The New York Clipper (July 1904)

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436 the xsswjxosb: clipper. July 2. NEW YORK CITY. ltevletv and Comment.—Tbe New Yuiik TtttUtm, HuitTio & Skamon'm Music Ham., and Hlheu's Munklm Jollied the list of the closed houses June 2~>. During tin' week warm weather contributed It* quota toward Inducing good attendance nt the ruof gardens unci other o|kti nlr rcsoi ts, while the few In- door resorts icmuliilng open drew a fiilr uliurc of tbc attendance At Man- hattan Reach "Tain's n reworks hum gnruied Hie ^cgson Thursday evening, June -'■' An nuiiiiDiicciuciit of Importance during the week was that Frederick Thomp- son, i>f 'Jiionipsou .* Dundy, owners uf Luna 1'aiik, Coney Inland, had signed contraetH fur the cunslructlou uf a Inrge theatre and hippodrome building to he located at Sixth Avenue and Forty -third Street The continued attractions for the week ending June 25 were: "PUT I raff!! Pouf!! !•■ at the Cahiko, itnynioud Hitchcock, Id "The Yankee Consul," nt the Hboadway; Willie Collier at the C'jiitkuium, "A Little of Every- thing" at Hie Akiual .(UMBMs, the J. S. Dnss Orchestra at the Mauison Hquabb Haii- i)i:x, and "The; Southerners" ut the New Y'puk, lue lust named closing on tbat date. At l'Jiuc'i'uu'K Firm Avenue and One Hun- PBEU AND TWilNTr-Klmi BTUEKT TUUATIIE stack productions, with vaudeville between the acts, continued.. . .At the West End the company presented "Josephine, Empress of tjic French."..,.... Variety entertainment mils fiirnlKlied at To n'y Fahthu'h, Pauauihm OiiiDENH, 'the New Yuiik ltour Oaiiukn, Keith 'a iiMH StiUAm:, Pkuctoii'si Twen- Tiriuuo Htueet and Hmrnu & Heaiiun'h Mi.sic Ham.. iIitjeu'h Museum presented the usual long list of ciirion, freaks and vaudeville. Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theatre (J. Austin I-'yuos, general uiuuager).— Ah a special feature this week Jameson Leo Fin- ney, assisted by Kalhryn Keys, presents a new Hue iici. fJinv by Algernon Tassin, en- titled MA Fighting Chance." Mr. Finney made lila vaudeville delmt at Proctor'ri One Hundred nud Tweuty-llflli Street Theatre early In Hie afternonn of Juno 27, and tbeti appeared at. the li'lfth Avenue after tbe regular stuck production. He will appear nt both houses during the week. In "A Fighting Chance" he litis a good piece of druiiiiith: properly, for the little play Is out iif the general rut, Is bright and skillfully Heated and holds one's Interest well. Its principal character Is a man whom uilsfor- furtuue. luis brought from a gentleman to a hui'iik thief. He.enters n-ruoiu In a fine hotel with the determination to loot It of lis valuublcs during the ahscncu of the people who. occupy it. Hut he encounters there a young woman who can give no satisfactory recount of tier presence on the scene, and lie concludes thai she Is on u par with him- tin ry u conversation during which lie reads her a Well meant lecture, she tells hliu that she Is an occupant of Hie hotel, und simply en- tered the iipiirtiiieiiU where they then wete to stealthily get the pattern of a dress she hud Hundred on the lady ut the place. The end of the sketch hints at bis reform. Mr. Finney played with commendable effect, nud Mls.-i Keys suggested the role she essayed thor- ough!) hot h In voice i<nd manner. The audience plainly liked the players and their offering. "Tim Ureal Unknown" was the play given by the slock company, Vomer Clarges, Will- lace Krskluti, Lotta Llnthlcutil, Irfiretla lletily mid tbo others of the regular or- gaiiUiitlon coming in for full praise as tbo result of good work, Marlon Berg was a newcomer, and she played with such vi- vacity and i liana that she soon made tbe audience her friends. Clarence Untidy- sides wits another newcomer who established himself at i- as a favorite, unci Mathilda. IK'sbuii did reiuiirkiibly line work us the ner- vous, foolish dreuuior Atimihelle. The cast: Jorcmlilh Jimiiwuy, Verner ClargoH; Med Ihirriiiur. Wiillueo hlrskliie: The 0'I.*oih'll lMu, Cliircucn lliiiiilysldcs; Turn Froude, Wiu. Ilawley: Patrick, George Howell; Etuii, Marlon llerg ; Pansy. Lorcttu Healy; Anubelle Jarruwoy. 