The New York Clipper (August 1904)

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Af7Gti9£9Qfc MartioettTjJrio. Doyle.'s. Atlantic Cltr t N. J„ T^ff MF yORK f!IuIPT?ER. 597 Aug. veile^ o «eiaoBi..fJaac*de P«rk, Oakland, .Me., Mortal Is, Jetnttla.' r-';rr*iu, IAuscr.Col.. Asi. Maw. 'Jrtjli*' Haria.Bock. Mm Havco. Cone,, jliirliiii t Crude, Chutes, Sim Krnti., CaL, Auk. i.-.w. Mslhleus. Juggling. Oik .Summit Park, EvsdstIUc Aug. H-5W. :1 Mauidugs. th-lainal, HBber'ftcJI. -Jf^C Aag.l.h- MeAvoy. Oiaif., Jmctfca Park, Beaver Kalis, I'm,, Aus- |.">-S0\ A i •■■ r: i-j '. I -, , M.-CuMuugl*, Moaloab Waierly . Park,.'Xanalna, Mich.. Aug. !B-». .Mclhiwell. Joku G. fc Alice. Sj.rlngbank Park, toudoa. Cue. Aug. 14-20. Mdluiintd & Frayis;, Weaal's, Peoria, III., Aug. I IW . .v . >* f*" ••• ' ' MchMyre A Hie* I'ark.cPutoaui, Conn.. Aug. 15- »£■ .■• McCsriliy. John.A .NeJlie.iC. Q. H„ Chicago, Aug. io-IJO. McDunsld A Hontiuelou, Keith's. X. V. C, Aug. I.-.-20. McShulTrayB, JIuBlcal. Yoeemlte. Stockton. Cat., Aug. 10-20; Barton's 0. II.. Fresno, 22-27. McCoy A Knight Family, Butlc. Mon., Aug. 13- 27. McCann Family, O. 0. H., Chicago, Aug. 13-20. McCune A Grant, Edison. SpoksiK-. Wash., Aug. 15-20; 0. 0. II.. Bnttr. Mini.. 21-27. Melrose Troupe, Oleutangy I'urk, Columbus, O.. Aug. J6-20 w .-., Xjii *,. ■ ■; ■_■ Pa.. Aug. iFW; Summit Turk, UtlcaTK. V., 22-27. pi ji ■■'* . ± iik v,i Mccusker, Inez; Dclmar Garden, Oklahoma City, Ukla., Aug. 14-20. Mcllvllle A Conway, Doyle's. Atlantic City. N. J., Aug. 15-20. Meier-* Man. Gaiety, Birmingham, Kng., Aug. 15-20; Palace, Belfast. 22-27. Mohan's Dosja,, Iugtrsoll Park, p.-s Moines, la., Aug* lS-SB... . b» ;«»,: : i---. : Mletta's 9m, bake. .Worcester. Muss.. Aag. 15- 'AJfiil'IsJn Bar* SpriugftcW. '''ab&m'J a!* 8 * ,ll * 1 »»» < ««li Wurcester.'lia*:'. k *^«^»* it -'J'««»l" JW. K. Y. o:. At*. AaE *3 m ' Jj " tlMl ft,r *' Gluetaaall. ,0,. "S Ok- ' ssals s sl Park, Dm Moines. Ia„ •viol. JJ-Ji. lllcbcy & llarriiiglisi. Onkwuml Aim. l.'.j". KU ^,W«'WW. l'«k. New.JJrllain.Couii., Aug, I'lirk. Pillsbnrg, Wains). Leu. Watson's, Brouklya, N. Y„ Aug. IS-20. . *'\|5 1820 Uk * a, * u, * WT - WesllurO, Mass.. Waldorf f* Meadri. Chaster Park. (3dcIbim.II, :}V- H-'Ai; Went Bad llelgkU. St. Urals, Wajrlai«'a,*atoi^ : .rlcw Toglf Boof?J. t'i tt. Aug. W V*J.'*:'* klar. CaalM p.rk. Mmrlc, lnO,, VaKaaaZ Mr. A Mm., Forest Park. Kauwis t'llj. Mi... Aug. M-20. Wala. Al., I'nra.llw Rwif, N. Y. <!.. Aug. IB Si. Wstrrii " vMirb., also spiiear. wlUt ..Lbjii. aiinimtu'. , Humphry OlmiMufiii Co,,- In reriortor*. will follow. tio:. GROUNDS. WITH I'lTl'Mll'IKJ, Auk. 17, IN. * ItlauHisnl, Wi-iiiidh Bracb. Bay Olty, * _^a» iftY.ii m& jkujxmiii .si'Si?S 5 ^* ^x**** »• B«jii0nca.|i "^•-«^.^u*«.;.^ M B»te».,» JB g, ,5. ygjgr?:.,jsti6# mi T ■"••••• ltoctaww IWERICWI tWOUE l.tivi'iHitT. r..ikic Cuuipouncc, aSuutlilotf- . 9K * BtraandsssL loo. t'MIU.. . Itl.v Bros. A Kits Victoria. Ueuirlck Park, Ithaca. • ft. l.. Aug. 13-211. "JSS < 3 ><0'""ainar Park, Columbtw. o., Aug. jJBmflRaJ^^ "i"""" * lu »*« , P">.' c »l"«-. {{In Bros.. Ijike. *o'rceiiter'. Msss!, Aug: 152o! Ito»elle Bros., BIJou. Norfolk. Vs.. Aug. 1520 liwera 4 Ma l.rceum, Ogden. .11.. Aug«J.-.-20. ltoblnsoo. Ethel. IleBdersoa's, Cooe; aafiaakZat a.t Aug. 13-20. „. - , ■ Zt. ( ri'J ,urrll,< »'«- ^cka*sy,;Btaet,,«. f, k Mar, Ontario Bearb. Cbarbitlr, 1...2*. Wetwna Bench. Bs/ Clly .WtUgj. Aug. istm ingy Pr-*- N. U '^^" l * ft Howard. Bostoa, Aug. . . Detroit.. Midi.. 22-27. Bialto, Elmlra, N. Y., Aug. 13- 13-20; Mllliuro Sisters, 20. Millard Bros., Keith's, Phils.. Aug. 15-20. Miller, Kitty.. Weast's. Peorls, III., Augy 15-20. Mitchell. * CaJik Henderson^. Couey Island, N. .Y.,,Aug,, 15-29, .. E -..• . | ' ,- '•- ., Milan) Irlo, ■Head^r»n'f,.p6ney,T^and ; ;;.N. Y., Aug. J5-M..J./ Mlllcrshlp -,Sh)ters,f, jOuTernator^s, Atlantic , City. X, J., Aug. IB 20. .• i . Millard Bros. .CB111.4 Bob), Casino. Kelley Is- land, O.. Ang. 15-27. Mills A Morris. Young's Pier, Atlantic City, x. 4., Aag. 15-sept. 3. Mlllward, Jewle A Co., SheaV. Buffalo, Aug. 15- 20. -. d ' i :a : h ' Morton, Jrbms 1., Farm, Toledo, p... Aug, 15-20. Mortons (i), 0. O. H.. Cnlcago, Aug. 15-20. .Monroe. Geo,. ; a O..H.. Chicago, .Aug. 15-20.. Morrui A Walton, Boa Ton, Salt take Clty...U., Aog. 10-20. ■■' -J ,. r , ». i^ « .,-' Morrla A Montrose, Coney Island, Cincinnati, Ang. 14-20. Motoglrl, Barrasfonl Tour. Kng., Aug. 15-Sept. 10 Morsns,,Musical., BI>ou, Norfolk. Va., Aug. 15-20. Monlgonerj. k. Pearl, :TRmpIe, Detroit, Aug. 15 aJ*VJj . 