The New York Clipper (December 1903)

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».-T*i l^cpjBEJ*. 1& the; MW$r .york ,,jqlipp:er,i m JIASSAIHL MCiTh, Host on.—Henry Irving, tn repertory, Is llio onlv Important cluiiiffo of hll) ilxls* week. oilier changes are: "Sap llariwr," nt tho liiuml Opera.; "The Factory Olrl." at Mimic trail; "A Bagged Hero," at the. Hub; "Tito tuforesren," nt tlic Castle Sfiunrc, nud 'A Iiesorted Bride," nt tbc BowdoU*. Square. I nxt week's pafronasc wns, uneven, botoc houses doing capacity, while others had ■ii.Ttiy vacant chairs. The IniMor business np- iilli-il to two-thirds ol the liunsc.*, m. llio ,',ver.ige synw fur ls'lovy Iho stniiilurd. Atnnv cvonsvs are mndo for tills spell of bad busi- iiess, bill il. is almost Impossible <o In/ the hlflime lo any one thing. riii.oviAi. Tnp.wnn iBieh, Harris & Cb.ia. Prnhmnn, innnneor*-').—During Hils, the mv- ,,nil awl lost week of Henry Irving'* en- gagement n,f this Iioiimo. Jie revives sumo <»f I ho plavs BJMWliiturt wlili Ills early fame In London! The plays are: "Waterloo." '"rim Bells," "Donls XI' - nnd "The Merchant of Venice." Mr. Irvine mndo a notable bit In "Dante" loot week, bin the receipts were far from sattlsfnotory. A big business xvns done on Saturday afternoon and evening, but. the average for flic week was hardly RnVid. "Thn Tendofwroot," wlili Richard Carle featured, follows. Horns STRf.rT THK.vrnr. (Isaac B. Itleh, manager).—Tills Is the second nntl Inst week nt Bthel JlBrrymorc, In "Cousin Kate." This play, a charming throe net romeily of lore nt ilrs'r sight, luis made n. decided success wlib lo'enl plnvgoors. .Miss Barrymoro's natural iiikI wli'o'llv wlnsiuni) personality, has won U»en admiral Ion from those who viewed-her performance last week, and other members of the company nre excellent lit their w- spectlvo roles. K. II. Sotliern, In "Tim I'rnud Prim*," comes week of U, Boston Tiirj'im: t Lawrence McCarty, manager).—"Tho Wizard'of Oz," now In.Its r-.ccona week nt this house, has inken Bos- tonlnns bv storm, Jnst ns It did New Yorkers. It lias attracted overflow nndlences nt every performance, mid rnrely Ims n show mndo such a decided lilt 111 such a short time. The show Is the liest of Us kind ever seen In Boston. nnd Die many ho.ld assertions made, regarding Its greatness nre more ihnn rea- lized. If l» very easy- to understand how nhd why "The Wizard of Or" had such n long run In Now York. Montgomery anil Stone, of ifiiir.ii'. evoke thn most applause, card ami nn interesting piny. more, as Kdwnrd lliird, the wronged husband, Willunl Black- Ml h ii mI in ml. Next week, wns especially commendable. "Man to' Man." Kkith'a Thratrb fll. I'. Keith, mnnn- sen.—Thl« week's bill Is bended by tlio Bight VMsar (llrls, nn oggrogntlon of show girls sold lo lie the most attractive seen on the vaudeville slnue this season. The (Irani! Opera Trln. Mme. Edith Docker. Rlwior Znn- len and Hhtnor Abramoff, Is another his fea- inre. nthiw comilbilllons are; Kmlle Taf- fnr.v nnd his lroii|x> of trained doss, Colennd Jiiliiison, 1 JontiIce Insrnin nnd i:dwhi XI- knnder. Uillon Brothers, Onirics Kennn, Murphy nnd 'Wlllard. Mile. Vnlcsni. Kwler and lion. Kddlc IV \'(u; Itcsn.ili mid Miller, l.ftittse Henry. Mooney anil llolls'ln, I now motion pictures. tlAWAiio Athi:mci'M (Win. McAvoy, tniu- lisen.- -.luck Monroe, I he pujjilisl, who Is in iown Ir.itHlns lor his Ihiiii with Al. I.lm- ei'lck, Is the hendlliiei- of the llow-.ird's hill lor current week. Assisted h.v Bub Arm- s^ronf,'. Hie Biiilo miner Klvci :in cvhlbltion ol liN IhixIio; nielhod.H, Hooslor Zouaves, Ceorce 11. Wood. I.a Belle DnulA, Kelly mid Adanu. Catherine J. Ilnyes. n'Rourke nnd Bnriielte. illssai* nnd Dreher, Jennings and Benfrew. ■ Half and IIiikIiom, Him JiisiIIiir Ibnkos Madeline Sodal, Itert CniT. Helen ICogers, I'rank T<.