The New York Clipper (January 1904)

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JANUARY 2. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 1079 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Miss Clipper's Anecdotes, Personalities and Comments Concerning Stage Folk 1073 Josephine Wilkinson—Sketch 1074 r.ddie l-conord—Sketch 1974 Clipper Tost OfBeo. ' 1075 World of Players 107fi, 1085 r>ur London' Letter '. 1070 OnrCnlcago letter 1076,1077 chess nnd Checkers 107il QawieA Answered 1070 With 1h<< Bill Posters 1078 Ausrrallnn News 1078 On the Road 1070,1080,1081 Vaudeville Route List 1081,1082 Pndor the Tints 1087 Vaudeville nnd Minstrel 1084,108fi, 1087 New York City — Review anil Com- ment,. H'82, 108.1 Deaths In the Profession 1084 Stage Mechanics IOS.'i . .THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. New Jersey. 1074,10S4 town-' 1074 Missouri ■..' 1074,1084 Oolorkdo 1074 Virginia 1074 Texas 1074,10S2 Ohio - 1074,1077 indlnnn 1074 Washington 107fi District of Columhla 107.'> New Hampshire 1077 Pennsylvania 1077,1084 Kentucky 1077 Sew York Slate 1078,1082 Maryland 1078 ithwle Island 1078 rallfnrnla 1078 Tennessee 1078 Massachusetts 1078,108a Canada 1078 Oregon 1078 Vebraskn 1078 Kansas .-..-.- 1078 Wisconsin 1070 Minnesota 1084 llllpols ;.- 1084 Louisiana 1084 Michigan • 1084 West Virginia 1084 Connecticut 1084 Odrgia 1084 Alabama 1084 LATEST) BY TEL EGBAPH. Monday Slight's Openings In all the " Bis Show Towns. fiOI DF.V GATE GLEANINGS. "The Girl With the Oreen Eyea," "Are Ton A Mason?" "The Dairy Farm" and "The Minister's Son" 1 - the Newest Current 11111k. flficelli Dltpatchc* to Tnn New York Ciipper . Saj* Francisco. Dec. 20.—Good business tilled' at al> the bouses Inst night. On 1 '-mbia Tnn.\Tr.r..—"The Girl with this Green Eves - ' opened a two weeks' engagement rrrst night, California Theatre. —"Are Von a .Ma- son 7" is here this week. ■ Ai.cazap. Tnr.ATRE.4-Thlfl Is the second week ot "Bine Jeans." "A Lady of Quality" lollbyrs, '■'CBstral Theatre. —"The Dairy Farm" is the bHI this week. Grand Opera HottSE.—W. B. Pntten, In •The Minister's Son," Is this week's offering. ■Tivoli Opera Horsr.—This Is the second weak of "lilon, the Wheelman." Tbe new members of the company are: Bessie Tnnne- Jilll, for character parts; Wallace Brownlow, baritone; Annie Lfchter, leading prima don- na, and William Schuster, basso. The old thembe'rs are: Annie Meyers, Ferris Hartmnn, Arthur Cunningham, Edward Webb, and Paul Stelndorf, leader of the orchestra. -"FiscBtt's Theatre. —Tho current Is the rifth week of "I. O. IV •'OtfpMtiM Theatre. —Bill for week open. Kg 27: The Nlghtons, Ernest (logon and Mnttle Wilkes, nnd the Orpheum road show, comprising Moore and J.lttlefleld. Merlan's dogs, EclthofC and Gordon, Elizabeth Murray, r.O! F. Reynard, Melanl Trio, and Albertus nnd. Millar. . , •' CntTES.—iBIll for week, opening last night: The Brlttons, Mabel I.amsoa, Gardner and Stoddard, Esmeralda, the California Rrlght- flghts.' composed of twenty clever Juveniles, and 1 the anlmatlscope. • Notes. —Adollna l"nttl will slag Jan. 7 and 11, at the MoehanlcH' Pavilion At Fischer's It Is stated thnt Wlnflcld Blake, lending man, leaves at the end of I his week. i.nd.that Maud .Vmber, lending woman, will fro sliottly after. Also lhat olhers will fnl- ->«-, and that new people to take their pines are'-being engaged In the East. i>.. ; FROM OTHER POINTS, St. Lotus, Dec. 29.—Christmas being over, the following week should be a good ouu In he theatricalI line. Sunday's openings wero largely attended, and the offerings were ot S 0o !L ,u ? 1 a-V •.•••' -T he Olympic has "The Sultan of 811I11," nnd Is sure to make money. Frank Moulan Is not In the cast, as stated elsewhere through error, negotiations loading to his return not being successful. Earn Kendall, In "The Vinegar Bnver. • opened 2i. at the Century, to excellent busi- niss....linvllns offered, 27. the first ap- pearance on any stage of "Desperate Lord Harrington, with Victory llatemnn feat- ured. ... .."York State Folks" returned to the Grand, op-.-ning 27, to .1 good bouse • rhn Minister's Daughters" also plnvs re- turn date, and also opened Sunday, nr the Imperial, nnd reports good opening atten- rliinee The Columbia puts on a strong Now lear's hill that Is drawing extrcmelv wen Crawford's has "Ole ulson." nnd r.pened to a good house 27 The Merry Maidens are at the Standard. ■ • Boston. Dec. 20.