The New York Clipper (August 1904)

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582 THE NEW YOEK GJLIPPEE. August 20. THENEWYW THE FP.ANK qUEEN^LI^INO CO. (Limit...) I:mniBlAL AND BU8INC88 MiNlOll. it ^iTtJBDAY, ATJQUBT 20, lOOt Hates. Advertisements—-$2.80 per loch, tingle col- umn. , '''',' Advertisements act' with border, 10 per cent, extra. . SUBSCRIPTION. ■ Ouc rear. In advance, {4; ilz months, S2; three months, w. Foreign postage extra. Single coplea will be Bent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. <lor Ternn »rc Cash. THE CUrPi'.K lb issued every Wednesday morning, i The last four (advertising! pages iPBBBB«n Saturday at 11 a. >i., and «.page* o» MONDAY and TUESDAY. '«%■%•'-' C1«»U»t pr-o.,.ntlr, Tues- <1n>. at ><> oVltirk A. M. Please remit by express money order, cheek, P, 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed With letter Is at the risk of sender. Aitdrr-'sB Alt' ' CotnintaMlcatlona t« TUB NRW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, tfew York. K«oi»<«reaV OaHe 'AtUrest; "AvVnowtt." THE WESTERN BUREAU ()( Tub CLiitwr la located at Boom (302, Ashland Block,''Cblceid;' Walter TC." Hill, manager and correspondent, whero adver- tisements «hd sublcrtritlonB'are received at our regular ra(cn. ' ",' !'.'■■; THE LONDON BUREAU Located nt 48 C'ratt'bou'rne Bt.j London, \v. C., Klicrr'advei'tlKeiiicOtH arid BDuecrlptlOns are rochlycd at our regular rates, ii ■■ TUB QjHIH CAN 1IB OI1TAINBD, WH0LB- BAMt AMU joktaii., ut onr agents, llrcntano'a news depot, 117 Avenue do I'Opcra, l'arla, Prance; M. Llllcn t |iBl, , Frederick 8trasse 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W„ Ger- many ; Diamond News Co., 07 Prado, Ha- voh»; Kta'nlUbbvk and Stationery Co., l'J8 Kscolta, Mnulln, P. 1.; Albert a Bon, 137- 130 King St., Sydney, Australia. nii: mow YORK ci.iri'i-jii unuiuiics on I Y unr edition , and that la dated from Hew York. i % UEBIES ANSWERED. No Replies tor !»■» o r Telea-rapa. AtUUUdHHCM OB'.WUKllBAtlOriB .not iiivbn. A I.I. IN 0.UI-NT .01' h(jcu HHOUI.ll WIIIIK Til TiloBH WHOM 'THBT' HBBK.IS CAIIB'OK THK CL1FPKU Pom* Omen. Abb URTWII will MB AUVBIIT1MBU ONB WEEK DMtt. ' 1* TlIB IOI1ITI1 Of ANV THElTlIICAl, COMPANY 18 BouuuwMfin MMam> in iut" IWUtbb UN A.NorfiKJl Win;. 'Wk cannot BEND iiuitEB UX MAIL OB ffcl.KOa'11'It. ',1 J lilt A ill AT I r. C. U , Nevada.—Wo have uo knowledge o( the present wbcreuutiuhi of Hie party. Ad dress a letter lu our care, nmi wo will adver- tise It III Tub Cum letter list..,; ■>' i II. P. 8., Pouglikeepsle, ... «• '■■■ K. II. o., Dover, ll. [j, nil Wilmington, M. .1., Geneva,' 8. k. v.. Cjipe Charles, C. U, .Gmvwstoii, and J. y.,. IWrtfora.—Hue answer to C. B„ above. •II. II., La Balle.—It Is n copyrighted play, imil you ntiinot legally present It without Hie consent of tho owunr. • M. SI. 1; Chicago.--it la Impossible fot us lo furnish such a Hat. A. T. ' J., Washington.—Advertise your wauls In Tub Clippbh. For rates sco notice ai bend of*thls,columu. ■ . '; U. A., Allegheny^ City,—Watch our route IIhi eiieh WeclT T II P., ColCHburg.—Tito parly Is alive. U.j H., West'Buperlor.—1. A piny of tho Miniu title wioi presented over titty years ago, at tho iNiitlonal Theatre. -'. Vet, It whs taken from tile same book. B. O. W., Mil/.abet hporl.—See route III this Issue. B. T., tiOWrence:—Cnhtt's Oillde. Address Julius t'alin, lCmplrc Theulio Building, New Yuvk Cliy.'N. Y. w. II. M , I'luiiillelil .•— Address Dick & Fltxgcrnld. 18 Ann Street, New York'City. II. [■:., Hcarridivle.- - We linvc no UlcanB ut •Allowing what the luniuiKi'i'* >'»u mention.In- tend t* do with the pWtlnetIon this season.' L. J. Ci Newbttrg.—The party Is" un- huuwn to us; ' • ' • W. M, D., Kushvllle.—1. We can only nd- vlhc yon tu advertise your witritK In Tin. fi,n'i'i:it. '2. No, we iin not run nn agcucy of nny kind, and 'therefore It would be use- h'hw for you to'st'rtd your pluy to Ms. ' ' T. A. C, Clovolnudi—Yes, Bt the Broad way Theatre. "■•■■ '' 8. K. J., t.»woHi—-U was ..presented by Mrs. llrrimrd I leer.\ Under the. luauilgiitiieiit of Oscar llaiiiinerslelti ti. Ti. If.'.ineltpll.-l-Wo run not aid yon. I\ !•:. K.',!st. Jo'.iu.^-Tlie letter haa not been clilmed. Jj ■ 2. > ' ' It. U, W.i St. Luills.— We never (tnawer iptt'stloua relating to'the reliability of nuy one. ' !■;. It. II., Haruellsvllle.—Yes, Krnesl lluKiiii was n membor of the 'company In 1800. II. N. F., Oakland.—Address tho Muter- prlso Slitslc Supply Oo., 40 .West Twenty- iinhtli, street,' New York .City, .; L. li., liiiconla.