The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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w TTIB l&EW YORK CX.IPPE0R.' June 18. '».*BI<H or COIxT'K.VJ.8. I 3A1, S.S2, Miss Clipper's Anecdotes, Elr Edward kforgan—Sketifll .' Chile Leonard—SVetolt. World of Player* Queries Answered onr Chicago belter On/ Lon.jnf. Let trr . . • • oi* AiitowM nm»" ............. An Inlerllew with Msrtlu Beck'.,.......... Clipper Post Ofllce Latest by Telegraph Oil t'ii> llniifl.., "... BSS. New York City—lUjvlew anil JJommmir Under the Tenia.?. ..'.* ."■ Willi tho Bill Poster* Deaths In 11" 1 Professlop Vaudeville nnil Minstrel THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. North Carolina Masenchuse If s Ohio ..' Ganads .., Mlrinwntn WntliInglon Maine • Alnhmun Vlnh Oklahoma FeuuHylfaqln •••••• Louisiana Mnrylsiid > District of Columbia California ., \viiwi*in_ • TCXIIS ..'. Now" YOtk j State •.■ New ,l.-r«py .Mlymr/: ,...'. '.•"••' ' ' 8B * MM :i82 nss KOM 084, HSU ns4 MM flrtt :',sft SSS S.s» :tli2 r.m MM on 384, 383 nil MB :i*r. 38* IWI 380. 3<hi USA ma 3SII 387 BM :-.67 39T :i02 1102 BM LATEST BYJHiEGRAPH. Monday Mtrlit'a OnrnlnKS In All Cue uia Minivr Totrai. u COLORS HATE liLLlAVlNGiS. Mm. L«alic Outer hii<1 K. U. 9<itl)«ru OJtcIt Auspiciously—m Tlvoll HnrW Hill W.-rk. fiirdai Dmpatchpt to TifK Nnw VonK Clippmb Kax Kii.i.Ni'iHru, June 14—At Ibe Co- lumbia Theatre'M. II. HiiUiki'ii begun Inut night ii two weeks' engagement In "The I'rniiil ■Frliiw." The house wan fluid out he- lofp IIih opening, mill the advance suit) for ini' engagement Is extremely largo. Ut* will (M followed, June 27, hy Henry Miller and a .'IKvliilly sulciled ctimpaay, for nn eight or ii'ii ivi'ckn' Summer engagement. i.'ai.u.iihma TllKA'i'ItH, - Thin is the fourth \vot;ti of tho Oliver Muroscn Co, 'J'lio pluy In "WW Service.'' a i. azvIi •CiiK.iTim.—"Charley's Anut" Is DiIh wN>k*a hllll • •' t'l-.jiTiiAi, XiiiiiiKK. — Tliln wcrk a acetile n'vlval of •Tlio Qctoruoii," with t. M. jjtonk- \\f\i HiM-iilally'enitaKeil i|a rete. ' *. J Himmi ui'rra IIoiujj. —limit nlKht mnrltivd Mil-' in'fdiiiiiiiK at a thrmi or (ourvvcoKn,' en* niici'iiii'iii 'of In LCHlle Carter nod, b>r coin- iiimj. In "On Harry," (or Ihn ilrnt time hi>m. I'hn openlQE wna to a uarkeil Uouai), ithd tim ailviiiii'i) mjlo la >vnry larch, A aiieclaL tier- lorionbve wilt bin ulven nvitiiexilay aftcl'iiooii. .Imihi-h Ni-iii will follow, fur an Indntliilte ea- KiiKi'iuent. . Ttvo^r OroinA iimmR.—OwiDir, to uouy hiii<li)«DH, IUIh llnilHii wiin clhnod Inst uOjbl, nnil.will rj?0i>«ii .Sundiiy, 1!», wllJj a new t:oni- (inity. In "riiililn Ifnod." ... Kiio'iidr'h Tlli.'A'iiiK.—"TJ, K." la In IIh lliliil U'ni'k. IUikIiiomm Iiiih broil very kikmI. niipiiKi'.u.-;-'(bla wJrk'fl programme, nuait- Iiik Sunihiy, rj, inrlmlPM; Kiwtor and iIok, Ktldlp. "tierrun nod riitiipnny, Koninul Trio, MnrmdVi |iliniren. Avon CuiuoUy I'oiir, Truly tihntlii'.'k, 1,1'nlMhiMFH'li. ami tho lilnurapll. I'liuri.'.s.- mil oneuluK Innt nlulu : Muni- llnrlii. HylveatiiV, .luiiea hndl'iliigle, Al- foim, It. ii n.lui mid Wiley, .Maiming, Harry tlrivu, nuil Ihn nnlntntnieopc, -Nhti:: —K. M. I'rlep, senetnl Dianagpr nt the'Alcaxar, nveolnpnuleil hy 1)1* wife, liuil Kuril' mi u iiiniii.h'a vnnillnii to the Velluw- Mono I'm k ii ml KiiHlem hIihth. r^uM (inu:ii fouvi'M. Fair Wenl.kcr. U<i><>rivil u( Varlunn I'uliit* With Uoitd' OimiiUwM i.r i»ii«-ii Air HoMortH. ST I.milH. Juuo 14.— Alteiiilniii'p At the iijii'iiliii; of Hie Ni'i'imil week, of "A Olrl from Dlxey, nt Hie fenlury, wiih very giiad..-,.. "i.iulnu.v AilnniH Snw.vor" In In. lis mivenlu week in tim Crawford, tn InereilHlnK IiiihIuchk. Klrnlfy'K "l.iinlnliiiin," ut. the Odeon, o|ieuvil w'tu n crowded houmi nt tlio third week's lieglnnliiK "l.tmlHlnnn." at tlio I Miliar, opened Its third week's lieijliiuluit To exeellPiii' hiiflliiffls A new vaudeville Mil, headed, ny JiimeH .1. rnrhett, went on :'nnii:i.v ill Knreat t'nrk HluhluudB Three Jolly mi IT M Klld ItelKhls, ouennfV to Bund: InmlncHH (.'iirletuii Hiimk, Hie Amerlenn mmndor, heiuled the hill whleh opened lo lurjte nrieudnueo Sunday at Suli- iirlmii rni'i; i.iii'kp erowdn ami a good viiiiilevllle hill were reported nt Munlun'R T'orl;, upenlnc Sunday Tho Oloho and llriiiiilway MnRie offer new vaudeville Mil;, thin week Tho .Merry Muldeus ii ie ill the Slumlord. Piucauo, Jnn« l-l.