The New York Clipper (December 1903)

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982 THE --NEW YGEK GLIPPEE, Decembeb 5, ID. Hosello Knott. Id "When Knighthood wa8 In Flower," delighted a fair ulrtfl house 23. "A Friend of too Family" pleased a 5ood bouse 25. Due: '''Ibe Girl nsd the "(Jgo' Dec. 4, too Monarch Minstrels 6, "Tbo Little Christian" & itoflfflifWrft WISCONMN. ^k^y^ by >V. and Mrs. .Harvey ruler, and Mr. . Ta'b'flb^DJiBT SiTOWwrlte/fbat tbey KM&flSfM fcfaVsisUrs bare doled with Qui Hill's "Alpbouae and p ? 5 , »?."». t »e Aiayo. Hiswrs Gaston" Co.. Tilt JtAriEBS are playing Pastor's tb week, after which they mart ern tour to tho-Pnclflc const Jar. J. C0LLIK8, of the' Ross A Fenton Co., while playing Worcester, was entertained 1 Mrs- .Harvey Parker, nod Mr. blu. IMlnlcie, the latter known —ly as the Mayo Sisters. AT i iitCEM B4LE In New York of the — Notes from the Le Boy Btock are>In our sixth weak, .and. dolnea k.' "• business. . Out company Ja one of tup n, 1 * est repertory companies that bus ever tSSL VtwW of f imn, 1 ; . i . ' . . f | — Notes froim tBe Dot'KaVrtlJ'CO'.: Wcare this section of'the- conntry, and our iL^ 1 ' late Bessie Boneblirs effects her entire to he very good. Daring our e^a^cmont In cettalnlj'very popular. Tne Van -Cooki S g Pastor's this wardrobe was pdrchnsed by Harry Hill, and Dover, N. H., a crowded house witnewedour making a success, everywhere with th.w t on their West- presented by^blm to bis wife, Mile. Anl. the performance of "Cinderella" at the Saturday Harmony In a Chinese Laundry." {?.„ . They open on ,tar of the Vanity Fair Co. The Purchase matinee, and we closed our engagement to tbo performance. Thursday "(Thanksgiving, i Ion for this city was tendered to Mr. Hncli- ett after the UnaJ curraJn—ithreo calls were responded to by the nt*r. The Wachin/.T German Co. will present "Der rrohesfell" Academy ( —"The Still iiurry i^qcv p VI u iuh:, the past week. Attendance was close to Tec «oju itP*l htlatnoasi nnA tkn . hsIMan ntntlnn^ ,ksJ — «** elan, manager; mi-. i->c™i™, uur »«iuic ariiac, is paLntlrp representative; new stuff all the time. Harry Keerer i 0 iB Laveau, again, rnajdnghta fourth season with th'« Codalre, company. • • . - " "* lnls i Duffy, — Roster of the_Onrd-Fenwlck Co.: Ber- ■ ■■ Mrs. J. bert Fanwlck, Ira Oard, W. K. Maxam, Jt« , Kr»'5r' ► f? "** H 1 , 1 ? hc W_UJ ,iaTe * ston will .hereafter be known as the Imperial ft Field. Marfe Gilmer, Mayme Tcryl, Amelia T. McObverp, Bert Doty, E. G. Brow-dor raftrl And TJnt Kn'rroll. S 0 ?^JH t ?5'" ia i U3 ' A vi?? e ' tD R D *n Wanbolrt' Ted White, Jess White, Nellie Feiiwiek' ord •business and the holiday matinee had JffiijhE aS'nct that t»11 be VJSZnSS' «W.&H!^*»SJ n ^^ , V«S uiSvWS'S' ' J ' ffe "^Vinirand'^ort meetl^wifil rbn ThanhmiMr rrt.-y p n , n in».HV^HnA. KKSff! ?°^.. 2,) i »°d '■ visiting friends success. Trio. Tbey ate this week ot the Orphans). Bertrand and Dot Kn'rroll. the Tbanhouser Co. s coming attractions. and relatives SmMSS? Ai.iumbiu TitEAmn (0. l". JDIler, mana- "™.r7 u WJ™J B .iT"lf gort.—"A Kunny Hide of I of Nov. -fl, and Jules Grau ». for week. The .fuetreu Madame Pnttl's Is bring heart 'McKadden's Row nf Fl week, and to One Ilnou Or-Etu HoiSE.