The New York Clipper (January 1904)

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1160 THE NEW YOEK CUPPEB. JANTJABY30 THENEWYOBKOLIPPEB TtffrFRANK0UEENPUILI1HINQC0^LImlte«. ) nomi-tois. ALBEliT 3. BOBIE, • ElltTOHIiL AMI DUHINKHB MaNAI1F.II. BATP BDAt, JANUARY MO. 1904. RAT 68. Adtertuwniente—12.80 per loch, iluii eei- Bran. AflTertlMmentt let with border, 10 p*t ttot. win. WM) jn fl> m one year In advance, 94; Hz month*, IS: three month*, 91. Foreign poitsgs extra, •ingle coplet will be tent, postpaid, at re- ceipt of 10 cents. Our Terma ara Caafc* THB CLIPPER la Itsued every Wednesday ■ornlnr- The Uat (our (advertising) P*C*s QO TO FRKS8 on Baturday at 11 a. h„ and tha other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY, ■The Varan* cioaina. Promptly, !'■•»- :, tlar, at 10 o'clock a. m. Pleasa remit by express, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash ea- cloaed with letter la at the rlak of aeader. Address All Oommnnleatloaa to THB NEW YOIUC CLIPPER, 47 West 28 tb Street, NSW York. Rrofitered Coble .address, "AUTiiosirr." THE WESTERN BUREAU Ot Thb Clippbb la located at Boom 602, Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, maaiger and correspondent, where adver- tisements and subscriptions ara received at our regular rates, THI LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourn St., London, W. C, 1. V. Cougblan, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions ara received at our regular rates. tub currra can b» obiii»id, wnous- ■Ata ahd BiTiiL, at our agents, BrenUno'a aewa depot, 87 Avenue de 1'Opera, Parle, Prance; 1L Llllcnthal, Frederick Strata* 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W„ Ger- many; Diamond News Co., 9T Pride, Ha- vana i Manila, Book and Stationery Co., 128 Etcolta, Manila, ft I.; Albert A ion. 187- ISO King St., Sydney, Australia TUB NEW y ami. CLIPPER, pahltaaea •nly oue edition., and. that la data* from JTetr York. QUERI ES ANSW EBKD. i fta Replies by Mall o r Talagnaglt, ADDM.BSBS OR WIHBnEABOTJTS MOT QIVBN. ALI/ IN QUKHf Or Ml Clt SHOULD WBIT1 TO tiuisk v?uo.\r thi't Ki;tK, in cam or THE CLH'l'Elt PlJHT Ol'FICU. AH I.BTTIHB WILL KB AUVIBTISKIK ONI) WIX1C ONLY. If TUB ROITC Of AM TIIKATUIC1L COMPAHT IB 8UUUHT, BUTCH TO OUU LIST Of BODIBB ON AKOTBCll PAQB. «'B CANNOT BBND BOOTSS BX UA1L OB TEI.EORAl'H. 1 /rusaivata,—The term, "myui flush." imhIh •no place lu niiy standard work on the gnuo* »f draw poker: II Ih simply iiimther muni' fill- "Strlllghl" Hush, used lo distinguish the baud -from an ordinary Hush, iiiiiI jins tarn misapplied by seas' players to the highest hi might ioiimIhi lii^r i>( nil are. klny. quern. Jack nml ii'ii b|hii. In sequence. Cmi* wiiiifHtly. ii" there In no such thing In Hn- rules lis n "royal" IIiihIi, tin! hef Ik neces- sarily a ilrnw. A uilsiindorstiuiillng of the qucry whs raapuBalhle for Hip fiirmer answer. A. .1. II.. fliirdner.-~Although It. who *»u tiled lliri'i' points, mude In play tin- Hire*' lie Mil. A. who needed lull one point, wim III'' utilise when hi' played lilith. Tito fmt thin I III' bidder llllldo Ill- tlll'Oe illll llol five llllll prfl-I'llnlll'C III I 111' I1HIIII, l)ii. T. I).. New York.—Any straight (IiihIi in what Kniiie person* chciohf to uiii ii "royal" Hush, ii Term which finds no plnce In any standard ivni'k mi the game of draw |Hikrr. Sec answer lo "llerliiger," above. W. II. II.. oil-city.--lie 'dean n«i. A liluycr In poker Ih nllowcil lo split u pair to draw lo ii four Hindi or xtrnlght. mid In- rim- mil I iiinlM'lli'd to nxpoKP hln Imud by noll- t.vliiix lhe hiIk'I' iilnyern. In nny ivn.v, Ibnl In- iloi'H Mi MIS4I. II. A. I!.,'Woolixm-kel.—John I.. Sulllvnli won the him ilulii Inr the chnmiiloiiMblp ol iIn* world, under ilie rcxului' rule* »f the lirlzc rlnu,' when In- ilefcnlcd .hike Kllraln ill Uli'hliiiri:. Mis-.. .Inly 8, 1K8D. llic men llKbilnK/'wIIlL hnre knncklus, on turf. ATIII.KTIC. IV. j. i:„ rieTcliiinl. --Harry IMaaus 1 ** bni niie liiinilri'il yards rwnrd l« !i'.-,».. mndc nL Onkhinil. fill.. Kelt. Tl. l.SSH. MISCKl.l.WBOrS. -II. A.. Valiloxtn. -firent Ilrltiiln 'has the liirisem lliiv.v of nny niillnii in l In* world. Hi.u.MiiCK, Hydimy.—Apply for llifnrin-i- lion l<> the Inti'i'iml Itcvenin* J<i>))iirlini'in. WnshliiKtnii. II. C. I'!. M. .1.. I'nliKn.— AildiviM one of iht* i'iIii I'lithinill JoiirilnlK. OfII tllltlfill I.RTTKH. liltA3IATI«:. li. 'I'.. .lackwiii.' —Wn haw no hBararlrdBt* "l the jircKeltl whereiihoittM uf I In* juii'li. Addrrtm a letter In our car,* mid we will ndveriijiv It In Tin; Ci.irran letter lint. <!. W. Km Wiwlilncion. Mrs. M. Mm Npencor. <'. &. SoNM, New York, i'. \). V.. Chicago. '.Miih. II. S.. Pitnhlo, I'. A. ".V.. Hostoli. M. 1'., I'ltUliiirit. i S. S.. Inilliiimiiolls. I;. 