^iBrowne, the elnoojrivipli, nnd house hurle<quers, In "The tllndness lirlsade," fill out hill, Cladys risher, S.i- villi*' johnnon nnd the Pclbere Sisters are new recruits to the h:ir!oxipio stock mmpan;'. I'alaci: TiliMTim (Charles If. WnWIron, mn imwr i.—J. Herbert. Alnek'd World Bait- ers Burles(|iie Co. Is Hie nltrncMon Mannser Wnldron olt'ers for Ibis week, "frolics nt the I'alr" nn<l "Hotel Klip Klnp" nri> the PkWs.mid Hie olio: Tom Waters and Major Nownk. Throe Xiulos, l'l' Sisters, Bd. Snnforfl, llohnnnou nnd Corey. Hoeers nnd Irllbrnt, Borsch nnd Russell, and .May Och- ItanM. Champion Jnmes J. JeffrliV) has Inten inanjietl as a speclnl feature, and will np- ]H<ir hi foiijunctioii with the company. Fred Irwin's BIS Show Is one of the ls>st that tilnvod this house this season, nnd a apod luwlness was done) by the company. Jolly Gmws WldoWs week 14. l.vci'i'M Tiir-wnn (O. H. Bntchellor. mnn- nser).—''The Mntrlmonlni Market" nnd "Tho I'nllph of /.nzu" aro the burlettns of the Bentz-Snntley Co., this week's card. The Olio Is In the hands of Three Connolly Sis- ters, Ynmnmoito Brothers, flriiett. anil Cast<> TlRUTBO (Al. linynvs, nniiiascr).— BindU'Xs last, wwk .was exivodlinc Inrjre, lira ntronif hill headed by <:otirlho|H> iuwl ftor- tfrtnf, lu "A's l.oek," sivln^ the. belt af sjitlsfnctlon. BookMl: JKv. ■ nud .week, Adgie. and lier lions, Tyce nnd Jeruuin, Snliile nud Mullaney, MoKnl^ht, rlin veutrllisiiilst : Marl.- Uiun-nt, .Innies K. Adanw, Karl mid Wll-on, nnd the Tluve Mll- iliells. Uicti's Tiikatri! (A. K. Uli'li, niaiinRPr).— '•'Si'K- York illrl" I'o. played, lo Mr luisl- mms. Nov. .".uliec. J. Ito.iked: l'bll Sheri- dan's City Sports 1" IP. Itolifiiiinn Ihu- Icsipicrs "l-'J.'l. Waison's Aniei-Icniin -I-2H. Siir.iaiv's 'I'lllMTia: i.\l. I'. o'Hrleii, mini; ascri.— Ii.mhI shows aud sooil Inislness ruled lust week. Week of T: I hill l.aey mid Jului Unrly, Alfred Anderson, May lliuuly, in II- liisiii'iiiC'l s-.iiKs : llnyis mid (iicuor, Klcvlldo Jackson, (lie Sisters Moilonn, and the klneto- St'OpM. •I. Hue: Tho Jefferson*. In "Th.i lltvnls." S ; -Ik'nnolt 6: Muiiliou flock (la, 1-Vi. IlHUMnNii 'I'liiiAini: (W. I*. M.side. mali- nger •,--The I'lskc Slock Co. opened .Nov. :io, to S. B. <>.. mid .11.1 a Rood hnsliicss the rest of the week. Alma J'.vn I'uy Co. week of Ih'C. 7. Xu|i:s.—A Hue plrttli f Tliniiin* Me- I.nrule, a locni Isiv. nppeiird In Y'fn' Umf* Hcmhl of lnsi Sunday. Ho Is n menilier of Mi.- I'listle SiiiiniK Stuck Co What Is culled a merchants' week will be held 111 I hi* •'liv colilllH'IK'lllL' l>ec. 7. The mcivhiiuts iif Ihe city will furnish tickets to llielr iiis- l..iiii-rs for I he theatres and other enter- taluineiils iliirlns the Week. Lowell. .v. Hosfnrd -Lowell Opera House (I'n.V Bros, managersi. - The Benneri-Monl Sinliiulii-lil. —Ai tho I'ourt Sniinn? Then- tre (W. I.', i.o Xolr, niaiiuceri. -only iwo nt- ii'iictlous ivecc seen at this Ikuiso lusr Week. Charles Warner, la "Brink," l«ec o, jj avi , n lllilshcd preseiilailiiu. and one of ihc most Inlcrcslhi* of the seiiwiii. "The snltmi of Suhi" ri'lKiii'il Miprcmc hefore mi andleuco which laved the <npiiclty. H.un I'ollliis ke|it In repertory, will entertain for Pec. 7 und week. ACAHUtV in' Mm in (It. P. Murphy, mnnn- jrorl.—"Over XliiKnrn calls" opened Inst week. io Bead business, nnd proved n melodrama, of much merit. The World Beators followed Ihjc. ;i-5. to verv Rood business. The olio, which was very strong. Included: The Three Xudos, Koitorx ami illlperl, l>o>roli nnd llosseij, Bohunnon nnd Corey, Tom Walters, nnd Xowak. The music, scenery nnd effects were of Hie best. The Jolly (Irnss Widows lor wi-ek of 7. Ca.hto TtiRATnn (Al. Hnynes. rnnnnger).— Of Inut week's hill Itnls-rts, Hayes nnd Rob- erts. Molds nnd llnnson,' nnd Mniifc nnd Wnlsh received llliAnl npplnuso. Hnsliiess uvernecd hljf. For 7 and week: Nelson nud Mlllodse. Chris. l>ane. Little.Mnnl, Cnrdner aw , CllV UIM , nnd Arnold. "LonKfollow," Hurry nrtd "opt- nl „ Kt i,'opnhir, fonl, Smith nnd Bowman, and the Jodd- )>„ wll «;>' n„. £ PIMM n warm reception Vov. tuiliec. t, by well lilleit bouses. Mr. lllluiure luis an nitreenlile role in Mr. Do..ley. of whleh ho nuikes ihe most. Ills Nupporiliii: company In e.v.cp- ilonnlly good. "Too Proud to Itrp." .1 r>, played to llrst elans returns. The piny Is Intensely Inh-reM hii'. und Is presented h.v n company well suited lo their roles, r.'