—A grcnt improvement noticed all along the line. Itlchnrd Mansfield, la "Old Heidelberg," at tho Colonial, was the novelty, nnd attracted a large and rasblon- nble gathering The Park was filled, an appreciative audience enjoying William Fa- vershnm, la "Lord and Lndj Algy." William Collier, In "A Pool nnd His Money." nt the Majestic, began well for a return en. gagement Business m O. K. for con- tinued shows, especially the first Earned: "Wizard of Oz," at the Boston : "Darling of the Gods," at the Tremont; "A l'rond Prince," nt the Hollls; "An English Dnlsv." nt the Globe, and "There nnd Back," nt inn Columbia "The Worst Woman la Lon- don," at the Grand Opera House, proved a thriller of the first water, and enthused n big crowd "Her First False Step," nt >'nslc Hall, and "A Human Slave," nt tho Hub, pleased many The stock, burlesque snd vaudeville patronage was quite big. Washington, Dec. 2ft. — Henry Irving opened what Is sure to be a prosperous week nt the New National, In "Waterloo" nnd "The Bells." Richard Carle, with splen- did support, opened In "The Tenderfoot," at the Columbia, to a crowded and delighted audience Vera Mlchelmer, In "The Prin- cess Chic," hnd a crowded house at the La- fayette Marie Dressier was the topllner of a splendid bill at Chase's, crowding the house twice Thomas E. Shea opened a repertory week nt the Academy, with "The Bells." to n largo house "Saved from tbe Sea" parked the Empire afternoon and night The Utopians filled the Lyceum twice with well pleased ntidlences. Kansas City, Dec. 29.—Wjn. II. Crane, la "The Spenders," opened a week's engagement at the Willis Wood last night, to a Inrge nnd appreciative audience....At the Grand Geo. Sidney, In "Busy Izay," opened to a. packed house Sunday, and was sold out at night before the doors opened The Or- pbeAtm hnd big Sunday houses to see George Boniface. Bertha Waltzlnger and a good vaudeville bill The Glllls, -with "The Charity Nurse," had a big matinee and a fi. It. O. night tMtsc Herrmann, nt the Auditorium, drew a big tn&tlnce and packed 'cm at night At the Century the Im- perial Bnrlosqiiers drew two big houses. Cincinnati, Dec. 29.—The novelty among the offerings of New Year's week was "The Man from Blnnkley's," In which Charles llawtrev appeared last night, nt the Grand. Sunday's openings were all success- ful : Kedar packed the Walnut, crowded houses greeted "The Christian," at the Ly- ceum, nnd "McFadden's Row of Flats." at llettck's The vaudeville bill at the Co- lumbia drew well, and the High Rollers Bur- lesqners played to S. R. O. at the People'* I.orisvir.i.r. Dec. 29.—Marie Cahlll was given a cordial greeting at Maeauiey's, where she presented "Nancy Brown," to n big house. "A Son of Rest," at the Mo sonic, at- tracted a large audience, and scored a decided hit Patrice, in "Driven from nome," drew crowded houses Sunday, at the Avenue. Harry Morris opened Sunday, at the Buckingham, to tbo capacity. MlLWArKEE, Dec. 29.—This week's open- ings showed a general Improvement all nlong the line De Wolf Hopper, at tbe David- son, repeated his success of last season.... "Pickings from Puck," at the Alhambra; "On the Bridge at Midnight." at the BIJou; "Harbor Lights," at the Academy : the Briga- diers, at the Star, ond ihe Wachsner Com pany," at the Pnhst, all drew well filled nouses. «»» WISCONSIN. ■Dciprriuc Lord Bnrrlnfrton" Re- ■• i oelves Its Premier nt St. I.onls —Bu»lne»« Rules Good. . CuiCAqo, Dec. 29.—Cold, blustering Win- ter'weather hnrt theatrical business Sunday and 'Monday, promising blizzard weather for 1 ha week. The Bush Temple's eredliabln production of "Ivan, the Terrible," proved the most Interesting event on Sunday, the nf teruonn performance running until eo'clock. 