4;^ -^,. a, 6 . v: ••■■*■ - Mom. Great, Oakwood Park, rittsburg, Aug. 15- 20.. Mori re. West End Heights, St. LouIb. Aug. 21-27. Phil., i Salisbury Beach. Xewburynort, »rffi J? , : F n air 'u SMI <**• Ui.M-a. Wlllhins. Gus^Shcai, arlllc Sisters, Bock .Spring, Park, E. Xlrapool, WUsoTa De Mqiit llle, ";• ^"f.-.AV.? 0 -. ._.... »5-20. Cau'ob'/e Lake,' Salem, X. Morion, Pi MflU., Aug. ,1.5.20s , Slonroe A Page, Aug. 15-20. Mourt Comedj Four, Canobie Lake Park, Salem, Mass.. Aug. 15-20. Morpajr & Wlllard., Sprlngbrook Park, So. Bend, la*. Aug. 14-JOj . . '-j Murray, .Jaam A -Pleasure Beach., Brjdgeport, •Jviiii.. Aug.ilMO. i.,. Murphy A Palmer; Olcott BegcK Olcot(, fj- Y-. Aim. 15-20* *- ....... Murtba, John II.. Pueblo, Col., Aug. 15-20. Mmlgc A Mortoo, Tlroli, Dublin, Ire., Aug. 15- 20; llnrrasford Tour. England, 22-Sc|it. 10. Mullen's Dogs, Luna Park, Coney Island, X. Y., Aug. 1M0.....;,... ^ . .„„. ,, .,... ^ ___. Basra. Tom, t Co., Temple, Detroit, in*. 15-20. Noisen & Xessen, Pleasure Beach, Bridgeport, Coiin. r -4ug. s lB-20. .^.j... .-.>..< < r . -,. ., Nelson, Steele A Nelson, Sajr, SciejieTiu),- N.. Y., Ang, 1B-20 i Falr,< Aitmont. 22-27. Xcoilbam & Wood, Casino, Bergen Beacn, N. Y., Aua. 15-20, tT : '-'i ■ ' NoWoH 4 yibiOv IJkcsl&.P-arl^Asiron, O., Aug. n*):. Meyers Lake Patk, Canton, 2II27. Nelta, Itutii. Maunlon's, St Louis, Aug. 14-20; West KudPark, Memphis, TeoB,, 21-27, Nlbbe & Bord»ii«;„l'oreBt Park, Utile Bock. Ark:. Aw. 15-27". , ' " Nlblo A Itllry. Ixikc Qulnslgamond, Wprceslcr, Mass., Auf. 15-20. Nlblo A Spencer, Doyle's, A,tlaotlc City, N. J., Aug. .16,20, .. jr .-;. ...\7 •.; , .: : _■ . Norton. Miss, A Paul Nicholson. Brighton Beach, N. T.. Aug. 15-20: Pastor's. N. Y. C. 2227. Norcross. Malcom A La Mar. Postor'H, N. Y. C, Aug. 1D-20. .., -,*. . . .. Nonlln, Dare, Atoa Parki"' Yuiiugatuwa, 0.,'Aug. 15-20. Normnndln, A., Sofauier Tark, Moutteal, Cau„ Aug. 1.-.-S0. • -'■ Nobles, Mr. A Mrs. Milton, Weuoua Beach, Bay City, Mlnu.. Aug. 1520. Nonrortb. lack, Ingcrsoll Park, Dcs Moines, la.. Abb. l.-. : 20. . i,... ..; , . o-FnjI-Ko, Vreebody Park. Nciriwrl, R. I.. Aug. 13-20. OkM A Oaelett, a,O..H., Chicago, Aug. 15- oivk>, Bamona, Grand Bapids, Mich., Aug. 13- OUs,' Kllta Proctor, Brighton Beach, X. Y., Aug. 10;2O. . , tt'Brleu & West, Wayside Pa'tk, So. Franilugbam, Mu«s., Aug. 15-20. .^ "ur Boya. luJtlne... KeiUi'M. ,Bvsuvu. am. If If Patterson a\ Holden, Audltorluui, Norfolk, Va., . Aug. it>i»: P»*«fs.Dog OlrcBH,.TeBipl«. Detroit. Aag.^15-20. Pascatel, Mtrtelous, C'lerclnnd 'b, Chicago, Aug. Pa"«coe!'Wl,«tt'"ft 'Co.',""ikrlfk'a, N. Y. C, Aug. 15-20. .",,- , ..... Palmer & Bohlnsou, Douvhue's, tilnis Falls, X- V.. Aug. 15-20. I'atchen A CUJtpn,. PaHtor's. N. Y, «<•. Augv 15> , 20; HowsrS: Boston". 22 27. I n|ilnta, Ingcrsoll Park, Des Muiucs, Is., Aug. 14-27.v..._;:- i ■ -:,. J ;- •*.. •■ Perry ft Alecla, MayBonrer Uruve. ,So. Hanson, , Mass.. Aug. 13-20. I'«ry, Ftanfc u, (Jdlsoo, S|>ok8ue. Wash., Aug. „ 10-20. p. .i; . ' ' . '• I • Pearce Broe!) & Marks, Athletic Park,. Buffalo, , Aug. 15.20^ ,. i . , Print, Fred & Annie, Young's Pier. Atlantic City, , X. J.. Aug. 15-20: Wit. P«radlKc.,fIpnf,. X. ,Xs ft. Aug. J8-20.v„ Pierce & jfaUee; ltiicrlon'Park. Portland, iK, , Aug.. 13-20. .. • Polk. A Kolllns, Tlroli. Blrinlughsiu, Kng., Aug. , lft-20; Hippodrome. Brighton. 22-27. '"Its ft Potts, Waldamerc Park, Krlc, Pa., Aug. 13-^0. i\', r . ,.'; v / i^, , l'"«ell,. Praetofs -£3fl A Slrcit. X. Tf. 0.. Aug. 15-20. - , , •• Pinrera Bros., Colgmhla. SL 'Louis. Aug. Ifl-2Q; • «., 0--II.,: ChTcsgo. 22-27; Potter & lliirtivell, Keith's, Phlla., Aug. I5-2P. ; Keith>.. Boston, 32-27. • - 20 ^^ Kmi'lre.". OaklantI, Cal„ Aug. 13- Primrose ft. liohtoff, Kherslde Park,' Monlreal. (Ju,.. Artg. 15-20. . . I . VZ ■. • I uileyla. Bug" Ilaio<-.Qulnlet, Heudersoii's, Coney „ UkBd. A. Y„. Aug. 13-20 Bamwy KUUrs, ,LakempBt. Park, .Altooi"". p *- ItavBiond A TrTcey''Soplre? Colo.' 'Spcloga, Col., , Aug, 15-20.. '-■"'■. ■ . rtatatooa, Billy, ft LUllan, Orpheum.-St. Tanl, Minn., Aug. 15-20. p . Itaslns A Banks, Athletic Park, Buffalo. Aug. I3-20. .... . . Ilayniond, Laara." BUou. Norfolk; Va„'Atig. 15- l!0. .,. { .'•'"■ ^ Bawls ft Von Kautpjao, Noielty. Colo. Springs. • ol.. AugVIU-SO.'" 7 ^- ," * it»clfori» k Winchester, Hippodrome, I/ondon, Eng.. Aug. 15-27..,. .. .. VT .-. , - i . •• Knot. OK iLarlf. Sao -Diego, tial... Ana.. IB-2C. 1 "fjlJ^ Jnhaple. Park. Preksklll. N. V.. Anc llulforcl'ft ^tncn'ester, Pastor's,'N. JfT'lL ..