The New York Clipper (December 1903)

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DEOBMBBB 5 T HM NEW YORK OXilPPER. »71 HBW JERSEY. Thanksgiving Day, ght last week. k ^ Ottolengul, inan- • siW *tL weekly offering of big prodoc- '^'•T. thli tonn commands admirable " oM »"i The magnificent revival of "A attention. "|D^inDream," by Nat Good- Mld.uD.Ber Nig" • theatrical (east, which tt-ln ' Ji„ LitJclpated for some time. Kay ''■ 9 ^?n ^n "The Runaways," received fair Toropleton. in "e n u jfensselser Wheel- ,llten ™°l2 was issumed by sa understudy. !%• TiidSioot" la announced for the week of Dec 7. Bijou (John W. Holme., manager).—"No Wedding Belli for Her" week of 80. "The Sign of the Four!' next week. Bon Ton (T. W, Dlnklas, manager).— Week of 80, Lafayette and hi. new Hindoo mystic play, "Krishna, vaudeville features. and several new Majesties next week. COLO IUBIA THBATXB (."• J \, Jt< -°J , »! ? tD \' *Th« Price of Honor." which Is. of- _~fbe Price 5 cr) i"Thf« week contains the essential feat- ' cred i^d for at this bouse. "A Fight for "Jft.iSS" drew fair audiences, which were M111 ^n with the specialties Introduced. Com- P lea ^nver Nligsn Fslls" week of Dec. 7. lagj- .Over„"';*£. (lL j«_ Hyams. mana- ^"a"h B wSSs preseata "The Queen of K er) wlT;„ slaves" for the first time In this Uie ^rurVent week, and Its stirring altua- cliy ^J^S attract! Geo. Monroe, in "Aunt tions • b » u i5 r *-J n ^. pleased moderate houses Bridget s Dream, P' e "~ organist" 1. Hoboken.—At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager).—"The King of Detective." and "The aoad to "Frisco .bared a large week, ending Not. 28. "Wedded and Parted" 20- Dec. 2, "Kidnapped In New York" 8-5, "A Brother's Crlme r ' 6-0, "A Fight for Mllllona" 10-12. ICupma (A. M. Bruggeman, manager).— A splendid offering last week, and not a weak act from start to finish, Crlmmlna and Gore provided a clever sketch, ind Jessie Coutboul, In her character act, waa fine. Thla week another excellent bill Is furnished. ' ■' ■»« » OHIO. Davenport.—Business at the playhouse. hers has been very quiet, the brtt.r class of •laya enjoying the usual patronage. Binrris Oriaa Hobbb (Director Chata- berlln 4 Kindt).—"The Beauty Doctor" Not. IT, Clay Clement 18, "M'llss" 19. "Daw Dsrll Dorothy" 20, "By Bight of Might" 21, "The lUUenJammer Kids" 22, "The IMnkln Hut- ker" 23. "A Texaa Steer'' 24. "Quluey Adams Sawyer'' 26, Tim Murphy 28. "Hobert Em-' T 29, "The Governors Son'' SO, Uexoll Hanson Dec 1, "Zasa" 2, "The Fatal Wed- ding" «, Katbryn Kidder B, "A Runaway Match" 0, the Bostonlane 8. Obphsum (Oscar Rapheal, manager).— Business has been on the Increase for the last two weeks. Main Stmr Thbitss (Will Nash, man- Week of 36: Oil- Aremrls and niece. Billy llni, Carrit Scott and pickaninny, the Tanakas. .. _. WaWa Thbatbb(P. A. Weast. P»K««to$>- —Dullness is Improving. Week of 80: The 8praguellos, Nadloe and Noldl. Wise and futon. Worden sod Oladdlsb, and others. Jacobs' Thiatsb (A V. Jac< .—Attendance keeps up we I.. Gay and Keddeaaas, tie Mldgeleys, the cobs, propria; tor), i «ee« of 80: . 0 To^.^Th? l ^v.r..t, of llUnol. Oleo SVff l6 a VV b Ve°ord.n*an t ce e w»h n .: Sea before the council for some time, ordering ist iwo wees*. „ belure tne council iur •>"» ;im«, TumNBB Oeand (Fred Kuehl, manager).— t n billboards removed, was killed 24 lennan Block Co., In German. "John's . German c Father" Nov. 22, "Hotel Volapuk" 28, "The Truth Maker" 29. . ■ last week. ^The 'Volunteer Organiat" ^SVJeSSi .W_m.JBUnfJ. man BUNtH Santley appears this week " ches, furnishing more pular type. Last week seer).—Joseph rfB fn "From Bsgs to Hl1 Sr^Kv"?*M°en t Do" P drew only fair business. i.wa and Won" comes Dec. 7 and week. \va£dj?as's i Thbatbb (W. B. Clark, man- J^—Rusb's Bon Tons are doing the bon- ase IhZ week! and they offer a varied pro- °™Ji 1 :. which Includes a. review, of "*h« I y Spain," and '•Thi Lady Killer.' ro- he finishes An In- ramme, which .Jon Tons, In Sunny r f r?udeVVp?claltle.nIm'es-DorothyJprew, tc [L ^.ntlvatea: the travesty comedians, SSfhefind Haailtoni the Empire City Quar- 't* Wllflams and Aleene. and the iluslcal i^nJnnt The Transatlantics served up "vely^ntertalnment much to the Ilk ng of the patrons last week, and good business ai, Beeves' Show comes Dec. 7 Thxatrs (J. Austin Fynes, Al. rL-sulted. t nd week Pbociob a YownarstoTrB^—Opera House (Peter Bice, minngcr).