The New York Clipper (January 1904)

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JANUARY lft. THE IsTEZW YORK CLIPPER. 1121 Shaw, managers).—Takclnwii's Ini[H>rlnl Jnp. •mese Troupe, In "A Night in Japan," is the lie feature of the curio hall for this week. Captain Sidney Hininnu ami Co. g|y« an exhibition of lira saving. The Cuffreys. bus, Irtfliin lexers, nml .lames Irwin, the upside- down man, «m other curio rami*. Stage: •smith «'"• Willi", Simforil Sisters, l.orone Riiviird, Weston Sisters. Belle Belmont, I.ouls Hates, llnyman und Franklin. Dcnron His- lers. O'Brien and West, nml Uutli and Neldn. W'.Vi.KUti'H MusEtisi <T. Hnnklnc. mnnu- Mfl.—.week at Jan. I I. curio hull, Charles II. Tllodgetf, billiard nml |iool champion ; Drake's performing sheep and dogs, Sam Cohen, ex- mnsbinlst; O. V., magician; Itu.viiKiinl's marionettes nml 01 Iters. In Hie theatre: I ertiuiiKl Misters, I lie llimnls. Annetn Itosu, Ixniiftie Morow, Flossie. ■ Cose, and viola Chase. Nn:Knt.nnKOX (I.. B. Walker, mnnngor).— Kid Porker, the featherweight wrestler; I lie Laci-enda Troiiis', musicians: Profes- taf llnwon, mnglclan; George MeBornn, ..jililennal wonder, and half n score of lady tinrliers. In u "shaimpnolng contest, are the carlo hall announcements for fills week. Stage: Murray nml Sllvn, I ho Makers, Joe I a 'In nun, 0 Hilly Perkins, and Viola HuMilngs. dossil'.—Hen Grcit's Co. Is appealing at fhlekoriiig Hull this week. In a Kll/.iibollilan production of ''Twelfth Xlghl." "Su- nerhii" follows "An English Jialsy" at the Globe next w?ck, which means Stair & Wll- li»tr tnke possession ot that house at the end nf I he run-en i week. I'll to (late the. execu- tive officers of the house linvu not been notl- iled whether they are to he retained or not. Sunday concert hills: limtun Thoi~ Ire —Ross Snow, Phil C»tr, the Jolly Four, otio Druthers, Jennie De iiaiin. the Walshes, Robinson and Juniper, and Franklin Sisters. ,l/«*tc Jlnll— Mr. and Mrs. William Itoliyns. Artie Hall, Stylos McCarthy and Co.. Major Dovlo, .Musical llentley, thu Ilalcys, Kennedy and Evans, and MnHMtcopp, ilafc»1tc —Blly V. Van nml Rose Beaumont, Mr anil Mrs. Rnhyns. Kennedy and Evmis. Major Dovle, Helen Fingree, Stuart and Davis, Otto Broth- ers, nml kluetoscope. Itmmloln Uvuurc —Tlio ))e Witts. Three Slltcliells, Louise Henry, Harper, Desmond and Mnlley. Weston Sis- ters, Dan Anderson, Vera King. Murrissey and Berwick, Oracle nnd Reynolds, Bailey and Slnillson, Cunningham nml Coveuey, and II. T. Ridge The Columbia will pass under control of Stair & Wllhur Feb. J. A lino of excellent popular priced attractions has already been booked for the theatre The twenty-second annual benefit of the The- atrical Mechanics' Association took place nt the Tromont on Sunday, Jan 10, attractions from nl tho bouses In town forming a great hill .('nl. Frank P. Stone, of Austin & Stone's Museum, with a parly of friends, win start Jan. 18 on n trip to Colorado springs ami wilt he gone a month or six weeks.... Mnnagor Lawrence SleCnrly, of the Huston, was In New York the greater jVnrt of last week, arranging for a. Slimmer run of "Tlm Wizard of Oz." ■ t.nwell,—At the Lowell Opera House) (Fay Bros. & nosford, mnnngers).—[-Cath- erine Kober, In repertory, entertainer] good sized and well pleased audiences Inst week, a production of "Hamlet," s. being ably pre- sented. The WntermeUm Trust Co. Is mak- ing a hit. Martin's "II. T. C." It. 1'-', Wm. Farersham la, Howard Stock Co. 14-Hi. Acadrmi op Slusic (B. F. Murphy, mana- ger).—The Great Glenlstor Show of moving pictures, with Jack Glenlster, played, to good business, 7-9. The vaudeville Included : Alice Bropby, Kimball and Doniiovan, nnd Dudley Prescott. Ruble's Knickerbockers 14- 10. Casto Tiieatbb (Al. Haynes, manager).— Last week's bill was one of the best, with Lottie Gllson and Billy nnrt.'in "The Fly Flirt." Miss Gllson was in excellent voice, nnd received many encores, and Mr. Hart proved himself a comedian of much ability. The Heavenly Twins, and Harry and Smile Fields were other big hits. Current: Mc- carty nnd Woolcott, in "The Unco Tout's Dream ;" the Everett Trio, Pierce and Mnizee, SVIIson and Davis, Ferguson nnd Iteeson, J. Francis Dooley, VIrnn and I.nrn, and Joha it. Hnrty. Boston- TitRATnti (J. 0. Tohbetts, mana- ger).—The usual good business anil ft very good bill Inst week. For It nnd week: Vnnornn nnd Vlctorlnn, tho Two HobliH, Del and Ivy Warno, tho Boston bioscope. Wrn. Ladno, wrestler, will meet all comera. For amateur night, a minstrel show. PrxiPLR's Tjikatiie (Billy Nelson, mana- ger).