The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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June ii. ■ aai aaj ■ ^ ~ssj- ^r- st— t- -* •» ^ * » ■» —■ — •- — — ntikjz irtiftir ¥dtik clipper. J<33 NOTICE) TO CORRESPONDENTS. Our theatrical corrctponitnU art. hereby notified that the credential* now held by thfm expired on June I They art requested to return them to this Office at once, for re- neicrtl for 1M\1XS. — ggagggg s aa— l— r . r 1 . i m sa MASSACHUSETTS. «r> Ronton.— Local theatricals have as turned Ihclr Summer garb, the closing of the Boston, last Saturday evening, leaving .nly those playhouses open that propose to continue through the warm weather. The, Rostonlnns, In "Tbe Queen of Laughter," at the Colonial, Is tbe feature of tbe week. "Hearts of Oak" Is announced at tbe Castlo S>|uare, and "Lad; of Lyons" at the Hmr- (Join Square. No circus In town and cool weather mado the amusement seekers think of Indoor entertainment, and the local houses prospered uci ■nrdlngly, although It might be well to add that attendance records were not broken. Colonial Tiibatbk (Ckas. Frohman, Itlch k Harris, managers!.—'Monday, June 6, the Bostonians offer, for the drat time In this city, their latest piece, "Tho Queen of Laugh- ter." The I book and lyrics nre by Isabel Kaplan and J. Checver Goodwin, and tbe music Is ■ by 8. William Brady. Business during the opening week of tbe supplement- ary season was better than expected, and, If It continues, tbe season ought to muke quite a bole In the Summer. The production of "The Serenade" was up to the Bostonians' usual high standard. Thkmunt Tiikatkb (Jno. B. 8choeffel, msnager).—.Sunday night of current week will sec the en* of the seventh week ot "Woodland" at this house.. A marked In- crease In patronage was noted last week and the prospects are bright for another "I'rlnee of I'lfeen" sud "Peggy from I'arls" Summer business. George Marlon arrived heme from Ktirope last Saturday and began Immediately to. make changes and Improve- ments In the bird opera. ■• Hum Theatre . (Stair & Wilbur, mana- gers).—"The Isle of Spice" Is now In Ha rift Sa week, with business still o{ remain open proportions. Harry McConncll has replaced Toby Lyons, and: the "Goo Goo" song Is now being sung by (ins Wclnhurg. Tbe show Is a good one and quite worthy of the patronage accorded • It.' : Boston Tiikatrr (Lawrence. McCarty, manager).—The fall of the curlalti on the final act of "Girls Will Be Hlrls" at this bouse last Sunday nlgbt denoted not alone tbe close of the engagement, but also tbe close of the fiftieth dramatic season of this house. "The Isle of Enchantment," J'ixley and Herbert's latest musical extravaganza, will reopen the house Aug. 15. Mr sic Ham, (Stolr & Wilbur, managers). —Monday, of this week, "Sky Karm" enters upon the third week of Its current engage- ment. Business was fair last week, and just bow long the drama will stay depends upon the weather and, of course, the attend- ance. Caktlb Squahi: Thbatrb (J. II. Emery, manager).—"Two Little Vagrants" was suc- cessfully put on last week, and the attend- ance was up to the regular .Winter mark, "Hearts of Oak" Is being done this week, with "Paul Revere" to follow. • Bowooin Sqoarf. Thkatre (G. E. Lothrop. manager).—"The Lady of Lyons" Is given for tbe first time at this house this week, with all the house favorites in the cast. "A Daughter of the 'South" went well last week, with good sized houses. "Tbe Colonials" next week. , - KEiTn'K Theatre (B. F. Keith, manager). — In addition to tbe Kadettcs Woman's Or- chestra concerts the following vnudevilllnns are announced this week: James 1''. Kelly and Dorothy Kent, Brothers Marline, Chas. C. Blanchurd and Ella Hugh Wood, Tteidy and Courier, Paul Karnes, Lillian Shaw, Coulter and Starr; Perry and Itandnll. Mar- velous Le Page, Kddlc Kecveis, and a bio- graphic picture of the Brooklyn Handicap, I'.iO*. Crowded houses last week saw a good till around show, every act meeting with the approval of the large gatherings. Howard Atpenakuic (Win. McAvoV, man- ager).—Toby Lyons, who, as a local critic, said recently, "owns the Howard when he plays thee," is at tbe top of a long Hat of entertainers for rttrrcnt week. There are several stories regarding his leaving "Tho Isle of Spice." but undoubtedly a Summer cat drove Toby back to where he made bis name as a comedian, the vaudeville stage. "Hlnky Dee." with up to date verses, will constitute his act. Other announcements. I.avelle and Grant, Fields and Hanson. Kittle Bingham, Three Mitchells, Ben Walker; Downs and Scott, Doody and WellB. Fred Caldwell, Clifford and Hall. Frnnk Phlpps, Rellveati and Roberts, McGrevy and'Marsh- all, Frederick), the klnctogrnpli, and bouse burlesquers, In "June Birds." Palace Theatre (Chas. II. -Woldrou. manager).