—Sadie Martluot presented "Tba Second Mrs. Tanqueray," to an appreclatlTa audience, Not. Its. "One Night In June" drew well and pleased 20. "David Harum," 21, waa well presented to two good sited au- diences. J. K. Hackett appeared in "John Ermine, of the Yelllowstone," to a good au- dience, 23. Ezra Kendall, two performances. 20, drew heavily, and highly pleased. "A Boyal Slave," 27, was well presented. Mil- dred Holland, 28, matinee and night, played to good returns. "That Imprudent Young Couple" 80, Ellta Proctor Otis, In "Hedda Oabler," Dec. 1; "The Virginian" 3, "When Knighthood Was In Flower' 4, Katbryn Os- terman 5, "Congress of Nations" (local) 6, Park Tbratbb (Joe Weber, manager).— Week of Not. 23 "AlpbODse and GaBton" drew good patronage. Marie Dressier A Co. 80 and week. Notes. —Manager Morgan, of the Sharon Morgan Grand Opera House, states that hi. theatrical business has not been affected by the smallpox scare, and the disease has now abated in that city and vicinity. The rumor that his house was closed on tblB account was an erroneous one Employes of the Cedar Rapids.—At Greene's Open Houss (Will 8. Collier, business manager).—Ma- bara'a Minstrels, Not. 18, did well. The Banda Bossa, 20, opened Y. M. C. A. count, snd pleased s big house. "A Bunaway Match" drew good nouses, matinee and night, 21. "A Country Kid," 23, did not play, if . "Dare DeTll Dorothy" 24. "Zaia" 25. B. Mil- l«unkln Husker" 9 !er Kent 28. "Bobert Emmet" 27, "Maloney's Wedding" 28, Tim Murphy Dec. 1, "Lost Ulver" 5, "King Dodo" 4, Skinner and Beban 5, "Ten Nights In a Bar Boom" 7, tbe Bos- tonlans 9, Katharine Wlllard 10, "Qalncy Adams Sawyer" 11, "The Katieojammar Kids" 12. Notes. —Conrad Hodden, In advance of B. Miller Kent, waa In town 10 M. J. Murphy, agent for "Bobert Emmet," and 0. Qalncy.—At the Kmplr. Theatre (W. L. Busby, manager).—The Fllnta did a big business Not."b-18. 8. Miller Kent playedj to fair business, 10. "Peck'a Bad Boy"bsd two mod houses 21. "The Eternsl City" did b?B. O. business 24. "Tba Fatal Wed- dins" satlsUed s good houss 25. Coming: "The Katienjammer Klda" 28. "Lost Blyer" 27, Stetson's "U. T. C.'12B,.."As You .Like TTcTlded hit. Coming: "A Chinese Houty- moon" 80. "The Fatal Wedding" Dec. 8. James-Wsrde 4, Ward snd Yokes 8. Masconn TiiBATRa (Ducoumau Broa, managen).—Good bualneis tbe rule week of 18, and the phenomenal reception accoro- ed the younger, Geo. Thomas Jr., who opened hla flnt week with Joe Ducoumau, has In- duced tbe management to continue the act throughout thla werk. Montgomery.—At the Montgomery The- atre (Ulrscher Bros., managers).—Msrle Walnwrlght, In "Twelfth Night." Not. 17. had good business. Oeo. Ober, In "Why Smlthleft Home." 18. and "The^Wrong Mr. Wright." matinee and night 10, bad fair business. Nat M. Wills, In "A Son of Best," 20. played to large and enthiialnstlc sudl- enco. *Uod o' Cotton" 24. Madeline Des ley. In "The Mocking Ulrd," 20 nark, In "Under Two Flags," 27 Jsne Ken- VIltOINIA. 30° "An American Hobo" Dec. 5, "The ■ a .* TBXAfl. 8. Starling, ahead of Tim Murphy, wen here 20 J. W. Harpstrlte, In advance of "Maloney's Wedding, was In town 20, 21. ... .Wallace 8ackett, agent for "Lost Blver," was ben 25. a Keokuk.—At the Keokuk Open House (E. Jaeger Jr., Southern 8kles' 19. "The Katsehjsmmer Ft. Worth.—At Oreenwall's Opera House (Phil W. Greenwall, manager).—"An You a Mason?" hsd fslr patronage Not. « %_» Kelcey-Bhannon, 21, did good business. •'Rasl Lynn?' had a fair bouse 58. Bobert Mantell, booked for 25, did not appear. Coming: Sffuman Heart'a" 26, Adel.MK Thurston «, "When Keuben Comes to Town 28, The Fast Mall" 80, Dockstader'. Minstrels Dec. 1, Virginia Drew Treacott 2, Chas. B. Usnford 8,™ wo Johns" 4, Alberu Oallatln 6, "The 8l BTANDABD*TitiiiTBB (Frank Da Beque, man- -iod bill at this house addition Wallace aud'Beech presented ai ty act lllchmond.