'Oie critics commend the play and plnyers...' Jerome Svkes Is seriously III nf pneumonia, "Jid'"fhe Billionaire" proceeds nt the Illinois without him. Improved conditions Monday light promised his recovery by Ihe end of fhe we»k. "The Pit." al Ihe Gnrrlek. r.luV'Mr, Bluebeard." nt the Irontiols. nlon« with the German players nt Powers', kept linndolph Street active Snndny night, goodly > rrtwds -attending. Bostonians liegnn their fortnight- In "The Serenade." With Mc- Vlcker's filled'to capacity, Ward and Vokcs "penod their two weeks' engagement at tbo t treat -Northern, which wns crowded after- noon and evening "Hapho," the llnnl struggle of tbe Elllolt Stock Company, at the Thirty-first Street, nnd the other stock cfirapsoles, hnd varying degrees of Sunday success". .... .The burlesque and vaudeville houses held their customary Sunday nlghters. ■*.•.'."Belle of Newport," entering upon Is i-econd week, tilled the La Salle eompletely. ::.. .'■. .The popular priced houses changed their combinations Sunday afternoon and at- tracted-their usual full measure of pntrnu- .'tge John Drew, at Powers," wns Monday nichl's■Important opening, "Captain Dieppe hi-lag witnessed by fair crowds Viola Alfen, at the Grand Opera UotiBe, and "The Vnoke.e Consul," at the Studebaker, were ifinMnued attractions Generally speaking, Mir retail merchants have more cause for t|f>llday cheer than our theatrical managers irave canse for rejoicing—the shoppers arc Will at it. • PiiiLABELriiiA. Dec. 29.—Excellent open- ings 'were accorded the theatres Inst night, invite.'audiences being a welcome change from last week A gorgeous production of''A Japanese Nightingale'*' delighted a line gathering nt the Garrlck with its absorb- ing, story "Ben Httr" opened at the Optfra'- Hon Be. drawing a splendid throng.. .. 'nfitlnued offerings were: "Mice and Men ti the Broad, "Ermlnlc" at the Chestnut, and "Terence' at the Walnut, all doing well. .,;... At the Auditorium "Good Old Summer Jltae".proved ottractlve, and "Midnight Mar- riage; at the Park, and other combination Imttsea .fared excellently well The turn- out nt stock houses wns large, enthusiastic vaudeville lovers filled Keith's two theatres, «xj burlesque bouses and others had no c«t*se to complain. Milwaukee, — At the Davidson Theatre. Leonle Dnrraon. In "The Little Princess," proved a highly satisfactory offering for Christmas week. Miss Darmcm wan ac- corded many linn notices by the critics. Manager Sherman Brown offers De Wolf Hopper 27-30, and James O'Neill Hi-Jan. 2. • ai.iiasibha Tiibatur (O. F. Miller, man- nger).—"Shadows of a Grent City" drew well week of 20. "Pickings from Puck" week of 27, and Hngenbeck's Animal Show opens Jon. 3, for two weeks. ACAOE.UY (Edwin Thnnhoiiser, manager). —The Thnnhouser Btock Co. spent Christ- mas week presenting "Alone in London." Grace May Lainkln returned to Ihe cast nfter several months absence nnd received n grent welcome. "Harbor Lights" week of 2K. . Bi.roc Opera House (John R. Pierce, man- ae-pr).—"The Bennty Doctor", was another popular offering and scored a big hit. "On the Bridge nt Midnight" 27, for week. Pabst Theatre.- -Manager Leon Wnebs- ner's German Stock Co. put In n busy Christ- mas week In presenting three plays, which were nil well attended. "In Weliwon Boe«- s'l" will soon be revived, with' Lonn Wnchs- ner in the east. Star Tjihatkk (Frank It. Trottmnn, man- agor).—Weber's D.ilntv Duchess Co. put up n performance week of 21 full nf dash and go that caught on from the Jump. The Brigadier Co. week of 27. . Sash Souci Music Haw; (Chas. E. Wilt, manager). —People week of 27 include: limlllc Wnltc, Sterling and Stearns, Flor- ence Beach, nnd Adelaide Lc Farvc. Crystal Theatre. —The opening week of this house wns fully up to expectations. Wm. NVlntlnm, Devaney nnd Allen. Scott nnd Murrlllo, Orr and Munroe, and t'rnuk Grub make up the hill week of 27.. Fohst! (Richard Becker, manager). —Business continues good. Hill for week of 28: Tbe Two Fablaues, llattle Freys, Tony Zimmerman, and the Sherbecks. Notes. —Edwin Tltanhouser, .who has Just recovered from n severe Illness, Is directing tbe management of the Academy from hU residence. Thero -were lively doings iu the professional ranks at most of the locnl theatres Christmas ove. The Christmas tree of the Dainty Duchess Co., nt tho Star, was possibly the largest affair of Us kind ever field at a local theatre. Joe Palmer, who acted as Santa Claus, wn« voted a bugo success. Oscar Miller wns presented with the finest Morris chair that could he purchased In the cltvTjy the employes of the Alham- bra Frank Trottmnn received a magni- ficent Engle charm and a meersehniua pipe from the Star Thentre boys. Jon Pal- mer was up from Chicago, and spent the week visiting bis former partner, Mr. Har- vey, of Jorden and Harvey. — "Trinity Chimes" Notes: This company Is doing a phenomenal business In tho East. It was In Philadelphia last week and lays off this week, then plays the rark Theatre, Brooklyn. It Is one nf the most beautiful scenic productions on the road, full of pathos and langhter. There will be a professional matinee on Friday, Jin. 8, 01 tbe Road. All Roatea Mast Reach Vn Not later Than Monday. DRAMATIC. A Adnms, Maude (Charles Frohman rngr.)