The New York Clipper (July 1904)

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480 raffepfe T&ffinr : y6bi£ ctfe&£& JtjLY ii. i B Post Offt«. Ik tfltt to avoid nliUkn ana to lunn Ik* promt)t delivery of tko tottera advrrtlaed la tbla Hat, 4» •avelope plainly addressed rami b« ■ eat (or each letter, and a written •rdrr lor the letter, alajned with th« (all name and odd!■••»■ tut the Una •f knalaeaa followed *iy lai sender, aanst alao be eneloaed. I'lrair mention tlie data (or anot- her) at TUB CLIPPER In Which the latirra aeut for were ailvrrtlaed. LADIES' lis 1. Albion, May Itlrmtal, Anun \v Maxwell, Durntli Armlu JdrN.Valr.'uuiUiie. Murni. Mra. Allyh. Until Mrs. I". W. .listen. Mim lOrm-ic. Ir'iM- AilphiMr, |<lr«y. I Ji- l.nlVlUc lllllelll', Mill Anient Kihui Hr*y. Mnc. I'phI AiHlyrwui. I.. ilumlrMi. K11II1. AiIhiuk Amelia lletily. .Mr*. I.. Avery, Kitanr Holme*. Ufar* licnm-ll, J.aitn. Iii-iii-.'. lit n Hilts. Mrs lit limine Ails, Hi-uok'ui, I'ltl, lllerrlnK, hlla HoiiaU'llr. Mui'ti.MlfrlM'rt, M11M Baker, Baric O.ptaalliigs. Rule Riiroelte, MbiIH.'IIiiII. Hliin<1ir llrniiiMt'k Cariie Hansen, Ural*, I'lnr. 'llirlsnll. Miilsle lir.vinii. .Mnj- liarr Mr*. Aii'ly Hurry. Miifluli Hurley. I.tirl . CMHrmt* Mr*. Warren (Ym'iie. les* Cnrter, Kalelli* • Clayton. Nellie CIAMii KImIm* i.IiiiIIiiiui Millers lliimlllim. Killth iliiiiilln.ii. Allc il.iyni'S KiniPii J Hall. Mail* ilrtii. I.II. .Iiilmwin. Nell. .Inula. BMt U«., 11. Hllslp Jennet te. JI me. .lnlinann tlrareM A<la Cnrptt' * Hays''Jerniwleiii, Clayton. Una €*»*«•. Violet AV full', C'uui>pr. lira. Ike CUIWlllS IXltllf \ Delmiire, Mr*. J Ileiiliiim, lleas Mil.. Itolit. Ji-nvoiiH. Irene Co. KI11K. Kuala Ki'iiilnll ltuhy M Kuril, I'-julIno PeVotnle, May Kliinanl. ■t-on- Drake Slnrtliii i.lclli. .Mr«. II Kearney, Mil.!. IieNevrc. I.. M. KIiik, lira. F. itutirrrin. r-Inima lieune. 1^>nlp llnartli. Ylutrt nuyirlle. HI. . PvPuye. I.lnnr I'Pnli. Illiiurlip lliinriv. Mrs. il Ppl'iuila*. Map nrvreei Marie Dim. Maggie Doner, lihmon.l 1 in V11 11. II m •■Forrest; All lit erwre Sinter* Everett, II111 h h'.VPpla. I/llllM' KnttutU, Olewi I lliiurp. Ki'li' Kilwl, l.tillli' Knrb'. Violet rnachwHc. . .;.. .Klttr Filiate, KM. J l'eiuii'll. (' ni'llle Flint. M11111I I.. I leiila lln.W.J.1 Klny-il Jiih'kIiIiip l-'ny. K. J'riini'l*. Jliir riirtwwr, Srlnm flrey, Vern nipnninre. Lottie, (IllU'rl. ltp.inlp Ulranl. llaybelle l.nitpakn, dene I.Wmiii, l.nilnr Laic**, Mr*.. T. lilrnir (dancer) Ijuvi'. Ollli', Jwm IjvvIh, I'miiiv 1.11.M..111I, Olllp i.orpr, Mni'ip I. Mill' A" illlP l.«itnl, Uornth. Ij"v»e. Mm.rMl. la-Kiirrrat. Alll.t l,nu. Mm. II. R Ik-c'ave SlitprL* ; l.nMuntP HIMpm ' Uininncli Marie HMria. I»nlai- ' l*hiv. Kyfllrn KtattitU, Clfiin l.jlu-, M110 I.IOllllllOll, it™. W. A. l.nRoBp. I.lllli- Ijiwrenpp. I^>wl», ..Mn.lK'i' MpItIUp. Juiuii't Miiiiillntt. Hislli Murlp. ■ Anun D. .tlnrkry, Muy tliirvln, Ainilp I, IBM m Xtpltoii TwIiim .liiluT, Ktlipl Mallliinil, .Iwi, M»», MAr." Mtitlilpti, Marie _ Mljlpr. Klltli' HKNTI.BMKTV'S LIST. AmiM. ,Wllh,' ' Ciiaipllaiip. Tony AiikIIii, U: K. I'nx'kvtt. \V. V. Amlrett-H. <9p».- Ctini|iUpll, Jack 1'iv«kp) V Uayli crurk. II. M. i'iiiii|iU>II. .1. T. t'Jaaieula.. K. A. t,lia«e & I.lHicr Clark, Wiilllp giifiun, w. k. r.pwini. Trunk Lhiuidiifliam. o. w. Clark & CJnx ' Onrliett k l>»i>f Clhi'. Iluiiry (;tirran, Kilwl. ; Cnflplii, Win., Cniihiiaii, Uorp Uiiilmn, Jed • 'hit. llaj-m. Clltw & l.lHter oorttln, k. (i. - I'liliiliuit A Mui-k ltpflTyn, V. K. Ui-Ylni'. liar. IIiiiiii, J. A, Ik'i.iiiM'V, J. I.. rtplrim, II, K. Ucliliar. II. K Detirra, Wall. Uavta, Aimtlu D.tlvivn. Thm. Davis, U. U. Iktiioyiiii, I. II. Di'sinuiiil Ttln Pi Hawk 1 rMvril PoiiPlly, 'him D'Klmiir, Jul. iK'Iiiu-. Huliliy DUHlllHlltUh. Al. [ioiIkp, l.'rnnk DuvUUnii Taylor DeKolraiii:. Mar. DriiiYPtv .Mr. lMiuf. Krin'ii lHwlltllp. K. V Drew. J. V,. Dotiplly, Tom. ItHiiitprliplil 11.11 Ut'loyar. T. 11 DeltmllTi' A.' HeynolilH tkitilia. Wlltinr prew, I 'nr IterpiilKirt. Br. Dawn. hpu. J. DcwiiK, (SpiiIp Doylp (W.X- 1>.) Iliivlil-imi, J. \\ IKui'l, Jim. »|ppy. K. A. ItpMiiii.H'. Illi.wt Ikirvto. l'li 11 llnrlii, lA'alpv IvVuiip. Kretl IVuuivnu, J. 11. Diirtlny. Will KilwanlR, Al. KllPh. Kitwil. I'.vBHa, Kill Karlp, Ornhaui I'-.i/UTt, Mr, Kllery Pbannlni! KraiiH, lii-iii'ilini l-.lllK. O. A. l-":irli'.v. J. k A. Rarneat, Ohaa. KniPkt. Cliaa. Kiniiicl J. K. Klifm. flcu. iMpiiiniliiK, Tar. l-'lillll. K. II. l--nrl P. «1. FaUlitor, V. \V, 1-IUton. A. II. ITaiiklln. Jim. Mm, ftoitt. Fouler, I...W. Flake Kloek Pe, Fo.v. Kitdle Frttlerleka. K.J. I'nrinini, niek KretiPh. I.. J. l'iiiilti"ia|pln. I,. l-'lflila, S..1 Fe-ril, Ow>. Fnrrla, II. II. I'lath. H.i I'. Klalier * ' Uprnanl l-raniemalli H.A l-'UUlt-'mn Berl