The New York Clipper (April 1904)

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208 TBDE :^rE^\^ YORK CLIPPER;. Aprh 23. Clipper Post Office. in ord^r to avoid mlMtake* Bad to Innare tbti lurampt delivery o( the letter* «dTer||Heil. In tlU» Unt^ mi eiivelnpe plnliil>' addrcpned mtiat be ■«Ht tat each iPtler, and • wrltte* order (or the letlrr, ulRiied with the I'nil nnoie and Rddrr»M aud the Iln« nt buHlaena folloited bjr the nender, niUKt aUo be enrlnned. I'lenae nirntlnn the date (or nnin> lipr> ot 'rill<: Cl.iri'ica m whleh the IrilerN iient for were advertincii. LAOIBtC LIST. Alilran, Mn Joe Cnnlnor, Orauu iM.iillii, 'i'. I.. .lUiilor.'ioii, K. Anitln, Mlnii Adiin)!, NU'k tiirlon, Nina ttlunie, KMtrlw IIcoivii, .MyrilL- lliyniii, ICIor. DiJnk, Alke lti>r|jliaril, KoM Iinrrowii, Ltl. - Unlbronu. OJgl unit. MrH. l^ K llLVlut, flor.. ltiil|(>y, .Mnuil llnlbnimn, Mrx. .ilpvin<'tt> Trivk' Uaynt, Sum llliinclir. LalK'Ho Ilfnioji, CliOHt, llaniiitrr, Vn. Itjlpl. l.niira K. 'Ii(tnnn1, liot<s lli*iapt. May IlfonM, Mlitg. JlTltltt, M. li. Jli-nldHpr, Ail(>1nt<le livrton, Irenu J)n\», Stnrlon ■llonlln. — llrfCDiHi, Maud * llamlf, 10c ]lnl(l»ln, Kdna Mrs. O. H. Cnnteni, Atliilf! A'idOlfti. fJwon'I. liitvier, .VIn. !,<« t'Mmo, Killc «'i»ilnilnu^ I'eorl Cr.rltoft. Ml. Tumpti^ll, ,; Allct B. Cr«och. AiniCH I'nic, (ionc CitnMn, llenlrlfo t'Unc)-, .Miirl« Oiirmlrii. SUfn ]<<->nii>ii>l. I-'d'dl l/uvln. Kininii .M llitllou. Myn Porrcll, raiitliip J>-.\nlllc HMtn Iwlon 8Uter« pe.Miii-. Clara I'liir, Alnriilo l>ii|>qiji; .Mn»- Itr.HliliK'K. T. .V. l>ult«la, I'lorn Itrlt.i. Mmiil Ihirlmi, iicrilia IM't'iivv, l.lunc ItnrMi, Murk' njri'DSli. ' Mrii. Jon r.*Uworlh, .Uinii Kineinn, l.uclllc Rillwil, .Mollis KIlHlrr, i:ul» Knipralil, Jfonic r.lileu, H.vira Kfml. iliij- KIWwurili. , Clnm C. Illlltll'll. .luiio KIlH. Mine. K'llcllc, Mnt H.mm1. Mr*. Frank Rmmelf. illi-nnii H. I'ldbir, Mr>IIU I'iriiiiiiilo. Viil. runm^ HlkU'r* Klnvil, -Mny ripiiljiurp, Jna I'lilrliniika, ITiirl I'fiUKt f<Mt»rH 1/ • . Kilty i'llMllilumni I'ntlicrliiF Klnrn, .Mllilmi Fi'iimnro. Iiin UtUko, CiMru n»<]ir»r, 4iinln (•Irani, Ilptlim illhrrt, Kllr. (illrnin, \Hcc Anlc|i«nl Ji<nnle (iiiiiKiii'i, ,\lri<. il (jnrdtjil. Killll: (lllwii. Lotllo Ulciiniori' I.altle Horlili'll. Sliirlr'U (lllKl>l<llll- »M. ("Iporifp. 1. Ornliniii, .fane cjTnnl. .Miiyt«!U(> (liiixly, l.oiiliH> iinhW, I'.Mlnli (lilracr, .Mario Kdhln. .Mnilc R. Ilnwonl, l''.llnnn< llriillior, l>nru. lloypB, nprllc llnrrlK, I^iiu llnnwiii, .'.ninn lloriilHli, Mnmlc Ilnyc^ .MrH. Ada Jlfimpiori. .Miiry llnywnnl. .Ir^^^lc llnafnrd, Mniidp llayn'nril, Orucc Ilorl. .Ii-nii llrutliiKN. Dora llnrip, \'prii llnll, I.. .M. ItniHtmi, I-'Ior. llorcoiirt, Ilnphne Howard, Mink }!ompr. .Tennio HylnniU, Ktin Jiiri'<;ll, r.mmn ,1<K'«l}n, llntrlPl .ti'hhslon? N'pll. jAMlyn, I«nn KcndrlPk, Kullc K<*|py, Ltiln UPMl'nkP, Ul, Mnhi', CiroMnc klpfpr, lilu Kplly. .MrK. Jon. vnni. Maiidp • i'linwly. lOllppit l\pnip«at, Mujr Ki'lly. Aiinip Ki-pitr, .^Ifllllo Itlniiaird, Jipnc Krnmiipr. .MnrKnrPl Xnrlnn. .villi'. I.iiiifllpy. LoiilnD W. I.lverjHxd. .MrK I., I.PNUe, .<llcp LpDlon, fxlltli l.llllaii. Orriiv I.avnrnlp, .Vgglc l.p(.V>y, .IokIp iPWlK, AIIih; l.iinsdon, .Miirk'l tAvelnflc. lllaucho l.llllPlinlPM, Lll. I.phIU', KNii l.nncnttcr Maud I iiVnii. I'"ln><«|p LiitiKtry, l.llllc l.iiml .Mrti.I.ari)- Ipillo, .Mnlipl i^niiK. Pnlly K. LPHton, rdllli ■ .iiVon, KlOK. Ijiniiin, Mni'U- tjiViilln, Mlniil< I.phIIo, liPftim l.tvliigiliin, tidlii .Xfrmncy, Mrx. ,1. tlorroi'd. Iri'iic Millar SlHlim tlcMnhon, .Mra, \V, Mnntoll, Itluiu'li Mniint. .May, MorriK, .Muy MorrlM. (Irncii Mlvkpll. C/itn Miiltlaiid. 3tv% Mcrln. .MUln Mii.r,, llpi I Ip .MnrlidlA fi Aliacfo Mnrtnn, <|prt AInmm, RihPl MlldlMll. DijM Miirivy, \lln. K Malomi, IIP44 Monlro*«. Iiwis. Mnrvlinll, Mnilpl.nip Mny, .li-lln W. Mny. Mil AlPiiiidi^r. I.ev A'laini Jt nilM M\m. Hi Q. Aitiuumiic, liar Allen. IHvlxiil Arnold, liar. aIMi. i:.i. ArthHf- •'• W. Arhold, ,1. II. AllPiii II. G. Allliiel, .lOK. AlllaH. .1. K. Alyn. Frpd lilurk, J, H. Il|4ha)i, 0)ir«lor Iluakuiit. liny Itall^y. 11, .\[. Iliirlon, riins. I}iii'upy, C'liHB. KiwiliK, Krpil • llorii III llir niooiV Gi. Barncn, ,sain IIHIInn, <lpo. llnrllfit, 1. VV, linrlow. Opo. lUivuiAHlPi', Irpd Ilni'iiPti C'ln^ii!' IlniiUps, AUIrlch Yutg (n. & Ilu«lipn Biiriirll, Win. r4<mholin. l.pni liiinkor, Ot. llci'ion, CliiiD. )li<rnr«i, Siiiiirt IIOMMH, I'". V. lIlRplnw, l''rniik llpiuii'lt. .Itdi'H lliinii. ,lliii lliirlim, 1", CI llluliii, Ia'W ll'irioii. Iliir. Iliivil, Hay licll, I'ritiik ll^rnu & I'liiiii Itt'Wtiii. 1'. V. Hiirry, Tmidi lliirclipr 11. II. lilitiu Hriio, Hrn.AII. S. H. iftmifonl, A. \V Hrmlli'V. .T. A. It«'liu(iiit, llur. Kiydgii, Kmiili Uvuokwn.v. C. V Itwwup. .1. n. Byllip. .1. I'. lliTfiou, J'lo (Imwii & liinniond U'Kloii, tlllly I'.iirry. Hilly Utiiilpr lli'flH, J: Viindpl r.ioTfpr, W. 8. IWxl»A'i IMk'ii' nmior, ■•. K. ItaukH. J. i;. nv(>ck>viiv. I..M rryoii, V'rniik Ill'llllPV. .Ill». riinnliitlmni, Carl rnnnaiiun. Viii Cidpninn, Jn>-k Ciiiiiiun, Juek IJKNTI.KMHN'S LIST. iMl-lvlllO, ll'isl* MiiHOlni Alnrlon .Moiil.iniP, .Mup Miiftiy. .Mm. I'rniM'ln Norivmiil, Siunniip .Naynon, Itnua Ncnrr, Mitvii, K. .S'oruin. Ilall<< .Norl, Lll. .Nnrrl<, C. li, f-ii»li, Kidl. Ni'TlllP Ihirnlliy Ovpy, ,\IiH. ili-o. lliirl, Aifrip I', (iklpy, .Miiiiil I'rnlx, U'.'Nsle I't'n), Hprlliii I'fttterioii, .Ionic I'ltlidiek, IWIn lAp, I.ydlu II. I'ciinpni)', .Miiiii I'liiiikcu KhicIIc I'mtpmon, Wliinip I rlmiosc. Kranklc I'blppa. .