The New York Clipper (December 1903)

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December 5. t THE NEW YORK CLIPPEE, 973 Clipper Post Office, In urdet to avoid mlatalcea nod to tnanro i the prompt deliver? of the letter* advertised In this Hat, an envelope plainly addreaied moat be neat for each letter, and • written order (or the letter, signed with the full naate and addreae and the line o(|bnalneaa followed by the sender, maat also .no eneloied. Please mention the date (or nam- »er) of THE CLIPPER la which, tbe lettera sent for were mlvrrtucd. LADIES' LIST. Arnold, ' Virginia Asinnlto. MlMlC Ardy. Mllly Adams, Clara Adilson, Ousslo Alden.Florcnec Asbtou, . 'Lnntry Alriswortli, Ballmer, Eva Bailngton, Mrs. Ned Deatrlec. : Mllc. Kates. Klvla Hrandon.Lydla Hurlilinrl.nnwi Hopham, Eslc Burrows, Miss M. Bubs, Mario ! , Leonora Blake, Marlon Renins Hurt. Nellie Batcholor; Nettie . Brgoks. ■■■ '■ Florence Bally, Inubcllo tlUtt. JlllIC II ill nm unt. i . Maud liaJJerliii.Cluru Hluck, Helen lllaii', Marg. Brown. Laura He&wlth. Coru Burg Sisters, Irene HMirdsley ■ .....Sisters, Hums. Gladys Wglor, Aunle flyfou, ' Mrs. Frank mr : Mrs. Will I'ul Ins, Alice Courtney, ' ■ , Florence Cgrloton Birdie >.'»wr.r, Aunle Cecil, Nora Ella. Claru Ada f.'olp. Thclma t'.'oghlnu, : , • Gertrude Mafwys , Mrs. Lucia Cttruofruk'. ' ,. • Jessie Oralg, Vlolette Cartoon.' ' Birdie Curltou. Mrs. Tom Elliott. Ettn Egebcrt. Moiilc Erroil, (lay 1 Curie, Vera Flsber, l.b.ilc roster, Alllc roster, Grace Fuller, Gloria Forrester, BelBia Farlardcau Doll Ford, Mamie Forrest, Edytb Florlnnc, —. Farlowo, Edna Ford. Maud Floy, Florence Grover, Alice Gerald, Alllc Orote, Grace Gassoiau, Josephine, Gllson, Lottie Cllday. Ida Guthrie, Mrs.C. W Grnble, Delia Gypzcne, — Garnvlln, • Mrs. It. Graham, Elsie Hatch. Mrs. Olive Hoblig, Mazle Hunter, Cornelia HurriBou. Kvclan Huffman. . Nettle Hoyt.' Frances Herbert, Mrs. Kate Hawkes,Cnrrh> Harper, Ellen Hoey, May Heather, Dorothy Hopkins, RnuM Howurd, Era Heart e. Vera • Herring. Ella HiutIs. Kn 111 Hawthorne, Mabel Hood, Alllc Hanlcr, Mrs, J. 8. Irwin. Lllllc Ives, Peurl Jaque. II. Jcmiott, Lillian Klii).'. Blanch KralTt. Edith Kergou. Dorothea Kellogg. Mrs. W. it. ... Kress, Maggie • 'husiyn. Alice Klnnolrdilreiie Curputte. Koleey Sisters Kenuello, ijecii, »>« Jurrult • ' • Evelyn I.le\Vel'aullnc ptti. Myrtle Barls, Sadie I la lire, Louie peArc, Grace t'ufIn. Josle DoljuoreJonulc !)u.Preo.MJiiulo lai'ls, Tiny lenipstcr.. T Mabel liunbar. Louise HocV, Nttdle Dtckiuu. May Durftty, Edith IJOiyqp. Berthu Da rHwv Clyde Dlilvlna, N. L. DefAiorc. Sadie Dimrce, Minnie De fu6re ' -'• -.:■, Hlstors Domln. Bertha Uiilp, Mabel Helmon: Misses Duvcnport.'. 1 . Edna Uuiibiir. Irene UnfayeEleilore UcVere. . ; : ' Paulino peV'cral..Hosc Kan, Violet Hmurald, • • Monule K||ifer, Marie Evans, Kltle -Vldqdsc.Edytii , En tpn,. Nellie Mrs. Low OWm Myrtle Kelly, Julia Davis, Hudie Lelloy. I'.lva Lawrence, Annie LlttlehalCH, USTuU Loftus, Ceclllu Leston, Edith Lawrence, Mac Lawrence. 11.12 Lnugtry. Lllllc Leslie,' Elsie Leslie. Mabel Hprfely, Edith Leonard. OHlUB..BertliB ' Mrs. J. F. Lawrence. B.E. Miller, Itlniii'li Morrison, Belle McFarluud. , Mn. Phil MordBunt. Madeline Milton Sisters Montague '•:'?. Uertlia Marshall, ' Annctt Magncr, Katie McDougall. ■ Corluno Mitchell, .Mrs. E. C. Morton. • . . ChtrlbtU Marshall, Leah Mock, i ■ Mrs. Andrew Mills. Ilattle erald. Marshall. ■ I .Monnlc 'Madeline Eileen,- Alice I Miles. Ida Edmunds! < I Meredith •--..' ' Martba Sisters Edanll.Dean Mnrtcll, 011h> > ' : GENTLEMEN'S LIST, May, Lucille Melnotte. Adelaide Moil! rose, Ilesslo Marlon. Ix>ulse Mlchols, C. II. Madlgan, " Frances McCJratb. Mlnulo Mooney, Mrs J Montrose, ' " ._ ■ IiOUlHO McConnell Sisters Munteli, Jda Neville. .\Tnrgaret Nelson, little Nawn. Knthcrinn Nnwu, .Mi-sTom Nelson, Shirley I'dwell. Bolle Plbe, Marie Potton, . Mrs. Edw. I'nrdue.Marlon Powell, Lydla Peddle. Ada Pemrocll, ' Cia'rc I'ehdlcloa', Beatrice Pcndery, May Price,' Mrs. E. II. Qulgley, Mrs. Geo. Ulpplth, o. 8. Russell, Nella Buy. Helen Itussell, Flo Kemlngton, Mamie Roynor. Etta Koscs, Two Heed, Anna Itandell, Flo Itobson, Mrs. Stuart Oot. Zola Iteece, Leslie Boss, Elsie Kyun. I.ulu Remington, .... KnrI RiilTell, Phlllls Uiililiimii. Muc Happo. Anna Kutlierlnnd. Lllllnn Sndnl.Madeline Spa'rks.MrsJos St.I^'on, Daisy Sticll, Dora Scott. Kittle Selgel, Kmma, Kutherlne Sherwood. . Ranch Story,. Piiullnc Sulkl.i. Millie Stea'dman, Dot SchuclTcr. Lillian Snoll, Dora St.Clulr, , . Audrey Slelln, Hluin li Segur, ; Lillian Sharp. Bessie Scymour.O.G. Sllbon, Oertlo Starr, Sadv Stevens, Lllllc Snyder. Emma Shaw, Minnie Si-liunmnSudle Taylor, Miss Turner. Kutb Theu. Mme. Taylor, Julia Vance, Nellie VanTasscll, Helen Veronica Vlrglo A'endome,' Frnuceska AVrlghtmau, i Madeline Wlcbem.Wully Wilbur, Bubo Wlulleld, Beta Wills, Estclla Wills, Mai Ware, Bona Warren. • MrB.CJint'.A. Watson, Kittle Write, Emma White. - • -Mrs. Bob Williams. Emma Yu lr; Mao- Arulutrong. '• . W.M. Ashley, Win, Aiiderson.W.B. Autnlii, Fred . A(lp?uis.' Fritz Allcu, .AlW. Alciuudcr, ' ' '. l^on Anurows, liar. ■imtrews, Kan AoRplPf. . - , .Eilmond Anino, Andy, ArUjHtt'unglloc Alhcvlluo. . ' Frank Amns. 0. (.'