rW. Wait. Fohl. Oeo. J-'rtincltt, The Freilerlrk. \V. » flnl MihIp, Ij-ii .iluiirp. Jean. .UilxmUi'. Vluli't Vela, I'rincetia XpllKOII, .May Xli'p, IClnlly Ni'iivllle, iiuHiii" I'litllllii, Slmcm Olena, Allele O'NpII, Ml. • O'Rourke, Mnrtr. Fenii. lien. I'rliiitle, Jp«k K. Rltcble. May ITIee, Mra.M.H. t'earee, Fitu I'lilllIl'H, Mailel. rietee, V. Aut:t fnlllll.a. Jpkh. auliilnit, Gort. nw)l, Father tlnaaell. Ia-hIi Unyiiionil LI* B. ltlrhiniiliil Murle flnaelle. Mrnt IIOTialilu, Kvk Siylnptt. Oert. Smith, Bella Hvrnontla, L W. Mhkw. 01 ailya Neymnur Mnrlnn tJpnhrltlit. Beat, Strlbtem, Mra.F ft. Claire. Marie stratum MntAM SnOol. Mailel I in- ^(nniiii Mra.C. 0 Moillnc. ■j, Nell, Ifle athlmller. Carol. Bnelra, Mamie Kteiilmttn, l-'lor. Mem. MINI, Pimoiier. Cecil tiyiuontla. L. W. TltihleV. Mra. W Tlirofni. oinra Thomaa, Inn Templrton, tlar. Tiinqmiy, Kvn 'Jltomua, lit Ma Tlleo, MIh, Wynne. Mnna Went worth .May WraKlnnrl. Flor. Wiiynp, R iVoriliirirn.n. Maud White, Bflllii Whlta. Irr. Mra Warren, Millie Wullp. Kinlly fan Anna Wnllaee l<"lor II Wile, Kntle Wllllama, Belle WoHliliurii, Irenu War. Faulty. Weat, Mra. Hn.-. Wayne.'Mm. K. ICola. tierlle ;;imuipr, Alice ,'IVII.I, 111 Ailnma IMwJrflO A run 11111. V. V Alatim. A (,'. "Al ilrliMilo • • • Oreek" Co. Atlierna. The Allen I.. K. .iiliiiiiK. I'rltr. Aiuoa. Wilbur \liell. O.O. Aflney. K. «. Anrreito;. \. II. AHilell It Lpilltf Arltl, Clma. AriVi & Milor Hiikff. Kil. Harry & Wllnon UroVfii, V. Hiiri'li. Jiu'k Bull, I'lmk llelfiinl, A. O Ik-til. iVank BitaikM, tl. Ui'li'lirr, W. M. ItlU'lllllilll, .1. I Bmwer, Walt. Kerk-r. V.,». Ilnrluii, 1. II. HimUi. It. 1. HartifH, l'niil lliii'licr. Dm! IImill'u, J. u. J* in ink. Col. Bevcrklicr, Art Ball, I'OHti-r Bnnver, \V. H. Ituanliuaii Claud Marry, .lint, ilakrr. .1. T. Hi'll, Jim. l'linvii, llnr. Iterllup, — tie. Barke a l.altue Umitli. Jim Mirte.iK. Farl Itluke. li. J. Byrne, J. F. Bnlilwlii Dnruey guanlinan Clauil pyoml l>nr- ilon Co rtiitrliutiiii. 11. Bean. J, 8. Baker. Kit. lllot'kaon. linr. Hrlitioi. I'\ «. Biirielll ltnw. Broukti, J. M. ' Iiolaea, 1 lieueli * llmvi'Mi BaisHia. The llnlim, F. Jlutr & Krana Bntiafiiril. Walt. Illnney, ft K. Barrett, Jtllin Barrett, J. Blahon. I'. K. Ilnl'luir. 1.0MT. Bell. Frank llnflnw, Bex Bnllnnl, — llellnml. Amir llorelly. Art. Burn*, 1. II. Uurgnta, W. II Boiwk, Kd. Bplinctt, JiiIpm IMitth.iin, l.luyil llnrry Jr.. Illtlv lielfunl, A. II. I'liaaain, Louie rotirlPHliall F.M Cnmiiliell. W. 1' Culby Family Cottoiw, Marv, Cllre, Henry Cnmiiliell. U'Ar Ci*lrllo. Jnck Cnhtallt. l>«t Col 1111 It. W. J. Cotnatock,, Kil. Croaa, Jnb. cnliiii*, k. n. fi.lilln. liar, faknan, AHulph ME A. A. 1 C0I1I011, liar. Clark. Oeo. CaVlln. Batit. Clilrk. 0. H, . Clint it, -t IPaner klnn) rilf/onl A Burke tvrrpy, i>. J. ., Cable.IS. II. ^ 'Inn. T. J., O. C. Fauna, II, tl. Foley, Thnn. Florence, Kil. Ford. O. 1'. tliillaflif r Allllil pVeilter, C|irater tlnltliolil, Opo. (luyer A Daly (lonloii dDctiuet Gotlleir, J. C. tiunelleau, M. (laralile, J. H. (lath, Karl dray, Krisl (Itirdner, R, ct Olaaa. J..L. Ueyer AOrlawolil (tnmelll. 11, II. (.iiKiii.ui', The taenrye. J; K. Orlmy.ilil. Znnila Wladden. V. A. 'IniMH. 1>. II. llilniy, citiii. Oomirrlenil U.I.. Ullroy, Cbs». (■ten. Oeo. Oiirlaiiil. tVnlt. illPiiroyH. The liiillpa, Joe Miikuii, Jna. Hill, It. II. Hot BlirhiRM Cone, Co, llirlirt. . F. T. Ilowanl, Jea. llllllanl. Ilotit. Hay. F. K. Ilowanl, J. Hap. llomiii, KrtiNt Htiklief, lii'iii' llllliiii.n, Chan. Hotiier, M. V. lliiltniiii, liar. Ilellrulh A n.ilonleln Itnwlpy. L,, W. Ilunly. F. K. llia-y, Ijta Illli.m. <l. II. Il.iiiiiiiiniil. K. II IlorrlkHii, Juh. Itermliln, J. J. Hum. O. It. Illatt. Lew ijfcliertn. W. O. Intatenil, Ctian. Ilayiiinii & ri Franklin lull, R. II. Iloililtl, QllH lllckiiinii, liar. Ilewllt*. t lliiyiniin. Jim. Unret, llraiulon ijitiul, W. J. lloey. Gen. llnrlng, Katt Itulter. Jim. IIiitiM-r. Ike lliinlou & Kanfrellc ll»r I. \v. s. lllU.ui, O. II. II11 yen A Suit* Hurl. I.. M. Hnlden Broa. lliitoli Allium ■, Can. oo. Ilnrrhiuion 1..N ilolmrnlh, (liti lltrrlly, J. I. jteta. C. Q. Hall. Frank tinnier. W. H. Hart, J. C. llixilnlmu, Fred llewllta. 2 ltllUMIII, J, T. Jnlltel Jul. Jak. Jeorntia Thoa. Jntiea. P. .T. Jnhhann. Carroll Jorilnn *■ Croiifli Irrlhe, llnr. Jortla. Bert Jarkann. J. K. Keneily, II. It. Klein, liar. IConji Khij; llong Kent. Rtltrln Ulnralu. J. A. KeUy' * Vttilett Keeler-Wktitnn Kaufman, flen. Knelt. R. MiilcliiK, F. T, Klllui.r. II. Ill Lyndon-n nun 1*0*11-. \v. o :«niard, tlna Lace, ijnnt ■JNanL Armlne leo, Boti I.lltle>ilia. T. I' Learltt, Wm. l^Malro k Bobm Login, V. II. LyiHli. r. K. Lapkayo. W. 8. lelpa. Kil. 1 .iRue Jr.. Bill l*¥ltt. Joe lamont. F. W. l.ynrh, Ritmiinil l.anib. Cliaa. Ijit-hnian, D. I.itnlina. Ira l.aureltch, C. A. lj<nianl, J. T. U'Alfttt k Beatrlre I*e. II. V. I enhv, J. A. Lazpfle, K. Iewl*. Daflil l^Paae. Mr. laBelr, Wat. I j-» 1 h *V Ryan l.amlle. Cimn. LuNolre. Cbaa. Lloyd. Herb. I.ixm Jr., -I. a. 1.11 row, Burt loyelipe. J. B. I acenrra. Joe lyiu-lt, III. Lewie. Nela. I e»y. Joe Lyman Broa. Lander, liar. I/irke, Wurren l.ewla, Monte Lnn-ni-'e. Jack l*?Vnrd, Wm. lnnHliert. Wm. _ Leahy, J. A. Uak, Blllr Miirtill. Oliver .Mortlnne Bobt. Moitlton, liar. Murray, J. J. Murphy, Jot. Moore k lJttli'ftelil Merrllla, The M.