The New York Clipper (July 1904)

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£60 TEBB NEW YORK CX-IPP-ER. tFtJLY9. Clipper P o$r Office liPI in erfer to ■▼old mlataltcai ana (• Innurn the prompt delivery of the letters advertised In thli Hat, an envelope plainly nddresaed anust bo ■eat (or each tetter, and a written order tor the latter, signed with the fall name and address and the llao •t oaalncsa followed by the lender, ■hast also bo enclosed. Please mention the data (or «•■• her) of Til 10 CLIPPER In which the 1stters aeat for were advertised. 1, \llll ,s' I,IST. Adams, Olorinc Allien.I, ltUM Allyn, Rulh Abbott, Annie M Breiiclt. t'ranccs Bell. Mr*. *e Belmont, Isnilae Burr, I telle Mirk, Uelon 0. Brown. Hall* Ul.n..lined, May Berrien, it- Margaret Butveti, l.iiin K. Uulcbelor > Sinters BIiikIuiih. Kltly Briri-kiiiuii Marie Beimel, Laura Bxrlwiir, Ivn Bertram, Unity Hurki'. Beatrice Sntcmuii, Viet. ■ Iliinl, l.iriim Btyiml, Hliir. Boston, Josoiihln linnet Milr lull 1' Blimk, Kiitc Bnll.roirui, Tlier Byno. All)-* NOllUOIIt, IsllllKC Ctlrlnltu, Miss Cull his, Clin Carroll, Ken*., I„ilu Onwcll, Olllo Oolllson, Alice Cui |Hlilcr, ,v Krunkle Cooke, Violet Vf, Oiirvcr. Louisa t'alterllu, Mm. Warren Olui-k. Mario Cashing Bowling, , Priiiieca PeHoaar. i.n. DuVcau, Mae Dnuree, Minnie Heyiiorc, Mm..I. I'elnni, Attna L'elmnre, Kinlly l'oVcnu, Mne llnl'roc, Miniilr 1'nlTc. A, iV'lt'dlOSt. A 11 If Dnlirgiui, Nell, DlltulH. Hello llllllll, lllillH'lie HowlillK, ilelll Hull', l.olii Ihuiovnu Kaiinln lk'iiel, Mrs. .In.,. 'Il'l.llllii. Mil. lr Urutv, Mndvi! I.n i.mi. Hiimlie llllllo, lleiill'lee Hater * Webb llllHWIirlll. Mure mil, II. Initio ICsnicrnhln Mister IMmnlh A.«M. Kspry, I .nlu KveiiM, K. M. Kwlng, < ii-il. Co. I 'mm Ik. Mll,V I'mil. MimiiI J„ Poster. Muriel r'SIIHt Hlstcls I'olnrilcnu Doll 1 Hots, Mlldrvil r'urgumm, Mm. liar. fuller, Mu.v Ken-In, T'msle I'Tnllcr. .Mlllllle lirllllilis, .Morion Ii(Inert, Hess. Colilsmlth Hlnters <luin|ihlltl, K. tlnrii.ll.i Airs. It 'Iti-.ii.-, Mm V V limiT, Miirtlin U Uarilner, l.l'li llri'.v. Mrs. H. K (Irahuin. KkuIo tliilelim.l, Jenn. Ilriinl. !''].... lili'iik'in, violet (liny muter* Homer, .lonnlo Huim', k'limile ilninllli.n, . Cur re ill 3 lllirlc llelrlne llllltlieu, l'lor. Hellnmii, Tilly lliirrlsoi], Mnutl IIiiiiBi'ii, Murlc Houston, Ml. Hussou, llerlJe lleurn, Alum A Howard, May Hill. ,Muy IfnwkeK, Carrie lliiviioiiil. Keiiti Irving, Mnurt Kolll, M.irloll King, Mrs. II. 1) Kane, Krunklc Mllllrjlil, I, King, Untie W. Kelly, Mr*. T. Klimalnl, Irene Invumle, Carrie Luclunun, Mrs.. David I.OL'keiiinii, Muriruerllc Luurenee, 1,11, .iHinnril, Noll lA'Poinme, I nun l.nwrcncr Kusllil Luwrciice, Ml, llllle, M. II lorry, Kllll'l Lilly, Miss I. .ill.'ii... Mue 11, 1.1'Molev, Ulllily-* IJUVI'I'IICl'. 1,11 I enter, 11. In: J, Leslie, Allre '.niiitley, liiinli!' I'Hlle, Mnl.le Leslie, Kl-.l l.niik-li-v. I,. W. idimili, Ml, MellMiurne, Ml. Merrill, Hlcllii Mniree, Mru, J, Hylic, Mm. Sum Mink, beau Mali In, - 'I'llorouu Morion, sicllii Meeku, Annie Melville, Nell, Mills, Mny Miller, Kllly A. Miirllunt. Killlh Melrose, Win M.-l'nii, lCiieuit Molirne, C. II. Mel'.illsliniil. Slllle Ml'ilon, Miirv*. Mlcki'l, Ml.' Norrlu, MumlvII Neluou, I ,ul I In lU'llrli'ii. Idil O'llrlcn, Mmlife Urn-tin I.ii.lj IJynin.) 1'oruiToy, loin I'vynrr, Annie I'lonite, Mlllllle Palmer, ,Mell» lost. Mru Italnli I'.'liiT,". Mela l-lilllelll'. Lou I'riHllelon, llenlllee Raymond, l.eona Herere ulsters Idle, runny llrlnliordt. Mil. mile Hut lis I ire. Cert. It'itJi, ICrnestlno llarenvrofl, Cliurlotto llceil, lfloreiiii' Uimimml, Alice Kel'I.Hn. Jnck Itiiyiuouil & Wayne. Mlrem, Hunt. Hiiyiiioinl, Vloln IlislK'TS, Vivian llllllll. y. Lulu R>«n, l.nln Rii.viiuiiiil, Vloln llieliui.iii.l Martu dter ii. Mllilred Mlowe, Vivian i'tuiiclifli'lil, ,T. Hose ."lelHon, K.ri'lyna Sterling, Jlnbel NMr, Mnry Ifl. Clulr, Aud. .Stix'lulnle. ■ : mm. J. u. SliovverH. Nell Hinltli, Velln Heauler, Oraec Hllverlou Ulsters Minnie), I'earl Sinltli, otlvetu filler, Mundo Kllhur, Mm. « in. <Jc. tjnwyor. Mnrv Tyler, lloau I.. Toiswui. lAiit'im 1'lieo, Kill . I'nylnf. Hone Taylor. I<mlae Vincent, Mnl.le Venuiu. Mine, nillianis, Helen Wllhnr. Pearl Wllllainu. Lottie West, Mnrle iVllllims, lila I, Wllwin, Old IVnr.l, M'lU'l Wiley, iSlclln Wnui. b'ruJiee wlukleuian, Mm. Win. Wilteia. Delhi WiunI, ,i nl In A. Wrird. Oypay M. WIIbhi'H, Mniid iVintner, Plum Wllwni Mi...II. i. While, Irene Wuiv, Rene Weillwoi'lti Mny Wrlnht, Mny ',. Wayne, Myrn White. Uruce M. Wllsii'i, Cuinlllu West, Marin Wren, Delia UUNTIiMMHN'H MMT. Allen, c. II. Auilennu, Curl Avery « lliitt Alhlnl. Hi rli. All. Aimer Ashley, Huh. Ai'iiiHiriinit II. I) AloMltlltoi.. Itllss Allen. He.irl Alwood, Wurrvn Alenrls, Mi. Anileruon, Curl Allen, II, J'.. .Mien. H. * V. .Mls'i-liiu, Morris .'