The New York Clipper (February 1904)

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««y.< #fiBStJA&Y 13. Adnnilo Gh*den (W. Kramer's Boos, «,nrnszcr9)-—Mile. Salora, In her transforma- K^ovelty act; Barr and EvanB, the coin- 28? too I BldOfa, the juggler; Joe Helman «i Mildred Franklin, In "A Matrimonial A^»nc\ •" Nevada. Foirrlngton, vocalist, and 85, Elite Lady Orchestra axe the attrac- tions for this week. Special programmes Km been arranged for Lincoln's Birthday. Herald 8iiunre Theatre (Charles Froh- Jn manager)-—"The Girl from Kay's" Is « in Its fifteenth week. Theatre (Charles Frohman, man- THIG NEW YOIK CLEPPIIR. $221 Sullivan & Kraus* attraction this week. . reviewed In these columns before."Thethea- tre occupies four lots on One Hundred and E"' Garden '"■ ;anor inn,- entered, upon we i»k here l"«b. ;8. Chlnelle" follows 15, resuming the success B „.) —lilearior Uohson, In "Merely Mary »..n "' entered ■ upon her seventh and last gS here. Feb. ;8: "The Segret of Poll- nil run which was Interruptedly the sudden dosing of the. Madison Square Theatre. Vmalre Theatre (Charles frohman, man- o0 r r — •The Other Girl" opened Its third S5t at this house Feb. 8. , . * Uronaway Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, ™™neer) —•'The Medal and the Maid" began K fifth week and last fortnight ' Feb. 8. vonzla Calne replaced Jeannette Lowrie, .as Miss Ventnor, ,'tlin schoolmistress, matinee of Feb. 8. ' ' fcarleta>-iat the Harlem Opera House (Alex Lltchensteln, manager).—Mary Man- nSrine In "Harriet's Honeymoon," should Sn profitable engagement, as the house ,, W oll Ailed Feb. a and the advance sale III reported as a good one. Next week, William Faversbam, in "Lord and Lady A '^Vest End Tmeatrb (George A. Blwnen- *hkl manager).—James K. Hackett nre- sen M hereTevening of Feb. 8, for the first time in 15* .M City, George H.Broad- ,iiNt'3 four act satirical romantic fantasy, -The Orowxt Prince *■ which first saw the llibt at the Court Square Theatre, Spring- field Mass., oft Dec. 25 last As Mr. Broad- l.urs't bas labeled his play a satire, a license "o- wield a pen which occasionally turns out tesnue. •■ Mir. Hackett referred In a cur- tain speech to a production made, here vears ago .of a. clever (satire, and ex- presses the hope that in Mr. Broad- hdr«t's play a worthy composition on the MM order would be found. With this duly impressed upon the mind of the auditor, considerable humor is to be found In the heroics' Of the play, and as there Is a rather nretty lOve story to claim attention, some good comedy and entertaining dialogue, a success was scored by play and star. The fourth and last act held the Interest re- markably well, and the action was well sustained until the final curtain, which Is a state of affairs well worthy of comment. Its story tells of how Robert, crown Brlnce of .Morflntla, meets Cecelia, queen S Khodoland. at a ball, and though they have been betrothed since their early childhood, they have never seen each other, and. still In the dark as to each others iaentitv, they fall In love at first sight It then transpires that the Duke of Burnell, of Khodoland, Is Implicated In schemes to kill Robert and ascend the throne of Morunlla, and he secures possession of valuable papers giving ,plan& Of Morantla's defences. Robert turns highwayman, holds up the duke, takes the papers away from him, and being seen bv the queen In this high handed act is immediately suspected by her as being an or- dinary brigand. But finally, after many trifels, In which the queen aids him on several occasions, Robert at length convinces ber that he is the crown prince, and Is In turn brought to realize that she Is queen, the usual happy ending then being in order. Mr. Hackett, whose most conspicuous suc- cesses havo beeh made In costume parts, ap- peared to splendid advantage In the leading role, and did some very good comedy work, as well as scoring In the more strenuous situations. He never ranted, having pitched his voice to a subdued key, and his acting was particularly good where a com- edy scene fell, to his lot. Chflj-lotte Walker, In a Juliet costume, made a dfttnty, girlish heroine, and played with charming In- own company, la the Charles B. Blaney and Howard Hall's melo- Tbls company has been drama, "The Child Slaves of New York" opened, to n large audience, night of 8. The play is full of heart Interest and interest- ing situations. Good business last week. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" next. Theatric USMCa (Frank B. Carr, mana- ger).—The Spider and the Fly, and London 'Jaloty Girls Extravaganza furnish this w-ik's amramMl. The opening house, S, was well filled. The olio: Clnra Adams and Iluth Gnrnol, Cftrn»y and Flynn, Mile. r> Ome, All»n and Deimain, Jolson Hrotheis. J.«j Pnrdello. wrestler. The burlesques pre- sented are "Her First Night: nut" and "Her ■Fltst Night. In." Good business last week, rmnlng next, Jos. Barnes' Dainty Pareo IX Lvoeitm (Louis Phillips, manager).—Emma Roll is seen this week as Maslova, In "Re- surrection," and Mr. Holden plays the Prince. A big aud'encc wss present at the opening performance. 8. Good business last week. Notes. —Paytoa's Fulton Street house, which has been under his management for the past three seasons as a stock house, bas changed Its name and bill again- Frank i. Kcenev, who conducts a billiard parlor In the lower ssctl<-n of this borough, has leased the house tfor a term of three years, and it is to he run as a high class vaudeville house, at .popular prices. The house Is to be known as the Vaudeville, and Will present its initial bill Feb. Id, with such favorites as: St. john and I* Fovro, Maud Kennedy, Hocy, Fields nnd Elliott, late of Payton's Stork Co.; Shorty and Lillian De Witt, II. V. Fitz- gerald, Meredith Sisters, Hocy and Lee, the Four RInnos, and the vltngrapb. Mr. Kconey will be the manager, and Gus Bernard will net as his business manager. Thore are few changes to be made In the house, as extcnslvo alterations were made during the Summer by Ooxse Payton. The house seats about 1,400..... .Corse Pay ton Is to resume work with his road coaiedy co. again. He. opens with the company Feb. 8. This la Mor. Pay- ton's first departure from Brooklyn for a long time. Since he opened his Lee Avenue house he bas at various times filled eogagaments that called him away for a week, and he was tilwavs given a b!g reception on his return home Manager Will McAllster, of the liljou Theatre, is rapidly in>.pmving from Ms attack erf appendicitis. i * i t Empirii THBATM.-Cle»w vaudeville, ill- Mkrgaret Date Own, MMH^M^[ udlng Boyle and Lewis, eccentric cpawdl- Bowman,, Adele Chirk, .Una K'tehun.- Law- Twenty-fifth Street,, running through to One Hundred and Twenty-slxth Street, making the plot &nx200. The building Is sevonty- two feet wide. There are two balconies, and the seating capacity Is sixteen hundred. A lobby thirty-two feet, wide leads to th» audi- mtlum, the balcony nelng reached hv a marhlo stairway ten feet wide. The lobby is, in cream white and gold, and It crossed by transvetsed rows of lights. There arc four proscenium boxes. The stage Is fifty feet wide and thirty-five feet deep. There are no flies, all the work being don* from the stage. While not entirely completed, the theatre presented a pleasing aspect 8, nnd oil arrangements have been made for the comfort, of the patrons. The prices range from 25 cents to one dollar, and there will oi intlnees every afternoon. Several floral offings were displayed in the vestibule from friends of the management, with suit- able inscriptions wlshinz them success. The executive staff is as 'follows: George J. Kraus, manager; Samuel Kraus, treasurer; Max Furzman, leader of orchestra, and John J. McSonley, stage manager. Next week, the World Beaters. Olympic (Thos. W. Valentine, manager). ■—Smart & Wlllams' Octoroons Is the attrac- tion for this week, and, considering the op- position of a new house, their opening 8, was a good one. The show is deserving of patronage OJtritEiFM (Dr. Leo Sommers, manager).— Business continues good. This week's hill: Lottie Gllson and Billy nirt, Gilbert Sa- rony, Four Laredos, Fuller and Rose, Rae nnd Benedetto, the Vedroars, Mildred Han- son, and Robert Owens. eluding Boyle _ «ns, »nd good moving pictures, Jan. 25-30. Savot Thbatrb. —The stock company gave —'0»ty excellent performances of grammes 25-30. pro- St. Joan.—At the Opera House (A. 0. Skinner, manngert.—The Dalle; Stork C<\ gave n very pleasing performance of •• Hu- man Hearts" Jan. 28-80, to good business. It opened Its seventh week Feb. 1, with a ,„"), fine production of "Northern Lights," to a Mo( big house. The company received numerous nirtnln calls. The bill for 4-8 was "'Sweet f.aivnder;" "Tennessee's Vardner" 8-10. .Yobk Tubatrs:. —"Yeoman of the Guard" will be presented by local talent, under the direction of A Chlpmnn Ritchie, 11-13. Notes.