The New York Clipper (April 1904)

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178 THE ISTEW^ YORK CLIPPER. Apbil 16. MHW YORK VtVV. R»Tlew sad C«MBB0M< —r List w«ek wan a. biisjr une nt tl)« local t^ratm, am) tiiifilD«s8 ruled fair. At tbe CRinomoN ThU' rroKtor'm Firtr-elslith Street Vlw»- ti* (J. Atiirtla Vyueti, gcnentl iHtkmgvr).— "Sky Karm," n piny whicb has many appeal- Ing qualities, and wblcli created an excellent ImprMWloa when It was first preBCTtcd In tbin Ity, Itjo I'roclwr'ii Vlflli Aveniie Tltcatre (J. Auatln Kyiicii, 'Keoeral miuager).—"April Weather," a former tJol Smith Rusoell mic- cfS9, by Clyde rUch. I» thU week'g Rtock production. A cood matinee and a bis even- Froctor's Tnrcnty-thlrd 8Ue«t The' Sousa, ,wbo baa returned to this country Ann nn IfniKi^t, i.r.hi' i»ii A Willi... titJoyMl It to the fiill Oft Aptll 11. MarloBo- irnn, on Monday night. April 4, WIIll(ini ,„„,, ,,e|pn i>o,iginR, iinrry Mills. Goorge T. <'i>lller «BVc the flrst New York City pre- Metch and Thos. Callatinn won special hon- Nrntatlon'or'"The Dictator; ora tar their clerer work. Tbe cast: Hev. Mllo Towers, Qeorze T. Meech: llenjomln Breeze. Thoa. Caliabaa: Nelgblwr Nixon, Harry Mllla; Sleepy Jnckson, iviward Copely ; Canaan Klrk«, George llbner; Wnrren. Breeze, Arthur U. Khbetfi; Wheatnn Tultle, Leonard Irte; Stephen Tiilly, Kreilerlck Itiirton ; Ab- ner llankii, Chaa. Aimtln; Mnrlxold TowerR, Marie Kolnnd; .lonqiill, Adele I,nnc; Ahhy f.'ollelt, Jnnenhlno Hacoti; Widow Wllklns, Sninh .McVU'ker; AniPiHtin Victoria I'ntrlcla Wllklna, Helen Doilglaa; Cordelia Brown, Helen StrdoDK: Miranda, Doreen i^lorbel ; Syl- •vla, IlpRter Artnatronsr; ICzra, Albert flordon ; t.'alfh, JoK. Chone. ,\ext week, "Only a Slmn Olrl.v with iMjttle WllllnmB. PMator'a Thratr<> (Tony Paitor,. raan- njper).—^The iviinln); tlieatrlcal wason has no bearing upon the mindii of the patrnno or the velpran manager of thla popular bonne, n* the Reaoon, like the aliow, 1h contlniioiia. Ileadlne the bill this week Ik the excellent Oct of Uolcomlie, Ciirtld nnd Webb, (<irnierly well known under a Bllghlly dllTercnt title, llilH bolni; .MHigiiret Wcbb'H flr»t appearance nt Mr. rnRtor'B with MeKRra, Molcombe nnd CiirtlR. MlHH VVebb'a dainty character por- Unyal of the schoolgirl, coupled with her Jlne RoprftDO voire, pive nn added Btreagtli to tbe act, and they received three encorea at the clofie of Ihe act Jlonday, AprJl 11, The ll,gj/«^te: At the IIupsoH Q'HRATa,!,: RUhel {■,]c:Soa™f"lhSae%Ve''rnn''*''' '* "'^-'^" a three act Ijarpe,, by. Rlrba'fd Hardlii/; Davia. At tbe Srw I.TfCBiix TnRA'rnW, on the aatne Wen- lag, Charlen Ilawtrcy gave the llrat Metro- l^olttan production of "iinucy Bally." a three net farre, by F, C. Diimand.. ilr. Ilnwtrey iDjnred Ilia left ankle diirlbK the Wedneflday night perfnrmnncft, nnd waa unable to ap- pear for Mm rent of tHe week. B. W. Tflrrer, Magi: mattager of ih«|.'coAipftny, owumed Jtr. Jl^wlre^;* rol«.^r trie jcvn't ot the wceit. ,A rovlew ©t' ^tie p^rforiftftnct of ."Raney Sally" t(U) he fo^a(|%Wh^tt^'tlilrlaaue^ -At |h« I'RiNCENR TifRXTRR 'apotber'.Voni^ open- ing occurred—"An African Millionaire" be- iBg'lho.attmctlon. < The plny.ia a comedy, la t^tr^ acta, by Fred W. Sydney. The work failed to pleaae, and closed Bhtiirday otghl, (). At the BAVoy Tiieatiih ""Dhe Super»tlll«n flf Siw" was alRo a new Monday night offet- h)g. It pn)ve<l to be d farce, In tliree acta, by Paul Armatrong, hnt also failed to plenac, a^i, like Ita above mentioned contemporary, t)i)K(^ qlRlit of!). OtUer Monday night open' oltv, la here for the week, and a big aiKllenco ini^ hoiiKe, April 11, warmly commended the hit on April 11. proving a lively hit of .^r....j ■. .. .u_ #..„ _- .__ .-_.... . . , ., .,_. _._ — ..-. ^ridjg -ini, gnnip pood situation* oad plenty of iaiigbter producing lines. Crace IIopklu», Wm. Beach .ind Verner Clargcs played it cleverly. Frank Hush told a batch of stories In bla humoroiifl i-tyle, nod Louis SlnnnD, rjraee Qardncr and Co, brought "The New Coach- man" forw.ord to their nsiial big succcsf. Waterbury Brotliers and Tenney gave their clevft musical act to great Hatlsfai-tlnn, and Juliet Woo<l and Fred Ray, In a bit nt eccen- tric work, were warmly received, the audi- ence aeemlnc loath to part with thein, OthcM were; The ImH Ilros., in a line ohoot- Ing nnd musical net; liny Cox, n comedienne who.** work l<t above the average; Chester Klodgett John'on, a trick VycUiit of daring nnd Mlilll; Ueot'se K. AiisIId, In hiR wire act; Smilli and Bowman, In Ringing and piano pinjlnfr: Juggling Macbaiw. in an exeellent net; Chalk Saunderfl, In hU sketching act; Nlcholna S. Conway, as "riaiiphlng Coaey," nnii I ho kalatechnoRCope and pastels of travels, Npw I>rprnm Theatre (Duilcl Frohman, manager).