The New York Clipper (July 1904)

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438 T3SCE_ 30?^ _ 1TOB-K OL1PPEJL July 2. NEW YORK CITV. Iluvlew nnd Comment.—Tim New YolIK TllKATSH, HUIITIO & SMA'MON'H MCHIC IIAI.I., .■111(1 HUllKIl'H MUHIiUM julni'll till! llHt of till* closed houses J lino 25. 1 Wring the week warm weather contributed lis <]uola toward Inducing goisl attendance at tlin roof gardeiiH and other o|ien air resorts, while Ibo few In- door resorts loinulnliig open drew a fnlr slime of the alU'udauce At Man- hattan li»*ci[ I'nlii'rt II reworks (nail- guru led (lie season Thursday evening Juuu _•:! Aji announcement of Imparl unco dining the week: Was (lint Frederick Thomp- son, of /JTionipson A Dundy, owners of I.UNA l'Aiih, Coney iNlund, liuil iilgncd coutrncU for the construction of a large theatre and hippodrome building to be located at Sixth Avenue and Forty-third Street The continued attractions for the week ending June 25 were: 'Tiff! raff! I 1,'ouf!!!" at Iho ('amino, iiiiyiiioiul Hitchcock, In "The Yankee Consul," nt the Uikmdway; Willie Collier ut the Cimr.uiuN, "A Utile of Every- thing" nt Hie Ahkial Gakoknh, the J. 8. Dims Orchestra at the Madison Kquarh O.ab- i/kn', 'and "The Houlhcfnors" at. the New . Vouk, (lie last named closing on that dale. At l'KOCTOU'H Firm A.VHNU1 ami ONI) Hun- imi:|J AND TwcNTX-rimi Htiikiit Tiieatiik stock productions, with vaudeville between the nets, continued At thu. What End tho coinpuny presented "Josephine, Empress of the French." Variety entertainment whs furnished ut Tony I'aktoii'h, Paiiadihm Gakiuins, tli« Niiw Yuiik Hour (Saiupi:.v, lvKlTH'M UNION HyUAIlI), l'MUCTOIl'sJ i'WBN- ty-tiiiuii Stuiujt and lluirini & Sramon'h Misic IIai.i,. Iluiifcu's Munkum presented the imuiil lung list of curies, freaks and vnudeville. I'roctnr'* Fifth Avcntte Theatre (J. Austin Fynvs, general manager).—As u I'licrliil iViiIihv (his week Jumeson Lee Fin- Key, assisted hy Kiilhryn Keys, presents a Hew one ail. play by Algernon Tusslii, en- tItliHl I'A Fighting Chunce." Mr. , Finney made Ills vaudeville debut ut Proctor's One Hundred and Twoiityllflli Street Theairo eiirly In the afternoon of Juno 27, nud then iippeured at tbo l 1 inn Avenue after the regular stock product Ion. lie will appear ut both bouses during the week. In "A Fighting ('liance" he Iiiih a good piece of ill nniiilti- properly, for tin; little play Is out of Hut general rut, In bright mid skillfully treated mul IioIiIh one's Interest well, ltd prluelpiil elianletor la a ninii whom mlsfor- I'orlime. bus brought from a gentleman to a sneak thief, lie enteiM n room In H tine hole! Willi the determination to loot it of Its valuables during the abseiico of the people who occupy It. Hut lie in miters there u young wimiiin who can give no satisfactory I'ceounV of Her presence ou (lie scene, and he concludes Hint, she Is on a par with him- self and Is also an ordinary thief. After u conversation during which lie reads her a well meant lecture, she tells him tliut sho Is ail occupant of the hotel, and simply en- tered the iipartineni.i where they then woce 1o Mteiillblly got the [mttern of a dress she hud nominal on the lady of the place. The cud id' the Hkeleh hints ut his reform. Mr. Finney oluyed with rnnnneiidabbi effect, and MIh.-i Keys suggested Hie role site essayed ilior- ouglilvbmh In voice end iimiiner. The niidlenee plainly liked (be players and their offering. "The (lieal Unknown" was thu play given by Hie slock company, Vomer Chuges, Wal- lace liieklno, l.ollu Llullilcuui, I.01 el la llealy mid the others of the regular or- ganisation coming In for full pralso as the result of goad work. Marlon rterg was a newcomer, mid she played with audi vl- vuelly mid charm that sho soon mode tbo audi cure her friends, l.'tnrunco llaudy- Hldes whs mini her newcomer who established himself at once ux n. favorite, nnd Mnthllda Dvshoii did reiunrliiiliiy line work ns the ner- vous, foolish dreamer Aniuilielle. The cast : Joreiuhlh JiiiTiiwuy, Verimr Clurgcs; Ned lKirrmcr. Wallace ICrskllio; 'i'he O'Doncll Hon, Clarence llniidysldes ; Tom Pl'omlc, Win. I tan ley ; l'ulrlck, George ' Howell; Finn, Marlon Berg; Pansy, 1/irutlu llealy ; Aipibelle Jarruwny, 'Mathilda Doshnn; Aunt Penelope, Emma Liithrop: Shirley Murk It trick, l/otta I.liitbleuni : 'Miss Twitters, Ali- cia Kcir; Mile. Aguthe, Mary Cecil, la ho vnudeville hill were Le Itoy nnil Wood- ford, In their bright net; Marsh and Snrieiin, with u enpltiil offering In Hinging and dune- lug: and ltussell, In "At (ho Hull- -1*01111 Crossing;" Fred Ward, lu Inouohtgue; Held Misters, dancers: FIohsIo Allen, come- dienne; Fred 1 inmvoi'l h. coin and curd maul- plilatur, and (.be kalatcchnoHcope. K««r York Theatre Hour linnlea tlvlaw & lOi'luuger. malingers).