The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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410 THE NEW YORK GLIPPMft. June 25. Brooks, Herbert, New York Root, N. Y. C, June HHtton, Joe ft Sadie, Freobody Park, Newport, R. 1.. Jane 20-26. (.-•<•■< ••..••,-.. Brooks, Franklin A., See Brett*. Irondequolt, N. V. Tune IMS I Rronsou Turk, Painted Post, 2".-July i. •■•-.,•■■ Bryant,. Aluy, A. ft R.. Boston, late 20-26. Hresiinns, -Musical, Klrby'a Park, Baltimore, M.I., June 20-23. Bnm-tic, Frank L., Baker'*, Berlin, N, B„ Jane .-. 20:25. -i .■. fii i . Bradabaw, Laura, Lafayette. Buffalo, June 202'. Brandon ft Wiley, Cbuteii, San Fran., Cat, June 20 25. t.-:m • : .1 Brown,■ W. O.; ft Kill* Slaters, Sarin Bock, New Haven, CuuovJun* 20.25. Brown,' Jack, ft Mlllan Wright,.Creek Park, Brie, •' ,«'n;. June 20-26. Jirmlhim. Jessie, Brighton Bcscb. N, Y., June 20- •2ff.- ••.- • ' 5 Bnrion ft Burton, Trocadero, Chicago, June lit- July 2. Burkes, Juggling, Park, Olympic. Wash., June 20- " 25... I ~ I • , Burnham, .Sophie. Euclid Gardens, Cleveland. Jmie 2(1-25. Difrkd's Musical. How, Freeliody Park, Newport, R. 1., June 20-25. Rums, Harry, Washington Park. Mlshlgan City, lint., June 10-25. n *'.j Rdrton * Brooks. Celoron, Jamestown, N. Y., June 30-95j Slum's, boltum. 27-July 2. Hush A Gordon, Cedar Point, Sandusky, O.. June 10-25." Bnfia M), Wenonn Reach, Buy City, Mlcb.. June • 1MB Bnrkbart, OUus. J., Suburban June 20-25; I'ark, St. Louis, .Bnrdlck. K. I-cwK Grand. Pneldo, Col., Julie 20- ■ l!.".;lIlHW.i»ba park. Colo. Springs, 27-July 2. Hni'iipitt'. M-ul.-llnc Cnslnu, Danville, Vu., June •- 20-251 Hyait Park, Columbia,- H. -ft, 27-July 2. Hudnlck H. 1'.. Crystal, Milwaukee, June 20-25. Byrne ft West, PU'iiHurg Be.iclt, llrlilifoixirt, Oiiiu., June 20-25. - Byron- ft-.Pnater, .I.nkcvlcw Pork, Terro Haute. lad,. Jnly 20-25. Carton DofK, Pmctnr'a 1251b Street, N. Y. ft, Juno 20-25. Carlo* ft' Sllverlou, Luna I'ark, Coney Inland, N. Y., Juno 241-25. Carpenter. J. Frei1*rlalc, .Westslilo Park, Muncle, Bid,, June 10-25. • < -, Caldwell. Dave, Otsego Park, Coopcrstowvi, N. .->'.. June 20-25; Olsogu Purk, Oneouia, 27- July 2. Cuircry ft rJrant, Bflekledge O. II., Fox Chose. Pa.. June 21-25; Blullnot Park, Wilmington. 'Dei., 27-July n-n Slalom, Aerial Roof, N. Y. C, June Cornier - .00-25. • Conn, Rmnu. New York Roof, N. Y. C June 2C- >ujy 2/ . Ma '• • » ;, '•'*:/*■ i-H^l:. I'srrto, Ulli-,. Olyrnhla Pnrk. Choltnnnoja, Tenn., Jim.' 90 25; trim - Huidiult Purk, EvoiiSTllle, ' lull., 27 Julv 2. Cslir ft'Ntiuler, Driving'Park, Trenton, N. ,T., •" Jime WkKV- •• - Casnd A Dc Verne, Hprlng Orore Park, Hprlnu- lleld, <>.. June 1045,. I'ovter ft, k .ullii-rn Park, Plttaburf, June ' 20-25. i Uuttrlo ft tVillInn, Audllnrluui, Obarlvtle, N. Y . Jiine ■«,< ..... Cualallat ft Hull, Onk Riunmlt Pnrk, r.vniiHvllle, ind, .Tdne 10-25; Klectrle Park, Marlon, III., '.'il-.Jnly 2. - - • Carnno ft Wlllnrd, Korent Park, St. I.nui«, June 10-kSi - , , , ■ ' CaWcr, Mr. ft Mn«. Ourl. Kinjilre, Ananonda, Man., dune .»« 2.".; lidW-m, ll.l.-nu, i'n-.liily :'. 4'arlln ft Oiln, liuclhl ilnrdi-u, OluTclaud, «'»,. Jntio ' 27-July 2. Carroll./Johnny". Hendenon'a, C»iM?y Ialauil, N. Y„ June 20-25. i.'orlcloo, Al.-. Vtf'M. Toledo, 0-, Jun» 10-25. (larrPllft Olarkb. pnrk, I.lnm. 0.. Nm 20-25. Carver ft Pollard, lleildet-Koii'a, Cobey Inland, N. ■ 4 j y,;.J«ic_a«l>St>, Cherry ft tfalea, Itoeky Nprlnpi Park, B. I.lrer- ■ - iKHtl. •«».. Juno 20-26. '. ' . .Cliadwick Xrl», Oobau City, N. J,, .lime 20-25. CluiinpilRne maepm 0. O. II.,' Ohlcniro, Jllue 20 25 nmibiiui . MlmerH. 1'iru'lr.-, Taeoua, VVubIi., Jhui) -SV-25, ' , ■• ■ r ' Claivnt.-, '.Pent, lioylu'a, Atlantic City, N. J., June 20-26. t:i»iuilun ft (V.rlilu. HoluuiT Park, Montreal, Can., June 2025. Clnrke, AVIIfnxl ft Co., Rnmnun, (Irond lln|.ldo, :'UMlcU„ ,I uoii'JO -25. I'lnjlnii. JenkliiH ft .luaper, t.nko Caalno, HI. Jo- - -kcplt, M June 20-26. .. . Clark ft l-'lorc-ti.-, Avon Park, Youmiatowu, 0., June 20-25. Clark. John I-'., Orpbeuin, Hail I'ran., (.'«!., Juno - 28July II. . , Olaua ft Muiilea, Cx-nr D'Aleiie, Spokane, Vynah., .'Jtme 20-25; Olnennrnph, M|u>knne, 27-July 2. ClMiuonl- sl-.dci-a. Hinr, Mllwniikve, June 20-25. Cooiier ft, Kiit-trle Purk, Albany, N, Y., June «0-25. • , Onuper. Mr. ft Mr«. Jan., Keltli'H, N. Y. 0., .limn Conblnu,, Iloae, ft Co., Temple,, Detroit, MU-ii., , June ilo-^6. , Clinton ft Wllanu, CooU'a Park, KvaruivlUe, Intl.. . -.June lii-Wl. . . • tlotii-oy ft Mrliuinild, Kt-lili'H, liiednu. June 2026. Onrmluuluie AlaterK, Htiii',,Milwnukeo. .tuuo BO-UO, Cuwiiii, rriiuk, ltljoii. lUuiTllou, 0„ Jiuiu 20-23, Colwell ft lllirnniiH, Him-, Milwaukee, June 20-25. ColllnH » llnrl, poradlae Roof. N. ,Y. O., Jiuio . - <M|.S\V . • . .1' ... Cniiuolly Hlateri. 