% i j -*!pu nenfiurtnn, Mayme, and her Pick". Freehndr Park. ^ewpwi, ». I., Aug. 15 20. * lUxhefort ft Ma „ Y.. Aug. Uoatlno A Stetrns. Mlrh., Aug. 15-20. Uobsou. il*T, Keith's .. lluualujos (J|), ■ oleuti.ugy Aug/15-m £ Kj ,.. . ^B%.J-..Drean>ftnd,.Con«7 Island, N. Y.. Aug. W ""1* * ,l*S!. oa - Kennywood Park, PitUbnrg, Aug. 10-20. S *20 W ' MUy ' a **" r r " rk ClaelanaU. Aug. Ii>- S *8e»t. 0 '30^''. 'k^*' *■*%• -e»»-..Ai*. 15- tSfrMJj k °«^.C»neord.a. Pern, 1IL, SuuuSie. \ An SlTli O.. 8anford,Tlorllla, Sarin Bock, New Uaren, Conn.. Aug. 15-20. fcaavafiSafiS Bermvi Vuk - I*goiia W rt, Satcwta. .Liitje^.Lona .Parki Coney Island, X. r." Aog u 15 "20^r An' lS^'oV*^* 9 ' rroc,or '"' N « w »f«. ". J,. •^«|>el. Josephine,.Paradise Roof, X. ,Y. OL, Ass- Sacks ft Cnliln, Highland Lake Park. Whwted. Conn., Aiuj. 15-20. Seymour & Dupree, Hansa, Hamburg. Gcr., Aug. 15-,Sept. 30. , Seabert, AL,, Dreamland, Coney Ialaud. N. Y., Aug^ 15-20, "* *•• ' aS"* J ,V W ^.5*rt4> st - Loul».,Aug. 15 20; -C. 0. II..Chicago, 22-27. . bhgwS, Aerial, Proctor's 5th-Are., ,X, Y. C. Aug. 13-20 ' '.. Sherman ft De Forest. Olympic. Chicago. Aug. 13- 20; Iiaymarket. Chicago. 22-27. Shedman's l>ag«, Krbe's Casino, No. Beach. X. Y.. Aug. 15-20. •fcJSfc'hl Mw-i-Urw.. Pastar-a.,^ Y. C.. «. lo-20; Capitol Park, Hartford, Conn., Shsckleford. ;Matco'lm, Proctor's. Newark, ». J.. Aug. 15-20. " — Brighton Beach, N. Y., Attilitortiim,' CrdaC'~Xaplds, fc Ilissjn.i.tVest. Kwl.park, New Orleans, 1.1-20; Fair. Dps Moines. la.. 33-27. v.. Sims, Chutes, San Fran.. Cal., Aug,. J 4-20. Slilonja. .Haiia Soucl,' Chicago, Aug. IB 2o. Skldons liros.. Ourernator's, Atlantic City. •I.. Aug. 13-20; Pastor's, X. Y. C. 22-ff Siglerne. Mile., Dreamland. Coney Island. X. Aug. 1320. Slnou A Paris. Xeir York Boof, X. Y,„C.. Aug. 15-20. Slapoffakl. Mnie.,.Kelth's,. Smlrl ,ft Kessher, Xew Y •Ur, C, Aug. 15-20. ork Roof, N. Y. C, Aug/ 13-20. „..„.,- i . . Smith ft Caipueli: Freebody. Park. Neirport, 11. I., Aug. -13-20. Smith ft Fuller, Ssns Soucl, Ohlcsgo, Aug. 15- 20. Smith A Bsker. Reservoir, Park, Richmond, Vu., Aug. 15-20: Ocean View Park, Norfolk. 22-27. Sopcrs & Wlblp...»prlug Lake Park. Trenton, N.. J,„ Aug. 1J.-20. __ ... ... . ... Spaulding, O, 0, II , CUcago, Aug. 13-20; "Co- Wbja. St, tcols. 22-27/ T-ti.wr SpJsm;U, Brest. Forest Park, .Kanaas City. Mo.. Aug.. 1 J 4-20; Delmar Garden, Oklahoma City, .Qkleii 22-37. VT ^ s*. i i. Spraxnellos. The. A. A S.. Boston'Aug, 15-20, SpaiMU, Paul, Paradise Roof, N.' TT C, Aag. Sne*snnly, Slg.. I.uua Purk, Coney Island, X. - Yi, A»g. 15-20. Spilk. -Lima Park. Com-y island, X. Y-, Aug. jr. 2», ... Stiiarts, MusK-nl. Lskevii-u Park.. Supla..vgaii. Wbi., Aug. 14-20; Kl. Shcrklau Park, Chicago. Stevens.' ifltty. DwIp'h,' Atlantic City." N.' J.. Aug.. 15-30. st belli: Sisters. Kcilli's. PliUadeliiUla,, Aug: 13 20. Stah|, Bosp. ft Oi...MurclMou's, Jloukgwsy Besih, X. Y.. Aug. i.-ioT Stclii-Krelto Family, Purest Psrk, Kansas City. M.... Auc. 14-20. . ... Slsnli-y & I* Roy, Coney Island. Cincinnati, o.. Am. 13-20. i i St. John ft I' I'ovrv, Summer Park, Du Hois, Pa.j Aug.. 15.20. Sllckuey, llobt.. Jr., I.uus Park, Coney Island, N.Y.. Aiq;. 15 211. Stuart A Murphy, Kdisou, Uplcua, Men., Aug. M-20. ; . ... Sleniblcr, Ssllle, Shea's, Buffalo. Aug. 15-20. Stroiigfort. Lionel. Moutc Ssno Park, Augusts, Ga., Aug. 15-20^.,,. , . : ^ r . .... Sullivan, Mark. Morrisou's, Rockawsy' Bench, X. Y., Aajvl»r20,. Sulllran ft Huebucr, Woodland Park, JerTirson. O.. Aug. 15-2U. Suiqmerville, Amelia, Keith's, Phlla., Aug. 15 Sjiiiphony Quartette, Doyle's, Atlantic City. X. J,,. Aug. 15-20. Sylvan ft O'Neal. Lake Erie Park, Ft. Worth, Tex, Aug^ 13-20. . •• Srmonds. Lottie West. Lakerlew Tark, Terre Haute, Iud.. Aug. 15-20. Sylvester, Central Park. Allentown, Pa., Aug. 1.1-20; Ocean Pier. Sea Isle City. X. J.. 22-27. Sirlft ft Barton. Krttk'N, N. Y. C Aug. 15-20. Tnruu., Neanoillau ,Trlo. Hcudersuu's, Coney, Is hi mi; N. Y.. Aug. 10-20. Talbot ft Itogers. plum Island, . Nesburyport. Mass.. Aug. 15-20. IIuMJI, Shiis Soucl. Ctilcsgn. Aug. 15-20. Teal, Raymond. Ssns Hnncl. Chicago; Aug. 14- pW-i Suburban Parky St." l-oule, 21.-27.. j, trlibrooke". LsiulK>rl ft Tcnbrooke. Brlghlon Bescfa. N- r.. mm' n n . <■* .;.... a Tc.\nns Sisters, Chester I'srk. Clucluuati. Aug. 14-20. ' ' TcpiI ft Lazell, Four Mile Creek i'afk. Krlp. Pa., .Aug, ,15-20. Tliereaev Oreal. .Shes's. Buffalo. Aug, IB4P. Thurston. -Howard. Willow l.'ruve Park. Phlla., Aug.. K.-SCTlt. Mm-. ».