The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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JUNE 18. TliM mm iTGRR GLtfPEfi. JS5 we shall incorporate the boat features of Luropcun theatre building In the erection of the new Orpheum. Py Uio recent nrganUa- Hun of the, Western vaudeville Association, ncrfortiiera will be enabled, to book tho en- tire Western circuit through one office, on inie contract, and under, one management j .1, Murdock will nsKht mo in making the Is'inklngs for all association houses. M. Moy- crfeld Jr., .president of the Orpheum circuit, in chairman of tho board'governlng the West- ern Vaudeville Association. C. K- Kohl la president; Martin Beck, vice president j Geo. Castle, treasurer; M. C. Anderson, secre- tary, with Geo. Mlddlctou and 1. J. Murdoek, directors, tinder the new order of affairs Hie Western cities where these houses arc limited will have the beat vaudeville bills llicv have ever known,, and American acts will have Hie largest Held they have aver enjoyed for the furtherance of their artistic efforts." . «»» MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.—The few Indoor amusements re- maining open did a rnsbing business last week, the weather.being cool and, threaten- ing. The Intter part of this week will see nil the open-air shows going June 1-7 beljig the customary starting time. - The stuck houses offer the only changes this week, a novelty being given at tho ttowdohi Square, In "The Colonials." which Is given Its first jii-iTnnnnnce on any stage. "Paul Revere" Is the Castle Square card. ; . Tiikjiont TmnTiiB (.(no. B. Schocffcl, iminnger).—This Is the . eighth week of- "Woodland." The attendance last week was the largest of the engagement, and the em- phatic success of the piece-now seems as- sured. Many, changes nnd Improvements were made last week, which add greatly to Hie performance. One of the most popular leal tires of the show Is the dancing spe- cially given by the vaudeville team of Mnttlc Nichols and John Donahue. : iiuuu: Tiikatrk (Btalr & Wilbur, mana- gers).—The popularity of "The Isle of Bplce" continues at this house, and largo audiences lire present at every performance. Innova- tions are constantly being, made, and, new Infusions of ginger nre added from time to time The slit June 13. time The sixth week begins on Monday, Music Hall (Stair & Wilbur, managers). —Monday- of this week "Sky Farm" begins lis fourth and Inst week. ; This pretty MM story, with Its quaint characters, has proven a fairly successful Summer attraction. The role of Neighbor Nixon Is essayed this week by Simon Cairns, a Charleston boy. castle Sqiiarh Tiikatiih i (J. II. Emery, miinugcr).—-The stock players ore doing Dodsnn L. Mitchell's drama of revolutionary days. '.'Paul llevere," for the.'first time this week, ntid.t from what Is heard of. tho drama It ought tor bo well 1 liked.. The sttindhys enjoyed "Hearts of Oak" last week. In pre- paration, "Moths." Huwdoin SouAnH Tiieatub (U. W. Lath- rop, manager).—Monday, June 13, ."The Colonials"' will have Its lirst performance on any singe nt this house. Tho leading members of the stock make up the cast. "The Lady of Lyons" proved to of the strongest curds the management has offered I his season, nnd tho offering received tin excellent presentation at the hands of the sloe); company. Next week, "Ten Nights in it Car Boom, Colonial Tiikatiie (Charles Frohmnn, Rich & Harris, managers).—The Bostoiilnim continue In "The Queen of Laughter" for the third week of their engagement. The local playgoers have taken kindly to the new comic opera and the audiences during thq past week were of goodly proportions. Kbith's Tiikatrk (Bi if. Keith, manager). —Tho P'atlottcH Woman's Orchestra Is, of course, the principal feature of each week's hill, but tho vaudeville portion of the show is as strong as when tho orchestra Is not here. Tills week's vnudcvlllans: Ethel Levy, I Mi II Undo and Jessie Hertman, Stevenson, llurlon and Krooks, Iloldcn nnd Florence, Three Madcaps, Le Roy and Woodford, i La Vlne-Clmcron Trio. Al. Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. Allison. Iluslncss is of capacity size. IIuwa.ui> Atiiknakum (Wm. McAvoy, man- ager).