.r..- inont iimonK the players nre the Boyhiu Children mid l''lcd Krknri. Rookcilt "A Benppnle Clinuce" 7-u, "liescried ut the Aitnr" 10-12. flMKH tirmu llnusts (ClinrlcR W. li'ondn, mnujiser).—'i'lie Uiopliiii Ihii'lcsnucrs, Nov. :!ll-I)ec, 1', nuve it brighter show than the uverase. The chorus wns inrjte, "Tho Red Lion Inn,'' the opener, mis brim full of fun. An olio of good nets, of which Xieo OatrjC* II. HknnMind worn ihe folluweil. "Hotel rps nnd Inning piece, nlKuiniled In good musical nuinbors, which were well rouderetl. Itiislness was ill S. II. U "The Tide of Life," linoLi'd for Jl-S, failed lo nppear on gerl—-fliislnes* til'uo'oir TB/Motf and Fra- ucclti. ■ tortie / lHwund uml Biliroii, Ueo. IVister, llnskol Sisicrs. JliirU'siitie by Ou, I'ostcr. ■ ■ ■ TiiiiiiIoii. -Al rlie Taiminn Tbealr.i ii'alin A; Cisisj, iivjnnger*),—HoiMlra (liillnud. In "Hmhlnn Hull." enme Nov. :'.tl. to H well I d t gw il miillenec. Clnrii Tiinier, In n stronc; ||4I of selectisl lilny-i, IIMMl om I llfi Minnlnde.' ol the ivieh. Slii'iiard's uinvltijr pictures are duo Hoe. 10. II. . 4«» Montrenl.—At Ihc Acnilemy of Music (W. A. I'.ilwnrds, tun mi get I.- Aiibri'y Ilulnl- t-Aiilt, In "I'liptulii Charley." runic, to good huslili's*. Nov. .'lo 1 I.e. r,, Siiilh; Martlnni, In "Tlie Second . Mrs. Taiuiu«r;iy." 7-1^: Marunrel Auullli 17 111. I'um-iMii'a ill. «'. Dserton, MIMRrrl,— "The I'oiluni' Tcllel'," U> hie I'llslncss, N'ov. .'HI l»ec. .-.. Joseph .Murphy, lu "Kerry flnit" nnd "Slinun Kline." T-IJ: (ieorgn II, Hall, lu "A lli.|.'i:e.l Hero." 14-10. TiiPAmn KuaNl'AIH (I-'. [In win lb, mnna- i.i'l).—"Wlirn the Hell Tolls" niiiie, to Tulr hiMlsi'S, Sow :;»i-l)eo, fi, "A Little Outrun!" 717. "To lie Hurled Alive" Mill. Tin:inu: Bovvi.. -tl', W. 1a clalr. mnnn- BrMi -Tho Jolly Urns* Wldown enme, to isoisl InniliiFHs, week of N'ov. Iin-Dcc. h, Thn liowery lliirlesipiers 7-1'J, the Auicrlcan llnr- Ictiiiiern 1 MP. 'I iiH.irut: .Natiosu. FHAXO*l« ((!. ilnuv-, wutilMjeri,— The nci'iniiticiit stock co., lu "The Silver King" (In- I'remhl. Nov. dO- lire. .*. • rliarloiir CoTtlnj" 7 l:l. Tiiiatiii; His Noivp.m ii:s.-The prrma- licin Mioik ro., In "L'Kli'aiiKi'i'c." In I'lencb, to fnlr luisliiess. Nov. ilO-liec. X "Madame Siin.'i lleiii'" 7-1-'. WlMison H.ii.Ik —David I!lnplinm Oer. 8. i ■ pm Toronto.—At tlio Prlnn-Xh Thenlrn fll. It, Slieppnid, mnnngcr).—"The Sleepy King" liliiyed, to fnlr toisltiess, Nov. ;i(i-Der. 'J, Siidle Miirthiol, In "The Boennil Mis. Tim- ipieray," lln ; • Tlu« Sliver Slliiper" 7-12. tilAXD oi'ciu llm sn (A. ,1, small, iiuinn- fter).—"Moro 't'linit i.Hiceu" Jilincil, lo gnnil iiislness, lust weelt. "Ills Lust ilollur" t-12. Ma.iksti.' Tui:.vruii (A. .1. suiiiti, iiiutio- serl.—"Scarchllglits of a Cicni City" Inst ween, llonil hiisluess ruled. "Hrunl Wlilto lllniiiond" 7-1'-'. Ham. (Stewart ncnstini, iMior- do A. ,m- Kim Iznt Ion, I'akk Tiicvritr. (Blch, Harris & Clins. I'rohmiin, mnniigersK—Andrew Mack, In "llv Lady Molly, liegiiis on .Monday, Dm, 7, his second week. Summed up lirlefly, the piece Is not u success, and the orlglnnl Invok- ing of eight weeks will undoubtedly he shortened suvernl weeks. Mr. Mack has very little lo do In the piece, and the sooner lie returns to his old Held of Irish plays till) belter It will be for him. I'enpln expect to simi iinolhnr "(lelslni" or "Sim Toy," but: nro disappointed. Mr. Muck's tenor and uiilliii- lied hlnrney, Klhel Levy's plensHnt. voire anil graceful ilnii.lur', Alice JiiiIkoii's jilny- lug mid singing, ami Annii Boyd's French governess are Ilia hhs of Hie piece. BuslncsH wns light during 1 lhe opening.week. cor.r.\iniA TnKATUH t Sn in & Lee Shubnrt, mil lingers).