The New York Clipper (July 1904)

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JtfLY 2. , la ords* to avoid aliUkd til i. •avelope plainly uddresaed Mil bt Please mention the date (or ben of THE CLIPPER la - whloa latter* seat tor were advertiiea. LADIES' LIST. Anber, Loalae Adimt, Clan Athlon, KIU Anderson, Flo Euchmin, Lorraine Fanlater, RhtK Brya^May.; Bertram; Helen Uatehlor, Nettie Byrne, "Elouvo Bennett, Laura Bell, Mn.:Arlh. Buckley, Mabel douc. Main? nncn, May r »rdsley,-Aile1. ..arbour. May II Bond, Louise U. Itrodblt; Mrs. J. Burt, Ada Belmont, Ethel Bell, Mra.II. W Botld, Loul« Bell, Mrs. Art. Burnet tc KdnoC. lirarbbaw L*ur.i Brldiatd. Julia BtSHTVcsta^ CrtaTstngh, Reh. Cogan Margaret Carlton Sisters Cliusen Slaters Oexe, Mrg..Rar Cooler, Una Corle, May, K. Currsn, FraucM Cfiwford, EJIth •Clyton, Alice Clrmer, Edna Cooper, nlta Crawford. Hn.E P*X_aUUd, , C«a*ell, Kittle CooiaUn, Hose Clete, Clara Crane, Lllyan BS Jejite nkM r, iMifhct, Ethel DeMOhtllle, '. . Camllls DemltW. !jeta DeLicy. Florenc peBean. Mat!u EbEkV Bella Denton, Dora K Ddnsldson Alice DeVertv Dora Blanche _«, Anny . Itbojn, Mabel pelmore, Mrs. J Day, Florence Duborla. Belle DcNevre, ,. . .. , toy Mntre Daly. A1L1 DCSoto, Etta ftertton, Lucille Elblng, Jane Ktins, Blancb Eameraldo Sisters Kltrjra, Brooke Freeman, Flor. Bcwr Kerd. Mamie Fanchonette, tnj Amy Feunel.:B*s«<' lYjrnter. Selrnn Ffaser, Pearl fpwler, Alias F*Tar', aMrg. Fleck, C. K. dray, Jacqnelyii gold, Belle Gaines, Irene Utey, Francea (lllmore, Mis* Uronrllc, Minnie floff, atayrfe 0. (irannon, lla , (Ifcnmoro. Lot 11? Htjilbert, HelchM Utimui. Mra. . tlregory. Beaalo Urant, MiJ tueogde Stadge rets. Irene 011 licit, Bcs« P. Ullmorc, <• • Mrs. Bovil Hammond, Pauline Illlton^Marths Hintey. Seiihi Ilsaiiltofti Alice eld, Lillian iinter. Grace ubhrriin,, Netl. . ouiton,. KlttU I puder Hiilers Henry, LflUlte 1 art, Msrvlne 1 crrmann. Auel 1 trscli, lloaa 1 lyward tlrace I ortnrd: May jauiMajue Hilton. .Vaild Harris. Sell. Hurlo. Kathleen Houston, Ktttlo itigerwll Finny Jennings, y Jplin. Mlna Tbeo Johflson, Flo Joiilwln. Lblu Jewel, iK-tta Johnson, Lit. F.enilo II, Lottie King., Pearl Kellogg, ,. . • Mrs. Pajirer Klngaley. JulU KW.nbari. • ■ibLe, VloU e|iton,,Dortliey lorialril, Ireue \l-mp. Alice Knapp, ■»!*. l.eWls, Alice Lbve* Mrs. F.H evee, Mrs.. It. ucelbe. Kitty _ltUc, liessle^ Lntigiloh, Bardie Upla, Mile. laVan, Flosslo Wafltt Mr ftMrs Leslie, Bertitia I^EirdT^idle Lawrence Marie {.Ofraine. Blie liealle, Florence Lusby, Bbea Lawrence, Llll, I.uDluuclle . > Marie l.und, Etta "^wl», C'liuleta -flrrarnlf, Cur. lllly, mUk .. W, Noll D. naae. Nettle . eAlllcn, Violet ;ottlmer, Jean Monroe Carrie B Morse, MlaaK.A Major Slutera : Morion, Besalu McOonuell. . HMtra Merrall, May E Manning,, lohi Eanaw W*ilt) Neiiman. Ktelya KSjeta, -. iiv SiliKW, I-ottle , {itemeier, Herni Hlciaeyer Knvna Millon, Oatrle Klcholt, Mra^ L. Keraro, Anulc Kaop, Viola Nelfton, Krither. PINell, XeU Oakley, Mrs. V. Ddlcr, Delia OJNcil. KelUo IMIln, Mr«. 'ower, Ailelald 'otter. Alice •anu«r. lllajicb 1 ell die ton. Beat. 'aimer, Daisy Pomeroy, Atitm Payne, Krieii ■ilntt. Mlnerri .lllllllps, Mails!. -jba, t»nn no, Adcllna IT, paSy ■ alfjterj ok. Ella . tufe. hbson. AUce Jkuord, May jjtlckdey Madam wlb. Beti 'Boyd ar'siti' kghef;!:!:: tabrlel. jkld ( Ibaon, ftowthl Urlcory, Beln. 1 uMler, NT V. 1 irrla, W. H. 1 CtlBcaaey, lm. 1 urlard', «" N i m.t- l. 1 libers. Ji C Hutch (tin k ■ :■•,-. Balabtldui- Hqllla.Fr.rik Huber, John B Heiron, Tom Howell k .„. ... Emerson Hoi mm, Banley Huntley. Fred Hansen, fa. Howurd, Joe Holmes, ty. J. Hugau. Oub Illasmer a ■1. b, OliTCttO Marion, T. M. Sot. lUrw- . oward, Elton HnTcy, Dr. J.F Match, A. P. Heath, C. O. llardlng, Chas. llartlel. Lorn Hawthorne A I.. Miwller Hammond, C. P H tinier, Park I enella, Joe 1 OWartls, Dine. 1 Borer, C. W. I onegger, Emll lolland. H. II. : nyi*. Kdmonil : initio Harry erbert. c. A. Wab, Gus aoben, Woi. arty, J. Jt. o**rd, Harry usaey, O. L. ocker 1 .LarDey odd, Walter — » r ' • ' —:— x - —..I. ' . . •' ■ . .t i : * -i f ■ '■■• j^ZZ one, Hurry ittey, Nell errtann. Laws. lawyer, Hay itVriV" •ntton, Paulino erbfit, Vic ansori, Har. HntiBcbe, Loals IluBHen. Hadji Hawthorn a Burt all. Jeff. dgan, Ernest tar. Flora feltdn SlBtera Seott, .CarrU M. Smith. LltSe, Boston, ft. .. JoiepbJne teymonr. Veltle tales. Mm. SteTcns, KlUy. Beymour Slaters SlaGt Mt»,;J,M Ktiiisin, Mr*,O.C Sindair,, ilwi Ta>lpr, Etb.C. l'Mgler Mrs. W TB*, MIIU Tetnplitna, Faj TrajTHell.' Wlhl Taylor, Ernie >jbu, NHl rllne, 1'diia ytnBoreo. Hutt Van*, ClitriPe VanTaisel' Cora Vknlrttl, Louise ^aaUburnyllllle Wrfisn, .A Ice Wilbur, Mntlei Welch. AIM . wallaec, ,F|o. M Ward Sisters warren, Etta M *kltou. MUUn . Frank oward, Joe [nwlrty, Chas, jme, e.