—"Love Under Difficulties" and "Monte Crlsto Jr." are the titles of two,new burlesques the house stock is doing this week. The olio offers Mike Needbam, Kenny and Hollis, Devine and Schnltx, Wallace and John- son, and Howard and Anderson. The patron- age Is excellent. , Lyceum Tiieatbb (Geo. II. Batcheller, manager).—The boards arc held down this week by the Transoceanic Extravaganza Co. The skit. "Sultan's Wives," la a travesty on- two well known comic operas, Variety hill: Hall and Hughes. Conway and Klleen, Cuu- nlngham and Fowley. Marlon Sawtelle and Harry Le Marr. Everything satisfactory with innocent Beauties last week. Al'STlN & Stone's MliSBUtt (Stone & Shaw, managers).—Week of June 0: Curio hall — Ressam's electric Infant Incubators, Moxey, needle king; Lieutenant Sands, mili- tary marvel, with sword and gun, and largest live snake In the world. Stagcshow—John Christian. Will (inrdlncr. Wally Clarke. Maud Dotty, Carter and. Taylor, the Barber Trio, Whnlen and Searles. Morris and Daley. Violet Sisters, Kelly and Barton, and Capltola Trio. Nickelodeon (L. B. Walker, manager).— Eight Utile girls In blue, a company of young ladles from the ranks of the vaude- ville proferslon. are the leading entertain- ers for this week. Professor \V. Lynch, hag puncher; the Dcxters, European wonder workers, und usual contest between ball (•core of pretty girls. Stage: I,ong Sisters, Tony Pcno. Bessie Bene, Harry Howe, Fran- cis ind Doyle Xorumbeca Park (Carle Alberte, mana- ger).—Despite cold and unfavorable weather the opening week of tbe eighth season of this rustle theatre was quite satisfactory from a box office viewpoint. This week's bill- In- cludes Hickman Brothers, Searl and Violet Allen, the Village Choir, Fisher and Johnson, and Pearl Danfortb. Picked Up Notes. —Two concerts were given at the'Point of lines June 6, by Dolan und I.cnharr. Mclnlyre and Rice. Lorrulno and Vinton, O'Brien and West, Walter I>nvls, opera Bluff Trio, and the Lynn Cadet Ilsnu Bnwdotn Square Snndny ronfert bill: Kitty Bingham. Golden Gate Quintet, the Ballcvs. the Flvnns. Annio Southard, Kennctte and Patterson. Wbalen and Searles, Lou Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Belford, Taylors, and Geo. Donaldson The regular sea- f-on at the Point of Pines will open June 17. .......Henry W. Savage Is expected to ar- rive In town l his week James Home has entered vaudeville, nnd will be seen at the Point of Pines this week James J. Grace nnd others were nwnrded a verdict orsui.ofK*. by a Jury, In the Superior Court, June 2, against the Bostou Elevated Bail- way for damages caused by tbe construction of the elevated road. It was asserted that as a result of the noise uf traffic the theatre has been a failure. The plalntilfs asked for 1300,000, Springfield—At toe Court Square Thea- tre (W. C. Le Nolr. manageri the Corse Pav- ton Comedy Co. presented "The Law of -the Land" and "Harbor Lights," May SO. to two large houses. All tbe company were, well cast, doing creditably In their respective roles. This closed both the company s and the bouse season. • Grand Oi'KKA linear (Chas. .W. Fonda, manager).—"Cumberland. '01" played to good returns for this senson of the year lost week. The company was n well balanced one. "The Mountain Walt" Is lo be presented this week. • Hampden Park (P. F. Shea At Co.. man- agers).—This resort was opened May 80, and desptto the rainy weather had Its share of patronage. The Wilbur Opera Co. held forth In the theatre, and entertained fair sized audiences. Al. Myer'a colored troupe week of June 9. ■ Notes. —Those who are playing with (he stock Company at the Grand Opera House ate: Margaret Nelson, Florence Hast litis, Anne Hamilton, Marie Haines. Thomas Wit- son, Charles Fuller, Richard Clark. Alf. Hel- ton. Al. Swentou, Ikiugloss Lloyd. II. P. Hotter and Thomas Woarlloek: The Elki kept open house May 80. A large delega- tion of the local lodge U planning to go- to Cincinnati. ().. lo a I lend the grand lodge meeting, which is to he'hold ft thot city about the middle of July The Chieo- pec Falls Acrlc of Eagles will celebrate Its Hist anniversary Juno HI Henry Norrls, of New Haven, Ct., one ot the bleb officials of the order, has been asked to deliver the address of the evening labile earlier, stngc carpenter, past senson-with (Jus Hill's "Smart Set.'