The New York Clipper (December 1903)

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DECEMBER. 5. .--JTHE NWYOEK. GLIPPEB. M> l; ;.-- /:. . • CAX.U)A. . -•/' •■».-'* • • ^^^^^r""^" ' Montreal.—At the' Acadenn of Music (W. A..Edwards, manager).—Walter Joues, in "The Sleepy King," Tlrew-falr nouses-Nov. ■ •'.'I-2K. Aubrey Bouolcaulf, In "Captain Cb'nrlif," ■ 30. and weak. : l*BocjrOB's <II. C. •■ Rgerfon, manager).— Anna Sutherland and William Humphreys, Id "More Than Queen," scored a big suc- rt*% and - business was large 28-28. "The l-'ortune'Teller" this week. !. TnEAlhE Fbanoais (W, A. Hnwnrth. mnn- ng*i.*»-"Tlu> 'Great' White DlnnVvnd". came. lo fair houses, 2:5-28. Coming: "When the iwl Tolls", 30-Dec. _5. ^"A .1.11 tic, Outcast" 7-T2/ * ** * '** TnflMBE Rovai, (F. W. Le Clair, mann- r*er). f —^Toe-' World Beaters •• Burlesnne Co. drew- big* houses last - week. Jolly Grass Widows Nov.'..'lO-Dec u. ■ The Bowery llur- lesQUcrs'10 follow. ' . Theatre Natjox.u. . Fhanxais (Geo. • Cau- vra>i, .manager).—The permanent stock; cqm- prttiv. inC'The-Old-Homestead." In Frencn,to iiirg>* nndienees last week. "The Silver King," iu ?''rouch,' this .week. WiMtstift H.u.u-«-St Andrews' ball Nov. flO.TK" BIspKSm'Detn. . Note. —The first of a series of ten concerts hyMUe "Montreal Symphony Orchestra took place at the Academy of Music on Sunday af- ternoon,. Mot;. -T, and drew a good house. t Tiwmta.^—At the Princess Theatre (O. II. Shepnard, manager).—Aubrey ltouclrault, la Captain Charlie,".put.up a. capital show, nnd drew big business Nov. "JSi-l. Walter jnrtes, In "Thn Sleepy King," ,"10 and week. OriANn Orru\ Hoi'sn (A. J. Small, mann- gcr\).—F.leonor Montoll, in "The Olrl and the .nidge," plnyed. to big business, 2.-J-28. "More 'itian Queen" .10 and week. .\UJns>*io Theatmg iA. J. Small, mana- ger).—"A .Little Outcast" drew large houses ist-i'S. "Searchlights of a Great City" SO nnd week. .TUsHtr Mcbic Hali, (Stewart Houston, manager).—Margaret Huston, assisted by Kd- ward Johnson and Hans Kronold, I'd; l'atil Deri, 3.-. ■-• Siika'b Theatre 'J. Shea, manager).— nyde's Comedians, Four Mortons, Four Hoi- ■ loways. Four Piccolo Midgets. Paul Klelst. carr and Burns', Hill and whltttker. Bennett and Yobug, v?ole and Warner gave n fine en- tertainment 23 and week. Stab Theatre (F. W. Stair, manager).— Th« American Burlesquors played, to ca- pacity, last wees', 'the Thoroughbreds 30 and wefk, and Week of Dec 7, Tiger Lilies. ■ " Hamilton.—At -the Grand Opera House (A, R. Louden, manager).—Aubrey Ifoucl- i-aujt. In "Captain Charlie," Nov. 20, had a hlg personal succccss, and the play was well ■-. received by a good sized audience. "The Ileal Widow Brown," 21, pleased big houses. "In the "Palace of ■ the King" (Isabel Kves- . win) had a fair sited audience, giving satis- faction. "Wealth and Poverty." 25. had a lilg and well pleased audience. -Searchlights .if a Great City" 27, "His Jjist Dollar" 28. To" follow': "The Girl and (he Judge" and "Tan Little Minister" (Chicago Stock Co). • week of Dec. 7, eji-ept 8, Summer's Stock Co_: "Cynthia" (Margaret Anglin and Henry .Miller) .8. Stab Theatre (J. G. Applcton. manager). —Week of Nov. 23, the Three Westons. In a very clever musical uct, Leaded an excel- lent bill,. which Included: Str.nlcy and I.e Wor.- Frank and I'rnnkle, Tommy Dec. the Two Ifobhs, and Fred Racine, who met with much approval. Week of 30: Meeker-Baker Trio, Carroll and.Clark; Lew Palmer, Morton and Kldgeway, George and Pauline Kldu, Senorlta 1?) Salto, and Fred Racine. HKW VUHK STATE. Gross, Heath' and Kxcella, Rose. Rennce, Morey Long, kinetoncope pictures. CwvsTAt. Theatre.-— New: Tuxedo-Trio, Throe Kuhug, Kate Rockwell, Cazzaru, John Coburn.tLew Spencer,' moving pictures. La Petite TiiKATim—Now : Tbo Rainbow Trio, Owen and Owen, Phrouule aims, Writer KeJlogg, moving pletnre*. EwriBfi Theatre.— New: Kchoe ami Rflner, Fwrarts Bryant, the Great TraTclle. Llltton lenders, Gladys Carlyie, moving pic- tures. '• Pr.ori.f.'s. axo ' CoMiotr. — New: Billy io. "The Silver Slfppe'r" attracted and /nnn,..thf Newmans, Malan and Howard, pleated, fair nixed houses 27,. 18. Tho Ger- (eorge A. and Lizxy Btrd, Iloberts, Slmllax uian Theatre" Co., of'Cleveland-, n.. m "The ond . Co;, 'Mae Jnckzon. F.daar Leon, (nc fireat-Rohsart. r.anirdoo and l-'Uirl,' Mann and Franks, fie Forrester and Jan.- ABOAOETni.-ATnr. (Rtley & Vtonfrella. man- agers t.-mterports arc excellent from here. » ■ Buehe4rter^-L?ce>nn■ ■ Tliciift ■ (M.' B. Vivllt, munawr).