—At the Ullou Thealre (Jake Wells, manager!.—Week of Nov. ^<l 'be Bi- jou Mu.lcal Comedy Co. preaeuted The Night of tbe Fourth," to crowded housea lleury Lee ao and week. academy or Music (Thos. 0. I*atb, JOS; ieB ).—"The burgomaster" 24. "llplty to ty played, to crowded houses 25 20. Wallace Xlunro presents "The Cavalier' 1 27. 28, Hoyal Llllputlans Ik'C . 3. "levers l.nne 9. Norfolk. — Academy of Music (T. 0. Loath, manager).—gulnlan A Walls Mln- streW Nov. 20. 21, to fair mini "Uolty Tolty 1, 23. 24, "The Cavalier 28, lbs Burgomaster" ^7. Uoyal Llllputlans Dec 6. " L OKA™DY L TH e aUTU 2 u (Jake Wells, manager). —Business for week of 28 was uuuyually uood. The Knickerbocker Ulrl week of 80. Bijou Tukathb (Abb Smith, mauager).— This house, which wai llrst opened by air. Smith, and wa. under his mnuagemou for It the Keokuk Open House n «en.—The already good bill at thla house Th |, house, which wa. llrst openeu uy air. resident manager).—"Under %& Strengthened week of 23 by the addition Hmlln on d wa. under his mauagemont for • pleased a good bouse Not. W f Kelly and Martlne. comedy act, Wallace °™ er a, years, will, after Dec. 5. be under tenjammer Kldi" drew a top Bnd Be « c h nreaented another novelty act and , he management of Mcsirs. ti re , eve " , „ I and satisfied. "The Fatal B ?° Saltoya offered a musical skit, entitled J^m™ 'The Sultan'. Wlvee" la bofkjj » n-neral manager).—The town Is supoortlng loca i theatres are making preparations for fhi. nrett» vaudeville theatre In good shape, the organization of a branch of the Theatrl- •nd there Is very little evidence here of the ca) Mechanics Assoclstlon. Harry Lu.tlg, of wneral depression In business. A bill of tblg clty n08 the matter In charge, and em- even quality comprUe the current offering .Jt i .r?»«Bes the Jlyster ous "Aga/' Foy and SfffS and K Cbas, T. Ellis, Dean Edsaj' and company. Btelllng and ftevelle, Louis. Dresser. Jack Norwood, Bailey and Madison, Le Mar and Behan. Notm.— Amelia 8tone, who_ assumes the role^f Princess Angel Cake, In "The Bun- .wIts " was extenslvly entertained by rela- fu« andI friends here last week The Unfted Theatrical Attaches Social Club wl zlve Its ninth annual ball at Prospect Hall Mrs _ Lo gan, Mrs. Hughes; Mr. Logan. Wm. Kc 15 Charlea Klngaland. of this B- Hac ges: Amy Logan, Oreetel Hughes: 1 Tom Logan, Wm. Bayers. Prof. Samuel Mor es of nil local and neighboring theatres will be eligible to membership On 23 James K. Hackett and his leading lady, Miss Walker, were hauqueted by Willllam F. Bon- nell, of Cleveland, O., nt the Youngstown Club. Cover* were laid for fourteen On 19 a new sketch, entitled "A Reunion of Hearts," written by Messrs. Hushes and Bnvers, of this city, was presented at the , Park Theatre for the first time, through tbe United Theatrical Attaches Social Chib wl 00,^5,, of Manager Weber. The cast was 1 '-— *— fughea; Mr. Logan, Wm. Logan, Orestel Hughes; notlsts, 14-1R. Note. — Manager Albert Ball, of Hall's Carnival Co.: Edward Heins, business mana- ger of the National Carnival Co,, and Ed. F. Qernbart, solo trombonist wltb tbe Sing- ling Bros.' Band the home for the Winter. past season, an at -Ity, has In rehearsal a aketcb entitled An Interrupted Trrp," which will be put on the vaudeville circuits In a few weeks. He will hi flEslsted In the sketch by Amber Wajlls, be " s, gJ° w f tt i and silly Chessel The concert to have been given by lime. Pattl, n this city, on Dec 2f?, has been Indefinitely postponed The company Playing "A Qreat Temptati on" closed here N ot. 21. Trenton.—Taylor's Opera House (A H. rla, of "this city, wrote the music for the sketch. . Toledo.—At the Valentine Theatre (Otto Kllves, manager).—Eleanor Bobson and Ed- win Arden scored big, In "Merely M«ry Ann, Not. 21; the audience wss large. Mary Man- nering, in "Tbe Stubbornness of Geraldlne, came, to good results, 23. Booked : The Bos- tonlans 25, 26, Marie Cahlll 27, Roselle SlmmondB, manager).