—Charles llawtrey made nt this liouse, evfniDC of Monday, April 4, bis Hec- ond production of Ihe present seaRon, put- ting forth ".Saucy Sally," n farce, in three acts, by F. C. Burnanu, whleh received on that date Its Orst New York pro<liictlon. Mr. Hantrey and hU company gave this Rlar Its flrRt Amerlcjin i-endering at the :oII1b Street Theatre, Boston, Jlass., Feb. 8, of the current year. As an example of the »t»e (J. Austin Kynes, general panaaer).— after a year's lotir In Europe, was given ,. The TTanaehlll Comedy Co. hcada the bill moat entboalaatlc greeting jit the Metmnoii this week, in "Making An Aetreaa," by Frank ♦•" a~>'» nnma. nn a.,n,i.. ,_. J '"• Tanaeblil Jr. The little farce made quite a tan Opera Honse on Sunday evening Atirii 3. when he mUde his flrtt publlc'iiiflfcamnV." after bis absence. narrymore. In "CoiiRln Kate;" at Dai.y'h 1 iir.ATiiK, "The Prince of! Pilsen;" at the AcADGMy OP Music, Wm. k. Crane, In "Da- vid Ilararo ;" nt the. AMtniQA^ Thhatbr, n.tchatd Biihler, In "rnpl llovere;" at thn FotmUciiTR RnillE^r TjibitIib, the Smart Set, and Eleanor, notnon moved Into the OARnicic At tbe Knicki;i)sockrb Tnt- baticn and dancing; Lllll^ Mllln and EUda Axnr, on Tuesday Alght, .0, Wright I.orlm.;r i^Zl\^Ct.^-"'^ Hmythe'ind aK "ac^ robatH. and barrel Jumpers; tlic Alpha Trio, In ••The Bell Boy's Tip;" the Pryor Bros., slngerR, dancers and banlolsls; Max Wins- low, monologue, and C. Burkbart, coin and card manipulator. The vltagrnph continues. i;nve the original pro'ductipn Of "The Shep- herd Klng!^' a four act d'raiKa, taken from the life of .David, ]>y Amo|d Ileeves and Mr. I.drfmcir. A further account of the produc- tion will be (oqnd elsewhere in this Issue. .At the QAnaiCK ThbatM!, aftembon «g»r).—Henry Lee heads n capital blTi hire of .7, occurred a special matlaee, at which i^.,''?S'perra1i'?l?ns*'"rm'e ^or'UVch fc torce one act plays were given. Further given for the first time liere, are perfect In mention of the performanfo frill be found their way, nnrl arc recolved with much favor. elsewhere In this' Issue.... ..The conttmied r''V„*Li hi-'^'lf^uSL'^ ■''''''■''''"CwP'''r,'^'' ... ii , ^. , J, ■ ,, „ captured nis auillrnce n» uinm. U lie Fnv. attractions for the week, ending April U were: », character sorgs, closing with "The "The Two Orphans.'at the Nkw Ambterdau, lielU- of Avenue A,^' gained the usual •i/R! Palli: 1'out.IlI" at the Casino, Ray- f"ii"<lH of applause nnd Inughter; MUly Ca- Mi>Ad HItehcdek In "The YnaWeo roiiRul" ''*''. "^'^ equMtrlenne, and her Intelligent mono MKcncocK, m ine innkee tonsui, cnulneo, gave a fine menage exhibition liva Ringing nnd acting, Malcolm Wlilams nnd r/>tla Mnfhicum -.rere excellent, as usual, and won decided approval for their work, partlcul.irly for ihe manner In whicb ibty carried the scene at the close of act one. Margaret KIrker made a marked Impresalo^ as a girl of the "tough" cInHs. and John Weslley; 0«rald Griffin, Onorge Bryant and Beatrice scored tlieir usuiil succens- es. .Mrs. (ieorge Obcr ma<le her first appear- anco with the Rtock, and did excellent woiic In the role of a big hpiirled Irish woman. The cast. &Ir. Keed, Malcolm WllllaniR; }(r. Hea- ry Carmen, (i<^rge Hrynnt: John Phelps, John Westley: MIclinel Carter, Gerald (Irlf- fln; David Wilson, (leorgc I"owor«; Bobble Dwyer, Albert lloberts; Johnson, Leo HJiw- ley; Mrs. Htaunton, lAilta LInthlcum: .Ulas Carmen, Beatrice .Morgan; Bedelln (;nrter, Mrs. George Olicr; Kitty JoneR, .Margaret KIrker: Bess, Jennie Turner r Toot», Minter nichnrd Itoy. In tlio vaudeville: Leah Kim- peli, comcdiHune; Kennedy nnd Rouney, sing- ing nnd dancing; Leonnnl nnd Cnllins, In their converHatlon act: Carmen Sisters, bnn- JnlKt: Johnson and WcIIh, .colored singers nnd dancers; Bachelor Club Qnnrtet, Brooke lOlirym. soprano; Cnrlos' dogs, nnd Green and Wiggins, Jugglers nnd contortionists. Tiie kflintecbnoBcope continues. Kntckerboclcpr Theatre (Al. Hayman A Cu.,\ninnagers),—After OBC night of dark- nesR, ttils house reopened Tuesday evening, April i», with Wright I/)rlmer and company, la the first production on any stage, of "The Shepherd Klng.'