The New York Clipper (January 1904)

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H54 f TIJE ''JgEW, YQ3^ GLXPPffB- •T* January 23 eiiwrer tmumx. * In orilor to nvolfl mint nice■ una to Insure tho prompt delivery of tttc lettera advertised In thla Hat, an envelope addressed miiit be ■rnt for ench letter, and a written order for tue letter, alined with tho full jurtua and addreaa and the line •it Utafneaa followed hy the Mender, ■ran aSIao be enclosed. Hm mention the date (or nnm- luri of Till: CLIPPER In which the lettera aeat for were advertised. Arfatos, Mrs. Joe Ardatk. •• • Eatclltt Albion, I»ulso Alien, Ella Araato, Minnie Artreasl, Mm. Mamie Anderson, Plosslc Artor, Cnmllc Amnto, Minnie Arden, Edna Annerberg, Slgne Iicpqer, Emello JlntnoS, IVatl Burton, Doll. Blossom, Bccloy Bruno, Adoleade Brink. Jena M. Hetrn, Millie Buttle, Lottie Black, Mr»J I! HI Inn, Genovlove LADIES'. LINT. Bayos, Nora Bright, ' JoslO A. lirookbanlm, ■ Sum a. Brandt, Marie Halloy, Hay Buchanan, Lorraine Blanche, ICato Bernard, Bess. Brown, ■ Mrs. Tlios. Bnyos, N, Hiieklln, Jonnottc Bailey. Kay Brynnr, VloettSOc. ItOl), Bertha, i towers, Blanche Bernard, Boss*. Behlcnl, Kiln Brown. Clnlr Bntcholor, Not Bernfleld. An. Hurley, Lttrl Bodllll, Alicia Borntlrd, Boss Bernard Annie linker, Mrs. Clins. Bndlnl, Viet BoiirdHlev, Tod llartoll, Mabel Benrdsloy,' Adelaide JtninCH Mamie Bolt iloo, ■ Mile llyKl, Maud I. Barker, Marc. Harfclhy ciytic Chatham Sisters Curtis, Vera Cook, Sirs. 11. «'niuii>l)ell, Vina Cipro, Helen Chester,' Ida Cannndn, Crcsslo Clymcr, Edna Claire, Nell < 'lim-r. LoUlBC Cornell, ■ Mm. A. C Cardownlo, l'lioebe Caron, Mrs Ed Curtis, Violet elements, Nell Cole, Dolln Crawford, L M Collins, . Mrs.W. D. Cross, Mnliel Clare, Helen Corlu, Mae Clalro, Vlrg. Covcrdulc, Lulu Cotten, Mrs. Wm Davis, Mrs. W. L. Dvlproo, Mlsa Denhnmi, Hess. Dame, Emmy, Ifmi". li'rankel,. fan. I'makI In, Lyd. I'ay, E. Ji'nllcr, Lol Fljnn, Mat Poster, draco l'ay, Esslo Puller, Ethel Fiammc, 'Gttssle Forester, Sclmn Foster, Linda rioyd, Josephine Fcoly, Muudc Fox, Kitty Franklin Irene Forrest, Almyrn Faust, Vera Fnlrchllds, LI I l'lojiime, (jus. KVw, Florence anr SKi.r.u (illbort, Ethel II lenson, Viola (illden, Itoso Clansman, Josephine •Benson, Alice UrnUnm,'Essie lillmoiQ, l'oso (Jroy, 'Frances Uuy, Mrs. A.)< Goodwin Items Hansen, Marie Howard, (Jam Hart, Dora Hall, J. M. ■ Hurtlcb, Mrs. R C. Malt, Mary Hnrt, Kitty Heritoan, Ncldn Hclnzmnn, Bontrlc Hall, Mrs. J. Uonidnger, Mini L. Hort, Dora Howe, DollE. Hill, Emma Handy, .May Hayward, llorthn Harlowe, Ilcatrlce Hastings, Mabel Jaqucs. Harriett Johnson, Parnoll Johnson, Alice Jcrtnon, Irono .liiliiusoai, Liz. Kcanc, Vlda Konorali, .Mini Kceler, .Mns. Har. Kceler, Viola Kenwlefc. LIU. Llvorponl, 1 .en 11) la Lesion, Edith I.ltth'llllle, ). l.oClolr, Gerllo Luring, iHabollaM I.ewhi, Mrs. S. Langdon, Hnrdlc Leotn, Vlvlnn Leonard Grace Lyman Twliui Lonhnrr, I. LnVluc, Mao Lloyd, Annie Linden, Daisy Lnugtry, Mrs. Lavuriilo Hist. I.aiwrencc Mine Lawrence, Mrs. R. E LcClalro, Gorl lonely Orchest. Loroy, Muriel LnBIanche, Flossie Langloy, Louise \V Leslie, lllsa Unguarde, May Moore, Plor. Macklmyro, i'nnnlo Manelft, ■— ipnlinlM. Nowellt Mas. R II. NoTllle. Dorothy Olun, OHv.' Oliver, Nlmi Olierdlnc, Curls Oretta, Olive Pesslone, Angela I'owell, ltcueo rcn<lletor<.' Beatrice Purnoll, Kiiili. Pitt; Marc. Perry, Lucille I'ike„Mny I'owell, ltcno Pelirle, Mrs. Polrontlnr Sinters Phillips, Jr*:<. Phillips, l-'lor. PaKncr, I in Is v Portluo, Marlon Poyotor. P.eulnh Plckcaa iHabcl l'almcr, Atlelc Phnsey, Mioe. l'ahJuo,' Violet. Pelhnm, Kiltie Qulclej', Blanch Rnyorao,. Helen Hay,'HaJd Itennud, Maud Uoblnson, Lamlnnla Kawlslon. Zolma RnmRfly Slst. Itniney, Mnrla Hoih, Katie Reece, Ijoslie Itenilnclou, M. Itlco, Ennny Reno, Adi-le nananii, KJor, Rhonds, Mrs. J. c. Raymond. lllaiirh Rayniond, Alice. Rown, M. K, Randolph. (iortlo Salzcr, . Mrs. Cn.s Shrewsbury, Ml Ho Scliafl'iT, 1.11. Hli'lllllg, Miss Scott, Mrw V O Sweeney, May Si lllil'lclir. I>(.« Stewart, Mrs. W. Sllhoa, Kale Sbaa Sisters SclinOler, Bess E. Shepherd. Josephine l\ Southard, Lena M. Smith, Mrs. Sidney Snlanlil. i'rlnccjM Sinclair, llar.el SttKtmn, D, Snyder, Emma S|i:i. I. 1. Joseph inn St.Tjoan, Daisy Smith, Mra .Sidney SLIves, Ho Senad, Mnrle St.iLcon, Elsy Stover, Clair Stewart, Liz, Torrance, Mnilse Thompson, Vic Tyler, Rosn L. 