The New York Clipper (March 1904)

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HAKCH"li* ^HE JvTE^r : YORK " CLII>I>EK.' 51 reccuuy, and pitroiinge varies 1'l.owas' TllEATRK (Jolm' I Shannon mnnnger).—Tim ES |, dark HMnnon ' .Noi-Kg.—With Hitch gratification the lornl friend* of KioiM Mortimer hn?ned of her re- i?. n £ » uc " 8 « In the new plavlet, "Dawsohs nS^vCS*!** IS week at T?m.v lastors Theatre, New York. The vonnii ass? g^arS ssSS . Lo- llop, manager).—"A Boy of the Streets" I, being dene by the house stock thin week, •ibe principal part* and players, follow: j. ssle Duffy, Corinne CantwelliJInimy, Mo- rion sawtelle; Dr. Rogers. William Wal- lers: Prifowor .Btigtle*,'. Edwin Deulson; Michael Xoleh. ButUr Havilaud. add Jerry Milton, t'nrl Fey. "Michael Strogoff" was •'. succcejgful revival, capacity houses en- luring the production. Next week, "Shamus o'lirlen." Kkith's Thsatm (B. V. Keith, manager). The "first time here" acts In this week's Mil at this house are furnished by Kntherlnc \el9un, the Carman Troupe. Franz Hum- lV/tv. Mnrtlnettl and Orosil, Sulllrigwhv llWbecs, toe Qotfloba, Ouhnlnghnm anil Urd. and Pierce and Malice. Others ore: Will M. Cressy and Blanche Dayne, In "The Key of C," first time here In bIx years; James Morton, Pete Baker, the Brlttons, the Znrnes, Marlon Llttlefjeld; add the olograph, show- ing new vlcrures. Including the series lllus- irhthig "The looting of the Overland Mull." l'aullne Hall, Cressy and Dayne, h'oy and t'hiit, the >'orthreus, AdamlnJ and Taylor, n'ml Harper, Desmond and Ilalley were the hits last week. The latter team, a colored trio, brottgbt down the house at every per- formance. Their act, full of excellent alng- Ing and eccentric dancing, was great. 1 low.uin Atiiksaei.'m i Win, McAvoy, man- ager).—Carl Lothrop. an artist In writing ilientrlcal ads., announces the following How- ard entertainers for current week: Itoberts, Hives mid Huberts, Carmen Sisters, Murphv uml Francis, Dillon Brothers, Dooley anil Fowler, Malay and Burke, Violet McCoy, Hodges niid I.mncbmerc, Hall and Hughes, Johnson and Wells, Burnett and Weyerson, MrLnin SIsterB,'Tom Hardle, F. Alan Coo- gan, the ktuetograph, and the house Imr- l-suiters In "Soltre in Force." Last week's MM was n corker, every card meeting with deserved applause. Packed houses ruled. Pa lack Thkatub (Charles II. Wuldron, manager).—The Hay Masquernders, a new comer In the burlesque field, managed by Sullivan ft Kraus, Is the attraction at this house during- current week. . "The Wizard of Jersey" and "Aboard the Hood Ship Jane" ore tie burlesques, said to be great laugh makers. The olio consists of the following vnuderllllnns: Annie Hart. Conroy and Mc- 1 inland, Benny Welch, Post and Clinton, mid tlie Busch De Vere Trio. Horry Bryant's Burlesque Co. famished a good show last week, and the returns were deserved, Lyceum Thkatbe (0- H. Batcheller, man- ager).—A welcome visitor Is holding down the boards of this house this week, Relliy. & Wood's Big Show. Among those who supply wit, humor and song are: Xnt he Boy, Ueorge and Ulla Brennan, the Troubadour Four, Craig and Ardell, Bonlta. and her- Picks, nnd last, but not least, Pat Kelllv. There Is also a cborns of twenty girls and two burlesques. Caiiaclty Itousee ot pleased patrons saw Fred Irwin's iNew Majestic Co. lost week. At'Hfi.N ft Stonk's Mi.'hkl'u ('Stone & Shaw, managers).—Collbrt's Midgets, a quartet of llllle folks. Is the headline feature of the i iu-lo hall announcements for week of March T. Lamare's trained dog, cat and, rooster ex- hibition Is another big card. Other acts In curio ball: Frank and Annie Howard, tat- tooed marvels; Countess Sldonla, the needlo queen, and Raymond and Siudonln, In exhi- bition of fencing and boxing. Stage people; Clndys De Marco, Grafton Coyne, Dorothy Hlodgett, Millie Bobbins, the Llnplncotls, Cole and Spencer, Joaes and Sutton, Jim and Cella Welch, Wilson, and Deinouderllle, and Sunderland and Fooda. . WALKEa's Museum (T. Rankine, mana- ger).—Week of March 7: Curio hall—"The Sunny South Merrymakers" hold over an- other week. A new attraction Is May Har- rison, human ostrich, who performs some astounding gastronomic feats; the Dexlera, second slghters; Sellm Sid, card manipula- tor, and Punch, and Judy show complete bill in curio ball. Stage—Gertie Oleason, Maggie Clnsson, Vivian Wood, May Busslev, John Iillcy, Coster and others. Nckelodeon (L. B. Walker, manager).