—Manager success. Ton Kni.t.T, tenor vocalist, has • Joined — Notes -from ilnson Bros.' big scenic Ted v,bite, Jess White, Nellie Fenwick production of "Ten Nights In n Bar Boom:" Marie Oard, MJttie Slfiam, Josephine Beger Business keeps up to the top notch, and the Mn8t f. r .. Ha T rr y. °" a :. „ ' performances are giving faction. Jlecent addltlous ore: Mackey and Clark, bert Swift, solo cornet; Boston, Mesa, on JJov. 30, with Andrsc Mack in the leading role. Local criticisms are!very tarorablo to the production. i Deing aeaviiy union ror 7. 1.^1,^,1 „„Vi r„ ~„■.;;• 11..." .. m ", "YrT" *!;•"=• "J«=* ""« »j»™ » «w»oiijr iv i«v« Derc nwni, boio cornet; luous, uuuuie nf riots" mads good last ?S '^ (u f, c „ m if"?« T *'' »u«:ms In their act by Introducing a moving picture effect bass and tuba, and Clinton Neaton. Mackey attendance. 5SJ" y ' Ute0 3oaix ' the lBnkoe PBr - in,thc choros of each song. and Clark's act Is a.big hit, and they are ■>i'vu ui-eha House.— Manager John H. t,i» r>.«= n -,. d»a„ ,.„•.. .. ^ ^HALLKft AJfb IltiOMES played the week of featured on the bill We hive now one of — ■*a^z±—zr A^L-.y l'lerce offered Bebecca Warren, In "Tess, of nm i™2L£^SESl Bnps, double bag punchers Nov. 23 nt T'orrington, Conn.; the Oernun the strongeit bands and orchestras ever „— *"»a, of the r^wlands," closed Nov, the D'Urberrllles," last week. The com- 2r* < i,. c lSS-^. n lF£ l J l !E?I*'. <H a « 0 l"il pnrtnoprthlp fair, at the Union Theatre, and Sunday carried wfth a similar organisation. The 28, and electa,to reanme In four weeks. V »frW lWM»«»^ HMt JMtV Oli Geo. night; JNqt. 20,-«t the.Lohdon Theatre, New parnde, with Its many novelties, Is an Inno- -nmpbell is working nlone, doing a juggling York City. ■ > • ' ct t .«."*£"" Jo',",hahds with Huey It Dey, AVillIe and Ewrn Hai - Tfceks' work booked, are meeting with succcsl _ g with Annie Al- singing ilud dancing specialty. They are pany as n whole was of a standard that would make a hit In any house, and the usual good business was In evidence. "The Prin- cess Chic," aud Joe Welch, In "The Peddler," como for weeks of Nov.- 20 and Dec. 0, re- Stab Tiihatob. — The Moonlight Maids ""a.^.h^a were It nt this house last week, and attend- -- • aLB5! r££US«r^J&!9!**£ Sa n J ,ose, Cal. Geo. night; Jiqr. 20, at the Lotdon Theatre, New parnde, with Its many novettles, Is an Inno- —»*««* ilclntyre goes with N. C. Good- nPi l tli 1 i,1u W l >r , 1 i, lt l it .i?i t " le, 1 . d0l 5 8 a i"K"l ,n « York City. ■ ,'■•.' nation. At Conahohocken and Coatesvillc, wIn -„,^ -■„-' " „ ' JJv .t** 0 !?" 11 Join hands with Huey It Dey, Willie and EDirn Habt write that they Pa.,.we turned hundreds away, who were un- —"A.Gentleman from France" takes the ami trisyhave^hlrty-foiir weeks'work booked, arc meeting with success In their rollned able to gain even standing room. John E. road shortly, uhder the direction of Rush & SVi y S" J PS e, J..-» working wjth Annie Al- singing dnd "dancing specialty. They arc Lewis is managing the stage and plavlng Webber, with Frank"Perley as buslneas man- !