The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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fl t fit r 384 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (LbnlM.) , raoPRfB-ruKH. : ■ A ALBERT J. BOEnS, KOITdtlii. AND' BU81N»H»>MANA(nM. HATDBDAI, JUNE 18, WW. Otlt CHICAGO L.ETTBB. RATES, v Advertisements—f2.60 per loch, single col- Oath, Advertisements act wltb bonier, 10 p*r e*nt. extra. r>' .'■■■ ■■• •V v SUBSCRIPTION, One y«ar in advance, 14 '• six months, 92 i thjre months, %%. Foreign postage extra. Blnglc copies will; I* lent, postpaid, ou re- ceipt ft -10 rifceptav; jrt jfc vc ri r A One Terns are Cn.b. -<J!H0 fLIPPKH It liRU«,**ery ; Wednesday morning. The last four (advertising) piges 00 tO l'R i#W on Bntnrdiy at 11*. u., Bad the other pages pa MONDAY and TUESDAY", The I'lirmi Closing I'rumpllr, Tuci- 5 day, at 10 o'clock A.M. Tlensoremit by express, money order, check, ^t-0. order or-teRlsteredbetter* All eaah en- cidtcd wltb letter Is nt t,iia risk or lender. AdilrpM All CommdnloaH*** to TUB HJilW VOIIK CLIPPER, fo^WetM *i»»re'A*tf!-ft<»' u Atj'rno4iiT." THEWE8TERN BUREAU OT'THII CTtrPER' IB located nt Room "502, XfthiandvBUH*. Chicago, Waller i K. HIHj manager And'' correspondent, where adver- our jofiwar rans. ... - 1 , ... 4 ,. - w f THE LONDON BUREAU Located nt 49 Cranbonrne 8t,Jxpndon,W. C, J,.P. foughton, mnnnger and correspondent, where advertisements and aubserlptloM are reA'dvcd nt.pur.regular.rates. " "TUB CI.I1TIB CAN nn OtrTATNBD, - WHOZ* Maui asi> iiSTAU., at our agents, Hreatano'i Saws' depot, 8" Avenue d» TOpera, Tarlt, J^neai •iM.'Llllcnthal, If reuprlek •' Atraiae M'i'maUtmtl Hotel); BerllW'N. W^ Ojri many; Diamond News Co:, 1)7 Trado, Ha- vana; Manila Book.and.Stationery Co., 12S Esrolta, ManUa^rVI.:; Albert: ft yn,jW\ 18U King St., Sydney, Australia. • ''.-■'- ^tllBKSW YORK OLIPPBI1.vabUaliM only one edition, and that la dated from New YQBfcV^ •"{$ ?'■$[■**V.?l. y ■ t . QUERI ES JlJSW EBElh No tteuliea by Mall or Telecraahu ,. Apurksbm .0" wiuaituu6tT3 jJ BB.J»B iaj Alt im Qtiia* oir hhcji anooi.n' wnlT» t* ThOMTWHOW'TJIMV BBBK,VIA"CARB Qf.THB 0L11TF.II FORT OviriOH! AM, -Mrma"" Will, KB AI>VBBTIHEI> ONE WBHK |»NloV I*TMJ konta oi' ant. 7'ituATnicAii -cOmpant la miiimiit, mvm to otln t.»v op ltouiM OS ANOTIIBIl rAOB.; \VK QAHNOI BBND EOUTBH •tiJiiUi oa TjBt.t :gB|i'u. I , ', ..,_. ;|'4. 'i«L;^DBAMAT«yi.;v, ! ;, '». X, il%Wni^vlilc—Wo have, no know!- edfe of the present whereabout h of the puny. Aifiren ti leUenln our cure uud we will j<I- Vfrttao It In TUB CMPl'Ull letter list. *'o. f!.; fellhti, „ , ».. W. ,t.'..,lndlnuoim la, M«s. Afoirf.,- i>ni«th. ; iliiH. »;. Rjjlh 0ntil:o5h. . Muh.iV iicM., J.c<tdYll)e, & A.H., Chlt;ftjl9; T. C„ Trpnton. . ■ \V. L. W., St.: XMukj B. Sli:A., SL l'nit|,„ . ...... ........... , ft! ft. »., New^TuVk; : ■ IJ. 1*. r., IndlanapuIlK, nnd •>.» ,.,-. It. U. (J., I'hllntU'lpbltt.-r'Mee nnBwpr,to T. Y.. above. Olippbii llKADpn, Kekltin-4... The term niminB n Vhnngo of apeelnltleH. S., There la mi «bnrgi>. _ . ., _ It. S. Co.. Hnslnn.—The nittungcrg of the llarnum * llalley; Clreiia cait probably .ah- timer your' qiieathm. J. J. K.— IVh!-' ' I ' H. A S., Kpringaelil.—Addreiw lunnager of the nbow In cum or Tub Curm,-and we will adverilap Iho'letterrlu or leller list. J. if., Brooklyn.—The eohmnm of Tna Curom Kill furuitib Bitch.a IImi. Wo have no kniiwletlge of bny 'hook published ou the Hiihjeet. ' .- . f. n., f ia t W ri wA T he letlor was sent Mny 2S, to Moatenca, 111. , . l\ A. 11.; Detroit.—Advertise In Tub CMP- iTn. ••';'■•• ■,--'"vv- -'•! '. '• V '.-• '■■ 3.. A. 1*., JaekaoiivlUe.—1. Advertlae In TUB Ci.iri'Hn*. '2. Tlio wihiry vnrlea. \V. A. M- Cattoawood FhIIb.— Addrean t'o . T. AllBtonTirfiwn,'jar>8 ileoadwny, New Vork I. Sit Cohoea.^-;ne 1b now til Europe. A. J. C., Heyere.—Addresa party in enre <if Klaw « Krlanoitr, WW 'Amsterdam The- atte, New York Olty." ' »asi:iiai,t. S. M II., KnnNna-Cltj-.—IlMlc 01, Sec. 2, fully uoverB tbo^.'MB«..- • .,:.,. CAims. . n, W. P., 'Iowa City.—A wlim. c>. K„ ClileuKO.—Ue una the rlybt. »j. It., «f. Pnm.—-It can he ninde from the flint' rard' played.-' In thernse'lti qlie.tllon A aeoroR four polnta for the run of 4,5, ti, 7; II then jVorcs ilx uolnta for the run of ^ it, 4.1^, i\, «yVA then ecorew amwil iiolnla for the run 01,1.-2,, ft, 4, », «, 7. : . •■ ;' , A. l». M.j.B, &,B. Show.—The term "r.oytil fiiiHii" la hot'to bo found lu any- atnndnra work nn the game of poker. Any atrnbjtbt fliiHli conalHmea whar la called p royal flnah. t i MiaCBLbANUOUM. J. P., Mobile.