— W. R- Dailey and wife (nee May Nannarv) arrived In the city 3. Mr. Dailey is proprietor of the Dailey Stock Co., and wilt make bl3 first appearance in "Tennessee's Fardner." Mrs. E. L. Brass arrived in the city 3, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. .J. D. Landry. . rehce Wakefield, H. 6. Sstockej, Oscar Gra- ham and Harry Corson Clarke. ■Standard Thbatwb (Alvldo iXasserrj, managers).—Business has been ttty »ofid People 1-6: Franclsca Crlno, Etta Howitd L»nolrs, George nnd Laura; the Ellsworths, Melton Twin Blators, May Von Colton, Kttohl and Richards, Pearl Gllmore, ■'Maud Grayson. Fay Drimar, Ntceila, Wm. Mllnt)<\ Agnes Gloln, Ernest RaJlny, Clarenofl Rnn- *-in, Tom Kelly, John B. Clark, and tb« oores. !..•••■ '■; Brooklyn.—At the Montauk (Isabel Slnn< Hecht, manager).—Richard Mansfield pre- sents "Old Heidelberg" Feb. 8-13. A big audience gave the star a big reception. The company Is a large one, ana splendid acting Is witnessed. Elective scenery Is displayed. "A Chinese Honeymoon" last week did n big business. "The Earl of Pawtucket" 15-20. Grand Opera Housb (Lew Parker, man- ager).—"A Midnight Marriage," a melo- drama with sensational episodes, as well as plenty of comedy, met with favor with the audience 8. Florence Bindley, who Is r pop- ular player.of this borough, is seen in the stellar role, and wins applause for her work. "Our New Minister" did excellent business last week. Next week, Ralph Stuart, In "By Right of Sword." Pabk Theatre (Nick Norton, manager). —The policy of thi3 house 13 to present melodramas of the most Interesting nature SEW YOBK STATR. Quebec—At th*Auditorium Theatre (A. J. Small, manager).—William Bonellt, In "A Stan of the World," was a welcome treat. Feb. 1, for three nights and matinee. Mr. Bonelll will be welcomed back at-any time. He has.won the support of our theatregolng. people, and the big business that he played to urns well deserved. England's moving pictures of Indoor circus came as n novel attraction 4-0, to large audiences. Jacques Cartier Ham. tLouis Berun, tnansger).—M. Frnd, In "L'Aiglon," was the drawing card for week ending fi. The piece W6.S. well staged and the cast strong, and large audiences prevailed . l ' w innlpe*_-At the -Winnipeg Theatre f Chats. C Lindsay, manager).—''Foxy Grand- pa" rinsed a Very successful three nights' engagement Jan. 28, playing to very large business, and giving the best of satisfaction The. Bnstnnlnjis came 20' ' "The Serenade" and "Robin 'tendunop was large. Bftsh," Feb. 1-8, and business was of tho Iwst. J. H. Stoddart and Reuben Fax am Joint stars. Dan Sully 8, 0, Rojs •''rcellA ShM Opera Go. 10-14. best of satisfaction. ma3cot mhuatrb \j. j. jucca 20: 80, presenting managers).—-Week of Feb. 1 bus bin Hood.' r The at- tlnued fairly good, with Irene Wi •The Bonnie Brier La Var, Grace Lester, Wllflftw Bnflalo.—At the Star Theatre (J. R. Stirling, manager).—Ezra Kendall pays a seoonrl visit Feb. 8-10, In 'The Vinegar Buyer." Maude Adams, In "The Pretty Sis- ter of Jo«e," 11-18 (no matinee). Francis Wilson, In "Drminle," JC-17. With two splendid attractions la3t week business was bnt fair, owing to the almost Impassable St. Cn Oiarlnra.—At tho Graud Opera House (Chas. H " Southern- Skies' nacity of: the . h good advsniw sale 5. G. F. Hall, In "The Ragged Hero," lit For tho second time this season the patrons row»tfonj» f ,*52jS^S?JS^lSi in—Vnnrv witnessed "A Desperate Chance" 8. "The the wintry elements. Mario C illh.ln OREGON. White Slave" last week crowded the house. •'If Women Were Men" to follow. Colombia (Dave A. Wels, manager).— Herrmann, the magician, this week. Be pre- sents an nnusnRl list of astonishing tricks, Including bl3 latest sensations, "Tho Bride Elect" and "The Queen of Flame." Excel- lent business ruled last week. "M'llss" next week. ■ ... Bwoti (Will McAllster, manager).