The New York Clipper (January 1904)

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JANUAKY 23. !,iuilt of a local cuarlty.. At Hnynes .ns In town 14, la tho Interest of the focal' ,., s( „ The Lorre Trio closed with tlio Howard Stock Co. hero 10, anil Tom Iilpicy iIumI tlie company for the season .mini; to » threatening Are In nn nd.lolulng \.\irU the audience was dismissed |>y Be*l- .i..nt 'Manager Unck, at the Casio, evening „,■ J- The Arc commissioners bin ex- amined nil our theatres recently, and found ,1,,-n, entirely safe for natrons and theatrical ...ininnlcs The plana for the enlarge- ment of I he Academy of Music nre completed, ( „.i rasing tho seating capacity of the honso i.. i/NK». With madern conveniences added i nill make one of the lending burlesque . nuscs In the East A feature of last ','uivfing of Lowell Lodge, 87, B. P. O. 11, at 'in- illuming of tho new lodge year, was ,!,/ presentation of two gold medals' to See. 'llionins K. Boucher and Tress. Joseph Htrfcs, In recognition of past service. The ..rescntntinns were mado by Exalted tinier James r. Lyons. ■ * ■ \ew Bedford.—At the New Bedford Tlie. sxrt (Wm. B. Cross, manager).—Kathcrlne. llobcr, Jan. 11-14 and 10, presenting ten niavs In a most delightful manner, to good patronage. The Coats-Ornndy Wntermolnn Trust was presented between the acts, nnd met with great favor. Herbert Kolcey and 131ie Shannon presented "Sherlock Holmes" 15, before a good rlzed audience. Wm. Faver- sliam and Hilda Spong, IS, presented "Lord and Lady Algy." "Girls Will Be Girls" 10. •■A Runaway Wife" 20, Koe Stock Co. 21-2:5, ••Whitewashing Julia" 20. SHEEDT'3 PtiRCHASB STREET TrtEATBI] (Theo. B. Baylies, manager).—Current week's bill: Imro Fox, Demonlo and Belle, Janies and Analc Allison, Rita Kedmond, Mildred Grover and her pickaninnies, Ho* faire, aerlallst; the Four Huntings, nnd the vitagrnph. Sueeov'3 Bijod TnnATRD (David B. Bnf- tington, manager).—This bouse, newly reno- vated nnd Improved In many respects, ngnln opened Its doors, with a resident stock com- pany, Jan. IS, and will present Ktandnrd dramas each week. The principal people en- gaged are: Left Bcfegs, Raymond Llndsev, Florence Hastings, Jenncttc Miller nnd Edith C'rolliis Gordon. A ladles' orehestra will furnish the music. "A Man of Mystery" will be the first play. Two performances' a ■lay Willi be given, and the prices will he 10 centA to all parts of the house at mati- nees, nnd 10, 20 and 25 cents at the evening lierformnnces. Floweks' Theatbe (John J. Shannon, manager).—The Warren Athletic Club, IS, presented an athletic exhibition. Note. —Oscar Allx, pianist nt Shcodv's Fall River Theatre, will not come to this elty with Manager Buffington, as wasreeenilv stated, but will retain his present position, at the Fall River bouse. ■ i Sprlncrlleld.—At the Court Square (W. C. Le Xoir, manager).—"His Last Dollar," one of the better class of melodramas, was presented Jan. 11. David Higgins nnd Grace At well were the two foremost member* of tlie company. Archie Boyd presented "Joshua Whltcomli" 1C, to fair returns. Mr. Boyd, as & pnrlrayer of rurnl characters, stands among the foremost in thin line. Lillian Sinnnit's work ns Tot wns commendable. Due: Boston Symphony Orchestra IS, Virginia I lamed 21. Stetson's "U. T. C." 2S, Rogers Brothers 27, Richard Mansfield 30. New Gilmokf. TiinATcn (J. F. Burke, man- ager).—The McGlll-Shlpman Co; did a good liuslucss nil last week, presenting "Tho Fatal Scnr" the first half, and "For Home and Honor" tho last. Tho company Is headed by- Gertrude Shlpmnn and Lawrence McGlll, two very versatile actors. The remainder ■ if the rnmpany gave nhle support to Its stars. Coming: "A Llttlo Outcast" 18-20, ■Her Marriage Vow" 21-23. Grand OrtKA Housn (Charles W. Fonda, manager).—Seldom does n burlesque com- pany give such universal satisfaction as did ihe World Boaters, 11-13. with J. J. Jeffries; crowds being turned away at nearly every performance. Jeffries' bout with Joe Ken- nedy carried the house by storm. Both bur- lesques were brim full of humor and the olio wns of a high order. Major Casper Nownk, Tom Waters' side partner, proved one of the best knockabouts in the business. The Cherry Blossoms Burlesqucrs 1S-20, Clark's Runaway Clrls Burlesqucrs 21-2::. Tiieatbe (Z. T. Damon, manager). —The bill of the season was put on Inst week, nnd consisted of Artie Hall, the l'.asque Quartet, the Dshers, Hnrper, Des- mond and Bnilcy, Harry Deaves, Delphi no and Delmnro, Browning Sisters, nnd Cuinlllo nnd La Jesse. Dainty Paree Burlesqucrs 18-23. Notes. —Grace Atwood hns assumed the leading female role In "His Last Dollnr." Miss Foster also Joined the company Misses Sanford, Radcllff nnd Bond are three new girls with Boble & Mack's World Beaters. THE ITEW YOEK pLIPPEB. : !