The New York Clipper (July 1904)

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438 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, July 2. REPERTOIRE MANAGERS!! THE 1P1VAYSS YOU HAVE ALWAYS WAITED! NEVER AVAILABLE BEFORE! ALL THE NEW PLAYS!! CALL! ALL THE BROADWAY SUCCESSES!! ^V^J^ITE ! WIRE! PHONE ! 38S2-3853 »8tli ST. ... EXCLUSIVE AGBNT, ••• ALICE KAUSER, 1432 BROADWAY, lV^VF YORK. -CAR LOAD- Hindiomt Special Scenary, Elegant Coitumss, New and Original Trick Stuff, Mechanical and Electrical Effects, Etc, Elc. THIRD AIIUAL TOUB. TUB- CORNELL 20th CENTURY -EVERY FEATURE-! OUARANTKED— REFINED and PLEA8IKQ. Handeomc Special Papar LARGE VARIETY. HUMPTY - DUMPTY >: PRODUCTION, ■ ■ ■ Sole Proprlttor. LEWIS T. BENNETT ' ' A Most Mluliorntr iirnl Complete Representation of "OLD MOTHER GOOSE'S FAIRY STORY," -DEPICTED BY A COMPANY OF- CAREFULLY SELECTED ,,IH " PANTOMIME ARTISTS. ORA.DE IVOTK—Would llko tu hear from Kiwt «'Ihhh Hpoolalty and Novelty Artists unit (lOOli SISTER-TEAMS. Alio HTAIJE CARPENTERS, ELECTRICIANS, PROPERTY MEN, Etc., Bto. HEADED BY TIIK UNIVERSAL KAVORITEB, EDDIE MCDONALD, AND BLANCHE FRAYNE. Pennanont nddremi, PORT HURON, Mich., Cure of CITY OPERA II0U8K. Address all BU.'il.NESS MDNICATIOVH TO COM- COLC.IV. ROBERTS, MANAOER. NOTIOI TO MANAOCR! ■VI P08ITIVELT TBE MOST EXPENSIVE MD8I0AL ACT ON THE AMERICAN 8TA0E. 623 SIXTH ST., Detroit. Mloh. AT WANTED, THIRTY DANGERS That Can Double in Band; Also Oboe and French Horns for Orchestra, For LEW rtOCKSTADER'S U MINSTRELS. Apply by mail or person, to JAS. H. DECKER, Boom 18,1432 Broadway, low York. SOUTH AFRICA. Empire Palace of Varieties, Johannesburg, Tivoli Theatre of Varieties, Cape Town, MIDGET CITY, DREAMLAND, CONEY ISLAND, Midget Tradesmen, 8aleimen, Bales Ladles, and Acta (or Olrcm and Theatre. Midgets Hunt lie Perfectly Formed. Three yearn' engagement. Addreaa, with " and salary, In first letter, engagement. Address, with full particulars, photo L. J. RODRIGUEZ, Mgr., DHBAMLAND, COWRY ISLAND. WAITED, FOR Forest Park, LITTLE ROCK. ARK., A No. I Vaudeville Acts, July and later part of August, No Sunday snow. Two matinees. Addreaa quick, OHAS. T. TAYLOR, Bex 168. Little Rook, Ark. T. W. DINKINS' UTOPIANS COMPANY All l.adlHi i and Gentlemen Engaged with the above Oeiupaiy, Hit.I. IIKPOIIT COR IIBHKAHSAI,N MONDAY, JULY 11, at 10 O'CLOCK, at IIEINBBUND HALL, :iltli Street and Hth Avenue, New York City. Kindly acknowledge thla call In person or by letter. T. W. DINKINS, Knickerbocker Theatre Bnlldlng, New York. CAN VHV. A VBW MORE CHORUS LADIES. A Real lomodlan, WANTI QUIOK, MANAGING DIRECTOR, MR. EDGAR M. HYMAN. Mil; HYMAN la leaving for England aurt South Africa on Thursday, Juno 110, and wishes; to Ihunk l lio management of the following theatres In New York for courtesies hIiowii hlmdiiriug hla visit lit-rc: Kelth't, Proolor'a, Pustor's, llammor>toln'e, Tim Olrolo, Hurilg A Bomon'a, Hyde A Hehmun's. ArUats wishing In vtalt South Africa can apply to my American icprosRniallvo, MR. 0IIA8, IIOIIS- liAi it, St. Jainea llulldlng, N'ew York; or direct to the i.onttoj onice, SYDNEY it. HYMAN. •Ji l.elcosler 8q , «". O., London, Kllgland. KlVI£>OrV BROS., Prop< Recent Productions Suppled : PARSIFAL BABES IN TOYLAND WIZARD OF OZ 8HEPNERD KINO DU BARRY and BEN HUR E. H. Solhern-fhe Proud Prince Weber & Fields'Whoop Da, Ooo Lew Dtckaladtr't Minstrels NINETY AND NINE GALVESTON FLOOD FALL OF POMPEII faaaajt i m STAGE LMTIBCfl. 