The New York Clipper (January 1904)

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W6 THE TSTFTCWS YOl&Ki CLrIPP:ER. '&j®m*m 2. THE NEW TORE OiiPP^R ' • ■ • n ■» : i • i THE FrMNK QUEEN PUBUSHIKfl CO^LImlM.) MOPBIMtOBH. AJJTCKT ,T. BORTB, KmttJiiiAr, and nnfiiMKH8 Maxaqbb. rUTtmDAY, JANUARY 9. 1MM. RATES. A4»ertl«enMiita—J2.80 per (neb, tlniU col- Advertisements set with border, 10 pw tent. extra. „„_..„..__.__ MlBSCIMPTIOIf. On* year In' adrsnee, *4; six nlonthe, 92; three month*, SI. Foreign postage extra. Single copies wilt be sent, postpaid, oa re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Terms «" Cash. THE) CLIPPER ti Issued every Wcdnesdsy morning. Ths Inst four (advertising) p«|M OO TO, FBESS on Bntnrdny at 11 a. v.. and tba other pages ott MONDAY and THESDAY, Toe Forma CiouOn* Promptly, Taca- dnr. ait io o'clock A.W. PImm remit hy express, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All castl eo- closed with letter la nt the risk of aender. Address All Communications to TUB m:W YORK ci.ippkh, 47 West 28th 8lroct, Now York. Renbttret Cable Addrtu, "AtmroniT*." THE WE8TERM BUREAU Of Trip CMfVM Is located at Room G02, Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. lllll, manager and correspondent, where adver- tisements H"d subscriptions are received at our' regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU rented- at 48 Crnnbourn St., London, W. C, I. P. Couglilan, manager and correipondent, where advertisements and subscriptions an received ut our regular rules. TlIM CMl'I'KII CAN IIH oiitain>d, wnoi* saj.i; ami UTAH* at our agents, Brcntano'a news depot, :t7 Avrnuo de I'Opcra, Parla, France; M. Llllenlhal, Frederick Rtrniaa 101 (Terminus Hotel), Ucrlln, N. W., Ger- many-, Diamond New* Co., 07 Prodo, Ha- vana; Manila Book aud Stationery Co., 128 Kaeoita, Manila. 1'. 1.; Albert A Son, m- 130 King hi., Sydney, Anatralla TUB MiW vOilK CLIPPER pabltihes only one edition, and that la dated Iron New York. ••■■-■ ' | ' (jUEKI Kfl ANSW ERED, No Itepllaa by Mall or TclsanrapBu •Aiiniir.HHi.K iic witiaiHAiiiiiiT.s HOT hivk.v. AM. .IN orBST HI" Ml I'll rUloli.U IVIIITI; TO •tllMK WHOM TtlKV HKHK, IX CAttl! Of I UK CLIPPER Post ohi-ici:. AM, Li.TTHUM wim. Ml AiircuriHKH II3WJ WBRK O.M.V.. If WIH ll«ll'ti: HI-' AMY Tlll'.VTKH'AI, COMPANY IK UniMllT. BBJKU Til llfll LIST III' RotTllB ON ANOTlint l'AOII. Wli CANNOT NKND llOUTKH |iV MAIL OH TM.KllltArll. nilAMATIC. ' A. 0., Newhurg.—Wo have no knowledge of tin' present whereabouts of the party. Address a letter In our cure mill wi> will ndVcrtlKi' It In Tun i.'i.ii'riut HH list. .1. A. L, Newark, Mas. A. P.. Leadvlllo, R. 0. V., Providence, T. w. n. Jn.; Torre liiuttp, It. I,. <:., mi. Paul, T. II., Hun Antonio, .1. J. n.. Wellington, f. it., imrrnio. Mils. J.' M.. New York, II. 1-:. li., liniiul ltnplilH, ,1. II., Murgniitown. uml (',. «'.. Iiiiviiiu. we iliiHwer In A, 0. nlmve. Kr.ii.v. Mllnni.-Ailili'eHk Henry J. Vnrkey, In ciu-e or Tin; .Nr.iv Vmuc i' rW, A. «'. II.. Mllwilulice. —AilvertlMO your wnnls Jn 'I'm: I't.ii'i'Wi. •.flfti Piii'lilo.—The iillrncllon Is unknown 'J*. '*. W., Wnveiiv.—The pnrly In alive, and cun he nddrosned Ui i-iiro of Mils olllee. C. A. il-'., Ut lm . PW ronto list In tbln A." Hi, l.ihkpnil.—Wo nover Indulge? In loiniinrlHOUH. E. 11. B.. Viiiiiignlnwii.—Wi> MUt mil nlrt you. E. II. S., fliflllivilic—Ailvvrilw In Tim Oi.irl-wt. J. II. II.. «nlnenvllli».—Watch our ronio list encli week. If. A. I... I'l.i'luimnlli. - -Sulvlnl Ih not In Amei'lcn. Waieli mir route Ibn, , . It. N. An Now Vork. One I'lmpony laid off, thi' oilier ployed S|iiikinie, VVhmIi., uml Jtnttiv.Mniil. A. ft, Anron.—AiherilHo In Tun f'UPiT.u. T. V. II.. lii-lliiiio|ioii«. - -Aililreiw pnrly lit rare of i:. li. Koihern'» «:ompuny, hh por Mlll.0 III I Hill IHSIH'. »'. M.. New lliiven.—Aildri'HH I'. Walker, L'.sr, Clnhili Avenue, New Vnrk t*ll». O; \V. t!l.rn. New Jersey.—1. Addrcnti T. II, Wlum.'ll. i Mi'.' lieiiiulwiiy. 