8. X.. 11 ret nil. II. J. II., ItoclieHttT. .Mikk II. II.. I'hlliitMphlii. A. lti;.Mn:ii. Troy. %. Ik. T.. New York, nml W. «M. 'I'., Slei'llliK.—See answer lo Q. '1. nhovc. K. M.K.. Near York.—Addreaa pany In care of 77i«i Kin, London. I'll*. % 1*. rr„ Sci-antuti. — \V«i will publlKh aach u HhI In llteae coIiiuiiik Inter III the kciikoii. Mikk. il. .B.. . New CiiHlle. -Wnlch mir route Hat' each a rah. II. (I. J- Itiiclne. —AfldreMs It. I. .Iokii i who KlntK thi> anujr), In care of 'I'm: i'miti.Ii it. II. 1*'.. I trad ford.- -Hi* has nppi'arril In thU eoniitry In the role of Mi'iihl»lophcli*K. In "I'lluat." .1. K.. Wllkenharri!.' -I. We havo m» BMW of klimvlnc. -. Address any or our BWrtai 1 ile I me inn, hi lie adVurttscrK. X. Y. /., Wlndher. -U'Uer was sent .Inn. O u> Natroiin, 1'a. A Uk.vuku, New .York.- -AthlrwK or upply to soiiii* isfaar sianagrr. "CLOWN." llrownsville, -We have no incuiis uf knowliiK. ami llieivfnrc can nol aid ynn. KtniliKA.—The lelti'r Was advertised In .1 iccc-liiber. Ii linsitol been elnhued. 3Hkk M. H.. i.itncsvllh*.--Wnteli mir nitifn list each week. II. R» U.. llrldRi'lon.- -I. See answer i,, T. V. 'J'. 'J. t'nhll k lltllilr, inilillshed by .IiiIIhk Calm, Umpire'Theattv llulldlu*;. .New York I'ltV. V. (c Sons. New York. Wnlcli our route list iinch week, or nddveNs (iiu'ly In call' of Tub .Ci.utisr, and we will advertise the let- ter In our letter 11 si. A. Sl'liMCUlliKli. Kiinsns City.- I. There lire six theatres In the circuit. 1'. l-'roni •y_ , ;i n|i. It. Si, New York. He In not n|>)i«arll>c lu Ihi* |duy at present. . K. J. II.. New York. >Vnlcli our route list each wnek. N. X>, Noabtiry.- The compnny bus closed. .1. 1". It., New York.--lty persounl Kppllca Hun to iniiimiiers who pioiliice new plays. «. '.\.. New* A'ork.— We have no kuowl- «due of nny audi publication. T. L., I'lilbidoliillla.—We have no aim us of kimwhij.*. Aiblress Win. A. Hnuly. ]Jtm liionihvay. New York City. M. 1). & C lunseli. Address Dick \ IM Use la Id. IS Ann Slreel. New York Oily. .1. .1. K., .lersey Clly.--I. Win. J. Kemilnii waa tukeu 111 llec. I'll. 1SHI. lie died Feb. 18, 180K. 2. Aliif«niet Milliter died April 7. ISU8. I'. K. M.. Norfolk.-Addii'sa I'rof. tVltollly. i hiilliniii Mtiniirr. New York lily. f. S., Van K.. Jersey City Hclghta. II It Is to he copyrighted, two copies must aw setit to tlie l.lhriirliiii of UuBfllias, nl Wash- ington. I). C.. helor" H Is put on sale, lu I'i'Uer to cnmply with the eopyrl-jdu hiwa of ihe rnlted Suites. If ii la not to be cu*ci- vlgblcil. this, of i.uii'Ke. Is nnucccKsary. ami II imu la> )inbllsheil at otter. CAIUML II, It.. I'levelnnd.- It, II I* eutltled In n run ot three for bis .*>. lino one I'm* the last card In il, 7. !i and T. •.'. It bus only one run. I'. It. 1'.. <'ol ulii).'. A was noi emitted ii, a sapience fur his bmi nee. on necoiint uf bis llrst me liitflivenlim. K. .1. I'm Mhlillolowii S|iilti|;s. Write to litck A*, I'ltuBCMid. I* Aim street. New Yorb L'U|s lot a VtwV uf tiufV*. . . ... (I'ltoM ul'il OWN I'lllUlf.Nl'oNUKN'r.t \\ enterii llnreao Of lite New York (II,,per. I too in .111", Ashlaml lllock. ( l.lcuuo. Noi mitny of Chleugo'e thirty-three places ol theatrical amusement, dosed by oilier of Aluyor lliiri'la.ui on Jan. J, can reopen under I be new luilldlni: re);uliitbina wit hunt under- jtoliiK sti'iichirnl allerallona which will I'lnoliht. pi'iidlciilly. to rebiilhlliiK. This siiiicineiii iihsuiiics, of course, thill nil pin visions of the new ordliiiiuce, passed at an all nldn session of ihe City Conncll, Mon- day I'venlni*. Jan. is. shall be enforced. The spi'i'lnl session, held TiU'sday evenlni;. 111. when innuniters hoped that sonte actlou would be taken for their temporary relief, re- sulted In noililn'.' more than n drastic reso- lul bill, under the provisions of which only a ciimpaiiitlvi'ly few of our theatres inn hupe to ren)ii'n wliblu a iihiiiIIi or sli weeks. The alilenneii showed ubaolulcly no roiiKldei'iltioli for the business Interests uf our theatre own- ers and iimnairet's. lleiaeiuherlnK the loss of life ateadalil upon the recent IriMpiiilH lire, and prompted by the disclosures thus Jar untile by the iiiniuer'K Jury, they with an Iron bunil und en- I'lllllliei'i'd eslstlliK tll'lllrcs with rCKIllu- iloiis which would Involve the I'xpendlture of ihoii.-iiinls ol dollars If every provision shall be rlj.