'Mathilda Deshnn; Aunt Penelope, Euiiuu Lutbrup; Shirley. Murkit- trlck, Lottu Llntblcuni; Miss Twitters, An- gela Kelr; Mile. Agathe, Mary Cecil. In i The vaudeville bill were 1> Roy and Wood- ford, In their bright act; Marsh and Snrtella, with u capital offering In singing und danc- ing: iKirseh und KukscII, lit "At the Ittill- -road CniHHlliBI" Fred Ward, In Monologue; lli.jil Ulsters, dancers; Flusslo Allen, come- dleiine; Fred Htiiiworlli, coin and curd mani- pulator, and tlie kulutcfhuuscopc.. \<-iv York Theatre Hoof tinrileu (Klaw «t Mrhinger. tnuniigi-rs).—'I'ho third week of this Summer season opened uuspl clously Muuiiuy Ulght, Juuu 27. with u good alteiiilanee and an excellent programme of all vaudeville. The bill, us now arranged. Is ii vast Improvement over the opening week. Holdover acts tor I Ills week lire: ltossrlo Guerrero, lit n new iiuiitumlinlc sketch : HaltiH, ■'the lluiniiii Kneyclopiilhi ;" Iteillul and Ar- fliur, comedy jugglers: Wu.vburn'K Hirls nud J-Jinniii l.'iirus. New I'eiitutes for the week hit; Cujii. Webb's Heals and uen HiiIIk. thu Four liiikoim, Huinm llros., Howard llros.. Juggling Mac Hans, laiuls tininat und lai llelle lllanehe. Criterion Thrntre ft'linrles Fruhiiiiiu, uianager).—Wllllaui Collier, In "Tbo Dicta- tor," entered upon his thirteenth, week June I'urnillM- Hoof (inrdros (Oscar Hiim- liierslelu. inn linger). — The current bill names; IVwli. I he mysterious face; Chus. 'i;.. Aldi'leh, I'iiiii Hpiidonl. Hill and Syl- van!, Wlll.v Zimmerman, the Sisters Gnsch, Collins und Hurl, ltlce and I'revosl, Techow'H Iralncd euLs, Al. Walz and •'Furalfulla," with ICIeunor Falk und chorus und Imllet. tlitdlnoii Hiiuuro Unrden.—"lit Ltcaiitl- lul Venice," J. S. Dnss and his Metropolitan Orclicstrii, uio now In their tlftll week. Ilroiulwiiv Theatre (A. \V. Dingwall, luaniigeri.—Ituruioml Hllebcock, In "The Yiinkeo I'onsal, entered upon his nineteenth mid Inst week June 27. Tbo Iioiihu will close for the rjuiuniur after Ihe pcrl'ormaucu July 2. f'UNlno (Sum S. & l,ec Shuhert. tuunogci's). -r&VUti Faff!! I'ouf!!!" Is uuw 111 ltd ihir- leeillh week. . Aerlnl Unrden (Klaw &■ Frliniger. man- iigori*).- : -"A Little of Krerytblug" Is uow lu Its fourth week. Atlantic Unrden (W. Kramer's Sons, managers).—The Messenger Hoy Trio, the Nnhrcns, In u trnper.e net: Gormnn and West, singing und dancing comedy duo; tbo Wilsons, colored comedv team; Norma Sey- mour, voonllst, and the Hllte Lady Orchestra are the attractions for this week. , iTius (ii'E.NiM, Anunm kbxt bbahon at Hit! Knickerbocker Theatre will lie Lulu HhlNCr, presented by Charles II. Hllllnghiiui, III a new euuiie -tiperu. "A Madcap I'rln- cchh." on Laliui' Hay, Sept. IS, Thu oihtii Is by Ludivlg Fugluiulur und Hurry U. Spilth, mill the, libretto Is bused on Charles- Major's novel. "When Knlgbtbood Was In Flower." CAiiTWRiuiiT, an Kugllab aetor, bus beau secured by Harrlsou Grey Flskc for/the periitnnenl company which is"to sup- jibrt Mrs. ran tit the Manhattan Theatre next 620800. Tnrononit H.inr.r.MAVN, forrncrlr sMge til- recior of Hie Mctropoilton Hpvra House, will tail hit BUIPM til Juuu 30, •• •-..- -^ . I'r or tor's Twenty-third Street The- atre (J. Austin I'yues, general manager).— Dorothy Itutsell, daughter of Lillian Bussell, beads the bill this week, and on June 27 sbe sung several numbers In a pleasing and ef- fective voice, making unite a success, Joseph Ynrrick, with his magic kettle, Is still a du- ll net triumph here, where his engagement has now run Into Its fifth week. Mason and Frauds, !n their capital sketch, with sing- lag ami dam-lug. made the favorable Impres- sion.which tnelr merits entitled them to, and Katie Ilismey's act was well liked. Charles II, l.HwIor and daughters presented some descriptive mugs In imhiue and most asree- able manner, and Fred Ward, late of Fields and Ward, brought forth as Ills bid for recog- nition a single, act which bnd many points of merit. Others on the bill are: Ualgbt and Deane, In "A Pair of Trousers;" Itlcb- uril Haven, In original musical novelties; Myers and Itosu, disc nianliiulators ; Jan. )V. Teed and Mollle Ijizeii ana company. In an eccentric Herman sketch, colled "A Scandal- ous Affair." which contained good features, and was. well presented: Imperial Comedy Four, singers, and M. J. Kelleher, baton jug- gler. ■ The kslatechuoscope continues. Keith's Theatre (L. F. Albee, general manager).