The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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J%M 4. TIX& J$JdTW tOKK CUlp-pteB. m 'Van, bTUy, Tcuu.dc, Detroit, Mich., Muy 30- Jline 4. Van; CbAS. A Kenny. Pastor's, N. T. 0.. Mar .10- Viiii cSihp. Prof., Poll's, Brldgeimrt, Conn., Mny :ui-.Tune 4. Vun'Borns, 'nut, flimrU»tor'«, Atlantic City, X. .eV June fl-lS. VnlrtlOirs. The, (Snvenultor's, Atlantic City. V. I,, June tt-IS. j I VMKon, raster's. K. T.C., May .10 Jim* 4. Vision It Clayton, London, Can., May oOJune 4; ToungMnwn, O., HI. Vlncim. Mnus.. Lnnn Park, Corny Island, N. Y„ i Mny -SO-June 4. Vice & Viola. Urook, Maron, Ind., Mny 30-Jnnr 4. Voice * Nelds, Coney Ialuhd, Cincinnati, May .'ISO-June »■ • ■ Word & Ciirran, Keith's, N. V. C, May 80-June 4, Walerlsiry Bros. &' Tenny. Avon Park, Youngs- town, O.'. May UO-Jiine 4. Wntiton, C. II., Monumental, Baltimore, Ma., May 30-June 11. Wntson A Hill. Keith's New, Phils., May 30- June 4. Wnlseys, Tlie, Chester Park, Cincinnati, May . :iO June. 4. Wnhli A- I.lgon, Chutes, San Fran., Cal., May ••xo.lmte■•*.- ■ ■ ' ' • , - Wall. Al.. Victoria. N. Y. C, May 30-June 4, \Vnciicr Misters, Qiu-eii City Hardens, Ehnlrn, N. Y,. May ilO-Jime 11. VutermelnA Trnat, 11. &.S., N. Y. 0., Mny 30- Jluio 4. Waters. Jan. It., 0. II., Trinidad, Col., May ■»)■ Ward,-HI Tiro, Riverside Park, Montreal, Can., Mny IHKlnly !!. Warren, Waller Ti, Point of Pines, Itnstnu, Mny :'.il.Jime;4. . Wallou. Irvlnt -11., Spring; Lake Park, Trenton, N. J., Juno ii 11. Welch. John J., Auditorium, PocatollO, Ida., Muv .10-June 4. Welttell, .Tallies, Dnrney PaMr, Allcntown, Pn., • May 30-Jiiiw 4. Welch, liehi V., Poll**, Waterbury, Conn., May no-June 4. ■ . Weston ft llnymniid, Kennywnod Park, Pittsburg, May' :ul-.lnne 4. Went, Ford * Dot,- Watson's, llkln., May SO- June 4. Weslon ft Adams, nialto, Klrolra, N. Y., May :l0.lunc 11. White, Stuart, ft Co., Circle, N. Y. O., May J0- June 4. While ft Simmons, Pastor's, N. Y. C, Mny <tu- June 4. Whllesldes, Tlie, Crystal, 81. Joseph, Mo,, May I'll .tune 4. .. . '• ' Winchesters, The, New O. n.. Bradford, Pa., May .'lO-.Iunc 4; Kane. 0-11. , _ Wills 'ft Hasson, Honiuer Pork, Montreal, Oan„ ' May HO June 4. ■ ■ Wilson ft Davis, Kellh's. N. Y. C, May 30-June 4. Wlllloms ft Dermody, Pnatnr's, N. Y. 0., Mny .10'JnOe 4. „ , William*. "Chinese" Johnny, Keith*, Boston. May :tn-Jnnn A'. •_• < Winter; Hanks ft Wlnonn, Chase's. WushlnRlnn. D.■«., May UO-Jiine 4; Athletic Park, Buffalo, N..Y..H-1I. .' Wilsons (4). Kellh's. N, V. C, Mny 30-June 4. Wilson ft Davis, Keith's New, Phlln., May 30- Wllxon, (ienrue, Forest Park, Kr. Louis, May 30- Wilson, l'.hrele, 0. O. II., Chicago, May llO-.Tune Allen, Crystal, Milwaukee, May 30- June I. The Ureal, Stag, ParkcrNlnirg, W. Va., Mny :sfl-.lune 4. „ „_ Wright-ft Moore, Sans Soitrl, Mllnrnukee. Mny 30- Wyiut ft Hart, Buffalo, N. Y., Mny 30-June 4. Yankee Comedy Four, 'Mnst l.nkc Pork, Blrmlnf- hnm. Aln.. Mny 30-June 4. „. Ynrrlck, prorrnr's KM Street, N. Y. Clly, May 30-June 4. „ ,,„ Yeomans, Jennie, Ayenne, I'llKbnrK, May .10- yo'uiiK ft' DO' Vole, Avenue, Plttslsu*, May 30- June 4. < • _ _ Y»ii'iK« ft Brooks, I.nkeshle Park, Dnyloii, n„ Mliy •ifl-Jiiiie 4. „ „ Znrn & Htctson, Atod Tark, Yonitslown, 0„ May /aula, Coney Island, Olnclnantl, May 30-June 4. Zarrow Trio, Shea's, Buffnld. N. Y., May 30- June 4: Celeron Park, Jamestown, 0-11. Zosel ft Vernon, Temple, Detroit, Mny 30-June 4; Shea's. HiilTalo; N. Y..01I. , Zuries, The. AI Inn tie 11 anion, N. Y. C, Moy 30- Jnne 4: Oaalno, North Ileacli, 0-11. Zlmlner.'Circle, N. Y. City, May lip-June 4. y.Hka ft' Klni', lllversldo Park, Snglunw. Mich., May ntii " ' _ ..,»,« Znlas, Park, Coney Island, N. Y., Muy :io-June 11. , _^^^^^^^ AIICllIGAlV. Detroit At the Lyceum Tlicntre (R. D. Stair, manager).—Rngeitle^ Wlnlr, In 'The crust or Society," drew fair nixed lioimeH .May SS-i'S. The piece was well staged, nnd the chnracters In capable handa. Minn lllalr, In "Shenandoah/' this week. Wiiitnky TjiraTrb (B. D. Btnlr, mano- Ke y,._»DeBerted ot the Altar" drew large nuiUorjcea VH-'M. It was one of the bent mclodruinns aecu here this eeaaon. The, cast wak nbove the average, and the gcenlc In- vestiture all that the play demanded. A Hidden Crime'' la current. : Tumn.u XJHAXBH (3. a. Moore, mana- ner,).—Attractlona for week of .30: Ilia tlrent Kverhart, Hengler SlBters. Artie Hull. Kohcrt I''uIroi'ii, Swim und Uiiuibiird, BDOOD and Warren, Billy Van; ItWH and Veruon, und the Amcrlcau klnctograpU. Last week s lending aucceaa woa Kobert Hllllard and com'inny, The attendance was very large. Xwi:&.