— tl.. Blanche Wnlab iilayotl (lllvla lit Marie Walnwrlglit s 'prodiietlon of •Twelflh Night" In 1880. 2, A party. ■ • T. P. T.i Coldwaler.—Our rule la to. adver- tise, letters only once. M. U., Mcrlden.— I. Address .1. Austin I'.vnes, general •nnmager for J>\ F.. Proctor, Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York City. 2. AddresA David Bclasco, Melasco's Theatre, Ne«-York C|l.v. I i - ..' ;, IIA SIS II AM.. j ( j\ l'l.' DbR.. la'iuiber" Cliv.—The man who rail lo third.wis out.. Ho.should not have left second .until the hall hud .been caught, and only then. If lie could do so. 'without ts-lut! put'out. II, L. ti., Troy.-.-lf the Kceno Club iltiipprd mil. iier«iru ilnlshliiK tts sesHou, as you slate, Ihen the party hettliiK Oil llrultleborouitli nlus. providing llraltleborougli was In the lead at lliv time the Kecno Club dropped out nf the ruee.' ' ••■ ' • ' • ^ *" Hi lh, Jiirsoy Oily.—/flip man who forces I ho third 5 hand olll at necAnd lm»e Is' nn- ihiuhteilly left nn Ural. Villi credit him Willi it time i|l lull, nmi can m-mimi fur him In no oilier way. CAUIIH. , . V, II., Mobile.—Aa the tmtnl Tor unnic was a tie lite uou- dealer hcoivij the point. L. W., Dea Molnea.—When the dealer. In the draw. expMes a card In dealing-It to the pliiyiir, the player condot. accept tlie curd, but It must tie iplacecl at the bottom of the deck and the player lis given tbe next,card ifroa mimM lUejnacI; P*tot« atry/pfiyer to hliTeft IBtlclpetti 13 5g ," — W i. A. H., '■ HprlBjmold.—A.wins with (Jack, which takes pteeedence over game fn the count. ifty .... •' ' ., ■ •'' : ,' II. V. A., Tnrrytown.—la the game of cinch any player may demand In see tile last trick, whether turned or not, but no more. ItlnJU. . (1, A. M., Toledo.—lohn I,. Sullivan won the title of chaiiiidon pugilist, of the. world when ,he defeated .lake Kllrulii Ik a. bare knuckle light for the cHnmplonnlilp, nndllr il«e regular rules of the prise ring, July 8, 1880, In Mississippi. Ills light with James J. Corbett. In New Orleans, with gU)ve|^ un- der (Jneetisberry rules, was'lor the boklng championship'of the world. [}. T. <"., Oosheu.—1.. Young Corbett. 't. Jimmy Brllt 8. T. N., Tlerlln.—There arc no knockouts allowed In the contests held In Philadelphia. They'are simply six round contests. Ckjpat C HIOA«0 -L BTffEje. . PROM-OUB OWN c;oittntSPO»l*NT. , Wfiicni Baroati, Of tKe N«w Ytfrk Clipper, Room BOil, ABhtand Block, Cblcniro. Much Interest cant res la the current days. The Bllon resumes, its customary station, as a provider of melodramatic excitement for West slders on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 14, when the Ivllint lieurn Co. moves over from the Alhumbru. to.present "On the Bridge at Slldnlght." The Columbus starts its *oa- snnou tbe same.nftcrnonu, when "A Frlead of tin- Family" wilt tie seen for the first time In Chicago. Blanche Ring and "Vivians Papas" go to Kavonla Park, near Fort Sheri- dan, Just north of here, for' Monday.'and Tuesday evening performances, then .dedi- cating tbe new Kavonla Theatre. -This will leave Powers' dark for two nights, hut Miss (ting's Hiirr-dKsftil Rummer engagement will be resumed Wednesday evening, to be con- cluded Haturdny night at the, end of the eleventh week. For. the third week of tho new season tbe practically new Criterion of- fers a local novelty In "The Wayward Hon." billed to open Sunday afternoon. Tho biHe offered for this week, other than ub stated nliove, embrace "Mrs. Wlggs, of the Cabbage Patch," entering upon tbe sixth week of Its highly iirolilable Summer run at tbe Grand Opera Hottae f "The Boyal Chef," atartlbg the fourth week of .-Its revival, ut the linrrlck; -; "The Yankee Consul," whjch begins Its. second week ut the Stadebaker; "ITie Forbidden Land," which starts Its sev- enth and last week at tbe Illinois; one week of "The Wttlo. Outcast," at the Albambrn; vaudeville at Cleveland's and the Chicago Opera House, atock burlesque nt Sam T. Jack's and out-of-door attractions at Sana Soticl, Wflter Chutes 6nd Ulvcrvlcw Pinks. Tho AVcbI Side llusluess Slen's Carnival, with Tain's "Lust Days of Pompeii" ub the most nllurlug feature, starts upon Its "reign of revelry nt West Madison and West Fortieth Streets, Saturday night, IS, Dur|pg the past week the Htudebakef mid AlhamorB'thcn- Ires' swung Into line for the regular soa«on. The weather was Ideal far. show going,-m'd- Numiner being taken Into consideration, and It was not too cool lo Injure the Summer park patronage at Chicago's three arenas of out- of-door revelry. Within a fortnight Hop- kins' will-reopen, .