—Irene llcntloy, in "A lilrl from lilNle," ini'l: with u full' reception nt this house last week. So many new nIiows were put oil nt lite down town houses that thin hnuse was rather forgotten In the matter of at tendance. Tho show seems to pirn so, all who see It, nnd is rut her n refreshing novelty In thn linn of musical comedy. Thn rttle roio Is excellent iv plnyed nnd sung by Miss Bent- lev, nnd the fun end Is well taken care ot bv Messrs. Hurt, Hon, Hchlllcr und Oott- yehalk. This Is the lust week, nnd It will he followed by Charles II. lOvaus and Chnrlcs Hopper. In "Thorn and llnck." TMMffiM ThkatiiI! (Jno. B. Selioeffol,mnn- nser).—il'lw fourth week of Blanche Hates, In "The of tho ihuts," Is now under way. Owing to the nuiny novelties In town, business dronped n little Inst week, two- rlilrds houses being tho nverago for Ihe work. The management expects this- week to sec. tlio nttendnuce resume Its opening work pro- j ii irI lout.. | , Majestio Tiikatrb (Stair & Wilbur, mnn- ngera).—Thn patronage was light last week, the eiitli of "The Karl of Pawluckot's" en- gagement nt llvls house. It ds feared lha sIkkv has been here too long. "Superua" will follow lu a fortnight. Ohanp Ophra Hotisn (Oeorgi) W. Mapec, tnanagor).—''Sag Harbor," James A, Homo's mOMWHfUl play of llfo on Ixnip island. Is Jiern il'bls week. The .company Jnclmlcs: i:h*rlw C. Brnnrlt, Itolicrt ICelly, Prwl CI. Hoarn. .1. C. Ivlng, Samuel Coir, Thomns Carr, Louis Levy, Walter BJtnks, Hraest TliomiMon. Jane Hrltr, Adelaldo iMonn, Amy Ha mil n, Leah . Simms, Agnes ljnno, SInrv Courtney, and Josephine Bard. Smith O'Brien,' In tho bright Irish comedy, "The Oamio Keeper," mado the biggest kind of a bit last week. Jennnetta Knox, Helen Klsu nnd John PnMiet gave Mr.. O'Urlon good slip- liont. Kent week, "The Queen of the White Skives." Mii'sic Ham, (Stair & Wilbur, malingers). —"Skv Farm" was warmly received hy the patrons, who turned out In goodly numbers last week lo see this beautiful piny of km llngland life. Tbc company enme up to ex- nectotlons of nil. "The Factory Girl." cur- rent attraction, Is seen fur tlie first-time in lhls c.llv. Grenl scenic effects are promised. Cast! Bon Hiisnill, Xell Bnrrett, Chnrlcs KOnnn, (leorgo Ii Holmes, Jlnrry \ nne, Oeoigo Drlseoll, William J. Bnle. Caroline Mnv. Kiln Cunieroii, Bstelln X. Wills. Ireno Hei'ldon. May irermnmi, Botli . Knufniann, Mlanh) Taylor. I'lorenen Ardley, Marlon Arn- old, Corn Coleman, I''ny Melilen and Huth Carroll. Week of Dec. it, "At Cripple Creek. successful 'Kd. I'rcvusl, tin- well known ucrolml, wns home hist week Wllllnni Miuiiem-s signed with Klehl* and lliiiison s .Minstrel Company fur the hciiwiu lino, wii'k, und wll'.diihlshagpiiuchliiL'iiil John •.. Burns Is replacing Geo. Callulinii hs properly iilnii nt the Opera House, temporarily.... John Bnnnon, of the Custo. goeH to Treiiloii. X, J., as singe bund at the Taylor Opera House The teslliuoiilnl lo Ml II. C'nrl- ton. the velenin muslcliin. In Hiitlnglon Hull, Nov. it), wns fairly well nt I ended.... The llrst reiltul of Ihu Lowell l'litlharinouli: Soclelv will he given In Huntington Hull Hi. The Htnrs will be llertvuib' Miller nnd Hcrr Kniffl Tile uiuiinil nu'imirlal sei'vlito of Lowell Lodge. 11. C. O. I'Hks. will lie lu'ld nt the Uiwelf Oiiern lloiise on the lifter- noon of the lllh Inst Cnink Leslie, of Hie Bennett-Moult on Co., Joined Lowell Lo- cal iltt, I. A. T. S. Ii. Inst week. Clms. S. Cnliler, Isicnl 7S, Is Ihe other member of tho Bennell-Moulloii Co. working force- • • ' • • • p'red Hoberls Is iiiiiiiuger of the jlldillesex SI. Wondir World for J. If. To-boola*. New iii.iror.i At tho Now Bedford Theatre (W. B. Cross, mnnager).