.reiirlii, Mr. Aheilo, Hill'. llrowiilt'u'AHeeU Ucll. UusUm llrenituiiD, Mux. lillllni:. II. II. Liullliilf, IS. A Uyruc.a West I'.ukel', II. 1'.. Hlilke, R. ,1. Biirnnnl, V. W UiinkHuii. Roy I'.nriw llni. Iloiniil, Novnrin llrnttona, Till' Inirrowu VI ft 3 lllxley, Ivlk'iir r.eiinetl, Sum ltns.ks, Corney Hover, I,. M., .1. M. llariieu, J. II. Derkowlla, II. Hn.vli'. tl. II. lleiilnn ( . Iluaik n nl I lliii'tluiilon. It A lliillletle. Mill'. Illker. , Hlllly llelinuiil. 1'ord llerimiil, \in-in nillhuiH. II. II. Itl'ili'hnlll, I'mil Hell. Joint Uracil. Unlihy lln.wiii', Tom llh-nsihile. W. it Harlow ,V 'iVHUWl 111 nun. II. It. Inker, W. II. llercer, It, R. Hums. I). S. JlrriRHiHi. A. Mnyle. liar. lliirri'll, .l.w. llriHiks, I. M. I'.in Hi >V llii.hl lluke.', M\ r.ui liui'low. Wil- son Mini. Iliilln. I'rcd l'nlitel. Rich. llmilcrlel;. 1). O. llretKll, Till Hcnniuoiil, II. Hul luiis. The Illulr. .1. A. Ikiyle. O. U. Himell, Ceo Cable. N. II. (nrrson, 0. II, Chirk, Clius. I'nlian, (1. M. Clifton. II. 11. Crane, cims. Colo * ilnhnwin I'niinliik'luiiii (IP Cotton, llotit. (Iinpraun, Cli. S (,'nrr. II, M. ( huiimuii. Win. <;inrk. II. K. Cole A J'lhnaon cnsh, llnrlclxh CiiimhlKhilin. w. a Cuiilun, Win. J. Corner Kliu'k Co Cmihy, .1. K Ci... k'-IL w* i». 1'i.nkley. M, P. foil Ina, I.en Coliun, Trunk Cvllltl, J t Id I'liiise, 1. T. C'lnyl.m, Crunk Cnnllir, J. (l.Stl'llo, 1, Iksjwr. I.''. 0. cniw, Wall. Corliss, Nisi I Weill, Ksl. iinil.ii Mlduiir Co Ci'iiIku, MiisIciiI .'oil ii, Willi. t'.ileniiui. Vnlb. Clark, f. V. . 'online A lllllfite Ciirr. luinvln 1'imiol, 1 tin . Crowlty, Herb. Cliau|k'Uv, Put Uliaau. II )■:. Curtain, I'nley I'nrleion, Al. Chimlltis, D, II Cmckelt, llur. CvIIIiih, Dun Cubic. S. II. I'liniielly. Ail. Curndl & Clnrkc ClllU'fulll. I'l-.u.l, llirlla, II. K. Mni. Hnr, Coy. Will Clark. Ci". I'ornnll * Clink t'llVC, ll.'lll'V Cn.iwii & Ueviim riieilir, limiji Homes, line, "Inlys, JIM Deuel, .Inn, lin.,l„|i. Will, lIl'llllOIO. .!UU. Drew. P. V. He (luni, Al. Dm !,..,. Hoi l II, Ik'IVechu, .1. Duly, A. II. IH'ltue. Holl.y k-volojun Knlil, IVWIH. prank IJUlvls. A. W. Is.iinellv. 'I'olu H'AIiiiii, .'mil Dimlels. Wall. Hole, J no. Hehiury, lus. Diuiley, i. V. Ilushlcld. Wll. Iilenu. loii'oii C. A Drew, Tom Uiew, Hnr. Dove, .Inn. Deuvea, Uuwinun Ik'kresku rlliw. Dunn.snly (JliK, Duly ft Uerert! Duly, V. \. Ileltiuik, 111 He loivis, a. c. neVenux, «'. tl. lioikei . Paul Dalya, The DeX'imcli', Cliesl. 1> ivies. ]). II. lk'l.lale, (Jiui.l Ikiuni'lly. .Ins. lkailey, n J. Dlcks'iii. D. I-:. lllllll.olill. J. Drane. J. W. IVerendu (Cluli .Inc. i Drrrel, .Ion, Diivh's. II. 11. Kverhnrl, — ICIIIutle. K. T. e'rlckson. Vice Kmrltnit. A. K. P»|iy, iviiviii L-hIc. Win. Karl * Richard* Rverharl, til. K.OLIUV Colli IvaK A a I .11,.■!■■.,11. V. Klilvr. M, D. nwi m> u. I'slwiirils, Curler livnns, tleii, l'A'UIH, Ii, V. I'rei'll, t. J. 1 .llla-i-i,-. <I. M. MRnrl. Mr. In-n'lson, \Y. f. I .lino A Dale Pulton, A, ii. h'rnlieelll l^fwla .« Co. KrHiiat. B. S. IW'lune. T. II. Prey A rnmwon I' Ivnti, ,l»0 Pord, Oc.i. I'lorldii, 0. A. lalkliwr, V. W. Ivmuielt « Kane I'niwt. Jack Pllt, II. I/. Holer, Ucv. Ilyim, II. V. V. Corner, Mni.s. !■'..-1iel'. II. II. l-lol'i'liec. III). Innvll. CHIT 1'iwlci'k'ks, W.S I'oi'illuiui Ail. I'ltnimlrlok, M. I In In v & llurko Pey, II. II. I'lk'innii. IHi'nr lluek. W. K. illnsKow, .1. tl. Cnli.glior A H in. It Crueller. Jis' tll'U|UMVllll', tlllllN Ciller. C. S, Cni. \V. II. Connnii Mink t.'ohl Dust Tvtlna Cllletl, A. M. Cnnil, Al(. ' coliun Jr. .in'. liiilTy. Win. iHcuhoii, Jam , lireeii, .1. 14. llrreii, Mall Ciillnalier. I'll. Co. kill Ciil'll. Co iliaulwln, Cims. Hit. IV. II. Curl mi's cninl. II. II. Coriiollii, llnlll. iwiiwuy, lly. Hi..Ii, K. }.k Ii. (iollia'iis, Tin. Hliiui. I. M. llrnuiA'r, U. K. nhulHUiiic. Otto Cumuli, Frank tltruury, I'm nl, CobU'rs. Kmll (livens, (liai. Coislu In, 0. II. Cenrue, c. M. ll.m.lilon, J. 0. Hcmlenmii. li.A. llorau. lvl.He IliilsTtla. I.eo Humid. P. W. Ili.lMht ft Deuii Hi, Kill llliuler. 8. V, Unit, Dan K. , Hurt A Dillon Hoi .Is worths, Tho llyile A Itraiuou Hoyt. Kdivln llowunl, Dan I'nrrlniton, Jim ntilcomb. Will. Hilton, K. K. "tnrlmun. Iniula Henry. O. I). Hurl. W. .1. I la ml lints. Ilnr. Ilerliert, I'Vmik lanua, Jo*. nniiinioiiii. r. ti nun. j, Howe, Dan IL. 11mini, l.onls Ihiimi'ii. Win. JUaJW, J, J. « Hoy, P. K. Hern, v. b\ luiro, P. Serrmano. htoa nrtnian, Mills Nollanda, The lliitchlnmi, (Ico.'klns, D. Ilyuian, .Ins. . Homer, Muni, P. W. Ilrrrmmi, P. I„ lllte, II. W. Harileen. Thco. Ililwk. I). 