The New York Clipper (January 1904)

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JANUAKY 30: THE 3STEW YORK OLIPPEB. 1171 World Beaten (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)—1'lilln- delphls. Ps., Jsn. 88-80, Serantoo Fob. 1*3, Hcadlcs 4-ft. jruoll * Vernon's tlomedlsns (II. P. mil, roar.)— ' llraill. Is*i J,in - *•> T'" 0 Haute 20. ,10, Ited- mnl Pol % Madison 4, New Albany .'.. MINSTRELS. MM A Wilson's (Lawrence Barlow, uigr.)— Iwnrlllc, Ky- Ian. 27, Bardstnwn 29, Mi>rlng- (K-lil .'10. Louisville Fob. 1. Eminence 2. , .ii'i.iiL'. Chase * Weston (Will K. Cnlhnnc, mBT.I —Mount Msco. N. V., Jan, 27, Mount Vernon "S Sew Hnchetle 20, Yonkors SO. Clark's. Duncan—Snnrtnnsbur,;, S. C, Jan. 39, ilrrcnrllle Feb. 0. IMola-indor's, Le* Unities n. Decker, mpx.)—jj, V. City J«n. 25-CO, Newark, N. ,T„ Feb. 1-0. I leld's, AL u - fsJfe J - Kano> nigr.)—Scronimi. Pa.. Jim. 27, Wllkesharre 28, Shomokln 20. v. uili ripllilcbcm SO, Eastnn Feb. 1, BHnfaeib, \. J., 2. Trentoa 3, Hearting, IM., 4, Laaras- ler 5, ll.-iulshiirg 0. I nasi. Tol K. («. D. Cunningham, mjrr.)—- Vow lls-rlo, l.a.. Jan. 27. I.ofayetto 28, Opeloiums 2». jcnnlne* .10, Lake Charles 31, Hour Lake, Tex., r<*. i. CorMi's (0. O. Pearl, nigr.)—Rochester. Ind., j.-.ii. 27. Hammond 28, Oak Park, 111., St, South Chlcaico 30, Sycamore Feb. 1, Dlxnn •;, Frroport.".. Kockford 4, Marengo «, llelrldcrc •!. Orost Ifcirlow—Burlington, la., Jan. 27, Keokuk M llaverly's (Wm. Franklin Riley, m/rr.)—Croon- rllle, Tor.. Jan. 27. Paris 2S. 2:i. Dallas 30, Gainesville Feb. 1, Forr Worlh 2. Cnrsooana 3, Horlln 4. Waco 6, A>i-Hn •!. Ill Henry's—Wlnston-Hnlcm, X, C, Jon. 27, firrenshoro 2S. Kcrsnnds', Hilly (0. J. Smllh & W. C. Thomp-nn, mars.)—Newport News, Va., Jan. 27, Soldiers' Home 2.1. Durham. X. 0„ 20, Oreenshnro 30, Wlnston-Salem Feb. 1, Raleigh 2, Charlotte 3, (inffnoy, SL C, 4. Columbia l">, Nnralcr »!. Richards A Pringle's (Rusco ft Holland, mers.l Pasadena, CaJ., Jan. 27, Los Angeles 2N-",o, Sun Dieco Feb. 1, Santo Pnnln 2, Ventura 3, Santa Barbara 4, Sun Luis Obispo 5, Salinas is. Vogrl's (John W. Vogel, mar.)—Rochester. X. Y., Jan. 26-27, Byracnso 28-30. Newark Feb. t, Lvcns 2, l'nlroyrn 3, Warsaw 4, Perry 5, Corn- InK C. West's. W. H.—Macon, Ra.. Jan. 2P. Who, What. When (L. M. Boyer, mcr.)—Worn- hachle, Tex., Jan. 30, Iionhnm Feb. 2, Honey t'.rnvo 3, DeDlson 5. CIRCl'SF.S. Bowman's (Barney Shea. msr.l—Itraldentmvn, Fla., Joo. 27, Lakeland 2S, Bartow 20, Wan- ehnla 30. Arcadia Feb. 7. Orrln Brothers— City of Mexico, Mot., Jan. 25, inileHnlte. ■ Shlpp's (Edward Slilpp. mgr.)—Cedar Bantds, laf. Jan. 25-30, Rock Island, 111., Feb. Ml. MISCKLL VXKOCS. Rostock's Trained Animal Arena (Frank O. Itos- toek, rogr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 2S, in- (lednite. Cook, Prof. J. W.—Monroe City, Mo.. Fob. I, 2, SK-lbtna 3. 4, Callno 5. Laredo n. CiyMolplox Carnival (M. II. Walsh, rajr.)— Now. market. X. II., Jan. 25-30. Flints. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert L, (17. L. Flint. n-gr.)—Cedar Itaplds. In., Jan. 25-30. Hnjcnlieek'N, Carl, Trained Animals—Minneapo- lis. Mian., Jan. 24-30, Dos Moines, la., Feb. newi'it—Qnenomo, Kan., Jan. 2."-27, Biirlin- gnme 28-30, Lyndon Feb. 1-3. Kr.o*les, The (Elmer E. Knowlcs, mgr.)—Oram.-*- burg S. C, Jan. 2S-27, Augnstn, On., 2S-:a>, JniksonTllIe, Fla.. Feb. 1-C. priwr Firaily (Bert Silver, mgr.)—Tale. Mich.. Jan. 28, 27, Brown City 2S. Marlett 29. Znrbrnvs, James and Zlrln—Rlcbmcsid, Ind., Jan. 25-SO. , omm Rome cist This lint is made n» nearly accurate as It in possible to make a Hat of vaudeville- bookings. Ahbott, Annie, Circle, N. Y. C, Jan. 25-30 Adler, Flo. O. O. H., Indlanapolts, Jon. 25-30. Adams & Mack, Palm, Cripple Creek, Col., Jan. 25 30. Artolr & Dahn, Keith's, Boston, Jan. 25-30. Adamlnl & 'J'nylor, Trent, Trenton, N. J., Jan. 2S-30; II. & S.. K Y. C. Feb. 1-0. Addison & Livingston, ITnlnuc, Iudlniinnolls, Jan. 2S-30. Adjlo'a Lkins, Poll's. Watcrbury, Conn., Jan. 2j- 30; Poll's, Hartford, Feb. l-«. Aherns. The, Clncograpb, Spokane, Wnsh., Jun. 25-30; Star. Walla Walla, Feb. 1-0. Ainsley. Josephine, Columbia, St. Louis, Jan. 21-30. Alburtiw, Proctor's 5th Ave., N. Y. C. Jan. 25-30. Alblons. The, Los Angeles. Cal„ Jan. 25-80. Allen, I«m and Bertie, Bradenbursli's, 1'hlln., Jan. 25-30. Allison", The. Pastor's. N. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. Alsirtun & Millar. Orphcum, Denver, Jan. 2..-..0. All k Pelser, O. n„ Host Liverpool, 0., Jan. J.i- 30 Alien, Searl & Violet, Poll's, Hartord, Conn., Jan. 2S-30. Amm, Wilbur, Keith's, N. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. Ainorlcsn Trumpeters (4). Casto, Fall ,«'«'• Mass., Jan. 25-30; Casto. Lawrence, Feb. 1-rt. Anlrini • I>oter», Keith's, Providence. R. 1„ Jim. 2.V30; Keith's BIJou. Phlla., Feb. t-fl._ Anderson & llrlggs, O. n., I'eeksklll, K. l„ Jan. 23-30. Aiiilcraon, Alfred, Casto, Fall River, Mass., Jin. Armstrong ts nolly, Garrick, Wilmlngtou, Del., Jan. 23-30. _ _. Armstrong & Wright, Orpbeum, Xew Orleans, Jmi. S* _ Asbton, Margaret. Birmingham. Kng., Jan. 2,»- !!0; Hollmvay. London. Feb. l-«. Arnilntn, Proctor's Oth Ave., N. 1". 0„ Jan. 2j- 30. Avolos (2). Keith's Bijou, Phlln., Jan. 25-30. Avon Comedy Four, Shea's, Buffalo. Jun. 25-30. Bancroft, Keith's, Providence, R. I„ Jan. 25-30. llailov & Madison, Pastor's, X. V. O, Jan. 23-30. italcilnls. The, Keiths Xcw. Phlla., Jan. 25-30. Bartons, The. Atlantic Onrdcn, N. Y. C, Feb. 1-fi. Ilsrnos, Paul & Co., Casto, Fall Blver, Mass., Barr '&" Evans. Keith's, N. Y. a, Jan. 25-30; Avenue, Pittsburg, Feb. 1-0. Bnrnclis, The, Providence, B. I., Jan. 25-Feb. C. lloanos, The, Casino, Manchester, N. n„ Jim. "5-30 Barry L Johnson, Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. O, Jan °5-30 Bnrto'i"L«ITerty, Odeon, Baltimore. J;n. 25-30. Bard Broa., Mechanic, Salem, Mass., Jan. 28-30. Barr A La Salle, Chutes. San Fran., Jan. 25-an. Barrett Bros., Lvrlc, St. Joseph, Mo., Jon. 25-311. Beverly. Frank & Louise, Xovclty, Oakland, tab. Bentham & Freeman, Flora's, Madison, Wl9., Jon. 25-30. _ BeuBon & Francceter, Palace, Worcester, Mass., Jan. 25-30. Bellman & Moore, Shea's, Buffalo, Jon. 25-30. Bedlnl & Arthur, Shea's. Buffalo, Jan. 25-30. Borsere, Valeric, & Co., Orphenm, Bkln., Jan. 25-SO. Blnney k Chapman, Gem, Lynn, SInss., Jan. 2..- BlUo'netto & Newman, Lyric, St. Joseph, Mo., Jon. 25-30. . _ _ r.imtn, Bomin, B-r-r, Poll's, Hartford, Cona., Jan. 2n-30 Bixloy, "Edgar. Howard, Boston, Jan. 25-30. Bkxksom A Burns, O. O. H„ Indianapolis, Jan. n S-30 Blanche! Ln Belle, Proctor's 23d St., V. Y. C, Boniface"* Waltslnger, Fjnplrc, Cleveland, Jan, 05. gn Bomla. 'Bending, O. H., HaverhUl, Mass., Jan. BoTses. Four, Shea's. Toronto, Can., Jon. 25-30. Brmlshaw, Laura, nob, Woonsockct, II. I-, •!»"• 25-30; A. & 8., Boston, Feb. 1-ft. Brlnkley, David, & Co., Proctor's 23d St., X. X. C, Jan. 28-30. ... , _ Bntno A Russell, Mechanic, Salem, Mass., Jnn. 25-30 Bryant '& Savllle, Columbia, St. I«nls, Jan. 25- 30. Brooks Bros., Colombia, St. Louts, Jan. 25-30. Brpen. Thos., A Co., Lyric, St Joseph, Mo., Jan. 25-30. Brnna A Nina. Sans Soncl, Mltwaokee, Jan. 26-30. Bromajre & Clark, Empire, Tacona, Wash,, JAn. 25-30. . . . „..,, Btsnaon A Wiley, Shea's, Buffalo, Jan. 25-30. Brown, Harry A., Oloncester. Mass.. Jan. 2B-30. Brooks. Herbert, Orpheam. Bkln., Jan. 2S" ,0 -„. Barton & Burton, Star, Hamilton, Can., Jin. 25- SO. I2SS£&: c ' rj » ,, i'. Denver, Jnn. 25-30. J ™' J ?'L ng 'J'.'!"* or '»u s - r.-C.. JanV25-30 3l "j r «i'.": st-J}"" * **■ ,,ojs ' "• *"- nt, »- aSa,*"*" 1 ' m ' nn • Hm ™ tf T- M'no., Jan. K Sy&!tT' P ' W *' Vr ™ tot '*- -Newark. X. J.. ?J urn f- J"»T- «"»»*«. I-nwoll, Mass., J»n. 25-30. lliron ft nsttr, I'rocior** 23d St., X. V. C Jan. J-i-.'tij. " ^an. 25- l |*h i *rt' < "" 0ra ' Vti "'*- »'oriland. Ore., CArmontelln, Orpiienm, Kaiwas City. Jnn. 21-30- drill,- jmi. x. t>„ Feb, in. G> .T mw, „ - si s'er.H. riias.>'s. Washington, Jou. 25- ,10; Eni|>lrc. 1'lovol.tnd. Fob. l-«. Carroll, <:or.„ a. i S., Boston, J nn . 25-30. turmen lr-jii|ie, <;. O. II., Indlniinpalls, j„ n . 25- ( '«" 'f Carioy. O. II.. Elnu. In., ivh. t-i::. Cnrllsle's Ikigs *; l-nnles, II. * S.. I V r Jnn. 25-:io. ..... .. Qmsa A WiUlM, llowonl. Boston, Jan. 25-:»i. ™ -...* -? 0 V.'" 10 ' , N, »«' 1| y. VI.-tor. Col., Jan. 2.I-.W; Now Crysiiil, ln-nvor. F.4>. }■«. C ^ ll A <-l'>ri:, Woasis. I'.wrln, III., Jan. 25- .,0; Colinubla. Si. I.011N, |.vh vo Carter. Mr. ft Mrs. I'nrl, Wensl's. Peoria, III., Jan. 2...10; Vniulcrlllo, Moniphls. Toim., IV-h. Carlos, Charles, llrsdmihargli's, phllu., Jan. 25- Charles, Curl, Empire. S.111II... J,iu. 25-30; fo- mlque Fob. l-il. Carroll, Mr. * Mrs. Roht., Crystal, St. Joseph. Mo., Jan. 25-.M.I. Cherry A Kates, Proctor's 5ih Ave., SL V. C. Jan. 2.*-::ii. dAtk-^WIIi-rol, ft Co., Colombia. St. Louis, Jan. Clayton. Jenkins & Jasper. Empire. Cardiff, Wales, Jan. 25-3»; Empire, Swansea, Fob. J-0. "HP ¥. Temple. R, o. ML liHllanapolls, Jan. 25- ..0; Columbia, ciuoliiiintl, Koii. |.«. Cllffonl A llnrvoy, Kollli's. X. y. c., Jan. 25-50 Cwper A Bjatttsj, l'oli's, llrTdgoport, Conn., Jan. Cooloy, C. A., Lyric. St. Joseph. Mo.. Jan. 23-30. I.Villiy A Way. Keith's BIJon. Phlla., Jan. 25-30. t'orrtnnn A Msnd. Orpbeum, San Fran., Jan. 25-30. «"ook A Sou, Columbia, St. Jon. 24-30. CVNiinm ft (llllette. Shea's. Bniraln. Jan. 25-30. Cole A Johnson, Temple. Detroit, Jan. 26-30. Cole * Werner. Proctor's flth Ave., N. V. 0- .Inn. 2r.