\liii I'liniero.v, Aiinii I'pudlcton, t >lr*. C. )•;. quickiiell Mny A Unwmni, Uaw Ileed) I'Noreoce Hocbtfellar, ■■ ' ■■■ HPlcnM. Itiindall, Marjr iluisler, Uiiliy r.nndoll, ' Flnrpn.'o Itanilall, . .Mr». S. I,. Itober Kniliprliiir Ilonnlda, Itvn Uppcc, f.oHlle itollliiH j 'llipronn llfMCwnnd. Colin llanivy, .Murip \ Sidney, I'Mnn !jt. lAHlll. Mr«. Alf. .Sanford. .Mik \V Huylor, Oliin Klicnruoil. llliitii-ho Kl'.prwooil, .VImn K. Staiiliapi-, I.U. Kl.Albaii:<, Adii SliiWfr. llpn/. Shpldf.n. iVmi«i. Hllbin, Kininii SInclnlr. Mn/«l Kliewpll, Ifirinn Hhnrii. iWH. Jifpitel, .Mary .Spyiiiour, KAtliryii Spnrt<i, .loslc 'J lioninHnii, l!ll)!nh?lli 'I'odd, .Mi«.i:.W. Jrntmiid, Ndl. TPKorrt, l^lpniior 'I'anouny, l':vit 'I'lioninH, Inn 'liiylor. Mny 'i'hoiiuiM, (irjcp VniiArHilnlo, 1,11 Vli'lorlim, — Vpiniipp, Knilc Vniin, .\liiy Wiioti, Mi-H niirt W'nrrpn, Itpmili' Wlllilir, llnlK' WllkPM, Mnltin Wnnl. IIpU'ii Warrpii, .>lr.«. C. A. Wcalon, .Mrrt. u. iV««npr. Mnv Wnnlilinrii, 1,11. iValllii«. Iilii Wi'liUvoiili, l'"ln. Wavrilpr, May Wlllord, ICiilliPi'liip WPlrt., .Vllfp Wnrwii. flriii'P Wlillipii, Ilf'lii Wrpn, Aniilp WorlhliiKliiu. Mrs. 0, r„ Vounv. Mrn. VA, .\-. ^. ■£.. Mm. ('IiiiitU, .Mr i.'impiy, 1'. J, (X'llHirn, llprl). Ciirry, «. l", CllUi'll, .l(|M. Coiirnd. 'I'lio?. C'liiy, .Moudny I'lvinor, T. r. Ciiimor * LiikPiiK Clnytnn. I'nit llllunl .t UiU'kn Oiirv»r iVrolluid ClirUUniiioM C'lirlB Cnrroll. .1, airiipy, Hilly <:i'i)in, ,1. 'I'. tinrlrr. llfi'lc <ruM4\ Olins. Olimii'd. W. », Curio, KInK ClinhP l.l^lpr Co, U>nllniul. Cbai. Ciiriiill .11' Cnrroll Ciirlla, IiOii Cnrmll, rrniik CnidlaliiP. Ml'.. Oirllxle, J. t'. Clttrk, n, .S. Cliuw. 0. W, niianniaii, \V. C. Olydp, J. Cnllnii, Itllly CnaHoii, Frank CiiHipy, I,. A. Ciiril-i, KIwil. t.'iiiikliy .v: M.'UrUli' Cnlliy. v.. !■:. Ci'iiliirp >V DlllPtt Oilrlol.Hi. \. C.implHdl. mil Cnshliis .^■ Mi-rrill C»dy, 'f, I'. <1itii:tuin. l'\ A. (ViiiUm. nilly OniH|>l<Pll. .1. (I. CnrWIU, Win. cinrko. Hilly Clifton & llnvki- CllironiK, 'I'l'i' CiiHtlplon. I"., n. Cni'ltNin. I.lnncl Crniip & UiUL' Oeliiiorp, 0. K. Ii«C«iir»py, Kdw Ihijr, ICdiininil invll'iUi. jivvp, J'dniiiy lliillus. Hum IH'lttUiliiP I'rniik htlluii, ,l<>p IHaii k iaW PpOarb). rrisi IVuuiivuii, Jack IK>liiiun>. Inn. Itnimn. I'lvil noTPiitry. (I. It. l>p\Vllt, 1. Iloaniir. Honi D'l'^nlii. liar. Imlp. Miiilral Drliniiro & l.oc Dc.Mniidp, ClifHt Onnrnii, .V. U. Dnvnll. llur. 1>utUI'U)ii, Ivpn. |lp|innr„lnlc'i 'It Dutlli', .1. hiivh, ti. <;. Drniip, (Iruiit llulllp. J. imw, Cipiip Dunn. .T. A, Dorsoh il ItllfMPlI nnliP. A, v.. IVilvi'i". w. v.. llpMnnilP, OliiM, nnvh, Hurl llnlllp, J. Iiiiiii'liliut'. .1.\V. Iiou', ilono PuNrl.H, Snm Pnini'p, iltMi. l>lnmnndii, Tlio KviiiiK. Ilan i:!lli. S. A. KlUu'orili. Ki'iink Knrlp. I. j;. r.vprhnrt. ot. Mllcoll, ,lnt'k KiniiUMin, irrtiiik I'llirhnrI, K. 11. Kiio, II. VV. l''viiiiH, Mr. I'liloy, Jno. Ipk'lit, II, Fnimt, 'JVil )''k'Ula, J. 1>', I'ullpr A lliiTmaiid I'olpy & YtniiiB l-"«lriuau. It, P. I'lrHl, llnr. I''vrKURun, Uiivo I'nlk & Hi'iiiiMi I'ariir & Stiu'liilr I'liwlor, J, (.'. I'nrlpy. Uidit. r.irwll. Itllly I'prr.y, C. r. hllKIHI, Al, VlidilH & Wnr.l iprrW. l>k'l; •'I'alHl Wwldlui!" C.> Vmioli, I,. ,1 I'lulivr, I'i'rklna I'on k W'rtiil IilAli, .In:-. I'loldK. Cllyilc riiHolipr. Win I'rnnpr. J. II. OraiiHdn, tli'rr llrppii * Wpritei" nrnliHui, 'riir.i-ii (inKiu'ii i^' )>«ll(U'k nulhrlc. CliHtW Itiddrr. Illlllp C.rnliciinlulri'. MIkp r.lasa. ]. I.. ilnRinln. Kmnk tllrurd .V ilnrilopr i.lpndnn. R. I^. nrnvllch, Cliti). linnliicr. tlliaa. c.rant, C'lllt liiepnf, L. T/. nmnlch, Clics, (lankel, A, i',. Crptix, \: L, 'Jimlon, VIdowj k Klynn (ianllner. Will (t!lllii«linin. .1. llpnrKP, r.iiu r:alilpn, T, II. (ioldnmltb, Sul riirrlnon. Ju!eii illllPilP, Wm, CtolPman, — (fiiMe) rinllninn. Hiiro r:nril<in, i'\ I,. Gplnll. W. II. riulp. CI, tS'. ilupntlipr. K. J. t iorilori ^' (lllliprl Oiimi, C. \i. nrpwuy. 1'. I/. r.rlHvli. dto. (iracpy, W. 11. lliifrlHon. II. C. Ilurlpy, Ci, J./ llalp & rraiipis llnrrwr, S. .1, IlllMI<»l,(lP6. llnll. J. K, llU'key, Ndl I Mint or. I-;. C. llpnrly. \Vm. IlnpntK«i. W. 0 mil, C. M'. ilarrlii, Oro. llnfTinan, Ilulnll lllll,' fi. ItUDilllor fc Di'Kntcy IlnallP.T, Kml llprrlck. r. H. Ilpnry k Vounit Illllinrd, llulil. llpnly. Ino. Ilnypi', Tnni Ilniin, Ari. Ilnycx, H.I. lloivanli J. K. Mniljfn,. Miller lint, Mt. Ilpnninr-; Trio Ilornr, It, K. llaywanl.. liar. Ilolilpii Krm. Iliirnp. .Tas. Ilpnnliijia. J. n. llRlnra, .Nat llurd. I'tMl llnrrlnitloii .Tcnp llnwdy. I.<tn llmvarit, liar. I'.piiplln lliinii'i'. Iilck llnypM A Wynne 1 Inward, 0. C. Hirrlek, r. 11. Jlpnry. .1, II lluiilpr. .-<. V. Iliirrlniil'in, II. Ilnri. III!,'. Iliililmril. Mllpy llfllBips. W. -.1. Iln.vpa, IMmnnd llerlierl, Tom HollirooU Cn. Ilornp, II. 1' llanilllon^. .Musical .1 llanmn, i.