cancelations In t liy everv slalld. tllir Cnnitdlmi Hiiie bus all been vefv good. We go Into New York uexl week, mill, all In all, prospecls are very biighl lor tills co. this seuson. We nre currying u strong line or plavs In our ivperlory. Among ilieiu are: "In Hlxle Lnnil." "Two llrphaus. "Inin- gets of New York." elc All specliil Hcetiery for the "Orphans," Including seven entire Mis. painted by Arnold & llnvles, ond Judged liv critics to be tlie lliuml work of mi carried liy iinv similar iciaotoiy coin|iiitiy on I he road nor sis'cbillies ace a fetiltire of Hie show. The liarltone Mlnger. Mr. Kuoor. re- ceives several encores nightly, being Ihe reclp- leiu of iiiiiiiv lipaiillful llonil offerings, I be IIiipnI Iwlngii huge Horn I hors-shoe. stiuidliih' ni'itrlv four fiM'l lilgii. which was lireueuled to hiin at Si. Mary's, •int. The roster or the roinpilliv remains Ihe sit us when the. sea- sou opened: LIIKuu Lyi.ns. Horolliy inns- dell. Blanche iiilv.iirdH, Nellie Jeimio I lank .1. Iieun. Arlliur II. Ogle, Hurry Arnold, Frank llugar. Ibivianiid Kelclinm. Hegliiald Ku'nrr. Ilnrrv .leiiaro. Ii"f. I'uvles nlul Shorty liobl. We arc nlwnys walling for I lie • ii.ii lIvi.lAitl.i:. nnd recelvi il ivltliglid liiiniU. —The Charity Xurse." under Ihe dlrii- Hon of lleuck fc lennessy. Is. vf ure In- loriiied. I'lliPlll.g wllh success, the I ipls III Buffalo. I'llllililelplilll. HochcBler .ill. I Sjla ins" Islng of a s.ilblylng naliiie. iiios. II. Sedgwick hns hi iigaged In linpcrsuiinli- the role of Ihe lusplliil allciiilmil. — Notes from llw Intercity Comedy Co.: We opened our s'lison at Whicheslei', N. IL, mid played to the nipaclly <>( Hie house, the roster Is ns follows: II. •'. Church fc J- II. Thompson. |.io|ii letois olid ma lingers: Win. II. Nelson. In-slio-Ks iiimi.iufi" Fti-d l.lndaiiei. ninslriil illre.-ior: MorrlsSev anil i'rnrfWi Owhv lieorKP, Moirlsiej Children, und.Haubgm ninU'i'H. oiiiiiI.o. At gess, iiintiiigeri. JV, 'Jll, lloheii tunc." .'I. -".; While Slave" King Hollo." Mllll IMK A. bivil's iiienlre IW. J. Ibu- -"A I lilt front Sweden" Nov. liilesiin. lu "Siiblleis of Fm "III Hid belliurky" SH. "The ■21, JH, llhiinril tloldeil. In •Jll. nil; Skinner ntul lleliau life. I. J. "Cuuglil In Ihe Web" il. "A iejils Sleer" did hlg tiilslness Nov. I". IS. J. II. HIoddar! nnd llctllieu Fox, I Iiie Bonnie Brier Bush." hud huge audiences lll'JI. Kuril TllKATiiK ML J. iloml uiiiagcn. -Holiell Conness. Ill "Holierl Kiiiniel. 2-' "fi: liiigenle Blair 'Jtl 2K, "A lleslienit" Chance" "ll-Uec. L', Al. Mnrllu's "Ten MglHs In a liar It i" :i-B. Nellie .Mcllenr.v. hi "Milss," did good ImslnesM Nov. lo-IH. "Wliere hi I'obl./" full- hollars llllii. Oiii'iinr.M H'aii Heller, iiiiinugeii. Bus • in-'i wii"i very good'week of lii, iiie I'll . iwlinii wns ii goml one. «ns well received. Week of '12: lloiisliy'a electrical "In litiis: Throe Crane Bros., Macaii's dogs and monkeys, Melnlyre nnd I'rlliiroao, lleurge Ails- iln, Aiili-lni iinii I'eiiiis, and Ihe klitodrome. Foil MAUD--NOW Tonis, 1WXI0. «K.\«0, IHxilS, llxin: 2 llonil organs and Piano Hand Organ, •! Iiiiuiers, Hliakc and Old Plsiitsilon, Tistlt. VI lalu Cor.-Jrir. Klght Film, 1 Trained (loal. trouno or t Tralnod DoviiH, all Props, Concert Phonograph Kecords, 1 Monkey, or will oxohunr" for comic llhns. riW. II*MHJ[ HBITILIIrsJtzJ'a. "WA!»Tiei»-Hlol JUiicbilies.sll kliuis. Tor parlor, For HHlu, 111"! Kdlsnii Uuvlng I'lotliro Machine KlIms iind Song S lides,Oliss. IUy_,t)iiml n.rlHiid.Mil. ~AT LIMKIITV AOOT. COMPANY OI.IIMNIi, K. I'. ANIHIMWN, lisad Laador. Cottiel II. and 0.. BusiticMs Mur., irensurur. (iaa luinlsli bund. Join oil wlrn IBM UIWAHWAV, BOOM 7, NBW York, ~WANTKD IlliHUi, For McilleiiioHhow, Al Song and Umine Huutirutto. liny or fako organ; work lu net*, or up to -data Hk.dch Team Willi mortlclno ■xpatloncc. Single woman preferred. Htatit nil lint, lotlar. Halury nil yoii'rn worth, every Himdiiy. Hr.TJI.Uoga. Lamar, Ollnlon Co., I'a. AfMHUITf.TttixIM MONKOK,H. I), Sou brut to, owing to closing ot Co. lisy |iarln. Hti.-clHi p»|ior, 1 it «litol, i >i Hiattj I I shoe', w" 1 : dow curds nnd souvenir plioios. One night annul or vaudeville Cos.only. Ite-puiislbie miunigers, Trlxn Monroe. I.i.imnloo, Clinton Co . I'a. PARISIAN DIAMONDS r'tjlwltl) SJt (.xelt lii%|f;i'l<>f::!"tli« iicirri UMhl i'Q»nuln» Dloiirionrf* - »f ..Ikf-M. Nntt .tull N<rf ]..'. tlirlr IJileii'lM l.iillhiiy. I" <■ <<r . ^'i. .-in* li.r scry l.ilr f i .< t*lr^ ,,f (|iu iici't r■. ■ I■ i-s 1. e j«Hrliy, \|.-nii!fl Id ffcill'l i.'.M 4t>-\ *■"'! Illlril 'ruiint%- Kln-*,. I'". ■: 'In- ■-. S< irl I'l li-.. Ml.-Is, I if IU..I.-1, fHr. hi uahn fii'fyti i*i. CATALOG rff!!* WflWfcfH, VagVMMrtMirtvtjr .1tll'liiac<irll, V«J»r HMMf l>»tlt \tH<-<A» .ift fed e^A'lljf- h\ ffinc-^nttil.