-KlnlPv. Cbaa Mlti-ttell A Marion MrOnnnly Ilerm Mnrttn. I. C. Mayne. F i Co, Marion k 1 , - Themnaon Maann tFranrpa Mnlalily, J. C. Merlan. A. Melntyre. Jna. JlniTiliy, wnlt. Mnernflnm Ilujll Morton, C. i:. Merrill Ik Hrlkhnm Mandril*. Al. Moley. Wm. Mlnmia. li. 0. MrCaliP, J. J Madden d Kllllaelierk Ma tee k Dale Mnek. W. J. Martin. A. A. Maxwell. Hnth Mpyerlwtta. C. Mill*, B. II. Montiroinery, W. V. Mcrrlhew. A, J Martin. L. A. Mptlrntb. Cbaa. Morrla, l>w ■, Map key d Moran M .rlluml i mi Manelle Marhey d Moran MeRuhle. Billy Minn. D. M.-MiiiMi. Walt. Mnriiliy, T. n. ALirlaotia. The Myera. \V. B. Moitlaxttnery. II. Mortimer. Chfla Millard Bros. Hark. H. K. Madjeako, C. Mraoey. M. T. Naloti. John Korrla, W. B. NealatWI. W. I. Stwnun. Qua Nf.rl-iti, I! R. Nahm, Simon Norta. Wealey Nlawn, Walt. Nairn, Bud Nixon. B. F. Nortnnn (Froe Mnnl Korla. W. B. n'DopnplI, Jaa. Oakura. llnr. t.inauiidt, KitKcu If Nell, T.,11. O'Brien, Ohaa. Odell d Whiting O'Brien, J. C. orloff * Hale Oliver, K. K. Ullrer. J. W. O'Brien, Frank O'Day. Billy Oskara. 11-ir. Olml, Geo. Hralley, J. IL KirlliiH-r Jk Hill Ntautuu. V. I. Kmltli, O. W. Stunt. 1, M. haiiudera, B. tl. itlaolei', O. B. tkb'affrr, E.O.W Keiirab. B. d A. Hnyder k Buckley Kbada. Heraa. luxt week, und ull lift .'far tbelr vuuutluua hfftr tlitfy tloaed tbelr eunmeiuen ln Uere. M Bay City.—At the wenona Beach Fork ' Casino (t. Vi. TllchBrdB, manager) week of OppenbelBier, J It^hra, C. J Orpheua Com. 4 t'erklna. Har. 'otu, W. L. ■lull. l:i'li 111 Power*, II. J. I'oat d Clinton I'ower*. 0. W. Perler, Frank Pnknll. Carl I'ortisiua. Geo. Itifter k Ilarlwell I'nhner. I*w Power*, J. T. barker. I rank I'rlpe, F. L. Perle, L. Plillllnn A Merrltt Powern. J. T. Perl. Tnny Perkln*. or D. Paltte, W. M. Reed, A. P. RohlnMti. Fob Rulilti40u, C. O. Keilmnn. Jo*, pjulrllir. Claud lllrhartlwin. Br-r RbvwiothI, Cha*. Kyan, J. Itoail Bm>.. -1 lij'iiu. W. II. Bn**ell d Tlllyne RtkT". Ben Raymond A Clasinn Blalta. — Illeknrta, Carl l'nlmer. F. J. Peck, O. F. I 1'iirrln, A. Qllelltlll, F. Jl. Uulgley Bro*. Qui M. T. Uuwr. Win. Both Barney Rowley, Ed. lilce ft Harvey Hoe. C. J. N. Botella. The Roalelth. J. H RltPllie. — ' Reap, Will M Lake Rlee d Preroat Jtackelt d Hnaanl Rlche. Tom F.ayniire.. Wm. RolirrtK, Oeo. RUaaell, Pbtl Ruaaetl Broa. Rlnnldo, Uniec Build. A. M. I<o*»ley. Jack Rowll, W. ii. Reap. Will Bolniatiui A Wllfredo Rowe. Wm. Itelinlt. J. II. ><u*. :t Iteeil, M. A. Raymond & Caverly Raymond, C u Reliin. W. K. Sua*, 0. A. adford. C. B. Store. M. H. UtotealmrT Jr.O. WaUlngtoa Bro* Scrlbner, C. O. at. John, Bert Sully, Danl. haaaer, Chan. Sherman, Dan ftroek, J. M. atuber, Freil stroiiK. 0. V. C Stuttf. J. fl. Slmw, Thus. iitrouse, liar. Tart. Mnrry Tp*«ler, Wui. Ttirer. K^ .1. 1'ltO.mraon, J110. Taylor, Fred Tluimtoii. How. 1 linmon'a, (I. H. Tnayp.-. Joe Tortie. A. II. 'Ihuraton, lluw. Ttioroaa Broa, 'HITel B. H Tralnui-, Wm. Tboma*. C. K. Thayer. O. B. 'Jlbh. W. B. a Tlbb*. Jl. C. Tliompnou d Herldi Taylor, Jick T-uilu. Har. Vernon. B. B. VanDyke A Rat. Vblentuie. Cbaa. Van, Art. VonToaka. Alb. Voyideburt, Com Vetter. J. K. Van. Oeo. Van, i). X. ValTcno, Jack Van. C. d F. Werti. Har. •.Villintna. T«yl- Wllnon k DlcUnaen .Vllllam*. Wiley Welch. J . C. Wlltona, Tlie Wntaun, liar. WUI lam*. 1 I Wright. Fittrd Wild. W. C. Whiicley A Bell WhttlarV, W. II Wood. J. ^. M'aticoner. Hod Weaton, 0, H. Wera'ti. J. O. Welch. I* F. Wholeswortb. Cbaa. Wnrren d lllanrliaril Wlggln. H. U Wild. W. C Wlnne. J. U. Webb. H. I.. Warren, -lurk Weill. II. Wneke. K. iVhltley, Jna. Weller, O. V. Weayer, I. JJ. Wllla)n d IrflcpBteT Wood. >"rtiinla Wbeulnek Jr., J Wilbur, Walt. Weber, Will Wooilwnnla. The Mantey. W. A. Stewart. J.' C." Suaun, lijiini . fmtth, Ja*. Htuttnian. J. G. Kherpy. J.W. Schmidt. Herr Kmltli. Ray . Suilttt. K B. Hayamoe, M. Ptantnn. Walt. Hnilih. W. Q. singer. Jack Kiiencer. Oacar I Srhrelher, Pete , Biiellliig, W. J. 1 Kliltk. A, A. Hiintr,!, Henri Hbnnoii, Har. Sllverton. Utile Sherman. Unlit. Romera. P. O. Sotnera, W. A. Smith, S. O. wor. Bert Klronae, Jlar. htean. Claud .HllHUldlllf. Al. Sprnguelloa The Schaelfer. M.dJ. VTnt, ■ Ford Waltera, Jole Whuon. a. X. tforren. ftiek Weta?r Family Warren. Kd. Wmldell, Doe Weekler.