-c. It, A. J. lit. B. L. kilng. Karl bwud, Joe amy, a. tt. lumw 4 Lewla Houdlnl. ,. .. Mods. 3c. Hurgreavcx, Mr Heiaon, Lloyd Inness.a Uyan lnajahlun A ii..t. Meyera Juiielli, Chna. JelRHea, Dick lifretta.' The Jones. Bim {nelson. J.- E. bbaston, -Then, "' "i, Thi taVTlaea, 8ey LeaVls a Ryan Latell Bros. ararnle, Frank allmer, Har. Leon & Ailellne attK-lon. Mar. j?kry, T. C ewls, Tom .ester, 11. U ^ireiie, tl«i. .Ind, Hur. Ink. Illlty ^onot, Via. *sfie, Vf. it. .bee,-'a Luce hmlierL Urn. fHpiarie. Alet iutuird Bros, tlfltr, W. It. loMabab, HoUl inntliob.. Julian Iconey, Jan. : lortltaer. Chas lloyn, Tbos, taas, P. w. iniiTro, Oeo, S. fcOratta Bros. Iason A Edwda linn, Gua yro, Monte Manse, at & Net Mack, Cling. J. Mack. Tom Montague Henry Jleeban, W. A. ItcCann, Chan, laaua .AMaiatte Ibnigomonr. W. U McUlnley. W. li McGalnocss A M • Wooflriir? UcOultly, Moles Mortimer. Fred jcDonnlil, Mike toliler. Roan icBaiig, Jngg. Iqciuco, . Frank ilorris. W. F. Mnltlaml. E. J. UuUar, Edmund I U8»elmnu, CM > drlan. nlllle eAlmllan, Joe lllgr. Bra- cAlnln, Jaa. . orgah. H. N. Mdrefl., Mir. S gclareh, Htnrll \ ajnard. F. orris, R. , J. Iklb «r. 1. X. r.^5. »• W ^"$1. .'Una, l. p. AeUiria A Drew Allen A Key Allfn, FT. S.. Attfell,: W«tat' Allen A DeeLle Albirii, Herbert Allen, Sea'rl Abeam, Tbe. AHMtrong, F. AUrn?. Tbe AdataB, O. F. Araoe, Wilbur All. Ambark All. Abner AWen, 3crt Arrtmore, Melr. Anderson, El.' Abostlno, 0. Alien, C...W. BenHamsdy,. A. Bomono. Simon Biits, f. b:' BroWers, -Wilt. Bern A ,,,. HimllMn Barnslead, Ed. Bird Btos. Brooks. O. m EurtoD. E. B. Barto A LarTerty Byrne A West Barrett Edmon Betga^le.. Law. Bnnda, Mr. Belford, Geo. Faroes, A. .0. Burns, 3. H 5runs A Nina arrlncton, it. Belford, . . Mr. A Mrs Burbrldge, C. I. Bell, Arthur, Bernard, Gna Birrle. Edwin Bacintauii, Cnni Brook/! ADel.ane BIptnAlrd^F.b:. Brower, Thos. ri Bennett AYoun? Bordon, Harry Berger. Fred Bollinger, Percy Bell port. .Claude finioo', Vf. H. Jnrton, Harry Brewer, Osckr Brown, Tom Bartlette A : „ Collins Birrelt. John K, Brown, G, .W. Bessey, Jack. Burna, Barry L. Biter, Totty VDCMer, Arbor Boeobkur*. Mr. Birr/ A WclfocJ Be|*, : W, QEIfrLiHMBN'S LIST. Brown, JL B, BtUee, PU1I Baker, II. R. Barlow aWltsoa Broplon, Loreu Carrol), Thos. Carroll, Gt. CoriroT, J.-.H. Carroll, Sea Claudius. !>. H. CWmi AWilson Coproy, Da»ld CbriaUe, James Chlgilrn, Arthur Corbet, John J. Cttttui ft Adanis Campbell, Doe rfark, Eddie Outran, Eddie g4»A ra0k Coiielahil Camp, Sbeppard Carney, Gns -. n.. nA Pk.. I.* Brown. W. H. Bertrand. A. V, Befger, Chat. Bince, T. Blockaom A , Bonn Brattona, Tbe Bean A Dstls , The n, To m atlierlck, B. B Pill. Jick ■run, Jobs Brtgig. Floyd Baogbmln. I. Braraal, Kagaae Bnllet. A. B. Ballanf. W. Msainoettr VI arasnao. Edw. KrryrVnint Barton, Cbas. Dublap, Willis DePontna, Jos. Duncan. J, A. Deltue! HobbT paler, W. ,K. pelmorc, John PaVere. Wm, Holy, V, t. Doll, C H. Dajur. IE. e. DeVoe, Ell Daly,. A, H. Doble, Thos- DatlM, W. H. Epler. Hbrt F.merMut stone Firimett. Frank Ely A Hartey Eedrld, Qordon ErerJiart,. w, ■ EyerHtlne, W.1I. Emmett, Chas. Elliott, W. M. ■ Kaaton. BlUr Eyeha. KM Crane, Gbu...15. Ererett, B. 'I. Culhane, Win. Edwanln, A. J. C»rio, King Carpenter Cloud Carltn A Otto Corbley. 7. F. Clark, Edwin Carroll A Clark Clark, Geo. Chapln, B. O. Collins, n. D. Cliapmau. Will (.'onion, Illllv Collins SlrBlo, Clyde, Prof. Cuufman. Guy Carroll, Bcnnlc Cofleland, S. Comstock, 1. B. Cable, 3. H. Curtla & Adnnut Colliun, Leo Ciiriienter, ,F.V Clatk A Florrette Curtis, UAL. Cnlettl, Mr. Crwiell, W. A Corilon, E. 8.,: W. J. Clark, Geo. Crook, Ed'. • Garleton ATerre Comptoni E. L Cusblng & Merrill Cannons. S Curls, The Clirk, G*o. . paTenport, Cal Dbbols, H. A. Donohue A . Vicliolla Dlmn, A. J. Dnpreo. Geo. 'rankitoi Thretj Iturenia. Dao Ihman. ike Jljimood. Norelll Deaeea. Har. Dnfter, 11111 _ DarMson. J. W, Darrow. Tote Doyle, Edw. Ddbocnne.. John blngtoo. Al. «on, .Ed... II. Dafrtase,, 8am Dlckinsob, Qpj. DeEstan*. L. M. trie, Edwin piim, Jan. E. DodMU, Ben Pairs, Tbe Donoyan, J*.. Pamhi. O. B. De Compe. Phil Delno. Bert . Drsne. Urant Derenda. Mr. Detrie A Bell Dlgon. Bow»r-< ft. t^Diton Dnw«on. Marrln tnekiiMoa r. L. EdWBfth, Sloan Flaherty, Hnvh Ferguson, Date Ftedrlkson E.W f rye, LGeo., Fowler, louts . Kuees A Newton Foo'te, Rirharn Fosto A Harsoy 1'ern A Burr} Fallan A i , . , ,. Hinwn Freeborn. 'C. B. Ferris, Dirk Feltoii... Fred jj rltggeril I Ijrhan. GScar Fields. Jno. Jr. Fine A FokIq ournler. Boy . teres AOeVlsca Ferdyre, AL Fulton. ,A^ H. l'ortuns, C.