—As tbe climatic conditions were favorable the regular Monday patrons occupied their accustomed places on June 27. and enjoyed the entertaining bill pro- vided by the management with n .fair degree of comfort. Tbe bill is notable ibis week in the cugiigeoicnt of Barney Ulliuore and John Leonard, ■ who have again Joined bands, after some years of sepa- ration, lu their "sidewalk conversation" they became favorably known as "Ireland's Kings." and for years were the leaders In their line of work. Their act. scored strong- ly on Monday, and their reception was cor- dial in the extreme. The remainder,of the hill Is III keeping with the headllncrs, and includes: Doluu und Lenburr, who always please In "A High Toned Burglar:" Harry La itoso and Co., presenting a new comedi- etta, entitled "Tin; Sailor and the Horse," very successfully; Stanley and Wilson, In their excellent comedy, "Before.. tbe Ball:" tbe Schenk Bros., novelty acrobats; the Kxposltion - Four (Three Alexander Bros, and Jos. B. Brady), comedians and vo- calists; Ladell and Buttcrwortb, In ec- centric nnd buck dancing; Spenser Kelly, one of the best baritone vocalists of tbe day ; tloldsmlth and Hoppe. musical comedians and xylophone experts: Al. Lawrence, an accom pushed mimic and story teller; the Alpha Trio. In an original skit, "The Bell Boy's Tip:" Hay ward and llayward, presenting their singing and dancing comedietta, "Is Marriage a Failure V" tire UeynoJds-Watson Co., which entertiilncil ndmlrnbly In a roaring farrelet, entitled "Tbo Art of Selling a Tvpe- writer,'' und closing, with tbe American'bio- graph, which displayed several new pictures. 1'itstor'n Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger).—J. .Hover West and Ida Van Slcklen head an excellent bill here this week,-pre- senting, for the first time nt Mr. Pastor's theatre, their new musical skit, entitled "The .Musical Uymnssium." It is cleverly ar- ranged to Introduce several musical features, und is beyond doubt tbe best vehicle this couple has had In which to display tbclr special talent along musical and comedy l'lics. The new act scored a merited success. Klvlra Francclll and Tom Lewis are an extra attraction of tbe bill, and In Mr. Lewis' new net, "Tbe Ballykoo," they present one of the surest novelties seen this year In our vaude- ville bouses. The act hi played before their own droii, which represents a side show tent, with Mr. Lewis as tbc "barker." His lines afford much laughter, -while vocal- Isms by himself and Miss Fruncclll, also songs nud dances by John Dale, give the uc.t strength and uniqueness us well. Also listed in the bill for the .week are the following excellent specialties: Kesri and Violet Allen, la "The Sign Painter;" Jus, F. Casey and Mnggle Le Clair, in "The Irish Tenants;" Bennett and Lulu Mitchell, In u neat dancing act; the Marvelous i.i- Pages, expert jumpers; Misses Alexander and Hoffman, singers nnd dancers; Gray and Gra- ham, musical comedians): the Fruser Trio, cliurucUr dancers: tbc Esber Sisters, In songs and dances; l-',d. Marvelle und Alice Gleason, lu "Brother Tom's Frleud;" Byrne and West, presenting "An Kvenlng Cnll," and the Ameri- can Yltngraph. .Insti'ii M. Weiikii, formerly of Weber & Fields, announced last week that he hud formed a partnership Willi Florence Klcgteld Jr., lo put on ut the Mush: Hull known us Weber & Fields', productions similar In char- acter to those given there in the oust. Annu Held will be ono of the stars of tbe new com- pany and Harry Morris, of burlesque fame, will pluy. opposite to Mr. Weber In German dialect roles. Aubrey Rouclcault will phty leading straight roles In the company. When reopened, tbo last week In September, the house will be known as the Weber Music Hall. IOilgnr Smith will write the new pro- duction. Tbo music ball Is undergoing -ex- tensive alterations, und there will be many changes in the house when it is reopened lu September. The old Doors have been re- moved, and new ones are being piit In. New chairs throughout will lepluce the old ones, wider and nioro comfortable than tbe former seats. Tbo space between the rows Is to nn several Inches wider. All the draperies will lie new, and Ihe bouse will 1h> redecorated In old rose, us before. The dressing rooms iiro lo be rebuilt and mudu larger, und thu the- atre made as llreproof us possible. When Unbico Caudso Is heard at the Met- ro'iolltun Opcru House next Winter, Heinrlcb Courted will glvu him ii supporting company conslstlfig throughout of Italian singers. It will be part of the largo company, but within this troupo will lie n complete Italian organi- sation for Mr. Caruso's support. 