—Daniel Sully, Not. 23, Knot t, in "When Knighthood Was In Flower," had fair business. "Lovers' Lane, 24, came 2g Ezra Kendall Dec. 1. Lycbcm Theatbb (Frank Burt, manager). fair business. "Just Struck Town," 25, Em had fair business. The Four Cohans, 26 dfliRbted one of the best bouses of the season playing to 8. B. O. "A Hot Old T?me,'' 27, dlcf well. Voxel's Minstrels, 28, came to good business. Coming: Thos. E. Shea and company week of 80, "The Minis- ter'. Daughters" Dec 7, "Billionaire" 8, "Zljt Zag Alley*' 9, "When We Were Twenty-one" 10 "David Harom" 11, Mary Mannerlng 12. Taajrr Thbatbb (Edward Benton, mana- ~r).—The opening of this new house will be 5a Monday, Dec. 7. Everything Is aboat . completed, and Trenton will be able to boast ConT | C t' a Daughter" met with much favor of having one of the moBt modern vaudeville we °k of 22. Coming: "Not Guilty" 26-28, bouses In The following peoj .„ rhe Way of tne Transgressor" 2fl-Dec. 2 —"Her First False Step," 19-21, to good returns. "Why Women Sin," a strong melo- drama, to large and appreciative audiences, 22-25. Coming: Chas. Orspewln, In 'The Awakening of Mr. Plpp," 20-28; the Jules Orau Opera Co. 29-Dec 2. . Eupibb Thbatbb (Glazier 4 wyatt, man- agers).—"The Private Secretary" was well produced by the stock company 22 and week. ^A Contented Woman" for week of 29. Bobt's Theatbb (Frank Burt, manager). —•'In the Bhadow of the Gallows" and "The Boone,—Aries' Opera Houae (Wiley A Kirby, msnsgen).—Whwlnger Bros, had ex- ceptionally good business week of Not. Id, and audiences were pleased. "An Orphan's Prayer" played a return engagement, to a packed house, 20. "Beggar Prince" Open Co. played 23, 24, tbe first of a ten nights' course to be played In this city tbe coming Winter. Then has been an unusually large sale of conns tickets and bouse was well packed. Plays were well rendered. "A Trip to Chinatown" had fair business 20. Ed- mund Vance 28. Borllntrton.—Grand Opera House.—The Flints, Not. 19-21, played each night to standing room only. They claim to hnve broken all their records. "The Katsen].u- mer Kids" drew a fair bouse 23. "A Texas Steer" 25. Stetson's "U. T. C." Co. 26, "Lovt Ulver" 28, "The Fatal Wedding" 80, "Tne Governor's Son" Dec. 1, "American Hobo" 4. Iowa City.—Opera House (John N. Col- dren, manager). — "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" packed the bouse Not. 19. "The Punkln Husker," 20, pleased a fair sized house. S. Miller Kent 24, Tim Murphy 30. "Lost Blver" Dec. 1, "A Hunaway Match" 7, "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" 10, "Kat- ienjammer Kids" 14. I »» CALIFORNIA. Hacked bouse 28, Cbowh Tubathb (Phil Epstein, manager). —Barney Williams brought out the stock company. In "The Irish Count snd the Troublesome Dolls." •«• forerunner jfr« good bill week of ! 23. McLean and Hall ap- peared In their sketch. Show Me.' The othere: Jack Wade, Ella Von Kaufman, Jas. Thompson, Saul Harris, Bessie Connors, Boss B Mitchell. Elsie Kussell. Barney Wl I ams. Llsile Mitchell. Susie Mey, Nellie Will lams and Ada Yule. Week opened to big business. Tna Otto Floto Show closed its season here 21. ' s Galveston.—At the Gnod Opera House (Fred 0. Wels, manager).—Virginia Drew Trescott. In "Satanla," drew fairly well Not. 17. "When Reuben Come, to Town drew a fair sired audience 18. "Her Only Sin hsd fairly good bouses, matinee and night ». Alberta Gallatin presented "Ghosts, to a good .lied audience, 23. „,r.K. a Nr.w Mascot Thbatbb (J. J. McCabe * Co., managers).—Week of 28 business con- tinued fairly good, with Jsmes Sbadrlck. Etta La Kose. Iles.fe Woods, Dodlo Gregory, Eugene Bt. Cyr, Frank Ellsworth. Annie Ellsworth, Wm. De Boe, Alvln Dasblugton, Birdie Vurnell, Grace tester, Irene west, Cbas. Hoey and Chas. Gates. The stock, In "Three Married Men." . ' Dallas.