The New York Clipper (May 1904)

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300 THE 'NWW '• YOHK' * CLIPPER' May 21 .> IT WAS SUMMER TIME IN DIXIELAND This is at present the biggest "Song Hit" in this country; was written; bv EDWIN KENDALL, and is being sung nightly in all the principal Theatres in this -Country, from Maine to California. This Song has made such a tremendous "Hit in New Ytfrk, Boston, "Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco.that'the Publishers predict a sale of over one million copies during 1904. One big wholesale music firm bought 50,000 of this song on speculation, and sold 36,400 copies the first 30 days. PBOFESSIOHAL COPIES of this Song FREE 00 Beceipt of Programme. 0BCHESTRAT10N | Oc. Regular Copies to lOI-PROFESSIOULS 25C. Each. **~ THEATRICAL MUSIC SUPPLY CO., 46 West 28th St., NEW YORK. Olitb (he Bilf Postm. "— . '* ■> ■ : Notes from Locnl'No. 17. Ronton, Mass.— At,the regular'meeting, May 8, we bud as gup-.ts Broa. R. II. AdklnH nnd-W. S. Kreed, i'ar jnnnncora for the. J'orepuiij{li-S«ll« Bros.' Hhow, and twenty of their men, all- m«mhcm of the a I limine. .Speeches were made- by member*, nf the ernft, and several matters fit' Interest, were discussed. The benefit ten. fler.'d to the advertising 1 staff of the Grand Opera limine wan a hlg.succens, The officer* and several nf the members purchased seats and boxes.' Bro: Kiln,'- the advertising agent, leave the boys a banquet, nfier the ahnw at the CrRwfonl House. Joe Glyiiu, J3d. Bur.* and Chan. Carroll, all of tills local, hnv« Joined the lforepnuirh-Sells Bros.' Show, Hro. Jewell It boas llthiiRrnpher-nti. the Rarnutn & Hnlle.v car. No. 2. Kro. Jim rtsmmon, of the Palace Theatre, launched his schooner yacht. The IloMlInk, on Monday, llro. Ned Curtin has joined the Ringliug Bros.'-Show. tor..the Boston engagement. Hro. I'rutik Johnson baa - returned from his successful trip with the "My Aunt Bridget" Co. Bro. <;en. Collier will- spehd- his vacation'at Jef- ferson, Mass. Bro. Chits. White, of Ixicnl No. 3. Is with "The Smart Hot" Co. Bros. Illmes, Witsou and Handy Mnnro did the billing for "The. Isle of Bplce," at the Globe Theatre, and. Bros. Hale, Horgannnd Superior, the "Buster Brown" -billing at the Majestic. Bro. Joe Vokes Is at work again at the Boston Theatre. Bro. Henry Corbett, superintendent of the Donnelly Bill Tosting Co., la using his new automobile, recently purchased by his concern. Tim Rlngllng Bros.' car, No. it," Is In,' with Tom Boiler, manager, and the following men; Louis Knobs, Geo. Roddy, It. M. Comes, Chan. )\. Clvuhbs, M'alter Becker, J. M. Brown, Geo. Becker, Harry Bradley, B. L. l'atcrlck, J. h. Nevlns. Joe Klst, Bob'Hanson, C. Abacan, li. M. Beno, T. Hayes.. J. P. Ryan, M. Ijvons. Oeo. Slade and Jim (.'ostello, all with a paid up -cnnl. Bro. Then Worhle is the purser on the Hti'iimer New Brnnswlck, that will make hoi- trip May .10. Notes from Jersey City Local. No. .10.—• At orif last meeting- we had a large at- tendance-, and we took In seven men from the Hnrgreaves Circus. Bro. Gcllatt, of No. n, Is manager-of thin ear, and all hist men arc in the union. Our tint annual picnic will bo held lit I'nhlman's l'ark, on Juun 20. Hro. Roberts, of I,ocal .18, tin- state or- ganizer, was nt the meeting, and gave us a very Interesting tnlk, Morris Moses, tin old lime agent, but now manager for it large clothing liniiBi; bere, was made honorary loethher. Bro. Cain, agent of "Bight Bells,'' Is In town and will Bummer acre. F. C. liny in oiid, nf Local IS, haa just closed with "Happy Hooligan" Co. Bro. Wolf, of this local, has secured the advertising at Wash- ington l'ark tor the Bummer. Bro, Hart, also of this local. Is back nt. bis old position at the ill]nii. i.'oi lowing la the raster of Welsh. Bros.' Circus: V. O. Woodward, of No.