The New York Clipper (August 1904)

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AUGUST 13. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 555 _-Gormand A Ford Notes: After a very successful Mason we closed July 18, at Dan- ville, Vt, for the flr«t time In five years of continuous trouplng, Bummer and Winter, and we will enjoy a wejl earned rest until aid •! will enjoy i wejl earned rest until Notts from Hides Corned* Cn Rnh.,-* r» lent 1. Harr» Gormand, Bart Ford, I. J. Hyde, manager) —We aS nn. iJ. «„. «R' Gorm.nd._B. 6. Mills. Mildred^ and weak under'SnVa. ^and"? fiT|£ S fi Anna Pomeroy have gone to the Summer cot tace on tie ltaquette River, In the Adiron- dack, recently purchaaed by Gormand & Kord. Sailing, fishing, hunting and resting Is the programme at "The Actors' Rest," as the cottage has been christened. Clarlbel AVorth will spend the Summer visiting her en rents at Syracuse, N. Y.; Oscar Dowon simmers at Camden, Me.; J. O. Macfarlene left for a few weeks' visit In New York be- fore mating a trip abroad; 0. B. Cann and jack Boss will while away the time at Sackett* Harbor. N. Y., and Pearl Woolson bas returned to her borne In Boston. Active preparations for the coming season will be- L q about the middle of August, and with the new productions Gormand A Ford have add- ed to their repertory, and the excellent time booked In the territory where this company is a prime favorite, onr prospects for the coming season could not be brighter. The old reliabli reaches us by boat on Satur- day, and Immediately on Its arrival we draw lots to see who shall mount a rock and read it aloud, line for line. — Notes from Fulton Brothers' Stock Co.: After a very successful season of ten weeks at the Oliver Theatre, Lincoln, Neb., this com- pany closed Its Summer engagement July 30. Our closing matinee was the largest the house bas ever known. After tbe performance a re- ception was held on the stage, giving the many friends of the company an opportunity of saying good-bye. 'After tbe night perform- ance, which was also played to capacity, Mr. Fulton tendered a banquet to tbe members of the company and the employes of the house, during which many toasts were given and re- sponded to. After a week's rest rehearsals will begin for the road tour, which opena Aug. 23. — F. A. Tolver will be In advance of Row- land A Clifford's "Over Niagara Falls" tbe coming season. — C. B. Holllday has signed for the coming season to go In advance of the Murray A ilackey Co. Scenic productions of successful plays will be presented on an elaborate scale. The company will play over tbe same territory It bas covered for the past four seasons, open- ing at Warren, 0., Aug. 29, fair week. — Lillian Daven bas signed with Lincoln J. Carter's "Two Little Waifs" Co. (Eastern) for the coming season. She Is at present resting and visiting her mother at Newport, Ky., where she bas been during the entire Summer, after two successful seasons with Jute and Elmer Walters' "A Millionaire Tramp" Co, — Abbott A Hensel, managers of Frederic Rella, In bis own version of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/' have signed the following people: Frederic Bella, Russell Hampton, Earl Ford, Albert G. Bruce, Josephine Dalman (last sea- son with Virginia Drew Tresscott, in "Sa- tanla"), Mayme Jeannette. Prof. Karl will be musical director. The scenery and paper will be of the best, and tbe season will open Sept 28. — Frank Hathaway Is with the Williams Big Stock Co., playing heavies. He reports meeting with great success. — Notes from the New Curtis Stock Co.: We will open our season at tbe New Curtis Theatre, Denver, Col., Aug. 20, playing all of Weber A Fields' successes, beginning with "Flddle-dee-dee." Hoster: Jos. B. Howard, Ida Emerson, Allen Curtis, Gabriel Llpman, Lew Hose, James Emerson, Camllle Calhoun, Bowman Bros., and a chorus of