The New York Clipper (March 1904)

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MJjdiM*l u tiSe •furry Burlesguers 21-28, "Thelma" 24-26, Innocent Maids Co 28-30. _ „ * StaI Theatrb (Bujt Leslie, managers). —Business haa been fair the post week. Bill week_of 21: SmltA^tW,Xeslle, p. H. Ilnyei, 3eWJBosa, saWjSolloto, Harry Burn*. Afterpiece, "The Two Senators." • - ' ' L- ■*■ ' ■ o "- • >. - New Bedfora. —Ac the New Bedford Theatre [Vim. B. Cross, manager).—Dork Mnder's Minstrels found the capacious house ion small to accommodate ihe people March H.\ "Under ^Bootfcefn-Skies*' was-given a nierlinrins presentation 15, before an ex. ifertlngly appreciative audience. "Sky Farm," which has .been seen, .here before, deserved larger patronage^M. Wm. Collier. In "The Dictator," drew a-very, select audience 17. •Hlfls WJll,Jl«Girls,"_beaded by Al. Lcnch, ilrew a toil heavy houseVlS, "A. Texas Steer." With Mllt-.O. Bartow,; Jaraes-A» Dev- (iistonW^^saxnrcnry^nfgW ^TrfflSge To: Marie Tempest 21, Chas. K. Champlin'g 8tock t'o. 22-20. r £L -,\ ■,.''• ' SHFCnVS TURCnASK STREHt - THgATP.B I'l'beo. II. Baylies, manager)i-iThs extra- ordinary patronage thenast. weik bore ample testimony to *.hc dfftfiOg. qualities of the i.ill. This week: ,The. Wilton, Brothers, Then and Camllle^Ca, Jess, Qlaudlne. and i.orbln, Senrl and Violet Alreri, Stilly Family, Hnl jWnlCrey, .Eliiaoeth Kstelle,. and the l : i,0* EJts'' Tjiratm: (John 1. Bbnnnon, manator).T-Tli» aantp--Burlssque Co.. 14-10, presented a clean,. lively and up to date en- tertainment, Th* ptrtronage wns to the ca- pacity. Current-week, uqjwoklng?. S«j:RM'3.JSU0U,.TJie\IRK (Theo. B. Bay- lies', manager).—The only attractions pre- sented here are the usual Sunday evening concerts. • ■---....- Noti!3.-tTTi« tangle that haq existed- at Flowers-' Theatre, relating to the? ownership, wan jjoraveJediMnrcb. 10, when -the fXunlsti- logs and lease were., sold, at auction to John 1. Shannon, for $400, who will continue to rent the' house to traveling road shows. .... Addle a. Miller, treasurer of the .New : Bed- ford Theatre,'Trill-have ber annual benefit April 27, .when "The flarl. of Pnwtncket" will be the, attraction.-.'...,All the lending local newsdealers, report Increased weekly Rales of Thb ClIpter. Every copy was sold out last week within twenty-four bonrs after they were teceJhredV. _■_ Lowells-At the'Lowell Opera House (Fay Brov k Hcsfoid, managers).—The Keystone Dramatic Co.,-: with Gertrude Sbjiiman and ijufenCe' Bf MeGtllt- phlyed fn Very sa'tla. last week. Tlie company made ra big - bit Marle< CahllL Itv '"Nancy Brown," jplivcdr to 8r R= O.i-1'.-nt 'advanced prices.. Due: Mrs. Leslie Carter 21..".Under Southern Skies* 22, 23, Jefferson De Angellu 24. Uw. Dockstader's Oo. 23, v 20.: , . ■ Acadkmy of Mc8ic..(B.Fv Murphy, niaa- PKS»§Tl.'VA!fiA I e^lrement2 b *r? tl ' er K" Pl *7 welcome '«"■ »*%!?"* 0n lhe whole, business was ftMB H ttH «* o p°» | «»« 1 «wt wSjUS tbe^nendanee W ™ ,h " ^ ? ke * do * n o£ C i A . b ? s " t °J "d»ic— The "Parsifal" con. cert last week, under the direction o( Walter Damrosch and the ten concerts by he Bo" ton Symphony Orcbestaa. were well wt«ded\ and all-earned unlimited praise. The™ are ssnB&s? ihaa ,oau " u « rwt «»«' JSSSi? 5? lao ' ?"=£""» (Nh»n * Zlm- nger).—George. Ouer,, In. "The Wrong JMr. Wright*".to good business, 1*, 15, and "Wbst Happened, to Jones," 1.0 and matinee, to good returns. "Dare Devil Dorothy," 17-19. pleased h)g houses. Coming: "Wealth and Poverty" 21-23, "For Her Bake" .24-20. SRitnoH Tiisatbb (J. II. Tcbbotts, mana- ger).—The usual big business here Inst week. Current:. Matthews' llltputian anlmnl circus, F. Alau Coogan, Hodges ami Rol, Gorman and leonnrd. and the Boston bioscope. Ama- teur. night, "Flnntane's Trilby.".- .... Pnopi-E's Theatre (Billy Nelson, man- ager).—Strand, and Strand.were the hit of last- week's bill, business. being: to the ca- pacltv. Current: flattie Fngan's "Trln to the'. Moon," Co... and olIo—rMazJe Bennett, ihe Fagnns,. the only Carrel; Rose Belmont, laura Drew, Cody Jraa Leicester; and after- pleoe,^.'lGasej's JJlttle German Band." MBNTlnv.—James .Carroll, at the Boston last tveek, has joined the Al: Martz Specialty Co Benson and ;Frapceetii; after i.lny- ing.