1". D, Shaw has been appointed New York representative of the Llfe'ogruvuro Company, of l,n Crosse, Wis. Mr. Shaw Is well known lo the profession as business uianuRcr for Hubert Mantell nud other well known stars, anil also us an old time circus general agent. Till) kt ham Lit Guam i Kri', I runs- formed Into ii floating roof gurdeu, will bc- f:lu ber trips for the season uu Sunday eveu- ug, July ;:. . . Harlem.—Al the West Kud (George A. Illuutenthiil manager), owing to tbe con- tinued success of tbo present offerings this house will vemulii open for another week, the company presenting "Hedda Gabler" at all tbe evening performances nnd "Camilla" lit I bo matinees. PnocT-w'H Oxk HuNonrn axd Twkntt- mm Btmebt TiuiA'iiiri (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).—"Cooti Hollow." one of the liesl of Southern melodriimus. Is the of- fering of thu stock company. It. abounds in Interesting Incidents, with it great display of scenic pictures. The house waa well hlled June 2i. and thu production was satisfactory In every respect. The vaudeville -contribu- tors vver? as follows, nnd helped materially to unmet ; .1. Worrell Kenne. Charlotte Hiivetmcrorr. Fmereon nnd Stone. Notk. — lliirtlg k Seainnn's Music llnll closed for the season Juuu -*1. Ilrooklyn.—At Manhattan Heacli Dc Wolf Hopper and his company will be heard for another week lu "Wang." Business for the pas', week wiih excellent. Herrmann, the magician, gives his exhibitions lu ii>uncflhui wild Ibo couccris of the Tweuly-.tblrd Hegl- ineut Band In thu itflurnnous, und the com- iiiuntloii proves u very fruitful, one. Thu siK'ctuclo that Pain bus produced for this Smiiiiier's attrnetlon promise* to be the most attractive of the many be has already given there. Decatur, nnd the sea fighters of bygone days will be recalled to mind through spir- ited representations on- the immense stage of the open nlr theatre of the stirring events with which their unuics haTO been handed dvivu la cmntiiju .. _._„_^._ Bbioutom : Bjjlcu. —In the Music Hall (Wm. T. Grover, manager) some excellent vaudeville attractions arc being presented weekly. Many uf the beadtlners that have been seen In Manhattan will be seen here during tbe season- The low price of admis- sion should attract those who visit the beach, and crowded houses should rale tbe enUre season. Jessie Mll'.wurd, tbe English actress, is the beadllner of tbe current week, in 'Die Queen's Messenger." Other prominent acts nrc by tit-urge Bunlfiicc Jr. nnd Bertha Wulx- Inger. In "Tbe Woiiuin Who Hesitates Is Won:" 1-M. F. lieyaard, veutrllotpilst; Smith and t'smjibvll, Barry and Holvers, und tbe Belleclalre .acrobats; Bertha Stanley, and George Hay l'lillllpa. Tbe - vllugruiib has several foreign pictures for this week. Iikkami.axd. —The vaudeville and circus acts remain about tbe same., except that tbe Four Bard Brothers succeed tbe Four Lukens. tubers are: Alexander Seabert and his donkey, luck Vrooinan, shoot- ing tbe chutes on a bicycle: Howard and Luellltn, on the h gli win-, und Melville Howard, 111 his slide for life, are presented on one silde of tbe big tower. 'Die vaude- ville presented here -Is received by large, enthusiastic gatherings. This week's bill Is as follows: The Golden Gate Quartet, Hale and Francis, Sisters Howard, Artie Hall, Tascot, coon shooter, and the- Barlows.- on the breakaway ludder. The numerous, other attractions, such uh tbe Fall of Pompeii, lighting .the Flumes, Traveling Through Switzerland. Canals of Venice, Bostacks, the Midget City, and Andrew Mack's Hsblng pond Dnd plenty uf good entertainment for the crowds- Tbe dunce ball on tbe pier is one nt the-cooleset places In the enclosure, and It has attractive features for tbe lovers of dancing. Lum Park (Thompson & Dundy, owners). —Tbe average of attendance . here hi about urj.UOO dally. The circus In the trl-rlngs is watched by many. This week the bill Is: Nazndo, human monkey; Slg. Spessardy's troupe of Kusslan trained bears, the Five Flying Herberts, Hobert