'Pucker, Ethel Tmax, MaiKti* Turner, lVnrl Dorothy {Lewis, Olga \V Tnnior, Daytelle, Lewis. Ixiitlo' Mra. M. V. ■ '■ Madge M&rston, Zclda Towne. Betty, Maud Macdoll, M. Leonora Dclvlnn, Mlllburn, Turner. Nellie L. Grace Pearl E. DeNoverr, Morln Sisters Underwood, . Mmc. P. Mills, F.uillenc Isnbelln Dtiffy, Mra. J. Maasonle, Vlrden, Lesley Dimple, Dottle Carrie VanOorder, Dooflng. K. Montgomery. Mile. Daley, Edith Sadie Woodo, Jennet. Day, Alice C. MacDonnld. Washburn, Lll Dacre, Ixjtile Florence Welch, Alice DtVeval, Ro»e Melville & Wflght, Deane, Miss Stetson Mrs. G. A. Jialton, Emmn Melville, MHrle Wilson Alice H Jieneen, Hoxio Melville, Josln Wilbur, tleo J)eLeon, Millie MciEvoy, Wilson Marlon Drew, Mra. E. B. Walker, Alloc Elaine M Massoney. West, Ethel Dorian Berthn Carrie Wallone, 1,111, Bnvls, Annie Marks, Waters. Davis, Queonle Chas. Dorothy Dixon, Montclnlr, Wnshliurn, Lll Mrs. Henry Bertha Wallace, Douslas, Vtrg. Mould, Daisy Mrs. Roht. Dnj-vllleBlNt Margerlte, Waters. KISillto, Miss Little MayW. Eckert. Mantcll, Wilson. Ixiitlo Mnybelle Blanch West, Clara Earl, Mrs. Murray, KHz. Wallace, ElSalto, Morris,.Hclonc Mrs. Krnln Ijonlac Mcvnle, Nell Wilson, Eva Emerald Slst. Montelth. Waters. Nellie Kvorctt, Nell. Jcnnotte Wlngate, (lert ElSalio, Melville, J. Wlngate. May Slrnorltn \louret Dentee Wnde. 'Prlxey Evans, K. M. Marshall, Young, Helen Kmmctt. Glen. Maude Yeauians. Jen, lCddy, Jennie Montague Zola, Ella Emcrsou, Bell Misses ge:\ti.emeiv's list. Armstrong. Pete C. Allen, Milt Austin, Geo., At>pell, L. M. Allen, Barry Alftox, At Allon, C. W. Arthur, Male. Aronscoi, Aba Adams, Mr. Albertlerl (ballet mas. AekenttiBn. H C All, Amliark Adnms &■ McSfeovcj; (Ltutlo, Geo, li Adonis Trio Aldrlcb, C. T, Adams, C. E. ^ren.o ("it (Lc Ahlnl. Herb. Aldnllah, Big Amos, 0. C. Allen, A. G. Alden, Gall Anderson, Malcolm Alien, Frank Armstrong-& Holly Arnton, Jack Adams, E. O. Allen, A. ,11. Andrew, C, E Barker, It. A. A. Barnes' Diving Elko Bell, E. C. Mrookti Bros, llnlley. C. Burton, Ned Drlggs, P. R. Bosloclc Prauk Bums, Hanv Bocher, Welliy Burkes, .liia. Byers, Ted Benae, G. A. Barkers, 01. Bigger, Jan. Brebu), Curl lloiull.v. Ai'L llarrcit, Hur. Beyerle, C.'E/ • niirati, Riigeiu} Bryant k Savllle Blekcl ft " Watsoa Bnkcr, .Too, Bowman, U. L linker, Geo. Heckler, Geo. 8. Barnes, Jao. lien, A. Bruce, Harry I torn it rd, D. O, llitrton, E. It. Ilrnndowe, — llelluinn ft Moore Brennna, J. M. tinII, It. O. llolgoi 1 , Jmek- llrookx, Max llernsleln, bVeeman Browne, Tom Ily«>n & Poster Burdlck, E. L. Buchanan, Jr.', C.C. Ilnrnes, A. C. Harry, J. ,C. Bnrteil, Mr.' Italllet, Chas. Bnlley, I". J. Brown, J. W. Baldwin. D. & M. Bnedewln, D. &P. Bncnna, The lloyer, L. M. I tonne, •'. A. Itrennnns, Maslcal lh'iinett, A. II. Bill. L. P. Bimth. W. E. Blackford. Mr. Brooks, Sam Bcone, Geo. I'.ondn, Bend. Byron, Art. Blaclunore, It. H. Brynnls, Eug. Bat cm. JjoiiI.h .int'livn, Harry ItloliSl & Marcus lien ham & .Mascot te Brown, T. B. Burke, It. D. Burton, — (.mnglcian Bint, (.'. I. Bennett, II. A. Bennett & Motilton lirawn, It ft F Bhilr. A. T. Brown, P. M. ltn» Hsriry Chirk, Billy Ourrle, W. II. Chick. M. H. Cole, & Johnson Clark's Mlust Campbell, WJJ CilMlW »St. Co. Crockett, Will Clark, Barry Carey k Cotter Cecil Coin. Co. Cimnhichani, Jno. Clark, 10. II. Clark. Win. Coleman, Al. Crawford, Jnck Cmsliy, J. K. Old k Johnson Clnlre, WdkiII. Caldwell Bros, (.'nrley, Chns, Cmne, Gard. Crane, M'm. A. Condi t. Sle Cameron, Alex Castle, J Ira Claris k franklin Collins, Dan Colhys Musical Cairoll, Ben. Cuslle, J. P. Corbel!, J. J. CrlquI, Major Caiunbells, .'l Clark, Duncan Cotter, J. J. ciurk. Jack ('lemmings. Har. Clay, Monday Cnstcllat & Hall Conrad, C. II. Chtxlou, Bean Campbell, Jack Crean Stephen Coggsliell Fred iVMcrnvc, Jim. Campbell Jack Collins & Hart Church, P. A. Cohen, I.. M. Cnstleton, Bob Craig, Robt. Colby. Carl L. Coy. Will Carroll. GeoE Claire, Wm.II Doll, C. II. Dalryinple, w. n. Daly, Jno, •Deserted at theAUnr"Co Dolinore, Jno. •Devil III Skirls" Co. Davis, G. C. Iniarawi w. J. iJleu!'