The New York Clipper (August 1904)

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610 THE NEW YDEK CLIPPER, Aggjw ?T. "Two Utile Sailor Boys" ((targe II. Urennnii. mgr.)—N. Y. City 20-27, Montreal, Cm., 20- Bept. 8. "To Die «t Dawn" (J. II. Ward, mp.)— Colum- bus, 0„ 23-27. "Tcxa* Steer" (M. Bice, mtt.)— Boxeman, Moni., 24, Grout Fall* 25. Helena 26. Butte 27, 2s. Missoula 2», Wallace, Ida., 30, Wavdner HI. Spokane, Wash., Sept, 1. Yakama 2, Klleosburg "Te'11 Night* In a Bar Room," lleecber * Stan- Icy* (Walter J. McDonald, nip.) — Ulldrelb, Sou., 24; Campbell 20, Blue Hill 21V "Thou «halt Not KM," ' Eastern (Frederick Scbwart*, mar.)—Philadelphia, Pa., 22-27, N. Y. Cltr 29-Sept. 3, "Thou Shalt Not Kill," Western (Frederick Scbwirtg. mp.)— Astrory Park, N. J., 27, Chester, Pa., 29, Cumberland, Md., 30, Park- orsburg, W. Va„ 81, Zanearllle, O.. Kept. I, Dayton (Soldiers' Borne) 2, Terre Ilante, Ind., "Thou Bhalt Not Kill," Around (lie World (Fred- erick Schwartx, op.)—London, Eni„ 2»-Bo|.t. 2-1. "Tllllc Olson"—St. Paul. Minn., 28-gtpt. 3. "Thoroughbred Trural." (Harry Darlington, mgr.) —Dc Kalh. III., 21, Dixon 23, sycamore 2il. Kewnnee 27, Ottawa 20, Braldwood no, Tolu- ca 31, Danrlllc Sept. 1, Chatswortb 2, Hoops- loWn 3. "Ten Nights In n Bar lludhi," Oeycr * ClrlNWoltl'a ■ -Thornton, Tea., 21, Breniond 23, Calvert 20, Bryan 27. V I'lrlch Stock—Los Apples, Cnl.. 22, IndcOnlte. •Tinier Southern Sklea," Eastern (Harry Duel Parker, mp.)—Atlantic City, N. J„ 18-20, Hrldjeloti 22, Salem 20, Burlington 24, Anbury Park ye, lted Bank 20. Brooklyn, N, Y., 27- Scnt. 10. , ... "Under Southern Skies," Wealern (Hnrry Duel Parker, mar.)—Elgin, HI., 23. Belvldcrc 24, Bockrord 25, Freeport 20, Madlaon, Win., 27, Chicago, III., 28 Kent. 3. "Under Houthern Skies," Central (Harry Doel Pnrker. rap.)—Hammond, Ind., 21, Michigan Clly 22, Benton Harbor, Mich., 23, Muskegon 24, Big Itaplda 20. Cadillac 20, Manlsteo 27, Traverse Clly 20,. Pctoskey 30. Satilt Hto. Marlu III, Miuiinllipip Kent. 1, M«rn.uottc 2, Calumet 3, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Al. W. Mnrtln'n (Kd. 8. Martin, mgr.)—Columbus. O,, 22-24, Dayton 23- 27, Indianapolis, Ind., .211-81. •Tiu-le Tom's Cabin." Stetson's, Eastern (Geo. Peck, mgr.)—Sea Cliff, N. Y„ 24, Hempatead 23, (Ireot Neck 20, Port Washington 27. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Jim Silver's—Ullbon, N. V„ 23, ilrand George 20, Stamford 27, Jefferson 211, Dnvoupurt 30. "1,'nele Josh Bpruenby"— Giunil Itaplda, Mich., 21- 24. Toledo, ()., 23-27. "Fiii'le Josh Perkins" (Fraaec ft Bay. nigra.)— Hutchinson, Kan., 20, Wlchlls 27. l'oiion Clly O. T., 211. Blnckwell 30. Caldwell, Kau„ 31, l-:iild, O. T., Sept. 1. Guthrie 2, Shawnee 3, Norman 3. V Vnii Dyke ft I'.ulon (F. Mack, .mgr.)—Hock is- liuid, III.. 22-27. Davenport, la., 211-Scpt. 18. Vnll'iiiioiit stuck— Willismsporl, Pa., 22-Sept. .1. ••Volunlccr Organist" iHarry Martell, mgr.)— Amherst, N. a., 24, Mnncton, N. Ii„ 25. W Walsh, Blanche (Wapubals 4 Kcuipcr, mgrs.)— Orange. N. J.. Sept. 3. Wlllard, Kalherlno (11. U. White, lugr.)—Plalts- I'lii'K. N. Y., Sept. C. Ward, Frederick, and Kalliryn Kidder (Wapuliuls ,V Kemper, mgra.)—Blughaiittoh, N. v., 20, Wllkfsbarre, Pa., 22, Herauton 23, Syracuse, N. V., 24. Welch, Joe iSulllvaii, Harris J: Woods, mars.)— Newark. N. J.. 22-27, taw Clly 2u-Scp7. 3. William it Walker dim tig 4 Scatuon, mgrs.)— 'N. Y. City 27-Sept. 3. Wallers', Elmer ft Julc, Attractions—Hau Fran- cisco, Cnl., 21-27. ' Wallers, .lule — l.ewlHlini. .Mont., 23, Moscow 20, Hpukuuc, Wnnh., 27, Sprnguo 20, HlUvllte 30, Wiilhi Walla ill. WIIhoii, Frederick II. (0. M. Cotton, uigr.)— Terra Haule, Ind., 22-27, Hlwotxl 3V-Sept. il. Wiedemann Dig Slock (J. K. Oeorp, bus, mgr.)— Seattle, Wash,, 22 Oct. H. Wledeiniiiiu Stuck (Kd. Jncolwou. bus. mgr.)— Portland, Ore, Aug. 22, Indefinite. Wlmilupr Brothers Own (Frauk Wlnnlnpr, mgr.) —New London, Wis., 22-20, Ocunto lb-Sept. 4. Winner Comedy (BeitJ. R. Warner, mp.)—Galea- vllle, Wis., 22-27. • ■ Weber Slock (Walter p. Ncaland. mgr.)—Sche- nectady, N. Y., 23-27T Wall Is Stock (Arthur Wnllls, mgr.)—New Bruus- «lek, H. J., 22-27. WhIhIi Slock, Kupuo Powers—Woodstock, Out., 22-Sept. 3. " 'Way Down lilsat," Wm. A. Brady'a—Des Mollies, la.. 22 27. "Way of (be Tninogrcssor"—Brldpnort, Conn., 32-24, Prorldeiiee. It. 1., 21I-He|it. 3. "White Tlgrbss of Japnu" (Wm. X. Koogh, nip.) —X. Y. City 37'Sejut., 3. •'Weddod nun Parted," Hulllran, Harrla & Wooils' J-lllttraoh, N. .7.. 22-24. »vilmlngtou. Del.. 23-27, Philadelphia, Pa.. ID-Kept. II. "Wiitded, Hut So Wife 1 ' (W. 1. yielding, mgr.) —Louisville, Ky„ 22-27. Lima, O., 20, Kenton 30, ninthly 31, Toledo Sejit. 