- ■ Tidillciviuks i. Dugaii. Pruclur'a ,'th Ave., N. Y. 0.. Aug. I3:»0. _ ,-... Tiwadcro yharlct, Avon Park, loungstoan! O.; Aiig,vl5-i""-;.j:i • TtSSmm Koiir. Rlvrrsble Park. Xr.w Bmus- wick. X. J,; Auit. 15-20. = , -- Treloar * Tempest, orpbrum, San Irsu.. Cal., •Aug. 22-Sejrt. «S«. ,:•■•.: • -..- --IT Tvler, pih'tte...ClevelKMdV.. Chicago, Aug. I.5-20. T\cr ft Gejrunsi. Park. Bayonm». N. J., y&ug. 15- ■20: Pastor's, N. Y..C. 22-27. ■. " ■ TjjM AM. II., W'eaona Beach. .Bay Clly. Mich.. * AaaC 13-20:: Casino. KsISbuuhio, 21-27. Van.. «ladrs,j-Avon .Park...Y«ingstow»,,.Q.. Aug. 15 20:.Casino. WlieeHag, W, Va.. 21-27. Vaiim:. T)a?.,Ouvernator>, AUantJe CUy. N. J., Varduaan"! Hendrick't.• Aitoels. Ore.. Aug. Hj-20. Vsldlpgs.- The, Lincoln Park, Xew Bedford, Mass,.. Aug, ,L'.»0. ,. t j - ttpt ... 1- Vnlvcuo BrwT, Ibws Park, Blngliamton. N. X., Aag. 15-20; Falrrlew Park. Dsyloo. O.. 21-20. Von Anken A Vaoenioo, New York Roof, N. Y I* • \r ' 1 *l-"0 .»»»,.• »«- • •-"• ■* *-. Vliaiih). Moos,. Luna Park. Coney Island, X. Y., Aug. Ia-20. -..." - - viulvn A . Clayton,. Casino, Wheeling. W. Va., Aug.' 13-20. ■ '■ -. ■ M • V"i. Wirfre * -Oftrely. Xovelty, Stockton, Cal.. \itsr IS-sn;. Xorelly tlrarul. Fresno. 2227. \ r.M.aiao. Die).. Ilreainlnml, .Cnney Island,. N. V„ Wagner s'lstera. Outernalor's, Atiaotic pliy. N. J lug. 15- 2°. Wsiton, Oskwiasl park, PilWIsirg. Aug. 13-20. jforrlsou's, WejigVi].' Kivers'ide'Parki New Brutunvlck, , Aag. is-211. Weston * Raymond, Lakeside Park. Akron. O.. Aug. 22-2". Webbs (l), Celeron, Jamestown. X. Y.. Aug. 15-20. 1 . VMBbj Cant.. «nala ft.Sca Uaua. SoUmer Park., Can:. Aug. 15 20. West, John>.\., vh'aoru T*re*W,.0,. Aug. 13.20c Welch. Jim A Cclla. Rldridge Park, Flmlra. X. Y., Aug. 13-20. West. A Van Slcktcn, Aug. 15-2H. :-„V White, Ed., A Itolla, Doyle's, A.Usntlc City. N. 4.. Aug. 152». White ft^ilmniona, Oeean I'ler, AtUntlc Cltv. N. J.. Ang. 13 .Sept. ;i. W'tiiteliend A Dlantnml. Kicplrp. Tnconis. Wash., Aus. 15-2H: Lyric, Portlaml. tire.. 22-27. Whnllcv A WUnllev. Guvcrnator's, Atiaotic Clly, N. J.. Aug. 15-20. ..„ aa WmiauiN A (}«-'- la.. Aua. IS. I'liT. ft i Aug. M'letln. Bert. Proctor's. Newark, st J., Aug. 15-20: Proctor's 21il Street. X. Y. C. 22-27. Wilson Ilro»., C.lenilnle Park, Kasbvllle. Tenn., Aug.. 15-20; Forest Park, Little Bock, Ark-. _>22-$7-4 .;, Kii-'s* -■** .-+. a. .'-ts WlllbuM, Frank ft Ida. Howard, Boston, Aug. lfcga; Keith's. Pblla.. 22-27. U4=r»,A_M*Jt>i:ru, Uobluann Park, J-'t. Wayne. BuSaio. Aug. 13-30. Weast, Peoria, lit., Aug. Wilsons. The, Doyle's. Atlantic City. X. J., Aug. 15-20. Wilson ft Darla. Rocky .Springs. K. Liverpool, a.. Aug. 18-20; Casino,- Wheeling, W. Va., Wilson,'Geo.' Brighton Beach,' V. Y.. Ajg. 15^20. worm,. Milt A Maud, Reeves Park, Fostorla. 0., i A*ig. 15-20. Br , . ., ^. .. ,-• -■ ,. Wood 4 Berry, Proctor's 5th Ave., N. Y. a, Ang. 15-20, Woodward. V. P.. Athletic Park. Buffalo. Aug. 13-20. Wood. Frauds, Gurernntor's. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. .16-20. • • . , Woodwards. The,, Pastor's. N. Y. C„ Aag. 13-20. Wyley A Wglson, Criterion, Tampa. Fla., Aug. I 15-Sent. 3.1 , ...... , , ■•• Wynn ft Hart. Auditorium, Churlotte.. X. Y., Aug. 15-20, Y.irke ft Adams, Cleveland's. Chicago. Aug. 13- Youiick ft "Brooks. Weuona Beach. Bay City. Mi.!,.. Aug. 15-20. y.^riin. The. Lima Park. Coney Island. N. Y., Aug. t3-20. Znno, Cart..* Zeno. Sliea's. Buffsln. ,N. Y., Aug. 13|2U. ...s Zlaiueiuisn. Willy, Parsdlac. ,B.»f. X. Y. C Aug. 15-20 Zluiutcnuan. AL. A Pearl. Green Front. Dra.l- trood, it). :Dsk.. Aug. Zliurarello, Luna Park, Coney .Island,' X. Y.. -Aug. 1520. Zooeille. Kl. Chmter Park. Cincinnati. Aug. 15-20. Zoellen. 121. Lincoln Psrk. New Bedford, Mass.. ■Attg.-.l ft-g), ,. -J— ■ L ■ ~ '•WITIITtin'A.'-at.-Aiaar. ., WITH BT. I .UIIB. Auk- '4». 41.'41., !17. I'lUIUrJck, Hoyry., Itakur, Cchy.uil.s iinil Ua> il.'ilrrTJWiisipr Untlilolyh Kltimaurnc nud Hob KvMisiclnluilag llio.'Buist actentlmi. ' - •• iNiiVBV. —The Jefferson 'inoutle will open Aug.'-Cri. 27, Mth '"WontllauAr" The) Part- liirnl Tlicnlre opens with vaudeville Sept. D. MmjoV'ti. ' kunsiis vltf.^Xi 'tiui (irnnil 0|K-rn Holts., illiulsiiti ft .IiiiIiiIi, iiuiiingersi tlie sen- son will i.|mmi mi Siitulny nlglil, Aug. 14, wllli "Tiie ItiirgomnKU'r." UlkLis 11-:. S. Hilglmru, muniigerl.—"Tin* Flaming Arrow" guvc excellent ircrformames Inst week, In giioil Iraalnesa. This week, "An (Jrplmn.^ Prayer." •: v'. i,- -;...