-ihc X. E. circuit, open at Femop's 'fheatrtf, Buffalo, with the Westerfl. hoiiseg to follow..:. ..Carl W. Sanderson is matting a big hit with his piano specialty with the "Looping the Loop' • Co. The trained horses, Bonita and-Brlgham, were from the Prof. Mead <\'tg "and pony show. They go under canvas., stsjt. J. ._; » ™ . \ r . ■ , . ... Fall Rlver^-At the Academy of Music (Wm^.J.WIley.'mJanager).—"The Funny Mr. Boolijr," March lf>, was enjoyed by a fair uudlence. Wm. 1, O'Hearfi, presented "Tom Moore" 17-10,- In a most creditable manner, before fair houses. Mr. O'H^arn save an eicellent Interpretation. Booked : Keystone nramatlc Co, 21, 'The Toreador" 22, Mnrle YorL'^.'UfAnrJl_ : 2., . 4 .. BiJorpTrttAMB (Henry Myers, manager). —flSorftrTf. t HalU t«i"A Bagged Hew • thoroughly . pleased falf. audiences.. 11:16. "For.HerlSalre,' 17-19, was quite a departure from the usual sensationalism, and was fully appreciated by good audiences. Due; "The Child-Slaws of New York". 21-23. "Shadows of a.Great CltyV 24-20, dark Holy ,Week. disffo TitriTRE•• (Al. HaynsR, mansger). —Booked week of 21: Dean, Kdsall and Co,, Wyraon and Garner, Leonard, and Drnke, Mile. Valesca. Martini and Max MUHan, Madeline Burdette, Wm. A. Gorman, aad Al. Rnyno'B Boston terriers. _ Kica'S TwciT*? (A. .E, Blch, maiaeer). —TheiJNew Hearjr Burlesquers played, to fair baslness, 17-10. Due: Big Sensation 31-Ap"rJI 2. w , ",' .: , -. _■ ..,.-, sitMPv's. TitEATite (M.,P. O'Brien, mnn- nget).—The past week wda one of ..sat fac- tory business arid a good bill. Booked.'-Ti and. -week: Jaa. and Cella Welch, Agnes CbntTipney, Frank Palpps, the. Llpplncotts, Sadlo Jewell, Nueley SlstersV.and the won- dersl-oSe. ,S a£■ -. .;- r 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ■ ' *'•• -' Taunton.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cahn fc Cross, managers).—"Funny Mr. Dooley" March, a4. .'.'Under Southern Skies" 17, and Nat Wills 16. VA Texas Btcer" Is booked for .22^'.'The Village Parson" 23, "An En- glish Daisy" 26. Emily 3- Guerney. resi- dent .manager, has secured "The Enrlof Pawtucket" for her annual benefit, which will oecar April 28.' — —' «■ ♦—— . Lonsi A\A. Jtew Orleans,—At the-.Tulane Theatre (W. H. Bowles, manager).—Bertha Gallacd, week of March 13, won much appreciation. Maxlne Blllott 20-2<l. - ^_ .' :• ■*"'■" CgEtct^T Tjheaibe (W. H. Bowles, man- aget).—Capacity, business ruled week of 18, when "The Wirord of 0«" was tbe attrac- tion.^ Ahdrew Robson, presenting "Richard Carvei,'' 20-26. -- . i 4 • -i =i>- : -i, Ofcxvo. DM^MMpJraL Grctnwa"' man.iger).—The Baldwin-Melville Stock Co. presented "Beware of Men" 13-19, and hW business ruled. Week of 20, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." . . Li. ... Elisiuu Tjjbatbe (Alice Treat Hunt, manager).—The Alice Treat Hunt Stock Co. presented "The Two Orphans" week of 1J, to, and pleased. Several new members ,;nade their appearance, and were appreciated. "Sbamua O'Brien" 20-26. _, Jac. Chables Orpheuu (Cha8..B. Bray, mahager),—Good business ruled Inst week. The bill. for w«k of 21 Inclndes: The Vaswir "hdv-*les.McCarthy «nd-Cp„ Jules.and Kfta--..tiInison, the TPour Welsons, Harry 'i'Uompeojt, Klska and King, and Eugenie Webnatbn. ••-;•".•. > • . .NoftUl,—Thos. J. Keoilgh, the well known fdfa«al»n,.was a yeceat visitor...... Gunio Hrtfola, one. of the .Baldwin-Melville .Stock Cpnjtany'« most prominent actors, wjir.oe tendereia'grand testimonial by the company oa.Mnrch 2t......Iieah Kiwwell. the popular xlMkth poubrette, who ham many friends In this rity, was a visitor week of 13, and was WAUy entertained. . . .:.. 25?" ,«l»hte«».;4non«*»^ ■-.-ntaatiaut .the nW i JmMm mm.jmmmM Urge.^Bla, aud they appeared to thoroughly approve oV the PflrforroaBeea of : "The Pretty Sisur of iv&" The current, week la scheduled to end this engagement, and next Week Virginia llarneil gfiVjjfe "The Ught That Lies in Wo- Gabbick Theatib (Frank Howe Jr.. man- ager).—'.'Three Uttle Maids" fully deserved the success attained last week. Filled houses prevailed during the first week of the. en- gagemeat, and they give promise of contlnu- Ing during the current week. For next week it has been arranged to bring "Checkers" back, after a week's absence. ••• Ckastmit STtKL-r. Opera Hois* (Nixon * Zimmerman, nranagers).—"Mother Goose'' closed Its prosperous engagement last week, and this week brings the Frank L. Perley Opera Co.. in "A Venetian Romance,'* -Tola engagement Is for two weeks, Kaster week, lu aeiordiooe with <Mistom, being given over to the Mask and Wig Club of the.U.^of P. Chcsmui S-ravj* theatre O'lxoa it Zim- merman, mnnngcrs).