., 1/itgen Donley, iVim 1 lelvea. Plerro Drew. Putnam livvtno, E. J. Dawson, Milt, Dure, -Harry Drane, Grant Dnrragh ,Jas. Duality, Willie Diiprco, Dnvo Delmnre & • Da relic Davidson. G II Ihiule, Eddlo Dale. J. W. Dritniler, Jack lilckersen IIC Dlckcrsoti, TJ Dial. Eugene Drew, Carroll Dooley, Bent. Downing. Roht Dale. Alex. Setn Duffy. Sajwtel ft n Dillon. Win. A Dixon, T. J. Ui'C.ltoy Duncan, A. O., Jack Polnvoyc, W L Dllks k DIIlis Dnnbnr, (je<>. Derenda, l.^sj Devlhe, J. A. Bavenport, E. n. Davis, W. II. Davenport, ATtbtir Dilrymple. W. H. Donby, W. G., Ornnt Dclmalne. Ii'rnnk Dove, John Ellon, A. Emmett. Fast nil Earle, Barry Eltnendorf, W.C. Emerson, Prank Emorson, Dr. Everett Trio Elmore, Oscar Enos, Wlls. Emmon.s, Km- iiieiHim ,t E. Hntzrolnger, W'.Jj. Elvln, Barry Bldrld, Gord E|trym, Brook Kmcrson.'Dr. Eretto, 11, S. Elton. Slgnor Ellls-Nowlan 1 Trio Eno, Bflirry Fahrenlierg. Karl Frisco, Slg. Parrell, J? G. Fennel I, Win A Fulton, illnrv. Fordham; Art. Flpcli, Lnitr. Fuller, Win. Pay, illarry, Francis. (100, Fuller, Bart Foreman, lidg. Fields ft Wooley Favor & ' Sinclair Ford. John Fern, Harry Fields k Hanson Fields, J. V. Friuuds. 0, C, Fn.ust, Ted I'leld, n. II. Fowl, a. F. i'rohsln, .loans Francis, 0, C. Ifiorrcster & Floyd Frlemnn, T. Fordhiioi, Art. Ford, G. T. Fonralcr, Hoy Fahrney, Bar. Fnlke, C. II. Ferguson, ft A Fleming, Carl Fordo, Edwla A.M Foxile, J.&M. Flscner & Wnicker Pox, Iniro Pnllcrltui, Loll Fox, Ernnk Phunorfelt, II. J. Field k Who Hen Fisher k Johnson Pay, Churl In iMgninn, l>. L Pisk k Montgomery I'ouiilnln, Bob Fields, Al. Fllzgerahl.H.V Glynn, Nick Coi'mnia, J as. (lordon, *'. O. Ciillaglier. J P Ginger, Mux tiaivliiue. Wall Oriuieiwln, C E Gray, F. G. (lottlob(>, Ercsl ft A. Gill. C. «. Glider, C. W. Glllurn, P. II Hulcli 1 Iron. Hi-rrwull. Den Horton, Frank Hanson, H. I* lloJl'mna, • Itnlph Hacker, C. E. ffacker, Chas. Hatch Bros. Hanson, 11. L. Hatch, I>a«k ifnyden, |0?hos. HoCmon, llryon Healey, Jno. Ilodcoa, liar, llarrl.soa Fnsl Hayes, Eddie Htffrdeftwn, Dell Hart, Vf. 8. Dolman, A. E. Manner, Oc«. Helton, C. I'. Hogan, Ernest Harris, Jno. 7mlg,- Hugo I loss, Berl. Hltner, Guy Holland, Montgomery Hutton. Jns. Howe & Decker Havlscr, Lwn lloddy. — Hazard, GeoP Henella, Joe (10c IBckmannB, Tbfi Irish, Prank 1 mhoir & Conn Jarvls, Tom Jarrette, Bar. Jordan ft Wclrh Jones, W. A. Jones, Aug, .Tonkins, Wed Jefferson, W W loycp, J. E. JoeLson & Joelson Johnson. Hosamond Johnson, L. W Jilllen, . Mn,rt(imgr. 1 Jennings, A. B John-son; O. ('. Johnson, P. II. Ion In 11, I^>WlS(Ic Jones, W. A. lodge, Cnrlry. Jones, W. A. Jordan, Ered .leanings ft ' Jewell .Tones, Oscar .lohnfoon, T. A. Jordan, Leivls Junsen, Ben Knnppert, Guslnvo Klngsliitid, C. II. Kates Bros. Kelly, B. H. Keeuey, P. P. Kceler, Tim Kelley, Andy lCntz, J. M. Keough & Bollard Kochlcr, G. G. Kiltie TOO King, Bert I.. Khw. C. II. Knnth, Win. Kueklej 'A. C Kochlcr, Ant. Moduny, J. H. Murphy Pranh Mehon, Air.' Mackintosh^ , Fred Marlon? t Plunkejl McNnlr, i. E. Montrose, Har Morton, II. C. Morion, J. J. Mason Keeler o>. Jld'arland. i Phil .Mason A Kceler McCoy & Knight Moore, Jack Morrison, H. Miller, Har. Mack. J. C. McGrnu, liar. Moulton, A. R. Morton, H. C. Mason- Kecler Co. Morrison, G. Mack, J. J. Mnrrman, WA Alerrlll Boston Alack, Will Megson, Mr. Milton, Gus Mencer, Carl Alnrtclla, Al. Melrose, Fan. Rohblns, A. D. Robinson, E. I. McRaye, I Heed, Prett I. Wait. P.ohson, Andr. Mellon, G, SI. Richard, Swain, T, P. SelitiMller. Geo Sle\-ln, as. Snyder, Thos. S.1IIMUrs, A. •' Stcwmrt, Dick Stanley, W. SultoiV Frank Smith,'Chas. Thompson, Gusttcl.) Tarhx, Geo, B. Thayer, Jen Treinner, r\ K rmiilty Chimes" O) Tolver, P. A. I'lorncy, Mutt l'4tketo, Mr. Thomas !*■ C. Taitnnr. E. A. Tobln, Maurice Tana, Clover. Teale, Itayn't. Toiiiklas. W. J Turner, L. It. Tanalta, Joy Taylor; C. ft Turecon, B. II, Tatfury, Bmll 'Cenhrooke Jas Tbacker, W. B Tanakos, Tho Vanne^tta,' Ruiledgc. Art I Frank _ AlVi PolUxv A. A. Pctrle, Wm. P Paircn ft Freed I'lllloM-. L-W I'avis, Lionel Piiriier, Wm. PlcJtort, Will PeJmey, Geo A Qnlls. M. Itockwood n G •Robin's Nest" Co. Rover, Archie Robinson, W A Roiir, j. o. Both* Winnie Home, J. I- Bio. A. G. Redlngton, Thos. Roiir. Bave Hooves, Henry RoblUH, F. A. Reed, P. t.'