8lar, Milwaukee, June 20-25. Corrn ft Coi'ru.nilllnircr'H tlnrdeu, citloago, June rllO-KB.' ,, Conk ft llnnla, tilaeno Pnrk, Ouuperalowa, N. Y., Jnue 20,2... i t'onrliiey ft Ilium, fllffliaTiiBaaal pier. Atlantic Oily, . i N. J;, June 20-25. t.'ollina ft Viick, l-'oreot Park. Wnterbury, Conn., Jmio MpJkV •],- • • • i. - • Cale ft cle'meiu, Mlielipot Park, WllmlnRlnn, Del., Ji;no 20-25; flteeiileebBHO Pier, Athiutlc City, N. J„ SJ-Jnly 2. Cox l-onilly gnurtet, llrnadway, llulte, Mont., ■Julie.1U-25. - Cotlnn'a Cnmeily Dnnkeya, Point of Pluen, Mas-.., June 20-25; Itullwny Purk, Wuounocket, U. 1„ 27. t>>ke ft Itntlicrt, Now Moulin Rotilic, ParlH, l'r., Ju|y 1 -Auk. HI.; ft l.ukeon, Uuvemntor'a, Atlantic City, N. J.. Juhe 20-25. l'r*>.gy ft Hn.viie. Kuclld (Inrdeua, Clevolnud,' 0., June 20-26; Ouutoocook River Park,' Concord, r N. 11., 27-July 2 Ci-alit, Jtlchy \V„ Watnon'a, Bklli., June 20-25. Craw. Tlionuia, Soutlicru Park, Plttatnirff, June | 20-25,. ... ■ i .. CritlRa, The, Le.tliiRton Park; Boston. June 20 26. Curl la, slay, llendei Mini's, IViney lulaud, N. Y., ,.limo 2U-25. Curl In ft Blossom. KiIIm.ii, Helena, Muii., June • 10-23^ >. • . Iluwsoii ft White, Henderson'*, Coney Inland, N. Y., June 20-25. llUTi'miort, Rilnii, Ciinlnn, Ulelnuinid, Vn., Juue 20-25, Dandy.-Jewi, I-'iireat Park, St.. Loula, June 20-25. liiivenpnrl ft While. Ileii.leraen'M, coney lalainl. }).,iY.. June-20.26; Pleuaure Beudi, lli'ldgc- i port, Conn., 2J-Jnly 2. finireupoi-1, (liiri-r. 't'eiiudo, Del roll. June 20-25. Unrrou. Mr. ft MM, stuiirl, l.uke Qulnal|;auiond, Wireealw, Mn»*., June 20-26. IinvlB ft Walker, Soul hern Park, Plttaliurg, Juue .-20-25. . - Dntna. New York Itoof. N, Y. 0., June 20-July .10. IlanlelB, Walter, Wnolnnrth. I.iiucaalcr, Pa., Juno 20-26; PotlHlnwn, 27-Jnlv 2. Diouioilv, XUniili.n'fi I'ark, Si. l/nula, June 10-26, DNcey ft Cbnae, Ron Ton, Salt Lake City, It., tune 20-July 2. I)e Wilt, liuriu) ft TnrrMice, Wonlwortb, lAncaa- ,ter, t'n.. June 20-25. - Devcsti. Ilnhcrl. Tleiltleraiin'a, Coney lalnod, N. Y„ .lime 20-25, Deremla ft (Ini'n, Salt Palace, Hnlt Lake Clly, l'., •Juuu 20-25; New, IVrtluinl, Ore., 27-July til.- l>r Lneej-a. The, Novelty, Han I'ran., Cat., June •20 25: Chutea, San Vran,, 27-July !). De raw SlaUu-8, Piwlor'a. Newark. N. .1., June • 20•2^•. Rlcclrlc Park, Albany, N. Y„ 27-.Inly 2. D'» ft D'a, Rlailer'a. Portland. Ore., Juno 20- July t. Deinniilo ft Belle, Bye Reach Park, N. Y., .Itino 2025. Delmore ft Dnrrell. Rnekr<>e Reach, Norfolk, Vn., ' .luiie 20-23; l,,, IK'veeun ft Mhhrlt, A. ft S., It(..-iti>n, June 20 25. )e Molt, .I,milM., Luna Park, Coney lalainl, N. Y., Jiino-20-V5. Delnney ft ftntellu, nnahaiten'a Park, St. I.0I1U, Jene 1U.23. •• . • Pe Yoye. The, Duverualor'a, Atlautle City, N. J., June 20-25, Delurore. Tlie.Mlaaea, Proetot's 6lh An., N., V C„ June 20-i!61 Pnrk' Uaynnite, N. J.. y.-July 2 De Conde, Puullne, - Cryniul, MUwattkee, June 80-2S, Do Ouao. Win., Clereland'a, Chicago, June 20-25. De Aiutba. The Jack'a, Chicago, June 19-25. Dlifiu.- Bowera ft-Dlion, Muakcgon, Mlcb., June 2023. Diamond, Ralpb, Brtyrbtoa Beach, N. Y.. June 20-25. Domingo. Kenor. Lnna Pnrk, Coney Inlnnd, N. Y„ June- 20-25. •' <0 Doyle ft flroiiKor, Kldrl>1«e Park, Elriilra, N. X., Jnue. 20-25. Dooly ft Welbi, A. It S., Ronton, June 20-25. Donald ft Mowen, Avenue, PltDtbnrs, June 20-25. Drawee, Avenue, Plttnbunr, Jane 20-26. Drew, Mr.- ft Mm; ■ Sidney, Atenoe, Plttabarg, • Jnn* 20*25. ■ i ■ Duprce ft Uupree, Fenlon'e, Buffalo, June 20-25; Auditorium, Ontario Heacu. N. Y.,27-Jn1y 2. Huniinn.l. Dalay, Kellb'w, N. Y.C., June 20-25. Dnnn ft Kvelyn, A. ft S., Boaton, Jnne 20-25. Dnlin ft 1'lionliier.ii, stnr, Milwaukee. June 20-25. Durflii-lle-lrny Troui*. Oi-eon Pier, Atlantic City, ' ■ N; J.. • June- 20-25. Duiiwiirth, Pre.1. Proctor's 2nd Hlreet, N. Y. 0 , • Jinw 20-25. Karl, Violet, Aeine. Norfolk, Va., June 20 25. Karl ft Wllion, WhcelliiB Pnrk, Wheeling, W. Vn,. June 20-25; Avon Park, Youngatown, 0.. 27-July-"2. Rokert ft Bern, HlicaX DurTalo, June 20-25. KdwitnlK. Bert, ft Co,. Steepleebaae Pier, Atlantic City. X, J„ June 20-25, KdieriiuiB. The, AiHIIt/rrlnm, Winnipeg. Can.. June 20-25: Riverside Park, Winnipeg. 27-Julr' 2. -Edwi.t-lM ft I'atighn, Klecnleehoae Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., Jotte 20-tli. F.llhore uinterB,'Caalno,-Toledo, 0., June 20-25; Olcvolah<r». Clileoiru. 2V-.It(ly 2. .Kltryni, Brofike. Kennywood Park, I'lttahnrg. Juno 20-25; Lnkewlde Park.' Akron, O., 27-July 2. P.lettrl.