—This bouse entertained goodly crowds Inst week, with ft very good hill. For cur- rent week: Nellie Ciirltnn's Biirlesquors ami olio: Young Prince, Annie Cook. Lillian Gnrvey, Manley nnd Farley. Madge Nolan. Gertie Bellows, Stalley nnd I<oslle, Violet La Lien and the afterpiece, "A Trip to tlio Moon." Mrntion. —The Herald Sonarro Comedy Co. nnd moving pictures at the Opera House, a, had big business. Olio: The Heinous. Crow- ley «.nd Foley, and J. E. Oomepford Tie great Glenlster Show and moving pic- tures, at the Academy of Music, 10. matlneo niid, night, for. tho benefit- of a local charity. Hairry nnd Sadie Fields closed ft very successful engagement on the Casto circuit !>. and oipen at Sbecdy's nnr theatre, New Bedford, 11 James and Celln Welch re- placed Leonard aud Leonard at the Boston 'I'hciitiro lost week, satisfactorily Tho death of Harry King, formerly manager of the Star Theatre, lu this city, Is 1 reported to bavo occurred recently The Water- melon Trust signal with tho Kntlierlue ltouer Co. Jor tho season Tho I. A. T. S. B. Installation was held nt their linll 10, when iho nowlv elected officers assumed their ilu- -ties for current year The Lowell Aet'c, 23, of Eagles, held a gala day at their In- sinuation ll, when visitors mere entertained nnd refreshments served. Six new members received iwlngs, amoug them Jim Duly, stugo manager and comedian at tho PoopleVi Thea- tre Tbe officers of tho newly Instituted aerie at Nashua, N. H.. ore: W. P., J. w. Conor: W. V. P., Frank O'Nell; W. sec, Clias, II. •Polietier; W. breas.. Horace Cantara; VI. chap., J. A. Plieliui: W. triiHtces: J. W. l'«- garfy, M. <U. O'Grady, Mark Mttudclsou; W. 1. O., Goo. Hotter; W. o. G.. Jolm Gravel!; W. Con., Timothy Shea: W. P. D., Dr. C, 8. Vuleour. Tho churtcr list uinuibercil lUi uieni- bers, and fortv-four received wings at tin last meeting, with fifty applications. i New Bedford.—New Bedford Theatre fWm. B. Cross, manager).—Eugloutl's mov- ing picture circus proved a decided novel and Interesting entcrtnltiment Jau. 4. A fierce soow storm Interfered wltb business. "The Wizard of. 02." to tho largest nu- dlencn of the season, C, The Orleutul operu, "Egyptn," was presented (1-8, uudcr tho au- spices of tho local Sons of Veterans, In a manner thnt reflected much credit on all participants. Stetson's "U. T. C." drew the "■ustomarv large audiences 0. Katnerine Itobnr's Co. 11-10, "The Seoul's ltnvenge 18, "Girls will be Girls" 10, "Zlg /.ag Alley" HO, Roe Stock Co. 21-23. Shkboy'b I'uiiciiASH SrnEr.r TitKiTnu (Theo. B. BayllCB, manager).—Paplutn, tho electric lire dancer, wns benvlly featured t he past wcok. Her net wns a novel spec- tncniar one. Current week's hill: Harry and Sftdle Fields, Pettlnglll nnd De Forest, the Lueados, the Heavenly Twins, Hubert I»e- veaux, St. John nnd La Fevre, Fred Mc- Cart's monkey and dog circus, nnd the vltft- fMRrDY'S BtJOP TltEATUB (David ft. Huf- ton.manager).—The following performers appeared at the Sunday evening roH^JsJrJ l/nrry and Sadie Fields, Brandon ana Wylle, Mclntyre and Klce, Sanford Slaters, Bnrk- hardt, the vlugraph, and Sullivan and Grays orchestra. $okb.— ;Floorers' Theatre will be the 22E5.£ ^,^ lus n r x «"'"h"t tS. «nder the ausi lees of tho Wam-n Club Mona IMMwiQ, whose name la private llfo Is j| rs , Lnjiuwii liSieji ien«>ii. nnd who was ft member i. " i . ~" ,V" clM 'Md" Co., Is safe ami well. lev sister. Theresa Baldwin, of "The Itll- lloiiiilrn KNi., was lu n,e mtdlenee at the lr.N,uols I heal n- during tl„. p.wfoi-manee. Old «»l. safely onu.of ,]„. Ilolh biille,H reside In (Ms city John Yates. . "i v m if'W"" 1 ■Shermnn, proiierty man, and .Nellie Cnpnit), whose home Is nt Taun- ton, nil members of lis; "Mr. Jllnelieiird" Co.. nnd all are safe frojn the Chicago ,«- tnstrophe \lienitlons will Im insde lu several of the l„ral h.sises, and asbestos curtains must l»> lowerivl at tho close nt every performance Oseor Allx, the fiopular plnnlsi uf Sheedy's Fall Itlver then, tie, has been engaged by Manager Huffing- ton... ..liavld It. liuinngion has sold his l»- leresi: In Music Hall, PawtUrkct, It. I., to It. F. Kelih. who also owns another house lit that city. I ' Sprln Kiii-l<i —At the Court Nomura Tlie- Btm (V». L'. Lo Xolr, innunger).—Frank Daniels, In "The Office ltov," Jan. 7. re- cr-lfed n royal welcome from a crowded house. A full house enjoyed K. H. Sothcrn, !J.I' F. h<! P .''?" rt •'••'"I'e." *. Fay Davis, In "Whitewashing Jnlln," 0. to a fair house, lino: "tils Lost Dollnr" II. Archie llovd. in "Joshua WlilKiimli," Ifi; Boston Svmlihonv Orchestra IS, Virginia Hiirned. In "The Llgnt that Lies in Woman's Eyes," 21 ; Stetson's "V. T. C." 2X Xkw (iit.MoiiE Tiikatri: (J. F. Burke, man- ager).