The New York Clipper (March 1904)

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MABOH 12. THE OSTEW YORK CLIPPMl. 40 GKBTBUDB FOSTER XHBBBAtJTtBTJIi—THE TALENTED. GERTRUDE FOSTER CATCHY aONQa-EEWITCglXQ DiNCM |77 OHIO. rlncJnimtl.—During the brief season, oc crand opcrapromlsM Clnrlnnatlnn* nt Mu- le Hall, by Helnrb-b ConrlfijU Wagner's "Val- korlp" and Rossini's "Barber of Seville"' will be presented, and rtcmbneta, Ond/ikl. Homer, Fremsfed. Jncnby, Temon, Seygard, Htiucr- meMer, Cnmpniuwl, Idpplr, Hurgstnller. journct, Bless, Vnn Rooy and other alnger* will be heard. The Conrled Opera Company will eoine for two performances March 2R. ORANb OrKRA ITotiRn (Harry Rnlnforth ft John H.'IIatlln, managers).—Frltal HehefT is' coming Mareh 7, under the manage- ment of rhnrles B. Dillingham. In "Babette." Henrv irvlpir'R engagement was an artis- tic and financial success. The English trn- zwiina wns s*»a In , fonr plays: "The Merchant of Venice," ','Waterloo," "The Belli"' and "Louis XI." He was given heartv recognition. Mabel Hackner was seen In the Ellen Terry roles. Laurence Irvine. 1 riura Bnrt,' Gerald lAWrenre and H. II. Stanford w*re other clever membern of n well balanced company. "The Rogers Broth- ers In London" 14. (TAUTOf aJMBt Titeatiib (N. C. Andea-- «oo. manager).—"Under Southern Skies," hy i/jttle Blair .Parker, will he seen 6. Last reek the Royal I.lllpuiinng. In "fiullivcr'K TraveK" played to big business. James nv**n, Selma Coerae-r, J/niU Merkel, Prince cinvnnnl. Herbert. Wefci and Queen Mnb were nil contributors to a most enjoyable produe- ilon. "David Hnram" 1." ItORIh-SOS'K. OfflRA IlOlTHF. (P.. D. 8talr, roanwor).—"The Fn.tnl Woddlntr," Thoorlnre Krrrner\* melodramn. directed hy Sullivan, Harris & Wo-xls, will be put on a I-nst \yeek W. B. Cray's pastoral play, "The Vol- unteer Organist," played to crowded houses. ceorgn' II. Nichols. 8. J. Rroughton, Alice Itclln - Pollock, and Httlo Lucille Gardner smith, a t.'lnrlnnntl tot, were members of Iho i-nsf. "At the Old Cross Roads" 13. (V.r,r.<roi.\. Tiihatbe (M. C. Anderson, man- ager)'.—The coming of Ilcary Leo nnd Klllc Kay Is headlined in the bill for fi. Sherman and Do Forest, Georgia Gardner and Jos. Mai'.dern, Talhott. and linger*, l^iuls MeCord ft Co.; In "Her Last Rehearsal:" Ford and Wilson, and Volmorc nnd llorton will be co- cntertalhers. I.aet week the .Nelsons, and TnJMry's Dogs were the hits of a good show. The fair member of the learn of O. T. Kl'ke and Nellie McHonough Is a Cincinnati girl. ' Their sketch proved very clever. Ilusi- esa was good. Trfcnntt Tiir.vnm (Heuck. Stale & Fon- nessy, managers).—Hnl lteld's "Unman Hearts," managed by W. E. Nankevllle, will lie nut en 15. l.ast week "The Kntzonjnmmer Kids," directed hy Blnndell & Fennessy. dropped In for their liftli annual rail, and jammed the house. Gus Alexander nnd Majnr CrlquI were the Imps—Harts and Frit?—nnd Alonzo Lnn?, Mrs. Knfzenjam- m*r. "In Convict's Stripes" 13. PEOrlB's THEiTOE (.Hubert Heuck, mnn- n|er).-^The Rose Hill English l"V>lly Com- pany, directed by Rice & Barton, will come ■;. - Last week Clark's Royal Runaway Girls turned out an nhorn Iho average show, nml inn Dtirg Sisters proved to he ginger girl* wire enough. They made the hit of the show. Transatlantic Iturlcsepiers rn>xt. G08RU' ok the ljOBBY.