^ a drnmn. in four acta and live Bcenefl, founded en the Biblical story of David, by Mr. I,iorlmer and Arnold 'Reeves. The nlny follows very closely the life of Bavld, as disclosed by the Biblical writers, and in bandliiig the story tbe authors have aiicceedM In making a fairly Interesting fla.v. While they have put the incidents of DavId^s life together with continuity, they linve not given the central flgare the proper (nvlronnient, and b^ve placed speeches in the mouths of the'various characters which are rot in keeping with Ihe era which the work represents. A number of the characters It Is true, seem to 1* well drawn representations of the times of David and King Saul, but fcovoral of them arc too. modern. This is i- ^ ^...__ ^ „„„„. pnrtlculorly true of .Mlcbai, Mcrab. Adoia Circle Theatre (Percy G. Williams, man- and Ozera. who give the Impression of having T. w .. .- ^ i^pp^ lifted out of some drama of today. ,\» a production the work deserves high praise, as It has been lavishly preseated, and while thero may be some minor defects in the staging, ip tbe main no fault could be found. As Unvld Mr. I,orlmer created a very favor- able imiiresslon. He acted the role with quiet force and dignity, sod proved, in spite of his youth, ihnt.bts future in his chosen cnlllag Ik likely .to be bright Coming lulo ^'ew Voric prnctienily unknown, he at once found suHi- clent favor to Justify his aisumptlon that iie - — purveyors of fan In eccentric comedy, Fisher and Carroll, and though placed very late ou the programme, Ihfllr new crosH lira talk never gained more lauMiter and applause than It does as now glvSn. Olherg were: Will 11. and Magdalene Holly, In their sketch, "The Kxpressman ;" Ford and Dot West, sketch duo; t'Mward iMarsh nnd Hose Sartclln In a singing and dancing act: Ascott and Kddle, comedy aero- Harlem.—At tbe Harlem Opera nnu.. (Alex Lllcbenstcln, manager) VlrKini.; Karl Is the nttractlon April H-in. in -s.., gcant Kitty." which met with full aporiini uon from a large audience 11, and shuul.i enjoy a prosperous week. Next week. Vir giniu llarned. ' "^ WKSr EsD (George A. BInmcnthal. mnni- ger).—"Arizona" packed the house li iiid the advance sale Is reported as the la'reesi of the season, ifannger Bhimemhal wai tendered n benent Sunday, 10, tiu- hn*" being crowded, and Ihe event proving a llnan cLil RUcreH!. Tlio performance lasted uniii TeU^r" '"'■ ''*"' ****' '"""* •''"■"»''" MrfaoMLiB.—"'Way Down Knsf opened to capacity 11 with every Indic.nlon of a condnnance of same tiiroiigboui tiie tr«.L- Next week, Kelcey and Bhoimoii! '" .tTAB (Wm. T. Keogb. mnnoger).—"Driven from Ffome.^' a cleverly constructed mel. drnmn, with a splendid chance fur the iiV play of Rome new scenic novelties, should not fall to please the patrons this week rbi. opening. 11, was to a packed house ' v<.r. week, "The Child Slaves of New York" I'Rocioii's One Hi:NDBP.n and rwPNTv riPTii SrnKRT 'fiiRAxni! (j. Austin Fyi.J/ general manager) .--"11 ush a Bye nal.j'^' li the stock oITerlDg for this week, nnd drew out,the usual .Monday attendance 11 The Old fashioned farce with t.11 the bustle and l7y.'^^Xro%lf^T^A^^^J['AT' whin of complications which that classl- ntiiiTio & SEAVON-q Mtiqip ii.t, , ' Jleatlon Impl/s, It Is an enterUlnlng hit II„rtlg!'Vnai,^r1-Tl^ at ?. cllJnV ier r^e.'l nr <.nn..r.,„Hn„ nn» Qvcrburdened wlth for this week constitute some of I ho Mr m- z forth Its est acu in vaudeville. Crowded ho i«^ ^X5? }LJu,^ B"'*l«<» "«^ performances 11. Ik ha f lorn S^ that laaghter „nd evening. The bill: <;iaytia AVhl e Maril a great deal stuart and Co.. Bellman and Moore lZ\r !2.i'*'.*'*r li* «»c<^^» Which was won by lUnnog, Four Madcaps, Aurle DagwellDider thlj play m the openlng_^uIght, for the star ond Fowley, Four tSnazettas^ and the?iT and the company handled the material pro- mores. »-»'"^-;im», .uiu me is-i. OoTRAV (Sullivan & Kraus. managers) — The I'arlslna Widows had n well niled lioiiso of construction, not originality, nnd yet well worn and familiar situations In such entertaining garb of treatment Is frequent. The acting had to do with the success which was won by company handled the material pro- vided by the author like past muRters of the art of extracting humor. Mr. Itiirnand. tbe Buthor, wbo Is one of the "round table" of London Punch, deserves credit for the glib manner In which he bas made his bero reel off his "dreams," and for the manner In which be has manipulated fr^iiientlv mould- ed farcical material. "Saucy Sally Is the name of a ship of which Herbert Jocelyn, the hero, pretends to be captain, lie wins a wife by his magnlflcent tales oC darlag as an ex- plorer and sea rover, and hoodwinks bis iaoUier-ln-Iaw completely. In order to keep up the deception, Jocelyn absents himself from home for some time at different iuier- vnls, and during one of these "expeditions" he meelB n pretty teacher of music, whom he impresses so deeply by hid stories of exploits, _ that she succumbs Immediately to his Business has Improved greatVr? This week, •harms, iind vows that she will marry him bm: Truly Gibbon, McCoy iVlo. Smart and ,h. .n win. .Tncelvn l,v her hern a-«r,hln /,f Williams. Gray and Graham. Three R.