—The Clnrii lUtt TiiHA'ciiu (Stair ft Wilbur, managers), the, oaprlclnns. wilful, hill most nttrncl — A now piny of New England life, "A Dorothy Vernon lo ihe llfo, nnd wns nl ItaiKcd Hero/ Is announced■ for this week, nsnlstod h.v nn exceedingly slronc cnmpftr X number of thrilling scenes nnd climaxes ■•Tim Sitllnn of HuBi" plnyed. to large In] arc nrdmloed. The Interpretation of the piny W'entrust oil to who! Is said to he n com- petent i-onipiMiy. the lending members of which are: llul Brown. Cerlrudn Swlgsort mid Julia West. "The Klevenlli Hour' wns well liked. "Uncll! week. ■ Cahti.k Sqiauh . manager).—A most eiijuynhln pcrformnnco jo. ..l'-"Ciipliilii Jlilks of the Horse Murines" iti.ioi-TilKAThK (Henry Myers, matuiger). wns jttven at tills liouso Inst week. Somo ._-|'oo l'rotul to Beg plnyed, io fnlr Imsl- ilever work was done In the matter of scenic „««. Nor. :t(>-lirc S. "Hi-iwted nl Hm nnd coslume details hi Ihe production, nnd .Utur." *», pmvisl to be one of the mo»t ihe work or tlie stock coiiipnny wns. ns usunl, pleiislnc'prodilctlotw fcen ot tills hmiHe lll.» very commendable, especially Lllllnii Law- season, und R»md bliKliicss iirovniled len'i-e's Mucin me Trent mil. "The Cnforc- Soiibreltirs Convention, Wilder Wontwnrlh, oldest living conlorllonlRi ; Joe Crmner, rub- ber neck tludo: Vlt.o Bnxlle, vngelnhle king, are rurlo.iuill cards for lhls week. Stage— lilrard Sisters. Alma Weston, Klsle Kenez. Smith nnd Harris, Mike llnrt and Rosle Knlph. W.u.KKn's UOMnm (T. nnnklne, mnna- Ke rj.—J.'or current week Manager Riniklnc offers n oompliite clinngn of bill: The Clif- fords, sword •mmlMWiM: tho Great. Field- ing, aipiatic wiinder: Hiawatha and Wonltn, Indian princesses; Wyoming Jack and I'rm- rio Nell, In exlritilllons U the uso of tho Inrlnl nnd hullwhlp. mid trick nnd fancy rllle slusitliig; JiiinOK Mollis, I'last in skin man, nnil I'liifcssor Lloyd, mnglclnn. In the I hen Ire' Csiviinaugh and llmnllton, [al Roux niwl' Boris, Wlley..'nnil lleranirt, Boehefort. nnd May, BiWIo •Glqjere, UllM lloiislon, Bessie ltosn, Sndln AInrks, nnd Gwtle Siinds. Bits oi' Sta«i: Xhws. —A. I« Wilbur, of Ihe theatrical llrm of Stnlr & Wilbur, Is en- lovlng a pleiisurn trip llirnugh Hie South. ......Ilarrv-G. Shwnh, who has done some excellent work for "Tho Knrl of I'liwluckot. during lis run nt the Miijestlo, leaves on Dee. II for Toronto, whore ho wllldojhe Introdiii'fory work for thr vllle llniiiiuett has Joined of "A Girl from Blxlc" " Olrl from Kny's" comes gngcmonl; It will lie seen .1. Louis While, for innr' nt Frank- Daniels, hns to the executive stnft tucket." •Sunday Adglo nnd her lions, Weston, 'Bessie. Bosn, vnllu mid Pearl, Clipper Quartet. Music I'eniini. Ktskn nnd King, Vedmnrs, 1 Mildred Flora, • llns, tho Wllsonn, and Bvl Mnlfstlc—Billy B. Van and lloso Beaumont. Lizzie B. Raymond, fillroy, HayiiOB and Montgomery^ Ceo. Novillo and Co., John Moron «nd Co., Murphy and Andrews, Lll- llnii Walton, nnd Jeuro and LIlRwortli. Bow- doln Square—Wesson. Walters nnd Wesson, Armstrong and Holly. Catherine J. Hayes. Snls'lln Johnson, Lillian Shaw, Klehls and Iinpree, Delberg Slstei-s. Smith nnd White. Kilty lloffninn,- Brandon nnd Wiley. Billy lllnes and Lizzie Otto lack lilenlstcr, the hero ot Niagara, Is to ho featured next season In o soiiHnllonnl melodrama, written around Ids hUziirdoiis Hwlm through the rnp- Ids,. Rolieit Mcllilde. of the Welior & Fields forced. In New Vork, mndo- a living trip to Boston early Inst week [iibURliiess in connection with "An I'.ng- ikiDalsv." J"'* 11 Craig, who has lust raw'n from Mury Mnnncflnu's Co., hail Iwl to go on the Keith circuit., Mr. g will begin rehearsals In this city on Tuesday of lhls week. He will ho mmomd liv tils wife. Atnry Young, and will present W, S. Gilbert's ono net comedy, "Tho llnc- tor." Mil', and Mrs. Crnlg will open nt Keith's Boston bouse on Monday, Dee. 14. » ' Khll Blvi»r,—At the Academy of Music (Wm. J. Wllny, ninnngori.