■*'£'• . Iate of MM** a »'> Cavllle, and Is well ploying a retttra date'at"-'Kelth'a Theatre, Sample"Siwlt(^!" 8 aS'pe7%"rm"an« r movcs *8»t-^ __ . - ^ '.'' New York, this week. iu e clock work under h|s direction. May ._~ Wl ^i.„, r . e ?J? r '^ U8 i^5 9 J? ana .? er •*!*• Cii.isruLL sailed for London, gc- Gloucester, Mnfl«., Music Hall, were given mice was close to capacity all week. 1 the h^Sv „**?;■ *v 8, f , or 15?, oi * 1 ,' t ^'eeks eL-„. ■»llo Rice and Prcvost performed some aero- ?„*,?''?* "'?. London Hippodrome. Mr.Cran- oti^ old flshloned Thanksgiving dinner by batlc feats that were certnlnlv wonderful. ''"IL^I n ' S(> a CtirMn caller-Nov. .27. Proprietors Moosh and Co., and the manager era Sam Da „ w °0"^ocket Loboe, No. 850, B. P. O. Chfts. Wilson. The company, consisting of Tub rrnroRJtr.iis asd hocsb statp of Stewart is playing Mehltlble and making Aubrey Stock-Co. the past five seasons, bis Harry Frank Is doing Harvey Green, ^n the same, position with W. H. Myers' Nnndry, Flossie Lnbnrr, Leon Allen, imd Muurc and Wrlnht arc Nov. an. and Bertie 2 Ulllrau «""• w «^ retchTnT BroMieT.: the singe after the Performauc?,uTd u did arnmat atloaof H BIder Hnward's™Sgtog on week of BSVJSi De "i\; H*?™ ona '<" nraon . ™& tul i i"»"°° t0 the « ood ^^ Prided. Solomon'2 Sllnes." ' " waTorfglnally '.pro? onwccKor Baunl Joliiisoii. The lodge has only boon In Rostelle. who has been the vaudevlllo dueedNov Cat "the Columbia^Tfieatii Phil .._..__ CXlStonce fOV two mrnUlU lint lo» . n^nlw,.. tentiur. with 1llmniol»ln'a Imiw>rlnl Kln^k _.ilf"uf„ \_ l L,"' ."? .V° l ™?. D " 1 .t° C 9: lte > ^ n " also a strong specialty. Browullennd Beed, s ^°^po.fgrtbe balance df this season proprietors and .managers,.and J. C. Hamll- _ T 5? Mocking Bird closed at Savannali, ton and three men tell thorn oil about It Ga -> .SSfijPv «. »,^ • t ..' — Robert J. Cutler, who has charge of -*• eihlblt at the St, Louis fair, sailed J Nov..28: BOad to 'Frisco" closed at Ro- ,28, but It Is stated that It takes to the rand again.within three weeks. — Gowongo Mohawk and her company ore having a very successful tour In th» Notes.— Cauilllc Marbsch the new leadlnir p ?' s tonoi ** two months, but 1ms a member- feature with fiimmeieln's Imperial Stock adeiphtArbv'the house^to^'comMnv^' *""' Snglhjb. provliwes.\ Mlss^Mohawk Is yi wonmnatth^'ubst^.enUe.nludeUflebu? n ^P„ of oue hundi-od and twenty-five at Co., has closed with that ^company and nc; -Xtofrom the? HavnerTh^lfr Nov. 2C. lu "Medcu," und scored a powerful hit. ...Ivdwlu Thanhousir has bei'U confined present. ~ : ~~ cepled"ah oirTr from WTC^BB to~head 0 o~ To'S X at NortTTdams ' Mass k Antiifit 1. McWATTEns. of tbo McWat- his oiganlzutlon, which Is booked solid until ~°" -^?-°? m - 8 ' M** 8 - and the supporting coapanv as well as the trained ponies, arc 1 to-bis home during the past week. Mess Is not ns serious m at llrst 11 in 1 he is vxpei'ied to be out I week Jumes K. llackett ' huasoii or "John Knnlne" at the - Ho returns 4o New York tn hegln relitwrsals ■:;— «n 11 uew i>lay. and will Into uu bin nnstern . 