—Tho Avoune Theatre • has closed for the seaaon, to he opened agnln next »eo- Bon. It Is not atated as to what the policy of the home Is to be The Empire The- ntro closed-a very successful season ^8, «o be opened again the latter part of August, with a strong stock burlesxiue company. l»r, Campbell w going to redecorate the In- terior, ndd' a new drop curtain, construct new dressing rooma, and also reconStuicl the alage. lie has orraagcrt for the best there la Id the burlesque Hoe for next season, . a ■■ Knlniimsoo.— At the Academy.of Music (B. A. Buah, manager),—rhls hOiiBe has been dark for some time, and nothing la uu- nmi|ir,ea for eailv appearance. .,.„,,,„„- Amusemknt l'ALACki (E. C. McElbniiy, muuuger).—Business has been only talrBluce the Aliening, 10, with vaudeville and special- tPes, and aftor 20 the resort will close tem- porarily, pending n rearrangement nnd the engagement of a new line of plnya. Including llgnt opera, nt popular prices, hand concerts, * Marnuii & Bmlry's Circus comes Jnne 0, Ckfll.NO PARK, formerly iJlko View- Casino (Molid ft . Dftken, lnanngers).— 1 Ml place will open the.aenson June 0 with a blgvuude- vllle coiupuiiy. . ,. Snulnflw.—At the Academy of Music (John II. Davidson, manager).—"A Koynl Blavo" drew a good audience May 31. The (Iftskell Stock Co., 23-28, proved nn,excel- lent organization. Field "fllnatrpla 30. JiOTK.nn Thkatrs (T. D.Bnmford ft Sam Marks, .managers).—ttutledge^Stock. Co.,Jif ■jr,r. did good 'business. "Sopho" 20-June 1, "Nature's Nobleman',' 2-5. ••. ■ i. HmruitM I'abk Casino (L. W. Bleh«rd«. mannger).—BUI week of May 20: IVkert idid iTerg, Jaa. J. Morton, Josephine Alnsley, Kano. Walsh and Melrose, vltascope. a fjrein.l itapiu*.—At Power'sOiVern nonw (Harry (I. HotnmerH ft Co., managers).—1 he Howers-Craveti Mm4 Co. opens a. Hummer season' here May,::", playing "The Prlvule Secretary" iiO-'Jiitio 4. _ ■ itAMONA 'lllBATltH (Orln Stair, mannger). —Coming week of 2ft: Ilnllet Unique, Hallo- why Trio, Hur Soane, the Tlirw Itonnlilos, and Tliree tJouHey Bros. • .... (lODFBRV'S RUMMKR PAVILION (ClhlS. Coil- f«y, manager).—Week of 20: Una anil Merle 1^ Cluirllss, Chas. and Madge ihiqiipn. Horn ami Thomiiooil, Bello llelmoul. Holmes nnd Deun, If Ingham, and moving picture*. a . , . Bay city.—At the Washington Theatre 1 i\\. J. Daunt, manager).—"A Moral Slave" tirew a good sized. Jiouse Mjiv .20. , The Oaa- kell Stock- Co. comes week of 30, with the exception of 31, when they give way to Al. U. Field's Minstrels. . ,. . Note*. —Stuart Haydcn, advance ngedt foe llarnum ft Bailey's Circus, waa la the clly 24. Mr. Thomas, ahead, of the Qaskell Stock- Co., did business here 25. ' ' ' ' 1 a '. ; ■ ' " . , Manistee At the Kamsdell Theatre (Chaa. M. Southwell, manujrer)•—"Old Ar- kauHuw" played to big business-May 20. "Uncle Josh Slmpklns," with the Kube bnud, 20. Al. 0. Field's Mluslrels 2S. Mr. South- well retires from the maungenieni ot the Knmsdell Theatre June 1. lie wilt manage Orchard Beach l'ark this Summer, running vaudeville, acrobatic nnd athletic acts, anil also aquatic sports. JAotiaan.—At the Athenaeum (11. J. Por- ter, manager).—Francis Wilson,- la "Mr- mlnle," had capacity Muy 20. Baiinuu &. itAiuiVs Ctauua June 7. a . 11' Rattle Crrelt,—At the Post Theatre (rV"lU Smith, manager).—"A Itoyal slave" had only fair buslnetts Mny 24. Coming: Wilbur, Hlgby A Co., .'lO-Jime 4: Flint (hyp- notlst) Oil, ClnHt Stock Co. ir,-18. '♦ » ' » ' — m:w jtthsBY. Newark.—Hot weather en used many empty seats .last week. Bi.anI'Tv'm 'J'iikatjik (Chan, K. Blaney, man- nger).'—Mr. Blnaey's third and last new pro- duction, "The Curse of Drink;" drew good houses,, considering the heat last week.' The locomotive scene, wha a triumph In mechani- cal realism, and made a hit. The house closed for the season after the performance 2S. Waldmakn's Tiikatrb (W. 8. Clark, man- ager).—The City Cluh drew fair audiences for the. closing- of the senson ending 2K,' and the Wilsons were well appreciated. The house will reopen abont Aug. 20. PaocTon's j'ukatum (J. Anatln Fynes, general manager).— TIiIb la the ob'ly theatro open now. and modem'appliances keep the house fairly comfortable. 'I lie appearance of Blanche King nnd Henry Dlxey mnkes the. current hill a particularly brilliant one. Mr. niM'v nnd his company appear In "Over n Welsh Itnreblt." Miss Biug entertains simultaneously here nnd In New York this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy 1 , In "Why Dugan Swore Off:" William ijerald and com- pany, In "A Micky Muck;" Spencer Kelly, 1.0 Itoy and Wnlby, Hastings pud Finn, nnd Martin and Kldgewny complete Hie bill John Miiabn'R eflnrln. In "Another Story," were heartily enjoyed und applauded last week, and the demonslrullons Willi liquid air proved' very Interesting. Business waa folrly good, Nonw.