— Kate Stone, the lady detective of San Fran- cisco, who was tarred and feathered by Chi- nese Highbinders, Is malting a big hit at ibis house with her Interesting narrative* of her various episodes; Lee. conjurer; Ray- mond's Marionettes, Hall, the needle king; Jennie Lldredge,. paper queen, and an ath- letic contest between a score of prelly girls, are other curio hall cards. Theatre—Fow- ler and Weat, Pearl Frazer, Mabel Woods. A lola Hatchings, Severne and Hume, and others, .Votes.— Sunday concert bills: Boston— J. Bernard Dyllyn, HarTev and Walker, Ladrll and Collins, Rita WloUcId, Osborn and Daley, George I. Foster, Smith and Les- lie, Unique Comedy .Four, and the Cralgs. Uiislo Hall and Majestic —Alice Raymond. Bedlnl and Arthur, Fltzgibbous, McCoy nud Htzrlbbons, Harry Brown, Adnnilnl and Tay- lor, Tom and Gertie Grimes, Belmont and O Brlen, and Marie Laurens. BnwAoin Squure— Dillon Brothers, Hayes and Jupiter. Nora BnyoB, Allen and Appletoa, Maualug nnd Mills, Harris and Walters, Avon Comedy I-our, Jones and Sutton, George C. Davis, and 1'emnlo Drummer Quartet D. W. Hnynes Is In town this week, as manager of the "Dolly Varden" Co Percy Win- ter has been engaged tor the coming season as stage manager of the Keith Stock Co. at Providence, B. I .E. L. Snader, who Is lwlng the leading role in "Hearts Adrift" nt Music Hall this week, was formerly lend- ing man of the Bowdoln Square Stock Co. ..., . .(Edward Hantaan la soon to come to the Columbia, In "Old Lavender" George P. Huntley, the comedian of the •Puree Little Maids," Is the proud father of a son, born In this city a few days ago, Mr. Huntley's wife is.known on the siare as Eva Kelly.. ..Paul Chnte, formerly of "Show Girl" Co., Is 111 at the Massachu- setts Homeopathic Hospital CharleB P. sal.sbury, who was largely responsible for Nance O'Noll'a big hit In this city, has been engaged by Frank L. Perley to manage "That Man and I." Mr. Salisbury managed the Columbia under the Shuber,ts reign and has » great many warm friends la this city, ibat Mr. Salisbury knows the theatrical business from a to z Is proven by brilliant work since he baa been In this city fue Actors' Fund Benefit at the Hollls, on I'rlday afternoon of last week, netted over eighteen hundred dollars. Xew Bedford.—At the New Bedford Theatre (Wm. B. Cross, manager).—The unnlel R, Ryan Co. scored one of the most emphatic successes of the season during its past week's engagement The young Btnr Is making rapid strides, and has surrounded himself with a company ot merit. Promi- nent In the support Is Phyllis Gllinore, whose rendering of the several difficult roles gained lor her the encomiums of the large audiences present at every performance. Every play was well presented, with special and ftppro- irlute scenery. The I'lsk Stock Co. March < 12. fiUBPft PUBCITA9R STBBIIT TllBATBB J llu-u. U, Baylies, manager).—A bill of more [unit average merit was presented here dur- ing ihe post week. Katie, Springer, Arm- •iroDB and Karle presented a Yankee com- «ly, Mack, and Hlllott offered a new plny- ■et. Clifford and Harvey sang nnd danced well, freda and-Dare proved lo be experts on various musical Instruments, Lillian I* 'toy Murtha created much merriment In her new monologue, the Hplasell Brothers pre- sented clever acrobatic feutt. and Gillette's • rained canines were cbovo the average. This week: The McCoy Trio, the Three Gardner Children. Clayton, Kennedy and Rooney. Chalk Hnuoders, Toledo and Price, gymnasts: B-rtie Fowler, Rosa Naytion's trained birds, »«1 the vltaarapn. .--„......., ,,,,, ,,, llrr int'nuN i, panels t-eorge 1,. Perkins, district deputy grand pieaflent. and Wlnfred H. Guddard. Stat" president of Maine, assisted at the recent In- atliiition of Ihe h«nl aerie, R o. K., which look place here Feb. UB. I ■'"«'?:• "• '•* Jl0,r - manager).—'•Paul Re- vere" Feb. 211 Maude AdauS, In "The' Pret- ty Sister of Jnse," March S, drew a large :!•','» 1(,n ff-„wl'o enjoyed the work u". the star. lne Milage Postranstpr," 4, made its an- nual visit to lis usual good business. Jullu Marlowe, In "When Knighthood Wns In blower, 0, played, to good returns, although trie play has been seen here a number of tlnies. Due: "Girls Will Be Girls" s. "The WfSI an<l Nl0 *" •■ l>>ckstnder's Minstrels 11, Cbaa, (.rapewln. lu "The Awakening ot Mr. Plpp,' 12; led are, by Rev. J. J. Mc- vSS;, U :,-V arle Tempest 10, Kat M. Wills 17, William tavnrslmm 18, Mnrle Cnhlll H>7 New Uu.MoitK -Tiicatkk (J. F. Burke, manager).—"la the Shadow ot Ihe Gallows." rcU. all-March, 2, had fair returns, nud was exciting enough to plense the people. "The Village Parson," ;!