8A5 .' "no »j blnek raw comedian, who has Muskegon, Mich. low In IBii™ work... ./Kie 11."" , ' evn ft t,le Northwest, Is at his home on a .353 Lavebnes (Ed. and Carlotta) have much - liked. -/"evcrjwkefo well received. • — Walter Craven plays the heavies with ell. Prlngle Stock Co. Notes: Mans- Adams presented Fred Bates, the Delia Prlngle Co., with a new clothes as a Thanksgiving present. has Joined Morton's company, to play juvcii- f! 1 " or '•?, Des ? s », n ""anksglv ng nreseiit. ..eparts.a fl ddo«p C S y 'He^orrn U s V<: u l . ? Zg^&rHLSS?\V^i±^ ..ue on a •"*» aiavibses 1 r,u. ami carionaj nave thn? i,«* i^"i~;i»iT~wii"4_ 'V\ •—>——»—■ in advance. Our openings have been Sib He will signed w-ltl. Joseph F. Miller, for his new g&fe •« scoring a hit in his character O nd|B0 batter tban^ previous ^. iutd r will bo vaudeville theatre at Lima, 0. Ed. LaverDo l _ Arramrements nro iw-n,lln«. -li.-h. the business has kept up to the top nol.h. "! T^fX.'Bff* ."nue west Mr. Hood bus been euguged as manager by Mr. Miller. Eatelle Woidette mnv 1» ^7ifTm«i E, r2? 0ur openlng'at Reno was u record breaker friends_ ta who.regret"- to. Jean. Jt $*>£ J 1 ^..«hleld« clrc-uU. Mlson and^La Jftg&&2S*iS „,««« team nf Bur on S%= !%& ^l e 'Z\?J? jg!* *F »Hy._«'o* or^ popular price, -attraction reached here lust week of Vho'iniiess'ofKu" )^ at , lon , of 9!™. , or f ,°, ur we , ek ?- KPne Moore, lending man of the Boyle Slock t°!" , (3 ti Wl iV 5S w , 1 /£„ ai V). they . T i To., at Nashville. Mr. Moore has many ""own as tbo-Hoods. While West Mr. Miss Pringle nnd her husband entertained all Ouialin—At Boyd's Theatre (W. J. Bur- iner. of •Wilier and Mnglll. t *l Jl> 1 Di./ifrint4.if A The BuoBsr Tuio write: "Wo were en .'KinrS thc niemblrs at a very fine dinner after the «fr?r pS. ' 1 mX matinee, at the Hotel Riverside, Reno. Xcv., two sketches »a Thanksgiving day. Miss Prlngle lost 11 iio" on5 S„ . chamois skin bag, containing several hundred in- m,. B W m^ n - dollars' worth of diamonds, In the hall of 2L25 „ .^uii; this hotel. They were there for several hours. "SPi ViS tloa una nig. p Mn gie wns unconscious of their le statre'minTSJiT'" " ^ UBe « will be (ogg. Mr . Adams happened to be the flrst person nlong, and ptcked them up. Tlie raem- iii-i nun rii iigiii. me nuurtar uiiu wine; »*u were en- Vntoa f,«m +i ln n 4 it 1 t^ , ,, ^ person along, ana nicscti mem up. rue raetB- i Beck with, the well known swim- *»wd as a special feature ut Casino Skutlng UQd , lr "^dlwTiorTof r 'vEZS&ES. SSl ners of the company are all well, and the *£■§"»£ W&* to appear for "J"*. Klmlrn. *• Y., Nov. 211 and week, TK2»***»** .«■ H»rt» ■dea: "We WC ather Is perfect. ' cess, inimiigeri.—Rjchard Golden. ln""Klng eight weeksat the B&ar cmar*aL'«eMeMii» and opened at the StaViiainlltonrao, to do B,^.| do J 1 n 1 , f !, ".kE 8 ^^ D 'J 8lness through" MIs- liodo,'. Nov. till, 3D: Skinner and Hehnii Deo. Ing nt Schenectady, N. Y.. Dec. 4. This will our grotesque skating uct, with return date ijictl^t i^.i^™ r r V m ? rk . w ? 