& I*, fslier, Miirt- Kubter. Frank Voxi C,. E. Hemming A Debw* I'redrlksoii. 61. Feabrrg. G. M. Flrliling. Oeo. Otelser,. W. *• Grores, Har. Grcrea. Harry Gordon, F. O. iambic'. Tbeo. Garlitid. Fred Rrahnm. Bob Gorton. Joi. Grant, On W. Godman. 11. II. Gracy, WT H. DclsB.lei:, Pblla Golden. Geo. nilmore A I^cmard Onmore. Barney Grapflwlno. Cbas Gaagalo, Frank Grant, H, H. Carmen. J. W, GrlAln. Pete (lasheldl. B.. Guy Brmc :. t Goodfrlend, i O.I, Oinellaau Manr Our Bros. Oarslde, Jaa. Giant Irtln E. Deo a r). A B»ll«r (1U1 Oro. Gemlman. Art. Gallagher, W.A. Wftord. T. H. Gardneri. Tlirie rearoba, Tbos, »Un8, Hfkry Idot & Iruru Jwles ,& Walton Jenklhi, Dayja J^ss, John B. Johns, Andy Jebkltis, Barry Johnson, J. . ■lObhspti. Al. Jnrdon A Harvey Justice, Francis Jones, H. D. Jenklna, S. E. Jcuur.j, Jally Johns.. OJeHr Kysell, Jives Koch, John Keefe, Jack Kntx, J. 8, Kearney, J. S. Kennedy; nut Kennedy. Barry Knblninu, J. J, ESFtSF Klmlull Wm. . Kanaiow.i, ¥. Border, Otto Klmbal A . .., . Donor,m Koerber Prof.A. KraUs. M. J. Kllnnert. E. Kelly, W, Klncald, J- A. Kelly A Violette Kaafm41.1i, Qt, Kelly, 3. Tv Klein. H. B. KoLllirand. F.P Lery, Abe. Ijiwrctice Ed. LeRoy. Nat l.nBlnl. Cbaa. LelMPiirlng W.C loraln, B. P. Lewbv Tom Lee. L. G. Lyncli, Great Lookbirt. Sum Lalturt, Tbe LeRoy. Bob. Lolarr. Hatrjr loRoy,,Cbns. Long, H. : C, r^w Is, Oairid I.uce, M. F... Lluilley. Harry I.ncas Bros, lelghtnn Harry l.cnore, Ernest Lawia, Nelson Larow, B. J. Lynn John <j I^inslna, b. B. LI tileJoh u, T. I' i art In 4 Qulg; yrtlo AHardcl IcOIll A dhlptnaii filler. Bar. arrcn, J. F. arlo, Ben Uton, Chas.W. orrlsy, Jan. Jadden, A. W. Icheliien, Tbor Mclutvrc A »,' ttlinrcao MultlicwM. J. K Mcfcoe. J. F. McDonald, Mike Mack, Walt. McKlnley, Char UcBnroe, Joe Tli , PouL , C F. ottoh, J. W. Oh. Joa. . _ dtth. Jack llchole. Lew ottob, Hugh cola, Ed. awn, T. J. lemeycr. Jul. .'otlou, M. H. leilon. Art. lchols. Lew 'ervmuii, liar. 'orrnhns, S lelaon. Art. \te i>. Nuuos,. RlcblM flgBbrbe, Chai. O'Neill. Franela Obrrmrtb, Lon ptF j'rlw. ,C. P. I'ulge, O. A. "'aroa, Fi 'b», J- lice. H Ketern, Preston ProTo. Errest Palmer. Hal L. P»n. Am. -. , Elect. Co Pltcblni, Vnnl Paul Oscar, . Phillips. Norul Pike, Lester Pott login A .- KU . .Forrest Plpri Then. Co. Prokop. Cbaa. Pan, Cha*. Peiirce. ')ep. pawer. H. H. Pierce A Roil/n Perry. Thos. Pheleu, B... V. Paul, Frank Puulter. j*al. Hussell. C. W. Renieu. Art. Blley W. E. Bebeu, J. H. ltednioo.Artb. BeUly. W. F. Roberts. Fred Huberts C. W. Ssa!*'i.fe lw - Rptce. C. W. itkV- The, RocUellffe. ,Herb Ubine, Wade Reod, Cbaa.. . ItecTes, G*<», Reed k Shaw Reh, John L. Ryan Block Co Klo, Otto Rogern, John it. Rtmsdell, F. Roth. J. B. Rlcardo, Dtrld Bbgern, W: F. Ronk, o. St. Badford A . ..Winchester Ryaa..J!aa J. Itecklow, ■ Rlddell, II Rciilfrow, Itehiuseb, Held A Gilbert nyao. K. J. Rosar .Trio Rowlbnd A ClIltoM Itela, fleo. Raymood A . tlaymond, Boh jleynipl, Ed. Rbflilito, (Jhgr. Balrlaton. BUI tialks, Clurlle SUb.Boy bixpsteln. V. tut. Qui iokes, J. W. Saunders, J. a. Kilolda, J. B. Bllragul, I«s Bt Clatr. Do Witt A Kendal Ully. John blriger. Lnula i eOUlke, Qua Slulgman. Chas. irirtwood, .I.J. jtatton, Artbnr Stewart. Cal. Sltiber, Fred aunn, — . Stanley, O. B. Hbean A Warren Hlull, a M. Slider, W. 0. Sdlllran. J. F. ulllran, C..8. 8*Aln A Powers "letrls, Arthur iicki. Soto ihilly, James e'ells, .Frank Bitage. Hir. melton, olllc Sslmqsrte,. J. II. Schmidt, Herr Sherwood A Foi Spencer, Clin». ftpbltord, Ctuis. HHbrlflan, Frank fiSatlnelll. Aug. Smith .-.A Starr SeaaUDi, E. 1". Hnniiow, Mas Sully, ,J. K. Slerena, E. p. SlulthH, The Stanton. Walt. f.todUard. W. D nail. Wm . omera, V.. O. ' iron A Wirreu »lor, Brtbt. SB nut, Krall OT0lj0.,T. P. trior, fl. C. eal, lliytnonrl s. Geo. fetfSrok. Labi 7 bcrt A Tenbrok linrtiaer, ,Edw. rosolo, Tbeo. I'orner, Oeo. . ITior, Miiilcnl >n Brook Trio :own Ooulp, -... . The 'enbrook. Jai. '^lor. Frank 'ahir. 8. H. 'homaon, Fred I'hor. Musical 'ulbot, Walt. 