—To peep nt tho gatherings during the past week nt this house one would never think It was Summer. Tho crowds were us large, nnd tho applause, as great, as during tlie Winter season. Perhaps It was due to Toby Lyons being one of the entertainers, mid Die management holding this same Idea, hold over Toby for another six days. Ills associates Ibis week are: Mclulyrii.aud Rice, Itljou Comedy Trio. Kittle Bingham, Crow- ley and Kowley, Jones nnd Sutton, Edmonds and Codntrc, Cunningham nnd Corcney, WaMy Clark, Eddie Hooves. Karnochl and Walters, Fred Bowman, Wllllnm L. Baker, Frederick, the klnetograph, and burlesqucrs, in "Perpetual Motion." Palacb TiiBATitn (Charles II. Waldron, inannger).—Week of Juno 13:, -Slock liiir- h-suncm, in the skits, "The Good Old Sum- mer Time" and "Tho World's Greatest Cnfe.f "Ho: Percy-and Randall, Mnttlc Mills. W. II. Iturke, Adolph Adams, and the Seymours. June 17 the returns of tho Jeffries-Monroe liuht will be rend from the stage nt a special midnight performance. .,-.. i Lyceum Thkatiw (G. H. Batchcllcr, man- itKor).—The, Butterfly Burlesqucrs, i In con- nection with the. house stock, nre giving Ihls week's show. Tho big ngcregntlnn ap- pears In two burlesques, on "Ermlnlo"- nnd •'Trllhy." Varleiy entertainers:'Devenc and Winiu, Thornton Slaters, Harry. Lo Marr, Itarlier Trio, and West and Williams. Austin & Stone's Museum (Stone & Minw, managers).—Baby incubators (tlilrd week) ; the monster, snake, Ray Itoh- liisoii. chalk cartoonist: Farrcll, I ha Myrtle, and Punch nnd Judy show are I ho '•ui'lo ha 11, cards. For, this wccWs 1 stano: Lillian Barlow, Effte Gray, Tommy West. tiiHU-VR Clifford, Hoyt ond. Burke, Ash and I'hlllliis. Conk, Hall and Johnston, Fleming and, Dclvls, Van Leer nnd Sachs, and Arthur null Thornton. ' Several Improveincnts have Just been completed nt tills house, Tho walls and ceilings of the entire region be- hind tho scenes havo boon covered with nslieslos flrcprooflng and new nnd elaborate scenery has boon installed In tho plnconf tho old. Means of exit have also been Improved. . Nickelodeon (I* B. Walker, manager).— •iirrcnt week: Ourlo hall—"Eight • Mttlo '•Iris in Blue," Walter Wentworlh. oldest living contortionist; Professor Lyneh's sbnd- "w pantomime/; John Taylor, champion, bag puncher, and a contest between half a dozeu: Voting Indies. Singe—Major Kucllsli. Long Wstera, Besslo Reno, and Cook nnd Cook. Nokumbkoa PAWS (Carlo Alborte,' mnna- ger).—Week of June 13: Klein. Ott Broth- or* nnd Nlckcrson, Dickson and Holmes, »endtnara, Topsy Turvy Trio, and the koino- grnph., ■ ,. •• • Point ok Pines (Wm. H. O'Nell. mana- ger),—Regular season begins June 7, with following, bill: Conway, nnd Killeen. James '•rands Dooley, Marshall and Bartlett, Gladys Fisher, and Lynn Cadet Band. Toby Lyon* and company, and Kittle Bingham nnd above Inlont gave Sunday concert. June 12. CnKsr-KNT Caiiokns (Wm. H. O'Nell, maua- £"r».—Sunday bill: Marlon Manolu, James [■ ratio's • Dooley, tho Priors, Kennetlo and Patterson, Three Mitchells, Henry V. Monta- gne. Itegulur season ojiens June 17. Lkxiniiton Park, if. W. Gorman, mono- ger),—Third season of Ibis park opons June ]i. BUI: The Klngsburvs. Leonard CalnL I rnfessor Mlet's educated dogs, and Lester and Relet. Notes.— Nance O'Nell won the suit irotigiit against her hv Kdwnrd J. Itntcllffe. her leading man. Who clalnied 111 lo In ime- llilrd of I he proceeds of their theatrical ven- ture, Judge Riehnrdson, In the Superior ' onrt, held that the • partnership contract entered into between, the actress and the the talc who actor In Chicago on Dec. .1 last, was dependent upon liiitcilffe's securing one thousand dollars (or Ilia actress. As Rat- ollfT,' did this tho Judge held that contract was void.... llnill Xrorbsler, ata carpenter of the Trenuuit THcntre, and was connected with houses managed by Jno. B. Schocffel for uenrly twcnty-lUo years, died In this city June II......J. II. Mc Intyrc. who was one of the old timers wIIh tho Fnrcpainrh-Sclls Urol hers' Circus, re- tired from the circus business lust week, at Fltchhurgi Mr. Mclntyre Is a charter mem- ber of New York Lodge of Elks, No. 1, and Is well known by followers of the tented shows all over the country. He will msko bis homo in Columbus, (>.... Mrs. II. I'. Cheuily (Jitlln Arthur): of this city, Is In New York, defending a salt brought against her by tho executors of the Theodore Moss estate, lesy sees of Walluck's Theatre, for not 'tilling a five weeks' contract six years ago, while Miss Arthur was starring John McDermoit, one of the most valued memoera of theiXrc- mont Theatre stair, has started on a month's vacation. Mr. McDermou. who has been an extensive traveler, will go to the coast, tak- ing In nil the big cities between here sad tinn Francisco Peter S. McNally, for- merly press representative for the Globe The- atre when that house was under Weber* Fields' control. Is doing some live press work for the Forcpniigh-Sells Brothers' circus, and Is largeiy responsible for the big business the show has done in Boston nnd vicinity. : i i—— - New Hertford.