—Eleanor Holisou, support- ed by Edwlu Ardea and au'excellent com- pany, j preHentcd- "Merely 'Mary AMn" Nov. 2U, to n fair mzou .iiidlrnrc. "Agatha,'' nn original Kngllsh comedy drama, written'by Mrs, llumpnrey Ward and l.ouls N. Parker, wasglven Bs tlrst presentation on anv stage 24. and won success. Mprlc- Cnhlll, In "Son Brown." narked the house to tho.doors 25. Taoorna— TncoraaTheatir (Calrln netllg, mMiagor).^-JeSarsoii Do Aagells, In "The Toreador." Thanksgiving matinee add night, drew • nacked-rhonses. Florence-Roberts, in '•Oloconda" and "Romeo and Juliet," l'7, im.* Coming: ."Looking for a: Wife" 20. 30,"Old J«d l'routy"'Dec. 3; De Wolf'Hopper 4, 5, •Two Sl^rers'-O,-Lulu"Closer 9. - J.tcnrjt TntATBB (Dean Worley, mana- geri.'—"Von Tonson" did big business 22-25. I'nt ton's, "The Minister's Son" 20-28, "A Little OuicAsl" 20, 30. Kdison ' Thkatmh (J. \u Everett, mana- gen.—Week, ot :i0 ; Iltwson'.s Animal Show, I/>wls end I^wis, Maggie Melville. Nemn Cato. Frank Danconrt, Tlppel and Klelment. Good houses rt)le. ■ OltmPio Cli-b (Gea Sbreeder. manager). —1'tees and'l»ees. Rand nnd Myron, Canton anil Harvey; the noiseless cannon. The I:si!'ihf:. —Week of 30: The Great llaymond, ;Andrews and Thompson, I.uclla Crofs, Jjjcrfiies Lyons, and the moving; pic- tures. Packed houses rule. Tun Pitop.xnt (Geo. Miller, manager).— A good vaudeville performance nightly at this house draws good business. .'-"'-— 4»» .. o KANSAS. Sleeping Car Conductor," 30: Rochester Symphony Orchestra Dec."1, chnnnc-ey 01- ct>tt;ln "Tenmce." 2: Krlncls wiuon nnd company, presenting "Krmlnlei" • 3; James O'Ncll. In 'The Adventures.of Gcrnrd," 4.5. .National •TirE.vfftf: (Max HurtIg, mnnn- gar).- : -"The Funm- Mr. ,l>ooley" pleased inrgo Kited hmiiies'23-2S; • Kfllhryn-Oiterman, In , V \ TM3CA8. , Sun Antonio.—AMJie'Urnnfl Opt'rn Houso (Slducv II. Wcls. uiimnger).—"When Rcubeu C0Hie t ' to ; Towb" plilyert, to' good' bnsiueas, NMi 21,•2C Keteey and Shannon, In "Sher- lock Holmes/' did bit luislnes.s 2.1, • llMriKi: OrSBA Rhtsili. .ttiarrv Corson Clarke, leasee, and manager),—The Algen Stock' Co. terminated Us engagement 23. Harry Corson Clarke will open n stock 'sea- son a.t the Kmplre, cemraenrlng Nov. 25. with "Whnt Happened to Jones." 'Chns. A. Gallo- WBy.-nHvnax.vr for Mr Clarke, hoj^ t.Uax -none hut first class romedlea will bo presenled, for wjilch high royalties, are paid. '-■. > '■ " VDniln. —llani'OCk'H "Opcca.Uouse (Geo. Walker, manager).—Adelaide-Thurston drew a good house Nov.. J!*.''Billy Kerwwids' MIn- st rels nlnved. to. a - top. hertvy JJMMM 20.i -VJr- gltila ItrVw'Trescotl illdnotjilny 21. Due: IsV-kstailer's- JilBslr*ls-Oec. -iA IMen.Grant- "Miss Petticoats." deltghie<l packed houses w<WJHJ**W"fi.,i * A&k Tt?er «K 2d-28. • "Alphonse nncf Gaston" 30-Dec. .2. '*sl.. s ^i^^»}' ^e ;i n ^'» l, 1 ^•'■^'!' , Wlvw '■ !,l, *• and Joseph Murphy- 3-5. - pe>' 10, Kalle ISnnHtt U. . .-. Topcka.—At the Crawford (Crawford & Kane, managers).—"A Thoroughbred Tramp" drew a fair bouse Nov. 18. Martin's "Ten N'ichts lit a Bar Room" drew good houses 21. "Man to-Man" received a good house 22. "Midnight Kxprefs" 20. "Soldiers of For- tune" 28. "In Old Kentucky" 30, Stetson's "L". T. cV';Dec. 2, "A Bunch of Keys" 5, "Tho IrlshM"nwnnrokers" 0, "A Night at tho .Play" 0, "Mrs. Wlggs, of the Cabbage Patch." 11. Adelaide Thurston, 12, "Mr. Jolly, of Jollet," 13. Gijavd (Crawford &Knne, managers).— Skinner 4 Rehan dretv n large audience, nt ndvsinced prices,' Nov. -51. "A" Jolly Man's Troubles 20V. _ AtiDiTORit.-M (Auspices Topcka Choral T'nlon).—Mhsin and his concert company enterta ; ncd a good sized audience 21. Com- ing: James Whllcomb niley l^'. 7. «lueHeo. — Auditorium Tnealre (A. J. Small, manager).—"When the Bell Tolls" Nov. 23-25. Business was fairly good. Hsrry- Stubbs, In "The Gay Mr. Goldstein," 20-28. supplied.a comedy that the patrons of the house were looking for. nnd wns greeted with rfowded,houses. Coming: "The Oreat While Diamond" 30-Dec 2,- Jacqits C.mitik!: IlALt, (Louis Hertln, manager). — The Xondon . Mutoscope Co. ]>leased large audiences Nov. 23-2S. NOTErt.—Mme. Raveau, of the Theatre des Noilveautes, Montreal, paid a flying visit to her' home In Quebec, nnd was welcomed bv her many- friends..... .Waiter S. Painter, the theatrical architect, of Detroit, Mich., was In town for a few days lost week, and as usual- was kept busy receiving compliments on the building of.the Auditorium. ■ i « " Ottawa—At tho Russell Theatre (I*. fionnan,. manngvr).