— N. V. City Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Baltimore, Md., 4-9. Allen, Viola (Charles W. Allen, mgr.)—Chi- cago. 111.. Dec. 28-Jan, 2... Aubrey Stock, Eastern (Wm. Davnge. mgr.) —Ixjckport, N. V., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Eric, Pa., 4* Aubrey Stock, Western (Carl Brebm, mgr.) • —-Im Hois, Tn., I>ec. 2«-,Ian. 3, Rochester 4-0. American Comedy (llnfner & Roedelsporgor, mgrs.)—Worcester, Mass., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Springfield 4-». O Amt-rlcnn Stock (Ollvftr Martell, mgr.)—Los Angeles, Cnl.. Dec. 28, Indefinite. "Art- Von a MasonV" (Julius Csbn, mgr.)— Shji Francisco, Col., Dec. 2S-Jnn. 2, Oak- land 4, .">, Sacramento U, Chlco 8, Redding 9.- "Arizona" (J. P. I'nlser, mgr.)—Cleveland, O., Dec. 28-Jan. 2. Detroit, Mich., .1-9,; "Arizona" (Charles F. Brown, mgr.i—Sterl- ing, HI., Dec. ;t0. Waterloo, In., .11, Mar- shalltown Jnn. 1, De» Moines 2. Oskn- loosa 4. Otrumwa .*>, Cednr Baptdn Q, Du- buque 7, Clinton 8. Dnventwrt 9. "An Kngllsh Dnlsy" (Weber * Fields, mgrs.) —Boston, Mnss., Dec. 28, indefinite. "Arrah-na-Pogue" tDnvIs & Hut terfleld, mgrs.)—Providence, It. I., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Pbllndelphln. Pa.. 4-9. "At Cripple Creek'—Brooklyn, N. V,, Dec, 2S-Jnn. 2. "Across ihe Pacific" (Harry Clay Illaney, mgr.)—Norfolk, Vn., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Bal- timore, Md., 4-9. "Alphonse nnd Onston," Otis Hill's—Phila- delphia, Fa., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Newport News, Vn., 4, Norfolk f>, Petersburg fl, Rlcthmond 7, Durham, N. C, 8, Greens- boro 9. "After Midnight"—Hoboken, N. J., Dfic. .11- Jnn. 2, Newark 4-9. B Bates, Blanche (David Bclaseo, mgr.)—Bos- ton, Mass., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, Brooklyn, N. V., 4-9. Bnrrymore, Ethel (Charles Frohman, mgr.) —S'. Y. City Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Brooklyn, Jfc V.. 4-0. Bellow, Kyrlc (Llebler & Co., mgrs.)—N. V. City Dec. 28, Indefinite. Boyd, Archie, In "Josh Whlbromh" (Kll- patrlek & Bnrnlston, mgrs.l—Johnstown, Pa., Dec. :i0, Oreenatmrg ill. Wheeling, W. Vs., Jan. 1, 2, N. V. City 4-fl. Bouelcnnilt, Aubrey (Sbitberts & M'm. A. Brady, mgrs.)— t'aterson. N. J.. De»'. 28.10. Blair, Eugenie (Henri Gresslt, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, Pa., Jnn. 4-9. Beresford, Harry (J. J. Coleman, mgr.) — Ottumwa. In., Dec. !10, Creston Ul, Des Moines Jan. 1, Boone 2, Iowa Falls I, Mason City 5, Algonn 6, Sioux Falls, 80. Dnk., 8, Sioux City, 10., 0. Boaelll, Wm.. ond Rose Stabl—Oreenvllle, l*n., Dec. 28, Beaver Falls 29, Nlles, O., ilO, Salem 31, East lvlverpool Jan. 1, Connclla- vllle, Pn.. 2, Johnstown 4. Bennett & Moulton (R C. Twltchell. mgr.)— South Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, Stamford 4-9. Bennett & Moulton (A. P. Reed, mgr.)— Huntington, W. Vn., Dec 28-Jan. 2, Iron- ton. O., 4-9. Bennett & Moulton (J. M. Torr, mgr.)— Pnterson. N. J., Jan. 4-9. Bennett & Moulton (Ira E. Newhall, mgr.)— New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 28-.Tan. 2, Brock- ton 4-1A. Bennett & Moulton, (W. A. Partello, mgr.)— ■, Greenfield, Mass., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, West- field 4-0. Baldwin-Melville (Walter S. Bnldwln, mgr.) —New Orleans, La., Dec. 28-Jan. 2. Bunting. Emma (Earl Burgess, mgr.)—Bend Ing. Pn.. Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, Norrlstown 4-9. Hreckenrldge Stock (Boyd P. Joy. mgr.)— Hutchinson, Knn., Dec. 28-Jan. 2. Brown Amusement, Southern—Crowley, I,n., Jan. 4-9. Brown Amusement, Western—Arkansas City, Ark.. Jan. 4-0. "Buster Brown" (Brondhurst & Cttrrie, mgrs.)— Syracuse, N. Y., Den. ,11-Jan. 2, Philadelphia, Pa., 4-0. "Ben Hur" (Klaw & Erlangcr, mgrs.)