—The third week of this Hummer season opened nuspl clulisly Moudiiy night, .lime 27, with u good ulleiidiiiiee and mi excellent prugrsiiime of all vnudeville. The hill, kh now arranged. Is a vast improvement over I he opening week. Holdover nets (or this week are: llnsui'lo Uuirivro, )n a new puntonitinlc sketch ; DiiIiih, . I'roi'tor'n Twcuty-tklrtl Street The- atre (J. Austin FjrneH, general nianager).— Dorothy Russell, daughter of tllllaa Bassell, heads (be bill this week, and on June 27 sbo sang several numbers In a pleasing and ef- fective voice, making tpiltc a success. Joseph Yarrick, with hie magic kettle. Is still a dis- tinct triumph here, where his engagement has now run into lis tifih week. Mason nnd Francis, In their capital sketch, with sing- ing and ibincliig, iiiiiue the favorable Impres- sion which their merits entitled them to, and Katie Itooney's act was well liked. Charles II. I.awlor and daughters presented sonic descriptive songs In untune nnd most ngree- nble muiiner, nnd Frod Ward, bite uf Fields and Ward, brought forth as his bid for recog- nition a single net which hnd many points of merit. Others on the hill ore: lfnlgbt and l>eaue, In "A Pair of Trousers;" Kfch- urd Haven, In original musical novelties; Myers and Hosa, dine manipulators; Jos. W- Teed and Molllc iJizell and company.. In an eccentric Ucrmnn sketch, called "A Scandal- ous Affnlr." which contained good features, nnd was well presented: Imperial Comedy Four, singers, and M. J. Kelloher, baton Jug- gler. ■ The hnlatechnoscone continues. Keith'* Theatre (10. F. Alhre, general manager).—An the climatic conditions were favorable the regular Monday patrons occupied their accustomed places on June 27. nud eujoyed the entertaining bill pro- vided by the management, with a .fair degree of comfort. The bill Is notable this, week In (he engagement of Barney Ollniore nud Johu Leonard, • who have again Joined bands, after Home years of sepa- ration, lu their "sidewalk conversation" timy became favorably known as "Ireland's Kings." and for years were the leaders .In their line of work. Their act, scored strong- ly on Monday, and their reception was cor- dial In. the extreme. The remainder .of the bill Is In keeping with the headllners. and Includes: Dolim nud Lenburr, who always please In "A High Toned Burglar;" Harry La .Hose and Co., presenting a new comedi- etta, entitled "I'he Sudor and the Horse," very successfully; Stanley and Wilson, In their excellent, comedy, "Ueforq the Ball;" the Schenk Hros., novelty acrobats; the Exposition. Four (Three Alexander Bros. and Jag. B. Brady), comedians and vo- calists; Lndcll and Buttcrwortb, . In ec- centric nnd buck dancing; Spenser .Kelly, one of the best, burltono vocalists of the day; Goldsmith nud Hoppe. musical comedians and xvlnplmim experts; Al. Lawrence, an accom pushed mimic and story teller; the Alpha Trie. in. mi original skit, "Tbo Bell Boy's Tip:" I lay ward nud Iluyward, presenting their singing nnd dancing comedietta, "Is Marriage a Failure'/" the Heynolds-Watson Co., which entertained admirably In a ronrlng fnrcclot, entitled "Tim Art of Selling u Type- writer,'' and closing, with the American bio- graph, which displayed several new pictures. Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger).—J. .Hover West nnd Ida Van Slcklen J "Mm Human Encyclopedia :" Keillul and Ar- thur, comedy Jugglers: Wiiyburn's Girls mid Fmuiii Cuius. New features fur the week lire: dipt. Webb's seals mid sen lions. Ihu Four laikeus, Uiimiu Itros., Howard Hros., Juggling. Mae Huns, Hunts lirnmit. and Ha loll.- Hlniichc. « 'rlict'loii 'I'hciidc (I'linrles Fl'oliluiHI, niniiugei'),—William Collier, lu "The Dicta- tor," entered upon his thirteenth week Juno -'■ I'lirnillnn ltuuf (innlena (Oscar Ilam- mci'Htelu. nuinuger). — The current hill names: IVwII. Hie iiiyslcrlous I'nee; Cbus. X, Aldrbh, Paul Spudonl. Hill nud Syl- \unI. Willy Zliniueciiian, the Sisters (lascb, Collins and Hurl, Illee mul I'rovosl, Tecbow'H trained cuts, Al. Whin and "INirslfalla," wllti Mleitnor Fulk nnd chorus nnd bullet. Madison Hiiunro (iuritt-ii.—"lu Beauti- ful Venice," J, M. Dust) nud his Metropolitan Orchestra, lire uow lu their lift It week. . nrunclwar Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, lnunngcrl.