—Y. M. C. A. course. Nox'. :«>, lind its nsiinl select audi- ence. "A Princess of Kensington," will; .Inines T. Powers, wns presented, to n good house, Dec. 2. "Dorothy Vernon, ot Hiidi nn Hall,'' was irlveii nn excellent, •presentation 'to n fair audience. Hen tin iliillniul was 1 ullrnollvo ably pnny. tmsl- ness. ft, ii'n'n vi-iiN grcnlly eiijoved. Siim Col- lins, as the Sidlrtn, maite ndeel.led hit and was the life of I Ho play, while the work of , l)n yw|. tll joimI httsliiess. we** of Nov. :io, Fred I'l'liir. ^Walter. Lawrence. (llbrldith pJXy^ Car|s>iilcr nud Jero (InW Co. this week, |»ei-l'ur.iiitice iiflernisili uild oveilltig. lime nt her forinm' BMM In I'lilcoiioe l'nlls. Wllllaui I!. Vcnsy. ivlio asMii«ied tho mamigi-inenl of the Westllehl Opera liouso In Aiil'iisi. when Walhice ft t;iliiii>tv, of Os- wego, N. Y., Hsik II' of Hie house, llllNS lesigmsl. instl AI tier i. II, Furrow Ims hncu chosen us his Hiici'i'ssor. Mr. Furrow Is well Piled far the work, having formerly inun- nged the house. He controls .the Irlll posting business of the .town "Tim Little Dni- goon" «'o. Hosed ut Turner's rolls. Nov. 28. Weston nud Do Vonm, musical comio- illuns, nnd TIiiuiiuh West, ticrnwiii iisncdhin, lice .to close lice. 1'.' Willi i III rile)' Clliuoro s "lUdmippwl In New York," mid rcsuiiie play- ing dales... .Thn priictlii, of placing sluglfl l.llllscinls In front of si ores (tail other prulil- Incut places ululig Hit main street on Sun- day Is to be discontinued by tint local bill lioslcrs, as It Ims been ipiltc displeasing to iho citizens. It. Is also bring advocated lliall Hie city license the bill posters, which WDIlId tend kl keep the city neuter, and outsiders from putting up curds nud hauliers qiillo promiscuously, as n'os dona lust Summer.... Kohl. J. McDonnld, ntuge inun- uger of Hie Nelnon Theatre, nud.T. I'. Burke, giinoilil DMBUVr of I*. F. Shea lind colil- uinv's enterprises In this city, have hern t'gei bouses Inst week. The olio Included j i. ;l 'I'oKkit, Dun Kussell und Hlmu-lu- u'Xelll. Blnnche Wiinhbitrti nnd Josle l-'ly nn. MrnM, Ciiiitilngliiini, Jenny nud Kuwbiiiil. Tony Kennedy nnd Ted llvntis. nud All. Polk unit I'llitl Tresk, Weelt of 7. Hit' Tlgci' Llllts, unit w«el; of 14, Kentucky llclles. ■ i I ■ ■ ■ i Itninllloo—At the Crmul Opera fTousn (A. II. Louden, niiiiiiiBcr). "Ills LiinL Dol- Inr," Nov, L'S, was well i rived by Im'go nHdlences. "The Girl nnd the .liulge" no. "Tlio King," Dec. !l. 4, guvo Kalisfiic- llini lo good sized niullcnees. Due: "Tho • Id)' Mr. Holilslcln" ft, weelt of 7, except S. tlen. II. Siuiimcr's Slock Co.; Mugarel Augllu nn.I Henry Miller, in "t"yiillilii' r nud ''l.'red- orlc Lemnltre," s: "Tlie Sliver Slipper" Jl. "Tlio Country Olrl" Jo, HI. "When tho Hell Tolled" IK, III. Mtaii Tiii'.ATtin (.1. il, Applcl'iii. innnnger), —.Week of Nov. aO the Meeker-Itiiker Trio, the llroliHt. Trio, enroll lind Cliirke, mid Slg- iiorii FI Salto lieiiilcil nil excellnnf hill, draw- ing big houses. Week of Dee. 7 < Miirtln mid Oillgg, llm Itnsiill'es, Sirnnd nnd Kirnnd. Dlnnimtil und liliimnnil, llm ItohmtH Four, Louise llciiei'.v, und M.-i i 111 ltu/el|ii, the lop liners. Tlio former New Bedford l,:dy. Their net, "The New Conchmnn," ndmlrcbly illspiays thn talents of both performers. Harry Le Clalr met. with n cordial reception. Thn Maglnleys, aerial performers, are clever, and will tie welcomed again ; Snm Bennett nnd his edu- cated pony mot with much favor, especially with thn matinee patronc. Tin, remaining uels were good. Kuiwiais' TiiKATitr. having been cloned Inst week, reopened Dee. 7, with ii'new eompniiy nud scenery. . . . HiiKnuY's DxfOM STttnr.T TOlUTMl Is dork. Notks.— The Olrnrd Slstem. of this city, nre playing a return engagement this week nt Mnliter's' New Museum und 'Theatre, Bun- ion Hhoedy's Upjnn Street Theatre Is to change Its name to tile .Nickelodeon, nnd will open In the near, future as a variety . house; llvo nnd ten eenL prlies will prevail. ItJESSSSS .M. K. O'Brien, generiil mnnager of tho 'V ,,„7 J!, Sheedy. circuit, has appointed CMN«! Cook c Ji,„ J lr ,«ii ' us booking agent, with head(|iilirli«rs ut Foil Ittrer, Mnss. i Lynn.—At Hie [mo Thoatro (Frank (1, HnnlBon, innnnger).