. AlllTon.iThe, Ajnms; Frank Apiicrson. .. •^ Alfred Ulmjuuncttc & , ' Newman llnrUcll. II. W JJ&iikP, J. C Brazil, Nat Hulnur, Henry mm, w. e. Wgriis. V. II. Buflcr. O. H. Burvtuis, Bob Boises, Four IJeuk, ChllH. Benson, V. B. Brott, J. J. Burnum, Jos. Brown, J, G. 1 taker, Meeker BoiiUu, Bending Urobost Trio Bul|ey, C. P. Barry, W. H. Boyle, C. II. Buttons. The B|Jim, James frfrrmv, Geo. Bergau, Chas. Baker, Johnny IleUuont. liar. Irawn, Tom Brown, W'ru. niKtoin. G. Halir, Peter Blocksoiu, II. Bauer, Loula ■ Bates, Clyde Brown, Walt itoyle, Chas II Blaine. J.. Bussett, BusboI Brooks, Hani Benson, V. S. Bowers. M. K. Hobt. Boise. Harry HuriV'lt,.\ltbur Hanksoai. J W Brofrq.CluIr Buckley. 13. J, Ui'ulk*. Brooks llnis. . l4wrenci>:C'nrey & Lelmid lli|iAer..I-;d«-|n Coughlan. J M narnuur • .' I Cowley, .Iniues IlowJiiun. .las. Camp. Frank njuji). Paul i Caldwell, F. W Blxfej-,- Frank I Clifton. H. IL BebtAn. How. . Crawford,Jack Cooper A. I^V»'re Cwiley, W. M. ilutton, Guy lllnnlc & . Chapimin IlbllV Choi. Byroil-ftl'ViHlcr Bnch.lW. Cilrey, W.te Cam Will r* C'oorey, John Cohn, O.K. r'lurt & Hilton Coughllii, WC Culliane & .... Chase Chester. Fred Caldwell, W.C Curtis. Allen Cook, II. II. Chick, John Culliane. W. 15 (.'ore, Jno. Cohen, A. ■ II. Collins. Sim Clark, Jack Cllftou, II. H. Cole. A. J. Clc'odoras, The Crawford. Juo. f'ullkllll. l'ele Craig. W. W. Cullahun, Jas. Cluudlus, Dave t'.'urtiss. Allen Crane, Lawr. Cohn. W. Clark, Italpb C.iHNldy. Larry Clark, A. II. Cowley. Jas. Campbell. Wm Corbett. 13d. C Cum|)liell. Mr. Jt Mrs. Clurk, Wulllo i'rule. Pete Conibear, Mr. CopciiHiilro.BIv Carroll, Geo. Campbell & . Carrol ton Carson. Jas. Callahan. Goo. W. Cinrk, John F. Chirk. Edwin Callahan. Jas. Ca«ail. Chas. Cavelle, Vino Cochran, V. W Carlos, Chas, Clark & (J 11 mure Dcavca, W. Dunn, Frank Doyle, Bart Dock, Bam Domlng.Arllipr ■ Dunn, Lou IHirendi'i, Leo Dill, Louis 1 Hjiigons, « Denu, CUlt HoVonde. Cheg Doyle, Edillc Dunhnr,<W. J. Hallo « /ellu UrummouilGrii Darling, Fred Dyer, II. S. lK-mpsey, Thos Davis, Geo. Uumont, E. Dalley, W. B. Delnroye, W, Donovan, J. B. Derden, J Vivo Dncrow, W. J. Dixon, A. J. Denning, Lmvt DoCarlu, Freil Don, Arthur - Douglnss.Chns. DeKreko, A. K Dncrow. Geo. Davis, IL P. Downey, Thos. IIiiBoIh. .Great Dowllne.- F. J. Dalto AZellow Dorr, Geo. Dodd, Prbf. C. Dicnz, Eugene DeBur, Harry Duncan, J. L. Duncnu, Jus. Dodson, II. F. Durrcll. Guy . Doty, E, L. Dillon, .John Devon, Fred DcVeaux, W G DeBott, Oeo M Darling, Fred Dalley. ' Hammond Donovan, Jack DcMutnl Howard Erlckson, Bob Evans, ueo. Elllston, Mark Everstlne.W. H Eversolc, W. Erlckson, Vic. Elliott, Nick Elllston. M.J. Elder, W. C. Elmer. John Emmons; .. , Frank Earle & Wilson Ella, Bleb. S. Everstlne^W It Farley, John Fallon, Thos, Fields. • Mnclchey Frunklnnd.di'o Forby, Edgar Filch, Tom Furlong. Atherton Fulklner, F. Fry, Totii...' Faurenbcrg. ' Karl Farrnn & Fay. Fields, II. D. FlUch, Lawr, Fltzgerahl.Gdn I'llllll, Ulllle FawcetT.'Orrln Emworth. Phil FltZ. A, A. Farrlngton, • Frank Farrori'ltulph I'lnldlug, liar. Francis, Euro. ■Tl anilflll II. I- h'ltzhugli. IJ.W 1"riinels. John Fordy<»,'A. W Franks, .Don Fleming, W..8, Field, John. Fountain. Bob Forrest, ;Clia8. Fordhunr, Arthur Flacke, Henry French. Frank Ferris,, Wiley Fields, Jnp.' Jr Foster, Chas B Freneli',- B. 1 'A. I'ltslmmons. 7 Wm. Fa Ike. ChanH Fltzpatrlck.^ . . '■' Joo Fulton,. Jane Farser, J. . . Florida, Geo A Fisher, Chas. Greth, Claude Golden. Martin Ungiuiux, The tiiegg,s;,J.! Graham, lord Grelseiv-W: S. Grosli, W..M. Gibson, Nora Gould. G.' i Gilbert; Fred ' (.oiililiq. Frank Gruy &■. ' • Graliarc Guise. J. J. Graves, H. C. George, Znkcr Guy, Eddie Giants, Tho Gllmore. "■■.' Barney Guy, K. It, GUI, Geo., Gerrcttc. liar. GenaroA T1|f, °l Gclatt, W, A. Gardner 1 is Leonard Garduer.