-.'IO; Proctor's, Alliany. X. Y., Feb. 1-u. Corhetf, Jas. J., ftrphenm. New Orleans. Jan. 2.*,- 30. Cov, Ray, Bon Ton, Jersey City, Jon. 25-30. Courtney, Crystal. Denver, Jan. 25-30. coulter A Starr. Pastor's. N. Y. C, Jan. 26-30. Cressy A Dayne, Mechanic, Snlpm, Mass., .Inn. 25-30. ' Crane Bros. (3). Keith's New. Phlla., Jan. 25-30. Crane, sir. ft .Mrs. Oardncr, Keith's. Boston, Jnn. 25-30. Crawford A Manning. Shea's, Toronto, Can., Jan. 25-30. Cunning A Wife. Xovelty. Denver, Jan. 23-30. Curtis A Adams, Atlantic Harden, N. Y. C, Jan. 2.V30. Cnshman, Uoloomlo A Cnrtls, Keith's Bijou, Phlla.. Jon. 25-30. Ciillou, Jas. II., Q. O. II., Indianapolis, Jnn. 25- SO. Castor A Hoffman, I'ninue, Indianapolis, Jon. 25- 30. Daniels, Walter, Keith's BIJon, Phlln., Jan. 23- 30. "Dnnclng Violinist." The, Casto, Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 25-30; Cnstn. 1,1 .well, Feh. 1-0. Dnvls. Ooo. C. Casio. Fall River, Mass., Jan. 25- 30. Day. Edmund, Jfc Co., Keith's, Providence, R. I., Jan. 25-30. Darrow, Mr. A Mrs. Stuart, Cook's, Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 25-30. Davis A Wilson, Jeffers, Sagloaw, Mleb., Jan. 25-30; Star, Hamilton, Con., Fob. 1-6. D's A D's. Unique, Astoria, Ore., Jan. 24-Fob. 0. Dawson. Ely, Stsr, Wolln Wnllo, Jan. 25-30; Edison, No. Yaklmn, Fob. 1-0. Daly A Devere, Bodes burgh's, Phlla., Jan. 25- .'10. Dacey & Chase, Chutes, San Fran., Jnn. 25-Feb. li. Dagwell, Aurio, Cook's, Roeheslor, X. Y., Jnn. 25-30; Temple. Detroit, Fob. 1-rt. Iliiily A Shouu, Chutes. San Fran., Jan. 25-30. Daly A Kelso, Electric, Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 25-Feb. (I. Dcreau, nulwrt. Proctor's 125th St., X. Y. C, Jan. 25-:mi; Proctor's, Alliany, Feb. 1-0. Do Witt, Burns *: Torrance, Keith's, Providence, ft. I., Jsn. 25-30. IVImoro k Wilson,.Empire, Bordesley, Eng., Jnn. 25-30. Do Luea Troiino, Cln-le, X. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. Pemnnlo S Belle. Hub. Woonsis-ket, IC. I., Jan. 25-30; nub, Mllfnv.l, Mass., Felk. 1-A. Delmore. Misses, Keith's, X. Y". C, Jan. 25-30; Keith's, Phlln.. Feb. 1-0. Be (trees (2), Keith's Rljnn, Phlla., Jan. 25-30. Desmond, Mary. Keith's, Boston, Jan, 25-30. Desmond. John J.. Keith's, X. Y. C. Jan. 25-30. l>enves' Marionettes, Chutes, Snn Fran., Jan. 25- 30. Dillon Bros., Keith's, Boston, Jaa 25-30, links A Dllks. Howard. Boston. Jon. 25-30. Donah ue ft Nichols. Temple, Detroit, Jan. 25-30. Donovan, Jns. 1'.., Praetor's, Newark, X. J., Jan. 25-30: btupiesue, Feb. l-s. Doll, Alice Lyndon, Orpheinn, Omaha, Jnn. 24- 50; Orphcum, Denver, Felu 1-C. Dorian, Bcrtlm, An-ude, Toledo, (I., Jan. 24-30. Drew, Mr. A Mrs. Sidney, Keith's Xew, Phlla., Jan. 26-30. Dnmltrcsciie, Van Auken & Vaunerson, Orphenm, X. O., Feh. 1-fl. Duffy. Sawtelie fc Dnffy, Orpheum, San I-'ran., Jan. 25-50. Duncan, A. «)., Cnlnmhln, St. Louis, Jnn. 21-30. Dvllyn, J. Bernnril, II. ft «., X. Y. C, Jan. 2S- 30. Jvnrl k Wilson, R. O. II., Indianapolis, Feb. 1-0. KckhoiT A (iortlou, Orphomn, Oinalin, Jan. 24-30; Orphciun. Kansas City, Feb. I-II. I'Mwunls. Sniu. ,v Co., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., Jou. 25-30; Poll's. Hartford. Feb. 1-0. Edwards k lloiinoy, Prnetor'a 23<l St., X. Y. O, Jnn. 25-50. Kdmifn fc Edwards, Portland, Portland, Me., Jon. 25-30. Eldora. Keith's llljoit. l'hlln.. Jan. 25-20; Cook's, Rochester, X. V., Feh. Ml, Ellsworths, Four, Lyric, St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 25-30. Kmmeu A Knno, 0. 11., Diilittb, Minn., Jan. 25. 50. EiniK'rors ot Music (1), Duquesne, Pittsburg, Jan. 25-;;0. English Pony Ballet, Circle, X. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. Ernest, Cans., Keith's, Ronton, Jon. 25-50. Evans, May, Moohanle, Salem, Mass., Jan. 23-30. Evans Trio, Empire. Lorain, O., Jnn. 26-30; Ar- cade. Toledo. 31-Feb. II. Everett Sisters, Standard, Houston, Tex., Jan. FaiWft' Scmon. Circle. X. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. ludctle Orebeslrs, Orphcmn, Bkln., Jnn. 25-30. I'ngnii A Merrlam, A. A S.. Boston. Jon. 25-30. I'anlHS 12), Woasl's. Peoria, III., Jan. 28-30; flniugnu's, Sprlnglleld. Fob. 1-6, Fny. Ellle, Avenne, Detroit, Jan. 23-30. I'nrnum A Nelson, Columbia, St. Louis. Jan. 21- 3<). Folk ft Barry, nnwnnl, Boatno. Jan. 25-30. Kcrrr, Lyric. San Diego. Gal., .Inn. 25-30; Nov- ollv. Oakland, Feb. 1-0. Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Perkins. Proctor's. Newark, X. .1.. Jnn. 23-30; l'roetor's 2:id St., N. Y. C, l-Vb. 1-0. FltKlbboit-MCny Trio, Kellh's, Boston, Jnn. 25- 30. Fields. W. C, Tlvnll, Cape Town. S. Af., Jan. 25-Feb. 11. Fisher ft Carroll. Shea's. Buffalo, Jan. 25-30. Fields k Whallon, Lyric, HI. Joseph. Mo., Jan. 25-30. Fisher A Worker. Orphenm. Bkln.. Jan. 25-30. Fllaon A Erroll. Orpheum, Kansas City, Sin., Jan. 25.10; Orpheum. Xew Orleans, Feb. 1-0. Florcns Troupe. 11. A S-. N. V. <:.. Jan. 25..10. Flora, Mile., Empire. Cleveland. Jan. 25-30. Flood Bros.. O. II., ninnooulor. Mass., Jan. 25-30. Fleitrv Trio, Keith's, Prorldoiico, ft, I., Jan. 25- 30. Forrcalcr. Rolmn. Crystal Roof. Jacksonville, Fla., Jin. 25-30. Foutlselles (3), Hashngen's, St. Lolls, Jaa. 24- Feb. 6. Font ft Oehme. Keith's. K. V. C.. Jin. 25-30. Foy A Chirk. Arcade. Toledo, 0„ Jan. 28-80. Forbes ft Forbes, Unions, ogden, Utah, Jan. 23. loiter A "Mike," Dochstader'a, Wilmiogtoo, Del., Jan. 23-30. Fonl ft Wilson. Avrnne. Defmlt, Jsn. 23-30. Fenner, Evelyn, Bradenbargh's, Phlli., Jsn. 25. 30. . lowler ft Kiiplln, Chutes. Ron Fran., Jan. 25-50. PM ft Ward, People's, Heatlle, Jan. 25-30. l-rsiln ft Dan>, u,, n t.iu. Jersey City, Jan. 25-30. Crater ft Mac, ivla.-c. .Muni-lwsier. Eng., Jau. 2-o30; Kinplre. Brndtonl. Irto 10. J- THuktln. Ireiio. I'nsior's. X. Y. t\. Fell. 10, Fnvland. Jas.. A. ft S., Region. Jnn. 23-3ii. Hiij. Great, standard, lloamuoiir, To\„ Fi*. tM. ilnseh Sisters. Kellh's. I'iMVldenoe, II. 1.. Jan. 2.1-30; Moebiiul.-. Salem. Mass., ■»!>. |.«. H.itrlty Slsirr,. I'nsto. Isiwrenoe, M«s«., Jan. 25- 30; Cnsto. Lowell. Feb. t-n. ilonam ft Thu.l. Empire. I^eils, Eng., Jsn. 23- 30; Palace, Hull. Fob. 1-0. Golget. John, l'ructor's. Newark, N. J„ Jnn. 25. Olllcit Trio, Temple. Detroit, Jan. 25-30. 1.limy, llaym-s ft MmitiainH-ry, Casio, Lowell. Mass., Jan. 25 30. {I'lsnn ft Unit, Watson's. Bkln., Jan. 25-Koh. II. (llrilcllcrs, The, Ai-me, Ssrrnmoni.), Rat, jnn. 23- • illloilo's Musical D.«;s. Sbeo's. Toronto, fan.. Jan. 25-50. Glover, Mildred, ft picks., Orphcum. X. Y. C. Jun. 2.5-30. Girl Wlih the Auhnm nalr. Keith's New. Phlln.. •Inn. •■'■-I'D. Glndslone, Lotin, Prooior's. Newark. X. J„ Jan. Go.ild. Hilly-, Orphoiini, Bkln.. Jan. 23-50. no dsmlih ft- llopjie. Frootor's 2,'ld SL, X. Y. C, •init. -->.''', Uonl.oi ft Hoyes, 1'nlo.uc. Fresno, CaL. Jan. 25- .10; Gniiiniun's. Stockton. Koli. Ml. (Inlmian s cms ft Docs, Tomplo. Detmlt. Jan. •tottlob. Fnsl ft Amy, Pitslor's, X. Y. II., Fob. Grey- Edward. Shea's, Torouto. Can., Jan. 25-30. Oracle ft Uo.niobls. A. ft 8.. Boston. Jau. 25 30. iirooons The. Keith's Xcw, 1-blla., Jan. '.'6 30. (■riuies. Tom A Gertie, A. ft .«.. Boston. Jan. 25- Cregory ft Llnd, Main Street, IVorln, III.. Jun. lLiMnhura Family, Kellh's, Boston, Jan. 23-30. Unities A VMnn|, H. ft II., Hkln.. Jnu. 20-3H. Hnihawny ft Walton. Portlaml. Portlund, Me. Jnn. 25-3*1. Hawkins. i^>w, Portland. Portland. Me., Jnn. 25- SO. Harts. Musical. Crystal. Denver. Jnu. 25-30. ll:ir|s-r. Dc-ioond A Bailey, llillii. Fall River. Muss.. Jan. ^fl-30. Ilarniony Four, Empire. Rradfnnl,, Jan. 25- 3"; Emiilre. Is-ods. Feti. l-n. Ilartls. Catherine. Gloucester. Mass.. Jan. 23-30. Ilawloy ft WIW011. Orpheum. San l-rau.. Jan. M.I- Howes Sisters, Crystal, SI. Joseph, Mo., Jou. 2530. Haskell. I.oncy, Avisns-, IIHitatK Jan. 25-30. Harrington. ImtiM J., l-oll's. Ilmlord. IVsin., Jnn. 25-:to. Penp«y a Kiuipp. Kellh's Rijnti. i'lilla.. Jan. 23- 30. Hcrrinonii, Adelaide. Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. Jan. 25-50; Pnstor's, Alliniiv. N. Y.. Fob. 1->1. Herbert. "Frog Mou," Gem. I.vmi.. Mass., .Inn. 33-80. Hrslr.w. Clias.. Mullen's. Omaha. Jnn. 25-Feb. i|. Iloolow ft Wheeler, Mullen's, iltnnlin. Jnn. 25- Fob. rt. IJmry, Engoiio. O. II.. Hyde |',irk. Jlass., Jan. 25-:m): Synr. Hamilton, i.'att., Feb. 1-u. Henry. l.oui<e. Keith's, i'mvldviits-, R. L. Jan. 25-30. neumnns (3). Lycoming O. II., Wlltluinspnrt, l'a„ Jnn. 25-:u>. Hefron, Tom, Comlnuo. Sonlllo, Jnn. 25-30; Em- pire. Fob. 1-0. nerrlngton. lilies, Crystal St. Joseph. Mo., Jan. Sn-Sa, Heath ft F.vcela, Arcade. Portlnml, On-.. Jan. 25- Hlrsohhorns, The, Jacobs', I'eorln. HI., Jan. 25 Hlm-n A Remington, Areinle, Toledo, fi.. Jnu. ••!- 30. IJoevet, AL, Lyceum, Snn Fran.. Jnu. 25-30. lloldrn ft rioren.e, ilrplietiin. Man I ran Jnu. 2l-.'IO; Orphentu. U<,\ A., Feh. 1-C llohhs (21, Palai-e, Wori-estor, \fnss., Jnn. 25-30. Holdswortbs, The, KelUi's. Providence. |(. I. J« n . 