'an, Cbaa. VetVulln Chaun Vedmar,' Bert Vernon, Carl Veaur, Clyde: Van, Billy V'edmars. Tho VatterjV. K. Van, Cbaa, Vale, Trntera Voelefel ASolan Vetiioii, Vefitrll VanOdten, Bobt VariCamn, — Whlttltyt, Art. Wei, OTE. Wlekea. G. U Woplfall, Wm. WcUh.Btoa. Wlboc, J. M. War, James fib p| VaUon'. Barry* Woodward. .. . ' Geo. A May Writ. J. R. iTIIaon A WlUon Wilcox. N, S. fVllaon. Al. West. J. W. Wlllard. Geo. Wlae, V. Tl. Wrenn, W.. 0. Welch, Joe Weiley. II. O. Wetamayer, B. White, Thomas Wilcox, W. 8. Wyman, Harry White, Bert- Wo-itoti, E. H. West..,Tommy Weston. Eddie WllUanui, Nlm Wegtou. Willie wli(i«7 w. c. Webb. Arihur WolfliK. IsMOr Wcatoti. It. K. Williams. I^on Wlteon, Fred wire. Bid. Welch.. Jim Warren. W. J. Wbansdoodle. * (lc.) Yengor, Harry Yutlbg A Brooks Tester, N. J.. Young A Derole Yoant Bras. Young Bens. Youpng, DAE 2i.ra, Toby Zimmerman. W. B. stocft'Co. will tire "The Gambler a Wife and week 2T 25. ^mM Oaojorj (C A. I-oItrr, mnnamr). -"■Atftrrho, colored magician and comedian, heailH the variety bill 21 and week, cithern w*e:■ JWMIO tm .Bell.ecceirtrlo coQedbUia; the- KenerAM ; Hilly MsVkn, IrlHh roraedNiti r Hetiney and Vorblh, lb • akctch ; Violet I«tt- don, aoubrette, ana Hilly Wilson, comedian. • four hours' perforrfltnee. tl- toarether. tbe bind alone tlm a concert on MuBday. -J(l. nimlheia wa» tery larM. At- irdethihH fnr wso« «rf. L>»: John I,. Beam** and company. Itunaell anil nm-klcy, Harry Im flair, BMtildlDf,. hMd JulBber: Anna t'nld- weH, JohBsort linrl Wella, etc. For Week of WASMIKOTOIf. Bpokanl,—The Spokaho' (Dan b Wearer, yskw lb Honked for all early dale. Illy Wl I'loHNiVaVvAJtlA. I'hlUielifHi weather' •EE SOTIcb AT HEAD OF LIST. ♦ ■O n RHODE ISLAND. Provlderiee.—At the' l'rovldcure Opera House (Kellz R. WenUcltcbaefcr, mananerl a Uew play, "The- rnradera," by Edward Fuller, author of "Kettert." produced by tbe Albee Stock Co. Itit Bummer, was given Its Brit production June 20. The caaf was «» folldwa:"AtcBJbald Grevllle. Frank Andrews: Willis Fane. Harold Mordaunt: Vanrrne Ker- ton. Mr. Hickman ; aohn Strode. Mr. Haakctt; Kcrton . Dare. Mr. Obrcnj Rodne; 8fytnodr, Mr. Jenka: Rosamund Stanley, Miss Pitt; Virginia Hromfleld. Miss BeMer: Mrs. SUn- ley, Mlai Buchanan; Mrs. . Villlers. Mlaa Powers: Bllra Jeckn, Miss Yantln; Mrn. Van- tjne Kerton.-IkaboIIe EVesaon. The play had b distinctly literary flavor, but locks action. On Tuesday. 28, a benefit performance waa given for members of the company. Kami's TitEATsn * Charles Iovenberg. mnnn^er).—"Heiaunr Hhe I,»ve,d. Illm 8o" tvhm produced. 2<l, In a rrmlllayle pinnner, nnd to grxid buslnciiw. "Itomeo and Juliet," 27 tirtd week, the company's lirst essay hi the .Shakespearean Held. Btonaon Howard's "ArlMbcrtcy" la Ml!** - for nckt Week. YJurlmc Turantr. iHptta A Nathabsnn, tntn»(reTa).—'»lie Oet Karrnll Block Co. tare ••■- . i —cdnnldctlbg how hot the tuts lieen the theatres Tinve hren do- ina aniiearetleac tmslnctM. Each ttigtit a well filled touse Is In attendance, the patron* B|i[>earlibi to be In aufflclcht nuttoer to leave a .■pod aWM balDttco tin thb right side of the ledjrer- Needless to my the pafki are doing.a roihlnir Iraaineas thew Summer day*. rT«K TllaUTM- (R Q. NUon-Nlrdlltiner, manhgtrl. — "ErtUlnle" continued to meet with popular approval last week. This week, tod next the offering la "Princess Bonnie." with "The Belle of New York" acHMtiletl to follow. KtlTIl's Bijou (K. P. Lyons, resilient ntnuer).—Tho stork company la this week presenting "An American Cltltcn," while "Why.Hmlth l^ft Home" la In rehearsal for the coming week. Tho patrons turned out In goodly nnmbers lust week, and displayed the utmost appreclntlun for "Tbe Cowboy nnd the Lady.? ... Kmtii'H NbW THRArnn (H. T. Jordan, resident manaker).—Included In the pro- fratnme this Week are: Mclntyre and Heath. ony Wilson and Mile. Helolae, Empire City Ounrtet, Larlae, Clratron Trli», Melville and Stetson. Frederick Wellier, Itnl Mcrrltt, Daly and Devere, Hathaway and Walton, Daisy Ddmont. Three Barrett*, Robert Heath, lies- nan and Miller. .. ■■ . Lfcguu TitrATir. f John O. JerrhoTj. tntn- nger).—Tbe London Ualcty Girls enjoyeil profitable patronage last-week, and they arc auccecded this week by the Baltimore Belles. Next week brings the Sew York GIris Bur- lesduers. ■ Wli.i.ow GbovE PanK (Management I'HIla- delphla Rapid Transit Co.) —The United States Naval Academy Baud Is now furnish- ing the concert! at this park, having succeed- ed Victor Herbert, who enjoyed the utmost popularity. WOOOBIOB Park (Woodalde Park Amuse- ment Co., managers).-The attractions re- main, unchanged at this resort except that a free bljon vaudeville circus Is added. P'Aquln's Military Band, still retains Its popularity. . , CBEBt.sLT Hitx Park (H. P. Aocby, rnan- aueri.—Juliana Royal Guards Band met with a hearty reception from tbe patrons Inst week and continues to occupy the band stand. Washington' Pahk (Won, J. Thompson. manager).—The .Romun Imperial Band and all the other offerlbgs at this park are con- tinued unchanged.. ■ • • ■ NMes.