—Hnymond Hllchcock, lu "Tbo Winkeu Consul, entered upon his nineteenth ui|d Inst week June 27. The liousn will close for the Summer after the performance, July 2. CtiHlno (Sinn K. K Ui< Sbuliect, malingers). TA'tpiR t l'aff t! Poufi:!" Is uow in Its Ihlr- leeiilb week. Aerlnl Onrden (Khiw & Krluticer, mau- ngors\).—"A Utile of Kvcrylhlng" Is now In lis fourth week. Atlantic On rile a (W. Kramer's Sons, managers).—The Messenger Hoy Tiio, the Nohrens, In a trapeze net : Gorman nnd West, singing nnd dancing comedy duo; the W'lsons, eidored comedy tcuiu; Norma Sey- mour, vocalist, nnd the Kilte Lndy Orchestra are the alt met Ions for (bis week. i IT IlK OI'BNINU ATTIIACMON K8XT MHA80N ll( (he Kiilckeiisicker Thenlre will be IaiIii (:laser, presentisl by I'liurles II. Hllllnghuiu, In n new iiiuile opera, "A Madcap Prin- cess." on lailsir Onv, Sept. R, The opera Is by liiidivlg l'liglamlev nud Hurry II, Smith, ami the libretto Is based on Charles Major's novel, "When Knighthood Was In Flower." Ciiaiu.i;h (,'aiii ■wnuiiiv. nu English uetur, lisn been securbd by Ilnrrlsoti Oruy Klske for the perniiinenl eompuuy .which Is to sup Itbrt M'rs. Flske at the Mnnhattnn Theatre next season. .-. . - . Tiinononr, RAWIiMAWf, fernlcrlT stage rtl- rector of the Mctropolltou Operu House, will tun hn Kuww lib lutio ao, „___«. ^ Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger).— i. .Hover .West nnd Id head all excellent bill hero this week,'pre- senting, fur the tlrst time at Mr. Pastor's theatre, their new musical skit, entitled "The Musical Gymnasium." It la cleverly ar- ranged to Introduce several musical features, and is beyond doubt the best vehicle (bis couple tins had In which to display their special talent along musical and comedy l'ncs. The new act scored a merited success. Klvlrn Franct'lll and Tom Lewis are an extra attraction of the bill, nnd In Mr. Lewis' new act, "The Ballykoo," they present one of the surest novelties seen this year In our. vaude- ville houses. The net la played before their own drop, which represents a side show tent, With Mr. Lewis as the "barker." Ilia lines afford much luiurhter, while vocal- Isms by himself and Miss Fruncelll, also songs and dunces by John Dale, givu Hie act strength and uul<iueuusa. as well. Also listed In the hill for the .week nre the following excellent specialties: Henri nud Violet Allen, lu "Thu sign Pululer:" Jus. F. Casey and Maggie La Clair, In "The Irish Tenants;" Bennett and Lulu Mitchell, lu n uent dancing act: the Marvelous Lu I'ngcs, export Jumpers ; Misses Alexander mid Hoffman, singers nnd ilnnecrs; Gray and lira- hum, musical comedians: the Fruser Trio, character dancers : the Saber Sisters, In songs nnd dunces; I'M. Mnrvulln and Alice Glenson, lu "Brother Tom's Friend ;" Hyruo and West, presenting "An levelling Call," and the, Ameri- can Allograph. Jiihki'U ft, WmiiBii, formerly of Weber & Fields, announced last week thai he lmd formed a partnership with b'lurencn Klegfeld Jr., to pul, ou ut the Music Hull kuown us Weber & Fields', productions similar In chur- ucler to tliOHo given there In the imst. Ann i Held will he ono of the stars of the now com- pany nud Hurry Morris, of burlesque fume, will piny opposite to Mr. Weber In German dialect roles. Aubrey Bouclcnult will Piny lending straight roles In the company. When reopened, tho lust week In Scjitember, the house will be known ns the Weber Music Hull. lOdgsr Smith will write life new pro- duction. Thu music ball Is undergoing ex- tensive nUernllons, mid there will, lie many cluiugCH In the luiuse when It Is reopened In September. Tho old lloors have been re- moved, nnd new ones nre being put In. New chilli's throughout will replace Hie old ones, wider nud more eoiiifoiiiiblc Hum Hie former MllUts. Tim .space between the rows Is to be several Inches wider. Alt tbo draperies will lie new, mul Hie house will ho redecorated lu old roso. us before. The dressing rooms are to bo rebuilt mid mudu larger, and thu the- atre made ns llreprouf as possible. Wiiiin Unmco Caruso Is lienrd ut the Met- ro'silltiin Opera House next Winter, Helnrlch Cunrlrd will give hlui n supporting company consisting throughout of Italian singers. It will be part of tho large compuny, but within tills troupe will be II complete Italian organi- sation (or Mr. Caruso's support. K. I). Shaw has Im'cii up]Kiluted New York representative of the 1,11'o'ogrnvure Company, of Ln Crosse, Wis. Mr. Shaw in well known to the profession ns business milliliter for llohert. Mantell and other well known stars, mid also ns an old time circus general agent. Till) NTHAMKIi GlLVMl ItKPUIIMC, IrilllH- farim d Into n Untiling roof garden, will be- fln her trips for the season uu Sunday eveu- ug, July ;l. .... iini-iciii. —At tho West Eud (George A. Iltumcttthiil .malinger), owing to the con- tinued success of the present offerings this Ionia- will remain open for another week, the eompauy presenting "Heddu Gnblcr" ut ull the evening performances and "Cnmlllo" lit tin) mul luces, PSdCT-Ml'H" (INK HllNUKrn ANII TWHNTT- iiirii SriiliKT TrlKATBH (J- Austin Fyues, gvnei-nl maiiugorl.