—Au encyclopedia will frolV nlilv Hiilve Ihft' problem foi- you. W. N. K.. New Yoril^-AddreBB the editor of Borne journnl Intereatvd In ,llBhlng. '< ■«»—— ' . »-»,tJ>>' NOBTII CAROLINA. '\ ii,-;,.'!- :-■ , - i. ; ' • imriuttp— At l-ntta l'nrk Aiulltorlam (Will A. l'ptl>r». uinnnger), a Hlrong repertory itiinpnny. heaiiiKl by thepopulnf eoruedlnu, Will 'A-.- 'Peters; nnil KIn' clever" wife, May Uhlters, o|tenrd what bldalo be n good Wa- aon MoUdny, June (I. The ehmiinuy lneluiies : Will A. Peters. Arthur Price, Franklin-Vnll. Kdiar Vnrney, .1. .C. Wllllama, Hilly MeyerR, .May • Waller's, Caroline D6 Vere, : Anna SII- reii» ninl caiherlrie Marsh. The rirst bill was a drawa+and,lt«lro\v>piu'ked housea. t>i »«'♦ J!"'" The lake Shore Limited . 1 ..,.,... . — .« -• • \t. ..vv., •■;>•■■ ►■ IB at III I he a re«t ai-hour train to t'hleamj,. I.rovea Ne^v York RM> 1*. M.i nrrlven C|>Uii>Bi> l.iio. next alter- noon, l.nxnrloaa lervlrpt alt Pall* man ear*.— Adv. (raou oca, own cohkkbponiunt). WfKtfHl USfMO ' * Or the Nttw York C'ttppir, • Itoola tUKi, Aablunil Uluek, CLIoauo. The Htudebakcr "Theatre ends Its °ae>flf*0A Saturday night, Jnnc 11. All, reoulremenw of the new ordinances having been complied with .'previous to reopening, last February, nb further alterations will be rfrmlred to perailt the bouse to begin its regulnr Benson, as now, Aug. 1, Not go With the UIJou, however. The Benson, at ibis West Hide melo- dramatic, mint, will'end Sunday night, June 12. wllh nn evirn performance of "A llldden t.'rlme," and before It ran be reopened as,an uaiuseineht reaorr It will, itf uiH-esslty, Iki i-dlliplelely ypeonHlrueled. Hunilny night. 10, the Hush Temple Theatre will clone. Thus Cliivaicu'K Held «f thenlrleill activity Is grad- unlly nnrrowlng down to. the territory en- coiupasHi'd by "The l^wp." Continued attrac- tion!! for the wePkHturtliig-Miirtduy night, 12, Include: "'A' Baaineas Man,'' which enters upon lis second week of atngu life, at McVlek- er'a; 'The Maid and the .Mummy" generally, altered ninl reiViiistrheleiT. shirts the llilrd week of Its hoped-for Bummer run at tin: Unr- rick.""'Vlvian'sPajias," which has beeh nimh eommenred upon, starts its second week nt Powers': "York Slate Folks."' 'remains' far a third week pt the. Great. Northern; ."The Ifriynl rhef," whk-b passed Its hundredth performance last Monday night, entertains for ; ItH' twelfth wt'ek 'at tbo La Salle.; "TIks Tenderfoot," which attracted sur- prisingly . poor attendance . last week, -re- mains, sl'lll Inrtennltcly,' htth« Illinois, and "The Wb.nrd of W remains a potent oTcr- Ing nt the Grand Opera House. Through the unkindly cnprlee-ttf the weather man, Mnns Houel and Water Chutes Parka con- tinue to lament. When it has not rained during Hie paat fortnight tbo temperature has been bo low that out of door entertain- ment has been quite out of the question. 'Abe cool nights, however, ' have benefited' the theatres, for "without theln the Iohbch, In wveral Instances, would have been (nudt Ktcnter than report already credltB, ' Au It Is. Sunday crowds are banxed upon for the bulk of (he week's business, the attend- ance at n vast majority of our amusement jilaces helng distressingly limited throughout the greater, part, of alx'evenings n week! When tbo pultry daya of mld-Summel: af« upon us" (we have l)ad;Tery. few'really warm days thus far) the prospects far remunera- tive attendance Will be materially lessened except In the open nlr resorts. Ir.LiMUH.THEATBB (Will J. Davis, mans- jrpr).-^'fTbt TeDderfoot'' enter* "npob lla iteeohd week Sunday nlgbt.^ Horn In Chicago Inst; Hummer, HIchard Carle's best example of .stage creation, will pass Its two hun- dredth local performance during the current days. v..-.'.• '■"-, ''- ', ' ., OABBioK TttKATHR (Chiis. A. Hlrd, busl- nehs" manager) .—"Tim Maid and the Mum- my" ciUcr* Its thlid week-Sunday-alght. HlchHrtf Carle, aulhrtrbf-the plece.^an been hard at work upon the "book ever since he came tp t.'lilcago lo^t Sunday.", Practically a new production'will lie made Sunday night. There will he two acts instead of three, add Oia/.tHIfMtO hnN been practically rewritten. Mny.Jtoley-wlll sueeeetl I'earl Andrews; find Margaret MrKlnney will replace Violet Dale on Sunday night. Itusliiesa has been fair, and tin 1 new" order of things may. bolster the piece Into lla hoped for Summer life. Po'wt:hB ,! TiiEATa« (Harry ,T.Towers, mnn- ngcr.),—»" Viylnh'B Papas.''' entering upoh rlta necohrt week', Rtinnny tright, Ib depended upon to attract,notlccnbly during the Republlean national convention.. Just why It should Is not tnndP clear. The* crlt h-s have been frank- ly outspoken In their oplnlous"/ and the pub* lie has shown fairly profitable curiosity to ktiowwhatit Is all about, Leo pltrlphstcln and Blaneho Ring nre eo-reaturcs. .,:'» . tlai'.M) OIt.Iia Hoi hi: (Fred It. Mumlln. hpHluesil rantonger).