-i.. Foafrrrr Park (fipo. R; Helrlngrr. rniinii- geri—(loud crowds were In nttenilnncc nil of Inst week. Tin- Mil In Hopkins' Theatre week of 15: The Kltamtira Troupe of Jnpa, I'reaa Eldildge, Sleln-Krctto (frailly, Mr. and Mra. Wfiierous, HoWnrcl Bros., nnd Hi* gyle- h'.'I llros. A-cou'ila of bnbv locubaton will be exhibiteil lo working-order this week. e*» Kt.r.emMc FAiiK,(Baio Benjamin, ninriBgor). --The Ufindn■ Ilosia continues to Ik thft mug- net-that attracts the largo-crowds, in the (Jerinnn Village the entcrtflliiera Inst week were: I.une nnd Klefer. II. II. Holm niton, 1'lerre nnd ltnslyu, and the Mnrtln Ilroa. CLirn.niMi;H. — Al. L. Strode, who con- duct!, the Gypay VlUuire at Forest I'ark, will t«kc> no Oriental temple of pnlmlstry on the road tlirs Kail, opening-at the Aksnrbca ™r- ntval. at Omaha, on Bept. I'M. He will mrry fiair palmists, a moving picture machine, nnd nailluit rated song Dinger iHnrnum ft Ilitlli'v'a t'lrcua la billed for September Con Meeker, who wns assistant treasurer of the Willis Wood Thentro last kpukoii, has on- Boclalad himself with K. R. Rose, and lliey w'lll publish tlipWIIIIa Wood and Auditorium Tlicatre [iroKriimmes. n i.. ■— - •;• » ;• » ■; — Ijingjrrr Pi.ATitotnt: (II. W. tllahnp,-_ «g>rlv—''Mr. Mnrnea of Neir >'ork" played In IsVgei buKlnvsa week eliding Aor. <l.' "The Hills of California," by Hlahop'H Co., S-1X Bc.i.i, TitRATiin (Kd. Hetnan,•nJ»na«or)'.-k- Itlll Ang. t and week: Hownoy and Wlilard. Illcloirrl lUirloo, Mho lltirnett, Nurtli ■ and Moutli; and their singing ib'g. "DUI", .Tiibo Hnrijesv. Cllffortl >IMMsV motion' |ilpturp*«: Imoses nightly.'i.i v Tiikatiih (Tony I.ubi'lskl, niitnii- iter). Fcnlurea I nud week: .Mr. and Mrs. tlnlo, Uert Iti'iison anil Homo Krnncatia, Jeaslo Hrown,' .IfluiH nnd ' KoMnKnu, Fred LanriiK- ti r, t.'iinnltig. Jul I breaker, and too tltaacopr. Ciitmlng. Jul I hrenker. Ima.'boen'the lieud liner,,oiowds being turned oway Rt each per- furmiinii\ Kmimrk Tiihatkk (Lee I'. Stone, nmita- ger).—TUo MiSltuffreya, "the mualcnl gyp- sles:" I.nlii Tides, Itoborta Knur, Krnrat I'd- niird«, KoarlcH nnd Gross, lu "Tbf Cheeky Me»»n.-er;" moving pictures. IlualneM-co» tlnaea liirge, •■" •■ .v r»i*v© '■ IDORJ. !P.MIK TllKATtut (Kted L. tirlfri'th', ronnager).—Kentttrea 1 and week; Jcaslo Qrr, Will I,. Louis, Junnltii. the Great Co- linrii, and the farclrnl loualrnl comedy, by Fred I.. OrllTeth. entitled "Ilia Wife's Hus- band," which Is a decided snecesa, Tho I'liii'tnniogriipb closes the iierlVirmance. Wnrii) ulglils recently ninlcrlully liicrensed the.' put- ruiiugi*. 4»» ' TaJX-Vf. Iluiiatou.—At tho' 8ftudord Theiitrn (Al- vblo ft i.Hssurri', managers) huslncsa eon- Unties ns lilg hh aver. "X French lillttiiiniu." In one act. nnd ninny spcclnltlcx, Aug. M-IB, tdensi'd. The iicoplc: W. Is, linker, Gimuvlnvo V'oudn, Frank P. Iliildwlu, i:rni-st llulloy. Msbsl Wrlglit, Mnile lioekmnn, Gruco Mstftr" UjtMkll,.OIgtt Howard, lllrdlo Viifnell, Anfilo ..MICHIGAN. *=%■'■?■ Detroit.— Ai the Whitney Theatre (K. 1). Stair, mnhagcr) "The Curve of Drink," a new live act melodrama, by Chan. K. Illaney, which was Itrsl jiruduced at Wajicv's j'lic- atre. .Newark. N. J.. May.- 2il. last; mbt the iippio-val ot large auit appreciative *uUIeucoa Aug. 7-13. The cast was made up of com- lictent actors, who bad tbein roles well In Imnd. . The seen 1 o - olTeeta wore -i the. most realistic BeeB'berfc for:many a day 1 ; "On'the Siiwanee-Mvpr" il4-2GV- • ■• ■ Tkmpi.b T/iKATnt; (.1..11. Moore, manager). —Lillian Apel, plgBlste, and .Frederick War- Inglon, luirltone. hvatled h very jp.nd hill week of .7.. TUIa was the second time. Miss Apel npputred lo vniidcvllhv-bi Iipp liomo-clly. nnd I he reception .accorded her wnaiamsl i-orcHul. Hill. w«* <if- ID : Cbns. Ilnwlve.v nud iiiik- liauy. Tutu Xnwn uud couipiuiy, Adauilul ami I'nvli.r. 1,'luird and iliifdlner, -SalNil-'Juliti win. Mario and Alilo. tho, Muglnlsys. Mont- Kouiery and Pearl, and Pnrker/K dog i Inns. ^iVynfc».-~'.nie,ois»nlugi|d v iiic j-»uauii hi iho Lyiriiui Tlieatre. wblcb bus iindrrgonc the usual Kumnier ilocoratltig and clpanliig, t« IIximI for Aug. IV 'V»n llmt evening Al. G. Kicld'x MluaTrclN w III iglve. Illr Ural, iff it Hprlen of fimr iK>rforlmiiieca. and »n -Kuiidny I'.veulug. 21. Hip new PdlHun of Milliliter It. C. tVliltiiev'H "Blum-iGlrll' will-Is. plm-cd on I'.vlillilllini llicrc, with ItatollH Hlnl iim prima iloiina. In plaei. of Hii-lhi MnvIicw, who this Ki-awin '(a at Iho bear! of the i««t of C'Klo Klo." iba new iuuhIcuI couiedy that Manager K. H.Nralr will pntfortlp. ..:•!.The cast for MniiHgor • U. «.!.