* 4, car manager:. Jack Scott, No. »; Notes from Local No. 4, Philadelphia.—, At our meeting on Sniulay, Msy 8, we hud, for visitors. The Pawnee BUI advertising nfflff, irumprlslng the following members uf Car No. 2; Robert Mathews, boss bill poster, of Loral No. 11 ;' M. L. Bell, assistant boss' kill poster. Local No. 11; Bill Jack, Local No. ft; Geo. Aiken. Locul No. :t; Robt. Mer- lin, 1-ocnl, No. .'I; J. Jones, Local No. .1; Mark Wlsehnrt. l-oral No.. 11; Eddln Baker, Local No. U; William Uplien, Local No. 124: Loul.s Ilnnser, Local No. .'!; Red Lelo, Local No. .1; Jos. M. Borie, Local No. 11; Prank Clinch, 1-ocal No. J; J. K. Bnteman, Local No. 1*4 : ■Win. odes, lithographer, kcwnl No. 4: W. Iv.nlewood, lithographer, Local No. *1; J. M. Hcons, Local No. 19; IS. Banks.' chef, nnd J. MeKolght, porter. We also obligated Jobn W. Hutchinson, of Wllllamsporl, of the above cnr. Our president, J. Suplce, Is to be len- dered a benefit nt the Standard Theatre, tbla coming week. 8. H. Davis has returned from the) Main Hhow, on account of sickness. Wo would like to hear from ull members en mule, before our next meeting, nnd I bey will confer a great favor by sending their names and route to S, C. Moss, secretary; nnd also se- cure buttons, as we have them on hand, nnd ft. Is very Important that every member of the alliance should havn one. 1 ■■■ ♦«» . VJKOIMA. . . ■•• ' Norfolk,—At the Academy of Music (T. G. Lenih, manager).—The Benuett-Moulton Co. closed a very successful season at this house Mny 14. The Knowlns, hypuotbts, will open - here 16, for a week's engagement. One of the' most successful seasons this bouse has ever enjoyed will be brought to a close with tbll attraction, (Jiiani.v TuEitTnn (Jake Wells, manager). —Business at this house week of 9, with "The' Sign of the Four," was highly sntls- factory. t'On the Brlrtgo at Midnight" 111-21. At'MK TiiEiTiti; (Cbns. M. West, manager). —^ln addition to the regular slock people- booked nt this house■fiir-week of 1(1 arc: filooney and May, Klo Parker, Vivian Russell nnd Clms. II. Ward. Business Is good. Hi.iui' TllBATRH (J. M. Cvlnnluii, mana- ger i.- —Penplp for week of HI ure: i.'has. K. RentJ, Kanny Forence, I.nurn Rnymund. I'll. Foley, Florence Kdwurrtx anil Ruth Mull- laud Business Is good. Ri.x Bno«.' Ctuiti'n plnyeil to packed lenta May 5, «. ■ Richmond.—At the Academy of .Music (Clms. Rex, manager).—"Jim the Penman" May 10-18. "A Daughter of Hie People" in-lfl. Hunt! Thkathi: (Jakes Wells, manager). —"On the Bridge at .Midnight" gnvc a fn>v show to gorsl audiences 0-14. "June Kyre" 1*21. Uaiidttillt and .ItUnstreL Manaoee Jas. H. Cubtik and TresBiirer fid. Bull, nf the T/.nrinn Theatre, New York, ' frill have their benefit Sunday; May 2^. ' Iti-- hcnrsnis for roIuntuMn will be held nt. the London Theatre Sunday afternoon, between 4 and G, by Carl Williams. ■ ViiiTu; the musical artlut, has arrived In New York, after on absence of fifteen years. Season 1HS4 und 1885 he was a member of Uie Ilellly & Wood All Star Vaudeville Co. Since then Vlrto haa been playing England, AH well Ah the Kuropcan continent nnd Aus- tralia. ' M*riAMB L'KSTttANdF:, accompanying Ucr dauglilers, the 1/Kstrangc Sisters, was a ( i.iri'in caller May It!. The sisters have recently filled n very Hticcessful engagement: In Chicago, and are visiting New Vork on pleasure for the present. Later on they will resume Ibeir bookings. Manaoei: IlAititv H. Hr.ii.RY has hem en- -gaged by Charles Dnhlap to take charge--of the stage at Rleelrle Park, Newark, N. J., lor the Summer