—"The Wizard' of, Or, gorcnous'IV beautiful, cleverly dlvertlhtr and iirtlKllcnlly nlfered In all particulars,'atmuls heoxl arid aliOulders nlajve Its compalriota In allrcspcetB. Flnnacliilly it la the biggest winner In town'.' On TWdny, '14, tho'^cc- onciannlvermiry of : ihq pleCft Wl|l bo oelo- lirnted In Ilia noiisn wtion" If was created, T'lieHe will be Kotivenlrn. The' fourth week nt tlie nivseiit engagement heglna 1 Sunday night-, With threo weeks still to run. Then comes Madge I'nrr Clmk to present "Mrs. WIjbbl of,the CabbagB-'Patch."' """ i , i ■ * , Mvvic.KKn'ii . TiiB.vritK (Geo. C,, Warren, luislness manAgcri.—Ou Bubiliiy everting, f>, (, fuuy stngf, a three htt "Comedy drama, by Arthur: entitled "A nnsluess Man." The cast: Dnvld Mosa." Guy Bates Post: Sam niitmenthtil, nrlghnm Hoyce'; Sieve O'Rnflue, llolsrl Flaher: Tom Tucker, Bobble Hnrry; Mrs. Mcflee. Aaule .Mack Rerlcln: Hounle, .'lessle RnAley; Rosa "Mover. Hose Am than; Minnie, Kllen Mortimer; - Anna Ware. Marguerite Prquhnrt l'lneiis Meyer., William Norrls. Mr. Non-le Is featured In ■ the' production, which has been minle hv Jacob Iiltt. and the cugngeinent will, probably, not be extended beyond Its orig- inal Unlit—July II.' Their (he house will un- dergo' Rtrurttirnl alterations. 1 GiiR.vr Nobthbiw'..Thbathb (James rt. Browne, laislncss. manager).—"York Blatn i'olks" roninlnkIho nttraellon here, entering upon Its, third week Sunday afternoon. Our theatregoers appreciate this beautiful play mom and inore l; and this, Its third 'euga'pe- laenl, la stirpnsHlug In . popularity and finnnrea. piiy run the piece hbs prev^oiialy en- Joyed Jn : Chicago. ."The New Minister" la (looked to begin a'n tBgngement Julv a, "York Slate FolkR" rony close n, week CHrller ih'iin tllllt tlnte. It. depends upon'hualnea's;' IJ, SAU.n TiiRAtnn (Mark G. Lewis: Ijust- ness iitanaser ). —"The Royal < (Thivf" 'Jtnsced itn hundredth performance lost Monday night, and enlcrs upon lis twelfth-week Sun- day* 12, The nilvertlsemeiits still, refer to "capacity business." The favorltea-arc? In- creasing In favor. i' 1 ; ■"■ • RtJon TiiratrB (Win, H. Roclilf. bttsl- uess manager).—John M. Word's production of'"A Hidden Crime." which prospered fainy during the past week, and In which Nellie Dunbar gained much popularity, closes the sWtsnu fpr house and company with nn extra performance Sunday night, 12. Enter the contractor with worklugmen to reconstruct the house In conformity with the' new regu- lations. ■ •• PKdri.n'a Thbatrb (Millie Wlllnrd Nelson, manager!.—Summer opera will have Its sec- ond week's Irlhl starting Monday night, 13. With Olive Vail as Youi Yum, Blanche Pa- ntletta a» Plftl Sing, Hen Mtlge as Ko Ko, vt\\r. Hiitlinannii Nankl I'oo, arid Wm.' BHev Hatch ha Penh Bfth;"Tlie Mlkndn" will be offered. .The new order of entertainment, May llnsmer's dramatic stock having' re- tired for a Summer vncnMiui, began last week with "The : Slaacot." " Business was satis- factory, and this now helng the only theatre oikui on the groat West side, prosperity should assemble its, forces to a remunerative degree. ' -nilBH TKStPl.B TttRATBM (T, .1, KCKrhnii. manager).--Wllh the rurrenl presentation or "A^MIIk'Whlte Flag." - stnrtlng nfterunon of laand endlne next- RnndrtV-'nlghr.'tbe'secotid Benson of the l'layera' Stock Co. will end. John TV.Powers, the private: James A. Dev- lin, the general; Robert Harty, Ibe major, and lRnbelle Lowe." the orphan,'are sneelnl engagements for thin < week. ' Grace llchla played her last week as lending wnmari, end- Ing'll, as Henrlette, In "The Two Ornhnhs.'' . Howahp's- • TnnATR»r"-< Imrlw ' J". Hownrd, manager),—The Hownrd Slock Co. wllt'ron- tlnne well Into Ihe Smjinier. presenting farcl- aaV Comedies, at urlocs'wltnln the contempla- tion of the modest pnvae. As the house stands alone,I'p'•■northwestern Cook County, cool'Wenlher menns-i^iod business. C«tCAi;n OMIba Hni'Hti (Kohl k CnsMe. managers).