^J. :W. WIlCOX, DwlBllt Wllnon. T. I.. Water & Mnttlll Wllaon, II. W. Warner. K. Whltealdea. W. Wooclwanba, The Weber, Mr. Ward. Har. Wlilleliouie F.F. Wilton, Tom WiUkpr. J. C. Woltflng. I. A. Welach. It. Weat. DcForest Wlggln*. ■ Bert Voiiug, Bewltt Kohedlp. Fred Z»-li k Zarrow fada*. 'i'lio Zenoa. Tie SlRB NOTICE AT HEAD tot? I.I IIT. «■«» Fny,<Jnn. Kelly. F. M. hipl lu\, . H1.II1 iKclllier, M. J. MICHIGAN. Detroit.—At the Temple Theatre (J.. U. Moore, manager) another Hue hill was prt- senled lant week, to ptickcd liou&es. Tbc piTigrflinme opened with llender&on und Itosu, who met with a warm reception. I'tirson auU Vflllard were bnrlesqite Herman chnrtrlcr ninicdliins of high elasN, and the; furnished nn Act foil of life nnd originality. Stanley nud llrockinun followed, aud m-ored an ein Silmtli success. The Juggling Normana, a trulls' of five club swliigcis, pleased graally. Ylrtar Moore and Koma I.lttleltcld did a, very rlever turn, and provoked imieli applause. Kd«'tti Stevens presented "A Night Out." the best think" on tbe programme, and his acting was of the good kind which nivint be seen to be appreciated. Flo Adler, vocitilnl, made a much better success than most of the ln<iv vocalists on the vaudeville stage. The 'J'wo Avolos did ponie amattng work on 1 lie perpendicular parallel liars. Attractions for week of July Jl : Harold llenluu aud Co., Clark and Florelle, Fred Mat-nrt's trained dogs and ittonkeys, t|te Rathhttns, Ray I,. Iloyt-o, Ceeille Rerr.vmart, Julius Tnnneit, Wood nruthem, and the American, klneto- graph. • ... . Avkm-k Tiikatiik (Drew ft Campbell,'les- sees).—A good play, well Interpreted, was the first result of Manager (loodhtie's experi- ment with his olajeatlt' Stock-Co., which presented "The Charity Ball" last .week, to good sited audiences. The characters were nicely assigned, and the play amused anil Interested. Alexander W. Frank put feel- lug Into the clinrncter of John Van Ilurcn, and W. A. Whitecar's walk, voice and man- ner reflected the Wall Street broker. Ann Criiger was artistically portrayed by Char- lotte Tnwnsend, whose modest mnnuer, hand- some face, and skillful handling of her voice made her thoroughly fltted for the place of iending lady In the play. Vattla uorpel, as Mrs. lie Pnvster, and Carolyn Mncl.ean, as 1'hyllls Lee. rnrrird their roles In n wny that was thoroiiglily pleasing. Carrie I.sniont tnnde a decided stircess as Hess Van Iltireti. and Kugene Shakespeare took. the role of Alee Robinson. A. Hurt Weaner, Harry Ularkmore, Frank Powell, Robert Milton, Dideon Burton. Verona Chapman, Dickie I)e- Inrdn and Ruth tiuuld played. with much skill. Week of 11 the same rnmnahy will be seen In "A Hnttlc Scarred Hero.* Niitks. —Clnytob White snd Marie Btuart. wild played nr the Temple last week, will spend their vacation abroad. They leave for Kil rope this Week Amelia Snnimervllle will spend her vacation with May Irwin at the Thousand islands Mirk Rulllvnn •rill go to hist farm la the Berkshire Hills, Josle and Willie narrow* Will-be at Dream- land, down Coney Isilutl way.- while Hiatls nnd Matette will put In a few weeks fishing up nn (leorgian Ray. Mr. and Mra, Vernon will sojourn In , their Summer home tip In Maine. All Ihe.nbove played nt -the Temple to the regular vaudeville programme Ack- ley'a Ilund (Ives concert» each, afteruoou and evening. [ i Akran.—At UAeilde Tark Casino (Harry A. Hawn, manager) Al. Carleton and t good Jjjjy 3 opened .with record hreaflng business. WH had packeol, houaes week o^' J W *• ■ffle following excellent'lill! was presented: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy. Utsle but* Williams, Nellie Seymour, Chan, and Madge Hughes are on tbe hill for week of 11...... Bessie Bans, an Akron girl, was a card on the hill week of * Eddie Marquardt, leader of the orchestra at the Casino, wss elected big raspberry of tbe local union of Raspberries. Walter Albaugb. of the (Jrand, is In New Vork. Seabury B. Vail, manager Wilfred Clurk and company, Mullen and Co relll. (jalettl's monkeys and doga, Mignonette Kokln, idanaeuse, and the klnetoscope. The Robkon Opera Co., In "Heart and Hind," will be the attraction for week of 10. Warkinqtok Tiikatue (W. J. Daunt, man- ager).—TOung Kid McCoy and Jack McClel- land fought ten rounds, to a draw, 4. The attendance was rather light. B Qrand Rapid*.—At Ramona Theatre (tirln Stair, manager) bill week of July 10: Four Nelsons t'omffluc*. Four Madcaps, Terry nnd Rimer Trio, the fliegsoas, Latlmore and Leigh, and the klnodrome. (loiiFsov'R l'Avii.tiis M'has. tlodfiov, man- ager).—Rill week of ID: Smith and Ardo, Hen. and May Woodward, Marshall-and Lo- rain. I.ntnv Bros., Three I .a Mnynes, and Harjlle I.ahgdon. s , ' Kalamasoo.