Stlckney Jr., bare- back somersault equestrian; Mono. Venello's boxing horses, the Zoellers, aeriallsts; tlie Kittamuras Japanese Troupe, Zclvardo, lad- der expert: Joslc Ashton, bareback eques- trian ; Carlos and Sllverton, on unsupport- ed ladder > and Invisible wire; George Ber- nard, aerial contortionist: Louise De Mott and her cake walking horse. Initio: Senor Domingo, Spanish web expert, and Mile. Alexandrine and her two high jumping horses in a tandem menage. This enclosure represents forty-live acres of sbowdom, and intense amusement is enjoyed. Fire and Flumes exh'bitlun Is a rood reproduction of what might be n burning of a city block, showing the apetbod of lighting a Are and life saving. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea, via. submarine boat, Is a realistic spectacle In itself, with Its sea plants, and a trip to the North pole. The streets of India is said to be an exact reproduction of a street scene In. Delhi, with dancing der- vishes, snake charmers, jugglers, acrobats and Nautcb girls. Here Is a great elephant farm. The Durban of Delhi la still popular in all its sumptuousness and glitter. War la hell Is a thrilling presentation of war in Its most Interesting form,- with all the effectiveness and sypectaclar features. Hlndebson's Music Hall (F. B. Hender- son, manager).—The usual big bill Is pre- sented here with - new comers, such as: Zava and Stetson, Jeannettc Brooks, Satsumu, May Trado, Irving Jones, Morris and Boweu, Murpby and Brown, Ford and Wilson, Mar- cus and Gartelle, Garden and Sommcrs, Wangdoodle Comedy Four, Nice and Coy, the' Four Webbs, Uoatlno and Stevens, Al. Treloar, :iud Mosber, Houghton uud Mosber. Beikjkk Beach. —The free vaudeville which Is given in the Casino Is attended by nin ii v who visit this seaside resort ■ Watson's Cos:v. Coiinkb (W. B. Watson, manager).—Musical extravaganza, entitled "The Female Beauty," which enlists the ser- vices of such people as Cissy Grant, Nellie Sylvester and Elsie Leslie, Is on this week. In the vaudeville arc Garnold and Adams, Archie and Croker, and Ella Shields." Xora—Manhattan Beach will have Crea- tore and bis band, which created such Inter- est ut the Orphcum here, for all of next week, «»» MOW YORK STATE. lliifTiilu —At tko Star Theatre (Walter S. Baldwin, uuiunger) "Tbo Two Orphans" Meek uf -lime 2*. including lu tbe cast: William Faruum, Lucia Moore, Laura Al- berta, L'mlly Melville, H. Percy Mcldon, stage director. "Hoodmon Blind" was most capably acted and this good old melodrama found all of its old friends and hundreds of new ones. "Barbara Frlelchle" next week. Convention Hall (H. L. Mecch, mana- ger).—Creatorc's Band returns July 11 tor a fortnight. Tbc ten weeks projected Summer opera has been abandoned, owing to senti- ment against sale of liquors. I.Y'T.rM Tmkatiib 1.1. Lnughllu, manager). —Antonio Malorl nnd blB Italian company presented "Fruncesea du Rimini" 25. Lai'.iyktti: TsUUTM (Cbas. M. Bngg, urn li- nger).—Vuder the direction of James M. Rrennin there are appearing this week: Lizzie li. Ituymuud. Willie und Kdllh Hart, Churles Watson, OtU Xeser, and the stock, entitled the Henry Iliirlesnuers. Summer business lias been well iniiiiitiiiiied. .Siiiu'H g.vupln Tiii^vruH.—John C. Flsh- er°K ChHiupugue Dauce. John Mason, Uva Cruii, Lva Allen, Kltunmra's Jupnueso Troupe, Burton nud Brooks, Stanley and Uruckmun, Blrdlo Fowler, and Doberty a poo- dles constitute this week's programme. Ini.i;\viLii l'Ai.K (B. M. Garfield, manager). —Tliti seagull opened most auspiciously 25, and It looks us though the good old dpwu-tbe- river days have returned. Thu Inaugural t lieal n bookings iiielnded: Wynu and Hart, Guff Phillips, Anlctu Fsmoud und Brothers. Ailli.KTli: Pabk (Hobert F. Wulter, gen- eral tuunagrr).