—-—i-i -i—»■■ - -—■ . r. siZ ,r ,rr, - ■ 1143 Worcester.—At the Worcester Theatre • Felix R, Wendelscbaefer, manager).—Wll- llnra Favershnm, In "Lord and Lady Algy. Jan. 20. Last week the local Post 10, C. A. K., gave its annual production, "The Drum- mer Bov," under direction of A. Frank Noll, resulting In §700 for their treasury. Rogers Brothers 2r«. Feankum SQDAtiB Thkatbb (Shea & Co., maragers).—"The Child Slaves of New York week of 18. Last week "Snperba." to ex- cellent patronage. Coming: "After Mid- night." I-amc Tkkatbb (Shea k Wilton, mana- gers).—Week of 18 the Bon Ton Vaudeville and Comedy Co., presenting "In Sunny Spain," "A Cortnln Party" and Dorothy Drew, Hughes and Hazelton, Williams and Aleene, the Musical Johnsons, and the Em- pire City Quartette. Last week Mary Hampton and her co. proved a drawing cam. Palace Museum (J. F. McManus mann- ger).—Madame Yucca will be the chief at- traction In the mnsenm. followed by rrof. Lee, "The Wonder Worker." In the thea- tre: Clifton and Hayes, May Russell, Tally Ho Duo, Miles and May, and Lees marion- ettes will be seen. Business far above par. Casino TunA-ntE (Davy & Leslie, man- agers).—Week of 18: The Walshes, Annie l'erry, the Donovnns, Ben Walters, nnd tho Welches. Since the Ore of two weeks ago this house hns changed Its location to a place nearly opposite Its former quarters, nnd busluess continues excellent. Notes. —Tony Hart stopped In Worcester 10 on his way to New York..... .Wm. ffc Cnllahan, who has been with "Looping the Loop" Co., as Mr. Wilton's business repre- sentative, has returned to this city for a short rest, after which he contemplates Marling out again In the same capacity. * Fnll nIvor At the Academy of Music (Wm. J. Wiley, manager).—The Cbamplln Stock Co., Jan. 11-16, to fair returns, nn gave satisfaction. Specialties by Mason nil Fronds, Johnny Gutso and the Ryan Broth- ers were well received. Herbert Kcleey nnd Klllc Shannon, In "Sherlock Holmes, 14, were well received. Bennctt-Mou ton Co. 18-23. M. C. A. course 25, French drama (local) 20, Fay Davis, In "Whitewashing Jnlln," 28 : "Human Hearts" 20, 30. Bijou Theatre (Henry Meyer, manager). —"Her First Fniso Step" played, to good business. 11-13, and gave satisfaction, 'Ilia James Boys In Missouri," 14-16, hod a profit- able engagement. Booked: "lor His Broth; er's Crime" -18-20, "Escnped from Sing Sing 21-23. "To Be Burled Alive" 28-80. Casto Tiieatbe (Al. Haines, manager).— Business last week with Robert Henry Hodge nnd Co. topping a good bill, waa up to n good average, looked 18 and week: Mnry Hampton snd Co., Female Drummers Quur- let, Bijou Bustell, James ana Bonnie Foficy, Musical Tbor, l:uriib.-iui and McNeil, the Mnrco Twins, and Fred A. Point ~J?!?!PZ2, (, '!" :ATI,n <-»-• 'J-'- oBrlcu, i.miia- E2C22 0 *Wfi2 , *.SB- 1 J - 0,,rt Inwliwsa ruled fc? S2%J£& '-. IS : ""."nan and Kraiis- 55. ^?. Y Jfft tr J — '■'."ll"'. Allan Cognn. I'll- can and Merrlam. Aim.- Alien. the Hindoo Wonder \\ n rk.-rs and the k lnetosc.-pc Lynn.—Lynn Theatre (Frank 0. Harri- son, mnnag-r;. —The Fenberg stock "o played, to big bn-ln.-ss. Jan. 11. 12. 'n,o Lyra Orllorlo Scieiy presented "Klllah" 13. ! ' n iT. ,l, °, , ! 0 . us "' ni,<l Andrew Mack was ~>en 8i 'a,S° m , ,s . 0,r " r ."">'•" b - v n lacked house. 14. Al. Mnrtln s • luele Tom's Ciihln"plaved. in _the i honsi' capacity, ir,, Jfi. j Iup . | )nt Corse I'ayton — J. lS-i Karmll i 'omedy t t'ornedy Co. 2.->:;il lin.u Tiii:\ti:i: ic. \\'. Sbeafo. manager). —Business big. Thi.i week: Adams'and Kama, Ben-.m and Franceetn, Ja.k ami i.nllrhi Cannon. Harry Burin, Harry \ I'roB-n, nnd the hlo<rope. THmtlll (Hnrry F. Reed, mana- ger).—Knglind - * moving plenires were ihe iiitrnctlonH ll-i:;. This Met: •■rnole Tom'n ]i abln' is. "A Runaway Wife" 21, "Mwrkwk Holmes' 22. MlTlI.lMO H.U.T.. Salem (.Tames R, M.vire. rantmgar).—.The house continues in rrtceivn good pntronnge. This week 'i'om Nawn and company are pre-wntlng "Pat and the Oenli." and "Senator" Frank Bell, the constable In "'\lny I>uvn F^st." Is also on the bill. Nprrs.