—"A Human Slave." -Id, plnved to good business. "Why Girls Leave Home," 7-11, crowded the theatre, the plav was well received, and the company wns well balanced. Ellen Buyer and Hugh Cameron Beared heavily. Coming: "The Fatal Sear" 1143, "For Home and Honor" 14-10. UrAXP Ol'EHA HotsB (Chus. W. Fonda, ruannger).—Phil Sheridan's City Sports, 4-n, put on just such a show as the patrons like. iXlSLHtuf TllKATitti (Z. T. Damon, manager), —A bill of more than usual merit Inst week. The cam for this wis-k: Artie Hall, the Ush- ers, O'lirlen and Havel, Deaves' ltoyal Marion- ettes and others. C'ukh. —Mr.*-. .William Brown, of \y |la,e '. v ' n member of "Sir. Bluebeard." met with slight Injuries lu ihe Chicago tire, nnd was removed to a hospital....,. The Sprlnglleld Lodge of I-'.lks have bought all the furniture of the old Springfield Club...,..A delega- tion of Eagles from this city How to tho In- stallation of officers at the Charter ("Ink Aerie of Eagles, of Hartford. Or., on :!. She Installation of (be local aerie took place 1. A number of officers of the aorle nt this vicinity were present Mine. Blnuvelt rendered an excellent programme nt her mu- sic recital nf Ihe High School Hall on Wed- nesday, 0, to u good sized nudleiicc Venlla, tho tiro dancer, with Phil Sheridan's City Sports, liiis linen obliged to lay off lu Boston on nrritiint of Illness John Hen- •/ctln, of lfen?.etta and La Hue, with the City Sports, was called home 1, to Philadelphia. by the death of his mother The Major Sisters appeared at the Nelson Theatre last week, In place of Hie Three Mellelts. ■ Lynn.—At the Lynn Theatre (Frank O. Harrison, mnnngei).—The Fonberg Stock Co., Jan. 4-1 SI, did an excellent business. Andrew Mack. In "The Bold Soger Boy," 14; Martin's "U. T. O." in, 10, Carroll Comedy Co. 18-2.1. Ghm TurATnn (C. W. Sheafe, manager).— Last week's business wns good. Due 11-10: Ward and Raymond, May and Miles, Joe' Page, Dan Anderson, Lillian Newton, and the Harrisons, the bioscope pictures. Sale >i Tiie.vtiie, Salem (11. E. Reed, man- ager).—The Hnrcourt Comedy Co. ployed, to good houses, week of 4. England's mov- ing pictures Jl-l.'!. Mechanic Hall, Salem (James E. Moore, manager).—This week's bill: Mitchell nnd Mnrron, (hishmnn, Ilolcorobe nnd Curtis, Jas. Kelley nnd Dorothy Kent, Billy Carter, Leon and Adeline, Shnnnon nnd Brown, and Ouda, the bioscope. Notes. —George M. Fenberg, the manager, nnd Will J. Kennedy, of the Fenherg Stock Co., were initialed Into Lynn Aerie, F. O. E.. on Jan. SI. Mr. Kennedy wns presented with am Encle charm at that session Lynn Lodge of Elks entertained the Fenberg Co. 10. when nil of the specially people worn Introduced. Mr. Fenberg Is n devoted mem- ber of the order fiddle Mumfnnl, of this city, who Is with the Ward & Vokes Co., wrote to friends In Lynn thnt he was In ihe Iroquois Theatre at the time ot the lire, but managed to get ntit uninjured Ethel .May Shorey, of this city, has put her piny, "Light 14SI," In hook form. Fall River.—At the Academy of Music (Win. J. Wiley, manager).—"The Wizard of Oii," Jan. U, lo the largest audience of tho season. "The Parish Priest" played, to fair returns. 7-!». Hooked: Chns, It. Chomplin Stock Co. 11-1(1, excepting 14, when Kelcey nnd Shannon appear. Bennett & Moulton Co. 18-2SI. Huron Theatre (nenry Myers, manager). —"The Sign of the Four," with Walter Edward's, gftvo a line production, to good business, 4-0. "A Human Slave." 7-1), played to fair business, and gave satisfaction. Hue: "Her First False Stop" 11-1SS, "James Boys In Missouri" 14-1(1, "For His Hrothcr'a Crime" 18-20. Casto Theatiih (Al. Haynes, manager).— P.UHlness remained at high water mark. Opening 11 and week: Bobert Henry Umlgo mid »V>.. J'runtJce Trio, Bakor and .Lynn, Ull- rov, Haynes and Montgomery, McDcvItt aud Kelly, Frances Ctirreu, AIL Byron, and Ncb- sen ami Nossen. .(lien's TttEATi-.M (A. E. Rich, maniger.i.— Bice & Barton's ltoso Hill Folly Co., 7-1), proreil to be the burlestpie tri*t of tho seu- tsm, and good busluess -prevailed. The olio was of Al order. Nothing definite lu book- ings. Siii'.kpv's TiMATitu (M. V. O'Brien, man- ager).—Business last week was good. Week of 11 : Demoulu and Bell. Laura Houston, I'uvonnugh aud Hamilton, Frank nnd Muttie Walsh, Marlon Adams, kluetoscope, and Carolina Comedy Four. ■ ■ "Worcester.—At the Worcester Theatre (Follx It. Weiidclschaefcr, mnutigcr).—The local post, 10, G. A. It., under supervision of A. Frank Nail, produces "The Drilmatur Boy" for week of Juu. 11-10. Mr. Nail is Undo Joe. "The WUnrd of Oz" played, to S. It. O., 4. E. B. Sothcrn, 7, drew it very large au- dience. "The Office Boy," It, to S. It. O. Fba.vkmn Squabd TnEATnH (Shea & Com- pany, managers).