• has returned to this city.... itcllly & Wood's Co. closed. Us season .at the Grand May 28 ..Eva Bruticlle and Elizabeth Cnnuvan have been engaged-to fur- nish the music for dancing at Forest Lake, Palmer. The theatrical season will start about June 20 Mr. Roberts, advance agent for Pawnee BUI'S Wild Vest Show, has been In seme of the Western Massachnssetls cities and towns, arranging-!for the coming of the show the middle of the month BoDlta, the well known vaudeville- performer, 'the past season with Itellly k Wood's Co., Is to be seen Id a musical production In New York In the Fall Francis W. Sottthcrland, of Saginaw, Mich., Is to be given a- trial as loader 'of the Second Regiment Band, which Arthur Amsden left logo to Mnriette, Wis., and little doubt Is felt hnt what he will be Its permanent leader. Mr. Souther- land Is well known In the profession, hav- ing been a member of "The Wizard of Oz" orchestra last season, previous to wh'ch he was bandmaster and cornet soloist with Hav- crlv's Minstrels Mildred Marshall and Mildred Wallber, the past season members of the comely chorus of Hollly k Wood's Show, are to be members of a stock company at Bergen Beach for the Summer.-.... ..Big Elans are being made by the local Acrle of agles for tho field day of the: New England Aeries, which Is to be held at Hampden Park, about the middle of August. It promises to be the largest, gathering ot Eagles In the East, with the exception of the grand session In New York last year!..:. ..Tony Dever, a popular member of Rellly jfc Woods' chorus, is to spend her Summer on the Form at-Palmer.... ..Lurler's Min- strels, who are giving a minstrel show under canvas, were In Ware, May 81, and [lacked the l tent Frank Hughes nnd Ralph lllllman, two local actors, have formed a company to play under the name of the Iluglies-Hlilrann, Co. Those engaged tire. Mtti'de Dlckerson, Grace' Parker, Anna Hughes, Frank Hughes, Charles Hughes, Charles Preseott and Ralph lllllman Violet K. Arnold, of the vaudeville team of Oman and Arnold, Is visiting her old homo In this city... New Bedford.—At the. New Bedford Theatre (Wm. It. Cross, manager) Arnold Daly, supported by an excellent company, presented "Candida," June 1, In a most artistic manner, before an audience compris- ing; the most elite In local circles. A most delightful presentation was given of -the play.- Phis - attraction, closes the present season ct this bouse,. • ■•■ ' >-\ Shskdv's I'tmt.'HAgB Street- Theatre (David R. Bnrnnton, manager).—-"Dad's Girl," a rural, play, -was given, a pleasing rendition by the stock company during-the past week. The patronage was- good, not- withstanding the very Inclement weather which prevailed throughout the week. This week's offering Is "The Ticket ot Leavo Man." ••• - ".. c ■Notes. —The ladles' orchestra atiSheedy's- Theatre has proven an Innovation, and Its ex- cellent musical numbers aro thoroughly 1 ap- preciated by the large audiences prcsenCat every performance. Gertrude Dion Ma- Glll and Jessie Pringle, of the Bumnton Stock Co., are strong favorites with Sbeedy's Thea- tre patrons, their excellent .work winning feneral favor for them..... ...Present Indies- Ions stronglv point to the building of another vutidevlllo theatre at the North end of tho city, and If the present Interest manifested by the North End Merchants' Club Is realized, a new building will he erected, which will include a theatre capable of seating from 1,800 to 2.(8X1 people, to cost J.10,000. It. T. Alger, at present manager ot u house at Pas- saic. N. J., offers to take n five years' lease of the theatre at a figure Hint promises to he agreeable, . and also ugrees to furnish first class attractions. - A theatre In this section of the city will (ill n long felt want, us a ma- jority of. patrons tit the down town houses arc drawn from this section 'I he following officers were elected at last week's annual meeting of the New Bedford Theatre corporation: Directors, Samuel Ivers, Charles W. Clifford, Frederick 8. Pot- ter, Andrew G. Pierce Jr., Charles 11. l.uw- ton: clerk and treasurer, Samuel Ivors; Frederick 8. Potter wits elected president. and William L Kellcy. Henry W. Tnbcr and Henry M. KnowleB were also elected. A re- newal of a venr's lease of the theatre was granted to Manager. William B. Crura Advices received stale that Emma Hrennaii (lnce) has retired from the legitimate and joined the vaudeville ranks, and Is meeting with much success In her new protean act. "Facing the Audience," changing from white to black, and vice rerun. ... ..The Lit- tle tilrttrd Sisters arc tilling u four weeks' engagement ut Walker's Nickelodeon The- atre'. Boston. It Is estimated that fifteen thousand patrons visited Lincoln Park at Its Initial Summer o-enliig (Memorial Day), May ,'to. Transportation was found very much Inadequate to acommodate tbe rush to enjoy the good old Summer time attractions offered hy the genial manager, Isaac W. Phelps. The regular peason will open about June 20 Forepa ugh-Sells Brothers' Clr- cls will delight the multitude June 7. ■ Worcester.