*' .. Danford Gullu gh'or.W.T Guron, Andy Grant, Colo GlUney, ,Wjn. Gilbert, F. II. Grqir. M. It. Goodwin, Iteo Hayes. Btewoit llawley, Walt, llliies, Clyde Hariwr, Hurry Ifclscy, Mart Hardle, Tola Harrison, CIiok Hcunlga.o, J It llaiuiuoiia.C.D. Hlncbcllfte. R. Hill, Perey Hohicr,. Sam Haiidy.'A. W. Horner, Horn J Holmes, C'has. Hazza. Robt. II 111, H. P. noranell, Bison Miller, Fred Kenwood, U. Hill J. T. J. Haider, Geo.' Harrison, Arthur Hartwcli. Frank Hups. Chas. Huntley, lien Holt, Geo. Ilcrzog. II. Howe & Scott Hamilton, J. C Hughes. Arth. HoCb, V. ijelwr, A. V. Houghton x Mnctur Hunt. Wm. Hewitts, -J Huthawny, John Hiiystead.Chns Ilenelln, Joe lleltlng, F. A. Harris, N. W. Hnller, B. C. Haydeu. Balph lliind. Call Hodges, Harry Hnckett, W. J. Halt man. Alia m Hilton, Chas 1' IIfives. Tommy Hanson. Hnr. Hnrrndnn, Jas Hustings. Brn. Irwin, W. J. Inman. Wm. Ireland, G. H. Jnckln, ('. Jewctt, Evorel Jennings, Wm. Jackson, (k-o. Jones. Irving Jnokcl & Co. Judels, Nick Jonlson, i:t Jamison, I*. S. Jnrelto, Hnr. Junes, Irving Johnson, Freil Johnson k Garlck Jeffries, A, J. Kent, H. M. Keeley, Arthur Kelly k Vlolette Keen, Jnlinn Karlion. H«n Kelly, C. .1. Keuo,. Will Kendal, Leo Kerby. Fred Kellcy, Baby King. L. I'\ Kluard, J. A. Klnscy, M. L. Kline. Chas. Kroiisc, W. II Koppe KuKuck. R. v.. Klurk, Harden Kelly, C. J. Kruglet, Otto Kelly & A'loletlc Keeley, Arthur Knights. The Kalblleld,Louis Ket-n, Julius Kennedy, ■ ;./.. .(Crank Kcmbio. Oco. Kleckhoefcr, E. A Lewis, Claud Leslie, WOK. Leach. Jitluiny Lyonell, Leo Leonhnrdl, , Alex. tearyj' Tlieo M Leo. Louis L?tzord, C'lin.H. Lynch, 11. v.. Leonard, Jas. I.livllie. BdW. Lamkcrt, E. A LaFleur, Grcn" Lewis, A. Leslie, Hurt Leigh Bros. LnNole, 13d. I.e Boy, Nat Lolghton & . . LelKhton Lowiuule, Tony Lamoul, Clias, 111 Nolo. John LiuVri'iiiT, G A Lelloy, Pntil Leltiiy,: Jack LltUetleld.C.W Laurells, Tbe Lawton, Herb. binder, Harry Learett, liar. Lelblcc, llcnry li-onarU, Jas. Lungdon, W M Leonard. ■ Jno. B Levant, Lee Llndley, AI. Lenry. James Lcagcn, Jus. Loralue, Hnr. Lutz, Clnrenco La tuny. Joe Little, Purcy Lowe, Mr. Linden. IL It. . . (tol.l Lawrence. J t Marlon. Unit Morrison. Tom Merrltt, P. Mason ft - Wurflnld MackLnwrencc Alack, Wm. Malcolm. Fred Minks, Mr. Manning & Mills Mahio, Peter Milter, Adam Mystic. John Mead. B. II. Maddox. Kleli. Mulligan. Juo. Mclrose.Ernest McClcary, J W Mayer, Irving Mariin, Hurry McEldowncys, .■■ The Miles. Prof. McGrolh. Mike MuHseloiuii.CH MiUor. Wilson McGraw, Hnr. McCree, Keuo Myres. Wm. Metzhlll. Henry Milts. Jerry McAvoy. Dan Murk, i 'has. McKcnnn, Pat Mack, Harry MarluUs A Zoar Mara, AI. Mnrrou. Jas. McNalf. J. II. Stiller, Iluy A. Myers. Wm. Slplioso. F. Murshall, Burt Mortlmer.Cbai Mobr. It. H. Macklem, Clayton Molwood, Frank Mitchell. Juo. Meeker. Geo. Mantel I. Bobt. Mack, Chas. Martin & mi, ■ ,. y " ,B8 Mitchell. Karl K. Murphy, Dick McDonald. J J Mack. Eddie Menklu, Mr. Mortou. Eddie Muiory.Cllfton Mack. Frank J Meeker Baker Trio Navnms, !l Nuwnrk, Major Naion. John Nnsher, Mnt Norrls, W. North, Bobby Nolan, II. 1. Nlsscn, W. Norrls, Joe Nessen & S"c^sell Norman, Hnr. Noble. CbasW Nice ■ Twins -VelT. W. F. O'Brien, II. J. O'Brien, J. J. Olio, K. Olt, J. Kdw. Giber, G. Oiikes. Henry O'Connor, Etl. Oppenhelmer, • ■ Jos. Osborn.Chas.i, Patterson, C C Potter, II. B. Power, Cvde Purring, Prof. Perrjno, Prof. Paige, Jno. Parker, U. M. Phillips. Alf. Pnynter, .1. N. Phllson, Geo. Purcell, Frank Prince, J. Potter, Honry Parker Car- n I vn I Co. Pync, Dick Perry Friiiiklln Parker, AI. Phillips, J. H. Paul, Oscur Phelps, W. IL Price, Har. M. Potior. Tom Purcell, Frank Qulgg. Frank Ulchrle.Arthur I teed. J. A. Reynolds, Lew Rowland, W W Ronnhlo, Edw. Itllldeillio, Prince Itehan, Jack Rogers. Frank Raymond & Sortonln Rentfrow. J. N Boulter. Ed. llobcrtus. .!■ . Wilfred Roger*, Kdw. Itbaslmer, Hi.lley Rale, M. W. Itlvei. David Blco'it Barton Bono & Bmitb It oyer. Archie Ilynii, Dan- Rlchitrds, Will Bohltison, A. C Bedmond, Ed. Rockwell, J. C. Bice k Cndy Beeves, Harry ituebj, Chas. Iliinalinn, Jno. Biiyniond, Jcnii Konuldo, Kdw. Reed, J. A. Blcton HIcoby.T. A.- Hnaisuy, riuiK. Bnmson, 15. P, Baymond. II B Rugo, C K. Rowley, Rolph Itevuurd, E. F Robertson, ■ Frank Russell, Lawr. Rentfrow, J.M. Randolph. T. Reed. J. A. Rinuldo. Bruce Rio. Adolph Buff, IMgnr Spoutldon, Sam Schrum, Edw. Sharp. Chhs. Sassarle, Chna Scott * • Howard Hlnglear. Chas Sdusa. J. P. Scldol iColllns Snow; Geo. Salvall. A. L. Seymour, O. G Slater. Bob Spencer. Lloyd Strand & ! . , Strand Singer, M. J. Stubor, F. 8. Slegilst, Toto Sumtnera. Ben Savage. ||. W. Shaw. I airy Btnvordalc. J. Stock. W. F. Sun, Gus Same uieyou, M. Sheldon. Fred Sin I Hi A: I idle Stone, Vernon Swan. Murk SI.Leon. 5 Sllvertou, Will Stone, Chas. Scott. W. W. SmUh, C. 11. Sceloy. W. II. Sauford. Jcre Shrcluer. F. II Spiidle, Frank Selgrlst, Toto Spi-ott. J. E. Seymour, Har. Seymour. II. S Smith. Harry Sluirrsou. Clms Sponer. r. K, Slone. Lewis Schrotb. Millard Sldonln. Great Stanley & Wilson Suinayoa, M. St. Leou, Alf. Seymour, ft, L Stanley, W. W Shelbys. James Stoddard, Chas Shannou, Sam Sbradcr, V. C. Hcammon. A. J Sanger, Hurry Soughllu. J.D Thoulas, Juo. Thomiis, Irwin Taylor, II. W. Tlionuis, Gto. Toukcy. Jos. Thompson & Serldn Todt. J. II. Thome. Wm. J Towuseud, Herman Tannus, Arih. Taylor. Albert Taylor. Frauk L. 