—"Coon Ilullmv." imo of the host of Southern melodramas, Is tho of- fering of Ihu slock company, 11. abounds In Interesting Incidents, with a great display uf scenic pictures. Tho house was well hllwl June 2i, and the production was satisfactory In every respect. The vaudeville -contribu- tors wero ns follows, and helped materially lo attract: J. Wnrren Kemie, Cburlotto ltnvenscrofr. Emerson and Stone. Note. —llurtlg & Seamen's Music Hall closed for tho season Juno 20. llrooklyn.—At Mnuhntlnn Beach He Wolf Hopper nnil his company will Ih> heard for niiollier week lu "Wiing." Business for Hie pnsr. week wus excellent. HeriTiiann, the niiiglclnu, sires his exhibitions In connect hoi wllli tlin concerts' of thti Tweiily-tblrd Ucgl- mom Band In the ufternoons, nud tho com- iduittion proves a very trnlttul one.. Tim speetuele that Pain has \irodueed for this Summer's nttrnctloii promlsos tu be the most iiltrilctlre of Die many he litis already given Hieie. Decatur noil Hie sen lighters of bygone ■lays will be recalled to mtud through spir- ited representations on the Immense stage of (he open nlr theatre of tho stirring events wllli which, Ibelr names bare been bnuded tiujip. t« Miiieiritj, „ ____.«^._ llniatiTON , BiiAcu.—In the Music Hall (Wm. T. Grover, mnnager) some excellent vaudeville attractions are being presented weekly. Many of tbe headllners that have been seen In Manhattan will bo seen here during the season. The low price of admis- sion should attract those who visit the bench, and crowded bonnes should rale the entire season. Jessie Millwuril, the Hngllsb actress, Is the hcndliner of the current week, lu "The Queen's Messenger." OUier prominent nets nre by George iRinlfaci; Jr. nud Bertha. Walz- Inger, In "The Woman Who Hesitates Is Won:" Ed. F. llrynnrd, ventriloquist; Smith snil Cmnpbell, Harry and Holvers, nnd the Belloclulrii . acrobats; Bertha Stanley, nnil George Hay Phillips. Thu - Yitugnmh bus several foreign pictures for tlila week. I)i<eami,.\.xd. —The vaudeville and circus nets remain about the same., except Hint the Four Hard Brothers succeed the Four Lukens. Others are: Alexander Scabert and his doukcy, Dick Vrooinan, shoot- ing the chutes.on a bicycle: Howard and Luellltn, on the h uh wire, and Melville Howard, lu his slide for life, are presented on one side of (he big tower. The vaude- ville presented here Is received by lurge, enthusiastic gatherings. This week's bill Is nu follows: The Golden Gate Quartet, Hale and Francis, Sisters Howard, Artie Hall, Tsscoi, coon shooter, and the -Barlows., on the brenkawuy ladder. The numerous, other attractions, such as the Fall of Foropell, Flghtlna; the Flames, Traveling Tnrongh Switzerland, Cunsht of Venice, Bostock'B. the Midget City, and Andrew Mack's fishing pond find plenty of good entertainment for the crowds. Tho dunce hall on the pier 1b one of the<coolesct places lu the enclosure, and It has attractive features for tbe lovers of dancing. Luna Park (Thompson & Dundy, owners). —The average, of attend unco here Is about (ili.tiUO dally. .The circus In.thettrl-rlngs.Is watched by inuny. This week tbe bill Is: Nnzndo, human monkey; Big. Spessardy's troupe of Russian trained bears, the Five b'lylug Herberts, Itobcrt Stlckney Jr., bare- back somersault equestrian; Mans. Venello's boxing horses, the Sftaellers, aerlallsts; the Kltlnmurns Japanese Troupe, Zclvardo, lad- der expert; Josle Asbton, bareback eques- trian ; Carlos and Bllverton, on unsupport- ed ladder , and Invisible wire : Ueorgc Ber- nard, aerial contortionist: Louise De Mott and her cuke walking horse, Indlo: Senor Domingo, Spanish web expert, aud Mile. Alexandrine and her two high Jumping bomes In a tttiuleni menage. Tills enclosure represents forty-live acres of showdom, and Intense amusement Is enjoyed. Fire aud Flames exhibition Is a (rood .reproduction of what might be n burning of a city block, Hliowltig tho tmethod of lighting a dre nnd life saving. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea, via, submarine boat, :1s a realistic spectaclo In Itself, with Its sea plants, and a trip to the North pole. The streets of India Is said to be an exact reproduction of a street scene In Delhi, with dancing der- vishes, snake charmers, Jugglers, acrobats and Nautcb girls. Here Is a great elephant farm. The Durban of Delhi Is still popular lu all Its Buuiptuousnosn and glitter. War Is bell Is a thrilling presentation of war ln Its most Interesting form,* with all tho effectiveness nnd sypcctaclar features. IlENDinuoN's Musio IIai.i, IF. B. Header- son, manager).—'I'he usual big bill Is pre- sented here with - new comers, such aa: Zava nud Stetson, Jcnniietle Brooks, Satsumu, May Trado, Irving Jones, Morris and Boweu, Murphy and Brown, Ford and Wilson. Mar- cus aud Qartejle, Garden 'and Sommors, Wnngdoodhi Comedy Four, Nice and Coy, the Four Webbs, Itontluo nnd Stevens, Al. Treloar, and Muslim-, Houghton and Moslier. KniKiitN I3i:ai:u. —The free vuudevlllc which Is given lu the Casino Is attended by many who visit this seaside resort. ' VVatmon'm Cozy CiiiiMtn , (W. II, Wutson, muuiiger).—Musical extravaganza, entitled. "The Female Beauty," which enlists the ser- vices of such people as Cissy Grunt, Nellie Sylvester and Elsie Leslie, Is on this woeh. In tho vaudeville arc Garnold and Adams, Archie ami Croker, nnd Kiln Shields.' Noth. —Manhattan llcacb will havo Cren- tore and bis band, which created such inter- est ut tho Orpin-urn here, for all of next week. * t » NOW YOUK STATE. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS! As July 4 falls ou Monday, we request that adver- tlsemeots Intended for publication in THE CLIP- PKlt dated July u, shall reach this olllco not lBter than Saturday, July a, If possible. proved so successful that it will be extended three weeks. "The Man from Mexico wus the play Juno 20 and week, and Tom Wise was the star. A generouB attendance all tne week spoke well.for the production. Secret Service*' 27-21). nnd "The Senator" 30-July 2. I'nocion's Tiibatkh (Howard Gralinm, resident manager).—This favorite theatre was well filled all the past week, when the stock appeared in "I'luk Dom noes, pre- ceded by a curtain raiser, "Only a Joke. Business here Is excellent during.tbo Sum- mer, as special efforts .are made ., to keep the house cool. "The Strange Ad- ventures of Miss Brown" will be given week of 27. . • . it .-,,. .■Blbctjiic Park had a good vaudeville show-In the rustic theatre. The people In- cluded :• Mills and Kaymond, A. O. Duncan, Cooper nnd Robinson, MucGrath Brothers, and Folly, the.talking parrot. ..-..< i * ■ ' Rochester.—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. B.-Wolff manager) large audiences were de- lighted week of June 20 by "The MyaterlouB Mr. Bugie," ln which the entire stock com- pany appeared to particular advantage. The leading woman, Nellie Thome, shines as a comedienne, and the lending role was well done by her. Others of the excellent com- pany deserving mention were Kobert Lor- ralne, Fred TIdcn, Wm. Sampson, und Helen Ware. Week of 27, "The Idler." , National. Thgatub (Msx llurtlg, rosna- ger).—"Uuzcl Klrke" was on past week. Jessie Bonstelle gained additional laurels by her portrayal of tbe title role. A. U. Stuart, especially engaged for tbja produc- tion, gave a powerful and forceful study ns Diuistnn Klrke. The others of the com- pany were well caBt Wm. H. Dean, the stage director, deserves a word of praise for tbe way the stage settings were arranged. Week of 27, "Ingomar." ■ • - . Bakeu Tiieatiib (J. K. Boyle, manager). —Tho Davis-Boyle Stock Co. put on "Re- surrection" week of 20. Owing to the BUd- den Indisposition of F.llln Proctor Otis her role wus token ou a moment's notice by Anna Laying, who continued throughout tho entiro week. Her work deserved particular mention. Win, C. Hidden was satisfactory, and all tbe members of the company admitted themselves with credit. Owing to the ex- tens've alterations that have to be made In tills house before the opening of the regular season, It wus decided to close tbe season of the Btock company at tbe conclusion of "Resurrection." The house will reopen, thor- oughly renovated, about Aug. 22. Cook OrEBA Huusk (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—"The Still Alarm'" was well done by the stock the past week. Bert Lytell, Adorn Andrews and other members were well cast. Week of 27, "The Galley Slave." Ontario Beach I'ahk (Jno. J. Collins, manager).