—In. the park ure now Been creation, uierry-go-rouud, Ferris wheel, Karro's Illusions, circle swing, trip to Mars, puny track, Kuttenjammer castle. Madam Schull's performing Huns, dully band- concerts, ye Ohio mill, bouse of trouble, cave ut the winds, Duule's Inferno, etc. In the theatre: St. CliiP- and Carlyle, Juck Brown und Lllllsn Wright, Antrim and Peters, Princess Cblu- (inlira, Ellsworth and Hurt, Censor's dog show. Hilda Thomas and Lou Hall were big successes last week. Notes. —Contractu for the new Keith Theatre, ou Main Street, near Chippewa Street, will lie let this week Buckskin Bill's Wild West closed Its season at Erie, Pa., IiisI week, anil disposed of Its stock. Most of the features und concessions nt the big Atbelctl-j Park uro now running, mining the most successful being the Figure Klghi coaster (which cannot take cure of all Its customers), the Helter Skelter and the theatre Treasurer Davis, of the Academe, Is the recipient of a large bci|ueut. It Is announced that the Star will ■'gain replace the Trek us the scene of the high class syndicate productions next sen- son, the Autumn tour of "The Rogers Broth- ers in Paris" beginning here, as usual. Aug. 2l>, preceding their appearance In October at the new lv law & F.r In tiger Liberty Thea- tre, New York Walter S. Bulilwln Is negotiating for the Teck lease The nurk nnd river attractions are having a must successful run of patronage tbls year. ...... Vaudeville and nightly band concerts ure leutiires nt the Nlugurn Fulls Interna- tional..... .The llargrave Hallruml Shows pay their annua! visit to TbiiHwandn 14.... The Fontaine-Mauley Tent Carnival at Ni- agara Falls. Out., 20-2(1. Diet with fair suc- cess Charlie Bowe and others nre nt HI. Louis. NOTICE aaent and touching tribute to Els Demon Stony beautiful floral offerings decoranCi toe casket, and the funeral was very lurgeit attended. Til AnUERTIQFR^, ^'n^T^v^^r^^i III AUVtnliOtno. ^is.%^«°s!£r btt *" T ^ PKH dated July n, shall reach this office not later Stock Co. Buslnees has been fair "The thin Saturday, July 2, If possible. ^ uck * W » nd Quena" were the bills 20- — - : ' ilinBHiDa Park Casiko (L. W. Rlchardt proved so successful that It will be extended manager).—Bill week of 19 Included: four three weeka. "The Man from Mexico" was Bunia, Belle Stewart and Dave F, Flu-lb- the pluy Juno 20 and week, and Tom Wise bons, Wells Boyer and company, a p was tbe star. A generous attendance all the Langan, Mazuz and Mazett, Inez Mecusker' week spoke well for the production. "Secret Wesson, Walters and Wesson, Gllmour sail Service 27-21). and "The Senator" 30-July 2. Latour Wallace's Show will play here July 13. Servli.. Pkoctob's Theatkh (Howard Graham, resident manager).—This favorite theatre was well tilled all the past week, when the Btock uppeared in "Pink Dominoes," pre- ceded by a curtain raiser, "Only a Joke, tcellent during tbe Sun efforts are. made. to Bay City.—At the Wenona Beach Park Casino (L. W. Richards, manager) the lot- 5JoF£ M C>"w« tr H,^ a? tt ""« 11 l „i ■>- ■ Boyer and company. In "Tbe Sheriff and the Electbic Pabk had a good vaudeville WaU ,i" T Bc m , , le "ewart and Dave FlUgibbon, allow fn the rustic theatre. The people in- * r » Dk La Mondue, and the klnetoscope. The Snded : MIMs'and Iteymond. A'oVuncan, c ^^f T $% W &* V^Mtt* anu loH *' the talking parrot. f j u|y . AttracUons are to be fuinlshej by tbe Capital Ajnuaement Co. i Grand Rapids. — At tbe New Powers (Hurry 8. Sommers & Co., managers) Rich- ard Mansfield June 2a. Rochester,—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. K. Wolff manager) large audiences were de- I'.ghtcd week of June 20 by "The Mysterious Mr. Bugle," In which the entire stock com- puny appeared to particular advantage. The Teaulnr corned done raJae, Fr^'TTSenTWm"Wmbson7and"neien L OoDrBoy's Slaimbb Pavilion (Chas. God- Wnre. Week of 27, "The Idler." *"»y. manager).—Coming week of 26: Shan- National. Tubatub (Max Hurtlg, roana- non and Dixon, Lester and Lester, Wells, ger).—"Uaxel Klrke" was on pust week. Boyer and tympany. Three Troubadours, Geo. Jessie Bonstelle gained additional laurels V. Balnea a nd company, and Mile. I.nplna. by ber portrayal of the Utle role. A. H. ' • Stuart, especially engaged for tbls produc- Kslamaioo. — Casino Park (Balrd k tlon, gave a powerful and forcefnl study Dakln, managers) Is meeting with unlnter- .18 Dunstnn Klrke. Tbe others of the com- rupted success, large and thoroughly pleased ■ any were well coat. Wm. H. Dean, the stage audiences attending nightly. The programme director, deserves a word of praise for the offers some very-One vaudeville acts. The way tbe stage settings were arranged. Week roster Includes tbe Millard Brothers. Shaa- of 27, "Incomar." non and Dixon, the Tbree Evans Children Iiakeii Tiiratiie (J. E. Boyle, manager), and others.