The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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June 4. THE IN-EW YQRK CLXPPIDK. 339 VOELCKEL" NOLAN'S BLACK PATTI TROUBADOURS All Star Performers, headed by in/iivie. sissieretta JONES, BLACK PATTI (Greatest Singer of her race), in an entirely new and novel $ 10,000 stage production. A SUPREME SYMPHONY OP" FUN, dance, ACT-ION AND MELODY, Embellished with Master Creations of Scenic, Illu- minating and Costuming Art. Ninth Season and Grand Entourage of the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America and!Cuba begins at New York City, August 8, 1904, terminates at Atlantic City, July 4, 1905. For bookings apply to MESSRS. KLAW & ER LANCER, and MESSRS. STAIR & HAVLIN. Performers applications should be addressed to 16 East 22d St., NEVA/ YORK. VOELCKEL and NOLAN, Character Man, Juvenile Man, Sketch Team, Repertoire People in All Lines. Siuto »".c, height, lowest Smaller salurv; pay own. Hum Join on wire. EDSALL WINTHUOPE STOCK CO., LlndlC.V Park, firoenslioro, S. 0. FOR SALE REASONABLE, The Most Gorgeous Set of Scenery in Vaudeville or Burlesque. Spectacular. C« ST l>MK Sp A ? D BBTiKgopMHA1>Kg A]VD THE 400 „ Nearly Brand New. PAT REILLY, REILLY & WOODS, euro of CLIPPER 0I-T1CK, S. V. PEOPLE Al REPERTOIRE WANTED, FOR THE FENBERG STOCK CO., i»»., People Hi All Lines—Hood, Clever Singing mid Dancing Souliretle, write; stage Carpenter (Union), wIio'Ihii ISeonle Artist: Property Play Paris; Charactsr Man, lo direct stage. State all first teller; h1ik> photos. People who have written hefore write again. Address ,.-• ' GKO. M. FENBEHG, WW llroadway, Itooin 2, N. V. DRAMATIC CO. ^TTT~ «-«-.=. t "». . . 3 ^-fct ■*■ AI AI ' L 'ROUND BKP. I'EOI'1,1., ln«luilln K ^£W tlIlL» \JUlCJCi ACTOR capable of playing; ANYTHING. Also PIANIST (Inn can keep Piano In tinif under cunvui. Mm nil towns, I nay ail. Ana. i|til«li. FRANK A, T1IORNK. week of May 30, Sulem, \V. Vn,, ivenk" June T, Wallace, \v. Va. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, flood looking SOllBRKTTE thai citn Sine, and SISTER TEAM, tu WIRE; MUSICAL TEAM that Pluv Corbels or Trombones Tor llallylioo: I'lCTl.'ltE MACHINE Operator, with Edison Exhibition Machine. Win liny iroml machine. Mannv Manton, wire. Write lowest salary. Pay vonr own. Week Stands. Jain al t>. WAHHKN II. IlICE, Care or Great Mundy Shows, Dayton, Ohio, • NexUVock, MUNOII':. INI). HAPPY HOLMES. SEND ADDRESS. ■ ■ 1. L-L You Mustn't Pick Plums From My PI urn-Tree. SIEGMAN Lantern Slides & WEIL ...» Ntw York. SEND I cts. TOR CATALOGUE J So. 4. ) Send lata for ! Catalogue ) No. .">. Band iota. for Catalogue No.ct. 77-81 WOOSTER (Bet. Spring and Broome), Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,.. Tights, Wigs, THEATRICAL JEWELRY Gold &■ Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., We tend goods C. 0. 0., subject to Inspection. but require a Deposit on all Orders. FILMS! FILMS! And Moving picture Mactihirs. all makes, bought and for suln. A large stork of Supplies constantly on hand. OUTFITS HESTKD. Write to in, today. LEWIS M. SWAAB & CO.. 3118 Spruce St., I>lillnilel|ilitit, Pa, Owing to disappointment, AT LIIIKRTV for Summer and next season.