—Mord J'elmo. who »-n« seen In this city last week, states thnr he Is pre- paring several new feature acts for next reason Sam Coen. expansionist, who is wintering In Lynn, after closing engage- ments In Boston nnd Philadelphia, will start with ono of the big circuses the coming Spring Capt. Webb nnd his educated seals nnd sen lions nre honked to appear In this city at an early date. ■ I, hit retire—At the Opera House (C.rnnt & Cahn, managers).—The Howard Stock Co. played, to gnn<| business, Jan. 11-13.' "Fneln Tom's Cabin" enme, n> a fair, 14. In- cluding ranllnee. Andrew Mack, Ip "Tho Bold tf.igcr Boy," pleased a large nudlenee IB. The Indoor. Circus lfi, 17. Booked: "Win- chester" IS, "Human Hearts" 20, "Sherlock Holmes" 21. "The Runaway Wife" 22, "Girls Will be fiirls" a casto Theatrb (Al. Hnynes, manager).— Business for Ihe past week was very good. Week of 18: Robert Henry Hodge Co., Nesser nnd Nesser. Baker and Lynn. McDevltt nnd Kelly, Gllroy, Hnynes and Montgomery, Al- fred M. Byron, Francis Ctirrnu, Prentice Trio, Casivo TrmiTBR (W. L. Oallnglier).—Busi- ness is good. Week of 18: The Beanos, Harry Burns, lirnen Ixigan. Fowler and West, Hose Dnrran, Mackey nnd Marline. Burlesque en- titled "Hotel De Hum." IMHAV*. 1 uillnnn p.ilU— \t KngiMi's Opera Honsa (AM. K. Miller. umiiMgeri.- •"Flor.i.leiii." maiIn. c and ulgkr. Jpn. !>, pleasinl good sixed Dwllencen. Mrs. Le»ll.' Carter. In "Dn Harry," H-lil. ill.l splendidly. "A .Inpsnese Mahihutnle" )R. i!>, Uoward Kyle, In "Bna*. niary," j:t. I'aiik Tnr«TRi: (Dickson & TnllKitt, tnnn- aeerai,—"Ihe J'rlde of Jcnnleo,'" 7-0. t" very big business. "The Hovernor's Hon," 11-13, was lili-rnliy applauded bv large mull- en<'es. "The Man Who Dnreil" 11-10. "Shore Acres" is-2i», "Happy lloollcnn" «j. 2.'i. "From Rags to Riches 2-"i-27, "Tho Res. perate Lord Harrington" SMM iJniNn Opm\ Housr (Sbsfer Zlegler, innnnger).— RIccoIkiuo'h horsoM werii the ftal lire of. the bin vaudeville bill week of II. which drew very big business. Fur week of IS. the Ureal Lafayette Show. I'moit. TltRATUi I Ralph Thorhns. mnnn- ger).—i;raee Morrison illled a reiuru en- gncement week nt 11 nnd scored her former sin-ess. Willie and Ijirkins, and the lntly-t hIno w»>nt big. For wivk of Ik: Willis and l.nrklns, C.rnce Morrison. Addison and Liv- ingston. Business still holds very big. i'urine Tuiuinr n'lms. /Imtnermnu,man- ager).— Iilcti Rollers Fxlrtvagnnzn Co. did fairly well week of 11. Rice nnd Ilnrton'x Fig Onlfly week or IS, and Ftoplan* for week of 2i>. -■ NoTr.—W. Ii. Buckley, press agent of the Grand Opera House, went to St. IjOUIs 14. on invitation of the hoard of managers of the World's Fair, to confer with them about special inurement features for the Imposi- tion. ifoiyoko.—At the Opera House (B. L I'otter, manager)—Hadley's moving pictures came Jan. K !•. to fair business. Clara Turner and Co., In repertory, plnyeil. to good business, week of 11. Booked: Stetson's "lincln Tom's Cabin'" 2B. Kuj'im: Tiikaiix (T. P. Murray, mana- ger).—"Tho Sign of the Four," 7-9, and •The Jnmes Boys In Mlssonrl." 11-13, ployed to satisfactory business. Bonked: "Human Hearts" i-i-iti, "The Giant's Causeway" 1K- 20, "To Be Bnrled Alive" 21-23, "Midnight in Chinatown" 23-27. Star TncinE (C. n. Herbert, manager i, —Business for week of 11 was excellent. The bill for week of IS. '•Zepheryettc/' lire dancer, Inte. of Curtice Comedy Co.; Burgo Brothers, clnb jugglers; Marie Nelson, son- brette, singing and dancing; Nellie Hnynes, chnrncter chaiige; HoITmnu and Prow, Her- man comedians; Addle Herbert, illustrated *ongs; afterpiece, "A Country Courthouse." » i \nrth Adams,—At the Empire Theatre (James Sullivan, manager). — The Klnrk- llrbnn Co. Jan. 18-2.1. The opening bill will be "The Web of Fate." The specialties Include: Klnrk and Urban, Frank Urban, Pauline Hammond, Walter Annln, Dyens and Dvons, moving pictures and Illustrated songs. Richmond Tkfathh (W. P. Meade, man- npor).—The largest house of the season ..'reeied "A Chinese Honeymoon" IB. Tho Fred Wright Co. 21-23. Tho company will present standard pla ys, with spe cialties. Tannton.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cahn k Cross, mnnagers).—Stetson's "U. T. C." bad its usual big business Jnn. 12. "Sher- lock Holmes" cnnie 10. Cbamplln Stock Co. comes week of IS, with the exception of 22. which Is filled in hy,'Qlrls Will bo Girls." ■»«» * CALIFORNIA. F.vansvllle.—The Grand Opera Douse (Fedley k Bnrch. managers).