—At (he Worcester Theatre New York. Players, In their fourth week, will present "What Happened lo Jones" June 0-11. Last week the company produced "A0 Bachelor's Komi.nce." to excel lent -pa- tronage, and their work la It surpassed any- thing yet undertaken. • Lincoln Park Thkatbe (Wor. CoUdII- dated St. Hy. Co., managers).—Week of 0, J. W. Gorman's Vaudeville-Stars will be the attraction/ and tbe rnmpany Includes: (lib son and Holmes, tbe Brothers La Nole, Kim- ball and Donovan, Bitrt-Hodgklns'und Orace Lellh, In "Conrtln' In T>1," and Rusttta and Banks, in "Thi Major and the Maid." Notes.-*A new aerie of Eagles will be In st I tit ted at Gardner, Mass.. ft. by John W. Sheridan, of the Worcester degree team.... William ScytiKiif. who acted as stage di- rector for Hie New York Players the first three weeks, has 'eft for Kurnjie. Ills sue censor will he Frank Mttnroe, formerly with "The . Earl. of Pawtuck<L" Mr. Seymour will take up the work of the late Joseph Humphreys for Charles Frutimaii The gentlemen members o( tlio New Votk Players — !— ^~- 1 :— . ■-,... ■ '— will occupy a new cottage at the lake this season. They have named their new abode "Block Farm."... .Ground lias been broken for the new Cbltnn Amusement Park at tho take, and It will be ready to open for busi- ness July 1. 1 • . i i i ■ - I/O well.-At tho -Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros. A Hosford, managers! "A Holi- day at Helby Plantation" was given by local talent, June 1. to a capacity house. It being a testimonial to William H. Way. This was tbe last attraction of the season. Peiu'I.e'h THEATRE (Raymond k ConksnU, mnungors).—The Hurley Sisters nud their own burlesque company did a big business here..last week. Tha big sm esses were lor the Hurley Sinters, the Early Trio, nnd Pad- dy Joyce. Current: Strand snd Strand's St. Louis Burlesque Co. Oil": Strand and Strand. Mabel Moss, Lillian Burdell, Kd. lluclere. nnd the burlesque, "The Seely Din- ner." The house Is giving three shows each day, with the usual amateur night, Friday, to capacity Iiouhcs> • Mkntion. —Bob Cook tins been engaged by the management ot the People's Theatre to put on stork burlesque for the Summer season.' The house has been rented with ventilators and electric fans anil opens Us season June 0 U. J. Desmond lolned the Loren Flynn Co. at Bennington. VI., May 80, to play character comic parts and do his musical specialty. llughy Mc- Neeley, stage manager at Ihe Boston The- atre, will manage the-stage at Wlllowdalc Park Theatre during Ihe Summer season.... (■'en. T.-Callahan, lithographer al the Opem House, will be 1 at the Lakevlew Theatre litis Summer, similarly- employed., Arnold Daly, of the "Candida" company, was the guest of Kcv. C. K, Fisher during his eti- gegement. here. "Candida" closed Its New England tour and season ut .Maiden, Mass., June I. Mr. Daly will use the same vehicle for the first of next season, then produce Ills new play. "You Never Cau Tell.' Rob- ert Compbell, well known here as singe carpenter at the Opera House for tunny seasons, autl also at takcvlcw Theatre. Is similarly employed at the Orplieuin Thctilre, Los Angeles. Cal...... Lakevlew Park and Cnnoble !,nke Park had successful n|ienlngs May .W, giving band concerts nftcrnoon anil evening. Concerts are announced for Jtiuc 5 at both narks. ' ; '■ . i L»nn.—At Mechanics Hall. Salem (Jas. E. Moore, ma eager i (he Jewel-Archer Stock Co. played to good business week of Mav 80. presenting "The Charity Ball." The same company-Is here this week, playing "Near the Throne." It will pfav through the Sum- mer season. Notkh. —Slg. Santellc's Circus conies lo this city June IT. Hnd will show In Marble- head IS Cant. Paul Henry, with tho Gem Theatre, as iloorkeeper, last season, has gone to Baltimore in Join a repertory ciini- Bany...:.. Manager Shay will open Hie Shay ttmmer show house at BnsN Point, Nnharit, 17..... .Elltel Mac Cross, of (his city, has gone to Wnonsnrket, It. I., to till a Summer engagement. She la a member of a Indies' orchestra.... Slg. Santellc's advertising car, In charge of Sam J.-Banks, was In this city 3 Plntis for a new fttcalre. to take the place of the Lynn Theatre, destroyed bv (Ire, have been made, and the locution of the new house will soon be announced hy the Eastern Amusement Co ...The Gorman Summer theatre.-ut Salem Willows, will lie- Sln Its season June 17. Manager Doyle will e In charge.. i i i iii i I i Full River.