—Owing to tho inclemency of the weather during the past week, nil the attractions at tho outdoor parks were not given. Nevertheless, wHat hasproved'a loss to tho park managers, has been n gain to the manager of the only lone:• open theatre In town, where i patronage ruled exceptionally large. Sukept's PunciiASB Stkekt Theatre (David R. Buftinton, manager);—"Tho Ticket of Leave Man," fi, as presented by the Budln- ton Stock.Co., served os a potent attraction during the past week, dolnir extraordinarily large business. This week's piny Is "Tho Fatal Scar." Notch. —The first of the circuses to pitch lfs tents hero the present season was tho Forerinugli-Sclls Bros.' aggregation^ which ar-, riven In (own June 7, In a drenching 'tain storm, that continued throughout' the fore- noon. Nevertheless, a. street parade was given, which . was witnessed by thousands. By ono. o'clock the clouds lifted, 'and tho spacious tent was comfortably tilled at Ibe matinee performance, and In the evening I he canvas was taxed lo its utmost capacity. It, was estimated that twenty-five thousand people witnessed; both performances. ■■. The management staled that this whs the largest attendance for a one day stand during tho present season. Korcpaugh-Sclls Brothers have never presented a. stronger show in this city. It Is complete In every, detail, and im- presses one Immediately ns being a well ar- ranged entertainment. Every effort has been taken lo present n show better than Its pjredeccssors. and the result Is enormous business. Tho Forepaugh-Sells Brothers'-ag- gregation during tho present season present many novelties. In. nddltlnn, the iiieungorle Is complete and varied, nnd embraces many odd specimen is of the nnlmnl kingdom. An- other , virtue is the courteous manner in which tho-nntromr ore treated by the at- taches of tho show.... .'.Welsh'Brothers' Circus is due here June 30. tlclpates bring realty for business not later than Oct.. 1 The; Summer theatres at Hnlem Willows nnd Bass Point, Nahniit, will be ready for their ope ning^ 17. ■Worcester.—At fne Worcester Theatre (Felix' R.- Wendelscha'cfor,' manager), week of June 13. the New york,Pln.vers will pro- duce "Sowing the Wind." <,nst week. "What Happened to Jones f' carried Hilngs ty storm, to very largo patronage. Mr. Monroe has won the hearts of the company as the now stage manager, lie will appear this week a< w'atklns. >! Laki: TitDAir.k- (Worcester Consolidated St. Hy. Co., managers).—Week of 13, the Alabama Troubadours will bo the attract ion. Last week J. W. Gonnnn's'Vaudeville Stars were somewhat hampered by bad weather, but drew well when tho weather would per- mit. ■ flolyokc.—At Mountain Pink Casino (Louis I'ellcsslcr, manager) the stock cohl- nany which has been organized hy Robert Kane for the Casino productions this Sum- mer, arrived in this city June ft, and began rehearsals at once for the opening produc- tion, "Pink Dotnlnos," which will be given Juno 20. There arc fourteen members of the new company, nnd the productions will be of tin 1 farce comedy and comedy drama clqss. Charles Roman, who played with Viola Allen, In the original production of "The Christlnn," will be the lending imm of the Casino company, and the leading lady will be Adeline Mann, who was feat- ured last reason in James A. Heme's play, "Sag Harbor." > Jranrictte Howell, of the E. V. Phelr.ri Stock Co:, will piny the fcmhlft character roles, nnd the character man will lio ■■ Stuart! Johnson, tint comedian will be Hurry Lawrence, formerly with tho Kinney companies. latwienco Finch, tho juvenile man. was with "The Sign of tho Cross" Co. last season. Katherfne Good- rich, lust season with "An English Dulsy" Co., will 1 play the snltbrctte roles. Paulina Hnnce,- Ingenue, 1 wns last ■ season 1 with George Monroo'a "My Aunt Bridget." Tho stage manager will 'bo Charles Burrows, for tho last two years with the Murray HIM Stock Co. Anna land and violet Long will do song .nnd dance specialties.- Tmintoii.—Knrepntigli & Sella Bros.' United Shows gave a ilno street parade, and pleased two immense audiences June 8, ♦ ■«■ ■- OHIO. SprliiKllelil At the Grund Opera House (Chas. W> Fonda, manager) the new Htock company prcHcnlcd "A Mountain Waif," Juno 0-11, In a very acceptable manner, to good returns,, Alf. Hcfton and Richard Clark wore quite amusing. Anno Hamilton, Flor- ence Hastings and Thomas Weadock wore other favorites. "California" this week. ' iIampiik.n Faiik (P. E. Shea & Co., mana- gers).