—Week of 11, "Superba." Last week 'Ills Last Dollar" drew good pa- tronage. Coming: "Child Slaves of New \ork." Pakk Tiisatrb (Shea & Wlltou, maun- eers).—Bill 11-10: Mary Hampton aud her Co., lu ''The Melodrama:" Mcl'nee aud Hill. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stuart Darrow. Soymo.ur aud Hill, the Ileulys, present lug "The Globe Trot- ter;" Fcrrar, Cole and Co., In "Ills Col- lego Chum;" Emerson and Omega, and thu kluetoscope. ■ Palaci: MnsEEM (J. F. McManus, mnnn- enD.—Weok of 11: Krao, the missing link, and Fielding, the man llsli, lu tho museum, nnd nice nnd Walters. Ben Dawson, Hull and Hughes, Fred A. Chngnnn, and Franklin nnd Hopkins In < the theatre. Casino Tiibatrb (Davy & Leslie, mnna- cors).—This house, which was burned out Jan. 2, Tina reopened lu a building across the way. but makes no definite announce- ment for this week. m ill Lawrence.—Opera House (Calm & Grant, managers).—Week of Jab. 4 the Keystone Cratnatlc Co. held the boards, to fair bust- s*Jh- ness. Coming Week of It!-11-13. Howard Stock Co.: 14, "lincli. Toms Cabin;'' 1.1, Andrew Mark; 111. 17, Indoor Circus (Iwo mnt.lnis<s). Week nf IK: W. "Winchester :" lit,."Scours lleyonge;".^n, "Human Hearts;" 21. "Sherlock Holmes;': 22. "A Knnawnv Wlfh:" ■£■„ -ulrlH Will lie Girls." Cisro • Al. Haynes, manager).—Coming week of II; May Kdnuln and Fred. Ho- wards. NIMii and Rllev. Jas. Hubert I, Mr. nnd Mrs. (totttoli. Ilnrrlgan, KsteJHf Wordette and company. Julia Hliies, aud tho bbigrnph. C\si.\o (W. I.. Gnlliiglier. manager i.— dining week of II: Jas. K. Black, Kertlne Leslie, \e|||e Mason. Mnekey nml Marlins, IWiliy Lang Sharp, nnd Geo. Foster. Bnr- lesipie by Jns. E. Black. Business good. Holyoki-.—At the Opera House [It, L. Potter, mansgerl.—"Tim Vlrglnlnii" titmn Jnn. 1, to full cnpncliy. Charles Itli-himmd canceleil Si. Ilooki-d: lladley's moving pic- tures 8, 0, Clnm Turner Co. 11-HS. EMi'inn Thuatiik (T. F. .Murray, mnna- ger).—"Wife in Name Only." lice: Sll-Jnu. S, and "Why tllrls I^ave Home," 4-0. both drew large houses. Hooked: '•The Sign of the Four" 7-P, "The James Boys In Missouri" 11- l.'l. "Human Hearts" 14-10. Staii TitKATni: (C. II. Herliert. manager). —Attendance -I-H was satisfactory. Fur week of It: Slildnn Bros., Laura Ursdshnw, Queen and Nichols, Mile, I.nzelle, the lilo- srapli. concluding with n sketch, entitled "Hooligan's lleiurn from the Klondike." North a it u ins.—Empire Theatre (James Sullivan, manager).—"The Power of the Cross." Jan. 2, did a fair business. Fny Davis, in "Whitewashing Julia," 4. did n good busi- ness. May l-'lske Stock Co., 5-P, lo big houses. Miss Flske Is a clever little actress. Duo: Culhiine. Olmec He Weston's Minstrels 10. Bioiimomi TiiiiATttr. (W. P. Meade, mana- ger).—Tho next attraction will be "A Chl- esc Honeymoon," lit. Notch. -—> Mae I.nrkln nnd Nina Wood are nt their homes hi this city. Miss l.srklu wns n mi'tnber of "The Billionaire" Co., ami Miss WimhI was with "Mr. Bluebeard." Shit had a very narrow osoitpe "The Power of ilu; Cross" closed abruptly here Jim. 2. The iiiiighniii Family, with the Flske Stock Co., received much local ftttenllou lliei past week. They were formerly residents of this city The loenl theatres have been Inspected, and both houses were found to lie in good condition Manager Meade has returned from New York, where he lias been doing some bookings for his house. « 'lu 11 ii i on.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cnhn it Cross, managers).—The Stanwell Co., Jnn. 441. did as well as could be ex- pecled. considering Ihe weather. Stetson's "l\ T. C." IS, "Sherlock Holmes" 10, Norn. — Nellie Capron, John Yates nnd George Sherman, of the "Bluebeard" Co., are nt home. ♦»» OHIO. Clneiiinnll.—Plans to give Cincinnati another vaudeville theatre Is under way, for the American Vaudeville Syndicate, through NnJIb Unslilui, is negotiating tor Ihe control nf Robinson's Opera House, which has had such n stormy time of It lu the local world of theatricals. Should Ihe deal go through, the new mtiimgemeut hopes to open Jnn. ;tl. Ten vaudeville acts ami a fans', with two performances a dav. and a tariff scaled from tlflr cents down, are under consideration ns features of the administration. Another event of the week was the lunch given nt Iho Queen Cltv Club, by Director A. Hownrd Hlnkle, when the programme for tho six- teenth Mnv musical festival wns revealed. Tho soloists wilt be Agnes Nichols, tho English soprano; Mme. Krhtimiinn-Hclnlt, contralto; William