. llchrtrds. J. J Itockwood Bar Root. Bnlnh Bobbins, It. D. Russell & Black Redrnon, Ed. Ruff, IB, W. Rogers, Harry I QBW; Raymond, F AlVtirtOsten, T I) Mock, Wilbur Marvin, Jack Morgan, Al. MncilA, J. McCnnaoland, H. .1. Mordant, Edw McCnnn. J. It. Mcintosh PW Morris, E. W. Miller, C, D. .Morrlsey. Davo J. Martella & Lancaster Martin ft Rldgwiiy(2c. Miller, IT. LeR Mar-hull. iharlle Ryder, Earl Raymond, Fred Rae, J. G. Rlekanls, 3 Rlggs, Ben- Rice ft Elmer Held, Jack k E Rice, E. W. Russell, J. V. Rllley. Sid Roberts, llcnn Itomolo, Rob! Rlorilau. J. M. Robhs, Geo. j; KoMM k Towell I Rossevelt I/niisi ! .tin is Mend, D. II. iliead. J. A. Morgan A I Hnckel t, W. D I'lillllp-s Rohblns, Chns Moris, C. M, I Randolphs, Morris, Wm. A.&L. Mortimer, Chas. McCairthy. Styles The Record M. Co. Strong, Lenv Smith, It. D. Scyniour, P. V Sal vol 1, A. Ik Marsh, R. H. IScheak Bros. UrCnrty &• Reltm Monlogne E SI Myre, Enriiiibe Mason, DickT Morehouse. Ben Mi-Glade, Ed. Martella, Al. Miisgot, W. K Ncnjry, Jns. Nelson, T\ II. Nixon, Fred Nickel, Herm. Ncwlmiii, Har. Nye, G. W. Nice Twins Nnrlnn, Joe Norton, E. S. O'Brien, Wm. lilt, J. E. Kennedy Toiiy GIvJo, S. KiMder, Harry iirtons, Tho C.tbney, C. II l< Glnsbursli, Sol Gallagher, R M Gllday, Geo. Glass, J. L. (iormnii. 0'. J. Coleman. — Gracey, lain ulbbous, 1*. H Gumpertr, S W Gonznms,: Adolph Gillette, Hnr. Ooraian, T. J Olllet, Geo. Galloway, Jim Gorman. T. j. Green, Hy. Gray, B. (Joodwl-n, N. B Cordon, Hnr, Rramllck Chas Gllroy, Chns, Glynn, Barney Gardner, J. Hasnler, l'eter Grlfflth. Ei W, Olllet,. Pied Gorloch, Chas, iiiusklll-. _ Mntidv Co, Glh ft Hick Guise. Dlckftr flonnan, 'T. J. Gallagher ESI Graham & Corbnns Gneirrero,' Rosarlo Howard, II. Hassall. Ei-ank Heath, L. M, lUsisler Zouaves, — Hutclilsoli J D Howard, 41. B, Harris. J. M. Holmes, Jnck Hnitlcy. SI. E. Harper, Des. ft llnlley 11 ussy, Utsi, Ilowntxl. 'D. B. Hidden Bros, Howard, A. J. Haines & Vldocc, Hayes ft Suits Howard .V: Bland Howard. Bert Holibd, 2 Hall. Alb. P. 1 linns, Kmis Ilines ft 'leVon, iFrcd | Remington Mempsev, Jnck.Henelln, — 'ie<sls, Luke M HiichCtH'k, Hull. Clnr. • Prank iKioloy. Larry Horberl,'-Gt. Diirllut, Fu'd Uuwi', Ui'u Koppe, Knight, Herb. Kvler, Win. King, Sir. Kliuald, Wm. Kllimtrlck EJ Leo, 'Prank 1-oder, C. A, Lever Bios. Lnfsledt, Carl l.cliclirlijc. Warren Lavcl|,F.P CJe Loder. II. It. Litmsdeu, D.M La I lose, joe. Lcderer. Lndwlg Levy, Julius lyiuou, 11. II. Lynch, Ot. l.i.'ster, lkldln Little, I. N. Letvls, A. S. Long k Cotton Lawrence, Al. Lnvander, Geo LnMolnes, The Liuvnnder, Geo Lucey, J. A. Lltchlleld, Nell LeClnlr, W. G. Lumpklns, C B Leltoux, Ired Lucler, Btad Lemuels, Jno. I."" \ ■Dledong Leonard & Stason l^avltt, Beu Lawrence Jack Leahy, J. A. Lynton, Har. t.aRne, W. Louis. P. B. Langdon, Edw. Lewis, J: E. Lyucb, Gt. lyelgb, Percl Leo, Frntik Little," Jack l.ydell k Bultemvorth Lyon, Dnmnu l.eiinnn, E. M. U'roy, N. I.eroy, N. Lawrence, Bill Lyons, G. W. Lewln. M. W. Slnyaard, Herbert Morton, J. G. Miller. Geo. SI Morton, Harry & G. Slarlon ft Pearl Manny, Downy Monroe ft St. Clnlre Martin Bros. MncDouiild, J.J. srelntyro, It. Mewlette, It. A Miles, Prof. McCaulcy, W. A. Mnrtl neltl, Hnr. Mlndll, P. K. Morbacb, E. Momlnee. Alex Meeker, Geo. Mllllainn, Mart MeCliire, S. T. Mi>ad fliow* Mdc .'Prank Snssavla, C. J. Sanderjon. c.w. Sea-ell, T. H. Sully, J. *'. Speck Bros, Sianlcy, Jno. Snaour ft IrfiLiln Smith, Grundy Selli's. Chns. Spniikllng, - Stutlz, .1. O Stoul, 0. L. Salisbury. Geo Slacker, .1. St. Sllvlnl. Ben D. Swallow ft Mni-Llc Sommers ft Parley Snlvall, A. L. Smiinders, C. Seaman, Chas. Sharpsleen, Verne Smllb, Oscar Shuby, Jack Stanley. Wm. stni -., J. G. Schmidt, 'Herr Stevens, Ilnl siiuizcil, Skip Stanley ft LeRoy Spencer, Hilly Sully, J. .1. (IIIn, Her (I'Donncll, Jns OdoJe, Goo. W. iillpluuis, 4 Oi-vllle, C. T. rirtous, The Uilllii, I lurry Price, Ed. Phllcox, Geo. ((lc. Pomroy, Dun. Poole, Fred Paddock, •' Bert E. Puggsley, R. C Prior ft Norrls Perry, R, B. Peck. Perry Plntte, (I. L. Palmer, P. A. Peters, lxiuls Porter, Wm. Phllcox. Ceo.COe. rowers, J.T. (BJc. Paul, Ot-cnr Pronty. Chart. I Stela. Itolit. Price, K. T. St.'Leon, Alf. Vomlell, Har. Voqnet, Herm. VauOsdell, - W.W. VaniVrnnkla, Prof. Vice * Viola Volmer, Jno. Vac*, P. Vcaux, Clyde Vnrnelo, Ed. Veronce, J. li. Vernon ft Kennedy. Vnrney, Jr., E. W. Wheeler, Henry Wnblron, Joe Wilson, Geo. 8 West, DoFor. Wacker. fflit» Ward, J. SI. Warde, Prod Wilson, Jas. Wllllnios, ■Frank Walkor, i\ T. Wallace, Jr., Prank Wilson, T. L. Wright. GnldyG. Wills ft Barron Wills, Nat Williams. P. ft I. Wesson, Walters ft W Winter, Percy Wlnis, W. E. Werner, O. Wright, II. 11. Whltelaiw, A A Wlllurd, Chns. Wyinnn ft Games Wilson, F. 11. Weaver, J. T. Warner, B. 11. Wilson, L. V. Wesson. Wnl- ters ft W. Wlggcii, Bert ^V'eBton, CUnt. Whlttler, H. II Whyte, IT. A. Weston, Ed. Wlggln, Berl; Williams. Lou B. Ward ft Slanley Wells, Vict or Wrtelflii, C C. Wink, W. A. Wilson, It. L. Willlnms. W(I Wood, SI. G. Wright. 