-returning to UB; former Button as a tpnke In tbe burlesque "wheel :" the Hush Teniidc Theatre will reintroduce the Mayers' Stock Co.; and a weik later the Academy of Mimic and People's Theatre, both prosperous West side playhouses, will begin the season. Thus It will be readily Been that matters theatrical hereabouts are looking up. ; Im.Inoih TlIEATUH (Will .1. Davis, uiiuiu- ger).—The seventh and lust week of "The Forbidden Land" starts Sunday night, 14. "(hill Johnson's personal success will bo the «t' rumeuiljered feature of an otherwise uilldlv diverting entertainment Frltal Scheff will begin .her second American tour q.t thin son , Sunday. afternoon. Tbe Klimt-Uearn CO., which la the attraction, does the bpstt- Ing for; the third cbnsecntive week on Stair & Huvlln's local chain. The next attraction will be "The Little Outcaat." , ■ -: CoLisEPit tStewnrt Hpaiding, manag-iM. Brooke Bhd hli'Cblcajfb WrtH BBnd con- tliinas to .attract line patronane. The rMh- wJ|»j< Brewing C«, -makeBAiimple wotiaions forvthe Thirsty. The senaon, whfen ajarkg Ilionke's second season here, has been Highly successful. ' ' CBKAUU Oi'EitA lluisi; (Kohl li Castle, mutiagci-H).—A. «». Duncan's clever veatrllo- •tiilnl specialty. Sherman unil lie Forrest's sifenmln'gly funny "war" drama, Winona Winter -and .Valerie llergere provided ex- cejiJlonaily meritorious features In'' last week's bill, llualueijs was ou capacity or der most nf the time. For this week, open- ing Monday afternoon: Uoyle and Wharton, Arthur P. Lungim. spnuldiug. Leonard and Leonuro, Dunetls- Sisters, ItlssonetM ana Xewinau. tbe McCanii Family, John aud Nellie McCarthy. IMrenda and Urecii, Mor- rlsey and ltlr.h, Theresa Onrgeval, Geo. Mon- roe, Carou and Herbert, the. Four Mortons, and <|eo. K. Spoor's klnctodrdme. .'. . ,;Cu:tkiaHi)'b , TBeatbb (Witt 8. Cteyelnnd, manager).^r-Thls week: Odette:Tyler, JZMe Jaqls, Charley Case, De . Veaox and De- VMnx, Kreette Proihers. Dawson and Far tell, Johnny Baker, nun Leonard nnd Kane. Ham T. .Iack'h Oi'kiia (Sidney J. L'uson, .manager.).—The Forty Thieves will Introduce the Block>tnirlos<|ue forces in Ibis week's entertillnmeni. Allen Vincent and r.ens l.a Coavler will head the beauty dele- gation, of .which Manager Uuson has on- ployed a generous array, and tbe comedy element will be In the hands of Chris Lane, liil. Morris, Cnrl Anderson and James Thompson. A diverting olio will also have place In the eutertnlnmcut. Well merited prosperity continues. " Sank Houut Pabk (MaJ. Alfred Russell, manager).—This week's vaudeville names: Smith and Fuller, lladjl Tuhur's Troupe, Ihc Three American Realities, the Florence Slaters. Raymond Teal, and Sldonla. The concessions arc iloinj; splendidly, nnd Amuse- ment Director lidwurd Snuyne has good enuso of self congralulatlon up'i the hbc- cessful outcome of his first year In charge of the attractions ut thli popular resort. : Watbii cuuji.s 1'aiik (Win. H. Strlckler, general manager).—"Shooting Ibe Chdtes" Is all the go with Wast slders these pleasant days and nights. The throngs nro of capacity proportion, and tbo many alluring* aloim find liberal patronage. This will bo one of the park's best seasons If matters con- tinue as they have run thus far. Uivebvibw (Win. II. ■ Johnson, general manager).—This resort Is enjoying great prosperity, and Its first season bids fair to end with a most gratifying record of success. Hurry Zerkell and Prof. Morctta are giving dally Illustrations of hypnotic achievements, and Mile. Liljcn's high dive through lire and llitine Is a sensational feature of magnetic potency. "The Pike" concessioners are bunpy because patronage Is good. Ct.AftK S-rnKCT Museum (Louis M. Hedges, manager).,—Freaks and curlosltli-B both - rare and commonplace, And locations, here. - Titers Is a stage snow which make tip in repeti- tions for what it lacks In length. Business Is good. LtlNI fig house Sept. S, than presenting, for the first lime on any stage, a pastoral comic opera, the book by Stunlslaua Htnngc, music by Lud- wig KnglHudyr. The Interim muy'.ur may not H filled by nnotner attraction. Pi> wuiis 1 TiiBATUB (Harry J, Powers, nmn- iiueri. —Ulanche King <|uIih tills house 'for Monday and Tuesday cvenlugs, aa spccllled hvrelnUcforc, but laturiiN WcdneHtlny evening to take up the eleventh ami Inst week of u Summer of prosperity for "Vivian's Papas." Amelia Itliighnm begins an cugagomvnt, In repertory, 21, starting with "The .Climbers." tliiAM) Oi'bua HottHB (Fred R. Hamlin, luislness raunngor).