—Tho week oppned milell.v mid illieveillfully. Suniliiv IiuhIiiohh wna exeellent, Due wertlber hclplni; the Iour euirorlhif Bummer pHrkH "The Tender- fool ," at the IIIIiioIh; "The llimlneaa Man," at AlnVleker'H; "The Uuyul Chef," nt the U Snllo; "Vork Slnlo VoOmrU the Orent Noi'ihern: "The AVhard of Os," «( tin- ilrniul Opera limine; "Tile Maid mid the Muuiinv.' At the Anrrlck, luid "Vivian's I'upaa, nl 1'uwera' nil liegiin holdover weeks on Sunday tittrht Htoek burlesque nt Sum, T. .lurks and lhe Troeadero, the be- pinning of the I'llyer'g Slock Co.'N eotielud- Ing week ut the Iluab Temple. Suumier opera'nt the IVople's, itic season's clnslng at the UUou with "A Hidden Crime," and vrtudevlllo it'the Chicago Opera' House and Cleveland's furnished the rtunuliilug Siimju.v offerings. WASiiixaTox, .Inno 14.—Tho Mw&) Atdeu Co., tu "Ilia Ijxeeleucy, the Moveruor," was well received hy a large bouse, last night, at the Columbia "Tim uelle of New York ' in the l.nfayede.. by the Aboru opcrn Co.. mei with a cordbil reception..... "ur. .lekyll hikI Mr. Hyde," by the Merger Stock, had a Hue hmiNe at (be Armleinv The Uenry UurlesiiiK'i's made good twleo yesterday At the Lyceum The closing week at Chase's in'giiu wiih twn large nudlences. Amelia Siiuitiierville. Henry Davenport nnd others were In the hill Chevy Cbnse l<Ake had Its usual crowd, n» did also the Ijiwreuco Cnitlon. J'Jltl.AlillLrillA, .luoe 14.—Pair openings wnre arcnrJod mtr theatrea Inst nlpbl, . , .. . "Rrmlnle" aitraeted u good Kktberlncr nt tha rati: Theatre, nnd pleased..... .Vaudeville, nt Keith'*, brongbi out n,p escollont as- semllliiKt; wMm "The tolterj ht I.ove,"- ht the'iiijou, earned fresh laurel*. ft»r the stpeg •■niurlniiy. ..'.. .Mltlo Egypt Uurlesaners, nt the l.ycoiini, proved a poftint attraetlon....'. Th« pavki all fared uli'cly, thougli' cool weather jireventcd many people from enjoy- ing Ibc ntlrnctlon>. Boston, June 14.—Cool weather and large Iiiiiisi-s rilled' last night. Hold overs'. ''AVoodbinit'' nt the TrcnlnBt: "Isle oft Splee." ni 'tho riinue: Uoslunlane, nt tho Cqlnnlnl. and' "Sky I'nrnl." at Mush: Hall, all showed : to siiiisfactory hnslness ■ "Psui Hci-i'i-e " nt the CasMo Hwuirc, and "The Colonial," nt Bowdoln 8<iuare, were big stock offerings Vainlevllle and burlesque uttendnnrP very good. Ka-.s.vh CUV, .lime 14.—II. Oiiy Wood.- wai'd nnd ('firapnny presented "The Great Dirt- inond Mystery." to n fair bintlnee and good- night boose, At I lie Auditorium, Sunday.... IJoili of the parks were packed to overllow- Ing Sunday. . . .At Forest Park. In Hopkins' Tlientro, Jfjne. Mnntelll wan tbe heaillliier »if'n gnoirViindevlIlP bill.' .'At RlectHe Park IJljcriitls Hand sinned on Its Uilrd week. • T,ru;iDVii.i.n. June 14.—Tbe Imperial; Ma- rine Ilium of Cermany opened Its second week nt Jockey citih l'.iil; to a his crowd.,.".' Sells It Downs' Circus drew packed tentn nt both iterforninuces, M tt>e Roaa. All H.iutcs Mux n<-n«li Ik \..t filler 1 Jiou Monilii)'. I1HAMAT1C. Ailnnn, Mnifle (Ciiarles Krotiman, rogr.)—I«s Ai.geles, Cal„ June ill IP. Aulirej- Hloek, Uasteni, Millennial llrolliem' I Win. Davhlirc,' tnx'r. i—Montreal, C'iin„ June , 1,1. liuleiimu-, Anlwi, K>1wniil, Hlock—WRHliliigtoii, n. 0., lunu ta, liulelliillc. Altai Stock—Provhlcitve, R. I„ June 13, Uulefl- Aiuer)ean Stisrk (Oliver Martell, mgr.)— 8kni« City, la., June HI, liuleflnlie. AIIit.. .iniiii (f>. S. Uusli, msf.) — Limn. Wit., Jane l'l-IH. Acsilemr Hlock (Kred Derger Jr.. mgr.)—Wash- liminn, I>. V., June IS. Imleflnltc. Allilnn Slock— I'ulcrsoii. N. J., June U. Indeft- nile "Are Von n MasenV" (Jullns Calm, mgr.)—Mon- treal; Can.. .Il.tic JR.18, llnrr.wiinrc, ICtliel (Charles. Frohninu, mgr.)— liiiiiliin, ICng., June li>. bsleilnKe: Ulnirt nm, Amelia (Waller Clark llellows, mgr.) —Denver. Colo., .Tone 13-IS. Hull!ir., flioek (Have A. Wela, mgr.) — I'mvlilcnce. II. I., .lime III, ImleBnlle,' ninlr, Eiuccnlc I Heart Oresslt, mgr.)—Detroit, llli-h., June 111. ludedidie. Datiinlii-Melvlllc (Walter S. Baldwin, mir.)— Ctcrehust, 0„ June 111, lndeflnlle. ItaldHIn Melville (Walter s. Hsldwln, mgr.)— Iliiulo, S. y.. June 111, hnleOiilte. Jtri-elicnrlilKC, Ulias., Stock I llreckenrlilrp It l'ant- *fr, mgrs.l—K'nrt Mniltli, Ark„ June i:i-is. Hut Springs It), lnd.-ilT.lii-. MowM-t-CrAVan Slocl:—Qrniia Itanlils, Mlcb., June ■Hi. imlMlulte. Iluelianua, Lorraine, Slnrk (Ilu)wrt MaasfleliL mgr).—lob, Kan., June ID. ladeniille. nriuiilwnr Slock—Denver. Oil".. June lil-Ang. ST. Itnrrlll Slock iChnrh-s W. liurrlll, mgr.>—Sprlnu- ili-IU. III., lour 111. tndcllDlle. "II-isImi-hh Mini," Jacob Utt's—Chicago, III., June 12. Illilclhllle. ' "Uicause She l^>»i^l" (Martin J. Dlxen, ran.)— N. V. City June lfl-lh. c.oi.r. Mrs, Leslie (llavlrt lleUseo, mgr.)