— Helen Jracy has been engaged by 3. Frfd Zlnimerman Jr. for the part of Queen Elltabeth, in "Dorothy Vernon, or fladdoh Hall." In aa effort to enforce the old "blue laws," the mator and the police de- partment have caused the arrest and fining of a number of the amusement purveyors at Woodalde Park. It Is understood that those arrested will carry, the .nutation through the cOUrti and thoroughly test their rights. g nfttabat*.—The: recent ahnouii made- that the Avenue and mjou T). would remain open throughout the, mL-h, has'beeh lUbDlefhemeii by one to thb. efftct that both homes would close the season .with the performances .of Saturday night. July, 12. The BIJou •will reopen BatdrtHy evehifig, .Idly ao, for the next regular aeaaon. The Avenue Will not resume operations ntotlj later. The deck Is tMus cleartd .of Indoor uuiiigementa for the preHcnt, and leaves the park resorts in Jail poisesslon of.tha Held... BjJou 1'HKiTRK (H U. (lullclc tnanagor). —'^rte Bp*«y, After Dark" opened a week's engagement Monday matinee, 27. Terty. Mc- tiovem appears,in the role of the Deliverj boy. .'The Road to.Ruin" dlil fair business last week, considering the ettrebieiy warm weather. Two very clever performers who wer* with tnat'eompan*—Harry and Sadie Fields—have been retained to appear this week, In "TbeiBoWety After Dark.',' Their success wan h proHounced one. ■ - AYKN'n: THEAThi: i Harry Davis, mana- ger).—The warm weather of last week waa responsible ■ fox a slightly diminished at- tendance. For. tho doling Week of tbe sea- son the following excellent hljl la presented: Rose Coghlan nnd compnny; lb "The Ace of Trumps:" Kelly nnd violette. Joe l-'lvhn. Flying Itathhuna, A. i O. Dunean, ilnrry Davenport, Rose: Kdyth'a Jupaneso Ballet, Murphy and l'mncln, the Three LumolncH, Hosack and Smith, Beatrice Roland, Hie. klnetogmpb. Kkn.nvwoiid Pabk (K. T. Moorhead. mnn- **cr).—Vaudeville has liecn illsronliniieil for the present at tills resort. All the other In- teresting 'amusements are retained, the most noteworthy of which is, for the current week, tho -thrilling 115 foot dive by Thomp- son,-the high diver. SOUTiiKnN Pahk (A. S. McHwIgan, mana- ger i,—Large attendance ruled last week, due In .part to favorable weather. -The: current bill Is: Bryant and Havlllc'« Minstrels. In- cluding the . Troubadour. Knur, the Great Wetzel, Elliott and West, Ur/arU and 8a- vll J«- ■ ± .■ • _ • NOTe*.—The tlulldlng Trades Council Is conducting a fair at Wabtab Pnrk to run for two weeks, commencing Monday, June •Si:. TUfl attractions.are I urnlsbed by ternrl Urothera' United Shuns, which la an assur- ance of success.... .Pittsburg Lodge, No. 11, B. P. O. Ella, who recently, «o successfully celebrated Its twenty-fifth anniversary by giv- ing a minstrel, show at the Nixon Theatre, repeated the performance at the samo the.i- tra oi Friday.■evening of.last v\rcek, wlHi a duplication of Its previous Hiiccess. On this occasion tbe proceeds of the bnterlninineht were applied to the licneilt of the sufferern of tbe, General Hlociim dlssster. and the memhors of No. 11 urn to be congratulated on the enterprising manner In which they so promptly responded to-this worthy charity. i ,-. Wllllamauort—At -Ysllamont Pavilion (Lyman A., Pray, manager) tbe Vallamont Stock fo. continued to piny, to Increased oUtlnetrs, In "In Missouri*' June 20-22, and "Roanoke" 23-2R. Due: "I^rd C.humley" 27- SOy ."Wages of. 81n" 30-July 2. "Northern Lights" 7-6, "Tbe Belle of Rlcrlmoud" 7-U. StT Caorge Da'gelen closed his. engagement here 2r>. Augustine Olssamlre was sdded to the cast 27. Franklin Ritchie, who baa been with Julia Marlowe, Kuthryn Kidder and Rose Couglsn the past aensoo.and will he thi- lending support of Frederick Wirde and Kalhryn Kidder next season. Is home bere for- tho Bummer, ■ accompanied by Hollls Stone. Notk.— Hon."Meade Dj Detweller, who'Is the only msq twice elected to the grand ni- ls rsilp of the n P.O. Kiks. and who was the organlsor of. a nei Instituted at Hnrrlaliurg, Pa., 17, with a July -4 Manager (IrlfflthM has secured a corn- natiy of seventy-tlvc. presenilng "Jack and the Beiinstaftt. The'bark Includes mstiy other nitr-tctlona liesldes tbe theatre, the latent being a moving picture pavilion. a I Haw-At the New MajNtlc (W. 3. QUI, limn'sBcri the Klegnnt' Stock Co. closed thb seanon Jutu> 25, aa Krlc la thoroughly n Hum- mer resort town, that our people rest In tho shade or an to WaMaawet, or to Knur Mile Creek Park to enjoy the cooling breetes frtitn the mice. The stwk company opens In De- troit, Mich.. July 12. — Kotia Mils chirk Park. —Fine business was the order during the entire past week, wltn nn Interesting lirngrnmme. Hill week of 27: FllMvo:th nnd hurt. Maxwell and Doug- Ins, Major Sisters, McDavItt and Kelly, nnd Lynn Wolcher. Wauiamkkr (Tbos. Malonc, mnuager).