- Cmreily Poar. Kennjwnod Turk, Pltta- bulc, Juus 10-25. lillworlha (4>, Lyceum, San Fran., Cal„ Julie 20-25. ' Klwond ft Ronton, Auditorium, Charlotte, N. Y., •''Time 85-25. Kldorado Sisters, Nornmbet-n Park, Boston, June ■20.85. H ■ ■ Klmo t Eons Sing n<ing, Pualor'a, N. Y. C, June 20-25. Klllntt A Ilarrlwn, C. n, II., fhlcnt-o, Jnne 20-25. Knudre t.'onuily Votir, II. ft 8„ N. Y.C, June ■20-25. . IJmrdre City Quartet, Keltb'e, Boston, June 20-25; Kc1.h'k']W, I'lilln., 27-July 2. I'rt. & Htnnley, Cryalal. Milwaukee, June 20-25. Ptlmnli. nliioml, Mnnnlorl'a, St. Ixiula, June 20-23. I-Weridt Trln. .Norunllvegd Pnrk. Boston. 'June 20-25. Krerett Hlldern, Monte tlarlo, Nome, Alaaka. June 2n-jnlv 2 Talk. K.leunnr, ParaiUae Roof, N. Y. 0„ June 20- B» Vodclle Ori'liexlra, ICelth'a, Boston, Jnue 20-25. Tnlanto,' l.aUenlde-I'ark, Akron, O., Juno 27- Jul) 2. , Fdvor ft Slnrlnlr. Cleveland'a, Chicago, June 20-25 I-'uidaa (2), Novelty Crnnd, Preaiio. Oil., June 20- 25 : trnl.pie, Lon Angelea, 27-.lnly 2. Far Ulster*, Chutoa, San Fran., Oil., Jnne 20- July 2. ,.-•-' Pamnin, Bud. Caalno. Toledo, 0., June 10-25. l-'eriruKun ft Reeaoii, Rock Kprluu Park, K. Llver- - puol, <>., June 20-25; Park. WheelliiK; W. Va., 27-July 2. ...-<_. Petnhuitfa-May Trio, Clrena Pariah, Madrid. spuiu, June 2(i-8(i ; Lucerne, Rwlta., July 1-U1. rnwi ft'l'OKBDiore, HolilnHon Purk, Ft. Wayne, li.'l.. Jnne 20-25; Clicater Park, Clnclunatl, 20- July 2. Ferry, 0, O. II., Bntle, Mon., June Hi July 2. I'entclle. Uarry, Kleclrle Park, Vlnoennea, Ind., June 20 25. - Fern Cuniedy Ponr. tluvernator'a, Allanllc City, N J.,. Jnue 20-25. - ,. ■•' Fbdier, Mr. ft ilra. Perkins, C. O. II., Chlcat-o. June 20-26. ■ Klnloy ft Burke, Avon Pnrk, Yotifratowu, 0., June 20 25. i PMkll, W. II., Quccu City Clnrden, Kluilra, N. Y., June 20-Jhly 1*. Jf'lalier ft Johuauii, Beacon Park, Welmter, Mpaa., June 20-20. I'Mier ft Carroll, Brighton Beach, N. Y., June 20- 25, ■ ' , . ■ Flmlean, Prof., Berliner, Slielxiygan, Wis., June -2*1-25, .... -. • .-. ,. Plnrodorn Ilonlde Sextet. Aerial dardena, N. Y. i p., June 20-26. Florn, .11- ft S„ N. Y. C, Jnne 20-25. Flood llroa., Foreat park, Hr. Louln, June 20-23. Fii\ ft Melville, Uoltl'N, London, ICug., Juno 20- •luly 2. Font, Dick, Heii'tenon'M, (luney Inland, N. Y., - Jnne -20-25.' ... Fox ft Joyce, Orpticiim, Term Haute, Iud„ June 20-26, . ■ •,. Forlter, Kehnywouil Park, Plttaburg. June 20-26. Fontille, Harry, Lnkevlew Park, ..Terra Haute, - linl., June- 20 25.' Foaler, Kil., iln'il ibig "Mike," Orpheitin, Snn l-' <'f,l., Jnue 20-26; Orpin-urn, l.oi An- gekw, 27-July o: Fimler ft Punter, OrpbeiiKi, Han Prnn., Oal., June 20 26. -. .. FiHillnellen (5), Yankton. S. p., June 20-25. Fredo ft Dare, Tenlide, Detroit, June 27-Julr 2. Frederick Itroa. • Burnt, Temple, Detroit, Jnue 20-25. • i- . • ; . Franklin, Irene. Sana Soui'l, Chicago, June 20-25. l-'llwlier, Curl, FnrHt Keller, .Milwuuki-e, Juuu 20- Fn.,.1,,. Am., itiiuu, tWlikoHb, Wla.. June 20-25; Forsl Uoiii-r. Milwaukee, 27-July 2. Friiiiecs ft Henry. Pleuuore Peach, Bridgeport, Omit.. June 20-2.5. Friiiiiinntliea ft Lew In, Temple. Detroit, June 20- -20 Fuller, Ma, Pol lea Mnrlpty. Parla, l'r., Juue 20- July III, Fuller ft How. Proclor'e 2:1.1 Street, N. . ft, June 20-25 Gardner ft Maitdem, OlMCWt Onrdena, Uovere, Milan.. June 20-25, nur»le ft Thoiiilwon, K'.dtli'H, Bnalon, June 20-25. tliiMi-li blaleiv, 1-aradiw! Itonf, N. Y. O., June 20- 26 .. . • tlarduer ft Stotldnni, Kduou, Seattle, Wank., June 20-26. ' (lnllcill'B Mniikeya, 0. O. II., Chicago, June 20-25. tlugnoitx, The, Otetitnngy Purk, Coliiiulua, o., 'JlHte 20-2.V! Wheeling. W. Vn., 20-July 2. Unrson. Marlon, I'oll'n, Hnrlford, Oinn., Juno 20-25. n (invln ft Plutt, Spring Orovo Park. Rprlngdeld, <i.. June 10-25; Reevea' I'ark, Foutorln, 27- July 2. Q*an»i lteruanl. Luna Park, Coney Inland, N. v.. June 20-25. . tlcrliue. Muyiuo. CtefelniuPB, Clik-ngo, June 20-25. Ulllcn ft tlllli'ii. Novelty lit and, Muemuienio, Dal,. June 20-26; Novelty. Stmiklon. 27-July 2. Clllett'a MiihIciiI DogH, New Y'ork Itoof, N. Y.C., June 20-25, tllrnrd A Oai'ilner, Brighton Beach, N, Y„ Juuo 20-23. Clliaon ft Nauli, Stnr. SI. Paul, Minn.. Jiluo 20-25. flllainiir ft I.a Tonr, Weoona lleucb, Buy City, Mich., June 20-25. Clc^MOna, 'The, ft Houlihan, Teinjile, Detroit, Ml.'li., Jlltte 241-25. ' flor.lmi. Cltrr, Keith's. N. Y. C. Jnne 20-25. tliirmaii ft Went. II. ft 8., N. Y. C. June 20-23, il.mlou Slatera, Wnlaun'a, Brooklyn, June 20-25. OoMmiilth ft Hopne. Kelth'a, N. Y. ft. Juuo 20-23: Kelth'a New. I'lil|u„ 27 July 2. (imtrll'.v Broa., Wenat. Peorbi, HI., June 20-25. Onnitn-ln, Biiate. Purk, Kvnnarllle, Ind., June 10-25; Olympln Park, Olinltnunnga, Tenu.. 20 July 2.' Cordon ft Ilnyea. Salt Palace, Salt Lake City. P.