—'.'The Earl of Paw- tucket" continued to meet with liberal pa- tronage and applause last week. WALNt:x 8tjigrr TitXATCK. (Frank Howo Jr., manager),—•■Checkers" closed a profit- able engagement- Inst, week and Is succeeded this week by. 'The. Storks," a new musical offering.not yet seen here- . . ■-;., -, Al'ditoridm. (Stair ie Uaviln, managers). --The entertainment this week is furnished by. George W. Monroe, in "My Aunt Bridget." "InOId Kentucky" had plenty of attention during the week dust past. Next week brings ■ liappy Hooligan.". Pass . TflEATBE.. (F.. G. Nlxon-Nlrdilnger, monager).—"'Wjiy Down Bast" doted Its popular, engagement last week, 'and during the, current, week we have "Bobert Eiatnet, with, Robert Coniioss In Brandon Tyni'n's old role. Coming:."The Chaperons." National Thsatrk , (Joseph K. Eeliy, manager).—"The Bowery After Dark" holds the boards this-week, with Terry and Mrs. MrGovern featured. Following comes "The Smart Set." The patrons turned put loyally last week, and applauded the thrilling situa- tions in "Wedded, but No Wife." Pro'i'LB'B Thkatre (F. G. Nuon-Nlrdilng- er, manager).—"Queen of the White Slaves' provides the' patrons with excitement this week. Filled houses attended the perform- ances of "The Great Train Bobbery" last week, and bestowed liberal applause. "Queea of the Highway" Is announced for the com- ing week. . , quAND Opera House (G. A. Wegefarth, manager).—The engagement of Eugenie Blair and company last week was as suc- cessful as could have been wished tor. The patronage was large, and the performances of "JJata" and "Camllle" were both well re- ceived. This week Ralph Stuart Is appear- ing, la "By R|ght of Sword." Next week's offering will ht "Arljona." - Star TireATftw (M. W. Taylor, manager). —"Nobody's Claim" is the current offering, with "An Heiress to Millions" scheduled to follow. •'■ Patronage was good last week for "The Switchman's Daughter."- KfcNSiNoioN .TiIeatrk (John Hart mana- ger).—The present week's attraction at this house Is the melodrama, "Man to Man." "The Parish Priest" delighted tbe patrons last week, and brought them out la great num- bers.- - Next week brings Mamie Fleming and, lu "The Gold King." Bi-i.vEY'.s Columbia Theatre (M. 8. Schieslngcr, manager). — 'The Garoblor's Crime," u melodrama new to this city, Is the ...current weekls offering. Liberal pa- tronage was bestowed on "The Power of the Cross" . last week, . and the performances proved very satisfactory. The announce- ment for the coming week Is "A 3rcak for Liberty." ;'; . . ; ". " i FdRlspAtOH's . Thsatre (Miller k Kauf- man, mnnngors).—The company at this house is presenting this week "Article 47," with all the members In the cast. "Dapgers of a Great Cily".U'ln rohenraa! for the com- ing week. ' The performances of 'A Verdict ot the Caar," fast week, proved very satis- fying, and merited all the favor bestowed by the patrons. •■ Sr.iNUAitt) Theatre (Darcy * Speck, man- agers).—Af* 1, a prosperous, week's perform- ance of "East Lynae" the stock company at this house Is now pret>ent|ag the. melo- drama, "Tbe-Crimes of New York.", In re- hearsal foe next week. "Tracy, the Bnndlt." street. Theatre (Carl Saakerrnaa- ager),—The.German presenting this week: 'Gofaesmlss," • "Renaissance. •Belden Walsen," "500,000 Teofel," "Schwa- benstrelch" and "Wilde Kattt." Keitii'8 New Theatbb (II. T. Jordan, resident manager). — A capital programme for the current week Includes In Its numbers Johustoue Bennett and company, In.V.A Quiet Evening at Home;" Adelaide Herrmann, lour Sensational Bolses, Bellman and Moore, James J. Morton, Three Blekinau Brothers, Itomnnl Trio, ltastns and Banks, Alfpns, H. V. Fitzgerald, Beed and Shaw, Mletfs dogs, Cllffopd and Hall, Curtis and Adams, and the blograpb. • .. . Keith's JlHOU (E. T. Lyons, resident manager).—For this, next to the last week of vaudeville this season, the programme Includes Leroy and Clayton, Frank BuBh, Norn Bayes, Laylne-Cameron Trlo.^Delmor Trio, Kddie Mack, Four Webbs, Armluta. Mbv Evans, Mclntyr* and Rice, Tanner and Gilbert, Ingram and Neale, and the bio- graph'. ' ' Eleventh Street Opera Hoibb (Frank Dumont, manager). —"The Japs and the Russians" Is continued this week, while two new burlesques, presented for the first time, are entitled "Deportment Store Con- certs or the Car-Oil Indian Band," and "The Earl of Paw-took-lt." Business was excellent, lost week. . Lyceum Theatre (John G. Jerraon, man- ager) .