-Tim Aiyikle & Harder Co. oaiun Nm'. ill), .for a week, awl iiliiyed to good business. This was the llrsf. nppeai- nneo of the ccunpntiy In HiIh «:lfjr. , Frank Chiytoii, an old Lynu favorite, also up- peared in the cast and .Introduced his iniiMl- onl specialty. The Con* Pnytoii Cnmrdy Co. Dec. 7rlii; Clara TUrner Co. .14-111. IIRM T'iiratiiii (C. W. Slienfe, mnnager). lies; conductor, D. il. Fugarly; inisieeH : orSfttMUIA Is iiiwnyn received Willi Hourly •a Colo. 1". i:. itiird nnil W. F. Uunn; n] i|,ii,,inc. ).ii'i>i'i:H ('AitTinn IUt.ii (Louis Bertln, K, On .llllllet nuiiiils: J. I'. Manning nud J. F. Wagner; jihrslclau, Dr. l>. B. Sullivan; jumi wnrlliy president, Charles McManiun.v. » Wori'i'sier.—At the Worcciitcr 'I'ltenlro IKellx II. Weiidelsehiiefer, iiiaiiugnt'j. — "A Hi'vii iii Skirts," Dee. 71). with mallnen ». Sir Itnnry Ii'vlng innkes his llrst nppenrnnce hero 111, nhiyliig "The llelln" nud "Waterloo." "Perk's Bad Boy" plnyed. 10 fairly goad ro- tiims, 2. .Iiunea T. I'oivers, 1n "A Princess innnnger).-—The Lorn ton pnny will lerml IKilise Dec. ft, ' Milt use.,|l|. com- llllllt Its eilgngeineiil lit tills lliisliiesti faun been fairly good. —Business Is. good and Iho current bill In- cludes: Jni> MlirgdU nnd Mlyiu ('rune, trouil- licit Und Drew, F.lnll t'lievrlel, Dolly Lnna, John Drihsoii, Frank nnd Mmly Wnlsh, nnil the bloicope. . , . Hai.i:« 11IMTW!, Miss. (H. K. Heed, niniiagerj.- Tile Fcnlielg Stock Co. -'. ... .... .....l.._... ....u.l, r±f -111 Simpson and fiertntde ipilnbin wns worthy Tom's Cnbln" comes next 0 f imrilenhir inenlldn. Due: Kgyptn. (Incnl) s. Ii, Brliulnuioiir. the magician. II. lit; "The Thi'.atiiis (J. II- Kmery. ih-nrt of Mnryhmd" 17, "Peeks Bad Boy Tim see;ii" In put on lhls week, nnd "The oolo- looll" Is ainioiilleial In follow.. Biiwomv SorAin: TtlkATItK (O. K. Bollirnp. liiiiuageri.—"A Is'scrleil Bride," one of Fllz- cernlil Mtirphv's ntrongesi tnelodrainas. In ls- tdi: plnyed hi' Hie hnuse slock, this week. Charlotte limit Is seen us Maty Preston, the deserted wife. "The llillfulo Mystery." which was presented for the llrst time In litis city Inst week, prowl to be a nUoue drawing , ,sl wits un excellent one. lliose most prom- inent Mil? Chnrles W. Yniuigi III tile chief coined*'Tide. Willi II lie bundled in H clever minner: IMIiel Milton. In the Inning female role, and Jewell Dnrrell. ns I lie iiilvrilliil'Ms, In iviilWIV ►he it|)0".irod in jtrrai itilvNinInge, Ullle Nettle Trolmnd nhd Mu-Sier Alex. 'Iny- lor worn, griiiii: favorites. Booked : l.lltiote stitom in "Mrs. Dehinev. of Newport," 7-U: "The iievli In Skins" jn-12. ''Hie County Fair"' 1410, "A Llttlo ■ Outcast"-17-19. • .Miicii.'.xic ll.ii.i.. sai.iim (JnniM r:. M.iorc, miiilagcr).—Hunt lies.* Is, good, miftmi hill Is: Wllllntn II. Muniliy olid Blanche Nichols,- Harry r^cinlr, IHwAMj dm Pii-- vu«t. linv <"ox, Jnnies F. HlWOWi the ltooiiey sllsli'M. nnd the bioscope. .\oti:m.— 4ili the evening of Doc, 2 Mana- ger, -r I lie Ceni Tlienlrc, fiirnlsbed lb> i'!ileriulllineill for,ft stilokit tutk given hy lite oxford Club, wit Ii bis iienpe, nud nn the illonllllg of. I the chili elilerlullleil tho perfiuinors al I lie club. Iiniisn. Norm AiIiiiii*.— F.hi|llre 'I'liedtro (Jamos Siilllvnu, uiilddgi'il. •Irene Beiiller. In "TIm! Olrl from Dixie," pleased two large and- cures Nov. 2«. Charles Wnnnr, In "Drlhk. Dec. 1. did fair, business, Mr Warners ncllnic wns Hie lines! kwii on Ihe local stage In a long time. 'Thelnia'' did fnlr buBmetw of Kensliiglon," was very well received :t. •The Haltan oT Hlilu" played, to H. It. 0„ 4, LoTiliior's Ori'.BA IfniiHK tfllien ti Wlltim, inniiiigers).—Week of 7, Frank B. Carr'n Indian Maidens. As nu extra attraction, llnrvey Barker nhd Ihe "Cuban Wonder" in wrestling'. MM week the City Club •» were very well received. Week I, thi' High Flyers Co., Willi Tiim Jenkins, . Fiiasumn Soi'AftK Triwmn (Slien k Co., managers).