-. June 111-25. llolilen Hate Quintet, Dreamland. Coney Inland, •N. V.. Jnne 20-23. Cordon. Don, Alcyera' Lake, Canton, t)„ June 10-25, • ■ Ouolntnu'a, Mimical. Olympic Park, SfcKeeaiKirt. Pe.. June 2H25. Orncey ft llnrnetle, Orphcnui, San Fran., Cal„ Juue 24-25. tlrmit, Bert, Kellli'a, N. Y. C, Jnne 20-25. (linwB (6), liujie'a. Atlantic Clly, N. J., June 20-25. ... , Gray ft (Iralintu, Henderaou'H, Coney Inland, N. y., Juue 20-25; Pnator'a. N. Y. C. 27-July 2. Grnli, Frank, fnsinl, SI, Joseph, Mo., Jnue 20. 25. • • • .. flrcgory ft l.lud. Kelth'a, N, Y. ft. June 20-25. nreirmuia The. Lake CaMim. St. Joseph. Mo,, June 20-25; Delntnr (lajnleua, Oklulnuua city. Okln., 2il .lulv 2, lirnee Pruuklyn, Ternipln Pnrk, Parkeralairg. W. V«„ June 20,<25. • (illicit -ft rSrncrr. Sunn Soncl, Flilcauo. June 20-26. iluerrero, Ituanrln, New York Itonf.' N. X.C, Jluie 20-25. Ilxls The, lluv.-riiiiloi s, Atlantic Clly, N. J., June *v-t5.-' •'.:' Hatch- Broa.,- Danfllle, Vn.. June 20-25; Odmn- Ida. ». C. 27-Jnly 2. II«k>no. 'Mr., ft Mia., ft O. II., Chicago, June Danuonr Trio/Lexington Pnrk. RaMiiii, June 20-25 .-25; Kelth'a fhWJ Pblla.'. 27-July 2. ll.ivwi.Kd. ft, Coney Island, Cincinnati, Juue 10- Hathaway ft Walton. Kelth'a. N. Y. ft. June 20- llarvry, Blule, Forest Park. : Waterbury, Conn.. June 20-23. IIojuIiict. Harry. Atuletio Park, Buffalo, Jnne Hon, Annie, Foreat Park, KnruuiB City, Mo., June 10-26; CbhIiio, SL-Joeeph, 2H July 2. Dart, Willie ft KillUi. Gnvernator'a, Atlantic Cllv, N. J.. Jiine' 20-25. Hawtrey. Cbea., Brighton Beach, N. Y., June 20- M. • • • Hurts. Mimical, Cbutea, San Fran., Oil., June 20- 2 5 - ' L. Harr, Rndle, Oryatal, St. JoMpb, Mo., Jane 20- 25; Cryetal, Joplln, 27-July 2. Hartorlrt ft Kane, Weaat, Peoria, 111.. June 20-25. H«ye», Ed. ft. Coney Inland, Cincinnati, June 20- i 25. ■ Hurdle, Tom, Llnilenwnhl Park, Hamilton, 0., June 20-25. Hnrcoiirt, Win.. Bhea'a, RnrTnlo. June 20-25. Hull ft Wenlou, Cryatal, Mllwuukee. June 20-25. Hayea. Tommy, Alameda Park, Butler, Pa., June 20-25. ' • Unmlnli, Mannle, IlenderaoD'a, Coney Island, N. Y.. Jnnw 20-26. ' Marrlmn A Drew, Sprlngbrook Pnrk, So. Bern!, i Ind.. .lane 10-25, Harrington,'Dan. J., O. H., Cortland, N*. Y.. Tune - ■ 20-25 ; Koea pork. Blngliamton. 27-Jnly 2. Hall, Frank. 0. O. H., CHIcago, June 20-25. Herrmann. Adelaide, Rocky Springa Park, Lan- caster, Pa.. June 20-25. Hi-clow, Chns.. Coney Islnr.d, Cincinnati, Jnne 10- 26; rtprtne Drove Park, Rprlngllcld, O., 27- Jitly S. tleiiael ft Rnoper, Proctor'a 6th Ave., N. Y. C, June 20-25 Hearu ft u-wls. Pnrk, Alameda, Oil.. June 20-25. llerrnn, Eddie, ft Co., Orphcum, Sin Fran,, Cat.. "Jape 2o-25. Heeley ft. Meely, palace, Is.n.lcu. Eng., June 20- : July 2d. ■' HeleiiB, KillUi, Winter Carten, Berlin, tier., June ito-Jul; 30. Ue.vwoml, 4irent, Renwlck Park, Ithaca, N. V., ' .Tnrur-20-2b. Herli rta, Flying, Lima Park, Coney Inland, N. Y„ Jnne 20-2ii. Hill. Will, Luna Park, Coney Ii-laml, N. Y., June '20-25.1 lllphlnud Lasnles (8), Proctor's r.tb Ave. and 2.1.1 Street, N, Y. ft. June 20-25. Horan, >kl.tle, Blvenlde Park. Montreal, Can., Jnne 24>-25. Holmes ft Dean, Main Street. Peoria, HI., June .30-25. - Hollowny Trio. Sana Sonel. Chicago, June 20-25. Iloleomli, CnrtlH ft Webb, Lake Qnliialgamonil, Worcester, Mass.. Jane 20-20. llnldHWnrtha. The. Colllna 1 OaMen. Columbua, O., June 20-25; Oialno.-Toledo. 27-July 2. Hoffman. Lew, l-'.iuplre, Airacondii, Man., June 20- July: 2. ' :'.,'.■ Ilnlr. Dan H., Livingstone Park. Jackson, Mia*., June'20-26; Pickett Springs,, Montgomery. Ala., 27-July 2. • :. Ilowiiril ft llland, Euclid Hardens, Cleveland, June . 20-25. ■ Huhni-H ft Dcau, Star. Milwaukee. June 20-25. Howards, The. Doyle's Atlantic City, N. .1., June 20-23. Howe ft Scott, Orplieiuu, Snn 1'rnn., Col., Juue 10-Jnly 2. Hor'e Iloyal Mnrionettea, Mora Pnrk, Yonngstown, il.. June. 20-25. Uownnl Slslera, Dreniuland, Coney Island, N. Y., I Juue 20'26... •-•.,•. i . ..' Hnlden ft Florence, Keith's. N. Y. ft, Jnne 20-25. tlogan, Krnest,' Tenlple. Detroit, June 20-25, Howard ft Andernon, Creeeent Oanlens, Revere, . Man., June 20-25. . . Iloyt, Franela, A. ft 8., Boston. June 20-25. Hurleys. The. steeplechase pier. Atlantic City, N. J.. June 20-25. Buhner, Ctuin., Ryle Pnrk, Little Fnlln, N. J., June 20-26. IIueRel Bros., C. O, H., Chleogn. June 20-25. lliml i-h i'lias., ft Mndge, Washington Park, Michi- gan City, In.t., June 10-25. Hull. Win.. Idoni Park, Youugalown, O., Jnue 20- 25. Inihon;. Conn ft Corinne, Ptntor'a, N. Y. ft, June 20 25 Irvl'ig Trln, Salt Lake City, p., June 20-26; flg- ili-ii 27-July 2. Inneiw ft Rynn, Olympln Park, Chatiauooga, Tenn., - June 20-25 . > . ■ ■ ■ liniierlni Comedy Four, II. ft S., N. Y. ft, June 24)'25. .Innieo ft Davis, Palace, Salt Lake City, U„ June 20-25 jnekBiuia (5), Avenue. Plttaburg, June 20-25; C. O. H.. I'lilcayo. 