—Mrs. Spooner celebrates her third anniversary here this week. She presents the pretty melodrama, "The World Against ner." Splen- did work Is contributed by Edna May Spooner, in the role of Madge Carlton, and Mr. Phillips, as James Carlton, while the remainder of the company are well placed. Cecil Spooner and Harold Kennedy made good a3 proprietors of a Punch and Judy show. Mrs. Spooner In the past three years has made a great reputation for her- self in stock work. She has in each year advanced and strengthened her com- pany, so that she Is capable of producing plays of any kind. Since her arrival here there have been produced, under her per- sonal supervision, twelve new plays, each one scoring a success. During the performance this week the usual specialties are Intro- duced. "The Captain's Mate" last week was a record breaker. To follow, "Bonnie Portland.—At the Marouam Grand (Cal- vin Helllg, manager).—"Happy Hooligan" <lld fair business Jan. 25, 20. Alberta Galla- tin did fair business 27, 28, with "Ghosts." A big house was present 21), on the occasion of' the benefit for v. B. O. E. Lodge 142, under the direction of Leo Cooper. The participants were local people, and the per- formance was an artistic success. The Je<-k Thbatrb (Stirling & Cornell, man- .Fatal Wedding" Feb. 1, 2, the Baker Thea- agers).—The eagerly anticipated engagement tre Stock Co. 3, 4, in ''Charley's Annt," of the Castle Square Opera Co. begins 8, and "The Devil's Auction" 5. 0. in "Othello," nnd lasts a fortnight Herr- Cordray'h Theatrb (Cordroy & Russell, mann, the magician, delighted excellent sized .manogersL—'Mickey Fin' " audiences In his feats of magic last week, houses Jan. 31 Brown," proved charming Indeed, and the pretty ooera attracted Ita quota of the trade, while Henry Miller, In his delightful new pro- duction of "Man Proposes," a comedy Involv- ing the exploits of two English brothers, ce- monted the admiration of his local followers. Managers ChSTles Frohman and J. M. Fedrls have left nothing undone In the cast and staging. Tl The mantle of his famous uncle seems to have been transferred to a worthy sue- rpwsor Acadejii Theatrb (Stirling & Cornell, managers).—"When Women Love" will be explained this week. "Deserted at the Al- tar' occurs J&-20. "On the Bridge at Mid- night" waB well acted. Theatrical Protec- tive Union, has n big benefit 7, with ten 'Convention Ham, (Henry L. Meech, man. agr-D.—A cecillan Recital took place 8, t'arrie Bridewell, Franc. L. Orannls and Hu- bert O. Fox appearing. ' last concert, 6, was falrl Inn" had two big 'Lost River" did good busl- and "Maloney'B Welding" did The Je3slo Shirley Co. Victor Herbert's rly successful. played wltn cnarmios m- jna - •»« genuousness and splendid effect throughout. Scotland. Joseph Brennan, as the duke, did capital work, and Brtghom Royce also tallied a suc- cess to His credit Margaret Robinson proved worthy .of being singled out for par- ticular tnentlon, and Minnie Monk and Grace X 0 ws| aV gU^ib^l d t a%ri fl 1 i"too«lsJ : v C e l^f^To^f^^i^^ l^.E. 1^ Duanesnd_James See- and the Kettle Others are Charles^^. Lyceum Theatrb (J. Langhlln, manager). Jessie frbore,' tho American Mostiope. "The Stain of Guilt" tbls week, "The VII- Park Theatre (Frank Monro*, ma ness 24-27, hie business 28-30. wfll present "The Blue Grass of Old Ken- tueky** Feb. 7-10, and "Dorris" 11-13. "One Night In June" comes 14. Baker's TintATRa (George Li-Baker, mnn- oger).—Pollard's LUlputlan Opera Co. hart S. R. O. nt both performances Jan. 81. The enttagement Is for one week. The Baiter Theatre Stock Co. did good business week of 24, In "A Celebrated Cnae." Tho company returns Feb, 7, presenting "Jsne." Aucadfi THBA'jnr. (8.-Morton Conn, man- ager!.—Stoddard and Leslie, Turner and Lester,_I>uolla ..Cross, tbe Great Raymond, manager). Orpheom (Percy G. Williams, manager). pl » tnreg ^^ a 'f P atnre- Sundays and a weekly —Marie Dressier, and the Walter C. Kelly 5' a ^[ n " * f $2 5 continues. Annie Ward T f- Company are retained for another week, 2I5 wm B, ..^---- -•■ - «—• •***■" ~- owlng to the success they made last week in "Sweet Kitty Swell Airs," which Is retained. Another Important act on the bill 13 Emmet Italian.—At: the Opera House (Geo. Amy, manager.—"A Hot Old Time" amused a fair Mzed nudlence Jan. 2(1. Havarly's Minstrels SO. Koselln Knott, In. -vWhen Knighthood Was In Flower," had, fjilr busi- ness Feb. 2, with matinee.- "The Storks" 3, 4, with mallnec; "The Rivals" >;, Louis Morri- son 8, 9. ■_ •' ' ■. . A NBW THEATRE—TAU.T'S 'FtMtl.J THBA- tre, under the management of T. L. Tally, opened for 'business Jan. 20. "Ma.Ja, tbe Mysterious," was greeted with fair business. The peoale areKtnkand Edyth, and Conors snd Mitchell, ' ; ^ ANOT|!ER NB# RISORT—Tjtl NOVJtTt TttFATRD—^wUl open -for business Feb. 8 (Jako Schwartr, manager).