1-3. "Working Ulrl'a Wrongs" (Howard Wall, mp.)— liiilUimpolls, lad., 22-21, LiigmimWirt 25, Tloulh lkiud 2ii. 27, Kokoroo 20, 'Terre Haute 110, SI, liHiu-ille, in., Sept. 1, Sprlngleld 2, Jtckaon- vlllc 3. " 'Wnv Out Weal" (Mort Sanford, mgr.)—Farl- Imull. Minn., 21). "Wlmt Women Will Do" (II. M. Holdeu, mgr.) •-KansnS City, Mo., 22-27, Omaha, Neb., Sept. "Why (llrls Leiive Home" (Vance & Hulllriin, iiigrs.)—Jersey Clly, N. J., 22-27, Washington, II. 0„ 20'Sepl. II. "Wiiyward Son"—Chlcairo, III,, 22-^7. "WiiIPh Paradise"—Fall ltlvor, Mass., 22-24, I'lillmlolidilii, J'n., 20-Sejit. 3. "Why tllrls Go Wrong" (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Cnimlen, N. J., Sept. 1-3. i: \ "You Yonsou" IK. V. Olroux, mgr.)—Krle, Ph., 21, Wnrreli 23. Itiim, 20. JollHSOUlilirg 27. Oil Clly 20, Fruiiklln 30, Coiry 31, Mcadtlllo Sciit. I, Sharon 2, Yoiingitown, 0., 3. "Vurk Statu Folks)" (F. K. Wright, mgr.l— Kanans Clly, Mo„ 22-27, Omaha, Neb., 28-111. MUSICAL. llruukn's Chlciip Murine llHinl (llert A. Hull, nigr.>—Chicago, 111.. 22, Imlcnnite. Iliuidn itussa—knusaa Clly, Mo., 22. ludellnlte. Itnth i. Helen Mny, and her I.udles Military Hand M. Leslie Spubii. mgr.>—Omnha, Nebr., 21 27, Deliver, Colo., 28-Scpt. 3. lilio-k I'nlil Troubadours . (Vuelckel k Nulnii, mgm.)—Osweuu, N. V.. 24. Syracuse 25-27, Itwhesler UO-fll, Utlcn Sept. 1, Ulcus Falls 2, Svlieneclndy 3, "Burgomaster" (W. W. TUIolson, mgr.)—Wlu- nl|«'«, Mull., 2ll, 27. Civalovc Iliiud—Cleveland. 0.. 22-31, Convert .Hoys Bnml (L. Mercaglluuo. dlreclorl— Drcauiluiid, Cimey Inland, N. Y„ 22, luilcdiiltc. "i.'lrrna Day"—Fall Itlvi'r. Mass., 25-27. Illnser. Lnlu (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— ltoches- ler, N. Y.,-23-27, Montrml, Can.. 211-Sept. U. "Ulrl from Dixie" (Oeo. A. Kingsbury, nip.)— Ties Mollies, In., 22-27. Marshajltowu 20. lowu t'liy 30, Davemiorl 31. Burlington Sept. 1, Keokuk 2, Qiilnc.v. 111., 3. Hopper, He Wolf (\v. A. Bendy & Sbubort Bros., lugrn.)—Treblon, N. J., 23. Herald Siiuarc Opern (Frank T, Klntsliig, mgr.) - -Miiiislleld, 0„ 22-27, Youugslowh 211-Seiit. 3. "l»ln of Splee" (B. C. Wttllncy, mgr. I—N. Y. Clly Utl, IniMiille. Klltlex llstul (T. I'. 3. Power, mgr.)—Indlaimiio- lis, lull., 22-27. Olucliinniitl, 0., 2S-8e|it. 5. "King Dado" (David Trsllel, mar.)—Trenton, N. J., Sept. 2. I.yrlc Opera (Henry Lea Ycllc, mgr.)—Dsllnn, Ti'x.. 22-Sept. 11. "Ltbtrly llelles" (Freil G. Merger Jr., inp.)— Petersburg, Vs., 21, Daurlllc 20. McKcfl's Boatvn Ladles' Symphony Orchestra I Frank W. McKee. mgr.)— Atlautlc City, N. J., 22-Sepl. 15. "Maul mill the Mummy" (Carle Auiuseiuvnt Co., nuirs.) —N. Y. Clly 22, liideBiille. "Ml»« Bub While" i Slum k Zimmerman, uigi-s.i —Atluiitle City. N. J.. Wkak 3, Newhin's Concert Iliiud (Bob' Maek, untc.)-- .IniiiCKlowu. N. Y.. 21, Olran 23, llornelN- vllle 20. Corning 27, Corllsnd 211. Cnnsstola tin. Norwleh Sept. 1, Little Falls V. Fulton 3. Nnvnl lieservv Hand (V. Hosntl, director)—C«|te M.U.V, X. J.. 22-Sent. 2. I'lielnn Opera (K. V. I'helau, mp.)—Porllaiul, Me.. 22. ludellnlte. l'l'ynr's. Arlhur, Band— Aahury Park, K, .7.. 22- Sepl. tt. rhlllliey'K I'nlliHl Stales Hand (Frill S. I'hlnucr, mgr,)—St. Lniils. Mo.. 22-IVI. 1, "Peggy t'roiii Purls" (Henry W. Sitvnge, mgr.)— lltvoklyu, N. Y., 2»Sept. 3. Phisey Baud (Handel V. Phasey. bandmaster)— daretnont Park, the Bronx, N. Y. City*; 22- Sept. 10. . . „ „ "Plff, Par?, Pouf" (F. C. Whitney, mp.)—N,„Y, Clly 22. indefinite. "Prince of Pllsen" (Heury W. Savap, mgr.)— London, Kng.. 22, Indeaulte. "Prlnresa Cblc"—Manhattan Beach, N. Y., 22 2t. "queen of the Jungles" (Weber It Collins, mgr^.J. —Trenton. K. J.. 22-21. "Boyal Chef" (II. C. Whitney, ulgr.)—N. Y. Ollf Setit. 1, Indeflnlle. Si-lieff, Frllal (<:. II. Dillingham, mgr.)—Chicago, 111., Kent. 5, Indeflnlle. r ' Suitsa anil hla Band (Frank Curlatlaner, mgr.) —Philadelphia, Pa.. 28-Sept. 3. J, ■ Shannon's Twenty-third Reglmeut BaW—Manhat- tan Beach, N. Y., 22, Indefinite. Slater's Brooklyn Msrlnc Band <C. M. Barnes, mgr.)—Brlahton Beach, N. Y., 32. ludellnlte. "Snltiin of Hnln" (Henry W. Barap, mp.)— Brooklyn. N. Y„ 20-Stpt. 3. "Sho (Inn" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 22, lodellulte. •■Show Olrl" (B. C. Wbltuey. mgr.)—Detroit, Midi.. 21-27, Columbus, O., 20-Sept. 3. "Stielllilnder" (Oeorp W. Lcderer, mgr,)—N. Y. Clly Sept. C, ludrlTnlle. "Sliver Slipper" (John 0. Fisher, mgr.)— St. John, N. B„ Kept. 1-3. Lulled States Marine Band—Chevy Chase, Md., 22-Hept. 3. Wills Musical Comedy (John B. Wills, mgr.)— Klmlra, N. Y., 22-Sepl. 3. "Witnrd of Oi'' (Hamlin & Mitchell, mgrs.)