27-July 2. JuiiiesoiiR, The, (iriinil, Toedo, 0., June 241-Jny 2. Ji'iinlni-s ft Renfrew, Lakcmont Park, -Altoonn, .Pa., June 20-20, , .leinilugB ft Jewell, Oryatal, Cripple Creek, Col., June 20-25; Ccywlnl, Denver. 27 Jul v 2. .Tesae, Worth ft Jckm'. lack's, CMengo, Juno 20-25. Jnhnaoii, Diiveu|xirt & Lorella, New York llonr, N. Y. 0.-. Jnne 20-25. Johnson ft Dean. Rmlnvnra, Budaiiest, Jnne 20 .'10; Alhumhrn. Paris, Fr.. Julv d-'tl. Jahnaiann. Munlcal, Palace, Sydney, N. 8. W., June 20-27. Jones -ft Prlngle, Cluitca, Snn Fran.. Oil., June 211-25. Josaellu Trio. Sohtner Park, Montreal, Can., Jnne 20-2,6. Jones ft Sutton, Poll's, Wiilerl.iiry, Coon., June 20-25. Jones. Irving. Proctor'a r.tli Ave., N. Y. ft, June 2025. Karaeyu, Mimical, Heiidernoii'a, Coney laluud, N. Y„ June 20-25. Kftane, J. Warren, Proctor'a, Newark, N, J., June 20-26. Keluy, Mr. ft Mrs. Alfred, Rock Springs Park, l.lver|Hiol, 4i.. June 20-25. Kenton. Dorothy, Oislnotl Toledo, O., June 20- 27: Oailler'H. Colunibne. 27'July 2. Keiijon ft De iinriuo. Olympic Park, Newark, N. J., Juuo 20-26. Kcunette ft I'litteraoii, Crescent Ounlena, Boston, June 20-25. . Kelly ft Graham, Onk Park, Baltimore, Mil., June 20-25. ..-. S~ Kelly, SiMiiuvr, Keith's. Boaton, June 20-25. Kennedy, Frank ft Eilwnrd, A. ft S„ Boatnn, June 20-25; Pnrk, Lowell. Muas.. 27-Julv 2. Kelt ft Rnsslk, Lak>> Mlcliiguti Park, Mnnkegau, .Mich.. June 10-26. Ki*iie, Pastor's, N. Y. ft, June 20-25. Kennedy ft Kemiedy, A. ft S., Boaton, June 20- KcReher. M. J.. Proctor's Sth Ave.. N. Y. ft, June 20-25; Proctor'a 25d Street, 27-July 2. Kherna. ft Cole, Ft. Sheridan Pnrk, Hlgbwood, III.. June 10 23. Kititnitra Jain, Luna Park, Coney Inland, N. v., June 20-2.1. Klralto, Vincent. Emiilre. Colo. Sprlugu, Col., Juno 20 25. Kingsbury*. The, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J„ June 20-23, Klrollo. 'tins. Unique, Salt Lake City, ft, Juno 27- Inly 2. Klein ft Clli'ton. Rocky S|irlnga Park, l.nucaaler, Ph.. June 20-26. Klein, (lit llroa. ft Nicholson. Merrymaking Park, Brunswick. Me., June 20-20. ,i Klnre, Kuilirln, Reeves' Park, Fimtorla, 0., June 20-23. Koler ft Seymour, Ron Ton, Salt Lake City, ft, June 20-25, Knkln, Mignonette. O. O. II., Chicago, June 20-25. Kiipiio, Siirliighunk Park, London, Can., June 20- Kinnins Trio, Athletic Park, Buffalo, N. Y., June 20-25. »'li l.uwli.r. Chns., ft Daughters, Pastur's, N. Y. ft, June 20-23. La Clair ft Wi-sf. Lyric Park, Wichita, Kan., Jnue 20-2S; Ln'c, Llitebln, Neb.. 27-July 2, Ln Tell Broa., Saratoga < Park, Potlntown, Pa., June -20-25. La Veen ft Croas, Kelili's. Boaton. Jnne 20-25. La Toy Bros.. Rninonu Park, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 20-23; Casino Park. Kalnmaano. 27-Jnly 2. I.h Nule Bros., Lima Park. Coney lslniul, N. Y„ June 20-2'i. La Booth, l,oulse, Driving Park, Trenton, N. J., - June 20-23. I.ninonts. The, New O. II., Bradford, Pa., June 2»t-23. Lalree, Main Street, Peorln, HI., June 20-26. Ln Bonl ft Ryerwm. Crystal, Denver, Col.. June 20-25. I.atlinoro ft Leigh, C. O. IL, Chicago. June 20-25. l.iitig.Uiii. Ilnrdle, Electric Park, Murlon, Bid, June 20'»5. Lavlne ft -l^ounnl, Chester Park, Cincinnati, June 2t>-25. . La Vine, Clmaron Trio. Keith's. N. Y. ft, June 2023; Keith's New-..Phils., 27-.lnty 2. I.nvanln. TvennywocJl Pnrk Plltshnrir. June 20-25. La Mont.-Chntes. Rkn Frail.. Col., June-20-25. Langnn. A. P., Wenonn Beach, Day City, Mich., Jnne in-23. I.Bcnnns. Aerial, Keunywoml I'ark, Pittsburg, June 20-25. ' rttl !• .' UM, Herbert, Reeerrolr Pnrk, Richmond, Vn.. Jnne 20-25; Casino, Norfolk. 27-Jnly 2. " Leckry Slatern, Avenue, Pittilmrg. June 20-25. Le Hoy, Marie, Junction Park, Beaver Fnlla, Pa., Jane 20-25. „ _ , Levl!t,_Joo, Auditorium, Charlotte, N. Y., June Le Hoy'ft Woodford, Proctor's 23d Street, N. Y. 0.. June 20-25. - _ ■ „ Italic, Wdle. Olympln, aialtanooga, Tenn., June 24V26; Onk Summit Park, Kvansvlire, Ind., 27- July 2 - ■• ■ ....-• Lewla ft'fjike. Lnlc Perk. Joplln, Jlo„ June 20- 25; Lyric Pnrk, Wichita. Knu., 27-.TaI,v 2. I>e. Eulah. H. ft S., N. Y. ft, June 20-2.1. Lester ft Kellett, Lexington Park, Boston, June 20-25 I*ee, 'The. Unique. Winnipeg, Man., June 20-25. I.e Page. Keith's New, Pblla.. June 20-25. Leon ft Adeline. Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., June 20-25. I,eonan! ft Leonard. West End Park, New Or- . leans, Jnne 20-Jnly 2. ."