thirty people. —Tfaos. T. Shea completed bis park en- gagements at Bristol Park, Buffalo, last week, and returned to New York to open with a new production. — Notes from the Irving French Co.: We close our Bummer season at La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 6. Roster: Mrs. Irving French, pro- prietor: Don Macmlllan, manager; Don Hll- debrand, advance representative; Harry B. Rowe, stage manager; Harry J. Lane, Feld- man and Ball, Ross Greene, J. 0. Pennell, Fred B. White, Dorothy Grey, Carrie Weller and Clara Swarthont. — Jack Campbell has been engaged as ad- vance for Jed 1 Carlton's "Was She to Blame" Co., for the coming season. — Notes from the Roe Stock Co.: We opened our fifth season at Red Bank, N. J., Aug. 1. The roster of the company follows: Kobt. Davis, sole owner; Campbell Stratton, John B. Wblteman, Arthur Griffin, Artie Kelly, J. Hall Owen, Winifred Hlatt, John Mauley, Jay Demers, Master Elrby, John Lacy, Ed. Reed, Wm. E. Ereffer, Gay Rhea. Maybelle Van Tassel!, Nellie Franklyn and Dollle Bardwell. A car load of scenery, all entirely new this season, Is carried, and we present vaudeville features. Tbe repertory Includes: "A Warning to Women," "At Val- leg Forge." "The Sign of the Four," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "Wife In Name Only," "Dora Thome," "The Fate of War" and "The Road to 'Frisco." The time Is filled solidly for forty-six weeks In the principal Eastern bouses. — Thurber & Nasher Co., headed by Flor- ence Hamilton, will commence rehearsals at Smith's Theatre, Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 8. The company Is complete In every detail, the following being tbe roster: Florence Hamil- ton, Tessle Lorraine Noble, BMou Washburn, Mrs. Anna Murray, Cassle Martin, George Hoey, John W. Barry, Earl Simmons, Horace V. Noble, Sumner Nicholl, Edy. Blair, John Ortls, Harry Jenkins, C. H. Martin and Dan Demarest. The vaudeville features are: I'aullnettl and Plquo, character comedy gym- nasts: Mile. Pepita Delaro and Master Philip M. Thurber. Executive staff: Thurber A Nasher, managers; George Hoey, stage dl rector; John w. Barry, state manager; John Ortls, carpenter: C. H. Martin, master of transportation, and Dan Demarest, leader. Phil. H. Thurber will be back with the com- pany, while Matt Nasher will protect the In- terests ahead. The season opens at Norwich, Conn., Aug. 20. . —Manager James Spencer writes: This Js the second season of the Spencer Stock Co. Only one change has been made In tbe company since we opened. James Slavln, our leading man, was called to New York, as he Is under contract with Manager Blaney to play the lead In "The Factory Girl." His place was filled by John Clark. The company was recently tendered a crab supper and later on a banquet by John N. Beeves, real estate sgent, of Wlldwood, N. J. We enjoyed our- selves immensely and drank toasts to tbe health of Mr. Beeves and the prosperity of the Spencer Stock Co. Everybody Is enjoy- ing theJMet of health. Tbe bathing at wild- wood Is greatly enjoyed by the members of the company, as we have one of the best beaches In the country. The Spencer Stock Co. Is due here until Sept. 10, and If business continues as It haa been, this will be my ban- »er season. The lstcb Is always hanging out for any members of tbe profession who pass <bls way. We are always pleased to see 'hem. Boater: Gilbert H. Blaker, proprietor; James Spencer, manager; Maurice Stanford, ■'age director; Howard Blaker, treasurer: Albert Grayblll, press representative: Frank L. Worden. advertising agent; P. A. Pascale. jouslcal director: James Spencer, Maxwell Wllfus, John J. Clark. Will C. Carr, Maurice Stanford, Emily 8mllev. Kathleen Klnsella, Josephine Gray, Lois Worden." —:Th» T. H. Wlnnett Stock Co. takes the road after election, with all new material In ihe way of European and American plays. „— Alyce Kee Nan will play the heavy role of Janet, In Tolstoi's "Thou Shalt Not Kill" o. and Is engaged for tbe around the world :our of ihe play. ' .