— L. If. I-nngford Is musical director, (food business was done the past week, against cool weather, with the best of talent. Bill week of 27: Van Brothers, Hnwnnl and I.lhrTor, Harrington and Mni-tello, D. U. Wood- worth, Jennings and lienfrew. Al'tnoha.—At Liikerniuit Park Tlientro (H. 8. Crane, manugei').—A vaudeville com- parry,* coanriatlng of Adele ■ Purvis. Onrl and CO., DwIRht Keeley, May Evans, -Unrry Trnida. and Bmerson nnd Onirgn, played to the full capacity week of June hi. The Central Opera Co., In comic opera, comes week: of 27., i. • ,» , • ■ ■ .,«-.,„ , ,, i, I . 1,'ALirOHMA. !.«■ Anarelea.—At the Slimon Oiieru House fit 0. Wyatt. manager) K. H. rfulh- ern had a packed house ft-li, with "Tho Ptoua l*rlnee,"iBnd Mand Adams presented "The Little Minister" to standing room olilv lB-i.i, The next attraction- of importauce nnnounced Is the engagement of l-'thrl Hurry- mON, the latter part of July. SJpHost-p'B HtiiBANK TiiBATan (Oliver Morosco. mananer). — "Brown's In Town," 18-98. to be followed 20 and week by thb Oliver Morosco Co. (formerly the Nclll- Mortiseo Co.) In 'tArlstoctaey.' . Qi-,nii Upkra Houtai (Clarence Drown, manager'.—The tllrlch Stock Co. presented "ITBcfe Tom's Cabin": 10 and week; with "Dora-Thorne" underlined. CAisiso TiiriThi! (II. t'. Wyntt A Oliver Morosco. managers).—The Olympln Comic ""ra Co. la. attracting .good business, the ,for 1(1 and week being "jack and tbe , Attalk." ... '- (Clarence Drown, rhilhagcr).— Features -20 and week: Marcel's Living Art Studies. Truly Hhattiick, Avon t'pmedy, Kour. Leah' Ritssbll, powers Bros., naktoh and Stotle, In "A Whiff of IBe- Brlhy;" Kerrtr, Cole and company, !u "Ills College Cliura.' - UNlQOe. THEA-riu; (Heqtz A '/Me, nmaa- gers).—■ Features 27 and week: Frank Stsf■ ford ami Marie Stone, In "A Hlinterll .niiger) Is dirk. , Richards « l'rlnile's HttreU"nto due .fine 11(1. lo. H. Bvthettt Uookc8 for an early dale. ■ ' ■■ '■• <: Auditobium (Harry C. Hay ward, mana- ger)—The Jessie Shirley Co, opened the seventh week of Its engagement 10. with "Michael Strbgolf." ' Cn|acTty bualDess con- tinues. . , ■ Kntsox (Kraiti'la Nelsolila, mgnaher).-^ New fares 10: The Three Diamonds, l(u~ xnlOH ndd Mitltuie. mid Feller AlekSlider. Ci.c.rn h'ai.knk (Jactili tiwis, manager). —Hill 10 and week: Paragon, nnd Ha.vhq. Seymour ami May. Mildred Cole, and Liicttk nnd Siiiuiuers. CoMigi'R II. D. llollahd. inannber),—Hill 111 nhd Week: Vernon Kenliedy Trio, Vic V. iiiiion. iHvcttH ami Duncan, tho Swans Child- ren, and-Lane nnd Si rilnr tti. Jlenttlr.—At the tlrhnd opera House (John Cort. tnnnngcr) "Our New Minister' June 111-22, Maudo Adams. In -The Little Minhuer,'" 2L rffjfl'iTf TtWaaltf, 111 "The Proud Prince," .Inly it-tt. Tmaii AVmniih TliViATbR (Russell k Drew, nihnagers).^-Tlilril A+enue Tlientt'O Sto*-k Ca, week of Juno 111, In "The- City of New York." Week of 211, ''nhnhbke." " Alcaxah Thkathk. —Week of 10 Hie Kri. Itoiltnoml tv, in "A Man of Mystery" and "Davy Crockett." OnriiKtm Thhatiir.— New -. The Two Kow- lera. Arthur nnd Carlisle. Kmll Chevcrlle, Fields nnd WhitlCn, Arthur Hcarlea, moving pictures. ,, ' ~ kmi'hik Tiik'atrr.—Now : Wills and Bar- ron,: Marie Mtotldard, Harry Howard. Louis* l.esler, Lawrenl'o Weaver, moving Wctnre*' Cmwmii TitnATim.—Now: Southern Qiinr- tee, Ivanhoe, Perry and Whiting, Leo While, moving- pictures. .;, ■' .La Prtitk Tiikat»« New: Krlodlander Urns., J. W. Cllffiud, Walter Jolleg, Ucno King, moving pictures. • MM Tiiratrn. —Now: Chas. dardner, iicwltt and Aslunorr, 1M. Fisher, Karl ttuu Mngor, llu- KilUon Slock Co, pteselil the nHTc entitled "Mcitntur Mel'beoj" moving pli'lun-H, ... CoMtgi'B Thkathk.— New: Queen, Stows nnd Diamond, Phillips nnd Merrill, Auhle 'loldle, Kfty Loirnlne. Helen Do l.nrfuluo, Maggie Orscy, Mike Hmiley. Niiri:. —John Cort, raalingcr of tlio NorlU- wcat Theatrical - Aasdelnllon, tntliritcd lust week from the Knat nnd St. Louis Fair. ■;- R ' il •!■• TWuinn.—At (he 'i'ncomn Theatre (Cal- vln llelllg, mnnnger) Mhudc Adams. In "The Little Minister," June 211, Had A large ml- vancn sale. "The New MlnWInr" Uo. 20. K. II. Suthern, ;i(i, closes the liouso for the Mciison, IlooklnSs for next season arc even stronger than this eeaaon. HI. i/amq:" Delia Ross, Palmer Morrison " iclilc Sterling, aerial the Three (llrndellers, iinlcy'cllati, and J. Lucille Sterllni Shield*, Jehklns. HIioauwat. TiikATbk (A J. Morganstern, manager).—Feutmci 10 and week: Carlson HWtera, lieandro Bros, bad I'ecly, In "I'bb in n. X'hlneae Laundry:" Smith and HIlTa, In "lhe Upper Ttn and l/wer Five;" tfis Wrights, W. J,. Driwcr, and Daisy Vernon, With Illustrated unng, ., ,» •NvWBH.