The New York Clipper (March 1904)

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MARGH 1». TABLE OP CONTENTS. Miss Clipper's Anecdotes, Personalities Comments Concerning Stage Folk Oar DoMon .Utter...;... Paul ClngOtrralHrr-Sketch World of P'WJ.vvY Vaudeville and Minstrel. Our OhlcagoJ^etter. ....... Wright lorlmer—Sketch Clipper Post Offlcc ., Vrdrr the Tents ■ Music noA : SniBt : . .. .'. With the Bill Posters Chess and Checkers'. Queries Answered Latest by-Telegraph.' On the Road.: ;.. , Vaudeville Boate List Tie Actors' Society of Amerlcm....; New York City—Review sod Comment heaths In the Profession .-..- .. . THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE Louisiana. California ,.. CM >...'..'..... rtbede Island Misfrachasetts P!«lr)ci of Colnmbla Ohio , lows ....•••«...». «... , 1'ent.aylvonla , New, Jersey , Indiana ......* , New Hampshire , Trios Kentucky Maine .'. • ..»*••, Colorado , Alabama Missouri , Minnesota -,., Connecticut • • Wisconsin-...' Virginia Grotgta ....'. Mew York s, »« e Canada ' Mletjlgun, .South Carolina '. Nebraska .' Tennessee' ." THE 3STEW YOBK CLIPPER- 77 Br** and ....69 ....70 .... 70 .... 71 .... 71 ....74 .... 7B SO .... 80 .... HO .... SO .... 70 .... 7-4 ,... 77 77,78 .... 70 ,... 79 82, x;t ... 83 ... 73 ... 73 ...78 ...73 74.75 ... 7r> ...75 ...75 ...37 ... S7 ... S7 ...87 ...87 ...87 ...87 ...77 ... 78 ... 60 ...80 ...80 ...SO ...SO ...80 ... 83 ... 83 ... 83 ... 63 ... S3 ... 83 liTfiST BY TEL EftRAPH, jsond«7 lUBht's Oprnlngi In All the mm Show Towns. GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. S#n JFr»ncl«can» See a Dramatic Ver- alon of M Pa#«lfnl"—Good Huilnral ' Continue* nt Mont of the Honaea. ftptetolDitpatchttto Tun New York Clipfbb. Si if 1'bancisco, March 16.—Stormy weath- er has prevailed, but has not hurt business to any {xtent. Coi.l'miiia theatre. —"The Silver Slipper" Is now In its second and Inst week. t'AUFonNiA Theatre. —This 1b the second and last week of Daniel Sully. He la pre- sfHtloe "The Old Mill Stream." Business bar hot been good. Ben Hendricks, In "Erik, of Sweden," follows March 20. AtOACAit Theatre. — Lost night marked th> fret presentation here of the dramatic vonion of "Parsifal," with music of the opera Incidentally Introduced by augmented orchestra. The book In revised by Fitzgerald Murphy, and tbe production Is under the lm- mMlflte direction of Fred Belnsco. The audi- "ire* was'large and enthusiastic. During ita run the prices of admission will ho higher than, usually prevails at this house. The. advance, sale of seats Is very large. Central Theatre-. —"Shamus O'Brien" Is Hi* current offering. QoAKp Opera House. —This house will he dttMt-until March 21, when Mrs. Plskc will npin n four weeks' engagement, presenting "Miry of Magdala" ns the first production. TiYOlii Opera Hoise. —This Is the third week of "The Oypsy Baron." .Viiiciunt's Theatre. —This Is the Becond Week of "The Rounders." Tho house waa imcked, dsnplto the rain. Oepheum Theatre. —The bill for this weekf opening'Sundny, 18: Emmctt Corrl- gan • and company, Looey Haskell, NIchol Is Nlitora, Barrows and Lancaster, Gllloa Ar- testa, LOw-Hughes Duo, Poettlnger's Swedish Ladle*'. Quintette, Ferguson and Mack, and the olograph. -• Chutes. —Programme for this week, open- ing list night: Bennington Duo, Deonzo and Schanck, Lyne and Leonard, the Robinsons, Vara Randall, Mabel Lnmson, and the anl- mansr>opt. Business has Iwen lnrge. NOTES.—Philip Hastings, one of the host nil around theatrical newspaper men in the country, la'now the general press represnnta- tlvo of, the Ornhcum, Tlvoll Opera House nnd -thn Chutes, of ihls city. In fact, he represents .'the largest circuit here... .Hinge Maniaer Ferris Hart-man, of tho Tlvoll, is • he father of a baby boy, which was born March 1..'....It Is reported that Louis Jor- dan,, of. tho famous troupe, the Flying Jor- unrts. has lost track of his wife and three ehiMreoy nnd his stable of thirty-five valii- nhle circus horses are now chargers U. OH Itlflrllan cavalry, bavlnt? been conllscnted at the'Wbroflk of the war. Mr. Jordan went to .Siberia two years ago and purchased a circus, which he put on tho road In that country. Several months ago he decided to enlarge his show, and accordingly started tor New York to get additional performers nnd paraphernalia. On his arrival In this 'ountry ho was Informed of the'outbreak, of tha.wir,-and wired his family to sell his Morses flnd start for home. Fie received a cubfe' to the effect that the horses had been I'ought- by the Russian government at the rldltuloualy low price of $100 per head. Thi: ■ ■nWf 'stated that the sale was compulsory., •'nblagrams have been sent by him to friends in "Vladivostok and other Siberian cities, ask- ing for Information as to the whereabouts of Jrirtifnmlly, but none of the answers could tell where the lost people were J. *.