'lVnff, Chas. Taylor, Ed. It. Taylor. F. Leo Thor, Musical Thall, ChiisM Trover, Floyd Vcrnou A Kenned t Vorgunc. Carl Van Arulm, Hairy Volnn. Geo. Vernon k Kennedy, AnsoT, 81313 NOT1C Valtone. Clias. L. Ternou, Curl Veronco, Jus L VauDt'rolf. Bobt. West. Hill Wesloll, ('. X. White. Eugene Whlleiuore.V.J Wiitmn. C. P. Wild. W. C. Wilson & Leicester Winn. Kdw, Win Hum ii, i| F WesHiike.W. I>. W,KHlHll»ek C». WllsuU. Gen. X Wider. M. P. Woodwuril.'.'.E Warren. W. J. Whltcltt-d. CtHM W. Whlle>, Cup Walsh, Frank Whltocar.W.A. Wood, !•'. West oils'. .1 Will. J. B. Wilson & Leicester Wilson. Jack Winn. K II. Warren. W. J. Wllley & Wormwood. v. r. West. W. H. Wulllo & Elliott Wbltelcy, Juo. Wombold, It. D Watson. Chas. W. Wnllace. W. II Wilson, E. c. Wlnstaulev, Ed. B. Wliicherinnn. Mr. Warren, FreU Willing. I'hns. Wi-st, Joe Wilson. Joe II. Wagner. Sam Wnrreu. \V. J. Wort! ic Judgo Wheeler. A. D. White, P. J. Ward, Win. Willis Family White. Kdw. C WnytieftlJimnr Wltte, W. S. Veagcr. W. J. Yost. Bertram Yale. Chas. Yorke.Gustave Jiuhtm, The Zlnn. Alb. M. I .ink las Zwlekey. .Tuck Wood, 1'. J. Zlerke, Robt. K AT I1KAU OP LIST. nulier. Jpgn . rMnck, J. C. Hlfvwton. Will Httynes. fterm; Xlllck B. A. Hntherland, Iternian...rrofc Monrrlef, M. l^wla Ilauforii, C^B.jMnbr. tt. II. Sielllng k Holmes,- Krank! Mathews. J. C. Iterell Ilenrv, Prof. IliManne, IhitiiiylHparkit.' W. W. Heywortt, ED McDotiuld, S. Btocktey, U. Ulilh tDt Bil l Posters. Cincinnati Is preparing a royal welcome for the, delegates to the st'coml convention of tho National Allluncc of BUI posters, hooked to lake place In that Ohio oily Dec. T. The Cliiciuunll Local bus appointed press i.iitl reception committee, tin I he former are- Walter Thompson. Wlllliiui Gmkcln, "Red" ltolilnsiin mill llmry Blchardsnn. All tan local otlluers arc bending every effort to make the convention snccccKHful. The of- llelul roster of Cincinnati Uicul is us [al- lows : President. J. II. Donovan; vice presi- dent, George Murray: trcnuiirer, Charles Humor',: financial secretary. Charles Nohl: recording and corresponding .secretary, Hurry Richardson; sergeant tit arms. AI. P. Tlglie. Cincinnati has named Gcorgo Miirray, Dnvltl Freiberg, Harry Mor- toii mid J. II. Iionoviin delegates to the con- vention. Thh Ni:w VonK Clll'l'tui bus been iin'iiiilmoiisly named as official organ of tbu 'CinclnnatiHiis. Mayor Julius Flolschtillinn bus been Invited to open tbe convention ut Joseph's Hall. Nearly nun hundred delegates will iw present. Nnllotuil President Josephs Is coming from Plltsburg with live delegates, unci National Secretary John .1. McCoruiIck will bring nine delegates with him from Chi- cago. A himquel at Krollmini's Gulden, in Westwood, nnd a trolley ride am two of the features of entertainment planned, and 1lie dclcgaites will all attend a . IH-rforuumce of "In loulslanai" at Itoblu- sou'h Opera House, iik the .guests of Miiuager Edwnrd A. Hanilllon. All tlicntrlcal and circus nuiungor* will bo welcomed ut iho ses- sions nnd cntei'ialniuviiis. A liaii(Lsoiue sou- voulr jNiimulilet, Klvlnj,' tho flil*U>ry of tho alliance, -will bo fcisiieu to couuneniornte tho convocation. It will be elaborately lllus- triiited with- half-tone poi-trnlw vl the olll- chfls of botb 1Jie allliuico and locals. Newi from Local No. S, I'ltlsbnrg: Iho big ball held by thU local was a great suc- cess, both (lniiiiclnlly and soclully, In spltu nf the bad weather, on Nov. 1U. 'The officers and uieinbers deserve credit for the way af- faire wero bundled. Bro. Geo. Abernothey had charge of all arrangements, and was ably assisted by Bro. John Vorley, Iko llouser, Lcn Owens and D. T. Judge. Bro. It.. G. Curran, Sum Van Lewen nud Hurry Josc]ih bud charge of I he doors; Bros. Chas. Joseph, Harry Cohen. Teddy Lacknnui. Will Jnck. Itobt. JLcrrlll hiiiI Will Owens worn.tho recepllon committee; Bros. Joe Howard, Jack Kcssell, Jack Sylvester, John Hays, I*. L. lluhr nnd Hurry. Wolff bad charge of Iho re- freshments; Bros. Mntt Hurst, A. II. Moans, Hun Butler, W. P. Hock. V. N. Huyder. John Curvllle, Harry Mulligan and Ilnti Hnckett acted lis floor inunngers. 