The New York Clipper (June 1904)

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tfUNE 25. THE ISTEW YORK CUPPER. 411 Kt. Ongo Bros., Proctor's, Newark, N. J., June 20'jn. ...•"„. • Summers, Frank. Ouvernator'a, Atlantic City, N. J., June 20-25. St. John 4 t« Fcvre, Alameda Fark, Butler, Pa.. ' June 20-25. ' ■- KuIIItm,ii. Joe J., BamoiM, Grant] Baplda, June 20-lS. 2 til KitrnRell t Ilex-all, Slur, Milwaukee, Jnne jn-25. Huhere, F.ntllle, Caalnn, Toledo, ()., Juno 2025. Mutton, Lurry, Salt take City, U., June 30-25. Swlckant. Mr. & -Mrs., Grand, Halifax, Kng., June 20-25: Oxford. MlikHeapa, HT-July 2, Kwor & Weslbrook, -Novelty, Denver, Col., June 20-25; Pueblo, 2T-July 2. >•'■ Sylvester, Great, Cltntes, Han Fran., Cnl., Jnne 20-25. ' Syuiotiils, Lottie West, Llndeiiwuld 1'ark, Ilnnill- tnn, 0., Juno 20-25, Kami. Zuicarllle, 27-July 2 . .,.,... Sylvester, Nellie, Watson's, Bkln.. June 20-25. , Sylvan & O'Neal, Qlondale Tark, Nashville, Tcnn., June 20-25. Talbot fc lingers, Sarin Bock, New Haven, Conn., Juno 20-25. TnrTnr.T'a Dogs, F.uclld Gardeas, Cleveland, June 20-25. Tannkns. The, Bendcnien'B, Coney Island, N, Y., Juno Z0-1KI. ,- i - ■ ; Tnrlton & Tnrlton, Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo., June 20-25. Tiischen, Tonnrls, Forst Keller, Milwaukee, June 2H-25. Tascott, Now York Roof. N. Y. «., June 20-25. TWIiow'h Cats, Paradise Roof, N. Y. C, Juno 20- 23. Tcninlclon, Clarice, Bellevuc 1'ark, Toledo, 0„ JtSS 211-25. TcanrknmmSi Dreamland, Coney lalnnd, N. Y., .Juno 20-25. " " Tliornc, *lf. & Mrs. Hurry, Young's, Atlantic Oily, N. J-, Julie 27-July 2. TlioniHK, Hilda, ft Lou Hull, Athletic Park, Buf- falo. June 20-25. Thompson & Serlda, Dewey, Ullca, N. Y., June 20-25. Tleo & Jerome, Temple. Detroit, Juno 20-25. TlpnVll *' Kllment, Unique, llnkeraneld. Oal., Jail* 20-25: Unlftiio, Ilnnford. 27-July X. Tompkins, William, Monte Snno Casino, Augusta. Gu.. June 20-25; Thuudcrball Turk Casino, Siivniiiiuli, 27-July 2. _-...„ Toleilo & I'rlce. -Heniloraou a, Coney Inland, -N. Y„ June 20-25. Topsy 'J'urvy Trio. Lake Quluslgumond, Worccs- ter, 51nt»., June 20-25. Troubadours. Dixie. Houlliern Fark, Pittsburg, Juno 20-25. Troubadour Four, Oakfnrd Fork, (ircrnahiirg, Fa., June 20-23. Tralnor fc Button, American Pavilion, So. Bend, Iml„ June 20-25. Trnsk & Murray, Urpliettm, I'nrtland. Ore., June 20 25: BIJnu, Portlanil, 27-.luly 2. Tsttdit, Lakemunt Fark, Altmnu; Pa.. June 20-25. IlMhern, The. Avon Park, Youngstotvu, O., June Unique Trio. Lawrence Gardens. WuBblnglon, D. O., Juno 20-23, __ ■ Van Broil.. Junction Fark, Beaver Kalla, Pu., June 20-25.' Van Downs, Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., June 20-25. 1 Van I r & Mullicws, Casino, Rlcbnwnd, Va., Vuswir Oiris" («). Obcatcr Park, Cincinnati, Juno Vitrtlitiiiiiu, Unique. Ullllngiiam, ML Juno 20- 25; Klcetrle, Vancouver. B. C, 27-July 2. Vanoa. Tlie Ktee|ileclia«e Pier, Allautlc City, N. J., Vahnnro* & ilorton. llerkshlrr Park, Flllsflcld, Mass., June 20-23; Mavln Rock, New Haven, Coun.. «7-July 2. Van Atikcn & Vanncwoii, Keltb'a New, Pblla., Vance, Clarice, rroctor'a 23d Street, N. Y. C, June 20-25. Veilmani, The, Cascade Pnrk, Oakland, Mc„ June Vernon ft Kenueily, Lyric, Portland, Ore., June 20- 25 Verniers, Tlie, Clrand, Newport. H. I.. June 20-25. Vine ft Viola, Coney Inland, Cincinnati, O., June 20-25. Vlrna ft Larn, Casino, llergeii Peach, N. Y., Juno Vltiellli, Luna Park, Coney Inland, N. Y., June Ward? Uhna. B-, Itecfcs' Park, Kostorln, 0„ Juno 111-25. Watcrtiuty Broa. ft Tenny, Korest Park, Ht. Louis, Warden * (llntllsli. Star. Milwaukee. June 20-25. Ward. Ill Tom, Illvcrsldo Park, Montreal, Can., June 20.lnl.v 2. j . . -. __. „ . Wall. J. Turner, Clneocrupb. Spokane. Wash., June 20 25; Ooettr D'Alette, Hiaikane, 27-July 2. Waller ft Maglll. Hlrniliighani, Ala., Juno 20-25; Atlanta, Ga.Y 27-July 2. WnlUIOKer, Hertlia, Kucllil Gardens, Cleveland, Waliliour i Krcmcr, Oaslno, Rlcbmond, Va., June VtMl Ln Mnr, Cnalno, Kuaton, Fa., Juno 20- WnW. At.. Panwlla* Roof. N. Y. 0., June 20-25. WuIhIi. Frank ft Mntlle. Lake «ulnalgainuiul, ttur- eealcr, Mna'H., Juno 20 25. ._„..,. Wnlilorf ft Menilea. Sliea'a. BiifTnln. June 20^25. Wnltonn. i.llllim, Riiniouo, Ornnd Rapida, Mlcb., -Muiie 20-25. ' Warren ft Bliuichnid, Suburban Pnrk, St. Loula, Juue 20-23. _ Wutera, .laa. R.. Crystal Park, Clieyeune. Wyn June 20-23; Kleetrlc, Vliicennea, Intl.. 27-July 2. Walker, Hon, A. & 8., Boalon, June 20-25. Weatnn Slstera, Pnalor'a. N. Y. «!., Jnne 20-25. WoKton ft. lloiiBloy. Lakcvlew Pnrk, Torre Ilnule, ■•Ml.. June 20-25. ' ' Wclcb. John J.. Lyceum. Ogilen, 1 ., June 20-25. WeKlcu, Agouat & Co., Orplieum, Hull