--"SIra. WlggB, of the Cnbbaac Patch, 1 ' begins the sixth week of her llrst Chicago visit Sunday night, booked to remain-uqothcr fortnight. Madge Cnrr Cook. Helen Lowell and Win T. llbdae continue to add to (heir well merlled laurels. On 28.the llumllii-Mltclicll production ot>"Blril Centre" conieH III for a run. i • iiAlutrcK TllKA'riiB ii'liinc A.-Bird, husl- nesH manager).—"The lloyal Chef," In whlcli Davo Lewis Is winning renewed success an ii comedian of asm enters upon the fourth week nnd concluding fortnight of Its revival here Sunday evening. 1|. Business has been indon Dime Mi;hi:um (Wm. J. Sweencv, mnnnger).—In curio hall this week: Tom Taylor, with his performing boor; Siaro;'flv Ing rings; Columbia McDanlcl, bearded mid- get, ami others. Un the stage: Kmmu Claik, I'rof, Wulte, Trlxle Starr, and the Midway Ar-rKBMArit.—Lyman B. Glover, who' was for years dramntlc editor of The VMcayo llaiilil and more recently mnnager of Men- ard MiuiHiiold, lias been secured by the Kohl Mlddleton-Castlc Interests to All an Import ant executive position at tbelr locBl houses. For the,present ha will be located at tho Chi- cago Opera House, but w|ll take charge of the new Orpheum la Monroe Street, when It be 'completed. There was. much talk of his niunagiug the present Iroquois Theatre when It opens for vaudeville, but the presence or Silck Norton In the city a couple of days last week gnvo rise to the report that Mr. Nor- ton would represent Hyde A Lehman. That Mr. Norton wus here In the Interest of Hyde k Rahman Is certain, as he took me through I lie Ii-IuuoIh on a tour of Inspect Ion, uud cauiQ hero especially to make a report to livdc & Lehman upon the present condition of 'tho troose with a view to making definite nlaus aa do the.'opening date. The house will be known as Hyde it, Lehman's and will bo opened as early In September as possible. VaudpvlMe of the very highest class, sup- plemented with a ballet .patterned after the "prevailing entertainment lu ICngiisli music halls will bo 'prAsebled:....'. B. Agnes Litnc is in Chicago spending a part of her Summer vacation, having lust returned from severul months spent In Northern Michigan. .'.;•. ..The rebuilding of Trocadero 3s being rushed to completion. Manager Fulton will reopen the house ■ Aug. i-8, with his Jolly Grass Widows, and companies booked In tho buries,, no "wheel" will till the season. Man- ager Fulton. In addition to supervising the repairs to the house. Is directing rehearsaln of Ihc Jolly Grass Widows, preparatory to n tour of ,"Th« Wheel" houses. Hopkins' Theatre la iiIko undergoing reconstructlou, nnd may possibly open on the same date as St, Lonls, .Chicago and New York, where* lu has been in the Interest of the house, lie brought' back with him »n «HaM o ds-Mo- bile, and promises all bis old. friends this Beaton k spin artond the town. J \: i W i ,--- ... ,-j. Mg »«. » i —§*• , PE BNSYLyAS lA. PblladcltthlA.—with tbe bpenlug of the XnfJonal hnd I'orepaugh's Theatres, lost Sat- urday' nighty and Hlnuey's Arch Street The- atre, Monduy, the list of open houses was brought up to six. This Is Increased to eight this week by the opening of the Grand Opera House and the Standard Theatre, Saturday night. All nppcnr lo be doing well despite the warm weather. ....,., ' National TiIbatiip. (Joseph M. Kelly, mun- n K er).—"The Devil's Auction" served to nt- tract a rousing audience to this house Jast Saturday night, the opening of tle.c fMpien . The attraction has been considerably ampli- fied since last season, and many new features were Been. -The audience appeared to be Im- mensely tSleascd. The same offering ifl con- tinued this week, with "Hearts Adrift sched- uled to.'follow. . •_ i "-•' ,- •. '/■ UltANO OI'BUA UonsB (G. A. VVegefartli, amnagcr).~-Thl» house Is to open Saturday night with the melodrama, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." !, m £ •■■ /i.','S Blanei'b Ancic SiBCCT Tmeatrb (M., B. Schleslnger, manager).—After n very, suc- cessful week with, "Across the Fncllliv' the audiences being of "Inrge alze despite the wurm weather, tnlB' bouse how has Lottie Williams, In "Only a -Shop Girl." Next week brings "The ChildBlaven of Now lork." I'oiiKi'Auiiii'M TllBATBE (Miller 4 Kauf- man, managers).—"Janice Meredith'' served to open the season for -the- stock ■ company ut this bouse last week. The company, wh'cli remains very much bb last year,;-met with Instant success, and the houseful of patrons lavished applause on the production.. "The Fatal Card" Is In rehearsal for'the coming week. ,-; • ■' ■■■ ■ Kbitii's Bi.tou (Hi P. Lyons, resident manager).