—Ed. L. Weston, Edw. Marques, Lon Jackson. Ornce Bollinger, Geo. Bolton nnd Mltte Mae Compton. Camp Street TttnATkn (Geo. C. Dennlsa, manager.—Week of Feb. 1 business was good, l'eopio were: Shadrlck nnd Cn Rose, Chris Christopher, Elsie Graham, Margeret llnrker, J no. McMnnara, Len Lnughlln, Thomas nnd Riley, nnd Amy Gilbert. 11 1 ' • finlveiton.—At tho Grand Opsra Home (Fred 0. Wels, manager).—"King Dodo," at advanced prices, drew a large and well pleased aadlencs Jan. 29. Jisseph' Jefferson Jr. and William Jefferson, supported by. a well balanced company, presented "The Ri- vals," to « large house, Feb. 1. Ma3cot Theatrb (J. J. McCabe & Co., business con- West, BpssI* Jaultby, E(ta Mnultby, tlodle Gregory, Elale YouhR, M|3» Theresa, Birdie Varneil, the Great. Bunker. Alvlo. and J. J. Bowen: thn stock, In a comedy, called t'The Ladles' Club at Mid- night.* .. .... " , . Aait la.—At Hancock's Opera nouse (Geo. 1 Golden, lu .. house Jon. 20. Mr. nolden wss greatly appredated. Matl- noe and night of £7 "When Kolghthood Wni lh FIower' r drew crowded hoases. Miss Knott being III, her nnderstndy took the trading rolo, receiving curtain after curtain «oci freat applause. Katherlne WJIlnrd, In "Thn •ower behind the Throne," did good busi- ness 20. Due; "The rnrUh Priest 1 ' Fob. Id, Al. Wilson 19, "The Runaways" 2BT V,. » »» •WASHINGTON. Seattle,—At the Grand Opera Home (John Cort, manager).—Alberta GsJUtln, In "Gbostfl," Jsn. 3l-FeS. 3; the Kilties Band 7-8. ■. ■ ■ ' SrATTxr) Theatre (J. P. Howe, manager). —"Humnn Hearts" Jan. 31-Feb. 4, "The Fa- tal Wedding" 0, 0, "Are You a Mason r v T«l$. Third avenue Theatrb j Russell & Drew, managers).—Week of Jan. 31, Jessie Shirley Co., In .Rip Van Winkle" and "Caprirfl, "Mnloney's Wedding" Feb. 7 : 18. Edison Theatre. —New: SI and Mandy Kelly, Lombard nros., Cheoowlttn, Clement Perkins, and klnetoscope pictures.'*• ' Rmpiue Theatre. —New: .flnitb j. Em- melt. Freeio Bros., O'Dell and Hart, Edward While, motion pictures. _ Crystal Theatre. — New: The Yertas, Hnyden and Hartln, Hayes and Wlnchell, moving plcti)res. . ■ Im rtTiTB THiATOB.—Newt nayden and Hayden, Four Bragdons, Herbert and Gerard, moving pictures. , A»Ciiw THKATW'—Ii«wi Batatons- dog and pony circus, Stafford and Stone, Clamagn nnd North, Karl and De Klmer, Owens and I* Marr, Lillian Lester, Dorothy Vernon, tbe La Kolas, Nick Williams. _ "^ „ ' ' People's and QeBram TiTEATms.—New: 'fro/and Ward, Carl Cliarles, Tyron, Franks, Mann and Franks, Rafferty and Dale, Geo. A. and Mf.ile Bird. Bearls and Gross, Cbeno- with. Owens and f^ Marr, Lombard Bros., H Wilson mnnaser) ■— "tindor .'■"■ ii Itf IWnfOrWTtqpara i" came Feb - ? Ic Tthe eS.' Walker, mannger), — Blctard houl? "Holtv' Toltv" hart "King Dodo,': drew a crowded h( nouse. -liouy tony nan .. R-ij-.'-.n m ,i v .nnre,- 1 in his acting. Ky acquitted themselves with credit. The cast: Robert, James K. Hackett; Carlford, James Seeley i The Duke of Burnell, Joseph nrennftnj Captain Selbourne, Brlgham Royce v Furlontf, E. L. Dnane; General Mer- land, Albert Perry; Lieutenant Bromstead, Morgan Cotnkfc; The Prime Minister of Rho- rtoland, Carl Ahrehdt: A Young Officer, Irvln Foster; Servant of the Duchess, Frederick Nichols; Cecelia, Charlotte Walker: the Duches3 at WoWnrton, Minnie Monk; Hilda, Grace Barber; The Countesn ot Braith- walte, Margaret Robinson; Yonnc Woman, frothy HnTamnck. Metropolis (Henry Rosenberg, manager). —Robort Mantell presented "The Lights of Other Days," for the first time In Harlem, at. this house, 8, and turned hundreds away, with tho best-advance ■sale In the history reported, A cordial reception was accorded Aldrlch, Cole and Johnson, Galettl's mon ■ t r _ »-, . _. - - - - T-|T_ M _™ Tift n«4l^^«T- Hint keys, the Kltamuras, Wynne WInSlow, Baby J^Jk alld SPPmPf i to satisfy them thorough- Lund, La Flcur, and the vltagraph. \^ aB \ u Hvon & Bkhman's (Archie II. Ellis, man- •*• g abpen Thbatrb:— Cnrrent Milt ager).—Th I this week Is an excel ent t Jgm and Hortoi oSe. It Is hearted by Senorlta Rosarlo Guer- ™^ nni ^ rorest ^ C has. Sweet, ,U. original ^pantomimic nneirajm ^^ Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Es- r«;r<.