Frnu.. Cnl., Juno 20-23. ■ '- Welttoll, Jna., Oakford, Fa., Juno 20-25. Weaton, Wiiltcra & W««ton, Wcnoun Beach, Bay City, Midi., June 10-25. ' Weat, John A., Cunlno, St. Joacpb, Mo., June 20- 25, WeBtoira CI), Proctor's 23J Street, N. Y. C, Weat ft" Lew'la. Guvcrnntor's, Atlnntlo City, N. J.. Jnne 20-25. Wrick, Ben,, Pruclor'a, Newark, N. J„ June 20- 20. Weat ft Van Slcklen, Oceun Pier, Allnnllc City, N. J.. June 20-25. ' Wlinnmlnodie Comedy Four, Heuderaon'a, Coney lalaud. N. Y.. Juno 20-25. ■ While, Hnllle, Chutca. Sun Fran., Oal., June 20. Wbl'icly ft Belle, Watnon'a, Bkln., June 20-25. WIIH ft Cnlllna, Doylo'a. Alluntlc Oily, N. J., 'mio 20-25. ... „ , Wllllnma ft Slater, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., Juno 20-25. Wiley, Hamilton, Athletic Park, New Orleans. Jrtuo 20-July 2. _• ' • ._ mm ' Wllaon & Ilelolac, Keltb'a, N. Y. 0.. June 20-25. Wlmlom, Wm., Godfroy'a, Urand Raplila, Mlcb., Juno 20-25. . ___. _ Wllllnma & Melburn, Palrrlew Park, Dayton, 0., .Tune 20-25. Wllllnma & Gordon, BIJou, Marinette, Wis., June 20-25. Wllaons, Tlie, JiicoIm", Peoria. III., June 20-25. Wlllnrd, Great. Stag. Farkcraburg. W. Va., Juue 27-July 2. Winner. Carrie, Illlllnger'a Garden, Chicago, June 2C-25. ' Wilson ft BrookM, 8ca Brecte Pavilion, Irondc. nuolt. N. Y„ June 20-25. ' „ . Woiilrtte, Katelle ft Co.. Paator'a, N. Y. C. June 20 26., _ Woodward, V. P., Street Ry. Park, Rye, N. Y„ .lime 20-25. Wood, Milt ft Mnude. Olentnngy Pnrk. Columbus, O., June 20-25; Form, Toledo, 27-July 2. Wood ft Berry, Guvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J„ June 20-26, .... Woinnit'a Horeea and Dogs. Rob's Oaaino, North Beacb, N. Y., June 20-25. ' ■ Woodwnrd, Geo. ft May, So. Bend, Ind.. Jnne 20- 23. WrlUit. Mr. ft Mra. John B., Broadway, Los An- geles, Cnl., June 20-25. Wylpy ft Wylaon, Athletic Park, New Orleans, June If) July 2. Ynekler & Bunnell, Point of Pines, Boalon, June 20-25. Yarrlek. Joseph, and tils Magic Kettle, Proctor'a 2Jtil Street, N. Y. C, Juno 20-25. Yankee Oonmly Four, Ocean View Caalno. Nor- folk, Va., June 20-25; Reservoir Park, Rich- mond. 27-July 3. Yenccr Tmnno, Dreamland, Coney Island, N. .1., Jnne 20-23. Young, Hatty,' Coney Island, Cincinnati, June 20- Young, Ollle, ft Bro.. Ingeraoll Park, Dea Moines, la., Juno 10-23; Biihurliau Hardens, St. I.oiiIh, 20-Jnly 2. ~ \nuugii & nmoks, Olympln Pnrk. rhntlmionits. Tenu.. June 20-25; tllendnle Park, Nashville, 87-.luly 2. Karnes. Tlie. I.una Park, Coney Island, N. Y., Juno 20-July 2, Znrrow Trio, Orpbeura, Ban Fran., C«l., Juue Zeltanlo, Luna Pnrk. Coney Island, N. Y„ June 20-25. Zeh ft Zarrow, Avenue. Pittsburg. June 10-25; Farm, Toledo. O.,' 20 .Inly 2. Zlmmer, John, Brighton Beach, N. V„ June 20- 85. 4 Zlaka ft King, Summer Park, Sandusky, 0., June '27-July 2. ' '• Zoellcm (2). Doyle's. Atlantic City. N. .t„ Jnne fO-25; StcepleditHe Pier, Atlantic (illy, 27- ulv 2. Zimmerman. Willie. Paradise Roof. Jl. Y. O., 31ISSOI Hi. - St. loula.—As though the wcntlicr were trying to ntono for Its shortcomings of the Spring-, the past week was beyond criticism la Its even temperature nnd absence of rain, ln consequence the attendance at the fair nnd at all amusement enterprises was very neuvy. MVom,D's Fair.— All departments of the fair are now working overtime, and the "Ivory City" resembles a beo hive, nt least In Ita more congested rrortlnns. The Pike has been one of tho most populnr of tho resorla, nnd the mile or more of street, lined on both sides with theatres nnd concessions, Is con- tinually lllled with visitors. The published detail of the first two weeks' receipts, nnder the terms of which the government received the first Instalment on its loan tn the'fair, shows that tho onc-tlilrd share of their re- ceipts paid by concessionaires to tho fair wns about one-third of the ftilr's total rccelptB. It >s cncournglng tn note that the absurd rule of the fair, requiring the Pike shows to close at eleven, has been In part abrogated. Tho show demanded the right to stay open till midnight, but tbcv compromised on 11.30. One of the best of tho Pike's attractions la Dick Crninc's Hsquimnux village. Mr. Cralno Is well known tn the pro- tension, and his wife keeps a watchful eye'on his interests at the box oBlcc. The show front Is an imitation Iceberg, very realis- tic, nnd (be life of tho Arctic people Is well shown. A. band n( tvaqulnmux dogs with their sledge Is one of (he attractions. Another good feature Is the Palais, du Costume, under the mnnugement of A. I'. Miller. This Is the ex- hibit of dress of nil ages, made by Felix, of pit lis, It Is Instructive ns well ns entertain- inc. Ilngenbeck'a show, under the