—Bruce Edwards came In advance of Fiilzt Scheu" Helen Khodcs and Mrs. Kuna-Hnker, by a strange coincidence, clashed here 2, In lectures on "Parsifal." Col. James E. Fennessy has routed physical Ills, and Is going to West linden; lie entertained Congressman James .1. Duller and narry Mnrtell nnd wife, nnd will Join (he party at the Iloosler Spa Albert Relsenauer was ihe soloist at the Kjrtiphony concerts. li, 15 Two of the l.ijlpullans—J. C Rosen nnd Herbert Rice— visited,city hall during Ihe week, culled on Mityiir Flelschmann, nnd occupied the bench with Police Court Judge Lueders Dan Itohlm'on nnd C B. Arnold hnvc organized the Robinson Amusement Company, and will iipen In the South nbnut April 18. Nick Carter, high diver: Kit Foster, high wire act; the Royal Italian Band, and Almee, the tire dancer, are cards already secured Manager John n. Havlic is preparing to take n headed rest at Palm Beach, Fla. • llBlph Taulette closed the Unity course 8, at. the Grand Opera Honse...,. .Bram Stoker enjoyed the week In Cincinnati almost ns imfcfi' ns his chief, Henry Irving. Three weeks hence the Irving forces will move on to Tendon, to revive "Becker.." ■ Toledo.—At the Valentine Theatre (Otto Kllvep, manager).—Wm. n. Crane appeared, to good advantage. In "The Spenders," Feb. 27. to a large house. John Drew. In "Tho Second In Command," comes 3. "\VhlTownntv Ing Julia," with Fay Davie nnd Guy Stand- ing. •"• l.vcECir TnEATnK (Frank Bnrt, mana- ger).—"Buster Brown," with Master Gabriel and a splendid company, appeared Feb. 2u- i'7, to-parked houses. The Musical Cuttys made & h 11. "Superna." with many new features, gave a splendid show, to a packed house, 28-March .">. Mason nnd Mason, la "Rudolph and Adolph," ft-0. RmiIrh Theatiik (Jules nerllg, manager). —The Cracker Jacks drew excellent houses Feb'. '2 B 'and week. The Greene Sisters. Howard and North, tho Two Jacksons nnd the Waricdoodle Four were strong features. Hose SynVll and her I/indon Belles for week "t"-March'0. AscAnB' TiTbattik (II. II. Lnmpkln, mnan- ger.).—A Rtrong bill, Feb. 28 and week, ;e- "Myed splendid patronnge. Horry Glazier onrt Co.; In a sketch. "A Glided Fool," made a big hll. For March C nnd week Mnnnger )..i|npl(]n nnnonnces: Trask and Glndde.n. Sevpinnr and May, llee and Brnrten. Madge Frtv, Du Velda and lllldn, and Ogden and •'Wmo. ... ■ Bubt'r Thkitre (Frnnk Burt, mnnnger). —'JTh'e Fnct^iry Girl," Feb. 2.1-27. wns snl- Isfnetory. "DesertMl nt the Altsr," 28-March J. was well received by fair crowds.. 'The MloUler'a Dnugliters" .l-S, "Why Girls tMjia Home" 0-fl. • ••• ._ r Non».-rOt(o Kllves, the mnnnger of I lie Vnlmllne nnrt 'Farm Thehtrcii' c*e"r snrco l heir openings, hue been sele.ct.'d ns mana- ger «f Lake Erin Park and ttosino, In plnco •-I Frank.Burt, resigned. Ills splendid man- itfement of the above named tlientres is evi- dence enough, that the Luke Erie Park and CnRlnd la In most excellent hands.... ..<■• W. Preston has resigned as manager of the Arcade, and has been replaced hy Mr. Lnni- kln, of Detroit. Votiuarstowu.—Opera nouso (Peter Rice, t'lnnagor).—March 1 West's Minstrels nn- i-i'sred, to fair patronage, nnd pleased. -, ■I'cggy from ParlB" delighted a full house, and ft, "The Irish Pawnbrokers." Bookings: •VlThc Silver Slipper;" 0. Wnllnco Gllmore h moving pictures'; 6, Snm T. Jack's Co.; 1-, Virginia Harned; 14-16, "Snporba;" li. An- nie Russell. , PIhk Theatre (Joe Weber, manager .— Week of Feh. 22 Included: Wilfred Chirk nnd, Klein, Olt Bros, nnd Mcker- 'on, I^iwson and Namon, James Donovan, Hardin, Ijingdon, Van Fosscn and McCaulcy, '*">»lure and Gillette, and the klnelogranh. Alteodance good and Mil line. Week JtJ- Wnn-h n. "MT'Fndden'B Flats," to good busl- r.ess. Booked week of 7: Edwin Keough ntnj Dorothy Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Esmonds, I'osier and Foster, flearl nnd Violet Allen. ■ wn Roses, and Christy and Willis. -Notes. —The Park Theatre, under a new contract, will be managed by Weber &R»»h '">xl season Hardle Langdon, while in tin* city, was a guest of relatives, and dnr- rarherwigigemetit at the Park was given a eerdlal welcome, . . ■ — GERTRUDE FOSTER roostmia, Flra, Fancr Dane**, Posm Plajtljc* vmf7!?."