25-30; Keith's, X. r. C. 1>I.. Ml. ' Holnios A Waldon, Bon Ton, Salt Lake City, II.. Jan. 25-30: Grand. Unite, Mont., Feh. 1-rt. Hnoslor Zouaves, Empire. Cleveland. Jnn. 25-30. HoOnian ft Plereo, II. ,v H., Bkln., Jan. 25-30. llownrd, Adeline ft "Ittibbor." iiridieinti. Term Haute, ind., .Inn. 25-30. Uney ft Lee, Prooior's, Xownrk. X. J.. Jnn. 25-30. Ilofliiinu. Kiltie, Gem, i.miii. Mnss.. Jnn. 2:, -:;n. llowunl's Dogs ft I'nnlos, Keith'-, llosiiui. Jan. 35- 30. Howard ft Bland. Cnlnmhln. SI. I^nils. Jan. 25-30. Hume. Ross ft f^-vrls. Keith's. Ibwtoii, Jnn. 25-3n. Humes ft is?uls, Pho-nlj. Cnlumhu", O.. Jan. 25- 30. Hunu, Mr. ft Mrs., Ben., Lyric, St. Joseph, Mn„ Jnn. 2530. Inness A Ryun. Brook, Marlon, Ind,. Jan, 25-"n. .lsekson, Mnls-llo, t'tiiipie, Inillnniinnlls, Jnn. 25- ;to. Jackson, Ben. Novelly. Denver. Jun. 25-50. Jennings ft Renfrew, Main Slreei, Peorlu, III., Jnn. 25-30. Jennings ft Jewell, Edison, Olyinpln, Wash., Jnn. 25-30; Edison, Ballard. Feb. 1-fl. Johnson ft Wells, JcnVrs, Suglnaw, Ml.-h., Jan. 25-30. Johnson, Dnvenjiort & l/irelln, Keith's, N. 1". O., Jnn. 25-"(i. Jones. Morris, Empire. Great Foils, Mont., Jan. 25,30; Edison. Helena. Fob. Ml. Johnstone, Suhcl, Empire. Cleveland, Jnu. 25-30. Jones. Irving, Orphenm, Snn Fruit., Jnu. 25-3T*. Jose. Richard, I'orllaiid. I'orllmiU. Ml'., Jnn. 25- 50. Karl ft King. Crystal. St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 25- 30; Lyric, LlnenU, Neb.. Feb, 1-0. Keuiin. Charles. Circle. X. Y. C. Jsn. 23-30. Kenton. Dorothy. Keith's X,*w, phlla., Jnn, 25- 30; Keith's, ,V. Y. 0.. Feb. 1-0. Kentoiis (31. Keith's New. Phlln.. Jiu. 25-30; Empire. Hobokon, X. J., Feb. ML Kelly ft VIolcite. Orplictnn. Snn Fran.. Jau. 25-30. Kenyan ft Ho Gnriuo, Dockstndcr's, Wlliulujlou. IM., Jsn. 25-30. Kelly, Claude, Orphenui, Snn Deriinrdino, CaL, Jan. 25-30; Cliusiimidi, Los A., Fob, Ml. Kennedy ft Jnmcs, Ki-ltli's. X. Y. ('., Jan. 2,"-,'iu. Kelly ft Kent. Kolth's Bijou. Phlln.. Jnn. 25-50. Klein, Olt Bros, ft Xlckcrson, Main Street. Pe- oria, III.. Jan. 25-:w. Kolilns ft Riley, Novelty, Oakland. CaL, Jan. 20- Feb. 10. Knp|ie, Comeily. X. Y. ft, Jan. 25-SO. h'ronas. Tlie, Crystal, Denver, Jan. 25-30. 1st Varnte .Hlslers. A. ft S.. Boston, Jan. 25-30. LnClalr A West, O. Il„ FlU-hlmrg, Mass.. Jan. 25-80. Lnwrinco. AL, Proctor's. Alhatiy. X. Y., Jan. 23- 30; Watson's, Bklo.. Feb. Ml. Iji Monle, Emms, Oitslol, Deuvnr, Jan. 25-30. 1.line. Chris, Mechanic, Salem. Mass., Jnn. 25-30; Orpheum, X. Y. C, Feb. 1-fl. Lambert A Pierce, Poll's, Waterbory, Conn., Jsn. 25-30; Empire. Ilnltoken. N. J.. Fob. Ml. T-ninouis (2), Empire, Hohoken. X. J., Jaa. 28- 30; Keith's. Phlla., Fob. l-(l. La Tutu- ft "Zaan," Circle.'N. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. iji Veen A Cross. Kellh's. Providence, R. I„ Jnn. 25-30; Kellh's, Hoston. Feb. m;. Lnwwin, Mnhel, Chutes, Ssn Fran., Jan. 23-30. Laredo ft Blake, Wenst's. Pnnrln, 111., Jan. I3-30. Lovender A Tnmson, II. ft S., X. Y. 0„ Jan. 2.1- 30. I.nwson A Nation, Kellh's, Providence. R. I , Jan. 23-30; Pastor's, N. Y. C, Feb. Ml. I.o Clair, Harry, Kolth's, Providence, R. I., Jan. 25-30. Le Itoy ft Clayton, H. ft S., N. Y. 0.. Jnn. 25-30. Loiter. Harry Il„ aleclianlc, Solrm, Mass., Jan. 23-30. I.OWI.', Dove, Lyric. St Joseph. Mo„ Jsn. 25-30. ],(■ Claire. Win. G., I'nsior's. X. V. G., Jan. 25-30. Lee. Henry. Avemii-. Detmlt, Jan. 25-30. l.ovy, Klbel, Kellb'a. Prnviuence. It. L, Jan. 25- 30. Livingstons (3). Howard, Boston, Jan. 23-30; II. A II.. Bkln.. Feb. Mi. I.Mileliold. C. W.. Etuulrc. Cleveland. Jan. 25-31. Lloyd, Herbert, Chase's. Washington, Jan. 25-110. 1.ttkens ill. Proctor's, Newark, X. J,, Jan. 25-3D. Luce ft Lix-0. Chutes, San Fran.. Jan. 25-30. I.vnits, Tlie. Bmdcnburgli's. Phlla., Jan. 23-30. l.ynne ft Levsiard. Novelly. Denri-r. Joo. 25-30. Aloe ft Mar, O. II. Berlin, X. n., Jnn. 25-MO; H. II.. Burlington, vt.. Feb. l-n. Mason-Keeler Co., O. o. II., ImIIonn|iolls, Jan. 25-30. Marcnan 13), Lynn, Msss.. Jnn. 2.1-30. Kanstlelfl ft Wlllair, abea's, Toroobi, Can., Jan. 25-30. MoV ft Miles, nnb. Mllford. Miso.. Jsn. 25-30; Hah. Woocwckcl, R. I.. Feb. 1-8. Mlik, Eddie, Prnctofs 23d Si.. St Y. C, .Ian. 25. 30. Mnniell ft Lnmb. l'»i<ioe, Tresno, CiL, Jan. 25- SO; Gratunan's, Stockton, Feb. 1-0. ManUttan Comedy Poor, Central, Leipzig, 0»c, Jan. 25-31, Malhews A Ashley, Dnoneane. Plltshnnt, Jnn. 23* 30; Columbia. Cincinnati, dl-l'eu. 0. Mnrsli ft Sartella. Ocpbcuiu, Xew Orlcsn«, Jas, ,SI.:tO. Vsreri Twins. Orphenm. Lawrence, MaSi.. Jsn. ■Via: Casio, Lowell. Feb. l-n, Jlnrtlul ft Msx Mlllan. poll's. Walcrbqry, Conn., Jsn. if.v.'in. .Mnemsxls. The. Portland, Ponlnvl, Me.. Jan. 25-30. Mnek ft Kllloti, Trent. Trenln*. ft, J.. Jan. 25 30. .Mad, spa i111. Proctor's .'lib Ave, X. Y. C, .fan. 25-30. Mahors. The. tlem. Lynn. Mass.. Jan. 25-30. Maud. Joe. Iluiini-leti. Me., Jan. 2* Fell 4. Uaromiu. Winnie, Empire, St. t'unl. Mlun., Jnn. 25-30. Marcel's Has llellrfs. Ornlieum. lt»ln., Jnn. 25-n«l. Mnrtlueltl ft tlrossl, G. •). II., Iiidlannisilli. Jan. 253(1; tHilumbla, fincimiiitl. 