«s 11, and met with the full approval of the au- dience. It is without doubt one of the best put together shows of Us kind seen here in Bome time. Reports from this house nre of n most favorable kind. .Next week, .MorninK Glories. * Olimpic (Thos. W. Valentine, manager) —Gayest Manhattan Burlesquers this week. Ihe first part Is of a most satisfactory nature, and met with n warm reception II. The olio: Martin, Jennings nad Welb. Chns. JIacAvoy, Bryant nnd Barron. Max Olldav lour Sisters Lauretta, and I'arker and A\' vord, concluding with the burlesque. "Bolo. laijd. Next week. Sam T. .lack's Own Co OnrHKfsi (Dr. Leo Somraers, mauacerl She so wins Jocelyn by her hero worship of Bros., Haywiird and Iloywarrt,' Comedy Four, and Daisy Dumont. Yankee ijkCK's, "Sweet Kitty Bellairs" at Bgi,asco'8, "Candida" at tbe VavDCVitLa, the German stock company at the Irvinq Pr.ACit, the iitock roiQpsny at tbe itjmnw Hill, "The *'<ilrl ffdta iKay'a" at tha HnitAtD SquArb ••The Virginian" at the Maniiatta.v, "The Wizard of Oa" at the MAjBS'fic, Barnum & Vailcy'B Circus at tl)9 S^ADiqoii SqifARu Qar- piN,., 'I'Xba, Se«c^t ,of - .rpilehta«ll9" at , tlia U.tHDiiK, ''The rrjtice of PllBeb" at Oai.t's, .Mary Ellen, poet, displayed her tolent as .1 romedlenne, and Jne 'rncker. as Ping Pong, a Chinese coolie, and Skinny Dooley, sustained both roles admirably well. 'l"be little play will, no doubt, take rank with Mr. Tucker's former effortsjtlong this line of work. Sher- man and- De Forest, In their "war drama,'^ "I'be Battle of San Dago," renewed former successes here; the Todd-Judge Family. In their excellent acrobatic act; Ford and Wil- son, black face comedians and dancers: the Velars, eccsntrlc comedy acrobats, and the American vltagraph rpunded up the bllL Morrar Hfll Theatre (Henry V. Don- nelly, manager).—William Bramwell is thin Wllllatn Collier at the CRtTpniov, Wright Lsrtaer at the KNlcKRRBOCKtin, Eleanor ^eek playing Krlc Temple, Tn'-Tifartsease"' Roblon at the Oarric^, Charles Hawtrey at and his performance was applauded Monday the *IEW IvcEiiM, Ethel Barrymore at the •'vpninK- The mpportlng company also re- flHDaoN tSm H PriBB nt thn Apaiipvt <^«'v;fl encouraging npplauso for their sue- ItipsoN, Wfl. tt, crane at the ACAORvr, tessfiil effortrt Tu their roles, which were as- nd the Smart Set at tbe PounTnBNTU 8lgne<l as follows: Lord Neville, Priestly STnniJr...'.,. .The one week stands closing Morrison: ,Sir Geoffrey Pomfret, George Far- 9 "wore- "fVinl Revere" at the Aurripav Tf"'1 ^N''^.,1'^''"W*'-'''. Jnmes R, Nunn; .,!;:;; «^t^i uevere at the, AMKRicam, Capt. Jack o;Harn, Frank r^n .short; SImoti ' illltlerlitg Gloria" at the Grand Opera Padhury. William J. Duller: Monslsur I)«r- -"..•••... mcairc tuuiues a. i.urua, HmmR. "Uncle Tom's Caliln" at the Thibd vllle, John FSivton; Doxton, Lionel Hogurtli; manager).—Harry Bryants Burlesquers eu- AvrvuB "ik Old iventiiekv" at Vnnr^nfa )^on\tmnD, Henry \Yllton; Qiiigg, -William tertfllned a fair slieU audience Monday even- AV^NUf, in Old Kentucky at inocroxs short; lion. .Miss Neville, Kdna PhllUhK• 'iK, with Uie following proerammo: "The F|Kipr-l!iaHiH; StMrt. Bertha flalland at Lady Neville, Mary Home; Alice 'l"emr)IoI '"«» and Fall of OBellly/' Darmodj?, Cass- lie niiii.K.v Opera HouRK ~ thft Wkst Bnp, Chnuncey cess was emphatic. Charles Rent was good as King Snul, nno Edward Mackay gave a good portrayal of Jonathan. Harold Hart- sell was Inclined to be too strenuous, but ctherwlfo gnva a satlsfactnry perforniujice. Lack of space prevents further Individual mention, but, siiMce It to say, that the re- tnalnlng niembirs'ot the company acquitted themselves with credit. The cast la full: Saul, King of Israel; Charles Kent; Jonathan, Ed- ward Mackay : Phaltl, Edmund Brcese; l!>oeg. Harold Harlsell;, Omar, Prestoa Kendalf; Jesse, William Frederic; Oxem, Hardy Klrk- lund: Shammah, J. H. Greene; Ablnadab, Charles n. Martin; Gllah, James Slevin: Ahtmelech, Kthelbert Hales; Golintb, John O'.Mcara : Tamar, William Balfour : the High Priest. Charles It. Gilbert; Samuel, the Prophet, Henry Marlowe; MIchal, Slay Budk- Icy: Merab, Nellele Keed; Motber of David, Helen Marslmll; Adora, Marian Ward; Lla, Angela Ogdeo : a Bondwoman, Marlon Fred- eric: the Witch of Kndor, Margaret Hny- ward; David, Wright Lorlmer. London Theatre (James H. Curlla, HouRH, Ward & VokeB at Kose Swnln; Lady O'llnra, Viola Kellog. 