-.->, was presented by a capable company, which did the piece Justice. Coming: "Man to Man" 7-1), Nellie McIIenry 10-12. Uband Or-KBA House (Charles W. Fondn, mar.nger).—Hyde's Blue Ribbon Girls, 3-3, furnished an interesting programme, espe- cially the olio. The comedians are naturally funny, nnd the girls are excellent. Booked': Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows 7-9, IrwhVs Majesties 10-12. N).lson Theatre (Z. T. Damon, mana- ger)—Bellman's Vaudeville Co. put on the best bill that has been seen In this house this season, meeting with nothing but praise on every hand. Another week of vaudeville Is nlTered 7, the bill including: Chas. For- rester nnd Jane Omrthorpe, In "It Might Have Been;" the Clever Fleury Trio, Kula Loe, the Four Webbs, Geo. W. Handy und Cottle B. Wilson, Adninlnl and Taylor, and Lnmbert. Notes. —J. L. Sullivan spent last week visiting ok] friends In this city nnd Holyoke. Margaret Donovan, formerly con- nected with 1*. F. Shea nnd conviuuilrs enter- prise* hi this -city, and manager of theliardeu Theatre, Patersou, X. J., when it wns de- stroyed by lire, husgone to Cleveland, O., to tiKsiime the uinnageuieut of the Umpire Thea- tre for P. F. Shea and company '.Julia «ackett, professlonnlly known as Julia San- der^on, the eorly luirt of the season with the "Winsome Winnie" Co., Is now playing the part ot Mrs llneupnle, lu "A Chinese Honey- moon." Kose Doyle, a Springfield young lady, with Ibe "Pretty Peggy" Co., has been advanced to play the part ot Polly, «dster of Pretty Peggy Manager Sullivan, ot the Colonial Theatre, PlltsUeld, Is thinking of running a line of high class attractions dur- ing the tSunmier at lxipulnr prices. 'Thomas F. Carroll linn resigned as heiul usher, and is succeeded by Charles '/.. Adams The Smith College students, of the Albright House, rcceutly presented "A Rose of Ply- mouth Town," and did themselves credit I F«U River.—Academy of Music (Wm. ' J. Wiley, manager).—William Collier, with a wen balanced company, presented "The Dictator" Feb. 2!). Marry Lelghton, sup- ported by Florence Gale, In "Othello," was witnessed by a large house March 1. "Girls Will Be Girls," with Al. Leech and the Three Rosebuds, played, to fair returns, 2. although deserving the capacity. The Three Rosebuds, Misses Snyder, and Clone and Cooke were good: their singing was a dis- tinctly attractive feature. "A Chinese Honey- moon, 3, was enjoyed by a large house. Katie Barry, as Fi I'l, won popular favor. "How Old is Ann!" played, to poor busi- ness, C. Booked: Daniel R. Ryan Co. 7-12, "Mr. Dooley" 10, Wm. J. O'Hearn, in 'Tom Moore" (local;, 17-19. Bijou Theater (Henry Myers, manager). —"The Darkest Hour," Feb. 29-March 2, bad light houses. "In the Shadow of the Gal- lows," 3-5, played to satisfactory business. St. George Dugelln, Lillian Mortimer and Alice Morlock were worthy of mention. Com- ing: "The Lighthouse by the Sea" 7-9, 'The Wrong Mr. Wright" 11,12, "A Ragged Hero" H-10. Casto Theatre (AL Hnynes. manager). —Business last week, with Charles H. Brad- thaw and company topping a strong bill, was up to a good average. Booked 7 and week: 'the Four Rlnnos, George C. Davis, Nellie Svlvester, Armstrong and Holly. Wllllnm Al- fred Gorman, Owley and Randall, Frank nnd Mattle Walsh, and Swift nnd Barton. Rich's Theatbi: (H. E. Rich, munager). —The World Beaters Uurlesquers played, to good business, 3-5, giving u good, clean show. The specialties were all of the Al order. Rohannon and Corey, Dorsch and Russell, und Tom Waters, assisted by Major Casper Nownk, carrying off the honors. Due: Jolly Grass Widows 10-12, New Henry Bur- lesojiers 17-19. Siuxnv's Theatre (M. K. O'Brien, mutin- eer).—Good shows and good busiuess ruled lust week. Week of 7: Lillian Leslie, R c- Ion, the Blaucbards, Wilson and Lunelle, the Mahers, and the vltagraph. , ■ « Lynn.—Lynn Theatre (Frank G. Harrl- eon, manager).—The Marlon Krancls Co. nlaved, to fair business, week of Feb. 21). William Collier played "The Dictator." to loll business, March 2. The Bennett & Moul- ton Co. Is the current attraction, opening 7, for the week. The dramatic class of the Fr. Mnthew T. A. B. Society will present ''The Parish Priest" In this theatre evening of 17. gem Theatre (C. W. Sheafe, manager). —Business continues good. Here: Healey and Faruum, Crlmmins and Mack, L. A. Kerr and Edith Wiltshire. Cora Wilson. Madge I esner and Al. Chrlstnl. nnd the bioscope. Su-.M THBATim, Salem (H. E. Reed, mun- niier).