— Brooklyn. N. Y., 20-Sept. 3. "Wlasird of Oi" (Hamlin k Mitchell, mgr*,)— Peoria. HI., 24. "Woodland" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—Salem, Mass., 25, Bochester, N. Y,, Sept. 2, 3. "Yankee Consul" (Henry W. Savage, mgf.)— Chicago, 111., 22, Indefinite. VABIBTY. Americans (Kdwln D. Miner, nigr.)— Springfield, Ma«s„ 22-21, Worcester 23-27, Boston 20- Sept. 3, Australians (Hill k Hcrlbner, mgrs.)—Toronto, Can., Aug. 22-37, Montreal 20-Srpt. 3. Blue million (llrls (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Albany, N. Y„ 22-24. Troy 25-27. Bowery Burlesoucrs, Hurllg k Seamon'a (Joe Hurtlg, mgr. t—tlocbenter, N. Y., 22-27, To- ninlo, Can., 20-Sept. 3. Bohemians (Thomas W. Miner, mgr.)—Indianapo- lis; Ind., 22-27, Chicago. III., 28-Hept. 3. Bon Tons (Itnab * Weber, mgrs.)—Lculsvllhj, K)., 22-27, HI. Loula. Mo., 28 Sept. 3. Brlgaitlera (Marry Martell, mp.)—Toledo, O., 22-27. Cleveland 20-Heiit. 8. Black Crook (Chas. P. Kdwards, mgr.)—Win- eliester. Va„ 25, Harrisonburg 20, Staunton 27, New Boston 2». City Snorts (Phil Sheridan, mgr.)—Troy, N. Y.. 22-24, Albany 25-27, Providence, It. 1., 23- Sept. 3. Cracker Jacks (Horry Leonl, mgr.)—N. Y. City 22-27, Bcrnntnn, Pa.. 2D-3I, Heading Sept. 1-3. ■ Cherry Blossoms (Butler, Jacobs k Lowry, mgrs.) Milwaukee, Wis., 22-27. Minneapolis, Ml.m., •JH-rtcpt. 3. Di-vero'a, Ram—Kauaaa Clly, Mo„ Aug. 22-27. liidlauiipoll), lud.. 21) Kept. 3. Dainty Duchess (Weber * Bush, mgrs.), -St. Paul. Minn.. 22-27, Chicago. III., 28-Sept. 8. Dc Leon's Comedians (I. Kent Colin, mgr.)—New Castle, Intl., 25-27, Hloomlngton 29-31, Wash- ington Sept. 1-3. Fsy Foster Hurlesiiucrs (Joseph Oppeuhelmer, mgr.)—Providence, It. I., 22-27, Boston, Mass., ait-Sept. II. ,,' tiny Morning (.lurlea (Sorllmer k Drew, mgrs.)— Patcrwin. N. J., 2227, N. Y. City 2D Sept. 3. tln.v Musipiemlcrs (Hill * Hcrlbner, m«rs.) — I'lilladelphls. Pa., 22-27, Heading 20-31,'Bcran- tou Sepl. 1-3. High Hollers (C. II. Wsldron, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa.. 22-24, lk-adlug 20-27, Pblladclpbln 211- He|it. 3. liniocent MalilH (T. W. Dlnklus. mgr.)—Booulon, >'. J., 27, Flsliklll, N. Y„ 211. Pccksklll 30. While Plains 31. Walerbury, Conb., Sept. 1, New Britain 2, 3. Irwin's, Fred, Big Show—Cliiclnuall, O., 22-2T. Liinlsvllle. Ky„ 28'Setit, 3. Imperials (Horry W. Wlllinas Jr., iu«r.)-- r N. Y. City 22-Sepl. 3. Jolly Crass Widows (nolwrt Fulloii, mgr.)—Chi- cago, 111., 22-27, Detroit. Mleh.. 28-Sept. 3. Jack's. Sam X., Own (Msbel Hstvlton,, mgr..)— Brooklyn. N. Y., 22-27. Kiilckerboekem tLoots Ituhle. mgr.)—Montreal, Can., 22-27, Albany, N. Y.. 20-81, Troy Sept. l-y. Kentucky Belles (Whallcn Brolbers, mgrs.)—Bal- tlmure. Md., 22-27, Washington, D. 0., 20- Sept. 3. 1,011(1011 Oalaly illrla (Cliff W. Qrnut, mgr.)— Flshklll. N. Y., 27. Merer Maldoua (Butler, Jacobs k Lowry, mgrs.) —Brooklyn, N. Y., 22-Sept: <3. Malestlca (Fred Invlu, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo.. 22-27, KansHH City 28-Sept. 8. Moonlight Maids (Sullivan k Krauaa, nigra.) - Buffalo, N. Y., 22-27. Itochester 20 Sept. 8. ^ew York Hlnrs (John It. Itayuor, mgr.)—Mlunc- «I»IIn, Minn.. 22-27. St. Paul 28-Sept. 3. Oriilieum Btirlesuucra (Lou Hummer, mp.)—Dau- hury. Conn.. 24, Aiisoiiln 23. Wlnsor Locks 211, Tnrrliiglou 27. New London 20, Mlddlerown BO, Wliliniiintle 31, Bristol Sept. 1, Walerbury 2, Wlnsted 3. Parisian widows (Weber & Hush, mgrs.)— -N. Y. City 22-27, Brooklyn, X. Y., 20-Scjit. 10. lleeves', Al.—Philadelphia, Pa., 22-27, Balti- more, Md., 2v-Bept. 3. Bose Hill Kngllsh Folly (lllcc k Barton, mgrs.) —Brooklyn, N. Y„ 22-27. Albany 20-31, Xroy Sept. 1-3. Iteiitr Sontley (Abo Lenvltt. mgr.) — Boston, Mass., 2227. N. Y. Clly 20-Sent. 3. Rlea k Burlon's Big Oalety—N. Y. Clly 22-27. N'enark, x. .1,, 20-8ei>t. 3. Syilell's Uiiilou Belles—Plttaburg, Pa., 22- 27, Clueluuatl, o.. 28-Setit. 3. llellly k Wood'a (Pat llellly. mgr.)—Jersey Clly, N. J., 2227. Philadelphia. Pn., 20-Sepl. 3. Itiiiunviiy (llrls (P. S. Clark, uuir.)—Bosloii, Mass.. 22-27. N. Y. City 20-Sent. 8. Southern Vniulevlllo (K. P. Carl, ulgr.)—Gra- ham. N. 0.. 22-27. Trans Ailanth's. Hurllg k Seamon's (K. J. Colin, mgr.)—WsHhliiglou, D. C 22-27, Pittsburg, Pa., 211-Sept. 2. Tiger Lilies (Hcrlbner k Drew, nigra.)—Newark, N. J., 22-27. Patcrson 20-Sepl. 8. Trociulvioa. (Waldron k Bryant, nigra.)—Detroit. Mleh.. 2227, Toledo, ()., 2S-Sept. 8. head 20, Fraserburgh 30, Hiintly 31, F.lgin Sent. — 1. lnverneva 2, 3. Perth S, Sterling 0, Paisley 7, Oreenock 8. Saltcoates 0. Kilmarnock 10. Camphell Brothers—Princeton, Mo.. 22, Oallatln 23, Maravllle 24. Horton, Kin., 25, Manhattan 20, Junction City 27, Lincoln Centre 29. Ely's, Oeo. S.