• Last six seasons with one Manager In repermlrc. Can meet all requirements In vihuIovIHo or dramatle Ciin give Rood references to well known man- agers. Prefer In.loeate. Member of A. P. of M. Address UlllAM R. LIJRVKY, care of Cadet Hand, Lynn, Mats. An Arllslle, Emphatic lilt at P»slor's, wild return dutc. The Oreatcst Novelty In Vaudeville, PACINI! Tilt; AUDIENCE, PltOM WHITE TO lll.ACK. Time tilling rapidly. ALL AdENTS, ' • Or care of JOHN E. INCE, U:» Broadway, N. Y. M r anled Quick, lor UELKtiS' COXCKKT CO. (Week HtniiflH). TUBA, In Double Strlnir I lass; TROMBONE, to Doulile Second Violin; CORNET, to Double It. ami O. Also 0001) COMEDIAN. Chance fnr week. Stale lowest; heat of treatment. I pay nil aflur Joining. Address P. W. COCHRAN, Musical Director, Denning, HI. FUNK & COJIl* T T£oS * W*I AA Vte W%»FJI PAINT and POWDER. . PIcVICKKirs TllBATllE, Chicago, in. Telephone-Central «04. Bond for Catalogue. MUSIC COMPOSERS. This is What You are Looking fir. Publish jour own compositions. Our prlcea are the lowest on the market. Send for onr prices. OTTO ZnMERKAN, Music Printer, Nos. 717,719 and 721 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, 0. Printer* for Shapiro-Romiok Co., Detroit. ESTABLISHED SINCE 1867. THE STAR BRAND POPCORN WORKS. Thn leading house In New York. CANDY PACKAOES for Parks, Boats and Theatres. Five cent goods a specialty. Try our GOLDEN (,'Rlsp pnpcoBN. A winner. WM. J. MADDEN A CO.. 14 and 1» Deshnisscs Street, New York Cilv. • JRlolittjrcl Guthmann Transfer Co. ■eaawrr nhd rJaggaga llanlln*, Btoraga, Scamiry, Proas, and Trunks Far Bala rw»M«> iiis-« w^m iT aaa wtmaSit mmm •«.. raneaaa- J. J. WARREN SKETCHES AND AIONOI/OGUE8 WRITTEN TO ORDER, I ii-to-Datr Work and the Prlro la night. 108 FOUNTAIN ST., Providence, R. I. GOODMAN'S OPERA HOUSE, FRIENDSHIP. N. V. Now Hooking for Season lttlll-IUIKi. Population il.ono. (Inod House ntid (lood Town. Address all eommunlentluus In HANK GOODMAN, Prop, mill Man. WAMT AWHHI ATTHAOTIONPOIf SEIT.OPENING Feature for Parks. HERRMANN, Famous Sensational Hypnotist. I'ui-liil alive and 110 niliiate art, Anesled al- ways for blocking si reels. Address LAYVSIIN IIERK.U.WN. ,\, V. ri.ll'l'lilt. Of ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION. BOSBIAI-JAPAHESC WAH. Panama Canal, Lecture Sets, Song Slides, Etc., Etc. laglc lantemi, Stereopttcons, Dissolving Stercopticons, with laving Picture Attachment; loving Plotnre Machines and rilras. Largest and bast slock on earth. 1 'ATALOUt B FMEE. Lot n« know what you want, anil nrf our urlcea. T. II. SfrALLISTKII, ID Nassau Nlreat, New York. EMPIRE THEATRE CO., TNIIKU WATERPROOF CANVAS, WANTS TO HEAD FROM K1I1ST CLASH REP. PKOPI.K IN AM, LINES. THOSE DOING SPECIALTIES AND IDUCIIMNO BRASS OIVHN PRKFKIIBNUK. Al- ■WAYS ROOM FOR (1001) MUSICIANS. 