2. Alice Knii- Hor, HJI'J lli'tinilway: Wolfnrd & I'lnrcy, Kir.s ltrolulwiiy, :i. Address C. K. Mills, -HIT Wesu Kiirly-llrst St reel. I.. II.. l.viin. —Address Frank Howe, Lou- don Tbealrc. New York (Illy, 1111,1-IAltllM. II. A. n„ I.n CWnWk—They would have In piny iwem.v-olght gnnles In ociler lo hnv« I'lieh player ploy oue gilino with encli of the other phiyers. CAllltN. T. 11.. LiiiiiMsler.—The linud cnniposeil of tlirco iii'i'k won I he lint linun a show lit I.mills, If it player mlst'itll IiIn 'iiulnl In- lines mil hoc the ikh>I l\h- iimt iviimiii, u» eu'ry litlliil shows fur Itself. K, M. W.. I'lilliHleliihln.— A Is wrong. When u pluyer hri'iiki* llm iiol without liolil- lllg lhi> iviiuInIio curds. In do so. the rule In to line lllin twice the aliionuL of his oilulnul mite, which kocs to Hie m-xl put. uml lie In iicluu'ivil friim plnyliig ugiilu for I he hick put In which I lie error mviirreil. Wlilchovrr of the ntner two pliiycrs trim stuycil held the lu-sl liuilil wiik I'lilllleil lo the pot. Your siiilciiieiu of Hie null li r III dispute Is nor Hiinieteully cxpllell. i'. f. K„ lui . liuls.— -in riillrmiii euchre,-a plliyer fiimi encli side Is nvriullied to iiluy nloiie. If the phiyer oiilcrlng up uuikes three irk-k.i only, ho cun eliillu but ime iwlnl. lint: If lu> Is cuchi'i'd liy mi i>|iponciii ploying ulniii' lilllillisl. him, tin- lutlor Is entitled to fuiir polttt.s. Ravov CmX, Hiiehester.—-Tlio jMilnts In sixty-six uro untile. Ill'the following nimiucr: olio ]inlnt ir it player miikcn nd befdee IiIm oppotiem eeituiH XI ur more: two |Hilnts If be mokes nil liefore his adversary counts li.'l; tMw points If he makes tilt before Ills op- linnrul cntnt In HiAt hand. Vonr sltitetiletir or the ntntlrr In dispute U not miulcienty expllcir, A Itii.viir.u. St. Louis.—The band should M plnyisl out, anil the side hot he derldeil by the poluti then scored by It, C and P. W. J. J., Illley.—Any player retaining his hand,- though not calling, may demand that ' iut opponclir.'g cards Be counted, backs up. niul-lf his hand Is foul the. best hand retained mintntt hlti takes the pot. aIinonk. —web player having two points lo go, A von when h'<vplayed low anil Jacl:. mmi of which outrank gniiie in Urn MOW, RIXG. No SinVATtrai!.—The last fight, between 41m Jeffries and Jim Corbelt. on Aug. J I lasr. lasteil ten rounds. J. F.. Hocliester.—1. The first fight be- iwcen Young forbetl and Terry .Mi-finvcfn ns)k plnee ai Hartford, t'onn.. Nov. 28. 1M01, and the sei-ond in Sun 1'rnnclsco, March 111. I'.iii.'I. 2. The drawn Imtlle mi ween furbeil. nnd Eddie Mnnlon was fongbl nt. San I'mil- clseo. I'Vb. Mi l'MKi. M. !».. Nonh Adams.—In their last light. on Aug. 24, limn, Tom Sharkey knocked floh t'ltiistiiimiHift down Just nt Hie end of the tlrsl. round, the bell then ending the round. I'ltzslmmons won In the - second round. '' M18f<FLLA*F.OrX. J. If. A.. St. T.ouls.—In the rare between' Hie Mleniutmnis Ilobert I'. Lee uml Nali-lieV. nu the Mlxilxslppl IHver, Id 1870, the hiiiii was innile at 4.r.r> r. At., June no, from New flrleans, and the Lee nrrlvei) at iSt, I»uIh i|I. Il.fifi a. y., July 1, winning the raee. 0UB LO WpOM LB TTBB, Clipper !(»'»*'"» 9H 9S*9- €Hcker$e To rorrcniiondentn. J. KWAUV—T*« 0«/rfo Po»tn to hnnd. Thunks very mnrli. I,, ft. S.—Write to l)r. Schncfcr, .147 East Kiih St., flly. J. lt.ixsuM. —Hope lo see you soon again. KevvH or the name. In Thn Cnmmerclnl AnTearMwr of recent dote we nolo (lie following: "Albert T. Pat- rick was re-elected mayor of the den lb house in Sing Sine yexlerdny. There are nine prison- ers In Hie dentil house, hut only eight votes were i-nst. Policeman William II. Knnls, uf llrooklyu. refused- to vote. Tins uewvM.of the mayor of Hie house of dentil lire uhsolute. If IWn luuintCM wnut to play chcrkerts ur i.'hens It is iiis-essnry for all to ho unlet. In case Hie majority should object to a game the iiueaiIon Is referred to llm mayor, whose iicchioii is flnnl. The two pernous playing do nor see each other. Each has n hoard marked on paper ill Ills