Green, of England, tenor, and Wntkln Mills. Tho principal works to lie, snug are Bnch mass. In B minor; Beethoven mnss, n Snlennls of 12.'i nnd ninth symphony; Elgur, "Dream of Gerontlns," ami Heritor "Imperial llviun." Nearly one hundred representative business men heard the history of the festival, which was the outgrowth of the big German Saengcrfesf given In a bulldtnt! which gave way lo Music Hall—ClnclnnHil'n historic palace dedicated lo melody. George II. Taylor ima been encaged to take charge of the coming festival, which will receive loval support from ClnclmmlJnns. At the luncheon Melber's orchestra, furnished mush'. GRAND IMU IIoumh (Harry Ilalnfortb * John II. Hnvlin, manager).—Ezra Kendall, under Mchler Jk Co.'s direction. Is to come Jan. 11, In "The Vinegar Buyer." Last week -Mrs. Leslie Carter found Ihe Queen cltv warm and enthusiastic In Its greeting, nmi David llelnsco's "On Bnrry" was wit- nessed by magnificent turnmils that aggre- gated one of the most prolltablo week's en- gagements In n profitable year. No hand- somer stage setting has been seen hero In many n dav. Charles A. Stevenson, ns Louis NV; Campbell Gollnn, as Jean Du Bnrry, nnd Heresford Webb, as the Pnpnl Nuncio, nil gave earnest porirnyalM of character. Bertha Gnlland comes IS, In "Dorothy Vor- iion," thus getting the second week of the canceled time of the 111 faled "Mr. HIuc- beard." , . . . Wai.xi:t Struct Thkatih: (M. C. Ander- son, manager).—Fred G. Merger & It. G. Craerln are to present Wilson Barrett's powerful piny, "The Sign of Ihe Cross." 1ft. Last week Joseph Murphy's annual visit was marked by the usual grout outpourings of old friends and new. "Kerry Gow" and "Sliniin It hue" with played. William T. Shnelmu was welcomed In a manner liullttlng n native born sou and good iiclor. Mary Fennler wus a most pleasing Mary Drew, null l'milluo Fielding won her way easily Into the good graces of the audiences. Jacob Lltt's "lu Old Kentucky" 17. llct'Ck's Ol'BUA Houke (Heuck, Fenuessy & Stulr, managers).—"The Factory Girl" is coming H). Last week "Happy, Hooligan" was u trlllo late lu reaching town, but bin sojourn was busily prostsrous. The opuulug nuulcnec wus glvnu u slgut uf n slago reheurs- iil. and the building up ot the sceuerv, u nov- elty tho crowd seemeil to enjoy. W. 11. Muck, as '•Happy," and Able Olluiore and Mao 1'helim wei-e seen to itdvnillagu III their re- spective roles. "Ou the Bridge at Midnight" 17. Cot.ii.MniA Thcatri: (St C. Anderson, man. agiiri.-—The Los Silvan will bo thu lietnl- lluers HI, nnd others on the bill Include : Hyatt and Itlclriluld, llobertits und Wllfretlo, Hie Sisters Hapim, Phyllis Allen, Ai 1*. Ilos- tow. Foster und Foster, und DtMMW, Doy. Last week's entertainment drew audiences of splendid slue. The nays, John aud Ummn, lu "Cusev, the FlretnaJi," eurucd maiiy a laugh. Snvder and Buckley are clever come- dlaus, and their uiitslcul turn Is ureal. Paul Stephens iniule a big hit. L-ycixm TiiEATnB (Heuck, Stair & Feu- nessy, maiiligers). — Leunder Blchnrdson's s'tn-liuous iiiebKlramii. "The Suurchllgbts of ft Uieut City," will be turned ou 10. Last week Marlon Kussell's melodrama, "Tho Lit- tle Church Around the Corner," repeated the luvoruble Impression created a year ago. Al. G. Sfiveiisoii, Itutli Macaulcy nnd Master Lc- roy Kniiiiier were rtinotig the cleverest people in the cast. Business wns good. "From Bags to lllches" 17. . fnori.c's TncATm; (Hubert Heuck. mttn- nger).—The 1'toplau Burlesquer* arc due 10. Tliey will follow Klce A Barton's Big Gnloty Company, old favorites thnt drew well. Lil- lian Washburn and Ada Lane scored the hit of the olio. The chorus was above tho overage. Fred Irwin's Big Bhow 17. auditorium. —For the present Manager H. F. Hamilton, late of Robinson'*, Is In control, and Anna Eva Fay la coming if), to befln a two weekY «B|»t«»ent. G0881P or Till: Lobby.— Mrs. Utile Carter gave n speelnl midweek matinee, to n crowded hoiwe, that yielded on*, ofllco. rnlurua. of nearly $2,(Hu) The carrlngn makers give n big theatre party during the-Kendall en* uiigeinoiu, iui,l have senu'isl ir.u seals A largo party of Clnclnnatlnus went to May- ton lo sen oils Skinner nnd Ada Itelinn, and were Ihe gnosis of Georgn Howard ami wife. Who eiiierinliied In honor of their dnugliter, Mnliel liowtied, after the play I'.d. Thiirnauer ran into town during the wi-k, en fnuh: to Louisville, wbere llerrninnn Is liookcd The I lay mini I'lnyers pre- mailed "A Night «llt" ami "Work mid Wages" at Weslwood. I* and 7 Practical II hist rut ions of the workings «C the Grand tlpern House exits were wildly applauded