—"What llnppeucd to Jones" is the offering by the stuck company this wecki with "My Frltnd from India" in rehearsal to follow. 'Large attendance and liberal ap- pluuac greeted the production of "The Pri- vate Secretary" last week. Standaiui TiibbtiB (Darcy k Speck, man- agers).—The opening of this house Is sched- uled for Saturday, night of Ibis week, the stock compuny preaeatlng "Hands Across the Sea." ;■■ Ki: ith's Nkw Tuiatiib (II. T. Jordan, resident manager). — The attractive pro- gramme this week Includes: Slay Robson, Ceoree Kvans, Amelia Summcrvlllc, Jewell's manikins, Potter nnd Hartwcll, Millard nruthcrs, St. Felix Sisters, Fitzgerald Broth- ers and Ilomu, the Brlltens, Thompson's trained dogs, llnvt nnd Waller, Dixon:and Holmes, Bell and Oliver, and tbe hlograph. Lscutiu Tiibatbb (John (!. Jeruion, man- ager).—The patrons are entertained this week by the New York Widows, In a pro- arrauiiue of burlesque mid vaudeville. The Oriental Maids pleased the well Oiled houses last:week.; i ' -;'." i ■ 1 ■• " / Wiiwiv GttovB Park (Mauagctuent Phila. Rapid Ttanglt Company.)—The Ithaca Band, under the leadefHhlp'of P. Curwoy, continues to furnish the music at this park until Aug. 127, when Sousu and his band coiae to close the season. - . Wooobidb PAnk (Woodslde Pork Amuse- ment Co., managers).— There Is no cbuogo In the attractions at this park. CtlKBTNUT Hi). i, Park (II. P. Aui'liy, man- ager).—Free. vaudeville lu. the Cueluo con tunics to be the big feature this week, the leaders on tbe programme being Canlon uuu Russell, Ibe Bntcbelors, Rlanche Bnllcy, and John Theruier. A special fireworks exhi- bition Is given Wednesday everting. ' WabiiiMotox Park (Win. J. Thompson, muiiugcr).—Tho samo features coutluuc to entertain the patrons of this park. Notes. —The Trocadcro Theatre Is to open Aug. ?«,.... v.. Tbe Chestnut Street Theatre opens for theoMson Sepl. Ii," with "The Maid und the Mummy.". ,v."Thc Two Orphans," A. M. Palmer's production, "Is own Here Sejlt. 28, at the Chestnut Street Opera House Viola Allen, now under the mtui- ugcuient of Nixon & Hlmnieruian, cuoies to tbe Broad Street Theatre Oct. lo fn n produc- llpn of "A Wlnter'n Tale."... .Carrie Bross- man han been Ongaged for "The Strollers." ■ < Mrs. -10. J. PlillllpH, the well known aetresa, died. In tills clly Wetltleedav; 8. Fmicral aervlccs were held Saturday, U, In- terment being made In West Laurel Hill Ceni»tcry. Minnie Simon, known on the singe as Minnie Barrett, committed Bulcidu In this city last.week. She was twenty- six yours of uge. and had been a member 'Miss Bob White" Co. cess here. It has many big features, Mr. and Mri, Tub Minor,-the,former.tbe owner of the cotttpfny,' and the latter deslgucr of sm c i.r' •XTinO Pabk (Felix M. Davis, manager). —VA Warm Match/' wlth'Crlmmlne analloro and a biff company, week of 15. Tbe follow- ing proved a strong drawing card week 'of 8: Senator Frank Hell, John and May Howard, Hilly lllmes, Karl, and Wilson and the Mee- ker-Baker Trio. I'rof. -IM R. Hutchison. with Retta Danzella. In their balloon ascen- sions, week of 8, brought Increased crowds to the park. They wilt lay off here week of Hi and will open atChlllcOthe, Ohio, week of 22. • ' •'" "-"■:■ . . '■■ "• '.. tKKH»i—Kirk ltrown, who will hend bis own company, and Will Deshon, his mana- ger, are here. , Rehearsals by this cohypany begun here 15 Ilargreuves* Circus is due at Steelton, Pa., Sept. 1 The Ly- ceum Theatre, this city, will open 31, with De Wolfe Hopper, In "Wang." Spencer C. Charters,, of this city, has closed a con- tract" for another season with the Thomas E. Shea Co.. and will open in Mnlnc the Itttter part of August. Mr. Charters IB now filling rti special - engagement with the Highland Park .StoeJi Qv., at York, Pa...' Walter Neumeyer. trap tlrummer. haa closed a con- tract to,play with tbe orchestra at the Hart- ford,. Conn., Theatre. ■ ; e Scrsntnn,—At the Lyceum (A. J, Duffy, manager) Haverly's Minstrels came Aug. 12, to a large, house, opening the Lyceum's sea- son. , The performance was a pleating ouc. ACADBMY (A. J; Duffy, manager).—The Aubrey/Stock Co. week of It}.: The Meyer Stock Co. opened the Academy season week of 1, playing to good houses. Notkb. —A. H. Wooda, formerly treasurer of the Welting, Syracuse, has been appointed treasurer of the Lyceum and Academy,.... Robt. Alexander, treasurer of the Academy for three seasons, has, been, a n nolated busi- ness mnnager of the IJrnnd, at Wllkesburre. •' ■ , i .. , .'