— At *! v «ctnrla Theatre (C. n Sfeg- yH^li Riir" drow irnm P nS; "T^ B {-i^ ,El , T fT' <GU 1 «»"ows, manng»r) — iJ r„A ln2 », 0t ' n "" v,,rm -" "*K 29-Mrtrch 5 si£S£S^ 11om The itre.— Cleveland's "";e r r ^ ^fe!£'^ dh ""'"-- - »! *j*%**g*>~M the Oreat Sonlbern The- Li».'i;?*'' rarm<ig*rl.-Jobn Drw \H 1 a 'ar<f'e and appreciative nudlcnc. ■ J ,, J i m &>lW: Henrv Irvine U 11 Adelaide Thurston 12. K ' IfWH Street Theatbe.— "The Smart Set" Hvr'a— 0 8 --ir- £ ^ -*** 1 * S?«K lives ,-n At the Old Cross Roads" 10 1" „ S^SrfiffH^E" K G. Oven". £u£ ITie Heart of Maryland" 7 9. followed or "\onng Toble Hoxle" 10-12 , °"°»*'« nT mJ&8L T '£- Vtlir ; <"• Wiseman. MM* Urir Th «. Fr8, Ji° rn " aM w'l week of March 1. Week of 7. "Sowing ths Wind." » - VoM k,on — At ,nP „^ n lonlal Theatre (S. S. "*"» fnmi lcf t H m from Paris" had a ES£fi . h0 ^. I ? h - - 19 ;, "Hnwnn Hearts" ji.eased two big houses March .1. .Mrs. l.nng- try comes 10, "The Silver Slipper" 1- GitAxn Oi-eilv Hni-sn (li K. .Vlbnuch ""■ffilj g^Vl n a gyw 'Heart" lid wet ,««• i D R Kite BP / -i'- The Minister's 1 tough- ir rB .. lR ,« h l n,Hl for 7n - The King of Dctw - M-lfl. "The Little Church Around (he Cor- in r ii-iy. Note. — Manager T. K. Alhaugh, of the Grand, Is In New York City. l .—.\t Weller Theatre (J. G. England, maniger). —"The Earl of Pnw- tneket. came March 1. to a fair sized an- S'fft' anrt B " ve lhe hfBt nt satisfaction. 'A Homespun Heart," matinee and night, I> eb. 81, did good business. "The Irish Pawn- brokers" enme 2r,, to n fair crowd. "An American Hobo" enme 21. "Young Tobc Hoxle" March 2, "York Stale Folks" 0. "l.egally Held" II, Howe's moving pictures Mansfield.—Memorial Opera House (Bow- ers & Mlrkley, managers).—"Alnhon°« ami (..".Rlon." Feb. 25, was presented, to n fair sized juvenile house, nnd gave a degree of entertainment. "Vonng Toble Hoxle" had fair attendance 20. The advance sale for "Ilorar-sniin Heart" Is small. Qnlnlan & Wall's Minstrels has canceled March 8. 'Com- ing: "Two Merry Tramps" 7, "Sliver Slip- per" 11, "Mr. Jolly, of Jnllel." tins been re- placed for 10 by return date of "Young 'I'obie Hoxle;" "Kntzenjammer Kids" 22. SprluKfleld.—At the Grand Opera Housn lb J. Dalle, manager).—The Howard Itor- sel Co. played, to good business. Feb. 22-2-I. '"IT.e Earl of IVwliu-kei" had fair business 2,">. John Drew, In "The Second in Com- mand." had n fairlv well tilled house 20. Bertha Cnllund. In "Dorothy Vrrnnn,*' Match A : "'Che Old Plantation" 5. ««» MICHIGAN. and Gaston" 7. Fay Davis, In "Whitewash- ing Julia," 8; "A Ragged Hero" 10, the Myrkle.Rarder Stock Co. week of 14. The local lodge of Elks hi preparing to put. on a grand minstrel show 30. Kalamazoo Amusement P.M.Are (F. M. Crary, manager).—This place Is meeetlng with uninterrupted success. Roller skating continues to be the attraction. Bar ritr.—At Washington Theatre (W. J. Daunt, manager).—W. II. Crane presented "The Spenders." to a crowded house, Feb. 2.">. end pleased. "The Minister's Daughters" ' Id big business 2d. llerthn tiallnnd, in "Itornlhy Vernon, of Hnddon Hnll." delight- ed nn appreciative audience 2I>. The Duntwr <'o. (Y. Al. C. A. course) packed the house March 1. The Davidson Stock Co.. In rep- ertory, comes week of March 7, with the ex- ception of 11, when "Uncle Tom's Cabin" lias Ihe boards. "The Factory Girl" 1&. Bottle Creek.—At tbo Tost Theatre (V). R. Smith, manager).—"The Heart, of Mary- land" hnd fair business Feh. 20. Al. Fields Minstrels pleased u good house March 1. Stetson's "I'nele Tom" drev;- fair vitxA au- diences 1. Fay PnvlK. Iiooked for P. can- celed. Honked: "East I.ynni" l». "A Ragged Here" II. "Head Wnlters 1, 12, "New finglnnd Folks" IS, Jackson.—At the Albenneum (II. J. Por- ter, mnnager).