>, presenting her iage Parson" presiding week of 16, Moving —Following Is tho bill for week of Feb", i: . ' ~.o,.M« m onrt o 1 Vtn ^,3 carr, Lizzie Weller, Jas. ilennessy, Billy Tann, B. IL Spencer, Edison's moving ahv, Tn "Shadows of a Great City," re- pictures. . ■• * celved many plaudits last week. ' Winter Garden (flsky .Barnett, mana- 'Lafayette Thfatrb (Charles M. Bagg, ger).—Swor Bros., Dorothy Dayne, Leslie manager).—The Brigadier Burlesque Co. pre- Pomeroy, Eva Perl, Lorraine Sisters, Made- Eldes this week. Bob Manchester's CrackeT n n e Carbonato, Nadlnc Allen, Vic Lewis, ^""Vi^mn'^r,T"»^ne»"Viirt'Porriiitsr''th< Jacks will be welcomed next week. Weber's Amellta, Memphis Kennedy, Chas. Brown, ^ e op T T ?, , ^ M ^^ ^nrt LueM«tod Dainty Duchess Co. drew the customary Andrews and Thompson. Great Elwo od, Geo. W. and Bene M non. .. .-..-- .v._ . k k. xub'Maisb (A. Shapiro, manager).—Battle " " ' Ward, Madeline D'Blroy. John Morrison, Jes- sie Orr, Cora Richmond, Lapltte Josephine, Dorm Belle Christy. Fritz's New Thratre (William H. Brown, manager).—I/;wls Sisters, Beatrice South- wlck, the Bernards, Mysterious Ctesar, Maud tbeatren have been dark, Howard. Rons and Campbell, Errol sketch:enUtT^The;Ros C and the Dagger" ^^^ a ^Wilson. Several altera Another Interesting feature is MWJJJ )Jon , j n thls „„,, other theatres have beer a very clever Juggler. Others are. mary rtnrNl mortc n? the author!!!"*, providing and Gerald, Nelsonla, Seymour and Junius. In The Meio- BrPRtPr W fcty. ■ Bi.azuiu's Conceut IIali, (Ell B. Davis, Tacoma—Ai the Taeoma Theatre (Cal- vin Helllg, •nanngsrl.^I'lorenii) Bob#rt3. Feb. 1, 2, for thn third time this season drew pactaO houses.' "rtapho" and "A Coun- Iry Girl" were put on. 'Tbe Fatal Wed- ding." 3, had u fair, attendant. "Too Devil's Auction," 4, hart, a good house. "Are Hampton and ' company, drama;" George Reno's Comedians, Cook and Sonora, Flske nnd McDonoiigh. Alice Shaw and daughters, and the Yankee Comedy ir °STAB (E. M. Gotthold, manager).—The Kentucky Belles are the entertainers this week. The opening burlesque Is fhe Mar- riage Trust," and the closing one Is "Down Whore the Blue Grass Grows. «»» CANADA. .The olio _i cordial reception was accoraeo "»"f Q l i il n " v ^ imnortant vaudeville acts. m« ^SrS*- '^ player8 - NClt . WePk '- H °" CO WA«o.V^o'zTc^ Va jw^ cordial ...Stab (Wbj. ; T. Women Were Men Will C. Murphy, f Pavilion,. Atlantic. ^ given for the first time In New York at this house sfterhoon of 8, to a well filled bouse, and met .with the full approval of the au- dience. The play Is well staged; and cos- tumed, and the company was fully up to the standard. There are any number or Ftirrlng situations In this play, which Is "ne of of the melodramatic clnss of production* seen here In many a day. The cast t, Colonel Hastings, J. H. Hnselton: Hlchurd- Carlton, Robt. Oalllard; Frederick Sheldon, , Johd Abbot: .Danny Barnes, R. Brandon Mitchell 1 -William ■ Booth Anderly, John Saunders; Barry, William Maussey; Amphios (S. H. Cohen, manager).— - ?°°8% t^we«.^^i , ^S , J^ Montreal.—At the Academy of Music (W. A, Edwards,- manager).—Forbes Robert- tlon and Gertrude Elliott, In "Hamlet and- 'The Light That Failed," to big houses, Ieb. .Hi. Herbert Kelcey and; Effive. Shannon,,In '•Sherlock Holmes," 8-13; "A Conntty Girl" lft pjt6cTOR'3' (H. C. EgertOD,'mawiger).-- R»becca Warren, In "Teas, of the.D Urber- vllles," to fair houses,1-fl, "The Awakening of Sir. Plpp" 8-13, "The Way of the Trans- pressor" 15-20. 1 » ■ ' ' Tiieattie Fbancais (F. Haworth, mana- " to fair Midnight'" gerT-Th'e MooS? *f>«iSr»Sf A "C new verses of "Hlnkcy Dee." ^Tho gaJJ; t o big ho.ise».'l-6. ■ 8am DeverB's Bur- v"fdewTe m presents" James. Cullen, '"The .^ oe l C o. 8-13, Harry' Bryant's BurlesnUe I'artv from the West," Jn a new budget of c «. \5-Z0. „_ S|S«^oSjJ^&."SSSH.' , SS THEATBE NATIONAL FBANCAIS manager).—Belle Edwards, Gertrude Ste- vens, Glrllo Thompson, Dcvoy and Peri, Mar. jle Lake. EbicsbON'h Music Hall (H. D. Griffin, manager),—nejen .Mlgnon, Little Sunshine, Fnonie Estella. ■ v. • — :..:. «» ».• ' * " reception which the ppp- slng- Irls, as well as the crowded houses- aunng ibe post demonstrated the wisdom of jFt. Wortb^—Greenwall's Opsra House (Phil W. Green wall, manager).