—At the Opera Bouse (Geo. Ansy. Way Down Eaat" drew .good manager) buslne.s drew well 18, 14. business'Nov. 11", 12. "Happy Hooligan;' ,ell 13, 14. Etliabctb K« to big business, 16. "A ' had fair buslnesa 17, 18. pie are booked for 7 and week: JuIn and Ella Garrlaon, Press Eldrldge, Kleln-Ott Bros, and NIckerson, Trovollo, Shean and Warren, Irene Franklin, Four Huntings, Wea- sen and Wesaen, blograpb, which makes a complete snd exceptionally strong bill for the opening week. _ ,„,,.» Mishleb s 8tat« 8tbe«t Thbatbb (Cliff W. Grant, business manager).—The an- nouncement has been made that this new bouse opens Dec 9. with Mrs. Flske as the attraction. The opening promises to be a most brilliant affair; everything Is very near- ly completed and the arrangement of the Interior la beautiful; everything that s new and modern to theatre building his found Its way Into this new house. . ■■ Pnter.on.—At Paterson Opera House (John J. Goetschlus, manager).—"A Human Slave," a melodrama of thrilling Interest, proved to the liking of patrons here, and drew well-Nov. 24, 28. The scenic effects were admired, and the cleverness of those who assumed the leading roles prompted hearty applause. "Lovers' Lane, 28-^8. started 06 auspiciously, with two crowded houses on Thanksgiving Day. The Jefferson Brothers, 30, In "The filvals;" "Klug of De- tectives" Dec 1, 2, "For Her Brothers Crime" 8-5, Daniel Byan Stock Co. 7 snd Bijou Thbatbb (Mrs. Ben LeaTltt, mana- ger).—The Bohemians, presenting a novelty Burlesque, made a successful bid for popular favor last week. The company gives no olio, but presenta specialties during tbe course of a three act comedy. The Fav Foster Co. 30 and week. The City Sports follow. Pbnciunos. — Peterson's mayor, John Hlncbllffe, has directed Chief of Police Graul to prohibit sacred concerts at the BIJou In the future. Mrs. Ben Leavltt has engaged counsel, and will test the power of the au- thorities to close tbe theatre on the Sabbath. .- At the social session of Paterson Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, last Wednesday night, the Todgemen were entertained by male niem- ben of Tom Miner's Bohemians Co. Thla lodge holds Its annual memorial services at the Paterson Opera House Sunday evening, 29. ■ Elisabeth.—At the Lyceum Theatre (El- roy It Drake, managers).—"A Fight for Mil- lions" came Nov. 19-21, to excellent business. The performances were good and the com- pany strong. "The Boad to 'Frisco/" "3-28, came to fslr houses, and pleased. "Deserted at the Altar" came 28-28, opening with au- diences that packed tbe theatre afternoon sud night. To arrive: "The Devil In Skirts 30-Dec. 2, "Wedded and Parted" 8-8. Worm- wood's Monkey Circus 7-9, "Burled Alive Jacobs' Thxatbb— "A Hot Old Time" 28, Royal Llllputlana 30, "Lovers' Lane" Dec. 1. tips.— The ushers of the Lyceum Thea- tre have donned new and handsome uniforms of bright maroon color, with gold buttons In two rows down the front. The coatB are seml-cutaways, and make an effective appear- ance Edward Kanngleser ha. succeeded Toy Bendel as chief usher. His coat Is a dark maroon, cut In sack shape, wltb stand- ing collar, and dark braid trimmings. Los Angeles.—Mason Opera Bouse (H. C. Wyatt, manager) .—"The Storks" drew good business Nov. 19-21. Counter attrac- tions hurt tbe business of the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra afternoon of 20, though a good performance waa given. Los Angeles Choral Society 24, " 'Wsy Down Esst" 28-28. 28. MOBOSCO'8 Bt'BBANK Theatbb (Oliver Mc- rosco, manager).—The Pollard Llllputlan Opera Co. closed a auccces.ful two weeks' en- gagement 21, snd Is followed by tbe Nelll- Morosco Co., In "Secret Service." Under- ' . ,, „ lined: "The Great Rnby." Zo-nesvllle— At Welter Theatrel(* O. Gbakd Opbba Houbb (Clarence Drown, England, manager).—"Dimon and Pythias manager).