'There was u hand- some prize given to the prettiest looking woman In' nllcuduucc, and It was awarded to.tho wife of D. Butler, one of the local boys. Tim prize was a handsome toilet case. There .were a. nunu>r of vlslllug brothers from out of towu. B..13. McMlllen and Burt Bcnuett. of McKcespurt: G. B. I Jordan nnd A. B. Menus, of Washington, t'a.; B. D. McCloy, of Cnnlionshurg: .loliu Baker, of llrtddouk; MorMs Coin, of Jersey City; Ed. Baker, of Local. No.. II.; Chus., Baker, Local No. 4. . Bro. Frank Slern left here Nov. 23 for'his home In Indianapolis, to spend two weeks with his relatives. He Intends to stop off ut Cincinnati to see the hoys of No'. ,1L J. B. Gordon was married about two wiseks ugo to u young lady from Mo Kcesport. Bro. Gorduu did not let the boys know of tbu wedding uutll Inst week. He Is now busy receiving the best wishes of the local boys and' Ills many ' friends. A. IL Mean*, located at, Washington, Pa., was a visitor to Pittsburg Thanksgiving, nnd spent a plemiiiut «luy Willi the local boys. Bro. hid. Cuke, of Local No. 4. spent a tev days in Pittsburg last week, una left.for Phila- delphia 21. Bro.-II. Fallon, of Local No. 6, bus inndn application to No. :i. He Is now located at this American BIN Posting shop and Intends to inuke Plltslmrg his hnuie for some time. Bro. Ike llnilui-r left Pittsburg Nov. 2ii for Cliii-lnniHI, to s|*;iid Thanks- giving with Ills uiotlmr nnd lVlutlolis. Ilro. Honker' Will 'not 'relurn iinlil after Hie cun- ventlon, us he Is a ilelcgulo: to the conven- tion for No. '■!■ Tin- local boys iniiib: u linn appearance in parading to tho hull i lie night, oi the hull, bended by the Fourteenth Regi- ment Band of Plltsliurg. Tliero wero one hundred nnd twenty-live members In Hue, and all wore new silk budges. Tile route was over tbe principal streets of the two cities. Bro. C. J. Itboude had charge of the boys while on parade. News from Cecal No. «, Denver. Col.—Wo lire golug tu give a grand niasmiu hull on Christmas Eve. ami It will bo the big event of liie season lu Denver. Bro. Gersoli, of llock- stnder's Minstrels. Is In town, for the Hist time tills sen son. lie. is second niuu with the show. He also brought John A. Slicun. ugeiit. of ;Dockstuder's Minstrels, lulu our local as nn honorary uieiuls-r. and In- gave u short talk on uulonlsm. anil promised Ills help ut ull times to further Hie good cause. Bro. Rhodes Is. buck home again, after tl season's work. Bro. wirlh, of Uieul 14, Kansas city, Is lu Hie city, having Just llnlslicd the season with tho Norrls & Dvwo Show. Bro. Wlrth has been III for sorue Hiiie. and will slur In Deliver to rccupcrult-. As tbe printing of Hie locul houses wus Into gettlug Into Denver, nnd the work hud to be done by. Saturday livening, Nov. 7, llrus. Hutching* nud Mer- i-liin. of this locul, got together nud put up 1,1117 she-Is of pupi-i- on that iluy. Very good work for n sniull city like Denver. A..11. Roborls. of L««.al No, 1M. Newurk, N. J., second advance of "A Hot Old Time Co,, was ut the I'oliiiuliln Theatre last, wis-k, nud Hie biiiiuci's <j< I be compuny can be seen on the Brooklyn hi reels. Local No. 12. of Milwaukee, at their meet- ing Nov. 22. Initialed two candidates and ad- vanced their scale of dues. Brother Chas. Thomas, advertising agent ill Iho Academy, Is 'again showing Interest lu the local, to Hid great satisfaction of the inemhers. Brother Chna. Rood, wln> wns circled delegate to the iiatloiui! convention, may nol be able to nl.teud on nceoiinl of the M'Hoiih' lllTiflstf of Mrs. Heed. Brother Duu O'Keefe, ultcrmito, and Brother Srlih-lln, sorgi-aut at arms of the convention, will liardlv lie uble to attend oil iicciiiint Of business. The brothers at tho 'Twin rules win evidently be pleased to leant that Brother McGinn continues lo do good work at tin- IIIJoli. Brother Henry J. Sinker, of Local No. 2. Brooklyn brunch, has cbiscil a successful season of tlitiiyslx weeks ulth Frank I*. linstock's tralie-il wild niilniiil show. No. I. and Is ut present pulling lu n few weeks at the HI Jon Theatre. X V„ iik extra num. 'Frank Itnyinnml, of Isx-nl No. IS. Newark. N. J., loiiincr niim lii advance of '•Happy lloollgnu." wius ut tbe Murray I INI Theatre. New York, bud week. The local boys us- sisiisl hint In local lug (he hauliers, und Hie East side of Hie oily Is well hilled. • Steve Dwyer, nf Local No. II. Denver Col., has been grnuied n release fnun Hint loiiil, and will become n uioiiiIm-i- of l.oeal No. -J, New York, n-s he ileslres lo uiilkc New Vork his home la future. llusliu'ss .MuuiigiT A. IV Cameron, of the IHgh Boilers Co., has bci-ome u member of the National Alliance, and lias Joined Local No. 20. Palcrson. N. J. lie Is a strong union man, nud Iho boys nt Minor's Bowery 'Thea- tre. Now York, gnl together Inst week and gave Oie High Holler Co. n givnt billing on the side. Mr. Ciiiiieron states thai, ho will do all In his (Miwer tonihl Imiils through- mil the country. At Iho regular meet lug of