10. Iluywanl A , Iluyward Holmes, Jack llnran, Kil, Hunter 4 Mooncy Hurl. Hlllv llurrlman; M. II llellll'k'S Jr., J. Heath, Jos. llurrlman. Mow Heberl, \V. O. Unwell, W. A. llusel. Kmlel Ilenalmw, J. K. Itnnler, K. V. lliiiiuen, liar. ircluiui. O. II. Ivors, It, W. . IrvltiR, ii. J. Isilnes, 1. I), .lordnu-llnrvcy Jack. Denver Jennings, Billy Jacket, J. O. Jiiokson, Win, Johnson & DeniM! (3c Juckuon, Ilnr. Jackson, J. K. Jolinsnn, C. tl Joyce, Jack Julie, Phil Krliiion, «. A. jielly ft Vlolclte Kciieily, 3. Kouter. Kid li't'iincily, Jeie Kiuillii, Alhcrt lilelst, 1'. h. Kelley, T. V. Keniiisly-Kvanu Kelly k Vloli'tte Konions, 3 Kearney, .1. L. Ken.., Welch A Melrose Kn lima mi, V. Kelly, J. T. Keueily. Jn... Kates Urns Kelley. Jan. KrckT, Tim Kelley, J. T. Heun, Julian Keeley, Hold, remand' II. .Mill KlocirlfliMi, II, 1'mint on, <c. Kilions, I Mm. Kohl, II. A M Kelt, Jink 1. mills'. Prcil lime, l>. II. Linvreneo, .Ins. I.ony, P. W. I.enni.l, I'miik Inrelie, Cm. Lll'is'iaotls. Toe I en mi. I'. II. I.nrvnrule I'ruuk l^ea, The Lyons, llllllo U'oiii, liar. I.nsley, Art. 1.(irene, IJeo. LiiToye Bros. lornnc, tl. M. I cHoy ft l.uVan. Lore I Is, 'Jfho Let, T. P. Lewis, JVC. Imrls, J. it. I.under, II. II. l enrol, I'm nk Leech. Al. luinelle. tills l.nrklna ft . 1 "n I lemon l.uivson Ae?uniou Lewis. I'hiiiih' l.aReane, liar. lovelcuR, 0. U. I.vhIw, — l.cnde.', It, D. I ollnor. Anion I cl| Nate I ciivHI, Ala- Lilllne Kilw, l.llllolollli, 'I'. I laivlll, Pdwuril I einliur.ll. K II. I.urin'rs, Tfcen. Many, tsirletini Mnor*! r. T. Murray, If,, K. MaleheilR. W.ll Mil.'..,, P. W. Meyvra ft Jerni'k'an MunphiB, I'earl Murray, J. J, Mllchclsru, TUor Mack, Ben V. Montgomery |Iar Mnriuii. liio. Mni'Donnld W.ll Myers A Horn Mwkan- MfCsirlliy Miirdnck. tl. W. McWslttr*' Tiuo'n Marks. It. Ii. jietsom 11 Hamlet Mewltt A Mnekey, Marion ft Pearl Mltchell-Caln Mctaml — leufT klig AKomIIs ., K4. Morrlvm. Jaa. Mnrvln, P„ O. MeCw, W. II. Mi'llolilc, W. Mnrllii. .1. t), Inebun, Win. Mead,' I>. II. MeUxsl, An.Iron- Sfnntuuue Henry Mll.'liell, Dune. .Mnuli), Clisa. Mario-Dunham Trio Marcel. Mr. McUeury. Basil Mundy Oarn. Oo H.lchelaen, T. J. M oil J ps k a. C. Meyers, ii. Mml.lux, lihrli. MrCoy, — Alunily, Jos. Mason, W. A. Mrt'lierson, 15n. Martluier, ('hna. McDonulii, Mlkt Murphy, Walt. "Mnloney'a Wnlillng" Co Haste, J. J. iliislliier, Kd. Meelnn, W'm. .MiKiiicy, J. Metlraiie, Joe Mills. Hen .ilii,vii. Main McCaini, Mlcli. McAnnllaii, ,!.»■; Myro, — Mnck. P. ». Newton. Al. Nwil, liar. Nhwr, HA, Nlsa, liar. Nevens AArnnM Nairn. Ilud Newniini. A. K. Nis'l, Cert Norton, -ho Niiriuuns S Jiikt Nevliiu, Hnr. rhboume, Jeff. O'Brien, J. L tin liiinn, T. 3. Coimnr. Unas. tmrl. A, [,. tlrvnloaky, Jltr. Orinn, Hem. Pulieii A Perry I'ackanl, P. II. 1'nrr. Tom Parker. 11, M. "'ercy, 11. W. trim,, if, h. Pusey. c. W. I'lilsuiiM Durffln Tbcntra Co eeliiu St. i. Co. Pun Aim'rleiin Dliowa Pyne, Al. . I'll III. lr. nk Peuna', (J. A I'hlllii.K. J. ji. I'le.irl Bros. Poller A 1 luii Ih riiikiiiini. Itiiliili Porker, .lus. Plent. W. J. I'lisealc], Del I'uiker. Pmiik Perry, Jim. Sum, P. J, nlnliiii. I'M, Ice. K. J. Itnnalilo, Chaa. Itockwuy A Oitiwav Itllilfenl. 0. 11, Itnanr Trio Iti'inuhls. t.ew lUdliLllnr. It el yea, II. K. III". A. U. UUMCH ft l/.oke UiwhvII, Plod lli.l.lnuon. Tom Iteap, Will ItUKH, Clou. Kentlrow, J. K Keuo ft ItlelmrilH Hire. J. A. Kiluii, Win. Rush, (1. A. Iludhdll, I vim it..I'M, D, tl. Hullo A llerimiil ItlllllltSOII A' tlriuit Itnwiaina, - Itlllli, M. N, lie. Illleld.;, Art. Rnhe'rla. T. II. It) nn. K. 3. Riihhliii, A. 1). ItlllilMoll. liio. ttnircrs. t:.l. ItutleilKC. V. V, Uoiiuen 'msiii. T. Helkul'U, Mils. Sullivan. Jan. Siiruuula. Dick Sliitrueitlli. I '.!■:. islunford, Jno, Slurk. Uiu , Htiiruiit, Kil, Sadler, J. II. Stevens, Chi In Kd. Sulsjis, limlte Smile, the Win. Mnurtu, Milslrn SlHlllll, J, I>. Sliiiio, Sy.liiey si;i: m» nil: Al' 111:111 OV LI8T. 4 i> . i i i i Mtont, Vie. Simon, Marry gtan.layu, The aatcll, Rudolph Bmlth-Canihell K. rllincr A }IU1 Seliortrcl, 3. B. Hlnnlty, Milt. Smith, I'rnnk Khfll.y. Ilnr. rtklnakl Jr.. Hob Millie™, Kmlle snwyi-r, Jack Koynwiiila, Jack Hi'liiilt, Ifrtiua Htnllll A Ht.tlisy. Allv.y, P. I,. Sawyer, Jack Hun. (lus Mwecney, o. H. Sully, J. Htoley, J. M. SMseunn. J. A. Sti-vi'iison. Will Siiriiir.iplios. The Bumem, Pcrln Honlllali, JJ. W. St. .ijiikc Bros. Siiuiinuni. A. J. tjilewut ft Ilnvmon-I t.TevMi», Hsl. jilierldiin. Prank Hul tun. Jack I'lunuua, Kug. renli Bros. l'l'iir.slnii, Hnr. rhomiuf, (1, s, Taylor, W. P. Tyler, Bob I'fiomiiaoii, Den. Turner. Mnrv. 1ll»b, H. 0. Terre. W. II. 1'urpln, Itemurd li'.vi.n, Will 'Itnunna, M. J. Irevell, K ». Tartn'r. V. J. 