— Smi' l-'ranclmf. Cat., June 1.1-Jnly n. Collier, WllJisru (Cbiirlr* frokiinui, mgr.)—S. T. <ib3 .1 sue in. Imletiiilip. C'uhiiiis, '1'be. ir'tvil, Nlblo, mgr,)—Mlnncai>oll«. Mb.i,.. June 121S, 8t. I'llill 10-18, 31. l."il|l», M»., < 10.2,',. • •' ,. Clinsi-r.inicr 'Llicair.i (Joaepli Furrcll. mgr.)— Ins-n CM)', la.. .Inuu 111, liulellnlii-. C:isluo Stock (Itoiwrc Kalis, mgr.)—llolioke, Muss., .lime HI. Imlitliille. T DIlM-r-Unniell—Cortland, ,N\ V., Juno 13-18, Os- 'Ilalc, Murle, Dramatic (W. E. Martin, i»«.)— Vli'kshnrg. Miss., June 12-23. N'atcUee 24-July :) DylTryn. Rilid.' Stuck (Kos nylTryii, mgr.)'—lliaut- fonl, fan.. June IIS. Inilcllulle. luirliau Slock—Mimtreiil, Cull., June 13, lailcfl- nlle.' l)a,vlK-IUijle Hlock—Wtlea, N. Y., .lime HI, liulefl- nlie. Dinnjlnss, Itvrou, Slock—Porllauil, Me., June 13- 2:1. He l.ii.-niir Twin Slslprs Dramatic (De Lacour A t'lei-iH. mgra.)—llptaiiil, lisl., Juno llMH, ' l-'ics.-iiu. Isnlsdlu (Jiuiiea X'. Malnno, mgr.)—• I'li.vl.ii-iii-.-. u I.. Juno in ik. M-lliiKC Stork (l.liii'd * (Jciiter, nigra.)—Wlntteld, Kan., iiiuc HI, Mnlbie IT, liuleiieiineiice 18, Clierrvvnle: 20, CutTejrllle 21, Pern 22, Cellar- vnli. -.1. Klglu 24, i.'io.e.v 20. I'lvans, llniiul.iu (Hurry lleunels, msr.)—Newport N. wn. Vn„ June l.'l. hiiletliiile. Kuiiilni Theatre (Uisirge II. I'nuliis, inur.)—Dowl- inif ilreen, 11.. Juno 11 is. Klin-trie Park Slock—U'Dvenuurili, Kan., June HI. imlciinit... t-:iicr..i-.i Sl.s-k—Pnrtlaisl, Ore... Juno 13, liulefl- nlie. "Ksrii|H!tl from Sing sins" (James 11. Parker, nigr.l—Pltialmrir. Pa., Jnae Hl-18. Flsko (t Stuck (K. D. Flake & T. V. Stuck, tugre.) — Iliilirux, K. S., June 13-18. HlaNcr. vmiunim, Slock—Cleveland, (>.. June 1.1, liulcunltf. liarrlck Slm-k (Jny Kuscll, mgr.)—Muuiii Vernon, ci,, June 1:1. iiiit.-iiiilic. UrosH-LralL (DurnHI II. I.ynll, mgr.)—Marlon, III., .Illllo in IS. Nmi- Alliaiiy, lull., Ill-July 2. llltji..-y-\Vc.-.l Slock—Keokuk, la., .lone I.VJA. Iliiswell, Percy (tleonje Fuweelt, mgr.)—Hi. Panl, Minn.. June 12-Sepl. !i. Hall. Don <:. -M.n-j-vllle, Cat.. Jnae Hl-18, ltd niufr 2U-29, > Hum Stock (M. A. Hunt, mgr.)—St Iimucc, 1 Midi., .limn 13-18, Ncttlicrry 20-25. Ilu.-iller Show (Jack llm-lllei-, inur.) —Applet..11, Wis,, June 13. Iriilcflnlle. ' Uulls-rt, I.aura, Stock (Charles W. Burrlll, mgr.) ' - Kiinkuuw, HI., Juno 13, Indellnlle. lleiulerKon. .Maud Uonepli Parent, mgr.)—St. r.ouK Midi.. Juno 1ft. Alinu HI, St. .folios IT, llnin.l Ledge IN, Daiiunoii.l, Pauline—Sonfiinl, Me., June 13-ta, Hl-18, Will..11 20-22, Klngliclil 23-2r,. lly.l" Purl; —Austin, Tcv., June 13, in- ill-Unite. Iluviii's & llcdninnil Ciimisly—Itonnoke, Va., June 13-IS. ll.-ii.icri.nn Stock (W. J. A 11. II. lienileniftn, uiki-s.) —Fremont, Intl.. June HMS, "lliuiiiily I»uni|ity" (J. II. Dlcksuu, mgr.)—Mar- Inn, lull., June 13, 14, Munclo IS, Itlcluuond IT, 18. Iiiillanaisills 2(l-2". Irving-French (Dun Mucinlllun, mgr.)—Atlantic, In,. June 1318. D.-H Mnlues 10-18, Ceilur Fulls 20-22. lows Fulls 23-2n. Impcrlnl Stock (Col. (leo. Hamilton, mgr.)—S.t. i.imiIh, Mo., Jnae 12, Indefinite. Jewell-Archer Stock—Lynn, Mass., June 13, la- ' dcllnlte. Jnhimnn Stisik—Maurflolil. ()., Juno IB-July 2. " Hoys In Missouri" (Frank HhuoIo, mgr.) -■Mliii.iMipvlls. Minn., June 12-18. Klnrk-lii'ban (Ilanlln Klark. mgr.)—Ameslnvy, Musk., June 13-18, Diuivcrs 20-311., Dot (J. O. \Vcl»li. mgr.)—Provlilence. II. 1.. June 13, huiciiiiitc. Klinp.icy-Uiii.aeii (11. It. Hiissell. mgr.)—Mexico, Mo., June 13-18. Ohnmpalgii, III., ID-July 2. Ktligitoii-Oortoniiy Stis-k—Alhany, N. 1'., June 13, liulediilte. Keller Stock (A. M. Keller, mgr.)—Nevada, Mo., Julie 13-Aug. 13. Kennedy. John J,, Slock—D11I11U1, Minn., June 13. liulpfliilte. Ijike Vlejr 8t«wk (Lew Silver, mgr.)—Sheboygan, Wis., June 1.1, Indefinite. MiuunMil. Itlctinnl 111. D. Stevens, mgr.l—St. Pant, Mian., Jnne ' 13-13, Mliiupnisills 10-18, fillswa. Can.. 22. Santnaw. Mich.. 114. MiiUory. Clifton—Uennvn; Pa., June IT, 18. Me.VulltTe, Jere, Stock—St. John, N. 1)., June 20- 23. MnrkJ Stuck (Tom. Marks, mgr.l—Collltigwooil, Can.. June VI-IR, WSBSt 20-23. '""^"V Marks liroilicis tjoe Marks, mgr.)—Pembroke, *dne 13-13. Rejifrew 10-18. I'ortll 20, in- Mackev (.Mm J. Murray, mgr.)—Park- , V?. Vi\., Jnhe IB, Indeefhlle. ■ ' lumphrey—Albany, if, ,\., June 13, ln- Cail.: June 13-13. Renfrew 10-1 .l.ulntte. Murray A crsblirg. Mordalit-Hi ilclllilte. Maillmsi Square- Tlieiitre, Slater's—Dallas, Tex., JiidP'13-inly t." "" v ---.•••••*■ 1' ' Mlller-Hryan 8,U>ck (Frouk If. Miller, mgr.)