—Electric Pnrk opened for the sea- son 28, and (lie American Opera gives a repertory beginning wlln , "The Mikado.' . ' " 1 Atlantic Clly.—At the Ocean Tier The- atre (Harry D'Ksta, representative).—"'the Show Olrl" ro]«alcd past, successes here week of Mav 2.1. "The fioverhor'H Son" week ot ;:0. "The Worst Woman In London" next week. Ochan Pikr Music; Ham. (Horry. D'Eslo, representative).—Business here Is excellent. Announced for week of 3(1: Moore nnd I.ll tie- Held, Mcl'hea and I Nil. Frnncclll, and Lcwla, UlioHtles' Mnrlonnlle Thealre. Savov TiibaTiik (Huntley & Moore, mana- gers).—The Huntley-Moore Stock CO. ..con- tinue* to draw good houses, nnd till* orgunl- nation will,. In nil probability, remain all Summer, •. ..• STKurLBCItAHB PiRR (Cllle* W. Clement, manager). — Excellent business comes tho way ot this bouse, with the vllugrnph as the attraction. . _j STBB'I, J'ikr (J. Bothwell, manager).—The samo good bualuess malutAlns here, with VoHseiiii's Band as the big feature. No no.—Caplnln John L. Voting, tho pro- prietor of the great ocean pier, Ocean Tier Theatre and.lfcenn l'ler Music Hull, has, during tho pant week, takeu on two addi- tional amusenicat enterprises In the Casino l'ler and Myor's Pier, both lOcnted nt Ocean city, N. J., about seven miles below Atlantic City, on the const. He will make mnuy Improvements to both of tbeso resorts, and for tbc Summer season vaudeville will be Ihe principal amusement' In them. Captain Votings amusement director. Harry D'Estu, will bniidio the alTalrs of these acquisitions, as well as keep bin watchful eyo on all the others. It is tint Intention to connect tho Oceou Pier, ot Atlantic City, with, the Casino Tier, nt Ocean, Clly, by a Hue of steamers, also under the ownership.of Captain Young. ■ 1 . I'nt.Tsiiii.—For the ilrst time In a num- ber of veiirs lovers of..vaudeville eutertoln- ineni this season will have nn oportunlty ot patronizing u,Summer park within easy rencli of the city. Barlow's Byte Tark opened Monday, 30, and liberal patronage encouraged the monaijemeiit. The proprietor, Edwnrd Barlow, has booked the following talent this week: Topsy 'furvy Trio, O'Conuell, Forrest and Goldsmith, Maud (iarnells, Hanson and Harris, Price. and Star, and tbe blogrupb. Sunday sacred concerts are to be given throughout tbo season. Paterson Oi'WtA HoiiKF, (John J. Goeta- ch'lits, manager).—This house will close for the season Wednesday. June 1. with HI Hen- ry's Minstrels, M»y .11-June 1. Last week the Katharine Ilober Co. did fairly good busi- ness , B1.100 THHAtnu (J. Henry Bowley, man. ager).—A Summer stock' compnuy, an lan»- vittlou to'Paterson, will occupy the stuge during Juue nnd July. Alblul will have tae direction of the company, ami nntiouiicea tbat the members of Hopkins' Transatlantic Burlesquora will form the nucleus of n strong combination. There will be n change ot performers each week. The' stock company made Its first appearance Monday afternoon, 30. \M»t week the Metropolitans met with good financial returns. Phncimnoh. —Patcrsoa Aerie. No. 43, F. O. of Eagles, held n soelal session, May !>7. Meuilie)r3 of the Metropolitan Burlesque Co. assisted m ranking*'the tverilng one of mnrrlmenL Mr. Albltil, manager ot tlie HIJ011 Sttwlf Co., and'one'of the six organ- izers of Aerie No. 1, presided over the social, a " Kllnilntli. The Great Eastern Circus (Edwin Elroy ft W. M. Drake, owners, and James B: Dochemln, general director), Mny 18-21, came to moat excellent business, 'the lent, with a rapacity .of 2.300, was tilled at cucli performance. The side shows were well putronl/id. nnd' the' concerls witnessed by neurly half of the large audiences present ot each .performance. The circus, was organized In Elizabeth by MessrB Elrpy, prnko nnd Ducliemln. lis programme was made longer by the Introduction ot amateur tulent for the hfruoM of a new hospital to be conducted by tho Kisiei-H. The professional talent Intro- diiced was; George .Barnard, acrobat,; "Jack" Elmo. English clown; Ernest Dale and Charles llopiWri clowns, with Frank Wilson, the Two Carriers, Charles Valentine, on tbo bounding ropa; T. J. Oatman and, trained ritalllon, 8I(T. Goiui'lo'H riding mule, tho Three Fralsera,, M'IWNHn; Bay Kanuymnn. iduck wire; I.ulu and trained horse. "Topsy.' A mil formed band of ten pieces renders a cnncert-lu front of Hie .tenia at otieli J*r> formance. The aggregation cnrrlea slxly. live people, nnd Ibntt.Mn are used. Peter Walker, well knowu. In 1 lie arena, la head chandelier man. Three ucw sensational horxo acts are being rehearsed, niid'a child wonder, In trapeze tyn rk, la being prepared . Jersey Clly.