8 "F" 1 ^ 'Youne 8katen' r? ucue d at J*xlngton. The Lexington Opera In bis original ft ouse ls , on t ot fy . flDest ln the sta ^ and the people show their appreciation by giving «L™?? a S? r, _P us «??S cr! *' * good patroaage! mot m cemss DUATHS IN THE I'KOrUSSIOV. KV high splrltst anrs.4ing''Au.d e La e Sg ^tSS^^^SSSSSBS 5^3 tSSTR t' SfJXZX Syne." °" the »ast. He Is a brother of Kthel Barrv. P" 9 , 800 a sainjj oay. ^vo are aoing a nito J Majob ha A. Bennett, high stilt per- «ore. nnd a son of Maurice Barrymore" ^T^^ith 1 ^ 1 ^t^n ^^m" Annie Bi-auldino, wife of JaracB Spauld- itii.kJiow. aud is meeting with success, tour- former, on Nov. 2 wns Initiated In the Fra- _,.— David Belasco has leased thc Imperial .J?&A 5fS:_!TJ n • >, « nts m n OBl " 00ln ' Ing, of I he Farnuni Bros., ncroliats. died nt Ir.g Florida, ternul Order of Eagles. Aerie No. 30, of Jb««re, In St Louis. Mo..'for four months "tw^STS »rit.. »w. hnve not her homo lu Puwtuckot, H. 1.. Nov. 21. Sho Manhattan BNUMH Notch. — Wo Deuver, Col., the event being followed by a ?'""? f* F cpo S. 1 . Hon ^Period. The lease will j£3 „, ™, ,7,* S i>Vn.r<«.iv» KimwV was known lu vaudcvillo circles us Anulu npeued our season at Corinth. N. Y.. to ca- atag supper In which many members of com- V*& a J n i uly -, Bhanohe Bates, lu "The Darl- 8 !8 n ™ •?/ „°??„i 0 '»°, U nn J ™ g „,l,„ „." ,<;' ,.,-. "AN l»an)es pTuying at thc Denver theatres p: - JgMj* ^e floda^ JBJ'bJj^?, ^~ c0on SlLf'JK*". fS IVPA™ h " e w in Athenteum. Boston, ncrt week. Kroic liAMONT, musical perfonmer. Is In his twenty-sixth week with Sun Bros.' SouUh- trn show, and is meeting with success, toiir- CiiAtitKH Dvrwi Blaki:, the composer of with Klug l'o l'o." and our unusually strong tlclpatcd. played there ilurtng Mr. Bolasco's lease. 2 „,. m "Rockn-Bye Buby," "Furewell." "Margue- olio scored a decided hit. Following Is the , Kkso, Walsh anp Melhosb, after appear- „. ~^C*;" 1 ?; *rohman has arranged with El- gun ' ze ^ rite," "WnveB of the Ocean," any muuy other roster: B. II. Mills & E. F. •Wentworth. sole ! n " «lx weeks with the ■ /,lg Zag Alley'' Co., f'« u ? w ?!fe to postpone thc production of - iM.uiiliii- ur.mrs, ,im,1 l,.u, ,i,,„n„i.,r *,i...... u .11...1 n\\-n,.rw ■ V V Wo,,Ik,apH, ma..n«.n. t .. □ t? Lave returnpil tn vilurl^vlll.. ler SUHTIU*' tour nnd tfi nnnAoi. «r-l^K 41... %4 elded what kind or size show we will or- popular song* and Instrumental pieces, died owners; K. F. Wentworth, ninungur; Jas. E. have returned to vaudeville. •*' atarriug tour and to appear with the on Nov. 24, uged llfty-aeveii. Lust April he Welch, stage manager: W. B. Vauo, enrpen- , "no Aluions, comedy acrobats, are play- company presenting Augustus Thomas' new was stricken with the grip, and It rspldlv ter; J. Konalds. electrician: T. E. Weeds, >ng tbo Colorado circuit with reported sue- g 1 ^. which Is to be renatned. Mr. Frohmaa iluvcluped into heart disease, which mused his death. Ili' leaves, besides bis son, llnlllc, 11 widow imd an lufant son. .liii.KS Levy, considered to lie- the world's greatest Cornell 1st. died at his uume lu Cblcngo, III., Nov. 2t), of apoplexy.'Mr. Levy waH sixty II. H. Hills, advuuee, aud the ollowlug people: The Gordon Sisters, bag punchers: vauo und Vnno, handcuff klug and queen; Jas. E. anil Cella Welch, sketch toani: Margaret Huntington and Myua Stew- art, hnrnioiiy vocalists: La Petite Anderson, Hvu fears old, and