•'•. ' . « _, I^vey. Klhel. Kelth'a New, Pblla.. June 20-25. Litchfield,' Mr. ft Mrs. Nell, Mora Pnrk, Younga- town. I).. Jnue -20-25. Llbliy ft Trnyer. Luke tJontrary Park, St. Joseph, Mo.. June 20 July 2. Link, Billy. Forest Pork, St. Louis, Jnne 20-2... Lindsay's Dogs, ft Monkey*. Casino Park, Kaln- iniiaou. Mich., Jnue 20-July 2. Lf,rretl, II. M.. MUssafcenic Park, Manchester, N. H.. Jnne 20-26, Luvcne ft Hall, - Keith's, Boston, June 20-23. Lorrlmer Sinters, Lawrence Park, Wosbington, D. ft, Jnoe 20-25. Lukeua (4). Dreamland, Coney Island, N. J., June 20-25. . „ Lilixenberger, H. K., West Side Park, Muncle, Ind., June 19-25. . ■•- j Llnue i l*>nar.l, Orpbeum, Blrersble, Cal., June 20 25; KdlKOii, San Bernardino. 27-July 2. Lyndon ft Wren, Pastor's. N. Y. ft. June 20-25. Mann, Datiny, ft Co., Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J„ Jane 20-25. Masoa-Keeler Co.. Moss ft Stoll Tour, England, Jnne 20-Nov 18. Mantell's Morlonettes, Central, Seattle, Wash., Juue 20-2(1 -, Kdlsan, Olympln, 27-July 2. Macks (21, Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, N. Ik June 20-25. ' ' Madden. Marie, Lnkevlew Park, Terre Haute, Ind., June 20-25. Mnrtlnettls (:i), Kennywood Pnrk, l'lttsbnrg, June 20-23; Maxwell, J. LI., Cryatal, St. Joseph, Mo., June 20-23. Marlow, Plunkett ft Co., Avenue, Pittsburg, June 211-25;■Caalno, Toledo, 41., 2i-July 2. Mpxuz ft Mniett, Wenouu Beach, Bay City. Mich., June 10-25.' • Mui'iki, Loke Casino. St. Joseph, Mo., June 10-25. .Mathews ft Ashley, II. ft 8., N. Y. O. June 20-25. Mn lesllc Musical Four, Henderson'*, Coney Island, N. Y„ June 20-25. i ■ ' .' I Mudi-aps lit). -Krkb's New, Pblla., June 20-25; I,una Park, Coney Island, N. Y„ 27-Jnly 2. Marshall, Tbe Mystic, Barber Park, Bellows Falls, Vt., Jnne 20-25. Martin. Tom, ft Co., Johnson's, Waterloo, la., June 20-25. Mnrllnot. Sadie. Keith's, N. Y. ft. Juue 20-25. Macy ft Hall. Proctor'*, Newark, N. J., Jnne 20-25 .Martini ft Mn\ Mlllian, Avon Park, Youiigslown, "C. June 20-25. Mnrtynne, Great, Park, Sbreveport, La., June 20- July 3. Mtuiley. Morris, Falrvlew Park, Daylon, 0., June 20-25. Mnrlow ft Dunham Trio, Guveriiator'*, Atlantic City, N. J., June 20-25. Mnrsli ft Sunell-i. Proctor'a 2:1.1 Street. N. Y. C, June 20-26; Pi.slor's 6lh Ave,. 27 July 2. Murtln ft Qulgg, Aluniedn Purk, Butler, Pa., June 20-25. Marcel's Baa Reliefs, Los Angeles, Cal., June 20- . July B. ■ ■ i ■ Marcus ft Gartelle, Lakevlew Park, Terre Haute, Inil., June 20-25. Marco Twins, Sohiuer Park, Klontreal, Can., June 20-25 . .Mai.-as & Faera. Dewey, Minneapolis, Juue 20-25. Miami's Dogs ft Monkeys, Mourner Park, Mon- treal, Can.. June 20-26. Moreens (:ij. Ileiideiuou's, Coney Island, N. Y,, June 20-25. Marion ft Dean, Athletic Park, Buffalo, N. Y., June 20-25. McKldowiiey, Jennie, Coney Island, Cincinnati, ■June.20-25. MnihleiiH. Jngiillng, Miiuhnttaii Heneli, Denver, Cal., Jnne 20-July 2. McDowell, John O. ft Alice. Bauu.un Park, Grand ItnpIdH, Mich., June 10.20. McSliuiTrayn. Musical, Edison, Hoquliu, Wash., June 20-25: Orpbeum, Tncomu, 27-July 2. Mclnlyre ft Heath, Keith's New, Phils., June 20- July 2. McCarthy, Myles. A Co., East End Park, Memphis, Tenn.. June 20-25. McKIiiiioii ft Reed, I.lndenwnld Park, Hainllton. (i.. Juuo 20-26; Summer Park, Lima, 27-July 2. McDonald ft Iluntlngloii, Pantor'n, N. Y. ft, Jnue 20 25. Mclnlyre ft Bice, Cresceut Gardens, Buston, June 20-25. Mi-4'urty, John ft Nellie, Codfroy's, Grand Riiplds, Mich.. June 20-25. Mi-l'los- ft Hill. Sohmer Park, Montreal, Can., June 211-20. Mi-Keever; O. O. II.. Chicago. June 20-25. McCiiuo ft Omul, Orploiini. Portland, Ore., Jnno 20-25. McDonald ft Henry, Washington Park, Michigan Oily, Did.. June 10-25; Fort Sheridan Park, HIkIiwikhI. HI., 211. Inly 2. ■ ." Merrltt, Hal., Kelili's, N. Y. ft. June 20-25; Keith's, Boston, 27-July 2. Metr.sttt Family, New York ltoofll N. Y. ft, June •20-20. Merrills, Marvelous (5), Temple, Detroit, June 20-25. Meier ft Morn, Hippodrome, Liverpool, I'm:., June 20-25; Herein, Hnlfnnl,. 27 J uly 2. Mecosker. lues, Wenonn Bench, Bay City, Mich., Juuo 1H25; Itnniona Pnrk, Grand Itupldi, 20-July 2. Mechlin's Dogs, Chester Park, Cincinnati, June 111-25. Merrill ft Kotell, Chester Park, Cincinnati. Juue 20-25. 