—Al. Meyers and his colored entertain, crs held 'the hoards In the Summer theatre, nnd pleased fair sized oudlcnceB. Another feature of the week wus the appearance of the racing onlompblle. 009, on Friday and Saturday. Frank Murphy uud company,' week of 13, In the theatre. Notkh. —The following Summer parks arc to open their theatrical season within the next week: Forest Isike. Palmer, 20; Brook' Bide Park, Orange, 13:. Lnshaway .Turk, Spencer, 20, aud Fountain r.1rk, Grent Har- rington. Ifi It Is reported locally Dint Louis Fnrlnn Is to he manager of Schniiflor cafe, at Atlantic City The pnrk com- missioners of (lie. city passed n new ordi- nance the past week, In which no bill lioards or oilier advertising matter over three feet square.shall lie put up within fiflflft. of nny park or parkway In charge of the. commis- sioners. This will remove, a Inrgu number of prominent boards In the city. 1—I—»_ Lowell.—At the People's Theatre (Ray- mond & Cookson, managers) did a big business hist week. The entertainers were: Strand and Strand, Mabel Ross, Lil- lian Burdcll, Ed. Guclcr, • anil Iho burlesque, '.'Irish Justice." Amateur night.brought tho usual big list of amateurs to S. It. O. business. Current: The Monlo Carlo Girls, burlesque nnd olio: The-Joyces, Jessie Stewart, Marlon Pearl, NcalGllda, nnd John J. Early and com-, nany, In "Married in Hie Darki" Mbntion; —Tho Ben Greet Woodland Play- drs.-in '\As You Like It." entertained select audience at the.Opera House June G. Tho production was hilled as an open air attrac- tion, hut threatening weather prevented.* ... The parks arc entertaining largo crowds at the Sunday concerts, but the theatres have not opened as yet, owing to so much cold. rainy weather Pawnee Rill's Wild. West and.-. Far East Advertising Car No. 2 was la town lo herald the show's appcaranco here June S3..... .Strand and Slrund go over the Boom -circuit of' parks this season. ..... II. E. Munloiic Joins tho Welch Bros.' Circus ut Sninervlllc, Mass., 14..-i.■; .There Is to be a wrestling tournament at the Academy of Music 13. ; ■ • . I Fall Hirer.—At Sheedys Theatre (M. F. O'Brien, manager) the Florence Corbln Stock Co. presented "Kit Carson" last week to fair business. -Week of Juno ]2 vaude- ville, with Tom Bntemiin. Manning Sisters, N. Ilrounell, Ida Dyer, Burke uud Gugnon, aud the Vitugrupli. -.! ^ Notbh.— SIg. huutellc's Consolidated Rail- road HIiowh gave two performances June 0, to full' attendance llesplto Hie adverse Industrial conditions hero the attendance at tho Forcpuugb-Solls Bros." Circus, lo, ex- ceeded oxpcclatlons. ' Goodly crowds nt- tended both afternoon and evening perform- ances. The show contained many novel features, foremost among which wero Por- tbos nnd Dlavolo. the Flying Jordunu, Eddy Fnmlly, and Oscar Lowande, In eques- trian feats... .KreclKKly Park,' Newport, R; I,i opens-Monday. Jitne 20, for Its third sea' sou, under the management of M. It. Khcedy. The vaudeville for the opening week In- cludes: l,ouls Klinon. and Grace Gardner, in "The New Conchmnn:" llie Yamlmplo Brothers, the Bcittons, Ln'wson nnd Namon, the Musical Simpsons, Misses Hnhec and Myers, David Burke's dogs, and tho vltu- graph. . .. ■ ...» , Lynn,—At Mechanics' Hull, Salem (.las. I'!. Moore, manager), the JotVcl-ArMier Stock Co. Is doing n good business, and'will con- tinue thcottgh 1 thee Summer season. ■ This week the company is presenting "Tho Hello of Richmond. . ■■: Notkh. —Pawnee Rill's Wild West comes to Lvnn 21, and Salem 22i -Slg. *<aw- telle's Circus Kill Is- seen here IT. nnd IK the show will appear lu Mnrbleheml It is now settled that the new Lynn Theatre will he erected on the site of the old one, de- stroyed by Are, and Manager Harrison an- though the company gave excellent salU(ar> lion'.-. The Johnson Block Co, comoa, In reper- tory, 13, to till a three weeks."'engagement.' ■ mV ■ * IE ciiii-iiimit I,—Tho nttendance at tho out- door resorts last week was good considering inc ■ unfavorable weather' conditions. Coney> • ,»'. 11. Clark, manager).