— St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, Minneap- olis 40. "Ben Hur" (Klaw & Erlnnger, mgrs.)—Phil- adelphia. Pa., Dec. 28-Jan. 9. "Bunch of Keys" (flits Bothner. mgr,)— I'ltlsfleld, III.. Dec. 30. TaylorvlHe 31, De- ' cnlur Jan. I, Bloonilngton 2, Springfield ::. Benrdstown 4. Clinton fi. Sycnmore 8, Rockford 7, Belolt, Wis.. 8. Madison ». "Breezy Time" (Merle II. Norton, mgr.)— 0*nge City, Knn., Dec, 30, Strong City 31, Kmporla Jan. 1, Burlington 2. "Beauty Doctor" (V. K. Wright, mgr.)— Cleveland, O., Jan. 4-9. "Bnrlexl nt Sea" (Mordant & Humphrey, mgrs.) —Dayton. O., Dec. 28-30, "Bottom of the Sen"—Rittle Creek, Mich., Jnn. It. "Bnrglor" (Wright A Haight, mgrs.)— Hoopston, III., Dec. 29, Danville art, Lin- coln 31, Canton Jan. 1, Vermont 2. Mon- mouth 4, Kewnnee B, Dixon (I, Apple River 8, Galena 9. c Crane, Wm. II. (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 28-Jan. 2. Spring- field, III., 4. Memphis, Tenn., B, ft, Green- ville. Miss.. 7, Jncksnn 8. VIckshurg 9. Carter, Mrs. Leslie (Dnvld Belnsco, mgr.) — -■•Columbus. O.. Dec. 3rt, ill, Dayton Jnn. I. 2, Clnclnnnll 4-9. Crnsman. Henrlettd (David Belnsco & Mau- rice,Campbell, mgrs.t—N. V. City Dec. 28, Indefinite. ■ Coghlnn. Hose (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Staun- ton, Va., Dec. 30, Newport News 31, Nor- folk Jnn. 1, Richmond 2, Peterbnrg 4; Danville fi, Raleigh. N. C„ fl. Wilmington 7, Charlotte 8, Columbia, 8. C n l». Collier, Wllllnm — Boston, Mass., Dec. 28- Jan. 2. Cohans, Fonr (Fred Nlblo, mgr.)—Cleveland, O., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, St. Louts. Mo„ 39. Clny Clement (Joseph C. Iy>gnn, mgr.)— llnmlllon, O., Dec. 2«. Lexington, Ky., 29, Henderson 30, Ilopklnsvlllc ill, Padticnli Jan. 1, 2. Cook-Cburch (H. W. Taylor, mgr.)—d>han- on. Pa., Doc. 28-Jnn. 2, Harrlsburg 4-9. Carpenter, Frankln (JereGrady, mgr).—Port- land, Me., Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Waltbnm, Mass., 4 9, Cnrts Dramatic (M. II. Curts, mgr.)—Plaln- vllle, Knn., Dec. 28-30. Hill City 31-Jnu. 2. Cmvroy & Mack C'omedlnus (J\ V. Craft, mgr.)— Grafton, W, Va., Dec. SK-Jaik % liuckhaniion 4-9 Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgT.)—Hln- ton, W. Va., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, itonceverle 4-9. Cutter & Williams Slock (W. R Cutter ft J. W. Williams, mgrs.t—Wellston, O., Dec, 28-Jan. 2, CoHUocbon 4-9. Cnstlo Square Stock, No. I (Greene ft dan- ger, mgrs.)—Cattaraugus, N. Y.. Dec. 28- iio, Salamnncn .11.Jitn. 2, linndolph 4-0, Wellsvllle 7-9. Creed's Comcdlniui—Irwin, Pa., Dec. 28-Jan. n Castle Square Star (Brlggs ft Romeo, mgrs.) —Osslntng. N. Y., Dec. f'R-Jan. ?. Chicago Dramatic—Fort Wayna, lad,, Dec 28, Indefinite, "Checkers" (Klrke La Shelle, mgr.)—Provl- dence, R, I., Dec 28-Jnn. 2, Boston, Mass., ' 4-9. "Connly Chairman" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.I—N. Y. City Dec. 28, Indefinite. •- "Cavsllw" (Wallace Monro, mgr,)—Mont- gomery, Ala., Dec. 31-Jau. 2, IVusneoln, Fla.. 4, Mobile, Ala., 0, Meridian, Miss., fl, Jackson 7, Vlcksburg 8, Natchez 9. "Choir Boy of St. Mary's," Sullivan. Harris ft Woods'—Albany, N. Y., Dec. 28-30, Troy . ill- Jnn. 2. "Child Slaves of New York" (J. B. Isaac, ■ mgr.)—Toronto, Cnn.. Doc. 28-Jnn. 2. "Circumstantial Evidence". (Fred I>. Fowler, mgr.l—Klngtlsher, Okln.. Dec. 30, Enid 31. El Reno Jan. 1. BlACkwell 2, Guthrie 3. Ardmore, Ind. Tcr„ 4. Denton, Tex., fi. McKlnney tl, Mexla 7, Wnxnhnchlo 8, Gatesvllle 9. , •Thlld Wlfo" (W. T. Keogh. mgr.)—N. Y. City SMte. 28-Jnn. 2, Jersey city, N. J., 4-9. "Charity Nurse" (John M. Cooke, mgr.) — Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 27-Jan. 2, Topekn, Kan., 8. "Colorado Wnlf" (Cross ft Kimball, mgrs.)— Oraiuerd. Minn., Dec. 30, Grftfton 31, Win- olpot. Man,, Jan. 1, 2. Grand Forks, No. Dak., 4, Crookston, Minn., r,. I'nrgo. No. Dak., fl, SI. Cloud, Minn., 7, Litchfield 8, wnimnr 9. "Christian." Eastern (Charles L. Young, mgr.)—Cincinnati, O., Dec. 27-.lap. it, D Drew, John (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Chi- cago, HI.. Dec. 28-Jnn. 9. - D'Orsay, Lnwrenvn (Klrko La Shelie, mgr.l —Newark, X. J., Dec 28-Jan. 2, N. Y. City 4-9. Dodge, Sanford—New Rnckford, No. Dnk., Dee. 30, Carrlngton Jnn. 2, Cooperstown tl. Valley Oily s. Davidson Dramatic (frank S. Davidson, mgr.t—Dana. Ind.. Dec. 28-30. Oirlsmnn, III., itlJan. 