—Garromone's Band concludes Its engagement June ,.i). Powell's Sixty-fifth Regiment Band begins a week's stay July 1. The Intense heat drives thousands of pleasure seekers to this popular resort Notes. —Slgnor Antonio Mnlorl. Italian tragedian, visits us night of 27, glvlug one performance nt Fltzhugh Hull, presenting "Franccsca da ltlmlnl." Huppurted by his own company of Italian actors Fred A. Gug- gcnheluier June 27. ane.nt and touching tribute to Hs meiiir. Many-beautiful floral offerings decoraKi the casket, and the funeral was very larncu attended. * ' i ' ,. Saginaw.—At tbe Academy of Music (John II. Davidson, manager) Richard Msiih field, Juno 24, In "Old Heidelberg." The as vanco sale Indicated 8. R. 0. M < Jeffbus BDUn (T. D. Bamford & Sun Marks, managers). — Tho Jeffers Thcatr. Stock Co. business has been fair, -the Black Flag" and "Quena" were the bills 2u- i itiTiBHiDB Paek Casino (L. W. Richards. manager).-r-Blll week of 10 Included: Four bunts, Belle Stewart and Dave. F. Fltzulb- bona, Wells Boyer and company, a. p Langan, Ma;uz and Mazett, Inez Mccusker Wesson, Walters and Wesson, Ullmuur una Latnur. Wallace's Show will play here July 13, ■ ■ Dny City.—At the Wenona Beach Park Casino (L. W. Richards, manager) the fol- lowing programme was presented June ItKUS' Gllmour and La Tour, Wesson, Walters nud Wesson, Inez Mecusker, Mazaz and Muzell Bill for,23-25 Included: A. 1'. Langan, Wiiis- Boyer and company, ln "Tbe Sheriff and the .Walt';" Belle Stewart and Dave Fllzglbboo, Frank La Mondue, and the klnetoscopc. The cool weather somewhat hurt the attendsnee .. Tun West JUx.Citx Fiuemen's Touina- KENT ami Fbee Sirekt Faiu takes place week of July i. Attractions are to be furnished by the Capital Amusement Co.. » Grand Unpids— At the New Powers (Harry G. Sommcrs & Co., managers) lilcli- aid Mansfield June 23. . Ramona Tuuauib (Grin Stair, munager). —bill week of June 2(1: Rose Bdyth Bullet, tbe Four Rlanos, Inez Mecusker, Loro and I'uvne, and Frank O'Brien. I GoDHiuy's Hummer Pavilion (Cbas. God- |ro}',,manager).—Coming week of 26: Shan- Son and Dixon, Lester and Lester, Wells, oyer and company, Three Troubadours, Uco. V. Haines and company, and Mile. Lupins. * * Kulaiiiaiuo. — Casino Park (balrd & Dakln, managers) Is meeting with uninter- rupted success, large aud thoroughly pleased audiences attending nightly. The programme offers some very-fine vaudeville acts. The roster-Includes the Millard Brothers. Shan- non and Dixon, tho Three Kvans Children and. others, Mnaistee— C'bns. M. Southwell, manager of the Orchard .Beach Casino, left Manistee recently-for New York. City, to arrange for attractions for the Park Casino, and also to complete his bookings for tbe Ramsdcll The- atre for next season.- The Ramsdcll will be dark until Aug. 1, when It-will open with "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" as the attraction. ♦ I » r— CONNECTICUT. Uuffnlo—At the Stnr Theatre (Wnlter S. Hublwlu, mutineer i "Tho Two Orphans" neck of Julio 21. Including In the cast: William Vii i Hum, Lucia Moore, Laura Al- berta, Lmlly Melville, II. Percy Mcldon, singe director. "Hoodmgn Blind" was roost capably acted aud this good old melodrama found all of Its old friends and hundreds of new ones. "Barbara Frleteble" next week. Convention Ham, (H, L. Mccch, mnna- ?er).—Creature's Baud returns July 11 tor a ortnlght. The ten weeks projected Summer oiH.'ra bus been abandoned, owing to wiiii- ineni ngnlnsl sub; of liquors. l.v^tl'M TllKATitn (J. Lnughllii, inamiger). --Antonio Malorl and his Italian coinpuny presented "Francescii da ltlmlnl" 2S. l.M-'.mrm) Thkatiie (Cbus, M. Bugg, maii- iiucr).—l.'ndei- the direction of James M. Hienitan there nre appearing this week: Lizzie B. Hay mom I, Willie and IOdllli Hart, ChurleH Watson, Gus) Noser, and the tttock, cnilili'd the Henry Burlesqiiers. Summer Inisliii-ss has been well maintained. StlllA'K I.UU'K.N T'JIEATUH.—JollU 0. Fish- it's Chilllipilgun liance, John Mason, Ken Grim, Hvu Allen, KKumuru's Jupuneso Troais-, burton anil Brooks, Stanley and IU'ockuiun, Blrdlu Fowler, aud Doherty s poo- dles coiistltuto this week s progrumme. liu.iiwiu) I'aiik (B, M. Garfield, munugerl. —The season opened most auspiciously 25, and It locks ns though the good old dpwu-the- river days buvu returnisf The Itiiiuginul theatre bookings Included: Wynn and Unit, Golf Phillips, Auletu Ksmoiid and Brothers. Atht.ktu: Pahk (RoUeit F, Walter, gen- eral uiaiinger).