mnuagc- ineiil of Frank Title, continues to bold its populnrlty. Ry llio way, the sixtieth blrthdny of Carl llngenbeik waa celebrated last week by it dinner given to bun at the Irish village, after tho show, by Lorcnts llagenbeck. Only employes of the show were Invited. Mr. Tato acted ns toitslmnsler. The Moor- ish palace, under the mnmtgcmoiit of Will S. Ileeth, Is increasing In populnrlty. Mj'lcs ,1. Murphy, miinngoi' of llnlu's Fire Fighters and of the Irish Village. Is one of the hardest workers on the Pike. The result Is that both of his nltrnclionM nrn doing well, especially the b'lrn Fighters. Kd. II. Robinson, so many years lit the riiiiiiH'ineiil business, nu.l iiKsoeluled with (Ixslon Akoun Hi the big show, "Mysteri- ous Aula," Ik rumored to lie slated for elec- tion to a leading ollicc In the publicity de- partment of concessionaires UHHOclntlon. Une of the great novelties Is the baby incu- bators, an expensive cnnccHslon 111 which ninny Infants ure being helped along In the protecting care uf ICCubttOM Fit. M, Uoy- lln Is tnnnagcr uf the company. Ouc of the most iHjpulnr attractions on (he Pike Is Fnlr .In[inn. Its theatre, bazaar, lea houses and gardens arc wonderfully attractive and Its many little waitresses mid Geisha girls arc His pels of die whole full'. Mr. McFarlnne, tho press rcpreBcnlntlvu of fair Japan, took a party of the Geisha girls In a private trol- ley cur to a pei-foi-iituiicc of "A Olrl from lllxlo," nt the Century, lust week. 'J'yrolonu Alps, probably tho most expcuslvo and cer- tainly one of 1 lie most populnr of tho coit- (ossluiiH, creation nnd the work 11C that old Hhonniuii. Iloliliulre. and the cliff dwellers of M. Mnurlco T0I1I11 nil ure doing well. The novel e.rlilblt, showing a Imltlo of warships on 11 luko of real water, is quite popular. The City of Jerusalem, 11 uianiruoth con- cession, Is one of the best things offered. It Is under the ummigemcnt uf Yv. I). Mil- ler. It has Its temples ami all of tho historic pluces of the Holy City, and Its In 1 iitilt'.iuts live mid work exactly as they did lit Iiouic. "Jim Kuy," the trnlneil horse. Is here tinder the direct miiiiiigement of A. It. lingers and is proving ns good an of- fering as nt the other exposition. George I'lingnlo bus two concessions—t'ulro nnd Con- stantinople—and both are doing exceeding- ly well. Hume of the shows, however, am Hurting It hard sledlng. Those ure more par- ticularly tho Hinuller ones, which, through. lack of capital, were greatly hurt by tlie long spell of bad weather. Ancient Homo lias not opened. Ci-:.\Ti:itt IP, Khnrt, manager).—Week of 18 was to bo Iho Inst of the engagement of "A (lli'l from Dlxlo" nl the Century. It played to good business. At the Inst moment the mini ngcincnt decided in retain tho offering. Gcno- vlovu liuy takes the leading role In pluca of Iieai il.'. llrontc. Iiki.ji.m! (jAitiiic.v (J. C. .Iiiniiopuiilo, malin- ger).—Tho spectacular production of "i^nla- litnit," has piut'L-a a hlg favorite, and has received excellent patronage since Its open- ing. As dramatic critic of one of tho big dallies here, Mr. llnyes has u large circle of Crlenda. ('u.uvFimu (0. T. Crawford, manager).— Week of II), "Qulncy Adams Suwyer" begins Us eighth week nt Crawford's. The piny is still continuing to drnw well. No report has yet been made as to closing its engagement. It Is the longest run ever made In St. I.oulB, nnd Is to the credit of Manager- Crawford. , Odkon (Geo. V. Olendorf, manager).—Kl- ralfy's "Louisiana" Is also receiving good patronage. The piceo Is magnificently ens- ilnieil, and Ita merits quickly overcame the huiKllcitp caused by tho premature opening. Wkst icnii Hkiuiith ti'Vnt Fiirnhiiiii, man- ager).—Tho fourth week of tho National 10x- travagiinxa Co. boulns at this garden Sun- day, 10. Week of 12 tho company presented "Tli ice Jolly Sports." Attendance ltere was very good, Foitusi' Taiiic HtniibANDB (Col. Hopkins, luiinugcr),—The lilghlunds saw excellent at- tendance week of 13, Miiyino Hhoekey nnd ,ltis. J. Corbel t scored a big success. Clara Hal- lerlnl also did well Id her trapeze net. The hciulllticrs for week of III are; Jess Dandy, Kva Muilge, Watcrbnty Brothers nnd Tenny. Hilly Link, Carson and Wlllnrd, and Flood Brothers. Mamnhin'm Paiik (Archie M. Cox, ninnn- get).—Attendance here week of 12 was very good. Colby and Way nnd John A. West were some of the principals who made good. Week of 10 offers a clever vaudeville bill, beaded by Smcdley Sketch Club, Weston and Bcnsley, Xtiotnl lOtbnrdo, Darmudy, Geo. W. Moore, and Median's dogs. Die new toboggan slide, that opened IS, Is still running to capacity. SirntiiinAN Tamc (II. M. lttcc, manager).