— Salon 'limine, 'i.e., J'utip 13, limXInlle. dletoii Stock (georce «f. ScbalTer. mgr,)— Jopllu, Mo., June 12-20. Xclll. Jnmes (Clia'les Aster Parker, fen, ngr.)— San FranclM-ni CaL, Jim* 13, tnili-milto. - Noble's Theatre (Wsitcn Noble, mgr,)—Pipestone, Mbttu, June H-lf/i ' • Netil-Moro«co__(CharJe» Alitor Parker, gso. mgr.) Carter, llnruiini 1 lick., June 1ft. —Denier, Colo.. Jbne Kl-Sci.t. S. North llrnthers CofamHant ' (Frank C. mgr.)—Tcxnrknnu. 'Ark., Jnne 1.1 IS. New York Players (llnoter A Hrailford, mgra.)— Worcester. Masa., Jqns'13, indefinite. National Stock (NafUtter A SnvMge. mgri.)— Hatcavllle! Ark., JiinT 13-18. - : National Std/Ikl (J. Alls+t Dawson, mgr.)— Kagle, wis.. June 13-18. . . "Otfr. New MlnlMter" (Miller A Colyer. mgra.)— Kngniie, Ore.. June 10; Portions 17, 18, 8e ; nttlc, Waab., lh-22, Vancouver, n. C, 23. New Whatcom. Wash., 24. Krcrctt 2ft. Tai-oma 28,' 27 Klh-nliiirK 28. Yuglini 21). Rlixville 30, HfoxnneJnly I, 2. ^ l.'nyion Slaters Comedy (Col. Frank Botjertnon, nurr.)—Jackson. Tens., Jnne 13-11). Pnwpll-PortcljQ illulion Powell, mgr.)—Mlnne- waukorl, NO. Dak.. June IS, ia, l^eils 17, 18, HetlUienti 20.23. Minor 24, 23. Park's' Hlg Slt*k (C. w: Park, mgr.)—Hunting- .Inn, Vn.. June. 13-18. Pefpi-s Stock (Will A. Pctcra, mgr.)—Charlotte, ' N. 1:., Jnne 13, lndeflnlle. Pooplo'ii Plnyrra, Wowls'-—Downers drove. 111,, .lime in is, i,n flranijc 20-22, Hlnsdalij 23-2C. ••Policy Players"—Allan tic City, N. r.',' Jnne 13- 18 "Qaluey Adanui Sawyer" (C. n. Smltli, mgr.)— rtf. I.onls. Mo., June 13, Imlellnlie. Ilcntfrqw'a Jolly Pntliflnilcrs (K. 0. Andrews, this, mgr.)—St. John, N. II., June 13-18. Luliec, Me., 2U-23, Machlns 24. 2ft. Il.sincy slock tfl. Dert Itmlucy, mgr.)—Osbkosh, Wit., June- 13-18. Oreen Bay 111-211. lleyinond, E<1.—Seattle, Wash., June IB, Imlefl- irite. "Iloail to itnln," SnlltTgn, ITarrls & Woods'— Pittsburg, Pa.. June 20-23. "flat.lilfs Foot" (Pat Clinppelle. nwr.)—Wil- mington, N. C Jnne 13, CoIdBboro 10, UalcKth IT, Durham 18, ' Henderson 20, Oxford 21, Clr.rkuvllle, Vn.. 22. Danville 23, flelilsvllle, N. <:., 24, High Point 23. Sotl.cru, n. D. (Daniel Frohman, mgr.)—Bnn I-'raiiclfs-o, CnL, June 13-25. Stone, Florence—Dultilh. Minn., Jnne 13-23. Snow, Mortimer, Stock—Troy, N. ¥., June 13, In- dtHllalle. Shirley, Jessie—Spokane, Wash., June S, indefi- nite. "Sky Farm" (Charles Frohman, mgr,)—Boston, Mass., June 13-18. Taylor Hlock (Albert Taylor, mgr.)—Hbieveoort, I,..., June 12-Juiy B. Troy. Donna. Slock 1 Jnmes L. Olasi, mgr.)— Monnt' Vernon, O., June 13-2IL Touhj- Comedy (Uandnll A Foster, nigra.)—Au- rora, ML, June 13, IndeUnlte. Thome Dramnlic (Frank Tborne, mgr.)—Wallace, W. Vs., June 13-18, Hurimrlllc 2023. "Ten Nlshta In a liar Room," Ilecrher k Stanley's (Waller J. McDonald; mgr.j—Colby, ' Kan., .lime IB, Mcnlo 10, noxle 17, Hill Oily 18, I'lalnrllle 20. Natoma 21. Waldo 22, Lucas 23, Sllrau Drove 24. Lincolu 23. "TTsem Tom's Cabin," HtetKHi's, Westem (Win. KII1I1I0. mgr.l — Martinsville. I111I., June 13, 1 Ireenahurg 10. North Vernon IT, Dalpsvllle IS, Hiislivlllc 20, KiilKklstoivn 21. New Castle 22, Alexandria 23, l-'nlrnioniit 24, Wabash 23.' "L'ncle Turn's Cabin." Slpison's (ileo. Peck, mgr.)—Manchester, Vt„ June 1ft. Arlington 111, North lieniilriglo'n IT, BeniiliiRtnn 18, Berlin, N. V., 20, Lebanon Springs 21. Chatham 22. "Uncle Toiu'a Cabin" (Frank'Walters, mgr.) — Harrisonburg, Vn.. Juuc 1ft. Pennsboro, W. Vs., 10. Cairo IT, Kllsabeth 18, Ravetiwood 20, Siiencer 21. Van I)y»p ft Raton, Ollle Eaton (F. Mack, mgr.) —Plaint, 11., June 1:1-2.".. Veriiim Stock (llenj. II. Vernon, mgr.)—Asbury Park, x. ,T„ June 1:t July :in, Vnlliiiuont Stock—Wllllamsnort, Pu., June 13, lu- delliille, "Vlvlsa's Papas" (lllch A Dnrrls, mgra.)—Cbl- i-figri. 111.. June 13. Inilcllnltc. WlKln-Kiilp. Amhcr Montague—Dubuque, la., June 1.1. hull-Unite. Woodward' Slack (O. D. Woodward, mgr.)—Knn- Sn« t'liy. Mo.. June 12. indefinite. - Walsh Stock, Kiigene. Powers—Woodstock, Ont,, .1 .me- 13, liulelliillc. "Was She lb Blame?" (Je<l Carlton, mgr.)— Hutchinson, Kan., June 18, Wichita 20. "York Stalo Ffllka" IF. H, Wright, mar.)—Chi- cago, HI.. June 12-Jnly 2, MVSICAt. Alsirn Opera (Milton .V Sargent Alorn, rogre. )— Wiiskli)gton, D. C June HI, Indefinite. Ahoni Opera (Milton & Sargent Aborn, mgrn.)— N. X- " ll - v Snnr 1:l - lndeflnlle. Uoslniiious iCIins. R. Ilacon,. bus. mgr.)—Doston, ' Mass., .lime 1:1, ludetlnlte. Hrpoke's Chicago Marine Hand (licrl A. Hall, our.)— Chicago, III.. Jnne 13, lndeflnlle. Duller, Helen May. and Her Ladles Mllllury Ilnn.l (J, t.cdlo Spatni, mgr.)