—At the Academy-of Music (Wat. J. -Wiley, manager) : "Caudlda'\ was given to an appreciative audience Mav 111. The leading role, that of the poet, wits'most artistically rendered by Arnold Daly, and Mr. Mitchell gave nn excellent portrayal of the; Rev- Mr. Morcll, while Miss Dounully, as Cand'da. wen innrh favor. Siieedy's Theatbb (M. V. O'Brien, mali- nger).—The Floccnre Corbln Stock Co. pre- sented "The Octoroon" last week, to big business. Week of June 0, "Kid Carson, tho Government Scout." i- i ■ Notes. —Slg. Santellc's Circus comes June 6 Forepangh-Sclls Bros. 10. Marlon. Elsir Elliott. Jas. McDonald, Clara nnd. comedy Saturday, 4. Ho wag supported Marlon. W. J. Wells, and the stock. Tlie by t\ capable company of Jewish plovers. .A new burlesque for (he week la called "A Trip ■ haute ot Mil occurred each tflgjt. and i rowocd. houses were the rule. Perhaps the Across the Ocean." ■ Hutu: Tiikatrb (J. M..Nash, manager). —The new pople for U aod-week are; Tho Faldchllds. the Allvns, C. Wnrtln, J. McClcl- tan. Hold overs: A. A. Jclllson. Mae Wilson, and Ihr moving pictures. : The business for the week closing I crowded at ihe iirst show. There-are Ihtve shows each night. Note. — liuliith will have this season what II. hns never had since the hliih of the city— two first .class circuses In one Summer. Wo will have itlngllng Bros, on July I, and Bur nuiu have itlngllng I I & Bailey's "8. Mliinrnpotls. At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager I ■ IVrrjr Has- woll conlinucK June S In 8, giving "Moths" and " plav that scored the greatest success was "The Blitul Musician." Avbmiih Thkatb.1 (Harry Davis, mnrva- ger).—The aiicntlnnce last week continued an tbe Hrat class order. The bill presented this week Maine*) the Ellnore :81stt)rs, Ho- rlnos, Stuart 'Barnes. John and Bertha Glet- miii anil Fred Houlihan, Vernon, Frederick Bros, and Burns, Rosa I<ee Tyler, Fisher anil Carroll, Radford nnd Winchester, Park tr's ihigM, McNnmcc, klnclograplti ■: , . 8i-i ■iiikiin Park (A. S. McSwIgati. mnna- geri.—The bill for ihe opening week, com- tncnclng Monday. June II. Is as fnllowa: I'rlr.eess Chlttoattlla mid Ed, Ewell, the cuw- Isiy: Fontl Hiuil Brothers, Al. Hoevct, v?fll "Olhclln." She enjoyed fair imliouago Hasklns. MclieVlU and Kelly. - I '.'•■I. "The Rogers Brothers In Unuloti" were Krnnvwihhi Pakk (F. l\ Muorhcnd. man- ageri, - The disagreeable wet weather ot last week Interfered with the attendance at this seen li II. "'Hie tllrl from Dixie" was given by it line company to good business, but Tint such as It deserved, Mav 2U In Juno 1. The Fmir Cohans come la. and Richard Mnus- llcld will ho here 10 18. Bijou iti-r.u.i lloiss tThco. L. Hays, man- ager).—"Itemember Ihe Maine" opened for a week (">. "The .lames llovs In Missouri" follows 12; Aniin Blillieke bud fair houses. In "A Utile Outcast." May 'JO awl -week. I.M-KitM Ttir.ATtiE l Dick Ferris, manager). —-"The Factory Fnttudllng" Is the play June 6-11. "The I^itlcry of laive" Is niiliounccd for next week, week ending ■!. IU'.wev TllEATttE.—The Painty I'arec C". I>cgiin u week's cngngeuienl 6. The Blue Ribbon GlrlM will follow I'J. The Trocadcro Kxlrnvngnnxit Co. bail good )k>x ufllce re- ceipts May at) to June 4. .Vote.— The telegrams nunmincn Ihe sui- cide, on June .1, at St. Cloiul, Minn . of ('has. P. Elliott. . He was manager of the Flurencu Stone Slock Co. | •-■ «»» — — tiopttlnr resort. Jlniin«', ' Bill for this week: Harry Marsh ami Surlelbt, Jnitsen and eoiiipiniy, Nellie Baker, Poliuore and Oneida. N'i lis,— Frnnk C. Young and Bessie Do Vole, Isle of the "Mr. llliKihonrd" Co., made n decided success'at Ihe Avenue Tltcatre last week. Their unique net, ciillllcil "Dancing hy Nate," Is very tunny, and ihvlr danOng well nteriteti the. applause of tbe admiring iiuilieiieea I.Iizu Hudson Collier, the lead lug woman In the prediicllon of "D«- "Eust l.tunc" drew fairly moti nnd Pythias." ut the Nixon Theatre, this week. Is very liopulHr in Pittsburg, which was mtde evident hy the attention pnhl her last week In various social gather- ings: ill which she wits the guest of honor. . .. .The cl-iirncler n< Hug ot George R. Ray- lonnd lust wcik, Willi "The llttrcn uf the While Slaves'"-Co., ut the llljott, was good lo look al, und his rectipl toil hy the put tons whh one be nitty be proud uf. ' i i i . ' .. l'KVVIYLYAMA. ■'hlladelphlH.- The season at Fore- paitgh's wan brought lo a close last week, mid this leaves us with but live theatre present- ing Indoor niuusciuciits during the warm weather. Two of these provide burlesque, one drama, one opera, and Ihe other vaude- ville—quite n little variety for the Hummer. Pakk: Tiieathb IK. I J. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, manager).