—At the Academy of Music (B. A.'Rnsh. mamger) Maude Adams, In '.'The Little Minister," comes July ft. .. Casino 1'aIik jfialrd A Dakln, managers) la attracting' tbe usual' large crowds, first class vaudeville bills being presented nightly and at matinees two or three times s week. of the Colonial. Is making a short stay at (JlifMald'B Kitchen, near Akron. Sprlnardelil.—At Spring Orove Park Ca- sino IIJ. V. Martlny. manager) the attend- ance for week of Joly 4 Was large, and the bill throughout was exceptionally good. For week of U tbe hill will Include: Jane Court-, hope nnd Co., Frank Whitman, franklin Sin- ters, Hughes Musical Trio and moving pic- tures. Manage 1.1 At take Park Casino (R. R. F.ndly, manager) the Johnson Stock Co., In U repertory of plays, held good business dur Ing week of July 4, that being Its fourth und last week here. Barlow's Minstrels week of 11. *»» — MEW YORK STATE. Raymond, Edith Dunbar, Cody and Teiutett, May l>eonaru, i.l»»le lleudersuu. Oeo. AVitctt May Livingston, Harry O. Mhafar. Sam How- ard, and.Will S. Beecher. Business Is good. 11 a . L» nchliur*.—At Rlvermont Park Casino CTake Wells, manager) the Wella-Dubne- Harlan Co. presented the Dixie Tronliadours week of July 4. Large crowds ruled through- out tbe week. The Eight EojrilKu Ulrls were the feature of tbe show, and captured the audience Harris' Nickel Plate Shows is booked for 13. Dakvllle.—At Wells' Casino (Jake Wells, manager) the Fays, with a strons vaudeville company, the attraction week of duly 4. play- ing to targe returns. The crowds each even- ing highly pleased with the performance. Richmond.—At the Casino (Walls ft Mc- Kee, mahagvrs) week of June 27 the Dixie Trouliadoiirs played to large houses. Week of July 4. Walter Edwards Co., in "Lend Me Vodr Wife." Week of IV a vaudeville bill will be given. Petrralmrar.—At Femdale Casino (Wm. R. French, manager) the John Fay Palmer Stock Co., which opened an engagement of five weeks at this house June 27, closed after first performance. d»» OREGON. -I *>*-# i OHIO. Cincinnati.—Tbe glorious Fourth, with Its fireworks, brought crushes to the gates of every resort which featured that sort of blazing after piece of the celebration of Uncle Sam's birthday. liiBsitn Park (1. M. Martin, manager). —"Blllee Taylor" Is to be revived by the Chester Park Opera Co. July 10. Last week Souso's charming "Kl Capltan" drew audi-, ences of splendid size. In the vaudeville theatre 10, Inez Mecusker, Frank Bush, Annie Burt, Shannon and Lucler, .and- McNamee will be seen, Coxex Island (W. IS. Clark, manager).— Vaudeville gives way to Juvenile opera. 10, when "Babes. In Japan" will be presented, with Jessie Miller, frackle Harter, Martha BIscbotT, Edith McCole. May Mulligan, Lil- lian Crawford, and Marie Berger. in tbe cast. Ludlow Laoook (j. j. Weaver, manager). —--'"liie Three Hats," from the French, Is a comedy that the Lagoon Stock Co., under the direction of Frederick Noonan, will stage HI. Lost week'a play, "Our Regiment," drew audiences ot fair size. ■ The war balloon as- cension" wan a pood card. II. S. Record la to come 111, to loop tbe loop and give tbe 'cycle whirl. Tits lun (Walter Draper, secretary).— lunei and his superb band began the second and Inst Week of a successful engagement 10. Great audiences heard last week's concerts, and gave liberal applause to the soloists. Ktafna Patrldge. soprano; K. C. Rowdon, basso- and: Honumir Kyrl, cornet. -Paul Jones.' beautiful Fail festival spectacle, "Mar- co I'ulo," Is to be revived 17, under tbe man- agement of Max Rosenberg. Chat. —Harry K. Sbockley, of Hie' Colqmbla-Walnut Street, Is enjoying a visit. In 8t. Louis Treasurer George Bctuettel, of tbe Columbia, went to the Mound City with the.Reds, and took. in.the l'lke at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. ...... ..Andy Hetteabelmer, ot the Walnut, la Is the box office at Chester Park... .Bob Real Is at the gate at tbe Coney Island wharf boat. ..Down town amusement managers arc Dot making; as much noise on herd mice id s. haymowT They'll'be heard from In another month Loudon Mc- Coruiack. of tbe Lagoon. Stock Company, wis once Willi Clara Morris. .. i Cleveland—At the Prospect (Walter T. Baldwin, manager).—"The Private Secre- tary", Is the offering by the Baldwin-Melville Stock Co. the current, week. In "Paul Re- vere," week of July 4, this, company turned people away from the four matluee perfotm- nmtea, aud bad fair .business at night. Colonial (Drew ft Campbell, managers). —"What Happened to Jones" la the attrac- tion by the Vaugnan-Glaser Stock Co. the current week, "'the Wife,"; week of 4, sold out the house for matinees, and drew very well at night. "At the White Home Tav- ern" week of VS. - KtrCLlft AvF.N'tK Gabdbns (Mai Faetkcn- heuer, manager).