by a packed house ut the o|ieulng of the I'nlty Club lectures Mnrv Ills. srni De Moss will be one nt Ihe soloists of "Elijah." given \!H by the Sornnloii (,1'n.l Oratorio Society Fannin Broiixli, who playeil Sirs. Tldmnrsli with Chnrirs Haw- trey. In "Tho Stan from Bbiiikley's," was attacked by grip, and compelled to sur- render her role io nn imdersiudy late In thu week Manager George S. McKadden Is here in advance of Er.rn Kendall Ad- vices from Pawtliekel. H. I., tell of Ihe success of a one act musical conieilv. culled "The Hniker from BnlesvUle," written by Jss. Murray Allison, of Tin: Einjuiir,- stuff. It lias been bunked for a run on tho Keltic cir- cuit The Coney Island Juveniles went lo Norwood und appeared at the Auditorium S, II, tinder the direction of W. K. Clark and Slnrle Clark. Among Ihe llllpullnii actors were: Jennie Sillier, Ndlle Wulsh. Frnnklo Harter. Aide AVnlsh. Crawford. Kntle llntticld. Ilbissom Collins, Elsie Matell nnd t.oretiu Collins The Columiila. People's, Walnut Street, lleuck's and the Lyceum hnve nil ordered asbestos curtains chlirles 1'. Cotiuolly Is hern In ndvnnce of Rertlm Gnl- land Jucipies Thlbaulil will lm the mi- lolsi nl the next. Symphony concert. . . - ' ■! ■ Clevflaml.—At the Opera llonsn (A. F. llurlx, manager). >- "A Japanese Nlghl- Ingahi" current wei*. .Sal C. Gisulwln week ot .Inn. 4, lu "Sly Wife's Husband*" and "HIsLnst Ac!." ''Thriv Utile Slnlds" IS-'.'.!. liTCKtlM (.1. K. t'.poknui. niauugerl.—"Un- der Xoitlherii **kl«*n** current week. .loo Welch, In "The I'eddler," enine, to g.sid busi- ness, week of 4. "Unity Tolly" 18-33. Cu)vi:i.ANn (J. K. Cooksou, manager).— Nellie Mc Henry Is .nresentlnir "M'llss" cur- rent week. "From lings In Illclies" proved verv iiuqnilnr iweek nf 4. playing lo big nouses. "Kldimppisl In New S'ork" l8-^!t. SllHA's E.Mt'inii (Chns. J. Stevenson, innn- nseri.- -Nisi Wiiyburn's Sllnslrel Silases head the bill lairrent week. The I-Vmr Welmuis, ring Derforniers; Tnffnr)''s liogs. Charlus II. Burke mid Grace 1a line, Lillian Hluiw. Hill .Menlii. Sfr. nnd .Mrs. Arthur young, Edward Urny, Ihe kluetogmnh. Coi.OM.ti. (S. I'. Collins, manager).— Thero is a decided rhiuigo lu policy at this) house citrrnnt week. Isabel Irving Is pre- senting "The (M-lsls." Mntmger Collins Is nble lo offer this attraction at the maximum price of one dollar. This house will piny ii four weeks' season of the legitimate. Tho v.-iudevllle week of 4. did well. Sx.ut (Drew ft Campbell, managers).— I In try Rryvnt's Ilurhr«pie Co. current week. The i-iiinpimy ineluibvi: Slnll Kennedy and Al. Caineciiii. Ciismnre ami Floremv. the llui-keiis, liarinody. cinrn DmigliiN, and Edith Bryant. For a si«i'liil feature, the imperial Japanese troupe. Snm Dovere'sj SlMiW did well week of 4. DIS'I'IIICT OP COI.l-MIIM. Toledo. — Tlio Vnlenllue 'Hiealre (Otto Kllves, manager).—"The Storks" did u ralrly satisfactory business Jau. 1. ". "Florodorii, io its usual goisi business, 4. Skinner and Rohan 8, Chns. 11 awl rev p. I.vrtx.u TllKATRH (Frank Burt, manager). —Eugenie Blnir, In "Zimi," enjoyed splendid patronage Dec. .11 .Tun. a. "The Governor'*) Son." to guild results, ll-fl. Hooked: Waul & Vokes f-'.t. "Tho Forlnne Teller" Kl-EI. Aiu.-.uii; TilRATI'.H (G. W. t'l-isliiii, iniina- gen.—Business has been most gratifying. For week of 111: The Mnson-Keeler t'o., Hie Five St. l.eoiis, Naomi Etlinrilo, liavls and Wilson, Doyle ami Granger. Burloti and Bur- ton, the Fonr Elsworlhs, nnd Iho vlliigrnpli. BtiliT'K Tiihatjik (Frank Hurl, inuimger). —"The White Slave," Doc. .'t I-Jnn. !i,. and "The Fatal Wedding," 3-0, enjoyed good iiii- troiuige. "The Man Who.Dared" 7-H, "Teu Nights In n Bar Boom" Ift-Ef. GitANti Oi'HtiA Hot'sti III. I). Uueker, mnn- nger).—Mucker's Korak Wonder Co. la doing a very fair business. ■ i Ilnvton.—- Victoria 'Theatre (C. O. Sillier, ma linger I.--"The Storks" tillriictei) u gisid sized uuillence Jim. 4. Chus. Hawtrey pre- sented "The Man from Illnnkley's." to fair business, fi. Ada Itelinu mill Otis Skinner did ii mind business in "The Selnad for Scandal' 1 II. A fair sized crowd witnessed •'FloitMloni'' 7. Coming: Tho llnsn Cecelia Sliav Opera Co. El, Herrmann HI. Park Tiikatub ((III. Burrows, manager). "Tho Pride of Jennleo" was presented. Is-- fore good houses, 4-U. "The Factory Girl" drew falrlv well 7-rt. Coming: Howard I lull, in "The Sinu Who Dared," 11-1* I YoungMtnwn.—Oisira House (Peter Hire, ..iiiiiagec). —Al. G. Field's .Minstrels pleased two good sired houses Dee. lift. Charles manager!/ two good . Italian, lu "A Gentlciuun of France," pleased Immensely Jan. .'J. The Wilbur Opera i'o. 4-11. Nellie Mcllcnry, In "M'll**,'' to good returns. 