'Ileiney, J. 1. I'roeaileri, Qmir. Taylor, P. W. I'rueey, D. I.. Il.iilll, Lmilh Torre, W. Tnylur. J. C. Tlionius, 0. II. Irniili, II. I,. Tiiaoii, llcrli. Viiiit-c, J. A B. Vack, P. H. Vale, A. " vim. a. h, VuiiD.s.rn.iin, N. Viiltou, C. L. Von.'C. P. Vsashena, Tlic VanMurrel, Mr. VunDoriiB, The VnnDykis II.. V7 Vo»L J. W. Wolf. P. II, H'.vim A Hurt Wnlsh, Hilly Wsnl. Win. H. Wilson, a; II. Walsh, Austin Wrjslit I'Minl. WeS'r, W. II. Wllmur, ,T, ](. rVllunu; T. I,. White. IV. K. Wire, Hid Welch, J. I. Waldron, Mux Wade. J. P. Wiirnir, W. J. Weolworth K.P. Wlgbcf Hill Wnde. J. -P. Wultera, Hnr. Waldon. Max Wiiiiln ft. Uevcre Wldlann,' Ployd Winter, Banks iVllHhlliKloll Plynu Kloalra.—Work upon tie new Borlck'a Glen TUeatra la prorreaslns rapidly, and It la announced that everything will be In rcndloeaa tor a continuance of comic opera, by tho Manliattaji Opera Co, on July 4. The floor of the theatre which will be somowlmt larrer than the one recently burned, haa been litlil, iiid the Au#e und dressing rooma com- llll'tod. Thkatiik (P. W, Mcfonnell, uinnii- Iteri.—The bill Ihlu week ruiiiurlHes: Heli- rend and Denneliniini. Cook und Uninl, Blue Liiwrenoo, Alice MncVlcnr, Mny Hint milt, Millie ilobliH and Trlxle Culeiunn. Perry mill Alrt'ln, Allen nnil Aiiiilclon, and Minute Cnin- vllie liuvo cloned. Top notch buglnctta rules. KljyuiuoB I'aiik (Knock Ml tie, manager). •—The following people entertained Inrgs nu- dleiiceN Ina t week: The Brownings, the Mitchell*, the Grant Haywood, and Ann- strong. This week's bill: William Cabin, l't.ntl Ilnnl Brothers, Uruclc und lUynoltls, and Momiril Kune. QiiKKfi City Carijcnm IM. L. Hnlllvmi. ninnnger).—New arrlvnlH here are: Mr. nnd Mln. Lew Diamond, Humes nml Lewis, Wood nnd tttane, Minnie Ui'tinvlllc. Buslacas' la good. . . TBXAB. Albany.—At llnrnmnuu Hlcccker Hall (II. It. Jiicohx, matiiigttr) the Klugdon- Coiirlney Htock Co. contliiues iu high favor. aunt! 27-211, "Secret Hcrrlte" witn the bill. •'Tin' Henalm" .'tii-Julv X. met with nproval. July 4-0, "On I he guiet' 1 Ik arnnounced. l'noi-ioK'H Thkatiik (Howard Grahaui, resilient. manuRcr).—The Hummer Htock daily nnd nightly nils this theatre with pleased audiences. "The Strange Adventures of MIsh Drown" afforded ntnuscnient Juue 27 and wl-ek. Tim stock will give, July 4 und week, "What Happened to Jones." irtti-a.—At the Majestic Theatre (David Hutlred, ninnnger) tho ttyan Htoek Co., In "llln Life for tier's,"-June 27-211, drew well. "O'Brien the Contractor" July 1,-2. The iimiitticement Iiuk nliiiilned a new company, including Margaret I'ltt, for the Hummer, I'omment'lng July 4, and will preuent "Young Mm. Wlptbroii" 4-0, und "Fiou-Proit" 7-0. Si-MMiT I'aiik. — ViiiKlcvllle performance, manic und dancing every day draws large atlondadce. A inn piiik In Itomc, N. Y., June 27, burned out the Btanwlx Hall Theatre. Hopes were entertained (hat a, new theatre would be hullt, but the owner, II. II. Cummlnga, of Tedloute, lull., has examined the building, and decided not to rebuild, but Romans will probably have a now theatre very soon. ■ ' 4< » Honut.m.—At tb« Bmpire Theatre (Harry Van Demark, maaafer) the Morrison Stock Co. moved from the Highland Park Theatre, Jane 27, on account of the street car strike, and opened here for a two weeks stay. In repertory, at popular prices, to Immense Htankaro Thfiatbh (Alvldo ft Lasserre, inniuigera).— HiisIiicuh Iu Improving. 'Capi- tal vn. Ijilwr,'' a sensatlonar comedy drama, wiih put on 27. for week, and cant did fairly well. The people: Baker and lionda, Mont- troae Slaters, IM. Kelly, Ida Bertha, P. C. Prink, Tom, ¥clly. Agnes Alvln, JBrMat Bailey, Ktta and Olga Howard, Prank Bald- win, Marie Dockman, FsyDelmar, Pearl Oil- more, Jessie Woods, Kittle Burke, Mimd . Grayson, Llllie White, and the moving pic- tures. Stab Thkatub (Alvldo ft Lasuerre, mana- gers).—Bualnesn is excellent. 'ITie sterling attractions at thin bonne 27 and week; hd- monilu nnd WIHIams, Thorea, Wm. MHano, Irene West, Billy Hynni^Madellnc La,Verne, Aldiott nnd Ln Hose, Mabel Wright,- Maria Blair, lllrdlc Vnruell, L.oln Watson, Annie Woods, Maggie Odler, Inn Roberta, and Clark and Kmmons.> PAKK (P. It. Bishop, mnniigrr). —swan, high diver, was the attraction, 2(1, to a fair sized crowd. s Ft, Worth.—At Lnke Krle Park (C. A. 'lavlor, manager) Rceae and Wllllamg, spe- cialty duo, appear week of June 27, being the first vaudeville act presented at this re- sort. A nuval combat between the Japanese. and Rtisslun llqets is reproduced with the kl- nctoscope.. Tlte nttendnnce continues heavy. . STAh'DAiin Tiikathe (Kruuk He Bcnue, man- ager).—"The l/ong Distance Telephone" Is the curtain raiser at this house week of 27, and gets tlie crowd In a good humor for the lilg olio, which includes: Thcliuu, present- ing two new coon songs; Baby Dot, in a rube song and dance turn ; Jack WUllams, Howard and Alton, Delhi Carroll, Agnes La Porte, Carl Copeland, Lulu Da Mar, Jennie Howard, Lettlc Coltoii. Billy Price, Virginia ltnnklu, Tom Pey, and the Bennett Sisters. Tho bio- graph pictures close the abow. The week opened to the capacity, of the bouse and gurden. Portland.