—Tlie Black' I'ultl, TiouU- dours closed an excellent week at.the Bijou May 28. Tile house also .closed the. regular Bca'son on that date The Utopians neru satisfactory lu every respect, llud broiight the Boif Ton season, to a glorious ilubb 28. 'ffl Commeittontte Manager T.' w. DlriKlns* teRth- consecutive season, at the Hon Too,,a 1 benefit was tendered' him 3(1 Tho Park Theatre, at Bayoane, had a nibst succossftil. opening 21. Hundreds were turned away. Assistant . Treasurer. Nnuiunii, from the Academy, has charge of the box. Emery Lcpharr, from the iJotplre, lloooken, Is stage manager, anil Leader supminn and his bright little orchestra, from the Bon Ton, furnish the music William A. Quirk, formerly wltb the Peyton forces, has Joined Mottle Keenc, now playing the variety circuit,.... Sydney Ellis nnd charlea Biietlo. scenic ur- lists, are going extensively Into the theatrical supply business. ■ *«♦ MlS'SOimi. SI. i.ouls.—Ar the World's Fair the at- tendance, is Steadily Increasing. Consider- able agitation.exists as to the Sunday elds- Incr order, for It Is true that then Is about the ohly time that the. laboring classes In this vicinity have to see the fair. The 1'lko con- cessionaires are much perturbed about It, for It cuts Off- a good ileal more ttinn one- seventh of their possible Income. Cummins' Wild West has gained a point on this by building outside the fair limits, with an lm- posing entrance on the Pike. Tills they close Sunday und open their outside entrance, worklag It both ways. Jnne 4 Is to bo "Plko Day " Special exercises have been provided, nod tho concessionaires will have K proces- alori, which will traverse the length «t tba fair grounds. Every concession will he fin- ished bv that time. OLTiii'ii' (P. Short, manager).—"A Coun- try Girl" Is on for week of 80, for on In- definite .period. The company will Include Alice Mhtlyii. Julia Millard. laobel Vines. Genevieve Ida Bradford and a number of others. Frlltl Hiberf In "Babette," dosed a.' two weeks' engagement 28. Even though Mlsa Scheff did not appear until the second week, the house sow crowded audiences. Crxtubv (P. Short, manager).—Week of 23 nil-hard Carle presented "The Tender- loot." He was exceedingly well received. "A Olrl From Dixie" will he offered week of 30, for nn Indefinite period. Manager Short hopes 10 keep boili of his houses o|m>o throughout the Suinmnr. OtiAXn iJohn-G. Sheehy, manager).—Th* Grand' will remain closed mull iilsiut Iho first of August, lifter which time Ihiee series of exceptionally attractive bills will ho ottered. Manager Sheehy slated Hint thin sen>on ban been n very successful one, Tho last offering was "York Slate Folks." and two weeks' run was made to good busi- ness, cuAwi'iiBn (0. T. Crawford, manager).—■ "Qulncy . Adams Sawyer" is In Its third week's engagement at the Crawford, and will continue Its run Indefinitely, The al- tendance .hits been excellent. Week, of 2fl The. press agent stnten that patrons were turned away. , Havli.v's (Win. Oarcn, manager).—Inez I'oriiinti. Ill "East l.vniie," Is offered for week of '10. Week of 22, "James Hoys in Missouri" received nvernge patronage. Imi-i:iiiai, (D. R. Kussell, manngor).--» "Carmen," which wns presenled by Victor llnteman week of 22. snw good nttetidrtiii-n. Week of :ni, Baruey Oilman, In "Arrnh Na l'ogue" tiDKON (Ceo. Orendorf, manaeer).—Tills house opened Its World's Fair season 2N, wllh the big Klralfy-snecinculur production, cclehratlng tbo, Loulslauu Purchase. Mnls.l McCanei bus the leading roln. Tbo maiuige- ment, Invited tbo press, to nltend the special perforinnncc of alsivn date In a body. Coi.iijiniA ( Mlddleloii & Tate. iniiungiTM). —Week, of .23 a clover bill wns bended by tho Itussell llrothei'H. nnd Included Harriet Avery Slrakosch, Ocorgo Thatcher. Phil nnd \elilo Peters, and James II. Ctillen. Tim remalader of the bill was clever, and gave good satisfaction. The house closed 28, aud will remain dark until August. Stanuahii (U'o Uclchnubacli, manager).— The Cberry Blossoms week of 20. Week of 22 Ihe World Ben (era were here, Ilicmi.ANiiM. .tCo). Hopkins, manager).