—Javk Hoefller'rf Sloek Co. gave a clever repertory of shows week of Jan. 4. nnd presented clever spe- cially people. Big business ruled. The V. If. C A. star course Illled the house 12. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" called out two good niidlem-es 13. Clay Clements. In "The Old Dominion." HI: "Sis HopkliiH" IS, Howard Kyle Hi. Ihe Four Cohans 20. High School 21. 22, "Ben llur" 23. AnffUrU THitATnc (Pedley *i Btirrh. man- agers).—This lioii.-r- 0|ien<Hl wllh vaudeville, at. two performaii'-es. 4. nnd conllmted until P. "Tlie Prince of 1'llscu" broke till records of this house. For Ihe first time In Ihe his- tory of the then I re advanced prices were charged, and standing room wns sold early In the evening. "Tho Oninbler's Daughter" came 11. "Ilouesl Coon In Hivle" 14. "Ten Nights in a liar Ilnom" Itt. "Just Struck Town" 21. Vim Dyke k Knlon Co. 25, "Bunch of Keys" 31. Ntivcs.- The Grand nnd People s Theatres wore inspected by ihe lm-nl oiilhorllles re- cenlly. to aseertHln ihe exact sllunllon of lire escapes and exits, nnd everything was found In excellent order The Temple Theaire, of Oneuslwiro, continues lo havo big audiences, nml offers excellent nllrnc- tiini- - . » i Terre Hiinte.—At: the linunl Opera House (T. W. Bnthvilt, manager).—"The Prince or Pliant" enme Jan. 13. 11. lo capacity. "Peck's Bail llov" 13, Mi I" S. R. <i. Brooke - * Hand, 17, to two good houses. "The Burgo- master," IS, to a crowded house. "All Halm," 10, to good business. OupiiKtru TilKATnn (Geo. H Clark, mann- gorl.—The vnndevllle nnd bnrles.|iio bill for week of IS Inolndea: Slnrtlii and Crouch, Harris Sisters, Adeline nnd Rublier. Lulu Howard, Dot Morgan, and Clark and Tenny. Tlie show Is drawing big bouses. NoTr.—Arrangements arc being made to erect a 824.000 opera house :it Linton, Ind. .\ Terre Haute architect |* drawing the plans, and W. G. Giimni, of indlnnnpolls. Is backing the enterprise.. Anderson Grand Opera House (J, B. Dickson, manager).—"When Johnnie Comes Marching Home" did big business Jan. 0. "Peck's Bad Hoy," to good business, 0, Shlp- tima Brothers' "As You I.Ike II," (o fair busi- ness, 14. Coming: "Midnight Rxprem"' H). "The Prince of I'llsen" 20, "Her Only Slu 21, Martin's "11. T. C." 23, "1'oxy Grandpa' 20. "All Baba" 3ii. Xorr-s. — "Woman Against Woman Co. closed here. 7. Manager C. S. Sulllvnn n-- turned the company to New York........ .1. T. French, formerly with Walter L. Mnlu, wns married a few days ago nnd will engage In other lilies. a« » LOUISIANA. I,»a Aiigreles.—Mnson Opera House (H. C Wyatt, manager).—Mrs. l.imgrry, In "Mrs. Deerfog's Divorce," packed the house Jan. 7, 8. aad Adellna Pnttl, for one concert, evening of !), at adrnnced prices, nearly Idled the house, the receipts for tlie perform- ance being published ns amounting to 59,200. Coming: "The Girl With the Ureen Eyes' 11-13 "Hnppv Hooligan" 14-10. Monoscos 'BiiiiuANK TifBATltB (Oliver Mo- <iu«».io Nel.-on and Ldlie West Symmids did rosco manager).—Jnmes Nelll and tho Nclll good work, and won appreciation, llttverly s Company began a long engagement 10, In .Minstrels 17-23. »A Bachelor's Romance." Good business In GnAKb On:nA Housn (Hy. Grecnwnll, innn- nssnred ns the company Is very popular ngori.—"Sergeant Jemes," as presented by New Orleans-—At Ihe Tuhiiie Thestre (W. ILRowles, manager).—Wtlllmii II. Crane presented "The Spenders" week of Juu. 10, lo large audiences, and won much well inorlt- nl npplnuse. Others deserving of special men. lion for clever work were: Percy Brooke, Geo. S. Spencer, John Flood, Clins, Crawford, Lucille Flnven, Annie Cnverly anil I.lila Mc Mlllan. Hlanche Walsh 17-23. cui-siT.NT TitK.vrnn (W. II. Bowles, man- ager. i—"A Hot Old Time" opened week of 10, to full house, end good business prevailed throughout the engagement, llddle Weston, John Mc.Mnhon, Wm. Sellery, Lcnlc Allen. here GR.IXD OrrnA Housn (Clarence Drown, mnnager).—"One Night in June" with Grace Turner in leads, proved a good drawing card week ending 0. W. B. Pntton. la "Tho Minister's "Son," 10 nnd week. Underlined, ''The Head Walters." Business at this hmise wss affected to some extent daring week 3 the Baldwln-Melvllle Stock Co., week of Hi. opened lo S. It. 0., nr.d big business ruled all week. Lester Lonergan, Tom Fiudly, Gurlo Socnla, W. J. Demlog, John Dw/er, Mabel Montgomery, Suianne Saut»-, and charming little Florn I'arker scored, heavily. "Davy Crockett" 17-23. Elysium Theathb (W. Wilson, manager). 