season. Tbe park is con- sidered lo be one of the finest nnd largest ot Its kind. • Tour QtUMH writes: "I playetl from last Sepieuibor to date in two hundred and thin y- cight clulM, entertainments nnd Sunday night concerts, fifteen of wbleh I played double with my wife (Hattlc- Stewart).. All were high class entertainments, obtained through Win. Morr's. Jas. L. Harry, J. J. Armstrong and Ted Marks. I am booking for next sca- xon in the beat theatres only. Managers and performers who havo witnessed my perform- ance say that I have one of the best single turns In vaudeville" Madamr I'.uni., who In appearing In a singing act .in vaudeville, Is meeting with sitecPH. Li/.zin H. RAYAiosn has nlgned contracts wlth'-Ki Warner for a two years'. tour n( Great Britain nnd South Afrlca.- Rawi.ks ano Vo.v Kaufman opened at Olympla 'Park. Chntttinonga, Tenn., May 2, for two weeks, and scored a success In their sketch, "Mush." Week nf May 18 they Join Kdsull-Wliithrope Stock Co. as a vaudeville feature. a itHBT Howards writes: "We have closed a sitccC'safni reason as vaudeville feature) with Sinclair's Kmpire Theatre Stock Co. and nru resting at my home for a few weeks, when we play parks all Summer. Our net la booked solid until September. We have In our act Bert Kdwnrds, Irene Vaughn and Clip Nelson." - MoNctiti.F ASn Smith write: "Wo have Just returned nomn to Muskegon. Mich., after n successful season on the Pacific coast, in- cluding the Empire circuit, also twenty weeks .it Dendwond, s. 1 >. Our Summer season on the park circuit will begin at Kalamazoo, Wust Hvn Park^- Sun Rrothers' Circus fjjMM rwo performances, matinee nnd night., iiji| e h -June 1" " Nine.—The friends of Chns. Rex. the pop- V KuRP kowmax, of Vogel's Minstrels, will itlar young manager of the Academy of Mu- pl „y ,, Rl p s to tne Pacific coast next Kail. sic, this dry, were pleased to learn of hla.,r./ ACK ANr t Bf.btha Rich, who met with promotion to general manager of the Lenth s ,„.p fBB W |,|| 0 ftt | he Howard, and Austin & circuit, eoyerltig. aII theatres leased by Thos. Stnne .g Boston, have signed with Rose Sy- llarry Lausch. No. 4; Arthur Strain, No. 1; f"'» ,l , 1 ;,°. f this State, Including the Academy.,jU;uv,London Belles for next season. C. Beckett, So. 19; Kred BowerH, No. 4; '? _ Richmond; Norfolk. Newport News, *Baai>f.b-La VKLLK-LErnvER Tbio ai L. Smoker, No. 4; H. BtrouJ), No. 4, and Portsmouth, Roanoke. Charlotte. N. C, and ln({ wlth BUCCWM , ln their new act, 1, n'.r. „ „ ■ , .,.» ..ii _.. .a— . W p Ma. Air liar id in nb„ hla h.'flil. . ". . ... .... ... .»__. ...... .!■■ L.'Smoker, No. 4; H. Htroup, No. 4, and R, Walts, No. .1. 'Address all rotnmunlro linns to Howard Newton, Humbnilt Hall, Newark Ave., Jersey City. Notes from Local No. it, Plttaburg.—Bro. flen. Vandnrsllce. of No. a, who has been lo- cated at Charlerol, Pa., the past season,- was In Pittshnrg for a abort time, May 11. on his way to visit'his pareiits In New York. Na- tional President Chaa. Joseph and wife are now located In their handsomo new home on Mt. Washington, a suburb of Pittsburg. Bro. Joseph extends a cordial welcome to all visit- ing brothers. Bro. D. 3. Sweeney, of No. 7. wns bere 12 and ID, checking up for the Barnum * Bailey Show. Bro.