—Waynes vllle, III., 24, Lawndale 25, Hsrtsburg 2U, Danvera 20, Conprsvlllc 30, Morton 31. Furepaugh k Sells Brothers—Oswego, N. Y„ 24, Cortland 25, Klmlra 20, Wllllamaport, Pa.. 27, Hhamokln 20, Poltavllle 30, Uncaater 31, Uar- rlslmrg Sept. 1, Altoona 2, Johnstown 3. Gentry Brothers Dog and Pony—Brooklyn, N. Y., 22-27. Gentry Brothers Dog and Pony—Iowa City, la., 25. Hunt's- Suminltrlllc, N. Y., 25, Wurtsboro 20, Bloonilngbnrg 27, Pine Brush 20, Montgomery 30, Wathlngtonvllle 31. Mackay's (Andrew Muckay, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., 22, Indefinite. MeJboum'a—Baldwin, Wis., 21, Cylon 25, Deer Park 2(1, Clayton 27, Almoin 29, Cameron 30, Weyaernauser 31, Bruce Sepl. 1, Ladysnitth 2. Nbrrls * Howe's—Mmicheater. Iu., 24, Indepen- dence 23, Vinton 2X1, Tipton 27. Davenport 20, Maquoketa 3u, Momlcello 31. Fayette Sept. 1, Cresco 2, Prairie Du Cblen, Wis., 3, La Crosae Pawnee Bill's Wild West ami Great Far Kaat— Clayton, N. Y„ 22, Low vlllc 23, Boon villi- 24, Herkimer 25, Home 20, Oneida 27, Scbenec- tody 20, Cobleaklll 30, Oneonta 31, Sidney Sept. I, Blnghhmtnn 2. Scranton, Pa., 3. Rlngllng Brother!—Seattle, i.osh., 24, 25, Xa- comu 20. Centralla 27, Portland, Ore., 20, oO, Salem 31, Albany Sept. 1, Kugvue 2. Medford 3. Slg Sautelle's—Pulaski, N. Y., 24, Seneca Falls 25, Phelps 20, Caunndalgun 27. Sparks, John IL—Backet Harbor, N. Y., 24. Cape Vincent 25, Carthage 20, Clayton 27, tted- wood 20. Oouverueur 30. Silver's (Bert Silver, mgr.)—Butternut, Mich., 24, Perrluton 25, Pomper 20. Ashley 27. Texas Bill's Wild West—Lake Park, la.. 24, Hock ■Itiiphls 23. nurtley 20, Pocahontas 27. WeUh Brothers—Media, Pa., 24, Chester 25, Keunett Stpiare 20. Oxford 27. Newark, Del., 29, Cheatertown, Md.. 30, Ceiitervlllo 31, Do- ver. Del.. Sept. 1. Georgetown 2, Lewes 3. Wheeler's, Al. T.—.North Blenheim, N. Y.. 25, Breakslieen 20, Mlddleburg 27, Heholiarle 2(1, Ho«c Cave 30, Warnervllle 31, Rlchiuohdvlllc Sept. 1. MISCKM.ANKOI-H. lloslock's Trulnnl Animal Arena (F. C. Bostock, irtp.)—Dreamland, Coney Island, N. Y., 22, IndeBlilte. llrliidainoiir Co. (Frank Harrlmail, mgr,)—Glace Bay, N. 8., 22-24. New OlaigoW 25-27, Plctou 20, 30, Charlottetown, P. E. I.. 31. Baylies' Big Sensation Show—Qreenlown, Ind., 24, Swaysec 25, Swectcers 20, Amboy 27. "Bombardment of Port Arthur," Palirs—Chica- go, ill., 22, luileflntle. De Mack's Big Show (Hilly De Maek. mgr.) — Chelseo, lud. Tor., 22-27, Tulsa 20-Sept. 2. Hints, Mr. and Mrs. (11. L. Flint, mgr.)—La- crosse, Wis., 2»Scpt. 3. Jojiiea Family Big Show (James k Loss, mgrs.) —Waukesha, Wis., 22-27, Oconuiuowoc 28-Sept. J, I.unihrlggrrs Zihi (Gits Lambrlggcr. nip.)—Puux- sulawuey, Pa., 22-27, Bullcr 20-Sept. 8. Pierce's. A. I... Amusement Go.—Herkimer, N. Y.. 22-27. Swallow k Marklc Flouting Theatre—Chllllcothe, O.. 2G. I'eklu, III., 27, Havana 28. Bcurds- lown 20. Bush. Frank, Farm, Toledo. O.. 22-27, Chases, 'Washington, D. C. ZS-Bept. 3. Burton'a Dop. Keith's Bolton. 22-27. Burkes, Juggling, Empire, San Fran., Cat.. 22-2.. Burton 4 Burton, Lakeside Park, Sheboygan, Wis.. 22-Bept. J. _ .. >..-.«. Budd Bros.. Chutes, flan Fran., CaL, 21-27. Burdette, Madeline, Electric Park, Newark, N. Burdock Slaters, Four Mile Creek Park, Erie, Pa., 22-27. Burt, Anna, Delmar Garden, Oklahoma City, 0, X., 22-27. Byrne k West, 0. 0. II.. Butte. Mon., 21-27. Carter, Mr. k Mrs. Carl, Edison, Hoqulam, Wash.. 22-27. _ . _ „ Carey * Cotter Trio. Sanatocn, Park. Pottatown, Pa., 22-27; Pastor's, N. Y. C. 20-Sept. 3. f.'arlln It Otto. Keith's, N. Y. C, 22-27. Caatellat si Hall. Electric Street By. Park, Mil- ford, Maas., 22-27. Csrroys. The. Woodslde Park. Phlln.. 22-27. Casail k De Verne, Luta Bros.' Park, Raclue, Wla.. 22-27. Carmotitella, Jack's. Chicago, 22-27. Carrie. Mile.. Hnburban Park, St. Louis. 22-27. Caffery k Oraut, Doyle's, AUantle City, N. J., 22-27; Casino, Lawrence, Mass., 29-Bept. 3. Carmen Sisters, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. v.. 22-27. Curleton, Al., Ccloron Park. Jamestown, N. Y., 22-27; Temple, Detroit, 29-8ept. 3. CaStellst k Hall, Electric Park, Mllford, Mass,, 22-27; Electric Park, Putnam, Conn., 20-Sept. 3. Carroll 4 Clarke. Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, Can., 22-27; Sobmer Park, Montreal, 20-Sept. 8. Castle k Collins, Idora Park, Youoptown, 0., 22-27. Carter & Boas, Lakevlew Park, Terre Haute, Intl., 21-21. Carson Bros., Fountain Park, Great Barrlnglou. Mass., 22-27; Lake Compouuec park, Kouth- Ington. Conn.. 29-Bept. 8. Castle Square Quartet, Electric Park, Baltimore, .22-27. Carson 4 WIBard, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 22-27; Woolwortb, Latucaatcr. Pa., 20-Sept. 3. Carter k Waters Co., Olentaugy Park, Columbus, O.. 21-27. • " Carlo's Dogs, Olentangy Park, Columbus, 0,, Century' Comedy Four, Ocean View Casino, Nor- folk, Va., 22-27. Chester * Bates, Talorpiegii Park, Atllehoro, Mass., 22-27. Cbiiins (2), Fair, Eastoti, Mil.. 22-27; Fair, .Whllnsy's Point, N. Y.. 20-Sept. 3. Chnmeroys. The, Hallway Park, Southbrldge, Mass.. 22-27. CttHdwIck Xrlo, Beacon Park, Webster, Mass., 22-27. CI jjjjgjjt gOjjst CUt. Till* Hat 1st uiuile up mm nearly ar- curntc it* it Id nosnlblc tu make <i lint Of vnudcvllle booklnays. To Insure In- »rriliiii In tills ilelHirtment the linmc of the thentre or nnrk, nst well ii" the • llv of town. MUST uecoinimuy each hooking; netit n«. Adsiiiiul si Taylor, Suhiuer Park, Montreal, 21 27. AihiiiiB k Mack, Iron Pier, Old Orchard, He., 22- 27. Adams, Frank k Ida, Olympla Park, McKccs-, Me.. 22-27. Add! Thoroughbreds (Frank B. Uarr. mgr.)—Chicago, 1)1., 22-27, Milwaukee, Wis.. 28-Sept. 8. Utopian* IT. W. Dlnklus, mgr,)—Cleveland, <»,, 22-27, Bufl'alu. N. Y., 20-Sept. 3. Viinlty Fnlr (Rolwrt Manchester, mgr.)—Reading, Pa.. 22-21, Scranton 2527, N,| V. City 21)- Scilt. 3. World Hesters (J. Herbert Muck, mgr.)—N. Y. City 22-27, Jersey Clly, N. J., 20-Sept. 3. MINSTHlil.H. , lleiieh k Bowers—Sluiiuoketn, la.. 22,'ilndeQtille. Bryant k Suvllle's (Ous H. Suvllle, mgr.)—Rye . Heach, N. Y., 22-27, Hsrrlsburg, Pa., 20-Sept. Duekslniler'a. Lou (J, 11. Decker, ulgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y„ 22-27. Field's, Al. U. (Doc Quigley, mgr.)—Fremont, It., 24, Kindts)' 25, Lima 20, Muncle, Ind., 27. Iiidluuunolls 20, Dayton, 0., 30, Columbus 31-Sept. 8. Faust, TimI IS. (fl. D. Cuiiiilughinu. mgr.)—Hunt- ington. W. Va.. 24, Cambridge. O., 27, Co- shoctou 29. New Philadelphia 30. Field .St Hanson's (Maurice Boom, mgr.)—Dan- bury. Conn., 22-27. Haveiiy'a (Geo. A. Bovyer, tngr.)—Toronto, Can., 25.27. Cleveland. 0.. 20-Sept. 3. KiM-umd'a, Billy IU. Jay Smith, mgr.I—Feeder- leklown. Mo., 24, Poplar Bluff 25. Batmvllle, Ark.. 2(1, Newisjrt 27, Jonosboro 30, Memphis, Tcuii.. 111. Sept. 1, Forrest City, Ark., 2, Mariana 3. Rli'tiniilN & Pi-Ingle's illusoo k Holland, mgrs.) -—.Memphis. Teun.. 10, 20. Csruthersrllle 22, Oseeolu 23, Jmiesboro. Ark.. 24. Newport 25, l.lllle RoeV 30, Pine lllutr 27. Hot Springs 211, 'IV\srkana 30, Slirere|K)rt. La., 31, Marshall, Tex.. Sept. 1. Longvlew 2. Vogul's (John W. Yopl. mgr.)—Charleston, W. Vn., 24, (liillltsills. O.. 23. Parkershiirg. W. Va.. 2(1. Msrlellu. (>.. 27. Slitersvltle, W. Vs., 211, Wheeling 3d. Wsstilngtini, Ph., 31. Waynes- burg Sepl. I, Csnuiisburg 2, Steiibenrllle, 0„ Wsol's. Harry—Tuiiokii. Kan.. 27. Leavenworth 28, .Mnrsliail. Mu.. 30. Bounvtlle 81. SeilalU Sept. 1, Clinton '.'. Joplln 3. Webb Clly 4. TKNT SHOWS. Itnrnuui k Bailey's—Wluoun. Minn., 24. Owslouna 23. Mason City, Iu.. 2(1. Waterloo 27, Duhiiuue 211. CIIiiIimi Ml. t'lslnr Hiiplils 31. lowu Clly Sepl. 1. Mnseiillne 2. Otliiinwn 3. 11,'iilieiic Hi,".—.Minn. Netir.. III. Itepillillenn City 27, BliH.iiilnglmi III. Franklin 30. inulal» Hill's "Wild West, Col. Wm. V. Cody— Mouitobc, Scotland, 21. Aberdeen 23-27, Peter- ddlsou k Livingston, Kdlsou, Helena, Mon., 21- 27. Aberna, The. Fair, Wlllshlre, o„ 22-27; Fair, Muncle, Ind., 20-Sept. 8. Agoust-Weston Co., Chase's, Washington, D. C, 22-27. Alexus k Bcball, Proctor's 5th Ave., N. Y. 0„ 22-27. Alexander A Kerr, Trent, Trenton, N, J., 20- Sept. 3. Alexandrine, Mile, Luna Purk, Coney Island, N. Y., 22-27. Albiirtus k Bartrnm, Cleveland'*. Chicago, 22-27. Allen, Searl k Violet, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 22- 27; Olympic, Chicago, 20-Sept. 3. Allen, Lottie. Leon A Bertlo. Sacsudaga Park, N. Y.. 22-27, Allison, Mr. k Mrs., (Iraml, IndliiuaiiollB, 20- Seiit. 3. Alilrlch, Chus. T., Paradise Roof. K. Y. C, 22-27. Aldu k Armour, Uakford Purk, Jeanctto, Pn., 22-27. Alllnel 4 Trained Monkey, Loxlngtou Park, Bos- ton, 22-27. American Stars (3), 'Ocean View Casino, Nor- folk, Va., 22-27. American Ms., Ludlow Lugoon, Cliiclunotl, 21-27. Ainnros, Mile., Watson's, Bkln., 22-27. Amalln 4 MuiioIh Family, Fair, Frsiikllnvlllc, N. Y.. 22-27 : Fair. Little Valley, 2P Sept. 3. Antrim k Peters, Oakford Park, Jcauette, Pa., 22-27. Ardelle k Leslie. Arch. Cleveland, 0., 22-27. Arinlnio & Hiuke, Rivei'loii l'urk, Portland, Me., 22-27. Ashtou. Josle, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. ¥., 22-27. Allies Trio, Casino, Toledo, 0., 22-27. Aug, Edna, Brighton Beach, N. Y., 22-27. Avery 4 Healy, HIJou, Dulutli, Minn., 21-27; l.'uhpie, Wluuliieg. Man., 20-Heiit. 