- —The Davis-Boyle Stock Co. put on "Re- Manistee Oias. M. Southwell, manager surrectlon week of 20 Owing to the sud- ot tne Orchard Beach Caslnq, left Manistee den Indisposition of Ellta Proctor Otis her recently for New York. City, to arrange for role was token on a moments notice by attractions for the Perk Casino, and also tu Anna Laylog, who continued throughout tbo complete his bookings for the Harasdell The- enUre week. Her work deserved particular ntrc for next g eason . r rhe uamgdell will be dark until Aug. 1, when It will open with "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" as tbe attraction. « i » CONNJECTICDT. mention. Wm, C. Holden was satisfactory and ail the members of the company acquitted themselves with credit Owing to the ex- tens've alterations that have to be made In this bouse before the opening of tbe regular season. It was decided to close the season of tbe stock tympany at the conclusion of Bridgeport—At Poll's Theatre (Joseph "Resurrection.' The house will reopen, thor- Crlddle. manager) "Northern Lights}' Juie ouEbly renovated, about Aug. 22. - Cook Opeba House (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—"The Still Alarm'" was well done by the stock the past week. Bert Lytell, Adora Andrews and other members were well cast Week of 27, "The Galley Slave." Ontario Beach Pabk (Jno. J. Collins, manager).—Garromone's Band concludes Its engagement June M. Powell's Sixty-fifth Regiment Baud begins a week's stay July 1. The intense beat drives thousands of pleasure Beekers to this popular resort. Notes. —Signer Antonio Malorl. Italian tragedian, visits us night of 27, giving one performance at Flt/hugb Hall, presenting "Franceses da Hlinlul," supported by bis own company of Italian actors Fred A. Gug- gcnhelmcr June 27. 20-25, played to good business. "The Belie of Richmond" 27-july 2. "The Favor of the King," an adaptation from the .French, by George Porter, of this city, a Brown Univers- ity man, will be presented for the first tine week of July 4. It will be given by the Poll Stock Co. New York managers are ex- pected here to see tbe presentation. Pleasure Beach (Joseph V. O'Brien, manager).—BUI for week of 20 played to good business. Booked for 27: Mildred Kenneld, vocalist; the Sanford Sisters, musical team: Dawson and White. In a black face sketch; Carsmorc nnd Florence, comedians, and Faustina, ballet dancer. Notes —Henry U. Jennings, of Jcuniuirs fc Graves, .of the Hartford Opera House, who is a resident of this city, is engaged ut tiresent in supervising tbe construction of lis new theatre in New Britain. Tbe Hart- I'Jlmlra.—The last of Elmlra's theatres was destroyed by lire on tbe morning of "ford manager's "are also Improving tbe Hart June 24. The Lyceum aud Auditorium were ford house and spending some $0,000 it biiniL-d last March, and now the pretty Sum- mer theatre nt Horlck's Glen Park Is nothing but a heap of blackened ruins. The flre.start- ed at 5 o'clock In the morning, just after the departure of the night watchman, and Is be- lieved to have been of Incendiary origin. The theatre was the property of the Kltnlru Water, Light nnd Railroad Co. The loss is estimated at if 13,000. At a meeting held soon after the Arc, It was decided to rebuild la altering and changing the Interior of the rathskeller in connection with It. — ♦«» TENNESSEE. Nashville At Glendnle Casino (V. C Alley, manager) never in the history uf '.hH place bus it seen sucb attendance as during tbe week of June 13, for the Confederate the theatre at ouce. While It is In tbe course Veterans' Reuuluu brought thousands to the of erection a huge tent will be placed lu the city, and pleasure resorts were taxed to their glen, and the performances of the Manbal- capacity. Standing room at the Casino was tan Opera Co., which have met with soch sold nightly. Tbe week of 20 bad strong pronounced success, continued. It Is thought card, and good business was done nightly. that the theatre can be made ready for oc- Phil and Carrie Russell, Demonde and Dlns- enpnncy In at least thirty days. Last week n, ore , John Cartwell, Mllo Vegge, Young and •The Little Duke' was enthusiastically re- Brooks, in Illustrated songs, and the vita- celved. Manager Herbert Salinger, of the graph made up the bill. ■ Munhattnn^Opera Co., and members of the Notes.