--Fred Irwin's Majesties furnish the entertainment at this house this week. Next week brings the Morning Glories. The cap- ital fun provided by the Cherry Blossoms Ulirlesquers last week attracted tbe patrons in large numbers. . . , TaocabEBO (Floyd Lauman, manager).— Tbe Blue Ribbon Girls, by furnishing en- tertainment .of. the. best, earned the ap- plause of crowded audiences last week. Dur- Inictbe current week Ihe. natrons are enter- tnined by the-larlslnn Mldows. Nintii a."d arch MfSEiM (C. A Braden- burgH. mbnagert.—iJiloo Is the star feature In ihe cTfrloliall this week..while other nov- eltleii lathe same department are : The >au Doras, handcuff kings: La France. Iron Jawed wonder: Joe and ■ Beno. Houth Hea islanders; Tomnsso. needle king, and Edw. Gavin, perfect man. In the theatre the vnitdeyll e bill Includes: W. F. Judge. Meakln nlid slcCarty; Marciter tc Daly. the.Fnvenns, MlldFe.1 Kenh'ld, Hill and flail, Will aud EdKU llnrt, and the clnengrapb. ... L Nrm's.—A dispute has arisen over the Star Theatre. It was given out a short tlm« ago that the property had been, lea sad to Mi W. Tayj6r, who assumed control of the house. AJawsidt.Is now threatened; fiocaus* Frad Waldmann, Jfr. Dunn's representatlvA, has dtsposseuied Mr. Tavlor The third an- nual beoeflt for, the Aetnrs' Fund will be given In:'the Garrlck Theatre on the qfter- nivm of. April 14. ..!.. George W. Mersel. treasurer at the Grand Opera House, will have a benefit at that house April '.'.t 1. oiils Rlsbop Ilnll has l>een engaged for the stock company at Keith's Itljou Leonora voa Ottlnger has.Joined the .stock company at Forepaugh's Theatre.^.. .The ForepnugU- Sellt Brothers' Bbows api yar h ere April iff llnrrlnburit.—ltualness showed a slight lnipruvemeut, but there is still evidence that the l.ouien sensun Is being closely observed.'v Theatre 4M. Kels, manager):— "The Way of the Transgressor" March, lfi. Sd'lSfrWft^'^Vw* USM to good busir+ess. "A, Cauutr*. OUF-^O, riayerb's Minstrels 22, Wwls MortfliSn. In •Fausu" 23,: Cjeatorca Hand 24, and "Par- sifali' &V2Q. .»,, . Ui'l-ow Goand Opera norsE (M. Bels. manager). —The Clara Turner Co. did big business week of 14. Tbe Chester De Vonde Co. 21- 20. Notes.— Edward O. Cooke, who has been here In the Interest of "Ben llur,"-left for New York 18 Col. II. lllllmrn Whlttlej wll| bo general agent <for the Welsh llrothers Cirrus.. ....John Jenalugs. left 21 for Chi- cago, to Join the, Rlngllne .Brothers ClrcMs. .. The Kntherlno DeWolfe Co., wblch.ln- cludes a n'nmlier of lfral members ot the pro- fession, gave a specml performance of "The Darkest Hour" at Mt. Joy, Pa.. IB.. This company will fill park engagements.the com" Ing season Owing to the damage to the electric light plant at Mlddletnwb. Pa., Ihe Auditorium at that place will be closed for two weeks.-. .. ... .,- ...... pittsIiorK^—At the Nixon Theatre (Too*. F. Kirk Jr., manager).—This week, Charles llawtrey, In "Saucy Sally." The engagement last. week of l'rltzi Scheff, in "Bahette," proved,to he one of the most enjoyable and financially successful at this bouse this sen- son. Five .performances of grand .opera will be given next week by the euiiro company from the MetropolltaB Opera House, New York. The house will be closed on Monday, 28, and also on Good Friday, April 1. Alvim Tiwavbb (Nixon h Zimmerman, managers).—The offering, for the current week la Julia Marlowe, inj'W-lien Kalghthopd Was la Flowct" and "Ingomar." Virginia Horned played, to medium sized houses, last week. In "'ihe Light that Lies In Woman's Eyes,!' "Iris" and "Oarallle."'Mnrle Tetaipest, in "The Marriage of Kitty," 26 and week. Grand Opeba- Hoebe (Harry Davis, man- ager).—The attendance last week at "Parsi- fal", was - Immense. This Is the attractlou again this week, "Lovers' Lane" 28 and week. , . IUjou Theatre (B. M. Gullck, manager). —Herbert Keicey and Erie Shannon 21-2U. In "Sherlock Holmes." "The Queen of the White Slaves" closed 10, nfter a weok of crowded houses. "At Cripple Creek" 28 and week. NBW YOltK STATE. Hupirts Theatbb (E. J. McCullough, man- ager!.—Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin Is this week's offering. "The Volunteer -Organist" attracted large audiences from all classes Inst week. For week of 28, Mason and Ma- son, In "Rudolph and Adnlph." avente Theatue (Harry Davis, manager). —First doss business was again the. rule last week. ' 'The bill for thr- current week Is: Frederic Bond and company. Webb's, seals, Carmen Trout,*, Meredith .Slaters, Johuson, Davenport* and Lorella', Boyish nnd Sutton. Anderson and Battle, Mayioe.Remington, Gar- vin and Thompson, Cherry and Bates, Mu- sical Bentley, Lateil Brothers, Tilt's mario- nettes. . . . .. .. DnQUFSNE, Theatre (Harry W. Williams, manager).