—Walter Hawley has been engaged for. the coming season to take a leading role and stage' tbe new musical production of F. W. Lloyd's "A Boy Wsnted' r Co. m™.. ui et ft" 1 "' '■P d ~" h7*^een°one » tlnual Jam. We opened at Lincoln, Me.. Julv 1 h^ e .h apadt7 of the Immense top, and It has' been the same ever since. We bad a severe blow down at Bradford. 11, and Ben" Mood? was painfully Injured, nut I. 0 K no" Tbi storm struck us at 6.10 p. u.. and we wen UP again and showing at 8.30.' Billy B.^m* ^22 re , celved f'um Tlyde and Leofa a dls- Wfm ring July 17, Ills birthday. After each memBer of the company bad shown his or her good will toward film, by little tokens, ?„ e b J$ a ?i Bp " Knti > tnd "e "tiled down! £!S\. ^w 0 * 8 ' of feefIn « Prevails In ourcom- £?."/• - ,' roater "mains the same. The H J e ..J w , lns are meeting with success sing- ill F°l ]ow th * Ue "» Crowd." Leola is also singing some clever songs,wlth her ususl success, tmerson and Foster are getting a new act down. Mont Foster's father visited the show last week, and bad a big time Ash- ing on the lake. Little Lola has added some startling tricks to her contortion act. Doc Waobbll, general agent Faust's Min- strels, wrltea: "Q. D. Cunningham, mana- ger, bas everything ready for our opening. Owing to the demand for time, we open .r ug ' c 10 ' ! n ?. teaa . °' 10 - 0l " olio features : Ihe laust lamlly. ten Australian acrobats,; Bolssette Troupe, French pantomlmlsts, first American appearance; Daly and Kelso, the boys with the tangled feet; Herald Square Quartette, the Brothers 8tldolph. Germun musical team, first time in this country; Bobby De Rue, 'the mentor of mirth,' In monologue. The first part represents a scene In Mexico, and Is entitled 'In Old Mex- ico. The comedians Include: Billy Beard, the human menu of oddities; 'Crip' Rogers 'the Dixie butterfly;' Tete Detzel, the Erie cyclone. The vocalists sre headed by Clen i e ? n i l 1„? nd Wm - R - ratt| e- We have Bowles Military Band, and Smith's superb orchestra. ... jA ,?°, B .? A ? D Y AN Tyl * re P° r t success over the Keith circuit Arthui Lani axd Graci Keiitu will close their Summer season In vaudeville on , Au fc 7 ' P Ka ? MB cltT - Tney will arrive In New York the latter part of August for the opening of the regular season, playing dates exclusively. Prof. L. Bubqer and son, musical per- formers, write tbst they sre making a suc- cessful tour through the West MaBter Robert's playing on novelty Instruments is reported as being a great success. Prince Albbxe and Miss La Beast write that they wil produce a novelty, called "The Mysterious Gramaphone," which they ex- pect to Introduce about November. This machine, they write, will answer any que*. Hon, and will be a mystifying feature of their second sight act The Martslles (Harry and Emma) re- sumed work on July 11, as a feature at Roam or 8?btbxb * afoaiMAX'a Co.— Geo. H. Stevens, manager and comedian; Dollle Moaaman, toubrette, leads and sing- ing and dancing specialty; Chi*. Apley, tramp Juggler, old man, song and dance and barrel Jumping; Ray Clements, old maid character; Chat. Oarlock, Dutch; Uarry Page, advance; Sam Reed and Cook Reed, song and dance performers; the Webbs, In a sketch; Stevens and Mosiman, musical performers and comedy boxing act; Tod Mossman, propa; II. J. Stevens, boss hostler. We have a band of nine pieces. Business Is to S. R, O. every sight We have one ot tbe strongest shows under canvas. Vinos* and Duklap, after playing tba Crystal circuit twice, have booked theGrau- man circuit for nine weeks. They report that their new sketch, "Aunt Mellnda'a Op- portunity," la making a big success. Asrni.