13. J. White. C. P. Wlllnrd, Chns. West; J. A. Stafford, II. P.IWIilttamore, Stanley, Jno. Soiners, SI. A. Salter, E. R. Sweet, S. R. Smith, C. II. Shank, Harry Schrodes, ' \\. J. Williams Dare West, J. II. Williams, Wiley Willlnms. V. ft I, Spalding, Geo.lWorti ftJudgn Stanley, Art. ; Webster, Scott, Geo. W. Geo. II. Snnbaird, Jack Wlllnrd, Ait Snmtile. Harry Yorkn »*i I Adams Yarrlck, 'Prof. la.rk- Youturkey, weather.H.A. Brine Pinliody, II. N stavk- Piwost, P. R. nveather.H.A.I Prince Powell, Tom Searlc, OslKirniZlmroer, Powell, Eugen ffchenk, Clins. Forrest Pickens, A. J. Spntz, H. J. IZIezlte. Robt. Petit, Tom Strntton. P. S.'Zaro, Tehlo Perclno, — swnln, Hugh i/.aroiios, E. R» Piyictor, David Slater, J. H. /olars. Herm. Parent, Jos. Shrelner, F. II Zat Zam ft Price, Chas. Saturns, Mowra Paul, Oscar Chns. A.lZftrrelll, Joe Phillips, II. L. Stewart ft jZeb, Jolly Plnard, Al. BajimondjZazcll ft Pryor Bros. st.I.con, Gus I Vernon si in NOTlCEf AT HEAD OP LIST. <»» HF.I.RN 1.0IID Is a native of Itornellsvlllc, N. V. Her first stage work was with the chorus of "The Belle of New York" Co., when It was under tho management of Stessrs. Bam S. Shuhert ft Geo. W. Lederer. 8ho succeeded Mm SIny In the role or the Salvatlou Army Luas, ami her work there wns very highly commended. She continued with this com- pany two seasons, and then beenme tho prima donna of the Frank Daniels Opera Co., In "The Wizard of the Nile ,r and "Miss Simplicity." It was In tho midst of the engagement of tho latter production that she wns taken seriously lll and retired from the singe for uoarly a year. When Messrs. Shttbert, Nixon ft Zimmerman produced "Tho Rumiwnys" nt the Casino Miss Lord was engaged to play the port of Dorothy, and her efforts met with much favor. Later she wns married to Raymond Huhbell, tho composer of "The Runnwoys," and tempo- null v retired from the singe. 4 «» FLORIDA. Two Weeks' Tour via Pennsylvania Hallroad. The Drat Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the sea sou to Jacksonville, allowing two. weeks In Florida, will leave New York, Philadel- phia, Baltimore and Washington hy npcclnl train ou Feb. i!. ITxcurslon tickets. Including railway trans- portation, Pullman accommodations (one iieriiii. and meals cit route In both direc- tions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at tho following rates: New York, ijtfiO.OO: Trenton, $40.00: Philadel- phia, Ilnrrlshurg, Baltimore, ami Washington, SMs.nti; Pittsburg, $RU.0n. and at: propor- tionate rntes from other points. For tickets. Itineraries, and other Informa- tion. np|ity to tlrket agents, or in (ten. W. Boyd, General Passenger Ajeut, Hroad street iluryu7.ii, a. Station, EuUaaclnhUy Cincinnati)—Upon the rotum of Mayor Flelschinann . from New, York,' whero ho studied all that was good la the way of exits nt the metropolitan showshnps, he made a tour of the local liouteu of amusement. Just wlic.c changes. It any, will-be' officially or- dered havo not yet been outlined. Business cintinneg good all around, , „ „ OranA Hol-sb (Harry Rnlnforthft John H. Hanrlln,' managers).—Bertha Gal- land Is coming'Jan. 18, In the Paul Kestex vendon of "Dorothy Vernon,- ot Haddoa Hall." She will follow Ezra Koadall, whose week In Herbert Hall Wlnslow's comady, ••Tho Vlnogar Buyer," was one prolonged lough. The comedian received ovations nt • very performance. Helen 'Salinger, Lottie Alter. John D. Gurrlck. C. II. Crosby and Lucille La Verne, not to ovarlook little Juno, Mnthes, nil contributed to a most delightful entertnlament, as clean as a new" baby's face after tho morning bath. Nat. C. Good- win, in "A Glided Fool," 25. W.M.NnT KmnnT Tiicatbh (M. C. Ander- son, managerf.