'I'he more and Florence, the Rackctts, Kennedy luncey Oleott at the We- ?«=«'"?'<>« »ffo given by Villa Knox and ""d Cameron, Harry Bryant's Imperial Musical Director Samuel Lchmlin gave a sncoessful Kaster festival concert Next THorobli^, SnA Thos. R Shea .at the 8t.4r, .'.VAirletyetliertillnment was furnished n't, PitocTOu'a TwBOTX-rniRn Siknior, the *''ii«u3I'*mJ?I!1'' IS')'-, >• . ^ d^l,t. TONT PA8«.tfS. the VtCTOBU. o^,T-'rTuT^tni\:'li^^X^'r,?-Z"^ KRITII'.S U.siON Rqiiarb, Miner's Bowrrt, who delight lu the curloim in art and nature, _ . , the DbwUy. Mikrb'h Rwhtii Avknub. the ""■'*(!""'!',=!' »<• entertain nud amuse lu the ?,'??.»*''.f,„f<x^ house Monday cvenliig. U«.P0N.,U.mT.a*SrA«0N'H.theO,,T.MP.c. iXlt'*^xl\\;V1s*X''timll.^ttU'.i? Jte?-^V'""°?-.'''v«--«''«'''^«' ?■"»->•-"• nnd the ORnitinM, Hcber'h Murkdm pre- because n young womon onters tbe den of beosta nnd puts them through their rou tino In n fearless ~ ' seiited the usual long list of curios, freaks Bad Vftiid«Tlllc. ■''Ancrloan Theatre (Klftw, Krlnnger & WeiR, manajtttrs),—Herbert Kelcey and Ffllo Sliwinca opened Monday nluht, April 11, ftresimtlnr ''Sherlock Holmes," to n crowded louse. iMr. Kelcey'R performance of Sher- Ift<:'k Holmes was excellent. Miss Shannon w4l tooH as Alice Fatilkner. The rest of the «"otiipaiiy lent good aid. 'I'lie cast was ns fol- lows ;.iiberlock lIolmcR, nerl>ert Keli'ey; Dr. Watson. Kdwln Brewster; ItenJ. Formnn, I'^rank L, Davis; Sir. Kdwnrd T<elglitnn, An- <lrk« WIUInmR ; Count Von Stnhlliurg, Arthur Mrlmwdoil: .lames LarrabrK^. CbarlCH Can- Held; I'rofeRsor .Morlnrty, David Davles; Sid- ney Prince, Ohnrlea A. Morgan ; Alf. Jliisslck, Itulliert Kootner; Jim Crnlgln, W. 11. Wal- ters; 'Clm Lcnry, I'ercy Campheli; ••LlgUt- roOt" McTaguP, Hnrry Woltors; John, l''rnnk AdamR; Billy, Walter McArdle; Parsons, J. Ari'hle Curtis; Alice Faulkner, KRIe Sliau- noii; Madge Lhrrnbee. l/oroiia Atwood; Te- rese, Winona Sbnuuon; Mrs. Ifaulkner. Mrs. Samuel t'harles: Mrs. Riuedley, Kote Lorrl- mol^e. Next week, Uaverly's Slastodon Slln- Btrels. ICelth'a Theatre (R. P. Albee, general manager).—Fnnnv llico returned to thestago of her Jlrsl triumph In vaudeville this week, opening here Monday, April 11, at tbo head i>t one of the best bill of the season, In her novelty, "Talking Dolls." She was wuimly welcomed, her versiitillty and unique humor tiudlug full play lu ber'act, while ns n mhulc her talent Is most marked. CallnLnu and Mfick, In tboir Irish sketch, "The Old Nelab- bbrhood," scored Iheir nsual success. Hlck«y nnd MelsoK, lu their comedy act, "Twisted «ad Tnugled." won favor, Oilier nuuljei'M that found favor were: Olllett's musical dogs, Geo, W. Day, lu songs and stories: the Four Sensational Bolaes, In a cHMllng act; A. K. Cnldera (his llrst nppeuriince here), Juggler and equilibrist; Mllo. Lutlua. coutortloniHt: Cul Stewart, lu hla rural monologue: Kstelle Wordotte and coupnuy, 111 n comodlettu; Hodges aud Lnuuchuierc colored comedy-entertaliierH; St. John uud Lu Fevre, who stylo Ihemselves "Sinnrt Set linDtwrs:" Joke and Jane Uerunrd, who umased in a Germnn dialect way, aud Del- Torolll and Gllssnudo. In a grotesque char- acter musical net. The Amertcau blogrnpli Kllll liolds a place on the bill. ,Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Eraus, man- ogens).—The Vanity Fair Kxtravagan/.a Co. made Its lultlnl how for Ibis seasou at the Ilewey on Mondav, April ii, and played to one of llio largest audiences of this l*flson. The' leodlng members of tbo company wwi' <oinpllneu(ed with a cordial "hand," had tKeir d«ll|U>tful QOQiedj', vocal and danalitg Cfforls tutaih received llie rcocgnltloa accord- ed at nnotUer city thentre the present sen- i«in. Next week, William*' Imperial Out' |«i4U«n. _. ._ ._ . . _ . n fearless mnnner. Other at- truetlons for this week are: "Jimmy Britt," the boxing kangaroo; Frank, the broom king: HarryAfoiilton's woo<len beaded family; Mamie Wright, expert whittler; .Maxey, needle king; Lolo, gloss dancer; Prof. Klegler, In feats of magic; Capt. Austin, midget policeman, nnd Punch.and Jnil.v. In th$ tlientro an excellent vaude- ville companv U drawing cnunclly audiences. nnl)*M Theatre (Daniel Frohman, mnn- ajTcr).—"The I'rince of I'llsen" commenced Its set^ond week April 11. Crltrrlon Theatre (Charles Frohman, monager).—Wllllnni Collier, in "Tim Dicta- tor," entered oiyils second week April 11. New VorU Theatre (KInw &. Urlanger, managers).—Blchard Carle, lu "The Teniler- fo<if," Is In hlH eighth week, Kdmund Stan- ley returned to the cast April 11, nnil Joseph V'elch rellifd, tieraia .Si(aareTheatre (CharlesFrob- man, mnnnger).