- Sweeney says there' la less t rouble with the boys this season than ever before, and that they seem to be nutting their best efforts to the front. Kro." Ben Ciillcn, of No. 3, who has been con- nected with tha Umpire Theatre, Pittsburg, for several years, la preparing to fake a trip to his home In the west. Bro. Harry Cohen, uf No. S, advertising agent for the Grand anil Avenuo Theatres, will leave Pittsburg for Chicago, where he will be located for I ho Summer months. Tbo John Robinson ad- vertising car No. S, In charge of Mr. Dale, reached Pittsburg May T. The boys on Iho car spent the evening with the local boys. Bro. F. L. Bahr Invited .all the boys to spend Sunday,- 8, with blrn at bis home. Owing; to thcro being no meeting thnt day, the In- vlfntlou was accepted, and' all enjoyed them- telvcH. There was plenty of good things ln store for them, and on their departure they nil expressed thanks for the kind treatment received while ln the "smoky" city. All stewards. will please communicate nt onee'wlth Charles Joseph, president of Iho National Alliance, P. O. Box tlltl. Pittsburg, l'a,. giving their route* ahead, ns-business of lmporlauce will ho communicated to tliain. Notes from Local No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. —The new flrnnd Tlioetro, which opened Mhv .S, has Hro. C.'ies. Mc'llnn ni the head of the advertising department. Hro. Chns.' Thonwe. of the Academy, will leave next week for u j'ntir weeks' vacation trip. Hro. Wm. Mick, who has been awarded it wng-ui. Is making: tpille a reputation-on the RnuUt side. Ilu Is ably assisted by Bro.' Wnlwer. Bro. Whltl- more. who Is the hustling agent of the Ful- ler Opera House, nt Madison, Wis., Is 'doing gout* work for the local. John Krall anil h'rod l>li*, of Oshlinsh, Wis., were added lo our local the past week. Bro, Schleblelr; is still very II!. but Die brothers arc confi- dent that, be will pull through. Most of the local boyw are t-xrepllniially busy, as the local theatres have resumed hilling. Out- aide members, especially those who havn not heen In touch with I lie local for :<oimt time, are requested lo coininuiilcnte with Corre- sponding Secretary \\ E, Mick, 2*.'0 Tblnl Street, Milwaukee. Wis., whenever they Iihva iiiy news of Interest to the brothers. nshkosh, Wis., Notes.—The Northwestern 0111 Posters' Association, lu annual oouvoii. Hon here, elected the following nfflrcrB" President, Krank H'lugerald. Milwaukee; vice president, P. L. .Myers, Janesvllle; se?. mlary, IS. .1. Kempf, Slielioygan : treasurer, C A. Marshal:, Superior: executive commit- tee—P. A. Unlicr, Fond du Lac; E. C. Hart- man. Madison, nnd J. R. Williams, Oshkosh, Messrs, Hnber ard Hnrtmun were chosen delegates to the notional convention, to be held at St, Louis, in July. Notes from Local No. 21. Buffalo. N. V.— At our regular meeting, Bniidny afternoon. May 8, we had a large attendance. We had Brrt. Rytey, of Irfirul No. .1, who Is nbotil »i> transfer from Local No. ;t to No. 24. W* have In town this week with "An Orphan's Prnyer" Co., Bii>. John Nlemeyer, of Local Nn. 1. Bro. Tlaney Mack, of liocnl 24. who has been with the "Happy Hooligan" Co., is back In town. There are several park ami pleasure resorts here, anil nil are planning to open about May 2S. The boys of Local 24 have been engaged at the different places of amusement for the coming season. ciher cities quarters la Music. Mr, Rex will milks his hcaib Richmond, ni the Academy oT i_ Petersliartt.—At the Academy of Music (Wm. K. l-'rench, runnoger),—Kiks' M.ln- slrels (local) held the hoards May 9, to ;i largo and eiitbualnslle audience. ♦>» IOWA. Ilea Malnea.—At t'oslcr's Opera nouse (Wm. Kostcr, manageri.—Viola Alleu, In 'Twelfth Night," played to alio nf the larg- est audiences at this house this season. Maude Adams, In "The Little Minister," 12. tliiANti Opkiia Moihk (Wm. Foster, man- ager).