-'X. Ilrnry k lloon Irplnnit, '1. II. Iicson. I'. 0. Ivy, .Inn. li'vliiK, llohl. Iiinpw & llyiin li'Clnn.l, ti. II. li'TlnKP, '"PO' JC'bnnon, Jni'k JiiHlan >t; Sully ,lpyi Jno. .Innwii, Olina, Jinnm, lltiiile .InnpM. M^r. .K.hnnon, W. V. JcrooiPi .Mpiv- dllh k Ct>. JnilPD, Hlin .li,liiisoi), Tbro. JlillUKOII. W. V. .IPIU', It. ,1. Jnlinium. klark Ji'liuAOh, W. A. .liivonHl, .1. M, .li'wnll, l>. II, .liiiiPB. A, W, .linica, I IT, ,lMlin><nn. It. I\nnr, I'Viink l<lnir, (tlwH, KInv, Jim. Kllpatrlrk. ,11m Kiita, .1. 8. KlmRllpr. ICnill liurty, .Ml'. Knapiiprl, On* Klhi. Jiii'k Kcolpy. Art. KPHOlpr, ICdu'd. KiPtb. M.ill KPlly, .1. v.. l\|p|n. Art. Knnp, J. .M. .T. Kplly & llariou KPlly, llPrtiard Islplat, I'nul Kiilt. .Tnliii KppFp, .Mult KpIIIi., Mntt KpiUii'IIi, tipo. Kpjlpr, .liilpH lioinlnii \Vm, Kfiilnn, T, KnrlJi, '.1. 7.. KrllPr, i:lcln JlillHlrnn & NI('kPi><ou Kiinlpr. .Vir. l!ld, ICnni. Kiinr>|<p, llnr I.IIinnr. IlPiniiain l.lulou, llur. I liilon. II, D. Liirkcyp, KusPiiP 1 i.ri'alnc. niip Oil. I,<>lRhlott. Kiniik Linvla. lliiy L. l,pp. Oo. V. l.i-Blpr, 8. !•:. I.liidoa.v. W. II. Liiwrciirp. O. V. l.pnvllt, II. 11. l.yiicli, Krwl l.('ug^> Brno. .'1 l.p«vitt. Olllc l.iinK, VttA l.iita UroH. LvlpalR. Null) l.nroilit, OInl l,ui'lfi'r, \\'\.\\. O. V. Lni'iiliu', Ilubt. I.iiuik'i' &' Stnlili'.v Liimnn, Art. l.mvpi'.v, .Ills. I.iioluc. I'rot, I niip, l.iM l.altiiy. Nut I.lie. ilpn. l.lniliviy. Itpii. I.UVOI'lll'C .t 'ronifiiii l.ntPlI, Kl. Ii'ivls. l-'roil Uwd, IUtIi. i.un'Ciitlial. Ike l.eiilk', Juv. LydPll k Bnlttrworth I.urov. Pron. I.awMii ANojnon Umb, C'liiR. LuiMl, I,,'. K. LliTll, Mil, l^onhardt. Mr, l>nmi»rt ,* ■ i Dakcr I.PP, C, V. U-fBar, fico, l.awrrncp, H. S. UiflUK, Walt, lynch, I'ldmiind U'lluuh, liPD .tinek, ,lnck*.M illdsplpy .% CnrllulP Morifan, .top Morap. K, Ci )K'l''arlaii'l.& Murray Mndi, I. G, .MIhx nob White" Co. Miitinw. W. .\f!in.«(lPld, »Ii>iit. Mermen. B. A. MaddAii k 1»» Mlllpr, ClioK. MrDniilPl. i LH .\!urrny,-1.J. lOc Miller k May Murnn. J. iliiy. 0. K. McCilo, Wm. MnnuBcld. tiont .XU'DndP, Tlic Mclutyre tc llpnili .Mneuz k Mawtl Jllcit, I'rof. .Mack. ICildle \C .Moleolfe. Cet.. .Mcyerf. Clios. ^tarlllall tt' Lorain Mack. Chaa. Moya. T. C. .Mackle, fon. Mntlln tt Ui'Jfreway Mahone.v. Olina. Mack. J, ]. ^iL'Quflde. J. S. .Mnrinn, llnrry Mornliiill, 11. 0 Mabi>ncy. .1us. Mack, Wm. .MniCMtlc Miia. 4 .MeOw'cn, llini. Mclnlyre, W, .1. ilnddrni, Wm. Muck. Kdi'de ilorKPii. .loc .»!clnlyrp .*^ • PrlmroBe .Murpliy. Unrk .Mi'lhillum, I'lirt .Mpllvillp, .k-an .Men. l''red .\lacttonali!, '1' 1) Merrill. S. I). Mnlr, Dnye .Miller. Ueii .llcFmldeii, n.S. MorrlFaey. T. I', Mny, O. R. .Moore. Tom Mypm, W. II. Mellvlll«, .lean MpKnme, .lew Morklln, CIny .M«l»py, 11. L. Malllnnd. llnr. I.nrklna, .Ino. .Mnharn, 'len. .Morion, ,T. a, .Meyer*, lleiiry Jtny. CI. II. Mllrliel, .loe .MOrKnii, Mr. .Mayea, II. It. Mnnn. Dnnnv .Mnniel. Wenley .Muinford. I'^idle Mnrlnii ,'i Kolil Ale.ver, II. 1,. kelvlllp DrMn. Co. Mnren, .Mr. Matthews .% lliirrh Mornli, It. V. .MniileV f' ItiiHc MntArthur .I.W .Mnmnn, lix Snrioii >t: IliivRell S'ormnn, — (fmirmrin) Npwinn, ,li<i.'. Nimmylb. Hilly Nialier. .Mull .Nlblo, (.'. M. .NpIaoii, 'rom Ni'lMPn, Nnl .Suwii. 'IVrni .Vplmu Si .Mlllliraii Newell & Niidn SVirton .vniiHHoll N'lKPX'n, Wall, .Vewinn, Win. iiiido, v.. "Orpiian'!! rrnyer" Co. ii'llrlen 'rrnuiip CiRip, J. N, Oil. Phil Oinm, pHrt llwena. .Inx. Cielrlch, i\\tw. I'haHPy, Air, I'litli'ii & I'erry Power, Tyron Poller It . U'lrlivell Power, I'", I,. Perkliia, 0, W I'lnnier. 1.. .1. I'llurhn, Miir. I'ppblo. T. UpW I'etprnon. J. W. Patten, W. II. Prouiy. t;. ii. I'paroe, A. O. Peurl, C. C. I'lPrw, O. n. IV)i|ipni, TlioH. Piirei't, .Ion. I'llw, P. L.lOc, Paid. K. V. Polla, W. L. Prince. A, L. retera. W. A, Plillllpa, Har. Pnltpn, .Ino. Pitcher, Mar. IVrry. J, II. rmitlcc Trio I'nwern. 1. II. I'liwer, J.'ClOc I'reiton. .inu. (]nlnu, I'rank (Jiilroa CIroiiH Uoariiuiii. Km. Ileevfh. llci'.iy Held, .1. II. lIUMHinyii, Holly IJcpd. A. »'. Ilnniiii. tieo. Itimliinil. .1. I>. Illohnidwin. V 11 llndriM'd. C. II. Illclon. -- IMo lima. 8RH notice: AT IIBAD OP MST. ♦ «» i;taii. Rnmk, Walt. lilO, A, Kaymond, II. K. Koylaloli, Crale Ralmiuid. J. It. lUmalrp. )k>l> IKd Hot lolcle" Co. IVyooldH. U C. ICekl ft ailbnrt l'.pwland. All'. lUrklnr. Dan ' ItuonPlla. r, It. Kilter, Opo. Kii'iiilre, Hull. Pfpyea. Henry Itynn, TIkm. Iteynanj. Mr. S.ti'le, L.» Silckiiey Jr.. lUdit. SlnlTord, It. :'leven«>i. J. W aorneni. K. I'. Smith, Jack .«l!flW. T. W. »ulll««n, i. V. RlOtrled, A. i>haniibn, Jlnrry liiiinRer, Cleo. tflefliirt k Knymond )>nnford. llnr. .'^Ihlev. Wnll. t>n9trow, .Mr. s'anlell, rtmlcilpli Sinltk, I'VIlK Swiri, llprli. Seeley, 0. W. !<lilrer, V. M. Knnclion, Mnrlua yl.inor,' M, L. Seymour, nave |>l<pclian, .1. A. enn.. OiM «itillh, .Inrk {■pollnnd, llenny filarker. Willi iSiiyder k Uiickley Smith & Dell Kmlth & Viiller Hnyder, Henry Simon, I.. A. .'^lalier, Cnrl Shnw, Lurry Kavnxe, H. W. Snlll»an, .1. V. i'llrer. il. L. .■Hk'kney .Tr., ' llobert Sawyer. .1avk .>mlth, E<. Ct. Strain, llnin. .Stanford, Wai. f^iilllvaii..J, L. Vcbenk IlnM. M Pluiiklfcl Co. W.unk. il. I\ .'