—•'The <51rl from Kay's" la now in lis twenty-fotirth week. , Vaadevllle Tlieatre (Charles Frohman, mnuiiner).—-Arnold Dnly nnd his companv, presenting "Caudldn," opened April 11 the ilghtU week of their resumed season here. The season of this clever piny in New York will end April i-'H. Gnrrlck Theatre (Charles Frobmaa, manager). — Rlcnnor Itobsun. lu "Merely Miii-y Aiui," oi)encd her secontf week at this house April 11. Belaaoo Theatre (David.Belaaco, man- ager).—Henrietta Crosrann, lu "Sweet Kitty Bollnlrs." entered upon her ulocteenth week April 11. Harry Bryant, In his tramp character, made Ills usual hit. John Plenlng, the wrestler, was !in added sttroction. .Next week, tlie American Burlesquers. .Miner'* Bowery Theatre (Edwin D. niinei', manager).—^The Bowery Burlesquers Wrotne. in tlieir funny work, assisted by Mark Bennett, curried off the comedy bonors. while LizJiie Frellgh. Jennie I.e Bcati. Nettle "dreamer" arranges affairs at home happily, and all the tangled skeins nre finally stralgbt- ened out. Jir. Hawtrey. who has gained a. great deal of weignt since be first appeared In this country, was Inlm- itnble in the fullest sense of the word and brought to the surface every Jot of fun that bis lines conuined. His bits of busi- ness, all stamped with his own Individuality, and unlike anything done hv any other com- edian, were most entertaining, and bis trl- r.mph was most pronounced. Fanny Urough, whose methods are also distinctive, gave him splendid aid, and won a laughing success al- most on a par with that of the star, .\rthur Playfalr wns remarkably clever, aad did work which singled him out for special favors, while Fred Thorne gave another of the praiseworthy character Bits In which be appeared to so much advantage In Mr. Haw- trey's former plays. K. A. Plumptoa and H. StephenEon won their right to special mention for good work, nnd Julia Booth and Frances Belmont also scored. On Wednesday even- ing, April 6, Mr. Hawtrey injured his ankle on the stage, during the progress of the play, and although he finished the perform- nrce, he wns forced to retire from the cast Thursday night, 7, nnd li. \\. Tarver, bis stage mimnger, played bis role 7, 8, nod two performances 8. Mr. Hawtrey returned to tbe company 11. The cost: Herbert Jocelyn, n.^T^ '^■~^' the .Montauk (Isabel Sinn Hecht, manager).—"Glittering Glorlo" was given a cordial reception April 11, by h nocked house. Excellent business last week. Maxine Elliott to follow. GnA.VD Opepa Hocsb (Lew Parker, mana- ger) .—Rose Melville, la "Sis llopkin""' opened well here 11. Nat M. Wills pocked the house at every performance last week. ^ext week, Andrew Mack. Park (Nick Norton, manager).—"Tracy, the Bondit," drew a large audience 11. Ki- cellent business ruled last week. Next week. "Lncle Tom's Cabin." CoMiMBtA (Dave A. 'Wels, manager).— This week. "The Village Postmaster.'' A large audleace was present 11. Big business ruled last week. To follow, "ParRlfal " Bijou (Will McAlister, m.anaeer) — it seems to be Mrs. Spooner's policy to nie- sent as many new plays as she can. 'I'hls week another new one, ".Marie Antoinette." was received 11, by a crowded bouse. Edna ? hM.^P?"?,^'i "8 the queen, did capital work, while Cecil Spooner was remarkably clever. received. Other members of the company are well placed. Capacity business last week. Next week, "'A Good Fellow." ■ .^P^i"'*' (Pefcy 0. Wllllam.s. manager). — he Great I>afayette, with "The Bride of 11.1 '• IX-I" K^" receded. Others on the bill are: The Four Nightons, Grade Kmmeit prominently. The Wnr.snw Brolhers. In Ihelr clever nuislcal specialty, were encored. Next week, Ihe IlelHy & Wotid Co. Miner'* Klxhth Aveune Theatre (Kd- wln D. Miner, iiiannger).—Scrlbnor's Morn- ing filorles arij lliis week's offering, nnd tbe audience ou April 11 gave every evidence of being greatly pleased with the entertainment. "Afler Buslne.HS Hours" opened the bill, and "A Jay Circus" closed it, while between was given :i line list of specialties bv Rone Jeanetti>, Scott nuil Wilson, Cooper niid llar- risou, Leynolds and Wnlsnn, Marin and Dun- ham Trio, aud Ingn Orner, nnd the Kcrlbner- sroiio. Next week, the Moonlight Jlnlds. Third Avenue Theatre. — Manager Martin J. Dixon pifsents "The Two Sisters" this (veok. will) Frank Knrrington ns Hiram Popper. The supporting coniiiany was cast ns follows: Hiram Pepper, Frnnk Karrlng- ton; Hnrry llorton, John C. Vernon; Mr. Ilortou Sr., Van Kliisle; Site SnltUn, Ceo. F. McCalie; Major Itevere, Chas. illntrey; (Tap- Inln Chapman. Frank Collins: Joe Batiste, Thos. F. Christy; lloozer. Will T,athron; John, Job, Hemp: Park Policeman No. OlJo, Andy McKenzle; Llthograplior, Phil Muitba ; Marlho Howard, Dora Ilooth; Miiry Howard, Blanche Keudall-Tliomns; Johanna and Mrs. Major Revere, Vlrglula Melville; Miss In- genue and Itosle. tJny Krroll. Next week, ■'Ilumau Hearts." Victoria Theatre (Oscar Hammentetn, manager).