—North Hros.' Comedians- played to are mcet- and are booked up solid until May, 11)05. They open on the Hopkins circuit, St. Louis, May ir>. ,.' MapAmb IT.owrn, "the hriinze Melbn," Who has been engaged ns a special feature with' "The- rollcy "Players," now playing . Stair ft' ; Havlln'a circuit of houses,-will bo seen next season In her own musical comedy, entitled "Queen of the Jungles," opening .Ane. li -at -Perth Ambey, N. J. A. C Larriyrk. after a successful season ; with "The Burgomaster" Co.. has returned "to vaudeville, and report success In his new- act. Kittie OtUr, nf Levins and Oray, Is under the doctor's care In Troy, N. Y. , La Bnitn and Ryfrron write from M^inne- a polls; ''We recently closed eight successful weeks on tbe BIJoii circuit, nnd were obliged to refuse a return date, us we were liooked good business week of 2. The same company on the Crystal circuit, opening at St. .low-pii, remained 11-14. Billy Korsands' Jllnstrcl» »Mo., May 1«, for eight, weeks, with the L'dl- 1018. Blue Ribbon G'rls 19-21. Minuoii Tiikm'iih (J. S. Connolly, mana- ger).—Th* Van liyke Stock Co, rlllril tho bouse every night, with a good re|iertory; Ull. son Electric circuit, to follow. The title of' our new act Is 'Just Two Little' Polks,* which has proved a big success." W.' W. Bkax, Into of Bean and Mcttllng. lias Joined bauds with M. C. Berg, and tbe team will be known as Bean and Berg, trick bicycle riders, i 'ItKNcK ano At.r.ER recently- finished a twelve weeks' engagement over tho Southern California circuit, add are at present work- ing North, with thirty weeks ahead booked solid.- Their net Is being well received. '"TitB Morrisons will hereafter be krtown as Morris nnd Montrose, Mr. Morris, who was formerly of the team of Morris and Blaltt, has written a comedy sketch, called "Silin. Jim's Visit," in which he nnd Jessie nuiiuctnc.—At the Graud. Opera House .Montrose will continue to play this Summer (Win. T. Roehl, manager).—Locals present-. ,.ln vimdyvllle, nnd are booked solid, od "The Flrates of Paw-one*," Uv% at a Tun 'Church City Q**art--t <Koehl. Bob!- hanetH for the musical director, Charles man. Wilson and O Sullivan) aro In IMt Thoinns. to a fair house. Flora De . Voss twenty-second week with (Jits mil's Western Comeilv Co., In repertorv, 014. "A Night; Happy HoollRiin Co., and are meetlug with In llnbenilu," 10, .17, under the auspices of- success. ■ tho local lodge of -Elks. 207. Billy Ker- ^IIarhy Biirns writes: "1 have signed ivUU sands* .Minstrels 25, Choral Club 20. I J** «J. n * ^ llcu Kwerprlses. for next season. HnrlH.gton._At tho tlrnnil Opem Kmm/J^JHSjlS n ^S ^Sffl^SU^E^iJLiSLi* (Cbamherllii. Harrington r& <" —"tiver' Nlugurn Kails*' did May ii In spire of a very bad night. Friend from Arkansas" 14. Tho season will close wllh the Olbney Stork Co. week of 10, »■ i *«» ' Gednr Rapids.—At Greene's Opera House i Will 8, Collier, business manager):—The Van Dyko Stock Co. comes Mny 10, for two wfcks, ' "^ Note. —The Wallace Circus 1b due June ft. L. Lynch, general contracting agent, was here 11, nnd engaged grounds on, the West side, corner of Klcvcuth Street, and C Avenue, about three miles across the city from the' lot heretofore occupied by all tho big shown. t"o mannmrii^■'ft' l,,, •'' ,, P oll ' , ■ flnd th,n °1" n M Winnipeg, 1 faiT^uSSSs; ^'* n - M n «'P fh-hrente the queen's birthday, M *"^ w|lh other pnod time to follow." TliAAS. Pt. "Wnrtli.—u the Standard Thentre ('■"rank He Beipie, luantiger).