(tunterd. Hilly flelhi. L. t. Xmllb. W. II. Miner. V. .M. I'tanti'ii, A. L. Shehim, H. S. Mmnii, llnr. Klniontoii V. M. MeiHou, Walt. Ntratton, Onuip. «nyrter .t lliickley Salmon, tleii. .stevenH, II. \. hedley, H,i r. tipecki llnr. Htroek, I. .M. Shilling. Joi' Shaw, l.irfry Kckali. .1. II. Sheiliiinii, W. S. Slevens, Hllrlliix. I'uile Siilaodrl, K. II. 'i'liomnKn, II. 'lerre, W. li. 'rucl'Pr, l''r«:ik 'I'nft. cipo. 'I'nna, CIcyer Thorn. .1. <;. 'IVasler, Wm. ■I'lK'ker, .\. v.. VhoriiP. !■'. \. 'Vhnrnloii (II. 'I'lirner, l''riuik 'I'niineft, i: .tl. Iriplelt. Vlr 'riinmlnn. Ilnw. 'liii'k. H. L. 'lllini, V. .1. I'rernr, Mlwlii Verre. Will, rnifaiil, I'il. Tuck, M. I.. TeBaler, H'ln Thnrlier .t N'ai-lii'r 'ninmaen. l-'reil Vernnii, n. It, V(.y,.IIlll|e, Voaey, I'". I:. VonWeldorf, .Mr Vul. II. r. Vlmvnl. Tin>. Vnawillo, .1. K. WormwnpiL V.P Wallnnv Si lleei'h vvaliliiuiiiu. i:dw WllllninN. 'I. II. Wllaoii, T. r. Welch. I Piu Walker. V. T. Winter. J. J. Wllllninfi, L. n. Welhl. VA. Wnrrep. Hurry Wi-od, A. i;. Wren. E. Y. While. (.^hfiH. WrlKlil. V. R. Whllney. I''ppd Wllimn, Mr. Wnlk-.'r, W. n. WllllainN. .1. Wiiync A Lnmnr Whllplnw. Ari. Wiildnmiiii How Warner. C. .1. WalnwrUlir. l.nulB Wllllnina, 1'. k 1 M'Plla, II. f>. Wniihle, C?pc>. Waldnii. Mux VnnPnIni. (i. Weal. 'I'oniiiiy Wphli. Illlly Waldorf A MpiiiIm Wallers, .1. B. Wllaon. T. I.. Ward & Ciirrnn iVU'kerl. Olio Wlae, S. II. WlUoii, Clina. W:ihIi, 'i', II. il'k'kliain, Mvr. Wlulera. tl. W. Wade, W. r. Weal. DpForest Welali, I.. .1. Wnll, Al. Venijer, Ilerin. Viickhiy k Ilnnnell Yale I>U'> Youni;. I'". V. aier««lii. \'M\t /Inuner. Dnvp /e<l». J. Kiirrllkxi. \Viii. iM.*HSAC;mJSKTT8. hmU Lake City.—At tltc Suit I.nko Tlie- nli'u (Geo. 1). l'yp«r. inuiinuer). — Unulet Snlly. In "Tlic nufef JuBtloe" iinil •The Old .Mill Sli'viiiu," lllll (ulr huHiucHH April T-D. I'lU.INh 'I'tlK.VTIlK (JnlU't) & UUIOUKM', niiinii- KPiii).—The l'!lleforil Suvk tin.. In "Tlic Mon rroiu MuxU'o" Hiiil "Tlie KiikIrii," did fnlr liUHliieHH "'111. t.'NiqiiF! 'JHE.KTiiK.—Wpok o( 11 : .lenn Wll- xoii, Vlrilon Kiul l)itnlu|i, .MIldriHl Kildy. tlio I-'diM- Ilrni«1nn«. SOVKt.TV Tlin.VTllK. — Week of It; IVib Ke^iviiK ilm Altera, tlie t>uly Viirdemnii, rnw- Rou onil Fnrref.. Hox Ton. —Week of 11 : Iternnril WllllninK, Itnlip Htpvens. if.nnrn ,MnV!<, llpclilendait nnil Krnusp, Snwi Unorl, .Mr. Fnrr. Boston.—Xaneu O'Nell, In n Dt^nctlon of "Kllznbetli of Knglanrt," at the Hollls; Weber end Fields Co., nt Ihc Globe; '"BRt)** lit Toy- Innd," nt, the BoHton, ahU "l»anilful," ot the rnHtle Sniiaie, arc!he notewortliy chanfre* I" looal tlieatrlcals thli) week. The tirftUd Opera House oirers "Wedded, Hut No Wife ;'t Jfuslc llAll, "The LIghtliouHe by the 8e«," ai><l How doln Square, 'Clittefi or Justice." KajraltcKul- ancc ivna the nvirage last week,, only « very few houses doing nn cxcellaht btiainsM. xVeillher wns dlsiigtecnblo and liurt out-of- town pnlronoge, _. ■ . „,■, UotMS Stiikkt TiiiiATiiB (Isnne B, niph, monnBPr).—lloDdny, April IW, Nance O'.Vcll beerna n two weeks'cnKtiKement nt IblRUoiiRC. "Rlliiabeth, CJiieen of KiiKlnud," •The Jew- P9B" and ■•Judllli" are the plnyn to bn given (luring the opening week. In .Miss O'Nell a nupiiort nre Charles )>. Herman, tJeorge C... Hinley, Walter U. Olnxton. I'rank SheHiinn, .Mark I'rlLP, WlUbim Klilrpilge, Frederic Snl- llvon, George fif6wn, .Nnrtnl Mnogregor, .Mnr- gilret Ilnurnp nnd .Mr», ChniloB W. Brooke. A production,of ••.Macljetli". will be the fonlurc ot the spoond nn'd Inst week or JIIhs O'Nell n Blay> KxcellPBt bii.slnesR continued during the final week of .Moxlne. KUntfs slny, and the rcturn» for the enllrc engngement were largo nnrt highly gratifying to iht? management. UI.OBB TiiK.KTUH (Hinir i Wilbur, muna- cei-a).—Weber k Flcldti and their (.tor a.sso' clatea are lotatiHl here for a fortnight, and the advance anle of fceals IndUntcs that tlita fanioud nrgnnlznfloM will nrolmbly play to I'll- pnclty during Iw atny .In tlilH clly. 'Ihe prluclpnU thiH year inchiOc: IJllInn HubhcII, LoulH Munn, CharlOH J. Uors. Mabel Kenton, John 'J'. Kellv, I'etcr I'. Diillcy, mid Weber nnU Fields themselvca. •'Wboo^-Dee-Dflo" und ■•CnlUcrlno" ate the biitlesqnea to be given. Lulu Glnaer closed Saturday night, after two weeUa of goAd .ilzed housea. Those who missed seeing "Dolly Varden" ought to be Included In the of unfortunales. BosiON TUBATKB (Lawrence ilcCarty. manflgcr).—On Monday ot current week, "Rnbes In Toyland" opens an engagement at this house, which Is expected to rnn Into tlie Kiimmer lenaon. Local thentiegoers like this Ivpo of show, lis was proven during^ the run of "The Wlinrd of Ost," and a record breaking palrunngc Is looked for. The principal play- pi's: William Norrls, Beasle Wynn, Mnr- giioriu Clark, JIabel Harrison, Charles Giiyer Nellie Daly, Ilattic Uelora, Gui I'lxicy, and Harry nnd Hiilvers. The Inst wek of the grand opera .season showed no Increase la ibe attendance, and the poor liuslness done ciiirlng the seasou has been the talk of Ihc town. TuKJioNT 'riii'-ATni; (Jno. It. .Schocffel, hnnugers).—This U the second ond last week ol "King Oodo.'