8t»p at hotels. Management pays all. Photos and program, and tell It till Hi Unit teller. CEO, ll. FAUI.I'B or vYjl,L. J, WIKOPP, Mi. Clemen* , Mleh.. jj to June II. THURBER &NASHBR CO. , r vm MISS FLORENCE HAMILTON In Hcenic Prodnetlotis uf Jim llludsn. Mi's. Jack, Pewrted llrlde, and etDsr huocwhbs. Special eng»«e- meni. PAVI.INRTTI A Pliiio, famnns European OymDAsIs now appearing at Hippodrome, London, England. Under the personal direction of PHlLlI' II. TtlliRHMll and MATT NASDER. Aildress l»-l«, WIN IIIIOADH'AY, NEW YOIIK. RENT FILMS AND BE TAKEN CARE OF BIGHT. FROM THE FILM RENTAL. BUREAU, THIRD Ki.otm. n» noktii t i.ahk nt., ciucaoii. ill. Vaudeville Acts WANTED, For TREE FAFIILY THEATDE. TERMS MIST HE SEASONABLE. "TIIKCASIMI. itntarlo llcaeh. CMarlotie, N. V., sl.\ mllen out nt Koelicstcr, N. Y.. on I lie N. V. Coiilrul." Do Yoi WANT MIUTARY 600DS? BAND UNIFOltMH, ARMY or NAVY 801TB, TKNTS, O0N8 and EQUIPMENT OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No natter what, yon want In that line I can anpply it. Now or second hand. Bend for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, JM South St., Philadelphia, fa. DAI I nfsllC fifts AND HOT AIR, DALLUUnO, FOH PASSENGERS. AERONAUT L. STEVENS. Box 191, Madlaon Hi).. N. Y. HROROANIZINO AND BOOKING TIIK WARNER COMEDY CO.. For season 19W-6. BBN R. WARNER, MeOrenor, Iowa. M. 8TRA88MAN, A'iTOKNEY, 853 Broadway, Now York city. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES, wi n i in Mi Chas. H. Wnldron, Palaoe Theatre, Boston, FILMS FOR RENT. EUGENE CUMTK <5c CO., M ORAHIlORN ST., tllllCAOO. WANTK D m iMKUIATKLV. TO COSfFliKTK Woods 9 People's Flayers, SSMamer and Wlnlor Season, Al MUSICIANS for II. .V ()., SPECIALTY PEOPLE. Moil lUllSt all play In hand. Slain evervtliliiK In llrst loiter and lie ready lo Join on wire, salaries must lie I'liMsoaulilo. I pay exi»-nse*. Would llko u> hoar from all or nn old fi lends. All leltei. ansneiwl. ARTHUR J, WOODS, Sole Prop, and Mttr., Eiirlvllle, III. Sandwich «, T, 8. WANTKD, FOR THK MA HOOT ATTK ACTION. HOUDBN BRO»> OENVttR KXK>RES8, III llin Larsia' Oiih Nlglit Stands N«xl Mas.on, PIANO PLAYER, to doulile English dude pari on singe; HEAVY WOMAN, rnmt lie good looking and accomplished. LEADING JUVENILE MAN.MAN FOR "RUBE KID''must lie small and dpAl Spcelallv. All must lie good dressers Both on and off stage. Qunlo LOWEST salary and full particulars (list letter. Show opens In August In Mleh. and worn* East, Jus. A. Callahan and Ucp. Botstord, and Jack Roseiolgb and Arthur Huiiih, please wrlle. Adiltess, for two weeks, commencing H>v :>, II. M. HOI,HEN, Manager ••Denver Express" Co., care of Krug Theatre, Omaha, Nebraska. NOTE.—Managers, send o|ieii lime In Hie Virginias and (iarollnaa In Jan, mid Felt,, and in Penn- sylvania in Peh. and March. You Mustn't Pick Plums From My Plum-Tree. ■ II I'i . ._ ■g-H~B»— I ' ! l ll' ■ I BB AT LIBERTY, PAGAN and 9IEHIIIAM, For Parks, Psrae Comedy, VaildevUle—GOOD, STIIONO III1S1I ACT, pri-s»nnng U mlnules of good, olever Singing, Dancing and Talking, that la strictly up-to-date, Introducing I he DANCING SOLDIERS. Responsible pails. Read/to J^ln on wire. Park Managers, please send your first open lime for a good art. Addic's JOHN If. EAfUN, en route PU1I. Udetman's New- York B|«cl»Hy Co., Marshdeld, Vt., June J; Bario, VL, 8,,4i Waterhtiry, Vt„ «