—At the Marquam Grand (Gil vln HtHllg, mumigcr) Lucille Gillette, tin ex- tremely talented eleven year old violinist, pupil of K. O. Hpltttncr, gave a recital June 20, iiHxiti-d by the Mpllzner-Kourad Trio, aud Miss 1 IiiggiiiH, pliiulsf, to a very large ntiill- i-ni". Tin* tluy maid expects to spend the next few yearn of her life In Gotmany In the sliiily of music. Maude Adanix presented "Tho I.ll lie Minister" 21, 22, with nmtliicc 22. The Iiouhc wns sold out for both evening performances, and wiih almost sold out at the matinee, although It wus not announced uutli noon of the day pr-ccdlng the perform- ance. The business under the conditions prevailing was unprecedented In the history of the. house. Two performances were given 24, '25, of -'Tho Queen's. Bouquet," by. I rut. J. N. Beggs' dancing class, for tho benefit of tho Open Air tSnnltitrltiui for Consump- tives. THcy were well attended, ti. II. Hotiicrii, la "Tho Proud Prince," 28, 2», this IViiv W J - iitl.rucllon ptui'tl'.'.llly dosing tint seiison. Wrlirnl VT.'f " "«AiM;ii'H,.TiiKATiin (Georjjo h. linker, inun* HKi'il. .-'Jim linker Tlientro Htock Co. hud two fnh lioimo 211, In spite of warm weather, In witness "Diplomacy," the first attraction of the present engagement. "The BuMe?Ules" tV'tuul, Kd. Weal. K. L. Welch, Toni A'lii: on. llrrb. Western, rims. Welch, 1 L. J. Wee, 0. IC. WM. rwiirrst >Vanl. Wodi', — IViitmil, Loiv VVwidwaril. Mat Wilson, V, K. WcIum', .1. E Welsh Itin... WlKKlns, ||.' II, Winnie, J. M. Walton. Hurt Weiwo'i. Wul- leru ft Wcusiin Wiitklns, M. L. Wiiile. .1. V, Wiggins. Iter! Wnrlaiul, C. K. vMiliuno, Taylor Whltcutilo, Jui-k Wm-Hlni:, I. t|. Wcltiell, J«u> Weston, c. U. Wert* ft Jiiiltto Woodbury. K. D Wllllninx. sett Wise, Nathan Young,, i'. . Yninig, C. J. /iiaell. Mr. /.mil, Hen 7arn, T. P. Zoutille. Preil Kinks ft King ZenoS, The NISW YOltK NT ATI','. lliiRalo, At llie Hlstr Tlioiitre, Malinger Hiiltlwlti's Klock t'liinpnny will proHenl, week or July 4, "ItnrhHra Pi'h'lchlf." "The Two Orphans." wns IiuiiiIhiiuioIy recolved lust, week, Wllllniu Pnriiiiiii nnd Liully Melvlllu scoriug nicely. liAKAvirrrn TiiiiATitii (Charles M. Hngg, nmiiiigei i.— Jiiiiii'h M. Hie niiiiii . illi'i'i'icil a kihhI show to good riM-elpla hist week. Tho Innocent IIi'ihiIIim. with Hilly II. Vuu, Pnllt'tli of July week. Auiuleur (Pritlny) ulghl is it SU.TI'HS. Hiika'h (I.MiiiiiN TllHA'rttH.—Tim .current performers iipiM'iiring nl tills resort urn: Amelia Htiiiiutei't'llle, Tom Lewis, Haul llynii, Mi in i id lli'uton and rontpuny, MeCai'thy'H dogs, I'hiiplfi' City tjiiui'letle, Bella Stinirt antl Dave PltaglliliotiH. fir.viiNiiiis Hall (Henry 1.. Meech. cits- toillaiil. —Creature, niidri' Ismla W. Guy's ItH'lll IllllUIU-etlll'Ilt, I'lillloH ll-i'.'l, Notkh. —Henry M. Miiri'tia. the leader tif oii'hosini hen*, was married Juno 27, to Kinnui l'hllllps. of this clly Henry DiiHtln, elllef cleetrlslnu of tho Pan-Amer- ican and Hi. I.ouls Kxposlllou, Is very 111 at l'hiciilx, A rli. will bo put on July M. The Cusltio Co., of Haii Francisco/ did fair buslneas week of Jutm 111, with "Holty Tolty." t'liittniAV's Tiuaihh (Cordray ft ltusseli, mnnngera).—The Joe und Lima Walters Co. had good houses 2tl, to witness "Tho BulTnlo M.VHiei'y." The compnuy did well week of 10, With ''A Thoi'iiiighhreil 'Pramp." ''Just Hi ruck Town" will he put on July .'), H'i'Au TiiiiATini (H. Morion Cnltn, mnna- ger).—Ward, Ilnnnnlyn nod Wurd, Brydon's Hog Miniiv, Ivlpp.y, (icorgo Snyder. Luhl and (Veil, Helen Htuurt, Hndle lt.-j u.iIiIh, Udlsotl's in'iClei'loHi'iipe. AitUADi) 'I'ium i in; is Morton Cohn, mana- ger). — Wills and Bui ion. Anolto Comedy Pour, Mellon Twins, L. C. Lumnr, Little Boris, George Harrison, Kato Coylo, Ameri- can bioscope. Lyme? TiiMATiis (Keating ft Flood, mana- ?ors).-i-Jeanette Laurelle, Ferry, Three Den- huh, Bennington Duo, Qonaolas, Raymond ti. Baldwin, Annie Lee, vltaecope. Hi.iou Tiibatiik (Pred T. Merrill, mana- gcr).—Tho MrMhaffreya, Wllsor and Wilder, Trunk nnd Murray, Dconito, lidim Poicy, the vllnsi'npc. Tim Mazh (H. Hlinplro, munnger).—Geuc- vlevo Lhj Pnrreat, lint Ho Ward, Blanche Tro- jan. Maggie Gincey, La Hum; McDtiulels, Lane nud Kti/.lneltn. oiii'iiniui TtlHATUM (Al. Olikun, maungct'). —t'onllnuoiis vaudeville. Hl.A/.n:iiM I'.iM'iaii' IlAI.L. (Wll 1), Davis, iiiiiniiL'eil. —Miulellne liurl, Nell lllllver, Al- lle Vlckcry, Nurnin Drutier, Dave Burton. l-:i!ii'K,-ioN's m I'm ie Hall (Wllllaui II., nmiiiigeri. —Com Grum'lllc, Pity Lch- lle, Itenti'lcc lliiymoiid, lCdlltl Muy Collins, Miss Valentine. nUWN NVW TiiH.Vt'liH (William II. Itiuwn, mnuuger). t.'m. A. nnd l.l/.r.lo Illril, Olltvvtle Perkins, I'Hlle Nuri'ls, Mabel Llnd- hc.v. Nason nntl company, with the blogruph; Prior" and Narrhk bYunk t'otiller, Hurry O'Brien, Sulome, Leslie Sterling.' I'Aittv I Kd wu nl Hhlelils, urn lin- ger I.