- Williamson Is here on his way to Australia. ... .Otto Rendlg, proprietor of the California Conservatory of Music, and one of the best l-.nnVn pianists and music teachers In Amer- ica.',' tiled suddenly At his home March I. ';';', ■" :— » ', ... FROM OTHER POINTS. Mllaaard Weather Affects Tfaentiival .Atteiniinnm In the Middle W«l- Ka«trrn tit!<• a also Suffer from the Snow nnd Rnlu. ' jOiiicaoo, March 15.—Owing to the Innlc- pnslthMi of Ernest Kraus, who was cast for Trlhtan. tho sennon of grand opera opened at the Auditorium Moruiay evening with •Die Wnmftre" Irmtoail of -Tristan and Isolde, nn'Announced. The advance sale portends a Haanclaiiy prosperoiis fortnight for Metro- i in tit an Opera House forces The mil- ian, oFHuIu," at the Studehaker; Grace Via nrflddlford, In "Tho Roil Feather," at the Illinois, nnd Weber nnd Fields, at. the Oar- nK were the other Important Moralay open- Injis. a bllzeard somewhat lutenforlng with •ithorwlRo protilllous prospects for big bus:- nePs. ^'The Darling of the Gods" con- llffi|«l. ,>t tbo Grand Opera House, before enlondtd patronage Mary Shaw's mat! iieo and night presentation of "Ghosts." at the Oarrlck, was tho Huuday novelty, good hwlMM rcsultlug It was four o'clock More tbe Oreat Northern curtain rose on ih« Koyal Ullputlons Sunday afternoon, but nun, bjuslneas resulted, nevertheless....... Wdprte and Jnmes gave "Othello," to all the doits' McVlcker'a was allowed to sell, and promise; of a big concluding week for their engagement .The stock company lulls at the People's, Bush Temple, Avenue nfid Howard's attracted good Sunday after- noon and evening reward "Wedded una rafted," at the Bijou, was a melodrama of capacity business effectiveness........Tom Miner's Bohemians, with Andy Gardner the chief comedian, attracted capacity business J«TfcM h i"r 1 nn lD J , >"'-»lon in Judge R«H.»ii » ,m " r om < refraining Shnberi trTnnm fr0 . m - l! sln « "lafrlc-k" iw their "lies. Ire name. Weber nnd Fields nre anmrtnc The house was large a large eat fieri nr grea ly enjoyed Cfiarley Granewm S "n "Th5 -r^u^v or S w y ere w « l«a wtceesaf ,1- Ice, at the Boston "The Show CM '• at the Majestic; "Looping the f^p " at the Grand Opera; "M'llss," at Musl^lian- "A ^&1&JL"!kL at the Cohimhla "and dmPftiPS&S ot th , e G,llw »." « the Huh &.";" ,,|b Y no P ul ar priced houses.... Stock hotises began well. The hill?- Cnstte Hhnmus 0 Brian/' The vattdeivllle an biirlesque house,, were of customary larg^ s' ze .;-----Nance O'Nell repeated "Ingomar ' at the Tremont, yesterday.^ aVdYonw." .«rS r " J' 00IS ' M ?Wh 10.—Arthur Dunn, in The Rtinnwnys," opened J3, at the Grand evDklng much enthusiasm...'.,.At the <>£ Fve'nlnl 81 ^ 01 !/^"" H Ml * ?« «!(SS evening of H there was a good house at Treasurer Cnvls' benefit .F.thel Barrv- mote, In "Cousin Kate," opened 14. at the Olympic: excellent advance sale reported. rtV«™ . ' Frt ?W stock Company, at the Odeon, put on "Without Flourish of Bell°" 3d, to fair attendance Kd R. Whelnn In "Weary WlUle Walker," is st Crawford": nnd was well received....... ."Hearts of oa», In capable hands, opened 13, at the Imperial, and gave gront satisfaction SffirtK.. ton '. lrl " fi[le hel Goldstein," Is nt Havlln s, opening 13... .Knickerbocker Bur- iesquers are at the Ptsndord The Co. iumbl.-i put on a new vaudeville bill at Mon- day matinee to excellent attendance. <s f Jl2J"r* ,, ?"' l i J ,nre ! 1 J r >—The Broad Sffi? fhentre held n large gathering last n iR. nt *n ,he 0 P p nlng of Maude Adams, In "The Pretty Sister of Jose." She received a wnrm welcome "Three Little Maids' provide a potent attraction at the Oarrlck, drawing an audience that filled the seating capacity "Mother Goose," at the Opera House; "The Earl of Pawtueket," at the Chestnut; "Checkers," at the Walnut, and "'Way Down East," at the Park, all con- tinued well, but snow and stormy weather Interfered somewhat with attendance Tbe Auditorium did excellently with "Old Kentucky," and other combination houses fared equally well.... .Vaudeville at Keith's two houses proved a powerful magnet, stock companies earned commendation with worthy productions, and the burlesque houses and others had the usual full quota. Mii.wavkee, March in.