5'credlth Sisters, Foliee Marlgny, Paris, Fr., Jnue • 2550. Mwsenger Boys' Trio. Watson's. Bkln., June 20-25 .Melville ft Stetson, Shea's, Buffalo, Juue 20-25. Merlan'n llogn, Keith's New, Pblla., June 20-25. Mivhini's Uoge, Mouiilou's, St. IsjuIs, Juue 20-25. MUlward, Frank, A. ft »., noslou, June 2025. Mlette's Dogs, Lexlnglnii Park, Baston, June 20-25. Mldgleys, The, Jacobs', Peoria, 111,, June 20-25. Mitchells (3). Athletic Park, Buffalo. June 20-25. Millard, Bill ft Bob, Casino, Kiilaiuagoo. Mich., June 20-25. Minor ft Onlhrelh, Empire, San Fran., Cal., June 20-July 2.1. Montgomery ft Pearl, Sans soucl, Clilcago, June 20-25. Morris ft Bowen, Henderson's, Coney Ialanit, N. Y„ June 20-25. .Moon- ft Llttlelleld, Olentangy Park, Columhu;, O.. June 20-25. Mosher, ilougliiou ft Mosher, Henderson's, Coney Islnml. N. Y.. June 20-20. Monre, Ueo. W., Muiinlon's, St. Louis, Jane 20- ,25.. . . .Morris ft Morris, A. ft S„ Boston. June 27-Julv 2. Mniisou, Miuid. Acme, Norfolk. Va.. June 20-25. Morrlssey ft Rich. C. O. II., Chicago, Jane 20-25. Morris ft Porker. Olymplu Purk, Clinttnuooga, Tenn., June 20-July 2. Mooney ft Holbein, Spilngflelil Pnrk, Ro. Rend, ■ 1ml.. June 10-25. -' Mouirt Comedy Fuur, Norumbega Park, Boston, June 20-26. Murphy ft Wlllard, Beevea' Park. Foalorln, O., June 10-25. Murphy,- Mr. ft Mrs., Avon Park, Yongstowu, O., Juue 20-25. Murray. Elixnboth. Keith's. N. Y. C. Juno 20-25. Murphy ft Nichols, Keith'*. Boston. June 20-25. Murphy & Nolan, Keith's New. Phlln;, June 20-25. Mullen ft Cofelll. Wenouu Beach, Bay City, Mich., June-211-J uly 2. Murray ft Clayton, Market. Toledo. 0., Jnne 19- JJ5;-Weast, Peoria. 111.. 27-July 2. Murphy ft Andrews, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., June 20-25. '•■ • Mudgc ft Morton, Palace, Glasgow, Scot., June 20- 25; PnVllloii. Newcastle, Eng., 27-July 2. Mudge. Eru, FnfeSt Pnrk, St. Lnttls. June 20-25, Niir.inlo. I.iiiiii Park,'Ouney Island, N. Y., June 20-25. . . Niijnoo, Ibyi.i, New York Roof, June 20-25, Newton, .IKirolh'y, Casino, Toleilo. o., June 20-25. Nelson's Comlipies, Huns Soncl, Chicago, June 20- ' -26. New Y'ork Comeily Four, Point of Pines, Roslon, • -June '20-25; Crescent Gardens, Revere Bench, 27-July 2. • Nlblo ft vltlley, Nunley's Casino, Soulb Reach, N. Y.,-June 20-25, i Nichols, .sinters, Raiiionn, Grauil. Rapids, Mich., June So-25. , Nlehnls A Croix, Palace, Rostun, June 20 July 2. Novelty Comedy Four, O. II,, Cortland. N. Y;. Jnue 20-25: lloss Purk. Blnglmutton. 27-Jnly 2, Norwortb, Jack, C, 0, U., Chicago, June-20-26. Steln-Eretlo Family, Brighton Beach, N. Y, June 20-25. Nonuuu. Spring Oruve Park, Springueld, 0.. Jnoe ill-25. Nugent, Kulherine, Cleveland's, Chicago, Jane 20-25. NiMhw, Flying, Doyle's. Atlantic City, N. J., J un . 20-25. ,. .... . --. • Olson Bros., 0. 0. H., Chicago, Jnne 20-25. tjorl, Allele Purvis, Lnkemont Park, Altoonn, Pa.. June 20-25. ' Onxot,, Tbe, Hillinger's Garden, Chicago, June 20- 25. C'liourke ft Burnet to, Proctor'a 23d Street, N. Y , ft. June 20-25. (.'., ... Orloff Troupe, Cleveland'a, Chicago, Jnne 20-25. Orlons (3), Trocadero, Chicago, June 20-25. Ostrado, Guvcrnator'a, Atlautle City, N. J., Jmu 20-25. O'Brien ft West, Hanlon'a Point. Toronto, Can. June 20-26; Park, Kingston, 27-July 2. Parker's Dog Clrcds, Farm, Toledo, O., June 20- i 25. ,., Pnscoe, Win. II., H. ft S., N. Y. ft, June 20-25. Parsons Sisters, A. ft S.. Boston, June 20-25. I'aullneltl ft Plquo, Ulpppodroaw, London, Eng.. June 20-July II. . • ' I'ulfrey ft Hilton, Keith's, N. Y. ft, June 20-25. I'urkcr, Bert. Brook, (Marlon. Ind., June 20-25- Phoeulx, Columbus, ()., 27-Jnly 2. I'ellcilt-r, Dora, Keith's New, Pblla., June 2025. I'vrrr ft Klrsbner, Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo., Juue 20-25. I'eivlt, Paradise Roof, N. Y. ft. June 20-25. 1'i-lot, Fred ft Annie, Forest Park, Kaunas City. Mo., June 10-25. w ' Peters, Gertie, Lawrence Pnrk, Washington. I). ft, Juue 20-25. Perry ft Alecla, Iron Pier, Syracuse, N. Y.. June 20-25. Phillips ft L.tmlers, Proctor'a 23d Street, N. Yl ft. J mn- 20-25. I'lhard ft Oiiffy, Gnvernotor's, Atlantic Clly, N. J., June 20-25. Pierce ft Mnhseo, Proctor's Ctb Ave., N. Y. ft. June 20-25. Polk ft Kolllns, Empire, Mlddleboro, Eng., June 20-25. Poller ft Hnrtwcll, Pastor's, N. Y. ft, June 20-25. Powell Comeily Trio, A. ft S.. Boston, June 20-25. I'rovo, Moan, Co. II.. Chicago, June 20-20. Prior ft Xorris, Hloxer'n, Portland. O., June 20-25. Preston, C. L., Fnlrrlew Park, Dliyton, o„ June lfl-26. Prlnston Sisters, Casino, Richmond, Va., June 20- . 