'ng for the principals of 'the company did good work nnd gained applause. "Michael Strogolt" 17-23. FftENCit OrnaA Housr. (F. Charley, mana- ger).—Large audiences attended wwk of 10 and applauded the Frnuch Opera Co. for their good work. The offerings were: "Cnr- 0 bv newspaper stories to the effect that It —-Just Before Dawn" wns the offerli _ 'was[deficient In the matter of exits, the effect week of 10 and drew large houses all week being an unwarranted scare. _ , Nlgnt of 10 Herbert Rranon was taken sud- Wu deck's CAStso TttBATBB (J. E. Wfll- deniy HI and was unable to continue. His deck manager).—"Fiddle Deo Dec" drew n neB were read by Manager Wilson^ Kach of well week ending 9, nnd Is continued another Oni'JiEUit (Clarence Drown, manager).— The Orphenm Road Show hns Its second week, 1117, augmented by Krnest Uogan and Mat- BIioABWAr IIIFATEB (A. J. Morgenstern, iuauagcr).--Blll for 10 aad week continues ''"tNiQi-n Theatbd (Hentz * Zalle, man- nmi.- Features 11 and week: Kenlth l.a Fond, Hoiibretto; George FnrnUnin, musl oal act: K " nnd O'Brien, bouk ami uaucr, '"'■■""•--"i rlam Marr. vocalist, nnd the bioscope. Good hU \w!s.~Tbc Iroquois Theatre disaster, in 'Chicago, resulted In a general movement looking to safeguards from Arcs In theatres nt Ixis Angeles nhd surrounding towns. As n rule, playhouses were found well prp- tecled In some coses, ns ror instance, tno nlnvhouse nt Santa Ann, C'aL. thn owners re reports ns slating that f they were mitilretl to comply literally with the ordi- nances It would Involve such nn outlay that o MV nnd Deltnu, "" . - - . i a.- „t.... 111., hnnau A nil -»t ,. \t ^<. io^ta'.' lies MUMMe— At Foster's Opetn liolie» tWm. Poster, mansgerj.—ds'Wls Morrllon Presented "Fausl," (o a fair slzeil audlruee. Jan. 0. Clias. II. linnfni-d. In "Tbi| Merchant of Veulce." came, to n small luiuae, 7, "The Sultan or.Ralu" IS. "Blgln HcIIh" 21, Lulu ('.laser, In "Dolly Vnrden. 23. Uhami OrKR.v 11.. "se i Win. Foster, mnn- nger).—-"At Valley fVirtfe" drew good houses 7-9. "Uodw Two Flags," with Jane Ken- nark, crowded bouses U-13. '1^*. Sinntjl Set i i-ld, "orcr Niagara Falls" UKSO, "I'he Two Sisters" 21.2.X AuniToaii'vt (Wm. Foster, mannger).— "Ben llnr" ll-lil. The advauce sale Indicated rinward houses. Mint:.>ii TmtATiu: (J. S. Connolly, mnna- ger).—"Why Women Sin," 11-13, opened lo good IhisIiiuss, » . ' tVilnr Hnplila.- At Greene's Opera House (.Will S. Collier, mniiagi'r).—"Arl- rona" had a fair house .Inn. d, mid pleased. Ucn. Sidney. In 'Busy Ikt," had n gixsl company, nnd gave sailsfactlon. "When UOilbi'il r.miei to Town" S. Charles II. llin- (ord, Marie Hroftiah and an excellent com. p-inv ailinlrablv present. ~\ "Thn Merrlinnt of Venice" anil "Itlebnrd III" 0, mntliieo and night. Coming: "Thn Yankee loiisul" 14. John Drew 10. "I'nder Two Flags" Id. tight Bells" js. "Th" Sullan of Sulu" 20, (he I.lllpmliins 23. the Flints 26-30. XoTf.s.-—Shlpp's Indoor Circus will mnUo Its nnnunl visit hcn> 23-3l>. in the Audi lorluin Maude l.oone iDcunlsi secured it divorce from C. Wlllard Mack (McLaiiKh- lini Jan. il, IlKH, In the District Court of iIlls—'1.Inn Cioiuiy Aerie No. Mil, F. >>. Fogies, Installed tin-;.- officers 12: Geo. Kern, president; F. II. Young, vlen piesl* dent; F. I. Itussell, rliuplalu; A. O. Ben. neit. secretary: T. W. Johnson, trensnrer; V., W. Sunok, eonilurtor; Jos. Snook. I. G.; ti. O. Joliuson, O. G.; F. G. Brink. A. .1. McFweii, J. F. Johnson, I rnstpes; W. S. King, physician. This nerlo was orgnulzrd .lime, 1001. nud hns 103 members Mason Peters, advance manager for "Tho Yankee t'unsul," wns here 7 J. Sheldon Lnndon. ahead of John Drew, was In town 7 illnrvev liny. Id advanen of "Under Two Kings," was here S jl. J, By me, mannirer, nnd M. K. Cain, ngotil. for "l.'lglit lUdls," were In town 11. I Dubuque.-Grand Opera House (Win. T. tloelil. iiitinnger).-—"Arizona" pIiiismI a gooil house Jim. 7. Ueo. Sidney. In "Busy !*zy," enane, to large business, uml gave ■ line per- formances. Hi "Mr. Jolly, of Juliet," lind n fair Iioii-ji- n. C. I). Hnufonl, Kiipisirleil by Miss Drofnah and it strong company, gave* "Klclitird HI" II. Bookings: Four Cnbiius, to a large iidvniiee Male. 13: (he Films, hyp- notists, 14-HI: "The Snltun of Sulu" 22. North Bros." Comedy Co., la repertory, nt popular prices, 2o-3i). NOTM.—Mr. Smith, manager or the Grent Northern Theatre. Chicago, was In town s. on business "Mr. WUhnin, iniliinger.ot "Mr. Jollv, of Jollot," whs taken III hero Siindnv, Hi. mid was removed lo Fliilay llospll'nl. lie Is finite III with piieiiiiiuula, bin Is In gocwl imnils. i I Fort Dndace.