—The Bennett ft Moulton Co. Played. S good business. Inst week. The Dot Knrroll Comedy Co. Is the attraction this week. Mechanic IIali,, 8alem James B. Moore, mattager) -Good houses for the week clos- mc n wis reported. The present bill Is: Wntson imtchlngs. Edwards ft Co., retching Bros the Gegsoiis. Charles Kenna, the JU»- "trel Mulds McMnhon and Chnppelle. and '''^^.-^and'ciemenls. who appeared m The tjem In this city, net week, will be '^vt'SeasoVlu Josejah A. Mitchell's new Franklin Buuaiir Theajke (Shea * Co.. managersi.—Week of 7, Bice"* "The Show HW.T with fltella Mavhew. ".^roh-na Cogue plsyed, to good butluess, last week. Coming: "Henrti AilrHt." Paak TiiKA-rai: (Shea A Wltton, mann- gera).—Week of 7, Weber's Dnluly Duchess i ouipany. Including the burlesque, "A Day and n Night" Wllllnini and Adams, Jordan and Harvey, Hayes and' Suits. Xlmmer, the Duchess Four-Frey, Allen Evans nnd vlner, end the musical comedy, ''Mistakes Will Hop- lien." Relliy nnd Wood's . Vaudeville Co. played, to excellent returns, last .week. ' Palace MiseuM (J. F.' McMan**, man- ager).—Week of 7, Ihe burlesque, "Our Girls;" Boyd and Lovely, Jessie Steward, Cole and Clniens, nnd Bancroft, the man behind the bells. Mnrocnu's Living Art Studies have lieen held over. In the museum : Billy Wells and Mine. Mllford. . Notes.— The Relliy and Wood Vaudeville Co., In ii h trip from 'Montreal to Worcester, last week, was uenrly forty-eight houra late, and wns unable to give Monday perforiu- nnces. owing to a railroad accident The. '•Tens, of the lVUrbervllles," Co., playing tit the franklin the lust week In February, dis- banded here. ■ Lowell.—At the Lowell Opera House Jill Bros, ft Hostord. managers).—The Dot Knrroll Co.. in repertory, played, to very good business, the .entire week. Miss Knr- roll gave an excellent presentation of "Resur- rection." The. specialties included : The Four Lnudons. Kdmuads nnd Codalre, De maker's dog circus, the Bowery Trio, nnd Sander's moving pictures. I>ue: "The Awnkeubig of Mr. Plpn" Mnrch 7. "A Texas Steer" 8. "Girls Will Be C.lrls" l», "Looping the Loop" 10, "Sky Farm" 11,.IS. Acaukmv or Unite IB, V. Murphy, mnna- ger).—"Man to Man." with Whitman nnd Davis, opened lost week. Felt, 211-Mnrch 2. to fair busiuess, the cotupnuy giving good satisfaction, Wbltmnii and made a lilt with their specially. "The Way ot the Transgressor." 3. 4, drew good houses and pleased. Coining: "In the Shadow ot the Gnllows" 71), "The Lighthouse by the Sea" Boston Theatse (J. II. Tebtietts, ninun- Iter).—Business continues big here, with the l'kiiuI good list of entertainers. Current: So- lors. John T. lowers, the Jupiter Trio, St. Clair nnd ltonan, nnd the Boston bioscope. Amateur night, "Muldoon's Picnic." People's Theatre (Itllly Nelson, mana- ger).—Another big wee* nnd a plensing hill, the afterpiece making n hit. Current: Nel- lie Carlton's "Borrow Butchers," Itu rklinrt, Gertie Zolo. the lllamonds, Loltle Hurley, ( oalfnx nnd Wlllli. Nellie Cnrllon, nnd af- terpiece, "One Night and Gone." Mkntiom. — The sacred concert nt the Onrni House, Msreh SK, did big business. mntlnee nnd iiIkIiI. as did the concert nt the cost. i The fourth reritul of Ihe Lowell Orchestral Society, f«l>. 2K, eulertutncd their ninny friends an usual, the slur being Ru- dolf Kr.issclt. 'cellist: Mux Knrli, aci-nm- pnnlst The Baltimore lire, In the Bos- ton bioscope, wns n feature nt Ihe Boston Theatre Inrt week Whitman und Davis were visiting their old friends during their engagement nt tlie Academy. They were formerly members of the old Music Unit Stock Company in thin city I'M. limn li. tit the People's last week, plays dales until April 4, when he rejoins Ibe De Wolfe Com- edians for I in- Spring sensou. Tlie cuui|iau.v closed recently, owing to Ihe death of Mrs. Dc Wolfe... .John J. Qulnn, the well known violinist of this city. Is musical director ill: the Columbia Theatre, Boston........ Jim DuUey will again lie at Wilson, Kojan & Kliert's Sea Surf Opera House, Coney Islam), April 11. Mrs. Dalley (Violet Austin) opens with Mr. Dalley Dot Knrroll nnd com- pany will be nt the Kruplre Theatre, Frovl- neiu'.e, R. L, .during the Summer sensoti, iu repertory, opening May 0. a Lawrence.—Opera House (Cnhn & Grant, managers),—Herrmann played, to n fair sized audience, Feb. 20. "looping the Loop" came March 1. Willie Collier. In "The Dic- tator," pleased n small hut appreciative au- dience 3. "A Texas Steer" had fair busi- ness 4. "Othello" entertained good houses K, including matinee. Harry Lelghton won favor ft'o.ii the start. Booked: Myrkle- Harder Co. week of 7. "Olrls Will Be Girls" IS, Lew Do.