*hlly adhered to. .Monday night's aclloii wna reacluHl after three postpone- ments. Aldermen, at previous sessions, nr- Htled that undue haste would be utiscemly, mid perhaps dlKiislriius In the future. Mayor Harrison's net ion In eloaliiK every place of auiiisi'nieni was endlirseil. ntlil the alderineli . proceeded to lake I hall* time In de- Ilbenirlnj,' and nctlbic upon an ot'dl* milieu which liiul been prepured by n spechil I'liiuinltlce, chosen Iroiii their own iiieniliershlp. and ndiullledly expert In their ttnowlcilse uf construction. When the new ordinance luid him printed and actlou post- poned, more 'hail .oxly aiiieudiueiils were offered when II was hrmiaht up fol* dual lU'lloti last .Monday evenlnc;. The session ol the l.'ltv bulled until nearly four .''clock In the iuoiuIiik, and the ordinance, us lltmlly adopted, Ik inure Iron clad than any theatre to which It uppllos can be pos- sibly inude. siripis'd of ils verhlaite itlid lci;al detnlls. Ihe new ordliiiiuce, In Ils Iwen- ty-slx sections, provlihis: Tii.u all tliealres ii'usi lie e iiilpped with an antiiinatlc water sntiaklbM s.vKtem over ihe slnue. supplied from a lank not less than •Jtit'l. hlghei* than the liulldln«: the sprinklers to he Installed over the stiii*c, miller the stane. In the paint and property rooms, and other loenllous hark of the curtain. Stand pl|wx. for hoar, lounecllon. supplied with water Jioni the tuiik nhovc the luilldlni;. pumps, e.UluKulsb- irs. lire houps and axes, and other lire Hda IllK 1'ppllauees shall Ih? iiisiulled npoU the Ntaar. subJiH't to of the (lie nnu- shiil. Them dhull be a solid brlek piosceui tun■ tvnll, wpliiatliiK Ihe -iiitfe from the ali- dllorluni. mid all proscenium opcnlnirs shall lie covered by a steel ciirl.iln. which shall be in use duliiiv the peil'orujiuices as in I ■ hops or scene cm-iulus. iron doora ahull he used for all pnssaecs from the alulltorlum to Hie smite. All alaaa Crniulni*. tly lofts, alasje •fiillerlea. etc., shell Ih' of iron. All winidwoi'k and scenery iiiiisl iic co.ued with siiuie llri'iiiisii' soluti'in. timer doors lead- Iiik lit Ihe slniie must be vcstlhuled to ple- vel! I diicei drauiibts. Adcipiale vents, to ciirrv off smoke or lire, shall be i-ousli ncied In ihe roof above Ihe kIiibc to Is: oinniteil by electrical connections which kIiiiII lead lo iliu box other and to the mam' KwllehlMiard. nlapi'iiins uf all exits ahull be pi luted in pro ejiiiiunes. All exits shall have a scpnruir li^hilnc itysiem, sIiowIuk red Mollis uver the iliKil-a, Inside, ami hrltchl elecMlcsl lights to llluiuliiate Ihcexlr stair otitsiile. Auto untile are ahum systems shall eouiiuuiileaie wlib the lire department, und the aiiliitiiuth- >prInkier:*, behind the curinln line, sliali also comimliiluiite r.uioiaatteally with the depart menl. l'hii'h theatre shall employ two or iiioii' lli-einen. deialled by Ihe depart men i. who shall he on duty ilnrlnK all i»'ifiirm- i,net's. Tbe-llieuii'ii shall reipiire a the drill ol the house attaches at least twice a week, and no one llrenutu shall be detailed at any theatre for more than Iwo week**. Knoll the- atre license shall stale the exact seattnc di- pnoi ly, und no one shall be admitted to Ihe I hen I re after these seats huve been suld. \)l Mil lire. IliihU sluilt lie controlled by a sbutflff In lb.' lobby. Tuc hiiildluir com mlssloncr. lire eoininlssloner mid eblef of police sbiill be In absolute control of all lie'il tu's. with inspections allowed at any Mine, and upon llieir rrioiii Mo* nuii or shall revoke any license and rfcjw any theatre. Aisles shall all lead directly t» an exit, wliboiil am- inins or uiijjles. Cross aisles, also lendlnv ru evItK. shall In- opened for every Hfleen bunks of seats on the ground Hour, and lieliveen every nine banks uf seats In lull cony iir nailery. There shall be no rise (•renter '.him ciKhteeii Indies between mo of seals, mul each row* of sent* shall have n spare of Ian feel leil Inches fiiuu luicli to buck. Then* -iial, he mi more limn tee scats In each row between ulslos, Nii aisle shall he less thnn Iwo f«e: eluht luehes wide in the stage end nml Mire.' feet ai the other, and tlieri* shall Ii' no siens. <utihlen rises or other ubsirnelIons In any aisle. All door* must swine oiitntird. nil sinliwnys tinisi l«* always lliidiled durluir pi I fornuiiu'es. and Ihe thiol's shall lie dcKiejimi'il as "Mnlll I Iihii." *K!isi liiillery" mid '*Seciuid Mul- lery." All exit stair* slmil lea.I directly lu open spnees *>r mielosed I'li-wsirewn.vs. 'pri - iccteU by hftnivyf. tt'Ulls .1^ iQebC) .llttvku KxIkIIiik liiilldliigs may have Miese fireproof saaatjnls Bin ••onstmeted within the wa'l« of Ihe niu'lleiiee nsiuis, but In future i-oii- striictloa of theatres nil ■ rtinlleni-e nsiins iiiiisl adloln at leaat twi public tbnroiik'h- inres. afial! 