cell, uml Hie moves are culled off across the hull. Whistling con- certs nro Indulged In only when the mayor i mi in I is." .Trail HacffeW wecklg lutle. prmlvilt hears ml good authority Unit Hhu(- lleld players will wsm have the privilege of playing the gaaie on n lurge louird In one of l ho public parks. A prominent gvutleranii bun inidi rlakcii to see after the mutter, uml theru lit every pros|s>ct of the town being nhlc hooii to iKiasf of n hlg-public ilriiughts beard simi- lar to those ill Hrceiinck and Port Hlusgow. It Is a curious fact thiil. Ho nuttier how pop- ular -the name Is In miiiic of our cities, llm lirst public park gunie Ih yet to lie heard from in this eoiiniry The filnsgow League has decided to hold a tournament for tie- individual chhmnlniishlp of Hlnsgow and dlslrlrl. This Is the New York champion- ship contest right over again. In Glasgow Hm city .corporation Is |a>illloncd to .supply me prizes, while in New York llm players supply them themselves In the tcs'm mulch. Massnchusells vs. Now York, the funnel- won: by the score of 7 to 1, nnd 25 drawn. Mr. Schnefer winning I lie only game tho.New Yorks won. The New York players did well considering the strength of thn most of, tho .opposing team. <W.- T. Cull- snys: "Hurry Plllahiiry, the true successor In tho chess world of PbllUlor and Morphy, wis referee and muster of ceremonies, nnd he did his Job well. The reason he did so well la that ho loves the game of checkers." solution of Pnalllon No. 42, Vol. HI. uy / w. .sr.w.wn, Nnw Ynaic. it lack ;i :. 0 l.-i 14 i,'. 2D White ft 12 21 22 L'.'l "ft it; Itlnck to play and win. ,- .1 7 .'I 7 15 10 27 23 M 2(1 s :i II HI 10 17 20 :u itlnck 7 11 7 10 II* 2» 12 8 wins'. Ponltlon No. 4», Vol. Rt. End game between two New York ama- teurs. Itlnck 10 It 12 it 20 While II 18 III 21 2.1 Itlnck to play arid White to win. tinmc No. -t:t. Vol. RI. SINflLE COIINElt. I'i'oni .ViiiiiiiiiIiiimi HiianHan. 11V R, l.'UN. MriltAVilNSlIU:. It 1.1 21 17 1 B 111 27 20 22 22 JN 8 19 20 2:t(d) 10 II IH 15 )fi 22 17 li! 5 11 24 10 22 IS 25 IK tl 14 22 IS 17 L"J 15 10 8 11 IS II 0 0(b) 111 IS 18 3f 20 25 fi 14 111 tl 22 20(C) 10 0 4 S 2:1 III 2 0 111 8 14 18 24 20 J 5 M 22 27 20 fll 0 1 10 IB 2S 111 7 HI 27 24 18 22 25 lilt 10 2S 27 24 III 3d IJrawu. 12 10 27 II 14 17 24 lit (n) Jordan vs. Lewis; English champion- ship tourney, 1808, the latter played: '■ oO 25 22 17 o2 28 20 22 20 1(1 D 14 l.i 18 li 21 28 27 11 27 25 21 24 10 28 It! Ill 24 Drawn, !l S 11 15 IS 2,'l 8 11 (li) Corrects gunie No. 15711, September's Driiui/nf* Wurlil. when' 14 to 17 is played slid While wins. Nee Keur's reprint, vnr. 4li, which plays the following: (I It 111 27 14 2» 0 0 15 24 111 II 0 7 22' 17 11 15 28 111 2 tl 27 24 2:i 20 0 8 20 !lt nil 20 IS 10 17 Li 7 10 0 15 7 io ::-• 2s li 14 2 o ;ti y 7 2(1 82 10 in IH II is 22 K, io 1(1 15 211 10 15 .18 24 JO White wins. (ct Some Interest Inn ploy cun be brought out thus: 11 8 1(1 0 .11 21 14 0 27 2.'l 15 10 2U lit 1 0 84 27 18 II 22 20 <l 1 11,15.. 811 IN 23 18 I . ,, I L.MU ' l '' jj a8Bgeggg5B«teg MAIXK. Piirllnml.—%\l Hie. Jeffcrmin Theatre (I'nbii A; tlriiilt. ninntigers)..-The Fritttkle rurta-ulei- Co., i.'brlsruihs iniitliiee iihd uliiht, to (he usuiil goml hntlilny business. This cnntpttliy holds the bmirils L'j-Jnu. 2. Iti\'lu- alw. •HnilTl.AMi Tltl'ATtu: i.lnulOs K. Moolv, mullrtgeri.— IIiimIiicss wan good Pec 21-UO. Hooked 8R and week: Ed. Lutcll. rolhy and Way, Mnrlo and Aldft, John l.e t'lntr. the lirunHuer Quitrielle, Louise Henry, unrl Coi- roll lleuly. U i «>!»» J. ltriiNAtiii nvt.t.vv linn been spending: the pn«t iw.i weeks in New York. 1*0 Correspondent*. h, A..Storci:. Ottiaha.—''True, O K ,n f;!' Ar typogrnpb'c cyclooe - sfnick Prob. 2,440. W*,*flr repeat this ronstertjlecc. ■> i . . K.n.'Bicr, Houston, Tems^-Thnnks for sugittstlon. The Mifer way, will Im to.namo the.sq-on which the muting P, stands. See **AV? H.■ Bhaw.v. Cntttwlsna, Pa.