—"Ermlnle," by the Faet- ktulieuei Opera Co., Is the offering tbe cur- rent week. ■ "The French Maid" -drew well at the night performances, considering tbe weather, tiud also attracted the usual tnutl- m-as crowns. "Amalla Mara," Faetkenheuer's own composition, will be given by bis com- pnuy week of IS. iMAliHATTAN Beach. —Bostock opened this beach. 2, with bis animal arena, and will continue to give two performances dally. Despite the weather his business so far has been very good. Notb. —Burton .Colver'a Opera Co., which has been playing at llaltnorih's Gardens all Summer, closed with Tuesday night's per- formance, July 5, much to the regret of the patrons of those gardens. The rainy weather- and the serious competition offered by Max Fuetkeulieiter's new Kuelld Avenue Gardens, proved too much for Haltnortb's. » ' " . . 1 Toledo.—At the Casino Theatre (Otto Kllves, manager) an excellent bill last week drew big crowds. For July 10 and week: Dora Pelliter, I.llllr.n Shaw, Four Webbs, White :tnd Simmons, Zflselle ami Vernou, and Dick nud Dick. Kahm Tiikatbk (lxntls Banner, proprie- tor).—Reno add Richards, nud Burton and ltrookn were favorites on the hill last week. The attendance was good. For In and week: Adelaide Herrmann, Norton and Nicholson, James B. Donovan, Robert Carter and Co., Latlnn, and Cornelia and Kddle. ., Uki.i.bvuii Park (J. W. McCormlck, mana- ger).—The opening bill, 3 and week, includ- ed: Cook and Uealy, the Three Polrtcrs, the Three Hereehals, (iruct and Urttet, Rose and Kills, and Chaa. Croft. Business fair. Tiik waiuce Shows exhibited here S, to good business. ■ a . . Colombo*.—At the Empire Theatre (It. Wiseman, manager) "Shenandoah" was the attraction of the Empire Stock Co. for week of July 4, And It played to large houses, "All the Comforts of Home", will be the attraction for week of 11. ■ . Oi.kntanuy Pabk (W. W. Prosser, mana- ger).—The hill, consisting nt Madame Herr- mann, Lillian Shaw, Benn and Ha ml Hon, James B. Donovan, Dora l'elllter, Curtis and Adams, wss enjoyed by large houses during week of 4. For week of 10 tbe following are Iwoked: Emmet De Voy and company, Marlow I'lunkett and company. A, O. Dun- ran, Helen Ogden; Burton and Brooks, tbe Great Cauiora Family. Notk.— Doe Uulgler, the well known dancer, has been made the manager of Al. u. Field's Minstrels for next season. a Bandasky.—At . Cedar Point Pleasure Resort (Oeo. A. Hocckllng, manager) enor- mous crowds were entertained week of July "... The specious hotels are already filled with guests, and . the season promises to prove a record breaker In point of attend- ance, The bill lit) consists of tbe Four Nelsons, In comedy acrobatic sketch: Carlln and Otto, comedians: Irene Franklin. In singing, nhd Shbtseil Brothers, acrobats. The olio far week of 10 Includes: Anna Hart, Blorkaon and nnrhs, Letter and Moure, and Joe Bounell. A new miniature railway has been In.itiilleil on Ibe grounds, rind-In addition Buffalo At the Star Theatre, Manager Walter S. Baldwin's Stock Co. Is this week offering "Fablo Romanl." "Barbara Frelt- chlc" proved a drawing ■.•ard July 4-9. Work- men are busily engaged In alterations. SiiKA'HfiAftpr.x thkaihe. —Interest Inthh houBe continues, notwithstanding tbe warm nlghtB. The current programme Includes - Edwin Stevens, In "One Night Off;" Edwin Holt. Redcay-Durnn Troupe of acrobats, Vic- tor Moore and Emma IJttleneld, Carson and Willard, Frederic Brothers and Barns, Marlon Garson, and Mullen and Corelll, together with new klnetograph picture*. Lafayf.ttf. Thkatee I Charles M. Bagg, manager).—Tbe Dainty Dewdxops Big Bur- lesque Co. tbla week. Including Daring filf- ford. Duftln Family, Harrington and Martel, Patrick White and the stock. Good patron- age rules. Idlkwilo Pars (B. M. Garfield, manager). —ThlB new river resort has taken hold with a will, and is getting the picnics and outing parties la liberal fashion. The present ap- pearances In the theatre Include: Mr. and Mrs. Al. G. Belford, George W. McAuley, Diamond and Diamond, and Ruth Wilcox. ivs'yestio.n Bali. (H. 1... Meech, cus- todian).—Creatore comes for a fortnight, beginning this week. Pabk (Robert F. Walter, mana- ?er).—Splendid business must be reported or this big local Summer venture, which Is planned to continue through tbe Winter. In tbe theatre this week are: Diana, Marlon and Detne, Domonlo and Belle, Maxwell and Dudley. Aue giant circle swing has been opened in tbe park. Nelson and Klntxlng's Herald Square Co. did well last week, pre- senting "The Chimes of Normandy" and "HoJd Pasha," Sara Harlan, Ada Wyo, Mario Houston, Frank Wooley and Emma Bran- L'oa were in tbe cast. George Kenney was director. The company departed for Youngs- town, .0., 10. s Albany.