—The current bill names: Tbe llussell Brothers, Cole and Johnson. Musical Dale, Cnnllcid nud Cnrleton, John and Hnrry DUlun, Wormwood's dogs and monkeys. Too- Aondemy of Mnale (Ollmore A Tomp- itounin Arabs, the KIght I'^nglisb Ulrls, Young khiH, managers),—William H, Crane, in "Da- and Devoir, tbe Two Tonakas, nud the vlto- poison, nnd the rietiora Sisters appeared open(*d her eecond ond last week ApHI 11. Charles Hawtrey; Ezra Jeffson, Arthur Play- jnaaier company, Snyder and Buckley, Wal^ fair; Jack Buncomt)e. Fred Thorne; Perci- J^"" *j; l;^''}'"lohn Ford, Brown and Navarro, val Chudletgh, H, Sephenson; Captain Joce- lyn, K, W. Tarver; Kvan Evans, j:, A. Flump- ton; Perwklns, Wallace Widdecombe; Mrs. Jocelyn, Julia Booth; Ceclle, Frances Bel- mont ; Hannah, Faith Reynolds: Jenny Kthel nolllngsbead; Mrs. Lambert, Fanny Brough. Ilndaon Theatre (Henry B. Harris, man- ager).—Ethel Barrymore, in "Cousin Kate," , Api Margaret Anglln and Henry Miller, In "Ca- inille," will open 18. A srr;ci.vt matinee was oivsn at thb Garrick TiirATHH, aftornooa of Thursday, April 7, when ••The Hour Glass," a morality piny, by Wm. B. Yates, was given for the first time In Amerlco. It tells the story of tho Wise Man who denies tbe truib of all bliss In the herenfler, and converts all to his way of thinking save one—the Fool, who nt length brings the Wise .Man to Mf way of thinking, nn<l secures ndmlssiou for the former skeptic tn the heaven ho has Bkolfed at. John Slalone m«niiin.ri ti,.. i..;„'.i";~ ,\'"", -■•.■::7' did cre«lltnble work ns the Wise Mau, nnd w^k^%—^h; AmQrIcan l^iirlejn this Wm. Owens' acting as the Fool was most ",^„ KrAnKen?i3o a^'^t "•.,^\?i'"'J?, "'"'' ooDvlnclng. nn intolllifont Interpretation being ant Fvenhi^" -■." ^-^I'^l' ""* ^ Pleas- Bongo Troupe. Sabel Johnson, Alfonso. Gardner and \ lucent, the T' ree Kenton!". Wartenhurg Brothers, the Romany Trio, and bwnn and Bambard. Kbenet's (Frank W, Keeney, moooger).— An*"" t,,!*'^'* '° ''^ "• O- naother excellent I'lll, with many faeadllners, was wltnesseii by a crowded house here 11. The headllner Is Nalrta. tbe dajiclng sensation. Others nre Mottle Kenne and Co.. In "Her I'lrst DIvor.B Lase; Klein, Ott Brothers and Nlckerson, Hopy and Lee, Smith and Powell, Jack Put- nam, McDonald and Huntington, and the heejieyscone. Stao (I;. .M. Gotfhold, manager).—The Brigadiers Is this week's nttrnctiou, grcetMl by a good Rlzc<i house 11. Next week Bel" Mnnohesler's Cracker Jacks. WatsoWs Cozi- CoitSER (W. r. Watson, vid llarum" Is now in bis second week. Garden Theatre (Charles Frohman, man- ager).—"The Secret of I'oiichhielle" began ;ts ninth week at this bouse April IL li>-rJc Theatre (Sam S, & T*!e Shuliert, maimgers).—"The Pit," wllli Wilton Liic- knye, opened Its tenth and last week April II. Do Wolf Hopper follows, tu "Wang." Casino (Sam S. & Lcc Shubert, mana- gi'i-s).—"Plir! Paff!! Pouf!.'!" entered on Its second week April 11. On April 8 the second net was chuugiM] so <hnt the "radium dnuce" was brought to the end instead of ltclug,glven In tbe middle of the act. maTeatio Theatre (John 8. Flahert.v, roauager).—The fourth week of "The Wlxard of 0»'' opened April 11. Broadway Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, manager). —Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Yankee Consul,^' eatered on his eighth week April H. . . (Iraud Oiiera Haaae (John H. Springer, innniigcr). — l;lnni lllmtdgood. In ••The tllrl with the Green Eyes." Is Ibis week's nltrat;- Kmplre tlieatre ((jiiarleg Probnan, oiftnai*).—"The Other Olrl" enterwl ou lt« tirelftb week iit thti houst April 11, graph. Atlantic Garden (W. Kramer's Sons, m«nag»'is),—I'ongo nnd I*o, comedy ucro- lints; Uclphluo nnd Delmora, comedy mu- sical entertainers; Pelot. cuaiedv Juggler: Alexis and Shall. In '•Tommy Atkins and Daurlug Girl;" Ibe Iliillouds. In "The C'lowo uud Doll:" the Zndooas. In "The Tramp and tlie Tjtdy." and (he Elite Lady Orcliestra are tbo attractions for this week. .MadUon Square Garden.—The Bar- num & Bailey Circus Is now in Its fourtli week. The business done up to date bas been plicuomcunl. The circus management has secured the seni'ices of n choplnin, who will travel. wllU.iihe show. Nrw Auistcrdani Theatre (Klaw k Br- langer, mnnnger!).