— Week ot 20 the new vaudeville bill Is of- fered, headed by Lew Bloom mil Jnne Coop- er, l.ibbcy and, Trnyer, George Wilson, Nel- son's Comlqiies, and GeOrge Schneider. Week of 22 the .Highlands, saw big crowds. Lew Hawkins, who still remains a St. Louis fa- vorite, headed the bill. Great business . Is done here. Wiost End HnioiiTs (Pent Farnham, man- ager).—Attendance here, week of 22, wak lulrlv good. The* bill was headed by Ellls- Neu'iln Trio, Coakley and Mcllrlde, nnd Dan uecklow. A rellned vaudeville Is offered for week of* 20. It contain* only three nets. Mr. Fnrnliam Is exerting every effort to place his house In the front rank, and de- serves success. . . Mannion'm Park (Mannlon Broa., maaa ?ersi. —The second bill of the seasnu was of- ereil week of 22. Mack uud F.lllntt, Hlino non and Liicier, and Frank O'Brien were some of. the nctH that scored well. . Attt-ud- nnce was good. Week of 20: The Three Mer- rills. Klierns and Cole, Tony Itldor's monkey circus, iMsrdo, nnd W. J. McDermott, the original "Happy Hooligan," are here, IH'mias liAiiPiiN' (J. (.'. .lannapniila, man- ager).—"Beautiful Helmar" has been open mitie time, but the theutre Aliened 20. with tho first performance oil any slage of "Louisi- ana." . It Is a big spectacular production, nnd the managonicnt prophesies that It will be n big. success. KtiiiMuiAM (II. I!. Rice, manager).—Tho new mnnogemcut offers for week of 211 a vnudevllle bill featuring Harding uod Ah Sid, I.e Roy and l.e Vanlon, Dnvc Nowllu. (iladvs Van and Mile, olive. Week of 22: Maie. Dougherty's trained noodles, aud Jltumln Willi's comic act sccoieil to take best wllh the public. Mansion's Park (Mr. Cox, mannger).— week of 20.tho bill Included: Idioms and Cole, Mai-do.. Three Merrills, W. J. McDer- mott, and Rider's monkey, circus. Tbu pre- vious week's bill wns ffilrly well, attended. Notxh. —Ed. II. Ilolitnson. well known In front of tho house, Is on tbo Pike bore, At tbo World's Fair, as press representative nnd associate mnnnger of Ihe big Mysterious Asia show. Other well known men nt the bead of Plko attractions nre (.'. L. B. Pul- sion, of Cummlna' Wild West, and Fred P. Snrgeul. general manager of Hagenheck's. The Grand, under Manager Sbcedy, tins closed a very successful season, to open Aug. 1 The, smaller houses—Globe. Hnshagln's. Broadway Musee, etc.—report average attendance last'Week. k nnsas city,—At tbe Auditorium (Wood- ward ft Burgess Amusement Co., iiinnagcral. -—Tho Woodward Stock Co. gave an oiesaht pcxformauco nnd production of "Parsifal" last week. Special scennry. costumes, elec- trical effects, one hundred extra people, nnd an nrelirstrn of twenty, under the di- rlctlon of Joint Behr, were employed. All the members of the company did splendid work, and business was good. .Manager Wood- ward has decided lo close Ida season, as the warm weather Is selling' In. Carleton Mncey ban taken n Snaimor lease on the house, mut will try bin band at stock, opening on Sun- day. May 20. with "Rip Vim Winkle." iln.i.tH (E. S. Ilrlgbaiii, manager).—Last week was divided lietween "The Denver l'.t- pri'ss." "Over the Sen" aptl. "A llnrril t»f Jloa'ey." All Ihrci sbovys did good business. This week, "The Moonshiner a Daughter' will probahlv oln«\tlio. season at the house. Foukst Paiik 1 Llnyd llrhwn. mannger).— The Hundiiy crowd. 22. was, ihe largvst so far this season. All the nllracllons were illled to overflowing. ,ln . Hopkins' Theatre this week the acts will ls»: Staley aim Ulr beck, Wilson and HeloUc, Mua Auoroa, Nichols Sisters, Agnetr l.oe Mnrlyntl.'-aiia'lho Scbcuck Bros. Tne nulshle uttruetlou will h* LlngnrcllH. "Tltc Lady on tbe tPolw.* ' ' KLKCTRtf Paiik (Sam Iteiijituilu. 'luana- ger) uoplttnr place threw opeii ttt ;;nic» May 20. with a lino list tit nttrnUtlnit*. Libera 11 and his baud of fifty musicians will furnish the music The high diving elks will Is- ii feature as n free attraction. In tho German Village a One vnudevllle bill, bend- ed by nilllhnn and'Murray, and Thus. Flytvri, will entertain. .V new ilgimt eight roaster will be operated for the Ilrst time. The other "liulucements" are: The iniintiulum, the clrt 1 - trle fountain, the laughing gallery, muio- s^pe parlor, gypsy ramp, circle swing, the kinodromp, Inoit the loop temple of Hbe, bog ball. Princess Trlxle, and the tuoukeys. Mnn- uger Sam llcnjiimln will once mure be In charge, and n tine summer season Is looked for. i Cl.lPrTRlNOa.—Manager Peter MVConrt, n( Denver, bought the ••Parsifal" scenery, ens- 1 umes ahd effects from Manager Wooihcnrd' Inst week, nnd will use them in n uroiluc- tlon nt the Broadway Theatre. » , HI. .losepli.