.i ' 5 wiiiinmsimrt—At tie Vallamont Park Pavilion (Lyman A. Pray, manager) tho Val- lamont Stock is breaking all prmoitB records. "Turned Up" Aug. 8-10, "The Galley Slave" 11-lU. Duo: "Heart, of. Kentacky'' 1S-17, 'At Cozy Corners" 18-20. - Voti.lAjiiin T t«nii record breaking attendance "The BhO-Guu' 7 Is tb follow Bitty. ,.•'," ; of the Mux here Sunday evening. 1 -I. Business has been Prociidero, and also nreseutlug "wheel" at- exce|lenl. lie Wolf Hopper Is announced.-to iractUins, This plan makes no allowance for arrive '28. , .'. ■ v.v HxP T : J«i*" Opera House continuing In Sn mui.ucuii Tiikatiih (It. H. Warmeyer, business manager).--Raymond Illtchcock, featured In "The Yankee Consul." eaters upon the second week tit his second Chicago engagement In this piece Monday night, The present run Is it renewal of the engagement which suddenly terminated last Wluter. when nil of our theatres 'fell a victim to Mayor Harrison's celebrated "getting out front un- der" edict. Business Is line. •tlBKAT NontHnuNvTltHA'TiiK (K. D. Stair, iimriBger).—Master Gabriel und Geo. All con- Untie to depict Busier and Tige, In-"Buster Drown," 10 us great crowds and with *s much success us though ,the {future, of' this resort were not imaging In the balance. Noth- ing definite; Is known ha to whether Mnnnger Stair will "fight to n finish" or submit to the Inevitable result of the newly revised building regulations. The final Issue Is Indefinite. CitiTBktox TliKATRB (Ben M. Glroux, man- ager).—"The Wayward Son" shows up' In Chicago for Ilia llrst time Sunday nfteruoon, to nppeur hero twice dally' throughout' tbe current week. He follows "The Idttl* Out- cast/' which spent lust week nt this North Side home of melodrama.. Anna Hlancke re- pented past successes In the name part und reasserted her right to atellnr, honors. Geo. W, Gill provided n good company for her support nnd Criterion patrons turned out In good numbers to bo entertained, Ai.iiamiiiia 'I'm; ci hi; (James H. Browne, Imsluess manager).—"The Little Outcast" moves down to this practically new nnd.ctr- inlDly pretty theatre Sunday nftfmoqnj"to .spend the current days, us a successor ti "'On the Bridge nt r Mhhrighi," whlcli. With 1 deb. Klluit nnd Alma Ileum featured, dedicated this popular resort for the new season, week ending 111. i'mlimUi s TntJATM (Weber Urns., mana- gers).—Rebuilt In conformity with the- rc- vIsihi regulations ns to theatre construction, this house slat-is upon' the new season Sun- day afternoon. 1-1, with "A Friend of tho Family" Rs the opening attraction. William Friend and Thlss Mtfrane have the leads. \Viii. E. Gorman innkes the .production. .The next, fcitroctlen wllf-be "Out ot to* Foln?' coming, for cine week,'21'. '• Ili.rfiU Tiikatiih i Win. Iluchi*. Itimlilcis mniiiiiteri.- 'iiieclmuli'il Trull) Lip tu IsilLmi, relu'illl as lo stlvl Hinge coiiHlvuctton, (tew •-■•- I ranees. lixllB and'sfstlng iirhlngi'iuetitB, mil in .xlrlef conformity tt> (lie new retpUrcmenls; this West side house opens for Its-regular and' > continuing 'Ihe wheel." Manager Wusun, when I last talked with him, wus not prepared'to stale just, what his plans were, hut I presume Block burlesque wUl reign during, the regu |uC season Bt .lack's...,Martin Beck, genera manager of tho Orpheum circuit, Hpent )»et Week U» .New Xork F boofflig attlnct«SnB?.'.". <leo, -Castle was In town Saturday, having returned from bis tour of the" trotting track* and recovered from his "shake up" received while driving one of bis horses In a race at Brie, recently.,... .The Chicago Comervitoiy, of MuMc and Dramatli! Art will open Its Fall term Sept. 1. Frank Liv- ingston,-who was stage director at the Bush Temple Theatre, hist season, haa been en- gaged ns director of tho dramatic depart- ment.... People nt Chl-GanCy Beach. .Michigan City. Ind., this week: Mitchell nnd Love, Delto und Dothn, Laredo and Blake, Shepherd nnd Porter, and the Al jtilloiiB Musical Trio. BoydeJ. Gllmore, of Ihe vaudeville firm, of Olltuore and La Tour, Ik manager of the theatre.-. : .A. H. Rackett, of Rackett and Hnaard, Is visiting his home In this city. Rackett.and Haiard have re- turned recently from a two veers' tour of ihc European halls, and go back again In Januarv for another long tour of the foreign circuits.. „ . Fred Kohrdlc has been In town for a week, resting, file goes jo Chester Park. Cincinnati, wock nf 1,1-20, and Ihen returns to Chicago to present his remarkable, hand balancing specially for/a long run With Pulfi "Last Days ,or^Vompe(i''; on'the West fiifle.... \ Kiwne Cllne. dealer In movtug trictnrc'ma- chines und flints, has gone for a lour of the principal toB'na of Ohio Sam Collins has signed to play Dave Lewis' role In the .New York ptuductlou ot "The Royhl Crlef."