-kstader 111. colonial TtTBMM (Weber A Itusli, mana- gers).— Good business Is the rule at this popular house. "The Way ot the Transgres- sor" played, to good returns, and gave per- fect satisfaction, Feb. 2U-.March 2. "Man to Man" drew very well at every performance :i-r>. Booked: "For HIb Brother's Crime" 7- !). "A Man of the World" 10-12, "The Light- house by the Sea" ia-ir>, George Olicr 17-10. Casino Tiieatbe (\V. Ii. Gallagher, man- ager).—Business good. Booked week 7 : Nel- lie Hartford and Davln Tiny, Joa Luroux. Leu. Cajole. Fields nnd Martin, Jessie Stew- arc, Rosa and Darling, nnd burlesque by Fe- lix Martin. I North AdnniN At Ihe Kmplre Theatre (James Sullivan, manager).—The Harcourt Comedy Co. opened u week's engugement Feb. 29. to big business, nnd did fairly the rest ot the week. They will hold over until Man li 7. playing "Wicked London." Due: Jullu Mnrlnwe March 8. The advance sulo for Miss Marlowe has been very Inrge. Arclle Boyd, In "Joshua Whltcomb,'' 0; "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp" 11, Dockstader's Minstrels 12. RicmMNii Tiieatbe (W. P. Meade, nuin- nger).—The next attraction will, be Wllllnm Bonelll. In "A Man of the World." 5. Note. —Manager Meade, of the Kleuoiond, has returned from a. business trip to New Vork Lyman Howifs moving pictures will exhibit nt Odd Fellows' Hall Mnrch 12. I ■ Taunton.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cahn 4 Cross, managers).—The Fcnberg Stock Co. Pen. 20. and William Collier, In 'The Dictator." March I. "Othello." 3, did well. "Girls Will Be.Girls," for the third time this season, had good business. "A Chinese Honeymoon" pleased a Inrge audi- ence 4. Jere MoAullffn and Co. week of 7. ♦ ■ » NEW YOHK STATI3. nut. "The Junk Man. .Beverly nnd Dnavers. another attraction at the Gem lost u-eek have but recently returned from the West and are making a' hit.- Thev are we booked UirouKl. Ibe «!*,■»« ■* ""» ""' Touy MW company In ■''")- Worcester Worcester Theatre (Pellx It. wJudrdschaefer, uianagei).-"Thn Two rnlmuT' wiih-iiaie Claxio... will be Ihe ul- 1 aiiue Adauii drew excellent rrli.rns 1. A -lAos Hleer" played. I« m>4 .» ^» * ft Jl WIIHamI relller. In "The Dictator," pleased rni.wi sued' audleDces i. good si««i audleDces Buffalo. — Among Ihe Interesting an- nouncements, coming as a sort of compensa- tion for our long, dreary dnya of frigidity nnd slush, ore the coming of Director lleln- r|ch Conrled and Ihe Metropolitan Grand Opera Co., In "Kauat" and "La Travlata," ot Manager Stirling's Teck Theatre, March 11, 12: the coming ot the ever welcome Baldwin- Melville Co., for Its third consecutive Sum- mer, and the none the less welcome and Im- portant announcement by Paul Kellh, son of B. F. Keith, ntid K, F. Allwc that the ei- tended negotiations for Ihe North Church, Main Street site, hnve been consummated. and that Buffalo may proudly boast of a Keith home about Christ man time. Tkok TIlKATRi: (J. II. Stirling, mnnngerl. —'Whltewnslilng Julia," In the hands of F/<v Davis niid a splendid casl, slttged In the usual Frounmu nianticr. met Willi marked favor. When Ihls star visits liere ugalu she will do far bet ti*. Virginia I In rued presented "The Light That l.trs lu Woman's Byes." Si.ui TliEtTiti: (J. II, Stirling, wnunger). —Ileorge W. Monroe, In a revival of "My Aunt Bridget." this week. George Kvnus, In "The Good Old Hummer Time." week of 14. Frank V. Brynn's "The Funny Mr. Ixioley" kepi big liutises roaring Inst week. CiiM'HS'TKiN Ham, I Henry L. Meech. ninno- gen. -Louis W. day's Schumauti-llelrik con- cert was a innst grutlfyltiK Hm-cess. altUoitgU the singer did not arrive nt Ihe hall from Monireul, Can., until DUO. nlhl then nluckliy oppeared. Mr. Gay's efforts lu behalf of thn coming Bummer concerta are meeting with encouragement. The automobllo exhibition takes pTaee this week. The Buffalo Kennel Club dog show occurs 22-23. Lycciim Tiikathk (J. Lnoghlln. mana- ger)'.—"The Suinrt Set"' arrlvei* Oils wet>k, and prospects nrc good for a, profltnide week. .Next week, "A Midnight Marriage." "Acloss the Pacific'! did substantial. business. Acadrmt (P. C Cornell, business mana- ger).