—Al. G. Field's Minstrels. Feb. 2rt, enme to good business. •• 'Weary Willie Wnlker," 27, matinee and evening, dirt well, llerlha Gnllnnd. In "tlorolhy Vernon, of Had- don Hnll." March 2, pleased a large niull- •nce. Slelson's "I'nrle 'I'omV Cabin" I. Myrkle-Hnrrier t.'o. 7-12. Detroit.—At Ihe Detroit Opera Ilntise (B. c. Whitney, mannger). — William II. crime, In "The Spenders." played, lo gnod business, Feh. 2fi-.Msrch .1. The supporting company was ex.-elicnl. nnd the acts were set In appropriate nnd pretty scenery. Orncn Ceorge, In "Pretty I'cggy," 7-12; "Ben llur" 14-P.I. liYCEl'M Tmtittm (K. D. Stair, mnnager). —Joseph Hart and Carrie De Mar. In "Foxy d-nndpn," scored u big hit ln»t week, and the attendance wns good. "Dtivld llnrnm" «-12. "Buster Brown" 13-10. Whitney Theatre (E. D. Stnlr, mnnn- ger).—."The Chnrlfv Nurse," with Reims Herman In the title role, drew large and appreciative audiences last week. The play was well staged, and the company nrsf. class; "The Factory Girl" «H2, "Kidnapped In- New York" 13-10. Avenue Theater (W. B. Lawrence, mnn- ngrr).—iLnst week's hill was of a high order, the leading feature being Tom Nawn nnd Cn„ In the chamcler sketch, Tat nnd the Genii." The nltenilnnce was good afternoon and evening. The bill for week of 7: The Great. I,nfnvetle, Ihe Twveslv Band, Mnrtbn Mon- ire and Co., (he ElllsNowinn Trio, Gertrude Schotte, Jerome, Meredith and Co., Ihe Mn- .nilln Quartette, the ,St. Claire Rfsters, Eynn Welclier, "Thu Bride of Thibet," Introduc- ing Ihe forest bred Hon. Majestic. TF.iifLK Thiiatuh (J. 11. Mjsire, manager I. —The hill for wee* of 7: iBIiud Tom, S[m- dnnl, IMna Ang, Grade Emroctt, Cnrleton nnd Terre T. -Nelson Downs, Sisters <!n«eh. Dc- Wltt, Burns nnd Torrence, Klein and Clifton, and the American klnetograpb. Helen Ber- trr.m met with an enthusiastic reception last week, other numbers on the bill were well received, nnd Hie attendance m vnry large. Eiirixp. Theatre (Tir. Campbell, manu- «n Knse Sydell's London Belles gave a L-o.)d entertainment nnd drew good sized lioiiNes last week. Harry Morrl*' RiirloBnnor.-« ti-12, High Rollers 1.1-10. ■ Saginaw.—Arndemy of Music (John II. Davidson, manager).--Wm. II. Crane. In "The Spenders," Feb. 20, came to S. 1,. «.». "Tlie Minister's nnugliteis." 27. had a good house. Dnvlelson Slock Co. 2fr, In • Th.i Seci-et Dispatch," to a fnll house. Kerthn (inllnnd, In "Dorothy Vernon, of Daddon Hnll," March 1, pleased a largo, and MttJ» asllc audience. Davlilson ^IOl■k Co. -•••■ This Is one of the best repertory companies that has ever been here, nnd they well de- serve he good houses-that greel ed them. Km- Davis, la "The Whitewashing of. Julln. ■ 0: "Just Before Dawn" 11.. "Uncle lorn | ' rn ji"VBt!s'TiiHATm; (T. D. Rnraford fcrtarn Marks,, managers).—Bill week of 7: 'Ihe l"v,fT :ind Co., O'llrlen Ironpe of acrobats, Miller and Kresko, Jack 1 roy. INDIANA. Indlaaapnlla.—At English's Opera House (Ail. F. Miller, mnnnger i.—Forbes Robert- icn and Gertrude Elliot. Feb. 20, 27, In "The Light That Failed" nnd "Hamlet," gave ar- tistic performances, to very good huslness. Dark week of 20. Henry Irving March 7. S, "The islo of Spice" 10-12. Park Theatre (Dickson It Talbotr. mnn- ngers).—"The Volunteer Orgnnlst," Feh. 2,V 27. tilled the house twice a day, and wns sat- isfactory. The Smart Set. 20-March 2, stood them up at every performance. "The Heart of Maryland" 3-S. "Wedded and I'nrteU" 7-l>, Weber k Fields 10. Grami Oi-kiia House (Shnfer Xlegler, mnn- pper).—Henry l^ee. seen here for the first time, wns the feature of the hlg vntidevlllo hill of Fell. 20, which elrcw eapnclty luislness nt. every performance. For week or March 7 : ITske and McDonough, Three I'nlrlers, Two PaRinaTlR. Billy Unk, Fields and Hanson, John Tlerney, and the hlos<-ope. Ukiqi'd Theatre fltalph Thorbns, mana- ger!.