—Marie Heath, In "For Mother'! came Nov. 24, to a fair slxed audience, under Sake B 22 and week. "Bis Hopkins" under- the auspices of the K. of P. .lodges of, this llnea Aicadb Thbatbb (G. W. Preston, mana- Ber \_A splendid bill of Tandeyllle was given week of 22. The Watermelon Grls, Jane Courtbope and company, and Lillian Ashley did especially good. Big holiness con- tlnues. Under the present management this house Is becoming very popular. J^w people week of 29: Gllllhan and Murray. Genaro and Tbeol, Carl Sanderson, Ten Brooke and Lambert, Frank Keenan, Chas. Utldan, Mer- rill and Roselle. lty. Esra Kendall drew a large audience 237 and pleased all. "'Way Down East." 21 afternoon and night, did well. ipt Parish Priest" 20. Mildred Holland 10, drew the usual large crowds. Coming. The Devil's Auction" 28, "The Darkest Hour' 28 "Franceses da Blmlnl" 80, Cecelia Shay % r B 8 U o£A? e HA 1 iL.-Anna Eva Fay, week of 28, opened to big house. Marlon—At the Grand jMt HWg (Chas. E. Perry, manager).—"The Sign or the Cross" enjoyed good business Not. 19. Corneirs "Humpty Dumpty" pleased a large boiil 24. The specialty work was pood. "In tbe 8badow of tbe Gallows" did well 25. "At Cripple Creek" 26. "Tbe ..Convict • Daughter^ 28, "Tbe Parish Priest" Dec 2. 8prlBgBeld.-At the Grand^Opera House (L. J. Dallle, manager) .-^M la. SobWW^ Obfriuu (Clarence Drown, manager).— Features 22 and week: Bellman and Moore, Warren and Blanchard, Village Choir, Jack- Theo Trio, Phil and Nettle Peters. Msz Waldron, Cllvette, Two Bosc., and Coleman's cats and dogs. Packed houae business. Chutes Pabk Thbatbb (Henry Koch, msnager).—The Cnrtlss Vaudeville Co. was the principal attraction. James' Ladles' Military Band, aud Clark's educsted csnlnes are the principal Zoo features. Notbs.— Ellery's Boyal Italian Band did good business at Hazard's Parlllon 16-18, and played a return engagement 21, 22. They give another concert evening of 26, and will return here Jan. S, under local di- rection of L. Behymer. for a season of eight weeks, at Hazard's Pavilion. Tbe long re- turn engagement of this organization will be experimental, but promises success Tbe Musee feature of the Casino Theatre Co., J. E. Waldeck, manager. Is doing a moderate buslnesa Meantime, the date for opening Elizabeth 16. "An You _ 17, 18. Kelcoy snrt Shan in "Sherlock Holmes." drew a large au dleace 20. "Human Hearts" bad fnIr bu.l uess 21. Robert Mantell canceled 1\ 24. Adelaide Thurston, In 'WIT PriiorMaJ' 28, 28, with matinee; Chas. B. Hanfor "\Vhen Reuben Comes to Town SO. Caup Btrbet Theatrb (Geo. C. Dsnnlss, manager)"— Week of 28. "Pink Domino/' which bad big business. The company: Ed- die La Rose, Bob Romola, Carl Copelsnd, Will Cox. Ella Andrews, May Bomola, Daisy Le.ter, K'atle Bay, Billy MacR, Llllie La Rose. a ■ > KENTUCKY. ine uaruner, » uiwuum >»» "1 _ _i_i.7 choros, wss called upon the opening night to take the part of Sophie »•■.&■•■?£«••. Josle Sadler, who was compelled to remain In New York through illness. Miss Gard- ner's work was so well done that few peo- came, to fine business. Not. 18. ,i" e h *'^ buslnesa Meantime, the date for .aaay, lessor's Love Story" had a well J»l|ed oouse he , heatre proper fass not been definitely 20. Jules Grsu Opera Co. Packed the nonss h h attract i on bee n announced. - . 01 nun; John Mylle, In Bioe •*« r-i„o„»r«nh Th»«fr. th« W ilHSK Thbatbb (Cbaa A. Bbaw. man ager). —Ward and Voke. presented "A Pair of Pinks" Thanksgiving week. The business was phenomenal, standing room being at a Dremfum at every performance. Tbe play was bright and lively at all times, and was undoubtedly the best these funmsken have ever given here. Charles Grapewln, In Mr. plpp," Nov. 80 and week. Avbnub Tubatbb (Chss. A. Shsw, man- aeer).—"Tbe Lighthouse by tbe .Sea/' week of 28, was s reallatlc melodrama that brought large audiences at each performance. "Across the Pacific" 29 snd week. Thbatbb (Whallen Bros. pcnl g sanction. Harry T. Howard ii be retained as .lage malinger. ACits TltEATiiB (Ch.s, M. V\cst. manager). T addition to people booked for week of Lano and Carter will open for week or liu.lness la very good. MANHATTAN TllBATUB (ChBI. B. BeUtZ, mauager).—People for week of 80: Nagie STusms. Osuado, BUedman's dog show Leland and A.htou. Throe Rents, Loulse Walby, Madnlliie Starr, and Florence Ed- wards. . Petersbars.