1«> siiri'iiiindeil on four sides bv iiiieu iiassnites or enclosed llreproof pa- la'igcwnys leaillnii direct to the Hlreels. No audience runui now* exist 'ni* shall have Its lowest batik of seals more than twelve fee; nhove tlm street level, unless the liutldlii'. Kluill Ik- llii'iirouf. nml In all future construcilon tint Iowit IIimiV shall h" mi the street level. I'lirtliennore. nil theatres in be i-onstriieli'il In fiilure shall be absoltitelv llreproof In even' particular of lis construction. The nlmve nrrny of rnti- dll.ioiiH and realrletlons confront nnr innnii- iters mid owners of theatre buildings lu t hi* rvsaa, The conditions which require the great- est fxpi'iulllitrca and the umst rndlcnl Bl- leratlons nre lite brick pniHeeiiluiii walls, steel curtains, niitouiallc sprinklers, exits at the end of every aisle, with (tea nml d'rect Manser l« sircela or o|ioii spmes of uniunil or alleys. Iron Hliijjes mid bnluiinles above the stage, and Uie twelve foot limit for all audience moms In iioii-llreiiroiif liitlhllnpi in which theatres are located above the street level. ThlH last provision will tint several I heal res out or business. The other illtern- tluns will tnke months uf Mine, thousands »f dollars, nnd In some cases will require that the theatres shall lie practically rebuilt, on Tiiesdav evenlnc the Council passed a remilu- iion wiierrhy tliealres may put In the steel curtains, Ilia sprliikllnj; service, and iron stiiKc equipment nnd open temporarily, pro- vided ttiev shall put up a bond of *'J*».)HH» Hint all reqiilremenlK of the. new urillnani-i' shall Is' fully complied with by Ann. 1. the temporary alterations Iii-Ihk subjeel to the iipiirovul of the Mayor, a sjieclnl al- derinnnle comnilltce. the bulldliii: ilep.i.n- men! and filially upon actlou of the I'lrv Counell In otllelal seKKloii.. Mawtgrr Knink II. June, of the Warrington Opera limine. Oak l'ark. alive to the deal Hi ot? finu "invents I'crenboiilK. nih'erllwd lien lleiulrlcks. In "Ole Olsuti." Sntiirdny nfter- neiiii and cvcnlnir. .Ian. 2X In lnniiy or thr I'lilcnao initiers. oak l'ark Immediately nd- Jidrs the city limits mi the west, and is In iiiiich with down lowti llivoiieh electric cms mid Ihe "I." road The Thomas con- cerls. ai the Auditorium, continue lo be our i.nlv clliss of annisemiiil. Concerts ure given miller n s|H'ehil puintlt fruni the biilldlm; department, the Auditorium Theatre bavin*.' been put In an nceepinble condition by the slorhiK of till scenery and the lowering of Hie steel 1Vrt* i-iirtnln. I uncerts were given sever- al evenings Inst week, mid will continue, dur- ing the current ours. This concession to the Chicago Ircheslra (raslces was made ninm relireselitnlloii that If concerts were not peiialttetl the Thomas Orchestra would be compelll'd lo illsbaiul. Illlls ending Chicago's proudest elnlm to musical reiogulllon... .Kx iiKxernted reports of a fire lii the orniid I'al- are lintel were sent out from here oti W«l- nrsdny. the local papers priming many weird slalements bc'niise theaillcnl folk wer.* must* ly coiu'iirneil. The lire amounted lo iiulh- lijg mure lluiii a small hln/.e III a hall close I. there hiring much more smoke than tlf*. there was no panic, no one was injured nml no properly liehmgliig lo theatrical is?ople wis destroyed. The lilnie occurred HI i' a. m., bill Hie hold inuuiigeluenl was alive lu Ihe situation and promptly pro tec I eil Hie lives of Ihclr guests I.enh Jtussill Is pi-ii'iinling a heueilt 'icrfni'iniihce. to be given by nienibers of ihe vaiidevllle profi'sshin In the Sherman House Itiinquet Mall. Saturday night. Jo. The nroeerdu will Ih' dlstrllntteil ntiioug profeslotmls here- ii bun is who have become liii'Kiverlshril as a result of the Iruqliols lire... .Helen Conger hies ilimlly recovereil fnmi nu altm-k -if liilliimnlattii'y rheumatism, which has Insted since last May. She expresses her gratliiule to the Actora' Fund for assisting her through her long siege Tom Morrlsey mid Annie It. Illeh slopiieii over In Chleago Inst week <« iimlc from their date -n St. JoKcph. Mo.. in their Home In Kalr Haven. N. .1. They go I'liiKt for the piupiiBC of cutting lee from the Shrewsbury for Ihe use of fair Haven's liienll'icill colony next Sunnier Ogcrlln Arnold mid Carrie Laanar is a.aanr raado* villi! pni'luci-Klilp Just fiinneil In Chicago. They will do character changes mill are Isioked In Western houses for most ot this Spring.. ..It <s snld that the Olympic 't'he- nlre may he lelmlll, iik a result of some of the reipilreiiii'iits uf the new* Hit* ordinance. The saiue ciiiikck will also compel radical cliiingcs lo ho made nl Sam T. .lack's, the Lit Kdlu.