-R Foi.kmt, whistler and Imitator, writes: "I have separated from Mr. Selbert, and am now working alone. I open on Lang's circuit Sept. 5, for twenty-five weeks. Tub Great Hit wood writes: "After fin- ishing tbe Melville circuit, I sm playing four weeks on the Heller A Gladlng circuit. Aug. 27 I open with my new character change act for a second season at Dumont's Kieventh Street Opera House, Philadelphia, Pearl Irvino la visiting friends In this city. Uennctt and Rick met with marked sue- cess at Proctor's Newark Theatre last week. Dixox and Holmes appear at Woolworth's Roof Garden week ot Aug. 18, with Keith circuit to follow. William Catakacob, of Cavanaugh and Hamilton, who is now running tbe Keswick Hotel, at Brocton, Mass., was visited by tbe Magnanl Family, musical barbers, and Burns and Charcoal, who are playing Highland rark, on ths J. J. Flynn circuit They spent a very sociable evening while at tbe hotel, and Mr. Cavanaugh wishes to say to all friends that "All good things come to him who waits." Jennie Francis and her husband, John Preston, will produce their new one set comedy, "Won by a Neck," In vaudeville. They will be known as Preston and Francis. ^hey report that their act Is meeting with success. They will return Lnst In January, opening In Chicago. Harry A. Woodward, manager of Wood- ward's Vaudeville Co., has bought from Carl Cookson all rights and Interest of the Peo- ple's Theatre, Lowell, Mass., and bas leased tbe same. Tbe house will open Sept. S, and vaudeville and burlesque will be presented. Geo, W. Evebs, comedian, Is now manag- ing the Orpheum Summer park, San An- tonlo, Tex. Notes from Frank B. Carr's Tuorouoii- BREDS Co.—The big acts this season will startle the country. Two of them are strict- ly European, and were brought to this coun- - try by Mrs. Carr. Twenty show girls will sppear In each act, with the original cos- tumes, scenery and electrical effects. Tbe season begins Monday, Aug. 14. M. J. Killeiier, lightning baton and gun manipulator, was last week with Murphy A Gibson's Minstrels, Steel Pier, Atlantic City, Carl Herbert reports success with his act of high class magic. Sam J. Klein, manager of Erbe's Casino, North Beach, was called, by telegram, to St Louis, where his mother lay very sick, and he arrived two hours before she died. She was fifty-five years old. interment vas at St Peter's Cemetery on July 24. Kennedy and Kennedy write: "Owing to being billed at the Howard, week of Aug. 8, under tbe above names, we have decided to hold same." Geo. W. Leslie, singing and talking com- edian. Is still playing the McMahon A Dee park circuit. He is booked at Hanlan's Point, Toronto, Ont, week of Aug. 8; Lake On- tarlo Park, Kingston, week of IS; Bristol Psrk, Buffalo, N. Y., week of 22. He will appear with a leading minstrel organization the coming season. Daisy Linden reports meeting with great success at parks and beaches this Summer. Week of Aug. 1 she played Delmtlng's Ca- sino, Rockaway Beach, N. Y.; the Steeple- chose Pier, Atlantic City. N. J., 15, and Hen- derson's, Coney Islsnd, N. Y., 29. Ad. B. 1'cunge recently spent a week at Cincinnati, enjoying the festivities of the Elks' carnival, he being a member ot Lodge 308, B. P. O. Elks, Grafton, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Younge (Maude De Long) are build- ing a borne at Grafton, which will be ready for use In October. . Geosob and Lillian Bbinnan, after clos- ing with Rellly A Wood's Show, have been playing the circuit of parks through New England, but finished their work week of Aug. 1, st Lincoln Park, New Bedford, Maes. They will take a short vacation before Join- ing Weber A Bush's new musical comedy, "The Promoters," which they have signed with for next season. Tony Baker, the noted minstrel comedian, singer and dancer, states that this bas been a highly successful season. He recently closed six weeks on the Ohio circuit of parks, and is now on the Heller circuit, opening at Sewell's Point. Cape May, N. J., Aug. 1, for two weeks, with Trenton to follow. Jack Rocsek writes: "After resting a few weeks, I am now singing illustrated Bongs and operating the clneograph at John- son r Electric Theatre, Waterloo, la., where all my friends will find me In the future." Notes >noi: Wise's Market Theatre, To- ledo, 0.