—Vaudeville and moving pictures are still doing a good business nt this house. Emi'irk Theatre (Chns. Zimmerman, mnn- nger).—Sherldnn's City Snorts gave n good, strong show week of Feb. 20. to big bml- ness. The Knickerbockers week of March 7, nnd Ihe Runaway Girls week of 14. Note- —Pnltl appeared at Tomllnson Hnll 5, for one macerl. lo n good sized house. » F.vnnsvllle.—At the Grand Opera House (Pedley k llurch, miinngera).—This house was filled almost to Its utmost on Feb. 24. Kthel Bnrrymore, In "Cousin Kate," more than pleased her audience. "The Isle of Spb-e" March 0, \. M. C. A. 11, Jlnxhie Elliott 16, Weber & Fields 10, with their en- tire company: "A Chinese Honeymoon" 17, "A Handsome Cabman" 11). Pkoplk'h Theatbi: (Tedley & llurch, man- agers).—The Blondells, In "Through the Cen- tre of the Earth." Feh. 28, both mRtlnee nnd night, lo gnod Riidlences. "Pickings from Puck" Mnrch «i. Billy Kersnnds 12, "llumpty lUimpty" 1:1/ Noteh. —Joe Burke, former Becretnry nnd treasurer of .both the Grand ami People's Theatres, has completed an outtlt for him- self lo go on the stnge ns n magician. He will give his Initial performance at the Grand on March 22. and as he Is a very prominent Elk, that lodge has taken charge of selling tickets, and will turn out n big audience.... The electric wiring of the Grand has been changed, to meet all requirements of the law, and Is now pronounced absolutely safe. i ■ Frankfort At the Blinn (E. Langer- hrake. mnnager).—nonse dark week of Feb. 22. Coming: Addnide Thurston, In "Polly I'rlmrose." Mnrch 4; Sewnnl Show 7-0, •Winsome Winnie" 10, "The Old Melody" 16. ♦•♦ CANADA. Toronto.—Al Ihe Princess Theatre (O. B. Hheppnrd, mnnnger).—Mnrle Cnblll, la "Nancy Bmwn." drew large audiences leh. SOOtarra r>. Week of 7, "Peggy from Pnrls. Grant Opera House (X J. Smnll. mutin- eer).—"My Aunt. Bridget." last week, drew well. Week of 7, "The Good Old Summer Time." Majbrtic TnEATnE (A. J. Small, mnnnger). —"Two Little Waifs" came Inst week, lo fair houses. Week of 7, "Across the Pn- Siiea'r Theatre (J. Shea, mnnnger).—An excellent bill and packed houses Inst week. Bill week of 7: Neil Wsyhurn'M English Ponv Bnllet, George C. Boniface nnd Bertha Wniizlnger, Four Tlollownys. Louise Dresser, Jack Norworth. Musical Dale. Mldgley and Carlisle, and Joluir:en, Davenport and !.n- Stab Theatre (F. W. 81 air, manager).— Vnnlty Fair BurleMiuers drew nocked houses Inst week. Week of 7. Imperial BiirlcaqnerB; week of 14, Merry Maidens Co Marhrv Mikil' Hai.i,.— Mndnme Nnrdlca Mnrch IS. i i ' Hamilton.--At the Grnnel Opera lloiian (A. R. louden, mnnnger).—Marie. Cnhlll. with "Nancy Brown," greatly pleased good slzeel houses Feb. 27. "lovers' Ijitte, March 1, hntl a large and.well pleased nudlcncc. "A .Country Girl" (return). 2, had an Im- mense house. '-Whitewashing Julln' (Fny Davis) played, to good business. :{. Dim: "Peggy from Purls" ft. "Uncle Tina's Cabin' 12. Aubrey Stock Co. 14-10. Star Thhatrk (J. G. Apniftlnn. manager). —Good huslness week of Feb. 20, with au excellent company, lioaikd by Musical Thor, i'onsoKs Dcg Circus. Slddous Bins., and Mor- gan and Crone. Thi- ciimpnny for week of Mnrch 7 Is: Fred Douglus nud Co., Leon anil r«» ji».. ; .. - Bertha Allen, Alfred AnderMein, Lnrklns nnd Mlnitrels Feb. 2S, drew well. Coming: Mrs. p utlR rsnii. Bw •^ rla: Braltlm, th« Leonard linngtrv, lii "Mrs. Dcerlns*» Divorce," Mnrch slHtf „ t j|e n „ nnd Hamilton, nud Ia Ih-llc Azvttn. — . i Hui-licc.