2. Miltshnll 4(1. Knblnson 7-9. De Vond", Che»ter, Stock (i'hll Levy, mgr.) —MeKcesporr, i'n., Dec 28Jan. 2. Davidson Stock (A. K Davidson, mgr.)— Rnclne, Wis., t>ec. 27-Jnn; 3. IHlger-Cornell—Chambersburg, Pa., Dec. 28- .'',0, Columbia Jnn. t, 2. Dale, Mnrle tllarry Eltlng, mgr.)—Topekn, Knn.. Dec. 28-illl. "Dnvld llnrum" (Julius Cnhn. mgr.)—At- lanta, tin., Dec. IlO. ill, Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 1. Mobile 2, New Orlcnns, I,n., 3-9. "Dnvld llnrum" (Julius Calm, mgr.)—Co- lumbus, O., Dec. 28-30. Marlon .11. Toledo Jan. 1, 2. "Darkest Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's— I/x-k Haven, Pn., Dec. 30. Milton 31, Lewls- burg Jan. 1. Danville 2, Unrrlsburg 4, Mlddlotown r>, Columbia fl, Lancaster 7, Poltstown .8, Rending 0. "Down .Mobile," Lincoln J. Carter's—Car- thage, Mo., Dec. .10, Nevada 31. Fort Scott, Kan.. Jan. 1. Topekn 2, Rnrllngame 4, Osage City ft, Kmporla tl, Snllnu 7, Junction City ft. "Dorn Thome'' (Robert Hnlcott, mgr.)— . Winchester, Ky., Dec. 30, fihelbyvllle 31, Richmond Jnn. 1, f,cbanon 2. "Deserted at the Altar" (Percy O. Williams, mgr.)—Camden. N. J., Dec 28-30. "Desperate Lord Unrrlngtnn," Wm. Gnren's —St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 27-Jan. 2, Cblcngo, 111., 3-9. "Driven from Home" (W. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.)—Louisville, Ky., Dec, 28-Jan 2. "Dare Devil Dorothy" (F. A). Berger Jr. ft T. II. O'Nell, mgrs.)—Muskegon, Mich., Dec, 30, Cadillac ill, Traverse City Jan. 1, Grand Bnplds 2. "Desperate chance," Eastern (Bert Hownrd, mgr.)—Syracuse. N. Y., Dec. 28-30, Ro- chester ill-Jan. 2, Niagara Falls 4. Cnnan- dalgua ft, Wellshoro, Pn., «, Willmmnport 7, Jersey Shore 8, l.ewlstown 9. "Despernto Chnnce." NVestora (I. M. Mltten- thsl, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa„ Dec. 28- Jan. 2, Pittsburg 4-0. "Death Watch" (Will Cressy, mgrj—Find- l»y, O., Dec 30, Fostorla 81, Sycamnro Jnn. 1, Bucyrus 2, Arlington 4, Toledo 7-9. "Down by the Sea" (Phil Hunt, mgr.) — .topiIn. Mo., Dec. 81, Springfield Jon. 1, Aurora 2, Weir. Knn., 3, Pittsburg 4, Channte 5, Wlnflcld H. Wichita 7. "Down and l'p" (J. II. Arthur, mgr.)— Charlerol, Pn., Dec. 30, Mnnnngaheln 31, Rochester Jnn. 1, Jeannette 2, Htetihcn- vllle, O., 4, I'lirichvllle 5, Nowcnmerstown 0, Woostcr 7, Mount Vernon 8, Mansfield ft. "Denver Express" (II. M. Holden, mgr.) — Centralis, 111., Dee. 30, Mncomh ill. B Elliott, Mnxlne (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— N. Y. City Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Philadelphia, Pa„ 4-lfi. Eclipse Btock (Lloyd ft Genter, mgrs.)—Mon- roe, Ln.. Dec. 30, 81, Lognnspnrl Jnn. I, tl, Tennha, Tex., 4, fi, Tlmpson fl, 7, Nn- eogtloches 8, ft, Emmett's Merry Comedians (Kmmetf ft Lane, rhghs.)—Waldeu, N. Y., Dec. 28-30. "Everyman" (Charlew Frohman, mgr.)—Hos- ton, .Mass., Dec. 28-Jnn. 9. "Eternal City" (JJchlnr ft Co., mgrw.)— Memphis, Tonn., Dec. .'10, .11. "Eleventh Ilniir" Lincoln.!. Curler's—Wnnn- iVM-ket, It. I.. Dec. 30, Fall Itlvnf, Miihb., 31-Jan. 2, rrmvldeiice. 11. L, 1-9. "I'.ai'l of Pawtucket" (Klrke LaBhelle, mgr.) -i-tN'opfolk. Vn., Jnn. «I, 7. "Fight. Bells," liyrno Bros.'—Batllo Creek, Mich., Jan. 1. "J'lasl. Lytino" (Stuart ft Taylor, mgrs.)—. Fold City, Pn., Dec 30, VMdcjrrTft 31, Greensburg Jan. 1, Latroba 2. "Escaped from fling Sing" (Jos. II. Parker, mgr.)—Troy, X. Y., J)ec. 28-80, Knwnrk, W. .1., Jan. 4-9. P Flske, Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flske, mgr.)— Detroit, Mich., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, Chicago, III., 4-18. Fnversham, Wm. (Chnrlcs Frohman, mgr. 1 — Boston, Mass., Dec. 28-Jan. 9. Fisher, Alice (Henry B. Harris, mgr.l — Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 31. .Inn. I. I'rnwley, Daniel (Leigh D. Ilruckfirl, mgr.l — Attklnnd. N. Z., Dec. 28-Jnn. HI. Fleming. Mnmle (W. II. Grnicv, mgr.)—. ■Pbllndelphln, Pa.. Dec 28-Jan. '■>. Fen|ierg Stock (George M. Fenherg, tngr.)— Gloucester,. Mass., l'X'c. 2S-,lnn. 2, Lynn 4-0. FerMs Comedians (Harry Bubb, mgr.)—St. Joseph, Mo., IVe. 27-Jnn. 2. Francis, Marlon (George K. Robinson, tngr.) —Saratoga, N. v., Jan. 4-9. Flske, May (J. F. Cosgroro, mgr.)