—Kin's musical exlriivagnnza. "A Jup- aiiesi' Courtship," did good liuslneus week of .tune 211. The extraviignnzn, "Meet Me In HI. Lnuls," will bu inn on by the same com- pany 27. As Mr. Shields' present lease does not permit Sunday. porfot oiiiuei's, Ills coin- puny will occupy Hie Umpire Tlieuti-e Snu- ilny evenings, with thu tuunc bill as tlint pro- seiited at (iIh park duiliit! the rctualudur of the wccls. ♦ ■» MAINE. ilm-hester. —At the Lyceum Theatre (M. K. Wolff, malinger) the stock lompauy closed here ttlght of June '.'A. This theatre, will re- Open Its regular senson the latter part of August. National Tiikatmh (Max linitlg. mana- ger).—The stock cniniHtnv gained nddltlonal laurels last week by lis one performance of "Ingoimir." 1'iit'tlH'iila unci Ingomar were well done, rennei'tlvely, bar Jessie Bonstclle nnd Panl McAllister. Win. Tooker did exceedingly well as Polydor, The others of the support scored. Large bouses ruled. Week of July 4. "Janice Meredith". . Cook <H'i:ua lloisi: (J. II, Moore, mann- ger).—"The Galley Hlnve" proved extremely popular the past week. Deri Lytcll. Ailur.i Aiiiliows, AtlelliiH ItnlTolto and .(lie others of Hits nun puny did exccllunl work. July 4 nud week. "A Hough Killer's Itoinniice." Ontario Brack Park (Jno. |. Collins, limililgerl. I'.. u ell's Huiiil Is ilnllv eiiterl.iln. inn largo . r.m'ilti. As'mii mldeil ittiaetloa fur Jtfly t.'n slilglo wwll race for the ehnnmlon ship of New York HI Me nud n purno of J.MKi, tiMb ptcu upifllnviUoj; .Uii» poi-k, . Portland.—At the Cupe Collage Thcnlru K. V. i'liclnti, munnger) "The Mlliitdo," as ineucntml by the K. V. Phelan Opera Co., iiiiii: 2T und week to good business., iCout- pllracntarr comments as to the excellence of the operatic productions arc freely expressed. The offering tor July 4 and week will b.> "Jack and tho Beanstalk." Charlotte Stum- mem Joins 4. ■ ■ G>.'M Thkatiik. Pkak'B Island (C. W. T. Gisllng, manageri.—nic Block fairly exceeded their previous efforts In "The Moth und the Finnic for the week ending 2. Excellent business h.-ui prevailed alnce the opening. thereby stimulating this 'favorite company nf players to their beat efforts. . Dining the week of 4 tho stock wilt present "Charley's Aunt." PoiiTHsn Thkatiik (James. E. Moore, manager).—"Prince Karl" was the offering by the Byron Douglas Stock Co. last week, this production seeming to fully please the natrons. "The Belle of Illchmond" 4-9. Prank Itobcrls Joins 4. -. itivKitiuN P/iik <l>. B. Smith, resilient uiatingei 1.—J. W. (loriniin s Tuxedo Sprehilty Co. Introduced fur last week, tu good husl- iiesB. Donovan nnd Kiml.oll. the Vlllagp Choir. Thro.' Kciiliins. Waul and lEnvuiiniil, ItniHord anil Wlueliesier. Wklch Bhotiieiih' Crops came June 30, rainy weather intelferliig with Inislncss. Cuo.WN Thkatiik (Phil Epstein, manager). -A minstrel Jubilee precedes the big olio week of 27, Introducing Clare Copeland and ,Iub. Thompson on the ends, and musical se- lections by a well selected quartet. In the olio Copeland and Copeland present their sketch, "The Juice of the Banyan Tree," which meets with approval. The others: chits. Iloey, Mlimlc Wardell, Woodson, Phil- lips and Gordon, May Luce, Ethel Russell, Florence Houston, Alvln Dnnhlngton, Elsie Uusscll nnd Saul Uarrls. The opening was to capacity. . . —,— .+ «» BUNNH80TA. 81. Paul.—At the • Metropolitan Opera House (L, N. Scoll. munnger) the Itejiub- ilctin Stale convention nns In session Juue .".u nnd July 1, and promises to b» the vest of'the week. Guam. (Theodore h. Ilnys, manager).— HuslnesM wan big week of June 26, wll It Percy Haswell nnd the Ccorgo Vawcctt Co., In "Tlie Hhuughriuin." Kor week nf July :), "Or Jekyli and Mr. llvile" the first half, and'"Cutlierlne" Ibe last half. Iti.Nui.iMi HiioTiiKits showed to the rn- puclty of their tents afternoon of June 28, nnd turned thousands uwny at night. They pleased luuaeusely. « lluluth. Al the Lvi-euin (C. A. Mnrnhall, inunuger) "Spotless Town" was given tho ili'Ml hull' of tun week of June 27, and ■".riiel- inn" the lust half. Business was fair. ■MKTitori'i.rrAN oi'KitA lliiuHB (J. T. Con- di.11, manager).—The Winnlnger Co., booked for 27-IIU, runreled. Clara Matties Co. will open July 11, for two weeks. Manager Con- don returned from New York last week. Ho has booked some good attractions for his house for next season. I'Aiti.nii TiiKA-i'iiK (W. J. Wells, ninnnger). —HuslnesR for the week of June 27 was fair- ly good. The bill for July 4 and week In- cludes : Liiiii-ii Lee. Utii-ton Bros., Bubo Khle, Ed. aud LttclUu Lmvv.v. Susie Young. Murlou Sisters, and Lucille Blitke. The new comedy Is called "Mrs. Bowser's Hoarders." Iti.iiHi Thkatiik (J, M. Nasli, maunger).