—"A Hot Old Time" had. two fair audiences Jan. 30. W. B„ Pntlon. presented' "The Minister's Son," for the benefit of local lodge F. O. B., Feb. 1, to a big house. Haverly's Minstrels gave go'od performances, to two light bouses, 2. You n Mason)"' reluriied fi, «. "Ghosts" 7, R, Paul Gllmore 1ft. Pollard's Opera Co. 11- 111,. Kill les Hand IS, "Thn Elornol Clty"J8, 'Sag Harbor" 20. _ „, . lAc-r.LM TiiEArBB (Dean Worley, mane- aer).—"Maloney'B Wertrtlng," i-.i, hart good ™!MJ ; inn Thraiiji.— Bill Lftj. Tctsurana Janane.w Troupe, Baldwin and Durrani, J«ay- oionti and C'larketfiftir TrVrtl''. -.';JBt«ilwnrt» W 5>irt>imtt.Tlreat«n . ^f»«o; .Miller, ■maaf- ger )._-rh« KubesV wns tho bill for ,1^1- Good husluoss prevails. • . . Tim 'Olvmi'Ic C'luu Theatre and tho Edi- son are'both doing capacity bnslness nightly. 1F.W DOCK ST AD EW "WheD Knighthood Was In Flower" did fair Wa f^rn at Hartford, Cdnn, Ait» youth;he SwSfS the*" 1 6;^be 8 »V8'; ^.» tot ? f tbe.sto^aM^the Lewis Morrison 10, "Alpiioniie' and Gaston' ]], Rose Costhlan 13, Andrews' Opera Co. in. taf comedy juggling team v Mclntyre and reau, . manager). _ (G. Gsuv- The permanent ,. French •The. Black Flag,?' 1-9. Primrose hono?S In minstrelsy and vaude- gp' coni nany. In "The Black vine •Kennedy and James, In a laughablo .. Thp Broth( ,„ ot the Coasr 8-13 & ; K Borto and Lafferty. who dance thgn- SSvSf'lfiS"wSuSfc andH jJTordon, un by the Seymour Club, a local orgsnfca- Gon. y Blg business last week. Virginia l.arle, ■Sergeant Kitty" 1K - 50 Xiieatbe PES NcwvnAiiras.— r he petrna- nent French stock company, In • CoWtlns, to fair houses, 1-0. "La Tosca" 813. . Hamilton.—At tfi« Grand Opera House (A R. Ijouden, monnger).—Jan. 28 .30, tiwi Siimraer Slock Co. played to good buRlnetfl. with renertorv. Feb. 1, "Under Southern Hkl«" bad fair bu»loess. Kelcey nnd Hltan- non entertained a large audience. In ■ • isrl n * MaKgle'.WeetonT Grace Carter,"'Harriett Lee ; £urse Riley, Ella St. Claire; Helen White, V*y Erroll: Ponipon, Samuel Rex; G John Cools; Hawkins. Henry Mines. ***, "The Ninety and Nine." _ . . Uurtio & Sbamon's MCSic Hall.— Owing », alterutionB ordered by the city, officials •his house Is In darkness, and will remain so the rest of thn week. It closed Feb. -1. PBOCTOB'R OMB - HONDBBD AND TWENTY- FIFTH Stbeet Theatre (J. Austin lynes, ^neral manager).—Arthur Wing p ' ner ° J in ''iSorgoant Kitty/" 1S-20. Th P ro non entertained a large audience. In (Bennett WIIroij, manager)—^There non m « lt ^ Tolly," 4, was a crowded km night "JAj"?*."^ gg houBe "Queen of the Highway" t Ninety and Nine" bevnn a week a stay. I«go b g nou . ^w ^Jj. , hn Op* business last week. Joe Welch, In jncrca j n rcpPrtory . "Sher- . hail n was thn Opera Co., Pau.v, who have ■ Hndcorcd themselvfts - 1'itrons of this houso by their capable work, riie Sunday concerts havo proven one or JM strong features of this house. The yande- ylle contributors for thlB week: Eleanor '■like. SpenBer Keelv, Al. Lawrence, Coin nnd Warner, and the kalatecbnoscopo. . The Gotham, Sullivan & Emus' new UWJ- •fe. threw open Its doors to the public b, nnd boforo the cuttaln went up they hart re- fused admission, to hundreds. The manage- roent claim that It Is one of the most com- plete vaudeville houses In the country. l"f buerloi- has h»en done Id the latest style or ^oration, and green and gold predominate in the decomtlone, with green plush rtrap- ^■"lea, canpeta and orchestra choirs In the pame .color. . The beBt of attractions have fe-n booked'for the balance. rffWJSHSI" Jhe loc?lir», hi-one of the best in-Hariem, was Ninety business ishi. wecR. -•»: »■■•", — n repertory. nlT.' 1 next . „„,„ n „i, sirin TitEATnr (J. G. Applelnn, ronnsgeri 1 'fliYirrr ^^^^-^^ISa -We'ek ofT g.>od^ wns don, with $S^* 33mSZB4 an Show, nlwayo a big drawmg earn n x oicrllent -ompany. headed by the lour , De Woe, the Leon- and Johnson and 8TANbnin„TtrfiAT/!F; (Frshk Dc Beoiie, mannfjer):-^rrte dsn'rihe Af the Everett His ters Is the feature at litis house week of 1. James and Davis,'and Lillle Leslie" nre the other openings, the latter returning to tho Btsge after an nbsenco of several years. The other peonjei: Harris and DnvK Nagel and Adams; L*> Florence, Harry Phillips, Belle Hordon, Sena Beckman, Pearl Fair, May Mulnnesn, Ludlvlnn Gurth. «Hirl Copelnncl, Lulu Lawton, and Boh IWlette. The Blrong bill closea with moving pictures, under the direction of Prof. V. V,. Everett. The week opened to packed houses. Crown Tiikatb* (Phil