— Prof. Frank Fuestel will take the cast, lout their wardrobes, the total value of leadership of the Casino-orchestra. Prof, wblch Is estimated at $1,500. . Fuestel hmi apeurcd In vaudeville the past Eldkiwie Park (Enoch Little, manager), season, ns Musical Fuestel, playing many —A tiudevlllo wus Introduced here last week comedy and harmonious Instruments - for the nrst time lu u number of years. The jtudolph Mt.hl returns u> this country ubout pai-formaiiccs were largely attended, and the j„i y 4, Hn d takes his old position with the season promises to be one which will glad- jjaslno orchestra. Ho has been on u visit den the managerial heart. Those who closed 25 were: Doyle uud Granger, Lambert and Pierce, Ramsey Sisters, and Harry Brown. This week's bill Includes: The Brownings, the Mitchells, the Great Ucywood, and Arm- strong. Rialto T'HKATBH (F. W. McCunuull, man Casino orchestra, tu the fuUic-rluud. Memphis—At Hopkins' East End I'ork (A. B. Morrison, manager) the high prude uC -uniusemont offered uttcacts gratifying audiences. The programmo for week of Juae «,-,,. 1 pmsniiii 1. fur week of 'wi-'vUn ' M Included: Ueorge Wilson, Smith aaa TS'SSHSS^Am^m^wl ™'«v, «•""?„, " d fe r „v ^d "coS: man, Alice MacVlcur, Stae Lawrence and «*•"! Brou;.-Myles McCarthy and cenpauy. Minulc Grimvlllo. Business Is good. Another'attraction was added » lag «g Queen City Gaudens (M. C Sullivan. &Y to r U ^. Cnt J! , .i.i , h S ^^MV a i^ muuiigcr).—Will II. Fields, who made micli ? ke . Ucr ' from whJ,:n considerable tua derived. IOWA. a success last week, Is retained 27 and week Other entertainers arc: Ford and Yokes. Kdwurd Walsh, Wood aud Stone, und Fred Hobbs. Business, continues up to the stuud- ard " , Davenport Rlugliug Bros.' Shows tame lfi.-n \t n.s M„i„.n teh„„ t »„ /rk-„n tu extrnnrdiiiarlly large audiences June l». «J ,,cn '— At l "° Majestic Iheutre (David und-suMsnp,i nV etTthe most critical Eldred. manager) the Davls-Hoyle Stock Co. Notes ^ThemaAoruf the city has or- enntnil«a tn no^V tl,« hnnsn of «,„.!, ~>«. . « l y l = s '—-IIS _UmyUr UI _IUB UW _»"". t .,| ♦ »» MICHIGAN. of pleasing excellence. Mr. Davenport, si though new to vaudeville, aeored a distinct success here. Miss Cogblan's sketch, "The Ace of Trumps," was a dramatic and effective little piece, and took wall with the audience. She was ably supported by Lynn Pratt. Other entertaining numbers on tbe bill were: Fred- crick Brothers und Burns, Ernest Uogan, John nnd Bertha Gleason, Fred Houlihan, the Merrills, Tlco and Jermon, and Frunz- inuthcN and Lew's. Attractions for-week of 27: Mnzux and Maxettc, Joslc and Willie Burrows, Cluyiun White and Mario Stuart Co., Orvllle nud Frank, Amelia Summcrvllle, -Credo and Dure, Murk Sullivan. Vernon, nasi tin* American kliielugruph, showing "Tin: Great Train Rubbery." Note. —Tbe fuurral of the lalu John 'J'. Sullivan, who died In New York Citv Sun- ray evening, June 19, took place at SI. Peter's Episcopal Church on Wednesday. June 22. The Detroit Lodge of Elks, <>r nounccs tbat the Orpheum- will be rcmoiieiea aud changed to suit the new ordinance, sua Will be opened again In about six weeks. The Auditorium no« Summer vauae- beglnnlng June comedians; >>; ■ ■>-... nuwui.i>o, lllustratea songs,; Hurdle Langdon, coon sboutcr, ana Edison moving pictures. - - - - • - Ubntbv Bnos.' Show, No. 1, was here June 24.-: " The Babnum & Bailei Show Is due Aug. 31. .' - 4«» — — Notes from the Waish Stock Co., now playing Fairmount Park, Woodstock, 9 Bt '.i„» i-ort doing excellent business since locatiDK there. Tbe roster of the company Is: Eugene Powers. Chas. Mortimer, Elmer Buffbam. 1* ward Hayes, Joe Foley, Fred Allen. Anto- nctto Amey, Dollle De Vyne, Isabella Cllntoo nnd Baby Frances. Albany.—At Harraaous Bleecker Rail (H. R.. Jacobs, mtnagerl the Summer season of otpek, by Uu Elugu0D.-Cgur.ena7. Co., bas • ' IM IW.VU X\D ST. LOUIS LIMITED.'' . Five trains s day from New Vo'r* tn rinrlnnnti nud Hi. Louis by the which the decoded iinl long been "a"mem'-iNeu' York Central, luclndlng; "Tb" ber, took charge of the remaiDS at tbe ceme- ii—,,' j, „ ,„„ 8 „' K ^-, v«iir at 6«U tcry. Mayor Mayhnry, of whose bible class limit**," ie«vm» new Torlt at u deceased had beeu a member, paid an do- P. M.—Adi. --'