—Newark, N, J., Jnne 12-20. "Ilnlies In Tnylnnd" (namlln A Mitchell, mgra.) ' lliHlon, Mass., June 13. Inilcflnllc. Gcrtlral Ois-ra (l*nimM Fitenkctisttiln, director)— 1 and lieach, N. Y., June 13-18. Ciinndliiii Colored Concert (Wlllliiui Carter, ni'tr ) ---Sparia, Wis,, June 1ft, Rltny HI, 17, Ileeitsliurg 18, Hi; North Freedom 20, I.odl 21, Luke Milts 22, Jegeraon 23. Duss ilriliestru (J. S. Duss, conductor)—N. Y. pity June 131 Indefinite. '•ci.1 from Dixie"—St. Louis, Mo., June 13, In- definite. Un[i|>er, De Wolf (Wm. A. Brnily & Hhulsrt r Ui'iithers. mgrs.)—Manhaitan lieach, N. Y., .tunc IS July 2. "US of spice" (ll. C. ft F. C. Whitney, mgrs.)— Hnxitiu. Mass.. June 13, linlellulle. Kilties Hand (T. P. J. Power, higr.)—Rocbcnter. N. Y-. Juno 13-15. Id'glu Opera (Hurry T*« Velle. mgr.)—(Irecn- Vllle, MIms.. June 13-13, Jackson 111-18, Nul- lities 20-20. Me Ken's Huston I.nilles' , Symphony Orchestra 1 Trunk W. McKpp. mgr.)—Atlantic City, N. J.. June 13.3(1. "Mian Roll While" (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.) Plilliidolnhlii, l'n„ June 13-18, "Miild nail the Mummy"—Chlcugo, HI., June 12. ItulHlnltP. Oriilieum (ipein (Milton A Sargent Alsim, mgrs.) —llris.klyn. N. V.. June 13, liulellnlle. Pryor's, Arthur, Unnil—Asbury. Park, el, J., June 13-81'pt. 23. •'PllT, PulT, Ponf" IF. C. Whitney, mgr.)N. If. City June 13, link-Unite. "Prlnc* of Pllscn" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— London, ling.. June 111, liuleflnlie. "Sdullierna" (George W. Is?derer, mgr.)—N. Y. City .lime 13, indcfltiito. Tliame-lhiker Opera—Mobile, Ala., June 13, In- ilcllulle. "Temlcrfoot" (W. W. Tlllotton, mgr. (—Chicago, HI,, June 12. Inilcllnltc. "Wlrard of Os" (Hamlin ft Mitchell, nigra.)— Chicago, HI,, Juno 13-July 0. "Wixslwanl" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., June 13, Indefinite. "Ynnkee Consnl" (UCury W. Savage, mgr.)— N. Y. City June 13, lndeflnlle. VAH1KTV. Arnold ft Ilutcblns Dixie Land—Portland, Ore., June 13-23. Hlne lllhbnn Olrls (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Minne- apolis. Minn., Juno 12-18. St. Paul 10-25. Painty Puree (Joseph II, Barnes, nujr.)—St. I'nul. Minn.. June 12-18. Il.iininer ft HofTninn Orpliemn Burlesqucra (Lon ' lioniiner, mgr.)—Alhoiiy, N. Y., Jnne 13-15', Troy 10-18. HnlllngHWorUi Twlm (Low CHcsBon. mgr.)—Al- bertvllle, Ala., June 18-18, Cuba 20-2.1 London .Oidcty Olrls (CHIT W. Orajit; mgr.)— \liintrcal, Can., June Ill-July 2.' Merry Makers ,K. A. Hemphill, mgr.)—Pittsburg, pa.. June I3-2A. Southern Vaudeville (K. P. Karl, mgr.)—Wcnt- wortli. N. <:.. June 13-18, Reldsvltle 20-211. Trimble's Frollqurs (William Trimble, mgr.l— Curalcana. Tex., June 13. 10. Tyler 17. 18, Fort Worth SO, 21. Cleburne 22, 23. Wcatberfonl "4 23. Tiger Lilies (W. N. Drew, mgr.)—N. Y. City June 13-18. MINSl'ltKLtt. Brviint ft Siirllto's Kins 11.' Snillle, mgr.)— Pollsvllle. Pa., June 13-1S. Orpentbnrg 20-23. Cidliniie. CUaee ft Weston's "(Will 1-1. Oiillmne, mgr.l—Dover, Me.. June 1ft, Oldtonn 10, Pat- ten 17. Ashland 18. ."■-.. Flehls ft Hiihsnn's (Manrl.-o Boom, mgr.)—Mil- fjrir.l. Mass.. June 20-23. Kerminds'. Hilly (C. J. Smith ft W. C. Thomp- son, mgrs.I— Sdiilli Bend, 1ml.. June 13-18, Clilcago. III., 10-23. ' Marlon ft Pearl—Walerbnry, Conn., June 13-18, • 'Ttanhury 20-23. Kldianls ft prtnale's (Rnseo A Hollnii.l. mgrs.)— nillliuri. Mont.. June 1ft. Big Timer 10; Idling- stoii 17, Itoicman 18. Unite 10. flreat Falls 20, Mlasoiila 22. Wallace. Ids., 23, Wardner 24, Colfax, Wash.. 39, Spokaue 20. I- IKNT 9HOMTS. A )^Uey'H-4}»ois6. Mil*.. Arbor IOV-Adrian!.. IT/ ColdWater. 18, nmMJi Ilarlior 20. Ooatan./1nd.. It; 'Wohesli 22, Marlon 23. CprtlaM 24. Flndlsi. 0., 25. ' ■::'. BulTsIn Hill's Wild West. Col. Tf m. F. C<«ly— Horsham. Eng„ Jiuie 1ft. l>eiMP.' RiVssefc Ml llnlblll, Stirrer,'IT. Wlmhletoll r l», chelnlrtafil SB, llfor.i 21, St. Albnns 22. Hlteiln 2.1. Cam- tirldge 24. Ilkaston 2ft, Manstlcbt M. RolhertSSI 28, OalnRborongli 20, (Ireot, OrleMby 30. HnB July 1, 2. '"■ ! - " "••" "' -.' Bcnslcy ft Dorsa"8 — Shellsburg, Is,, Jane 15, Spirit Lake 23. „ ' B»rd Brothers—Leneatiter, Pa., Jane 13-10. York 17. IS, Sleellon"»), 21. ' MecbJnlcsblirg 22, Carlisle 23, 24. Shlppensbiirg 23. , - - Camplsill IJrotliers—Long Prslrle, Mian., Jime II, AteAmlrlA to. St. Clond IT. MllaeA 18, Ahoka 21. Lliciiiiebl 21, Willinnr 22, Morris 23, (Iran- Ite Falls 24. Pipestone 23. ■wwtilC'sY Andrew—Sherburne, N. Y.. Jane In, Rev Berlin Id. Morris IT, llnrtwlck IS. Rich- Held Springs 20. Conperstown 21, Cherry Val- ley 22, Slii-rnn Sprlnirs 23. Coblilesklll 24^ Ely's, (leorgn S.