—At the Auditorium Theatre (A. J. Small, mnnnger). — The second nnuual eoncert of the Quebec Symphony Society de- lighted a very lurge nnd entbnslnsltc audi- ence Mnrcli I, The programme wns up to tbo usual high standard, and each Item was well rendered. "Wby Women Eovo" came for three, nights J, with matinee, and played to packed houses. The piece was well por- trayed nod the nitdlenees were well pleased. Coming: "The Burgomaster" 7-0. "The White Note. —Chas. O'Toole. of the "Why Women Love" Co.. Is a Quebec boy who has ,won bis way lo the front, nnd he received uultn n hand when be made his llrst appearance here before the fool lights. I London.—At the Grand JF. X. Kormann, manager).—"Hello, Bill," Feb. 20. 27, ap- peared before fair audiences. It la the In- tention to close the company temtwnrlly and- reorgsnlx*. "A Country Girl" failed to ar- Grand Rapt«»—At: the New Powers i Hnrrv G. Somers & Co., managers).—Win. .-/crane, Fcl.^24. played to I packed ho.iHO .is did John Drew March 2. Al. O. Field s :,Sr 5 Br^n^ w^^k,^,^ QUXB Opeb.a MM (Orlii, Stair, mana- MarchT2 "'Deserted at the A nr" 3-.-. "A H ■ W^odh'tll's iflgh Boilers week of «. of ""»' *l ,a S.r" , n . s l "ifncle Tom's Cabin" formnnce. »t«' Bon L s 0 M orc h 2. The an- Co. played, to S MJ*. •*, ,ar B ° rjWTft Home" STlrVp«Sl premature. "Alphonie GERTRUDE FOSTER TUB HANDSOME—JEWEr, BEDECKED. GERTRUDE FOSTER PERMANENT ADDRE3S. Care of CLIPPER. EDISON FILMS PATENTED AND COPYRICHTEU. , Writ* tar Our N«* Film Supplement No. 21 B. which corUIm Di»crlpllont ol 65 Up-to-Data Snbi«cls. Our Latest Winner* iri: Scenes of Russia and Japan PANORAMA OF RUSSIAN HATTI.KRIill*. JAM WRRHTMKO UK BOARD M V\-ii-\V.\II, ... JAPB I.OVDIVO AND FIRINO A OI'N OS HO A till MW-ll-H III. JAPS I.OAD1NO A*l> FIBINIJ A SIX I'tM NDKH fit >, JArs FF.VCINO WITH CAPSTAN HAlls .... 100ft. toon. 70fl. 7Afl. 7Sfl. Life (iaards Responding to Signals of Distress, 740(1. The (heat Train Robbery, 74011,, Price $111.00. »i KNK iiV K.VKIIY FLOOR, :it%0. HARK AN1> IIIMI, Jlrt. MLKHIHIN<i IN CKVTItAl, I'AHK. HUlfi. EdUoi Exhtbitloi KiootOBcope. $115.08. Ed lion Oliversal linetoicope, $75.60. EDISON MANrKAfrnitisii ro„ main oki tri: and I'AOTOttV, punt N. J. NKW VIHIKUKKH I S3OIIAU1IKRS STRUCT. fUHI.P. ADIIKKSH, KOIIII.IAN. KKV VORK. OKKICK KOR I'NITK'I) KINODOM: 2r, cl.i;itKKM\Vi;i,l, I10AI». J.ONIHIN, K. v., KNOl.ANII. KVItnPEAN tlFPICK: Si Retn|inrt Siilnt (leorges, Antwcr|i, Itelg. ICLLINO AOCNTS: THE KINETOGHAPII CO.. KLEINE OPTICAL CO.... peter ha«m<:ai,i:pi 41 E. liist St. New Tort. ,...B2 Htete St., Chicago, 111. ■Wtt .Market: St., Him Knui.-lsco, Cal. rive Aliin-b 1. The ntorm hlnckcd up all rail- 1 roads. A large tidvnnre sain nssnreil a good house. It wns n return ilnte, I.onisix Oi-kra IRil'sk {Alex. Harvey, man- aserj.—Week of Keli. al: Cherry and llnles, Itolierls, Hatch Urns., l.i-onurd Sisters, Trnsk end (ilndilen, l.nrklns and Pmlerson, nnd Mnrlnelln. Mnnniri-r Harvey Is well pleased with the nlleiidiuice, nnd Will endeavor lo run continuous vaudeville next senson. St. John.—Al tin' Opcni House <A. O Skin- ner, niiinnger).—The Itnllry Stock t'o. cIohciI itu ensnio-ment l-'eb. '21, with "KernellrTe," to .Rood huslnesR They left Immediately nfler l bn jierformnnci. for linlifny, N. S., for two weeks. The Dalley Stock C«. will open their return enttasement Mnrch 1-1, In the "Itlael: .Mnsk," nn EnKllnh meloilrnmn, which lins been a hlK suerwss on the other side. This will be Its first appearance on this side of the wnter. Mr. Hnlley liss the exclusive rlffhts to this piece for Ihe I'nlted Slntes nnd t'nnniln. NeiTK.—Chiirlolle 'I'ownxend, londlns Indy of ihe Dnlley Sloi* Co.. closed Keb. 'Si. MIhs Townsend hnd Ihe misfortune, while nunlnc dowtixtuirs 2!l, to fall nml Hprnlti In-r nnklc, which will ,-iinipi'l her lo rt-mnIu here for some dnys. i Ottawa.—At the Russell Theatre (P. Oor- man, manager).—"A i.'oiiiitry Olrl" plnyed n return enitHKcment nnd repented Its former snci-ess, to i-nruiclly, l''eh. 84. "An i:nullah ltnlsy" came, to Inrite houses, 2», Mnrrh 1, Comln(r: "The RiirRomnster" 1ft. 11, Herr- mnnn. lin.iNti Ockiia nofsn (It. .7. Illnlwhlsilo, mnnneeri.