—"The Fortune Hunt- <aa" did not appear. "Robert Burns" drew 1' houses. Local- 24-20. Coming: Aubrey Boudcault, to "Captain Obarley," Dnc. 7, 8: Miirgaaet Anglin and Henry Mllier 9, 10, "'ITio Fortune Te41er" 11, 12. Giuxo Opkba House (R. J. Blrdwlilstlc, manager).—^Thc Siunmers Stock Co. played, to big-business, Nov. 10-21. "The Gny Mr. Goldstein" 23-25, and "When the Bell Tolls, ' 26-£8, had good houses. Coming: "A Little Outcast" 30-Dec. 2. Leavenworth,—At the Crawford Grand Opera House (M. J. Cunningham. local man- aeeri.—'"The fast Mall," Nov. 15, and "The Hills of California." 10, had good business. "The Girl from Sweden" drew well 17. "Tho Midnight KkVfeW 20, ".Mon to Man" 21. "A Thoroughbred Tramp" 22. "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" 25, "In Old Kentucky" 20. V «»» -..: -COLORAUO. Winnipeg:. — At the Winnipeg Theatre (Chas. C. Lindsay, manager).—"r-lorodora" came Not; ' 10, 20, nnd; as usual, the theatre wajt not largo enough to bold the crowds, . hundreds being turned away. Tho S. R. <). sign had ulso to be hung out when West's MJbst relri come, 21, for oue night only, giving n very good show. "Reuben In Nov York" drew ;two very good honscs 23, 24. . Theodore Thoma/i'Orchestra concerts 23, 'JfS. St. John.—At the Opera House (A. O. Skinner, manager).—Coming, Dec. 4, 5, Har- old JarvlsV tenor, assisted by Owen A. Smiley, t-locutlonlst nnd cutertalncr: accompanist, N. Spencer Jones. W. S. IlarklnV Co. opeus 7, for u short season. s;t. Catharines. — Grand Opera notise (Cbas>:ll. Wilson, manager).—'The Real Widow Brown" came Nov. 'Si, to fair busi- ness. Booked: "At Cripple Creek" M. "More than Queen" Dec 7* "Sweet Clover" 12.. ' : i. . .' ' .- « » » ' WASHINGTON. Denver.—Broadway 7 Theatre. (Teter Mc- Coun, manager);—Week oc Nov. 23 Rich- ard Golden, In "King l>oilo," gave a great hhow, and packed (be house. J. H. stod- dart and'Ruben Fox 30 nnd week. Tabok OKAxn (Peter Mcf:nurt, manager). —iWeelrof 22 Low Dovkstadier nud his great minstrel'company gave ononf the best shows of the season, and packed the house. "Mr. Jolly, of Jollet," 2ft and week. new OMPnsuM (Lee Hanoy, manager).— Wi-ek of {!3.: Frnncesca Redding and Co., Fall; and" Seamod, nines nnd Remington. Leon; Bonner, the horse: Whistling Tom Browne, 'Herbert Lloyd, and Lillian Lilyun. Business I* good. New Ototih Theatbd (A. R. Pclton, num. nger).—-Week of 22: Rube Welch and Kittle Francis,-' In- "Mickey Finn," played to good houses/ • ' : ' Cbvstaii TncATitn (Geo. Ira Adams, man- ager)..—WeeJ? of 23: Weaver and Lambert, Valeria Fernando, Wilson and Wilson, the Hermans; Wade and Healy. Business Is gdod. NovelTv TiiEATnr. (Henry LubelskJ. inntt- ageri.—iWeek of 23: Olson Bros., D'.U-rille l-'lxtors, the Kramers, .the *ehwartz iCldldrou, 1 H'moucllqs, Boknr, toul moving pictures. S. It! O. ut, every pertoi-mauoe. " ICMVittft TltBATBi: (Lang & Hagan. man- r.w* i.—Week of 23 : Hamilton uuri lliy- mi-uf, Olvla and' Fawn, the Aherns, Harry Vale, Frank Holden, Prof. R. A. Williams. 1'iislnewi'' Is good. Mkntio.v. —F. If. Bradsfwet has opened o booldrii agency In Chicago for rhe Crys- tal Theatres, in Denver, .MUwnnkec, St. Jo- soph and I'ueblo. ;' ■ 4 * » .""•'. UBORUIA. Spokane—: Spokaue Theatre (Dan L. Weaver, manager).—Jefferson De Angells, In "Tho Toreador," came, to capacity houses, Nov. 20. 21, . On the way: De Wolf Hopper Dee. 8. 0, "Ben Hur" 14, 15. • .. Auditorium , (Hnrry C. Hayward. mana- ger).—Mason and Mason, In "Rudolph und Adolpli," drew big business Nor. 23. 24. Due : "The Chrlstlnn" l>ec. 0-8, ••Bohemliiu .Girl" 11. ,12. CixKOOBAPit (C. II. Pccklaim, manager). —Mount* and Del Mar, Hnwley and Vims. Prlo .and Norrls, Hasan and Cooojter, noil Arthur Walker were the topllners tor week of 23*. . - . , • - Cokcb rt* Alp.xe (Jnecb Goetz, manngcr). —John nnd Terese Favlll.t, Blalm; nnd Deau- ti, Camnbell and La Flora aro the npmlugs. CnMiqcii'fl. D. Holland, manager).—Wm. Ver Valtn. Leslie: Dale, Lizzie Wcller, and the Mortomt. are tbo new faces. ■ Seattle'.—Grand Opera House (John C«>rt. manager).—Jefferson De Angells, In "The Toreador," Nov. 22-25 -. De Wolf Hopper, In "Mr. Pickwick." 20-28; Gu» Welnburg, In •Tile Storks," 30-Pec. 2; lulu Glaaer, In "Holly Varden." 4-0, Seattle Theatre (J. P. Howe, manager). —Herrmann Nov. 22-24, "Okl Jed Prouty' 2.V2K. Tlie Two Sisters" entire week of 20. Titinp Avenue Thevtrb tltussel & Drew, radnagers).