^ Richard Goldcn's Impersona- tion of the old king has won for him iinother success la n lino In which he has few superlorK. Mniide K. Williams, another local favorite. Is niso making a big hit The other roles are In Hie nands ot competent players. The liiMtaea were comfortably flilea 'ast week. Piiloy 4 Liidera' new opera, "Woodland," follows for n long Hummer engagemeat. Pauk TiiK4'inh! (Charles Krohmun, Rich k Harris, mnnngers),—The seventh nnd final week of ".Mrs. WIggs. of the Cabbage I'atcli," Is now under way. The fiftieth performance el the play In liostnn will be celebrattd .Mon- day, April 18. by a distrlbiiilon, to the Indies, nf niinliit nnd rich liiit plii« from Ilnsivla. serving to counterbalance the Jonanese lint iilns which were souvenirs when "JU'h. WIggs" hod lioen here for twcntj-flve per- lormances. niisiness holds up well. Arould Dnlj-. In ■•Candida," Is booked to follow. fVw.OMAi, Tiii:ATiti: (Charles Krohronn, Itlch A Harris, managers).—"Mother Goose," uow In her llfth week at this bouse, continues lo fill, or nearly All, the house nt every per- Inrnmncp. One must see itie beauty siiec- cicle two or three limes liefore Its real worth Is reall/,ed. 'Die show will run all Hummer 11' wentlicr and business permit. .MA.IHSTIC TiiKvrni; (Slulr & Wilbur, man Bgpi's).—George Sidney, In ':lJiiRy Iwy," now 111 second and last week nt this house, \n Iho samp pxc:.>llpnt card seen In this clly last season, Of coiil'se there are many I'hiingPM noteil and a few new fnces, but lllll iirlnclpnlH are pracllcnily the same n« M'pn here bpfoip. Very good ntlendaiion during ojienlng wi-ek. To follow: Ward anil Vokes, III "A I'ftlr of Pinks." t^iiANii Oi'Kii.v lIoiiHH.(George W. Mage,*, inanoger),—"Wedded. Itnt No Wife," a thrll- Itiig emotional play. In card olfcred by niaii- Hgement of this lionsc current week. Knte Ihiinilnh. JPIIcfMon Oflbourne, Louise Iton- dolph, William Gill, Charlotte Smith, and Glad.vs Smith linve the prlnolnnl paits. •'ICobert linimet" pleased large niidlenres Inst week, and the work of ltob«rt Coimesa In Iho tit In role was very snllsfnctory. April ^'.'i nnrt week. Joi- Welch, In •"fhe I'eddler." :ililHir' llAi.i, iSlair & Wilbur, manngei-a). —"On the Ili'ldKP nt Midnight" weut fairly well Inst week. /I'hls week, "The Llghlhonsc i-y Ihe Sea." Th? company IncliirteH: Harry II. Ilradlpv. Jack Dunn, It, Harlow. Lcm C, lleeves, Thnd Shine. Louis Ilnlnes, Geo. Olb- wn. llnrry,ITnrt. Kd. Wilson, C. L. Cartec. n. P, HiMart, 1'. II. Hurzon. I>elln Clark. .Mao Adele mid KlUa .Mason. Next week, "Queen of (lie lllg1iwn.v." »!.\,sTi.K Siji'Aiii! TiiwTnn (J. II, Emery, mnnnger).— \ nolnble d""ntn"tlc iinvelty is (■irered here this wrek In the Urst production nn niiv stage of Sinrlo Doriin's version of "I'ni'sirii!," The prodHcHon will Iw upon nn pliilHirnli' M.'nii', U'lie characters, linve lieen unsigned as follows: rnrslfnl. Howpll linn- sel: KKiigsne, .lohn SalniioUs; Ainfortan, 'I'hnmns .YIiK'Idirnle i RnlKo, ,lohn 'l\ Cmven ; Glnneiunnz, Join) K. Webber: Lugl, Wllllnm J. Hanson: tinwnlne. Jlorllmer Welrton; AVnil'nui. I'Mwiird Wudc; Kimdry, lllnnchs Sloddnril: I.exta. Mary Siindera. "Lovers' Lnne'' was Immensely nlenslng Inst week. In rehenrsnl, "Tho Knee In the Moonlight." llDWDOI.N SQIIAHK TtlKVrMH (G. M. lAilhmp, inauager),—"Gotes of Justice," a new mclo- drnnia. Is being done here cnrient week by the house stock. "The Winning Hand" Is to lollow. "Wicked London" was a good rtrnw- lug card. Kwmt'H TiiE-VTau (11. V. Kellh, ninuager), —Valerie llergere and Co., In "Ills Jnpnnesc Wife:" Thomas J. U.van nnd Mary IllchOeld, Max Wiildriin, Ulekey nnd Nelson. John W. World and Mliidcll Kingston. Vernon. Cooper nnd ttublnson. VA, Grny. Martin Brothers. Kd. I''osler nnd hU dog, "Jllko;" Heed and Shaw, Hie HlllonVs, the Kiimlns Trio, St. John nnd Xa.- l^'cvre, nnd the blogrnph Is the nil nffoied for this week. Itnbert flllllnrd, Hal Sli'idieiis nnd Snllln Slembler were the lop uotchers InsI week. Kspecliilly lulcr- I'MlIng w«H Hlevens' act, u renl iiovci- IV, nnd cleverly executed. This Wiis his last visit here In smuu I line, us next sonson Mr. SU'inblcr Is to tiikn nut ii company in n Inriv comedy. IIuwAiiii A'riiK.N.iKrM (Wm. McAvoy. man- ager).—Chnrniion, one of 1 lie licst drawing inrds iilayliig this lioiisc. Is buck niiiiln. otlipi's: Mnrllnl nnd Mnxinllllnu, Sulllvim iinil Weston. Lavlne nnd Leonard, Tanner and Gilbert, IMcrco and Malzce, the Taiiukns. Leon niiU Ucrtto .Mien, Annie Southard. Manning and Mills, Mnrnby and Wlllard. Clark and Kloretle, Aichlc Deacon, Carter HUil IHiiford, Hilly Illues. Hie Ulnelogrniih nnd Imrlpsiiiiers In ".\'o Matches Needed." rxMci: THK.vTiii^ (Charles H. WHldron. luiiUURPr).—This week 'I'iger Lilies Co. lliir- k'sipies; ""I'skUig Tilings Ilnsy" and olUor tiumy sketches. Olio: Morrlssey Sisters. I'ldcsliis, Jniiies and Kiislc Cooper. Kerry, Wal- lers, aud Ilerry, Chirpuce Wllber aud Co.. llir llgpi'scnpe and oHiers. As usual. W'll- IIsiiih' Iaippi'liil.1 sliowMi to crowdHl houses. i.Yc•l:^^(■Tm:ATlll;,lG. H. Itnlchellei', iiinb- ngpn.-Mepk of.April J.<>, Merry ^IaidenH C.'