—In the imrk ure now seen creation, merry go-round, Ferris wheel, Zarro's Illusions, circle swing, trip to Mars, pony truck, ICatrcuJiiniiuoi- castle. Madam Schull's lii-rii.rmlng lions, dully band concerts, ye oldo mill, housu of trouble, cave of the winds, Mimic's InfiTim, etc. ln tho theatre: St. Clul'- und Curlyle, Jack brown and Lillian Wrlcbt, Antrim uud Peters, Princess Cblu- iititllu, ICIIsworth nud Burt, Censor's dog sliow. Hilda Thomas and Lou Hull were big successes Inst week. Notes. —Contractu for tbe new Keith Theatre, on Main Street, near Chippewa Street, will be lot this week Buckskin Bill's Wild West closed Its season at Brie. Pa., last week, uud disposed of Us stock. Most of the lea tares nud concessions ut (he big Athrlcll'j I'ark are now running, among the most successful being the Figure Klgld coaster (which cannot take euro of nil Us customers), the lielter Skelter ami the theatre Treasurer Duvis, of tho Academy, Is the recipient of a large bequest. It Is announced that the Star will rgala replace the Teek ns the scene of the iilgh class syndicate productions noxt sea- son, the Autumn tour of "The Rogers Broth- ers In Paris" beginning here, as usual, Aug. !HI. preceding their appearance in October at tho new KlnW & F.rlnnger Liberty Then- Ire, New York.... ..Walter S. Baldwin is negotiating for the Tcck lease .Tho park mul river atlructions nre having n must successful run of iialroiinge this year. Vniulevllle nud nightly bund couccrls lire features at the Niagara Falls interna (lentil..... .The llurgruvu. Ilullroad Shows pay their unuiuil visit to Tbimwanda 14.... The Fontnlne-Mauley Tent Carnival at Ni- agara Falls. Out., 20-25, met with fair sue- cosh Charlie Howe and others nre nt HI. Louis. lClmlrn The last of Minim's theatres wus destroyed by tire on the morning of June 21. The Lyceum aud Auditorium wero burned last March, uud now the pretty Sum- mer theatre at Rorlck's Glen Park Is nothing but a heap of blackened ruins. Tbo lire.start- ed at 0 o'clock In the morning, just after tho departure of the night watchman, and Is be- hoved to have been of Incendiary origin. Tho theatre wos the property of the Khulrn Water, Light nnil Railroad Co. The loss Is estimated nt $15,000. At u meeting held soou after the fire, It was decided to rebuild t|ie (heal re at one.-. While It Is III tbe course of erection a buge tent will be placed lu tbo glen, and the performances of the Manhat- tan Opera Co., which have met with such pronounced success, continued. It Is thought that the theatre can be made ready for oc- cupancy In at least thirty days. Last week "The Little Duko" wus enthusiastically re- ceived. Manager Herbert Salinger, of tho .Manhattan -operu Co., and members of the cast, lost their wardrobes, the total value of which Is estimated at .*l,r,oo. BUJlllDOH I'aiik I Kiioch. Little, manager). —Vaudeville wus Introduced here last week for tbe tlrst lime lu a number of years. The perforinnuces were largely attended, and the season promises to be oue which will glud- den tho managerial heart. Those who closed 25 were: Doyle uud Granger, Lambert und Pierce, Ramsey Sisters, and Harry Brown. 'This week's bill includes: Thu Brownings, the Mitchells, the Great Heywood, uud Arm- strong. TiuiATiiM (F. W. McCuunell, mun- ager).—Progrumme for week of 27: Perry and Aleclu, Allen uud Anploton, Trlxlo Cole- man, Alice MncVlcnr, Mne Lawrence and Minnie Granville. Business Is good. > (Juehn Citx Gaudkns (M. L. Sullivan, manager).—Will II. Fields, who made such a success last week, Is retained 27 und week. Gther entertainers are: Ford and Vokeu. I'hlwnrd Wulsh, Wood uud Stone, aud Fred llolibs. Business continues up to the stand- ard. ■ •• Hi idm-porl.—At Poll's Theatre (Joseph ('riddle, manager) "Northern Lights, June 20-25, played lo good business. "The Belle of Richmond" 27-Jiily 2. "The Favor of tiio King," an adaptation from the .French, by George Porter, of this city, a Browa Univers- ity man, will be presented for the first time week of July 4. It will be given by- tbe Poll Stock Co. New York managers are ex- pected acre to see the presentation. Pleasure Beach (Joseph V. O'Brien, manager).—BUI tor week of 20 played to 6ood business. Booked for 27: Mildred ieiilleld, vocalist; the Hiinford Sinters, musical team: Dawson and While In a black, face sketch: Cargmore nnd Florence, comedians, uud Faustina, ballet dnucer. Notes. —Henry 11. Jennings, of Jcunlugs & Graves,-of the Hartford Operu House, who Is a resident of this city, Is ungated ut Kresent in supervising the construction of Is uew theatre lu New Britain. The Hurt- ford managers are also Improving the Hurl- ford house and spending some $11,000 in altering and changing the Interior of tho rathskeller lu connection with It. »'» TENNESSEE. NiiHhvlllc. At Glendale Ctisluo (V C. Alley, niauago:') never ln the history of this phicu has it seen such iitteuduucc ns during tbo week of June ■ lit, for tho Confederate Veternun* Reunion brought tbousuuds to the city, and pleasure, resorts were taxed lo their cupucltv- Standing room at. tho Cusluo was sold nightly. The week of 20..bad strong card, and good business was done sightly- Phil and Carrlo Russell, Demondc and Ulns- more, John Cartwell, Milo ,VcgB«. Voung and Brooks, In Illustrated songs, and tho vltu- graph made up tho bill. ...'