— The vaudeville bill June 12 Includes: Little Gladys, Wheeler and Wilson, Charles Heck- low, McKlunou nnd Reed, Armlutu, aud Sea- man, and Burke. CiiLHTEit Park (I. M. Martin, manager). Monlgomery nnd I'eurl are underlined 12. Others on the bill lire: Reckluw, Median's trained dogs, Carolyn Voting and Charles BurkhaTdt. Ritchie, the high diver. Is feat- ured. The Summer season of opera opens lb, with "The Isle of Champagne.' ■ Members of the stock company Include: Helen Darling, Mamie Taylor, Marlon Stanley, Alma Eslcc. Frank Stammers, John E. Young, Fred Knlgbls, Wm. Scllcry, Andrew Schneider, Tom Roberts nnd Hans H. Linne. Ludlow Lauoon (J. J. Weaver, manager). — The- stock company will present "Tho Follies of a Night 12. Last week this com- pany, in "Caste,", scored a decided hit, and the nI tendance was good, iTiib Zoo (WHlter Draper, secretary).— The Cincinnati Orchestra closed 'its engage- ment last week, and Weber's Band, which has Just returned from tbo World's Fair, will appear 12. Giianli OfEiiA Uouhh. —This house wns re- opened for the engagement, 10, 11 and 12, of Boris Thomashcfsky, the Polish tragedian. Ills repertory included "The Blind Musician," "Lost Paradise" and "Hamlet." C'lcveliiiiil—At the Prospect (IlnrU * Baldwin, malingers) "A Celebrated fuse." by the Hnldwln-Mclvlllo Stock Co., Is tho offering the current week. "The Climbers" drew well week of Juno 0. "Fublo Rouianl," week of 20. i Colonial (Drew & Campbell,' managers). —"Charlie's Aupt" Is the attraction week uC 13, -by the Vatighan-Glascr Stock Co. "Ths Cowboy and the Lady" drew big houses week Of- 0. mi H , !.-• ..,.•! : ..■'';.. ...... . - h ;•• GABPKN Thuatre (Hnrlnn- Collier, miitia' ger).—"Tho Show GJrJ" holds forth iDiolbjcr week, add wTth .mure seasonable weather should have (inndbimlo'SR. "The Queen's Lace Handkcruhlitf" week of 20. ' i'Avhnu* Garpkn Tiikatiie (Mnx Faetkenheuel , inianngei').—This . (heat reopens week of'131 itillafor I lie week consists of Four Madcaps,' llallowiiy Trio, 1 Hheuti and Wurrcji,' Arthur ^Vhllcfaw, nnd Kilthcrliio Nugent. At leiich iicrfonaaiicc, until .Ihlv t, Max i''a<'ikci]iieiier twill land' n band, or iiliy pieces. • After- that dnl«> hand music and vaudeville, will l;e dropped, and light' opera' will be the order of the season. Toledo,—j\t. the.,Casino i Tlicatre (Otto Kilves, ninniiger). pig. business filled, last week, and the hill was n strong ono." Louise, Dresser-■ a>if|i Jaok JNorworth: dilR ■ fiivorllcs here, wero strong features. 'Bill for. 12 rind week:, Znra isfnfliHtdtson, Mooncy nnd- Hol- bein, Harry Union nnd Lnwronco Sisters, Martin and Maxmllllau, Earl and Wilson, Flnlcy and Ilurko. Kai:m TiiKA'iui: (Otto Kilves. managnr).— Htnlrl and Kessner, Itentn Winlteld, nnd lint- Ion and Fuller wore good drawing cards Inst week. Business was good. For 12 and week : Callahan and Mack, Sophie Burnhnm, Wclson nnd Davis, the Ushers, Vinton aud Clayton, Frederick Bros, and Burns. ( AMAI Montreal.—At tho Academy of Music (ir.l'A. Brooks, manager) Viola Alien, In ••Twelfth Night," ramo to big bouses Juno q-8." "Are' You a Mason W W-18. • '■ PBOCToa's (II. (.'.' Kg*ftori, mnnsger).— The' last week Of tho Durban Stock Co.. In "Cfipt. Swlfl," was to fslr nttenihiiRO II \\. "I'Iikatris FraScaih (F. 1 Ilownrthv man«- frer).—Tho Aubrey Slock Col. In "Wife for Wife." drew fair attendance nil. "Lost la New York" 13-18, "The Spy of Port Arthur" 30-Sfl. THKATnr. Uoyai, (F. If. Lo Clnlr, msim- gerli-—Tho IMiwcry Girl enme to fair houses U-11. Tho High Flyers 13-18. Tiikatrb National Francaih (K. Onn- vreno, manager).—The permanent French stock iimipnny In "Lea Fiances d' Alhano," had giaid atlcndgneo U-H. ^EaBt Lynno" 13- 18. Sou \i tin pAnK (Lnvlgne h Lnjole, mana- agor8).--Th*' pfcrk was well lllleil every evening during the past week. The attrac- tions 0-11 we're: Leonard and Drake, Wood Bros., Zano, Cnmlllo and Fona, tho Nelson Farnuin Tnmive, lAvlgne's Military Band. Anns i (W. Norlhcy, inanageri. —The New York Coined)- Opera Co, opened here on Juno 20 for il season. MOGii.L tlNiVKtiHlTV GnotiNnH.—Ben Grcet's company of "Woodbind" players, lu four performances of Shakespeare's come- dies, 1,7. 18. - - Fosr.rAuuii A Ski.ij* Huoa.' Circus Juno 27, 28. » Toroalo.—At the Grand 6[iera House (A. J. Uniall, manager) "Arc You a Mason V" played lo jjiiod business Juno tl-11, und closed the house for tho Reason. maikstic Thkatiih .(A. J. Small, mann- ser)^—"The. Two Orphans" played to httt business 0-11, closing the theutro for tho sea- son. M I'h Point (Matt Dee, manager).—! This place of amusenit"iif, owing lo tho cold weather, bus uqt done much business' up to the present. MuMinft" Paiik (W. Bnnks, inanngrr).— Cold weather prevailing 0-11, business was •light. .... Ri.mii.imi Bkoh.' CinciiH came hero 0, 7, and played to enormous business. The show was a good one,' and delighted Its many 'pa- trons. !