. Al (he Krench nail" and •'.Mr. Bng's Ituar nay" are the hurlesnnes. and olio in- ehitirs: N?llle Unnlry, Duflln-ltcdcay Trotipe, .lolin.son 'Xrlo, 8am KIcc and Hbcpnard Camp, and Alice Leslie. Carr's Thorougnbteds had 11 prpfltable week. ,, ,o» .; .: AtJSTis & Stoxh's Museum (Stone «e Shaw, managers).—Curio hall: FtofesBor Vnlln, m cxhibltkns of the cnpabllltleg of an nir.ililp: Kl Scncr Keltho, In occolt denwnsttatlohs: PMIe Knowlton, long dls- tanc? bicycle i Ider; Dofe peVll Libbjv in- trepid motor 'cyclist: Aiphoqso, the Black I'rlnce. who, dines on scr.ip Iron, glnssware, etc., nnd Mons. and .Madam Beniivnls, novelty iirlliits. iSta^e r Vila, Ilancroft, .Minnie triio, .Millie Iliirke, Florence Dale, .Ethel Forest, ifariiy Powell, -Morris nnd Jforrls, the Rcl- fords, Ilnrr nnd Iteptnn, Beverly nnd Dan- vers, the .Miltons, Itiidd Sisters, and Fox and Cnok Co. _ . . . WAi.KPin's Mi'SEtrit (T. Itonklne, mana- ger).—Week ot April 18—Curio hall; Sunny South .Merrymnkers. I'rofessor Chasm, man of my.stery: Koster, chair balancer: Snm Cohen, oxpanslonlst, nnd: other novelties. Stage: Mr. and .Mrs. Lew V. Diamond, Morm Sisters, lings Mouahon. I'earl Frnzler, and Lllllo Locke. : , NicKKi.oDEON. (L. B, Walker, manager).— Kid Parker, featherweight, wrestler: Car- nelio .ind' Fona, equilibrists; I'rofessor llenry Itnetbing, Austrian magncinn; Vnung ChiirleB, iiprtcct boy, nnd Will Gordon, fancy roller skater, nrc curio hall features this week. Stage: Genevieve Gordon, Hiss Claiis- spn. Mary .M. .Mnck, Kdlth itoberts. Tesslc I.e Vendre, Uelilrenn and Itoberts, and Mlunio Jordan. (.iossir.—Sunday concert hlllB: Ilo»nn — Watermelon TriiKl, Mark Sullivan, Burnelt and Weyerson, lirancis Wood, Two Connors, Lcm Wnlch, Laura, West. Whitney nnd Mor. gan, nnd llnlley and Williams. .Vtisfc Hall nnd J/fl/c««c—Billy B Van nnd Hose Beau- mont, Bettlna Glrard, James Home and Co., Hertle Fowler. Kmplrc Comedy Four, Boliec fcnd livers, and ISmll Subcrs, .Mr, and Mrs, ager). — Tbli house reiuatned closed Iuhi week. , Current week, Wnlsotfs Oriental Bur lesnuera 14-16. NOTES.—.Maynatd Olllord,' reiMntly treas. urer of the local teamcrs uolon, left the past week to Join the llainjim & Ballev Clrcns forces iTheodore 11 Baylies the gentlemanly and cotirteous recldentljtatiaecr of Sheedy's local theatre, has, liitJen no' postlion of business mnnngpi' nni) treasurer of the New Bedford Baseball Team, In the New Knglnnd Lengue, for the, present season ... .The vaudeville ^eason n^ Hheedys i'lirt chaso Htreet house clo^g April :io. AVm, Hobyns, and Mile. .Netala. UoioMn Squnre —John and Rmma Roy, Parker's dogs, Louise Henry, Pierce nnd Maliee, the Vans, Belle Harvey, Frank L. Browne, Beverly and Danvera, Hayes ond Juniper, nnd Hayes and McVey. i ■ Loivell.—.Vt the Lowell Opera House (Fny Bros, k Hosford, mnaogers),—The Aubrey Stock Co,, In repertory, enjoyed good busl- i.ess the entire week, April 11-10, with the exception of Friday night, when "The Bo- heminn Girl" was sung by the Y. M. C. A. Opera Co., under direction of John J. Qulnn, ot: the Opera House «la(r. to n cnpncily bouse. The production was very ably given. Com- iiig: PI Ktn Society (Harvard) "Will o'. the AvTsp" 18, "Lovers' Lane" 10, "The Karl of I'awtuckct" 21, Lulu Glaser 2.1. AcADKMV Of .Mi'.sic (B. F. .Murphy, mana- ger) —"A Hidden Crime" opened last week's entertainment, ll-i;i. playing to good busi- ness, nnd giving satisfaction. "Side Triickcd" proved as entertaining ns ever 14'1U, to lair business, the company being a capab'e one. Due: "I'o Die nt l>awn," with Elsie Crescy, 18-20; "The Voice of the Mountain" 21-23. Cahto Theatre (Al. Hayncg, manager).— This house enjoyedJgood patronage Inst week, and a good bill. Dean Kdsall and Co., and Sancone and Delia were big tjucccssca. Cur- rent : Jrmes J. Oorbetl, Howley and Leslie, l.arkins mid Palerson, Vinton nnd Clayton, X. V. .Newsboys' Qiinrtet, Mao Taylor, Tom Mack, and the blogrnph. BoSTO.v 'i'ui:ATiiH (J. II. Tebbetts, mana- ger).—The usual business here last week, and an excellent list ot entertainers. Flossie ].eblanch, a champion strong woman, and Dan McCaffrey were deserving of mention. Current: Danny .Mann, assisted by Harry I'nront, in "Mrs. Orogan's Birthday;" Dan McCallrcy, Jack Howurd, Hnrtfoi-d aa(| Davis, Bowen and All, ,ind tho Boston bio- scope. P£ori.K'.s TiiK.iTRa (Raymond & Cnokson, managers).—Ritsiness S. 11. O. herd lust week, and tho bill was vaVlcd to suit all. Current: Hartford & Davis' Female Mln- Klrols, K. L. Iirukker, the Mnhers, .Minnie Allbrlghl, Harti'ord nnd Davis, Finnle Lulsb- inan, .Mamlu La BpIIp, Charles l''erry, and nflerplece, "What Happened to James, Mhntiok. —'I'tip Shppi>aril moving ph^tures, at Ihe Opera House, It), did big biislnes Another conerrl IT Itoslrun Bros.' Mov. lug I'Iclure Co. have enlerlntiipd good sl/etl crowds Hie pnsl two weeks bore, with Iho (^orlielt-Jpirrles, Young CorliPlt-McGovprii contests l''oi'(>paugii-SeliN' Unlled Shows are nuiinunced, by gorgeous posters as com- ing cnrly in Alay., .M. L. l,ri>vey closed (|8 Hclvnnce for Aubrey Stock Co., to g() In ad- vance ot Hnrgienve's Big Railroad Shows Fiigenn Reno, of Reno and Smith. Iian been III three weeks at his home In I'rnvldpnce, U. I. TliPir