—At Uarmanus Bleecker Hall (H. R. Jacobs, manager) The KIngdon Conrt- enay Stock Co., for July 4 and week, played to the beat business of the Summer. "On the Quiet" made an Instantaneous bit and continued all the Week. For the final week, 11-18, "Too 'Much Johnson," and 14-16, "The Wrong Mr. Wright." PaocroR'a Tbcatrb (Howard Graham, resident manager).—The Summer stock con- tinues In -favor, giving 4 and week "What Happened to Jones." Big houses were at all. the performances, notwithstanding tbe heat. "Nell Owynn" will be the bill li and week. ,.--. Ki.ectric Park Is now In full blast and drawing great crowds. Tbe vaudeville at the rustic theatre Includes: The Sully Family, Majestic Musical Four. Brothers Martlne, Harry Brown, Wood and Berry, and the kalatecbnosrope. a Rochester.—At the National Theatre (Mar Hurtlg,'manager) "Janice Meredith," as put on by the stock, week of July 4, proved exactly the play, wanted by -the -nu- merous patrons of this house for a holiday entertainment. Individual successes were made by Jessie Bohstelle, in the title role; Paul McAllister, as Charles Brereton, nod Wm Thoker, In a dual role of Squire lleo- nlon and Colonel Rabl. The remainder of the characters were well handled by the others of the company. Wm. J. Dean won additional laurels by the excellent manner in which bo staged the production. Business was exiellcnt "Woman Against Woman" Will be pnt on 11 and week. Cook Opbra Hofsf ij. "H. Moore, mana- Ser).—^The management struck a happy me- lum by presenting "A Rough Rider's Ro- mance ' week of 4. The staging of the piece was excellent. Large business ruled the en- tire week. "Blue Jeamt" week of 11.. Ontario Bkach Paiik Uno. J. Collins, iiiannger).—Large business ruled the past week at this popular park. Owing to Its great success, Powell's Sixty-fifth Regiment Rand has been re-engaged for another week. The Thursday and Saturday fireworks that nre given here every week help materially to Increase the throngs. The Blcketts. the aerial performers, have been eDgaged for July 18 and week. . . Note. —The members of the Cook Opera lionise stock have organized a baseball team, with James Clancy, of tbe bouse staff, as captain, and David Hartford as manager. Next week, they play a game with a team representing tbe local lodge of Elks, and an exciting game Is anticipated. a HIcr. —At the Majestic Theatre (David Etdred, manager) last week the MoleRtlc Btock Co., headed by Margaret Pitt, did a big week's business. This week they prescut "Caste" July. 11-13, "A Woman/a .Secret" Id. SCMJiir Park la dplnjr well, with vnude- ♦III* and dancing, Including among the acts. Eddie and Carrie Mack, Cody and Henahaw, Falardo, Manning and Ducrow, and the Van Camps. .w 8 ?*,""""**— At Vallej Theatre (H. 8. Daniels, manager) the Valley Opera Co. pre- sented "Olivette,". to very, large attendance, week of July 4. "Bald Paaha" week of 11. Bastablk TBbAtbr. — Bastable . Theatre Stock Co. closed Its season, week of 4, with "Cumberland. '01." featuring J. Henry Kol- ker. The attendance was fair. »»» VlttatNIA. Portland.—At the Marnuam Grand (Cal- vin Helllg, manager) E. H. Sothem closed the season of the theatre by- two perform- ances of "The Proud Prince," June 28, 29, which taxed tbe capacity. ConDiur's Thkatbr (Cordray ft Russell, managers).—Tbe Joe and Elma Walters company presented "The Buffalo Mystery," to light business, week of June 26. The com- pany had good bouses July 3, to witness "Just Struck Town." "Just Before Dawn" will be put on 10. Baker's Trkatu (Geo. L. Baker, mana- ger).—Tbe Baker Theatre Stock Co. drew fair business, with "Diplomacy," week of June 20. "The Butterflies" had two good houses July 3. "Dp to Tompkins" will be put oa 10. , Stab Theatre (S. Morton Cohen, mana- Ser).—Derenda and- Green, Divine Dodson, canny Brace, Latour Sisters, the Randolphs, Emile Chevrlal, the projectoscope. Abcadb Theatbe (S. Morton Cohen, man- ager).—The Fowlers, McDonald Sisters (three), Perry and Slma, Neola, Harry New- man, Kate Coyle, tbe bioscope. Lyric Theatbe (Keating ft Flood, mana- gers).—Emlle Chevrlal. the Joggling Thorns, Che Hlrschoms, Fanny Donovan, Charles Stanley, Raymond G. Baldwin, the vltascope. Bijou Theatre (Fred T. Merrill, mana- ger).—Farmer Jones and his educated pigs, Kohl and Co., Montgomery and Montrose, the Rapiers, Edna Foley, the vltascope. Shields' Pabk (Edw. Shields, manager). —A. M. Zlnn's musical extravaganza, "Meet Me at St. Louis," did good business week of June 27. "The Queen of the Musketeers'' will be presented July 4. The Haze (A. Shapiro, manager).