— Thu bill for July 4 and week Is: The Leo Children, Hurasef und Ituzel, J. A. Mitchell, Will Emery, Joe and Carrie Mnltluad, Mae Wilson, Jim McClelland, Master llallaway, and the moving pictures. Business continues very good. The hot nights of each week. very good. The house Is packed the first , a ;■»»» MBW JUHNKY. Newark— At Proctor'B Theatre (J. Aus- tin leyncs, general manager) bills of class maintain a good average of attendance; these warm days. A notable holiday feast Is offered this week In the appearance of'Hose Coghlun. assisted by Lynn Pratt, In "The Ace of Trumps." Other features of (he bill mime the sielu Eretto Family, Lerqy and Woodford. Pauline Moran. Dorsh and litis- sell, ChrlsHun und "J'tirner, Mursh aud Sur- tellu. nnd Mnrkcy and Moriin. "The ClioniH Lady." as. played by Rose Ktalil and her company lust Week, proved one of the bright- est sketches seen at this house and Interested large, audiences. 1'Ji.BCTiiic PAnK (C. A. Dttnlnp, mannger). ■—Tills resort coutluiicn to grow in favor with" the masses und offers vurled entertain- ments tit nominal lluures. Tho graceful dancers Iu the electric fountain, tho uom- bardineut of Port Arthur, the scenic rail- way and the pike continue to Interest many. Nom—William 1m Clair nnd Charles F. Hiiwcu were Injured Jn Hie perfortuutlce of their net lust week at u suburban park. a Iri'iitun. —At Mercer County Pleasure Park (John h. O'Brien, manager) the bill week nf July 4, Includes: Mr. and Mrs. Mill- emu. sheppiird nud Ward, Ada Jones, aud Burlow and Da rli uk. I'aiik Tjikatiik tlliiiTls & Ilctucl, mana- gersl.T—4 und week : Ilerry uud Berry. Evanon Trio, Kui'lief Sisters, .antl Mtidclluo Marshall miiko up the hill 4 und week. Si'iiimi Lakh Pakk. —BUI 4 uud week: l'.pps and Lorcttii, Joseph: West and Hut May Lewis, Hurry Duval, Hidden Bros., Benzol in nud La Itue. Metropolitan Trio, J. ('. Koch, leader. WiiioiiT'H CAtiNlVAt, Co.. In connection with .the Trenton Merchants' Exposition, show hero 4 and week. Norm.—Attains und White, of this cltv, report success In their comedy musical act. They have forly weeks booked solid .lack w. Stokes, well known In theatrical circles Ih now miiiinglng tho tour of Tommy Donnelly's Metropolitan Minstrels. ♦ «» COLOItADO. Nnv Crystal Theatre (Geo. Irn Adams manager).—Week of July 4: Edwards nnti Uowe, Fanny.Hatfield, the Whltesldcs, Cuus Evans, tTalrMtas and Calnes, Lconl and Leonl. g ' J . .,■ ■ Aiii-a-Domk (Mr. Glass, mahager) Tltia open air vaudeville place la doing good busi- ness. Week of June 27: La Bord and Key. erson, Hyde and Wilson, Leonl and Leonl La France Kalratus, Bessie Burton, Prank Perley. NotkltT. —Week of June 27: Master Flyni'i, Tom Hefron, Kva Thatcher, Soru Lu- belski. Business is good. Tins Floto Shows pitched their tents here on June 27-211, nnd turned people away. This show is owned In Denver und everybody turned o ut to iee It. " "" «■> BHODK ISLAND. ,'rlug iLpy KAJTallW Dili's VVilp JYtsi cujiiea Jt ( |j 11, Denver.—At tho Broadway Theatre and Harden (Peter MeCourf, munnger) week of July 4, "Secret Service." Last week the Brondway Stock Co., in "Hearts Aflame," played to big houses. I'.i.tTCit Oaroknm (Mary EIHcb-Lontf, man- ager).—Week of July 4, Maude Fenly. Last week Bellows Stork Co. nnd Amelia King liitm In "A Modern Mngdnlen," had good houses, Manhattan Bkacii (W. Ii. Lawrence, mannger).— LbsI week Ellery's Band played I heir Insi week. 'I'lie vaudeville Is: llnrry Muiiui nnd Lawrence- Sisters. Curler, Winers nud ■ company, the Matlileuu, Mine. Avery S.'ihkostli, Muck nnd Elliott. Buslucss Is fiOPtl, .:., i ■ ' I ••,•:-.. Providence.—At Keith's Theatre(Cbnrlcs Lovenberg, manager) the Albec Stock Com- pany's ttrst venture in a Sbakeapearean piny was. "Borneo and Juliet" Julie 27, which was .well handled. "Aristocracy" was staged 4, and for 11, "Prince Kirl" Is promised: Empibb Theatub (Spitz It Nathunson, managers).—The Dot Karroll Stock Co. gave "Master and Slave" last week, followed 4 by "A Man of Mystery." Rocky Point FoaBBT TltuATitr. (B. A. Harrington, manager).—The season opens 4, and an excellent bill Includes: The linker Troupe, the Three Lelllotts, Bohee and Dyers, the Gordon Bisters, Ida Bussed, Rice nuu Walters, John Phillips, Marie Du Bedot, the Glbney Sisters, Grsco Husscll, and Norma Wills and Monte Collins. The Lorelll Ladles' Orchestra has been engaged for the season. Chestnut Gmovb SuMMKn TiiK.vTitK (Al- fonso, manager).