the B. P. ami II. Villon. Local 21. of Troy. Albany and i'oboes. N. v.. the constitution und bylaws wore read for the second lime, and were adopted. John II, I'honeii was elected a dele- gate to Hie FcilcnilIon of Labor ut Allsiuy. For it young union 21 Is In excellent condi- tion. The treasurer has funds lo the amount of S2oli. The union voted lo scud nut u coiunillliv lo draw up a scale of wages to bo brought nil at Hie next, regular meeting, und I lion the boys will bo aide lo gel at I he af- fair properly. Everybody is happy and bnillby. All members of ljieal 21 will please solid llii'lr addresses In W. B. Born, secretary, id Croon Street, Troy. N. V. Brother Waller A. MeCauloy, of Local No. .:.N.'A. It. P. iuiiI It. of A.. Pittsburg, while hi.Milwaukee, last week, spout Thanksgiving wlrh the hoys at No. 12, ut the Alhiiuilirii. lino. -McCaiiley Is now 111 Ills eighteenth week Willi "A Fuutiy Side of Life" Co. John James, of Local No. 17, Boston, has arrived lu.Nw York, having ,'IimihI the sea- sou' with the "Two Lllllc Vagrants." He Is now working at the Murray mil Theatre. Clias. Coleman tins applied to Isicnl No. IS for it' wll'lldr-awnl card, as ho desires to make Now York City his home. V. F. business ngnit of Local No. 17, Boston, reisirlH tiluit ttie mciiibci-Hhlp of his local Is IneiviUilug, nil llm hoys urn busy, nnd ovorytlilng Is In a general})' pros- perous ■'vnilliloii Uro. A»les. of LoMl No. tl. Denver, In ail- vuiiiv <if "The Finiiiy Mr. Donley." was nt I'roctpr's Flft)'-elglir.)i Stris't, Now York, iind ny his energetic work the merits of his at- traction worn well exploited. Notes from U«ml No. IS. N. A. 11. P. k II. of Newark, N. J.-: After our ivgulnr mnetlng Sunday, Nov. 22, wo held a sooliil session, to which nil members of Iho National Allbiiu'e III this HocUon of Iho country wero Invited. 'The iiftnlr wus n great success In every wnv. All of the members of Local No. 18 who could get to the meeting worn on liiiiul, and iiinile the vlslllug brnthers fool nt home. Prominent, among tho visitors was Brn. (Tins. Connors, of Local No. .'(. He iiiailo ii s|s:ecb hi which lie told of Hie pro- gress the alliance wits making nil over tbu country. Bro. D. J. Sweeney, of Isu-iil No. 7. also addressed Hie boys und told them of Hie hoiioilis ho received around the country last Summer with Hie Itanium & Bnllcy Show. Bro. Louis Franks, of this local, wiih with us, nud ho also made n short speech. lie la ahead of "A Mot Did Time." Co. M. .1. Culleu. forcmuu of Hie Newark BUI Posting Co., was made mi honorary member of Ibis lot'nl. and miiito a gmsl speech to tho bovs, In 'which ho wished tliein every-success. The social was brought to a close with the reading of n letter handed lo the ohulrman by Bro. L.-W. Gray. Among the advance men who luivn licen In Newark In the last, few weeks were W. C. Henii, of Local 21, ahead of Geo. Mdnroo, In "Our Bridget's Iiream," and Bro. Leou Victor, In ndvnnce of "The Evil Men Ho" Co. With It tin ivns John James, of Iho ll.iNion, No. 17. 'Filings are booming with us and nil tho inemhers lire busy Just now. «,» • DIILAWAIIE. WlliiiliiKlou.— At iheGnuul iipcra House (Jesse K. Bnylls. malingeri.—"The ISm-l of Powtuckct" hail ii fair sized niidlcticu Nov. •j:>. Miss New York Jr. did fair business 2.',. Hus Hill's "A Hot Old Time" hail two Ida houses 80. Hooked: "Two Little Waifs" 28, "Girls Will He Girls" Doc. I, Philadel- phia Orchestra -J. "Lovers' Lane" -I, Vogel's Minstrels 3, "'Way Down East" P. "Diivld llnriini" lu, "L'mler Souihern Skies" 12. TUB O.uitili.-K (Wm. Ii. Dockslnder, pru- pr'ctor und iniiuingorI.— l'mler the inosl. nil- spliiioiis coiiilltlons this new, hciiullfii) lliea- tin was opened Nov. 211. with tho following bill: Edmund iiuyes und Co., In "A Wise Guy;" J. Beyer West and Ida Van Slelcii, Hurry La Ciillr, Meredith Sisters, Marlon and Dcnn, Dixon, Burt mid Dixon, llnsiks Jtrosj.. nnd tbu klnelograph. The Hiealro wus packed.from pit to dome, and was not half largo enough to necnmiundiitn the appli- cants for seals, To a great evtont the lingo nnd cntbnslnstlc niiilleuco was u personal tribute to Ihe proprietor and uiiinuger, Wll- IIiiiii ti. UockHludi-r. lie wns the recipient during the parforinunco of uuiiiy beauthiil Itolvi'I'H. and in response to the demand of the entli'i! iiiKlleiico ko made a very clever speech- front the singe. 