1'eli. 1-u. Major Slaters, Pastor's X. V. C. Jou. 25 30. Moeart's Monkeys ft !>■>«*. Poll's, ISrldgi'iiurt, Cenn.. Jnn. 25.;bl. Muxsnilttt Dun. Avenne, lVlrnil, Jan. 2530. lleATwr, Dick ft Alice. Pastor'*. X. Y. V., Jan. 23 3ft. McNeill, X.ll. A Co.. Keith's IHjuu, Phlln., Jan. 23 3n. MoKlnlev, Unlut ShooV, Tomolo, Cnn.. Jan. 2,'-;:o. MeAviiy. Chiis., UrsitenbniNh's. Phlla., Jan. BVM MoWitlvrs ft Tyson !',•.. II. ft S., X. Y. C. Jan. 25-:«i. Mclnlyre ft HvalU. Orpiienm, Dniiver. Jan. 23 30, McConl. IshiIs, ft Co., Main Street, Pearls, lit., Jun. 25-5H. McPhenssi. V- "V. Novelly. IVnrer, Jnn. 25-30. Molutyro ft Prlmresc. II. ft *., Jan. 25-30 McShnrfre.vs, .Musical, Slur. Hatntllun, Can., Jan. 25.30. McCnue ft Gram, Empire. Colo. Springs, Oil.. Jnn. 25 30: Empire. Cripple Creek, Feb. t-«L MerrMt. Tint. Shea's, Toronto. Can., Jnu. 23 30. Mi-lsnl Trio. Orpbenra. tV-uver. Jus. 25-30. Meyer ft Mason, Crystal. Denver, Jan. 25-30, Mottling ft Bran, Edison. Kallonl. Wash.. Jan. 25-30; Edison, (llynipkt. Feb. 1-d. Mevlonu Trtnilodonrs, l'roclor'» 5th Ave., N. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. Merlnn's Dogs. Orphrnin, Denver, Jsn. 25-50. Mi^rs (31, Wlntorgiirton, Herllu, Her.. Jan. S3- ■ 3t; Tlehy's Vnrtetles. Prlgw, Feti. in. Miskol Trio, A. ft S.. Roslnn, Jon. 23 :;o. •Miles ft Nltrniu, Pastor's, ft, Y. P.. Jnn. 25-30. Mldgoteys, The, Jncolat', I'eorln. III., Jah. 25-30. MHi-hell. Oriii. Keith's. Boston, Jnn. 23-30. .Mills, Lillian. Trent. Trenton, X, J., I'eb. 1-u. Morton, Jiiimi J., Columbia, St. Louis, Jnn. 21- 30. Mnureo, Lucy, PiMclnr'a 6th Ave.. N. Y. C, Jnn. 25-511. Montague's Cocknloos, Clmies. San Fran.. Jsn. 23-50. Morion ft Slarr. Brsdouburgti's, Phlln., Jnn. 23- 30. Moore, Victor, nrphetim. Bi>nv»r. Jau. 25-30. Mnrpli.v. Mr. ft Mrs. .Mark. Kellh's. Boston. Jan. 25-30; Kellh's, phlln., Feb. II'.. Murray. Klluis<th. Or|>henin. Pemer, Jon 25-30. Murphy ft Nichols, Circle. N. V. 0., Jan. 25-30. Mullen ft Onrelll, Sbmly's. Now Hertford, Mass., Jail. 25-30. Sella. Ruth, Empire, llolsikm. S.J.. Jan. 23-30; Kellh's BIJou. phllu, Fob. 1-rt. Nossen ft Nessen. Cnsln, Lowell, Mnss., Jan. 23-30. Xowmon. Jos., Columiiia. St, I.oul", Feb. 111. Mhls'. Itnrdoiiex ft Nlblie, tlileon, llalllmore, Jnn. 25-Feb. «. Nloe Twins, ca-to. Full Hirer, Mans., Jan. 25- 30. Nl.-liols Slslers, Circle. N. V. t).. Jnn. 2530. Norton. Titlkuttve Miss., Pruclnr's 2.'id St., X. Y. ('., Jan. 253)1. Xol.n-s. Mr. ft Sirs. Milton, Avenue, I'lttsbur/, Jan. 25-30. Nugent. J. C, ft Co., Pastor's. X. Y. ft, Jan. 25 311. O'llnm. Totna, Crystal, St. Jnn-ph, JIo.. Jon. 23- ::u. filvlu ft Fawn. Peek's. Onktainl, I'ul.. .Inn. 23-20; Novelty. Sou Fran., :il-l'eli, «. Orpheus Comedy Four, tirpln-nm. Ilkln., Jan. 25« JO; Cook's. Itoohosier. X. \'.. Fell. Ml. Orvllln ft Prank. Pastor's. X. Y. O., Jan. 25-30. Orr ft Monroe. Crystal, DVmer, .ton. 2o-30. O'ltoiirko ft Bornoiio, Kinpln-, Cloveland, Jnn. 25-30. Ondn, Portlnnd, Porlland. Me.. Jan. 26-30. Owlcy n lliimlnll. Keith's, llnalim. Jnn. 23-30. Pnplntii, Ti-niple, Ih-iroll. Jan. 25-30. Piissparts, The, Eraiiln-. Clovolnud. Jan. 25:tn. Perry. Frank I... Slur, SnulM liui-lwr.i, i.'nl.. Jan. 25 an. Petal. Ciisio. Ijiwremr, Masa., Jnn. 23 30; Casio. Lowell. Feb. lit. Pierce ft Mains-. Treat, Trenton. N. J.. Jun. 25- 311: llou-unl. Boston, Feb, lit, IMtianl ft tiaffy. Youkors. X. Y.. Jon. 25-30. Poultor. Ediinnl. Sniiln Ana. CaL. Jan. 23-30. Prentiee Trio. C.inlo, l.otvreine. Muss., jnn. XB-aa, Prollo's Dugs, Pns-iurV. 21,1 ML. N. V. ft, Jun. 25 50. IMiinm-e, limnjii 11., Prooior's 51 h Ave., X. Y. C, Jan. 25-30. 1'iiroell ft Brinks, Kolth's New, Phllu.. Jan. 25- 5u. Rsitford ft Winchester. Empire. Hull, Eng., Jan. 25-311; Empire, II rml fori I. Feh. 10. Itackoit ft Hnwi-il, Itnynl, Ilnltom. London, Eng., Jnu. 26-30. Raisili. Leo, Orpbmoi. flrjahit, Jan. 25-30; Or- Idnuin. Denver. Feb. I-IL Ha-1 us ft Banks, Proctor's 23d Street, N. V. 0., Jnn. 26-3H. Il.ns (3). Broudway, Los A„ CaL, Joo. 26-30; Lyric, Sail Diego. Feb. ML Itonkln. Virginia, Main Hlrw-i, Peoria, III., Jim. 25-30. Bomlnglon, Mayme, Keith's New, Phlla., Jan. 2.1 iin. Reno ft Smith, Kellh's, llostnn. Jon. 25-30. Redding, Fmncestn, ft Co., Orphenm, New Or- leans. Jan. 25-30, Recil lllnls, Poll's. Bridgeport, Conn., Jnn. 26 30. Korsi ft Show, Poll's, lirldgeport, Couu.. Jan. 25- 30. lleyuard. Ed. I'., Orphcum. Denver, Jan. 25-30. Hlce ft Elnier, Oriihvum. X. ()., Jan. 25-30; Or- plioimi, San Fran., .1i-r«u. 8. Rice Fntnlly. Main Street. Peoria, III., Jan. 36. 