—On the programme 4 ami week are: The Posters, wonder workers; the Four Australian Blackbirds, Hd. Jack- son. Billy King, hi nek face coined Inn, und Sadie Lowell, soubretle. N'otk. —Manager Charles Lovenberg. of Keith's, bus gone to New Hampshire for a va c ation, a»» ILLINOIS. Peoria.—The, Hurnum-Bulley Shows will appear July 18. Wbabt THKATnB. (C. F. Bartson. ninnn- ger).—Business Is good. Coming 4-11: Man- vro and Shunklln, and James and Cella Welch. Stii.vh Hill Gauddn (Nelson Compton, manager).—There Is no cause for complaint here. Coming 4-0: Horace T. Noble, Sam Merrill, Charles. Hart. Joe Berry, Henry Jones. John Rowe, Harry Andrews. Tenslc Lorraine, Gertrude Gilbert, - and Mae Evclynne. Jacobs' Thkatiik (A. F. Jacobs, mann- ger).—Business la fair. Coming 4-11: O'llrlcn, Love nnd O'Brien, and Bluim, Bomtn, B-r-r-r. ,, Tub Barnum & Cab' No. 1, In charge of Lester Murray, wns ln lhis city June 27, 28 Two street fairs will he held here during July aud August. <*» — WISCONSIN. nillivHiiki'c.— "The Prisoner of /.I'liilii," week of June 27, offered the full strength of the company, "dipt. Jinks, of the llorso Murines, week of July 4, will serve to rein- troduce Kvn Taylor. "The Cowboy and the Lady" Is under preparation. Davidson Tiiuatbu (Sherman Brown, man- ager).—The Walton Pyre Htock Co., with Kola Ln FoilcUc as leading woman, will up- penr 7-0. Ciiymtal TiiKATitK.—Manager V. B. Win- ter offers the following people week of 4: Meanv and Anderson, Tenaro, Mucvity nnd Henbrlght, Hurry Harvey, und S. F. Burdlck. Notbb. — Manager I'. It. Trottman and Stage Manager Walt llouleheu. of the Star, are putting In their vucatlon at "The Oaks," ilk a inhoe Luke Carl Prlschur has closed IiIk engagement at tho Forst Keller Bruoke and his band close at the "Expo" 8. Ills engagement wna a pronounced success. T. J. fnmum aud Cal F. Ferarl, of the Periirl Carnival Co., oro Iu the city, llgurlng on some piuce to show In Milwnukco this Summer. . i. . a Fond tin i.iie— Illngliiig Brothers' Cir- cus sin noil to Hie Inrgest business ever ihoiveii lo In this clly June 24. It. being the last day of tho Hlute meeting of the Wlscon sin Elks Association, Mm members attended the performance In u body...... Barnum & Bailey's Show comes Aug. 0. — . . 4 it > WASHINGTON. Seattle.—The Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager) la dark until July 6, when ic. H. Sothern will present 'The Proud Prince" for four nights. Third Avenue ThBATRb (Russell A Drew, managers).—Week of June,26, "Roanoke. Week of July 3, Third Avenue Theatre Co., In repertory. Aii-A/.Aii. Thkatrk. —Last week Weldc- iiiann'M Big Co., In "Down In Egypt" and "A Pair of Tramps." Week ot ii, Wcldemunn's Big Co., in repertory. . ICiuisun Tiikatiib. —The bill includes: (livens uud Lumur, Gene King, lid. Plslicr, Mr. nud Mrs. Geo. Morrell, and klnetoscopo pletures. Kmpibb Thkatiik. —The bill names: San- ford and Darlington, Bubo Brown, the Lo Nolrs, Lawrence Weaver, and moving pic- tures. Ciiyhtal Tiibatiie. —On the current bill are : Thu Three Musical Wells, Annie Goldlc, Dell und Fondu, Leo White, and moving pictures. . . Oiit'iiKii.M TitBATiiB—The hilt Is: Frank 10, Mc.Nlsli, Mct'unc and Grant. Paul Bouton, the 1111 nehhorns, Will H. King, Arthur Searles, nnd moving plctnres. Cqmii-ub Thkatiik. —The bill: Jones nnd Robinson. Loctta and Summers, Paul Jones, Hurry Newman, Emerson and Lynch, Ada Hrudsford, Mue Jackson, Alice Wnrburtou, Millar Bros., dloraniu, and nine Australian midgets.. a Bpukniifs—At the Spokune 'Theatre (Dan Ii. Weaver, uiunager) Maude Adams, In "Tho Utile Minister," made her Initial appearnnco here June 27. to turn away business, ltlch- urds it Triugle's Miustrcls bad uvcrngo busi- ness 2«. ,- AiiniTOkiuM (Harry C. Hnyward, mana- ger).— Tho Jessie Shirley Co. began tho eighth week of Us engagement 20, with '"Ihe Old Lime Kiln." Capacity business, rules. ISihhon (frauds Nclsoula, manager).— /arrow's Minstrels, and Sampson and /uc- I'liD were the top liners week of 27. Co i: it a d'Alknb (Jacob Guc(/., manager).—- J. Turner Wall, Gloria Lombard, Harry and PranclH Ncnl, Wlnlcm nnd Summers, and the Vaughners are the openings. ' , CoMHjtin (I. 1>. Holland, manager).—Mnutl Ti'tnpletou. Delia Kuhn, Vic W. Gttlon. I-eojm Clifton, and Frnnk Hayes and Cnrrlo W In- chon. . 4»» . OKLAHOMA.. Oklahoma City. — At Delmar Garden (Slnopmilo A Marres, mnnngers) the bill In- cludes: The Itoxes, novelty act: the Three Wkiseys. acrobatic act! Tony Rider, trained monkey net; Ada Aruoldson, soprano singer; Business Is Inlr. . ■■««.» » — ('has. T. Fales Comedy Co. Notes: Wo nre still salllnrr along In onr regular Sum- mer season. Tlic company. In hi III lueetliit; with as much success is eter. Our scenery alwnvs pleases. Onr apeclaltles are clever, and business Is satisfactory; .