—At the Crystal Tltcatrn (J. E, Jackson, iiianaaor).—Week of May 29: Tho Whltosljes, TIioUiih Bros., Ilyilc and Wilson, the Great Bitrdlrk, Frank (Iroh, i-'annil Edwards, mid' moving pictures. Casino TltkATRN (E. P. (Tinrchlll, man- nger).—Arnugomenis have l>cen completed fur (be opening of rhe casino May 20. In- dications point to a very successful season. mi.VnksoTa. 91. Paul,—At tho Metro|W)liinn Opera Utilise (1.. N. Scott, nmnager).—The ITor- enco Slock Company, week of May 22, did not meet with, llto patronage which tba merits of their productions demanded. " O'Drlun" 20, add "Sbennoduab" malltiee. 110, Decoration Day, by . request. Tho company will conclude Its engncement Juno 1. "The Girl from Dixie" 2-4, lingers Ili-othcrs r,-s, and Richard Mnnsfleld nil. Mnnnger Scott la absent In Now York, on a booking trip. OttANp (Theodora L. Hays, manager).— "The Utile Outcast" came In for fair busi- ness week ot May 2'J. Week of 20, "Itcnicui- lier the Maine." "Tho James Roys In Mla- riiurl" follows. , Scab i.\I. II. Singer, manager).—The Don Tog Extravaganza Co. had good busluess wenk of 22, nnd pleiiM'd. Al. IIccvch' Show comes wecL nl 211, uud tbe Trocuileros fol- low. ..... ... EMl'litn (A. Weluholinr, manager).—New people for week of 20: Williams and l'adro. Florence Whiting and Karl Elaounuer'S Ty> rob mi Warblers.. Holding oyer: lllauche I.a- inoiit. Grace Matthews. Alia Owons, Lulu Hoiilhllt und Kiltie llnnsnui. Bnslnesa wun only fair week of 22. Mozart 11*1.1.. —The Milwaukee German Theatre. Co. presented "KniifHtislreleh" 2.1, lo 11 big bouse. This concluded their uuguge- mi'iil here. Mknvion. —An octette, romnoevd.. of slit- ili;nl» from the Norwegian Lnilles Hnhlliarj. lied Wing, Minn., Is uiTimalug to makn a coiiten tout' of the Noribwcstcru Stales, miller the leadership of Jacob Lnui-ltz lljort, al Iho tud of the pn-senl term. They will give concerts In the Twin Cities nbuut June Tiljiiienimll*. —A( Ihe Melropolllnn Opera House (L. N.. Scolt. uinnngeri. —"Tba Girl Cretu Dlxlo" came May 20, for four night". Percy Ilriavvell ,|uno 2-N, lingers ItioilieiH nil, Miss llnswell hnd full- bust' boss Mny 22-28, Inclement weather Inter- fering, somewhat. lli.ioii Opt.ra Houmi: (Tbi'o'L. Hays, hinnuger).—'"Iho Utile t'luleaai." 20-Jnue I. "Ilemeiubor the Maine" la t.niioiiiiccil tor '>. lien lleinlr|cks. In "Erik, Tir Mweilen. ' was we|l ii'colvcii last week, I.vchi'M TlUUTM (li|ck Kerr la, . mana- ger).—Tliei. slock company. In "K-asl Lynnc," May 20 11 ml week. "Darkest. Ktissla" Is 1111- di-rllned -for next week. Good business pre- vailed UUi'Jfl, when "A Conieufnd Woman" wns played. ...■ • .liKwny TiiKATflH. — Tho. Trnradoro Bur- lesqun Co. was hare 2(1 and week, Dnluly Puree, lliuli'sqiiiti's follow. Al. Heaves' Big Iteauty Show hud good houses 22-2M. Non:.—Alison Sklpworth Is now 11 uieni- ber of the Lyceum Stock Co., taking Miss Haywood's place for the pri'senl. Diiliilli.—At the Lvceuui ((?. A. Marshall. ntannger).—Fluid's Minstrels, May 21, mall. nen. and night, .had good business, and' pleased. The house was (lark 22-23, "The (Initio Keeper" 20, ""I'lm Girl from Dlxln" 28, Florence Stone .'tO-Jnno 2, Itogeia Bros. :t, 4, "McFndden's Kow of Flats ' 7, the Four Cohans Hi, and Itlclutrd Manslleld II, will close the season. , MirriiocoUTAN (J. T, Cotidou. uuinaijcn. —The Kennedy Hlork Co., In "rtiefk,' 1 " 211- ML und "'llie Slrenls ot New York." 20-28, did well. John J. Kennedy, ait Dick rlinytb, made a lilt. Isabel Irving .10, ill. Jaa "The Crisis;" tlis Kenned v Stock Co. June I, In "Fiilo;" "Hip Van Winkle" 2>4. . . I'.wii.oii Tiibatiih (W. J. Will Is, nuuiORcr). —Tbe business 2U-2K was O, l\„ ami Urn show gave the best of sullsfncliou. Fur W nnd week.: De Clalrvllle and Frisco, Etllo Marlon, Ed. l.owrv and wife, Mynie Ford, (has. KcolM'y and Hudle Klutiny, CIui'.i Mm Ion, Frank Hawkins, Elsie Elliott, Mmtil Ityiin, Flora Hess nnd w. J. Wells. The new blll-lesqlle Is entitled "A lilug for II Day." ,• .. Bitot; Tiikatub (J M. ninungfr).— BiislMess of 2u-2tt was big. The company of .'id and week: Tbe Great Weston, ibe Mnrilu Trio, F. M. Johnson. A. A. Jelllson, Mue Wilson, and the Edlsotl moving pIclurcH, The management bus secured a house nl Fan Claire, Wis,, In connection wllh the four others, but It will be dark uatll Kept 1. »»» IOWA. -, CALIVOHMA. .. to» Ann-rlrs.—Ar the Mnson Opera Hoiist (It, C., Wyatt. mnnogeri.---Ernest HustlDgs niid'i'u:. In "our New Minister," oneiird lu good Inislueaa May 2S. .for a week's engerfe- incnl. .Maude Adnms and E. It. Soihera are aiiionu; Hi* attractions said- to be booked At this house. ... >;,: Miinosi*o'K IniBtiANK Thnathd (Olivet .Mo rnsco. iiianagi'i'i.