*. the JTilrty-lliKt Hlreet. Thvntre and siinie other nouses. Ddlnlle action, how- ever, will not lie taken for some time, us inniiiigei'H hope for a more Icniem onllii.inee in be eventually enacted bv Hie cltv Coiiudl. Monday evening's sua- sion. .Inn. '.'o, may determine many things which new deeply worry our malingers. llnsliiess men In all lines of trade are be- ginning In feel the result of theatrical stag- nation hereabouts. The Association of Hotel und Itcslaiiraiit Keepers Inst Monday even- ing petitioned the iMdeeiiicn to cmuf log-ls- Inllnn which would clear up the present dif- ficult v. The National Alliance 1III1 Posters and illllers of America also presented a ]h> lltlon. is?arliiK live thousand Mlgniitiirea. at the same liincilng. The s l tael cur coni)iaiiles feel ihe loss of the theatre travel: the rail- nails are beginning to appreciate that theat- ilral travel ulnounis to something, and even tile depart meni stores coinplaiii that I uslness Is Injured try the present closed con- rdtlon of .our tliciitres If present ne- KUtlittloiis are cousiininiaieil. Sliarpshoolers' l'ark. In imrlliwestern Chicago, will lie eon* verted Into it Kuminiiier liark of iniui|>nso pro [.onions. KfTorts are being made lo iqien Ibis Similiter with ull -sorts of amusements. i oucesslons. big vaudeville shows nnd band concevls. The purtlrs Interested In the deal have amnio capital under their control, nnd the delnlls are nearly closed whereby rhl- i-ngo will come lulu Summer entertnlnnieiit Mie like uf which II hns never known The I'uroncr's Inquest over Ihe victims of the Iroquois lire will probably conclude uirlv next week, a verdict llxlng reapou- sllill'lly for tin* disaster ladng expected liv Tuesday, -II. Scores of witnesses luive hi'cii exuniliieil. and ■every effort has Imicii ini'de lo ferret mil ihe sulist inlnnii details which might nld In an eiiiillable verdict of leKpniisllilllly It. r. Meyer, ndvertls- iiir agent of the Marlowe Theiltiv. und twelve meinlH'i's of Chicago IshiiI. No. 1. Mill Postern •nml Itlllcrs Alliance . are re lolcliig IIV a sjieelul run of ceiinnerchil wot!; which opportunely lllls lu a part of their en- forced vacation. Coi.ernl Miuuiger Loveless, of thc-Schultz Halting t'o.. came to their sub- stantial rescue lust week, nml will work the delegiitlon for several wis'ks Anna Cildweli passed ihrongh Chicago Siilurday. ui loiili' for Kiinsns t'lly. to Isgln Ihe or- plieuni tour, having row fully recovered from several weeks «t serious Illness In New York. Jessie t'liulhoiil Is at home In Magic- wood for .1 Utile vacation, din* In pun lo Ihe eli'icd Kohl & rustle theatres, mid in linrl to a desire lo recu|H-rale after n several coiiseeii I Ivc weeks in Has it in vaudeville. 'Ihe iismil pleasures of a visit nl home are however, blighted ns this Is her ill si nip lo i'bleugo since her nuilhei died here, last August. Miss t Suit houl mid her fill her may take a trip lo old I'olui roinfori wllh- ing' B few weeks, provldiil her vauileville l.ooklugs will n din 11 of It tJcucral Man ager Muriln Jleek. »f Ihe i irpliciiui clreuli. Is^lu New York, arranging for at tract Ions. l-'orlies itoherlson asi.uiueil Ihe Hole g' lliuulei f«V Ihe llrsi time In Aiuerleil sill Ibe I'heslnni Street Then I re, I'hllndelplilii. mi l-'rhlny evening. Jan. *."J. and reporls fruui Mini clly credit Ii 111) wilb tunning n decided success.. llerlrude lllllott then made Iter fan anajaneg \kk lu lbs U'lv vi VruvlU* M.\»8.\Clll»KTT». e novelties - week Include: l'ark. 'Tilllle Mar}:" Colonial Illusion.- The stag for tills il< Mollis. ii:" Ma- Silver uneven Allen, i "Twelfth Nlgjil :" Miiry Mnnnlrlng. ii. •■Ilarrlrfs,KaetWjaaa Huston. Charles Warner, in ' l»r k. M jestlc "lliisiur llrowu.' and Chlckerlng Hall. ■•'•Sinr ,.f Ib'thleheni." The following are chiiiges. hill old friends: Croud Open „l,l Mayo, in ■ Winchester:". Mils f llsll. Joe Welch. In "Tlie I'eddler:' nnh. J «• I'ouiilv I'lilr:" Castle Sqimre. "llisidniiiu Itlliid.'' mul llowdolii Sipmre. '"Ihe liaeger." The business was very lust week, some »f the liouseK turning \ieo Pic .iwav. while oilier*- were nut more l.niii Imir lllleil nl any |ierfornisn«*e. The wenther was dlKilgreenhle enough to keep nil the the- uiri'kiiers Indoors, but 11 ibushiKtsi hrnvrtl Ih* norms. The I'oliirabla Ik dark this week, und will 1m« roo[Mned Jan. Jo. under tlie management of Slnlr * Wtlblir. Nance o'Xell mid company move to Ihe J remoni current week, for three Kiieclal inatlnce*. I'.viik TiiBAritK (i'Iiuk. Krohmnii. Illeh * Harris, managersi.----Monilnv. .Ian. 2.>. o|hiiib ihe engagi'iueni of .1. AI. Ilarriaa shy, •■l.lllle Man." The company Includes: lleiirv K. lilxey. Krlt* Wnilnius. YNiillnee llildhiger, M. A. K riy. Kitlhryn lluteh :..~... mul Jessie HiiKley. I'ny lhivls. In fair re* llograph portrayal of a tbrllllng episode in Hie cnree.r of Klt.C'nraon. the fatuous »<,„" Is -.honsand pliotogmbhs. lllg nudlcucl's :n ',,V',' ..mul 1.111 1.1*1 u-n..L nnd woodman. The motion picture""i« K,' llfnlly colored, and said to cuutjtln «."*,""' "Whitewashing Julia." drew only Minis last week. Sti:i:kt TUBATB8 I Isaac II. KM, iuniingerl.