hnd been III since Nov. sensational lire dancer: Mile. Vnuo, danseusc K>. Ho was as well kuowu In Knglaml mid Parisian, with the following chorus: Eileen ou the cutitluout as In America, and bis Kennedy. Laura Moore. Kittle Folsom, triumphs Included Australia ns well. One of Helcne Fnslcr. Maude Ellston, Jeanctte Shuw the remarkable features about Mr. Levy's nu d Pearl Barber. We ure hooked BOlld until pluylug was Hint lie never had u lesson on June 1, and will play New York, Ponusyl- his beloved Instrument In Ills life. As soon vanla nnd New England territory. 11s-he wns able to walk lie began following Oiiacib Emmrtt writes mm London. Eng, music and Sena. cess. They play a month on that circuit. "*? nl80 arranged with Frank Worthing to Anpy and Mazib Gauon do not go out P , hay th e leading male role in Mr/Thomas' with the Bowery MasqueradctB, but wBl con- pl *y , __ ' - . •' tlnuc to play clubs In and around New York v.'TBsSS ft PiT }f, *>" signed a contract t g C. Wttso* Is not working with Joe &1g^S«SW ?o°r b S« ^S^ Wilson Bros. After Dee. 18 tbey will re- _~ G «° r «« C. Tyler sailed last suuio '■ Slnrgarct' Beld, an • American singer, wao won approval last season at Covent trarden, London, has been engaged by Henry W. Sav- She will make her first appeoraaco on Doc. 7, as Mar- llson Bros. After Dee. 18 tbey will r£ — Ceor«. C. Tyler iailen" lost week for "Mother Goose •' In New Yor mo their team name of Wilson aud Brooks, ft** % '.witness a.iperfonmance of "Epave," Tw'TmW comDlete Ureal and Hardy write that they are «' M»e Gymnase Theatre. Mr. Tyler Sought iooi hai tnlf bin SfiftafiS letlng with success in their new act, writ- the American rights of "Epave" for Llfeoier • ^ r ■ - PV." gnea - The Eight Blsceras. an octette of fernsla brass musicians, will open Dec. 2 with Mother Ooose," In New York City. catalogue for hands about the streets of Lnmlou, where he was burn. When sevenlueii years old he be- •■iiuie a member ot tht> Ureuadlor Guards Baud, under thc leadership of Dim Godfrey Ho niipctired nt the Crystul Palace In ISdtl. under dnte of Nov. U iib follows: "We a"r rived from Australia Nov. T, und opeued in Birmingham :). I am happy to state that 'Mrs Murphy' has scored another success. Wo were hooked at onco for a tour of the meeting .. ten for them by Jack Davis, entitled "Her * 5?» "nd Louis N. Parker' Is now at work Assistant." They played the Howard, Bos- u P°n an adaptation of It • Mr. Tyler will ton. week of Nov. 23-28, with other good "i 5 * 0 oousult with Henry Batnllle concernlag work to follow. • the play he has written for Eleanor Robson Ai.i-reo Gnt-is writes: "My show, at , — Francis H. Bhrelner Is playing the rchr's Opera House, Port Chester, N. Y., bcavy with "8aved from the Sea*' Co was a big'suecceBs. People pronounced it —I\Jitrhryn Brayham, a Western soubretto, PENNSYLVANIA. Eaaton,—Able Opera House (W. K. Del- wilier, manager).