—-In Old Kentucky," Jacob Lilt's Btago porous plaster, will commence in draw here 17. Last week Wilson Bar- rett's old Success, "The Sign of the Cross," maintained nil Its ancient Interest, and tin- der Slanngers Berger and Craerln drew splendid crowds. George Flood, ns Marcus Siiperbns; Rose Elizabeth Tapley, ns MercJa, and .Leslie Haskell, as the boy, Stephanus, were nil most satisfactory, and the others deserved a good word. Prank Perley's Com- edians,, In 'The Chaperons," 24. Hbuck's Oi'gua Uodsh (Heuck, Stair ft Fennessy, manngers). — George Kllmt and Alma-Hcarn are to brlnjf a scenic production, "On the Bridge at Midnight," 17. Last week Charles E. Blnney's labor play, "The Factory Girl," proved a second edition of. "The Elec- trician," but the story plensed and drew well. Caroline Stay, Nell Barrett, George Fisher and Etta Bryan were most clover members of the cant. " Sullivan, Unrrls ft Woods' "Wedded nrwl Parted" "•). Columbia Tiibatkr (St. C. Anderson, man- ager).—Equine stars get tho place of promi- nence on tho bill IT, when Blccobono's trained horses arc tho.headllncw. The Wel- son Trrthpe,' Josephine Saoei; Foy and Clark, Blocksom nnd Burns, Swnn and Bambard, Howley and Leslie, Rice Family, and Wills nhd Hassan are to be co-cntertalners. Last week a good show drew well. The Lee Sllvns act was most daring. Thomns J. Ryan and SInry Richlleld arc old favorites, niid their skit, "Stike Hnggerty's Daughter," Mill amuses. The- Sisters Rappo, A. IP. Rostow and Phyllis Allen nil contributed to i he amusement: of well plcnecd crowds. The Lafayette Show Jl. Lyci:i;.m Thbatbh (Ilcuck, Stair & Fen- nesisv, manitgci's). — Joseph Santley, a boy nctor, In Chnrles A. Taylor's play, "From Rags to Riches," comes 17. Lcatidor Rlch- ai'iison'H melodrama, "The Searchlights of a •Irani C'ily," drew well last week. Frederick Murray was Hie Panther, anil Irene Langfcrrt the blind girl of tho cast. "Tho Great White Diamond" 1M. Tun AcniTORiu.M. — Anna Era Foy re- mained In Cleveland last, week, but will open here IS. Pmri.F.'H TltRATim (Hubert Heuck, roann- wr),—Fred Irwin's Big Show will be seen 17. MM week the Utopians gave a lively show, to big business. The olio was far above the ordinary offered by burlesque com- bines. Sties and Coy, the Louisiana Girls, made nulto a hit. The Rontz-SniiHey Co. Gossip or the I.oiinv.—Slnnnger SI. C. Anderson has returned from Chicago, where he has spent most of his time during tho past month While Nat Goodwin Is at West Baden, most of Ills company arc here, spending the days of their enforced lay off— mi echo of tho Iroiiuols trugedy at Chlcngo. "The Swnn niul Skylark" Is to ho sung by the chorus of the Oscar Ehrgolt Voice School at tho New- Oilcan 20 Elan Curly, lite Ingenue ot the German Theatre Company, Is to be given her annual benefit at Hm Grand 17, when "The Pastor of Klrelilieln" Is to be nut oa hero for tho flrst time Jac'iiien Thlbniid wns the soloist at I he Symphony Orchestra concert, 1,1, 1(1, nt Slush: Hall I'ertha Onlland has been negotiating for the purchase of a private car from the Big Four, In which slin will cross the continent In comfort. It will he rn- nnnied "Dorolby." Charles Major Is coming from his Indliina homo to sen the dniiiii.ii/.niioii of his Interesting story The Columbia Is the first theatre lu On- cluantl to publish a dlngram of the bouso In Its programme Charles 11. Zu'uer, the dramnllc editor of Tho Ttutlfttr, has gone to Florida for a three weeks' vaca- tion Slnnager John H. llavlln has gono to St. Louis to spend some time overlooking his theatrical Interest m there Rose H. Tapley, of "The Sign of tho Cross," enjoyed her week In Ctneiiiiintl as the guest of friends lu Clifton.... ..There Is a movement afoot to bring "Parsifal" to Slusln Hall Manager Hashlin lingered here all week to open with John Dnvls, who holds the key to the situation nt Robinson's Opera House. E. T, Harvey is painting tho scenery hero for 'Nat Goodwin's revival of "A Gilded Pool." George Appletoa spent the week here I. M. Stnrtln baa gone East to arrange for Chester Park's next Summer sen^ son. and vM equipped VanX SlV M,h condocteaia ijgbly m^iSiV^^- Lycou-m l»st iSummer, bos heen I. \ VI !'" tlon wltlPE. D. Stair, lessee ," L?T ,h >- for a Sprin g and Su mmer SawntRw**' • i, •. Toledo.—At the Valentine Theatre ro„ KUvcb, manager). —Ada Rehau ii„d ( ?,i Sklnnor, In "The School for Scan |,|.. 0 "" CelVCd a big wwntlnh Inr. c ..""""