-^-Battle Ward, Maggie Grncey, Lane and Builnetta, Minnie Ward. Lillian Marr. Ortbedm Theatbe (Al. Oaken, manager). —Continuous vaudeville. . Fritz's New Theatbe (Wm. H. Brown, manager).—Prior and Norrls, Frank Coul- ton. Harry O'Brien, Salone, Leslie Sterling. Blazier'b Concert Hall (Kil B. Dayls, manager).—Genevieve De Forrest. Nell HH1- yer, Ollle Lamont, Thelma Wheeler, the Ds and Ds. Ebickson's Mosio Hall (Henry Griffin, manager).—Fay Leslie, Miss Valentine, Flora St. Ives, Moore Sisters. »a» 1 MIXXESOTA. ,T^L"S empo,, "*- - A t the i kyceum Theatre (Dick Ferris, manager) "Niobe" will be the play July 10 nnd week. "La ToBca" will be put on 17. "Cleopatra" drew crowded houses 3-9. Garden- Theatre (Addison Maderla, man- dfifer).—This Is "Burner opera" in a tent at vine Place and Thirteenth Street. The company Is very fine, from tbe chorus, which has good, fresh musical voices, to the stars. Of the latter Miss Walker and Arlolne An- drews made distinct successes. "Chimes of Normandy" week ending 9. Attendance was good, although rainy weather Interfered somewhat. " Emtibe Theatre (J. C. Kane, manager). —For 11 and week the following appear: The Markteys, Adratne, Bessie La Barr, Kates Bros., Antoinette Raloer, Al. Wards, Inlle Keys, Violet Willard, Kitty Klrkbam, Marguerite Rivers, and the stock company. Business Is good. Gsbtri Bros.' Shows were well patron- ized 4-9. The Park Band is drawing large audi- ences at Lake Harr iet Pav ilion, »■»■**.—At the Lyceum (C. A. Mar- shall manager) tbe attraction for July 4 was Maude Adams (first time here), as Lady Babble, In "The Little Minister." The house was sold ont before the doors were opened. Tbe stock returned for the rest of the week, In "Queena." with business fair. "Thelma' 1 was given June 27-JuIy 2. to fair business. . Parlor Theatbe (W. J. Wells, manager). —The bill 11 and week Included: Harry B. Sanford, Susie Young, Ed. and Lucille Lowry, Margaret Gray, Babe Enle. Foster and Mor- ton, Lucille Blake, and Ada Stanwood. The new comedy for the week la called "A Crushed Masher." BlJOD Theatre (A. G. Schnrberg, mana- ger).—The bill for week of 4 holds over for 11 and week. It Is still standing room at this house. the RiNOLiN-o. Bros.', Circus, 4, bad packed tents. Babnuu ft Bailey's Show will be here Aug. 20. ♦«*»- ALABAMA. _ Norfolk.—At Ocenu View Casino (Jake Hells, manager) the very hot weather, week of July 4, drove thouaands to the seashore, and, as a consequenre, business at this re- sort was all to be desired. People booked for week of 11-10 are: Lawson and Namon, Gold Dust Twins, Moran and Mnckey, Ed arid Rnln White, and a Jap balancing act. Acme Theatre (Cha*. M. West, mana- gers—For Week of 11 the following people appear at.ibis house: Trilby Van, Alice Wells. Jerome and Kent. Marlon Goodman. and Alio, riunlntsa Is fair. Ai'DiTpnit-M theatbe (J. M. Barron, man- ager).— People for week of 11 are: Remain Sifters. Viola Parker, Three Rents, Florence RdWnrds, Violet Earl, Harry T. Howard. Anna Spears. Lottie Gorman, and Eddie Pur- vis. Business Is good. Buott Theatre (J. M. Crtnhlan. mana- ger).—New people forweek of 11 are: Laura , Mobile—Monroe Park Theatre (M. A- McDermott, manager) week of July 4 was dark, owing to the closing of the Dalse Thome Opera Co., the members of which left for New Orleans June SO, where they will open at Athletic Tnrk July 9, for an Indefi- nite period. Miss Thome left for Chicago 4, to secure a new company, which will open at Monroe Park 11, for the remainder of the season Professor Alford and his diving dog, "RatB," gave open air exhibitions at Monroe Park, week of 4, and drew large crowds. "Rats" dives from a sixty foot ladder, and performs other feats Tbe Y. M. C. A. of this city gave their country circus at Monroe Park, June 30, which was largely attended. The programme was a varied one, and consisted of acrobatic feats, tumbling, vaulting and other sport*, Dave Levi, superintendent of Monroe Park, was railed to Meridian, Miss., 3, to at- tend the funeral of his mother. »•» . . RHODE ISLAND. Providence.—At Keith's Theatre (Charles Lovenberg, manager) tbe Aluee Stock Co. gave a creditable production of Bronson Howard's "Aristocracy'" Jdly 4-9. Despite hot weather, business holds good. "Prime Karl," the- old Mansfield play, with Frank Losee In the title role, 11-10.. Empire Theatre (Bolts ft N'athanion. managers).—Dot Karrolf and her company fave n 'A Man of Mystery" acceptably 4-9. t Is followed by "A Daughter of the South" Chjmtnd-t OaoVR (B. T. ft C. A. Potter, mina«ers).—The bill for 11-10 Includes: The Jarksobs. musical performers: Dexter, handcuff expert-. Madame Detter, mind render: Lulu Drown, buck and wing dancer; Frank White, man of mystery, and May Caa< sidy, soubrette.