—Mrs. Wlutlirop D. I^eavltt, once well known In the theatrical profession a| (lertrude Ndrtnan, formerly a member of Witlktr Whiteside's loaipnny, died In this clfy .Tune in. In 180(1 MIbh Norman Went to Phamlx, Arlx., for her health, and there married Mr. Lenvltt. Thev have resided In TxiS' Angeles the past five years. The Itody will lie shipped to the old home of the de- ceased at Bnttlo Creek, Mich The dead wallh about town are beginning to bear marks of the opening of one of the new tbeatrei planned for this city, to be called toe Hg- Ibsco Theatre, Frederick llelasco, manager of the Alcazar. San Francisco, visits An- gurba freout'ntly lb conbeetlon with the new liouso. . The opening la expected to occur about the first of Oetolier.-.;.. .Steve If, HlmiflouH, first grand vlru president of tile International Alliance of Stage Umployog, wan banqueted by local lodge, No. 3U, on .Time 15...', . . H, H. Dixon, recording secre- tary of -fins Angeles. No. fill, will be a dele- gate to the Milwaukee, convention July II. ......Louis S. UollNcbnlk, muslcnl com|HJser, Is visiting relatives In um Angeles ,. Casey Cnstleman has succeeded Fdwnrd 'j'y- ban as chief doorkreper nt Mason 0|M'ra Hmise. Mr. Tynan held the position mnnv years, and Is well nnd favorably known to lingtu or professional people..... .Delia Don- ald, late of the Hoatonluns, Is visiting.her home in tblrclty. . 1 ' .i **< • «» , VIRGINIA. Lvefii'M THhMTRti (DnnWorley, tnannger). "Tho Buffalo Mystery" drew well week ot Kihhos Tiikathd (H. J. Kverelt, nuinn- pcn.—Hill week of 20: Ueorge and Pauline Kldd. Frank I'dy, the r*orbe»,"hn Aurrs, and HauIt's moving plrtlirts. ' lltmllieis la good. OntiiKiiB Tiikatrk (A. V. Burton, mnnn- gerl—Week of 20: The Mcflhaffcrys. Miss carter. Harry Do Lain, Wm. King, owena nnd He: La Mat Hlialnea* Is good. Crystal TtlRXtaH (N. Conn, manager).— This house opened Its-doorM 20, for the llrst time, with ProL Iliyden'* troupe of trained don, Stanford and Darlington, Llhhlb Mve, Jones and Robinson, Lcn sjieticpr, and mov- ing pletilre*. ■The house Is near tile earner of Ninth nnd Picltic Avenues, and teats aix hundred people. •• .-.: lC.ui'itln TllBA-rnn^-Wcek of 20: Tho Ttlree PrecBldOs. tile IVIundt'is, Aiinltlo. Rllbn BluWn, Kted W. Trmcv, mid moving pic- uraa. ■ Buslneaa Is big. ;■ ■•- ■Notk.— Cnlvlii llelllg, president of the Northwestern 'i'licnti-ii Association, passed Hi rough ou his way to Portlktnl, LI, from New S'nrk, where he has henu for the past month with John Cort. of Meattle, hooking ni tract lotiu for their Ihirly-sovcu theatre* In tho Nurthwrsl. *>i » MIHIfpaOT A. . St. Paul.—Al the (Jrntld Opera liouso Glbkoa, jiae," lere).—Jn tbe open air theatre the Beggs ew lodge. No. 12. which .was -——_^. ...—arHsburg, Pa., 17, with a charter list of one hrjndrcd and ten, died there 18, from appendicitis. ■■■ " ■ ' t '' . Lbnt'aster— 'At the Roof OArdeb (Jqhn II. ivoph-s, manager I the attraellonH tor week of June '.'7 Include : Mr, nnd Mrs. ilene Hughes. Gotham Comedy Four, Lavender Rlebardson Co.. Louise Sylvester. JSek Tlieo Trio, C. W. ■ Lltileiieid. Major Hlsier*; 'the klnetogrstia. elc. Bertha Alllsob. whose home Is In this city, scored a great success as one of last week's bill, Tbe week was a record breaker for attendance.- -.R0«-Kr Hl-lll.sos I'Akfc TUCATRf (H. . tt. GfUflths, gutngfrt).—ioe Kilties Band Wig iddtd to the other vaudeville attraction* on \orfo1k.—At Ocean View Cnslno (Jake Wells, manager) nuglnca* for week of Julie 20 was of a most satisfactory nature. Hill week of 27:. Wnltliour and Kracmer, Van I/eer' and Mathews, Princeton Slaters, Llunl and Lllyau, b'dna Dcuveniiort, and thu ,blo- graph. '.':.. • Acjie TiiKATnK (Clins. M. West, manager). —People boohed tor week of 27: Mnrjorfe QuIttA, Racine ami Raymond, Ada Young, Marguerite Howard, and Cirrie Downs. Busi- ness is good, . . , . ' Huor TiiBATnr (J. M. Crlnnlin, iniina- Snr).—New people week of 27 arc; Will'H. ce«her, Mny HoWard. May Livingston^ Llx- zlo Henderson, and West and Fowler. Btisl- nesa IsTalr. . AuiitToniUM Tiikatiik (J. M. Burton, man- ager),—This house, after remaining dark for several months, was reopened'Dune Hi, under the original management—J. M. Barton, pin- nrletor and manager, and Chus. l-;. Bimtsi, business manager. People week of 27 are: Remain Sisters, Three Itontx, Harry T. How- ard, Kddle Purvis, Spires and Randall. Min- nie Patterson. VIC Parker, Ads Daily. Lotllo Oormnn, and Flora Parker. Business is good. . t - > ''I ' i i ■ I'etenihnrg—At PenldsW Casino (Wm. K. French, mahuger) Heller's Juvenile Min- strels greatly pit-used. Tbe company num- bered seventeen people, and was one of the best park attractions that ban ever played the Casino. The lagagenaent closed 2G. John Jsy Palmer's Stock Co. opens s season of live weeks.27, with "Pompeii, or Tho Sign of the rtiehmortd—At the Casino Wells ft lie- Kee, managers) Week of June 20: Wnllliour and Krsemer. horse vs. blrycte, Herbert Lloyd. Van Leer and Matthews, Piccolo BIldgers.l-Mna Davenport, Princeton Sisters, Moatratih moving pictures, Week of 27: Re- turn of the Dixie Troubadours, headed by eight, Engllib girls. Lynehbttra.