—This cozy place of amusement has been remodeled throughout, and J. A. Wise has spared neither time nor money to make It one of tbe best playhouses In this State. Tbe people for week of Aug. 1 are: Scanlan and Foley. May Klrby, Blanch Raymond, Kitty Moon, Rose Adair, Ada West, Stella Raymond, Mabel Deleon. Mae Rnssell, Ed. Hardy. Bert Ferry, Tom Korman, Chas. Love- Jov and Geo. MItcbel. Business good. "Lbn B. Mantell writes: "I hsve taken tbe management of tbe Parlor Theatre, a cosy little continuous vaudeville bouse. In Everett, Wash. Since separating from my former part- ner, Mr. Lamb, I have been rehearsing my marionettes with two assistants, and instead of going East this Summer I shall manage this theatre and Install the marionettes for an Indefinite period, putting on a different turn each week, together with tbe big bill of novelties." Addison and Livingston are In tbelr twelfth week on the Lang A Edison circuit, and report that tbelr act Is meeting with success. They will play a return engagement on the Novelty circuit, opening at Salt Lake City, week of Sept 6, at the Bon Jon The- atre. «■ C. Jay Shith, manager of Billy Kersands' Minstrels, has signed for next s e a son C. Newton Taylor, business manager, and J. M. Beilly, agent. £»*•■ • - -"»-- • $3&mm MARION AND DEANE, Who arc now playing tbelr second successful season on the Melville park circuit, have gradually worked their act Into popularity, and can now lay claim to one of the neatest iaugh producing hits In vaudeville. Burt Marlon, the male member of tbe team, Is slso a song writer, and has written the lyrics for scversl new songs, tbe music of which Is by Earnest R. Ball, and the songs sre In tbe hands of Wltmark A Sons. Marlon and Deane will shortly play return dates in the vaude- ville houses of the East Alice Porter, Nellie Palmer, Blanche La- tell, Pauline Lent!, Chas. Howard, Jos. Mit- chell and Tony Murphy were recent guests of Thus. J. Grady, at his Summer cottage, 'The Rest," Atlantic City, N. J. Bob Rice, ths old time minstrel, has the booking ot all companies playing the Star, Montreal, Can. He will give bla Illustrated song Sims there every week during the com lng season, assisted by Ned Raymond. Newell and Nidlo have Just closed six- teen weeks with tbelr own company and are at Chicago arranging to resume tbelr vaudeville dates, which commence Ang. 7, and carry tbem well Into next Spring, when they play the Orpheum circuit the Evebettb S18TEBS, Tynea and Gay cell, after playing the Texas circuit and Northwestern circuits with success, are now engaged for fourteen weeks at ths Monts Carlo Theatre, Nome, Alaska. They will re- turn East In October, presenting a new act, entitled "Travesty Flora Dora," introduc- ing singing, lightning chsnges and buck and wing dancing. Tub Gbbat St. Cyr, illusionist, who last season waa the feature act with the Arnold Stock Co., has signed for tbe coming season with tbe Oiman-Hoyt Stock Co., as a special feature. Wallace and Beech, comedy acrobats, will close their vaudeville dates at tbe Chi- cago Opera House, week of Aug. 1, and will Iben Join the C. W. Parker Amusement Co., st Abilene, Kan. This will make tbelr sec- ond season with tbe above company. Pebrt and Ai.ecia are In their third week out with "Muldoon's Picnic" Co.. over th* Room circuit. They write tbst tbelr specialty bas made the biggest kind of s success. De Varo and cubtis state tbst their nov- elty gymnastic act. Introducing acrobatic, ring and horizontal bar tricks, Is meeting with big success. They were