'The ovulloii lu, re- ceived exceeded anything of the kind ever wiliiosgiid In. BUT oily. Tlie Gnrrlcli Is lo- cated on Murkel Hireet, two doors north of Iho Gruiiil upeni House, mid is In every respect n hundsoiiie theiiire, II bus it balcony nnd gallery, nud eight proscenium boxes, mill litis a seating capacity of 1,'JPn. It Is lilted will) nil inudcrn appliances und llxluroK. Vhi- ilecorallniis nre very beaut I- fill, Iho color m-lieiiie balng rod und gold for tho walls, ami Ivory und gold for Hie trim- mings.' The unilu.griiiy ehulrn. red velvet car- pot inn! sage green silk drapery helped to iimlte a most beautiful effect. The stage np- polntiniiiils ore of the most nppi-uved kind, nnd Ihe ten large dressing rooms are a fea- ture of Hie then lie. They lire provided with gas noil elecLrle lights, hot. mid cold wuler, Nlonm livnl. uinl have iniiny oilier coniforls mill eoiiveiileiieoH not usually found In thea- tres. ■Altogether. It emi triillifully Isi suld Hint tile (Inrrtok Is oil" of I be most bouiillfiil und complcic vuiiili'Vllle llioolreii In tho country, und'lis proprietor may Justly feel proud of II. Since the opening tllglit Hie iiiuilek bus ti i lining i>. ireiuuiidous lutsl- liess. Tut: Lvi.'lifM i Hurt k Nlcolnl, imiiingersi. -- "Itacliul GoMslcin" did good business l»- 21. "eMurclillglils of u Groiil City" drew well 2.',-2r>. "TO" King "f Delecllves opened, wll h two crowded houses, 2li-2b. Booked : •-II, p Marriage Vow" ,'IOlh'e. 2, "The Little Chiircn Aroiiiid Ihe Corner" '■',-;,. Tm; Vrw Hiiou, which wus formerly Doi'kstader's. nud Is now under Ihe manage- nieiit of M, J. l'eiitna. Is lo he run us u clean hnrleispic house. Manager Ponton bus u slock company, nnd Ills opening. Nov. 20, with "The Turkish llolh Burlesque," drew crowded Iioiisbh. 4 ■ » ■ - miscellaneous. Notes no* Oavt. W. h. Ahk.nt's Uwat Losisjn Gnosr Snow. -We closed n hmg scmon of Ihlrlyoiie weeks at Augusta, Gil., Nov. 1-1, with the Han B. Bohltison Amuse- ment Co. inn- closing week wns tho banner week of iho season, nnd our season Hie great- est season, limine la He, I 'apt. Anient has ever experienced. Oipi. Anient and wife have de- cided to make Hot Springs. Ark., their Win- ter iiunrlers and rebuild his ghost show and put It mil on n giiiml scale next season. Iln will also put mil a No. 2 show that will ho something uetv In iho Held. Pmnk Smith, who has been ill Cnpl. Arnold's employ for six years, ns Ikimh canvas man nnd electrician, ami has always proven loyal and faithful, bus been adopted Into Ills family. The South Is overrun with lent shows of all kinds unit Hie |>n for the Winter look very poor. No doiilu tunny nf the show people will Slitter hardships before Spring, for tbu cold weather litis nlrcnily set In. W. P. t'.Miiiiu'M II Miami MliiiK'iMii Snow. —-W. P. Cnbler. proprietor and ninnngcr; Mrs. W. P. ('abler, Hccrelary nud treasurer: King Boyd. baii.loM mid silly kid; Snlllo Cahlcr. sonbretle mid coon song shunter: Goo. Cnh- lor, comic songs and dances: Fred Mulller, musical spoclaltlis: J. C. Murphy, bono Nololst and hhick fare coinedhin : Jossle Mon- roe, nliinlsl. Vu tiro still touring liidliimi and doing n lilg Inisliiess. Wo close Dec. 22 until alter tIn- holidays, tbe Cablei- Family mid King llocl going lo Cairo. III.: Fred Mnlller. lo St. Lonla; Josle Monroe, In Chicago: J. C. Murphy, to Nashville. Teun : oil rejoining the conipaiiy again Jan. 20. Siilnrlos have Ih-oii like the Out RKt.tAiil.i:, always on time. l.v Fi.Kt'it Is In bis twenty-fourth week Willi Iho Oowlilll-Mumlv Cnrulviil Co.. nud re- ports mooting with success. 'The show wilt close n season of twonty-llvo weeks Doe. 12, nt Austin. Tux. Won.uwiioii Hitow Notes.— ,Thn following well known »]ieelnlt}' |H>onie have slirunl with Prof. V. 1'. Wormwood lo work In con- iieeilnii wild Woi'inwijmrs Trained Animal lllii|siilrntno and VaiMlevHIn .Vnuex: Frmi- celll nnd licm-ln. operatic singing duo; Vi- llain H. Hall, Itilker und finger: Cora MIs- l.el nnd hnr iilrnnltmles, singers and di'ic i'I's : Mons. Ileiliei'io,' I'reticli iniiHlcal clown nnd gymiMiHl: the Two liar Holts, uulipia comedy luid lunsiisil net: the Gitgnoux, me- iH'i'l Jugglni-s and iimiHIhylsts. and, as the spot-lnl Hior ftiftliiiv, llm Four Hctimau Fam- ily. MoiiHiii lun.-il bicycle ipinrti't. Nli hi:-Sm>- V j.i , Hindoo magician nnd Il- lusionist, will tour the Western country next season under Hie direction of F. W. raytie. All now Mrt«iii>r.v, stage nnd eloelrlc effocls will be cnrrlml. NoTKH I'lllHI liHltllAV .Mllllll'IM' Co., Blakes- lee !e Itarkell. proprietors. — Wo are doing good business, both on admission and medi- cine sales. Wn have Dr. Frank McQueen with us agnl ii, for the fourth time, and while our show IIIIm the opera houses the doctor lolls It to tliuin In Mlvb ft way as to keep Ihe salesmen cm the floor hustling lo Ull llm hands In the nli\ Hnr show la tho strongest-. In quality Hint we linvo over carried. Bubo Hlakeslec, lil.