—An attractive vaudeville hill lids Seek, as follows: The Rnyx. John end una; Bailey and Madison, J. Bernard Dyl- lyn, Mclntyre and Primrose, Oznv and'Del- mo, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shaw. Dumltrescu, Van Auken and. Vanqersoui Kllsworth nnd Burt. J. II. Stoddart played to satisfactory business last week, la "The Bonnie Brier Bush." Weber & Fields' All Star Co. week of 28. AcADEUr (Harry W. Williams, manager). —A I. Beeves' Big Show, opens 21, for a week. Tbe Bon Ton Burlesquers played. to crowded houses, last week. The Troca- derog.week of 28; Notes.— .Virginia Hnrned, who appeared last week at the Alvln Theatre, was. hilled fort bargain matinee on• Wednesday, 2S. the attraction-' being "The Light thai Lien In Woman's Eyes.",. She positively refuged to appear at tile matinee. A * 1,(WO.,house had .been sold, iand. the management was forced to refund,to thos«, who bad pacchast-J tickets It. M. Gullck ,aod ,r. J, W- Nultv, of tho Bijou Theatre, have purchased the leaso of the Duauesna Theatre from Mini- ogee Harry W. Williams. They will, secure control of the. house July: 1.« I'nder the new ranangeinent .the lliujuesnc will be devoted exclusively to the, pcodiiclion of nius>nl comedies, extravagnnzas and light operas. e l.nncoater.-r-At the Fnlton Opera House (Yecker & Glelm, managers).—Jnmes K. Hackett, in "Tha Crown Prince," pleased a large bouse March in. Kellar drew a packed house 16. Loudon- Gaiety -GHIh, "Little Kgvpt" and company had big business 18. E. V. Phelan Btoi* Co.. In repertory, 21-20. Notes,— On . March 16 tbe Fulton Opera House won sold by the estate of tbe late, B. Yecker to n company which will Incorporate at Hie close ot the present season. Chas. A Yecker, of tbe present management: Warren K. Broome, Lancaster, and B. C. Pwntx, ot tbe York.-Pa., Opera House, will he Ihe bosrd of directors. They, will make extensive Im- provements during the Summer. ... - i , » _ . Heading-.—At the New Temple Theatre (Ely 3, Hill, manager).—"King Dodo" March 10. Academy or Mobic (John D. Mlshler, mlnaaer).—"The Way of tbe Transgressor" 14, "A Knul Step" 15, "When Reuben Comes to Town" 10, Jaa. K. Hackett 17, Kellar 18, ia .,-■: ........ ..= -r :. L . Bijod Theatre (L'pdegrarT & Brownell, managers).—The Kentucky Belles Burlesque Co. 14-10, Metropolitan Burlesquers 17-10. Altnona,—At the Eleventh Avenue Opera House (I. C. Mlshler, manager),—Mrs. Lang- try did well March 12, Owing to Illness only the evening performance was given. Thos. I,. Shea and Co.. had crowded bouses 14-17. "Miss Bob White" 18, "Qulney Adams Saw- yer" 19. Due: "Why Women Sin" 21, Lewis Morrison, lu "Faust." 24; " "Way Down East" 2T>, "Irish Pawnbrokers" 20. WllltaUBsport.—At the Lycoming Opera House (Flak & Beeber, managers).—"Parsi- fal," matinee and evening, March 17, to fair bouses. Mildred Holland, 18. 10. In "Tbe Triumph of an Empress." giving three performances. Due; Murray and Statkey week of 21. with 20 out for Kellar. «ani Jack's Burlesque Co. 28, "A Wife's Mistake" April £ _ .-•.,.. i:»«ton—At the Able Opera House (W. K. De twiUor. umnagsc)—'.'The •• Madal and the Maid", enlojed very good business .MartU It. Nat MiWllJa,,ln "A Bop of Beet,'.' cjU- celed 12. "Our New Minister," 14, and 'Tlie Village Postmaster," IB. played to fair busi- ness. Tills house will be dark during Holy Week. """. ." *** ; •■! Mai'p Dr.sMosn, of fho Philadelphia La- dles' Orchestra, .was railed., to her bomo In Minneapolis, Mlnn.j on account of the death of her Bister, Josephine, March 1. J3SPW*W(e the Jeck Theatre. (J. R. Stirling, manager).—Wllllifni Collier, In "The Dietator," appears March 3i-c:i. I'ritii Scheff, in "Bahette." 24-2U. K. II. Solhern, lu "If I Wen King." .11 April 2. Julia Mar- lnwe nnd Charlesrllawlrcy did laifly wall Inst week, 1> i-oini Power lending powerful aid 10 MI'S MsrlnWe. Star Tiieatbe (J. It. Stirling, .mpnagtr). -r"(juder- Southern Skies" w«t ut gi. "Bus- ter. Brown*: next week. Jul* belmor'a .*»■ cellent organlutlnn.* with (leorge Lvnnx, In "The <lood old Summer Time," delighted crowdeu houses. Convention Hau. (II. L.Meech, .DiAiia- gcr).—The Ddg ShuW, this week, promises to he the prime event In town. I /nils W. <(!