-At th. V'Wi.t'ff' (Wm. B. French, manager .—" 1 olty Tolty pleased a good house Nov. 20.«•»»■' ""P": tlans Dec. 4, "Lovera 1 Lane 10, Llssie Evsns 11. ,_ . «. Stnouton—At Opera Houie {■■■!■■■■ Bhults, managers).—Tascn a Hand, Nov. w, drew an enthusiastic audience, giving a splen- did concert. "The l»w">Mt«r» SI. to large audience. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde UO, Harris Adams Co. week of Dec. 7. . +*-* POST CHECK GIIKHUNOY. Henry A. Castle, auditor for the Post Ofllce Department, shows au annual shortage of a half million dollars or more In the money order system. Tbe opposHon to the Port Check Currency plan come, largelyJrom this bureau becauso the new currency would practically abolish the money order sys em. This opposition should not be permitted to block the establishing of a currency that com. bines a safe and convenient draft for reinlt- linc-e wltb a rellabe c rculattng medium. The Port Check Currency seek, to Wilt he masses. It la a government luue of the «ame relative value aa the greenliack,, and1 Is so controlled that It can be nsajl saftty * the malls for the payment of small accounts. « has a host of Friends and uo enemle.. outslds of a limited class who oppose It because of "The'briVshould become a law iittlM» r i-niun™, ss , ent , e s.loD of Congress, and It will If puuiic Hanford 27, 28, ™ nt f m cnt becomes sufllclsntly aroused io ex- press to congressmen Its views w.the sub- Sect. Letters to from their constituents will aid tbe cause.-Oaselle, Janeiville, WU. Tin CUPi'BB snd msny of Its patrons bSTe .ount. through tbe nialfa^dwIUba^M with -1 eyery to any hla sup- I, wblcb was fntroduced In the House of Hepresfnts- lives Nov. 12. 1008, by Mr. Gardner, of Mllblgan, and 'referred to the Committee 00 Post OUice. etc.—[Ko.l * 1 * CIIAIILKB JOBHPII, .. the National Al- and lllllers of Amer. 878, fe'nncdy played a Mason! pie in the audience were aware thst she1 was not of the regulsr cast. Miss Gardner Is the Chicago girl adopted and educated Iby ths , ar prelldMlt 0 f lnts 1' D Armour. Elizabeth Kenneay ou- ,,"„ *^Tf uni i'mters nnd . rSe?- 2, '^he* Profeawr's Love Btory' 8-i "mc. ot JU1I1 1 "Ur.^ |b aw . O 'and st an early age he began earning bis UTlng ss a newsboy. His first position1 ss a olfler was at fhc .Fountain BauareThea. tro (now the Columbia), In the city of BW birth. In July, 18U0. he went W Pitts- burg. Pa., where he located, and soon bs- "ami prominent among the local bll era Through his efforts tbe Pittsburg III fo*'"*; Union was organized with s small member- ship, but though small In numbera. with Mr. Joseph nt It. bead It. mode up In •oergy what It lacked numerical!/^ and the mem- twice 21. Due :' John Mylle, Tracked," 26; Lewis Morrison, In 28. 4i * IOWA. "Faust," At the Clneograph Theatre tbe Wilson Trio, Leslie and Lancton, John H. Mack, bershlp soon increased, anif tb^e organlMtlon spread to other cities through the Stats ai iKnsylvanla. At Its first ssse tag, faJ— ft 1001. the local bad only eight sisasjjantn one hundred . and twenty-nTe. Des Moines—At Foster's ^".^..S fnd Behan <, "The* Chsperon.'' B. Kathryn Kidder 9. the Bostonlans 12. OnAND Opcta Hodsb (Wm. Forter, man- ager).—"The White Slave^jtartedla three fe's^T^'played^ ..ffl^ l B 2f °'A Triplto ChWtown" 56-28. "Where Is Cobbr 80-T)ec. 2. "Lost River" 8-8. Tim Murphy. In "The Msn from Missouri, 20 (return engagement) Buckinoiiam managers). — Bobby Manchester s Cracker j M1> ' anMared B at°thls 0 house tils sesson. In co" now n " h" M * . Bab, Helen NsUni 1 and moving pictures 'P**^ %\ g,! :fsct the company played to l^hrough^Mr ^^^ t „■. org«l«UoB were recent attractions.. ..A serrous^water , tanalng ^0,,, bouses throughout^ths^en- J^"^ jibuetl, the N. A. B. P. snd B. gngement. Vsnlty Fair 29 and week, wltb "■« D ateadlly grown . Locals bave been the imperials to follow, ♦„,„.* , h , instituted In over twenty different cities Notbs.