—Tula house remains the sole reliance of Kohl k Castle In their Chicago vaudeville field. All Summer continuous vaudeville will reign, Business Is excellent. Thla week's feature Is Frederick J. Ireland's Kolgmarclle, a woaderful device, mechanical, supposedly, built In Imitation Of Man— walking, bicycle riding, writing with chalk upon a blackboard, 1 and doing other feats: truly astoqnding; If mechanical. When abtmn at the Olympic .the Act created much comment, and should prove a potent attrac- tion here. Others opening HI will be: Dick and Eflle Guise, the Klns-Ners, Mary Mad- den, Dorsrh and Russell, Ruth Nelta, Cush- mnn and Bf. Clair, the 8eo«?er Sisters, Zlskn and'King, Hedrlx and Prescott, Happy Jack Gardner, Zel> and Zarrow, Cariin ana Otto, Mason and Conrad, and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrotne. ' « Ci.kvRi.and'r TnBAtitE (Wm. S. Cleveland, manager).—Featured week of 12 will be Hose ('oghlnn, In a sketch, "The Ace of Trumps." The Great F.verhart. the expert mflUlpalator of'hoops. - W'M,. be, an extra attraction. Ctlni. R. Sweet will also bo a fedtare. M*ia and ii van," because tit Inst week's hit, remain for a second week. Bnger Mldgcly and (iertle Cariyic promise good fun, and Anna Whitney comes-'fo do her clever monologue. The Floral Hrotherp and the American blograph complete the Offering.' Manager Cleveland advertises the fact that tbo. Interior of bis theatre "IB 40 degrees cooler than out door." Twice last week the water-pipes mnst have frozea dur fig the night. But Mr. Cleveland still attracts capacity on Saturdays and Sunday. "Greater Vaudeville" is fri'for a Stlmmer run. - . TnocAnKao Tiikatrk (Robert Fulton, mna- agert.—The Slimmer stock forces arcwell entrenched In popularlt>, and favorites like Hessle Taylor. Alex, t'arr, Guy Itawson, Phil. Peters. May Illlllord and Lucille Noil Come In for much applause. Joseph K. Howard, In staging the burlesque apd mak- ing the productions, IS surprising himself In the excellence of results attained. ' This week's Olio'calls for the services of Bessie Taylor, Alex, (,'arr. Ilonan and Kearney, and Dave Madison. "A Day on the Seashore" hs the burlesque, with The Seaside Reliea the Company title. Business Is tine. "The I'eek-n-ltoo.ulrlB," last week, proved a most diverting offering, and the stage settings were particularly effective.' Manager Ftil- ton does nothing by helves and has been fortunate In the selection of uls company, promise of a Summer of prosperity being the result. Sam T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Eueon, mnLager).—-The Summer season of stock bur- lesque began laat week under most propitious circumstances, "Llllies and Lobsters'' was the burlesque^ and Frank 1 Finney. Kd. Morris. Chris Lane, Alleen Vincent, Ray Vernon, Leon La Cotrver and Carmetllla Pearco-were ebb- Bplcuously In favor. "The Harem Of Kffindl" S roved a diverting th-st part, and the olio had IcDonnld and Hill man. and Hlllmnn, Fergu- son and Passtnoro, and the Three Oodnflly Sisters as' mirlleularly popular ruintbers. nn were flowers for the faVorltes of the Htitel; ■forces' on several occasions, und much applause evidenced the appreciation, of fine audiences during the first, wcelrof the Sum- mer season.' A' second week or'lhe same first part and',bnr]esnne starts'Sunday afternoon, IS, The olio will eagagelBartiett and Collins, Barllno and Walters, De Morn nnd (trncetta, and the Three Constantino Sisters. The chorus women are a credit to Manager Kiisou's good Judgment of feminine loveliness—In'a ma- jority 'of Instanees,'.' ' ,r ; r •' \ HAnb 'Soi.'Ci Pab'k (Ma'J."'Alfrea Bussetl, mnriagier).—Only fair biuioCss thus far has bceir 1 'recorded. The elements seem to be combining t6 mnke tile life of a Chicago park manager nnbon'rable. ' Tile vaudeville an- nounced for \'l :ihd 'weelt" names :' Keno, Walsh and Melrose, Kltamura's -Japs, Jo- sephine Gassmnn and her pickaninnies, the Olson BroLher.i, and,Josephine Alnslev. The Blage la In' charge of.'.Louls Bentz, and Ed- ward SHayne 1 la amusement director. ' J Wateb CitutES Park ("Wm. H. Strlck. tert, manager).^"Shooting- the- Chritcs" would be "n mbre pleasurable "diversion "If the weather man were not trying to' form Jce in the lake, but Gift" Other concessions gdt the bcnellt of the crowds attracted." There arc plenty of nmuselng places of resort with- in the enclosure, nnd West Bldors" are doing bravely In the wny of patronage against tub odds of rain and low teraperuture." '-~, ■ "i"- • GbntbVs "Pont AxnDofl 8uow S! liavlnS flnislied n two weeks' lour of the Snath Mile. moves .to Ked/.le AvcnnC'nnd WeMt Madison Street to start a round of West.diyislod Id- eations Sunday afternoon. Week 1 -'of 1 20 their stay lu Chicago will end with a' lotir of Ibe North side. Weather conditions have militated against, heavy patronage, but every- one, who sees the show becomes'an cnthus-' lastlc advertiser of its merits. . ' ,' ;■! ' llii;t,TN'OBR'H Garobn.