Epsieln. manager). —"Thompson's Dead" Is the title of the curtain mixer week of J. Bsby Menisnils, Kiltie Klrknnm, nnd Mabel Wright are (be (■nenlimn. Thorn: holding over: Akermnn, trick 'cynllst; Frnnk nnrt Annie Ellsworth, Jim. Thortjnwin, Chas. Gates, Elsie Hnnwll, Hose 11. Mltcliell. Kittle Clark, Haul Harris. Llusil'! Wtrfiell, Ethel Russell, ami Ada Yulo. thers. Felix Sullivan and slons, Hurlon ward Blxley, b "^4 0 N?s t TFred Andrews. nWrV- ••Quee?a" Is this week's offering. StrK Etta Rcod Pnyton In bcod In the title role, find Kirk Brown Is the husband. Most of the nMier favorites arc In the cast. A beneat wOTteSlwd to Robert Rlllott, who was SSn M?. Pavron's Fulton Street company, «n mtnday night, 7. Business contUioes large. \<xt. •'Between Love nnd Duty. -NovElTT (David Robinson, manager!.— "Her ifiurlage\'ow," with Its strong rnflo; ilrnmBtlc features and railroad arene, began t filled andappreclatKve Houston.—At Hwecney 4 Coombs' Opera House (Morris C. Michaels, manager).— "King Dodo-," Jan. 28, haft two Immense and well pp'osed houses. The Jcffersons, 30, In "The Rivals," hnrt two bouse* crowded to the doors, and pleased nveryone with .'he ex- rellence nf the cant. Den lliompaon. In "Tho Old Homestead," 1, drew two woll filled houses. "Alphonnn and Gaston," Febr 2, tn fair buslnewt. Katnerlnn Wlllmvl„«, Rose f'oghlan r>. "Head Walters" 0, Haverly's MlbllrelH «. "Gay Mr. Goldstein' 1 12. Emhbr Tiif-atbe (Harry Corson Clarke^ •xne awvu^b 1 aucituu «vj s«-'™s-SSIF"? manager)—Harry Corson Clarke Is demon- *L*!mt n J*±T'm ^ 8 ,f?, a . nind 5 11 Paul stMflngWt nn energetic and hustling wan- "Human Hearts 0. K Itlea Band 11, raw «™ ^ f £ |h ho|]w oppnw j Gllmore 13, the_Bostonlans It). ager con etondlng room company for week of R Ih: Beit and Lewis, Couture and OllletM, Elizabeth BHtellr. the Bmlths, Hartwell, tho Wilsons, and Beanislpy Ulsters. - , ■•• ' 11 1* Vancoaverr—At the Opera House IE, n. Bickctls. manager;.—The FISU J"bllee Singers, under the. aunplces of local \. M. PA., gave an enjoyable concert Jan. 26. "Are You a Mason T' scored a sdcccHS 2<. The Devil's Auction" 30, Florence Roberts, ml sirlklnply reallsflr- PEOPLt'a;TmATBg -WM IBercn, nan* Jffifl "«■« , ****' •« *&*■*, w1th-»OuT Regl- imu » hj'jiii,.'*.", —j* »M...«'-^-, .-j-^^-r.,--- nge of ilfleoix years ha ran away .from nbm'j to lo|n a traveling variety company with. which he wa*iflgftged i/>. do.a song Mn dunce. Ills 3eB»on. with this co«ijMH»y yoa 9 short duration, owing to tho dlAbanfllM of tlir nrtonjtsi ion.' Ifn next; 10mm Skiff ■ fjaylorrt's MlnstriilB n«,on/l mon, lo go'on In titc olio and play the boss drum. \n n*fid. He was with this company unill the mm of Ibo season, aft'T which he played nt thn variety ihealrefl aiouod llostott. '1'he next year ho became loading comedian with* small inlnsirci company, with which he nsjaataen fl few w»?ekB, atul then ho wont to !>/Utlni</r';. where he met Charlie Dock»tader sod formed n porUiershlp with him. the act being known an tho DockBtndor Brolhers, I^w,«n/1 Cbai'll". Afler plnylna Bt diffornnl. VBrlnly« they Jolued llnverly's Minstrels anrf wero with him for two years. ■ After ihls, tw-y went loCarncroM' Mln/<lrclB In Phllailclphls, where lie roinalnetl for n number of yearti. tw Iiocksladf.r's next migagemenl. WHt with Urn Birch, Wnuihold * Backus Han Prun- ilsco Mlnslnils nt their New York thestrc, leaving tbfiro to go n« cotncrtlnn with n largo mlnnfrel conjitany. ' Tim next hegt.on be went out with his. own minstrel '■ompnny, hut wbh not. tniCcesiirul. Arar tho i:bow clo'etl he. went hack lo New Yorlf. where he opened a permanent tnlnstjel company. IfM'Btert In Hie old Han Fran- cisco Mlnslrel Theaitre on Broadway, now tho Princess. During the flrst two years the theatre was a paying vantuTc, and Mr. Dock- sln/ler'a fame grew eaormouslr. Ho. went on tho rond end crossed the continent twUe. After four years. Docks! bjVt gave up tho theatre. ' no returned to vaudeville, bclne 1 tin feature? with Weber A Fields for •six ♦nonths, afler which, with Vesfa Tllley, la an nil star' vaudeville company, he played the leading theatres In this country, ft was dur- ing an engagement of foirr wet-kj) at the Ma- sonlo Temple, Chicago, that he met Janen H. Decker/who secured-his Blpiawre to a five years' contrsxt to go mto mlnstrejsj.„ , -. -■- -.-*(ai«w>,««».iM».,>,--'■