—.Sunday's open- ings were to capacity at most of the houses, but Monday's attendance was killed iir the most severe snowstorm of the year Weber & Fields' big show had a fine hous* si the Alliumlira, running awnv nhesd of Inst: year's record At Ihe Davidson Fsnny itlcn ami her vaudeville show scored heavily; Young sod De Vole, In a clever dancing spe- cialty, made a big hit The Itentr. Santley Company made good at the Star; the Yamamoto Brcs. crested a seusatlon.... At. the Bijou "For Her Children's Sake" opened to two full houses The Wachs- ner and Tlintihouser stock companies drew the usual crowds. Washington, March IS.—W. IL ' Crone opened at the National Theatre, la "The Spenders," to n crowded bou«e ..Mrs. Langtry, In "Mrs. Deerlnc s Divorce," had a large following at the Columbia Geo. Sidney, In "Busy Iszy," was well received at the Lafayette Mabel McKlnlev headed a great bill at Chase's, filling the house afternoon and night "His First False Step" drew to the capacity of the Aenxlemy "Tho Mla'ster's Son" had a crowded opening nt the Empire The Bon Tons bad their usual auspicious open- ing at tbe Lyceum. Kansas City, March 15.—"Unity Tolty" opened a week's engagement nt the Grand, to a good mstlnee, yesterday, and had a big house ut night The Ornheum wns packed- twice to see "The Girl with the Au- burn Hair" and a good vaudeville hill At' Ihe Glllls "Tco Proud to Heir" pleased two hlg houses.... "When Knighthood Was In Flower" drew the usual Huuday clientele to the auditorium, and Sheridan's Big City Spoils pleased tho followers of burlesque at the Century. Cincinnati, March IB, — "The Rogers Brothers In London" begun what will cer- tainly make ii successful engagement st tho Grand Inst night Sunday openings were attended by the usual cniBhet. W. H. Tur- ner, In "David Harum," wns seen'at the Walnut Street; "At the Old Cross Roads" opened nt Robinson's,; "In Convict's Stripes" was put on at the Lyceum; the vaudeville bill played the Columbia: at the People's the Transatlantic Extravaganza Co. was the at- traction. LotttsriLLE, March IB.—Macanley's rtpened with Paula Edwnrdes, In "Wlnsoaia Win- nie," to n hlg audience "His Lnst Dol- lar" drew n crowded house at the Masonic. "At Cripple Greek" opened Sunday, nt the Avenue, ho a large crowd The Rose Hill Folly Company packed the Buck- ingham Sunday, for two performances. ■ ♦♦♦ COLORADO. Denver.—At the Broadway (Pe- ter Metywrt, manager).—Week of Slurch Id, Florence Roberts, In "The Frisky Mrs. John- son." Last week Mary Mannerlng, In "Har- riet's Honeymoon." Business was good. Tahok Grand Tiieatrh (Peter McCourt, manager).—Week of 1.1, "The Devil's Auc- tion." Al. H. Wilson. In "A Friam of 'hit- ters," had good business fl-ll'. Uiirnr-uit Theatre (Lco-Haney, manager I, —Week of 14: Mendelssohn Quartette, the Five Mownts, James It. Cullen, Maauz and Mazetl. Wesson, Wsltem and Wosxnn, Ksmei'- lildu Sisters, Comely and Klein. Last week La Belle Guerrero; Taffary's dogn, nilly Clif- ford, ltoattlno and Slovens, Ollllhannnd Mur- ray, itr. and Mrs. Nell Litchfield, nnd Olson Bros, played to crowded houses. • New CnYHTAn Theatrk (Geo. Ira Adams, ma iiiigen.—Week of 7 Two Little Pearls, the Musical Pierces. Trask and Murray, Sut- ton ami Patterson, Carlos Daly, Win. A. Knox played to crowded houses. Curtis Theatre (A. R. Pelton, manager). Week of 13, "The Punkln Husker. Week of 7 Mrs. Flake, In "Mary of Magdala" and "Hedda Gablcr," did good business. Novelty Theatre (Henry Luhelskl. man- ager).— Week of 14: George I.e Molr. Sam Hood, Verdanam Galhreth, Kitty Clark. Week of 7: Dell anil Fondas, Heclow anil Wheeler, Hlraharns, Burtlnn and Walter*, V. It. McPherson. »«» — Abraham Newmrn, the wealthy dia- mond denier at 'MO Bowery, this city, v.-ho was found dead at his place of business, March 10, wrb formerly a well known property maker. He bad a large portion of the basement of the Old Boweiy Theatre many years ago, snd ninde all of the "prop" for the Kiralfy Brothers, Jtrrett & Palmer,- and msny others, On tbe Road, Alt Root*. Moat Reach Vm Hint. Later Than Monday. DRAMATIC A Adams, Mirolc (Crmrtea ProhmsB, mrr.)—Phila- delphia Pa., March 14-20. Allen. Viola iChnrles V, Allen, mgr.)—N. I". CMl March 14-10. Newark. N. I., Jl-20. Aubrey Stock. Eastern, Mlttentbol Brothers' (Wm. Davldp>, ragr.)—Portcbester. N. X., March M- in, N*n- London. Conn., 31-28. Anbrey Stock, Western, Mlttentbal Brothers' (Carl Brebm, mxr. I—Hamilton, Can,, March 14-10, St. Catherines 21-20. "Are You a Masont" (Julius Osho, ojr.)