—At Ihe Midland Theatre, I A. II. Ileall, mnnager).—Harry llen'sford. in "The I'lofe-tsor's MM Story." pleased Jan. 7. Ceo. Sidney. In "Busy litay," de- I nib led a big house ll. Kit-hard (ini-vle, III "Mr. Jolly, of Jollei," did fntr business '.: tin the Way; Llllpuuitns 27, "Over Nlngnru Fulls" SB. (.'i.irraas.— Cad Smith has been nppolnled resident ninmiger of the Ml.Hand, mid C. la," II»iis—, of wloiix City, tn'asiirer. • . On venpurl.—At the Burt is Opera HfttiHe (Irti-eclIon ChnmlHTlln. Kindt & Co.I—"At Valley Forgo" Jnn- i. "Vork State Folks" 0. Hraoke's Hand did a good business 7. "Not Guilty" S. "Arizona," matinee and night, ll, did a good business. "Mr. Jolly, of Jolbi" 10. "The Bllllolialross" 11, the Four Cohans 12, "Ole. Olson" J3, "The Itond lo 'Frisco" 14, John Grlllllh. In "Mnrlieth," 13; "Klghl Hells" 17, tho Flints 18-211, Virginia Drew Tresrott 21, "Too Mich to Marry" 23, Barlow's Minstrels 21, William Owen 20. "A Him on the Hunk" 20, "Ueurts of Oak" 30. HnrlliiKlon.—Grand Opera nnuro(Cbiim- tierlln, Harrington ft Co., managers),—"Tho Hllllnunliess"jibiyiHl. Jan. II. to it fdjr house. Mart Iii'h "D. T. I ." «. "When Kouhon Couu>4 1« Town" did good bnslnesa ». "Arlxoiin" drow well 12. "Mr. Jolly, of Jollcl" 14.. "Yankee Consul," 13, sold out ontlrq housn In an hour nud "More Than Queen low's Minstrels 2 . "TheFrlncoof IMIboii" 20, "The Cavalier" 30. Keokuk.—At the Keokuk Opera Housn (Kd. Jiiegcr Jr.. manager).—"Vork Slnle Folks" pleased a fair honso Jan. H. Mnrtln's "I:. T. C." Co. drew n'good and satisfied nu- dlenee 14. "Arlnonu" 13, "Mr. Jolly, of Jollct." Ill: "The Two Bisters" 10, "DvvII'k J.nnr" 21, Barlow'H MloslrvU 20. it. Mndlsoi... At the Rblnger Grand (Chns. II. Salisbury, mtuager).—"Shore Acres," Jan. ft, drew a fair sized house. ".Macbeth" 7. "When Iteuben ':«mes to Town" pleased a large audience. 11. "Undo Tom's Cabin" 13, "Arizona" 14. lovt-n illy.—At the Opera House (John N. Cildre.ii, manager).-s-lxiuls Morrison gave "Fausl." lo a good sized bouse, Jnn. 0. and Cleased. "Mr. Jolly, of Jollei," 11, had fair iislncas. Due: John Griffith 14, ''The Oirl nnd tho Judge" 18, "Tlie Itoad to 'Frlnco" 23, "The Two Slstsrs" 25. ♦ «» ortKGOV. good .. men," "Cavallerla lliisllcnnn" nud "La Tra- vlato." ._ _ _ Tim Nkwcomii in. C. Fourton, mann- ffl . r i.—"Kapha," week of 10, wllh Alice Treat Hunt, nnd big business predominated all al act: Kelly nnd Annette, comedy; Verne „ fP ^ Miss Hunt scored nenvlly nnd will len. song and .dance j Alvlnos,^MI; prove a strong drawing card. "Last Lyase 'sT.CriARLEfi* (C. EJ. Bray, mnn- ncor).— a strong bill week of 11, nnd good business was tlio result. Those scoring heavily were: John nnd Emma Hay, nines and Remington. Len- Welles, Holdpn nud. Florence, Hal Godfrey nnd.Co., Cordua and Mnuii, and Christiana's monkeys. The bill week of IK Included: Bedding mid Co., Bon- ner, Les Sllvns, llobertus and Wllfredo, World snd Kingston, Irene Franklin, nnd it" would" forco "them to closo tho house, nnd change it for mercantile uses. San Dle«n.—At the IsIs Theatre (H. C. Wvntt, mnnngerl.—"Old Jed l'ronty" Pl«/J»«l Jnn. 4. Mrs. I.ungtry. la ' Mrs. Deerlna.« Divorce." to capacity hou»e. 0. "Tte Mld- nlelit Fxpress 11. "The Eternal City'20, "David Harnrn" 21. Ward and Jnmes 23. *»*> What's the Odilsf tc the title of on entertaining book contain- ing "Fnnnv. True and. Clean Stories of the T.trf" Bv Joe Flldinn. This will Inter- est and amuse all admirers of the «porl or racing It can be ohtaiued at Boom '■', New 1'ork Theatre Building. Notes. —Mrs. Parker, the mother of Florn Parker, the popular soubrntto of thn llnld- wlu-Melvllle Stock Co., has been seriously III, but Is now convalescing -'Mm Cor- coran, the gettlnl superliileiideut of ihe Or- pfvuni, has relumed home from a must Tub Mazb (A. Shnplro, maung«r).—Week «fii: Gertrnde stovrna; Jennie itnjrey, Hat- lie Wnrd, liorlta Cordcro. Girlie Thomiisoii, I.', A, M.-Clnre, John Mwrrlsoq, 4'ora ltlcli- inoud, Tsiuih npd l.nko, Ciiufc A. McClute'S Orchelitrs. . . _,_ NKW VOHif STATlj. ■ II | ■ ■■ ■ Albany—Ar ihe*Umpire Ttiealts (ri. It. "taei-bs, mnnager.).—Nell IlurKcss, In "Tho Fair," Jnn. U-13, Jruw very goo<l houses. K II. Sothorn, la "TJio Proud ijrli.e." IS; Al. G. Field's Minstrels 20, "|{ Women Were Moll" 21 -23, ami llobt. B. Si all- ien 2fl. .10. I Mi: MiNi's RUKCKtai lUtr. (II. R. Jacobs, niiiniiger).