— Week of 12 offered Annie Hart, the Gregsons, Cap. Bass and Frank Finney, to fair patron- ugc. Warren and Illtinchard, (.'bus. J. Ilurk- hnrdt, HplsHi'll Brothers, and Held and Gil- bert nra hooked for week of 111. Ktanhaad (Leo Itelchenluich, manager).— Week o( t- ofTered the Merry Maidens. The Topsf '1'urvy t'u. opens u week's engagement 10. Ki'Mt'RH Paiik (M. I'nmberlnln, manager). —Week of 12 l.otilae Ininbitr presented "A dnmbler's Wife." Fair nttendnnco prevailed here. IIisitMiKx's Pam;'. —A new vntidevllle bill In offered week of .III. week's nttiMidnnee wns fair, naming nl this park seems to prove lite chief inugni'l, ... Notes. —K. Carlclon Bass, "the American bullfighter," was engaged by Manager Bice to deliver a lecture la connection with a series of moving pictures of bull lights. Tie proved n good .drawing raid. ..,'. .F.lln A. : Tracy," known 011 the stage ns l-'lb-n Marr, wife of a well known advance man, waa granted a divorce In the Circuit Court here Inst week. >> ', ■ ■■ ' Kansas City.—At the Auditorium (Wood- ward & HtirgrKHi Amusement t.V, managers) Inst week II. Oily Woodwnrd put on n very el production, of "The Ortnt' Diamond tery." HiisIiicAr was'very" goa'd: In fuel, Mr, WisMlwiird felt so encouraged that he has decided to continue another.:week, mid Will put on "Divorce" this'week;. Uunso Algen, the lending lady, will take n vacation, and her place .will be tilled bv Vessle l-'nrrrll. l-'oHssT i»AnK'.(George Solllngcr. lunhuser). —Idoyfl Ttrbwn link rrttlgned the nuinnge- ment of the park and ban been succeeded by (ieorgc Scltlnger. who has been associated with Col. Hopkins for many years, l.nsi week's bill 'n Hopkins' Theatre win.headed by Mint. Mantelll, whose flue mcxzrt aoprano voice was thoroughly enjoyed. Others on the bill were: Mnrtlnettl and Crnasi, In thplr novel musical act; Xon" Matthews, singing nnd talking eomcdlcnno; Rlnekson ana Burns, cvcentrlniics; Hilly I.lnk, black fnco comedhin, nnd Jenkins, Clayton and Jasper, Ih their excellent turn. This week Iho acls will be; .lames 3. Corbet!. Clnm llellerlnl. Arthur llellerlnl. the l'elots. Snyder nnd Huckley, nnd Imogeuc Shoekley. on the Iftwn this week Prof. Ilrondlnlrk and Mile. Maud gnvo balloon ascensions and pani- • hnto leaps. This week llerr flrnnadn anil Mllo I'edora will perform on (he tight wire. Ki.Kciuiq Pabk (Snm Itenjnmllt, manager). — Iillierall and his hand still continue to ho the attractions, nnd they are still drawing large crowds. In the (leiman Vlllnge'lhc Hcls Inst ■ week were: Win. Itogcrs, Mildred flraves nnd her pickaninnies, and Wlltelte Chnrette. This week Otlllhnn and Murray play n return engagement, nnd the new cement will he Mnrtln Van llurgen, Annetto Monro, nnd the Schiller Slaters. Ci.ivrr.itiNiiH.—W. II. Clllie, drnmntle edi- tor of The Journal, left ltere last week for Omaha, where he will assume the management of Inties' Hand during the Summer.' He will resume Ills position on 77/r Journal In the Kail The employes of Forest l*ark pre- sented l.lovil Rrown with in elegant dlamniul ring Inst week Al. W. Strode has lilted up a (Jvpsy camp III Kansas City, Knit. Mr. Strode Is also outside director at. Forest Pnrk. Lewis nnd Luke, who are playing Tionvenworlh this week, spent Inst Friday here .10. I«. Churchill, of SI. Joseph, was In the city hist week. •• • i' i » M. At the Casino Theatre (K. I'. Churchill, ninn.'iger) bitslnesM continues good. HIM for week of June 111: Clayton, Jenkins nnd Jasper. Illoeksiun nnd llu,rns, John A. West, the Cregsnns, mid Morrto. CnvHfAl, Paiik (J. K, .InikKhn, raiinn- ger).— TIiIk resort Is playing iilghlly to en- pitclty. For week of III; The Three Itltys, Sitdlo Hart. .1. II. Maxwell, Perry und Klrsh- ner, Frank riroh, Tnrlloti nnd Tarllnn, mnvtng pictures. N(iTJ'..-~MnnriRor chiirelilll will hnve 11 swimming contest nt the lake July 4. Sev- rml lulled swimmers will ls> here, among them Dr. W. K. Sehmid, It. K, Cttsllgau und Amos W. Ill ley. ♦ » » row JMtHHr. ptrlmcnt of n 'Summer stork talllitg to draw woll. "Alnlnl Wilt remilln atTtyie Park for twit weeks giving performances every after- taxmiNiBi.—nualnesa' pk the Pslerstrti (lencrul llosnltal Wtrnlvrll, In progress at tllo lingers tract.'averaged iticarly, $'J.0(»n a nlltllt last week, ana Increased, returns arc looked forward to tho current week. I'rofrslonal iiltrnctlons are'working on iUlri'cnlage.. tS■ Ike Hull, forinrrl.v iidvertlalrJg mint for the Itljoii, greeted o)d filenda"hcre last week. He Is with ono of Iho shown iipis'tirlug at MtisctlU'itoiif tho hospital enrnlviil. WIHVONMIK. JlllvviiuUcc.