—Des Moines, la.. March 14-10, Datenport 18, Peoria, 111., IP. Joliet 20. "Arliona," M. B. Raymond's (J. H. Palser, mgr..)— Richmond, Va., March 14-19, Prorl- •tciice. B. E, 21-20. "An Fjigllsh Daisy" (Jos. M. Galtea * J. F. Ar- nold, rngrs.)—Baltimore, Mil.. March 14.10, New Haven, Conn., 21, Merlcten 22, Hartford 2S, New I^ndon 24, Newport, R. I., 25, Taun- ton. Mnsi., 20. "An Heiress to Millions" (John P. Retlbr, mgr.) —Brooklyn, N. Y„ March 14-1B. "An Orphan's Prayer"—N. IT. Ctty March 14-19, Springfield, Mass., 21-23. "At Cripple Creek," Whltaker & Nash's—Louls- vllle, Ky., Match 14-19, Clnrlnnstl, 0., 20-26. "Across tbe Pacific" (Harry Clay Blsney. ragr. I —Montreal, Con., March 14-19, Boston, Mass., 21-20. "At tbe Old Cross Bonds" (Arthur 0. Alston, mgr.)—Cincinnati, O., March 1.1.10, B Bingham, Amelia (Nathaniel Rnlh, hns. ragr.)— WimlDgham Ala., March 10, Memphis, Tcun., II, Nashville IS. Paducsb, Ky.. IP, St. lonls, Mo., 21-27. ••«■■■»! Blanche Bates (David BeJasce, mgr.)—Chlesgo, 111., March 14. Inde6nlte. Bnrrymore, Ethel (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— Ht. Lyuls, Mo., March It-IP, Il.-tr.ilt. Mich., 21-2A. Blnodgood, Clara (Charlee rrohman, mgr.)— Brooklyn, S. Y.. Marrli 14-19, Springfield, Mnsj., 22. Beilew, Kyrle (I.Iehler t Co., mors.)—N. Y. City March 14-20. lllnlr, Kugcole (Henri Grasslt, mgr.)—Philadel- phia, Ps., March 14-19, Newark, N. J., 21-20. Boresrord, Harry (J. J. Coleman, mar.)—St. Aii- pnatlne. Fla., March 10, JsckBoavttle 17, Bruns- wick, an., IS, Savannah 19, Augusts 21, On- lurabla, 9. a, 32. Charlotte, N. C, 2U, Ita- lelgb 24. Richmond, Vu„ 25, Norrnlk 20. Bnnelll, William, and Rose Htaht—Boston. Mnsn., March 14-19. Dennett A Moulton (P. C. l'wltrhell, mgr.)— Plattsburg, N. Y., March 14-19, St. Albans, Vt., 21-26. Bennett & Moulton (A. P. Beed, mgr.)—Norrls- towa. Pa., March 14-19. Dennett fc Moulton (J. IL Torr, mgr.)—New Cas- tle, Pa., March 21-2S. Bennett & Moulton (Ira K. Newholl, mgr.)— Oloucester, Mass., March 1419, »lanchc.'ter, N. H., 21-20. Bennett A Moulton (W. A. Parlella, mgr.)— Long Branch, K. J., March 14-10. Duntltig (Earl Burgos, mgr.)—Wheeling, W. va., March 14-19, Wilmington, Del., 21-20. Breckenrldge, Charles, Stock (Boyd P. Joy, ragr.i —Chnonte, Kan., March 14-19, Yates Center 21-28, IM.i 24-20. Brown Amuiement, Southern (E. Brown, mgr.) —Frclsburg, Tex., March 14-19, Lelaml 21 -2e. Brown Amusement, Western (E. Brnwn, mgr.) —Muscogee. Ind. Ter., March 14-19, Mngnolln, Ark.. 21-20. Biirkc-McCnnn (M. McCann, mgr.)—New Ken- sington, t'a., Mnrch 14-10, Belle Vernon 17- 19, Monongabela 21-20. "Hen Mar" (Klaw & Erlanger, morn.)—Detroit, .Mich., March 14-19, Itbaca, N. Y., 21-2.1, lltlrn 24-20. "Buster Brown" (Brondhurst & Corrle, nigra.)— Detroit, Mich., Murch 18-19, Cleveland, ()., 21- 20. "Biiiirh of Keys" (Qns Bothner, mgr.)—Serin- ton, Ph.. March 14-10, Csrbondslc 17, Towau- • Ir. IS, Waverly, N. V.. Ill, Blughnmton 21-2U. "Brcnk for Liberty" (J. M. Jacota, mgr.)— llolyoke, Mass., March 14-10, Troy, N. V„ 17- 19. Elisabeth, N. J., 21-38, Reading, I's., 24, Allentown 25, Salem. N. J., 80. "Breety Time" (Merle II. Norton, mgr.)—Rich .Hill. Mo., March 19, Butler 21, Warrensliurg 24, California 26, Jefferson City 20. "Busy Iity," Oeorge Hldney (Stair & Nlcolal, nigra.)—Washington, D. >;., March 14-19, N. Y. Ctty 21-26. "Bowery After Dark," Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' —Newark. N. J., March 14-19, Philadelphia, Pa., 21-20. "Born In Blood"—N. Y. City March 21-20. "Burglar," Western (Wright & Ilalgiit, nigra.)— Vmiktown, Ho. Dak., March 10, Vermilion 17, F.Ik Point IS. Canton 19. O Criuc, Wm. H. (Charles Frohman. mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. C„ March 14-19,, Mil., 21-26. Carter, Mrs. Leslie (Dnvld Belnsco, mgr.)—Bos- ton, Mass., March 14-10. Crnsman, Henrietta (Darld Belnsco k Maurice Cnnphell, mars.)— N. V. City Msn-h 14, in demillc. Collier, William (Chnrles Krnhraun, mgr.)— Providence, R. L, March 14-10, llolyoke, Maxs., 19, Butthln, N. Y.. 21-211. Coglitsn, Ro*e (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Winnipeg. Mini,, March 10, 17, Grand Forks. No. Dnk.. IS, Fnrgo 19. Billings:, Mom., 21, Livingston 22, Botrman 23, Great Falls 24, Helena 20, Anaconda 29. Cohans, Four (Fred Nlblo, mgr.)—Fort Worth, Tex., March 10, 17, Waco is, Han Antonio 19, 20. Century Players (Hydney Bosenfeld, mgr.)