—We.trnst our missive kbh satljifnclory. Wo evldebtly imbllshed bill, one of those games. JI-. CAssf.i.;—Thanks for the Information. Success to yoir. Raw, Wawott. —Paginal Ion Is very de- ilrnl-lf. (Had to see It promised. Oro. Htr.Ms.—Answered by post. HoliUlon*. Enigma No. 2.442—Port J.i—1 • Q f» Q Kt «q!. ifKrohlsfl; 2..Q to B 2. etc: If Black l.iKt moves: 2..Kt lo B fi eh, en.-.: and |f 1. ,K to Q 4; 2..Q to her Kt. 0, etc.—"Ono of Mr. Sbtter's happy efforts."— Otto Wcnz- ni-ui:. FJnlama No. 2,444 nwalls solution. Problem 2,444.—1..It ih„ 1C tkB R; 2..Q to.R tut tb., Kt to It 1!!: .1. .Q tks Kt ch, Q Inter: 4..0 Iks-Q-cb, and Q males. RJtlOMA 8.445.—N. It.—'the letter "Q" un- der the 1st Itlnck P sbonlil be n figure 2. PROBLEM No. 2,445. Klsq K moves mntcs •■ L.KItloQl KxKI(l) i ::..KtoKt 2..Castlcs P-Kt7ch I 4..gllmn (1) L. IfKxR(2) j ."...RtoQsn PQuoens 2..QRtoQ2 P moves I l.i: xQ mate. L. If K tb R 7 T n..ntoII4ch KtoKtO 2..KttoQ5 Pmbv'HiB I mules. t«) ir Itlnck 2..K to Kt 7; 3..R to Q sq, K to II 7: 4. .It to Q 2, mato. I'.ntiinin Xo, 2.-1 111. From ncuttctin Schach-eiluna. 3d Prize In H'citioirfcc Tourney, Warsaw. M OTTMAB KBAfO. *HV %'& t $ & KBS.Qlia, g«,KKt5,(|Kt,2, 7, KKtt. i:*#'-4| t . t t I K4,4R«, »■ «Rt8,QB2, Q2, 4, KBS. Xta. White to play and mate In three moves. Problem No. 2. MIL Our contributor. C. S. Howell, writes: "While In Philadelphia recently Mr. Hamp- ton showed tne uu cud game position which seemed to be of coiihldcrnble merit. I do uot know the iiutborshlp. but bellcvo It was adapted from an uctuul game." 11LACK. WITITE. White to move and draw! Came No. 2,1 in. An Interesting nnd very original Item In the recent simultaneous exhibition, Herr Melses vs. Wm. M. Do Vlsser, In the Man- bat tan C. ('. It demonstrates bow Black, When be knows bis business nnd la not too ?reedy at the start, can easily keep the at- new nt hay In tba Danish gambit. Black, I White, Blftok, DeVUuw, 1 lllcses. _ lie, Vlsicr. white, UlMes. L.PtoKt lL.P-q.4 S..IMJBS »,.ilxf i..iifxr s..K Jtt-lt :i I..B-U «..gii-m U..kt.-Uu io..(iMtles n..r-KRi 1«..HP> B It..I Xt-R4 Plo*4 (lKt-Ba OB-Ktfi OiiflUes Kt-B3 tt-KRI K it oa XR-liql PtoMKtSKRXB BXP U> Kt r -Km 1C, lfl,.BrXJ' BX 17..(JKCK4 y>Kt 1H..O-K3 19,.KTXB<fi) QX K't + tO..Q-Xt2 (JXP + »4X<|P a.txQ R-£l M..RXKtP Kvf 11I..U-B2 W..0 v q M..K II B 1 _J26..RyRiy>)KWB«-f. K Kt X V 3S..K-K iq P-Kt 0 P-B4 27..B-K Kttq,and Black m..k nxKt bpxb I iw in three, (a) If 10. .Kt elsewhere, R tks K P I I'D To lake Kt 1' would cost the It.— EaplC. We enrich our ropy of "Morgan's Digest" with a MS. copy of this instructive game. flies* In Texas. Our contributor from Houston gives the following welcome report of chess In tho "Lone Star, Suite:" "Chess down hero Is rushing. The local elnh has just completed Its lelegruphlo mulch with thn (lalvenlon C. (',, though the time limit operated as n doti-l- menial factor, only one game lielhg finished —li victory for Houston. The other seven gnnics will be adjudicated. Homo of them show up exceptionally well, for a telegraphic match, and as noon as wo know tbe result will scud you some specimens. "lleauinotit has taken up tho gome vigor- ously, a nnw nnd strong club having been, formed there. There Is not one of our Texas cities thai ehn not now boast of Its club or clubs. With best wishes, yours fraternally, K. II. It ICE." HltletN. At present. It looks us though Bruno Sleg- heliu would win the clmmplonslilp of tho Manhattan CV (.'...... .The Uruoklyn C. 0. bus voled to inaugurate nil annual Clllb 1II11- ucr The Brooklyn, Fmuklln. Chicago and Muiiluiltau i-lulis are euel-gctlciilly ur- rilhgltig telegraphic and liomc-iind-hoiuo ninlches. Why uro uot HohIoii, (he "Twin CltleH" and New orh'iuiM nt wul-k In Ihesiimc ileh IV St, Paul nnd Winnipeg are to re- new their lull He on New Year's Several very earnest, plans arc nfuul to pursuit the Investigations Of Hie Itlcc Hiiiublt. .. .llurofl lliitliclilld's brilliancy lu the Vienna (inhibit Tourney have been awarded thus: 200. crowns to Muroczy for his Muzln. vs. TSclilgiirln. uud'200 crowils to Mutw fur