—Tho fhnnhouser Stock Co, opened a three weeks' engagement at tho ."iildMin llteiilre June HI. The opening week was hlgltly successful. "TbcJUanoeiivres of Jano" was the offeWng. asirrea Kjtrlu MvCdrdy scored the principal success of the performuilrc. "Miss Hohlis" will tie put on 22-'J7, and "llio Prisoner of Kenda" Week ot i!8. " ' Stab Tiikatmc. —Manngcr Frank It, Trolt- mini changed burlesque- to straight Mttuleviiie week or 1:.'. mill was greatly pleased Willi the npetiliig week's nllenjdnncc. Ills hill for'week of 111 Includes: The Mil man™ Troupe, of arrobats. Caldwell and Clin pics, the Coiiolly Sisters, the Clermont Sisters, Arthur Dunn npd Minnie ..May Thoinpaon. thi Jesse Worth Trio, tho Con- stntillnn Sisters, May Holmes nnd Kiiinia IVeaii. Warden uitd Oludlsh, uuil Sunuell and llrzall, , ' (,'iiyStai, TiikatRR. —Mamtger K, II. Win- ter nffora S. V. Ilitilnlk, I'titilliio He Contle, Krb mill Sliiitley. Hall 11 l.l Weston, aud the Three ItoiialiloH for Week of W. (Curl Frlsrhcr, nuiniiger). —Prppio week of 2t» Include • *l»ry Alba. Miutiiitvt Sparl.i, Ttischcu Tounrls and Curl Frlsihcr. Ni'Tus.—Milwaukee Is lo have a new thea- tre devoted lo vaudeville. A situ has been secured and plhrs drawn for a $trii>.iHHi playhouse. Chus. K. Harris, ot New 'York; Joe Harris, of Chicago, mill Horry Harris, of litis city, are bnrk of Ilia scheme...... Itlrhnril M'tuslleld will iippvnr nt the Dnvld- uni Thealrn JO, 21 Illngllilg llros.' Khovr will give two performance* 21).,.,;. |<ronke mill Ills bund, who lttivc been playing to crowds, tiro to remain nt the Lxpn. (inr- llrn fur IvVn weeks timger. .......Munnger Tbli'lgrs will open Pnbsl Park III. "The I'lkc" bus 11 uiiiiilicr of excellent features. !.. ■♦»♦ IMItiOBAIIOi . I)pnvi»r.—At the tlrnndwny Thcnlre nnd tiurden (Peter McCourt, htnlinger), wrek of June III, "Charley's Aunt." Week of 12, 'llniiidwny Hlock Co., with. Hubert Drouct mid Kalltcrliie Only, In "Tlie Olrl 1 Left Helilnil Me.' 1 played lo packed houses. ' KMTCH Cxiiiikn (Mary Klltth-Long, ntnn- nger).—Week of '_*n, Airtella Hlugliiiin, in "The KrlBlty airs. Johnson." 1 Wcok of III, Anie'la Hlngliniii. supported by th>> Dcllows Stock Co., In "ttlympe," [Mii-kcil the theatre. The out door tiliriu lions drew the largest crowds In the history of fills popular ie- Ncwnrlt.—At I'roclor's Thejttre (J. Aus- tin Fynes, gciii'ml niniiiiger) gootl warm wenlhel*•entertainment Interests hirgn audi- ences' nightly. Dorothy Russell's singing should claim more I ban ordinary si tent Ion this week, nnd the unpen in nee of Maud Kdnn Unit nnd Carlelou Mncy, In "Lord Dnple's Finish," promises to give opportunity Tor again cnngrnliilnting these lochl "favorites, lien Welch, tho Hebrew, and tho Hnndor Trio of gymnasts, ure also featured, while St. Onge lirolhers, Mttslcnl Hells and Wllllmns und Salter coni|ilete a well selected list. W, II. Thompson's artistic ability inntte "Fur Love's Sweet Snke" u charming bit of enter- tainment hisl week. Ki.Kcriitc Pauk (ft A. Dunliip, manager). —This resort Is ngnlii In pnptilni' favor tills lemon and doubly allracllvn In that the old mill, built and operated by llalpb Henry this season, has added greatly t» Its drawing power. A big. toboggan Is nitoibrr evldent-e of growing favor, mid lite new Ferris wheel, the scenic, railway, nn ebibornto (lypsy iiimii ai)d several oilier new fcnlttrns make 11 u busy retiort. Wills Comedy Co. occupy tho thea- tre this week. Mr. llnrdy ami Mr. Hnrt are agnln connected with the luaiitigeiucnl uf Hit: pnrk. " a Atlnnlli- Clty_At Iho Oconti Pier The- aire (Harry D'F,slu, rrprcsentnllve) "The Policy Flayers'' hud good business week ot Juno 13, with a three days' local celebration us an opposing nllracLloii. 'I'llIn house will remain dark fur two weeks from "U, during which iliito exlctisivo alterations will be niudo. iVkan 1'ii:i; .Mihii- IIai.i, (ilnrry D'lOsta, rejtrcNculiillvn).—Hlg business Is dime here ul all times. Auiiuiiuced fur week of 20: Iiutlm Kcdcuy Troupe, West and Vsu Slcklen, 'I'llIfe Juggling llnrrellii, Unity Ablmtt, Al. Iliiyuo'M bull terriers, Wlllard'a Plua(urc Minstrels. Savoy Xiikatiim Huntley & Moore, mali- ngers).— (Jitittl houses continue In greet the Huntley Moore Stock Co., Ill repertory. ' Uahiuck Tiieatum (A. T. Nichols, mana- ger) .^Tuls house, formerly tliu Ii'orlcsi|un Theatre, reopened 2t» with "Paul Kovere," with Itlehard Uuhler In the title role. AmrruuiiiM PiMit (Ullcs W. Clement, manager).—Excellent patronage is being ac- corded this resort. For week of 'M: The Hurleys, licit, Kdward unit Irene Vaughn, Van Downs, Adams und While, Ilia Two Mneks, Courtonny und Dunn, lltu vltitgrnnh. Hiivi.i: 1'AVII.IUN TiiKMHi: (Frank (loltllo. manager).