--Week of 7 "Sky Kiicm" will be given. Last week "Tho Cllfllr Boy of St. Mary's" received-fnlr pairniuige. Tile Wnr- ci'Hier Lodge of F.lks will Imhl Hi'-lr aniiiinl ■tiioitorlnl sorvlees In thlslioiiseoii Hiiiulnv, u. Bahic Titwriti: (Hhcn k Million, inniin. jjo/s). —"Alplimise ami Huston" for w'M.k loiittiiflicllig 7. i The Bowers llroblici-s. Will nihil Andre.** 1 ! Trunk llnse und Han MrtAou, I lurry II. Witison. formerly of "llle I hi- tetnlci 1 " CA.: litiwrenee A. ('over, liumr; Iho tlivlrdslny Slwers. nnd Nllfl Ahliotl nhd n gornl slwd chords <rt girls will be w-Ilh the company. Lust weelt Hyde's Comedlnus liruduixHl ex'.i'llent nnd weH pntriNiliseit nn- lertaltiiiielW. ,. .... 4!ahim). Tiikatiib (Bflvy & T.eslle, mnnn- gi'1'si..-AVeek or 7: I'lHils mid IMiirtitl, Kittle yisckcy, iMuy .Mllilpt. Hto lAWd*, lUllll lA- IsHle. illiijiille, Itlid Jewel Dlirllng. ' Mcsn' llli.l. I'l'hoK. II- iMmmh, inanngiT), --AVis'k of 7: Collins nud SI. Aim. Leah La .'Idle, May He I'ouliut, Bessie ll(s»», and Itiiife nhd Wissls. J.tlm Hamm. iiliuilst. AL 01iiiiiv«;ii'! tlrncle mill Iteyhidibi, Jiinlpai' and lliifilnsnn, Nellie Slnsun^ Mnrlmi Hinnd- ish, Kittle lloirtonii, and Amy Allen. Jack 1.1'iiry, iilnnh.t. . i " »■ -' Lnivri lice. - Al (lle.Opi'lii Hnuse I (I In lit. k Citliti, niniutgeisi.'-Thp I'lieliiii Mioik Co. llMd, Hie biiiihls week of NOV, ltd, to gisul l.iislhi'ss, Coming: Impei'lnl SDn-k Co. week of Dei' 7. CAkto Tularin; (Al. llnytM'fi, mnnager).-— flolwl lihslness prcimloil dining III* , Jinst week. Ihmkei! week of Dee, 7; Courlfi'ipn nhd Forrester, Marvelous Jeiiiuieits, Avon Comedy Fmlr. MnrRiirel.lYe.lih. lli'lfe Slew- art. Henry nnd Hooii, I'lldh; Stack, Oreene nnd Werner. , ,_ "Cad iso TuuATSn (W, L. Gfillii|{lior, mnnn- WnodHlock. - At thoOrnnilOiiern Housn. the *li!ii'ii|iiilllari iirami Concert Co. nnpcnrml bcfole n full liolise, mi N(iv. Oil, Niul lit- Iruclloii, "Mora Thnu tjiicen," Dee. 111. Towv IIAI.I,. -— Hcolllsli Concert Co., ot Alieidceil, Scotland, iippenrcd, licfom a pleased Ulldll'tlce, NOV. "7. I I » I ■ I I \\ Iniiljieii. —At the Wllinlpeg Tlieatro (Clins, C. Lllldsiiy, imuiiiKi'i'i. -Th|' Theo- dore Thomas iii.•helm concerts proved n Kfiiaf. ilrawluK enrd Nov. lift, H. One con- iiTt on LT> and two mi uu, nnd nil Inigidy ut- lemled, All prices were Milvaiiced to doiiblo I lie usual clnirne. "Snndy Botiom" drew lvi>ll lee, 1, 2. Wnlker Wlllteslile, In "Wn Am King." I, ft. Merlin.--Al Ihe Berlin Opera House (C. H, Moyer. miiiiilgi'r).-'Miirloi lltolheis piny. ed, to ii.iekivl houses, during welt ending I sn*, ti. "Tlio Burgliir" lind a largo house Nov. SH _ HISIIIII I (IF (DM MHIA. Wiisblimlon. -At Iho Niillnnnl Thcntri (IV. II. Biipley, iiiiinagi'i'i. —11. IL' Solliiiru, In "Tlio ll'uiid I'rlnce," liit.l excellent busi- ness, lit advanced prices, Inst, week. This week. '"I'lte lingers Brothers In London." Virginia Burl, In "Sergeant Kltly," next. Ciii.i-Miiia TltKA'flin (l.lickcll k Dwyer, niaimuofa). -Insi week Cav Templrtou, In •"Pile lllinnwnjH," plttyis) to crowiti'dlloiises, This Wlti'li, IMlvId Wnrllelil, In "Thn Anc tloneef.'" Alice I'Msclier, In "Wllllfs the Mutter Willi Husiiii." next, Lii'Air.rri: (li'Uu.t lloi'si; firn .1. La Motlit, iiiiiniiget').- Mrs.• I'lskc, In "Mury of Mag- ilnhl" und "lleddit I'liihler." pliiycil lo large imilleaces, nl mlranciui prleen, lust wi'ek.' Tills Mi'l'k.Dllltel Irving', 111 "Tho I'rlnlH." "plivld llnrutrt" next. .C'llAMh'H TliCATith (Miss II. Wlnlfrt'il Du Wilt, llllllisgel'i.--l.nsi week Fillllty llll'i'. Will M. Cicssy nnd lllnnche Huyno bended the nsiinl ex. client hill, nnd thn umtlior'ittu twin erowiled nl oucli of tlio twice n day per- fiiriuaiiri's, 'I'liis wi'ek : CJeorge Wilson, Lil- lian ittirkhtitt nnd company, the Foitr N'ljl- e him, llert Howard nnd LeArtft fllnnfl, AtHsr SIMKnscli, Mori It) Fowler, Three Sisters Kl'l- rev. nnil the vim(.Tiiph. , ■Ai'Ai'Kxiv in' Mimic (,L W. Ittoiw. mann- ger),-*Lus! week "Two Lltrle Wntfs" hoU tlio usual good business. Tills week, '". ne Cllttlr ifaijr o? St. Maty's.'' "Her M^nrrlntfe Voxy" next. i-A