--"ller Marriage Vow." 11.13. nnd "IK'serted at tho Altnr." 11-10. bolh iilcawd •urge niidliiuvs. The Albany Musical Asso cL'ition AHilwliiter Carnival IS, Kntn cinxlou In "The Two Orphnhr," 10. 20; "MMIsa" 2fe 27. "The Volunteer Organist" 28-,-W. I'kcktiiu'h TiiKATtiii illnwsrd Gr'nhnm, resldctil mannjrer).—A v«ry onterinlnliig vnndevllle bill dnrliur. the week of 11 In eluded: Fisher and Carroll, (he Pour Olts, S,v.lnev Grant. Wm. Friend nnd Tbnlr "lf«- grnne, In a sketch. "Mrs. Bruno's Burglnr;" John tielger. Marline and 1'aUlo.i spencer Kelly, nnd Hie knliitcchuoKcoiie. Fnlionnly liivge audiences wen* sis-n. Coming IS nnd week: Staler and lllrhcvk, Mlltou nud Dolly Nobles, Bush aud Goiiloo, lTo<>y and l.rc, Ln Belle Blanche, N»ru Bnycs, und the Trolley Ctlr Trio. Gaiety Tiiimtin (ll. B. Nlcholn, manti- gi-n.— r.irlslaii Whl.nva. 11-1.1. andthcHiituly I'nren Iturlesqiicrs, 14-HI, both attracted good sUed audlem-ea. Guy Morning illorles llur- lesipieia 18-20. in, soni out ontiro iioiiwi a half from <>|ieuliig wilo. en" 10, Ijilu Gluser 2.1. Ilnr- 27. "Hearts of Onk 1 ' 28, rortlnnd.—At the Maruunrn Grand (Cal- vin Ileillg, mftnngor).—" "Way Down Fust" dkl very lair busiiiess week of.Jan. 4. Flor- ence lloberts week of 11, opening In "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson," Coming: "Aro Y'ou ti MfisotiV" 18, 10, Mario Walnwrlght 20, "A.Chinese Honeymoon" 21-23. ColibhAt's TuiiATltB (Cordrny A Itussell, managers).—Tho Jessie Shirley Co, lieuan tint second week of Its engagement 10, 'With "Hip Vau Winkle," to two record houses. "The Deacon's Daughter" 13. Tho same company did good business week of 3 wllh "The Mort- em Magdalen." Mario Ilealb comes 17, In "For Her Suae/* and "Lost Blver" 24. Hakbu's Thbathm (George L. Baker, man- ager).—The Baker Theatre Stock Co. pre- sented "At the White llorso Tavern" 10. ■The Moth ami tho Flame" 17. Tlw company did very good business weak of 8, with "She Ironmnstor/' ._••.„. Biii'inu Tiiiiarnn (George T.. Bakor, mana- enrl Is dark. Anc.iPK Tihutrr (». Morton cohn, man- ager).— Business was excellent week .of 4. YVeek of II: Bailey's dog show, John Co- burn, Aurora, Aullii, Harry ltobzart, Jack Hyinuudi, American hloBcope. Fuitx'h New TliKATnn (William II. Brown, nianngcr).—Week of 11: Ocorglo Verdi, Maud Chirk, John Morrison,.. Henorlla Arhclltu, Gardner, YVest arid Hiinshlno, Dnhna Hells Christy, Malvern Bros., Frank Montrose, Hose Depew, Kd. Dolnn, Cnxaroa, Hid Baxter, Hose llocbesler.—At Ihe Lyceum Theatre (M. i:. Wollf. manager.—"The Wlznrd of Ot" ciilnrtnlmsl three parked houses Jan. 12, l.t. I'.lhel ^l^lrrymo^l■, In "Cousin Kale," drew ■ capacity house 14. "Hod Feniber," wllh ilrnce Van Sluddlford playe.1. to large sItciI midlences. 13. H*. Ihnwenlmrli's Ori-hestm IS. Sviuphouy Orchestra, wllh Mine. Illve King, sololsl. Hi: "Three Mule Molds" 211, Viola Allen .21. H. II. Sothorn 22. 23. NATMNAf. TllCATIIU I Max llllrtlg. Illlllia- grr).—Joo Welch. In "The INsldler." (inl.l his third vlsll this year, and drew very large audiences, 11-13. "Holly Tolly." pre ociitcl bv n llrst rate coinpniiy. and welt put on. had Immense biisineSH 14 10. "When Women Irfive" IS-20, Nellie Mi-Henry, In "M'Hsh." 21-23. llAKiia TiiiiatRK (John A Boyle, mnnn- gerl.--Barney Gllmore, In "Kldnnp|H>d In .New Vork," lind erowibsl bouses 11-13, "The Vlllnge I'nrson," In 3no biiHlness, 11-10. "The llearl or Chlcngo" 18-'J<», '"Hie Ninety aud Nine" 21-23. Ciiok. oi'kba ltoi'sij (J. 11. Moorii. ninnu- ge».—One of Hie b)-sl vsildevllle hills- of Hie season niirncieii capacity houses ll-lil. BUI fur week of 18: Bussed Brothers, Kd- gar BIjIcv. Harlan and Hrosfca, Three Living* slons, Carson and Wlllnnl. Hossow Mldgels, Llttlo I'luirlle Hohsow, Felix and Harry, Sul- llvnn nnd I'nsqiiclliin. « ■ Troy.—I.veeuiu Tbciltro (It. It. Keller, manager).—"Deserted nt Ihe Altnt" did Mtn busluess! Jan. 11-13. "Her Marriage Vow" bad good houses 14-111. "The Vlllago Foul" h due IS 20, "Midnight In Clilnalini'n" 21- 23. GniHwot.n Oi'Eii.v lloitsi) (M. llels, nmii- ■Mri.— "llitmpiy Duiniily" drew well 11-13. "ThnaiKh h'lre nml Wnlet" did fnlrlv well 11-10. "If Women Were Men" Is bisikcd for 1S-20, "New Vork Hay by liny" 21 •-'-'.. IIa.nii'h Oi-KNA llonsi: (M. fli-la. nmnugor). — Glttiuilnl'a llornl Marino Hand hail n small house 11. Klhel lliirryniore, In "«!ohhIh Kate," 20. The Al. It, Flehl MlnstrelH 21. Miinii! HAi.ts—Mmc. Nonlii*. In wing tiv elliil, packed tho holme to overflowlug IL HoVAl. TilKATliu (W. II. Blllll, MUrtl. Dainty Puree Co, did good business 11-1.1. The I'arlslmi Widows drew well 14-111. Fnds nnd I'VjIUvh IK-20, Gay Morning Glorias 21* 28. i ■ i KliMlm.