—(Irnyvlllc, III., June 18, B.rowni ' 20, Bellmonl 21. Mount Cnrmel 22. Forepangh ft Sells Brotbera—New Hnven, Conn.. .(line-to, Bridgeport I'O, Wnierliury 17. Merlden 1H. il.irtfor.l 20. Wlnsted 21, PoiuHikeepsle 22. Athldllown 23, Newbiirsh 24, Kingston 23. ' Hiirg'rcnveB^-Ijickport, Jf. Y., June 1ft, Mrdlnn JO, Newark IT. Mnltif. Walter L;—St. Jobn»bi|r», Vt., Jime 15, Newport 10. St. Albnns IT, Vergcnncs 18. Mnekay's (Andrew Mnckay, mgr.)—St. Ixmls. MA,; Jnne 13, Indefinite. ' Melbourne's Hog and ' POny—Big Lake, Minn., June 1ft, Maple Lake 10. Sonth Haven IT, Wat- kins IS, Cold Spring 20. Avon 21, Freeport 22, Orey Knale 23. Hwauvllle 24, Browerrllle 23. Rlnnllng Brothers— Jollct, UL, June 1R, Rockford HI. Kewanee IT. Davenport 18. Robinson's. John—Olenn, N. Y„ June 13. Slg. Snulelle—Lynn. Mass.. Jane IT, Marblehead IS. Selbel Brothers (M. C, Oookston. mgr.)—Kan- koiuia. Wis., June 1ft, Denere 10, Oreen Bar 17. 18, Marinette 20, Menominee. Mlcb., 21, Peshtlgo. Win., 22, Oconto 23, Shawano 21. Cllntonvltte 23. Slpes—Portland, Inil., June 1ft. Stewart's, Cap.—Bryan, 0„ June 13-1 J, Mont- neller 10-18. Sllvet'i (Bert Silver, mgr.)—McBrldes, Mich., 'June Iff. I.anastnn 10. Lake View IT. Allona 18. Tattle's—Ddrset, <).. June 14-10 l^on 17. 18. 'J'rt.H's. Wm.—Mlllvllle. N. J.. June 13-18. Wrlsli Brothers—Chelsea, Mass., June li>. Mai- den 10, Beverly 17, Ispwleh 18, Danvers 20, Peaboil,- 21. Wakellehl 22. Lawrence 23, Hav- erhill 24, rtxeter. N. II.. 2ft. Wheeler's. AL P.—Colton. N. Y.. Jnne 15, Nlchol- vllle 10, St. Regla Falls IT. Dickinson Center 18. Rrnshlon 20, Bangor 21, Westvllle 22. MlSCBx>LANKOL'S. Boslock's Trained Animal Arena (F. C. Roatock, mgr.)—Drearolnnd, Coney Island, N. V., Jnae 13. liidetfjilte. 1 Butlers. The 10. A. Butler, bns. mgr.)—La Porte, iiui.. June 13-18. Coylc's Miiscuni (K. R. Coyle. mgr.)—Doon. In., June 13-18. Flints. Mr. and Mrs. (II. L. Flint, mgr.)— Adrian, Mich.. June 13-18, Demon Harbor 20- 25. Great Mandy Shows (P. J. Mainly, mgr.)—Au- • rnra, HI., June 13-18, Fond du Lac, Wis., 20- 25. ■Tarry Helm—Washburn, Wis,, Jnne 15, Ashland 10, 17. Phillips 18. Prentice 20. Westhoro 21, Ittn Lake 22„ Msdfbnl 2.1, Dorccstcr 24, At.- txittsford 23. Hiitcb-Adnms Carnival Co.—Ilhrlchvllte, 0., June 13-i8. Cambridge 20-2ft. James Family Swiss Bell Ringers (James ft Loss, mgrs.1—Ivest Bend', Wis., June 1.1-lf>. Hnrt- fnnl 10-18. Harrison 20-33. I.mnbrlgger Zoo ((ilia Lamhrlegv-r, mcr I—I-lrle, I'n., June 13-10. Dunkirk, N. V., 2028. Monarch Carnival Co.—Klkbart. Ind., June 13-10, CAvlngton 20-20. New' York 'Specialty, P. M. I.cderinnn's—Johnson, Vt., June IT, Hyde Park 18, Morrlavllle 20, llnrdwlck 22. ••■ •• ' $SAB9k LlMI M Till* Hat In iiiuili- up na nearly nccor- mtfn ns It la voaallile to oialte • Mat <>i vrtiidcvlllc liiMilxInirs. Ahl Family, Itnuiuii.-i. (irnnd Ranlili, Mtch., Juno I.H-18. Aids', ('has., ft Co., Avenue, Plllsluirg, June IB- IS. Adglc and her lions, Manhallan Beach, Cleve- land, ll., June 13-July 2. Adelaide, La Petite, Cleveland's, Clilcago, June 18 18. Ailinns ft Mack, Lyric, Lincoln, Nob., June 12-18. Adlllsoii ft Livingston, Kdlsou, Tncoinu, Wash., June 13-18. Alfoua, Chu(es, Ban Fran., Cab, June 13-18. Allen, Leon and Bertie, Ouvrrantor'a, Atlantic City, N. J., Juno 13-18, Aldrlrti. elms. T., I'urmllso Roof, N. Y. C, • .tuna 13-18. Alburtns ft Bnrtrnm, Cirque Vnrlete, Stockholm, Swisi.-o, June 13-July l. Alexla'ft Scbell, Avon Park, Yoiuigstown, O., June 12-18. Allison, Mr. ft Mrs., Keith's, Beaton, June 13-18. Alexandrine, Mile, Luna Park, Coney Island; N. V.. June 13-18. Allnc, Mile., Llndennnld Park, Hamilton, O., Jnne 12-18. A llh Ire ft Caville, Savoy. Victoria, B, 0., June 11118; Umpire. Hon Fran., o.i., 20-23. Alt'lcns, The, Family. Butle. Moil., June 13-18. Altai. Mary, Fnrst Keller. Milwaukee, June 13-18. Ainnlla ft Miinoln Family, Cuiulque, Spokane, Wash., June' 13-18: Family, Bulte, Mon., 20- .Tnly 3. Antrim ft peters, Avenue, Pltlabnrg, June 13-18. Aiutcrsoii A BrlgRS, 0. It., Amherst, Can., June - 13-18. O. II., St. John. 20-23.' Annstrunga, Famous (3), steeplechase Pier, Atlan- tic Cily.'N. J., June 13-18. Araislrnng ft Holly, Olcnlungy Park, Columbus, l>.. June 13-18. Aruilula ft Burke, Coney Island, Cluclnuatl, June 1218. Asliion, .lode, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y., June 13-18. Ash ft Plillll|m. A. ft 8., Boston, June 13-18. Allien-Wllsou Clarke, Suit Lake City, U., June 13.2ft. Avon Comely Four, Ornbeuin, Bnn Fran., Cal„ June 13-18. Barry ft Ilalvers, II. ft H., N. Y. 0., June 13-18, Buker ft Lynn, Athletic Park, Buffalo. N. Y„ June 13-18; Summer Park, New Castle, Pa., ait-23. Ilnllcy ft Madison, Keith's New, Phils., June 13- 18i BallerlaU, The, Forest Park, St. Louis, June 12- 18. nnrrlngton, Jos. D., Palace, Southiiort, Eng., Jnne 13-18; Royal, London, 20-23. Bncliellers, The, Ocean Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., June 13-18. Baker, Bert. Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., Tmio 13-18. Barnes, Paul, Keith's New, Phlla., Jnae 13-18. Ilarrctt Slaters. Charleston, 8. 0„ June 13.18; Columbia 20-23. Barbour, K. L., Colo. Springs, Col., June 12-18. Barry ft Johnson, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis,, June 13-18: Barto ft Latterly, Kelth'a New, Phlla., Jnne 13-13 Harlow, Lillian, A. ft S., Iloston, June lil'18. Baker, Wm. L., Hov.nnl. Boston. June 13-18. Batcunn; Tom, New MM Mans., June 13-18. Full River 20-23. Dukcr. Tony, .Sleenlccbase Pier, Atlantic City, N, J„ July 13-18. Bates Musical Trio. Henderson's, Coaey Island, S. V., June 13-18. Bnrlows, The, Sehmien Park, Union Hill, N. J„ liu.c 13-13; Doyle's Puvlllou. Atlantic City. 20- ■ft; Bandy ft Wilson. Sprlugbank Park, London, Can., June 1318: So. Head. Ind.: 20-25. Iletlnlaglon, Hilly ft Daisy. Bdlson, Seattle, Wash., Jim* 13-18.' "' ••' ' ' Beiilon, F.lwoal ft Maggie, Iron Pier, Syrscuac, N. T.. June 13-18. Beiislcr, K, Will, Edison, Victoria, B. 0„ Jnae HM8. Beilnctt, ft Rich, Proctor's 3th Aye.. N. Y. 0., June 13-18 lleiltley. Musical, Avon Pntk. Yongstotrn, 0., June 13-I>: Farm! Totcu. iir-23. , Bennell. Lntlrn, Procter's 23il 8treet, N. Y. Q., June 13.18'. • •■' ^ - "' Benllmiu ft Freeman, 0. Hi, Trinidad, Col., June 13-18. vT I TT .-- Heau ft Davis. Star. Hamilton. Can.. June 20-23. Hell Sisters. Fonr Mile Creek Park, Krlo.iPS., June 13-18. Mr. ft Mrs. AL 0.. Thoyer'a Park. Am- a, N/YV. Jnae 13-18; OlenwOort Park, nr, 2J)-». ' Bell, 8cmitor Frank, Idora Park, raugstown, <X,' Belle La, Drejiailind, Coaey Island, N. T., June Belfrinl,' Mr. sterdam, Newburg, Bijou Comedy'Trio. Howard, Rosloa, June 13-18. Meketts. lljrlng, Doyle's. AUantle City, N. J., ^luine 13-ljt '/ - ~ . T Bbiorj A Chapman, Llnneuwald Park;, Hapillton, O.i' Jstfta'MI-18, •- -'" !•—-.- BlngbatH," Kittle. Howard, Boston, June 18-18. Bigger ft Dreber, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., June 13-18. Blnnchard ft Wood, Keith's New, Phlla,, June 13- !• • ... ..... ,,.. ^s.,- . Blockaom ft Barns, Forest Park, Kansas City, Mm, Jnne 12-18; Casino, St. Joseph", Mo,, in. IS. Bownun, Freil. Howard, Boston, Jnne 13-18, : Hdwers ft Curtis,' PiilOn, Bakersfleld,' Cal.', June 13-18; Orpheum, Hlvprslde. 20-25. Ilornnl ft Nevnrro, Sohmer Park, Montreal, Can,, Jallie 13-18; Shea's, Buffalo, N. Y., 241-23. •! BrCnnitns, The, Lawrence, Garden, Washington, D. C.. June 13-18; Klrby's Park, Baltimore, 20-23, '" '•' ' -'■'•'' Bmtdwleks. The. Recreation Park, Plltsbnrg, Pa-'i Jimp 13-25, Rrodrrtck, D. 0.,- Main Street, Peoria, Jnne is- IB. Brownie, Musical, Monnlon's Park, St. Louts, JilBo 13.-18, . ' '■■ '• Brnoka Bros., Proctor's, Newark, N. J., Jnne 13- 18; Proctor's 125th Street. N. Y. C, 20-23. Ilnibet Trio,' Governator's, Atlantic CHy, N. J„ June -Al-ia. "'" ' " ■•' " • ' Bridges, The, Guvernator'a, Atluantle Clt, N. J., Jime'. 13-iS-. ' •' ' ' r • '• ■' • • ' Bretons, Harry ft Gertrude, Klltch's aardrns, Denver, (M., June 12-18. Brittons, The, Kelth'a, N. Y. C. Jnne 13-18; Freebody Park, Newport; It. I.," 20-25. Ilraadon ft Wiley. Chutes, San Fran., Cab, Jnne 13-18. Brown, Walter G„ A Ellis Sisters, Berkesklre l'ark, Pltlslleld, Mass.. Jnae 13-18. . Brown, Jack, A Lllllon Wright, Street Ry. Park, Rye Beach, N. Y„ Jnne 1.1 : 1S. Brooks, Herbert, New York Roof, N, Y. 0., Junb 13-18. Ilurl-es. Juggling, Orphenni, Seattle, Wash., June 13-18., Sophie, Farm, Toledo, ()., Jnne 13-18. Burns, Horry, Concoidla Harden. Peru, rn., June 12-18 1 Washington Park, Michigan City, Ind., 18.-20. Burton ft Brooks, Keith's, Boston. June 13-18; Celoron Park, Jamestown, N. Y., 20-23. RiihIi ft Gordon, Robinson Park, Ft. Wayne, kid., June 12-18; Cellar Point, Sandusky, 20-25. Riirklmrdr, Cbas., Chester Park, Cincinnati; June 1218. Burcli. Air. ft Mrs. Jack, Mannlon's Park, Ht. Loots, June 12-18; Cheater Park, Cincinnati, 10-25. nurdctte. Madeline, Casino. Roanoke, Va., June Hl-18; Casino. Danville. 