—Week or 22, May Stockton. In "A Little Outcast." "A Millionaire Tramp" 2ft and' week. Edison Theatbb. — New: Bearlee «nd Atlanta.—At the Grand (H. It, & .1. L. De (Jive, managers).—Louis James und Fred- erick Wardc present "Alexander tbo Great." Not M. Wills and a company of exceptional ability entertained--crowded houses 18, ill. "I'ndcr Two Flags," 28, 24, to fair returns. "The Fatal Wedding" 25, 2*. Qululnu i & WiUl's Mlnlrtrcls Dec. 1, Word uud Vokcs 2, 3. TUB Bmou (Jake Wells, manager).—"The Limited Mall," 23 and week, received liberul pntronuge.. "The Sign of the l^'our," .10, for week. ...„:. .NoTK.Srr-Jonics 0. Kossmon, president of the Ponce De Leon Amusement Co., will build an .auditorium, coliseum, velodrouie horsn show and cmieert lull combined. The building In In.Most X20.O4KI. Tbo plans are nlreiidv comiriete,-u.charter bns been obtulued by (he company, and work wilt begiu in a few weeks. Mr. Rossman hns associated with lilin Jake Prince, the bicycle race promoter, nnd William Sharp, the popular and success- ful theatrical manager. Xlr. Sharp enjoy* the full conlklonce of tho niutisemcut loving public. .- . «■» KKW llAMPKIIIKK. Manckeater^-Opera Elouse (E. W. Har- rington, -manager). — "Tliolmu" Nov. 20. Dartmouth Glee Club. 25, to good house. "A Boy of the Streets," 26, to H. II. O. Duubar. tbe magician.'27. 28;-Kathcrlne Rober, in repertory, woek of 30: "Othello" Dec. 7. , Park Theatbe (John Utiles, manngcr).— Geo. F. Hall. In "A Hagwd Hero." Nov. 23; 25 had good hemsep- -roe Eleventh Hour' opened 20; to S. R. O., and turned1 >m away n both perfortnances. Coming: Tho World Renters 30Dec. 2. "Over Niagara Fails" 3-5. CvsINO'Thp.atkT; (Fred C. Bowen. mann- „. r ).—uasln'ss continues good at tljls house. For .week of 30,' the Smllli ft Bowen \nitde- tllle Stars. nnd Joseph Murphy'3-5. HAKi'l: TnrATkh. (John 'E. "Boyle, Tnann- ger).—"Sag Hnrtior" 'played, to, very Irtrgo bouses, Nqv. 2« : 2.".. "For ' H6r Children's sake" entertained crowds 20-28. '.'Wealth nnd Poverty" 30-Dec. 2, "The Wayward Son" 3*5. COOK' OKU Hoi'sn (J. H. "Moore, mnnn- gr)-).—Crowd* wore dellghttyl with ths Ktrong bill provided week of Nov. 23. It wa-» a case of turn them nwny »u evwry per- form<inei». People for week' of 30: Howard Thurston. John KernnlL Smith and Fuller, Jdlos Kellar. Cnrlcton nn<l Torre, Haldabiiru Family, Hoffman nnd I'lercp, and Prelle'a talking dogs. ■I'MriTif: Thbathb (11. P. Jacobs, manager). —The New Bowery Riirle-AnuorM drew en- pacltv audJenees throughout week of 23. The crowds were well pleased with the Aral cla«s show presented. For week.of 30, Watson's Americans, with the Thoroughbreds to fol- low. a Troy.—At the Lyceum Theatre (It. IT. Kellar, manager).—The Aubrey Stock Co. plnyed, to big houses, In repertory. Nov. 23- 2S. The Corse l'avton Slock Co., In reper- tory, 30 nnd week. BAND'S Ot'KBA IIot'SR (M. Rels, manager). —*The Silver Slipper" drew it hie house 23. William Morris. In "When We Were Twenty- one," packed the bouse 2fl. Irene Kent ley, In "A Girl from Dixie," drew a big- house 27. "Zlg Zag Alley" is due 30. Gniswotn OrnRA tktttm (M. Rels. mana- ger).—"Why Women Sin" drew well 23-2r,. "A Despcrnte Chance"- had big housen 20-28. "The Heart ot Chicago" 30-Dec • 2, "Over Niagara Falls" 3-. r i. ... - -■ Mfsic Ham~ —.Mollm packed the place Nov.'57, at greatly Increased prices. Kovau Till.'ATBB (W. IL Buck, manngcr 1.— The RontX-Santlcy Burlesquers drew well 23- 2.V.i5o--y Grass Widows had big houses 20- 287- The Bowery Burlesquers :t(l-Dec. 2, llo- hemlan Burlesquers 3-.1. ! ♦ »• ', , MI?S0l IU. WIohI<«^-At the Crawford Theatre (R. I*. Martlliig, manager).—The Irving French Co. drew good business Nov. 10-21. "Down Mobile" pleased a good hotiBO 23. "The Two Orphans"., had fair business 25. "A Bunch of Keys'" .pneked the house Thanksgiving af- ternoon nnd evening. Slgnor Fablnnl, harp- ist, assisted by local talent, gnTO a concert 21. Tom:k AonrtOKluSc (n. G. Tolcr & Sons, managers).—Jack Hoefflcr Co. ended a suc- cessful week's engagement 2J. Frnnk H. - Gamel gave his celebrated lecture, "The American .Boy," to a large bouse, 24. I'tlen.—At the Majestic- Theatre (David BMnd. manngen.