his Miir.lo yn. Mlcses; 100 crowds encli lo Mlescs nnd Mlishury for their drawn Allgnlcr. This Inst decision Is a gratifying support of our recent course,In dividing 11 prize ftr ui'viio In cast- uf 11 iicncrviug draw..... ..Mr. Pllls- hnr)' WHS Isiokeil for a Visit li> the Chicago ('. V, Dec. IN. 10. Mr. P. Is s|Uiken ( ,f us In tbe best of health uml chess placing trim. At the close of the nrth round the Austin c. C. led the oilier Ihrcc clubs lu the Cook Co. I'll. League. Cot.t.rnR OrtEHR,—The dates for the quad- randiilnr college tonrnrtineftt. Cnlnmhla, Hn^ vard. Yale antl Prlneeten, tire, nee. 28. 20 and MO. nt the (.'olnmblft .flrnttlmai- School, 24 B. 5lsl St. Tim tiigltgtllnt' college league has set Dec. .10, 31 a lid Jail. ('041 1 nllil 2, nt the (lerirmn Press Oluh. Cliy'Hall Place, Mtabtttan, 48 Ci»Bbwa*n*.ftreet, I.rlcester ft»in»re, Lfindon, W, C. .Drc.-lO. • The latest,rnnslcal comedy. "TheT.nrl and Iheiilrl," produced nt the .Welpbl on Thiirn- !l„v evening, lffts the advantage of an ej- ■entlonnlly gooil enst. The chief members of thS SavVcomnany-Agne,;. Frnser.Fbajnes Lloyd and Ixiuie Ponndn. and Messrs.IValter Passmore. Henry Lytton, Robert Evett^and It"mlnpton (to nnme only these)-have. characters ealirely suited to them, and ,1. c. inxon, M- Maraud and K Klllston, Helen Klnnard nnd Phyllis Bronghton sjrengtli- en the slrendy powerful combination by imnernonatlons that nro strongly Indl- vlJunllaed. nnd which afford plenty of scone for striking contrasts. The book of . rlie Pari nnd the Olrl." for which Seymour nicks and Percy Ureenbank nre responsible, in not w thout merit-It hns n. plot that may be followed with ease, arid The music, main .V contributed by Ivan (oryll. Is also «fJ*J kind that does not unduly tax the attention of llti» listener. In n word, the new musical comedy Is a bright, beautifully mounted, welt phived piece.. It Is likely for n long ilme. for. though not. received with nllo- eother unnnlmous approval on Thursday, the applause showed plnlly that (In parliament- ary phrase) "the -ayes' had It." A crowded nudlonce on Monday evening nt the Sesame Club heard J. T. dreln, the well known dramatic critic, discuss "1 he Mission of Dramatic Criticism." The spenber con- fessed to taking Ills calling of dramatic i-rltlc rather seriously. He wns In favor of tirst night criticism, there Isilng ample on- .iiortunity to pronnum^ Judgment on the even- ing of performance. He wns therefore dis- tinctly ".ngilhMt tho "dross rehearsal, at which nverv ohe nald, by way of excuse for all shortcomings,-Hint "it would he nil right on the night. Among the necessary qunll- llcntlons for n critic were an absorbing love for Ills calling unci an nbsnlutn sense or Justice. In this direction he would make concessions only on one point—In the way of being Indulgent-to the young and to the one standing nt lbo loot of .the ladder. On Ihaso he would .lavish praise, excusing their shortcomings us "Unit offenders." Among those Joining In tbe siilisw|ui-nt discussion was il. Cotiilnrler, of tbe Purls r'if/ui'o, who stioko at length mi the mission of the critic. A. and K .OatH mid Chnrles Frohman draw attention to I In; fact; tluit, owing to liin hcavv change of si-cuery Involved • In their .new-'nrmlnclIon of "The Cherry Hlrl." at Hie Vi.udovHIe Theatre, tomorrow evening, the iierforiiianii- will c tnencc nt 7.45 r. Mi, Inst.'oii of ut (tight o'clock, ns previously mi- uounced. ■ ..'.,„ "The (llrl from Knv's" opened nt the Com- edy Theatre on Monthly, with the .mine cunt ns'npprnred ut the Apollo;- • . . . Kltiv Loflus Is In treaty (or a West Rml plavho'us* nt which-to .bring out her uew ph!co. "The Ma Id from Solnsd.': ■ . , . Wllson.Bsrretl has Jusi ilnlshcd n. success- ful, provincial '-lour lit. the Thentre Itoyul, I'ardltr. of "The Sliver King," which Is now c-elelii-allng lis IWellty-lll-st anniversary. Arter n short. rCHt. he will commence-rehenrs- als of his latest iiln.Vi-entltl«l. "The-Never; Never/Land," n drntna of Angld-Austrnllnn Interest, which John Hart and II. . Armltago are piesenllqg for a trial run In the prin- cipal provliiclnl cities, prior to lis probable prodiii'lloh lu,tho West.