—The current week ends the en- gngetueut for "Miss Boh While" at (his house. Monday evening. Ihe performance Is fur the benelil of a local rhnrltv, nnd nil the characters) are to he assumed by local ntitii- tours, the members of the regular company watching the performance front I ho front, Neat week, the offering will Im» "Ermlnle." Keitii'h Itt.tof t E. P. Lyons, resident manager).—The offering l>y (lie slock com- pany this week Is "The Iron Master." Lust week a change was made from comedy to melodrama, "Northern Lights" being the drama presented. The tnemlters of the com- pany did capital work, bringing out with full force till the thrilling situations, and the ttit- trons showed llielr appreciation by nil ending In large numbers. For the coming week, "The Lottery of l^tve" Is In relifaranl. Keitii'm New Tiikatiih (II. T. Jordan, resident manager).—On the programme this week are: Merlan's dogs, Edmund Hay, John I>. Glllieri, Klein, lilt Bros, uml Nicholson, Le Roy and Woodford, the Allisons. Green ! HnrrlMbaric.—At Pnxlang Park (Felix M. l»uv!s. ttmungcr) (In; Boston Vaudeville Stars in-lived n strong attraction lor May 80 and week, uttd will 1st fullouctl by tho llljuii Vntidevllle Cu. June II. ■ Sotks.- ■ Pa *nce Hill's'Wild West Show Is due hern June 7 The John Robinson ClrctiH did well at libation, Pn„ 8 The Plcrru Carnival Co, Int.I fair business ttt Sirelliui. I'n., week of Miy 80. IMIu liilcr- fereti fur lltre.t days lack Marlowe, ut UiIh city, bus .mined the Sunimcr Hlock com- pany at Lincoln, Neb Spencer c. ('Inn l cis, uf Hie Tho inns E. Shcn Co., Is at his Inline here. He will be with the same en- terprise next season .Mr. and Mis. Kmncls Shreltier, who have been playing slock engagements, are home for lite Summer. Thomas I). Villi listen, who litis many friends here, was wurinly welcomed 81, on the invasion of his visit with the No. 'J cur nl (ho Pawnee Bill Show W. Morrow Toll tins rcluttieil from an trip, and Is preparing for Lyceum eiigagem tits next season Mi: Ho West, ot thU illy. vucallst and ilanccr, will spend Iter Suiiiincr In Boston John -Mci.'iillough, of thla city, Is manager of the npeetai tilnr prutltic- linn, "lltirnlng of Home," which opens July 4 Hull. -Meade D. Hetwcib-e, past grand exalted ruler uf the Elks, hns com- pleltil his charier list for the new lodge, and Ihe latter will be Instituted home time in June The National Slock Co. Is doing nice business In lleigleroth's canvas iHivllloti tit Mlildlclnwn, Pn .Fred M. nnd Wlggln. Aerial Shows, Four Nelsons), Mclnlyre'and Rice. Undo and Bert mail, the Unindu Is now the full owner of Ihe Lycooi- llelstuns. and Stevenson. Edwin Slt'vciis Is Ing (l|>ern llnuso at Wllllamspurl, Pn., uml Tnnnton.—At tho Taunton Theatre (Cithn 4 Cross, managers) Arnold Daly's Cu pre- sented "Candida" June 'J. The company was excellent and the play proved very pleasing and was well put on. FosKPAuotf k Sellu Bros.' United Shows come June 8. . ■:».-» ... » , ' - * MINNESOTA. St. Pant.—Ai the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) Florence -Stone bad rather light business May 20-June 1, and concluded her engagement. The company did not receive the patronage which Its mer- its demanded. The last two plays were "Cit- mllle" and "Sbamtic O'Brien. "A Girl from Dixie" appeared to big business a-I. "Rogers Brothers In London" comes 6-8, St. Paul High .School commencement exercises I), Rich- ard Mansfield 10-12, the Cohans 18-1.1. As- sistant Manager Harry Bicker hits been III Willi typhoid fever for-a couple of weeks. Manager L. N. Scott returned from New York May in. (iUAxn (Theodore L. Hays, manager).— "Remember Ihe Maine" bad good, bill not hlg business week of 20. For week of June !i. "The James Boys In Missouri." Perry Haswell Stock Co., assisted by the George Fitwcett Co.. will begin nrt cogagenicnt IX To last ten weeks.. They will produce it number of tbe most populur plays, with a change of bill weekly, and sometimes twice u week. The popularity of these people ought to lustirc a big Summer's business. Star ~(M. II. Singer, manager).—AL Reeves' Big Show drew very well week of May 20.- For week of June S, the Troca- deros: week of 12. the Dainty Farce, nnd week of 10. the Blue Ribbon Girls, which will conclude the season, which has been u successful one, all things considered. Ejii'iiu; (A. Welnhoheer, managed.—Busi- ness continued satisfactory, but not big, week of -May 80. The only new people for week of June tl are: Myrtle Edwards and Lottie Do Vere. Holding over: Kittle Hansom, Alta -Owet'is. Vera Stanley, assisted by her pickaninnies: Blanche Lamunl and Mar- guerite Ctiiumlngs. Mention. —The- Ragles' State convention will lie held at: the St. Paul Curling Club June 21-20... .Manager Welnholzer. of the Empire, spends much of his time out on his farm, north of the fair grounds. Damp and cool weather has hnd a bud effect on business at till the theatres. » Dalnlh.