10. Axtell 4 Early, Wcaat, Peoria, III., 22-27. Itasipie Quartet, Casino, Toledo, (>., 22-27. Biilley 4 Fletcher, New York Hoof, N. Y. 0., 22- Burrlugton, Jos. D., Empire, llusllngs, Eug„ 22- Bandy k Wilson, Cleveland's, Chicago, 22-27. Barnard. Geo., Exposition, Toronto, Call., 20- Hopt. 3, Kurrelt Sisters, Reservoir Park, Richmond, Va., 22-"7. Barretts, Juggling, Orpueuiu, Hun Fruu., CaL, 21- llarrows-Lnncaater Co., Farm, Toledo, O., 22-27. Uniiiler-Lii Voile Trio, Fair, Tnumb. Wis., 22-27. Baftlcts, Musical, Forest Lake, Palmer, Maw., limne*. Stunrt, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 22-27. Btiyc*. Norii, Forest Park, Kuusaa City, Mo., Bartons', The. Fair, Newark Valley, N. Y., 22- 27: Fair, Rome. 20-Sepl. 3, Beilitcr. Emily, l'urk. Lowell. Mass., 22-27. Rcrnxlrlns, The. Cleveland's, Chicago, 28-Sepl. 3. Bentlnim k FiTeman, Arcade, Portland, Ore., 22*27. Bergere,' Valerie, k Co., 'C. 0. H„ Chicago, 22-27. Bell, Senator Frauk, Olympla Park, MuKccsporl, Pa.. 22-27. Blekell 4 Walson, Forest Park, Khusbb City, Mo., 81-27. Bloeksom 4 Burns, lugersqll Park, Den Moines, in., «-.... Bloom 4 Cooper, chase's, Wathlnglou, D, C„ 20- Sciil. 3. lllsekivell 4 Harris. Keith's New, riilla.. 22-27. Borutil 4 Nevnrrn. Olympic. Chicago, 22-27; Hay- market. Chicago, 211 Sepl. 3, Brooks. Jeannettc. Sunimll Park, rilea, N. Y., 22- 27: Koekv Point, Providence. R. I.. 20-Sent. 3. Hrlttnns, The, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., Sar-Wli Brcniifliis, Musical, Klein's Park, Baltimore, Md., 22-27. Bi-own, Waller (L. 4 Ellis Sisters, Proctor's 3th Ave., N. V. C. 22-27. Brsdshaw. elms,, 4 Co.. Temple, Detroit, Mleh,, 22-27: Shea's, Buffalo. N. V.. 20-Sent. 3. Brolwt Trio, llanlnu's Point. Toronto. Can.. 22-27. Blown. Harry A., Idora Park, Youoptown, O., 23-27. Bilnkley, David 4 Carrie, Arvernc Pier, Arvcme, X. V.. 88-27; Southeni Park, Plttaburg, 20- Bept. 3. Blown. Hairy. Keith's, Boston. 22-27. -Btndys. The.. Doyle's, Aliaullc City. N. J„ 20- Se|it. 3. Bniwu. Harris A Brown, Suburban Purk, SI. ' Louis. 21-Hepl. 3. Brown, .lack. 4 Lillian .Wrlitlll, Alameda Pnrlt. Bliller. Ph.. 22 17. Pnsjklyu, Ivllle. Drcsinlalid, Coney Island, X. V.. 2227. •tonUer, Olympla Park. Chattanooga, Tenn., 22-27. Chlmpillln. Princess, 4 Ed, Newell, Ringing Rock Park, Puttotown, Pa., 22-27. Cblqullii, Athletic Park, Buffalo, N. Y., 22-27. Chirk. John F.. Park, BrJyuiine, N. J., 22-271 Dlcmlltia's. Kockawny. N, Y., 20-Sept. HI. ClrinTn Slaters. Keith's New, Phlla., 22-27: Keith's, Bonlnn, 20-Sent. 3. | Clarke 4 Temple, The Pines, Haverhill, Mass., 22-27; Lakevlew Park, Lowell, 20-Sept. 3. Cllffoid k Or Hi, Crescent Park, Providence, It. 1., 22-27. Cooper 4 Kobiuson, Lake, Worcester, Mass., 22- 27; Cook, Rncliestcr, N. Y„ 20-Sept. 3. Ci.rrlgsu Trio, C. O. H.. Chicago. 22-27. Corlnlhlsii Four, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 32-27. Coogan. F. Alan, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 22-27. Connors 4 Montrose, Carnival, Unloiilown, Pa., 21-27. Cooke 4 lloiiiert, Moulin Rnmje, Paris, ft,, 22- 31; Circus Carre, Amsterdam. Hoi., Sept. 1-15. , Coghlaii, Rose, 4 Co., Morrison's, Rockuwuy Beock, N. Y., 22-27. Coguit 4 Bancroft, Summer Park, Palmer, Mass., 22-27. Coition 4 Russell, Howard, Boston, 22-27. Coilislock, Laura, liloru Park, Yonptowu, ()., 22-27. Collins. Nlua, lleudersou's, Coney Island, N. Y., 22-27. Cox Family yuaclel, Edison, lloipiluin. Wash., MM. .1. Colby. Chas., Medford Boulevard, Medford. Mass., 22-27. Cotton's Comedy Donkeys, Henderson's, Coney Is- land, N. Y.. Ill-Sept. Hi. Collins 4 Hart,-Paradise Roof, N. Y.O., 22-27. Cook 4 Harris, Brunswick, Rlcbllold Springs, N. Y., 22-27. Colo k Clemens, Sewell Point Pier, Cupe May, N. J„ 22-27; Casino, Sea Isle City, 29-Sent. 3. Cok Family Quartet, Orpheum, Xacoma, Wash., 22-27. Cooke 4 Sylvia, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 22-27. Cramer k Lukens, Howurd, Boston, 22-27. Crescent Comedy Four, Lakeside Park, West Biookllehl, Muss,, 22-27. Crime, Mr. & Mrs. Gsrdner. Woolwortb, Lancas- ter, Pa.. 22-27: Keith's, Phlln., 20-Sept. 8. Dnnlels, Walter, Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, N. J„ 22-27; Young's, Atlantic City, 20-Beiit. 