—^Thajik-sglvlnu week was n good one, opening with "A Olrl from Dixie," Nov. 23, (o a Inrge audience. "I'iii- Her Children's Sake" did well 24. "The Silver 'Slipper," to good business, 2.". "In the .Patace of the King" nvute a Tery popu- lar attraction for Thnnltiglvlng Day. to big business. James O'Ncll, In "'rhe Adventure.. of Gerard," wns well received 27. "A Man of Che World" did fair 28. Coming: "Sag Harbor" .'10, "Over Niagara Falls" Dec. 1, Francis Wilson, in "Krminle," 2: "At Crip- pie Creek" 3, "The Flaming Arrow" 4, .'<. Obi'Hki'U -Tiikatbh < W'llmer & Vincent, managers).—The • holiday week attractions turned people uwny. This week: Press Kl- drldre, J. «'. Nugent and Co.. in two sketches; (iordon, Vldocq and Flynn, Carlln nnd Otto, Fuller and Rose, Mnceo nnd his dog. the De Muths, und the klnodmmf. I'm: Dhwbv Mrsic Haw. gave a special hill Thanksgiving week, nnd hud big ntlend- unvj< all week. Syracuse.—At Welting Opera House (John L. Kerr, manager).—Chns. Krohraan's Co.. in "Kveryman" nnd "Twelfth Night," had good business Nov. 20. 21. "Nancy Brown" drew well 23. "The Girl from Dixie" had large bii«ino«s 24: "The Silver Slipper" 2d, "The Fnrl of Pnwluckel" Dec. 1, 2, Francis Wilson, In "Krminle." 4, 5. lusTAtiu: Tiieatkk (llurtlg. I<eiincbnr & Seamon. managers).—"The Fatal Wedding" had S. R. O. 10-21. nsrtld "Mls« Petllcoals" 23-2R. "Funny Mr. Booley" Is Ivooked 20- L'!l, Jos. .Murphv ::0.liec. -z. "Alphonse nnd cnslon" 3-fl, 'The Good Old Summer Time" 7-12. Goand Ot'ERA Housn (Chas. H. Plummer, manager).—"A Hidden Crime" and "!• oi- lier Children's Sake" came, to large business. 10-24. "Sag Harbor" 20-28. "Across tbe Rockies" 30 Dec. 2. "Searchlights or a Grout (.,(»•" 7-0. Martin's "I;, T. C." 10-12. HHOnU INI.AMI. I'rovldrncp.—Providence Opera Houso (Felix R. Wendelsehnefer,'innnngeri.—"The Tcnderfool." Richard Carle's new comic opera, mudi; a good impresslou on largo Hiidlences week of 23. On 30 Raymond Hitchcock iMH-'ncd for'n-week In "The Yankee Consul." ami the mu of comic opera will be continued with "Tho Siillon, of'Sulu" Dec. .1 1M Sprintrfleld.—Al Hie, Baldwin Theatre (0<»>. F. Olendorf, uinnugen.—"Tlio Chapu- I'iiiim," Nov. Dl, diww it. big hoime: Kelcey nnd Shannon laid pond business IS. lU'bau mid Skluni-f, In "TUe Tumluu of the Shrew." Cmpiiu: TiiKATtt): i8>ilu & Nnthanson, jn, ouiertnlned n large. niuJIoni'e, Martin's nag"»rs).—"Tbe Christian" received favor- •■(•.. -j', c." n|uye<t, la M.good bpuse, 80< — , ., ««»—--~ WKMT VIHOIXIA. Wliceltn«-— a: the CollH Thesitre IR B. FnHlxheai, in»nflgcrl.-r-Vloln Allen, In "Twelftii Nlghl." Xrtv. 211. had S. R. O.. nnd (limed fieople qwity. "David Ilnruni," 2«. tad good liu'sibews. ■■ lillld Procior 'n "Hedda Gnhhtr,'' 28. Imd fair buslncua Com- lug: Rose l.'ecelln, Shn.v Grand. Opem Co. I've. 2. 3,-"Robert Kuimet" (lllfjcrnlnn.hene- (iKASn Onau Unp«i IPIws A. Felnlcr, luanngi-r).—l-reiio Myi-rs. Co;, 23 28. In rr- lMrrtory, to riipncily of tljii ihmisi'. ininlng: "Darkest Hoiv" isO-lxs', 2, "Driven from Home 3-S. • nhle hotlces week of Nov. 23. On 30 cstne ■•The Factory Girt," "Too Proud to ■ Beg" ncxi week. Tueatbj] (Felix R. Wemleischaef- er, manager).—AL It. Wilson, In "A Prince of Tatters," was a drawing curd 23-28. F.llnnre Sisters, In ".Mm. Deliiney, of New- purl," 30 nnd week; 'The Ninety and Nine" uexl. Pabk Tiikatbb (Splls & Xnlbnnsou, mau- ngers>.—The stock cuiuimuy Is luilldlng up n loirtluuHs which grows from night to nlgbt. "Jim, the Penmau," week of 23; well imtrou- hrd. "A Cclebrslid Oise" was given .10, nnd "A Fnmlly Affiili" In the progrsmnie for next week. , . -Kritu'm Tiibatbc (CbarleM I^ivenlicrg, manager).—The Bight Vnasar G|rls head the till I week of 30. others ure.: The Grand Opera Trio. Bert Onward, and .Leona Rlsud, Taffniy's dogs, the Foil Olllelt Trio; Gti* Willluuis, the Qnlglry Brothers, Charles Keu- na, Itume. Ross nnd I^wls, Vnlesca. Kddle I ie Voe. Klein nud Clifton, and the bin- Kbi'tii'm Pawti'ckkt TiirATBt: (Clnrlcs l.oveuheiv. rcsldeut ninnager).—Tbo llisiney Sisters nre nt tbe top of the bill week of 30. Tbe remainder of tho programme Includes: Mr. uud Mrs. Jluimlc llarry, Hooy nnd I^ce. Fred Kckboff nnd Auna Gordon, Beau and liunillton, and Three Milrhells and Watson, Ilulchlngs. Edwards and Co. Westaiinhtbb Tiib.itbk ((ioorgo II. Bnlch- eller, manager).