••.;•■ > > . -• t Ottawa.—At the Russell Theatre (P. Gor- man, mnnngorl-Chnnncey Olcott, In "Ter- ence." drew .*lg lidliBes May 20; 2d. "Red. Feather" played to-crowded houses 23, 24. "Are Yon n^-Mnson?" had-fair business 'J7,- 28. Francis 'Wilson, !n "Brmlnlnj" Had crowded houses.- Viola Allen,. In "Twelfth Night." drew crowded houses June 3, -L Richard Mansfield will be the closlhg attrac- tion 22. guano Oi'biia llotisi; (II. J. Blrdwhlsllc, manager) closed tho sensoli May 21. NfvfuH.—Hlngllng Bros.'. Circus drew tre- mendous crowds afternoon nnd night Juno 2 Forepnugh & Nells Bros. June 20. i i tliK'ticc-v-At tlie Auditorium Theatre {.\. J. Small, iiiniiuger) Scam' Oiwra Co. cvm- meured n four week's engagement hern Juno (I. Tho company is a strong one, the chorus Is well' bnlaiMMl, and business promises to be good. Notkh. —Marie Carrlngton. Florence Graft. Harry Da vies and Max Hngtemiiii, of Iho Sears Op/ru Co., are welcomed back here by (heir, many friends. CliatC O'Tonle Is spending his viirallnli here with bis family, and Ih enjoying a much needed rest after his scut'on of hard'work.' ■ ■ ■ Wlnnlpdt;—At tho Winnipeg Theatre (C P. Wallte'r. manager) tho WIIIIh Slock Co. closed Its engngement June 4, having played lo fair business.. Tim Noiiim.'A conckut, ul the Auditorium Summer Gnrdc'n. proved thq greatest draw- ing card of Iho season. The receipts worn reported ns six thousand dollars. The garden continues to draw good crowds, pulling up a very good show nt cheap prices. , . . ' i , I Gorlph.—At lint Royal Opera Housq (G. L. lilgglns. mahager), the bouse closed for Hie season, June II. with reennl nlteudauce, to sec Grace Vna.Slnddlford, in "Red Fetllh- er." . , .-.« - ■ •• • - Notfs. —Weok of fl Fountain ft Mnnley's Summer Carnlyal Co., under canvas-,' did a good business..... .Forepnugh & Soils Bros.' Circus cornea July 6. '•' ■ -.**«•< Nt. John—At tho Opera House (A. O Skinner, malinger) Robert II. Miinlrll closed liis engagement June 4, III "The Dagger nnd the Cross," lo a good bouse, givlug it Ijiii) |H<r- formnncc. Tho company left for Moncioii, Nl It., 0, and will return here Aug: H'Ui. Hcntfiow's .lolly Pullilliulers Juno 13-18, Join McAullffo SO-'-'O. st. Cutlinrliirs.—At tho Grand Opern llpnsc (Chhs. II.•Wilson, mummer) "Are Yon a 1 Mason 7" Juno 4, "Hed Fealhor" followed S, and bail tho banner bouse of tho season, greatly pleasing the largo audience. Tho house Is now closed, (or. I lie Summer. ' ■»»» "•' MINNHH'iDTA. Coin in linn.—At the ICmiilre Tlicnlrc (II. Wiseman, manager) "The Frisky Mrs. John- son," with Miss, Coiirlcnoy as lt'iif|lug lady, was a decldoul success week of June 0. Tho stock will iiroHent, week of'111, "A ipoor Re- lation." Charlotte, Deanc, the leading lady, resigned, and lias returned lo New York. ">' .- iiLiiNTANuv Park (W. Prnsser, manager). —Illg business week of 0. Booked week of 13: Mr. and Mrs. Nell ■ Litchfield, Stanley utid Wilson, Armstrong nod Holtv. Fcrgnson and lleoson. Vera King, and Don Gordon;' - " ,.. .. ' i ' 11 i Mtenlienvlllc.—the Hatch.Adams Car- nival Co, opened Monday, June II, to big busi- ness, and continued to hold the crowds. Tho show wus clean, und entertaining In every ro- spcirt. . Norn—Altamont Park has been leased and a slock company organized lor the erec- tion of a Summer theatre, which will 1111 a long felt wunt for tho people here. i i HniMinaky.—At Cedar Point Pleasure Resort (Geo, A. Boeckllng, manager) the sea- son opens June II. Excursions lrom many points are hooked, und great crowds urn ex- pected to witness tho opening of the greatly enlarged resort.. Tho programme for tho aliening week, June '.1-18, Includes: Ines MoeiiHkcr, - plana,. Five Normans, Frank (t 'iirleii. Kclley nnrt Reno, and tho fninmM Aekley band,'which is ifghln booked for dully -lerloiriinncPK for the entire >e»vai, i Akrort. 1 —At Lakeside Park Casino (Harry A. Ilawn.'mnnsger) a fair bill pleased good slr.ed audiences week of June 0, The bill for week of lilf Ozavianrt Delmo, tba Majfeal Stuarts, Ruth Shea' and cbolr, the Hollands, the Great. Janseti nnd company, Milt and Maud Wood. ■ • ' V- •{' Ulattaflelilr—At Lake Park Casino (E. II. lipdly, uilinsger.) the Cutter A Williams Stock Co. closed, lis live weeks' engagement nt t|ils resort June 11. The weather tbroiighi out has been too cold for good patronage, » Vere (who did not MNHMU J, Oo- vclla. Iloratag over: Alia • oWerhi Wftl^ Ransom. Blanche I-atnnnt, Myrtle-Kdwl^lsi and the stork.