—N. I. City March 14, IndeOnlte. Cook-Church (II. W. Taylor, mgr. I—Johnstown, Pn., March 14-19, Cuiuberland. Mil., 21-26. Carpenter, Frankle (B. D. Davenport, mgr.)— Trenton, N. J., March 14-19, Kingston, N. Y., 21-20. Curts Dramatic (M. H. Carta, ragr.)—Oherlln, Kan., March 17-23, Almi-na 24-27. Couroy ft Mack's Comedinna (P. P. Craft, mgr.) —Montlcello, N. Y., Mnrch 14-16, PortJcnlK 17-10, Dorer, N. .1., 21 -20. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)r-Horaerset. Ky., March 14-1H. Cutter & Williams' Stork (W. K. Cutter ft -. W. Williams, mgrs.)—Connellsvllle. Pa.. March 11-19. Clark Hlot'k (Miles Berry, mgr.)— Danville, III., March 14-19. "Cavalier" (Wallace Mnnro, mgr.)—Houston, Tex., Mnrch IS. 19. "(Jounty Chairman" (Henry W. Hsrnge, mgr.)— N. V. City Mnrch 1', Indeflulte. "Checkers" (Kirke La Hhelle, mgr.)—Phlladel- Phln. Pa., Murch 14-19, Kllznbetli, N. ¥., i\. Allentown, Pu„ 22. Trenton, N. J., 211. "Obllil Klntes of New York" (J. It. Isaac, mgr.)—Bridgeport, Conn., Mnrch If,, III, Tren- ton, N. J„ 24-20. "Charily Noise," Ueuek ft Fennesiy's (John M Omike, mgr. I — Norfolk, Vn„ March 14-1)1. Wnshlngton. I). C. 21-20. "Circumstantial Evidence" (Fred D. Fowler. mgr. i—Laramie, Wyo., Mnr«:h 10. Sidney, Neb., IT, North Platte IS, UKlngtnn 19. Hasting* 21. Wnhno 24, Shenandoah, Is.. SB, It. d OsR 20. "Chicago Tramp" <w. C. Wlndeld. mgr.)—Peters villi-. 111., Hatch "*. IN-lnvsn 17, Pekln «K n Drew. John (Charles Frohninn. mgr.)—(liens Fulls, N. Y., Sliirih 10. Pniiahkecimle 17, North Adams. Mass., IN, Plttefleld Hi, Boston II- Aprll 2. D'Orssy, Lawrence (Klrltn t.u fllielle, mgr.)-— Phliiideliihlo. Pa. March 14, Indefinite. Bnvls, Fay (Charles Frolimsn, nu/r.)—Ht. Paul, Minn.. March 14-1(1. Minneapolis 17-19, lies Mollies, la.. 21, Omaha, Nek, 22, 28, Kansas City. Mo., 24-20. Ilndge, Kanfonl—Alliance, Neb., March 10. Craw- ford 17, Chadron 18. 19, Hot Spring*, «... Dak.. 21. 22. Rapid City 2", 24, Sturgls 2C. 26. Lead 2S-20. Davidson Dramatic (Frank H. Davidson, mgr.)— Cuba, III.. March 1410, Vlrglnln 1719, Vlnlen 2l-2,'i, Edlnbnrg 24-20. De Vonde, Chester, Stock (Phil Levy, mgr.)— Wilkesbarre, Pa., March 14-19, Harrlshurg 21- 20. Davidson Stock (A. E. Davidson, mgr.)—Saginaw. Mich.. March 14-10. Dllrer-Cornell—Lebanon, Pa., Mircb 14-19, Potts- vllle 21-20. Do Voaa, Flora (J. B. Botooor, mgr.)—Chelsea, ' la.! March 14-16, Toledo 17-19. Cedar Falls 21-80. Datis-Boyle—Rochester, N. Y., March 14, In- definite. "David Harum" (Julias Cshn, mxr.)—Cincln- •all, O., March 14-10-, Chicago, 111.. 21-20. "David Harum" (Julius Cahn. mgr.)—New Lon- don, Wis.. Mnrch 10, Sheboygan 17. Oahkosli IS, MnJlMn 19, Uporte, Ind., 21, Dowaglnc, Mich.. 22, Kalamnnw 2.1, Cran.l Rapids 24-20. "Dciperate Chance"-(I.- M. Millennial, mgr.)— noboken, N. .(., March 1719. S. Y. City 21-20. "Dcnerted at the Altai" (Pe^y G. VVllllmns, mtr.l—Chlcaga. HI., March 20 20. "Dmeh from Home" (\V. D. FKtgerald. nigr.l —Brooklyn. N. V.. March 14-19, Bridgeport, Conn., 21-20. "Dare Devil Dorothy" (F. G. Berger ft T. B. O'Nell, mgr!.j—New Haven, Conn., March 14- 10, Lowell, >(ais., 17-19, Lawrence 21-23. "Devil's Auction," Cbarlea H. Ysle'a— Denver, Col., March 13-19. "Down by the Sea" (Phil Hunt, mgr.)—Auburn. Oil.. March 10. Carson, Ner., 17, Virginia City 18. Reno 19, Ogden, f., 22. Salt Uke City 21- 20. F. Elliott, Mailne (C. B. Dllllncliam, mgr.)— Evans- -fllla. Ind., March 10. Nastivlllc, Tcnn., 17. Mora- nhls IK, 19, New Orleans, l.a„ 20-20. Rifwards. Walter (Charles Durhln, mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn.. March 18-19. I'rwuod Big Slock (It. J. F.rwood, mgr.)—Scllus Grove, Pa.. Man-h 14-10, Danville 17-19, Mim- cy 21-2.1, Jersey Shore 24-20. "Earl of Pawtueket" (Klrkc La Shelle, rogr.i— .Syracuse, N. Y., March 10. Utlca 17. Water- town IS, Ogdenshurg 19. Montreal, Can., 21- April 2. "Eternal City" (I.Iehler A Co., nigra.) — St. Jovph, Mo., March 17. Omaha, Neb., 18, 10, Chicago, HI., 20-Aprll 2. "Flgbt Hells," Byrne Bros.'—Atlanta, Oa., March 17. Blrinlnghiini, Ala., IS, 19, Pndncnh, Ky., 28. r Flake. Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flske. mgr.)—Salt Lake City, I.'., March 10, 17. Ogden 18. Fnvershnm, Wn<. lOuirlos Frohman, mgr.)—An- nojinlln, Mil., March 10, RIchmoiHl, Va., IS, Norfolk 19, Washington, D. n., 21-20. Fenhctg Stock (George M. Fcnbcrg, mgr.)— Houth Norwnlk, Conn., Mnrch 14-19, Scheuec- U«Jy, N. V.. 21-20. Fleming, Mamie IW. H. Gracey. mgr.)—Oenova, N. Y., March 14-19. Frsncls. Marlon (George K. Robinson, mgr.)