—.At Rlvermont Park Caalno (Jake Wells, manager) It requires a good show for the 8. R. o. sign to be bung out be- fore tbe week's engagement ha* been closed, loit tbe Kays, wbo played week of June 20, have that distinction. The rest of (he vaude- ville waa excellenL Danville.—At Wells' Caalno (Jake Well*. manager! Jolla Redmond and Al. Haynes, with strong rnnalckl eobtrdr, were thb at- traction at. the Cusiiio, playing to large crowds nightly, June 20-2.'}. , ; . «r r fr. Mns. W, R, WaVtaoH f Jeanette Dupre) ha* beei sojourning for tile past Week in leog Itlandf for Her health. ■ •"• (Theodoro L. Hays, inanager) buajness was vbr>" gooff with Percy MaaWelt'aMd tlialiarjl-ge FuWcett Co., week of Juno 10. being tlio second week 'of the engagement. Tbe last half of. .the,-week "Tliii (Jfeat UnknowW WR* presented for the first time in ihls city, and made n treat Success, Mlib Haswell reviving nn .ovation at'each performance.'" "The Slinligriiiin" will be presented 27 and wenk. Stir (M. il. Hlnger, manager).—*The nine Ribbon (llrls iibowcd to very good business all of week of 10, nnd closed Tho season at Ibis poptihii' playhouse. H can Iniilifully be audi of this theatre that the choisttee ol uiii-;icilonn h|i«' been uniformly good, and aa*a*r have been of h very ,'ilgh order. Tho house has enjoyed good patronage. Kmi'Iiu: (A. Welnbolinr, manage)-).—Tlio only new f'leci for week of 27 will ha (bo Belfords. and Hilsle Young. Thoso holding over: Waller Ilussinr. Alice Hamilton; Myrtle Hriwiiril*. Al. Wnrda, Helenn Mlg- iiiin, and tile stock, liuslucss Was very good Week Of 20. :•■,."••' •' Obl'IIEIikl Music llAi.r,.—Thin nnw bur- h-Hiiilc lind vniKtrvilli: playhouse, litented oil Cedar Street, between Heveath a ltd Hlghtli Street,*, opened Its doors to the public IN, f;lvlng iierfonunnieji afternoons and even- ngs. Prices, 1." nnd 25 ceiils. The bill for the opening week was "Mirthful Mlghaps" and /'Percy Hnrold'u Reception," ■ to fair biialdta*.' ■ MhNtiox.— Bond concerts rtt Iinko Cotno and Wlldwowl Park, White Bear Lake, have heguii. There will also be ihe usual sports nod other attractions at lhe latter resort. Nil prettier places can he found than either of'these Tbe State convention of lhe .uinnesoiii Magic* Is now In session at Hasp- Is-rry Island. In llio Mississippi Itlver, this illy. The attendance lhe opening day. 24. wuh large. There will be u grand parade night of 2.1, and n picnic at Whltn Bear Lake 20, A iong Hat of prlrea Is offered for the liargdo Charles Wlngute will' Join the Percy Haswell and Oeorge Faweett Co,, at the Orund, 211. Iln Is n favorite here , Over twenty thousand people visited Lake Coma Sunday, 10..., lllngllng Brother* come 28, nfternuon and evening. ' i Dnlnth—At Hie Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, manager) lhe Ulllott-Coiirleuav Co. put on "Trilby,'' June 20-22, and "Hpotles* Town," -•'(-2D. There were two matinees for the week. Btislnesi win Inlr. "Pink Dominoes" was tho bill tbe last half of the week of 13- 18, to fair hiislners, I'Aiii.ou Thkatiie (XV. J. Weiln, manegcx). —Business was good. For 27 and wrek the following people will appear: 'Lucille Blake, Tom dale, Blanche l.u Monte. Kd, and Lu- cille Lowry, Jennie Pierce, Marlon Sisters, W. J. Wells and the stock. The new comedy fur the week Is called "Stolen Kisses." M, J. Dhhlsten, proprietor of the house, with hi* wife and daughter, will leave about 25,' for central New York, to pass the Summer there, as he doea syery year. lluoir Tiikatsk. — llll* house Will kesp own all Summer, an It Is a favorite place ti> pass - the evening, mid the business I* still big. People opening 20 for the week arei Man Wilson. Joe Malt laud end company, .Lawrence Wall,'J. J. O'Hrlen. the Oreat Wegtln. .1. lloHowny. ,1, It. Meridian, resident mana- ger" A, (). Scburbei'g puts on some new mov- ing pictures every week. ♦ «» , Marik Rohr nnnniini-r.i Hint she ha* re- tired from (He music hills, and Is now study- ing at Boston, Mais., to become a trained porke,