—The nunc big business Is done here. Hilled for week of an: Danny .Maim nnd Co., tlto Three Fivlng Kudos, the cinr- enza Four, I'uitrto Itrolliers und Mnrks, Faddy Murphy und Itlniichn Andrews, Leon und Adeline, Men sin uiul Limrcnou, Kenyoii nnd Do fjiimio, Ilnrry mid. May Howard, tho Klngsbttrys, Hire und Wallers, the Konl- lets, Thomas lliinett and May Hello, Kono and Smith. Utl ('lin ea '.e Duo, the Jean- i.eitc.i, Wills und fclllni, Lulu I'igger nnd Minna Drelier, Tl-i-eo Oi-ures (Hilly, lifenta und Mauler Franklyn tlrun-i. Hurry Court- lund tiuvKiiNAi'iiii's Tiii:atiu: (Sid Fern, niniiu- cur).—'this house Is repculinu; past successes. To npiteur week of »*0: Wotnl and Herry, IlobiiiHon nnd Trcnnmnn. Weat nnd Ixtwls, I be Frnnlt lords, Fedora Itugone, Van und Arilell, Slddon llros.. Wn>t and Ftillman, Ihn Ilurtos, Do v-v and O'Neill. Ilulrtmnn and Wo'Hlnrdln. Plnttid mid Uoffy, Cr.imer und Lnkons, Casper nnd Jone.1, the Hurls, Frank Summers, Ostrndo ami i-'crn Comedy Four, Mnrlow and Dunham Trio. . Stkbi, Pibii Casino (Jacob llothwtll, man- ager).—Crowds attended each performance, Murphy and Olbsun's Aiuerlcun Mlnutrclu ure Iho uitcaetion. Notk.— Doyle's Pavilion Theatre reopened l.'l with an excellent bill und Its annual open- ing bill and Its unntiiil opening banquet. Too bouse was jammed to 1 lie doors 11 ml nil participated lu the general enjoyment. A feature not on the evenings hill wan the presentation to Proprietor Henry of :i tine collect lou of floral pieces by the 101.11 lodge of Elk*. Frank floldle again assumed the reins of management find auspiciously in- augurated another season. » I'atfMitli,- -Alhlni nnd Ills vaudeville company shifted their Scene' of operations on Miiitiliiy, June ID, transferring from the Hljon Theatre to Kyle' Park. 'On' Saturday bight, it), the former, theatre closed) the ex sort. 2.",lllH» itasiiltig tltrinigh Hie gules "u Kuniluy, 111, to see Hurry and tlerlrudn Ure Ion "Leaping lira Clumni." ' Prof. Covctlo's lltiiui'l't llaml Is "in- nf Hie hlg successes. und Is drawing the crowds. , CavsTAi/TtiKATiiu (lit'o. Ira Adiiiits, ntsn- nger».--Week of W: Powers nnd Kreed. Ilowitrd and Cmnpoell, Powells, Adntns and Mack, the Llpitlneolls, Chita Fvaim. Week uf HI: Itiiyntoiid ami Clark, Selhert 11 ml Tulkcrl, M. Isiuls llttrdlck, Jennings 11 ml Jewell, Hie Hurrotighs, Chm Evans. Ihinl- inv's Is ginul. Manhattan Illicit (Dfjuver RwrriillMi Co.. managers).— Tills Summer resort'Will opeii the season June IS with I'lMcry's'l linlhia llAinl and Hie following vaudeville performers: Anderson it ml Wallace,' Carle- ton und Tcrrc, the great l/Pnn, Swan aud lliiuiliiird. Phil nnd Nettle IVHfrs, Almoin mi.I I ul They have nil nrnt.v of work- men I'ltiploved gelling everything lu rcttdl- 111 ss for the op. 11 lug. ♦« » " ■ HXIniOIN. I'l-orin. At the M11 In Street Thcutrii (Will Nash, niiiiuigeri linslness goitrl tin- intst tveck. No nnnoiinccinentN (or thu near ful ure. Wmut Thkatiib (C. V. UnriHon, nuiitn- gi 11. Manager Hurt son has III) cause for rouiphiliii nf Hie tuislnfMs. 'Cninlng !(• null week : Holmes and Hrnii, llnrcoiirt mid Knln, Hie llnbbllls, und Lnlrce. jAconu" 'TiirXtnh (A! F. Jai-oltH. runnnger). --Itnsliieas Is fair. Coming 'JO and week : The Three llaym tbo Mldgleys, tlto Wilsons, O. F. Itocknllnld. Ci.ti's.—Fred Stanstleld found a warm well-nine at the Main Street Tliealte I .*., oil Ills return from New Vnrk,. .."Indiana, an original nital enniedy drama. Ill four aeis by iieiu-v Fiiwimts. of I'eorln. was given Its llrst n'roductloit at Ihn Orand Opera limine Juno 1:1, with Iho following cast: Dniilel HlnsHiiin. Hurry II. 1'errlll ; Cornell- us Iltirke, A. 'J.' llltschel; Hiram lllnsstim, Joint J. finlhiglior; ThomnB Jefferson Abt, Henry J. Wehllitg: Solomon llnnklits. Alex II. Hlnclulr; Oul, trolfnx. Hurry W. While- ■ wfir 1. 1 ill llllguer , 1 uiiiino* .n-iii-inwiE nm Henry J. Wehllitg', Solomon llmiklns. Alex II. Hlnclulr; Oul, trolfnx. Hurry W. While- bill: Itev. Waller Ksmond, Wllllniti Cray; Crazy Wild Himse, II. Hrllton Dohson; Tbm Hinudhcnd. Henry II. Iladank; |letly tllua- soiti. Ulselu llnlxnpfel : Aunaliel Colfax, Cn-li hen K. firrdea ; Dentin Loon'or do Men- tlo/.n, Hlldred lluldwlti; Illosaom's harvest linuds : Annn O'HIialiglinessy, Klhel Kelt wart a, Mnvino Sinclair,' HVclytiu 1'nrler, Kunlcti Hack, Win. Gray, A. L Slnclulr, Itlchnrd llrudley. " ♦ ■> nucAis K». Worth.