--M.iry Slamieriiig and eunipiiiiy nre her.* fur n work, prcsenlIng. for Ibe llrst time In this clly, "Harriet's Honey* uimin." Arthur llyroii. Thomas A. Wwc, lleurv Kolker. Ailolph .lacksoii. Louise IP;!- IlKter. Llllle Mall and Kluma Janvier nre In stipisirl ot Miss Mannerlng. The third and last week of "Hogers Urol hers lu Isindoii was a banner one. even Ihe sale of admission tickets Mils stopped at several iwrforinmices during Ihe week. Week «t I'eb. I. Charles llnwtrey. In "The Mau from lllaukley s. i'iiliiXHI. Tlii^TKB iCIiiis. Knihttuui. Illeh it Harris, managersi.--The bsnl fortnights stnv of l'rltxl Scheff. In "ltillHtlte, closed Snl'iuihiv night In a blaze of glory, the lllinl wi*ek bringing out packed housiai, despite Hie siroiigiMt kind of iqqiosltlon — miserable wenther. The little star made a. tremendous lilt This week's hill Is Viola Allen nnd itiui- ■ iiiiv. lu •■Twelfth Night." Supporting Miss Allen nre: John I'rulg. who Jolucd the com- punv In lhis city, wits tor ninny years lead- ing man of the Cast hi Square Stock, aud has it. verv lursi* hs-al following: John Illalr. rini-eiii-e ifiiildvslde. James Young, I'raiik Currier. C. I^'slle Allen. Kdwln llnward. I. IVrrlval Stevens, iirni-c Kllisoti. mid /.eflm Tlllhnrv. "Three Utile Jin Ills" conies next. HnsT'iN TllKATBK (Ijiwi'eilce Jh-Oarty. miiungeri.—Chnrles Warner, the llngllsh nctor. makes his llrsi Ikislou apiienrnee on Monday of current week. In "Prink." The offering conies so well beialdi-il Hint a good business Is expected. Ihigiigeineilt will last n fortuighl. The Inst week of "Checkers' saw some Improvement In the slue of the audiences, und the aggregate ot business done during the stny was good. " "way Down Knst Is to fulluw "Drink." Tbkmo.nt TllKATRK iJho. 1!. Schoeffel. mmiageri.—The foiirth and farewell week of Hi* Wolf Hopper. In "Mr. I'lckwlck." is now ender way. I'atroiirge coiitlniies fair. "Cln- der'.-lla and the I'rlnre," an itiuiileiir pro- d'iciliin. will oceupv Ihe stage next week, and will be followed by Ihickstiuler's Mln- sirels. Nance O'Nell, whose work at the i'ol inn Ida foi* the past two weeks hns en used much favorable onmineiii. gives three nutti- itee iicrfor.'iiiinecH at this house during the current week. The iinnoiiuceiueiits: Mon- ilny. ••ITres of St. John:" Tuesday. "Ilediui liabler," and I'rldny. "Magda." JlA.iKHTir TTiKATliK fSinlr k YVIIhur. mnn- ngvrsl.—-ltcglniilng Ibis week a new schedule! ul prices and a new pulley Is put 111 vogue at Ibis house. '"Itusier Itmwn" Is the llrst at- traction to stiirt the bulla rolling: under the new policy, mill the selection of UiIk iiiuhIciiI comedy seems mi Ideal one. Little Unlaid hits tile lending rule, and Is assisted 111 lib* merry making by lieorue All, Knox Wilson. Kdwnrd L. lions, hole l.nriieau. Nannie Hod soli. I.itdla Drew, AI. i.aiunr. Minnie Uootl- rleli, Charles Swuln and Hose Unmet. A fortnight Is tlie length of Ihe eiigugetnein. Mildred Holland. In "The Triumph of an KiiipresK." dosed Saturday night n three weeks' sojourn, during which tlie patronage was light. (ii.oni: TiiKATltK (Stair & Wilbur, niiiini- gerai.—"Snperlm." now In lis second and lust week at this house. Is doing well, anil seems to please the young and old ns If It had never tteen seen bore before. Tlie present production is fur ahead ot the previous ones in ninny ways. Mute, (.'hurlotic Wiehe nud her French compnny Is the next attraction. CoM.'Jiiii.v Tiikvtui: tStiilr & Wilbur, innu- — The above miiuugets nre now lu contrnl of Mils luiiise, Ihe n'ghue of Smn S. nml Shuhert closing on Saturday ulgltl lust, when Nuu«e O'Nell tlnlshed n fortnight's i iigngemeut. 'Hie prcsenl managers nre In turn the house Into a popular priced one. and ihe opening nttriiiHon will be laigettle Hlalr, In "Zntsn." Ihe c ngugcuicnt to begin l*'eb. 1. Ciianii Oi'kua iliirsi: itiiiurgu W. Jingo*. manager).—Knld Mayo. In the drama. "Win- chester," occupies the singe of this house during current week. In the support of the slur arc: Lawrence Mrllllth. Wflfail Ltieus, Flunk JIucDiiiinltl. liihvtiril A. Locke. Loreiutn T. Itlchey. Joseph lluiiuwny, \V. 11. Jlnck. Joseph lliruiery. Arthur Ilime, Hastings Wal- lm:e. ibsirser' ft. Ctiiney. Munlton .McDonald. Alice Jl. Smith, and I'lorence Neff. Kelt week. *'lf Women .Were Jleu." "The Child \Ylfc" wits favorably received Inst week. .Mi'KK- llAl.l. (Stair k MTlluif. miiniigri-sl. -.loe Welch, In "The I'eddler," Is here for a week. The inelvdriiina was preseuled In this city last season, and itoude a very favorable linpicsshui. Mi. Welch Is sin rounded hv a tlmroiighly compeleut company. Good sized houses saw ami enjoyed "The Village Vnst- innstcr" Inst week. Coming: Walter 10d- wai'ds. In "The Sign of the Four." Hi n TilKATUK iStair & Wtlblir. mnungersi. - -An old friend I.