--"On Hie llrldito nt Midnight." I'eb. 1.117, provett onn of the ls-st stlrsc- -K-pii nt. this house. "Two Little Wiilfi." lions seen had- (rood huslni-as 'fl-'li. "When WM ls»vn' r -J'.t Mnrch 2, "The White Slave" "•». Notb. —fleorge Drlsrnll, a loenl lioy, wns noting mnnnger nnd plnylns n Nmnfl pnrt wl.tji "On the llrldge nt Midnight." t'o. ( Ht, Catharine*.—At tlie Grand Opera House (Chas. It. Wilson, mnung;rr).—w UW f.'omeily Co. had fair huslness Feb. HU-'Sl. "Lovers* Enne" plnyed, to a good Iioubc, 'IV. Coming: Znr.ell & veiuon's Oimedlnns Mnrch 7. At Mfirlln's "IT. T. f." Co. 0. Qnltilnn & Wail's Mlnotri'ls l!l, Aubrey's Slock t'o. week of 21. Wlnnlpejr.—At the Winnipeg Thentro IC P. Wnlker, manager).—Khlpmun'fi I'ninodlmis cnmo.Feb. 2(1. 27. nnd phiycil lo very fair bilRlness. "The Katnl Wedding" drew two good houses *jfi-Mnrch 1. Knute Erlckson, In "The Mint from Sweden." S. ."; "Are Von a MnsonV" -I. B. Wooiixtuck.—At. the npera Hoimn (f. Tyne, mnnasjcr).—"levers' Lane" plnyed, to fair hoiwe, March -. Next, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" lit, Wilbur Opera i'o. IS. ♦»» KRNTIIOKV. Lnwlsvllle.—At Macanley'»Theatre(.1nhn T, Mneauley, mnnnger).—Tlio Savage English Opera Co. coiutnenced n week's eiigogeineur Feb. 2fi, presentlnc "Othello," -'Cnrmen," "'I'nnnhnnscr" nml "raust," to gorsl business. Coming: "The Isle of Hplee" March 7-0, Ethel llnrrymoro 11, 12. M.iHOMe' TllKATRn (Chun. A. Shaw, man- nger).—Mason and Mason, hi "Rudolph nnd Adolph," week of Eeh. 20, drew large nuill euros .it each performance, l-'or week nf Mnrcli 7, "Under Two Flags." Arr.vuK TitKAtnn (OtinM. A. Shaw, innna- s<-r).— "At the Old rawei BsaaV liileii iim v.ei-k or Feb. 28, and the juin-euia irowded tlui Iioiisi' liming 'be cngagcuicut. Jnnii-H M. Ilrophv, formerly u miinlH'i- uf Hie old Mef- lert Stock f'ei. at the Temple Thrall*, wns one' of the enst. Ills friends gave hltn n hearty welt-onie. 1'or wi-ek of .March 7, Ratal Elllputlanx. . IliTKlMillAM Tiikatiii: (Wlinlleii r.rim.. mannp-rsi.—The Knlekcrlwckers. week of IMi. 'JtH. gnve one of I lie bout performances Ihnt hsnlteeii necn here this se.ison, to crowil- cij houses. For week of Mnnii li, Itun.miiy tilrls, nnd II. EnRllsh Folly. AuntToiui-M ijnrnert ll. t'ainp, ninnagcr). —AdellniL Purl I nml her irotict-rl coinpnny gnye oni- [HTd.riFi.itiri. 1, to gratifying n-- KIlltH. . ' NuTB«.--Cul. JolniD. Hoiikiun, the tliciit il- eal mnnnger, wns In tlio city 2, lo clom: tho transfer »f the Music Jlnll pn>|H>rty !■> tin; Hopkins Amiim-iiint l.'ii. Work Will Is- Imme- diately commenced n'tiuidtfllng the luillillug for a tlrst class vsuilovllle houso. .. .'Ilic giillory lit the Avenue Tln-atre, which lins Jm-cii closed for the iiast two months, undergoing Improvement* to irotuidy with the retpdrc- menls of the building Inspectors, was opeliiHl to the public Feb. 2K. The lusiiectors nn- uounce this houMi as sate n> nny In tbo illy. I Pailucah.- -.U the Kentucky fJames E. English, muonger). — The CeiliimhlH Stes'k Co., la repertory, week of Feh. iilt, plnyed to good hiialnens. Coming: Van Dyke k Eat em Stock Co. week nf March 7, Chns. Imltnn 14. ICerrnndK' Minstrels I.I, "A Chinese Honey- moon'' HI, Amelln Rltighnm 111. .Manager English is In n nut In a new theatre al Henderson, Ky., to he run In connection with Ills local house. He whh III Henderson lilts week, nnd tbe prospirts for the new tbe-utre are very bright. #■» — Arthur Borelly ban joined "A Rrenk for Liberty': Co.. to play a charaoter pert nnd do ble ipecielty. VIHOINIl. Vnrfolks.—At Hie. Acnilemy of Music (T, C. l.eiiih, uintingur).