• f"- -At tho Opera House (A. F. 18 ap- Clevelnnd, Hartz, manager),'—Charles Hnwtrey .. pearlng current week In "The Man from Blankley's." Week of 111, 'A Japanese Nightingale," given by a strong company. "Three Little Slalds" 26-30. Lyceum (J. K. cookson, manager).— "Holty Tolty'' current week. "Under South- ern SKles" pleased large audiences week of 11. Joe Murphy 25-30. CtBvRLASD (J. K. Cookson, manager).— "Wedded and Parted" Is furnishing plenty of thrilling incidents current week. Nellie Sfc- Ilenry appeared In "M'llss" week of 11. "Kidnapped In New York" 26-80. . Shea's EMr-inn (Chas. J. Stevenson, mana- ger).—rThn star feature of Ihe current bill Is Rosrrlo Guerrero, who presents "The Rose and the Dagger." Another hlg feature Is the Davls-SfcCauley Co., in "Pals," Adlmlnl and Taylor, the wandering minstrels, have a pleasing net, and Enrl and Wilson Intro- duced a new musical .specialty. Others are: The Five St. Leone assisted by Lillian Lll- ynn: Al. Lawrence, Harry Smtrl nod Roso Kcssner, and the klnctograph. Colonial (S. V. Collins, mnnoger).— 'This house Is entering oa Its second week of the brief season of tho legitimate, with Sirs. Flsko ojiaiearlng In "SInry of Mngdala" tuul "Hedda Gabler." She Is being given a cor- dial welcome by her admirers. Vnughn (Baser Is also drawling his usual crowd of friends. Isabel Irving gave most accoptnhlo liei'fnrmnnces week of 11, In "The Crisis.'* ilrnwlng good houses. Staii (Drew & Campbell, managers).— Rellly ft Wood's Big Show Is tho attraction current week. Pat Rellly heads tho list, ap- pearing In the spectacular burlesque, "Hndes mid the 400." The vaudeville stars aro: Slat Lc Roy, Boulta, with her troupe of Afri- can ami Cuban midgets: George and Sllu Brctmnu, Craig and Ardell, and the Trouba- dour Four. Hnrry BrynuPs Burlesquers gave an entertaining show week of 11. Com- ing: Dainty Duchess 23-110. Xoikh.— Mnunuer Hnrly, of the Opera House, who Is also lessee of the new Pros- pect Theatre, now building, has entered Into n business arrangement with Walter Bald- win, manager of the Boldivlb-Mclvlllo Stock companies, and the Prospect will be devoted to slock productions itndcr their Joint dlroc-" tlon. The theatre will be formnlly opened on April 1. Tho theatre was built for the turposo-of.-b.ilTIBS'a atock rompaoy, and Ada Rehau atul On Thool for Scandal •• i ted n big receptloh.Jan. S. i'ZT'nJ trey, in "The Sinn from Blnnklev's ■•' S2"' to splendid results, 0. ltosc Ceeitin g£?> Co. 14, 15. Viola Allen 10, "A pm.Jl" 1 Nightingale'' 18, 10. ' * *>W«W LrcnuM THSATnti (Frank Rnrt, raaniiM, —Ward nnd. Vokes, In "A l«»l" of Hffii 7-9, to capacity business. "Tim ttor&l Teller," n splendid' attraction, „ iSKl houses, 10-1«. Edna Bronnon tmoml n u. success. Dan Snlly, In "The Old Mm Stream," M-lfl; "The Beauty Doctor i;"s Empire Thbatrb (Jules Hurtlg. mnnawri —This house,will open Jan.. 17, and will u. devoted to burlesque and musical Ronenb. The Sloonllght Slalds the opening week ^ SSS^ l ™ftffl , kSS!r , !i, B,,n ' manager, —"The Man Who Dared" did a record 1>m>»i Ing business; 7-0, "Ten Nights in «»£ Room" fared well 10-13. "To Die n t n n ,„- 14-16, "Tho Desperate Lord Barrlngton"™. " Arcadb THBAXnm (G. W. Preston, ninna geri.^-Week of 10 was one of most s&tu. factory business, and the bill a splendid om> Slason-Keeler Co., and the Five St. Leons wire strong features. Week of 17: Ham Glazier and company, Chas. T. Aldrlcb Three Slervelous Merrills, the Zamorii Family, Bailey and Splller, Davis nnd Wilson Pat Tuohey. GnANii Or-BRA" nonsE.-^The Kornk Wnnile: Worker Co. does a fair business nt this the atre. NOTE.—Tho lithographers of this eltv will give their a nnual bnll.n^ht of Keh. li. Dayton.—Victoria Theatre (C. G. Stiller manager).—The Rose Cecelia Shny tirsmi English Opera Co. presented "Carmen" Jim 1.1, to good business. Herrmann drew gooi crowds lll. ComingI "A Japanese Night Ingnle" 20, Richard Carle, In "The Tender- foot," 23. Park Theatre (Oil Burrows, manager! —Hownrdi Hall, in "The Man Who fiarrd,"-- returned 11-13, to splendid business. Joseph Santley, In "From Bags to Riches," was welt patronized 14-16. Coming: "Searchlights nt a Great City" 18-20. Soldiers' Ho.Mn Theatre. —"The Fatal Wedding" comes 2(1. ii a ' — Stenbenville.—At tho Grand Opera nonse.