week of July 26 at Riverside Pork, Anderson, Ind. The Maoic Kettle opened its season with a two weeks' run at Brighton Beach Music Hall, N. Y„ Aug. 1, after which It moves to Cleveland's Theatre, Chicago, for eight weeks. Herbert and Rooebs recently closed their eighth successful week on the J. W. Gor- man circuit of parks. They joined the Al. O. Field Minstrels for the coming season, beginning Aug. 1. NEEDiiAit and Wood ire In their fourth week at Woodslde Casino, Canarsle, N. V , end hsve been retained for another week. Parker's doos were held over for their sec- ond week at Rois Park, Blaghamton, N. Y. Martins and Balno, novelty Chinese comlques, report meeting wltb marked favor while playing ths Palace Theatre. Boston. Mr. Balno was forced to repeat hi* novel trick called "looping the loop on a sugar barrel." The team write Ibat tbey have been meeting with success everywhere. Leo and hllky recently closed over the Colorado circuit, and have gone to the coast. Eva Wilson has retired from the Wilson Trio. The set will now be known ■* th* Wilson Brothers C Harry Jarvih, comedy Joggler, has Just completed t successful vaudeville tour through the Northwest, and was last week st Casino Park, Kalamazoo. Mich. ■ail Ik Vivian writes: "Ths team known si Men and Vivian, equilibrists and acro- bats, do longer exists, as we havs dissolved partnership." Nona iso* t«b Gains* Bros.' Amuse- ment Co.—We bav* been playing good town* and cities In Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The company's smutementa consist ot bal- Icon, revolving ladders, double snd single trapeze, high dive, and vaudeville show. The Fourth of July was one of the best dsys of the season, which date we filled at Colum- bus, O. Th* outside free attractions were highly appreciated. The vaudeville show did a big business afternoon and night. At 8. 80 p. M. Prof. M. E. Gain* mads one of the best ascensions with his new balloon ever seen In this part of tbe country. Tbe balloon ascension was msde from tbe school house yard, regardless of the high gale of wind. The professor ascended a mile high and descended seven mile* from the city with kls parachute, owing to tbe terrible wind. The spectators expected to see tbe aeronaut dashed to pieces, but he came out all right. The roster Is as follows: M. E Gslns, manager; Lug, Gains, treasurer; J. J. Elnnegan, aeronaut with "Stormer," balloon No. 2; C. Clark, traps: William Roberts, the boy high wire performer: J. Flnnegan and Mrs. O. L. Gulll- bur, revolving ladder; W. Colus, high dive; Geo. Gains, slack wire; Miss Cook, snake charmer; 0. L. Gulllhur, manager of vaude- ville show snd Iron Jaw, assisted by Mrs. Gulllhur, also "slide for life." Th* perform- ance In the vaudeville show Is now a feature with this company, a* new act* have been added, and one of the main feature* Is the sleight of band and fire eating turns ot Mr. Gulllhur. This company baa Ore more carni- val engagements. Notes frou th* Bidwell A Farrbi.t. Comedy Co.—We sre now In our twelfth week and buslnesa Is at Its beat. The S. R. 0. sign la hung out very often. We rece'ved our new top laat week and everything Is new from stsks to bale ring. Our new acely< lene gas outfit Is a beauty, giving us twenty- five tight* and making the tent ss light sa dsy. Elmer Walker la In advance, with three r. aeslstsnts, snd he certainly does look out for that end of It. Roster Is aa follows: Clar- ence D. Rldwell, song Illustrator; Billy Far- rell, Irish comedian; Hinckley and Evens, blsck face comedians; Jack Foreman, doable and single traps' 1 , Munson and Hart, sketch team ; Viola Hews, make charmer. The can- vas Is In charge ot Ren Cssey and four assist- ants. Tbe manager will put out a road com- pany next Winter, and baa tbe booking tor same. Notes mow tub Rrikart A Wkder Vaurb- Co.