-• Wliltuey'H "llomtu uod Ju- liet'* revival l« ituniplrte, mud. the.comtinti.v Is ri.'hearslug oii'llic Mtagw iif Ibe-Dolndl 0|>ora lions.-. Inez Knrinun will ' ILLINOIS. I'l-orln.—At the Grand (Cliauibcrltn, Hnrrlngton ft Co., nianngera) the senioii opened nuaplclously Aug. T, with the veteran Billy Kersnnds' Minstrels,; to a fall house. "At OlppioCreek" hndn fair ootlook for 11. i:dmiaar: "Bird ccnire" as, 23, VTliB Wtenrd of <»bP 2i, "An Aristocratic TrnmpV■. 38, "Over"Niagara Knlls" 27, Ktliel ilarrynioro 31. ■■• -.-. -••■ . . ' ..-■■ _i.. 'WaaUrMathaUnaj fOi K. Bartonn. maoa- gen.—llualneaa Is sullsfiiitnry. Coming 15-20 : M.Uonnld and l-'ra.vnp, Knight Urns, and Suwielle, Kitty Miller, Burke and Young. tVrn.NE HlMi'GaaoKN. (Frank Grave, man- nger».-s*Iluslnes« Is'fair. Week of IS,'the stork'will present -Nelson Compston's "Men of Honor.'''- •«.--' ■ . ■;■ . rtfid' llaoo t'rnncls. t'tln Howard, Rose ami DM Bdiuonda, .Mndellnc Iin Vonie, Cloo Siitrsa. J** Clarence Kufilnn, I'red- Hhnrr», .lesglo Woods, .Idille While, Hdnit Morris; Mitullo Hynn nnd Tom Kelly, • •• 'i ?•■ esj-J Notkh. —Aa Intimated recently. I ho Audi- torium tins been secured by the managers of Sweeney ft Coombs' Opera House, far I lie at- tractions ' booked for September, ear: It .Was) utterly Impossible, (o complete the opera hunse In time. It will be some time In Oe- toiier before the' opera hoitae can be/'iMsfM for liuslneiH. Jnko Coy; -foriiiorly with the Standard Theatre* here, wna In tho town, s. mid.Informed Ms friends that he had Ispsh i'iii;,iireil by tiie MtiHcnt Thenlre. (Jul vest on, us business miinnger Jim Wolfe, an old viiudurlllo iH'rfoiinor, forinerly al lliu Paluco niul-Btamlnrd Theatres liars, Is now-cor*. nected with a concert hall tit Ilats.n; Teg, '' • ! -a-i Ss-sV -" • • »*t Ft. Worth—At Lnko Mtlo l'urk and Pa- vilion (C. A. Taylor, nltuinger) the vaudeville fenttirost week of Aug.'8 wpTi>;Hylvnn atfil O'Neill, comedy iicrohatli' akelch team, anil KlitgiT, iiiiiglclaii. The uttendiiiico continues antlafactory. Stanoaiui Tiibatrk i i'riink He Henne, insn- nger).'—The over pnpnlnr comedy, "Confu- flloRr" preceded a good bill week of 8. The llft'iitur. —Al Ihe Powers Grniid (J. F. Given, miinnger) the theatrical acaHiin opened Aug. U. with "An Orphan's Prayer." Matinee ami night<narrormnnrs*,iwere both well lit- tended. Ward's .MlnalrelH, 8, to a fair bouse. "In the Shadow of rho-Gnllnwa"did well II. Coming: "At Cripple Creek" la, Howard' Dorset t'o;nl.-| nnd weak;-- ■• - . .•; • I ■[ !?ott:— Manager Given linn broked'n linn Hue of attrnctloua for bla opera house at Puna, HI., which wll| bo;under Ibe manage- ment of Tboinu's .Itonan. formerly tri'iisurin' of ihe Grand. • Tho formal' Opening of tho I'niiii iioiiw wiih Aug. K by (>oodman a Kutirlh Keglinenl llnild, of this < Itv. ir-i . -.'' ■ •■■ • •.'■ ■ ;. " ' '.' » >: » M.. ' i- •! • « M.I I OK > • \ . W^ur IkltTurd rJIsuer.tho Borneo. bo the Jttllbt; 4ind Gwaasl Haplda. - At the Powers Ttssg- Ire (Harry O. SomnvraftCo., luanagera tills bnuao ■ will 'open • Ha senson Aug: ill wltb "Ban.Toy.'.' •• ,.-- ... ...... UHAMi Oi'Lsi . iGrin .rllalr. majia- cci i, opens Its ueasoa '.'I with "Undo Joab Spruoeby.'S n-. •> ..:. «.• . . g* -' ItAMoNA 'I'ltEATtiK iGrin ritnlr. uianagert. —Week-tof 14: Harry Howard^ cumedv ponlcrf nnd ilog^lhc Itasiiun Ouurtet. the Alli.iK Kantlly, Until Slieu. I.lbbey and Truy- IT. lip' Croat 'Guy. Olvlb mid' l^ilu I'nu n Com ii iv'n .l'.\vn.iii.v t.Gbs's. Godfrov. -iiuiii- agiT).—Week "of M : .lirssli! -Hiiih. Williams and Ni'llsirn, : lliiigbaru itnrt Thorntou, tho Thrco tinici'H, and Mix. Julrs I/€vy. ■*- 4J -.i n . a i i i n i is. i:i: .. , ■ Miulnniv,—'I'hfi A.-a.Jeiuv .of. Music (John II, linvblsnn, managpri will open for (ho so..son on Monday. Aug. 15. wlIII' Gordon -ft lien not I's, "A Koyalo Hluve." t'Tbe Mhow Glrl't- gifc: . -■ fc .;>,. •-.; • . . v,. - ..-.,. , -J«rr»:BK' TtntftmHK I). Usrafbrd ft Shui Marks,.miinagcra).—ThlH house was rpv|ieued Smiduy. Aug..7. with '"Ihe Jnnii'H Hoys .in Mlswniri." "MiisIupss lias la-en good. "ABo- iuani*;uf .".Uoon Hollow"- J4-17.'-'■ "•* ■■ ■•Itii citsini; Tarb? Casino (Ij. JrVi'Illcliknis, mnimger). —BUI !»>»:»: Albxm Kainlly. ciiiiilcg Kenaa. lllbbeit and Wurren.Wpstnii nnd llaynioiid.l La Tuy Bri." exi+Ilent WlJi and drew large Bad nutliusiaa- Toy Brolherkr It wns an 'He sitdlenrcJr.'Tbn AHios'iire liv far the best In their llne'hver seen In this section. ••'"!