8 Dscey ft. Chase, Ouk Summit Park, Evansvllle, Ind., 22-27. Davis, John, A. k s., Boston, 22-27. Damon 4 Zuufriillu, Lagoon Purk, Cincinnati, 21-27. "Dancing Violinist," Lake Grovo Park, LewlBlou, Me.. 22-27. Dayton A Derby, A. & S., Boston, 22-27. Durow. Mr. ft Mrs. Stuart, Lexington Park, Lexington, Mass,, 22-27. Davis 4 Walker. Park, Utlcn. N. Y.. 22-27. Darmcsly, Rlverton Park, Portland, Me.. 22-27. Derendu 4 Ureeu, Columbia, St. Louis, 22-27; Olymnlc, Chicago, 29-8ept. 3. De Hollls 4 Valors, Lagoon Park, Cincinnati, 22- 27; Ouk Summit l'urk, Evansvllle, lud., '28- Sent. 8. X! llil DeJlHVcn, Curter, Sextet, Keith's, N. Y. C. 22- Deiuonlo k Belle, Lakemont Park, Altoona, Pa., 22-27. Demons (3), Fair, Sacramento, Cal., 22-Sept. 3. Deliuoie 4 Darrcll, Cook's Park. Evansvllle, Ind., 22-27; Columbia, St. Louis, 20-Sept. 3. Devoc ft Devoc, Casino, Toledo, 0., 22-27. De Itollu, Jules, Howard, Boston, 22-27. D's ft D's, Casino, Sacramento, CaL, 22-27. De Molt, Louise, Luna Purk, Coney Island, N. Y., 22-27. Dclberg Sisters, Crescent Gardens, Revere, Mass., Dennettc Sisters, Haymsrket. Chicago. 22-27. Desmond. Mona, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 22-27. Devvlu, Jus. T-. Oak Park, Sacramento, Cut., 22- 87; Lyceum. San I'run., 20-Sept. 8. Dejoy._Enimett, 4 Co., Orpheum, San Fran., OaJ, Delmore. Misses, Fqnii, Toledo, O.. 22-27. 'De Mvths, The, Doyle's. Atlantic Clly, N. J., 22- DcBl'akcr's Dogs, Central Park, Dover, N. il, 22-27. Dlxey, Henry B„ Brighton Beach. N. Y„ 22-27. Dixon, Bowers 4 Dixon, lngersoll Park. Des Moines, Is.. 21-27; West End Park, New Or- leans. IS-Sepl. 3, Dillon Bros.. Proctor's 23d Street, N. Y. C, 32- 27. Dixon 4 Holmes, Keith's. Boston. 22-27. Dixon, Alum. A. ft S., Boston, 22-87. Diamonds (3), Cook's l'urk, Evansvllle, Ind., 21-27; Glendale Park, Nashville, Tenn., 20- Sepl. 3. Dlekersou, Chas. E., Park, Southbrldge, Mass., 22-27. ' Doty ft Dottle, Ooilfroy's, Grand Rapids, Mich., Doyle 4 Granpr, Oakland Purk, Jeuuettc, Pa., 22-27 Donley, J. Fritncls, Crescent Gardens, Revere, MrlrH BBafflf Dorothea Sisters, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., 22-Sept. 3. Doivlhig. Mr. 4 Mrs. Jos. J., Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ 28-27. Doyle, Putay. Llmlenwald Park, Hamilton, 0., 22-27; Spring Grove Park, SprlngOeld, IS- Sept. 3. Drummer Quartet. Keith's. N. Y. C, 22-27, Duihont Slslem, Proctor's 2:ld Street, N. Y. C, 22-87. ' Dinnonil. Palsy, Morrison's. Rockaway Beach, N. Y., 22-27. Duffy, Sawtello 4 Duffy, Wnldiimere Park, Erie, pa., 32-27. Dntiuu. Cluts., Park, Gient Barrlnglou, Muss., 23-27. Dunrte 4 Hupree. Alameda Park, Butler, I'll., 22-27. Diiismt. Msry. 4 Co.. Avou Park. Younplowii, 0., 22-27. Hurl ft Wilson, Oakland Park, flreenalnirg, Pa.. 22-27. RilsrttsaM, The. I'roclor's BM Slreel, N. V. t'„ 22-27. l-.lir.viis. Brooke. Sprlnulinuk Park. So. Bend, ' Idil.. 22-27; Purest Patk lllgbliinils, St. Louis, 28 Sept. 8. Edwards, Chas., A Co., Lexlugton Patk, Boston. EdVards ft ROOuey. Hcadcnou'!, Coney Wand, Edmondi', J 2 oe 2 , T KelU's. Pblla.. 82-27; Keith'*, Eli^re M SIat*ni!' 1 Widows, Baleia., Uu^. 22-27: Hacahdap Park. Oloveravllle, N. Y., ZS-Bept. 3. Eldrldp. F'reta. IrU.t End Park .Memphis, Tenn.. Electric Comedy Four, Crescent Oardeos. Boston, 22-27 Kfdorsdoa, The, Salem Willows, Salem, Mass., 22-27. Eilswortha (I). Cliutes,. Ssu. Fran., CaL, Z0- Ilils! Joe' Cuutes, San Fran., CaL, 22-27) Ly- ceum, San Frau., 20:«eiit, 3. Emperors of Music (4), Watson's, Bklyo., 22-27. Emolre Oimedy Four, Orpheum, Lo» Augelea, Cal.. 22-27; Chutes San Fran.. 29-Sept, 3. English (llrls (8), Henderson's, Coney Islaad, Knlgniarelle, Paradise Roof. # N. V, d, 22-27. Ksmeruld.i Slaters, C. 0. IL, Chicago, 22-27; Columbia, St. Louis. 29-Sept. 8. ,jv Evans, George, Keith's, N^ Y. C. 22r27. Evans, Bessie, Auditorium, Cedar Haplds, la., 22-27. --V Everett Slaters, Monte Carlo, Nome, Alaska, 22- 27. Exposition Four, The, Proctor's 23d Btreet, N. Y C 22-27 , •' Fsuit Trio. Shea's, Buffalo, N. V.. £■&< „ Farnnm, Wm., Shea's, Buffalo, N. It.22-27. Farnum, Id* Belle. Glendale Park,. Kashvillc, Tenn., 22-27. _ .; i _ Farley, James ft Bonnie, Junction Park. Beaver .Falls, Pa.. 22-27. _ - Falgrdo. Proctor's 23d Street, N.. Y. a. 22-27; Proctor's 5th Ave.. 2»-8epL U. ...... __„_ Folk, Eleanor, Paradise Roof, N. Y. O., 22-27. Fatitas (2), Lyric, Portland, Ore., 22-27; Or- pheum, Tacoma, Waib.. 20-Sept. 3. Fapn ft Byron, C. O. H., Chicago, 22-27. Fairrlillds. The, Electric. Waterlim, la., 22-27. Faustina. Sobmer Park, Montreal. Can.. 21-27. Pagan, Clint, Waldomcer Park, Krle, Pa., 22-27. 27. Federleln Bisters, Shea's. Buffalo. N. Y., 22-27. Ferguson 4 Mack, Casino. Toledo. O., 22-27; Cedar Polut, Sandusky, 29-Sept. 3. Ferguson, Dnpree ft Co.. Wnverly Park, Lan- caster, Mich., 22-27; Godfrey's, Grand Rsplds, 29-Sept. 3. Fisher. W1U II., Chestnut Hill Park, Phlln., 22-Sepl. 11. Fltchett, Geo.. C. O. IL, Chicago, ID-Kept. 3. Field*, AL, Forest Park, Kanssn City, Mo. 21- 27; Forest Park, Highlands, St. Louis, 28- •Sept. 3. ' Fltsgerald Bros., Keith's. Boslon, 22-27. Fisher ft Johnson, Proctor's 6th Ave., N. Y. C 22-27 L Proctor's 23d Street. 