—Wc are meeting with big success. Wllllsrd II. Weber, who has been the main attraction with tbe Brownies A Reed Co., closed Saturday, July 23, to Join his partner, Mr. Relksrt, now touring Pennsylvania. We have our new tent and one of th* best out- fit* on the road. Our company now consists of Mr. and Mrs. Itelkart, musical perform- ers ; Wllllard II. Weber, In double voice sing- ing; i.eona Virna, song and dance perform- er; Harry Weber, hoy soprano; Oracle'Mc- Mullen and Mamie Brown; Harry 8ayabury, boss canvas man. We carry a band of eight )leces. AH are enjoying the best of health, .oule Bowman, Juggler, Joins us July 80. Our friend, Tub C'Lirrtn, Is with us every Notes from tub Cracker Jacks and Vanity Fair Cos.—The time Is drawing near when tbe members of these companion will begin work In earnest. Rob Manchester has been working all Summer to perfect In detail everything appertaining to these com- panies, and wben the sesson opens It is safo to say that tbey will be better equipped than ever. Tbe costuming la certainly s marvel of art, and will creats much talk. The scenic and electrical effects sre novel, and tbe two shows, from stsrt to finish, will be all that money and talent can make tbem. The Cracker Jacks open tbe season Frldsy. Aug. 10, st Elizabeth, with the London to follow. Tbe Vanity Fair opens Baturday, Aug. 20, at Reading, Pa., with Bcranton to follow. Bixty people comprise the two shows, and, as far as burlesque companies go, ours could be plsyed In legitimate nouses and win laurels, for tbe only thing left In either from last sesson Is tbe title. Tub'Miller Bros., with their new dio- rama, opened July 20 their sixth week st Seattle, Wash. Alice Porter who was hurt very badly about the head and body by being thrown against a post while In bathing, week of July 18, at Atlantic City, bas recovered sufficient- ly to commence her rehearsals. Weaves and Lambert, who played all the leading vaudeville bouses of tbe Pacific coast during the past two years, srs this week at Grand Fall* Park, Joplln. Mo., wblch will complete their tour of that State. Then tbey go to tbelr home at Denver. Col., and remain nntll Sept. 4. wben tbey return to San Fran- cisco, to sail on Sept. 12 for a two years' tour abroad, opening at Bydney, Aus. After playing Sydney tbey will go to Melbourne, Ballnrat, Oerlong ind Milan, Then they will make a complete tour of South Africa, re- turning to tbe State* about Sept. 20, 1006. Ball and Baby Dorrih, who concluded tbelr park work Baturday, July SO, at Olym- pla Park, Chattanooga, Tenn., bav* been on- Sged aa a special vaudeville feature for the yrkle-Uarder Co., Eastern, which opena Aug. IS, at Wllkeib8rre, Pa. BTallie Randall, who recently returned from the West, where she played over tbe circuit of parks, Informs u* tbst she wss very favorably received and met with gratify- ing results. Bbe will assume tbe leading Rsrt la 8am 8. Bbubert's production of "The he a ways" tbe coming season. Miss Ran- dall will be seen on ths Proctor circuit be- fore ber regular season begin*. Major O Laiioiilin, who played Johnson's Theatre, Waterloo, la., week of Aug. 1, haa signed with "Unci* Josh Bpruceby" Co., Eastern, for next season, which opens Aug. 13, at Wsterleek, Mich. Mb. and Mas. W. B. Watson (Jeanette Dupree) are stopping at tbe West End Hotel, Asbury Park, N. J., and will remain there until tbey begin rehearsing for their stock company, at the Coxy Corner, Brooklyn. They will have three companies on tho road next season. Their opening skit at Brooklyn will be on the Russian-Japanese war. Lorrainb and Oandy have signed with the Irwin Bro*. for next sesson. Will Gasdineb, who has signed with J. J. Flynn, tor his Bummer park, reports that h* I* meeting wltb success doing bi* dsnclng act Roue Burnt writes: "I was obliged to cancel week of July 81, at Rocky Point, it. I., on account of an attack of nervous prostration, snd am under ths car* of my