- here, this week. Nell llur- gess' prisliietion of "The County Fair." lie- sides many of the original members uf the cast. Mr. Iliirgesa makes it special feature of the vaiiilevllllmis, Dixon. Dowers and Dixon. "James Hoys In .Missouri." a melo- drama of the heaviest type, found favor lust week, especially with ihe younger clement. ■Stain of tiullt follows. C.vsTt.n SijL'Alii; Tiikatiii: 1.1. 11. Cillery. Homager I.- "Ilooilman lllliul" will Ik- pre- scnl.1l al Mils house on Monday of current week The prluclpiil cbcrnclcrs are cast as follows: Jack Venlett. Howell Hansel: Mark I.e/./.iird. John Suliipolls: Jlr. Krldge. .lolni I". Weber: Hen I'blhbles. Thomas Me L.irnle: Nance mid Joss. I.illlmi I si wren w : Colly Swirmp. May Sanders, and Kit. Ilulti Fiiiiices. The pal ions 11Ss>>,1 "1'iir Fair Vir- ginia," und. us Is customary with the pro- ductions nude al this house, there was muling lacking In the one made last week. Feb. I ami week. "Wild Oats." Hmvis.iiM s*p aiii: Tiikatiii: t(«. K. lai- I limp, iiiaii.igeri.—"Tint Silver Dagger" Is being done by the bouse slock tills week. The principal work Is In the hands of Wil- ls id lllnckmoiT. Kdwln liciilson, F.iigeiile IMi ltol.s. Clin riot I e Hunt. Ilutler iliivllmiil. Million Snwiclle and Florence llnle. "Old Slruib" was very jsqiiilar and crowileil the house nl every periormmire hist week. "Noi <lulllv" Is Ih'Iiik rehearsed. v. Ki:rrn's TiikatiiI; iir't*: Kelfb. niaiuV- gerl- Illll fur week of Jan. 'J."i: Dillon III others, i 'hniles M. Krnesi, Adair and D.ihii.. Ailnliih /.Ink. Mr. and Mrs. I.iudtier • 'mm*. Jlr. mul Mis. Mark Jlurpby. Ilrlu M. Mitchell. I 'llxgihlMiii. McCoy Trio. Ilwley anil lliin-liill. Ibe I'sheis. Uellil mid Slnllh. lliildabuia Finally. Harry How-aid's coimsly lioiile*?, ilog-i uifd monkeys, utttLn very ivailj' great, bill last weed. IIiiWAIIll ATHBXAKl'Jt |Wm. JlcAvoy ,,,„., agel'l.—This house was packcil lo ih',.',i, ' r.t everv isTforinance last week, whh'u shmi tluit If (he playgoers are given tln> .s,,-!. they will res|Hind generously despite weVuhi unit other oliposltlotis. The vaiidcvlllluns ii„ del* the title ot Hyde's Comedians, gave an" tertnlninent the quality of which has net i„.,.i. seen here lu innny seasons, aim) reiuliuUi Die old timers of the dnys of tin* llowir, Sim* Specially Co. Tills week the hill k iqiuilly as gissl, and Is furnished bv 11* Ilehmiiii Show, which consists of tlie rl,||„ n lug: IIUHsell llrothers. Felix nml linrry jji gnr Illxley, lbirloii and llrooks. ItossouMi,i jieta, Thiev Livingstons, Sullivan and lv ■ liieleim. Cnnmn add WlllnriL Charlie iti.s sow. Wella and JVella. nnd Dllks nud link. The Howard's own end of the bill consists iif the house biirlesqiiers, in "In the Utiil" and n set of new motion pictures. I'.M.Ai't: TltWTin: (Charles II. Wnhlrnii inaiiageri.—The Transiithinllc Ilurlesqu,. c,',' Is here this week. and. Judging fMtu tin previous shows given by Mils organlzntlun a I rent Is In store for the stnnilbvs uf i|ik limtse. The compnny iipis'itrs In n* new bin lesqiie. entitled "Two llot Knights." anil lad ween the nets of the piece there Is nu din composed ot the following: Frank 'ravin- Ethel Cope and Tom Carter. .Mitchell nnii Cain. Kllie ami liottllold. nud .losle nnd JVillle Harrows. The show given hv i], ■ Kentucky llelles was a corker, and' their return will lie looked for with much eager liCKS. Lycki'M Thratbk HI. II. llatcheller. mnii- ageri.—Cherry Illussoin Hurleaquers an* In full bloom here this week, notwithstanding tlie season of the year. "Sara Iluuitlnirt's Itlvni" mul "Narrngnnsett 1'ler." two up p, dale aklls, and nil olio of vaudeville nets: Orieln-!ltird-f>rlota Trio. Alpine Fiimllv, l,u Hun iVrry. sYnnle Cllhert and Frank Wb IhUiisou. New York Comedy Four anil font funny dialect cunirdhinH: John I'erry. Wni. Spen'. ii-. Frauk Wllliiinison und llnrrv .M llerberl. ArsTtx & Stonk's Mi'rtKt-M iStone a Shaw, managers'i.—The Korean Twins. ■., curio hall feature, worth more than linlf n dosen of the usual cards seen In museum-. Is the big headllner this house puts fortli lllls week. Ilesbles this freak of unliin- there are n numlier of other eurlo hull ri hlblls. namely: All, the Hindu, with his fiimllv. which Includes a six months' old Is-ibv: Sweet JIatle. twenty yenrs old nnii weighing seven hundred and twrnly-elghi ponhda: the Delknuos, king nnd queen uf the liaiidculTs. and others. Stage: tiestJBr Carroll, Unth Wiley. Jnmcs Frceland. 