-,.... Store theatres to be built on paper: this time,,the location Is to lie Thirty-ninth and Collage' Grove ,... flu, clever Sisters! McObhnell, ncconlpautell [>y tltclr mother. Kliiy Smith, left Biilurdsv for La Crosse. Wis.,, to Jolrl Walter Van' Dyke's Co. for Ihe season, filling'an ougngement se- cured throiujua CuWai "ud," r ....,., , , " '' V't^jtftl A. Pi.nnnculii.- -AT Peusacohi itpr-ra ll,m«e (.1. M. Poc. laaiuigeri the Mabel Paij.,. In. oihu.r the house week of Sept. n. AssUUiin Muudgcr Mck Smith has Just returned. IrolD Arnold, known here; ns the blind comedian, died'Just Week at Ollftoti Belgbls and?)«a btirkfl Wedneailay,. 10, in A.Iuth Jesliurem Cemetery,'Iflrgnkford.; • I , : \ »lttsba*ir.-iwitl| the passuge of the middle of August tbe season of 1004-5 looms up very prominently. The Grand uud Kmplrc will open Monday, Aug. 22, to be followed Slonduy, Sept. 5, by the Avenue, Nixon and Duquesno. it Is expected tbe Aivin will be- gin operations about Monday, Sept. 10, .al- though Manager Davis bus not yet reached u definite conclusion as to date or tho exact policy-to be pursued relative to the class of attractions to be presented. Hyde & Hen- man's new theatre, at. Sixth Street and Du- ucsne Way, Is rapidly Bearing completion, und It Is the understanding that their Inten- tions ns to the policy to ho followed will sbon be made known. • . Buou Tiikatiib (R. M. Gullck. manager). —"Across the Pacltlc," with Hnri-y Clay Blftrtey; IB Ind week. "Lighthouse tiv the Sen" drew crowded houses • last week, - ; In splfe of extremely warm weather. Viler,First Fiilse Step" 222.7. - ., AfAiiKMv (Hntry, W. Williams, manager). —Dkklns' Dtbpllm llurlestjucrB for the etir- rent week, Including: Valuer* and Horton, Mddden, and jeBs, Jordan and Hose,: Wredo and Dn,ce, Mildred Stroller, Ronton Comedy Four nnd others. The Bon TonBurlcsauers hud a vory successful week 8-18, packing the house to the doors- oft' various occasions. Their extremely clever show was wall re- ceived and Is sure.of a warm welcome upou Its next nppearanco here. The London Belles 22-27. . . , ,,T " ,Si>i:thliin, Pauk (A. 8. SleSwlguu, man- ager l.--Crowded houses were tbe rule inut week, the audiences being auiply- renalil-liy a splendid show. Commenting 15 and week: Gavin and PlatL Oracle and lteynolds, Dc- monlw nnd Bel); Hurry Brnwii. ' v Ivrsnywood Pauk (F, T. Moorheod, man- nger).-—'I'he convefia...tnW .week ' nr* again luitilshed by the Homestend Llbrury Band. An extra attraction Is the daring blevolo loop the loop Set Of Rose Abd Lemon OAKwoQn-p.inK (A.-,S. McSwIgan, mann- S?C.*2~#. , "'if l, W c overcMhB the, transportation lMtaRles*McouiiterM'Wirllf>r'hi the Season. Ihe mnuugement iirescnts a vnndevlllo enter- nilninent. romnienelng !.", nnd week, ns fob Iowb." Hhlr arid Mnlr. the Great Morn, Qeo. Carroll,.Walton, Rlchev and Harrington . NOTKB.-r-The' Grand Opera House, which Ik to Iki devoted to contlnuotiB vaudeville of the highest order this season, will present a handsome appearanei) on the occaslou of Its opening, Monday. Aug.- 2a. • Tllo renovation has been .thorough, ami lbs decorations, willed «re bolng nnrrled to completion, nrc uf the most artistic order Mi'Sj-'R. M. Gullck. ,wlfe of.tke popvliir mauuger of tho Itljnu und Duqnesoe Theatres, left last week AX" n trip to F.iirnpc. BccouMaUM liv her umtlu'r ami sltder,, ' • ' »• „ I i " a » ' ■ II live I hIi lira-.-- At ibellraihl Opera II mls« fM. IMS miinuneri the KtusHtt'opcued Aug. IS'wIlh the Boiielulaii ltltrle^muv; to two big huubvs. The compauj- tccica • big sue n-i;i. Due: "lie, VaifdeyllleTwl'li be Riven until Sept. 10. A beautiful Hou- vculr containing the photos of each member of tbe stock company will be given away to the lady patrons 20. 'The local chapter Of the Actors' Church Alliance will entertain tho members of the Vallamont stock with an elaborate bunquet ID. FonurAuoH A BSUJl' Cincns Aug. 27. ■ -. » ^ —At the IOIcvehth Avenue Opern House (I. c Misbler, manager) Ibe Imperial Vaudeville Co. appeared Aug. S.-1Q.V "Fln- nlgau's Ball" 13, "The' Thoroughbred" lii, HI, "Her First False Step" 0,7, 18. . Lakbmont Pauk Tkhatiiu (S.- S. Crune, manager).—Attendance wus only, fairly good Week of 8. ", i • - ! ' • ' '■ ■ *■'■ ■' : i t i » > r -.'