- ' Hualrh-ss was iwl weak ofj (I. I'airons enjoy the cool nntlltorlum ou the blult overlooking the Mississippi. WASHINGTON. «rntllc At the Grand Opera; House (John fori, niaiiiiKcr) "Our Nntv MlnlH^o*," Juno IP 22. To follow: 'Maude Adami, In "The Little Minister;" K. 11. Sutbom, lo "The Proud Prince." " Skatti.h TllBATBl —Dark. t'omlng "Du Hurry.:' Tiunn AvKNiiti T mansgers);—Week of 0, "Tho Buffalo Mys- tery i" week of t£, "Just Struck Town." To follow: The May Howard Burlranuo Co., Melbourne McDowell, In repertory. AlcaKaii Tiibatii*. —Week of Hi Ed. ucd- iiiand and company. In "Prlnco Hlrolro," ami "Struck tins." The snma compnhy cohtlnues In rfpertory. KuimiN Tiikatrk. —New: Hlngllng and Warren, Cbns. Raymond, V. I«: Wright ami company, Clemont Perkins, nnd kltiotuscopa plctdri' Skattlh TiotATRB (J. P. Howe; mtwsgerl. Mrs. Lcslla Carter, In Tninii "Armrua TnwrniA (Uusseii a Dmw, ..Jrds. EMi'inv. Tiikathk.— Stnnslleld, tho Pimm- pins, Montgomery nml Cantor, Lnwrenca Weaver, moving pictures, CitvHTAi, T'lixATiii:. —New: The Mortons, Frank and Louise llevorly. Shock Bros., Leo While, Leu Spencer, moving OlctureK. li\ Pktitk ! TjikAtuw.— Challisni SIstcrH, Mors and Vtvlnn, Brandt and Liirano, ticno King, Oiovlng iileliirea. Oai'ilBUM ' TltHATRH.—New : McShuffrey uud Keller, Linden Slslors. Duruard Wli- llftois, Zltku and Zttka, Charles llalley, Hsr old Huff, nioviog pictures. ■ 1 " 1 liiv CoMlgUK TllNATHK.—New. Qilllin Trio, Winters nnd Hummers, Three Gilbert Sisters, Maud Raymond, Shock Bros., Hernleo Rog- ers, Tuui . Doyle, Vena Frye, Huxel AdilniN, May Ward, May Young, Hooker Sisters, Ivunbnc, ' "' " i Niiokasii. — At tho Biwkano (Dnn L. Weaver, mljnngcr) Richard Mansfield pro- frtno-tl "Ivan tho Ti-rrlble" to a capacity house Juno II, Maude Adams comes 27, 2fl.> l AiuirroittiiM (Harry C. I lay ward,i-MMh ger).—The Jesslo Shirley Co. liegtiu Its tilth wt>ek 5. with "Vim, tho Virginian." Capacity business Is tho rule. Eiiisun (Francis Nelsonla, manager),-— loyl. Hll - )»li. •■ciiniiiiig," the Illusionist. OlH'uiniM fl: John Fox, Will C. Hurt, HILly nnd Daisy Bcuiilngton, Ilia Empire Trio.; ind Illg bilNlnesi ruler, Comiu D'Airsw (Jacob Goetj. manager). —Morlluicr rtml Hill, Kcenc and Kivene, Man- - let 'and I.nmb, MeKcevcr nml Sundry, and Dot Collins. CnMKjijft (1. D. Ilollnud. manager),—Mike Scull, Ethel Criuidsll, Will Roberts, ami t-ii, i,, j-.i in-, , ikiiu Ainnlla and Mtiuold. 4«> Mliiiirnpolls. —• At the Metropolitan Opera Hoiiko iL. N. Sttotl, mauageri Four ('(iiiiins June 12-13. RU'hurd. Maiisllcld HI- 1$. Percy llaswoll had her usual good bousi's 5-8, and Iho Rogers Brothers bad good uudl- enies'll-U.o '..•:: ...... ,, Iti.iou OtrnA Hoiihk (Tbco. L. Hays, ma ti- nier I.—"ThcJnnies Hoys In Missouri" week of 12. "Ilemorsuer tbo Malua" draw good bouses 511. ■ l.v.T.UH Tiikathk (Hick Ferris, inantigcrl. —"The Isillery of Isive" is (ha p!ay'12-ls, "The'Factory Foundling" was fairly well re- ceived, week ending 11. ■DKWisy Thbatiib. —Tin Blue Ribbon Girls 12-1M. Dainty Pdrco Co. drew fair pstronagu weck : of D. •• ' 1 Notk;— All Ihn theatres Hose for ihn Hum- nier IS A new band from tHlenl selected by Prof, llnill (Iherhoffer will commence giv- ing open nlr concerts at Luke Harriet 20. . ', Addison D. Mndelrn has ifrcliMd the vscunt property at T'hlrleentb Street and Ni- collet "Ave. (the old time circus grounds) for light operas In be given In tho open ttlr. Tho opening will be announced soon.. , ' i ii . Ml. Paul.—At the' Metropolitan Opera House (L."N. Scott, manager) the Rogers Brothers turned people away at each per- formance, June o-H, and made a decided suc- cess. The house was dark 0-12, lllchnrd Manslielil lll'in. Tho 1 engagement should be llie crowning event cif the season. - Tho Four Cohans. In "Running for Offlc*"- (new hero), come 1Q-18. No farther dates are announced. Guano (Theodore I,. Hum manager).— ■-The James Boys'Ih Missouri" drew big, and gave a 'fine performance Hint pleased Itn-' innnsely. week of l>. The Hummer season will begin at this bonne 12, to cuhlimio (mi weeks, by the Percy lluswell and Genripi Fawceit companies. The opening play Will he ."Trilby.** From nil Indications the sea- son will be a .profitable one, depending, of course, upon the stntn of tho weather. If too hot. It will be Impossible to keep people 5way from the lakes. • rtT««. (II. oW. Klnger, manager).—Tho rornduroH showed lo koimI business week of fi. Week of 12, Dainty Psrce Co., nail week of 10. the Blue Ribbon Girls, which ends the season. 