—"The Two Orphans" en- teM-d ou Its tidrd week .Vprll 11, Wallaek'* Theatre (.Mrs. Thco. tforse, manager).—".3'hf County (•Imlrmnn" enteretl Its iwehty.-llrst week .\pril 11. .MaiUtattau .Theatre (Harrison. Orey Flske, iniingger),—"The VIrciuInn" entered un Its fltl(\Gnih wj>ek April J1. given the role throughout. Josephine Arthur nlsn did particularly good work as the .\ngel, and Myra Brooks prove<I her cleverness as Bridget. Little Edith Spenr brought a Juven- ile role Into pleoslng prominence by aatural noting, Tho cast: A Wise Man, John Malone ; A Fool, Wm. Owem; First Pupil, Johnson Briscoe: Second Pupil, Lewis 6wen ; First Child, Edith Spear; Second Child, Estelle Bryan; Bridget, the Wise Man's Wife. Myra Brooks; An Angel, Josephine .Vrtbur. Staged under the direction of Frank McCormlck. Two other niavs were given, as fol- lows : "My Milliner's Bill," from the re- pertory of the late Roslna Yokes, cast Is fallows: Mr. Merrldew, Edwin Nlconder; Mrs. Merrldew. .losepblne Arthur; Weston, Lewis Owen. "Marietta," an episode of tbe Itnrlbaldlan revolution, by Stanley Dark, presented for the llrat time In Now York, un- der the personal direction of tbe author, and cast as follows: Danlele, Homer Llud; Pa- ola, Burns Olllam; Lleutennut, Frank Mc- Cormlck ; Sergeant, Johnson Briscoe, Mnrl- etta, Josephine Arthur, J. II. Ai.LKN, formerly of Armstrong and Allen, has qiiened vnndcvllle ngencv uBIccs at .11 West fwenty-elgbth Street, tu'ls dtr. Plans webb mlkd with thk Biii.uixo BtBLAU April 6 for a three story theatre to l)e erected on a plot lOO feet square nt 228 to 'J,*!! West One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Street. The theatre Is to be -' ' ' lirlck, with a seating capacity thur Brisbane, etiltor, Is recorded as owner of the proposed playhouse. Tbe cost Is re- ported as »l50,nO(». A MEI-TI.NO OK TItB ACTORS' Fl'SD WOS held at the society's rooms, on April 7. with Daniel Fcobninn In the chair, 'rhe principal question discussed wos tbe advisability of anlng awny with benefits for the fund, and adopting some other plan for raising revenue. A committee, consisting of Daniel Frohman, A. M.' Palmer and Joseph ISrooks was ap- pointed to take this matter up. TuKWH WAS A nonii At Mr.NCB present at a given In tbe Metropolitan . . concert given In tbe Metmpolltan 0|>era I''aarteenlh Street 'I'hcatre (J. Wesley - llniise Monday evening, April 4. for the liene- Knsenquest. manager), — "The Smart Bet 'At of tbe'Young Women's Christian Associt. opened Its lecood week April lli _.____^ tlon o( the city o( Mew Vork. f I, -if.-., ^■'"' •'•'fuiette Dupre a great fi^vorlte. Billy W. Watsoq, the clever coroe- dlnn, and a host of pretty girls, aiie Miial- '.."J 1. n""' .V.?l'' """J Arthur, the Sisters Uacheller. Wheeler nnd Washburn, James and Sadie I,eonnrd, Klmer Tenlev. Yunng corbett appears bero tills week, as a special feature, and McFarland and Slurrav. .. AupHio.'< <s. H. Cohen, manager).— Dorothy Vernon, of Haddon Hall,'' with Bertha l.alland, April 11-16. Good bnsiness Inst week. Tho Century Players nexl. »f''«'',V? ,<^nnett Wilson, manager).—Nat -M, \\I1Ib is here ll-lO, with his creation of merriment, called "A Son of Best," Good business last week. "Queen of the White Slaves comes next. Bkoadwav (Leo Teller, manager).—"Tho Fortuae Teller," in the bands of a large nud competent company, ll-io. under the man- ngenient of Milton und Sargent Aboru. Weber nud El lelds had the S. B. O, sign out during their engngemtnt. "Arizona" next. Gayktv (Jnmes Clark, manager).—There was a good sized audience present night of 11, when Weber's Dainty Duchess Co. began their weeks engagement. Satlsfoctory busl- uesH last week. Payton's (Fred Andrews, manager).— Some of Mr. Pnyton's old people are with him this week, lu "The Two Orphans.'^ Ceo. 1 iwentvsi.ti, I •**'■' °°!,''' f')'',old time favorites here. Is of nm.X,1nV»^ ?^*" '* "'• minister of police, and Marie of 1^0 ir ♦?««^'"/'e I?'"?* Marianne.'^ Mr. Pnyton Is and (j race I<ox. Good bnalness last week. I.ady of Lyons" next. NovEi,rr (David Robinson, manager).— Harry Clay Blaney, in ••Across the Pacllle," ,'ii' JT,**^ ..0*0^ business last week. ••The Two Sisters" next. .«Jl°'"x,^*' J.!x^^'Ji^* Williams, manager),— The Mnn W ho Dared" has been moved up from Mr. Williams' other playhouse. The ?>?f,n'"'8 house, 11, was good. Next. "The Milage Parson." ^ Utkum (i,oul8 Phillips, manager).—The stock comrapy Ir seen to advantage Ibis week In "'The World Against Her." ' " business last week. Good ifiJ"!?""!. ";■'■"'"'' "• P*""' m«nager).—Tlfl Hot Air Burlesque Co. tbia week, with 'Tin