— This week's Vaude- ville names.: "Frank Comar, the Orrs, the Wllsous, the Alabama Quartet, Louise Van ANIyne, and others. ""■' ' v <• •■•' ,"';'• LonoOn Dime Miiheiim. (Wm. .T."Sweeney, manager).—In curio ball : Hold'Meyer, liln-. dno wonder worker; iteddeu. crnyoo artist: Prof. Fitch, rifle "shot; Prof. Mayo, human telescope, nnd' others'. The stage: May Hastings. Doha Harro, Madge Martley, Prof. Note, und others. Business remaias satis- factory. ' • ■ " ■ ■ - - ;■ '" Cr.Ar.K 8TRBBT'MliflBn>r fLouis M. Hedges, maiiiigcr).—In curio hall: Harry Slhuer, strong uioa and expansion let; Irene Lighten, bug' puncher; Frank Unll,' novelty tausiciil art;'-Prof. Vnnella, conjurer.' On the stage: Carey and Connellv, Florence Whiting, Mo- ran nnd WllBon,.|,'rcd KIIIb, and others. The attendance Is good. " '' r ' AvrniiMATn.—"The Sho-Guu"' closed the tenth week of lla stage life on Saturday, .n. ending the" Studehaker's" senkou..'....'. Saturday matinees will be omitted'at some of our theatres this: week oh account "flit AJio American Derby. Which Is to be run at Washington Park, ,18."... "'. . .W. '.3. Kiiuch. who has for'trinny years been treasurer Of the Grand Opera House, pas resigned,-.•.,■. Business Mnnuger RoCh, of thie Bljoii Tlid- aire, recently celebrated bis ' thirty-fifth birthday. Attaches of the house presented hlln with a gold plated writing set in houor of the event....'. .Albert M. Taylor, late of Hie Shlpmnu Bros.' acting forces, is spend- ing n part 1 of'his vacation In Chicago......' C. II. 1'eckhnm, manager of the Clnedgraph Theatre. Spokane, Wash., was In town a few days last week booking attractions;:'.. Beatrice Gilbert, a member bf the "Wizard of Oz" chorus, was married at Grace Church rectory, June <!, to Guy Bostwlek. a non- professional Sydney A. Smith writes me from Baytis, HI:, that Irene Lewis has returned to her home there. Buffering from au attack Of appendicitis. She will rcmalu Id Bay lis during the Summer. ...Dick Ferris wns In ChicagoVrldav and Included a enlist the Western Bureau of The Cmppeb among his errnndB while In town. Ho rciiorts 'pros- perity for his stock companies In- Minne- apolis ami Omaha.. ..Anunbelle Patrick has returned to Chicago from Kansas City, whither alio went to attend the faueral of her brother. - Mnaris and Patrick will nt once resume (heir Interrupted tour of the Summer parks In (his Vicinity .City ordinances against billboards have been held by tbo Ap- pellate I'oiirt to lie Invalid. For four years the - litigation of the Gunning Company against the elty-haa-'heen before Hie courts; eudlng with ft victory for the company. 'All moans of enforcing the ordinance are denied the city. Tho Bijou-Academy Company, comprising Martin Beck, C. 1-1. Kohl. Geo, Mldateton nnd'Geo. Castle, last week pur- chased the Academy of Music property for $26,0TK "Work of reconstructing the house to conform In all particulars wllh the new ordinances will, now go forward with all possible expedition, nt both the Bijou and Academy.. :;,:.Drury iTiidervvood has left the'efltplnyof'tHe' Minerva Compahy. backers of "The Tenderfoot," to take a position as one' of Hehry W. Savage's business managers next season When "The Wizard of Oz ' closes nt the Grand Opera House July 0 Dave Montgomery will start upon a Ku- ropenn vacation, and Jtod Stone will go to the mountains of Colorado.....:Among the engagements for next! season with the riayera 1 Block Co. at the Bush Temple, are; Gertrude'lltvers, for second business: Wm. Kvarts, Mlanon Foster, Mr*. Carrie Clarke Word and Kendal Weston. The leading man wlir'be George Alison, but no selectlOh has letbeen made of a successor for Grace -Heals; hs leading woman ,.. Sarah Truax Is home In Chicago for her Summer vacation, enjoying the added pleasure of tho society of her husband, Guy Bates Port, who- Is In the cast of "A Business Man." at McVlek- er's..... .nenry Cllvo Is' In Chicago, jflst returned from an* Australian vaudeville sea- son and a tour of the Paclllc coast theatres. ......Muiio Barboka and'Frederick James are In Chicago for the Summer. They have signed for the leads In Gordon ft Bennett s pMductlon of "The j Holy City" next season.'. ,.,.JoHet; Jast South of here, has ' ft 1 ! nc»" vaudeville theatre—the Grand —which was dedicated June 5 l>y a pil\ empiovlng- Bom* 1 end Ferguson, „Gei*tlO Le rinire and "picks,'" Campbell and Selklp, Lew Palmer, Ward and Lester, the Sunetar Fam- ily, and"Bellg's'polyscope. ' M. Goldhefg Is proprietor; AIL Pauble,' mRnager, and w. F. Hinderson, of this city, Is doing the booking. .-..'