— Manchester. N. IL, Marc'i 14-19, Conconl 21-21 FNVe ft Stn«-k IF,. D. Flske ft T. D. Slock, mgrs.) —New Brliulu, Conn., Mnrch 14-19, New iA>n- dou 21-20. Fslcs. QMS. T., Comedy—Mnlone, N. Y.. Mnreh 14-10. Fergcoon Stock—Mobile. Ala., March M-l.l. Franklin Stock (B. r. «i|raiusnu, mgr.)—loin, Kan , March 14-19. "Foxy Grandpa," Joseph Hart and Carrie De Mnr—Wm. A. Brady's (O. II. Butler, mgr.)— N. V. City March 11-19. Baltimore, Md.. 21-20. "Fast Mail," Lincoln J. Carter's—Waterloo. N. Y., March 10, Watklna IS, Rlmlra 19. Wllkes- harre, Pn., 21-28. Hcmnton 24-20. "For Her Children's Sake," Eastern, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods'—Milwaukee, Wis., March 18- 10, Ht. Paul, Minn., 20-20. "For Her Ctilh'rcn'a Sake," Western, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (Ed. II. Lester, ragr.)—Fori Wayne. Ind., March 10, llsrtfnrd City it, Port- land IS, Muncle 10, Alexandria 21, Marlon 22. 23, Huntington 24, Van Wert, O., 2(1, Flmliuy 20. "Fatal Wedding," Central, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods'—Indianapolis, Ind., March 14-10, Chi- cago, 111., 20-20. "Fotal Wedding," Eastern, Sullivan, narrln ft Woods'—HotMken. N. J., Mnrch 18-10, Elisa- beth 17-19, I'mi.t on 21-23. Wilmington, Del., 24-20. "Fatal Wedding," Weslcru, Sullivan, Harris ft Wuods'—Oivniuna, Minn.. March 10, Mnnknto 17, Rochester IS, l.-i Cmsi«! 19, Mason City, la., 21, Mrirshnlltown 22, Boone 23, Dos Moines 24-20. "For Her Sake," E. J. Carnenter'a (Joe Pilgrim, mgr.)—Boonton, N. J., March 10, Fall River, Mass., 17-19, Mlildletawn, N. Y., 21, New- burgh 22, Dsnbury, Conn., 23, Watcrbury 24, 25, New Britain 20. "From Rngs to Riches" (M. II. Meyers, mgr.)— Toledo, 0.. March 18-10. Grand Rapids, Mich., 17-19, Chicago, III.. 20-20. "For Ills Brother's Crime" (Geo. N. Balllnger, lagr.)—Brooklyn, N. v., March 14-19. "Fr.clory Girl" (Charles II. Wuert, mgr.)—Bir- mingham, Ala., Mnrch 14-10, St. Louis, Mo., 211-26. "Friend of the Family" (W. E. Gorman, mgr.)— Jackson, Miss., March 10, Yatoo City 17, Greenwood 18, Clarksilalo 10, Greenville 21. Vlckshnrg 22. Monroe, l.u., 2H, Natchez, Mlsa., 24. Baton Itouge, La„ 28. "Funny Mr. issiley" (Frank D. Bryan, mgr.)— Norwich, Conn., March 10, Bridgeport 17-10, Newpori News, Va.. 21, Norfolk 22, Rich- mond 23, Roanoke 24, Knoxvllle, Tcnn., 2D, Chattanooga 26. "Fsuat," Porter J. White's—Chrlsfleld. Md., Mnrch 10, Georgetown, Bel., IT, Milton) is. Holla- bury, Aid.. 10, Dover, Del., 21, Phornlxvllle. Pa, 22. Rending '.'::, Lnnnford 21, HIbIIurIihi 26, Forest Clly 20. "For Wire nnd Children" (J. M. Jacobs, mgr.I —Fuitm, N. V., March 14, Aonitcnlam 18, SelM-nevtatly 10. Troy 17-19. "Pautt," Pnliner ft Herrmann's—Lewlnton, Ids., March 10, Clink. Wnali., 21. Wnlhi Walla 22 a Goodwin, N. C. (George J. Annleton, mgr.)— De.s llnlneii. In.. March 10. Marshalltown 17. i»it Itaphh: 1<>. itlliiton 19. Davennorf21, Burllnmnn '2'.:, Keokuk 23, ijulncy, III., 24, Hprlnglielil 20, Pvorli 20. Gillette, William (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— N. Y. City March II April 2 Greet, Iteu C. (Clinrlcs Fre Frohman, mgr.)—N. Y. city March 11-19. Gsliann, Aliens I George H. Brennan, Dlgr,)~> llurllniiinii. la.. March 10, Qulncy. 111., 17 Gulland, Ilenha (J. V. Zimmerman Jr., mgr.)— Ne\v Orleans, La., March 13-19. (IIImore, Paul (Jules Murry, mgr.)—West Su- perior, Wis., March 10, Winona, Minn,, 18, Albert Len 19, Msnkato 21, Hloux Falls. Ho. Unit.. 22, Yankton 23, Sioux City, la., 21, Norfolk, Ncbr, 20, Missouri Valley, in.. 20. Grlfllth, John (John M, Ilk-key, mgr.)—Marshall, Tex., March- 10, Hhreveporc, La., 17, Alexan- dria 18, Monroe 19, Bnlon Itouge 21, Vlckshnrg, Mill,, 22, Greenville 2:1, Coluinhun 21, Merldiiui 2,1, Helino, Ala., 20. Gllmore, Barney (Hnrry Montgomery, ragr,)4— IX'lrolt. Mich., Murch IK-HI, Akron, O.. 24-2n. Ora:*wln. Charles—Boston, Mass., March l-l-ll", *t. Y. City 2l-Aprll 2. GsulAe, I'.mdlt ft Ma-k Big Stock (J. S. Garshle, mgr.)—Wslthmii, Mnts., Mnrch n Hi, l.u* rerco 21-20. Guy Slrs-k (O. C. Gny, mgr.)—-Webb City. Mo., March 13-19. Glr.uell, Minn (Mlnnell) Brothers, IliglH.)—Hlu.-lhy, ft, March 1419. Gonnnnd ft Fonl -I'lilnskl, S. V., March 14-19. Henderson 21-26. Cermnn l.lll|iuilsna (J. IT. Tschudl, mgr.)—I.nv- Inglon, III.. March 17. Hulllvnn IS, Paris 111, Krmsas 21, Chnrtestrai 22. Mnitonn 28, shell.)- villi- 24. Pens 20, Taylnrvllle 20. Oiinliior-Camiibell—Lamtiertvllh.-. N. J., Mnrch 14- 19, Saddle Klver 21-23, Fleuilngton 24-20. "Girl From Ksy's" (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— N. Y. City Mnnrh 14, Indefinite. "Girls Will Be Girts" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)— Worcester, Mass., March 17. "IMBM Keeper," Smith O'Brien (Howard A Cllf. ford, tngrs.)