—At the Htnntlnrd Theatre (Frank Do Derpie, manager) Thnlmii, with her conn mngs, stunning costmues and strik- ing, hail iH-oveii a 'big 'drawing ■ oul Iho capacity'nf Iho'tlnusn bflii'g tested nightly. Mortimer and lingers presented an- other musical sketch, nnllilcd Tho Hoodoo lector," and Irene D'Arvllln glve« soiim pleuslng Imitations. Tits other nuopln week of June lit: .luck Wllllatiis, Vlrglitlii Itiin- kln. Hilly Price, Howard and Allou, Ha by Dot, Lulu Do Mar, Carl Copelund, Lulu Law- ton, arid Lottie Collftii. "Tho Coining Man" wus the stock offering. Cunw.v TttKATiit) (I'hll Kpstoln, manager). -^".Nn Pinafore," one ot Jen Powers' farces, opens the show at this house week of Ht. The olio Includes: Dodln liregory, Harry Phillips, Hrllc (lordop. Jonnlo Howard, Jen ittul Oeorgie Powers, May Lure, Klhel Jlus- mi'II, Alvln Dirshlngft/n, Eleanor Dunbitr, Frrtticls Sisters, Florence Houston. Klsln Ilus- sell. ,1ns. Thompson, Tom Fey, Ada Vnlu and Maul Harris. Ilusliicsa continues hlg. — "' ♦»» ' REDUCED HATES I'D HT. I.ODIN. Nnfk'vwiM Wit ITU SrEAn' Pavilion— Wo opened' two weeks ago at thu new baseball pnrk, West Torre Haute, Intl.. tq a Ireincnd- oli t bttirlndn, and have arranged an unlimited cngagefnent nt TelTO Hnttle, With the follow- ing foster: White Spear, Jim' Long, W. II. Long, May Long', the Four.Ln lieutics (ilnrry. Uvn, Freilnra mid Mlba), Charles Dill, Cmlly Ward, Vntle, (ha Orent; Xlonto Peters, Kthan Allen, and'Stewart Hemic' Tho company atis- tnfTtctl' a'losd In Iho recent tftorih. - '' Tho coni- pnny hud Just located here, alter eogago- tftellrs' at rtrntill find Clinton. Wblto Spear, the manngcr, states that mono occurrence of tl|0 kind wns expected, though hardly of an violent a nature, A certain Indication to clreutr men w danger to 'tbfllr raln.viis Ik n rilgtt wfrld, inch'as'brfc'vnlled alltHo proTlons <!ay, beginning nt daybreak. As soon is thn nutnitgcr observed tho IndlcntlOiia tlie top of the lent wus stripped, In order to save II, nnd the members of Hie company stood by all day. In, ense their snrvlce» should ho ret|(ilrcd. Al exactly 0.R0 p, w. It struck otlr mammoth tent, hud It takes much longer to relate tint title than It (lid lo scatter'the mluutc frag- ments of Ibe' canvas nil over West Term Hnitle and (he surrounding ccitititri.'' Tbo Women rbiTOlters. Of ihn company ruitdrt a hurry up trip to the nearest neighboring cellar, but thn tnen slots,! loyally by their Itttsts until the lust rug wan gone. We met n Hlipllar expeMeneu in 18IKI, when a. new out- lit was rtcim.ilsiicd at Now UruiiKWlck, N. J. Although suffering 11 complete, loss, Whlln Hi>riir Is not east tlorvn, nnd litin ordered a full new canvas. Directly utter the storm lie went across the river ul. Terra Ilaulo nnd secured the necessary permit lo exhibit Ihere. Tho show will lie given tlteto as soon na Iho new outfit arrives. JttMtm nrn, IttMnima writes: "The Difncliig Freda and'her company of Parisian dancers are lu their third week as the feat- ure Willi the Felice Amusement Carnival, iitid Is playing to crowded bouses nightly. The roster nl the fiiiupany ,lk its MTowu: Max inn tiiinuturg. pi'iijii'lcter iliol ntuiuiger; Ml Hiiiitbiirg.'leniler or bund ; tllle. lm Amu, con- torlloh dancer; Seitoj'ltu Delgnnln, Spanlah dautw.: Elylrn, ton dancer; Mhy Shetlun, fancy tbtneer, uuil our favinlle, Susie Lunee, who respmiiiH In encores nightly and Is danc- ing Iter wily Into fume; also our feature, 1,1 nolle Freda, In. her npct'lnculMi' 'Orliintfll ditiiroN. .lean Melville Is Hie frnlnre nf tho electric piUaee. In his transtonniillnii dnnces, we welromu Tun Clill'I'HH levety woi)k." i'mj of Hie new feittprpa nf l.ttuey ls|nud which hits' Hi-oreil It great, hit litis seuson la Hie ilidvesloii FIoikI, which sIiiihIh In a hlg amphitheatre of Its own on Surf Avenue, As a pngrunt and n' hittruwlng spcctncln Ibis exhibit Ion Is really remarkable. The rush ot the witter, carrying all. before II, Is splendidly slmnluted. This Is one of tun nmst ruullslle electric effccls. tt was Inslallctl .by lltn Uni- versal Klectrh: singe Lighting Co., of New Vln l'eiiii«rlviinlli Ititll'rtind. .Vi-i-iiiint llrnincrntlc KntliiHnl Oinvxnllun. h'lir till! lsj tie III of III oho desiring to at tend the Democratle National Convention, to ho HI- Louis, July 0. too Pennsylvania ttiillroml Company Will Hell round trip tickets tit St. IsiiiIh,. from nil slulloiis pu-fia lines, front July 2 lo C, Inclusive, good returning, leaving SI. Louis tint Inter Hum llflceii dura. Including dhfe of wile, on dale of valhlailou hy Jiilul ngent Ul HI. Lntits. at rule of nlniili; fdrr /Mr iTir! roNNd trip. Jt'or special lofor-, motion concerning niton' and time of trains, cooiult nearest ticket agent, York, who also furnished the various effects (or the "Full of Pompeii," In Dreamland. . Piiok. Ko. It. Hi ri.'MiwiN has been engaged IIS II Hperliil fen lino at the "Liigonn," otqio silo Cliiclllliatl, fur