•• — '-i : « . " » " i ' i ' ma i.v I-:. • * " . ' ' * — I'o'rlliinil.,—At, the Giro Theatre. Peak's Inland (C. >V. T. Coding, uuasger). the stock glive an enjoyable presentation of "At the White Horse Tavern." to good business, Aug.'8-13. The Bostonla Ladles* Orcbcstrn meet with favor here, tbelr Huqduy night i-oncbrfs lielng espeMally Interesting, nohcrt t.'pnne»s. of the stock, lias acuolrrd therlghlH, hrU..'WIII star lo ShIIpt Rrown'K new iplay, •TJje Pipe ot-I'eace," noit season. "Hearts Angoia" I.Vjfi. ..... tart: Corraug Tiieatik ' (B, V. PtiWan, iugpageri.Rr-The ever popular "Evangeline graced ■• the boards bere 8-13, the Pbelon ipncra.:Cn. Iidiufllmf-'the sagst In n nranaer plousliig in the patron*. (J.khI l.ii.slncHs rilled. 'The ilbvklng Bird' l.V2ii ■. - -.— Rirraroa JUftjc Tac-.Tkr. (D. B. Smith, resident isansger).- J. W. liormsn'a Imperial Mlnstrelr amttsed-81.1, nnd lire*- well. Will I.os A ii no Irs. AI "Mori'scn's llurlmnk 'I'lieulrr , niilici Moms..', milliliter' Him OlUer- Mqnjsro Co,. In Its sovenlli wtwkl •Irewo'Piutl business with "Tho a..'imtor,'' follow mi Aug.- 7 anil wciik liy "fu the Palace of Hip Kins." ~ • • bllA.Mi (ll'KIIA Hoist; IChll.tue.l Hlowll, iimnsgvri.—''Wicked London," In .the liiinds of tlm I In.Ji Mlock Co., iiUrurliil giHHl liouscn • WPCk ruding ii. ■ • ."Wnnraii AsaJust Woiiinn" 7- and ,week, wild "'I'lio Couutep- fellers' 1 iiirderllnHL' i .'. . .r. v i ..; i'CAMIKo 'I'liKVini: i II. C. Wyntt A Oliver Moroseo. inaiiugera).—The tllyuiplc Cuiult! "la-ni Co. la having a Hiii-ceMsful pugugo- men'. "tllrollc-Glrulla" 7 and week, "When Iteitlii'n CouiPM to .Ikiwn." • i .&»■ ;:• 'Oki'Iikiim tClareni'e Drown, inaniiL'pi')..-w benttiri's H uud week: t'liiirnilun, Ueelier, liitSHo and Abinuion, .Marcus and Guflolle, /Jticlgs, .Inlinn [lose, Musics 1 Ivlulsl, ltoai) Coiighllu ft Co.. anil Grphcum uiuvlng ;ile- lures. . Fin..' business. . :f ty I'Niwi!!. Till'.Ai'lii:. (Heotg ft Z:illt'.', pro. prletursi. —Ki'tituras 8 nnd wenk : Ben liar- i.ey nnd Jesse lluyncs, Laurn Tbels, Gordon nnd' Gilbert, Loralne. Ilavmood and Jemlca Wilson and Kvudb Trio,' uud the L'iilijuc-t> Xeope. tiood tmtroiiuge. J. . ■- 41 'Iltiii.ib*VAt. TMsnTM (A.-,J. Mor,;snslern, iiiauageri.^-Ii'i'Uturea N uud. week: Juuica IHili'ii|"the Krnmerg.-K. Unrdlck, Mn- ami Mrs. Mick HueliPM, Kay Bniiitcr, Henry II, King.. Good .business. ' ,... .. , iV i'it t'mrmsH PaiiK' (Henry Km-li, luHmigcr). - -The J'humlx Jiidiati 'land, wilb Zoo ut- iriii'Huiis. drew largo crowds. •. Nori.s.—Muiinger t'larenco Drown has np- Joyod ,a short vacullon. ill, Matutuja Hot Springs I'lslc KsbuhhI, of tho Oliver Hags i.V. has written n. play, entlttot "The Brciidwlniiera.".. .. Ground Is broken and Ibe Now Tlvoll ■ Opera,' House Is now under, way.'. ..The Helasco Thrulre ,1a, re. celvlug Its Interior llnlsh. A new thea- l io Is tutake the place of tin- Acadamy of Music at Ventura,. Cal Grossing, room thieves nnt still operallug at local tneutres, .. .. j:islc l^slle Is visiting friends In Los Angeles Louis Winter, sou of WIMIntri Wliiier, la In a hospital In. tills i-ltv, suf- fering with locomotor^ utagln":.'.HaaVloluli llarllelt, formerly rejairter on a local paper, has"Ntii-ceeded Wlntleld HogAlsioru aa presa agent lit the Grand Opera House. Mr. Hoga- hoom has Tttlirnetb to 'nawgiMimrework Herbert KarJean; or Ibe IJIrlch Hlo*k Co,. Is lo be stage manager nl tba.Alcagar Theatre, Snn Kraneisco... .May Gaylor, of'tlie Olym- pla -Comic Opera Co.. 1iad a narrow eseare from tbe deadly undertow at Long llearb, Cal., Jujy 28 Grace Ileul* nppears with the. Moroaio Co.. In . "The Palace of' the King."- taking the place of Amelia Gardner for una week. Hhp then accepts u long en- gagtinent attlie Majestic Theatre, Kan'Kran- i-lspip.'.... .c. <;. Dodge, for many yenro ehlef iloorkeetier■ at ■ the Orpbenni and Moroseo llurbiiijk Theatre; baa retired-to a siiosisntlnl legacy left him by an aunt. ■.. CialhiPraegBr, of tbls city, jiutdit her pio- fesslonsl.ulebut-wlth tb» Moroseo Co*.'.... Jan» 'Holly la- Tlslllnr her pnretits In this ■■'•y. openings;. I'lillllps uud Gordon) Jesale Lee. and Virginia Hnyden. Others: : Holland mitt Mny, Ilandall and Itiindnll. Agnes lift Porte, Baby Dot, Carl Copelinul, Lettle Culton. Lulu IN' Mnr, Virginia Itnnkln, l.utlevliio tltirlh, Josle Wise ami Lulu Lnwlon. Tho blogra|ili pictures close Ihe show. Business Is big. CttowN Tubatbh (Pbll Kpstcln, manager). —elms. Clark presceptcd lili oomedf, ''unclo Zeb Ilojiklns,'' as a rnrornrmei" for u big Idll. week of H. <!opelmid and Conelnmt' presented their original act. "Tho Mouth Before Iba War." Lueo nnd Luce, In their rural aketcli/ "Willie's Vlsli," nnd Clark nud Knuuoiis, In "A linpiiy Home," were also feuliires. The oilier people: Clnis. Iloey, the vlllngu bar- bee; K.IIipI llilssell, Idll Cill'l'lro. HI Hull, laiiiln' liyrd. Ada Yule and Haul linrrla. Tho week opened big. . ,. ,- ♦», fjjl ♦■»'!