7-lt. -Imn f<ully la, "Pride of Jen- nleo" HI, "levers' Uiimv' 15, "Tho Minister's Duughiers" 14, "The Hunrt of Maryland" «(>, "The Flumliig Arrow" St, l'Aitg Thuatiib (Joe Welier, manager).— Week of Dec. 2H. "Holty Tolly," lo good busi- ness. Week of Jnn. il, 'The; Kortune Teller," to (ixcellciit patronage, "i'uuny Mr. Hoolcy" 11-10. I SoiKlusUy.— Nellseu Opera HoQso (Geo, A. Boeokllug, inaiiagur).—"Florodora" plared, lo two inicked houses, Jan. 1. Tho Hbuu Onora Co. slog "Carmcu" C, to nu appreci- ative audience. Walker Wblt«s|dn presented "Wu Are Kiug" 7. Jflftea Kwinedy Htock C*»- 11-HI. .i ckhaii Point PmURVBM IlKSftiiT. — Tb« mauiigenieut have began work on an ad- ditional hotel or over 400 rooms, to be com- pleted beroru next Suinmnr, Other extensive improvements are being considered. » Nteuhcnvllle. — At the Grand Opera House.—"A Gentleman of France" pleased n large audience Jnn. 1. Ilkkmttu Bros., In "Down nnd Op," bad a large audience 4. "The Gay Air. Goldstein" «, tho Fupo Uleo Club (local) 7. Nom—F. C, Workman, doorkeetijr of tho Grand, was recently married. . Tho stage boys gave iilm n social prior to the event, Dee. :Sft. i i ■ Marlon. — At tho Grand Operu House (Cutis, Id. Ferry, manager),—"David durum" wns greeted by a large, audience Iwc. ill. "Peck's Had Boy" ilhl well Jail. I, "Tim Lily nml the Prince" hod a good house. Ami pleusul. I. "Under Hmtthrni Hklea" 7, •'Hu- man Hearts" la, Joe .Murphy 14, "When Johnny Comes Starching Home In. /■iiesvllle.—At Wellnr Theatre (J. 0. England, manager).—"I<overs' Liiuo," Jan. (i, Und a fair h1««I nudleltce. ixellftr diew n gn«*l audience 4, nml pleased. The Wllhur Opera I'o. did fair business week of Dee. 2H. Coming; "The/Beauty Doctor" », Van Dyke and lOuton 11-10. 8. U. ZtNr. itho wria.hrre looking after the IDtereHtM of T/ie ;,ui)ic,< tfomc Journal, was a Ci.imto caller last week. tViislilunrton.—Tho lire at the Iroquois Theatre had ■ the effect here of- rn using u iigld scorning on the miii nf tile niithorltles as lo the safety of loenl plnyUouses. with the result that all—except lu some trivial details wblrh were at oucn rectllled—were pronounced Safe. BuslnesH showed- a da- rhled railing oil' as compared to llm few Weeks p receding. National TtlnATM (W. II. Ripley, man- nger).—"The Three Little Mnlds" played lo fair business. This week, Annie Russell, lit '•Slice nnd .Men." .Marie Tempest, lu "The Slnrrlnge of Kitty," next. CiU.t:'.MlilA TniiATltt: (LnckcH A Dwyer. mnnnsers).—Denmnn Thompson, In "Th« <)ld lloniestead," fared passably well Just week. Tills week. Francis Wilson, in "Kr* mlllle" ••'i'he Red Fealher" next. LArAVr.tTi: OfKitA Hniisii (Ira J. \ji Slotte. mnnageri.--l.iiHt xveek "f.'uder .Southern Skies." lo fair slxed honsea. Thi« week, K el I tic. "tliisler llrowu" next. ('HASH'S Tiiuatwh (Silas II. Wltinlfrfil fie Wltl, malinger), —Last week ml excellent bill was well revolved. This week, Lit Belle Sell- tit's live performing linns, Charles Dickson. Dun Sherman nnd Mo del |)« Forres), Ford ami Wilson. Prello's talking dogs, Ada Ar- tuildson. Gert moo Hoffman, ami Etta i'lertie, and the vlmgrajih. Ac.uniMv of Mi:sio (J. W. Lyons, mann- ger).--Uist week "Tho Volunteer Orgaulsr" played, to quite good business, und gave ex- cellent satisfaction. This week, "Aciiihh the Pacllle." "McFadden's Itoxv of Flats" nexr. i-iMi'ini: Tiikatiik (II W. Buckley, ninna geri.--l.usl week "A Hidden Crlnio" bronghr out the full rlleniel. This week, "Wealth mill Poverty." "On Iho Stroke of Twelve" next. . Lvc::i'M.TmiATi:i! (Ihutcuo Kornnn, laann- ger).—Lust week Fred Irwin's Big Show ■undo giHsl, us usual, and wan well pntrou- Ued. This week, Uenla-tkUltlrH/. The ilohe- minus next. *)«» l.lll ISIAVA. Slew Orleiins.--At Ihe 'I'libine Tbentl'o (W; II. .Bowles, malinger). --liiuld War- liolil. "The Auctlotioef," proved n strong drawing Vard at this house week of Jan. ,'i. The company Riipporllng Mr. SViirlleld Is one or tho best seen here this season and won well merited applause for Hulenilld work. The bill for week of 11) Is Will. II. Crane. la "The Spenders." CKi:sri:xr TllKATM ilV. II. Howies, man- ager).—"David Unriiui" openeil :|, In a packet house, and big business ruled throughout. Die week. Wm. II. Turner, In Ihe tltb. role, gnvn an excellent pel forinonce. The re- mainder of Ihe compniiy worn fully up In all the reipilremi-nts. ' Tho bill for week of 10 Is "A Hot Old Time." GlIA.Mi Itl'RKA lliil'Si: (lly. (Ireenwall, mamtger).