>;« jMfred- Relseoauer planm recital. wa» a iiivst gratlfylugauccess. Heruiitu.SchWttt, director otitholiHd'alu Orpanuv, Is arranging an vaxl* production..of• "i*prsJXal." • .,.,,,- ACAi&i£jr juirtw a\., C,.. CorneU, hqul- »(.ss mxuigor). — "Lighthouse by tho Sea lutninqtea the.stage this wevk. "QUeeh ot the White Slaves" ruling patrons next week. "The Minister's Daughters" pleased tbe cus- tomary al tendance, last week. London. Cir- cus, by iuovlatr pb tttres, 2U. . . l.TCEi'ii Theatre (J. Laughlin, manager). —"Stiuerbn" thl.s week. "For IIIr Brother's Crime'' next week. Florence Bindley, In "A Midnight Mnnlage," drew large crowds and thnroughly pleased. American Vltngrspli Ch.'s movlag pictures 20. .. ■ • ■ Laeaiette tiieatbe (Chas. M. Bagg, niau- ager). — Rose Nyilell's l^undon Belles this week. Harry Morris' Night on Broadway next week. Bowery BurleMiuers gave tho season's best show, and In consequence got very largo money. shea's Theatre. —Current list: Jnmes J. Corbett, Dorothy Kenton. Brothers French, Mayrne Gebr;ie, John Fonl, Three Richards, .MrWntters and Tyson, Crane Bros, und Hodge, Hall and company. Note '-"-Jute Delmar, manager of Celeron Theatre, Jamestown, N. Y. (Lake Chautau- ■|iia), is busily planning fur an active cam- paign for bis resort seasou, which Is aliout to open. ■ . . ■ ' ■ .. ' . s. . Albany.—At tbe Empire Theatre ill. 1L Jacobs, manager).—The reopening of this theatre, March 14 and week, with the Mnr- dnnt-llumphrey Stock Co., la ''The Climbers," was intended with great auccesa. Through- out the week large audiences viewed the Im- provements and decorations, and compliment- ed the arrangements. This company con- tinues 21 aud week, in "Janice Meredith," followed, 28 and week, by "The Manoeuvres of Jane." „ ll.iRUAsrs Bleecker Ham, (II. R. Jacobs, manager).—'"Tho Master of the Iron Horse, 14-ii», and "Human HearU,'. 17-10, to good sized audiences. "Tlie. Minister's DaiigUlers" 21-23, and "For Ills Brother's Crlme' r 24-2«l. , Proctor's TiiHATRH (Howard Graham, resident manager).—A very pleasing vaude- ville bill was presented 14-11). S. It, a at each performance. Bill 21 and week: Ger- trude Mansfield and Caryl Wilbur, Fields and, Ward, Trovolio. tlte Three Keotnns. Marlon and Pearl, Frnnrolll nnd Lewis, Henry and Iloon, aud the knlatechttoscope. . liAlErv '1 II. B. .Nichols, mana- ger).—vanity Fair, 14-10, was a good draw- ing card, big crowds alletullng, The Guy Masquerader* 17-10. Good huslness con- tinued nil tho week. Coming: The Imperial Iturlesquers 21-23. Innocent Maldt 24-2U. » ■ Utlea.—At the Majestic Theatre (David fcldred, manager). — John l>rew. In "The Second In Command," was u grand success .March IaV Andrew Mack, In "An Irish Gen- tleman," drew weJh 10. . Itotiert Kdeson was well, received 10,. Herrmann 18. "The Earl of Pawtucket." 17, played, to fair slxed au- dience. Coming: "Ben, Hur" 24-20. diirmxM Tiii:atbu (WUraer 1 Vincent, mnnugers).—Ulg business Inst week. Bill 21-20 ; Bard Bros.. Lawl* McCord Co., Mar- tini and Max Million. Artie Hall, Paul Barnes, Two I loses, Eddlo ItecyeH. NciTi:.—Jules Hnrtlg, of Hurtlg k Seamon, spent last Friday In I'tloi, looking over various sites for the erection of a new opera bouse. i i .. Troy.—At the Lyceum Theatre (11. II. Keller, inao8ger).-j-"To Die at Down" drew- very good houses March 14-1Q. "A Break for Liberty" did good business 17-10. The K. V. Phelan Stock Co> 21-23, "Tlie Minis- ter's Daughters" 24-26. GRIRWOLD Oprba HOtJsl (M. Bets, minio- gvfi.—Nat M. Wills, In "A Hon of Rest," bod a good house 16. • Andrew Mark, Id "An-Irish Gentleman," drew a big house 10. Holtert Edeson, in "Ranso'a's Folly," 21; Richard Golden, la "King Dodo," 24 ; "Peggy from Paris/' 26.. . _:.: ..•_.. : Botai. Theater (W. H. Buck, manager). —The Gay Masijuer^ders drew big housi-H 14-10. Manchester's Cracker Jacks packed the house 17-10.. The lunocent Maids 21-2.1, the Imperials 24-20. •. I ItliiBlmnilon At the Bijou (J. P. B. Clark, managerl,—The .Summer Stock C»., In repertory, delighted large audiences March 14-10. "A Bunch of Keys" 21-2.1, "Alvln Jnslyn" 24-26. The members of the Rummer Siock Co. were cutertnlocd 17 hy Bingham- ton lxi.1ge, NO. *.'