physician, Dr. Ed. M. Thompson. In New York. Th* Rose-Edyth Billet will resume work week of Sept. S, at Gllmore'* Audi- torium, 1'bllsdelphls." Tub Wuallbys' Imperial Musical Duo, who are playing Hsvln Rock Theatre, have Wlnsted, Conn.; N. Y. City, Newark, Phila- delphia and Atlantic Lily to follow. Tlios. H. O'Nbil bas been engaged by Ouy Caufman, manager of "Railroad Jack Co., to assist In the management of tbe company, and Introduce bis specialty In tbe last act. A tour of Cubs and South America Is be- ing srranged for Alice J. Bbaw, tbe whistler. A company of well known vaudeville per formers Is to be engaged, with Mrs. flhaw ss tbe stellar attraction, and the plan Is to begin the tour wben Mr*. 8baw end* ber tour of the far Western States, which will be next Jxnuary. Bookings sre now being msde in tbe countries It Is proposed to visit Geo. W. Cunninoiiam mourn* the loss of his brother Edward, who died July 26, at bis bom* at Cincinnati, O,, from consump- tion, aged twenty-six yean. Harry Clark writ**: "Ws are In onr ninth week with th* Kiralfy Spectacular Co., at St. Louis. Tbe show Is a pronounced success. Th* radium dance I* (till tba feat- ure." MENNEN'vS Borated Talcum TOILET POWDEB for AFTEK SHAVING Insist that your barber use Mention's Toilet Powder after ho shaves you. It la antlseptto snd will FRR VENT any at Ihe many skin diseases often contran'ed. A positive relief tor PRIqKLY IIKAT, CIIAKIMl, HONBURN, and all sffllctUStiaof ihe skin. Removes all odor ol penplratton. (let Mestnen'a-iho original. Bold everywfiere, or mailed for It cents. Sim)*- nw. - i QERH1RD MENNEW CO., NEWAHI, | J. "??»Memo's VIM Tileii §£? Hhoulrl tupoclally appeal to Actreisss, as It ihe brows and lubes, snd *tlm*laUa their growth as nothing else will. It gradually ■larkens the brows and lashes, making them thick ani" long. Is not at Dya. AOe. a Jar. DREAM VIOLET TALOIift PIIWDGH, a dslnly luxury for toilet andliath, with tbe odor of the fresh violet. In del Icato silk bag*, too. Sold at John Wanamaker'i, and at leading drug- gists and department stores, or sent dlreot on receipt of jrfco. DHKAM CUE AM CO. (Dopt. C). la Union Siiusre. N. Y. Oily. s THEATRICAL COLD CREAi. There are many Oold Cream PresaraUoas os the market today, some an OOOB-othatl nit BFCTTKE—Bat Holnnerney's Is BEST. Th* Ingredient* of MoInnenMj'i Oold Ortaa *r* pore and harmless, and wben yon onos dm till* preparation you will want no other. 0thar good quelltle* In It* favor are Its dtUeatg Ei-fume, smooth whiteness and cooling proptrua*. id It does not cost a* much a* many ol U* fat inferior preparations. 69o." Km BALE OsTLT ATI HW VOIIK. SORE AND BLEEDING GUMS Soft and spongy gums are made health/ by tha mildly alkaline and astringent prop- erties of SOZODONT. II Is tha most fragrant deodorizer and anlliepllo dentifrice known to Ihe world. SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER Ihe complement of SOZODONT Liquid, has abrasive properties, vet Is absolutely, free from grit and acid, fl will not tarnish gold fillings or scratch the enamel. I FORM* i LIQUID, PO WDEB, PASTE. CALL. McMAHON'8 kTaatOM Theatrleal RESTAURANT ATI illTH AVtlHK, Between nth and 2Mb Bis., NKW YORK 0ITT> Bestot Kood.Perfeetlj Cooked, Served. Prices Deilclously reasonable. Room for U Special die*. Dining Staamshlp Maj.llro*J*cl - - AT LOWKIT HATEI, Casino Theatre Building, 140« Broadway, KILASK WIIITCOMB COBPAiiT, T«l.l3U-Jath 8L {TICKETS PERFORMERS "Hr EUROPE Should apply for lowest passage rate* gad full particular* at . , RAYMOND & WHITGOMB C0 H PJBW VOBK-%1 UHIOI* AtiCAIlE, W. BOSTON—nOrt WAHIIIN'OTON BT. rifll.ADKM'ItIA—1005 CIIHSXNUr BT., <:HI('*00—Mg HOIITH CfcAHK HT. '■' j Kiac'ly a* new. Kleclrlo Lamp. Rheostat and- Oxy. liyd. Jet. 1*03 pattern. Only too. Alio Anentraph and ftptlgrspb, cheap, snd a big lot of JneflLIIH very low. * II. P0V7BLL, H H. 10th St., Phil*., Pa.