—.lack Wll«. Hams, - ,1ns. Thompson and lilsln Rusacll were the iie.vs peoiilc oiH-nlng May 1). Those retained: II. B. Burton, Bella Carroll, Baby Hoi, Howard and Ahou.'Clever Carroll, H'Ar.. vlllc Sisters. Lattle Collon, Lulu Do Mar. Carl ^2& w S^.SSSSLSl Co,sdan.i: i^s. Plorenco and Lulu Lawton.. St t JS^Mp'SI^% The comedy. "A Prima Houna." — • «SF^^£ ^S^S* -EgaJW rloek olteilug... The week opened to big hmd- ! ' ( uess. Ctiow.v TitKATitts (Phil Epstein, manager). —"Buncoed" Was the title of tho curtain miser at this house week of 9. The new peo- ple Included: Billy and Mamie Price, Pearl Pair, Rleanor fliuibnr, Lilly La Rose and Nollle Williams. People holding over: Three Barneys. Vlnln La Page, Jeunle Howard, De White and Rankin, Tom Fey, Saul Harris and Ada Vulc. Barney Williams nnd Lee Kd- iiiunds repented "The Magician and His As-: slstniil." The week opened to heavy returns. Dnlln*.—At Hie Opera House (Geo. Aniy, manager),—Mine. Schumann llelnk. under Tub Capitoi. City Trio, Juvenile vlollnlsls and talking comedians, have rearranged their talking act for a Summer tour, with new costumes,' new-melodies and new business. This'Summer Ihey will make n tour of the provinces and through the Thousand Islands. 'Muster Laurence "the sliver voiced tenor," ; 1b nieet'ng with success. BniiKF. ano llviins. who recently closed a vevy successful season with tbe W. A: i'ur- tello Betmetl-Moulton Co., ate now with the Twltchel Co. as a special feature.' cmucie M. Scott, contortionist, closed nn at the Acmo Thca- May 7, and opened » ....e. 'Hnlveston, Ter., for lour weeks.'" Miss Scott has found the cli- mate ho agreeable lu Florida that she has purchased a small farm near Ponsncola, and expects to moke that her permanent home. Bo. Parker, while nt Proetor-'s week of May 2, wns presented by his partners, Allea nnd Appleten, of tho Anona Comedy Trio, with an elegant alligator grip, with complete traveling set. Murphy and Palmer, In a black face spe- lait.i, nave signed for the Summer on the Frank Melville circuit of parks, opening about the middle of June. Ruf and OuKicK write: "We close our sec- ond season as the vaudeville feature of the Tolson Stock Co., nt Dallas, Tex., and open the inisplces nf the St. Cecelia Club, May 2.'.. pur'Summer work at West Knd Turk, New •Cvct.H Park Siimmbr Tiibatrb (C. S. MoA^MMm Khi. May 8." Adams, mnnuger).—Bonnnlr Price t*o. con- tinues to draw good business. Bill for lint week: "Mnud Mttller" and "In the Vallev of Kentucky." The Polniatler Sisters arc the musical feature of this resort. Talli's Family Theatre (T. L. TaJlov, mauager).—Business continue* good. Josh: D. Sthwart writes that she Is verv III at her borne, Ml Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.' MnPTr Jacor.<< left New York Friday, May 1.1, for Bt Louis, to attend to the details of tho Butler, Jacobs it Lowry attractloni for tho World's Fair. Prrtr, Japfir, dancer, of the Garden Trio, with T. W. J Mnklus' Innocent Maids Co., and Olln Golden, a member of the same organi- zation, were married Monday, May '£, si Burlington, Vt., ln the .Sherwood House. Bert.- Somers, nf Seiners and Wlble, was best man, and Gertie Rozlne was bridesmaid. .Mr. JaOle .writes Ihnt be will work alone after . his season closes with the Innocent. Maids. and will do an original singing and dancing act He has several weeks booked this Sum- mer for his new specialty. Tub Ansel and Ahams Trio are nt (bo World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo., with Ino He Kreko Bros.' Orientals, weeks of May H, 15 and 22. Collins and Hart havn played a success- ful (our through Kngland and Scotland for the past Ave months, and played their last engagement In Liverpool, Bag., May 2. They will return to America, which left. Liver pool May 11, and Is expected to arrive in New York May 19, They will open at Tony Pastor's May 2.1, and at Hammersteln's Para- dise Roof Garden HO, for all Summer. They will return to Rngland to play Hie best thea- tres and music halls In Rngland. Ireland, Scotland, Paris, Germany nnd Spain. They are Ixsjked for two years without losing a week, commencing on Dec. 2ll, nt the Kmpire. London, for eight weeks, with the Moss & Thornton tour to follow. Frank P. Spall-haw writes: "I will furnish the coming season all the special features in the way of vaudeville attrac- tions for the Ohio State fair, to be held at Columbus, Aug. 29 to Sept. *!. I will nlao have out the coming season twenty com- plete vaudeville shows under my personal di- rection—ten Eastern and ten western—each show being composed of a number of the lead- ing vaudeville acts In the profession. 