....W. J..Etten, formerly manager of the George Hamlin concerts, and for one season identified with the, buslnesB staff of the Bush Temple Theatre, has become managing editor of The Nrlmrtnr, Memphis. Tenn Chor- lotte Tlttel's manager Is In Chicago and ar- ranging for a tour ByiBls young actress next season In various Ibsen plays. OUR LONDON LETTER. ,. (ntO)? OVS OWN CORRESPONDENT.) Clipper Bareaaii'■""""""''■''■,'•-"-'•'- 4H Crnulioorne Street,' , "Leicester Sqaare. ■- London. "W. 0, • '"'!•■ -•'■'■ - "" . " JDNE 4.'" "The Edge of the Storm," a drama, in a prologue and three acts, by Margaret Young, Was' produced last Wednesday evening, at GuV' Duke of York's Theatre hv Forbes Robertson. It Is art Inconseqentlal thing, ttttetly unworthy of Mr. Robertson's abili- ties, and It Is extremely doubtful If it will have" a long" lease on life, "It sets' but to show the settled, dogged veOgesnce of the Magyar race against an Englishman wno hatf killed Ihelr great leader, and so -'hut their necks beneath the foot of an Austrian emperor. It meanders Into British India Just when the mutiny was ripe—"The.Edge of the Storm." Jim I'oulelt, an adventurous Englishman. 'Helps a" Meltcrnleh to escape from his toes, the Magyars, by assuming lis clothes, and' taking his place. Brought ii judgment before Szentes Istvan, the ruse Js; of course, discovered, and the English- jnan' H 'bentenced to death. The tszentes' daughter, r.eta, sets'him free, but her father at tempting to stop POuleite's escape Is ac- cldently Killed. Bnkonyl Fercnc/: and his sister, wbo Is the widow of one of the Ilzentes' sons, arc more Magyar'than the •entle Lets, and vow to avenge their' leader's leuth. That happens in' the prologue. In he first act the three Magyars, with-the nconsequence of comic opera, arrive nt Jim l'ottlett'e sugar boiling station, after, appar- ently, n search which 1 has lasted for eleven years. Letq and I'oulette fall In love. Her memory is blank, owing to a merciful fever; he thinks he merely wounded' 1'ereiic.z. The avengers soon find out that l'ou- lett Is the man, and Szentes Wllmu, having'failed In an attempt to 1 poison'Fou- left, nits on the brilliant Idea of letting I.etn marry.him, so that the Instrument or vengeance may be'ready t6 hand when" the time comes. What would,a'loving wife do If she' suddenly found out, as, of course, Lctn- doe« In the end, that her husband had killed a father she honored nnd loved? Not qclng made of stern Magyar Stuff, she for- gets him after n slight mental struggle. An attBck by the mutineers Is ii convenient rioltllion of a rather ditllciilt Bit nation. In fho'lilaite o'f" rifles and' a' sitddeh' rescue, brought about by Ferencx firing'n couple of allots at Ponlett, which nlso happened to bo the prearranged signal for assistance in case of need,- tho play conies'to" a machine' made rind, Forbes Robertson has not a particu- larly grind role, but he played wllh his usual fervency and splendid command of "voice. Gertrude Elliott was charming enough,' b'nt her love for Poulett seemed rather ft sur- face affair. Frank'Mills was a placid Mug- rtnV"b»t'--THa Brand drew the' remorse- less Wllma with llrm. broad touches in the proper spirit of melodrama. The smaller characlers were well filled, especially the Mootooswnml of Edward 1 O'Neill—a clever, consistent nnd telling little sketch. ' "Who's Who?" from the French of Trlstnn Bernard, adapted by Sydney Dark, was ftro- tluced'by C. W. Somerset at Ihe Savoy Thea- tre,'Inst Saturday night. It Is a typical French farce. "The King's Diamond," a new nnd origlOfll comic onern, successfully produced nt Jbc County Tleptre, Kingston, last Monilay week, Was brought to Ihe Kcunlngion Theatre, Inst ^'|onday evening, when the composer, "Meredl|li Hall, so long associated with nenry Irving, al thft Lycedm,conducted, "i'heactlon At the play takes place during the reign of Charles 11. and the cast Includes George Mudle and Winlfled'Hnrc. '.' . ' 1 Mme.'Sarnh Bernhardt will tour in America nbxt year In"La''Sorclere." opening In Netv York. Before then she will play for a fort- night In London at Ills Majesty b. On June 20 she will give her first performance lit I'ttg- lpml of M. Sardou's latest drama. Mr..Tree, during Merhhardt's evening Benson, purposes to appear at three performances of Shakes- peariari plays during ehch of the two weeks. 