■ ". *4^ pmumm i.\ tiiis. jmnurmumh Miih Ivu'/iAiigiii J. I'liur.ips, Ihe ills- ilugulshed old actress, died at. Hid Imniu of tier daughter, Mrs. John Dultmui, t'tiilii. ilelrrrriii.'"on Aug.'.'I, pRrnl.Vslg, ttfler : 'H' long illness. Sim was known us "Ibe grnnil old woman.of A- M. I'ftlhier'sj Dillon Ki|iiaro mid Madlsou Srmnio rortpnnles." Mis. I'lill- llps was barm on Sopi. T,, la chaihiin, Ciin. lulrln* Inrr nrllny singe islliisljajlilili i x'i'iided over n period of rorly-llvv yciirs, she wiih ill (llfforenl I lines Identllled Wltll iiinsi; of the lending' stock companies of New Yuri,. Her Ural Htipi'iiriince una III "Lotidoa Assuraiic," lu fluiulllnti, out., on cluster Snuiluy, isr.'.'. wIipIi she plifyisl lirnci- (lurk ii'.vay Hho made f.»r|gst public nnra'itiTlui'o In MiirrJi,'-IHII8-, when. itHhnttgll retired fniin llio- siagi'i sho lis* Kamilo Addl son i'llt's iolf, - nl Hliui-i itotlcn, In : slip port of Kol Smith Uussell, in "A lliicliel- ■ i'k llontiiiic'i" Mrs. Plillll|M la' iMSt kijown fui' IIM pints slid look lie■ "Tun llwo Orrrtiatis." "'1'lin' Knlsu b'rieml," "Healed Instructions," "Jim lliu I'euiiinii," "ls-s Itntit/.uu" nnd "Thinflay l'nrlslonue." ' lifer llrst iippearHnii. us leading woiiiHH was with ■ 'Ike's i ipnoy. In Clni.'ltiniiH, .lu I silo. In 1171 she la-gnu a thice iyears' engagement under Hie uiiiiiiigi incur of fatwreum Ilurrctt, i ltd Inlet' Jollied K. r.'Mnckay's stiKdl esjui' |MrtJ> at' theCheHHiut Slrcet 'rheiifrt'7 T r , hilli- ilclpbla. It was after her Philadelphia engagement lhat' 'She. became Identified with the A, M, Palmer . iniiiniii v. at the ijoHon Hipiare Tliestt", and- later, at Gin Madison Huunro, New York. . A Hat of. Ihe actors . iiml uctrsuses with whom HIM' npnenred would embraco practically all IIU< well known players of her lime. Among litem were J. H, HtoddoK, John Parscll, Hose Kytlnafe.. Kniiuy Mn/nnt. Ktuitrt -Hob- son, Agllca JhsiU, Maude HnrrJuu. ,'Harii .b'wi'ii, Virginia, named, Aiiufo Kussell, ciinrlcs Thome. Ida Vernon -and McKeo llajiklti. Af'scMrs. PHIUIns retired ubo ti- tiiHlncd In good henllli until four yeum ago, when she was stricken will), parnlvsla. tl'wo years Isler sbc hud-it seeond'stroko, which, followed' by a gtudiiiil dcvllnu Hut, ended In her death, rlhn Is survived bv ic si.ii, a daughter and three grandchildren. I ii i ci ment was at West Laurel 1 Hill Cemil- lery, Aug; 6. onumn A. II ill, whoso death on Aug. Q. lu Hamilton, Can., wus noted la last weeks) ci.lrrwi,-wns butlul hy ,llie AelOrs' Fund. He wns slsiut slzly-llvo yearn of age, and' won considerable: fame-as u producer of Hk Sir and 'M «nt repertory altriictlous. Dur- ing bis curly ■enrcerhe siarreil Alice K.'uip. Minnie Lester und others. He- srns, about Iweuly .jenrs ago, u recognized star laj ton Iriivellnir re|s'rlory Held/and Wrolu aiid m- iiinny of ||i» playa In which Ke an- pesrM, Kor. if year or two ha rim it pnpnlnr Oakland—At tbe Maedonough Theatre i Hall ft Jlaiion, ruAdagei's) I. It, Htockwell nnd -company npnnd Aug. 7 and week, lu '"tlm Honorable" Jblilf' Bright:" -/dines" Brltt Will arranged uiiiliy 'of |ho pfaya In wl MM," Kor. ip year or Iwo lie rim pr|.-ud house In Syracuse, and Inter f.u* con- ducted pn* In Utlca rfnd niunsgeU hb( owu irnvrllnp eoioiiaoli*. ' Interment waa'atlloly Hepulcjire f.'onietery, lltmllton, iCMk,, ;, .: . Cauoi.ini: Stauiiuck, who final been | U Charles Krohratin'g companies for Ibe past live yenrg.-dleil Bllddenfy Inst «7tek ut iier molller'K home In Bli'hmonil, Infl. She luiil Isnen In Wm. Fuv,.isham's supjwrt■■ for tin. tatst two sctiMous nnd was engaged with Ida lompiiny foe-(his- season. • ■• . . ■■ Kkank Dunuvai. II no inbar of "The Way- ward'Hon"'Co.'tbls sea-ion, died at Coluiu- bus, u„ Aug. 8. .. (•rArr*iii} LiMo.^T, ah. gelor,-wos forliB* it"! i!L. nl *lfP i* 1 "ie BturUvaut Udtel, Y 1 , '4,??'"X'««'i.*tf«n N«w Vork,'on-Aug 1* He w'oa forty-alg MR of age, and hstl Issen eiiipliiytd li» iHBiiy coiajInnFeif'prodiicinic ifltloilriiwa dtiiluK Ills- earner. . ills wife diss? ubntit sight moiitfiK nun, luil.hls Iwo cUIWrin Clifford //ml Mtirle, who were with "Kor Hor Children's Huge" last settwrn, wirVlv>; Mm..'* •