—"Girls Will Be Olrls gave a good performance Nov. 25, to satis- factory business. Vogel's Minstrels, -i*. drew to capacity, at matinee and evening seventy-live years old, hclng born In Clrrlc- vllle. Jan. 1, 1S2II. I1i> vulca-Ml the show business In 1832. wllh Mob I'luipmiiti. nfl ward traveling with shews until 1S0S, he bail a boat show of tils uwn on Ihc stsslppl River. He wus with the Sells ... In 1MB, formers. nn> hi.their thirteenth week, pluylug (i'eoiigh S. IlKT/.i-.r.i., for mnnv years busl- 'he bes-t vaudeville houses In the Norlhwi-st ncss iniiiiueer of (lie Eleventh Street Opera ""d tHNist. 'Hie loam opened Aug. 30, at Hip House. Pblliidelnhln, died lu that city Nov. l-mplre. In Denver; ami write that they have 27. Mr. ■ lletzell, who was ilfty-one years "let with sih'ivss. They arc booked up-io "Itl, wns born In I'hllndolnhln, Ills father April I. on the coast, and will thou return being John HeUcll. n well known ninvliant. Ml,st " llu I* 1 ")' « few weeks prior to their lie waH llrst employed nt Hie Eleventh Street P 0 !'? 1 work. Theatre In 1ST::. In ISStl he was given full charge of tin: business management. Uu never luurrlcd. l.'ixi.ui Macki:v, lending uinn of the llcn- tiett-Moultnn Co., died ut Brailford, I'u.. on Sunday. Nov. 'JH, from lyphold fever, iigeil thirty-two years, lie was n brother lu-hiu- nf Geo. M. Fouborg, manager of the l'enberg sketch, "Cousin Ml, Introducing vocal and Stock Co. Ills wife, professlonnllv known a-> Inslmranual jiumbar* llcutrlcc Burke, survives him. K'*" *sn HinEit_nre tlo|nc llu« principal ^ . t ends with the Win. H. West Minstrel Jubilee. - . - - " - They hnvo introduced a novelty, entitled "A — Mart. Mnllny, who has been playing the Political Delinte;" with big success, tmri of Seliiilty nil gsmrtit, wllb Gen. \V. Paor. Dn Bi.«KEit. with his ilog^. reports Heaths iVtks Ittnt Itn.v C.i.. has closed siiimyss tbrotigh Maiue, wllh Hie Dot Kar- liis cugugciucut, owlug lo Illucss. roll Cu. for hltu. was H|ire Cnnal IHi *»» SOl'TH CAnOLIXA. Coin mliin. — New Columbia a drama, In foaf . nnd Chas. Bcrtc. West London Theatre, , a drama. In four rcc- acts, by Frank Bateman, was acted at toe aved Standard Theatre. London, Aug. 24. <'niton "The Citv op Pt,E.»st'BK," a meodrania 01 rtianksglvlng morning, missing the regular Parisian life, ln a prologue end four acts, tram, und a special was hurriedly made up by Geo. R. Sims, wns acted at the Grand f- ffi tJ i° Paraphernalia Into-Punxsutawney Theatre, r^, Aug. 31. Thcatro • time ror. the matinee. James Parks Is a "A Path of Thorsb." an emotional pHT« , nud afler the initiation a supper ern Pennsylvania, aud we are breaklnsr re end. at which Mayor C. Weaver, of prds freduently. Our baggage was delavi Kivcr, presided. In transfer between Barnesboro and Patfi Bum's Lintn Tavb Appais," a comedy, In three acts, by H. V. Esmond, was pro- duced nt the Criterion Theatre, London. Sent. 2. ' 'Tire Fcbeion Woman," a play. In '"".[ acts, by G. V.-Pic,,was acted at the Queens Mummy and the Hamming Bird" .-...Howard her sWl.ltr Wev have .been Inrt \nl Tbontre. Manchester. Eng.,-Aug. 31. lYl,tir 7 :i. K lo l ^vr. ,, ., S,U ' l, .'r' *,- ' V ^F.r l8i ? ,mA "K f " r WtWeW weeJcrwItifonWn! ._"§?«=•. 5^35.^5 three act ,pl» Mlustruls 10, A Lhliic»t' Uuueymuuu 12. Corruption. thlrty-s=cven weoJcs without Tn- by «=«• HerVeT,"Vas" p"rodnced" i.t" » — Boyal Schausplel-llBUo, B*rllu, Ger., Aug-2-t