3o; Orimenni, X. II., VA. 141. Illce ft Wallers, Pastor's, K Y. O., Jnn. 25-30. Rio Bros (Goo., AL ft Ailulph), Cook's, llncbvitrr, N. V.. Jan. 23-30. Richards (3), Coluiubla. St. Utils, Fob. 1-8. lllclon. Proctor's 23<l St., N. Y. (',., Jan. 25-30. Rnbyus, Mr. ft Mm.. II. ft II., Hklyii.. Jan. 23-30. Koattlno ft Stnvctw, II, O. FI., liidlniin|sdln, hi I., Feb. ML lloblseh ft ChlWress, Our d'Alcne, Spokunn, Wash.. Jan. 25-Feb. 0. Rooucy Hlstt-rn, Poster's, N. Y. C, Jan. 26-30. Itossow Midgets, Howard, Boston, Mass., Jnn. 2530. Rnyce. Flossie, Glneograpk, Los A., Jan. 21-no: Lyric, Sunin Bsrlnro, Feb. Ml. Hnblilno ft Tronntman, A. A B., Rsalnn, Jan. 25-30. Rose. Julian. Keith's, V. Y. 0.. Jsn. 35-30. Robert (4). Edison. Mlaseuls, Muni.. Jan. 25-SU; Clneograiih, Spokane, Wash., Feb. ML Russell. BIJon, Casio. Lawrence, Mass., Jun. 20. 3o; Casto, Lowell FeK. Ml. Russell Bros., Hos'anl, lloa/on, Jan, 26-30. RuuiCord. Nellie, Oilnos. Iliilllinnre. Jan. 25-30. Rimsell. Phil ft Carrie, Itorat Keller. Milwaukee, Wis., Jnu. 25-30; Weast's, Peoria, III., Feb. Byan.° Jan. ft Maud, f). I!.. Peeksklll, N. T., Jsn. 26-30. Sanderson, Keith's New, Phlla., Jan. 25.30. Sniibey Bros.. Colombia, St. I»ots. Jan. 24-30. Ssnrord Slaters. Avenue. I'llliluirg, Jail. 25-30. Snminn ft SCneehn, Cryatal, St. Joseph, Mo., Jnn. 25-110. Huona. Arcade. Toledo, 0.. Jan. 24-30. Sounders. Cltslk, Keith's Xew. Phlln., Jan. 23- 30; Circle. N. Y. 0-. Feb, 10. Seneiik Bros., OriJMSim, Bkln.. Jan. 28-30. Heoti. Carrie M., Ahamhra, Savannah, (is,, Jaa, 23-Feh. 0. Seoii ft llowonl. A. ft »., Boaton. Jsn. 25 30. Sevmour ft Diipree. Rmnlrc, Newport. Wslss, Jan. 25-30. Hmker, Wllkisi A Co., Proctor'j, Newsrk. N. J., Jan. 26-30. Shepherd. KriiM. Weasl'o, Prarls, HI., Jsn. 2S- Sherman ft De Forrest. Avenue, Detroit, Jaa. 2B- 30. Sheridan ft Anger. Main Street, I'eorln, III., .Intl. 25-30. Sims A Slnw, Lyrle, SI. Joseph, Mo., Jan. CI- 30. Sllttiuo. II. ft R . Bkln.. Jan. 35-30. Smlrl ft KMstior. Jcift-rs, tiaglflstt, Mich., Jon. 25-30. . Smlib ft Doretto, Aioslerdam. Hoi., Jon. 25-110; Oxford, fsimlan. Eng., Feb. 1-fl. Smith ft Fuller, II. ft «., Rklrn., Jnn. 26-3n. Halth ft White. Avenne, Pittsburg, Jaa. 26-W. Snyiler ft Buckley, Orphean. New Orleans, Jan. 25 30; OrplieiUB, Esa Fran., Feb, 1-4), Smllh ft Powell. Keith's, N. T. 0.. Jah. 25-JO. •Sparrow, Empire, Cleveland. Jan. 28-mb Smls-r, Fnsl «,, Temtle, Detroit. Jaa. 2.V30; t'rs.ka, Il.shreief, ft, V„ Feb. Ml. St. John ft Le Fevre, Orphenm, Byla.. Jan. SJ-Wl, k»-3o. Sirakosch. Mme. Avery, II. ft S., X. Y. <L Jan. 2>i JO. * Stltis,.ii ft Morton, Prectot's 23d St., X. Y. 0., Jsn. 23-30. Sleveiis. Bah,.. Novelty. Dtnwr, Jnn. 25-30. Sloiolireiti, 1 ainlly. tuphciun, los Anieliss, 0«!.. Feb, 1-14. St. mure Hros.. ICellh's New, rhllo., Jan. 16-30. Sullivan ft WV,i,m, i'ull's. New HnTon, Cuun., Jan. 2.o30 Sulllvnu ft Pns<|tielrlin. Howard, Boston. Jsn. 2*1-3(1, - Swedish LH.IIca' Otilniette, It ft B., Bkln., Jan. 25 30, HVleknnt, Mr. ft Mrs., (iifard, I/inilon, Jan. 23-30. Sweel, Chns. II., Avenue, IVlmlt. Jan. U5 30. Symoiols, Jack, Frlia's, i'ortlnud, Ore., Jan. 25-:hi. Tollsit ft Row*. Avenue, Iietnilr. Jnn. 2630. Tatinrii. Julius, Blind, Phlln., Jim. 25-30. 't'ascoit. Pastor's. N. V. V... Jan. 25-30. T.gge A Daniels, Arcade, Tohslo, t)., Jan. 21-30. 'I'honie, Mr. A Mrs, Hurry, G. ii. II., in<|laitup> Is. Jan. 25-30; Csiliiinldii, Ctiu-lnnall, 31 Feb. 0. Thorns, Jngtllug, .Vreailo. Toieslo. o„ .Inn. 23 3<». Thorn,' ft Citrleion. Orphouui, New oth-;titt. Jun. Tlmtftier, (lee, Poll's, Brltl«»|iort, Own.. Jm. 25.10. TlioratAii. lann-s, If. ft »„ Bkln., Jim. 55-30. Thassiwaa. Mamie May, Oiliunbla, ML ImiIs. Jan. 21-30. Toiiiiwiu, Harry, Orpiienm, Omaha, Jaa. SI SO! Onweiun, Denver. Fob. 1-0. Tltoiutison ft Derttla, Feutnu's, lIutTulo, N. V., Jnn. 25-30. Iliorue. Ilnrry, * Co.. G. 0. H\. JuiltnuanoIIa, Jon. 25 3n. ^ gM Z r °i'i?\ ^''tmlda, Si. touls. Jas. 2-1-30. flpis-ll ft Kllinenr, Iji I'etlte. Snohomlih, Wa»h., Jnn. 26)-Feh. «. ■"SSSp" 1 ' h ' m "- I'Sniyoite, Ilalralo. N. »., Jan. Trnlimr ft Button. RrtsiV, Marlon, Inrl., Jan. 3J- Ml Oriihennu Tern- Maine. Feb. 1-0- Mn Ross Isie, Keith's Illjoa, Phlla,, Jan. (Hi* ' r y>'« ft Jernion. Shea's, Iliirfiilo, N. Y., Jan. Bb ,10: Shea's, Toronto, Can.. I'eb. 1-0. Vshers, The, Kellh's. Ibisi Jnn. 23-30. vussai- Girls It-). Orphoilm. Oroalin. .Ian. 8fl-3Ai Orpbeinn, Denver, Fob, in. Tilldls Slslers, Di|,|iiMtio, I'lltnhnw. Jan. 95-30. >iiln«.re ft Horton. Avenno, tieirnll, Jan. 2»-;«i. I'urk. Yiniiigsiiitrn, IK. Feb. Ill Village Oiolr Ouunot, Cliclo. X. V. f!„ Jim. 2.1-30 Waisl ft Curran. Keith's. X. V. o., j llu . a,v;in'. ft aloi-liiiry Bros, ft 'rruuy. Shen's, Tormitu, Can., Jsn. 25-30. Wiilson,_ lluicklna A rewards. Keith'*, K. Y. C, * V "'-!'