ilct met with big favor nt the Boston last week Lotlle Gllsnn Is lo star next season. In renerlnry, siipporlcd by Billy Hart nnd a copaule company, using n list of nine royally plnys, nnd special scenery nnd effects, and playing Now Knglnnd, New York und Pennsylvania Cicntoro and Ills band entertained two good si',i:ed audi- ences nt Huntington llnll 10 .Tames MIskeil. assistant slniiflnianugpr nt tho Casio, has left to he connected with tlic Arlington Hotel Cookson nnd Raymond, of the People's Theatre, will open the Ulm Garden, BInghamlon, N. Y., ns n Urst class vaude- ville house, for the Summer season, about Mny 1« At Huntington Hall, concert by Rossini Choir (elevenlli npmial), IT; It, A, UluAtrebi 1ft. "The Pirates of Pen- zance," by t^o. C. Af. V. if. (locili), 21. 22. Thn last meeting of the Lowell Aeri« 22;i. of KnglPB, the class Inltlntloh Increased lis nii>mliet'sbl|i lo four hundred nnd ten, and n general good time was held, Ihc mcmliers of Dan Ryan, Cnsto and Boston Theatres furnishing nn excellent entertainment. Brolh- ors from coast lo coast were nrcsent. Ritual by W. P. James Doyle, P. W. P. Geo. Mc- Cabe, D. 1>. John M. Hogan, nnd Bra J, Harris, of Syrpciisc, N. i". New Bedford.-At the New Bedford Theatre OVm. B. Cross, lunnagev).—The Keyhlono Dramatic Co. held the stage week of April 11, and presented a scries of old favorite niays in u moat satlRfactory man- ner, mal'.Ing ii pronounced Imprcsalou upon the patrons. Tho plays were mounted sump- luouBly, nnd uctcd with gront cnpabllliy hv every iin'nibi'r of tho company. 'Ihc scenerv lor the nine plays given was new. and lli'e stage settings were etfcctlve, which lent ad- ditional Interest to the old suecrsses ot years ngn. Ilet>venii thn acts apoclaltii's were given by Villi Kanip. innglclau; Udward Doyle, hoop I'ullcr and Jiigirlor; .Mniirlcu llnswell, iiiiil .Mr. iliid Mis. Welch. Pnlrotingp was pxtriiordhuirlly liivge all the week. Current: "An Aiticrlcnu Holib" 18, Lulu Gluser, in "Holly Varden." 10. SiiHKnv'H P';ii(;iiASK Si'iit:i;T Tiik.vti:!: ('I'bcd. II. Baylies, iniiiinger).— X most plean- luK bill was presented here the past week. Willi those favuriles, Faike und Seuou, as the top llnor.s. HoMen and Florence re- el Ived the heartiest kind of ajinlause In tliolr operelln. "The Fairy ot Klllnrnev," iKitli being vocalists ot excellent ability. Foster and Foster scoted heavily In their skit, "WMKIer. II Pianist." and demouslrnti>d their powers with this favorite Instrument. Tho .iniMinese Tnnukns, proved wonderful in top siilnnlhg. JU'.igling nnd magic: Sullivan and Pasf|itelciitt presenled tliPlr sketch, "A Xcws- Imy's Appeal," which gained fur them several cr.cores. George W. Slewari amtenreil In iipgro spoclAllies. and Belle Ilathnwav's trnlneil monkeys were especliilly pleasing lo the ladies and ohlldren. This week's hill: I'reil KdwnniB nnd Mny Kduiiln, presenting 'A n.itchvlor's Dream;" llm Bison Cllv ()iiarlel. Frank O'Drlea, the VOuv Wehlis. Mile. Vnlescn. Kdlrh pud Willie Hart. Ln Belle Jprinpttp, nnd the vitaginph. SiiKKnr'n Duoli Tili:.\Tnt: Is dark. rLOwr.RB' TiiKATRB (John I. Sbaonon, man. SprlaHrlleld.—At the Coutt Sannre The- atre (W. (;. Le Noir, managerj.T—"The Fni'l of Pawtucket" played a return date April 12, to a much InrRcr house than'upon lis previous visit. The piny wai3 In the linnds ot a cnpable company. The work ot I'mnt .Monroe stood out prominently. "The Wl-/. nrd ot Ol." 13, 14, drew three good tioiisps Hoyfs moving pictures, l.'i. 10, did fair linslnoHs. B6ok«il: " 'Way liowp Rast" 18 2<), .Metropolitan Optra Co., In "LaTravinta " 21: Mlshup Minstrels (iocnl) :{■. Wm .'| Kohl>r, supported by local talent. In "Louis >liiw 'Gilmobb TnB.iTnio (j; v. Burke manager).—'"Ihe Minister's Daughters," n". i;{, delighted large nudlenccs, which found much of absni'biiiK interest iu the piny Agnes Marks, as the blind daughter, was a, favorite, with the niidlemcs. Florence Mnlone nnd Chas. Loyd wero also gowl "When Women Love," 14-1(1, pinved up to the house standard and cnlortnlncd jjoxi houses. I''rnnktyu Miinncli, l.,ew A. Warner Fthel Clifton, nnd Lillian Kingsbury were teen nt their best. Due: "A lllddPnCrlnic" 18-20, "Why Women Sin" 25 '.'7, "The Gam- bler's Crimcv 28-ao. NftBON TiiiSATiii: (Z, T. Dnmon, mana- gen.—The Bowser-Craven Stock Co, lias nl- lendy established n reputation, nnd each per- formoncp wins them more friends. I.ast week "The Wife" was presented, to good ro- turns. Clms. Lane played John Riithford hi an excellent manner. Hall Mc.\llister did well In the part assigned him, and Chas. Bowers did well In the comedy role. \Vel)er & Fields' All Star Co. pinyed to nn audience which taxed the theatre's capacity 14. "llappv Hooligan" 18-23, the HowserCrnven Slo.k Co. will return week of 25, presenting "Thu Private Secretary." GiiAND Oi'KiiA lIottSB (Chas. W. Fonda, manager).—^The only attracllon ot the week wns "The Vlllnge Fool." 14-10, wilh Frank i>wen la tho lead. It was seen by fair sized linuses. The Hot Air Burlesnuers 18-2(>, "Side Tracked" 21-23, Tiger Lilies 25-.10. N'OTK.s.