—"Two Little Wnlfs'.' fikicrtmu ibis week. "The Minister's Dnoghlefs" next week. "Only :i Shop Girl" proved to lie highly diverting, mm one of the kciikoii'h money gotlera. I.akaykt'tk .TllKATUH (Charles M. Bngg, jMSasRW),—The Merry Maidens Ibis weelt, Inelu'ling Ihe DuUliilledciiy Tnuipe. How- cry llurles(|iiers :iexl week. lni|H?rlnl Bur- lesiiners gave n gnml show, nnd consequent l.v gol the nvoney, last week. ■ Hhka'S Uamihk Tiikathr. —Current bill: I'-nii Daly, Press Hldrldge, llloom nnd Conper, lour Hard Brothers, 1'sutxer Trio, Calla- han nnd Mnck. Hnliel Johnson, Twlu Nlees, nnd the Rochester lire, shown by the ki- netogrnph. Mtislcnl Dale end others pleased lair sized crowds Inst week. Notmh. —Manager Stirling has ordered for the Star outside stairways constructed, which will be Installed very soon. Illu- minated cxIIh and other Improvements nre noticeable Manager II. I J- Wlucliell, ot "Only u Shop Girl." reports n most success- nil year Joseph K. Ilownrd. rtoiig writer, has Died u petition In bankruptcy In Hie local court Fuy Davis was the recipient of ninny social favors here. > '■ Albany.—At the Kmplre Theatre (II. It. Jacobs, manager). — The, management an- nounces that the llrst munition nfler n general alteration will be ihe Mordtiuut lock Co., March 7 nnd week. lUitVAsrs Iti.KkOKKR HAM, (II. II. Jacobs, manager).—The Host mi Symphony Orches- tra nnd Ilusonl, pianist, Monday, Feb. SO, lieforo one ot the largest audiences of tha season. "Hearts Adrift," at popular prices, dicw very good audiences March f, 2, Dock- stader's Mluslrel.i played ,n return engage- ment •!, und uguln Micceedeil In tilling Ilia house. "The Governor's Bon," 4, fi. tilled out Hie week lo good business. "The Wuv of Ihe Transgressor" 7-0, "Shadows of a Great City" ltl-12, "Through Fire nnd Water" 14-1II. 1'itiK.Tiiit's Tiiiiatiir (Ilownrd (irn)inin, leslduit munngei-i.—Another verv interest- ing bill Feb. -jii and week, with Ned Way- burn's Mhislrol Misses, Adolph Kink, Bailey and Madisou, Cat. Stewart, .las II. Adaniv, Dorothy Kenton, Mornn nud Murkey, nnd the knliiteiiitioHeop«'. L'li's house wns crowded to the doors tit all performances. The bill for Mnrch 7 nnd week will be one week ot Hie stock cotaiiany. lu "Love in llni-ness,"'I'v Tiikatuf! (II. It, Nichols, malin- ger).—llurlesiiue of Hie liest klud wns of- fered during lust week. The Brigadier Bur- lesuuers, I lie III si half, were piullciilarly en- ii riahilng, nud drew excelleol uudlences, March BsS the Metropolitan Ilnrlesipiers fur- nished the nnuiseiiieiit, npnenrlng In two burlesques—"The Belle of "Frlsiti" ami "Tim Waldorf Castorln t'ufe." The olio Included: Muster lliirgninu, Bella l^iwelln, lid. uud Holla While, Meymour nnd Seymour, Kdna liavenpoit. Kelly uuil AduniH, Kddle nud Josle Kviius, and Alhlul. Very good luislncss (oulluiled liiruugliimt Ihe engngement. The rrxl attract Ions. Bob Miinclie.sier's cracker Jacks and Jus. .1. Jeffries, 7, M. a ltoi-hi'Mlf r.—Lycttlin Tlienlre (M. K. Wollf, manager).—The Klks' Minstrels, Fab. '-'!>, packed tlie house to overflowing. Mrs. Leslie Carter. Ill "Du Hurry." March 2-o, played to crowded houses. Df.sscnbni'li Or- chestra (load) T, Oratorio of KIIJbIi, by Ihe Tiiesdov Muslcnle (local), S; Virginia Hnr- tied. In "Tne Light That Lie* in Woman's Kyes." 0; "Htillnn of Huhi" 10, 11, Madame Schiimniiu-lleink, lu Hong recllnl (return), National TiiK.vni); (Mux tlurtlg, mana- ger).—"The Fortune Teller," niusented by .a well selected company, uud llnelv inounied, pleined very Inrge housos Feb, 20-Marcll 2. •'Hlutdows of n Great City" entertained (air slKCd houses .'15. Joseph Hart and Car tie De, Mar, In "Foxy llrandpa," 7-0; Loltle WllllumH, In "Only A Hhop Girl," 10-12. Bakkh Tiikatum (John l'„ Ilovle, muua- ger>.—"Wedded, but No Wife," played, to Inrge business, Feb. .20-March 2. The piny Is; above the average, und wan magnificently mounted. Kiueil und Vernon's Comedians gave entertaining performance!, to large houses, 3-S. Terry MeOovern, In "The Bnwefy After Dark," 7-0: "The Fast Mall" 10-12. Cook Oi-kiia Houmh (J. Ii. Moore, muna- ger).—S. IC. O, the entire week of Feb. 20. Jllll for Mnrch 1 and week : Krnest Hogiiu, Oatllng Gun Guards, Sloan nnd Wallace, Max Wuldun, KIcanor Talk. Hill and Whlllnker, Ihe Maakwodds, Jennie Yenmnus, nud the l.liietograph. Notk. —The Davis-Boyle Block Co, will begin a Summer season nt the linker Theatre 14. Troy.—Lyceum Theatre (11. H. Keller, manager).—''Dare Devil Dorothy" drew very well -Feb. 2t)-Morcb 2. "Hearts Adroft" had fair houses 3-.1. "Shadows of a Great City" Is due 7-0, "An Uclrestt to Millions" 1012. ciiiswiii.ii Ophiia llofiSB (M. Rets, malin- ger).—"Tho -Bowery After Dark" drew fair houses Feb. 20-Marcb 1, Lew DockMtador'x Minstrels pocked the house 2. 