.Tn* "'■'*' C, " ,tn ' r "" n,v, ' r ' »»»»*Vi Inn. Wohhiml ft Tekln, Gem. r.ynii. Vlnsa,, Jnn. 26-30 Waaler Slslers, A. ft S„ Boston, Jnn, 26-50. ""VLnm'a Minstrel Misses, Shea's. Huaulo, Jnu tt'jliliour ft Kntaier, Ciisio, Full River, Mnss., Jan. 23-30. W * Vio * B, " ,wh * ^ ' , • °' °- "" lO'llstiniajlls. Jon. Welch, Jns. A., ft (villi, Musis Hull. Gloucester, Mnss.. .Inn. 25-30; llownrd. Rosmii, Feb, l-ll. Weal In. \cnHi ft Kennedy 'rtlo, .Vol oily, Donvcr. Wells ft Wolis. llownrd. Boaton, Jan. 3S-S0. Woldi. .Margaret, Keith's, Fruvhicme, II. I., Jan. 2n-.ll>. Welmin Tniupe, G. o. II.. Indlanapnlhi, Ian. 2n..lO. While, Smart ft Co., Temple, Detroit, Jan. 23. WiiK-hennnn's Henrs ft Monkeys, Relth'n. X. Y. C., Jnu. 25-;',U. WIIIm ft I las-mi. Coliimbln, <Minrltinatl, Jnu. 24-31). YVlbnn. flon., 'IVmiilo. Detroit, Jnn. 25-:in. Vlltlnius. Frank ft liln, Jm-nlw', Peorlu, III., Jon. 26.:ni. w !] M onis, Clsrn, Lyric. Hr. Joaeiih, Mo., Jnn. vrilooa 'ft Davis. Pnrk, Wnrcestor, Mass., Fob. Wluslow. Mine. Wynnn, Poll's, BrMgO|iorl. fknui., Jan. 25 :io. Wiley, llutli, A. ft S., Ikwlou. Jan. 25-.'IO. WimiI ft Buy, Kellh's, Piovliloiuv, R, l„ Jon. 23 Ml Kellh's. ll(.s|ou. Fob. 10. World's Trio, Kelth'n, Peivlitcneo, II, I., Inn. Wright.' Mr. ft Mrs. John II.. Einnlre, Wnlln Walla, wash., jnu. 2530; Edison, No. Yakima, Feb. 1-0. Wrens isi. Wonnl'a. Peorlu, III.. Jan. 23-30. Voiuig Amelia Ijiiluiel, Tlvnll, Isftls, Mat. Jim. 25-:io: Marat, Hnlfunl, Feb. 1-u. '/.Ink, Adolpb, lielth's. Boston, Jnn. 83-lto. < » t» WIMCONNIN. Milwaukee.— "The silver Slipper," Ol the Huvlilmm 'I'hefttre, week uf Jnii. 17, nroreil the hlggosi kliut or n hi! imti pinvoit to oua of I ho Is'st week's MM of (ho nrnsrui. "'I'lm Pit" 21-27, Lulu illnaer, In "Dolly Vtinlrn." 2S-.'I0; "TUo Hlilltlli o' Hlllu" 31-b'ob, 3. AuiAMHHA TillMTRll (Oscnr V. Mtltor. ninlingert.—The Fortune Tollor," week n' Jun. 17, was one of tlin high elnaaoffering* nf Ibn neiisnn. IWiin llriioHon, the Hoeoessiir of Alice Nliduoii, won it host of friends wlib. Iter oxi-olloiil vnlee, AtlumJiiiwn tliriillgllnllt tlin week was llrat i-Inss. "In tha ntlnco id' the King" weak of 21, iidA "When Ili-uhon Conies to 'I'nwii" next. I'AnsT TilKATWi (f^on Wnchsner, motin- por).—Jnines K. Ifnohott reliirns 28-liO, In '•The Crown Prince." The Wachaner <Vi., In '•Ih-r Siiii'inxeHnllti Hnkrtites," 2», untl "/npr- ciislreleh" 27. Ai'.ininiY (l.'ihvln Tlmnlionwr, miitinutT). — '"lh» Hnlry Fnnn" MM mnoutetl week nf 1S. "Hep Lord untl Mnstcr" 2.*i:il), with "K|iot-(liig Life" \q follow. IIuhIuuhs MO Mimes a'"id- lit I nf Unou n<>UKB (Jnlin I{. Pierce, resident, rnmingnr),—Oryirge Kldncv, In "ILisy I'tty," '■■riiioti 21, fur week, nml "(inly a Slmu Olrl'" SI. -Tlio Kntnl Wemllrtf" put In m lilirhly nicoeHafiil week 17-211. Htaii 'riiiiATiti: fFfonk It. Ti-oUmnn, minj. ltBi;r).--Tlie ImiieHnl Iltirle»t|iiopn tiniw IM lunuil run of gutal Iioiimn week of 17. Ii'ntik H.vinti niui lainiso Lnninloii, In a new Hketcli, vete the fiiituros of the olio. Tim Merry Miiir.cim week ol' 21, nnd tomkm Holies wenk of W». ' OMshtftlj Tll«AT«rl fWlotsrs fe Adnms, iiiniiauern), — ('oinmenrlnif Vt, jierfurniors liimkod fur this liniiHii will open nit Mmulnyit 'tistcnd uf Stiiiu-ilinH. Ciirrenr : f.'arrlo Scott, nnd picks, the Rnnrliilplix, Urns. De- von, Liiclo llyrtio, nnd Fntuk (li-oli. FoitHT Km.I, mi. —Mnnnger Illolinnl Heckar iiffors I'lill ntnl f.'nrrle lliissill, tin* Vernon Hlslers, Maud Hetill Price, and f.'lina. Uoyop week of 2Ti. Xing.i.-'-Slierinnn rtrnwn left fof n week's Irlp lo New York 21 Rdwlfi Tlmn- houscr mill fntnlly aro still In Florida, and nro not oxpcctcil liern for saversl weeks. Mr. Tlianlionser Is riipldly regaining Ills huolth. Members of Hie Wnclisuor Htoek Co, suffer tin reduction In salary on tin mini of tuc temporary illscontlnimneii of the HinidiiV vvenlnx perfornmncea nt Pnwern' TWMIIW tfl <.'h lingo Henry Floss lips returned to Ihp mnr Thentro ntntt. Jnniea O'tirlen linn lieen appointed iisslHlniit 1 rrnsiirer, to rnplnen Walter Ilnse, Who roalgnetl (lerirgn II. Iliittillt/.n, business mnnnger of the linpcrlnls, elimeil wllli Hie cnni|inn.v Bl Artliuf I.iiinn, n/lvcrllslii(f nffent o( Hie Allintolir.i. Is o.nflneil to liln home. -■' ■ ■>»■»* CANADA. Viam«i«vere--At tlie Opern House (VI, It Thlekolis. iniiiinKeri.T-" 'Wny r<iwti Knst" •inn. II. Marie Wnlnwrlglir plonscd, in "Twelfth Night." 111. Adellna Pnttl MJMtM HI, after *2„'W>0 worth of tickets bad heeh sold. Coining.' "Lost Itlvor" 10, blbUcorja pictures H0-2B, "Aro You n MttftOri?" 27^ "Ijevll's AiltHon" Ma 1, Florence Roberto :». Ppoplr'h TncATfin (Onrl Hercb, mnungeii. —'■Larry Aroun" filled tlin bonne 11-10. "The Private Secretary'' 18.23. KMI'IBD TilEATUC^-CooU vaudeville 11-10.