.2, B, V. O. I.. «»» DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA, MISSOURI. * St, Loals—Tfjc wflfe of March 13 most ot Ihe houses did n nice nuslneas. Olympic (P. Short; luanager). — "The Ofnre Boy." with Frank.'DauTela, Mnreh 3% 20. Week ot 13 lithel Itarrymor,, la "t.Jiuslof-Knte,"iwn» vdry well recelvtd, and ntrendauce was satisfactory. Centert (P. Mhort, nianager)J—Amelia ilingiinin, In. |'01yiu|ie," tliU week. "The lain of Spice 1 ' week.ot 13- Atutukuica.wns (ale Tbe bciiPiir .given to Hones Treasurer Ove, 11. was ntioudeil by a big nildreure. (iiiAM. (John .1. Sliecliv. iiiiinager). —Jos. Murphy, In "Kerry How" unit "Slinun lihue," week «f ,2»... Week, of l:\ Arthur Dunn. In "The llnnawnys." pruvWt nn errelleut attrac- tion, nnd business was almost to rapacity, Ciiawkoiiii's lu. 'i;, Crawford, mauastar, 'I'hl. h,.l, U ., I... A M/l.-Al.V In Ihkt klA,. U fentiirlng VA. Whelan, drew f»lrly well week Of 13. , . .,.'.., ...ihuii , (ni.i'MiiiA (Middletou A Tate, ronnagfin). —The vaudeville uttering* here for week. M 20 Include Mclntyre nnd Heath, Klhmbetli Murray. Merlon's iloaw. Ktl. llevnard, Mdnr* and l.ttlletield. Mc-tnnl Trio, Allnirtns and Miller, lirohst Trio, Fred Christopher, tho lie Mut tit., Andrew and Fields, nud (he kino- dnihe. • j Li- Huho.s (Harry J. Wnlker, manager).—TDe. Germnn Stock Co. priwentisl "Without Flour- ish of Bells" 13, "Keon" 17, when- a hene- lit wns given Itlchnnl Wlrth, ami "Tho Beau, Hfiil Hungarian" 20. Kvmlng of IK tit* HnethoviMi c'lticert of the Choral Symphony was well intended. Isahelle Baulnni wub the Blllnlst. „ , ' , luvnRtAi, (D, R Rnssall, manager).—"The Great White Diamond" this week. Week -or HI "Hearts of Oak" recehed a good- pre- si'iilatlon and was well patronlseil. James Ham and Bonmdlnc Rlssc had tho. leading narts.>' -• .->'.,'■ Havmk'r (Wm. Onreu, manager).—"Tbe Factory Girl" week ot 20. Week, of Hi "Rachel Goldstein" proved a good attraction and was very well patmnlicd. Louise Ron- ton had tho leading role. MjMNnuio (i.eo Itclcheuliacli, manager),~» Runaway Girls week of 20. Week of. 13 the Kiilckorbocker lturlcsmtera were here nnd did well. , IU.OBH (Rlc* A Crawford, managers).—. Tbn bill week of 13 Included Bella Stewart. Mayer and Harrington, Billy Sheridan aud others. The management announce nn muni- ly rioter bill for week of 20. ;.; BnoAiiWAY Mt'sri: (Paul D. Hotyse, mgmt- ger).—Tho nttendnnce at this new, veulttte was much hotter llinn nnilclpnteil. Ths curio hall also was well uaironiaed,* Week nf 20, <n the vaudeville tlientrs; Lynn aud Lynn, Blondell, Avery and llealyi Rdward Do Moms, John Myllo, Mitchell und HleveU", Princess Sotankl, W. .1. Cook, Captain De Hnche. 'Ann. —Perrnrl * Comstock's Wild Animals continue to draw well. Hamiuukm'k. —Manager Hashagnn reports tluit atlendnnce at hut Sunlit St. Louis vaude- ville house continues excellent. NorrtM.—April 10, at the Odeon, Walter Daiiirosrh's Orchestra gave ull the best music of "Parsifal."....Thnmns Dolnn, said to lie n vaudeville actor, won found ilenri oil Die railroad track near this city lint week. »' . r-r-i; .••.- : i..; Ut. Joseph.—At Tootle'* TliectW (ft V. Phllley, nwinnuer).—K, .1, Morgnn, In "Tits Kiercul Clly,' hud n mjmm sale i fur March 17. Vlelil's Minstrels 21, Mnrlo Wain- wrlglit 23, Knur Cohans 31, ,i, ..> ,.-,. Lvorum TiiHATiiH (C. IT. Phllley, man* ngpr).—Kay Foster's BitrleNquers had big business lr»-17i "The Pride of . Jimnlen' IS, III, "Too I'roiid to Bvg" -20, 21. I'A • Hugged Hem" -24-211. Knickerbockers uT-IUi. I.yi.ic Tubathk (14. P. Churchill, uinu- ager).—Tlie llnwnrd Stock Co., ut popular Br Ices, had fair limine** J 3-10. Toe t'Uy ikirta o|ien 20, for four nights. May How- ard Co. 27-30. CnYBTAi, Thkatrd (J. B. Jackson, triau- ager).—One of the best bills of tlm season drew out cnpni'lty builncHs 13-10v Tho.peo- ple for week nf 20: Curllii nnd lllowoai, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hon Hunn, Grace Mocrtaan, Smith and Cheater. Billy nnd Daisy, Ben- nington, Frank, (Hull, and Cmmon's moving pictures. i • j ...:: » ' i . ia .-, Knnsns City—At the Willis Wood The- atrc (Woodward it BttrgoHf Autusepent Co., rannngere).—The bouse will be dark unlit March 24, when Fay Davis come* for three nlglirs and a matinee. The'Foiir Colmnsi in "Hunnlng for Ofllee," 27-30, fallowed by thv Bostoiilnns. TllH Ot.' (Hudson k Jmlah. managers). —Last-week "llolty Tolty" bad good busi- ness. This week, "The Runaways,'' nnd nut week David lll^glns. In "His l.sst Tiidlar.". Tiik Hr.i'HKUM (Martin Lehman, mnntt. gerl.—Lust week's bill proved to b> very popular. The nets were: The Girl with llio Annum Hair, the Four Nelsons, World's Trio, Myles McCarthy and Alda Wonlcotl, Lliile N. Washington.