—Fred Irwin's Big/ Show wu» the attraction week of -A. On 30 the Kentx-Sautley Co. opened, and tlm Boh^- mlans come Dec. 7 sud week. Thk Boston SvirruoNv OnciiGH-rnA gave n'concert lit Infantry Hull 21, which drew nn audience (miking tbe big nudttorlum. It will be hrarrf here ngain In February O'Gobman'h Z'KiLinjn'Ai. Gaupbn had the Tenneasec Trouhacloura and 1'rof. Gilbert's educated goats on its programme 23. *>* ■ ! ■ —• James Thnitcher, who has been playing the title role In "Qnhicy Adams Sawyer" (Fasternl, was transferred to the No. 1 Co., playing nn Indefinite period at. the Audi- torium, Chicago. He writes that he has mnd<) a .success of the part, and that the show Is doing an immense bnalneia, . ,.'...■ >i:w Jt;ii»i:v. Aliunde cilr. — Deenn Plor,•' Tlienlro I Harry D'I'Xa, reiirwuntatlvi;).—Tbe lieu- nott k Moulton Co. closed u successful week of 'repertory Nov. 28. Coming: "Lover* l^juu" Dec. 2, 3. "Tint Village Parson" :>, ■Mr*. Flske. In "Mxry of Mafdiln.'' 7: "When We' Were Tweirlyrme" 11. 1»». "Hello, Bill, U. "Tlie Yllliiue Postmaster'' 12. 'HArnyTiin.vriiK (Huntley k Moon-, man- agers).—/iood himlnes* Is nlirncied regulnrlr by tbe IIuntlej-sMiwre Co.; - which coirtluite* to prer.cnt repert ory ■ •HBOttUmtHk 'cim«s)iu»o«»r-New opera House (Paul It. Albert. iiiHuageri.—Oiilnlnu & Wall nime. to goisl huslii's*. and pleaMCd, Nov. II. Mury Mnnncrlflg drew well..HI. "Pleklngs from l'uek" iiieaced 1«. Itfchnrrtu und Prlngle. played, M a full lionse. Hi. Paul Gllmore 20. "I'odcrTwo FlBg»" pleased a Inrgn house 21. James and Wnrde. In Alexander the Greai 24: Murray and Mack 25, "The ratal Wed- ding" 20, Howard Kyle. |n "Rosemary," Dec. 1. nnd balance of. week Knowlcs, the hyp- notUt: "The Limited Mall" 7, "A Chlncno Honeymoon" 0. "The Burgomaster" 10, Blanche Walsh 11. ... »i» ' ,— Oonror k Mack's.Comedian* report big boilnwa la J'enq<llranl«. flfld. ilaxyland. ,st.I.oMls^—CrOwd«<d Bouses were,th<vnile lni)t week, tbe Thanksgiving matinees offered nt nil theatres brine particularly well at- tended. ...-' oiA.vii'ic? (P. Short, manager).—Julia Mar- lowe, in "Fools of Xnture," Was seen by Inrg-! nudleiices week of Nov. 23. It wns her last week's npnenninco In Rsraond's piny. Week of 30, Mury Mnnnering plays it return engagement, In ''Tlie Stubbornness of Ger- utdlne." ci:xTt:r.r (P. short, manager). — "The Prince of I'llsen" did a record business week of 22. with Trlxle rriganxn as a most ac- reptr.hle leaillng lady. Arthur lionaldsnn, i\« the Herman prince, plnyed a part that could not he Improved, ntners who helped mn- torlRlly were: Ruth Peebles nnd Alinyrn For- rest. For week ot 20, ",1'eggy from Paris." OiiKon —On Nov. .'50 Ben Greet's company of- Kngllsh players' began- a -two weeks en- gagerr.en;, with "Kveryman." iJohn G. Slreedy. manager).—For week of 22 "PrlncenH Chic did a good busi- ness. Vera Mlchelenn, tho lending lady. w<n In excellent voice. • Tho ixnnedy work «f 'Jhonms c. l^nry iva* noirworthy. "Arl- rona," at popular prices, is the current at- traction. taneutt <D. E. liu*sel»;-ai*tuiB/<r).—Joo WeJch, la "llio lVd«lleT,"^wa.s woll pMron- l/e<r week of 22. The star was nhly assisted hv A)fr«l Mavo, I'll. Iwiwrenee, Jlny Noble, imhI Zoo Fdmond. For week of 20, "liown by the. Sea." • . . , CBAWroan's (O. T. Crtlwfortl, manager). —For wee4i «f 21>, "A Texas tfloer." wlfl MJlt Barlow. •Blsric Fadr) and her 'I'roubn. dours, with decided novnll'les, scored Wep Thanksgiving week. Il.vvi.ix's (Win. Oaren, manager).—'"Pbs Child Slaves of Xmr Vork," week of 22, was well nc:e«l and enihusln**leally received. This week. "T-hrough I'lre nnd Water." <;ut.i'.MliiA iMIdillnlon k Tate, managers). —iTnis tidy vaudeville house did nn excel- lent business l liroiiKtioiii Thanksgiving wis*. Among those on the programme for week of 30 nre: John wid llinma Hay, Wallnn nnd Marinette, .lames Richmond Glenroy, While und Simons, Arthur• W. Asrn. Winona nnd Banks Winter. St. r*on Family, Trunk und Gladden. Kdwnni In. Zelle, Grlcrson Sislers, nnd Alice Pnliner. Stanuahii (Leo Itelchenbach, manager).— For week of 2ft the Brigadier Burlesquers nro the attraction, The Dainty Duchess Co. did well week of J2. Crocker Jacks next week. . ' HahiiaoxVk (llnnbhngen. Bros., mana- gers).—The South St. I.ouls vaudeville, house did nn excellent budneHs Thanksgiving week. The following nre on the current hill: lleriha liorlan. senaurlonal nerinllst (second week): Mnyernnd Fanchetie. ef.-entrlc comedy teiim: Connors and t'nations, otmedy lioomers: Fred awl Amy Gnttloli. sketch and [>at|er t«tu; Coney Island Show Olrla, animated picture machine. ... m i St. Joseph. Ai the- TnotW Thenlro (C. 17. Willley, manager).—flood bnnlnesH Nov. 21, With "The JilWIe. IWlJcfHS." Robert Fdeson, "Soldiers of ForUine" <hT>w si anil- ine room 28, both msl.lnee and nlKht: lU-han nnd Skinner 0. -"Jottki. K^otucsy'.' llec. 4, P,: James Whlteotnli lllloy II.. Lvrcuxt Tiieawi:.