1 Empirk (A. Welnholzer, manager).—New people for week of 13: The Bannlngs, Loitio M A, N«- I'orllnml. — At tho Portland Theatre t.liilnCH M. Monro, manager) the Byron iHmg- lass Stock Co., lu Its second week's engage- ment, June U-ll, presenting "Parson .lint" very successfully, both AS regards allendancii surf Komi work of the members of-tba'stock' Leigh He Lucy, a lust scaspu's muinber of Iho Gem Theatre Hnminer Stock, JoIiih III. The bill for IS and week will bo "Au Aniuil- cun Ollltwm" '■ . • • '•• fc Auditorium. —Tho Mnlnn Music Festival, Wm. It. Chapman, conductor, drew well tl, T, with tin exceedingly large audience. Oil H Madame Sehuniniin-lleliik, Miles Lemon, Har- row Maconda, Johnson, nnd others, received a royal welcome. It Is iinderstoiNl that Mr. ; i bnpmsn has under consideration an offer from Mndaino Hcliiimsnn-Hidnk to iiinnngo her opera company for n period of live ycam. Efforts are being made to retain lilui with tlin Icatlvnl by Interested parries hnre. Notkh. —The advance sale of seats for tlio Gem Theatre opened with n rush tl. The bouse upens for tho season 20.... .'.Much III; ' I crest. Is being manifested In the opening of the lllverion Park Vnmiovlllo, which occurs 20 The opening bill nt Cape Cottnso Thcatro will bo "Tho Telephone Girl." ilier advance sale of seats beginning 13; Tho K. V. I'lielnn Opern Co. will present opera and musical comedy lliroiiglioitt Ihn season; oinMI- iog IH, ns alsivc- 'iho company Indludai): Minnie Scoll, Sadie MiicDoiiuld, Carrie liixl- Ireyt Ionise Horner, Frniiels llayllss, (.'has. Fullon, Gum Vaiighnu, Tom \\'hyte. Gen. (Hey. itii'hnril Klscrllng Jr., Henry Carletdo, - Walter Roberts and others. " • '■' ■■<■ ' »♦» ■ AI.AIIAIUA. " Molilh',—At Iho M/inroo I'tirfc I'beutro fM, A. Meliei-inotl, urn mi kit I the Thorite- Raker Opnru Co, ojiened Its second week June 0. with "T|in tjiieou's laiia iitiDdkur- diief," tor n-8. followed by "Munilie." The i-uinpaiiy Is innklng new friend* at each per, furmniKio, aud this,season seems destined to Is- n winner, regardless of Hie expenses, wfilcb nre much larger (linn tba' compjviy I]ud lust wiiison. 'Jim company, Including principals, chorus add orchestra, numbers thirty people, ■■ fi : '> "■( ••'• ■ iLiRcirrrn Thkatiih (Jul)ua Ducouromi, nuii.'igei-).-- -Tlic Summer season, under the nianngement nf .liillus (Skill) DiicournitU, lias provenl, very successful,'Rita a full house In the general rule. Tho following new faced were on 'Din prugriimiun week of 0: LttlB lOulfli uml HII7.CI Nelson, Puiilltin BlosHom, l.isku Sin'in < r, Harry Uell, ll.itil" Curlnlnn, .'.clllc McNeil, llaiullloti uud He Kstley, nilly Trimble, Mildred Mllhuru, Mnrlen Tllsoti, The vhl favorllcs renin I u. '11m uri'hcslrn Is under tbo dlfectloii-of Ernest Hcnger, who br wi'll known Ibrougboilt the South. Tbo bio- L'rnph forniM a prominent part in the pro gramma each.evening. ' ( Notkh.— Mntt Goodman, u member, nf the Tuuriif.fwkor Opera Co., made his first np- ncuranco Willi tlis company, nlgbt of (I, hav- ing been PI for alajtlt ton days. Mr, Good- uiun was seen, burs lust season at tho L'srk, and has nmny friends acre, ills' success with Clin company Is assured, ' '• '•' . ■< ; « » UTAH. Hall bike VMy—M Ihn Halt Lake Tho- air* '(Geo; D. I'/per. msimgeri K. 'H/'Holh- crn, in "Tho Proud Prlnco," closed this house for the season, to good business,' Juno ( Tiikathk, (Jones & Hammer, mana- ger's).—Mrs. U'sllo Curler, In "Du Hurry," closed the house 0-8, to good'business. '■'■' SALT Palai'H Tiir.ATBK (Wilson* Butcher, luaoajjers).—Week of fl: Tho Three ' Dia- monds, Bobt. Athon, Thos. 11. Chirk, KHa Wilson, (Margaret (fliaso; Ncit and' Miller; John J, Wolplh Agray. : i ONitJiJE TntATMS.— Bill week of fl:-Nest* Montrose.- the Ammons, F. Cullliis, Kuasell and Dunbar. i ■ i Novum 1 * TllRATim. — Hill week of (I: Graclfl Hutchison, t'brlsloiilier and Mos», • Itentrlce (irlmes, Cnry Brothsrs, Mario Trrs- ■ colt, Allen and Crane. ■( ■• .. , ,<'. IItaiina Park, — 'J'Iih . Three - Campbell*, Hmllh anit Cbesler, Dellnas und Deeiune, Miller nnd llliglns. ' Hon Ton. —Gurdan aipl Hayes, La lloiio Family, Llfllo Ifllnni Tom luifrooi the Jenti- nettcs, Kvu Thatcher, Miss lllce, • «» ' "" ■■ — Clara Topntieid writes: "I have closed a very .successful season with the Frank B,- Imng Hlock Co., Mav 2?, nt Kuporliir, Wirt. mid liiive rented n cottage for the Suujidi r at Point Park, Dnliilb, Minn,, au Island seven miles, lf>i)K and.two-blocks wldei wlH) Ldiw Michigan on one side, and the bay and Su- perior, wis,, oq the other,"