20-Sept. 3. Fialkowsky, Louis, Proctor's Cth Ave., N. Y. C. 22-27. Florence Sisters, Cellar Point, Sandusky, O., 22- 27. Flynii. Dolly ft Barney. A. ft S.. Boston, 22-27. Fox ft Melville, Central Pier, Moreomubor Bay, Eng., 22-Sept. 3. . Foprty, Jas. J., Ocean View Casino. Norfolk, V.J., 22-27. Ford ft Wilson, Morrlsou's, Rockawuy Beach, N. Y.. 22-27. Fond Boul Bros., Psxtnng Park, Hurrlsburg, Pa., 22-27. Fox ft Ward. Novelty. Fresno, Cal., 22-27. Forbes. B. F„ ft Co., Edison, Spokane, Wash,, 22-27; Family. Butte. Moo., 20-Sept. 3. roster. Ed., and dog, Mike, Park, Bnyouue, N, J.. 22-27. Fowler, Bertie, Proctor's Oth Ave., N. Y. C, 22- 27. Poire Sisters, Auditorium, Norfolk. Va., 22-27. 1'ilvoll. Fred, Four .Mile Creek Park, Eric, Pa,, 22-27. Ffeexc Bros., Suburban Park, St. Loula, 22-Sept. 3. Frederick Bros. & Burns, Lake, Worcester, Muss., 22-27. Furiunii, Rndle, Cascade Park, New Castle, Pa., 22-27. . i Fuller, Ida M.. Folics Murlguy, Paris, Fr., 22* Heist. 3. Cimlner & Mnildcru, Boulevard, Medford, Mass., Gullugher ft Held. Keith's, N. Y. C, 22-27. Marlon, Freebody Park, Newiiort, II. I., 22-27; Sheedy's, New Bedford, Moss., 20Scpt. Ga's'eli Sisters, Puradlsc Roof. N. Y. C, 22-27. Giissiuooa 4 Tuuko, Ltiiiu Park, Coney lalautl, N. Y„ 22-27. Guidiier, Stoddurd, Edison Uuliiuc, Bclllugliutn, Wash., 22-27. - Garlu 4 Piatt, Lakcwood Purk, Altoona, Pa., 2D 27. Gardner, West ft Siuisblue, Howard, Boslon, 22- Gay.' ilieni, Wavcrly Park, Lansing, Mich., 28. Sept. 8. CcninL Ilclcne, Dreamland. Coney Island, N. Y„ GeTies't Sisters, Brighton Beach, N. Y., 22-27. Gerard, Frances, Keith's Now. Phlln.. 22-27. Gilbert, John D.. Keith's. Biwtoii, 22-27. Gllkey. Ethel, Cuptatn's 1'lcr, Bath Beach, tt. Y„ 22-27. Gillette Sisters, Proctor's 5th Ave., N. Y. C, 22-27. Gllson, Blanche, Farm, Toledo, ().. 22-27 GUI. Nat, O. 0. H.. Chicago, 22-27. Ollllngtvslrr, Claude, & Co., Shea's, Buffalo, N. I., 22-27. Gloss, Chas., ft Son, 0. O. IL. Chicago, 22-27. Glockera, The, Sans Soucl, Chicago, 28-27. Golden Gate Quintet, Dreamland, Coney Island, N. Y.. 22-27. Gordon sisters, Dreamland, N. Y„ 22-27. Gonrdler Sisters. Pastor's, N. Y, 0., 22-27. Gonlon. Belle, Chester Park, Cincinnati. 21-27. Goodfellow Bros. (41, Keith's New, Phils., 22-27. Oracle, Reynolds ft Mascott, Lakemont Park, Altoona, Pa.. 22-27. Gicgsons, The, Rock Sprlup Park, E. Liverpool, <)., 22-27; Avon Park. Youugstowu, 2D-Srpt. 3. Graces (3), Casino Park, Kulamasoo, Mich., 22- 27. (Jraut, Sydney, Brlgliton Bench, N. Y., 22-27. Guyer ft O'Neill, Orpheum, San Fruu., CaL, 21- llullen ft Hughes, Farm, Toledo, 0„ 21-27; Avon Park, Youugstowu, 28-Sept. 3. He.ulniis (3), Suns Soucl, Chli-aao, 22-27. Hathaway 4 Walton, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y„ 2227; Proctor's 23d Street. N. Y. C, 20-Sept. 2. Hawkins, Lew, Forest Park, Kulisas City, Mo., Hiirringicn, Dan J., Rocky Sprlup Park, Lancas- ter, Pa., 22-27. Hart, Moses, Savin Rock Park, New Haven, Conn., 22-27. Harrison, Mildred, Henderson's, Coney lalnud, N. Y„ 22-27. Huyinim, Mr. ft Mrs. J., Proctor's 23d Btrocl, N. Y. C, 22-27. Hiinlie, Tom, Gotlfroy's, Grand Rsplds, Mlcb., 21-27; Reeves Park, Fostorlu, O., 28-Sept. 3. Harris ft Wulters, Oloutuugy l'urk, Columbus, ')., Hanson 4 Drew, Robinson Park, Ft. Wayne, lud.. 28-Sept. 3. Hart, Willie ft Edith, Kclth'B, N. Y. C. 28-27. Hsrt. Kitty, Forst Keller, Milwaukee. Wis,, 22-27; Palm Garden. Milwaukee, 20-Seiit. .1. Hutch Bros., Electric Park, Newark, N. J„ 22- Sept. 3. Hsrrlsmi, Minnie, Proctor'*, Newark, N. J,. "2-''7 Ilarrlsuii, Lis.nn. A, ft S.. Boston, 22-27. Huymmi 4 Franklin, Poslor's, N. Y. C, 29> Sent. 3. Hardy, Tom, Godfrov's, Grand Rsplds, Mleh., 22-27. Harvey, Crescent Gardens. Boston, 22-27. Henderson 4 Ross, Lake Contrary Park, St. Jo- seph, Mo., 21-27; lngersoll Park, Des Moluts, la., is Sepl. 3. Herrmann. Adelaide, Freebody Park, Newport. H. L. 22-27. Henru ft Lewis. Crystal,. Seattle, Wash., 22-27; Comlque. Seattle. 20-Sept. 3. Heeley 4 Meely. Empire. Cardiff, Wales, 22-27; Umpire, Swansea, 29-Sept. 3. Hecklow, Cbns., Cascade Park, New Castle, Ta., 22-27. Herrniuiiu. Valley Park, Johnstown, Pa., 21- Sept. 3. Herberts, Five Flying, Luna Park, Couey Island. ■ N. Y., 22-27. Herbert's Hop. Brlghtou Beach, N. Y., 22-27. lllurlch. Max ft Julia, Orpheum, Ban Fran., Cal., HlTl. Will. Luna Park,. Coney Island, N. Y., 22- Hill A Syiysul, Paradise Roof. N. Y. C. 22-27. Hralges 4 [oiuuchmere. Dreamland. Coney Island. N. Y.. B4M, 3. lloyi. Add,. Avon l'urk. Ynnmtilnwii, ((., 82-27; Lakeside Park. Akron, 18 Sepl. ,1. lliddH (Si, O. IL, Sandy Hill. N. V.. !117. llownnl, Harry ft Mny; Valumoiit Park, William*- port, Pa,, 22-27. -