—Law- rence. Mnss., Dec. 28..1nn. 2. "Foxy Gritmlpn," Win. A. Brady's—Portland, Ore., Dec. Ill-Jan. 2. "Foxy Grandpa." Wm. A. Brady's—l.nnslng. Mich.. Dec. .10, Flint 31, linsl Snglnnw Jan. 1, Bny City 2, Cmllllnr: 4. "Funny Side of Life" (W. 8. Biltterfifld, mgr.)— : Colunibiis, ind,. Dee, 30, Seymour .11, Madison Jnn. I, New Albany 2. "Fast Mall," Lincoln J. Carter's—Greenwood, Miss., Dec. ,10, West Point .11, Aberdeen .Bin. 1, Columbus 2. Atlanta, Gu„ 4-9, "Flaming Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter's — Rochester, N, Y., Dee. 28-30. Syracuse ,'ll> Jau. 2, Dunkirk 4, Jamestown S, l-iiloit City, i'n., fl, Tltusvlllo 7, OH City «, Frnnkllu l». "For Her Children's Hake," Baslern, Sulli- van, Harris ft Woods'—Montreal, Cnn., Dec 28-Jnu. 2, Ottawa 4-tl, Kingston 7, Htimlltoti 8. (1. "For Her Chlldrmi's Sake," Western (Ed. II. Lester, mgr.)—Wlllloinsnort, I'n., Dec. .10, Tyrone 31, Johnstone Jnn. 1, Hartinsbriro 2, Latrohe 4, Greensburg 6, Mount Pleas- ant 8, Cumberland, Md. 7, Enlonlown, Pn,.-8. Morgantown, W. Va.. 9. "Fatal .Wedding," Central, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods'—Detroit, Mich.. Dec. 28-Jan. 2, Toledo, O.. 3-fl. Grand Baplds, Mich., 70. "Fatal Wedding." Eastern, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods'—Wllkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 28-30, Scrauton 31-Jan. 2, Plttston 4, Hazleton Ti, Mattch Chunk «, Allcntown 7, Bethle- hem 8, Enston 9. "Fatal Wedding." Southern, Sullivan. Harris ft Woods'—Tiicfon. Ariz., Dec. 30, Phtenlx 81, fort Worth, Tex., Jan. 4. "For Her Sake" (Joseph Pilgrim, mgr.)— Clearfield, Pa., Dec 80, Punxsutawney 31, Houtzdalc Jau. 4, Lewlstown fi, Harrls- httrg «, Reading 7, Lancaster 8. "From Rags to Riches" (Wels & Meyers, mgrs.)—Brooklyn, N. Y„ Dec. 28-Jan. 2. •To.- His Brother's Crime" (L. B. Williams, mgr.)—Jersey Cltv, N. J., f.tec 28-Jan. 2, Brooklyn. N. Y.. 4-9. "Factory Girl" (Charles It. Wuerz, mgr.)— Wheeling. W. Vn.. Dee. 28-80. Columboa, 0„ ill-.lon. 2, Indianapolis, Ind., 4-0, Day- ton, O., 7.9. "For Mother's Sake" (Wm. Pottle Jr., mgr.) —Salem, Ore., Jnn I, Centralln, Wash., 2. Tncoma 3-fi, Mount Vernon fl, Anncortes 7, New Whatcom 8. • "Fight for Millions" (Malcolm Douglas, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pn.. Dec 28-Jan. 2, Atlantic City, N. J., 4, fi. "Funny Mr. Doolry" (Frank D. Bryan, mgr.) —Providence, R. L, Dec 28-Jnii. 2. "Faust," Porter J. White—Rochester, Pn., Dec. 30, Shnron 31, Alliance O.. Jan. 1, I'lit-lcbvllle 2, Wellston I, Bnrbcrtown fi, N'lles 0, Carry, Pn„ 7, Ashtahula, O., 8, Warren 9. "Forglvvness" (J. XV. Glllen, mgr.)—Port Hope, Can., Jan. 1, 2. a Goodwin, N. C. (Klnw ft Erlnnger, nigra, l —Pittsburg, Pn., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, Clerernnd, O.. 4 9. Gillette, Wllllnm (Chnrlcs Frohman, mgr.) —N. Y. City Dec 28. Indefinite. Grace George (Wm. A. Ilrndv, mgr.)—Toron- to. Cnn., Dec. 28-Jnn. 3, Gnllnml, Hertlm (J, F, Zimmerman Jr., mgr.)—N. Y. Cltv Dec, 28-Jnn. HI. Grant ley, Helen t.l. 11, Belcher, tngr.)-— Oiilnhontn City, Okln.-. Dee. 31, Wlnflcld, Knn., ill, Wlclttln Jan. 1, Hutchinson 2, Topekn 7. Gallntln, Alberta (George II. Brennan, mgr.) —Itlverslde, Cnl., Dec 30, San llernnrdlnit ill, Snntn Bnrbnra .Inn, 1, Pasadena 2, Titian 4. Gtlmore, Paul (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Galves- ton, Tex,, Dec. HO, Houston 31, Austin Jnn. 1, San Antohla 2,Temple 4. Waco fi. Merlin fl. iltllsboro 7, Fort Worth 9, Gainesville 9. Griffith. John (John M. Illckey. mgr.)— Klrksvllle, Mo„ Dec. 30, Qtilncy. III.. 31, Itonislnnn. Mo., Jan. 1, llurllngfon. In., 2, Monmouth, HI,, 4. Canton fi, Keokuk, In., tl. Fort Madison 7, Washington 8, Ottum- wa 9. Gllmore, Barney (Jlanry Montgomery, mgr.l —Enston, Pn., Dec. 28, Mnlianoy City 29, Shenandoah 30, Mount Cnrntel 31, Ilnzle- ton Jnn. T, Frcoland 2, Wllkesbnrro 4-tl, ■Scran ton T-9. Gnrslde, Cordlt ft M«ek Big Stock (J. 8. Garslde, mgr.)—Blnghamton, N. Y., Det. 28-Jan. 2. • Guy stock- (--Billy Casad, mgr.)—Washington, ind.. Doc. 28-Jan. 2. Glbney Block (John 1\ Powers, mgr.)— Jiomlon, ctiD- Dec. 28. Jan. 2, Berlin 4-9. Grace Hnywara Stock (O. A. White, mgr.l —ilOvnnsvllle, Intl., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2, Ownns- boro, Ky., 4-9. Gortdlng t'omedy (O. M. Cotton, mgr.)