20-25. Itiiilnlk, 8. F„ Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis., June 13- 18. Burdock Sisters, Riverside Park, Montreal, Can., June 13-18. Burton ft Burton, South Shore Park, Michigan City. Ind;, June 1318. Il.vrn.i ft West. Keith's New, Phlla., Juue 13-18. Carlos' Dogs, Circle, N. Y. (.'., June 18-18. Carlln A Otlo, ('. O. II., Chicago. June 13-18. Carter, Mr. ft Mrs., O. 0. IT.. Butte. .Mon.. June 10-25. Cams. Emma, Paradise Roof, N, Y. C, June 13-18. Cuffery ft Grant, Plymouth Park, Norrnuowu, PA.. June 13.18. Curtnrn Slaters, Aerial Gardens, N. X. 0., June 13-18. Ciillahnii ft Mack, Farm, Toledo, O., June 1.1-18. Culilll, Win., Waldemerc Park, Erie, I'n.. June 13-18. Carrie, Mile., Olympla Park. Chattanooga, Tenn., Juno 13-25. , Carlson Bros., Doyle's. Atlantic City, N. J., June 13-18. ft tic Verne, Falrvlew Park, Dayton, it.. June 12-18; Spring Qrpve Psrk, Sprlngfleld, 10- Cnstle ft Collins, Auditorium, Ontario Beach, N. Y., June 18-18. Oaraaa ft Wlllurd. Forest Park, St. Louis, June 10-23. Carlos 4 SJlverlon, Lima Park, Coney Island, N. Y.', Jnne 13'18. " ! ■ Carter. Robt., ft Co., Lake Michigan Park, Mus- kegon, Mich., June 13-18; • ' ' ' ' '' Cnilletix, Casino. Norfolk, Va., June 13-18, Clierey ft Hates, O; O. H„ Toronto. Cart,, June 1318; Rocky Springs Park, E; Liverpool, (»., 20-2ft. • " ' , -• Cliumeroys, Tbe, Lunn Park. Coney Island, N. Y., -Iiiiii; Hl-18, v ' Chnliinm' sisters. Lu Petite, Seattle, Waal),, Jane Olindwhik Trio, Steeplechase Pier, Atlanlle Oily, N. J„ June 13-18; Orean City, 20-25. Clirlsthin, Geo., Riverside Park, Eaton, Ind., June 12-18. ClemiiMis ft Maasey, anvernator'a, AUantle City, N. J,:. June l-'t-IH. Clark, Wully, Howard, Boston, June 13-18. Clinton ft WIIMin, Olymjila Vark, CbattauooBa, 'lean., June 13*18, ' , Cllffonl, Hilly B., H. ft fl., N. Y C. June 13-18. Clifford. Geo. A., ft R„ Boston, June 13-18, Clark, Joliri F„ Atlantic Park, BbtTalo,'N. X., June 13-18. Chins ft-Monies, Gem, Seattle, Wash., Jnne IS- IS; Coeiir D'Alohe, Spokane, 20-25. ' Clark ft Floretle, Oolllqs' Garjlen, Colnmbns. O., June 13-18: Avon Park. Younastown, 20-2C. Oootier ft Robinson. 1'lnehurat Park, Worcester, Mass., June m-is. Courlland. Harry, Doyle's, AUantic City, N. S„ June 13-18. CoRhlali, Ro*e, Cleveland's, Chicago, June 13-18, Cowan, Frank, Empire, Ashtabula, O,, June 18- 18; Bijou, Hamilton, 20-25. ' v Conroy ft McDonald; Keith's New, Phlla., Jnne 13-i8. ■ Collins ft Hart, Paradise Roof, N. Y. 0., June Columbiana, Tbe, Temple, Detroit, Mlcb., Jnne Colo A Clemens, Plymouth Park, Plymouth, Pii., Juno 13-18. r— ». -. > Corliett, Jos, J., Fqreat Park, St. Louis, ^iiae 13- Colby Family,•G-rpheum, Log Angeles, Cab, June Colby ft Way, Mannlon'a Park, 8t. Ism Is, June Collins.'Moalc, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., Jnne Colton ft Harrow. Doyle's, Atlanlle City, N. J., Jupe 13-18. Cook. Hall ft Johnston, A. A s - Boston, Jnne 13- Cnllliia & Kecne, Weaat, Peoria, lib, June 13-18. Coote, Charlotte, Uenilerson's, Coney Island, N. Y., June 13-18. • ■ • • Coulter ft Starr, Keith's New, Phlla., June 13-18. Cox Family Quartet, Q. O. H., Butte, Mont., June 12,23. ' • CrlmmltiB ft Gore, Four Mile Creek Park, Erie, Pa., June 1318. Cotton's Comedy Donkeys, Point of Pines, Mass., June 13-25. Creasy * Dayne, Woolnortb, Lancaster, Pa., June 13-18. ■ Crowley ft Fowley, Howard. Boston, June 13-18. Orlinmlos A Mock, Mercer Park, Trenton, N. J.. June ' 1-1'lS. Curtla ft Blossom, G. O. H.. Bntte, Mont., June 13-18: Eultoti. Helena, 10-25. Curtis, Slay,'''Hcadersoirs, Coney Island, N. ¥., June HI-IS, Cliffy ft Melbcr. Jncnns', Peoria, III., June 13-18. Cunningham ft Coveuey, Howard. Boston, June Culleii ft Sacks, A. ft S„ Boston, Jnne 13-18, Cushiiian ft-St. t^nlre, CO: II., Chicago, June 13-18. ' - * Day. Florence, Avenue, Plltsbnrg. June 18-18. Davis ft Davis. Weast. Peoria, 111., Jnne 13-18. Daniels,' Walter, Trenton, N. J., June 13-18; Woolworlh. Lancaater, Pa.. 20-25. DavcHport. Horry, Ciiase's, Washington, D. 0., June Hi-18. I)avls_; Wm.. Thompson, Proctor's 23d Street, N.T. C, Jnne 18.18. • ' DarmiKly, Standard.- St. Louis, June 12-18. Dawson A Whlfe, Proctor's Oth Ave., N. Y. 0., June 18-18. Derendn ft Green. Salt Palace, Salt Lake CHy, u.. June 18-20. Deiella Bros., Recreation Park, Pittsburg, Pa., June 1318. IPs A D'a. Killson. Olympla, Wash., June 13-18. Ucrnj;, Knuoet, Brighton Reach. N. Y., June 13- nevliie ft Quvernator's, Atlanlle City. •'N, J., June 13-T8. ' '- *■ ■ • Hclmnte ft nnrrcll. Reservoir Psrk Casino. Rich- "mnAd. Va.,"Jnne 1318; DantlllK 20.85.' De MAIL Louise, Lima Park, Coney Inland, N. Y., • Jnne 13-18.