• Knd. Wilson Ita'r- l-ett will himself reopen In repertory nt tho Theatre RoVnl..Brighton, on. Feb. I, for a three,-weeks season, siibsemienlly giving tho lirst London pniilu.-t Ion ol Ills "In the Middle of Juno," which has proved .n great success in the provinces, at Mr. Mnl- hollaud's thentre, thn King's, Hammersmith. The run of "Mrs, Gorringe's Necklace" and Charles Wymlhum's Autumn seaaou at the New Theatre terminates on Saturday. During Mr. Wyndhnm's vacation John Don- ald will produce n new version of "Alice Through the Looking Class," commencing on the afternoon of Monday. 21. Karly In the new year Mr. Wvmilium will produce M. Alfred Capus' comedy, "La Chatelaine,' adapted by J. Comyns Carr, under the name of "Thn Lady of Rosedale." The present, iwcnk will see the last six evening periormnncos of "Richard II" at His Majesty's Theatre, but, as a concession to the - en ion. . Mr, Tree Announces three special matinees ont the piny on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons of Christmas week. After this the theatre will ho closed for three nlghls. nnd will reopen on Mondnv. Deo, 88. with "The Hurling of thn (;ods." It Is Interest big to note that this revival of ."Richard II" has achieved tbe longest run on record, the previous best being seventy- four i-onseciitlvn performances under Kenn's mnungnment nt tho Princess Theatre, "Water Babies", will be revived nt the Gar- rick Theatre nu Tuesday, 22. This will bo Its 101st performance nt this theatre. Two days nif.temvnrds Sir. Bourrhler has arranged (or- Its production nt Brighton, under the management of Trevor Lowe, with n cast Including Kate Bishop, Marie Lflhr, Dorothy Firmln (lately seen ns. Ariel nt the Court Theatre), Geraldlna Verner, Thomas Pnunce- fort and I. Edward Pcnrce. "My Lady Molly," Mr. Jones' tuneful comic opera, reached Its .100th performance, at Terry's.: mat Saturday evening. P. Moull- lot- Intends to continue the run until the end of his tennncy, which expires Jan. 2.1. Four matinees a week will bo given during the holidays. At tbe imperial Theatre, on Mondav, Dec. 7, n performance was given, for copyright purposes, or "A Queen's Itomiiuce." a plav, by John Davidson, founded on the "Ruy Wns" of Vletnr lingo. George KdwnrdCH will produce the new iiiusicui play. "Madnme Sheri-v." at the Apollo Theatre, oa Nnturday next. A copyright performance wns given on Snturiliiv last, nt (he Royalty, of a domestic play. "The Anomaly," or "Lex Terrne," bv U, Cyril Penson, under tile auspices of tho Copyright llurenu. Robert Arthur hns chosen "The Fortv Thieves" for his Christmas pantomime, when his cast will Include Gcorglna Mlddlclon, Beatrice Wllley, and thin admirable come- dian. Tom Murray. Mr. Arthur considers this In be (he most: uluhltlous production that he bus yd stayed tit the Keiinlugiuu Theatre. Tlic last perforiuunee liefore Chrlstnius of "The Professor'* Love Story" takes place nt tlic 'St-. Jluue.i Tluittri! on Miiluiibly, the I tit It IIISl. Tbe llictitrc will IheiL In.- clofced until the run of Mr. Uurrle's delightful comedy. H will be played ou the tidernooii of Box- ing Day. and again Hint evening. On .tint. 83 the piece will he withdrawn, us Mr. Wll- Inrd's season thru tcrniliiiltCH.' Ills Majesty--tue. Klilsr wltuessnd a per- fnnuimcc of "Billy's Little Lava Affnlr'' at ihe (.Yllerloti Tlieiitre on Sumriluv ulgilt. A press view wis given ycslerdlty of ttie incchuuU'al iirrniigeiuelits ut lllo Illppudronie for the peiTnrilitinoc of the "plunging ele- pliniils" next Wii'k. First of nil. the visiters were escorted, to'the depths helott-, where the iinlmnls Which will be cmpluycd In the Christ- inns speellivle went couifortubly. lUHtiilled. KrerytliliiK In 'lite wonderful labyrinth of imssuges beneath the stage Is scriipnionsiv uenl aud eii-nu. Tbe ilfteeu young elephants, which