—Rose Cecelia Shay Opera Co., Jan. C>, plensed a large and enthusiastic ain'.i nnce. Mlssi Shay has a remarkable voire ami know* how to use It to the best |iossllilc ad- vantage. Week of 11 Chester Be Vonde Co. played to capacity, proving to be a first class organization In every way. "The I'lamlng Arrow" 18, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" follows. Notes. —(Ico. L. NefP, business manager of "Tho . Plnmlng Arrow," was In town, nnu hilled the place splendidly A. U. Prln mater, business manager of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," was in Ihe city arranging for the npia'arance of his mm pnny. ■ » Colmnhnn.—At the Grent Southern II. Si. Bodn, manager).—Tho Rose Cecelia Shnj Opcr.t Co. played, to fair business. Jan. II. 12. Coming: "Peggy from l'arls" lfl, 2(1. Hiou Street Thhatre (A. G. Ovens, man- ager).—"The Governor's Hon" pleased law nudlcncos 14-1(1. Booked : "Happy llmiligan" 18-20, followed by "Tho Desperate Lord R»i ilagton." Grand OrrntA House (A. G. Ovens, monn- ger).—"Shoro Acres" did well 14-Kt. K'atli ryn Ostnrmnn, In "Miss Petticoats," 1B-20. Empire TnnATRi: (II. Welsimiii, manager), —"Af tho White Horse Tavern" played, ton packet! house, week of 11. The stork win present, week of 8, "Ptidd'nhcnd Wilson." t Mnnsfield.—SIemorln 1 Opera House (ling- ers ft Sllckley, innnngers).—"llnppy Hooll can," Jan. 12, two performances, to fnlr houses. "Dare Devil Dorolhy," L'i, had fnlr ntlendnnco. "SI Plnnkard,' two perfoim nnces, 10, to well (111,041 houses. Advnniv sale for "When Johunv Comes Marchint: Home" in large, nnd every scat iu the limine will bo taken IK. "Rip Van Winkle." to Thomas Jefferson, 27; "County Pair" 5", "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Stetson's) 30. Sprlnnrfleia.—At tho Grand Opera House <L. J. Dalle, manager).—"The Prince of Pllson" Qlled tho house Dec. 30. "B" Governor's Son" had big business Jan. 1. "David. Harnm" had fair business 2. "Th;; Slau from Blankley's" 6. "The Stolid filled the house 0. Coming: "Her Only Sin 18, "Happy Hooligan" iff, "Just Struck Town" 16. Marlon.—At the Grand Opera noils' (Chns. E. Berry,manager).-^"Human nenrts played, to fair business, Jan. 13. Coming: Joe Murphy, In "Kerry Gow," 14; '-VS lien Johnny Comes Marching Home" 15, "1W Only Sin" 1«, "SI Plunkard" 18. ««» KENTUCKY. Louisville.—Macauley's Theatre (John 1. SIncnuley, manager).—Sirs. Leslie Carter presented "Du Barry" Jan. 11-18, to big houses. "The Storks," 14-10, had good au- diences. Coining: Ezra Kendall 18-20, tli» Pour Cohans 21-23. Masonic Theatre (Chns. A. Shaw, msnii ger).—"The Pride of Jennlco," week of H. played to good business. Edward II. Slan son met with favorable comment. For wee* of 18, Herrmann, the magician. Avenub TttEATtth (Chas. A. Shaw, mn" a ' ger). — The work of remodeling this house for better Are protection has progressed so rapidly that .Manager. Shaw has decided to reopen It 17, with "The Sign of tho Cross. The improvements consist of eight additions exits, enlarging tho main entrance, wldenlnc the aisles, by removing some of the seats, bridges Intllt. from the gallery to the lire-es- capes, and a new Are plug ■ to bo placed on the stage. When completed tho Avenue win be one of the best lire-proof theatres In tin' city. At'DtTonntu (James B. Camp, manager). —Lafayette, with his vnudovlllo coropnn). Il-ltf, mystified large nitdlcuces. Per «ef« of 18, Thomas Preston Brooko nnd bis »•£•• BrcKiNnjiAM TilflATRB (Wballen Wffi managers).—Rico and Barton played week of Iti, to crowded houses. The two coato- dlnns kept the audiences In coulInuons innghter. Eor week of 17, the Ufoplnus, nnil week of 24, Erod Irwin's Big Show. Pndncnli—At the Kentucky (.Tfimrs K- English, manager).—Tho Sllddletoii M" ck Co., week of .inn. ll, had fnlr law**; Coming- Tlte JofTcrsons 10, "Qulncy Aoljw Saw-ycr" 2u, Hownrd-Doreot Co. week of -•'• *>■«» . SPEAKS FOR ITSEI.I''- Sly Inst week's advertisement brought me 2,4:is letters-In one week, requesting me " mall free samples of my uew Invention., "Tito Combination Razor «Sw nn,J fi ' , '?V,» I hnvc advertised In The CurrEt: nt vam>"» times for years, but last week's '-adv. i«™, nil previous records. Tho same "adv. '■■' out nt the same time In (on of Ainet-M • dally papers, but tho ten ^papers coml'iti" 1 did not hnlf way bring the results Tltr. ( m- l-nn "rtdv." did. S'ottis truly. . Diamond Dick (Cot. Dick TiSM!"'- Winam and GiRAflt) wore at Prank Cnrr* Ualtjuo i'heatre, UrooUIyo, last-week, •