— John T. Micauley tendered the {?":,„ jj aa t Boutb nnd West, and many ap- Macauley's Theatre 24, for a baaattta X°ea?f 0 r» Vrom other cities' await sctlon. Benrs 67 the late fire at "opklns D a *™j 10 ^ Db ' w pr oud of the .fact that bejs damage occurred at Morosco's Burbank The atre afternoon of 18, when some mischievous person opened tbe water hydrant faucet, al- lowing the water to run In torrents for some time before It waa noticed. -• use 01 the sufferers Ban DleaTO.—lala Theatre, H. C. Wyatt, manager).—Olympla Opera Co. Nor. 18, 14. HaTerly's Minstrels, to a good bouse, 16. "Over Nlsgare Fslls 1 ' had fair house 18. El- lery's Bsnd 19, 20. " 'Way Down Bast" 21, Pollard's LUlputlsn Opera Co. 28 and week, "Foxy Grandpa" Dee. 8. «»» ILLINOIS. Thestre. Abouf fifteen hundred dollars was fc youngcBt national president of a labor realized. Talent from the "Peggy from "ejp^X" In tbe Unlfed Stales. Ho Is also Paris," Cracker Jacks and Ward and Voke. "»»■« ■ mfmbff nf , ne K of p< companies tendered their services. Hevcnj * "'" , «.» Decatnr.—At the Powen Grand jlfred J. Given, msnager).—Every seat In the houss was taken for "The Prince of Pllsen" Not. ofiEe"p^fo7merB^bo"iort "their^wardrobe In th fire also took psrt. n>»klng tbe V*™"* ance one to be remembered.. ....Wallace Hamilton, formerly of the Cleve and Tbeatrs, Cleveland, 0., assumed the position of tress- urer of the Mssonlc Theatre 28. 1 a Pudncah English, mana tbe Palace of the King, — M. La Pell Dixon Is playing Joe Weber s „art In "Holty Tolty" on the road, and Is not playing dates a. was reported. Mr. DIX- on Is late of Clifford and Dixon. — wi> . At the Kentucky (James K. nager).—Helen Orantly, In In nBCORD FHKinilT HUN. tSi Tfor*"The Prince of Pllsen" Not. ",,"'"V/ a l M ontfofl, In "When Her B( Dsvldson's Stock Co did weHfiTi^. Dlgbts business. ^• H ««» M F ^ ifMai ln . The P tn-n mat n»pfl. r OH 02 28. TDe t-temai nycn»«», *«', # ,, «. h _„i /n „ w nff mnlr Nov. 23, did good Boul ro- Nevr K««l Uncle-Jo^h 8pruceby y ' ^p^j^ .from had a largeadnnce aalefor 27. Jersey City.—"The Volunteer Organist" attracted targe and well pleased attendance to the Academy week ending Nov. 28. The cast was excellent In every respect. "Too Peoria—At the Grand (Cbsmberlln. Har- rlnaton A Co., msnsgen).—' Blcbard Car- 'el? 5 by AndreW Hobson. drew s .fslr house Not. 28. "A Mountain Outlaw^. 24 A and M &^?.?SS riv-So, 1ID UUUBW *t, ■"»* On" 28. "A Texas Bteer" was thV Thanksalvfng olferlng snd h.d two good Acadbht (Frank H. Henderson, manager). ^""v.M-as in the city 20... ...BjSt** 1 - T A t ?l on 1 n / Proud to Beg" proved sensation enoogh to ^lPrBBs. ^ . n a M »oboBt«" for 80, can- satisfy the capacity crowds at tbe filjon. nounced »r m. anu «»« Turner, in ad- The frocadero Burlesquere. complete In every celed.... \]!fc u $fimorB Son." were hen detail hmii,!,, hnnVnni. tn fh» Run Ton. vance Of . tHe WT«i~> ■ «nnele Josh Mobile—At ths Mobile Thestre (J. Tan- nenbaum, manager) -'he Oagnon * Pol- m lock Stock Co. came Nov. 16-21,_wlth. thiiw- tvet ^„ t 0 eeptlon of 10, to fair hustaess. Ths good n ', flcant »| n Loaded with Bmjiort OoMob, York Central Train Makes Time from Montreal. Now York Central official, have made public the running time of ■'»»•*» trail oailed with export cotton, which. It wasi said. holds the freight record between Montreal and New York. Tbe train made the 485 mile. beTweVn Vslleyfleld. Quebec, snd New York In 18 houra and 20 minutes. Two hundred bsles of Kgyptlan cotton were In store st Valleyfleld. a few miles Sari of Montreal. They had been sold to LlTerpool splnnen, snd In order to make■ de- Terylt was n.iccsaary to get tbe cotton to New York within seventeen hoars. One of the railroad traffic t**ffj* snesklng.of thl..™.. «M ttit^tt w« J^| holly Inadequate i certainty of da- work by tbe compsn? ."ads »»;■«» an j ocean serrlce was w friends 'snd they deserved better.£•{»?»»•«• fn cases of emergency when s h " SS .-y or . Marls Walnwrlght, in "Twe'tb Night, nrs „ ,, , mpor tsnt.—From Ths »«» Torn two performsnees 10. to fair wturns. "TM ff0fO(A Bllver Slipper" cams, to 8. B. O., and ■•<»