hall from the Antwerp Zoological Gar- dens, were rnbged together upon a platform, under (he care of n begro hoy, who kept them In order by the gentle application of a thin switch. .Other animals, including ze- bras, will appear In the spectacle. Frank Parker, the inventor of the mtvhaMeui ap- paratus .which Jn erected on the singe, ex- plained llii working by thn nld of a model. The nnltnnls will Ascend theintago' by a gradual slope, supported on a steel 'frame- work, and .thence onto a., raised steel cantl- s^roatte ft tached-amovanle slope at-an angle of about dp, ibbrty-nve feet Jong froia tho back or tu 0 Atege-fo the-entrance of the large tank la the nreni-- lit. cam be:raised nnd lowered at wlllvln a few'seconds. The .side, platforms arejcopstructMlto carry serernl elephnnts nt n.tjiae, aptv.-the-.whole Is Arranged.with tnn- chlnery,to tprn and fix against the stage wall poVas-' with-drop scenes of other performnoces nnd stage.parnpbernnlla. ..,On- Saturday.', last Sydney Hyman dis- patched n strong:company to the Palace of Varieties, Johannesburg. S. A. Among those that left Southampton yesterday were || (i. Knowles and Peggy Pryde. Business, an Mrt Hyman Informs me, Ik waking nn m Johannesburg. . . The Christmas bill nt the, Palace will In- clude: G. F.-Golden.-Arthur Prince, Simon nnd Paris, Yninnmoio nnd Koyonhl, (j. H Chlrgwin, .May Belforr. the Wesseleys, A\e\. flndre Chnsslno, Franx Melsel, and .Mnrgner< Re Oornellle. -. At Gnttl'R llestnurnnt. on Friday evening Inst, a pn'sentntlon was rondo to Phllln Yorke of n- life slr.ed oil portrait, as a token of esteem anil admiration of his management of the-Tlvnll Music Hall. The presentntloa wns made by Sir George Hnssey. A Hireling of mimic hall sketch managers was 'held at llunimuin's Ilolel, I'oveur. tlntilen, loilny, to <on.slt|er whnt:-mensiires should lie taken to protect themselves against the aj-tlon of tbe Theatrical M.ui.i- gers' Protcittlve Association. It was re. siUveil to form an organization, to ho slvlcii the Music Hull Sketch Artistes' Protec'llnn Association, and to make till posllile ctiVu-r. to secure ihe iiasslng Into law of the leemii- mendiillons of the parliamentary committee Of 3 802. F.thel Arden and George Abel, who are row epptarlnir at the Oxford with conspicu- ous: sueci'ss In (heir racy- duologue, ••Thn I.ndy and (ho Pnrfnn," hnve secured- mi American sketch, entitled "Three of it Kind' nnd it will let produced nt thn Oinlcrluir'y on-Monday, Jan. 4. Alice Yorke hns bceii specially engnged for-the part of Daisy. , John Ringing has arrived In London and Is staying til. tbe Ciirilou Hotel.- He Is on' Ids wuv to the continent, where he will seo ell ihnt Is .warlb seeing In the European circus world. He hopes to scenro a few uoveli Irs for his orgiiulxntlon. I have received from Mr. and Mrs. Rwlek- :i rd a liiiiiilsotuc little Christmas .rani, which also contains a list of their future Imoklngs (Mius. de Ciiiim resumes work ou the Muss tour In two weeks. Allmrtus and 1 la it nun have nriived In Louiiun from tbe continent. They open at Edinburgh on .Monday. Frank uml Leu Lntona nre due back hi England from South Africa next week. , Blanche Ring Is now npneniing at the Tl- vol), where .she Is unquestionably the hit of the 1)111. - Iliirr.v.Hurst,.lato of the Bohlnson-Bnker Trio, Informs me. thai he Is entered for Hie big Christmas. 120 yards handicap nt Leeds. The,man,from (,'hlcopoe iKn.lini favorite. John-Barlou.. of. Itnrtnn'anil Ashley, re- reived his third degrrie In ninsonrv In'filn-- gow lusl ,weelc. At the same time \V. .1. O'Brien, -of (I'ltrten -nml Bncklev, was made grunil tnnster.' — +*+; ^ OUR CHICAGO I.r.TTISR. f P trnoii oub own coniinsroNDBNT.) Western. Bureau. ■•■' Of the New York Clipper, Room COZ, Ashluiiil Block, Chlcanro. ., John Drew ,ln "Capt. Dieppe," at Powers', provides' the-chief novelty In tho current offering down town, tho other changes In the business district bringing the Bostonlans to McVIcker's and Ward and Vokes to the Great