—At the National Thcnlra (W..H.. Ilapley, manager).—Wm. H. Crane presented "Th^ Spenders Inst, week, to ex- cellent luislne^s. Tblf week. Wra. Kavernhsni and Julie Opp, In "Lord and Lady Algy." Ktlisl Barrymore, In "Cousin Kate, next. 4'OI.Iimuia TllKATRR . (I.tiukett k Dwyer, managers i.—Last week Mrs. Langiry, In "Mm, Deerlng'a Divorce." played,'to gwxl IniHlness. This .week, " 'Wny lHiwrt Bast." i.'reatora's Italian Band concert 27, "Gilt- terlpg Gloria" noxt. lugAYBTTt: Opeba Housb (Ira J. LaMotte, taauogeri. —Last week George Sidney, In "llnsy iBzy," repeated his former success. This week, "The (''ortune Teller." (,'imhe'h TiiKAinn (MIm II WlDttlfred De Witt, manager)^—This week, i.vmphony con- cert, under the direction of Reginald lie Koven, 20. Henry Lee and bis players, F.I fie Fsv, Edw-ird He yes. Charles B. Smith, Klein, i'itt Rros. and Nlckerson, Press Kl- drldge, the Vedmars, and tbe vltagraph. Acaoemt of Sit sic (John W. Lyons, man- ager).—Last week'"Why Women-Sin" bad large and well pleased audiences. This week. Hcimn Hernianiu In "The Charity Nurse.' "Driven from Home" next. RuriHR Theatbb (i:. J. Buckley, maoa- ger). —Last week "Hie Moonshiner's Daugh- ter" wot well received. Oiling the bouse twice a day. This week, "Tbe Power of the CrosM." "East Lynne" next. I.vcnt'ji TitKATKi: (Eugene Keroan, man- ager).—Al. Beeves' Big neatity Show re- ceived Its usual hearty reception, crowding tbe house. This week, Troradero Bur- lesqners. Blue ltlbhon Olrls next. »«» "i — C.ROHCIA. Atlanta^-At the Ovand (II. L. k 3. L De Olve. managers).^-T'he Brothem llyrne, In the "New Eight Bells," March 17. Bertha Cllland . pleased a good audience 10. 'The Chaperon*" followed, to liberal patroa- a good alr.ed audience 10. ' foDownl, to HlM-ral patron- age., U, '12. Amelia Bingham presented "(ilympe." to houses of fair iiioportlonM, 14, IS. Booked: Euro Kendall cL 22, 'The Glri'frotn Dixie" 24. "WlJiard of Ox" 26. 20. .Bijou (Jake Well", rnafaoger).— "\ Lit- tle Outcast" was A drawing card week.of 14, Anna Blancke, as Bub, made a decided bit. Weljs-Dmint-Harlnn Co. returns 21, for one week. Wilson, Ilnrtpy Jnck nardner. and the KIbA 'Oil. ■ company, fnyn row. Hurry I.o (lull, Amoros Trio, Wilson and tlclolse, Mile, Ant. » week tbe Mil will be; .WJIfred .. Conipaoy, Snyder and Buckley, Joe Klynn. Hurry Le ('lull'. ilronie.. Clarke and company and . Ilia Werner; rns, aud Mile. Cburlotta. Tin: Gii.t.ts (L. S, tlrlghnm, manager). —Last week. "Two Proud to Beg" plenied largo audiences. This week, "Tho Pride of Jennlco." •••• ..;■ ...... Thr AVPito«ii.'m (Woodward It Btirges* Amusement Co., managers),—.Last week Koselln Knott, In "When Knighthood Was In Flower," gave very good performance*.to goodly sized houses. Tills week, AL 11.. Wil- son, nnd next-week. "Ola Olson." - ■ »,.. > Tub Cr.NTiinr (J. J., manager). —Lust'week Phil Sheridan's Hlg Clly Sports hurlosnuod to good houses. This week, Ihe Knickerbockers, and nest week, (he llnyal Biirlesquers. ' ''.-.'. a i HprliiBrflel.1— At the Baldwin Tlientrs (O. F. Olondorf, manager).—Hostile Knott, In "When Knighthood Was In Flower," gave art excellent performance, to a large audi- once, March 7. Walker WblteMiie, In "We Are Klntr." was well received 0. "'Wgy Down East" enjoyed good hualnrsa 11. "Loi.t River" 14, the Fllnla 10-10. »«» KANSAS. wicliltn— At the Crawford Theatre <M. L. Murtllng, manager).—Faust's Minstrels came, to good business, March 14. ; iMtel Irving, In "The Crisis," pleased a large and fasliiouahlo audience 10. Coming: "llolty Tolly" 22.. "Faust" 2fi, Field's .Minstrel* 2«, "81, Plunkard" 20. '"I'en N'lgbu In a Bar Boom" April 2. AtililTORluu (It. 0. Toler k Bans, proprietors).—'flic (lolden Stock Co, will be wltb us for a number of weeks. They are changing the bill twice a week, anil are doing a nice business, ' '•■ Nqvei/tv.THjmtrr (Lucky Tiill, mnnnfer). —Manager. Tull has Just IlnlKlied a rery Insty. and. elaborate front for his tlieaito. lie says ihathls bu*lne*« more than ImlUlei this expenditure. . ■* ■ ' . ♦ .. . ' i,a MtyriioiRi, Is one of the recent novelties which hare proved successful In America and Kurop*:, Oh t he_contlnent .liar, auccew. has,bfca,ntoS|"tifo' noiinced nnd.she, luwaupenrwl lit the .(railing cllies of tbe various.BtirnnMia countries, «ad liaa.aiso play oil. before uite or the crOwned heads... The act la well bonked up, many of tho bookings bring return doles.