1 '. '.To follow "The Cherry'Girl" It Is'now set- tled that- the next new vaudeville production is a'musical play, by Cosmo Hamilton, called "The Catch of the Season." ' " ™ " i According to Tho Paris Findrt Charles Frohnian. who has been spending a few days Id that city, has just acquired the American rights In "La Trols'cme' Lune," the Chinese comedy, by Madame Fred Gresac and Paul Ferrler. with music by Charles Cuvlllier, which.was produced three weeks ogq nt the Vnudevllle. " , ' , ' • ' 'Cbarle's Frohman' has arranged fori Wil- liam Gillette to appear In London next April, la a new comedy from tho hitler's Ipen." "• - !The present revival of "David Qarrlck." nf Ihe New Theatre, with Miss .Moore, as Ida Ingot, and ' Charles Wyndham la the' title rrllc. Is for twelve nights only nnd two-Sat- urday matinees. Charles Wyndham has de- cided (o follow "David Oarrlck" hV a limited nttuiber of representations of "The 'LlBtll." to he followed In dye course "hv a roprddiic- tlbn of "Tho Cusp of Rebellious Susan." These performances will lie rendered all the mbre interesting owing to the fact (bait Mr, AVyndbam's rights In them expire thla sea- son, anil consequently they will be the final representations of these two plays which he will give iisl. 'A new thfeo act. modern play.' By 'Arthur Hhre mid Ashton' Pearse. entitled "Thl? Lady nnd the Lion,'"was produced nt Ihe Prince's Theatre. Manchester, on Thursday evening:'' A romantic story Is told of a new one act play which will shortly he seen nt the Gar- rick.' The'MS.'wos sent to Mr: -Bourchter with no further Indication of the author's Identity tliBn an Initial and tin - address, hut with the Condition attached that, should It'be. accepted. Mr. Rourchler must himself play'in'It. On reading'It Mr. Bourchler's manager was so ffinrh impressed by lis quality that he called hi* chief's speclnlnt- teiitlnn to It, and Mr. Bonrchler, being equally convinced of Its merits, the anony- mous author was requested to come to tbe theatre fur an interview. At Uio time ap- pointed the unknown proved to be none other than the Poet Laureate, who had adopted thla little ruse to see for. himself If there was an open: door for the unknown play- wright. "Mis* , Elizabeth's Prisoner" reacted Its fiftieth performance at,. the Imperial last Monday, and "The Duke of Kllllcrarkle" its One hundredth and fiftieth performance , at the Crlterloa on Tuesday." The two hun- dredth performance of "The Cherry Girl," at tbe Vaudeville, was reached oa Friday evening. . , Lawrence Grossmlth Is to be married to CoraiieBiythe July 2. Martin Harvey, who has Just concluded a very successful Spring tour, will not be Bten In London this season, but will com- mence nn Autumn tour of tbe principal cities lute In August, with "Tbe Breed of tbe Tresbams," apd produce a .new play during hls'.'vlBirto Dublin In November. •.-, .. Calcedo, whose feats of equapolse'on the Black wire have won for him the title of "King of the Who," made iiis appearance at the Hippodrome today. ,.,..., Rex Sugden is the new acting manager at Collins'" l bear from:,Munich, that Edith Helena made" a pronounced sepRotlon at the Bliimen- Rnale, 4nd was prolonged for twice tbe length Of her original engagement. My humorous friend, 0. K. Sato, Is again In London. There are quite a number of Americans to be Seen these fine dayfk aroilnd TitB Cmppeb corner. On Sunday, I noticed Heeley and Mfetly", One Billy Farrell, Griffin nnd .Marks, Professor James Burton, Billy Tucker, W. C Fields, Poiilinettl and Piquo,,"Nick" Kauf- man, Felix Dumas, Nelson's • Newsboys, the Young American Quintette, tbe Pantzer BroR.,,Htie Fred, Charles King, John Ford, Wilson and Waring, CoOke and Doretto, Kari and Al, Hooper," and many members of tbo "In Ddhomey 1 ' and'''Prince Of Pllsen" shows. " +«» '" OUR AUSTRALIAN LETTER. " •" Sydnet, May 10. < Tbe Edwards Gaiety Co., which arrived last week., appeared for the first, time in Melbourne on Saturday; 14, producing "Three Little "Maids:" The theatre was pucker). Mr. Huntley Boon became a prime favorite with the audience. Mr. Farkoa also Ingratiated himself into the good graces of his hearers, and encores were so numerous that two or three of the numbers had to be omitted, or the time limit would have been exceeded. ..