—Wbetrllng, W. Vs., Mnrch 14-111. Ctnsl Imyit, 0.. 17, I'hrlchsville IS. Coslns- ton 19, New Ij-ilnglon 29, New Uilngion 22, Athena 24, Jackson 2A, Pnrlnmnth 211. "Governor's Son" 'Fred .VIMo, mgr.)—Montreal. Can,, March 14-19, Quobw 21-23, Ottawa 24- 20. "Great White IMaroond" (Wnltcr Kessler, mgr.) - Chh';n-... III., March 13-19. Kl. l/iuls, Mo., 20-20. "GochI Old ouiiimer Time," George Evans (Hluti Ainusctiient Co, uiurn.'i— RuA'.ilu, N, V., March 14-19. "Greai Train Rlbliory" (Francis It. Klewin, mgr.)—I'hlln.lelphia. Pn., Mnrch 14.19, Provl- deuce. It. L. 21-20. "•UniMer'a Dnnshtci" ill. II. Fiaiee ft Jns. II. ItfowTie. tngrs.)- Blue Islam), HI., March 2i>. ■toilet 21, Hraldwnod 22, Bloomlngton 21, Pen, I lav 25. Htr-ntor 20, Peoria 27. II Hackeit, James K.—Kanton, Pa., March IS. Uarnol, Virginia (Charles Frohman, mar.)— Plttit'Utg, Pn., March 14-10, Clnclnnnil, 0., Bawtrey, Charles (Charles Frohman, mgr.i— Rocbrittr,- N. V.. March 10, Ootfalo 17-10, Pittsburg, Pa., 21-20, Hllllard. Robert (Frank 1.. Ferity, mgr.)—Provi- dence, it I.. March 17-10. Holland, Mildred (Ednard C. White, mgr.)— Wllllatnsport, Pa., March IS. II). Htndrlcks, Uen (Slilnry it. Kill?, mgr,)—Van- couver. Wash.. March 10, Portland. Ore., 17, Salem IS. Francisco. C«l„ 20-20, Harrlssn. folwnrtl (M. W. llnnley. mgr.)—Boi- ton, Mass., March 21-20. llnnfnrd. Chsrle? B. IF. Lawrence Wnlkor, mgr.) —Stockton. Oil., Hare* 10. Fresno li, Ilan- ford IS. nnkorjfield 10. rasndeua 21, Sun Ber- nardino 22. Itiveivhle 23, Santa Ana 24, San . Diego fcl, 26. Howard Hall (Henry Plerson, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y.. Mnrch 14-19. Wilmington, Del., 21-28, Holwken. N. J.. 24-20. Hall, George F. (Fielding Amusement Co., mgrs.) —Fall River, Msm., March 1410, Yarmouth. Can.. 21, Kent vllle 22, Windsor 23, Halifax 24-20. Hlgijln". David, and Georgia Woldron (Stair ft Nlcolal, mgrs.)—Louisville. Ky., March 14-19, Cincinnati, 0„ 20-20. ttnrper, licnrgln (J. G. Harper ft Joe Derrick, mgrs.)—Missouri Valley, Ncbr., March 17. Arl- ington 19, Hooper 21, Wert Point 22, Wliaer 24, Stanton 38, Madison 20. Uerrmson, Icon (FJwi-r.l Thornier, mgr.)—Ot- t.iwn. Can.. March 14-16. Hall, Don C.—Sant.i Rsrbara, Cat., March 14-19. San Luis Ob(!po 21-2H. lllmmeleln's Ide.ils (John A. Hlmmeleln, mgr.)— Yonkers. N. V., Mnnh 14-10. Peekaklll 21-20. Hloimeleln's Imperial Stock (It. F. Hlmmeleln, mgr.)—Bloomlngton, ill., March 14-19, Deca- tur 21-20. Howard-Dorset (George B. Howard, mgr.)—Cham- paign, HI.. March 14-19, Newark, U., 21-26. Hal-court Comedy tChurles K. Hnrrl-i, mgr.) — Kingston, N. >'.. March 14-19, Pougbkeepals 21-20. llnji'.i Comedy (IT. G. Allen, mgr.)—Columbus. Gn., March 11-10, Mobile, Ala., 21-20. Hoeuicr Stock (Jack IloetHer/mgr.)—Boardstown. 111., March 14-19. Snrlngnelil 20-20. Ilolitin Bmtliers Stock (Wm. Trlulett, air.)— Wichita, Knn„ March 14, Indeflnlte. Iliromond Stock—Boone, In., March 14-10, Knox- vllle 21-20. HnrrlK-Parkliuon Stock (Robert II. Harris, mgr.) —Portsmouth, O.. Mnreh 14-10. Howard Stock—St. Joseph, Mo.. March 14-19. Handler's Comedians (Osrar Handler, mgr.) — Albuquerque, N. Mex., March 17-19, TCI Paio. Tex., 21-241. Henderson Stock (\V. J. £ R. R. Henderson, mgrs. I—l'entnn, Mich., Natch 14-10. 'Heart of Maryland" (David Belsseo, • mgr.)— Aurora, HI., Mnrch 10, Rnckfnrd 17, Jsiicavllle, Wis., IS. Joliet, 111., 19, Chicago 20-20. "Hearts of oak" (William K. Grosa, mgr.)— St. I.ouln. Mo., March IS-I9, Louisville, Ky.. 20-20. "Her only Hln," Lincoln J. Carler's—Fort Plain, N. V.. Mnrch IB, lllon 17, I'tlcn 19. Oneld* 22, Auburn 23. Waterloo 24, llatnvla 20, Look- fort 26. Iddeu Crime" (J. M. Ward, mgr.)— Newark, N. J„ March 14-19. "Her First False Step" (E. A. Schiller, mgr.) " n24 " HpvTii Woiceiter, Mass., Match 14-10. Atlantic Clly. N. J., March 10, Camden 24-20. (Hjitneer ft Ahorn, mgra.)— 'Hearts Adrift" "Hoosler Girl," Kale Watsoa (Gus Cotm, mgr.) —Jetrrrsonvllle, 0,, Mircb 10, Bellrronlslue 17. Merlon 18. Flinllay 10, Toledo 21-23, Nor- walk 2S, Laraln* 20. "Ilolty Tolty" (ulllo Mack A Joe M. Galtes. mgrs).—Kansas Olty, Mo., March 13-19, To- Kki, Kan., 20, Junction City 21. Wichita 22, In 211, Chanute 24, Parsons 20, Pittsburg 20. "Human llenrls," lasletn (Jesse II, Blaucliard, mgr.)