— 'The Mblnlght I.x- press" dbt fair business Nov. 22, 23. "Cir- cumstantial" Imd light business 24, 25. Coming: "Martin's "Teu Nights In n Bar Room': 28. "l-'nclo Tom's Cabin" Dec. 1. 2, "Tho Mhn Who Dared" 35, "Lost River" ti. 7. 'I'he Ikilnly Duchess 8-10. f.'BTsTAt. Thkatiu- (J. A. Jackson, mnun- ger).—Standing room sign Is out every nlgbt here, and on Nov. 22 the mnnngetueut wns riun- pollod to give iwo extra performances. Bill fur wis* of Nov, 22: Frank and Utulsit Beverly, Grundy imd Weiithertiy. Tntunrhlo Vukiin'n, tioilwln nnd Creed, KkhIo St. Clair, the lienulngtons, Gladys Tihlsitt. Noti:.—-Manager Churchill, of tho Lyric, Is pushing the work, und is positive that he will lie ready for his opening date, .Imd. 3. All'of his scenery U nearly completed, und Ills chairs will lie lit tbe following week. aior.<l of Players. • — Notes, from tbe Wilson* Big ."Ten .Nlglif s In *-Uur llooni" .Co.: We have Jp>t roiu- idetcd' a'«ncce>sftll 'tour of Nnritieru Ne» Vork,.Vermont and New Hampshire, aiul.are now placing,, in .satlsfaciory ■ builnesn, ,tu Maine. Our recetlt encagetnenls'al "St.'-Al- hans, St. .IdhQshury and Berlin,. N. II.', were trie mosr snceessriil since our.opening. :1'jo- prletor-.J. 'Ro»s Wilson hanJiMt-rscelreu-a Inrge shipment of special lithograph paper, tmd' ; Genrrril Agent Fletcher Smith- hn-i' al- resdvniBdo n lilg'hole In-'lt. The.cnmpany Is giving exis?llcnt, sntlsfnctloni. and - mnan- geM .nre asking. tor opon tlfne.throughput tbn.Faslecn cwuitry.. Tho.conicHJjrujd. iiu- der'lhe leadersh'lpof I'ror. C.-M.'Dnvenpori. Is.dolng'ltS'ShftlT- toward Oiling' the 'home*, and Profi Geo. imrtiin'fc orchestra' ls»a; lead- ing feat ure." The edst U-bended hy-Mifoy \A\* WIlAon. as Utile :Mftr,v,-iind'incspfe- eliitles hv ■ Master'Howard noways win iwi- plluise. • TheHarnln6s. F.I -.Rami and • Gladys, win'encores-nightly' by >ihMr<clever spetMni- ties. The roster In vs. Ross- Wilson,' prtinrif ■ t'oV nnd mnnnger:«Fletcher ■ Smith, itonerti I ngi'nt: Harry ■■• l 111 tings; - atano manager; • itmi Ni)lrn, master of properties.': I'roi. C. M. Davenport, leader of hnnd: Prof. Geo. Bur- ton, lender of orchestra: Henrietta Wilson, ilnbv l.ola Wilson, Master Howard Wilson, i:i Rami Zar.inos, Glndys Znrnnos, I.. M. F.d- wards. Florence Kdwards. I. K Bnrtlete, Vera Bnrtlctt. Harry Billing*. Hert Black- more, Geo. Ilnrinn, C. II. Musselmnn, Hud Nairn, Geo. Harriett. Wm. Aldrlch, James Noit, Frank Keating and Hnrry Nason. Ar tliur I'ordhnm. "the little Denke," Joined Monday, to slrenitthen the hand. L. M. Kd wnnls. our mall agent. Is dlxnos'ng of ten Cl.irfnaM weekly. — Notes front Blair's Broadway Comedi- ans, presented lllnlr's latest farce comcOy. In Ihreo acts, "Tho Sport from Spokane:" We nre now tonrlng Canada, and business Is splendid. The show pleases (he Canndlana greatly, rliKt. roinrti dfttes qw offered m wherevsr we play. Roster: A. S. Illnlr, pro. prietor: W. P. llortley, ninnngnr: Fa. II. Imrnstcnd Jr., huslnesi ninnager; Arthur Philip, programmer: Clarence Leewosd, stngo manager: T. Kiiinund-Il.iyes. mpslcni dlrcc lor: Michael Finn. George Mnyo.'Fthel Mil- ler. Annie l.yslr. Mnrle Collls. Vloln N'npp, i:thel Ohvn ami Ln,r»ttn Barnateail.'-- V— Will C. Sltrs, Into advnncoreprcaenln- HVo of the Arnold Stock Co,, writes: "I're- ce)ved eighteen letters nnd four telegrams In nuswer lo my 'ad.' In Inst week's Ci.irrr.n. I have signet! with I.ney & Lyons' Big Slock C<t. for tbo Advance. This will moke my third senson with lliln iiopulni' show. Th-* company numliers eighteen people, and car- ries everything In tbo ranke up of a (Irst class re|teitory isiimpan*. Wo 0|ien Dec. II, In New Jersey, nnd nro booki-d solid for thlrtv wei*s In Hie Ilnst. I—Notes front Glb-k It llauman's "Dr. Jelivll and Mr. Hyde" Co.: Business has been goml with ns, and Ihn show pleases every- where. The roUer Is: Clllford I. V'enlc, lit dual role: Hnrry Nelson. A. C. Newmnii. I^iuls Griffith. Ueo. c. Hose, II. K. Welling- ton. Charlotte Helton, Agnes Freeh;. .Mrs. I.uila Glide, .1. Howard llniimnn. In advance, nnd II. Thayer Click, manager. .