'The Darkest Hour" 3-5. Duo: "Paul Revere" 7-0, "Wedded, Mt No Wife" 10-12. Ranii'h Oi'KitA IIoi.'hb (M. Bels, manager). —Virginia Ilurned, In 'The Light that Lies In Woman's lives," hnd a swell houae 2. Due: 'The Hultmi ot Sulii" 7, W. II. Went'* Minstrels 10, Julia Mnrlowe, In "When KulghtlKiod Was In Flower," 11; "Tho Vil- lage PoBtaisaler" 12„ Royal Tiikatrfj (W. H. Reck, manager). —The Metropolllan Ilnrleequem draw big houses Feb. 20-Marcli 2. The Brigadiers pticked the placo 3-5. Due: The OentrounK "■'.). Bob Manchester's Cracker Jacks and J. J. Jeffries 1012. I tlcn—At tho Majestic Theatre (David Uldred, manager).— r 'An English Daisy," March 3, did very good business. "Human Hearts" gave good performnnces 4, 5. Com- ing: "The Village Postmaster" 7, "Wedded, but No Wife," 8. West's Minstrels Jubilee 0, Julia Marlowe 12. Oki'iiKij.M Tiikatbi! (Wlltner ft Vincent, mamtgers).—Last weeks attractions draw well. This week: CanticUl and Carloton, (ill- ivy. Haynes nnd Mnnlgornery, Mary Madden, Wllllnm Kowe, Cooper and Robinson, Hcltenk Bros,, nnd Tanakos. ■ i n- Illnuhuii.toii._At Hie Bijou Theatre (J, P. K. Clark, manager).—Mamie Fleming, In repertory, drew good business Feb. iiO-Miircli 5. "A llrenk for Liberty" 7-1), "New York Duy by Dny" 10-12. ' «»» MAIMI, i'urllniid, —Jefferson Theatre (Calm k (Irnnt, maiiagers).—Maude Adams, In "Tho I'reily Hlsfer of Jose," upiieiiieil Feb. 20, lo •l capacity house, Herrmann came March I, lo fair hliHlilfHR. The Keyalone Dramatic Co, drew very well 2-!>. Hrncst Shlptuiiii pre- seuls "Olhello" 7, "LiMitilng the Loup" comes S. "A Texas Steer" II, Shepnrd's moving pictures II, 12, Marie Titupest 14. I'osvt.AMi TllkATliN (.Iniues K. Monro, niail- ngeri.— BuhIih-sh coiitlniies lively, wltli the liillowlug acts fur week 7-12: Walter Lo Roy nnd Fldrelice Clayton, presenting "A Horse ou llojfurt:" Norn Hayes, llurper, Desutoud nnd lliillev. Dave N'owllli, Ascntt. and Mdille, Jotift delger. The klnPliigraiih nnd stareup- llcoh prove enjoyahle «s regulnr foritun-H. IOWA. De» Molnra.—At Foster's Opera House (Wm. b'ost.-r, manager).—Mary Manuerlog presented "Harriet'* Honeymoon," lieforo a large ausllvnce, Feb. 24, "The Isle ot Spice" came, lo a good bouse. 20. "Unity Tolly" ionus March •*>, Marie Wninwright 12. OltAND CifKit.t IIoi'sb (Will, Foster, mnon- ger).—"Spotlesa Town" came, to big hifal- i.ess, Fell. 2.V28. '"I'ho Millionaire Trnipp" < (icni'il ii three ulglits' Engagement, to a giMid house, 20. "Alpbonse nnd llnslou" Mnrch a-r«, "Just Struck Town" 7-0, "Peck's Bad Boy" 1012. Mi inn >ti Tiikatkr (.1. S. Connolly, malin- ger).-Mnrle llenili, In "For Mother s Soke," opened, lo good houses, Feb. 20-Murch 2. NOtk. —Mnnaitsr Foster left Feb. 24 for a pleasure trip to Morula. • ' . Unvenport.—At the Hurlls Opera House (Dtrectlou ctiniiilu'rlln, Kindt It Co.)—Mrs. 1- lake pleased a Inrge audience Feb.' 18, li. H. Sothern'cunie, to una of the largest houses if the season. 2d. Creator*'* Band pleased naiiv friends 20. "l-lsnt Lyune" Mnn-h I, "Holly Tolty" 2. "A Mlllloiinlre Tramp" II, "Power Behind the Tlirone" 7, Mario Wain- w tight o. "A Barrel or Money" 111, Fleld'H Minstrels lit, - a Cnlar Itatilda.—At (ireeno's Opera House (Will s. Collier, business manager).—A. A. Wlllells, In V. ,\L C. A. course, plivisul n big house. "Spotless Tuwu," due March I, closed Feb. 27, at De* Moines "What Happened In Jones." due 2. canceled. "Unity Tolly" :). the JulTersoiis 4, Dodge & How- mail Co. 7, H, "A Mllliinnlre Tramp" 0, Al- berta tialluHii 14, Al. «>. Field's Mlllslrels 17. Nat c, iioodwln IS. NoTKfl.—Corrlll Ik Hetiden's Vaudeville Co. gate two performaiicea at c. 6. I'. B. Hall Feb. 27, 28 Chits. II. Livingston, formerly buslnesa manager for the Van Dyke it Baton Co,, arrived 2.1, from Newton, la., lo become sluuo carpenter nt (trcono's 0|H-rn House Walter Floyd, In tulvuiicu of "llolty 'Dilly," und Henry V, (Ireen. ahead of the Jeffersons, were, here 2R Al. I'liwcr*, ngent fur "A Mllllonnlro Tramp." was In town 28. i lliirlliiKtiin. —At the (Iranil Opera House (chntnhcrlln. Ilarrlnglmi ft Co., muiiagersi, —!■:. II. Kolhsrn did good hualnes* Ken. 24. Dodge & liowtiiiiu had fair houses 211, 27. t'ie;ilore's Band, Fell. 2R, drew well tor Sun duy night, "Thn Isle ot Spire" pleased a big house Mnrch 1. "Kast Lyune" II. "The Power Itvhlnd lb- Throne" 4. "A Mlllloii- nlre Tramp" It, Hickman ft Itessev week of 7, Al. «l. Field 14, Alberta linllnllii HI. Iloiiiic. —At Aries' Opera House (Wiley ft Ivlrliy, inuiiugertt).