-■• uissai;iii'si:tis, "f ■ ■■ ■ Uiision. -This week will he a very ousy one for (lie local theatres, as Hie Grand Army Is holding Ub annual cncumpiiieut hero and Ibe city Is crowded with visitors from all parts of the country. "Woodland,'" at the Tremont, and "The'Isle of Spice,".at tho Globe, are In the lust week of their long'-• runs. Changes: "A Fair Rebel," nt tho Castle Squnrv: "The Mlue and tho Gray," nt the Bowdoin Siiuure, aud ether appropriate bills for tho 0. A. It..visitors ai the other amusement places. Good busi- ness ruled last week. , 'i in.MD.vr - Tiibatiih (Jno. B. Schoullol, nniiiager).—This la the soventoculu and lust week of the long, successful cngugomont of "Woodland" and everything points ■ .to a for the wlpd up. for a six weeks' Gt.onis. Tin: vniw (Stair, ft Wilbur, 'niuun- gi't-K). Monday of this week begins tbo Uf- teenth and closing week of "The isle of Spice" at this house, llusluess wus good last week and crowded houses uru assured for ibis week. After • n week of darkness tho house will he reopened for Uh regular season. i.iiami (U'kiia iiuiisi: (Stair,. Wilbur,% Mngee, malingers).—Howard Hall uud com- puny, in "The Wall's Paradise,".had a good week. The Russell Brothors, James and John, are here this week in their new sbuw by Churles A. Taylor, "The Fnmalu Dutec- tfves." "More to Bo, Pitied Than Scorned" is booked for next week. can'u.i; SquAitii Tiikatiib (J. II. Kmery, mnnager).—"A Fair-. Rebel," Which has uut hud a local production: for about sovou yours. Is.revived this week. The full strength,of the cast Is Utilized In the performance. At- tendance .good lust week. I In .rehearsal, "Hnryekt.", ' , ,.' r t ; .• ( j '• , . BOWDOIN Soc.Mii; Tiikatiib (G. K.'Lbthrop, manager).—"Tbo Blue and tbe Gray" Is be- ing done by tbe house stock this week and is Just suited for the week. To follow: "Ruucli 10." 1 lIowAiin Athenabum (Wm. McAvoy, man- ager).—Tbo lluwui'd BurlcsquciB begin their season's. work this week and - uppear iu a travesty on "The Isle of Spice," entitled "Tho Isle of Splice." The variety performers arc: Orpheus Comedy Four, Boulta, Three Mitch- ells, Gorman nnd West, Harry Brown, Dud- ley and Chcalyn, Ida Howell, Dclbcrg Sis- ters, the Hedge*, Alien and Applelon, Bar- ney and Dolly Flynn, Mi'Dade aud Welcome, tbo Two Hoblm, Copplnger and White aud tbe kinetograph. • KbJth'b Thbat»b'(B. F. Keith, manager). ~r"Our. Boys In Blue" Is one of tho special features, for current week. Other cards: Fadettes Woinan'a Orchestra, Clara Bullcrlul, Toledo and Price, CuWIn and Otto, the Klec- tric FouivPaiardo, McKlnuounnd Becd. Ar- thur Whltelaw, Lystor and Coqke, and GloU- bocks, nnd the hlograph. '.J i i--. <> I'.u.Acr. TmiATHB (Charles II. Waldrou, manager).—After a most successful Summer season, the stock, burlesque company cloBcd Hh engagement lust Sattirduy night, and this iveck the first of the traveling companies— Itlce 4 Barton's Uose Hill Co.—In .the ul- tra ct Ion., A three act burlesque, "KnlgbtB of tbo Red Garter," supplies the comedy. Tho olio- Includes Ponge, and.Lea, Blanche Now combe, i.lbnn C'lia and, company. Katnerlno UpWc Palmer, Van Brothers, and tbo Bison City Quartette.. I . -, ,..-■,. <.i "j ix • LyoKCB TubatIib (G. H. Batcheller, man- ager). —After n vacation of many weeks this house,Is reopened.on Monday. Aug. IB, for the, season 11104-tl,"). The season oneucd with a hiirlesue show, although no special name Is given to the company. Tno travesty Is called "At Manila Bay," und vaudeville acts ar« contributed hr John U. FcrgiUTon,, Bulla and {ayptond, AHce Loslle, and Dtucon . and WnlkeV. '^" ^ '-' "-'• ~™ -"'• '^nuTt* & Sionk'n Miibbuii (Stone & Shaw, managers).—Week of Aug. Ill: Curio halls— The Orient lu Boston,' a novelty, present- ed by n company, of twenty-five Oriental mu- sicians end dancers, headed-by Sato; Ben Hnr, largest unnkc In tho world: the Culr- mans, MurtliiBlll, the modeler, and Punch limine. <',Slajto--Alfr#d Hull^ Gladys Hvertou, Lim untl Jlertte Alleiir? 'lie'. AVolfo Slstere. ('Ilfford- aud llnyes. livu l>ebrou, lliothern Kimi,nll. the Marsh Falully.aml the Spragucl- ; NicKBWBEOx. (L. B. Walker, manager).— Curio halls:. Tbe Patriotic GliIs, and aggro- gallon.<,f y,mug ladles, who present, a pro- Ktaiupic or iiiilrliilli' .NiinuM aud cliiirui'lerlK- Hc ihilii:,;,; .lohn A. Tiunklii'i, Irlii^ ami nlgn PriiTBiMor Miller, broom i,u,g: Gag Moil's .three legged renalcr, and n.-'basket Hall 4'outVKt 'Jietwecu. two leiims of jirctly girls. Stage: Lva Dc Lcvu, Anulc -MartfUj