20. Prampliliis, The. Arcade, Portland, O., June 20-25. Siilnn. Masle, Acme, Norfolk, Vn., June 20-25. iimsev Hlslcrs, Khlrldge Park, Elmlrn, N. Y., June 20-25. Ituwln ft VAn Kaufman, Mnbley Pork, Rome, On., June 20-25. '■ . Radium Daucers (5), Cleveland's, Chicago, Jnne 20-25. Rado ft Bertman, Polut of Pines, Boston, June 2U-25. Rays, The, Jacobs'. Peorln, III., June 20-26. Kuyno's Bull Terriers, Oceon Pier, Atlantic Clly, N. J.. June 20-25. Rnlmund ft Vack, Godfrey's Pavilion, Grand Rap- Ids, Mich.. June 20-25. Rays (3), Crystal Park, St. Joseph, Mo., June 20-25. Raymond, Alice. Casino Park. Wheeling. W. Vs., June 20-25; Olentimgy Purk, Columbus, 0., 27- July 2. Remington. Muyme, ft her "Picks," Paradise llonr, ' N. Y. ft, Jnne 20-25. • i■ i i ' •■• i Reklnw. Dan, Oak Summit. Pnrk, Evunsvllle. In.l., June 10-25; Electric Park, Marlon, HI., 20- July 2. Reeil Birds, Keith's New, Pblla., Jnue 20-25. Renos (31. Lyceum. San Fran., Cul., Jnue 20-25. Held ft Gilbert, Suburban Park, St. Louis, Jims 20-25. ' Redforil ft Winchester. Olympln Park, McKees- port. Pa., June 20-25. Bice ft Prevost, Paradise Roof, N. Y. ft, June 20-Jiily 2. Klnnos (■(), Robinson Pork. Ft. Wayne. Ind., June 10-25; Raiiionn Park, Grand Rapids, Mich.. 27-Jnly 2. Rice ft Burr, Crescent Park, R. I., Jnne 20-25; Tulaqnega Park, Mass., 27-July 2. Bin Bros.. Inii-i national, Niagara Falls, N. Y„ Jnne 20-26. Rice ft Elmer, Gorman's, Portland, Me., June 20-25. Rlgby, Arthur, Chester Park, Cincinnati, June llt-25, Rice ft Wallers, Doyle's, Atlantic Oily, N. J., June 20-25. Rose, Fred, Proctor'* 23d St., N. Y. ft, Juue 20- 25. Rossoiv Midgets, Avenue, Plttaburg;, Pa., June 20- 25.- Itomaiil Trio, Orpbeum, San run., Cal., June 20- 20. -....- Ilo.yoe Bros.. Wimillynnu Pnrk, Camden, N. J., June 2025. Ilngem ft Lavlne, Garden, Memphis, Tenn., June 20-26. j. Roy, Leah. Pueblo. Col., June 20-25. Ui.M.liis, The, Main Street, Peorln, III., June 20- 25 llooney, Knlle, Proctor's Oth Ave.. N. Y. ft, June ■20-25. Rohiihlus (3). Crystal, Milwaukee, June 10-25. Bobbins ft Treniiinnn. Atlantic Clly, N. J., June ■BO'25. • Rose, Edylli. Bullet, Recreation Park, Pittsburg. Juno 2025; ltnmonii, annul Rapids, Mich., 27- July 2. RnherlB (-1), Victory, San Jose, Cal., June 20-25; Empire. Sail Fran., 27-July 0. Ross -ft Bernard. Casino. Midland Reach, N. Y.. -Jnue 20-25. Russell ft Buckley. Ccloron Park, Jamestown, N. ' Y., Jnne 20-25. RiiHsell ft Duiibnr. Vaudeville. Ogden, II., June 20-25; Cryatal. Park City. 27-July 2. Russell, riill A Carrie, tllcndalc Park. Nashville. T'l'iiu., June 20-July 2. Russell. Dorotliy, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., June 20-25. Sato, o. K„ Casino De Porta. Paris. Fr., June 20-.10: Tower, Blackpool, Eng,, July 4-31. Sniulor Trio, Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ June 20- 25. Snutoro ft Marlow, Ojslno, Nashville, Tenn., July 20-25. Sanderann's Mnrlnricttes, Godfrey's, Grand Rap- ids, June 20-26. Bnbel. Josephine, Amhossaileur, Paris, Fr., Juue Scott, Cnrrle, Wenona Beach, Bay Clly, Mleli., June 10-25. Scott ft Wilson. Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., June 20-25. . Seymour ft Ditpree, Alhnmbrn, Paris, Fr., Jnne 21. Julv 31. Reeback. Horry, Toleiln. O., June 10-26. Sherman ft Fuller, Central Park, Allentown, Po., June 20-25. Sheldon,'Viola, Athletic Pork, rtnlTttlo, June 20- Sherry, J. W„ Pastor's. N. Y. ft, June 20-25. Shaw. Mr. ft Mrs. Larry, Olcott Beach, Dunkirk, N. Y„ June 20-25. Shannon ft Dixon, Casino Park., Midi., June 20-35; Godrmy's. Crnnd Rnnlds, 20-July 2. Slicwly's ShndowRrnphs, Idora Park, Youngslowu, O.. June 20-25. ... i • • Sieger Sisters, Avenue. Pltlsbnrg. June 20-2T1. Sister ft Finch, Monarch, Lowton, O. T., June 20-July 4. Smcdlov Sketch Club. Mnunlon'a, St, Louis. June 20-25. Smith ft Baker. Mountain View Park. Roanoke, Vo.. June-20-25; Rlectrlc Pnrk, Danville, 27- July 2. Smltli ft Arndo. Leiitp'a Park, St. Louis, June 10- 26. Snyder A Buckley. Forest Park. Kansas City. Mo„ June 20-25; Forest Pnrk. St. Louis. 27-July 2. Somers ft Wlhlo, fleueoti Park, Webster. Moss., June 20-25. ■'• • ■ Spadonl, Paul, Paradise Roof, N. Y, 0., June 20- 26. Siiessardy. Slg., I.nna Pork. Coney Islnml, N. Y., June 20.25. Spnrtn. Margaret, Forst Keller, Milwaukee, Jnne 20-20. • Splssell Bros., Suburban, St. Lnnls. Jnne 20-25; Robinson Pork. Ft. Wayne. Ind., 20-July 2. Slnpietnii ft Chnney, Empire, Ashtnbula Harbor, O.. June 20-25. Strealor lioiiaves, Recreation Park, Pltlnhurg, June - 20-25. Stleklley. Iloht. Jr., I.nna Pnrk, Coney Island. N. Y.. Jnne 20-25. ■' •• Stanleys. The, Lawrence Park, Washington, D. "-, June 20-25. Stewart 'ft Murphy, Standard. Honslon, Tex., June 20-Jnly 2. Stanley ft Brockman, Paalor's, N. Y. ft, June 20-25. ,,... .. Stllk. Herman, Pleasure Beach, Bridgeport, Conn., Jnne 20-25. • • • • Rlimrts. Musical, Lake Park, Canton, O.. June 20-25. . ... ' Stewart ft Fltiglbbona, Wenona Beach, Bay City, Mich., June tO-26.- ' , n-. a -'■ I '-■ Stanley ft Le Roy. Acme, Cleveland, June 20-20. Stepetls, Edwin, Avenue, Plttaburf, Jane 20 2j.