—The ground was broken on liisl Tuesdny for Ihe addition to the Klks' new home, on the comer ot Chestnut and Worib- ington Streets, It is e.vpecled that the KIkK will move Into their new ((uoriers about Mnv 1, end tho addition will be ready ub.-iut the middle of the month. At the Instniintlnn. on April 12, the following olUcers were in- Mailed: Past exalted ruler, J. R. Nicholson: exalted ruler, W. II. Robinson; estcenieil ioyal knight, T. II, O'Brien ; esteemed lectur- ing knight, C. M, Keiton; secretary, J, B. Shcn i trustees—Ctanrlea T. Shean, M. J. Dunn and W, C. Le Noir, following wblcb n light Utncfa was served, during which Pnsi Kxaltcd Ruler S. J, Collins was presented with a handsome l!;ikfa badge... .Kalherliii' Bell and .Mamie WPlch, of "The Babes in Toy- land" Co., were the guests ot friends dur- ing their engagement In this city 0. L. Southland, ot the Court ,S(iunre Tbcntrc or- cbnslra, leovei this week for Syr.icusc. .\, Y., where he lit to Join the BoBton Festival Orchestra tor u tour ot rtve weeks throiigU the middle West and Southern cities The Chleopee Aerie of Kuglcs hfid Its nn- niinl bnll at the City IIi^ll in that city, l.'i. which wns largely attended by birds frnia Holyoke, Wcstlleld, Chleopee bnlis nnd this city l'\ 0. Miller, ropresenting I'ore- imugh <Se Sells lUathers' Circus, whicb cxlil- bits here at Hampden Park, .May i:i, was in the city week. The circus ndverllsing car No. 1 Is in the city at present, covering town with posters Stella Bcnrdley, of "Tiie Babes In Toyland," was entertained by local friends during the engagement ot Iho company In Ibis clly... .Frnuk Itnlnger. of tiip "riiPlma" Co., spent Ihp past week with his family. In "West Siirlngfleld Arthur Amsden, the reflrin?. ieadpr of the Second Rpgiinpnt Band, ii nipmber ot ;lip Court Sipinie Tlipntro OrcticMi-a, who has gone West to Inke a lucrntlvo position, was tendered a bnnqui'C nt the lllfihlnnd Hotel, at At'hlch ho w.ts presented ;vllh a beaiillful gold badge, siillnbly engraved, by his musical nsHodntes, and a silk umhrolln by the Inde- pendent Order ot Scaipers Mrs. I/)llic Blah- Parker, niithnr of "'Wav Down P/Osl," In vlsltliiir wllh trienda in llol.voke Howard Pew nnil Kd. V. Gii/mnq, advance for Cieatvre,were in tho.cily on last Friday, nrraiiglng for tlie engagement of the bnnil nt the CMty Hall, April 22, 23,,, .Kllznbeth Casey passed thrnngb hpro lost Thursday en her way to Join MnrgiU'ct Anglln iiud llenry Miller, in "Camllie."., ..Henry I'Ikler, ot PUtsflelil, is negotlaling wilh Henry W, HlosHom for '.he "Yankee Consul" tor his biolher, in Budapest, ilungiiiy, who wishes to put nut a compiiny to ton.' that country. Bowers :uifl Crnven liave been Hooded with letters nnd telegrams of best wishes from tliclr meiiy friends In tho profesaioii, wJiH'ii apeaks well for the company chosen... Wllllnm Brewers, at present playing the heavy in support of W. II, Pntton, In "The Minister's Son," nt the close of the season, which win lie nlsMit Mny 4, will go to Troy, K, v.. whpre ho will piny In stock at the Lvceiini Tbentro, which is to bo bended by Morlltner Snow. r,ntcr Mr, Brewer will go to California, to be with the stock company nt the Alcntar 'JJhcntro. Sitn Francisco George Hayes has relurnctl to bis home In Northnraplon, nfter a season's advance for the Phcfan Stock Arthur Shaw, elec- trician with GuB Ilill's "Spaart Set," has Iwen vlsltlitg friends in this city, and re- tnrand to ,\ew York last I'riday The Snrlngncid Aerie ot rngles, nt Its meeting, 13, chose Worthy President M. F. Conuolly. M. J. Mnrklcy nnd M. T. Cody delegates to tho convention of New England Aerlc ot Fugles, at Lowell, '28 Chauning Polk visited tills city 12, Iu the Interests ot " 'Way Down Rnst." Jtr. Polk Is reported as lieing lit work upon n new play for (Jrnce George, and II drniiiatliiatlon ot Hamlin Garland's novel, "llesi>er," for Wllllnm Favotsiinm, « WoreeNter.—At Ihc Worcester Theatre (Felix R, YVcndelscimofer, manager).-Thos K. Shea will iippear, in reperlory, for tho entire week of April 18. "Hen llur" Is Iwipked for Ihe entlio week «f 25. Last week "Peggy ft'om I'nris" played to good returns 11, Wales' "King ,Tolllty" production, with Inciii talent, played to sitouessful business 141(1. Iwiuin Kelso, tormerly of "The Wild Kosp" Co., playeil the comeify lead, and his work, with thnt ot A. J. Wallace, Is to be coinmciHlcd. F|iAXKi,ix Sgt.-AnB TiiRATUB (Shea i Ca, niaiinKeis).-Week of 18, "Why Women Sin." Last week "SlmdowR of a Great City" ban a good inn, looming: "Girls Will Be Girls." I'ABK THKA'fRi! (Shen & Wlllou, maun- gers).-WcoU it 18, T. W, Dlnklns' Vaude- ville nnd Oonieily Co. ■will be the attrnction, including: 'J'hft Barker Gvmiiasts, Lottie Blackford and Marlane, Sowers nnd Welble. Rldimund and Darling. Conley, Dnrling nnd Jane. In "Who's Your Teacher?" Louise Sa- tour, and the clitiiedr, "A Lottery Ticket." tj>st week, "Happy Hoollgaii" ployed to (air builness. P.u.Ai'B MvRRtiM (,T. P. Mc^Ianus, mnna- eerl.—Week ot IR: In the m-iseini—^'rlnre HoBonnob and the Dexters, In the theatre —Gormna nnd Leoiiird, Wm. II, Nichols. Dnlsv Linden, John Dclmore nnd Daisy Dar- rel. ilnrcpnu's Uvin" niciiii'os. und Hie bur- lesaiie, "All a MIftake." ^ .