1 re- ceived over one thousand answers In reply to niv last Clipper ml., and they are still coming. It being almost Impossible to answer them,all. . As RR advertising medium 1 know ot nothing that will reach the performers sooner than one In The Clippf.r." Notes I'nojt thr Bbowx Family Royal Rntlrtain-kRR. —We are showing in Ihe Ohio oil field's to big business. Will be In Ohio ■ml I! May 2H, nnd return to Anderson. Ind.. where we are going to start out with a line wngon show, carrying u 00ft. round top. wllh two IlOft. middle pieces. We are all well. Rosier: Wm. J. Brown, manager: May Brown, Illustrated songs; Harry litish, spe- cially and moving pictures; Billy 'Thomp- son, black face act, Titos. II. RJOMWICK has been re-engaged by Ihe Kllnoro Sisters for vaudeville during Ihe Summer. Klpry, Juggler. Is In his twentieth week nn the Lubelski nnd Grnumnn California circuits. with seven more weeks return engagements to follow. He reports making a decided suc- cess, nnd Is booked solid until November. Mansel V.vnri.iMAN. female impersonator, bad Just finished playing a return engage- ment In- Salt Lake City, 1',, where his act was featured. He is now plnylng a two weeks' engagement nt the Grand Opera House. Butte, Mont. KniTH IIblbna has been re-engaged nt the Blumensaal, -In Munich, for two weeks longer. It is possible that she will sing there until June 1. Her engagement is scheduled to close May Iff. Tub Adams Bros.. Geo. nnd Fred, write? "We were Initiated In Bush No. 11, Order of Raspberries, nt Shea's, Buffalo, N, Y., April 27, and afler Ihe ceremony we all spent an enjoyable evening. 'l*ho new order gives promise of being a big success In Buffalo." Tub Bhanos, novelty contortionists, havo signed with the Hatch-Adams Cnrnlval Co. for the season of 11)04, to do their act In the coliseum. Dot Clausen, of the Clausen Sisters, met with A very serious accident while plnvlug Frank B. Carr's Unlnue Theatre.. Brooklyn, weclvot Mny 2, and will be unable to resume. work until the middle of June. ■Clarkd ash Trmplf. will open on the Proctor circuit May , - IO, for three weeks, ami will then play parks, being booked solid un- til October. Geo. W. Paok, nf Lewis and rage, white giving a free exhibition at Alton. S. IL. In front of the Opera House, fell from a high wire and seriously Injured his spine. Mr. Pago was taken to his homo In Portland, Me., to receive medical treatment. BiaRONNBTTR and Nf.wmax, hand to band balancers, have Just closed a successful tour over.the Goldsmith circuit, and are plnylng a few dates through Montana. Thev open over the Kohl & Castle circuit In June, and nre booked solid for tho remainder of the season. Susie Goodwin has recovered from a brief Illness, and opened at Suburban Gnrden, St. Louis, May 111. She has good dates to fol- low. . Meiirick S. Kershaw, formerly of the team of Claud and Kershaw, Is seriously III at tbe home ot his mother in Chicago. ' anii Lksmk have finished a very successful season, and nre spending the Sum- mer at Maysvllle, Ky., the home of Miss Leslie. Own Yoiino ano Brother write that they arc one nf the added features nf Hie AI. G. Field Greater Minstrels, and at the close of Hie