—Week ot Feb. 20 Ihe Ilownrd Stuck Co., In repertory, opened to H, II. O. The plays were well given anil re- ceived much lipfilnuso. The specialties are good. Coming: "Chimes of Norma inly" (lo- cal) March 8, "Jim! Struck Town" 10. "Dp- roar" 12, tho Hammond Slock Co, 14-10. I'ort limine.- At (he Midland Theatre (A. B. Beiill. manager).—Win. Jefferson Jr.. Miiiportcd by nil excollent. cotupnuy, preseiiled "The nival*." to a large and fashionable niidlcnep. Keb. 20. "Tho Royal 8lav«" kave Iwu perrurmiiiices 27, lo hijt bouses. "Al phnnso nnd Huston" hnd a tilg advance sale lor March 2. On the way: Murray Comedy Co, week of 7, Nat iioodwln 111. «■» IM8TRICT OV l (il,l YIIIIA. Waahlnirian.—At the Nnllonnl Then fro (W. II. Itapley. mnnngor).---"T|ie Wluird of ox" played Inat week, lo ogi-cUant hitsliioss. This week, on the first threw nights. Con- rled's Metropolitan Onnrn Co. Is rendorliitr "Fnust," "llarller of Seville" and "Carmen," in thn order named. The house will he dark during the rest of Ihe week. W. II. Crane, In "Tho Spenders," next. i'i a. i-Mm a Tiikatiim (Luckrtt ft Dwyer. innungvi-s).— iaist week Forbes itolwrtsou bud t.lerlrudn Llllolt gave a superb rendition of "Hamlet" and "The Light Hint Fulled," to Inrge unit demonstrative audiences. This week, William Collier, In "The Dlctular:" Mrs. Laiiglry, in ".Mrs. Dcerlng's Divorce," nest. • LAKAtKTTit Opkba Hocbb (Irn, 3. \,a Motte, mittuiger).—I,nst week.. "Shore Aeron," ,la gomi sized ami well pleased houses. This week, James K, Hnckett, la "Thn Crown Prince," nt ndvmicnri price*; lleorge Sidney. In "Busy lasy," next. ■ i ••« ■ . CiiAMifB TtiRArmt (Mia* H. Winifred De Witt, manager).—Last week Fulgora wns the I'ciidllner of 11 splendid hill, consisting of: I'lie Kibiore Sisters, Ametn, Cllfl Farrell, Arila Hall. Alt Holt, Flood Brother*, and motion pictures. Thn house was crowded at end) perinmiunce. The Choral Society gives coiicnrtN every Sunday night at this house, which are well attended by our music lovers. This week: Harry Ollfoll, Thornton, Hthel Levey, Anna Caldwell. Charles II. Barker Ornce Ln Rue and the Inky boys, Albert Bell- ntuu nnd Lottie Moore. John Le C'lulr, and motion pictures. Mabel McKlnloy and others next. Acadrmt or Mtiau: (J. w. Lyons, niann- gor).—"In Old Kentucky" lust week flUed the house, and often turned people nwny. This week, "Her First Falsi) Htep." "Whv Woman Hln" next.' Kmpiuk Thkatiib (K, J. Buckley, mann- ed-).—Lnst vara "Tho Denver Kxprasa" iileuaed large audiences. Thla week, "The Mlnlater'a Hon." "The Moonahlnar'a Diuigh- Isr" next. Ltckum Tiihatiih (Kugene Kernon. maim- ter).—The Triihsafhintlc Burlefupier* tiuide »i)oil lust week, to packed houses, This week, tlie Hon Tonw, Al. Reeves' Big Co. next. ♦ ««■ ALABAMA. Mobile.—At the Mobile Theatre (J. Tan- renhaiiiii, ninouger).—"The storks" cams, to two crowded bouses, Feb. 22, matinee ami night. Lewis Morrison, in "Kauai." came inutlnee anil night, 2<l, to good business. Tho i'utgo Cornedv Co. opoued an engagement of five nlghta 20, to good business, and Blade u decided hit. The company I* above - Ibo average at popular price*. The specialties wero a special feature. "The Red Feather" March 5, "The Chaperons" 7, "A Friend ot tho Family" U, "The Wizard of Ox" it, Fred Oarlaod 12, the Ferguson Stock Co. 14, "Might Bolls" IB, Ma.icottb TtDMinrj (Diicournatt Bros., munagera).—Week of Fob. 20 opomid to ex. ceptloimllv good buslnesa. The favorites re- main, and aro wlunlng new friends nightly. * i IllrnilaKham— lluslness coutlntus goad. JKy*);n*o.v Tidiathh (R. H. Dougins. man- tiger).—Haverly's Minstrels draw wall and pleased Feb. 23. Popular Billy Van, who somas lo Improve Willi Ihe seosons, re-calved merited applaUKe. "The Storks" proved a lioleat attraction 24, nnd wiih rewarded liber- ally with business and approval. "Faust" Wit* presented admirably 2D, by Lewis Mor- rison and a Mining supporting company, llracn Van Studdlford, In "Red Feather," March :i: Harry liemfaril n, "The Parish I'rlcsl" 7. Klliel Hurry more N, "A IttllMWav Olrl" I), "The Chaperons" HI, Henna Hol- land 11, "A Friend or Ihe Family" 12, Aimdiii Mliifhdm HI, "Klght Bella" 18, Pnnla Kil- v-iirdes 21. Bimiii TiiKAThK I Hi). H. William*, mana- ger).—"My Friend from Hulla" proved. Jnl- mensely pooulnr here Feb. 22-27. "Ill*'Last Dollar". 211-Mnrch n, "At Cripple Creek" 8-12, "The I'dclory Hlrl" 14-10. i i a i- Montgomery — At Hie Montgomery The- atre (Hlrm-hiT Brn*„ irmiiiigerH).—"Tll» Htorks," Feb. 33, played lo a well fllicU