—.'',yn.inm Theatre (M. Hels, Itian- .igcri.- field's Minstrels i»layed, lo cnpgclly business. Jim. 12, giving «lie of Ihe besl burnt cork performances Hint liaa lieen. well In Flinlrn during I ho season. "Ilio Tender- lisil" I0-- Coining: "Olhullo" 18,.•;A-.llogg.d lloro" 21, Kniherlne Uldgewiiy Concert Coin- panv (V. M. C. A. star course) 22. IH'Ai.Tn TiiRATim (F. W. McConnell. man. new).—Arrivals for week of 11: The .VI- chIoh, (he He I'oiiliiH, Jonln Kurt, I'enrl Davis, nud May NcIIkoil 'l.'Uosn who closed I wo Kiiccessfiil weeks Hi nre; .IturkbArl and Berry, Mllburu Sisters, Jackson nud Dong, lass, Alien Dorothy, und U-w I'nlwer. H. U. O. Imslness rules here. _ W. C. Smith, of the Lyceum, passed a few day s In Allmiiy li'-sl week. HymeuHe.—At Wolllng Opera, House (John I- Kerr, mannger).—"The MimUI and lliu Maid," lo light business, Jan. «, 7. Henry Irving, to fair litisliiess, 8. "Wlznrd of oi.'Vto S. II. O.. 11. Grace Van Sludill fowl. In "The Ited Fenllter." 12. 13: "A Chinese Honeymoon" 14, Htbel Unrryinorc IB, Al. 0. I.'leld's Mlnslrols 111. "Three Little Maids" 10, K. II. Sothorn 21, Viola Allen 23. Bahtaiii.h TiiNA-riin (linrrv K. llitrtlg. manager).—"Teas of llio D'l/rbervlllcs." to nod business, 7-il. "Holly Tolly," to large business, 11*13. '"I'he Feddlnr" 1-1*10, "Wlmn YVonien lyive" 18-20. "M'llss" 21-21I. GtiAxn Oi'KnA IIouhh (Chns. II, riiinv mer, mannger).—"Through Fire and Water" 7 U, "The Village I'lirson" 11-13, Barni"/ Gilmoru 14-10. "Ninety und Nlnn" 1K,"0, "Heart of Mnrvlnnd". 21-28, Kate Clsllou 2r>*27, "Along the Kennebec".28*30. ■ « » ■ i ■' ' HlnKhnliitoii.—HIIoii Tlimtre (J. P. E. Clink, manager).—J. VY. Cui-iier Stock Co., In repertory, drew big btislne/'i Jdu. 11*10. "Tlieinia" 18, Geo. F. H«r«," 20. Hull, In "A Pugged nrnsnerotts advance season with thn Orplieum Welnstock. O Show ...The Curry Mastodon' Mlii- HUJUrn's CONfEllT Ham. (Ell II. Davly, -lnageri.—Week of 11: Nndibo Allen, D's strels liflve opened up their' new parlors nnd club rooms nt 122 ltaromno St., onnosllo the Tnlane nhd Crescent Theatres. They will entertain lha HaYcrly Minstrels with a grand smoker 18. ♦< » — Geo. Jacobs, of. Jscj-bs nnd Van Ly-Io. hns heitn w-ltb Geo. F. Jlkll, In W. J. Flehl* lux's "A nagged Hero' Co., for the past ten weeks.- i ■ i ■** manager). nnd D's, Pearl Weslon. Ittilh Hoyden. Fnn'KSo.i'M MUSIC II* t.i. (II. D. Grlfnu, mnnager). — Week of 11 : lleleu Mlirnou. Louise Lister. Hs.||e Deeming. Indies' lcl'Sl orcjiestrn, Mno C. Glldden, dlrertiir. Wixtek (U*jnH (Fliky Harnoii, mnna- £en.—Week of 11: I'slomu Sisters. Anita, lorethy Dayne, Forrest. SIsiets, Leslie Toiu* troy, Charles E. ilrowo. .4 I f— . '■ FennsylViinln Ilnlln.nd Tour (0 Oall- /orolii nnd New Orlenus Mardl Gru«. A personally coitfluctTil tour to Southern California Will leave Now York. Brooklyn, I-hlliidnlphln uml I'lttslmrg by spccliil train over the Fenosylvnnla lllillrond, ou Feb. 11, Thn route of the tout will be via New Or- leuus, slopping at that point three days, lv witness tin. Mardl draft festivities. Til* spe clnl train will ho conUnuud throiigh to Los, Aiwnles, from Which point tourlits will travel Independently through California nu-1 oh tho return trip. .... The Bpcclal irnln In which thn.plifty w travel from New Vork to Los Angr-lei will he composed of high grade I'dllmnti er|ul|> ment, and will he ln etinrgo or n I'cnusyi- vabla Bnilrood Tourist Agent. The round trip rate, MoO, ehters trdns- portntlnn nnd nil exponses on lh» special iraliito I/os Angeles, Including a seat for the Mardl Grna Camlvnl. From L>s An- geles tickets will cover lrnn*|H>rtallon, only, nnd will bo good lo return nl miy tlmn with- in nino months, vln nny auihorlxed trans* continental rout*, except via Portland, for which an Additional ehargo nf $10.00 Is For complete details nnd further Informn- tlon, Apply to ticket ngetits: tourist agour, No, 203 Flflh Avenue, New York: 4 Court Street, Brooklyn; THO flroad Street, Newark, N. J.: or Geo. W. Iloyil. Gonernl Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, I'n. ♦«» . . — Paul Brndy, Cb»s, Rchnd, Thomas Clint- terton, Frederick Turner, Allien Kvun*:. Irankiyn A. Bfllel and Minnie Gordon hnva been engaged for tho NaUutml Stock-Co. Mr. Brudy will bo ftatUKd.