present season ihey open ou the Shayno circuit ot parks, at Suburban Gar- dens, St. I.on Is. Jambs Biiriiis, of Ihe Golden Gate Qiiln- tette, hits severed his connection with the quintette and has Joined, for the season, with Billy Harper, of Harper, Ballov and Hesmond, to play the J. J. Flynn circuit of Summer-parks. MtNNiK Granvillb has returned to New "tork after live successful weeks at Buffalo, Toronto, Hamilton, Providence and Boston. and will remain In New York for a week, before starting her park work. SiiMMi-itH and Winters have jnst closed Ihe (traiiman and Loose circuit, and opened at Ihe New Orphcum, Portland, Ore.. May I-, doing well, and are booked 'way ahead.' Leo Stevens lias been engaged for the coming season at. Ininna's Casino, Coney Island. J Tint Tiibeb Troiibadocbs have been re- hearsing their new net, All the music used by this organliatlon has been especially ar- ranged for them by Theodore Northrup. Em- met O'Connor, recently first tenor of 'The Funny Mr. Dooley" Co.: Walter C. While, baritone, and Chas. A. Van, vaudeville per- former, make np the trio. Mr. Van continues ns business representative. Mb. and Mm. Ar„ G. Bedford write: "We h „ ftv< ' . ho / >n v, ' r .i' Biiecessful with our new aei, 'The Irish Politician,' having been offered re- I urn dates, everywhere wn have plaved. We were engaged by Manager Baker, of the Wor- cester Music Hall, for one week, and were held over for another week. We are at thii GrandI Theatre, Newport. R. L, week of Mav ML Wo open at I'astor's June «, then go \\est to open on the Edwin R. Lnnc eJrciCt for twenty weeks." Kenny and Hollih write; "We have closed our season and will open on J. W. Gorman's circuit of parki In June." UFACTURINC COMPANY Bicycle Innovations Two-Speed Gear and.New Coaster Brake fimit.f*f»t Improvement * rime Urn COinlug of tho dminlesK Pope Quality in Every Wheel KjLHTtRN nirpARTMCXT I fUr-iford, Conn. ' QrimMft.1* * Olpr«lamL M • Trflmuf." ' " CmWfonl. '* ■ rhlr i*k 111. "TUi nl tier." "t'n*c*put." "Mnntrfh." 'Jmpr-rJal." CttaloffiieH Uf* tl our Jfl.nort rlptkri' tXor*K, tar niv aur C'atfrJnifim mii \?A on n-celpt nt a I wtw-fnl rt»mu. j Hot or cold, Rain or shine, Underwear will enable you to enjoy life out-doors as well as in. In New York alone over } 300 physicians wear It. f Can your health afford to disregard I such endorsement P y DR. JAEQER'S SiHIT.RY WOOLEN SYSTEM CO. New York! sod Fifth Ave. • 157 Broadway, Brooklyn: 304 Fulton 8troot. "f Boston: _ Philadelphia; ISIO Chestnut Street, yjk Chi ^Agents it 13043a Boylston Street, la: isio Chestnut 8 Chicago: b Stat* Street. Agents in All Principal Cities. JOflEPOJIIrSlHTIEIAJU $75,000.00 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY. To arotue Interest In. anil to advcrtlsa tha (IREATST.'LUDIS WORLDS KAIR, thia enormous sum will be OlntributoJ. Foil Information will be eent 3ou ABSO- 1J •LFTELV FREE. Just nend your namo nnd a<l(lnif8 0ur.pofltal card (mil .' we will aeiid yon fall particulars. World's Fair Contest Co., 108 N. 8th Street St. Una*, Mo. S0Z0D0NT BETrER THAN GOLD for the teeth. It prevents decay. lb hardens the (puna and purities tha breath and month. SAVES—TEETH l nt: U:m tWIibrr aod LNinni wrltp; "W* h.ivn neon moKiinir with sm-L-.'S8 in our Dutch • omeriv net, -My Dutch Uni:lo,' throughout liW Host. Out of a Kenwm of. thirl vnljtlu * WW 'W hnveloHt only lurci- 'wm-Um.' Wc nro nrjn- hooked solid In Ihe Hnstern nrtrks until Kcplemlier. ' ■ Tun \.\ ilpiSKH. wrltlnc frntii. iinndon, hng., under dnto of,April 30/wiv: 'After Itlnjrlnc a _ succegufnl engnRement over the MoBri bmnlre tonr. we will retlirn to Amer- ica May 14, to play the parks for the Sum- mer*. .;...,;■