1393-6 Broadway and 129 W. 38th St. New York. JNO. A. HIMMELEIN FIRST CLASS BBPBRTOIRB PEOPLE FOR BEOOLAB SBASON, Al II DA V Y MAN, WOMAN Klin STIIOMI CHARACTERS AND IIK.AV1K8, MAN FOR SECOND COMEDY WITH SPeCIALTIES, NOVELTV ACTS THAT (UN PI.AY (10011 LINE PARTS, EXPERIENCED MAN Kun props. AND PARTS. Ifelnii Carpenter to do Hits. Don't misrepresent or.vou will be dismissed ai Ural rehearsal. SEASON OPKNS KARLY IN AUGUST. Would like to hear from reopl* that douiiio in hraea. Bend photos, etc. Addreaa KKI.LRY island, Ohio. AT L1BBRTY POR NBXT SEASON (ROTH PLAY PARTS), COMEDIAN Bad 80UBRBTTE. JOHN C. and ALICE McDOWELL. Till* week, Wenoim Reach, Bar city. Mich. Per Address, e»T SIXTH STREET, Detroit, Mloh. FIRST CLASS GENERAL BUSINESS MAN. Capable of.piaylng Heavies; also a lied Hot 8ING- 1N0 and DANCING 80UBRETTE (Small), for stock. Two bills a week. Wire (prepaid) or write quick. Want lo hear from Slater Teams and Pianist. OEORQK If. BELL, Manager, Phunli Park, Jacksonville, Flu. SODD OPEN TIME, 1904-5, Hooking Ouo.Two and Three Night Attravtione; one Shows weok. BhowHWlth Band preferred, for siiti'.ini, N. Y.: Goshen, N. Y.j Mounlgumery, N. x.l Hotaex, N. J., and liackettstown, N. J, (lood Shows can got the money. JOHNNY VAN, 0»V MAIN ST., PATBRSON, N. J. UtaVrLflHEB, BALLOONS New and Second Hand. -Box IB Madison Square, N. Y. WANTED, AttiRotionH for the Dnndas County Fair, THE LAROEBT IN EASTERN ONTARIO, (live terms and all In ilrat letter. No time for correspondence. Address J. N. EASTMAN, Morrlaburg, Out. P. 8.—Pavilion Shows write. TOM HAVERLY Plays Any Old PART, and Any Old CHARACTER. LIVING BAST FOR ,THB SUMMEB AT HI8 LITTLE OWN 8WEBT HOME. No. 11 HAZEL PARK, Everette, Ham. High Class Vaudeville Acts Wo control, and are In constant touch with all the Beat Attraction! In America. MANAGERS and PERFORMERS Will Hint Hii thoroughly reliable and different from nil others. WE BOOK ONLY THE BEST. Irving Theatrical Agency, Iff. MAGNUS, Manager, 26 VAN BUREN STREET. CHICAGO. LICENSED UNDER THE LAWS OK THE STATE OK ILLINOIS. . ' AT LIBERTY. AT LIBERTY. WM. H.WILLIAMS AND EDNA ALEENE Imperial Concert Company WANTS Trap Drummer, Alto to flOuHe M Violin, (iood Song anil Dance Team; must do Singles and change ror week stands. State lowest drat letter. JOHN o. wiNDisoii. week of Juno 37, Hillsdale, Mloh.; week of July 4, Ft. Wayne, Ind. MIBM LBO DALB INORAHAM, VERSATILE LEADS. BAH J. MY KRS, JUVENILES, HEAVIES OH OEN'L BUS. Wardrobe the beat. One night or good Rep. Responsible Mgia. only. Address 441) ELM STHEET. Dallas. Texas. HIE SIT FILM, 2,073ft. Very Law. PASSION PLAY, care or CLIPPER. Wantilf, Several Good Ail Reunrj Pirfonirs, Acrobats, Wire walkers, Jugglers, Contorflonl.ts. steady Job. Under tent. DR. I). O. SPANGLER, SpniggBtown, Green Co., Pa. «• IN A NBW OUIUBDY SKBTCH, 3BSY IIM Paat two seasons with Wober A Rush's "Hon Tons " Permanent address, »4» HO. THIRD ST., Brooklyn, J». V. I tt CLINTON • WILSON SONO ILLUSTRATORS, AT LIBERTY SEASON 1904-05. BOTH PLAY SHALL PARTS. BINOINO AND DANCING 8PECIALTV.' RKLIABALE MANAGERS DESIRING ABOVE AOT ADDRESS CLINTON AND WILBOd, care Ol.lPPgd, Burean, Aahland Blonk, Chicago, HI. EMPIRE THEATRE WANTS An Organized Stock Oompany One that controls a lot nf High Claaa Plays, to open about July t!4 or :n; must be First cuts and Up to Date: also SCENIC ARTIST, one that understands hie baalness, and STAGE CARPENTER. ■ Write full particulars aud salary expected. Consider alienee a polite negallve. Addrese • , > DR. M. CAMPHKLL, Empire Theatre, Detroit, Mloh. WARNING.--"WAS SHETO BLAME?" I will prosecute to tbc full extern of thotaw any persoui or manugors playing'6Pa|)oWlugio be placed the above mentioned attraction under aov title. Inailllnols, Indiana and Kentucky. Opera Hnnm Managers. la»o»arnlnr. ROUT. SKINBKI, Manager JUNO jjARRETT 00. MI Cr IKE AREIi!LE "^ latest and greatest sensation." aces ^3e%H lj& ® uAi aKSsiftsi s^>*f muESma S>*r«»iS, wsM^ &:i&am nHTnAnn trtbuwf i.n. a a. CHICAGO TRIBUNE, June 14.