— •■Heart of OMirk" Co. closed at Union- town, Pa., Nov. 21, owing to the serious Ac- cident nnd critical condition of Col. Gen. Hamilton, who wns shot In the last net of play. — Irvin II. Walton has signed with M.' ft. & R S. Schleslnger for "His Sister h Shnme." In which Daisy I,overlng Is featured. — Notes from Dllger k Cornell Co.; Wn have lieeu playing to our uaunl good business. which geiiernlly means packed houses, through. Pennsylvania und Ohio. The company In .stronger than ever and the new nnd innc- uincent scenerj carried for each bill atliln grcuily to the general effect. Among fhn repOitor>' of plnys are: "The Princess or Hitches," "KnentleS for Life," "Rflsurroetlmi;" "A True KentucRInn." "The Ilonumdn," "Tlio M|nl8lei J s Hrotlier" nn«l "Tho Dh* of Dm til." TQo company Is well balanced and lbs .spe- cialties are far superior to those usually wan Wit h .repertory mBowh. The genial manatrerH Uifik well to the It.toi, «t« ami comfort of all. Tb» ghost wiiII.h regularly and the Olp Hi:- i.i,\iii,k lirlhgM ax news of friends. The roB- tec: Dllger & Cornell,, proprietors: W. II. Cornell, business mnnuger; Fred. Dllger. aUgu iiKiiuiger; Iloy King, Hinge director: Clms. Don.ilil, Geo. r.iH-'Olvii. Cbns. While, ,lncl. Holmes, Lillian Anderson, Mnrle Fellow*. Cijcllo ilnrileld, Ada 'L'eciipleinii, Holmes and Holincs, Wiliaui Graham, advance. Special- tics nre prcsenieil by Dllger and Anderson, l.'bns. While, Chns. Donald, Gen. I/iwellyn, und Holmes und Holme.. We carry IliilH- iruled song nml l.ublu muring picture outfit . — "Sweet Kitty Heiiiili'n," Dnvld BaIukuh'm now ploy. In f»ur nils und n pfidoilun, was ((Ivun lis (Irst iii'oiluclInn nn huv Mliigv ill llio'iyiille Ojieri Horse, Wmihlngtiin, D. •'., oii Nov. 2.1, with llmriettn Cmsmuu fts tho Miir. The jil'sv Is foiiinlfd id) Mgertiui Ci|slle'H hot*, "The Ilnlli I'oniedy." Local papers were uiiniiiiiKius In I heir praise of tbe production. • - .Supreme Court Justice Scol ( bus decided I hilt Mrs. I.i'sllo Cnrtiir Is eutllled to Inlerveiie ns n party ilofomlnnt in ltin suit brought by lleiuv Givsslt to rcsir.ilii Iluvld Itclns.'u from cunt lulling lii iirodt'ce "Ziixn, will). ,Mi - k. Cni'ier In (lie lead. Argument wllllxi'll'liu'd <ui I'rlilny. I)«S', 4. • ' • * ' r-i. W. MnciTiidylias sold lo Arnold Wi»I- f,.i'd nil rli/litK to Ms version (it •■i;iM|e lied Rkling tHosl." iii'Oduiysi'for.lJii' UiK'ihkrt «l Hie I'ertple'H ThiMirv. Chicago, nisi -week,' 3lr. Mncri'Oily,' during tlie week of; Nov. 30. , will rehearse' "A, l»»|l In Skirt*." for D»/cy A. Da .'Is, and on Dee.. M join the lloe Ht's* Co.,.us gvueral slug" dl risdor for Hie r< i.inliwleu nt the season. 'Win ROo Slack Co. la now using the "New ■lack Shepnnr<r and "Dotu Thorne." by Mr/. Md- cniwly.- "Dorft Tlioriie" proving, Air. fU> creaily wrilos, Ike best box office wlun'u- nf nqy limy ever given by Did coinpnuy fof a inlitllie*. .-,„-•• 'J, '—Manager f':irl Herbsrl ntiuoillices. thnl 1In> result of .tbe iirrlliiiliniry road tour .of ■"hm.t.'nndy Mian" lias prprml su KiitlHtnijlory lluil he Is tircriiirlog nt mice to eulargu llm priiduc.tloii lo pltty the principal clUcs,, Tli|s will neci'sslliilir two weeks of Immediate, re- luini-Kil. • ' j—M.i II, Wllllnms, mnnnger of .the. Audi- luriiiin Ttieiilii'. ul AMbiiilmlii, <).. reiiorls big I■iisiuess at bis house this Henwm. —iMarlo I tale Co. Notes: Wo opened run n«)w .griiund Ihsir 4-lieiitni at /ITsbouilog.i, Did. 'Ii'i'.. to etaiiillng room only, (it ad' vntici il iii'lces, .Miss Dale uud tic company «ero. entirely .successful in presuming tlie Ihreo net micdcnl comedy, 'Uidy Madge," MDsir Dnlo npiicai-lng In lbs title role, Ai ilie close of ihn performance' the enllre company pn given '» TniLnksgivJug dinner by Miss lmlc, making the third 'year for sMll of Hie uieinbers l« enloy u dinner nt this time. Willi (uir star. Slietc the uimc irnii) o|s'ii(sl undiu- 'Mr, rHling'H personal iiuiuagcinenl. Iiusluess has been satisfactory, and good lime is tsditg olfered by innuiigers (is Ill's! clawi houses, AI the close of our en- gilgenient at I^hlgll. I. T., '.Manager Wllllnms imiuCHtrd thnt we pbiy a return engagemeot. 2d. but as wo'nre Isioked neurly solid Ave Mali not'nccfpc tbe offer: 'llie follorwlu/ rohnprtsn Ihe oomnanv : -Marie lisle, Miner Ionise Fergii«, >wy Roberts Glllonl, Olive <»H«u, the 'JW-'flnn Sisters and llahy X)a/, WlUnir AtklnixM), W. S, Uamner, Vloior 011- liird: tt. J. Murphy.■ W..-U. MoDosv. Mycr MlutaotbaJ, Fre»I M*»re, llarry l-Htlng, iiuuin- ger: Will Atkinson; dlreoto* orf ptaj-s s B. J. MuTpliy, af^fo.cnTpontsr.: H.J. MaDaw, elivtrUdon; Nlyer MMJonUbaJ, tjeoaorex: Olive OrrMita, mualc«l dreotresa; Prank Cfoe, BgenU.- .., . . : .....