— Manlstlmic Mich.. Dec 28-Jnn. 2. "Girls Will Bo Girls" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.) —Pittsburg. IhL, Dec. 28-Jnn. 2. "Girl With Green Eyos" (Charles Frohmnn, tngr,)—ctan Francisco, Cnl., Doc 28-Jan.9, "Glad of It" (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— N. Y. Clly Dec L'8. Intlnlvnltc. "Girl from Knys'* (Charles Frohman, mgr.) —N. Y. City Dec. 28, Indefinite. "Game Keeper," Smith O'Brien (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Hoboken, N. 4., Dec. 27' 30. Elizabeth ill-.lan. -2, Camden 7-9. "Gnrao Keener," Thomas ,T. Smith (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Manhattan, Kan., Dec .19, Junction City 31, Sallnn Jan. 1, Wa- mngo 2, Ht, Marys 3, Lawrence 4, Km- forln fi, Burlington A, Inla 7, Chonuto 8, 'arsons 9, "Gambler's Daughter" <H. II. Frnzen ft J»s. II. Ilrowne, nigtB.)—Jonasboro, Ark., Dec, 30, Poplar Bblff, Mo., 31, Cairo, III., Jan. 1, Mount: Vernon 2. Cnrbondnlo 4, Marlon fi, Murphysboro (J; Cope Girardeau, Mo., 7, Anna, 111., 8. Paducah, Ky„ 9. "Ony Mr. GolrlHtoln"—Oil City, Ta., Jan. 1, Klttnnnlng 2, Punxsutawney 4, Steuben- vine, O., fi. Bridgeport fl, Marietta 7, Cbarlealnn, W. Va.,8, Covington 9. "flood Old Summer Time," George Evans—■ Pbllndelphln, Pn., Doc. 28-Jnn. 2, Jersey City, N. J., 4-9. "Gentleman Burglar" (James R. Garey, mgr.)—Quebec Can., otic., 28-30. "fJreat White Diamond" (Waller Fcssler, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa., Doc 28-80. "fllti and the Judge" (llanry Grasslt, mgr.) —Grand Baplds, Mich., Dec 27-30, Kalv mnzoo ill, II Hnckett. James K.—Htlcn, N. Y., Dec 31, Al- bany Jnn. 1. Ilnrnwl, Virginia (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)— Mtu'on, c,h., Dec. ,10, Snvnnnnh 81, Augusta Jnn. I. Charleston. S. C, 2, Norfolk, Vn., 1, Richmond ft. I), Wilmington, Del., 7, Atlantic City, V. J., 8, Trenton 9. Hnwlrey, Charles (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— Clnclnnnll, O.. Dec 28-Jan. 2, Columbus 4, Dayton fi, Springfield II, Inrtlnnnpolls, Ind., 7. Fort Doilgo 8, Toledo, O., 0. Hollnnd, Mllilrert (Edward C. White, mgr.) —Buffalo. N. V., Dec 28-Jnn. 2, Boston, Mnss., 423. Howard Hall (nenry Plerson, mgr.)—Chi- cago, III., Dec. 27-Jan. 2, Hnrrlgnn, Edwnrd—Philadelphia, Pa. Dec 28Jnn. 2. Hnnfnrd, Charles B. (F. Lawrence Walker, mgr.)—Lincoln, Nob., D«c. 30, Omaha 31. Fort Dodge, Io., Jon, 1, Sioux City 2, Slnnx Fnfis, 80. Dfik., 4, Boone, la., 8, Dc» Moines 7, Afprspnlltown 8, Cedar Ra- pids 9, Hall, flnorga F. (Fielding. Amusemnnt Co., mgrs.)— t'JVhnos, N. Y. ( .Inn. 1, iHMMM HlKglns, Dnvld, nnd George Wnldrnn (Btnir ft Nlcolnl, mgrs.)— Montreal, Can., Dec. 28-Jnn. 2. Worcostor, Mass., 4-9. Ilnriv-r, Grorgiu (J, H. Ilnrper ft Josfiptt I fall, mgrs.)—Oelwnln, In., Dec 28-Jnn. 2, Osage 4. Northflelrl, Minn., fi, Waseca (I, Owatonnn 7, Fiirlbuuli 8, Dodge Center llerriitnnn, Leon (Edward Thiirnaer, mgr.) —Knitsns Clly. Mo., Dm 27-Jnn. 2. Hall, Don C—Williams, Ariz., Dec. 28-Jan. », llltnmelnla's Idenln (Jolm A. Hlmmelnln, irgr.)—WllinltigtfiD, .'Del., Dec. liM-Jnn. 2, Cheslnr, Pa., 4-l>. . I . riiinini-ieltt's Jmtiorlnl Stock III. F. Hlmme- lelti. mgr.)—South Bend, Intl., Dec 28. .Inn. 2. Juliet, 111.. 3-9. Honurd-Doiwcl (George II. Hownrd, mgr.) --il'arknrsburg, W. V«., lnv, 2N-Jaji. 2,' lllll-.U/r.>, 0., 4-0. lllllintin. May (IRniat Sclmnbel, mgr)—Brad- fortl. Pit, iiec 28-Jan 5 Henderson, Maud (Joseph I'arent, mgr)— Jllcksvlllc, O. D(K' .28-81 Ilurrwurt Cumedy (Cltitrles K. Harris, mgr.)' -■■aniiiit'iti, MVism., Dec. 2m-.Iii.ii. 2, Balem 49. H/twitrd Stock (A. G."Hnwiinl, mgr.l—Jled Bank, N. J„ Doc 28.3(1, St-w London, c.'iin., ill-Jan. It,. Norwich 4-9. Ifiieflier. Jack (T^ti Iliirrliigton, mgr.)—Al- ton. 111., J)ec 2M-ju.ii. '-', BvtuurvlTlf, Ind, 817 Ilohlen Bros. Slock (Wm. Trlplntt. mgr.)— New Orlentts, Ln„ Dts:, 28, Iwleflnlte. Hnyuer-Whcelnr Stock (G. A. Redmond, rogr.) —Cohoes, N. Y„ Doc. 28-Jnn, 2. Hnrtlcy-Mnore Stock—Lancaster, Pa,, Dec ''R.Jfiri 0 "Heart of Sfaryland" (David Belnsco, mgr.)' —North Adams, Mass., Doc. 30, PlttsSelrl 31, Troy, N. Y., Jan. 1, Schenectady 2, Glens Falls 4, Arantwdan, fi, Utlca 8, Cortland 7. Blnghamton 8, Elmlre 8. "llenrf of Chicago/' Lincoln J. Oarter't— llnltlmon*; Md., D«c. : 2»Jnn. 2, PhtladeU phla, Pn., 4-0.