.,«. Nomh.— Prof. Frank Fuestel will tsko tbo leadership of tile Casino -orchestra. Prof. Fuestel hau apeared ln vaudeville the past season, ns Musical Fuestel, playing many comedy und hurmonlous Instruments...... Rudolph Moh! returns to this country about July 4, uud tukes his old position with tbo Casino orchestra. Ho bus been on a vlsll tu thu futhcrluud. ........ - ■? . i . ) a . Memphis At Hopkins' Mast Knd Park (A. li.i Mqrrlson, manager) the high grWM of. amusement offered , attracts jnttryMl audiences. Thepiogrummo for week of J" 0 * 20 ■ included: George Wilsou, Smith ana Mullen Carson and Herbert, Zoo Mutthews, Iteltt Bros., Myles McCarthy and eompauy. Another uttractlon was added to the our door. umuscments last week, the HWW Skelter, from which considerable fun is derived. ■ ■■ ♦»» IQWA. Iitlca—At the Majestic Theatre (David lOldred, manugcr) the Davls-Boylo Stock Co. continues to pack the house at each per- formance. Week of Juno 20: "Claire nnd tho Forge Master" 20-22. "Wife for WUS* 5 ' 2H- 25. Week of 27: "His Life for Her's" 27- 20. "O'Brien tho Contractor" 30-July 2. iM.Ki'LNtiANcE Festivai,, at Rome, N. Y., July 2-1, grand firemen's holidays, «i» MICHIGAN. Albany.—At Harmanus Bleecksr Hall (H. It.. Jacobs, manager) the Summer season of stock, by. Uio JxlUKUpU-Coutleotty, Co., lifts Detroit.—At the Templo Theatre (J. n. Moore, ran soger) lust week's urngruinms was of thu highest order. Rose Cogulim, lu her sketch, und Harry Davenport, In bis mono- logue, divided the honors of the bill, aud contributed very largely to nu entertainment of pleasing exeullcnce. Mr. Davenport, al- though new lo vaudeville, scored s distinct success here. Miss Cughlun's sketch, "Tho Ace of Trumps," wus n dramatic and effective little piece, and took well with the audience. She was ably supported by Lynn Pratt. Other entertaining numbers on the bill were: Fred- crick Brothers and Burns, Ernest Uogun, John nud Bertha Gleason, Fred Houlihan, tbo Merrills, Tiro and Jermon, and Franz- ma thes and Low's. Attractions for. week of 27: Muzuz and Mnxcttc, Josle and Willlo Barrows, Clayton White nnd Mario Stuart Co., Orvllln nud Frank, Amelia Siimraervllle, Frcdo and Dure, Mark Siilllvnn. Vernon, and the American khietogrtipli, show-lug "Tim Great Train Itohbery." . Nom—Ska funeral of tbe Into John T. Sillily uu. who died In New York City Sun- ray evoning, Juno 10, took place at SI. Peter's Episcopal Church on Wednesday. June 22. Tile Detroit Lodge nt Hike, of which the deceased had -loos been n mem- ber, took charge of the remains at the ceme- teiv. Mnror Mnvhnry, of whose bible class deceased Lad been a member, paid aa clu- Unvtniiort Rlpgllng Bros.' Shows canto toexlrnprdliiarlly largo audiences June is, und Biitlsfled even itho most critical. Ndtbs.— Tbo mayor of tho city has or dored that aji theatres and play,h<» u8 9 a '"A. remain closed until they comply » lth g* city Ure ordinance. Mr. Kindt, of Cliumber- lln, Kindt fc Co., suys that th(S Burtls Opera Houso needed vory few changes, and tne«» will be completed long before the opening m that houso In August. Oscar Bog g W JK uounees that the Orpheum will be rctuodeiea und changed to ault tbe new ordinance, ana will be opened .again In about six weeks. ,..Ceaar Rapids. — Tho Auditorium Jg been leased by D. .Wcber for a Summer vauae- vllle season of two months, beginning Juno a7, twltb Don and Thompson, corned ans , )»• Andrews- uud niulo, Edwin Leo, lllnetratcri songs; Hai(lie Liingdnii, coou shoutcr, aou Edison moving pictures. - ■ • ,„. a - Gh.m-my. Biios.' Show, No. 1, was here Jim" 24 s ' ■. Tub Bahnum & BAiLsr Show Is due Ang- 81. ' . --. • ' . «« . » . ■ ■ — Notos from the Walsh Stock Co.. now playing Falrmount Pork.lVoodstock, Ont-,, re liort doing excellent business since locnlins thorc. The roster of tho company Is: KugJ" 0 Powers. Chas. Mortimer, Elmer Buffham. iw ward Hayes, Joe Foley, Fred Allen, Anlo- nottc Amey, Dolllo De Vyno, Isabella Clinton and Baby Frances. , -, , ,. ■ g "CIKCL> JLN1> ST. liOtW LIMITED." ' , Five i m I ns n ilajf from H«W Vork tn rinrlnnntl and St. Louis !■>■ < he New York c.nt rid, ln< indinsr "T h * Limilerl,"» New York at u.'Jtl P. H.—i4v. ~>