—At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, managerl "The Game Keeper" did fairly well. . The . audiences were large tor "The Girl from Dixie." Fine audiences at both performances June 8, 4, were attracted by the Rogers Brothers, who then appeared for the first time at the head uf the lakes. Florence Stone's dates for May 80. 81, June 1. 2, were not played. "McFaddcus Row of Flats" 7, the Four Cohans in. Richard Mansllelcl II, whleb Will close the season at this house, which has been a good one. MtrnoroLiTAN Opeba Hot sb (J. T. Con don, manager).—Isabel Irving, as Virginia Carrel. In "Tnc .Crisis,'.' Hay 80. 81, Inst time here, had good business. She has a fine company, and her scenery nnd settings were very good... The Kennedy Stuck Co. Illleil out the week, with "Rip Van Winkle" nnd "Atiollier Man's Wife." Mnhara Min- strels 8. 0. I'Aiit.iiii Thcatbe (W. J. Wells, manager). —Business for Ihe week ending June A was excellent. The company 0 and week nre: Susie Young, Al. Leyburtie, Grace Mathews, Ed. Lowry and wile, Jesuit; I'lctw, £dl« announced for next week Lvcelm Tiikatiih (John G. .lennon'. man- ■Hgcr),—The French Folly Company is fur- nishing Hie entertainment fur Ihe patrons this week, presenting two burlesques and nn olio, headed hy Loltle (lllsrut. The Night Owls Beauty Snow won hearty applause last week.- Next week brings the Little Egypt Burlesquers. Tliut'AliEUU (Floyd Lnunian, manager). — Scrlliner'M Columbian BurlesqucrH earned fa- vor -last week with an cnfcrlnliilng pro- gramme of burlesque anil vaudeville, and re- ceived the desired reward of liberal patron- age. This week the boards are held by tho New York Girl Kxunvngiiriza Company. Willow (Iiiiivh Park (Management Phila- delphia lltiultl Transit Co.)—Excellent put- mini go was accorded this park during Ihe week lust past, and Ihe musical programmes provided by the llantln Rosas were fully appreciated. Victor Herbert begins, tin en- gagement Monday of this week. Wonus tut: Park I Woodsltlc Amusement Co., managers I,—Success has attended Un- popular concerts - given by Giistnrt; D'Aquln's Military Band at this park. Judg- ing hy the slxe of the attendance at Ihe afternoon aud evening concerts. Tills week the soloists at the concerts will lie Etniiiet Lennon, tenor: Beatrice Fine, soprano: HatHe Slni's-Mi'Cnrthy, contralto, nnd Slg A. Mun/.lntn, baritone. ctmsrstr llti.t. Park (If.- P. -Aitchyi mnnager).—'Ihe Royal Guard Band flubbed Its' popular engagement al thin park Sunday, and beginning Monday, 0, free vaudeville will lie the principal amusement feature. Pntromtge has been excellent' since the opening. Wahiiinuton Park I Win, J. Thompson, manager).—Tho many patrons uf I Ills, park are thoroughly enjoying the delightful ride L. .1. l-'lsk Is manager. modeling Is under wny. I ■ The work of re- llrlc.—At. Hie New Majestic Theatre (Wm. .1. Sell, mil tut get 1 1 the Hlock company. May llll, 81, and iiitilliien Junu I, product'd "Tim Wages of Sill!! to continual largo ul I rutin nre and gave the best of satisfaction. All members of the company are good actors und jtltly llielr respective rules excellunlly well, Sirs. Flake delighted to the capacity of tbe house June a, with her elegant pre- sentation ul "lleiltla Gultler." ChtlN. Dickson, 111 "Incog.," with Hie stock company sup- perl, 8, -I, was favored with largo altotiil- nine. I'aiik Ol'Ktt.V HollHIt (J. Ii. GIInoii, inn tin- get-).—"llitlls of Cnritavllle," by ftrltt opera Club, local talent, under direction of J. II. Koiviilskl, sung well May 80, 111. to very litrgi- iittentlante, tigitltist siivero storms,.-, Waldamkrii, the lienilllfitl Erie Summer hike side unci bulbing beach resort,, opened May 80 for the scahoii of 1001 with dying ci,hit's. This Is the. (Incut Summer resort on the chain - of lakes,- May 80-June -I opened with Hut .following strong lulcut: Little Tstula, Jiipiinese ilcrobatit; May Ev- ans, whistler: Garvin unit Plutl, In comedy i ketch ; Musical Gt nltuans, Allele Purvis- Uml unci cotupaiiy, In her fire dances. I.ituciisier. - At Ihe. Root Garden (John B. I'roplcH, manager) lliu bill for Week of .fiirn- (1 Includes: Clay I on White and Mario Htiinrt. Moore and L'ltletlcld, Fred Mtuhnr, Sunderland and l-'rodo, the Hurleys, Bruuko Eltrvn, hlilltb mill Powell. in II Ifis'Kr SpitiMiii Park Tiikatiih (II: B. Grlffellis, nuiiiitgerl.—''Tho Show Girl'' drew large houses May 80 and Iwo following days, Begirt Prince," June (I ami week, by large "Tlie down the Dclnware and the concerts hy Ihij totoretJ jici furiuerH liicliitllng Mmti. Flower NiiTEM.