—The Bablwln-Slelvllie Htock-t'o, wos seen week of .'I In a production of "In tlie 1'aliiee of Ihe King," lu which the vari- ous members of (he rourpnny did good work. Tho offering for week of to I* "Sergeant James." Ki.vsjttiM TiiRATitn (W. SVllson, inntiageri, —'"I'ho (.'oiinterfelters" wns the bill offered week uf .'!. and ilnw imfflrnoe crowds. For wivk It) "JiihI Before Dawn" will M given. Nkwthmii TWH.vtIii: (II. ('. Foitrtoti. mnti- ilger).—-This popular prb-e house eiijoyed u good week's )>iiNilm-,s .'! II, whoa Ihe lloldeu Slock Co. presented "A Barrel of .Money." to itppriiclntlvc audiences, anil pleased 'llm Work of Mnliel 'J'rilllelle, Hie daubing III l In soubrelte. formerly of the Rlysliim Co., ns lloxiiiinii Gnri'lsoii, was ii fen I are, nnd won her lunch welt deserved itppliiuse. She will |ux>v« a valuable acquisition to Manager Four Ion's company. I'elu Sojmwur also siiirett benvlly ns Si llnzlelt. Alice Tmil Hunt, n luvorlle with the Cri-s^enl i:||j- pntrolis, will Join forces with the ciuopanv week of Jan. 111. when the bill will bn "Snpho." FliR.x'i'll (li'iui.v lliil'Mil (F. Charley, mint- age r I. -Good business prevailed nt this hiillSO week of :i. when "Cnndrlllloli." ".Mlgnun" and "1^ fontroleur ilea Wagon-lits" were tlm iilVerlngs, A change of bill Is promised week of 10. 8t. f'liAiii.iisi OTit'iiF.tut O'lins. E. llrnfly, manager).- -A splendid bill was offered nt Mils house week of 4, unit big .business ruled nil ihe week. The splendid work of'Anglo Norton, Agip-s Main-, "'I'lie Two Hoses," J. i\ Nugent nml cuiiipiiiiy, Johtisionn Bennett, Itapoli, Joseph New-uian, und lie- Forlltiin llros. won them ninny encores, The latter team presents one of Ihe liest cnineily bar nets even area In this city. Tho bill for week ftf II Includes: 'i'he Hays. I lines nml Rem lug- ton Lew Wells, Christian'!! monkeys, llul Godfrey and company. Hidden ami Florence, NirrKs.—'I'he breaking of tba ground for the creenwall Theatre, nt: the corner of Diiiiplilue ami Iberville HI reels, was celc- lu'iitetl at nildnlghl, Hoc. .'II. Aftnr grnuuit bail been broken ihe guests, with Iho entire fluldwln Melville Hliiek Co. and the promi- nent city olllclnls, return, d In the Grand Opera House, where an elegimt. haniptot was served oil Ilia singe. Hongs, roollallotis, toasts, etc.. held sway until the wen hours of New Year's morning. Mutineer Grcenwitll was the recipient of u lieniiilful loving cup, while Manager Baldwin feielyeil a liilmlsoinn silver tilling pitcher truy. The new liousit Is lo lm ready for the Bulilwlit-Mclvllle Slock Co. early lu September Tho Hnllliigs- worth Twins left, hero 7, with a carnival company, for Summit, Miss The local lodge of Elks entertained with u Indies* social o, when many of tho visiting orofns- sloniils contrllniteil clever specialties. NEW HA Ml-SHI HE. THMneheater.—At tlio Gtiern Hmtse (E. W. Hiirrlugioii. niunngeri..—Andrew Stuck, In "I'he Hold Sofer Boy," had il largo aiullency JAN. 4. Cm-He I'nvlmi Stuck Co. 11-1(1. 1'AkK TiiKATtit: (John Htlles, rtHMflm,— The in,llim Maiden HiirleSijui'rs, -1-ti, drew MMy well. "Hide Trucked," 7-0, towed. llolile'K Knickerbockers 11-HI. Casino Turnint: (Fred (.'. Howell, tnntin- gcr).—For week or 4 : Smith and Lesllo, Bob ;ind Anna cook, utul tliu six days' bleyclo raci'fli bended by Davis nod Gague. il. It. O. 4, nnd good bouses fid). .,., ., ^s.».* ■ - — "Wife Id Ninna Only," a drnmitlratlon, In four nuts, by Frank Knight, of Chariot to Sf. Ilrncnic's novel of tlm sumo ntiiiie, wns given for thu first time on any singe ut Iho Empire Theatre, Norlh Adams, Sloss., ou Her. 'JC last. ■ — 4»e>- ■■ * • ■VVAllIII.VtITOM. 'I'hrre-Dny Tour Vln I'cnnsfjvanln Ilnllr.iud. Ou Jim. 2H tho I'minnylvatila Rallrnml (.■ouipaiiy will run tins second personally- uinducted tour to Washington Tor tlio pres- ent season. This tour will cover a period of three days, affording ample Hun* to visit: all tlie principal points of Interest nt Iho national ciitillal, liicl tiding the t.'oiigreesloiinl Library and tlm Mew (.'oreoran Art (lallory. {totiud t.rl|> rate, covering railroad t.rtinsjsir- Ntloii' for the round trip, hotel nerommodu- tintis, and guides, *h..'.ii or f 12.01) from New y'oik, ti:t,(m or t H).r>ii from'i'rciiioii,andpro- finrllolmle rates from other points, accord- tig lo hotel selected. Utiles cover accommo- dations in. hotel for two days. Special aide trip to Miniiit Vernon. All tickets goiKl for ten days, with spfclnl hotel rates nftur explrntloti nt Iiolel coupon. For Rlnernrles and fall Information apply to ticket ugetus : tourist ai/ent, "«.'{ Flftfi Avenue, New York ; -I Court Street, Brooklyn, or uttrfm Geo. W. Boyd, genetfUiMiMmgec Ogout, JJi'otd Street Station, Phlladolpbla.