-n-k faro comedian, Is Iho laugh- maker. W. 1.. Ilariliuun. mnglclnn and il- lusionist : I'roi'. W, ('. Itarkell, pianist ami loixaphone snlulsl ; Mrs. II. B. II. Blukcsloe, chariicler skiilch nrtlst. Little Laura lllnkos- Ice, our eight your old soiibrulte, wins tho lioarts of tbe nildloncn wltb her songs nnd dances. Chief Itiiniiing Elk, tbu Iiidlan llero- litit, with his ihrllllug slide fur Ufa from Iho top nf Hie tnltosl building draws the people for miles, wh llu his fonts of strength, con- tortion and Indian club Juggling on the stugn ■nuke them ftjurvHl. Wo have heou playing over the snnm rniiln plliyud two years ugo, nud have beep received wftb open arms sad crowded houses. Jc-llAN-Uiu, hypnotist, opened Ills season nt Nyuck, N- Y.. Thanksgiving day. llu gives a vaudeville show, under hypnotic coinrol. Ills lour Is being conducted by Jus. II. Alllgcr. Nuri'.s i-iiaM Koutii Dakota SAWTonn-jt i 'oncbiit Co,—r.aKt week packed houses werti the rule. Opened will) a packed house, seats ill sold nlioml nf comniiny. Wo linvo fifteen icoplo nnd a bund and orchestra. F. W. all sold nlicml of conjpimy. Wo linvo fifteen nnd a liutid and nrchoslrn. F. W. iiuiiiiigri-: Ernust II. Johnson, slugu sr: Clmrley A. 'i'nwnscnd. muslciil ill. 1M!0|»ll luck, malinger : CIllirloA' rector; Harry Ileiilcs, props; Guy Martin, ndvtinco ngonr.' • ■ ■ - ■ ♦>♦ DIHTIIK T OP COLl.MIHA. Wiisliliigtoii, —At the National Theutra i W. IL llaplcy, iiinttngor ),—Last week Churlou lluwtruy, In "Tim Man from Bluukluy's," scored an nrtlstlc tnccesH, playing lu good business. This weak, E. II Sothern, In '"The Pi-oml I'lliico.'.' Gils nnd Mux Itogors. in '"The Itogors ||roll|crs In London," n*xi; Ciim'miiu I'lltlATin) iLuckott & Dwyer. malingers). -Lust week "When Johnny Comes Miiielilng Home" lilonse'l. 'Tills week. I'nv 'lempeloii, In "Tim Buiiuwu.vs." Burl III lloluios' Icolnrii Diio. I— iiintlins; —"Tbn Ornnil Canyon of Arizona." Dnvld Wurllold, lu "Tito Auctioneer," next, L-H'AH-.rii: Hi't.iiA llui.'Ht: (Ira J. Lit Motle, intiiingiM-i, —Isisl wis-k, couinienelng IVediiewhiy, 'Jo. Dni'ld Ilohisro's new play. "Sivisit Klfly Bstlnlfs," founded Ml Kgwti/li CiiHtlr'H Hook. VTIjn Bath Comedy." received Its Initial ts'i-foi'iiniiKe on any Htage. It wan Ii. m'ery iviiy-.u^euiiukiible success, ami wilt undoubtedly receive lliu Hllllte Welcome us Mr. Ileln mio'm oilmr grout prishiiitloiiM. Ilep.- ilettti CroHiiinn. Ill lliu I lliu role, sluirod tbu high honors lendercil Uw uni-lior of tbo play. M-lille Hie mipiKirt'Iiig coiupiiny, whliih was high honors lendercil Uw author of tho play. wiille Hie stinporliug couiniiny, whliih war very large, il'il must excellent work. Tin singing of iJ-iu nlny wgs Mijierli, nud desplto some i xjo.|ii.-riL.(liig hlicbes on tho open-lug night, wh 1 eh cjiutcd the performance In ho tlnlMllod nl'ler oill> n'elock of the following day, tlie ihiiIIhiich was so well (iliyiwd Unit ull iviiuiIiu'iI to tbe lllllirli. This week Mrs. Flsko, III "Mary nf Ji'ttgdalii" mid "IToililn Gi.bler." Iwlbol Irving, In "Tho CrUls," next. Ai'aiuimv of Misit: (J, W. Lyons, iniinn- geri.—Lust weok'"Pln! Filial Wedding" wiut ii poiont nil ruction, nnd diuw largely. This week. "Two Little 1 Waifs." "Tho Choir Boy at. SI. Miiryy ■ next. I'Ml'lin: riiii.vtlil! (|C. J. Buckley, inaiiu- gen.--Lnsl W'.tt-k "Tlin Llllle Cliurcli Around tin- Cornel" wus'well received, Hie house being crowded til nearly every iwrforuance. 'This week, "Tbn Smiiit's Bovenge. 1'bn I'rli'i-e of Pllsnn"- liugl. Cii.isii'm TitiiAlw: i.MIbn IL Winifred Du Witt, uuiiiiiMi'd.- tLiihI work Jiinii'H J. Mor- fou nud olliers tiuldo "up Hie usual excellent vaudeville bill, crowding Ihe house twice a dny. 'This woiik: Fanny Bice, Will M. Cressy, anil Bluuclio Ihiyii". Mi-MiiIioii'h Wulormelon G|r|s. A I. Lowrence, Dorothy Neville, und tho HJsturs Meredilh. Lvi.'i:i.'M TuiIATlii' (Eugene Kornnn, mini- :igerl.---Lnsl wistk tlm Merry Maidens scored lheir tmuti! nipi-ni,, and imrked und well pleased ninllouces trilled. i'lils week, Boko Syilell's Burliisi||llil'K.. Hurry Morris' Night ou Broinlwny next. », « I4 — ' MHIT1I fHIUH.VC I ImrloMi-c—J In- Academy of Music (J. S. Filling, nmnagsr).—"Tho Mocking Bird." Nov. IT, iibi) fair business. "The Christian" cninc, to fair buslnuss, Sil. Qnlnlan k Wall's Mlnslrols 2(1, "TIiq Bnrgoiiuislor" ;i(). <>»— f— — Hurt M, .luck, of -lack unit Paul, writes : "'A Jolly Man's Troubles' Co, closed lit In- dependence, iln., Nliv. 2.1. All members of — Mrs. f'liwhnlfiu Gordon, who Is iippear- Iho ciiiupaiiv spniit Thanksgiving at Kansas lug In a sot-Inly lilt, lu "Till! I'll," was In Oily, nfid left' the following Siilnrdiiy for New York' nirHillKtny.* Nov. 2P, und spool Iho Clilcngo." tiny as iho Huest of (r|ent1s.