Northern. Jerome S.vkes enters upon Ids last week ut tho Illinois, continuing "Tlio Blllolunlrr;" Viola Allen starts upon the last half of her fortnight, nt the Grand Opera House, with "Twelfth Night" still her of- lerlng: "Mr. Bluebeard" begins the last two weeks of a long run at the Iroquois, "The Pit" remains at. the 1 New Hurrlck. "Tbe Yankee Consul" continues at the Htudebaker. end. "The Belle of Newport" has established herself for n ran nt the La Snlle. The Hush Temple Theatre claims unusual prominence for Its prescntntlen of "Imii the Terrible," snld to be now plven for the lirst time In America niclimi'l AfnnsOeUl laid nnnoiiticed Ibis piny for n pioductlnu during bis recent engagement nt the Grnnd Opera House, but held to "Old Heidelberg," alter giving con- sldmnhle publicity to the proposed new plnv. Taking advunlngo of this chtinge la Mr. Mnnsileld'H plans, the Hiieh Templo mnn- ngement Jumped Into tlm breach with n slutemeut. flint Chicago would seo the plav anyhow, and Mr. Mansfield stated, nt tho time, that he would go lalo court to restrain them. Whatever value such publicity mav have In swelling the box olllce receipts of Ih'o struggling North side stock eompauy will bo shown this week, ns "Ivan the Terrible" Is billed, with Mansfield mnny mllos away. The outlying iiopnia-r jirleed thentres hnve their usual ritiota of melodramatic attractions for the holiday week, and our stock compnnles continue presentations of familiar plnvs. The struggle ends at tho Thirty-first Street this week, and more actors will bo on the marker, alter Saturday night, .Ian. 2. Illinois TiiFUTnn (Will J. Davis, maim ger),~Jerome Sykes, In "The Billionaire," has nrnllted fairly during his first week, but tho last halt of his foiinlght, which begins Sunday, Dec. 27, may possibly result In box odlce receipts somewhat In proportion io thn merits of his entertaining offering. "Tho Sliver Slipper" will lie the ensuing attrac- tion, opening next Sunday night for two weeks. Powkus' TJHjma (Harry J. Powers, man- ager).— John Drew lwgiiis a fortnight hero Monday night with the lirst. Jowl presenln- f 2," If CiPb Dieppe." following it with '• ri|e. Sceoml In Comiiinud," next week. On Sunday iilglit, 27. Leon .Wrtcbsnor's German Dramatic Co., from Milwaukee, will have possession, as usuiil. On Snturdny night. 20. Phnrles Hawtrey ended thrco weeks of •The Man from Blunkley.'s only fnlv rctiirus having resulted. In spite of the merit of his ollerlng. Kit v, Goodwin Jim 11. ( Iuami Ot'wiA Hotisn (Prcd It. Ilnralln, biishtess miiiiilgef).—Viola Allen, continuing •Twelfth Mglit," enters n.t.HJh the lust hulf ■if her fortiilghi Monday.. Ulgbt. Bllslucss Inst wiH-k.'Wiis KutlHrocfoi-y, nllhougli -not. extraordinary. Next Kllhtlny night, Jan. 5. Ailclnldi' Thui-ston will give a single perform- ance uf vi'ully Primrose," Mrs. Flskc open- ing next Monday ulghr, 4, Tor a fortnight. "Ilciluii Oiinlc," (lien swn for ('he lirst tlmo here, will he her opeiilUg bill." Ou 17 "Tho Mhturd .of Or." wilt relttrn to Its birthplace for a hit irf a rtlll.. ' tlAituicK TuiiAiiiB (Chas. A. lllril/hdst- ncsH miiuaceri.—Win. Jjicknye, lb "The Pit," coiiiiuues tho otorlbs bete, lumlilbKH/iiAvlbg steadily iMprernl since its opciiiuc. perfprta- «nr«. The third Week staMs Buuday night. Ml'1 IVXISPh- TllMATUB (GeO.yO. SVlifreD, liuslncss niilnngcr).—The llostonlous will tic- vote the unit hitlf of their fortlilght. which begins Sunday night, Dec. 27. to "Tho Serenade." Ilia last bMbg tlovoteii to "Itoliln Hood. "Florodora" deparled Saturday night, nftor nti evenly siircessriH engngehicnt of three weekd iliimllADi .. luoijuoiH TilGATttfi (Thos. J, NpntbAK busi- ness manager).—"Mr., lllur-henvd" begins tho Inst ft>rtnlght-of ;a. rAiriy prosperous en- gagement Sunday nl«ht. v|»^h Ltlir" Is booked .for.Jan., 11. This ne.west Chicago pinyhodse, iiejiuiJfiti m thn extreme, baa uot been.Accorded-the pAtrontire for "stir. Blue- bened",which the worth of tho offeiiDir war, rants. Tbb company»closes here.