twtl weeks, Itl'gltinlllg ■Inn" lUi. lie will give two exhllilllotis daily of the "Human liontb." Tho net will lie seen at. Ilnrrlsburg, Pu., one week of Aug. S, and al Chllllrutlm, O.. week U.i ... i. J.. Maiikh Joined Ibo Jtilsiur Carnival Co.. nt AII001111, Pa., June 1,1, an lecturer. M. II. wrlies: "My. Cryitnlplex Ciirnlval Co. rot-cully closed.a noil prosper- ous season of forty weeks over the New Lug land circuit. I shall spend Ihn Hummer at 111 v i-iiiiulry plncPi Hoselanl Villa,. Sterling. Mass. The i.'rystulplni Concert Hand, Dexter W. pui'iiud, lender, will b« with thn Excel- ■lor Carnival t'u. for tba Summer. •• lltnernl Agent. O. M. Skiniiigs. Is now honking my ittul seiisiui, which opens early In September on the New Fngluml elreitll." • NuitiM Kititti i.'uui'ku'h Mmiiivinm Co., Nn. 'J. —-Wit iipeneii our Huuiuier wiason nl Heaver Falls. Fa., May 'J, and Will work the prlnel pill towns Uf Wesletit ; I'.-iiiisylviinla. Our nihtei- Inctlldim Iho ■following people: ' .1. Cooper, proprietor: Mrs. J.tCoopnr, treasurer; Fred II. Miiyns, general innungar : llert Hud win, stage nuiniiger; the Tltrtie Hlablla (Chas.. Harry und I'raaki. Fred Miivoh. black fine i.oniodluii ami dniicnr:: the Hitdseps - (Herr and OeArgls), In 11 .sketch; Prof.. William Hack's band und orchestra of feVolve. tiieii, iiiiHun-ss Is goiui, und wu play to hetwneu six und eight Ihnusuud people every- highly with our. free show. I .Nines. i-iuiH Dm Mack'h Hio Hiiow.— Tbla la our sixth week out, uuil wn hitve been doing. 11 gontl buslueits icgnrdlesM nf the ruin aud Muli water. Wn cuios. in contact with a Hiinill cyclone Titesiluy night, May HI, and when II, got Ihrmigh wo were minus our hlg top. However, wn .telegraphed In linker ft LiN-kwood, nnd had 0110 soul: on to us. If left Kansas City on Friday morning, hut ban net tin 1 bed us yet, nltlioiigh wn are living lu hunts.. Thu rosier of show up to ditto la' Hilly l>« Mack, proprlrlor.nml mnnugtri Mrs. Minnie l/o Mack, the Kcltuers (lid. uuil Pansy), Monk Flnley, Polly Kite. Illu'cko, Mor- sltull and Prof. Hurry Hlckey.i We hnve muiie only one 1 Iningo lu thn Show sine*' wa opened. The Stokers closed, and Prof, ltlekey took their itU'-e. Our inuscui, vim Da Mack, re- cently lluule Ills ileliul, 11111I iniide n hlg hit. lip In only three years old. •■•; John J. Dmhh recently rnlurnnd from South Africa on aretiiint of III health, after six mouths' engagement there Willi Texas Jack's Wild West. Tho Deer Family ure sllll with Jack's Show, unit are III good health and iliilnr good.bualnesa. ' ', Norus rnuu Itm.LiNO TiltiNbRH MnnfciNi) Show.— Chief llolllng T'lianiler visited Uiiek- Mkln Hill's Oreat wild.West Show at Jamei- 1 nwn. n. Y„ ami repiirts that the/ show gavn giniil MiiilMfnctliin In tho largo crowd thai as- iiriultluil. In spile of the heavy downpour of ruin. The performers Worked In mud lo their knees, and tho.hnraas going oft times to their thighs. The show wns n Clean tilltl good one. Thn chief met wllh many old Uinta nhow friends, cHpoeiuiiv one,.'which had placed a deed In his keening llflenn yeniMaito.' Hkiikmann, hypnotist, writes: "I bare con- ileuseil iny two antl one-half hour show to twenty tulnules, using two lady atthjselM In a scjistil Irinul awl." ... . 1 • I'iiank II, writes: "I Jumped from Sii'-iiinietilii. Cnl.. tn St. Joseph, Mo., lo Join Hut (tasklll Carnival Co., ns ihn manager of one of llialr largest nttractlonn." ,> Noxkn Kin 1 it 'run Horn ami Ivy Hukrowh^ Co.—Wa will open'In August, und will be billed as llurrowes' High Class Co.. with Ihn lost talent and Ihn bast subject* In moving pictures that money will procure, and wltb all: Hpcoliil paper. . ■ (iHonoK 11. OuxBNWoon, manager of llurd, writes; "Whlln. recently visiting Columbia, H. ('., In tho Intereat ul our show, I was en- tertained hy the comedian, Hilly Heard. Ht bis suburban home, and had a most enjoy- able tlnio/'' •■ .-< . -' ' -. Notkh KtiiiM THK llr.11. II. LEStnn Hlllll Ci.Am« MNTBirrAismiH,-—We have been play- ing Illinois for lour weeks, under ciiuvas, and tlllhuugh thn Weather has been had. wa are doing a'nice business, at popular jirlrea, The t'ompitity Includes; The Orent I ( ester, hypnotist hnd telepulhlsl,: Hob and Hadle Henley, song Illustrator*: James J. Laurie, singing and dnnclrig comedian, nnd Ln Flora, eieutrlc picture nnd flht dancer. We carry eight < nlelu 111 tanks for Ln li'lorn's act. -Tho Orent Lester, while doing his famous street drive tit. Aslitou. ■ III., Hie horses tsefnme frightened, ran nwny and dumpetl the coral mitten out am the street, After the horses were caught, Dealer llnlshed a most sensa- tional drive, we Jumped to California lo