—Amelia lllngham plnyeil a return engngenient Feb. 811-2S, to splendid ictiirns. In "tilj-mpe." A very hearty re- ception whh lenderwl "A Ctrl from Dixie" 2.). Itluck i'nlll, March 1. io gnod bualncKU, "Shore Acn-M" P. Exra Kendall 10. Unver- ly's MliHlreK | |, "KlnK llodo" 12, "The Storks" 14. HtjAitn TllBAVM (Jnke Wells, niniwgerl. —IliisliicNs for week of Feb. 2I» was of a record hi-enklng tinluri-. . The ntlrnctloii— Heorge Sidney, In "Rnsy' Igay,"—more than made gin nt, nnd Ihe s. II. ti. sign was on duty every nerforinnnce. "A Little Outcast" week of Mnrch 7. Ac Mil Thhatum (CIwik. Jf. West, roann- fee).—I'oople. ror week of 7 urn : The Hnlevn, lasner nnd Olivette, Abbot Slaters, Molllo Ilurtlne, nod Dunlinr and Cnaaldy. HusinsNi Is very good. Ili.iur TiiRAT«n' (J. M. Crlnnlan, mnnn« cer).—New pennle fur week.of 7 urn: Ilea" lire nml EvmiH, limine nml Chrlstnphei-, liny- inoiiil SisterH, unit May lVniaun. UilslneNS Is good. Tun nuura (C. A. Crlunlnn. manager).— The fuliiiwlng jKii|ilo niipeur week of Kuril 7: Zeb. Znrro nml «>>., Kmemhl Slaters, Ken- neily nml Kcnni-dy, nud Echo, Ilusluess H Kooel. Tjtt-.Vrnn (J. M. Bnrton, mtiti- ngerl.—New lieonlo for Week of 7 are: Aiiej nnd Knnpp, tlio Two Hrewers, Wlllliim Rnwc, iho Hi IfonlK, May Coily, Uirrnlne nnd Hnll. i.'hns. Renia nml Vlnrence F.dwnrds return l« lids bonne .Miirru 7, lifter nil nhHenre of sev- erul months, lluaiuess Is gnod. ■ i lileliiiiniiil. —At the Academy of Mttslei <Tho». <l, lynlh, lessee).—"A Olrl from DIxIb," presented by Nixon ft Zlmmormnn. drew it large crowd March 8. "Hhoro Acres" 11. Rrjevt TiiHA-tnii (Jnlto Wolls, manager).— Week of Feb. 8^. "At Crlnplo Creek" played, to fair Limine, h. Week of 81) "A Ltttlu Outcast" had fair business. Week of Slnrch 7. Oeo. Sydney, in '-Husy I«?.y." Week ol U. "Arlaonn." Putnam's TiirATun (F. W. Putnam, mnn- nger).—Week of 7 : Helm Wilkinson, Mndgn I'niier. I. Ily Fnlrtnnnt. J'illn Knnn nnd Hilly Jerome. lVtrraliurar.—At Ihn Academy of Monies (Win, K. I'ri'neli; mnnnger).—Dnrk week nf l'eli. 2D. Eirn fCnmlnll Is duo March II. "King Itoil.." IS, Hnverly'M MlnHtreis 1U. "The Storks" Hi. »■» HEOTtlJIA. Allnntn Al I hu Crntld (II. L. ft J. J*. Ho (live, iminiigi-rs).—tlrnce Vun Kluddll'nrd, III "Iteit Fiiithci-," Marin ». "The Hlarks" ciruc Feb. 27, mid pliviKivl good houses, nflernaon nml eviiuluu;, "X Friend of tlm Family" Mnrvli -|, n, BHs-l Ilnrrymorn 7. Is>wl» Morrlwm 8. lleribu Malliind 10, "Tho t.iui[ierruis" II, 12. Iiuoi; tJ.-ik'i Wells, miuin«er).—"Ills Lnut Dollar" plnywl, to S. n. (»., week of Feb. 22. "At Cripple Creek" enjoyed liberal patron- nge week at 20. Honked : Wnlls-Dimne-lTnr- lan Musical Comedy Co., In "l!y Ihn Slid Sen Waves." e Miieon—AI Ihe Aeftilomy oC AtlMle (II. Home, mnnnger).—"King Dixlo" (-nlrrlnliieil n lurge niidlimco l'eli. 20. llnvorly's Min- strels came, lo fair relilt'liH, 27. "Tlio Storku" umiiseii an. "A Friend of the Family" Mm eh 2, Amelln llliigluun 3. Mnliel Paige Co. 7, k. Hurry llr-reefnrd 0, "The Chaperons" 14. Anidislu —Al tin. 0|htii House—The Pnylon Slnier-i rlouiil a week of good bllsl- ■ichm Feb. 27. Ili'veily's Minstrels had two big niidlences nmllneo nnd night or March :■• "King lk.di>." with Riiiinnl Oi.lden nt: the bend, hnd n hniisntnl :s, nnd pleuseil them all. "The rtlork»"' comes inm.Inen nnd night .'.. Hindi I'-illi Trnubinloiii's w. ♦*» i — James K". Ilaekelt tins bought theAmorl- enn rights nr another piny hy (ho author of "The Secret ut I'lilirlilnnlle." lie Innmim to prexlucc It curly next season. If Ton Should Ban Down from the effects of a cough or cold, wouldn't it he serious i' Guard by using Hale's Honey or Horehoond and Tar when the cold first strikes you. It ih pleasant and sure. .Sold, hy all druggists. Pile's TMtbafbf drop* r„rr. in Oae Minute COUflHg,SORB THROAT, H0AR5E. NBSg etlectlvrly relieved. SoU In tons only. Amid Imitations.