— - The linker Tbeniro.' Kti. presmli-d ••Tho Christian," to good business week'ending 21. and on 22 "Jane" was pre- vented (0 a parked bouse. "Ulplomacjr 2J and week. : , GRANT' orKti* lIoiHii .(Clarence, Drown, manager), — "ShAmu* O'Brien" ftttracutrt j(oml business week ending 1 21. Tim Ulrica Stock Co. began u twelve weeks' engagemont 22, opening wllh "Marl's Enemy.'' "Tbe Two Orpuulia" 20 unit week. i . .,.>, t'A.m.No Tn ka tut) (II. C. Wvatt A Ollvor klonmro, tiianagera).—"Said l'aalm" dn-w well week ending 21. snd N followeil by "Bticcacclo" fur one weeb , ■, - uui'iiiiiM (t'hreiicc Drown, manager).--, I'eiiiiir.-s 211 and week: Mldgley anil Carlisle, Clam nailer I nl, George II. ll'imd, Ballerlni'a dogs, Giiscb Misters, Hut Merrill. Rramloa- aiiii Wiley, Drphcuta motion pictures, sua DbvIm Macenley and Co. ■>•...» L'NtgtT. TiiKATiii; tlleulr * Mils, moun- ters).—Features Juno ft nud week: Bob Tlppel and Emll lillment, Jnioes Lyite.anrt Albert Leonard, Natnlln Delgadn, Morrill Bros., MelnoUe Twin Slstcru, tbe UUlque- iwcnpe, 1' 1 HttoAPWAV TiliMTnti I A. J. Morganststo. mannger).—Feature's Mny • 22 and weak.: 't'hn ilniullni. Benuihgton I)uo, Carter, Jack- sou and Carter. McCnno nnd Grant,' Ham Hood, slid Ralph Rich. .:•+.> CllLTKH TllRAiTIM (llfcDrT K'lcl), uisnngsr). —Kllfi-y'* Rnytll Itnllan imtut l« intccedfled at this popular resort by George' Canu's tirchestta. NlHKS.--Hllerr> Royal Italian lUnd' Is 10 bo Itictirporaled ilnTler the name of the Los Angeles Itallnh Bann.. . ..Walter Mills, hai'lKaic, and Mi's. ,1. El, JtM-mlnghani, mq- trnltn, sang, renpecllvely, Arililnlua and the Priestess, In oratorio, pt llasnrd's nivllloq. Mny 21.... • .U'H Abgelea and Paandeng lodges of Elks niraugcd for a grand noiltir M.nv 2s no, nt Wilson Peak, ti resort in tba Sierra Mnilrc Mountains, near Los Angelas, .,,.'.,Mmioger OltVer Mornard tvc«uHJT|Ml|il a. nniTled, visit to Hnii' Prauctscu, snd foj» lotVIng tbcrvou la a' report Hint the' Netll- Mnrimro cuiiiiuiulca aro uOw owned by Mr. Mnrosuo ludlrhlually .Tim Cttlntiock School of Expression will give a preseiiltltlOn of "Am You Like It," out of doors, after- noon of May 2A DlaVolo la giving his loop the l'"'P tilt at a Jalior carnival being held In'Los AugoU-a, .^ .. Soli Dli'tfo. -At tne lots'Theatre (TI. C Wyntt. manager). -The huttss Is (Isrk |( incscnt, . UesTrihlbg May 2«Y IUe Qrattno- Do Vrniun Stock Co. opened Its Silmuwr iieusoa, lu reperiot-y, Willi "Slinmns O'Hrlcrt" 101 Ihe upunlng hill, A change' or ploy twlisl U week. ,...,. • «»»■ 1 ' ■ ■' • ' DISTRICT «M<* CdLC.BUIA. WnnlilusTlou.— Idisl.' tveek Was'. llii'CS- saiiily hot, and It hud a depressing elfcet mi ihil pulroiiaue of our playhousi'ii. , ,.> Clil.tlMHIA TiiKATim (Joseph, % Lucket], —mntuiger).—T'bo Edwin Aideu CM. pte- neiilvil '.'A llllilnd Fool," In n clevrr, nianiivr, nnd'scored un artistic, It not a lluuuelal, sue- ■ CHS. 'ibis week iha aame compauy.presunts "Siildlera of .Fortune.." ... , , ,B Lai-aviuti) Orr.RA Ilimsu dm J, lav Mptto, luiilingi'l'),— LiiKl week the A born Opera Co. I'loik gave us "Thc.lVlsnrd of the Nile," to fair sized houses, ami tho best of satlsfAn lion. Tils week, "Tho Mara Wyoj", "Met; Wedding Day" Juno (1-11. ■., . . -J (Tiaiib's TmiATlinfMlus I). Wlnriirrod lie Wilt, tuiiiingeri. -Even this popular houss 1 urri-rcil from the bot weallier lust Weokt notwlthlilaildliig u prlmi) bill,' liendad. Iiy Henry E. Dlxey. This week 1 Paul HupdoiJ, Fred Clink, a ml Florntta, Lea l-ots BuunJildH, Bis Molnra,—At the Grand Ojiera House (Wtu, Foster, nmufigrr).—Billy Kersnnds' Minstrels played to l/ig business Mny 111 Ik. The Blue Itlbbon MinsUel Gil la drew crowd- ed houses 10-21, "A Moonshiner's Daugh- ter" opened, to n go6d, ottdlencn, 2:1, and closed the Grand for the season 21). l.Noriisoi.i. 1'AtiK (Fred Bucbaiiiiii, mana- ger),—-This resort opens May 20, wltb a good hill. Including: Jlnynie Gehruc, Hie FIVe Juggling Normans, Wagner and Arnlm, Blmin, itoiiiui B-r-r-r, Wcsion and Beosley, and Selorn. Ntw««,—flenfry Bros.' Dog nnd Pony Bhotr comes June it, 4. Wallace's Circus June; 0 Win. Foster leaves for New York and llto East, to make arrangements'for the com- ing season. ■ a Cedar Haplds. — At Greene's Opera House 1 Will S. t;olll<-r, business nionogur).--• 'the Van Dyke Stock Co. did fair business dur- ing tbe second and last week, May 211-21), which closed the season of till* house. \\ all ait; Snow Juno D. . 1 » 1 liiirllnirloii.