- A crowded house greeted the Nawn Vaude- ville Co., at the Palace Theatre, on Saturday, 14, where the American performers, banded together bv Messrs Rial and Nawn. provided a decidedly bright entertainment. The stage management was brisk, and there were few weak tarns.'' Tbe first performers to op- pear, tbe Tossing Austins, contributed a comic juggling act, the comedlaa of tbe pair burlesquing much that wds done by his, seri- ous partner, scrupulously attired fn evening dress. A few minutes were tilled In with Illustrated ballads, with'Ethel Holdsworth as the singer.. Her second rendition, "The Man In the Overalls," with Its many pic- tures of New York, pleased the audience. The Three Mnslcal' Johnstons, whose entrance was preceded by an orchestral approxima- tion to the entr' acte to the third net of "Lohengrin." proved, clever performers an their xylophones. ", . . .. The llrst part of Saturday's entertainment closed with the reappearance of Pete Baker, who last .visited Australia about tweuty-flve years ago.' Mr. Baker Is an accomplished "dialectician,"'and his Dutch character songs and subsequent' fanny stories were, capital. A "lyric novelty" was forthcoming In the "Hiawatha Troubadours," nine performers made "tip as American Indians, wiio danced by moonlight, beside a lake, the. beautiful rippling wiuer effect of which was due to tbe manipulation, of the new skloptlcbu. Kutherlne Dabl headed the troubadours, and though not, gifted with a large voice, sang tunefully and with refinement.', which Included many Oriental phrases, was encored. Dorothy Drew Baqg "Barney," wllh a rich Irish brogue and n "Coaxln'" manner. The encore was "Nan, Nnn, Pretty Little N&n," a goat "Idyll archly described, and the comedienne was humorous' and lu character In tier darkey sung, "Any ltags'.''' warmly Hikfoi tip by the gallery. The last to appear were tbe Nawns, a'om Nawn as Michael'Moloney, in "A Touch bf Nature," and Mrs. Iluilic. M. Nawn, im Nellie, deep enlng. Hie' Impression they made in the same sketch two years ago. . Mr. Nawn was' re ; called again and again, until he made ft brief speech of thanks. The evening cloned with "The Great Train Bobbery" on the kinoto- seope. • - ■«••»■ • ■ «■■ " * " »«» ' AN INTERVIEW "WITH MARTIN BECK. Ih ; Martin Beck,, general manager of the orptieuin clrcnlt, und vice president Of the Western Vaudeville Association, returned from his European trip June 2, and was interviewed at his headquarters, In Ihe Ash- land, Block, Chicago,:by Thh Clipper's Chi- cago.: correspondent..' .' ^During . (he thlrtralx • days—P ' v/iia abroad," said, Mr, Beck, "I Ttpltett"every vaudeville,'centro\ through; many .countries ahd Bpfcnred knany noteworthy acta for our Uieifti-eK. i ' lirihdlng at Cherbourg I went direct to Paris,- , Visits to Borne, Budapesth, Trieste, Vienna,. Lelpsic, Dresden, Berlin, Dtiaseldorf, Cologne and ■ Amsterdam" fol- lowed. I .then returned to" I'aris.'wliete t spent considerable time visiting the various theatres, from there to Ostead, thence, to liOiulon" and then returned home."'."My" de- parture for Europe was delayed»'by—tbo necessity of my attending the. organization meeting of the Western Vaudeville Asso- ciation, nnd my trip abroad 'was made In the interest of that association and for the. "purpose of securing novelties for the Orphetim-; Show. "While' ubrbad I booked many Important acts; a few among tbe num- ber being Ciipt. Rudolph's hlpiwdrpme,, the Piroskofs'kls 1 . Powell's Extravaganza, en- acted'by marionettes; Grace Pollota, bnd hep English Daisies; "Anna Duukoe, Ml|e. Tortajada, the Harveys.' ' wire perform- ers ," 'Sam"- Eltoh, Arthur "'Prince, En ; gllsb'vent rlboqti 1st : the Wnlpert Trio, tbe Treplow Sisters, Urbana and son, the Klein Family of bicyclists. Paid SanflorV/ Ctcella Galley, who gives Impersonations of ,Mme. Bernhardt ttrid llcjeue: Marie La-Bella and her flvo maiidOlliins'. Browiiliig and "Wally, Barron's Dogs, Paulton and Doley, and come Soveltles for- the Orpheum Show which I do fll citre. at present, Jo announce. The above n^tt will appear In all'of the theatres con- nected with tte Western Vaudeville Associa- tion. Returning,to New' York I wns met at Hi* pier nv'my'Acrrbtnry, "KdwhrU C. Day- man : J. .1. Murdock nnd M. C. Anderson. nnd we "spent" the"ttire# remnlnrag '(htyn'-at the week in New. York, booking, in tfi'nt short space of time: 1 fortv-seveii American Bets for n tour 61 more than twenty"con»eciitlvo vyeeks In 1 ttirtheatres of the Wesierh Vaude- ville Association. Mr, Mnrdock'and Mr. Hay- lriai) fetnfned ,wlth me .to Chicago, where we have spent the entire week (besides working almost continuously while on the train) In booking art* for (no houses In'olir associa- tion. Our "plans for the coming season con- template the erection of a beautiful vnllde- ville houBO' In Chicago; ground for which will be broken Oh'July 4" The location Ik In "the heart of the shopping district, at State}' and Monroe Streets, accessible to every atreet catVVIine centering', in' Iho business district, and the plans call for a magnificent"" structure 1 , built In strict conformity 'to' -Chicago's? smttgent regnln- tions, and nn the mnst modern scale known In theatre hiilldluc. While abroad 1 kept my eyes open for 'pointers' on the subject, and