—Weol'port, N, Y., March 10, Albany I71U, N. V. City 31-20. "Human Hearts." western (Claud Saunders, mgr.) —San l.uln nlilino, Cnl,, March 10, Han Juin lit, Htoekum 19, Fresno 20, Sniiln Rosa 21. "llnmnn lieartt," Hulltliow. W. lil. Nankevllle'fl - -Ueavcr Falls, P»., March 18, New Castle in, McKcroport 17, Hurler 18, Youogatowu, I)., 19, Mteiils-ivlllc 21. "Homespun Heart" (I^on Williams, mgr.)—To- hsi.i. (•., March ill-Hi. Jackson, Mich.. 17, Charlotte 18. Lansing 19. Grand Rapids 24-20. "Hot Old Time," Gun Hill's (George Ohi-m-l, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., Mnrch 13-1R, Ununl llni'hle. Mich., 20-21). "Happy Hooligan." Western, Gun mil's (Al. Dol- iion. laiti-.i — liiilntli, Minn., Mnrch 10. Hlblilng 17, Sniierlor. Win., IN, Ashland 10, Washburn 21, Chippewa Falls 22, i.'lalre 39, Morah- ■li 1.1 24. Wauaan 2f>. "Hans Hanson" (James T. Mr.AlpIn, mgr.)— jToiiesboro, Ark., March 10, Forrest Olty 17, llilnklcy 18, Cotton Plant 10, Clarendon 21, Htuttgnrt 22. Pluc Bluff 23, Camden 24. "How old Is Ann?" Gerard's (II. J. Galea, mgr.)—Troy. N. Y., March 14-10. I Irving, Sir Henry (Obnrleo Frohman, mgr.)— Cleveland, o., March 14-10, N. Y. city 21-2r.. Isnhel Irving (Junta K- Ilnckctt, mgr.)—Law- rence, Kan.. Miu-ch 16, Topeka 17. Imperial Stock (Col. George Hamilton, tngr.)— San Antonio, T*x., March I4-May 16. "In Old Kentucky," Jacob Lilt's—Philadelphia, Pa., March 11-19, N. Y. Oltr 21-20. "Irlsn I'nwnlirokers" (Joncjih VV. Hpeara, mgr.) —Tltnsvllte, In., March It), Oil City 17, Moid- vllle IS, New CnKiln 1U. Hlinron 21, Wayniss- Isirg 23, I'liiiininwn 24. Lmrnlie 25, Altoonn 20. "Ill Hie Shadow of Ihe Gallows"—Boston, Mais., Mnieh 14-111. "Ill Convict's Stripes"—nineliinnfl, O., Mnreh IS- 19. Akron 21-2S. a James, I/ailn, mnl p'reiii-rlri Wanle (Wngenhals ft Kemiier, nmri-.'i -Chlcgio, III., Murch lii-lti, St. Paul, MM.i... 20-28, hllnnoupolls 24-20. JelTeraon, JowmiIi Jr. and Win. W.—Marlon, 0., Mnrch 10, liolswum 17, Newark 18, PorkorR. burg, W. Va., 19. Jenvniis, Irene, Stuck (Thomas .leavens, mgr. 1 — I'Mnmit. W. Vs., March 14-19, I^asconlng, Md., 21-26. "Josluin Whltcomli" (M'. I. Kllpntrtck, mgr.)— Mnnlpeller, Vt., March 10, Burltngtoo 17, Clnreinont, N. II., 18, SiirlngOeld. VI., 10. "James Boys In Mlaourl" (Frank Gsctolo, mgr.) —Phllailelnhla, . Pa., March 14-10, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 21-20. ".lust Struck Town," Jilla Walters' (Lavrrenrn hllipic ns, mg 17, fill Inion 18,' IJamuiond, Ind,, 20. Knntt, Itonelle (Frank L. Perley, mgr.)—Kansas Clly, Mo., March 13-19. ICelcey, llnrberf, nnd BOe, Shannon (Daniel V. Arihnr, mgr.)—I'lltHburg, Pn., Mnrch 21-20. Kendall, Rr.rn (l.lebler ft Co., nigra.)—Chirlimton. II. ('... March 17, Birmingham, Ala., 23., Knilierlne—N. V. Clly Mnrch 14-Aprll Kclisr (Bildley MnAdow, ingr.)— Lnnconlor, |'n„ March I'l. Ilarrlahurg 17, Heading IN. Kennedy, Jsiium <K. f|. Wis', mgr.)—PuniMllaw- ney, I'n., Mnn-li 14-10, Kltluimlng 21-20. King liniiimtle (F. 1-'. (Ilcekntir, mgr.)--Brie, P»„ March 14-19, Fort Wayne, Ind,. 21-26. Keyslnnn llriuiialln, Mc<l]|l ft Hlilpninn'S (Ijjw- renee II. Mi.fllll, aiar.)—f<nwell, Mass., March H in, Uri.ckion 21-2(1. Ivl/irk-lfrliuli illnnleii Klntk, ragr.)—Berlin, N. II.. March 1-1 20. Klngsley.lliiio.rll—llamlinrg, In., March 14-19, Fall City, Neh., 21-211. KerkliofT Urninntli! (Iran Kerklinir. mgr,)—Iler- lugion, Knn., Mnreh 14 211, Mnnhnltan 21-211. Oketo 21 2D. King-Perkins (F.dwar<| Taylor, mgr.)—Whiting, in., March ill. Missouri Vnlley 17, Tcxamah. Neb.. IS, Lyons. Id, Pender 21, Wayne 2?.. liliwiinlleld 24, Ituililvlpb 28, Hnrllrigton 20. "Klliir tit HeleellVrg," Mtilllrnii, llarrli ft WoosIh" —Cleveland, ft, Karri 13-19. Detroit, Mich.. L I.inglij'. Mrs, Lily (Clinrlcs iVohninn, ragr.) — Washington, li, ft. Murch 14-19. I»ek.,yo. win,,,, (Wm. ft. Brndy, mgr.)—N. V. CltV Mnie'i II, linlelllllte. I.s Mnrr, Harry—Grand Ilnplde. Mlcb.. Marrb 10-10. ;.anslni{ 17, Jnegaoii IS, Hastings Hi. MusMknu 20 If.dlnnd IL South Haven 22, Allegan iBl, rttiirgls 21, Three Rivers 28. Lillian l.yon Block " din I/>ng, , son. IVIs., Morcu 14-19. Grand Rapids 21-20. Lyceum Comedy (AL S. Hrans, mgrj— illch. moii'l. Vs.. March 14-19. '• I/.ckcs, The (Will II. Locke, mgr.)—Ssbclha, Kan.. March 14-19, Troy 31-20. "las* niver"(.liilc-» Murry. mgr.)—Hot Spring-, Ark.. March 16, D 4 ii„, Tex., 18, Fort Worth 19. Sin Antonla 31, Austin 22, Houston 23, GelvcsloD 24, Beatunont 25, Shreveport, La., "Llghthouia by tbt Sea" (Vance A Bulllvan, Ulan l.yon Hiiu'k (dean ft Ogle, mam.)—Me* iIIiih, (»., Mnrch 14-19, Nnyr Lou don 21-20. nig, J'rank li., Stock (i. A. L«c». rngr.)— Wau-