- -At ihe Grand Opera Hnuso iciiainbcrlln, lIBrrltigtou fc Co., umnngers).—- The senson iloseil lust week, with tho (llliuoy Weed Slock Co., which gnva egrelleur sfitln- fnction. lo good ; houses. The tnauiigouient has been very happy III Hie at tract ions offered t/ie past year, und Ibe public lias shown lis appreciation by a larger otteiiduuco Hum ever lefpre." Kookuk.—The Casino Theatre npcuo for Ihe. Summer season -May Rfl, wllh Ihe I' Sisters' Co., playing it two weeks' engage- lliebl. In lepertory, This house la In ilia. Matt Kuseii circuit of Summer parks nud theatre*. Considerable scenery/ has ls?en added 10 the stage eQiilniuent, and .tho audi- torlutu has been rcnovuled aud luptovea. Henry E. Dlxey I red Chill; niul . Iteno ft lllcliurils' Co., WIiioiiil winters, Mary DiintMit and Co., nnd Mark Sulllvaiu. ,r ;' At'Aiu.'Aiv or Mi'sic (J. W. Lyon,, maun- reri— Last week "The ijMM or Iho nWtl SlaVes". hnd fair Intilnoss, T'ltla .week..!' 1 )* ibe Bridge at Midnight." The now Academy. Slock'Co., under the maiiugenieni of Fred G. Ilorger Jr., will prnseat "Tbe Princess uf Pnlclles" June U-J1. ■ . . ' . ... / LiTKim TiiKATiii; (Kuuetie Kumau, launa- gen.—Ltsl week the, 'PJgur. .Llllts .sv'tfll wnli, This week, Ihe last of tint nig||liir sen- ton, rinses with a nionstea bamiOt tu i;ugoiip Kecnnn. and 11 weak wllh Die Lyceum Stock, wtilcli will tbereufler conduct ,tlt« lioiisp for tho Slimmer, under the mnungcnient of Jiis. M, llrenhun, who formerly so- auciioastplly inanngud Hoi stock at the old IIIJoll Theatro of, tills city. , : 1 ..' ,., l* v NoTpM.-The Nallonnl and I'jmplre Them. trva uli> closed Pawnor. Illll'.s Mlmw Is lilllnl for Jltne I, 2......Tlte Luwrnhfo Milinuier Gllnleji I'DCIied Us I'lgblb tipns.tJR Mny SH, under Iho nianngrnjent ot Sam; <{*)<• K'liholmor.'itnil the slagti dlrcillou or Josepb lmnels. wllh Ibe following. IsionlH.i. Flora Moore, llaclue and linyniond, .Mndcleln, lltil- chins. Charles Mlllliinn, Albert Vnscijl-, and 1 lm Leslies At Chevy Chase Lake, Hie I'. H. Marine Bund concerts opened IIP, and will com lime all Hummer At, Cablu John Bridge, Haley's. Hand' concert 211. —I— , '4« " p' ■ ' ■ ." HIIOOIO INI,AMI. Providence- At the Providence Opera House (Felix R. WeiidclsclmefiT, lunliogof). --jsntieiic Evesson. in mo bend Of her own i-iinipnnv, opened' May '."I, lo H crowded liouse, which gave bee atl ovtitlou, ll'Mllfylng strongly to her populnrliv here. 'i'b« play was "Trilby," and lis presenfntlnii waa noticed favorably, Miss Rvesson, ui'wall us other meaibeis of the coinpiiny. rMsnasJ lavish floral IrlbuU'S. "Jnulco Muredllh" 11(1 ami week. *i '• KKItll'a THBAtiib (friaries Ijovennertr, on by .eUect. ,...{, wcuk Isicaiisii of hot weallier. "Why Snillli U'll Hoiue" was the nttraf tlou .10, nt which Hole tbe cntnpa)iy was Joined,bir. W. 1!;..Turner, who hits been starring during Iho past sen- son lu "Dnl'ld Durum." "The Sporllng Duchess" Is billed for uegt week. DuiwiiAi, Thratiik (Felix III Weudul- scliuafer, mniingecj.—"Tl)e, Cowboy nbd tin) Lilily" Wits a!von 2,1. Hie production twlllg KriTll a tiiratiir UTiaries ijovnni iiianiicer). —"Tho Climbers" was pul.ut the Alhee stock <>„■ ill, witn .bvM.ei llimlneas fell off it ' llulo . durltigVoM. t « cari'fiilly. nud satisfactorily worked 1 "Monte (!rlslo" .'10. nltd week. .... , Kmwiii: TiD'Ajki; (Hnttz & Natliaiisutt, malingers).- -Dot ICnrroll and (tin stock cola- puny sliu liesda presented "A Titled Outvosl" tp good litudncas week of. 2ft. Vnudenlio was glvcii between the acts, wltlt Jhre Sun- fnr-il, Roiolst. "A Night In ctilnntoWrj," JIO and wet*. "The Spotting DnchOHa." roiluVfs.',, WanTHiNNTtRTllKATIIK 'P'lnrgt' II. Hdteu- eller, rtinnager).— Tin? Btillnrfty' l)urlc«l)ii(!r» guv*; ii fulr show last wt'rk. Troiisoceaald BtirleKipici's, :io and week. Girls from' Tlie . Sitnitter 1 HuWtro' ... Wltii'irnidllo.'ii oiii'Titiiu Mrgltt Minstrels, under.Hie mnilBgelpCltt'ilf III, "wie. Sea Si III, opf'lti-ll Jill Mv Wilson/Jpo. niirniitf, Mine. . (lliinlolphy Roll' inn, nnd Ibn Virginia guar- Fiunco uexf.witck. CiIk»1'.si/t Oiidvh. illth'll . li(ler,HI« \ Alroiisli A l.ninoiit. lit tllo couijiilhy, /t.-e. Hilly Juckson. Blllx Wilson,' J>«. nurnotf, MnildO Packer, .Mi: ' Spntgiio. Sammy Bnll, letle, all colored. IbiYPDN lii'.imiTs (Splls, Nathartsort^* Ahie«, iiiBhaitcrj)i.-~0«Qrge V. Holloway.'a, lining horses, King nnd Queen, are: shown the opening week,' OT,"""." ... i ■ ■ • . ,, «isp ,r iii . i. , .„ .NiOTil) HtfriEBT wUl'anpu on Ibs.-pfffatM circuit July is; wltb bar tvugti girl moilo- loguu. /