1j Varnlc Sisters. Fngnn nnd Mcrrlnm. Wngii** r Sisters. Iloblilns end Treniiamnn. tirade ami lteynolds, Scott aud Hownrd. Tom and tier- tie tirlmes. nnd the Mlskell Trio. N'li'RKUUinix (1- It. Walker, manageri. Ilnse Jlorris mid her team of female basket- bnll plovers. Hreat Snbrnll. card iniiiilptiln lor: Fielding, man fish: Joe Stanley, at run: ninu. and George Thompson, blind mush-Inn. arc curio hnll cards for this week. In lie theatre: linrry White. Lillian Leslie. Hux. D i. Turks nud lluwe. nnd Wulsli mul Shaw. JValkek's JD'skim (T. llaukiue. inaiin gert.—YVeek nf .Inn. i*»: Curio ball—Jtlh*. Nornda French, In a litjstlfvlug globe net Young Charles, the perfect boy: Kin Knld. comedy Juggler: King Knrlo. .Mexican me glrlr.ll. und a tug; of war conteat lietwcrn tw., leiiius of femiuc athletes. Ktagt—Siuhli mul Leslie. Joe Huckley. Charles Juckson. Nellie .Mason, and Hessle Hos«. NnTKB.—lohti Crttlfr and Ills wife i.Mnry Yonngl have signed as members of Ihe Al- bee Stock C-).. in Provldeuce. one as leading man and the other as utility actress. Ihcy will liegln Ihclr labors In April Inn- ing her Huston engagement Jlme. M lehe will produce n uew play, called "Is; l'ei h Corse." for the llrst time la America, npis'ni lug ns u boy Tlie lollowlng ndviinn* n.en am lu town: .1. D. laifflugwell. wli Mnrv .Mannerlng: tieorgc JV. Smumls, will. -Little Mary:" I'* ■'• Jvlbtaeh. with \loi- Allen: John Ilogarty, with "Drink.' and J. W. Fellows. «lth "Hunter Hi-own." ••■ Fmuk Jordan, well knowti among theiitrlrid folks as treasurer of several loenl bouses, died In Chelsea on Friday of last week..-- Churli-s I'. Salisbury, resident nianngi'r «'f the Cnlnmbla lor the Shul-erts, Is now man aging the tonr of Xflnre 0 Nell ••■ Siindiiv concerts: 7lo«roa — VJ alermcbai Trust, ilnrney lteynolds. Crneey it ml Mir* uelte. Nltilo and Itlley. Al. Weston. Weslisi SlRters, Llxr-le C'otiglilln. nnd (.runt ami ilrnnt. ifns/e Hull— Tom Nnwn and nils- pany. Iloas Snow und I'llU Ott. Dave Now Ilu. Hughes Musical Trio.'Dun J. Harring- ton. "Senntor" Frank Bell, Win Hrduioiul. and Kdlson kluetoscolH*. l/i/Jtsffo—oi' Nawn and company,. I toss Saow und Hi" ott. Kltiiniurn's Japs. Mareo Twins Sin' lor" Frank Hell. Hughes Jluslnil lrlo. Do- rothy Neville, mid Kdlson klnctoscope. /!«»■ rfoln Square— Four Shaunous, ltntelle I ri'. Jlnzlc Ynle, O'llrlen und West, ltoblnson aint Jiml|s>r. Hutch llrothers, Amy Allen. Lorn m* and Vinton, and JYInn nnd Hart.... • .H" Hreefs lCngllsh Co. produces, for the Una time before it modern audience, a series in miracle plays blended Into one prodm-Mo"- mul which as separate pieces were In greiu favor In the thirteenth aud fourteenth re«- turlea. The drama Is called "Ihe »mr ei lletblelicm." nnd Is sure of n good |wtrnn- age ul Chlckerlng Hull this Week. SiirlsBflel.l At the Court Squai-e ihe litre (W. C. 1^: Xolr. uuiunger).— Hie !>•>• ton Symphony Orcheslni. Jan. IS. to ." niullence of goodly proiiorilous Mrgm a llamed, In "The Light Hint Lies In «« man's Kyes," made a most favorable impres- sion. Stetson's "Uncle Tom's I'uhln «■' ns entertnlnlug n* ever illt. "Ilogers llrota* ers lu London" 'J7. lllchurd Jlanstiehl ■■"■ Nkw (Ht.Moni: Tiikatuk I J. K. llurke. mn ' ngeri. —"A Little UiileaMt." Jau. I s -"- was well greeted by gisul houses, ,'ruc i"*- James. Caul JVeston. Annie HUtiuhe H I'lorencc Cecil were some of the ls-st In "" compnny. "llcr Marriage Vow." I'l-lu. w"" thrilling enough to still the patrons. « helmu Francis. Maggie (Tine. Florence John sun. Iblniond Jlulkny. Cuvci-e Tlbbits onn John l.'nssar did well. Due: "Bscuped friim Sing Sine" ■i.-.-^T. "Jnmcs Hoys lu Missouri -H.-"0. ilMAMi deiniA Ifor.Mi: (Charles W. Kooila* maiiager i.--TheCherry Illossoms llurlesquer** I van. lliislncfs was goisl. Clark's Kunawiy Clrls. aia.'l. put up one of the best shows 1 patrons Imvo seen. Huslne'ss was at.' 11 Ml" notch.. Hooked: Hose Hill's Kuglish Tolly '_'.-|-'J7. Fads nnd Follies 'JH-30. Nt:i„sux Tiikathi: iZ. T. Diimou. aasaa* gen.-—The Dainty Puree Kxtruvngaiis*. '•■; -':!. drew fair houses, mid presented it siiu» wbleli hud merits. "The liissl Old httiniaer Time" *.'S!10. _. „„ Nm-KM. — Cmnllle Itenudlu. of <?■*»"*" Falls. Is with the Anierlenii Vaudeville < <■>«< puny Hollis K. Cwley wns reiviitu choKjIi muster of Pilclllc Lislge of Jlasoe- New Y'ork «.;ra«r llaie. a loe?I . V " MI - liuly. who bus gained qu-te a little pro j;; liieii'e as an iiinalciii. has Jidned ''"*' r ! il ', ns one ot the llower girls ..-';' V Mnniicrv Joins "Her Marriage \«w In !''•" elty 2B. tu do character work "' Chlcopee Kails Aerie of I'nglcs. 4nl. ralM" n new brood of birds 'J", among whom »'" ;;. J. J.mes. Philui ilrrrhl. Jewsr Stnynn"• ileu. Harris. Nlek" i.lviiu. W. It. Sberiilsn* FiihI l.n mm i.nd A. F. llnlgnno. of Sin>"" •■Cncle linn's Cnlilu.". . . .lirnce llliickeniu ■vim formerlr made her l.unie In ibl* •'" * was nuirrled Ian. an. Ill .Hiilyuke. lo s"» Colidlt. one of tin* owners nml lending nun «HJi qajHldv, CftH aa^<stf. w ! |irt ' Uh