—Josejili Ruycr (.WchI),. vaililevlllu performer. Is visiting Ills home In this city. Tho rebuilding of Fulton Optra Huilsn Is going on rapidly, und mi curly Fall open- ' M, . German tiais-rlul Band upon their arrival. The Mbail (Islilng Is at an end, hut there la st .11 it superabundance uf entertainment provided. ■ ■ • Notkh. —Frederick Voelker. Ihe violinist. Is lo appear at Keith's New Theatre shortly for a week The sum of xt.yiKin hsu been subscribed to keep Hie Philadelphia Or- chestra Intact, nnd Its exlslnuce Is now an- sored for a period ot three years Rudolph lleiinlg, a noted 'cellist, dletl at his home here Saturday, May 28 Tim sou of Sirs. Anna Hoyle Moore, an actress, now living at the Hurley House, disappeared last week and could nut befouutl for several days. He eventually relumed having grown of the Willi West Show with wh'ch he wandered sway. Mrs. Moore Is Ihe divorced wife of Eugene Misire, now playing with Ihe Thanhntisci- Stock Company at Milwaukee. •.. I, | IMttMbnrjr.—At tbe llljun Theatre IK. M. Gitllck. manager) Vance k Sullivan's dramu, "Whv Girls Leave Home," Is Ihe attraction for the current week. "The Queen uf the White Slaves" hnd n very successful week, closing Saturday, June -I. Immense houses were present nl both performances on. Deco- ration Bay. followed ny slightly diminished attendance the remainder of tbe engagement. The thrilling situations which abound In this piny were greatly enjoyed by the nud'ences, nud Ihe wisdom of Ho; nnningcment In bonk- ing Ihe company fur a return engagement was thoroughly proven hy the satisfactory returns. ."Escaped from Sing Ming,'' with a strong cast, comes for a week June 18. Jim- my Brill, the pugilist, Is billed us a side at- traction. , | Nixiis TnrvTiiE (Titos. F. Kirk, resident managerl.— Hudson Collier lietttls tint company which this week presents "Damon nnd Pythias." The event (s under the ntis- plres of the Knights of Pythias, ihe mem- bers of which order are much In evidence. On Saturday night Major-General James II. Carnahnn. Ihe highest onlclal of the mil formed rank of Hie K. of P. In tbe Ifnlled States, will Is; present, accompanied by his ninff. The Savage English Grand Opera Co. closed (he second and Inst week uf Its en- gagement Saturday, June 1. They played lo fairly good business, despite Hie miserably wet weather. The In,use chute* the regular season Saturday. II, but will reopen Mon- day, .'.'it, for a run of Summer operas. - Iiiuikhnk Tiimthi- t Hurry W. Williams, ninniigeri. —Burls Tliotiiashcfskv closed n lour nights' engagement uf YiddUli drama lug la premised. Wllliainaiiurt.—At Vnllamont Pavilion Lvinun A. Pray, manageri the Vallainunt Stock |'o. opened Its season, lo record break- ing business, producing "Tho Wife," Muy 80- Juite 1. The company presented "A Soldier of tlie Empire" 2 1. Due : "What Happened In .bines" OS, "Tha Highest Bidder'' 0-11, "Lord Chiltiilcy" 1810, "Knulioke" lll-IN. Notkh. —Tim Jubour Carnival Co., for the bencllt of the Twelfth Regiment, N. (1. 1'., Arruury, week of June o Fred M. La- made, who recently purchased (hr Lyceum Hi-em House properly, wits given pusseuslon June 1, and I ho bouse will Ihi under the management ot Lyinun J. Flak. Extensive repairs will be. uiudc. a . . i llendliitt At' Carsotila Park Theatre ('). H. Gelger, manager) Ihe Stimmec the- atrical season wus Inaugurated here by'the Gnrrlck Theatre Hraninllc Co., May JlO-Jtine 1. Ilusliicss wan fairly good, notwithstand- ing the unfavorable weather. Bryant k Hn- ville's Minstrels are on tho card an the fol- lowing attraction. Note. —Frank B. Sha Iters, mnnager for Adelaide Thurston, la at bid home In this city. . , < > » , TMNNKHNKI*:. Memphls.- At Ihe llllmi Thcalrc (BenJ. M; Htnlfibuck, intiungi'r) Ihe Blloti Oiterii ,('t>. opened a two weeks' engagement May 80, pre- senllng "The Ameer," to goml business, Aids IlentmT, as Coiistniice, was lllieriilly applauded, Hnd Mac Sailor, as Fanny, her companion, received n cordial welcome. Others of the company deserving mention aro: William Corliss, Marry carter,. Rurrell Burbsfetto nnd J. W. Nlkolds. The scenery reflects cred't upon Scenic Arllst Rwyer. lldi'KiNR' Eamt Emi Park (A. II. Mnrrl- tuin, inanager].—- The warm evenings send large crowds out to East End, nnd tha per- fni'iiiiu offcrt'il with Hie amusements on the grounds amply repays one for n trip lhere, The programme for last week Included: Mile. Seliell, Hon tamer: the Pnntso-r Trio, acre- lulls; Lis Halvaggls. European whirlwind dancers; Lawrence Crime, the Irish magi- cian; St«vc Jennings, In "Watch the Caue."